Partial SubmissionChapter 3 free porn video

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My Mistress brought the crop down hard on my ass.

"My name is not Syl," she growled, her crop punctuating every word. "It's Mistress or Mistress Kennedy or ma'am. If my name were Sylvia, then this past year would have been incest, wouldn't it?"

Her blows had me pushing into Megan's mouth even as I tried to pull out of it. Marie, the slave lying on the table in front of me, was my youngest sister. The effect of my other sister's riding crop and my attempts to remove my cock from Megan's mouth were the same as if I'd just kept pumping into her.

My Mistress was my 20-year old sister, Sylvia. I hadn't known that when I started this, though she did. It wasn't until our sixth session together, when her mask had slipped while my cock was buried inside of her that I found out. Of course, I was tied up, with my cock artificially kept hard by a cock ring and couldn't do anything. I'd yelled at her then, but she'd just smiled and kept riding me, her pussy filling and emptying of my erection. I was spread eagled on a bed at Mistress Kali's house, yelling and screaming, trying to throw my sister off my cock but all that did was plunge it in deeper within her.

She had fucked me into submission, telling me how much she loved me and how much she had always wanted me. All the while she was rising and falling on me she was explaining herself to me. After a while, it didn't matter that she was my sister. It didn't matter that this was incest or that she had deceived me. She was my beautiful sister - my beautiful Mistress - and I just wanted to fill her with cum.

It had been hard, but I'd reconciled being my sister's slave and lover. I hadn't even missed a week - couldn't miss a week. The only difference was that we no longer needed to use Mistress Kali's house; we could have our sessions at my sister's house instead. Of course, by then I was hooked and would've met my owner at any house or building. My ego needed the salve only my Mistress could apply.

"This isn't Megan," my Mistress continued, her voice tight. "Her name is Marie. She was staying with me this summer while her parents were on vacation but I kept sending her away every Tuesday. She knew what I did for a living - I'd told her when she asked me to stay over the summer instead of running around Europe with mom and dad ... with HER mom and dad, I mean. She figured I had a client and was curious ... so she came back and saw ... you ... and me. She begged me to let her join, begged me to make her my slave. I did, just to show her how much she wouldn't like it ... but she did like it. She loved it. She begged me ... my slave begged me to let her do this, tonight. She begged me to allow you to come into her unprotected womb while she was fertile. She's been a really good slave, so I decided to reward her."

"She wanted this?" I asked, confused.

"She begged for this," Mistress replied, her voice slow and clear with a hard emphasis on that second word. "She begged for this for weeks. My slave seems to have ... a thing ... for you..."

I turned to my sister, lying bound on the table, her mouth still nursing on my cock. There was a pleading look in her eye, a desperate, begging look. There was no hesitation, no embarrassment. I could find some fear within her emerald eyes but not a hint of anything resembling regret.

"You wanted this, Megan?" I asked, trying to put this whole crazy mess into perspective. I was beginning to wonder if I'd not lost my mind somewhere along the way. Maybe incest did that to you.

"Her name is MARIE!" Mistress said coldly, her crop smacking hard on my ass. Just as I was David Daniel, Megan was Megan Marie. Like a key in a lock, it all fit together.

I almost didn't feel it as my youngest sister nodded her head, her mouth straining to take more of me in. Instead, I felt a cold shudder run through me and the room was just beginning to spin out of control. I couldn't catch my breath, couldn't understand what the hell was happening to me. I looked around, trying to find something to hold onto, some shred of normalcy to a completely wrong situation.

I wasn't to find one as my eyes lit upon the other slave in the room.

She was sitting in position, her long blonde hair flowing in whirls and curls down her back. Her face was an oval, slightly long, but with a pointed chin. Her nose was long and thin, upturned just slightly at the end. She had blue eyes the color of a cloud-less sky and they were watching me silently. Her lips were small and thin, turned down in worry. She had high cheekbones pulling her pale skin taught.

She was larger in the bust than either of my sisters, her breasts a firm and steady D-cup. They looked huge on her slight frame, even though there was just the tiniest roll of flesh around her mid-section. I couldn't see her hands or even most of her legs; she held her hands behind her in the submissive position and her legs were folded beneath her. I didn't need to, however; I knew that body almost better than I knew my own.

"Sarah?!?" I said in disbelief, the final shock in a day filled with them.

David Daniel. Megan Marie. Sarah Ellen. Everything fit.

"Ellen!" Mistress called and I almost didn't feel the crop smacking down on my butt. "Her name is not Sarah, its Ellen. Her husband cheated on her until they came to an arrangement; she promised not to question him if he withheld everything from her about the days when he came to see me. She lived in denial, but it worked and, while she wasn't happy about her husband's activities, she loved him enough to ignore it because he seemed to need what he found at my door so badly. She was curious, though, so one day about 5 weeks ago she followed him and found him coming to my home. She couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. She couldn't ignore it though and came to me the next day to ... discuss things. I explained it to her; I explained everything to her. She ran screaming from my house, calling me ... well, she wasn't very happy. The next week, though, she was back. She begged me to instruct her; to show her how to be a Domme for her husband and we tried ... we tried over the next week ... but she just wasn't able to pull it off; she much preferred to be a slave. So she begged me to teach her how to be that; how to fit inside her husband's new kinky world. We worked on it for days and she was learning but not fast enough. An important day was approaching and she wanted to surprise him on that day. So, she lied to her husband about being needed out of town by her company and she's spent the past 6 days here, being my slave all hours of the day, every day."

"Oh god, Sarah, I'm so sorry," I said, tears filling my eyes.

"My slave is ELLEN!" Mistress pounded on me with the crop, but that just drove my cock deeper into Megan's ... Marie's ... mouth. I didn't really notice. My eyes were on Sarah ... Ellen.

She just looked at me, her face expressionless, her bright eyes holding my own. She made no movement, no sound, nothing to give away what she was thinking or feeling. She just sat there as my youngest sister continued to suck on my hardness.

"Ellen, come here," Mistress called, moving a few steps from me. To my amazement, Sarah scrambled to her feet and nearly ran to Mistress' side. "Show Daniel what true obeisance is. Service me!"

I watched in stunned disbelief as my inhibited wife, who had always thought girl-girl sex was disgusting, turned around, showing her back to my Mistress and dropped to her ass. I gasped as her head tilted back, firm tits straining forwards and up, her plain, thin, leather slave collar presented proudly around her neck, and her arms pushed, sliding her towards my ... our ... Mistress, stopping just underneath. I watched, transfixed, the rest of the world dropping away as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and surged upward even while my Mistress squatted slightly. I groaned as my wife plastered her mouth to Mistress' sex. My own mouth was dry as my Mistress closed her eyes and groaned, rubbing her pussy along my wife's mouth. As those beautiful emerald eyes closed, I watched the tip of my owner's tongue dart out and moisten her lips.

"Oh, my slave," Mistress groaned. "Your tongue is so good. Don't forget my asshole. That's it, stick your tongue deep into my asshole. Damn ... now forward, into my pussy. Don't forget ... oh ... god ... that's it ... suck on my clit. Oh ... I'm not going to last long ... I want you to drink my cum, bitch." Mistress' eyes opened and she looked right at me as she ground her pussy onto my wife's mouth. As her eyes held mine, her hips moved forward and back, dragging her lower lips upon my wife's upper ones and bathing Sarah with her sweet nectar.

"You better cum down Marie's throat, Daniel," my mistress moaned to me. "If you don't cum before I do, I'm going to punish you."

It was too much. The sight of my wife servicing my Mistress, the feel of Marie's tongue once again swirling all around my cock as my hips yet again began their forward and back motion of their own volition; it was more than I could take. My hips began moving harder into Marie's mouth, even as my Mistress' did upon my wife's - her slave, Ellen's - face. I grunted as I spewed my load into Marie's mouth but it was almost simultaneous with Mistress cumming into Ellen's waiting mouth.

As I slowly descended from the peak of ecstasy, I wondered if my wife would be able to deal with what she had found; if she would be able to deal with being this woman. She'd always been deferential but never openly submissive; never like this. Guilt wandered through me as I questioned whether I had forced my wife into this role by pursuing my Tuesday pleasure. I pondered if my wife had truly become my Mistress' slave or if she had somehow been playing a part in some strange, demented play. Then I thought back to my Mistress' words and I began to suspect that I was the one who had been deluding myself all this time. Sarah had come here several times in the past few weeks and, according to Mistress Kennedy, had even been her slave around the clock for the past 6 days. I knew, at that moment, that my wife was lost to the slave Ellen; no one could fool Mistress for that long.

I felt guilty and dirty yet glorious and happy. I had lost my wife. I had violated my under-age, youngest sister. I had obeyed my Mistress. I had gained my wife. All of the feelings were at odds even as my thoughts swirled within me. Then my Mistress' words returned to me: "My law is all that matters here." I'd dealt last year with the incestuous nature of my relationship with my oldest younger sister. I could, somehow, deal with this.

Without thought, I dropped to my knees, assuming the position. I watched the last throes of my Mistress' orgasm in my peripheral vision, watching my wife gobbling at my sister's sex. It was almost beyond belief that my wife, who'd always abhorred the thought of two women together, could be sitting there now satisfying a woman but the proof was no more than 6 feet from me. I saw her throat swallowing, saw her tongue lapping at my owner's flesh. Mistress' hands were at her face, pulling her deeper up into her sex. I could almost see her juices flowing down Sarah's - Ellen's - cheeks.

Mistress' orgasm lasted over a minute, but eventually she pushed Ellen away and moved back. Ellen was still gulping as she pulled forward and moved into the submissive position. Her eyes, though, shining even brighter than the womanly cum soaking her face, stayed on me, emotionless and distant and I worried at that moment that maybe I hadn't found my wife after all. Maybe I had completely lost her. Mistress moved around her unsteadily, her hand landing lightly on Ellen's head. She walked over to me and stood at my side.

"Ellen is almost as good as you, Daniel," she gasped, running her fingers down the back of my head. The slave that had been and maybe still was my wife smiled briefly at that, her face blushing but pleased. "Move back a moment so I can set Marie free."

I crawled back a few steps and then resumed my position. I remained bowed, my face towards the floor, but my eyes followed my Mistress as she moved around the table. I heard the clink and clicks of chains coming free at each place she stopped, though she moved lightly around the table more than once. Finally, she stopped at the side and I heard her grunt as Marie's feet appeared over the side of the platform and then dropped, trembling, onto the ground. I watched Marie kneel at Mistress' feet, watched as Mistress helped her down. Then, she turned Marie to face me.

"You three have some talking to do and I need to refill our pitcher," Mistress Kennedy murmured. "You have until I come back. Don't move. Don't raise your voices or you'll be punished."

I watched as she walked out the doorway then turned to look at my wife. Sarah's expression had not changed, her eyes studying me but her face blank. She offered not a word, simply looking at me askance.

"Sarah," I said quietly, my heart breaking. Had I lost her completely? Did she now hate me and want to be free of me? "I'm so sorr..."

"My name is Ellen," Sarah spoke quietly, her eyes suddenly glistening with unshed tears. "You hurt Sarah ... for a long time. You betrayed her. You crushed her. She tried so hard to forgive you. She told herself for months that eventually you'd get it out of your system, that eventually you'd come back to her." Sarah paused as the tears started down her cheeks. "You didn't though. Every Tuesday you'd open a new gaping wound in her. She tried to bandage it, tried to tell herself that your happiness meant everything. For a while, she convinced herself. Then she started thinking about what you were getting that she couldn't give you. She followed you ... one day ... she followed you..." Sarah broke down at that, her eyes closing tightly and tears streaming down her face.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry," I whispered to her. "I never meant to hurt you; I love you..."

"Don't you think that I know that?" she said, her eyes turning back to me. "That was what made it hardest. If you didn't love me, if I didn't know in my heart and soul that you loved me, then I could have left and gotten away. I love you ... and I knew that you loved me."

She paused a moment, then shuddered and continued. "I followed you here, parking down the alleyway and watched you walk into this house. I knew your sister lived here and I thought maybe you stopped off to talk to her. I kept my car running for nearly 20 minutes, but you never came out. I waited for 2 hours, feeling like a fool, wondering if your sister was helping you, wondering if maybe she was letting you use her house to ... to ... to play at being a slave. Then, when I saw you exit through the back door ... when I saw your hair mussed and your tie undone and your sister kissing you on the lips like a lover with her robe opening on her naked body..."

"I called in sick the next day and came back, ready to beat the shit out of Sylvia," Sarah hissed. "I actually slapped her as I walked in, slapped her a few times. She fought me down, wanted to know what the hell was going on ... but there was fear in her eyes and I knew that she knew. I spit at her, yelled at her, tried to throw her off me but she wouldn't let me up. Then, I just broke down crying because I knew I'd lost you. I knew you loved me and I knew that I would never lose you to another woman ... but this wasn't just another woman ... it was your sister. How the hell could I compete with that?"

"I don't really remember how," Sarah continued quietly, "but we ended up at the kitchen table of all places. I kept crying that I lost you ... and Sylvia just let me cry it out. Then she started talking to me. She told me that," Sarah smiled a wan, little smile, "that she was jealous of me because you loved me and she was just a diversion to you. She explained how, when this had started, you hadn't known it was her - that she'd worn a mask but that, at one of your 'scenes' it had fallen off while you were tied up and you tried to get away but she wouldn't let you. She told me that she loved you, more than a sister, that she had always wanted you but had given up having you because of all of the shit that society thought about it. When you'd come to her, though, her dominating older brother, wanting to be a slave for just a little while but not realizing to whom you were talking, she'd thought maybe it was a sign. Maybe the universe was letting her have you, for just a little while ... and she cried, saying that she'd grasped at having you to herself just that tiny bit."

"Sarah, I..." I started, but my wife hushed me with her fingers to her lips.

"She told me she'd teach me to be like you needed," my wife continued. "She'd teach me to be a dominant ... and we tried ... god, how we tried. I left early every day for a week so I could sit in on one of her sessions. I watched her, tried to mimic her ... but I could never get the hang of it. I was always fighting myself. That's when we sat down and she told me that she didn't think I could do it; that being a domme wasn't really something you learned this late in life, it was something that was instilled in you early and that you had to be born with it to be good. I cried for a while ... then asked her to show me how to be a slave. If I couldn't be what you needed, I wanted to share what you did. She tried to talk me out of it ... but I wouldn't let her ... and she finally gave in."

"It was going well, I was learning to please her, to make love to her body with my mouth and my fingers. Oh, I fought it at first. I'd always been taught that two girls together were wrong ... but being a slave means being obedient, so I eventually gave in. It was ... startling. When I finally gave in, when I sucked my Mistress' pussy lips for the first time, drinking her ... I found that I really liked it. Her taste, the feel of her cumming in my mouth. It was ... divine. I came with her pussy spewing her sauce all over my face..."

"I was eating her when Megan caught us," Sarah whispered, looking over at my youngest sister. "Sylvia was sitting in her chair, her legs up on either side of the arms and I was servicing her with my mouth, when Megan burst in, screaming at us, asking us what the fuck we were doing. Mistress never even moved, she just turned to Megan and said 'I'm getting my cunt licked, what do you think I'm doing?' Megan didn't know what to say to that. She just stood there, looking at us; I'd stopped, but Mistress pulled me back into her cunt and told me to continue ... so I did. I had to obey my owner."

"Afterwards," Sarah chuckled, her eyes staring into mine "after I brought my Mistress to her orgasm, after I drank down her cum, it was bedlam. There was yelling and screaming and Megan was ranting and raving. Finally, though, the truth came out. Megan had caught you and Sylvia together the week before and now she found Sylvia and me together and she wasn't sure how to deal with it. She felt betrayed and hurt ... and horny and left out. Mistress explained and we talked ... and it turned out that Sylvia wasn't the only one who had lusted after you. I was feeling deeply worried because now I wasn't competing with just one of your sisters ... but two..."

"It was as we were sitting there, talking about you that we hatched this plan. Mistress told us your anniversary was coming and that she wanted it to be special. So we plotted and I took time off work because both Megan and I needed to be ready, needed to truly be ready to be slaves."

The room was spinning again or my mind was whirling or maybe it was both. Sarah had found that she really enjoyed being with a woman. I'd never managed to make her come without truly touching her. Our sex life was great - at least, I thought it was great - but I'd never heard her talk about our love-making that way. Had I really lost my wife?

"Do you..." I stuttered, my heart pounding its way through the wall of my chest. I couldn't say it, I couldn't say the words that might cost me my wife forever. I had to, though; the not knowing was killing me. I licked my lips, summoning all of my courage. "Do you ... want a divorce?"

Sarah just looked at me like I suddenly sprouted a second head. "Why would I want a divorce?" she questioned in reply. "David, I love you. Unconditionally. I did all of this, for you."

I felt my stomach untie itself and I almost shouted in relief. "When I heard you talking about ... about having sex with ... with Sylvia..."

"I don't have sex with Sylvia," Sarah interrupted. "We make love; just like the two of you do. I love her too, David. I love Sylvia as much as you do. But I love you and if I had to choose between the two of you, I'd choose you in a heartbeat and never look back. But don't you see? I don't have to choose. YOU don't have to choose. The three of us can be together."

"Four," Megan interjected and I quickly looked over at my youngest sister. She had been so quiet and I'd been so intent on my wife that I'd almost forgotten she was there.

"The four of us can be together," Megan offered to the question written on my face.

"Megan," I replied softly, my voice trying to be reasonable but Megan was having nothing to do with reasonable.

"There will be four of us, Davy," she insisted quietly, her face set. "You, Sarah, Sylvia and me. Mom and Dad won't mind; they've been talking about moving south for a while now and they trust the three of you. I've already got them half convinced to let me move in with Syl after the summer; these three months have been like a trial run. So there's going to be four of us in this relationship."

"Megan," I intoned, a look of stunned disbelief on my face. "Why would you even want to? I'm your brother and I'm older than you and..."

"You're Syl's brother too and that doesn't seem to stop you," Megan retorted. "And you're only 9 years older than me ... which isn't much. But mostly ... mostly it's because ... I love you ... I love you like a boyfriend or ... or ... or a husband..."

I started to reply that she was too young, that she had all the time in the world to find someone to be with but she just talked over me.

"I've never dated much, did you know that?" she questioned loudly. Then, when I stopped speaking, she went on in a much lower tone. "I've never wanted to and when I did try to date I kept using you as a ruler ... and none of them ever measured up. That's why I've never ... why I was a virgin until ... just now. I used to dream of our wedding; used to imagine me in a beautiful white gown and you in a tuxedo standing in front of a preacher and ... god ... I used to almost cum when he pronounced us man and wife. I've jilled-off for the past 5 years ... always to you. When you'd come home and hug me or kiss my forehead ... it was all I could do not to rip off my panties and show you how I really felt. You could just look at me and I'd get soaked. There were days, days when I knew you were going to be around, that I didn't even bother to wear panties because I figured what's the use ... I'm just going to be changing them over and over again."

"But, Megan, you're too..." I started but once again Megan just talked right over me.

"No buts, David," she interjected again. "I'm too young? A hundred fifty to two hundred years ago a woman was considered an old maid if she weren't married by 16. So I'm too what? Huh, David?? Do you think I'm too immature?"

"No, Meg," I replied loudly, my ire starting to rise. "It's not that, you're just..."

"I'm just what?" she interrupted yet again. "I'm just too irresponsible? I'm not able to make my own choices? What, David?"

"N ... No..." I stuttered, trying to gather my thoughts. "I ... I..."

"What is it, David? Huh?" my sister interrogated me, the blush of anger rising into her eyes. "Am I not beautiful enough? Do you think I'm ugly? Am I not sexy enough? You seemed to like my body a few minutes ago. Am I not smart enough? Am I not witty enough? What do you find so repugnant about me?"

"Nothing," I said immediately, wondering how I'd lost control of this conversation. "You're perfect..."

"If I'm perfect, then why don't you want me?" she inserted quickly. "What is your objection?"

"I ... I ... you're ... my sister..." I replied in a stutter. Sitting here, nude, in my sister's house, even I knew how lame I sounded. I'd had a handful of reasonable sounding objections no more than a moment before but now I had nothing. How had my sister disarmed me so easily?

I heard laughter from my right and turned to my wife. She was laughing freely, her eyes twinkling in mirth. "The big, bad lawyer," she explained between chuckles, "completely out-argued by his baby sister."

The laughter was infectious and I couldn't help but smile as I continued to wonder why my brain wouldn't work. I knew I should be furious, I should be arguing animatedly against my youngest sister becoming my lover, I should be saving face somehow. I knew, though, that I'd lost my argument. My youngest sister had taken every argument I could think of and torn them down like the house of cards they were.

"Just give up, David," Sarah continued, her laughter calming to giggles. "She's got you; there's no argument you can give that isn't going to sound silly. So, tell her. Tell her she can join us."

"You're okay with this?" I queried, astonished.

"Who do you think suggested it?" my wife replied quietly. The laughter was gone and there was a deep seriousness to her now. "They asked me if I was okay with sharing you one last time, with the two of them. Of course I said yes. I couldn't deny you or your sisters any more. When I heard them talking and plotting, though, I began to wonder why it had to be one last time. It's been a year since you started Submissive Tuesdays and your enthusiasm for it hasn't waned, so I knew that you'd be ... disappointed ... if it stopped. Besides, I found - much to my surprise - that I didn't mind sharing you. Just as long as I was included. That was what hurt me most, I think; that you had this part of you that I couldn't share," she held up her hand as I was about to object, "I know that it's mostly my fault; that I told you I didn't want to hear about it. But ... god ... for so long it just ate at me. I didn't want to go back to how things were; I still don't. Once I found out everything about them, I couldn't go back to just ignoring Tuesdays any longer."

"So we planned this," Mistress injected. I had been so intent on the conversation that I hadn't even noticed her return. "With the option, if you found it agreeable, of making it permanent."

"Mistress," we all said, almost as one. I didn't watch the other two, but I bowed respectfully.

"No," she said firmly. She knelt on the floor a few feet away and I realized that we were in a strange circle of sorts. "We're not in a scene and we need to talk this through ... as, more or less, equals. We have decisions to make. Let's just time out for now."

I looked back up to my Mistress ... my sister ... and nodded my head slowly. Sylvia smiled at me, a line of worry still creasing her brow. We were on the very edge of coming to an agreement of sorts but none of us knew exactly what that agreement entailed. I laughed a bit ruefully at how the tables were getting all turned around; Megan and Sarah were supposed to be the dutiful slaves but here they were leading us around by the noses.

"I heard Megan's ... argument and I had to laugh," Syl chuckled quietly. "That's how she got me to agree to her ... requests. I'm surprised she's so easy to dominate, honestly. I think she might just argue better than you do."

"Cards on the table?" she asked, after a moment's pause. Everyone just nodded. "I'm ... retiring. Or taking a break or ... whatever. I was only taking Kali's light subs anyway, ones who are like you - mostly dominant but wanting to be subs for a little while; some light BDSM cases, too. Kali is ... well, she's really hard core about this. She's a true domme and thought maybe I could do it too; but I guess I'm not as dominant as she'd hoped. So, when she told me that she'd found the sub she wanted to be with for the rest of her life it just seemed to be the time."

"Besides," she continued, her eyes moving to study the floor, "I've got med school coming up in the fall and I won't have time for this. I've saved most of the money I've made in the past two years or so; I should have enough for med school and to keep me going until my residency is over in a few years."

She looked back up and there were tears in her eyes. "But I think I'm just as addicted to this as you are; as you all seem to be. I don't think I can give up our Tuesdays together. I don't want to. I think we can work out a way where we're all happy."

"I think this could work," Syl said earnestly. "Us. The four of us, together, just like I asked you earlier. Sarah and Megan could be your slaves and you could be mine ... at least some of the time. Other times, you and I'd be ... equals ... partners." She chuckled as her hands moved nervously in her lap. The simple wringing motion of those hands unnerved me; I'd been coming to see Sylvia as my Mistress for a year now and she'd always been in charge - she always projected firm control. Seeing her nervous, unsure of herself, was something relatively new for me, at least in recent memory, and yet it just seemed to make me love her all the more; it reminded me of the little girl I used to babysit. It brought out a protective side of me that I'd buried during our sessions together. No matter our other relationships, Sylvia was still my sister and it was still my job to protect her. "I don't want to be your Mistress all the time, Davy. Sometimes, it's exhausting and ... it's a job. I don't mind working sometimes when I'm with you ... just not all the time."

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"Hey!" Lisa smiled extra brightly as she flung the front door open and I couldn't help but smile back. "Hi," I replied, taking in her gorgeous auburn hair as it fell around her cute face, those amazing hazel eyes, and best of all, Lisa's tight, thirteen-year-old body. "I missed you!" she said, grabbing both my hands in hers and practically yanking me off my feet. Lisa might have been small, but she had a lot of energy! "Me too," I agreed and that wasn't any sort of lie. I'd...

4 years ago
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Locked away

Ashlee's head turned toward the door when she heard the knock. The twist of her head, of course, was just instinct. She couldn't see. She has been blinfolded for the last two hours. Her wrists have been tied together and streched over her head, tied again to the headboard of the bed. The rope burns are already showing on her delicate wrists from her earlier struggles that weren't really struggles.He legs were spread apart just bit, enough to prevent her from squeezing them together, but...

3 years ago
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Meri Mom Ko Uncle Ne Choda

Hi friends, mera naam vikas hai age 19 saal me delhi se hu aur ek rich family se belong karta hu aaj me aapko apni life ki ek sacchi ghatna batane jaa raha hu pehle me aapko apni family ke baare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai me meri mom dad aur mera bhai dad govt job karte hai aur bhai office me clerk ki job karta hai me 1st year me hu, meri mom ka naam ekta hai age 46 saal unki height 5′ 4 inch unka figure 36 32 38 wo bahot sexy aur hot hai abhi bhi 39 ki lagti hai mom hamesha suit...

3 years ago
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My Pregnant Mother

I was fifteen when Mom and Dad divorced. After fourteen years they called it quits because Dad couldn't leave the ladies alone. Seems he was always screwing one of the neighbor's wives or some woman at work and it wasn't as if Mom didn't know Dad chased around. He had gotten her pregnant in high school and was forced into marriage. Most boys, I suppose, would hate their Fathers for running around and cheating on their mothers, but that isn't the way it was with Dad and me. Heck, he was my...

3 years ago
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The Basement part II Chapter 13

The first part of the plan was some specific definitions. Since I was the lead designer, I said that MY basement was going to be for human sexual pleasure sans pain. It was going to be for women to fuck men. Yes, I wanted men to learn and   enjoy the same pleasures I was enjoying. I wanted men to know the pleasure of their sphincter and their Prostate. I wanted men to understand what they were missing. Each station would be set for men’s pleasure. Each station would have all the straps and ties...

1 year ago
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True love sex story

His eyes narrowed and his face grew intense. He pressed his lips against mine and we pushed ourselves against each other, feeling as much flesh as we could. I ran my fingers through his hair and threw my head back as he kissed my neck. The way he grazed my arms gave me goosebumps and the way he kissed me sent me over the edge. This is a true love sex story. Some girlfriends and I decided to go to Mexico over spring break. I remember all of us being at Lucy’s house, deciding on which resort to...

4 years ago
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The Proposal Chapter 4

I stopped by the grocery store on my way home to buy some tuna and a litter box. When I opened the front door I was greeted by the pleasant odor of cooking, but the best thing was seeing my wife at home doing the cooking. Hobo jumped out of my arms and immediately ran to Allie, meowing and rubbing against her leg.She smiled and said, “You men are all the same. All you think is if you ‘rub on me’ just right, you’ll get your way.”I stood there feeling so happy that all I could choke out was,...

Wife Lovers
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In Cold BloodChapter 2 Back to the Nightmare

Oh damn! I woke up. I’d only been dreaming. I was alone in my house. Oh Jesus, now I remember; my parents and brother had come and gone, I’d tried to eat, I’d gone in to lie down and watch some TV. I took one of those pills, and must have drifted off. What a dream, but it was only a dream. I checked the clock – 4:00 a.m. What day was it, Tuesday? No Wednesday. I rolled over to the side of the bed. Oh crap I had a morning trip; shouldn’t be a problem. I got up and got dressed, so I’d do the...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold Chapter 3 The Past Dark Confessions

Sex had never been a problem for us in our past. At first it was usually vanilla, sometimes with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Linda had never been shy about what she needed, but was more comfortable showing me than telling me. I wasn't much different - until that night years ago when we had returned from our anniversary dinner at a new upscale restaurant. We went to bed early after just a little too much wine, and for the very first time, I had asked for her fantasies."Um, I really don't...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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My Sex Experience

Hi ISS readers, My name is Rahul and I am from Hospet(Bellary) Karnataka, 2day I want to tell u all the sex incidents which happened in my life. My age is 24 and currently I am working for SAP Labs Bangalore as a Software Engg. 1st I would like to tell u all abt my self my height is 5.9’’ ,slim and medium white in color. My sex incedent happened when I was 15th standard. I was very fond of sex from childhood, I started shagging when I was in high school. During final holidays I made frdship...

3 years ago
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The answer was not what he expected Chapter 2

Barry arrived home after work on Monday to find Millie again in a short skirt and sexy top and without underwear. She kissed him passionately when he walked into the kitchen. Grabbing his hand she pulled it into her crotch to show him she wasn’t wearing panties. Her erect nipples bore testament to the lack of a bra. “Rub my clit darling” she whispered into his ear “I feel so horny”. Barry obliged and within minutes she was hanging on to him as her orgasm caused her knees to buckle. “Thank you...

4 years ago
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Happy Anniversary Part 2

A week had gone by since Dave hired the limo. Even when pressured, he never revealed who had been in the car, or where they had driven. All Ami really knew is that she had been ravaged the entire night and had enjoyed every second of it. They had never done anything like that before, but had talked about it occasionally in the months prior to that night. Although their marriage was always strong it had gone stale in recent years and both wanted a little spark but neither knew how to add...

3 years ago
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Oasys The BeginingChapter 2

Not for the first time Marz wondered "How does someone who completed with honours a degree in Political Science, a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Sociology end up doing IT research for a news reader who always misquotes the information provided." Marz had just exited the news station legal office after another misquote from his least favourite news reader. "How in the hell can it be my fault," he grumbled, "if the stupid woman won't read the information as...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled Of A Defense Officer8217s Wife 8211 Part II

I am John, an Indian living in Delhi. I have been writing some real experiences in ISS. I am 35 year old tall fair clean shaven good looking man. I am a passionate love maker. You are welcomed to contact me on In my first part, I mentioned about the lady. Her name is Kavita(name changed). She was wheatish in complexion. She had an amazing soft flawless body. More importantly what strike me most about her was her passion and attitude. She was sex goddess in it. She was 34C-30-38. She had a...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend My Fucker

Raghav and I had been friends for more than ten years. Both married and both happy with our families! I was a closeted gay… and i somehow suspected that he was one too – though he never gave any hint about it from the way he lived. Yet his unexplained disappearances from gatherings, unknown young men smiling and waving at him and his obvious disinterest in any woman other than his wife made me wonder if he really was that straight or was there something more to him! I was member of the famous...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Vixen Ashley Lane Tie Me Up Please

Ashley is trying her best to impress her boss but nothing seems to be working. The problem is that the angrier he gets, the more aroused she becomes. She loves being dominated and she has only shared this secret with a few people, but since working for her current boss, she has allowed it to lap over into her professional life too. When she arrives at his house with a revision of some work, she knows this is the only opportunity she may get to show her true feelings. It’s time for her to...

3 years ago
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The Kiss

I'll never forget the taste when he stuffed your panties into my mouth. Soaking wet and right on my were musky and sweet. I savored it, sucking on them softly. Your scent filled my nose and I breathed it in deeply.My eyes traced your body, devouring every new inch of bare skin as he finished undressing you. He stood behind you with his hands on your hips, as if forcing me to look...forcing me to acknowledge your nudity. Was he trying to make me jealous? Was he really that clueless?...

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It cost me twenty-five dollars to get in. The woman working the front had a hoodie over a bikini which made for a confusing yet alluring introduction to the building. I had never been to a strip club before and had no idea what to expect. I had a vape pen in my pocket I was hitting so hard I could have caught an assault charge. That is to say that I was stoned and walking into very dangerous new territory. My hand was stamped and the military-grade velvet rope was removed from my path. I...

2 years ago
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A Friendly Massage

Several years ago I met a woman named Amy through some friends and we hit it off immediately. We shared a love for all things living and the sciences in general. She was quite bored and lonely due to her husband being overseas fighting in Iraq so we started spending most of our days together, she not having a job and I working nights. Our relationship was strictly platonic and our connection was purely mental, at first. As we grew closer our conversations lost all boundaries and we would talk...

Straight Sex
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Good Neighbors mdash Part 1

This my original work; originally posted to another site. Enjoy! *hugs*Stacey_tvGood Neighbors, Part 1"You should really go check in on Martin," my wife said. "When was thelast time you dropped in on him?""Just last week," I said. "You were at your Women's Club that night. Itold you, remember?""Still," she said. "It's the least we can do since his wife left him.They were such good neighbors to us when we moved in.""But the ball game...," I started to say."No," she cut me off mid-excuse. "Grab a...

2 years ago
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Falling for the First Time Ch 03

Author’s Note: Thank you for all your feedback! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of them. The buildup still continues… Thanks especially to abmarie and SexyGeek for their help in tying all the lose knots in this story. Enjoy this third installment, and don’t forget to leave feedback! (: ***** Chapter 3: Caught Up In Lust ‘Kinky sex moves…’ Keri read out loud, peeking over her friend’s shoulder. Jaz told her to hush, and returned to flip through the Cosmo magazine in her...

1 year ago
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The Apartment Where It Happened

The Apartment Where It Happened. (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc. are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 do not read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy this story. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me. Chapter 1: Who Am I When does one know they are a sissy? I'm not talking gay. I'm talking submissive...

3 years ago
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Usha 8211 A Sex Goddess 8211 Part 2

My wife Usha who became sex goddess after romantic fuck encounters with my landlord Shyam duly helped by his wife Smita. After being fucked by her lover Shyam, she bloomed into a beautiful flower and now the young guys were more after her. They were following Usha every now and then. But Usha’s beautiful body had a driver Shyam so Usha was not paying any attention to them. This year Holi was to come. We thought of celebrating this year’s Holi nicely with our friends as we all were very happy....

3 years ago
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Emancipation 06 Gloaming

Emancipation - Day 2 part 6: Gloaming Wether or not his thumb invading her pussy as he pulsed her ass helped, she wailed in a long groan and an orgasm muffled by Joe's dick. Sue rewarded Joe with several more drops of her sweet dew forming on both lips. He pulled her pussy down to his mouth and licked and sucked her pussy juice directly from her lusty source. Both moaned several times. My hot wife turned and licked her cum off his mouth and tongue. They hugged and whispered, then also yielded...

3 years ago
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Help from my sister 11

We were both shocked a little bit for a couple minutes. I mean I have my aunt pregnant now? I'm the only male she's had sex with lately."And your sure your pregnant," Judy asked."Yes, I took a test today. It was positive," Connie replied.Then we were both a little silent for a minute. We didn't know how to deal with this honestly. I already got Judy pregnant, now Connie is pregnant too?"You both look like your about to throw up," Connie said."Well it's not every day you have both your sister...

2 years ago
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Jabardast Chudai 8211 Part 2

Sabhi chooto ko mere 9 inch kai lund ka namskar to dosto ye meri dusari kahani hai pehli kahani mai apne pdha ki kese mene shubha aunty ko choda or ab agge shubha aunty ki chudai krke jab mai unke ghr sai baher nikal rha tha to dekha unke ghr sai shikha aunty bhi baher nikal rhi hai to mai smjh gya tha ki isne chudai leela dekh li hai fir vo sidha mere ghar mai ghusi mai thoda darr gya fir mai bhi mere ghar per gya socha joo hoga dekha jayega fir ander jane per dekha ki vo meri maa sai bat kr...

3 years ago
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painful reunion

The house seems empty, and all the lights are out. It is quiet, with a few random noises from outside. But wait; there is a slight tap, or tick, perhaps a small branch cracking under the weight of some small a****l. There it goes again, and again. The little ticks are regular, almost like the ticking of a clock. Towards the back of the house, the ticks become distinct little cracks and snaps, continuing in their regular cadence. Going down the back stairs, they become less faint, and easier to...

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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad

Backstory - I just turned 19, in college and still live in my hometown with my parents. I've been crossdressing on and off for the last probably 10-12 years. Till I was about 15 it was just whatever my sister or mom had that I could get my hands on while they were gone. Then when I was 15, I would order some online, or sneak out and go to a store right before they'd close. I've only told two girls, one who didn't believe me and the other who was supportive but didn't really care. For the last...

1 year ago
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Finally a slave

Re-written from the original I posted as posh-slutFinally my last day at work was over.Last night was the farewell party arranged by the company at a posh country hotel, later today I would start my new life as Anna Dominatrix’s full-time slave.Mistress had arranged a dinner party at home to celebrate my enslavement. All our close friends were there, Emma and Bob, Ellie and Paddy, Amy and Will and Sam (my ex)We had a sit-down meal at home, prepared and cooked by Elsie a lovely lady from the...

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And now, Weaver. From the corner of his eye, Weaver caught sight of the big fist thundering toward him. It had been years since he'd fought in the ring and maybe he wasn't as fast as he used to be, but he still knew how to react to a haymaker. He slipped under the wild punch and came up inside with a short, hammer-like left shot to the brute's ribcage. Stumbling backward, the big man was surprised at the force of the blow from someone so much smaller than himself. As Weaver plotted his...

2 years ago
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Beth and Tracey Chapter 1 of 3

It started innocently enough. I was assigned to a work team and Phillip was on the team. We were of a similar age and shared a few common interests. It was natural that we would become closer; at least the rest of the team seemed to think so. Gary, the team lead, went out of his way to make sure Phillip and I were assigned either the same task or related tasks so we would have to work close on a regular basis. I knew he was throwing us together, I mean how many 'Tracey and Phillip' comments...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Lexi Lowe Met Over The Pond

Old acquaintances Lexi Lowe and Marcus London unexpectedly reunite at a hotel where Marcus works as a masseur. He offers Lexi a massage free of charge and she happily accepts. Marcus has her lay down nude on the Nuru Massage bed, dousing the cold gel over her ass and back. He gives her upper thighs some extra attention and touches her shaved pussy, tactfully. Lexi flips over as Marcus now focuses on her huge boobs which makes her extremely horny and demands Marcus remove his pants so she can...

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film fun

I met Lucy on the net, she was a married BBW with massive breasts (46g) and ass to match and loved to dress how I like my ladies to. That means mini skirt, high heels, stockings and suspenders and a low cut top.  We had met a couple of times before I got to meet her husband Ray.  Lucy and Ray had arranged to come to my house one Saturday night for some food , drink and fun, but I had no idea what sort of fun they had in mind. After a couple of drinks we went upstairs to the bedroom and Ray...

1 year ago
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I finally fucked my mother Part III

100% fiction! As I mentioned in part I of this story, I had just graduated high school so I was unemployed for now and my mother was a real estate agent and she started work pretty late so we slept in later than most people, I thought….. The Mandingos fucked my mother for about 6 hours and my 4 friends and I took over and fucked mother until 2:00 AM the following day. My friends left and I told them if you want more good easy pussy, shut the fuck up and you will get all the pussy you want! It...

2 years ago
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Privy of the GodsChapter 3

I walked down the side of the column until I was about half-way to the end. I shouted, “WHO WAS THAT WOMAN WHO HELPED ME?” A woman held up her hand, and I walked toward her. “Thank you for warning me. My name is Doug. What is your name?” “My name is Naomi. Are you the Chosen One?” “I don’t know. People seem to think that I am. What is going on here? Oh, please call me Doug. Chosen One attracts too much attention.” “We are a group of people headed for the pit where we would be sacrificed...

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Hayley and Sarah

"Geez, why does it seem that when I am all ready depressed as all hell, the world decides to pour down rain?"This question muttered into the phone only received a laugh in return. Hayley, of course, felt no joy, though Sarah's funny little giggle always brought an answering one from her."I am being honest, sara. Jimmy treated me awful and I feel like utter shit. Then to add insult to injury, it decides to up and rain. I swear, the only thing that would make this worse is if I happened to see...

1 year ago
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Npte : This story is completely fictional! My brothers and I have an incredibly hot mom; she is definitely an M.I.L.F.! She is in her mid 40's, long blonde hair, a beautiful face and hot body and she is almost a nympho! Her body is that of a 20 year old, she works out, she is 5'11" maybe a 110 pounds a fantastic ass and she has big tits! Her and the guy she is seeing fuck as often as they can. All of us had incredibly lustful, incestuous thoughts about our mom. We didn't just want to see her...

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Slavery in the Saudi Kinkgdom

The challenges in realizing a community?s right to basic health and hygiene according to the standards of developed nations no Warning: I do not advocate this behavior, its just for fantasy and is not safe or sane. Also, this story contains anti-Semitism and doesn?t portray Arabs in the best light either.? If you are politically sensitive, this will offend you, so don?t read it if you are easily ticked off by that type of thing! Hasan sat bored at an expensive caf? in London and g...

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Snow Story ch2

"Hi" I smiled at her. "Feel like a shower?" "That sounds like a good idea" she said. "We made a bit of a mess." She squirmed around on me a little, our goo making a sticky, wet peeling noise. I sat up with her still stradling my lap. "Put your arms around my neck." I grabbed 2 lucious handfulls of her ass and lifted her like a todler, her legs and arms wrapped around me. I walked us both into the bathroom and towards the shower. "Umm, I need to go" she said, a...

3 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 16

As Sandy's train pulled out of the station, I was saddened by her departure, but happy that we had had the weekend and overjoyed about our love. Slowly, I walked along the platform back to the station, and took the streetcar that went in the general direction of the agency. I got off, and went in to work. There was a large envelope for me from IBM; when I opened it, I found a preliminary spec for the Reaper assembler from Sarah. She had done a good job for the most part, but I found a couple...

1 year ago
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Oh Braelynn

Braelynn was a sort of tall girl, and her hair was medium long. She liked wearing short shorts and listening to country. It was her first day of college as the day was almost wrapped up as she got to her dorm. She really liked her classes and she just enjoyed this college. But the fact that she had to room with Haylie sort of disgusted her. She'd known Haylie since high school, they didn't hang out much but she had heard rumors that Haylie farted on a girl named Kelsey's face a few times for...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Charity Striptease Part 2 Gettin

(I suggest you read Part 1 first....)You may remember that my wife had performed a striptease in our home, for a group of my friends, in return for generous donations to the charity she had worked for. It had turned out to be more than she had expected (she hadn’t thought that she would be required to open her legs and display her vagina and anus) but she had reluctantly continued, finding eventually that she had been turned-on by the experience and the resulting excitement and appreciation of...

2 years ago
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Veronica the Babysitter

Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...

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Super Hot SisterInLaw Divya 8211 Part 1 Attraction

Hello Readers, this is Sanjay, married for a couple of years, living in Pune with my wife; Shriya, and my sister-in-law; Divya. Divya has shifted with us for the last 6 months as she got admission to MIT college. This story is inspired by a true event, so please don’t get overwhelmed by the detailing. “Jiju (brother-in-law)” Divya shouted from the balcony. She wore a black colored spaghetti-strap bodycon dress today, for her 19th birthday. It was a deep-neck, backless gown with a thigh-high...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 67 Whippets

February 11, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio “Hi, Mike!” Emmy exclaimed when Liz and I arrived at the apartment she shared with her cousin. Liz and I greeted her and she let us in. “What’s the plan, Em?” Liz asked. “The other girls will be here soon. We can go out or just order pizza and hang out here. My cousin bought a video cassette recorder, and she has some movies, or we can rent one from the store down the street, or we can go to the theater.” “Do you care, Mike?” Liz asked. I shook my...

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Dad and Me

100% fiction! Since I was growing up fast, my mom wanted me to sleep in a separate room. However, I insisted to sleep with my parents even when I was in my fifth grade. Since daddy loved me a lot and I was emotionally attached with him, he always supported me and directed my mom to let me sleep with them. My mom, therefore, placed a mattress at the carpet next to their bed and allowed me to sleep there. I had been noticing that they wanted me to sleep early and at times even snubbed me for...

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My bodyguard

My name is Amber Thompson, I’m a pop singer that loves to play concerts and party. I started singing when I was eight and now I’m 28 and famous. A couple years ago, I had a problem with some really obsessed fans. They kidnapped me, and I was scared. I wasn’t hurt, but it only lasted a few hours. So I hired a bodyguard to help me through concert halls and to make sure I’m safe. His name is John Smith, I wondered if that was his real name when I met him. He demonstrated how good he was his first...

4 years ago
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Ring the bell

Ring the Bell A young man paces outside a house, arguing with himself. Finally, He steps toward the house, takes a breath, and rings the bell. A young woman answers, and says, "Hey! Long time no see." He replies, "Yeah, sorry about that. Needed to get my head together after all the ... changes." "I totally get that. I was kinda in the same place." "So ... we cool?" "I'm cool if you are." "Oh, I'm very cool. I ... didn't want to lose my best friend, no...

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My Sexy Long Haired Maid Sukanya

Hii guys this is my first story.i am 26 yr old male from Mumbai.i have a long hair fetish and my main interest lies in long haired females(hair below their waist).thats is long hair pulling and brushing.females wanting to experience long hair pulling can contact me on my email (privacy is guaranteed)…I clearly remember it was the month of November way back in 2006.i was only 20 years old.i had a long hair fetish rite from my childhood.i used to imagine long haired females in my time...

3 years ago
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My New Position

This story is fiction and intended for adults only. Please do not reproduce without permission from the author. My New Position Part One: "Hurry up. You don't want to be late for your interview, Shannon." As I applied the finishing touches of my lipstick I could hardly believe what I was just about to do. In just a few moments, I was to have an interview with my wife's new boyfriend to see if I could fill the position of being his maid. "I will be so disappointed if you...

4 years ago
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Caught by my pissed off Girlfriend

Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

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