Everything's Just Beachy 3 free porn video

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Everything's Just Beachy By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three She handed the waiter back the check, slightly relieved that the charge went through to her room and then out of the restaurant they went. They did a little window shopping, and then walked through a few shops as it was the ultimate tease that he couldn't have even a t-shirt or a pair of boys shorts. He glanced at the price tags, realizing she was right that thirty five dollar t-shirts and sixty dollar shorts would certainly be an issue, as their budget was limited based on his mischief. They walked outside now in the twilight enjoying the evening warmth, noticing a gathering near the pool as they walked over to see what was happening. Immediately it was interesting watching grown men argue over a beach volleyball game pool side. Some too fat to have their shirts off and some in great shape. They were playing like it was the Olympics with their families looking on. There were some laughs, bad falls and even some surprisingly good plays as families and friends enjoyed the resort event until finally one team was victorious. When it was over, the resort counselor started herding all the teenagers onto the court of sand and then two guys started choosing up sides. Of course all the guys were picked first, then two girls and then the last one. It was an odd number until the resort counselor looked around and suddenly she was pointing at Hunter. "Hey, you want to play?" asked the girl, walking towards her with her clipboard. "Go ahead, honey," his mother urged. "You could use a little fun. It's vacation." "Well yeah," said Hunter, standing up and then thinking. "Wait? Like this mom? Maybe I shouldn't?" "Hey come on," said a guy from the team, running over. "I'm Greg, and we need another girl. Come on, it'll be fun." "Another girl?" mumbled Hunter. "Yeah, and don't worry if you never played before," said Greg, grabbing his hand. "I got your back and what's your name?" "I'm Hunter, and I've played before," replied Hunter, pulling away his hand. "Sorry I didn't mean anything by it," said Greg, tossing up his hand. "I saw you in the restaurant at dinner and you do look athletic, but.... Ummm...." "Greg don't mind her, she's just pouting about being picked last," joked his mother, taking his wrist and unclipping his charm bracelet. "Let's get this off you." "I wasn't," said Hunter, rolling his eyes. "Yeah I'm guessing that doesn't happen often? Or maybe ever," said Greg, looking him up and down. "And wouldn't have if I saw you earlier?" "See honey you wouldn't have been last," smirked his mother, taking his pocketbook from him and reaching around his neck to find the clasp. "Just give me your necklace too, and take off your sandals." "Mom!" moaned Hunter, rolling his eyes as she was taking his necklace off. "But I'm really not in the mood. Pick someone else please." "You sure?" said Greg disappointed. "She's just being shy," said his mother to Greg. "She'll be right there Greg, ok?" "Awesome!" smiled Greg. "Take off your shoes and go kick some butt Hunter," ordered his mother, grabbing him by the shoulders and looking into his eyes. "Sure this isn't exactly how you're looking to be out there, but last thing I'm allowing is for you to be a moody all week. Now take off your sandals since you now have two teams worth of boys staring at you being a little drama queen." "Crap!" said Hunter, pulling off his first shoe and grasping his shorts. "You sure I can play like this?" "It's a romper with shorts! It'll be fine unless you intend on taking off your top like Greg just did," laughed his mother. "Not funny, mom," said Hunter, pulling off his other sandal and handing them to her. "Here! And do I take off this too?" "The anklet should be fine unless you intend on standing on your head kicking the ball," joked his mother, giving him a little shove as he started toward the court. "Now go and be happy I used the heavier deodorant on you, because last thing you'll want is to have a boy that thinks you're cute from dinner see you sweat." If looks could kill, his mother would have been long dead as he wanted to scream back or curse her out, but of course he couldn't. He walked onto the beach volleyball court getting involved in the warm up and then not long after, the game began. For the first half dozen points, he didn't even get to touch the ball but neither did any of the other girls on either team, as the boys hogged all the shots. Taunting and pounding chests were more of what they were interested in instead of the score or getting everyone involved, as their testosterone raged. When finally Greg softly tapped him a ball to hit it over, he was barely paying attention and flubbed the shot, barely hitting the ball. The guys really said nothing, mostly encouraging him and then when he eventually got the next shot, he hit it over the net. He felt almost alive just to play, forgetting for a minute he was a girl in the sand, placing the next shot over the net right on the line just past one of the girls. Hi-fives felt good as they celebrated his score as her dirty looks came his way as the game grew hot and heavy. He still really didn't get many shots though, as the boys controlled the game, yet he was beginning to really perspire running around in the sand. His mother was right that his pits mostly stayed dry, yet he was working up a decent sweat down his back and down his face. With the game tied and only a few points left to go, none of the girls were barely touching the ball as the guys played like animals. He was still working hard scrambling without many touches to show for his work, and then what he never expected to happen in a million years did, as a skinny girl from the other team that had barely touched the ball leaped up, spiking it his way. For just an instant he lost sight of the ball as his sweaty side bangs drooped into his eyes when he turned his head, and the next thing he knew the ball smashed into his face, rebounding out of bounds for a point. "Whoopppss," yelled the girl, giggling. "You ok over there, Madonna?" "Uuumm yeah," sighed Hunter, mortified and sliding the hair from his eye and seeing Greg's hand there to help him up. "And it's Hunter if you care." "Like it matters?" mumbled the girl, rolling her eyes. "Ignore her," said Greg, giving her a look and extending his hand. "She's super competitive." "Sorry, just lost sight of it," sighed Hunter as Greg pulled him up. "It's cool as long as you're ok?" said Greg, gently wiping some sand from Hunter's face and scolding the girl. "Easy, Kara." "I'm fine. It wasn't hit hard, and mostly hit my shoulder," said Hunter, more embarrassed than hurt, staring nastily at the girls giggling towards each other on the opposite side. "My hair got in my eyes a little." "Oh thank gawwdd," said Kara through the net, twisting her hips and speaking with some attitude. "I'd feel horrible if I gave you a black eye or something?" "Would you?" said Hunter, snarling back through the net. "Of course," said the girl sarcastically, flipping her index finger. "Love the hair by the way, but maybe primp a little less for the next game so maybe the ball can avoid your face and the rest of us can avoid the drama." "Drama?" yelled Hunter, then composing himself. "Like I expected to play in this game or have interest in any drama?" "Yeah and we all know what you're interests are in instead of volleyball?" smirked Kara, holding out her hand and glancing over at Greg. "Now just hand me the ball so we can serve, and maybe think about a wearing headband or something next time you decide to grace us with your presence?" "Ok ladies," smiled Greg, stepping in between them tossing the ball under the net. "Let's just serve please." Hunter was livid as the other team served and the ball went back and forth. He actually made a diving play to dig one from the sand keeping the play alive and staying engaged in the back and forth volley. When an errant pass went up and over the net headed his way, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and his adrenaline took over. He bent his knees, jumping as high as he could before swinging his arm back and violently striking the ball. It was completely reactionary as he spiked the ball, and then next thing he knew he heard a scream as he landed into the sand. "Oh my gawwwddddd," screamed Kara, half screaming and half crying, grabbing her right hand with her left. "My fucking hand! You did that on purpose! Holy shittttt!" "Oh crap," mumbled Hunter as everyone turned, looking at him. "You ok, Kara?" "You fucking bitch," yelled Kara, squeezing her hand as tears were dripping down her cheek. "Holy shit! What the hell is wrong with you?" "Relax, Kara," said Greg on his knees, attending to her. "Calm down, and let me see." "I'm sorry," said Hunter, standing there and wishing he could bury his head in the sand. "I didn't mean to hit it that hard." "But you did, you show off bitch," shrieked Kara, flexing her hand now, cringing. "Oh gawwd that hurts! It hurts bad." Over ran some parents and the resort counselor, pushing Greg aside as everyone just stood around nervously. Thirty seconds felt like time stood still and then the counselor was able to calm her down. "It's ok guys, and let's just call this a tie. Game over," said the girl, turning away as they helped Kara up. "Keep the ice on it, Kara." "Is it broken?" Hunter asked the counselor as she walked away. "Her hand, hopefully not," said the counselor, touching Hunter's arm as she walked by him. "Her nails yes. You bent her fingers back pretty good, and that shit hurts if you've ever had your nails bent back." "Luckily you haven't, and it's no fun," said his mother, walking by him. "Go put your shoes back on and let me go apologize to her mother." Mrs. Richards now walked over to the crowd speaking to Kara's mother and helping fill out the accident report as Hunter just sat there looking on. He felt bad, yet knew inside he wasn't trying to hurt her but unfortunately he did. As the crowd disbursed, he could see Kara look at him like she wanted to kill him before she headed off quietly with her family as he could do nothing except wait for his mother's wrath as she headed back his way. "Mom I..." Hunter began to say as she put up her hand. "I know you didn't, and it's late," said his mother. "It's been a long day, and I partially blame myself for this but we'll need to go make sure she's ok." "Ok. Sure," nodded Hunter, feeling horrible about it as they followed everyone back to Kara's room. They were in the time share section of the resort in a different building than theirs as Hunter and his mother followed them in. It was no standard hotel room as they walked into a three bedroom suite with a full dining area and large living room. He sat with a series of people he didn't know, watching television anxiously as his mother went into the bedroom with Kara's mother and aunt. As friends and family came and went, he could barely look anyone in the eye, knowing this was all his doing. He sat mostly zoned out, just wishing the day would end as even in this large suite it was like a mad house, as some many people came in and out concerned. "So how are you doing, Hunter?" Greg walked in, sitting down next to Hunter on the couch. "Can I get you anything?" "Uuummm sure," said Hunter, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Maybe a time machine, and if not, could you blink me back home?" "It was an accident, Hunter," said Greg, patting his thigh gently. "Shit happens." "Yeah mostly to me," said Hunter, tossing up his hands. "Well I'm thinking Kara might answer that differently," joked Greg. "Oh stop!" giggled Hunter, nudging him with his elbow. "You know what I mean." "Yeah I do, and don't sweat it," replied Greg, putting his arm around him, rubbing his shoulders. "Damn you're tense. Relax." "Please don't," groaned Hunter, not wanting to be touched, but then enjoying the massage and closing his eyes. "Ooohh that feels good though." "Aaaaahhhhmmm," said his mother, clearing her throat as his eyes popped open. "So umm we are just waiting for the nurse and then we'll see what's what in case you were wondering?" "Oh ok, mom," said Hunter, pushing forward. "Hopefully she'll be here soon." "Yes?" said his mother, squinting at him and giving him a look. "Hopefully, and I'll be right inside the bedroom if you need me." "Ok, thanks," nodded Hunter, sliding over a bit, away from Greg. "So first time here on vacation?" Greg asked. "Yeah," nodded Hunter. "You?" "Well third year in a row for me," said Greg. "Kara's family purchased the time share when she was a toddler, and they've been coming to the resort for more than a decade now. Three years ago they upgraded to this big suite, so since then they've been taking me and my mom after my parents split. There's a lot of us, so I sleep right here on the couch, and I don't mind because it's just great to be here." "Wow. That's cool, and sorry about that with your folks," said Hunter. "I'm kind of going through some family stuff like that now, so that's why we're here too. My mom needed the vacation." "No kidding," said Greg, looking into his eyes. "Maybe that's why I'm feeling this connection." "Connection?" asked Hunter, not liking the sound of that. "You're feeling it too?" smiled Greg. "I kind of got that vibe you were, and you seem awesome." "Awesome? Me? Yeahhh..... noooo?" said Hunter, pushing back as far as he could. "Greg, I appreciate that but I'm thinking you're just sensing my nerves." "Nerves? Of course! I'm sure you're used to guys having nerves around you," gulped Greg, wiping his palms. "You probably get asked out like every day." "Not really?" Hunter replied, getting uneasy. "And I'm thinking you might be getting the wrong vibe here now, so maybe back the f...." "Sorry, you're right," nodded Greg, putting up his hands. "Not the time and place with Kara and our parents in the other room. You're right! What was I thinking?" "You weren't?" said Hunter, relieved. "So please don't do that again!" "I'm so embarrassed!" said Greg, looking away. "I...I." "It's cool," said Hunter, breathing a sigh of relief. "No biggie, but..." "But you're right! We've got all week to hang out together," Greg said, wiping his brow. "You know to connect the right way, and I guess take it slow. It's just honestly I'm not that great with hot girls like you, so...." "So here's the nurse," said Hunter, jumping up. "Oh thank gawwdddd, and why don't you take her in there Greg!" "Sorry, sure," nodded Greg. "Follow me, miss." As Greg left the room with the nurse, Hunter grabbed his pocketbook and was ready to race outside before he spotted something next to the couch against the wall that doubled as Greg's bed. He stopped, knowing his mother would be pissed and freak out on him if he left, so instead he quietly hurried over to the object he spotted. It was just as he thought at first glance, seeing a suitcase that he quickly unzipped and began rummaging through Greg's clothes. He raced back across the room finding his mother's beach bag, and then hurried back over, pulling item after item from the bottom of the suitcase, stuffing them into his mother's bag. After a few shirts, some shorts and underwear, he snapped closed the beach bag and re-zipped the suitcase. Back on the couch he jumped like he'd been waiting all along, until finally everyone came out with Kara with her hand bandaged up in a wrap. She looked at him like she wanted to run him over with a car as she walked past him with the nurse, and then his mother came over, tapping his shoulder to get up. "Ok honey, get your purse," said his mother. "Time to go, and I'll fill you in on the way back to the room." "Sure." Hunter grabbed the beach bag. "And I got that mom." She was too mentally exhausted to argue as they left the room and then headed back to theirs. She was on the phone with Kara's mother and aunt half the time getting updates as they were headed to the hospital with Kara so see a doctor, which seemed to be no easy feat to find the right one, and not being in America. "So it's not broken, right?" Hunter asked, sheepishly not wanting to ask but needing to know. "I'm hoping not," answered his mother, with her fingers crossed as she hung up. "But she'll be needing an x-ray so they're on their way to the hospital now to do the paperwork, and once I get my credit card from the room, so will we." "You're kidding," grumbled Hunter. "I'm exhausted, and I've been stuck as a girl all day. Can't they just call us later?" "You're exhausted?" yelled his mother. "You? Do you ever even think about anyone else besides yourself?" "Sorry," moaned Hunter. "You know I feel bad about it, mom." "Not bad enough to not give me a hard time," said his mother, putting the key in their door. "So maybe toss a little water on your face to wake up while I freshen up quickly and then off to the hospital we go." "Mom, I said I was sorry, and you know she doesn't want me there," groaned Hunter, plopping on the bed. "Can't you just go without me?" "Even if I trusted you and you damn well know I don't, no chance would I leave a young girl alone in a resort! Even a safe one like this," lectured his mother. "Mom, what if I promise I wouldn't leave the room and how many times can I say that I'm sorry," pleaded Hunter. "Like your promises are worth anything??" said his ,shaking her head. "And sorry doesn't pay the $400 co-payment I'll need to charge on my card, so that means we're really down to emergency money now, so it's a damn good thing I didn't even entertain buying you any clothes." "Jeez..." said Hunter. "$400." "I told you things are expensive here, so freshen up, because no way I'm leaving you unsupervised, as you my dear are already much too pretty to be out roaming alone," said his mother, stroking his hair. "Plus we both know it's still my darling Hunter under this cute outfit, and where Hunter goes, somehow trouble tends to follow." "About that, mom," said Hunter, opening her beach bag. "Fine, I'll come with you now after causing you any trouble, but about the girl thing, you won't need to worry about that anymore." "Hunter?" said his mother, covering her chest as he pulled out some clothing. "Where did you get all that?" "What does it matter, mom?" said Hunter. "And I'd say it's better you don't know anyway." "Are you fucking kidding me?" yelled his mother. "You're stealing now? And when? You haven't even left my sight?" "Well you kind of did in the room with Kara, and the kid Greg was way over packed, mom," said Hunter, holding up one of Greg's t-shirts. "I guarantee he won't notice I borrowed a few things." "Not fucking happening, Hunter," his mother yelled at him. "Bad enough you are always in trouble for mischief, but stealing in any way I will not tolerate!" "Borrowing, mom," whined Hunter, tossing the clothes on the bed. "Bullshit!" scolded his mother. "And stealing from the family of the girl you injured! This is a new low, even for you Hunter." "Maybe, but I promise I'll get the stuff back to him, and look at this stuff," said Hunter, showing it to her. "There's nothing here expensive." "I don't fucking care if it's worth five cents. Not happening!" said his mother, mortified. "And exactly what would be that plan to return stolen stuff without being caught? Enlighten me, Hunter?" "Well I don't know, but I'll figure it out," moaned Hunter, scratching his head. "Yeah, you damn well will and maybe you didn't notice something important," said his mother as a smile came on her face as she held up a few of the items. "What's so funny?" said Hunter curiously. "Maybe that you forgot the kid is like at least have a foot taller than you, and outweighs you by fifty or sixty pounds," laughed his mother, holding up a pair of Greg's shorts. "So maybe you'd fit into one of his pants legs and I'd fit into the other." "I just figured they'd be a little baggy," smirked Hunter. "No, as usual you didn't think at all, so be happy you fit into your sister's clothes, because that's your wardrobe," said his mother, stuffing all of Greg's clothes in a little duffel bag and then pulling out some clothes from Carrie's suit before plugging in the curling iron. "Change, fix your hair and move your pretty ass, because I need to get to the hospital and you'll at least be getting your wish that you don't have to come with me." "Oh thank gawwddd," said Hunter as she unbuttoned the back of his romper. "Then why do I have to change or fix myself up." "Why? Because I told you I am not leaving you unsupervised," said his mother as she pushed the straps from his shoulders, dropping his outfit to the floor. "I'll be dropping you back at the room with Greg, where you are absolutely going to return his stuff." "But how?" asked Greg as she dropped a casual tank top over his head. "How?" replied his mother, shaking her head and pulling out ankle socks and sneakers. "You know I'm not exactly sure, but we'll talk about that on the way over there, but you damn well better figure it out. Now get your shorts on, then you can wear her sneakers with that and maybe think things through for a change?" "Fantastic?" groaned Hunter, steeping into his sister's shorts and then her socks and sneakers as his mother was buzzing around the room, quickly freshening up herself. "And I'm thinking about how except the only time he left the room was when I got him to follow the nurse into the other bedroom! Beside that, I couldn't shake him for a second like a bad stink." "Oh we can fix any stink issue really fast honey, and pretty girls have a way of persuading men to do things, so I suggest you figure that out quickly," said his mother, spritzing his neck with perfume and then handing him the curling iron. "So get rid of the flop from your curls so you can bat your eyelashes at him, and then trust me you'll have him eating out of your hand. Now bend you hair back no more than ten seconds in each spot, and again a little makeup wouldn't hurt?" "Please, mom," Hunter sighed, pushing away the mascara tube as she held it up. "I am not wearing any makeup, and you want me to curl my own hair?" "Yup! Stand in front of the mirror. Grab! Clamp! Twist and count, you big baby!" lectured his mother, twisting him to face the mirror, doing the section above his eyes and handing him the iron after she rolled it back. "Curl your side bangs up then under your chin, brush the back and spray the shit out of it. Now two minutes and we're gone, princess!" "I hate when you call me that," moaned Hunter, feeling the heat on his forehead. Ten seconds later, he twisted back his wrist before pushing the button to open the clamp, and it was nauseating feeling the roll bounce off his forehead as the curl sprung into place. He could kill his mother, pouting as he connected the next one as quickly. This was simpler than he thought, refreshing what had drooped and flopped a bit. "See how easy," said his mother, coming over a minute later as he was brushing the back, shaking the hair spray and pressing the trigger. "You look cute and now let's go." He just wanted to kill her as she slapped his pocketbook across his chest and then out the door they went as he carried a small duffel bag with Greg's clothes hidden inside. He was in pale pink tank top with the words "THINK PINK" across his chest in fuchsia sparkly letters, and beneath it he was in matching fuchsia cotton athletic short shorts. The long tank top spanned down past his crotch area, concealing any minor bulge and the high-waisted short pulled the bump in even more. On his feet were his sister's white converse shoes, and mismatched fuchsia based ankle socks. It was a loose casual hang out type look his sister would commonly don while loafing around the house, and now he'd be chilling with a boy he wanted no part of. He mostly sulked as they hurried while she checked in on Kara as his mother was on phone half the time they walked. Finally she hung up as they got to the time share, and then looked at Hunter just before she knocked on the door. "Wipe the stupid look off your face, and just get it done," said his mother. "If you're still clueless, remember he'll eventually have to go to the bathroom and you can do it then." "Yeah I was kind of thinking that," nodded Hunter. "But I don't think he did at all last time I was there." "Then that's the job, pretty girl," smiled his mother, shaking her head. "So my advice is get him to drink a lot of water, flirt a little so you make him a little uncomfortable, and you should have no problem." "Oh this sucks," said Hunter, taking a breath. "And I am not flirting, mom! I can't even believe you're saying that and remember who's under here!" "Oh I do alright!" replied his mother, shoving him forward. "My daughter that damn well better return this stuff before we have an even bigger issue! You got me, young lady?! Now knock!" "Crap," mumbled Hunter, knocking on the door. "Hey Greg," said Hunter as Greg opened the door. "Oh hi Hunter. Hello Mrs. Richards," said Greg, rubbing his eyes. "What's up?" "Greg, sweetie I know it's late, but I was hoping you won't mind keeping my daughter company while I go over to the hospital with Kara," said Mrs. Richards. "You think she could hang out with you here if it's not too much trouble?" "Mind?" said Greg, instantly perking up. "No, why would I mind, and of course she'd never be any trouble." "Oh what a doll you are, and trust me you have no idea," Grinned Mrs. Richards, flicking her wrist and smiling. "But really it's just she doesn't feel comfortable coming with me since Kara's still a bit upset with her, and I just couldn't bring myself to leave a girl like her alone." "Oh please, come in," said Greg, opening the door. "And why should you! I'd love having her here." "Oh thank you, I figured I could depend on you to keep her safe," said Mrs. Richards, giving Greg a quick hug. "Plus knowing Hunter, she rather be here with a big strong boy like you to keep her safe than anywhere else anyway." "MOM!" snarled Hunter, wanting to kill her. "Really?" smirked Greg. "Oh stop being sensitive sweetie, and I'm just making light of a tough day," laughed his mother, softly tapping him. "He already knows you'd rather not be at the hospital, plus you two seem to be getting along so nicely." "Oh thank you, Mrs. Richards," said Greg flattered. "And of course she'll be safe with me. I promise I won't take my eyes off her." "I can't thank you enough, honey, and I had a feeling you wouldn't," said Mrs. Richards, kissing his cheek and squeezing his arm before looking over at Hunter, who looked ready to vomit. "So you behave for the nice boy now, princess." "Trust me, you know I'll be on my best behavior here mom," said Hunter, squinting at her, trying to hold in his anger as she exited. "And good luck at the hospital with the real princess." "So what a nice surprise to see you back here already." Greg smiled from ear to ear. "Should we go sit on the couch and watch a movie or something." "Uuumm I guess," said Hunter, looking around. "How about you get us some drinks and do you have any popcorn?" "Sure, I'll put it in the microwave and did you want soda or water or what?" said Greg. "Cool, and whatever you're having?" replied Hunter. "I'm really thirsty. Aren't you?" "Yeah?" nodded Greg, sniffing the air, loving the scent of the perfume and racing over to the cabinet and getting out the popcorn. Hunter watched, looking for an opening that he might leave the room, but just as he figured, Greg was mostly within sight lines. He served Hunter with two huge cokes and then hurried over with popcorn as the bowl served as a nice divider between them. A stupid comedy kept them busy, as Hunter sucked down his soda but Greg didn't drink much, barely taking a sip. It was a good half hour now of small talk, stupid giggles and Greg not leaving his sight, as he began getting worried about how long he had to make the switch. He had Greg text to check on things, yet no response was returning from anyone, and then his nerves started getting the better of him. "You didn't drink much?" said Hunter, looking at Greg's glass. "You know that's not good. My mom says you should." "Well I'm not that much of a soda person," said Greg. "I mostly drink water." "Yeah me too, and maybe you could get us both some water," said ,softly patting his arm. "Oh sure," nodded Greg. "All you had to do was ask." "Well maybe in a second, but my mom hates if I waste things, so how about you help me finish this first," said Hunter, taking his straw and putting it in Greg's soda next to his. "Oh like together?" Greg asked. "Well yeah?" smiled Hunter, moving closer and batting his lashes at him. "Sure," said Greg, clamping down on his straw as suddenly their faces were almost nose to nose as Hunter didn't suck very hard and Greg nervously sucked down most of the soda. "See I think you were thirsty, and that was really nice," said Hunter, taking out his straw and sliding the wetness across Greg's arm before putting it back in his mouth. "Want to do that again?" "Ooohhh." Greg nodded. "Suuu...sure." Greg ran over to the refrigerator, filling a big glass with water and hurrying back. When he got back, they sipped again and quickly downed the glass and then Hunter smiled at him once they slurped at the bottom. He softly smiled at Greg, needing a break as he now tossed some popcorn in his mouth and then held up a kernel as Greg smirked, opening his mouth as Hunter tossed it in. After a few tosses back and forth off their chins, cheeks and into each other's mouths they were giggling, until Hunter realizing Greg's other arm was around his shoulder. He tried not to panic, thinking quickly and then stood up, breaking eyes contact. "So I'm going to need to use the little girls room," said Hunter, handing Greg the glass. "So how about you fill us up again, and I'll be right back, ok?" "Sure," said Greg, loving their little fun and teasing. Into the bathroom he raced, dropping his shorts and peeing like a racehorse before putting himself back in place and staring at his reflection. He shook his head, pushing his hair from his eyes before touching his little beads, still feeling them tightly in place and then rolled his eyes at himself, hating the whole situation he was in as he turned, unlocking the door. Back to the sofa he went as they sipped down another glass of water and then the rest of the popcorn as he was beginning to get more anxious about the time. It had been a touch over an hour as he asked Greg to again check on Kara's status, yet still no response from anyone at the hospital, which only made him even more nervous that he was running out of time. He could feel himself perspire a touch, and then Greg looked at him oddly, seeing his nerves. "You ok?" said Greg. "Should I turn up the air? Maybe it is getting warm in here?" "Yes, please," nodded Hunter. "I guess I'm just getting worried about Kara, since no one is getting back to you?" "Oh maybe your mom is getting back to you?" said Greg turning up the thermostat. "Why don't you get your phone out of your pocketbook and see?" "Yeah well... I kind of don't have it right now," Hunter replied, making a face. "Kind of long story I'd rather not talk about, but that's why I keep pestering you to text for me." "Oh sorry, and you're not pestering me at all," smirked Greg, bringing them two big glasses of water. "A girl without a phone! Wow I didn't think you ladies could function without one, and I loaded a lot of ice this time as maybe it was getting too hot in here." "Yeah we don't, so but let's please not go there," chuckled Hunter, taking the glass and looking at him and thinking. "Alright?" "Sorry," laughed Greg. "We'll just use mine." "Cool, and so you're feeling the heat too?" said Hunter, putting his water glass down and sliding a little closer, sticking his straw in Greg's glass before softly touching Greg's thumb that was holding up the glass. "Like it could maybe get a bit steamy in ,don't ya think?" "Really?" gulped Greg, feeling a chill down his spine as Hunter brushed his finger against his as he leaned in sipping. "Well?" smiled Hunter, leaning forward, pulling the glass away almost like he was about to kiss Greg, and then accidently tipping the glass. "Oh shit!" They both jumped up. Hunter knocked the entire glass of ice water into Greg's lap, soaking him and the couch. "I am so so sorry." Hunter ran into the kitchen, grabbing some paper towels and running back, wiping his leg near his crotch and then handed them over to Greg. "But maybe you do that, and I'll wipe the couch." "Uuummm... sure," nodded Greg, wiping himself. "It's no big deal though. Let me just change, ok?" "Sure! Good idea." Hunter got more paper towels, wiping the couch as Greg ran over to his suitcase, rummaging through it grabbing some clothes. As he went into the bathroom, Hunter grabbed his mother's bag, pulling out all Greg's stuff and then carefully reinserting them into Greg's suitcase. He did his best folding and matching the spots where everything may have been, as he put all his shorts together and then his shirts. He was moving as fast as he could to get everything right where it should be, but then before he expected he heard the lock to the bathroom door open. "Oh?" gulped Hunter, looking up snagged. "Hey." "Hey? Uuummm what are you doing in there?" Greg saw him rummaging in his suitcase. "Not that I mind, but are you seriously checking out my underwear?" "Uuuummm well no," said Hunter, panicking and stuffing them right back in. "But they just kind of fell out, and honestly I just thought you wouldn't mind. I was kind of really cold." "Oh, my hoodie," said Greg as Hunter pulled one out. "No, of course not. Please feel free to wear it." "Thanks! Wow, a linebacker and number 56. Cool," said Hunter, pulling Greg's high school football hoodie over his head and changing the subject, quickly fixing his hair once he pulled it on. "But I was also just refolding your stuff. You kind of pulled everything out so quickly, and I'd hate to see all your stuff wrinkled and disorganized. It's a girl thing I guess?" "Thanks, but come sit and that looks great on you," said Greg, patting the couch and sitting down. "My mom will iron the stuff anyway, so don't worry'. "Sure," said Hunter, relieved, zipping up his suitcase, having dodged the issue. "Cool," smiled Greg, looping his arm around him. "I was thinking maybe we could pick up where we left off. You know before you doused me." "Oh?" sighed Hunter as his eyes bulged a little, feeling himself being snugged next to him. "But uuummm.... Oh like get a little cozy is fine I guess, and just try to warm up a bit because I'm thinking they should be back soon. In fact, maybe any minute." "Oh? Ok," said Greg, as Hunter purposely rested his head on Greg's shoulder away from any eye contact. "Yeah you're probably right." Like it or not they had certainly gotten cozy as he nuzzled his head under Greg's chin and did feel quite warm inside his big hoodie. He was exhausted as Greg clicked through some channels as slowly but surely his eyes got heavy and then before long he was out. "Wake up, my sleeping beauty," his mother's voice startled him awake. "Oh hi mom," said Hunter, cracking open his eyes. "Everything good?" "Yup, nothing broken and thanks for taking care of my daughter, Greg," smiled his mother, taking Greg's arm off Hunter's shoulder. "Maybe too good I see, but let's go honey, it's late and everyone's exhausted." "Oh? I must have dozed off," said Hunter, jumping up. "Ok, good night all." She put her arm around him as out the door they went, walking back to the room and never mentioning it again as they engaged in mostly small talk. "You're sweaty. Take a shower and I'll brush out your hair when you come out. I guess you can fill me in on everything then," said his mother, helping pull the hoodie over his head and unclipping his bra under the tank top. "Nothing to know, mom," huffed Hunter. "I got the stuff back in his suitcase and it's over." "Yeah, but then you did wind up in one thing though didn't you?" asked his mother. "I was cold," moaned Greg. "And I'm exhausted. I forgot I even had it on!" "Well you always did like to cuddle, and it did look cute on you," laughed his mother. "Just imagine now if you actually tried wearing those clothes you stole. His hoodie alone was like a dress on you, so you shouldn't even try arguing about me putting you in one, because you did it to yourself." "It wasn't, and you're not," whined Hunter, taking off his shoes. "Now I'm wiped, so can't I just shower in the morning?" "Ewwwww! No. You're gross, and did you want to go to bed smelling like a boy's cologne," said his mother. "Hell no," nodded Hunter. "I'm going. Forget I said anything, and I'll return that smelly thing tomorrow." "Use my shampoo in the pink bottle, and the conditioner in the blue," said his mother, as he walked away annoyed. "But you're still going to have to explain how I found you asleep cuddling?" He slammed the bathroom door as into the shower he went like she asked, and then when he exited he saw clean pink cotton panties on the vanity awaiting him. He put them on and came out as she was waiting with a big brush as she tapped the bed for him to sit down. He expected a lecture and a million questions, but instead she simply kissed his forehead, switching on the TV before she proceeded to squeeze the moisture from his hair with a towel. When she finished, she brushed it out while he watched television and then French braided the entire length in the back. Across his head now she swept his side bangs and then snapped in a silver flat barrette, pinning them to the rest of his hair before standing up and walking over to his sister's suitcase. "Ok, change while I take a shower and we'll talk more in the morning," said his mother, handing his some pajamas and pulling down the covers for him before kissing his head again. "Love you sweetheart, and get a good night's sleep." He gave her no trouble as he was both mentally and physically spent, stepping into his sister pajama shorts and pulling the top over his head. Across his chest was a red heart atop a pink t-shirt type top, and on his legs were red track type shorts. This was nothing compared to the rest of his day, so he didn't really fret it that much falling quickly to sleep. In the morning, he was woken by his mother, shaking his shoulder and softly touching his face. "Go brush your teeth honey, and I'll dress you," said his mother, flipping away the covers. "What time is it?" asked Hunter, waking up rubbing his eyes. "Early," smirked his mother. "But it's supposed to be just beautiful out today, so let's get a move on." "Can't I sleep in a little?" groaned Hunter, pulling the pillow over his head. "It's vacation mom, and yesterday was a pretty rough day." "Not as rough as today will be if I don't get my coffee soon," teased his mother, pulling away the pillow. "Go brush your teeth and you got way more sleep than I did." Hunter groaned and grumbled before wandering into the bathroom, brushing his teeth half asleep. When he came back out, there was his mother immediately pulling the pajama top over his head before he could object and then across his arms went a pale pink cotton bra. "Shorts down, and you'll be in basic denim shorts for now," ordered his mother, handing him the shorts and spinning him away from her as she snapped the clasps of his bra in the back. "Those won't be that different than what you're used to, so let's pause the complaining before it even starts." "Ok?" Hunter replied as she was adjusting the straps and he looked out at the acid washed shorts. As his mother walked into the bathroom, he dropped off her pj shorts, quickly realizing she'd put him in the bra that went with his panties, but it really did seem so much better to be able to pull on more familiar type shorts. "Feel better in those?" his mother asked, coming out as she stood there staring at him as she put in her earrings. "Actually, yeah," nodded Hunter, tossing up his hands. "Much." "Well then drop them, and you'll need to pull back your boy stuff," said his mother, pointing at his crotch. "They're pretty snug, and if you can't then I do have another trick I learned about that we can use." "Oh?" groaned Hunter, running his hand against the fly area. "It does show a little right?" "In what you've been in so far no, but in this kind of, since we both know what's there," said his mother, coming over and undoing the fly and zipper. "Maybe no one would notice, but would you rather take a chance?" "No, and I'd rather you didn't help me either, mom," Hunter objected. "Just like yesterday I'm not touching anything unless you absolutely need me, and I didn't then, so I won't now unless you ask," said his mother. "But really you may need help, so when I pull down the shorts a little, you pull back the stuff. Then maybe we can quickly pull things up before what we don't want to show won't if that makes any sense?" "Please don't mention any of that again, and just hold my shorts," said Hunter, reaching inside the back of his shorts and pulling back. "Ok now mom." Quickly she yanked up his shorts, holding them taut until he pulled out his hand and then rapidly zipped up the fly, followed by the button. They both stared at his crotch, intently inspecting and then she nodded as seemingly everything looked the way it should. "Ok then," said his mother, letting out a breath and taking a tank top off the ironing board, pulling it over his head. "I think we're good now." "I'm glad you think so," said Hunter as she helped him get his arms through the top. "It's like I have a serious wedgie if you have any idea what that means." "Girls know that feeling too, Hunter," said his mother, rolling her eyes. "We wear thongs and high cut panties which are like that all the time." "Well hopefully those are not in your plans," Hunter said as she dropped down some flip flops. "That depends on what you'll need to change into for dinner?" said his mother, turning him around as she unsnapped the clip before beginning to unravel the braid. "Our options are more limited if you're going to fight me every second about wearing dresses, which have some shape that would hide your little problem." "No dresses, mom!" moaned Hunter as she took down the top. "And no makeup! That was our deal." "No, that was your whiny request, and so far I'm honoring it," said his mother, spinning him around and taking a brush to his forehead. "Keep fighting me, and trust me I won't worry about that at all pumpkin." "Ok, ok, and please stop with the girly nicknames," Hunter said as she shook a pump spray. "I think you really do need your coffee, mom." "Oh stop, and I do, so do not make us late," said his mother, scrunching his hair as she sprayed it. "Fine, but I'm not even hungry yet," said Hunter as she covered his eyes, spraying his side bangs. "Good, because we're not going to breakfast yet," said his mother, putting in some little earrings and then handing him a small brown crochet pocketbook. "Let's go." As the strap to his small brown pocketbook hit his shoulders, Hunter glanced at himself, grumbling as they were about to head out. He was in tight denim faded shorts with some fashionably well placed rips and frayed edges high on his thighs. On top, he was in a red Old Navy cotton tank top that barely covered his bra straps and pushed out from his little A-cups. Aside from his few cornrows, his hair now hung loosely in some nice beachy waves as a result of the wet French braid he slept in the prior night, looking fuller with some body to it. With some small dangling pearl earrings inserted and his side bangs swept off his eyes, he'd look like every other annoyed prima donna, barely awake that would hate being up this early. "Then why are we leaving so early?" asked Hunter as out the door they went. "Why? You trying to pull the I need my beauty rest shit on me already, cupcake?" joked his mother. "Seriously, mom?" said Hunter, getting annoyed. "What now?" "Fine! Try, because you're going to start off your day by apologizing to Kara and spending your morning in the nail salon while I pay for her nails to be repaired," his mother replied as they got in the elevator. "The place opens at 7am sharp, and luckily we got the first appointment." "Oh?" Hunter bowed his head. "We can afford that? and doesn't she hate me?" "No, and probably," said his mother. "But you're doing it anyway." "Fantastic!" Hunter said sarcastically, shaking his head. "I guess that's the right thing to do to pay for it, but I doubt she'd want me there with her, so maybe after that I can go back to bed for a while." "Oh I doubt she really will, but you'll apologize profusely first and then when she at least pretends she accepts your apology.... then and only then can you go see your manicurist," said his mother, turning and folding her arms. "You got me?" "Didn't you hear me say I was thinking I'd go back to bed for a while," said Hunter. "Wait? My manicurist?" "Yup, you won't be, and this I should have handled already!" lectured his mother, extending her own hand, looking at her nails. "I'm kicking myself that I didn't, but understand I had to beg Mr. Velasquez last night to allow me to charge in the salon as it is!" "But mom!" Hunter began to say but she didn't want to hear it. "Don't, Hunter," said his mother, putting up her hand. "If I would have had your nails done already like every other girl for vacation, you most likely would have been reluctant with some nice tips to smash that ball like a freaking bull dyke, and we wouldn't be in the situation we're in." "Oh I'm not so sure about that," replied Hunter. "Wait, tips? Nails? No mom! You said no makeup." "Nail polish is not makeup, and you're getting your nails done," said his mother, holding her chest. "You think it wasn't tough to see how nice you looked all dressed up and then I'm wondering what are people thinking that I've brought this pretty girl out with her nails looking a wreck? I myself could barely stand to see your toes looking like a disaster in your sandals, but I kept it to myself so you wouldn't feel self-conscious." "You're kidding?" said Hunter, making a face. "You know I'm not!" said his mother, yanking his arm. "I barely slept thinking that I let you wander around like that! So not again! Let's go, missy." "Ok, ok," said Hunter. "How about I apologize and you just paint them. Come on let's do it, get you some coffee and I'll give you no trouble." "No, you'll be getting your nails done, and once you're set up I'll be getting some coffee," said his mother, dragging him by the hand. "Test me, and trust me you'll be walking out of the salon in an evening gown with more makeup on than Miss America." "Oh gawwwddd please no," Hunter sighed.

Same as Everything's Just Beachy 3 Videos

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Megan Justin

Megan looked at her brother longingly, then turned her head away.Why was she having the thoughts she was about her brother?Megan had recently graduated high school and was taking a year off before heading to UCLA, the same school her big brother Justin went to. Justin had come home for the summer to spend a little time with his younger sister, but somewhere along the line, things changed. It was a little sister/big brother thing. Something happened...The shower. It had to be the shower...A week...

3 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

4 years ago
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Swallowing Justin 5

Justin’s moving away to go to college had left me without any outlet for all of the sexual desires and needs he had first created, then later satisfied over the past year when we we became forbidden lovers. The tension we had within us during our first month apart was beginning to mount. Justin’s attempt to solve the dilemma pitted me as his fuck buddy from high school to all of his fraternity brothers instead of as his little sister. That new identity not only allowed me to have the kind...

2 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...

2 years ago
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Justin and Phyllis

Justin and Phyllis Shemale, Trans, Hardcore sex, Oral, Double Anal, Flashing, Cum, Cream pie eating. Phyllis sat thinking of Justin. He had moved into a 1 bedroom apartment a few doors away while working and attending trade school. A nice young who schooled by day, worked at night and mostly slept in between. They were neighbor friends who slowly grew closer. That closeness brought them together on holidays and personal celebrations. Justin being only 21 had been kept at a distance as Phyllis...

3 years ago
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Swallowing Justin Part III

I woke up beside Justin in his bed with my hand still loosely wrapped in his. He was sound asleep and my mind began to wander again. It was almost lunchtime and for the first time since I got up that morning I felt hungry for actual food instead of just for Justin. My stomach growled a little and I tried not to stir so Justin could stay asleep. I had always been a sexual person, or at least I knew I would be when I finally actually had sex. Sex was always on my mind but I had never...

5 years ago
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Dreaming of Justin

All through the day Caroline had been thinking about the Justin Bieber concert she would be attending that evening.The day seemed to be dragging by.She had no idea what the Nun had said to her and thus found herself before the Abbot answering to a charge of being insolent.The Abbot had taken Caroline over his knee and spanked her, she was use to being spanked by the Nun's and Monk's at the Monastery,this briefly brought her back to Earth for a short time,but once she left the Abbot's study she...

3 years ago
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justin cant pay the rent

'andy i'm really sorry but i can't afford to pay my rent this week since i lost my job and i'm finding it hard to get another i'm sorry mate' justin says'well justin when i agreed to let you stay i told you that you have to pay rent at the start of every month or you have to leave i'm sorry but you did agree to it''yeh but look mate i am good for it just give me a chance to find another job i don't have anywhere else to stay please''no i won't back down on this you agreed to pay at the start of...

2 years ago
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Justin Bieber Gets Raped

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets kindnapped and raped pleases rate and subcribe Thanks !!! The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where...

3 years ago
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Justin Bieber Gets Raped Hard

Introduction: While leaving a concert in LA Justin Bieber gets tackled and raped The story starts off in a parking lot where justin bieber walks. He is leaving his concert and is now getting ready to go home. Justin yawns wow what a concert. Suddenly there bes a noise. Hello? says Justin. Justin continues to walk to his car and all of a sudden he gets hit in the head.Justin passes out cold. When he comes to he relizes he is tied up on a chair naked. Where am i? he says. All of a sudden a sting...

4 years ago
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Justin Nanny

 Nanny had deliberately chosen this set of pretty lingerie, an old pair of purple French knickers with her new lacy white bra and her black stockings hoping that naughty Justin would catch a glimpse of her in her delectable silky lingerie. Justin at 18, was too old to have a Nanny, but he did have a much younger sibling, George.  His Mum had remarried after Justin’s father had passed away and after having a baby went back to her job in advertising in Soho.  Mum was hardly ever at home; she was...

4 years ago
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Justin Bieber and bbc

Justin Bieber was appearing on the show David Hayes vs... a special wherethe former world heavy weight champion meets with celebrities teaching themsome boxing techniques whilst chatting about their lives and careers.Justin arrogantly strode into the gym to meet the huge man that was goingto teach him some stuff. He looked tiny in comparison to the statuesquebuilt boxer, but that didn't stop Justin's large amount of self confidencedisplaying itself. He was bouncing around throwing punches...

2 years ago
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Justin and Twila Testing New Lube

Justin awoke to the smell of a warm breakfast in his bedroom. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and hot coffee. He sat up, and looked towards the area of the bedroom where the coffee table and chairs were. There he saw Twila casually eating her breakfast and drinking her coffee, completely naked. He looked to the side of the bed where Twila slept. Her nightgown was in a wad on the bed. “Justin, come have some of the breakfast I made for you,” Twila beamed, grinning adorably. Justin threw the covers...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Cherish and Justin

100% fiction! Cherish woke up happy today was her 18th birthday and after the party she would be going camping with her twin brother Justin. She had to convince Justin to go camping, cause she had in mind to finally lose her virginity. She wanted her first time to be very special, and she wanted to lose her virginity to someone she loved. She realized this two months earlier when she walked into the bathroom when Justin her twin was taking a shower. She caught him jerking off and she heard him...

3 years ago
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Justin Darks Terrible DestinyChapter 1

"You must be terribly proud of yourself," Miss van Cleef said. "Being so pretty." Justin didn't answer. If you didn't answer a teacher's question at St. James's School for Young Men, you could get in trouble. Answering a statement that sounded like a question could get you in trouble too, though. He sat looking straight ahead. There wasn't anything for him to say, either. He'd been called both proud and pretty before. Both were frequently epithets. He could deny neither. When he...

4 years ago
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Fucking Selena Gomez AND Justin Beiber

I really didn't want to go to this stupid concert. All that was going to be there were a bunch of teeny boppers seeing their idols Selena Gomez and Justin Beiber. For me it sounded so boring. Being a 28 year old male metal head , I was only going cuz a friend won tickets and wanted me to go with her. I agreed and we trucked off to the concert. The concert was surprisingly good as both of them put on a great show to their screaming masses. I found myself surprisingly very turned on by the sight...

2 years ago
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Justin Fergus Dakota

Story Title: Justin. Fergus. Dakota WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18, please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and Dakota Goyo (Real Steel). The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...

3 years ago
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Hypnotising Justin

This story was produced by acute insomnia, twisted imagination and a hyperactive libido and as such is best enjoyed under similar circumstances. The Earl recommends that no reader should progress beyond this point unless under the influence of sleep deprivation, hallucinogens and a porn star named Davina. Great thanks to Master Hypnotist, whose How-To on erotic hypnosis provided both the idea and a lot of the facts for this story. It can be found here and is well worth reading. Thanks also to...

4 years ago
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Night all alone with Justin

I was completely nervous, I didn’t know what to do as I had never, ever, been in such a situation like this. He made a quiet ‘heh’ as I was trying not to shake. He lifted me up off, the couch, by my shoulders with his chest pushing against mine and he continued to push me from the lounge room, across the hall, into his bedroom onto his bed. Justin pushed my arms and legs down and stuck his tongue into my mouth and started to kiss me for about a minute. He ripped my work tie and name tag off...

4 years ago
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My brother Justin part 11

I have brown hair, 4'9 tall with a slim body. I have an older brother named justin. his birthday is during the summer we had a pool party. Justin is 5'11 black hair and fairly built. For some reason my eyes kept looking at his chest and abs and I would feel a flutter in my stomach. I hopped in the pool with him and we began to splash and play for a while before he opened his gifts. At one point he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. I felt his arms holding me...

4 years ago
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Freshman yearpart 3Finally getting with Justin again

The next day was Friday. When I got on the bus afterschool I tried to act normal. I sat a row across from Justin like usual. “Hey whats up?” He said. “Not much. Hbu.” “nothing.” “What are you up to today?” I asked trying to start a convo to see if he would come over again. “Can't hang out today.” He said and gave me a sideways glance. “Oh yeah me too, I was just making convo.” I lied. “haha yeah I bet.” He said mockingly. I was kind of hurt but more disappointed that we wouldn't be hooking...

4 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 20 Justin and Vikki Now For the Sex

"Before I start do you really mean what you said, about me I mean?" Vikki moved over and lay her naked body right on top of my own. "Oh you goose Justin." She pressed her breasts into my chest and rubbed her pussy against my cock. "Mum saw it the instant I started talking about you, she knows I love you." She smiled and kissed me. "Now I reckon I know how you feel about me." She laughed this time. "You know mum was worried that you might have been some kind of a pervert following me...

4 years ago
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Justin in DC Part 1

Being raised in a place with little to no racial diversity, it isn't a stretch to say that all of the thuggish looking African American men walking around holding their crotches and probably hiding weapons, kind of scared us a bit. (There are undertones of joking racism, but you have to understand that all of the jokes are actually poking fun at those people who truly feel as though all black people are thugs and thieves, or rapists. We don't actually feel that way. On the third night of...

5 years ago
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Chase And Justin Forever

Story Title: Chase And Justin Forever WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this and any erotic story. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Enjoy! 10pm. Rainthuds. ZeroWind. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my...

2 years ago
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The Kidnapping of Justin Bieber

Justin soon fell asleep, dreaming about the girl. He hadn’t even learned her name, but she stood out to him from the thousands of screaming fangirls he saw daily. Poor Justin felt sad because he was sure he would never meet her again. Maybe he wasn’t right on that count. Might as well find out, eh? James Roberts was feeling depressed, which wasn’t a surprise either. James led a hollow shell of an existence; living with a deep hole in his soul that he felt nothing could fill. He had divorced...

4 years ago
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Justin and Britneys Party

Justin Timberlake was in love with Britney Spears. He had known her for several years, since they worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club. Now that the two of them had become famous, it was very hard for either of them to meet people. So when they started hanging out again, it was like instant chemistry. Unfortunately for Justin, Britney had been brought up in a relatively conservative home, and she had yet to go past 2nd base with him. But that was all going to change soon. That night while...

1 year ago
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Selena and Justin

Justin had just back from a meeting, and his wife Selena was passed out on the couch. "Baby, you said you would watch Emma and Jacob." - Justin "I'm sorry. I've just been so tired and stressed lately." - Selena "Emma! Jacob! ,come here!" - Justin "Yes daddy?" - Emma " You guys are going to go spend the night at Aunt Samantha's house. - Justin "Yay! she makes great cookies!" - Jacob "You guys better start packing. She'll be here to pick you up in an hour." - Justin [After the kids leave]...

Adult Humor
2 years ago
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Freshman year of highschoolSucking Neighbor Justin

I was 14 when this happened. Probably about 5'4” and 135lbs, 5” dick. My neighbor Justin was about 5'11” and 160lbs, and a big thick 7.5” dick. Justin had red hair and freckles. He was a pretty cute kid, but most people at school didn't like him. He always seemed to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I was pretty good looking, but by no means was I in the 'cool' crowd in school. One day I was riding the bus home with Justin and the conversation turned to porn. At that time...

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Daniel Rupert and Justin

    The Castle was nearly deserted. They had completed the last day of filming on the last of the ?Boy Wizard? films. It was over. The place was quiet except for the grunts and moans coming from dark corner of the awesome old fortress.  The moans came from female star Emma, the grunts from a naked sweaty Rupert who was fucking the shit out of her. He slammed his huge red haired dick into her stretched pussy, his pale muscular ass globes gleaming in the moonlight pouring through a high narrow...

3 years ago
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Swallowing Justin

Justin was seventeen when he started his senior year and he would always let me drive the car from school to home in the afternoons. We drove to school nearly every day because it was cool for one thing and we both always had some sort of meeting or practice before school or after. On my sixteenth birthday, my big brother surprised me by taking me to the license office for my driving test and even though we were close, that day gave me a long awaited freedom and independence that nearly...

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