My Ghost House, Ch 2 free porn video

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Over the next couple of weeks, my loan application was approved, and I was on my way to being a home owner. Trina tried to be happy for me, but after reading the articles, she was worried that I was in over my head. Lucky for me, the previous owner state d that the house be sold fully furnished. She was donating the period furniture with the house when she died. So, I got an amazing deal.

Moving day came, and I was so excited that I could barely drive. Trina told me earlier in the week that she would come up and bless the house some time next week. I would have the weekend to get know and love my precious commodity.

Pulling up into the circular driveway, my breath was taken at the simple beauty of it. By modern mansion standards, my house was quite small. Having 4 bedrooms on the 2nd floor and the master bedroom and another on the 3rd , the design was not a complex one. The master bedroom was wine red in color. The walls were covered in silk, and the balcony looked over the driveway. This was to be my room.

I walked into the front room and looked up the grand staircase. My shoes clicked on the hardwood floor, echoing. I wanted to explore. Ascending the staircase, I came to a landing with a door. I could turn right and go to the 2nd floor, or I could open the door.

I didn't like the feeling coming from the door, and try as I might, I could not bring myself to open the door. There was something ominous about that piece of wood. Continuing up the to the 2nd floor, I looked into the four rooms and bathroom.

I liked the color schemes. Blue, lavender, yellow, and green were the design colors of the guest rooms. Each room felt happy and light. The bathroom was magnificent, with its raised porcelain tub. I could not wait to lounge in that.

Proceeding to the 3rd floor, I stopped by the guest room on that level. Done in a royal blue and cream palette, I was almost tempted to move into this room, instead of the master. Stepping further into it, I felt the air thicken and chill bumps raced down my spine. It was like walking into a freezer in some spots.

The cold spots danced here and there. Curious, I reached out to one, sticking my hand into it. It was like touching your tongue to the end of a battery. Shocking, but not painful. It slid p and down my wrist, almost erotically.

With my arm hair standing upright, the cold spot ventured further up my arm to my elbow. It seemed like it was trying to eat me. Panic began to rise. My heart was racing, and I wanted the cold spot off me.

Backing up, I tripped over the door jam and landed flat on my ass in the hallway. Having a healthy dose of respect for the spirit world, I chided myself for letting my fear get the better of me. I knew that fear fed their strength.

Picking myself up off the floor, I went to my new room. My spirit encounter drained me, and suddenly, I felt so incredibly tired. It was only 3 pm, but the need for a nap was super strong. Sitting down on the bed, I tested the firmness of the mattress.

Pleased to learn that the bed was soft, I laid back on it. Turning my head to the left, I saw my dresser with it's huge antique mirror. To my right was the fireplace. Stretching, I let my eyes drift closed. I don't know how long I drifted in the hazy presleep world, but my sleep befuddled mind began to register that something was not entirely right.

Thinking that the movement I was feeling was a dream, I let the invisible visitor remove my shoes. Warm hands caressed my feet, massaging them. I could tell that they were m ale hands, because they felt large and rough.

My eye lids were too heavy to lift, and the sensation of his thumbs working my instep was too much. A soft sigh escaped my lips, as he worked his way up my calf. Kneading and rubbing, my leg felt boneless.

Never had a simple foot massage felt so sexy. He might have been melting my tension, as well as my bones, but there was a burning starting to ignite in my core. Caught between the dream world and reality, I was powerless against it.

Sitting my foot down, he repeated his actions on the other one, and by this time, I was all but panting. My nipples were so hard that I could cut glass. Unconsciously, I began to run my hands over my breasts, trying to relieve some of the ache there. They felt heavy and full.

“So responsive...,” a far away voice said.

They disembodied hands continued their journey upward, kneading my inner thighs. I was wearing a pair of shorts, so it was easy to glide up my bare skin. His stopped at the place where my thigh meets my pelvis, a place so very sensitive to me.

His strong hands traced the ligament there, causing me to push up against him. Gasping out loud, I pinched my nipples, wanting more stimulation.

“Silky eager,” the voice chuckled.

“Please,” I whispered.

I did not want this dream to end. It had been a long time since I felt a man's hands on my body, even if they were dream hands. Pushing off my alertness, I tried to remain in my dreamy state.

I could feel his thumbs massaging my outer lips in a circular motion. With each rotation, he pulled them open. In an essence, he was using my labia to stimulate my clit and doing a very good job of it. Every so often, he would cease the circles and just press my lips together, putting a lot of pressure on my bud.

My slit was getting so very slick, and he had not even touched me there. The wetter I got, the easier it was for the circling massages to coax my shy love button from it's hood.

“Beautiful...,” he whispered.

In my half awake state, I was very aroused, so close to cumming. I just needed one small push, and I would explode into a million pieces. He must have sensed that, because he spread my lips open wide. It was like he was watching my clit pulse and jump. He leaned down. I could feel his hot breath.

With the tip of his tongue, he probed me. Using it only tongue, this dream lover nudged my hood back, fully exposing my throbbing clit. Letting only a moment pass, he sucked it up into his warm mouth. His lips massaged the base, while he flicked his torturous tongue all around.

With a wild screech, I came undone. My pussy contracted uncontrollably, causing my hips to buck up and down against the air. What a wild experience that was, to have an orgasm that strong and seemingly be a sleep.

Fully awake now, I sat upright. Looking around the darkened room, I was a bit unnerved to notice that my shoes were off, and my pants were in a disarray. I didn't know what to think about it. The room smelled of sandalwood and sex.

Looking at my watch, I noted that it was 7 pm. How could I have slept four hours? I got up and went to the bathroom that adjoined my room. Splashing cold water onto my face, I gradually regained my senses enough to realize that I was hungry.

Retracing my path to the kitchen, I was stopped by the mysterious door on the second floor landing. If it was eerie during the day, it was positively scary at night. In the dimness of the hall, the door looked like it was breathing.

Rushing past it, I made my way to the kitchen, only to note that there was a person sitting there. Skidding to a halt and with my heart in my heart, I could only stare at the man sitting at my table.

“Who... who are you?” I asked, timidly, “How did you get in here?”

He just looked at me. Scared to go further, and unable to go back, I stood there in a deadlock. The man studied me, so I decided to study him. I would need details for the police when I called them.

My eyes roamed over him. He was attractive for a possible serial killer. I could get the overall picture of him, but every time I tried to focus on a single trait, it was like he was out of focus. Hazy, if you will.

“Look... you can either tell me what you are doing here, or you can get the hell out!” I said to him.

“I can't go anywhere, and you know that,” I heard him say, but did not see him move his lips.

Dumbfounded, I staggered backward a few steps. Maybe I was going insane. I am now hearing voices in my head. In fact, I am hearing the same voice in my head that my dream lover had.

“What the fuck!” I said to myself.

“I can see that you are troubled,” the voice said, in my head.

“Troubled? Troubled, you say. That is a fucking understatement. I need a drink,” I mumbled.

“You knew about the history. Why are you so surprised now?” he asked, reasonably.

“You are not real. I refuse to acknowledge this is happening,” I said, dismissively.

I walked right past him to the refrigerator. Opening it, I spied some cheese. Perfect! I would have cheese and crackers. I grabbed a knife from the drawer and began to slice the cheese, when I felt two warm hands on my shoulders.

“I'm not real, huh. Let me prove to you just how real I am,” he growled, spinning me around.

Up close, I was able to make out more of his features. Although his face and body looked like it was wavering, I noted that he had the most green eyes I had ever seen. His hair was dark, almost black. He was much taller than I am, so I had to look up a ways to see him. Broad shouldered and strong, he was the perfect man, even if he was a figment of my imagination.

“Do I not feel real to you?” he whispered in my ear.

Sure enough, his hands felt solid, and I could feel his breath on my neck. He planted a soft kiss on the side of my neck. Not wanting to accept what was going on in front of me, I closed my eyes for a fraction of a second. The heaviness of the hands remained.

Ready to do battle, I opened my mouth and eyes and started to say, “You are... not...”

I was alone in the kitchen. He was gone. As I grabbed my cell phone and bolted out the back boor to the yard, I heard him talk in the echo voice.

“I can come and go as I please. But remember, so can he,” the specter remarked.

Dashing to the gazebo, I dialed Trina. My hands were shaking so bad. She finally picked up on the third ring.

“I feel your unrest. What be de matter, girl?” my best friend asked, concerned.

“Oh God! Trina, what have I gotten myself into?” I wailed.

The stress of the day was getting to me. I told her about the door, the nap, and the kitchen encounter. Then, I asked if she would call the Loa to help me.

“Girl! You don need the Loa! Dey judge wat de see fit. Maybe, dey tink you got wat you ask for by buying a haunted house. You leave dem be,” she scolded.

“Trina! I don't know what to do. I am scared!” I yelled.

“No needs to holler! I be there on Monday,” she said.

“But that's still 2 days away!” I told her.

“Look. Calm yourself down. What is de worst dat can happen? What? Now scoot inside. Auntie Marie calling me back. I gots to go,” she said, hanging up.

I took a deep breath. Maybe I was overreacting, but it is not every day that you encounter a sexy, but horny ghost. Returning to the kitchen, I made myself a quick snack and decided to go back upstairs for a shower.

I got myself excited about the marble tub, but decided that a quick shower would be better. I made my way to the grand staircase. Starting my ascent, I noticed that the scary door was open, and that stopped me dead in my tracks!

I was halfway up the steps and glued to my spot. I stared at the door. It stared right back at me, then slammed shut all by itself. Nearly peeing my pants, I gathered every bit of courage and ran past it.

Scrambling up the second flight of stairs to the third floor, I leaned against a wall. My heart was pounding, and my respirations rapid. I really didn't like that door.

Gathering my senses, I went to the bathroom. It was more modern than the one downstairs, having a shower stall and all. Turning on the water, I stripped off my clothes and got inside.

The rushing, hot water cascaded down my body, helping to relax me. Bracing my hands on the cold tile in front of me, I leaned forward to let it beat down on my neck, massaging my tension away.

It took a few minute s before I noticed the pair of hands gripping my wet breasts. Perhaps, my dream lover was trying to alleviate my fear, but something didn't feel right.

These hands were not gentle. The longer I stood there, the tighter they became on my breasts. Having only been focusing on my breasts, I failed to note the hard body behind me. The sudden gasp, that was torn from me, only caused me to suck up water and start choking.

I tried to push backward, away from the water, but a strong, hairy chest prevented tha t. He pulled me back tighter against him, and skin of a different texture was pressed down the length of me.

With an ear piercing shriek, I yanked out of his grasp and spun around to confront him. All I saw was the outline of a big body. All I felt was hatred. He was projecting an enormous amount of hatred. I dove out of the shower head first, slipped on the floor, busted my ass for the second time today, and scrambled back into a corner.

Drawing my knees up protectively to my chest, I sobbed. I w as dripping wet, cold, and scared. The combination of the three made for a bad time.

“Mine... before him,” I heard him growl.

“Go away! Go away! Go away!” I screamed.

I couldn't tell you how long I sat there. My legs were cramped, and my skin was blue from cold. I kept my eyes closed and head down, until I heard the door.

Peeking out from my protective enclosure, I saw boots. I heard him kneel down. The familiar scent of sandalwood filled my senses.

Looking up, I saw my dream ghost. He was looking down at me, shaking his head. It's funny how they can solidify when they want, and vanish other times. I watched him grab a towel.

Wrapping it around my body, he lifted me up to my feet. Then hooking his arms under my legs, he lifted my body up t o cradle against his solid chest. My ghost carried me to his room, the royal blue room.

“You will be safe here,” he said, setting me down on the huge bed.

All I could do was stare. He walked around the room, before sitting in the wing chair in the co rner.

“Time to talk. You know about this house's past. I won't even go into that,” he said, “What I will tell you is that there are 2 spirits here.”

“You are Colton, aren't you?” I asked.

“Yes...but I go by Colt. The other is Beau. He was my best friend, until she came along. She was betrothed to him, but loved me. To make a long story short, it ended up with everyone dead, and no one happy,” he continued.

“But, why me?” I said, in a tinny voice.

“Many reasons. You are the female he lost. You are the female he wants. You are the female he wants to punish. That is why. You felt compelled to buy the house, so obviously you are meant to be here. Maybe, it will be you that stops him,” he said.

“From what? Stops him from what?” I asked.

“Only you can solve that. But know this, he will try to claim you. I am sure of that,” Colt said, as he slowly vanished, leaving me sitting in a cold room.

“This sucks,” I said, aloud.

Returning to my room, I paced the floor. It was warmer in here, than in the royal blue room, so I could care less of my naked state. Whoever said that fear was an excellent aphrodisiac was correct. I had chills running up and down my body. My heart was racing. And, that combination had my nipples so erect that they actually hurt.

I was scared, but for some reason, all I could think about was cumming. Leave it to my sexy ghost to strand me here horny. I paced the room a while longer. Finally, I went to the closet and got out a special box.

My good friend, Odin, gave this to me to use in times of urgent need. Being a lover of mythology, he always went by the nickname of Odin, Norse God of Thunder. To say he was special was an understatement, and I adored him.

Setting the box on the bed, I sat down beside it. Although I knew what was inside, I still acted like a school girl virgin. I was excited and wanted it to last.

Unable to resist any longer, I revealed the contents. Pulling the items out one at a time, I examined each and every one. A bottle of the finest lubric ation was the first thing, water soluable and silky to the touch. Second, a curved purple vibrator meant to stimulate a woman's G spot. Next, a simple hand vibe that would be excellent for clitoral stimulation. The final items caught my curiousity the most, a set of anal beads.

Having five beads of increasing size, the toy was soft, but firm. My fingers explored the smallest bead, the size of a small marble, to the largest bead, the size of a golf ball. I had always been curious about them, and during one of our talks, I told Odin about it. Leave it to him to try to alleviate my desire.

It is no secret that I like anal. The pressure from the penetration and the electric shocks from the stimulation never failed to bring the best orgasms. As if in a trance, I liberally lubed the beads, and then pouring a large amount on my fingers, I rubbed my puckered hole.

Getting to my knees, I leaned forward to rest my chest on the bed. This opened me wider, allowing my fingers to probe deeper. The feeling of my slick finger gliding in and out of my relaxed, open ass was heady, and with each probe, my pussy wept more.

I knew I was ready for the toy when my whole pussy was soaking wet and throbbing. Grabbing it, I worked the first bead inside. God, it felt good to be penetrated there. The second and third slid in easily. When I got to the fourth, I was beginning to feel full. The largest and last bead burned, but I managed to get it inside.

I pulled on the handle, causing the beads to move. The pressure was amazing! I flipped over on my back and grabbed the curved vibrator. I needed no lube for where this was going. It slid inside my cunt easily.

With the tip of the vibe curved the way it was, it was easy to find that sweet spot not too far inside me. I switched the vibe on and let it take me away. My stomach was in knots, and the fear of the day not too far from the surface. I was tense.

Slowly working it in and out, I could feel my thighs tensing up, tightly. The tip of the toy concentrated on my G spot, while the body of it, rubbed against the anal beads. The double penetration had me focused on my pussy and ass.

Knowing that I would need more to cum, I went for the small vibe. It was tiny, but the vibrations coming from it, when I turned it on, were powerful. I tried to manipulate my clit, but realized that I needed more hands.

“Let me,” Colt said, appearing on the bed with me.

Startled, I jumped, then groaned. My reaction to his appearance caused the anal beads to shift, sending waves of electric pressure through my whole body.

“Fuck,” I whispered.

He took my hand off the vibe in my pussy, but continued to work it in and out. This left me with the sole job of working my stiff clit. Swirling the vibe around, I concentrated on my favorites pot. Grinding and rubbing to the side of my clit, I was aware of the familiar humming that was beginning in my pelvis.

Starting at the base of my clit and working outward, the contractions grew stronger, as the need to cum increased. With my legs stiff and feet braced against the bed, I was about to cum, and cum hard.

My pussy was contracting violently, ballooning out and collapsing. I was close. The only things holding me back were the five beads in my ass.

Sensing this, Colt bumped the handle, purposely. This jarred the beads, keeping me right on the edge. With a wicked smile, he manipulated the largest bead by pulling it almost out, and then letting it bounce back into place.

My pussy was literally sobbing. I could feel my juices pouring out of me , soaking the bed underneath.

“Please,” I begged.

He teased me. Pulling the largest bead out slowly, I felt it pop out of my ass. The pressure drop was dramatic and was enough to push me over.

“NOW! NOW! NOW!” I yelled, hoarsely.

Wave after wave hit me, as he slowly inched those beads out of my ass. I came hard and long. My asshole felt loose and open, but as the last bead exited, it clamped shut tightly. The only thing touching my bed was the top of my head and the bottom of my feet.

Riding the aftershocks, I felt Colt mount me. My orgasm must have been too much for him. He was stiff and throbbing. I needed no prepartion. He slid right inside with one forceful thrust.

Hooking his arms under my knees, he grabbed my wrists to use me as leverage for powerful thrusts. My eyes were glazed, as I stared up at this powerful man, who was as deep inside me as he could be. The muscles in his chest were tense, and he was pounding me something fierce.

I was already sensitive from my earlier orgasm, but the sight of him thrusting away and the feel of his hard cock inside me, reignited my passion.

“Fuck me,” I murmured, repeatedly.

Granting my wish, I felt him lift my hips off the bed and slam into the cradle of my groin. He was close. His movements jerky and uncoordinated. A new ache began in my slit. It was deeper and came on slower.

Colt angled his pelvis in order to rub against my wall with the tip of his pole. I felt like I was going to drown. This new pressure engulfed me, and my vision faded. I couldn't breathe. It was the mother of all orgasms, and it was taking me down.

Colt slammed into to me several times, before pumping hot jets of cum up inside me. He roared with his release. My tsunami wave crested, and she who never passed out, did just that.

I woke up some time later, tucked into bed. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was 2:30 am. My bed was empty, but I felt his presence. Drifting back to sleep, I wondered what to do with the other one.

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Ghost Hubby Haunting Ch 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! When Marla got back from the bathroom and bandaged the tears in Andrea’s ass, Alexander suddenly entered her. Picking up the vibrator again, he shoved it brutally up Cherry’s butt, making her squeal. While he did this, he stuck two fingers inside Michelle‘s cunt, as if it to say that she wasn’t off the hook yet. “Get out of me!” Marla demanded in her head to the ghost possessing her. “No thanks! I’m having FAR TOO MUCH FUN to do that!” Alexander...

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The call caught everyone by surprise, but Tim seemed to have taken the news of his cousin Jacob’s un-expected passing especially hard. Tim was only five or so years older than Jacob and the two had been more like brothers for much of their lives. Both had similar interests (fast cars chief among them), racing and just in general having a good time together. A year ago Jacob moved to New Orleans to attend a University and that’s when he had begun to grow apart from Tim and the rest of their...

3 years ago
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Ghost Hunters

Our heroes are three geeks Benjamin, Aaron and Julian. They are currently film students looking to make a movie about ghosts. Ben and Aaron had known each other since childhood, Julian they just met at film school and quickly bonded with. Ben was sat at a computer researching supposedly haunted places. "How do we do this? I mean ghosts will require some special effects" said Aaron. "I'm thinking we do something like the Blair Witch Project where we don't actually see the ghost" Julian...

1 year ago
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Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan

Story Title: Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and is narrated through the eyes of a fan.The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...

2 years ago
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Ghost Stories

-Richard Matheson, “I Am Legend” *** Dora’s ghost and Jill’s ghost left the basement at midnight, dragging chains all the way up the apartment building’s thirteen floors. The chains were Dora’s idea. “If we’re going to haunt people, we should have chains,” she said. Jill thought it was silly, but she didn’t argue. Dora had always gotten her way when they were alive, and some things never changed. While they haunted the apartments, they told scary stories. “…and when the...

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Ghost Stories

“A surfeiting of terror soon makes terror a cliché.”-Richard Matheson, “I Am Legend”*Dora’s ghost and Jill’s ghost left the basement at midnight, dragging chains all the way up the apartment building’s thirteen floors. The chains were Dora’s idea. “If we’re going to haunt people, we should have chains,” she said. Jill thought it was silly, but she didn’t argue. Dora had always gotten her way when they were alive, and some things never changed.While they haunted the apartments, they told scary...

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Ghost StoriesChapter 16

Gabriella landed on the floor, along with her stool. She tried controlling herself from screaming and even hoped that the ghost didn't hear anything from this side of the door. Gabriella panicked. Gabriella: (in her thoughts) It's the ghost!! She knows I live here!! Gabriella was so scared that she turned off the TV and crept all the way towards her bedroom, closing the door as silently as she could and locking it. She did not want the ghost to hear her every move. She heard the door...

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Ghost Story

I was in the front parlor when he first appeared. I had been sitting in front of the fire, having a drink to celebrate my independence from my abusive husband. We had finally gone to trial that day, after battling back and forth through lawyers for almost six months. I had been so scared that things would be just as they always had. After all, Jeff always told me that no one ever believes or sides with a hysterical female. It’s all hormones after all. Get them a little upset and they make up...

3 years ago
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Ghost Of Me

I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

Gay Male
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Ghost Writer Part Four

Ghost Writer - part 4 - By circe ([email protected]) I stared at my keyboard and felt a vibrating on my ankle. It took me a couple of seconds to break from my reverie and realize it was the cell phone I had bought - that Becky had made me buy - yesterday. Only three people in the world knew the number (I wasn't counting myself, as I still had no idea) and Charlie was in her workroom, clattering. This left Becky and James. I felt a momentary rush of excitement at the thought of...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Me

I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

3 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover “What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards. “Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.” John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him. “Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I’ll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively. Little did he know,...

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Ghost or Spirit soul

Tommy had walked her to her door, and she had thanked him once more for the pleasant evening and had given him a warm hug with a lingering kiss. As he had turned and walked away to leave, Jackie had closed her eyes and said a prayer for a peaceful night of sleep without interruption. She had really needed some rest and felt as if she could sleep for days on end. She had decided not to take a bath, but rather go straight to bed. She had put on her pajamas and, leaving the bed stand light on,...

1 year ago
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Ghost or Spirit soul

Tommy had walked her to her door, and she had thanked him once more for the pleasant evening and had given him a warm hug with a lingering kiss. As he had turned and walked away to leave, Jackie had closed her eyes and said a prayer for a peaceful night of sleep without interruption. She had really needed some rest and felt as if she could sleep for days on end. She had decided not to take a bath, but rather go straight to bed. She had put on her pajamas and, leaving the bed stand light on,...

3 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover“What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards.“Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.”John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him.“Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I'll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively.Little did he know, but it...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Kareema An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 11

17 June 1985 Monday By the time Kareema hit home, it was dark. Anita was at the doorstep, looking outside.”Kareema, my darling,” she said as she came forth with a smile. “I was about to phone you. What took you so long?” She was about to hug Kareema when she saw her clothing was in pieces. “Oh my god! What happened?” She asked in astonishment. “Long story, Anita,” Kareema said in a tired tone, but with a happy smile. “Before anything else, I need a wash, and some of your ayurvedic stuff.” “Oh...

1 year ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting Chapter 1

"I just don't think it's a good idea, Andrea. I remember how it was, right before he left us that night, furious over your infidelity. He was boiling with rage. He could well have crashed specifically because of that. In any case, there's a terrible aura in this house. For once, listen to me- I am a Wiccan, you know! Don't hold that seance tonight!" Andrea Wallace had always been somewhat reckless, and this seance idea was just her newest, and worst, idea at that. She had shoplifted, committed...

Group Sex
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Ghost Chasers

A car pulled up a long overgrown driveway and stopped in front of a long abandoned house and stopped. Chris Ryan sat in the driver’s seat looking out on the bleak scene and shook his head wishing that he were anyplace but here. The house was a familure one for it belonged to his family but no one had lived in it for some time. "Why am I doing here sis?" He groused. "What I would like to know is why did you drag me into this?" "Oh, come on Chris where is your sense of adventure." Linda Ryan...

3 years ago
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GhostChapter 3

Marek drove quickly to his small flat, parking the car he walked to the door, if anyone had seen him they would have thought he was talking to himself, fortunately there was no one about this early in the morning. Letting himself into the flat Marek turned to where he sensed Heather was standing. “Well lover, it’s not much but it’s home.” Marek took off his jacket and hung it from a hook in the hallway. “Let me show you around and then I’ve got to get some sleep.” Leading Heather around the...

2 years ago
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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 6

Alexander walked out of the courthouse and felt amazed, but some-thing bothered him and he didn't know what it was. He started back home and arrived to find, Marlowe playing with the children outside. The children ran up and greeted their stepfather with open arms. Marlowe kissed him on the lips and welcomed him home. "There is much to be done today," he said. "I have to tend the fields and groom the horses and fix that shutter on the house. For some-reason that shutter doesn't stay...

3 years ago
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Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan

Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there ... Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I'm actually here. Finally. I'm standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Fergus Riordan's House. I can't believe it. I need to savor it. This moment of reckoning ... Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I'm floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

4 years ago
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Ghost of a Chance

I’m dead. The worms crawl in. The worms crawl out. The worms play pinochle on my snout. Well, I assume they do. I’m dead, I wouldn’t really know, you know? Actually, I’m a ghost. I thought about peeking in on my body, but decided it was just a bit too morbid and creepy. Pretty strange, coming from a ghost, don’t you think? How did I die? You might ask. Then again, you might not. It doesn’t really matter, because I’m going to tell you anyway. I was a geek when I was alive. I graduated high...

3 years ago
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I thought today had been a little off, what with everyone, even teachers ignoring me all day, but I didn't piece it all together until I walked into a door on my way to fourth period English. Or rather I walked through the door. I stood there in shock as one second I was walking and the next a door flung open and I had passed through it. Then it all came back to me. I was riding my bike to school and I heard a car honk and the next thing I know I'm chaining up my bike in front of the school. "I...

1 year ago
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Ghost Girlfriend

(Hey there! In honor of Halloween coming up soon (and also because I love supernatural shenanigans anyway), I present to you a new story! It has themes of "death" and may be a little dark at times. However, if you came into a story called "Ghost Girlfriend," you probably already know what to expect. This chapter is pretty much a downer and has nothing even remotely titillating in it yet. But relax, we're just getting started. Enjoy!) You stand over the gravestone of your girlfriend... You sigh...

2 years ago
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Ghost Of Kareema 8211 Part 3

Welcome back, readers, sorry for the long delay. I, Qamar, had lost document of the story. Now that I’ve found it, let me continue with the story. For those who are interested only in the sexual part, I’ve numbered the parts where they begin. Others can enjoy the entire stories. Qamar waited for a while to gain full control over his ‘boys’. He felt it. Kareema had no idea about his next move. “Alright boys, hold your mother against the wall, and ask her to give me my story, so I can leave!”...

4 years ago
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Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer By Circe Since I was little I always wanted to be a writer. One of my earliest memories are of writing a huge (for me at the time) five-page epic story of a Prince and a Princess. I loved reading about people, and so I wrote about people. When I was eight I started a journal, just observing the people I saw every day; my mother, my father, my sister, my schoolteacher. I think when puberty hit me and hormones began coursing through my body that the tone of my...

1 year ago
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Ghost Mistress

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have borrowed ideas from many stories that I have read on the net, but the overall idea is one that came from the gray matter between my ears. Ghost Mistress By xyzpdqus Chapter 1 Once upon a time... not really. I bought an old Victorian fixer-upper house. It was in an older part of town. The place was a firetrap. The attic and basement were filled with old newspapers and unsalvageable junk. As soon as I moved in, I...

3 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Three

This is part three of the Ghost Writer story - a long time in coming. For that I apologize. I hope it was worth the wait. I thank everyone who has sent words of encouragement, criticism and eagerness. I've been bad - I won't do it again. For Laurie Ghost Writer - part 3 By Circe ([email protected]) I have never felt as cold, or naked, in my life as I felt that morning. My whole body shivered as I felt Charlie's hands at work, removing appliance...

2 years ago
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Ghost Gift

Ghost Gift It's Christmas eve, and it seems like everybody is rushing around, trying to get the last things done before the stores close. Except for me. I'm a ghost. No, not the house-haunting kind. I actually have a job. Given to me by The Big Guy Himself. Hey, it beats going to the Hot Place, you know what I mean? My name is ... was ... Andrew Conner. There isn't a whole lot I could tell you about me as a living guy. I was a nobody, a tiny cog in the machine, and I...

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Ghost Boyfriend

Jeff held Courtney's hand as she cried. Nick, Courtney's long time boyfriend of 2 years had passed away in a horrible car accident. Nick was also Jeff's best friend since grade school. The funeral ceremony was short and Courtney felt as if her world had been torn apart. Nick had been a wonderful, caring, and understanding boyfriend. They would stay up late at night talking about how they would marry after college and live happily ever after. Now all of that was gone. Courtney dried her eyes...

3 years ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting

Chapter 1 "I just don't think it's a good idea, Andrea. I remember how it was, right before he left us that night, furious over your infidelity. He was boiling with rage. He could well have crashed specifically because of that. In any case, there's a terrible aura in this house. For once, listen to me- I am a Wiccan, you know! Don't hold that seance tonight!" Andrea Wallace had always been somewhat reckless, and this seance idea was just her newest, and worst, idea at that. She had...

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Ghost StoriesChapter 8

It was the 31st of October. It was Halloween, sometimes known as All Hallows Eve. Everyone in Waterdale was preparing to celebrate for Halloween. Some of the townspeople planned on a night parade, marching the streets in their costumes, with some of them playing loud musical instruments. Adults and teenagers alike were planning to throw Halloween costumed parties. Kids were going to go door-to-door trick-or-treating. As for Josh and friends, they were sat down drinking colas in some cafe....

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Ghost MaitresseChapter 2

Clothilde grimaced for a second as she found her face planted between the cheeks of Lilith’s ass. Before she could stop Ursula from rimming the angel, her tongue slid along the crack of her derriere. The dead Frenchwoman only persisted in making her rim Lilith, who naturally creamed herself at every turn while having her butt licked by the possessed lady! It was a truly delicious spectacle, the woman tasting another’s bottom that way. It was the last straw and Clothilde could no longer...

4 years ago
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Ghostly Sisters of Salem Town

PART I Harry was sandwiched in between two beautiful young girls. They both had jet black hair and the greenish eyes he had ever seen. He tried his best to ask them their names, but no sounds came out of his mouth. So strange, he could not even hear his own voice. His thoughts were tumbling out but no audible sound was emitted. The fact that they were both stark naked and sweating profusely, as they rubbed against his more than willing body, did not escape his keen eye. It had been a long...

2 years ago
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Ghost Haunting

(Author's note: I am going to say ahead of time that I am very sorry for the amount of errors that you may find in this story. My grammar skills are not the best but I am going to try my best to help minimize the errors. As well this is just chapter 1 of this series, so this is just an introduction basically to the story.) One day I was working at my cubical office space doing a bunch of paper work that needed to be done by the end of the week. The people I work with are smart people as...

3 years ago
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Ghost of Christmas Past

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ The child on Santa’s lap began a recitation of toys and gadgets that television had persuaded him were cool to have. Jenna Ritter stood at a distance. The scene did not delight or amuse her. What did she want for Christmas? Charles Ritter of course. Charles in the flesh, by her side, as he had been a week ago. Charles had died on December 10th. It was a senseless accident. He’d gone to the grocery and been hit by a drunk driver. Jenna had not wanted to...

1 year ago
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Ghost Angels

A few weeks ago, I told you about the awful day at the hospital, centering on the deaths of two teenage studs in a car crash, followed by Dr Meadows making me service him me for the umpteenth time, like he does with all the other nurses, too.Well, this is a happier story. Maybe. Not sure. But on Sunday night, I got the fucking of my life from the shades of those young stallions!I had already checked out their pre-crash photos, and they were both gorgeous! Their faces and torsos, which had been...

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Ghost Part 1

Ghosts: Part 1 by Harry Merck En route to Guatemalan demilitarized zone: 0135 hours local time The angry thudding of the Osprey blades shook me out of my stupor. "Can't sleep now, have to focus," I thought, quietly reprimanding myself. Here I was again, flying into the enveloping darkness of hostile airspace in a near-silent aircraft, about to drop into unknown territory where thousands of American-hating extremists were scouring the Honduran mountainsides for resistance of...

1 year ago
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GhostChapter 7

Walking arm in arm into what Marek had called the great hall Heather gasped in amazement. The room was a vast ballroom, decorated in a Georgian style and lit by huge crystal chandeliers. On the floor of the ballroom stood about forty people. All but one of the people present curtsied as the couple entered the room. Marek led Heather to the woman who stood at the front of the group. “Heather I would like to introduce you to the housekeeper Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson this is my fiancée...

1 year ago
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Ghostly Fantasy

He had been fascinated with ghosts and ghosts stories since he was a young c***d. Telling scary stories around a campfire with friends, or simply reading books about ghosts and paranormal experiences, it quickly became his life. One myth in particular always piqued his interest. It was the story of a ghostly lover, who would appear floating through a window in sheer white robes, slowly killing its victim with passion and desire. The eroticism always got to him, and many nights he lay in bed,...

4 years ago
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Ghostly Fantasy

He had been fascinated with ghosts and ghosts stories since he was a young c***d. Telling scary stories around a campfire with friends, or simply reading books about ghosts and paranormal experiences, it quickly became his life.One myth in particular always piqued his interest. It was the story of a ghostly lover, who would appear floating through a window in sheer white robes, slowly killing its victim with passion and desire. The eroticism always got to him, and many nights he lay in bed,...

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