High School Cocksucker Outted another story
- 3 years ago
- 68
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A High School Story
by sammy_808
Samantha was practicing her dance and gymnastics by herself one day
after school at the local gym. She was all alone and was enjoying
herself when her friend Bianca walked in from the locker room. Bianca
was wearing only her socks, and was covering her pussy with her left
hand, while she was ssucking on her right index finger.
"Do you know how to waltz, Sam?" asked Biance.
"Of course. That was one of the first ones I learned," replyed Sam as
she began to stand up.
"No, no, Sam," said Bianca as she held Sam down and eased her onto her
back, "with your tongue." Bianca then straddled Sam's face with her
pussy and pushed it over her mouth.
"Nmph," said Sam into Bi's vagina as she did a little waltz. Sam
reached down and began to finger herself through her leotard. She was
a bit too forceful and the shoulder straps broke, allowing her breasts
to pop out of the top. She licked Bi's vagina until Bi came to
orgasm. Bi then got off of Sam's face, which was covered in her
wetness, and got some rope from the locker room. SHe then tied up Sam
before she knew what was happening. SHe bound Sam's hands behind her
back before Sam had brought herself to orgasm. Bi also bound Sam's
newly exposed breasts to her arm ropes. Bi then secured Sam's arms
tightly to her back by looping ropes over Sam's body, over her
shoulders and pulled the ropes tightly into Sam's cunt, separating her
cunt lips.
"What are you doing?" asked Sam.
"Let's see you get out of this," Bianca knew that Sam was an
accomplished escape artist. Bianca and Sam had played bondage games
many times before.
Bianca then kissed Sam and left. Sam struggled for a bit and thought
about how she had ended up like this. She and Bi had been friends
since kindergarten, even though they didn't go to the same school.
They were often left alone and had played around with bondage during
elementry school. Sam had always liked being tied up, while Bi liked
to tie her up. They had started with thier clothes on, but by middle
school, they had decided to take them off. That ledd to Bi teaching
Sam about sex. Bi had decided one day to tie up Sam and leave, and
Sam had learned how to escape from being tied up. Sam escaped, much
to Bi's surprise. Bianca had tried fro quite some time to find away
to tie up Sam so that she couldn't escape.
By this time, Samantha had managed to free herself from the ropes.
She stood up to walk to the locker room to change, and her leotard
fell to the floor. SHe pickedd it up and went into the locker room.
When she got there, she noticed that Bianca had stolen her panties and
bra. Samantha pulled on her T-shirt and shorts and put on her white
canvas sneakers. SHe put her ripped leotard in her gym bag, and went
Sam found a note from her parents. It read, "Sammy, we've gone out
tonight and won't be back until about two. Eat something, and go to
bed at bedtime." Samantha was glad that her parents were gone because
she was horney and wanted to have some fun.
Samantha went up to the attic, where her room was. The attic had been
decorated and insolated so Sam could have her room up there. There
were no stairs up to the attic, just the ladder. She pulled it down
and quickly climbed up. She closed the door and locked it with a
deadbolt lock. She dropped her gym bag in the corner and took off her
T-shirt. SHe put it in the laundry chute and decided to take a bath.
She walked into her bathroom and turned on the water in the tup. When
the water was high enough, Sam got in, still wearing her sneakers and
shorts. SHe sat and soaked for a few minutes before kicking off her
shoes. She then pulled her sopping wet shorts off herslef and threw
them out of the tup.
Samantha sat in the tup for a while before she got an idea. She got
out of the tub and walked to a chest and putlled two handcuffs from
it. She then went back to the tub and got back in. She locked her
feet in one of the handcuffs and handcuffed her hands to a bar in the
tub. Sam got very turned on by her predicament. She let the sexual
tension build up in herslef before using her escape skills to free her
hands from the handcuffs. With her free hands, she felt her pussy and
began to finger herself. SHe didn't have long to wait before she
After her bath, Samantha dried off and went back into her bedroom.
Samantha laid down on her bed and got out her porn magazines. She
looked at the pictures of the naked women and pulled out her favorite
vibrator. SHe stuck the vibrator depp into her vagina and turned it
on. This vibrator was her favorite because it not only vibrated but
also thrust in and out. Sam rulled onto her chest and gyrated her
hips while looking through her magazines. Nearly all of her magazines
were bondage related. Sam was looking through a new magazine that had
many positions that Sam thought she could put herself in. As Sam was
approaching orgams, she locked her ankles and wrists in shackes that
she always kept attached to her bed posts. She rode through her first
orgasm and kept herslef locked and gyrating. She had many orgasms
during the thirty minutes she stayed in that position.
Sam finally changed positions after her thirty minutes of pleasure.
She used her handcuffs to secure her ankles to one of the rafters that
crossed her room. She bound herself so that she hung upside down.
She next used some rope and coiled it around her waist and the rafter.
She finally used another of her handcuffs and locked her hands to the
rafter. Sam hung from the rafter until she got tired of it. She
unbound herself and laid on her bed. She fingered herslef and after
she came she decided to practice her gymnastics.
She sat down on the floor and began to stretch. It was about six
o'clock and she went downstairs to eat after she finished stretching.
She unlocked her door and went down to the kitchen and fixed herself a
sandwich. As she was finishing, she heard the corrbell ring. She
looked out the window and saw Bianca. She went to the dooor and
opened it. SHe was surprised to see another girl with Bianca.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said Sam and the girl as Sam tried to cover her
nudity with a long coat.
"This is Rozalia, Sam. She is visiting from Russia. SHe is also a
gymnast so I thought I would bring her by," said Bi.
"We can come back later," started to say Rozalia.
"No, Sam doesn't mind, do you?" insisted Bi.
"No," replied Sam as she led the two into the living room. The three
girls then sat down and began to talk.
After a few minutes of talking, Rozalia said, "You're very beautiful,
"You can touch anything you'd like," replied Sam.
Rozalia responded by throwing herself at Sam. She quickly relieved
Sam of the coat and began to pull off her own clothing. Bi had
already removed her clothes and was playing with both girls. The
three girls had their little threesome for a couple of hours until Bi
and Roza had to leave. On her way out, Roza said, "We'll have to
practice our gymnastics someday."
"Of course," replied Samantha. After ROza and Bi had left, Samantha
went back up to her room and went to bed. She laid down on the bad
and stretched again, after she was warmed up , or wetted up, she bent
over and began to lick her own vagina. This was Sam's one sex secret
that she kept from Bianca. This was another benefit of her gymnastics
classs. After she came, she pulled the covers up over her naked body
and went to sleep.
...What Samantha did after school...
Samantha's next day in school was largely boring. Samantha was
(surprise) as horny as ever. SHe decided to go to the nurse's office
during gym and mastrubate, because the nurse was hardly ever in. When
gymtime came, Sam said that she felt bad and went to the nurse's
office. As usual, the nurse was not in. Sam laid down on a cot near
the window and watched the firls in tight shorts playing volleyball.
She pulled down her skirt and kneeled down on the cot. She then began
to finger herself as her weetness dripped down her thighs. She began
to moan quietly and tried her best to stay quiet so no one would hear.
The door opened just as Sam came. Dominique, the nurse, walked in.
"What are you doing!?" she asked.
"Um, nothing, ma'am," said Sam, her face turning red and her breath
coming in quick gasps.
"You look sick, take off you clothes," Dominique commanded. Sam took
off her socks and shirt, pulled questioningly on her bra, and when D
nodded, she removed it too. "All of it," said D, helping Sam remove
her panties. D then checked Sam's temperature and pulse. "Kneel and
bend over. I want to check something." Sam complied, and she thought
she heard the sound of cloth falling to the floor. She then felt D's
hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks. She next felt D's tongue
caressing her clitoris and vagina. After dancing around Sam's cunt,
she finally burried her tongue in Sam's vagina and licked deeply. Sam
was surprised but still ground her hips into D's face, trying to
increase her pleasure.
D licked Sam until Sam came. She then stopped and said, "Put your
clothes on and go to class. Come back after school at five or so.
I'll be waiting. If you don't come, I'll tell everything." Sam put
her clothes and went to class.
After school, Sam went to gymnastics and practiced her gymnastics
until she was all warmed up. SHe then pulled her skirt on over her
leotard and walked back to school. She went to D's office and
knocked. "Come in," was the reply.
Inside, D was dressed in a patent one piece dress that had had the
breasts cut out. D's ample attributes were exposed. "Take off your
clothes," said D. Sam stripped all her clothes off. "Now put on
these boots," said D as she handed Sam some high heeled patent mid
thigh boots. Sam pulled the boots on as D handed her a set of gloves
that went up to the shoulder and connected to each other. Sam next
put them on. "Lay down on the bed." Sam again complied.
D next got out some rope and a leather collar. D first rolled Sam
onto her stomach. She then fitted the collar around Sam's neck
tightly. She then took the rope and fed it through a ring on the
collar. She pulled Sam's arms behind her back. She then began to
loop the rope around her forearms. D then tightly tied the loops so
that Sam couldn't move her armes. D finally took the ends of the rope
and tied it around Sam's ankled so that her feet her over her ass.
Sam struggled a bit when D finished, but to no avail.
"Struggl all you want, Sammy. You won't be able to escape. I've done
this sort of thing many times before."
"What are you going to do to me?" Sam asked.
"I think I'll teach youto use my office as an excuse to fuck
yourself." D then went to the foot of the bed and looked at Sam. Sam
tried to look at her, but she couldn't see her. D then reached out
and began to massage Sam's cunt. Sam began to gyrate to D's rubbings.
D the surprised Sam by spanking her ass firmly with her hand.
"Ah!" shouted Sam. "What are you doing?"
"I'm teaching you your lesson." D then walked aroung the cot again.
WHen she again reached the foot, Sam heard her open a bag and take
something out. Sam next felt a light brush against her ass. The
brushing increased intensity. Sam could feel that long leather straps
were brushing against her. Just as she realised this, she heard a
whooshing whistle and felt the straps come down on her asss
forecefully. She flinched in pain. "Yes, Sammy, I'm whipping you," D
explained. She continued to beat Sam with her whip.
"Ah! No! Stop!" pleaded Sam.
"I can't have you screaming after every blow, Sammy." D said as she
stopped the beating. She then went back to her bag and got something
else out. "This is called a ball gag. Open you mouth. Remember, if
you don't, and someone hears you scream, they'll find out everything."
Sam considered it and opened her mouth. D then stuck the red rubber
ball into Sam's mouth and forced it back so that Sam's teeth were
lodged in a channel in the ball. D then buckled two of the straps
around Sam's head She buckled one at the bas of Sam's skull and the
other on top of her head. She then buckled the remaining strap under
Sam's jaw so that she couldn't open her mouth. Sam tried
experimentally to remove the gag but couldn't.
D then said, "How about a hood, Sammy? A nice, pretty hood?" When all
Sam could say was "mmph!" D took it as acceptance. She got a black
patent hood from her bag and placed it over Sam's head. She zipped it
up the back. She then smiled at Sam and zipped the eyeholed closed.
Sam was beginning to doubt her decision to come. She tried to pull
her hands loose, but there was far too much rope coiled tightly aroung
them. "Now let's continue you lesson, Sammy," said D as she begain to
beat Sam again. Sam responded to the renewed torture by trying to
scream, but the ballgag and hood muffled her screams to quiet moans.
D beat Sam with her whip until Sam's ass turned from red to a light
purple. D then put the whip down and began to massage Sam's tender
ass. Sam's sore ass was painful during her massage, but she tried to
stay calm, despite the pain.
Sam next heard D rustle in her bag again. "Relax, Sam, it will hurt
less," D said. With that, Sam felt a huge plug being fitted into her
asshole. She tried to scream again, but her efforts were again
useless. "Now, see, that doesn't hurt much, does it?"
D then rustled through her bag again. This time, Sam felt something
being forced into her vagina. Then next thing Sam felt was a cold
metal plate being forced under her hips. When it was in place (it was
shaped like a pair of panties), she felt another plate being hinged
over her ass. Sam heard two distinct 'snicks' as D pressed the plate
into her ass and it locked. D then took off the hood and began to
untie Sam. She left on the ballgag and handcuffed her hands behind
her back, though. When Sam looked down, she saw what D had put her
in. D had locker her in what appeared to be pantied made of steel.
They locked on the sides and had holes that the posts from her butt
plug and dildo stuck out of.
"Not quite finished," said D. She placed a small lock through each of
the posts, locking the panties to the protrusions. "There," said D as
she stood up, "Perfect. Now Sammy, you will wear this all of
tommorrow during school. You may not wear any underwear with it. You
will come here to my office tomorrow aththe same time as today and I
will remove it. Let this be a lesson not to finger yourslef in my
office. Do you have any objections?" Sam tried to tell D that she
was sorry, but didn't want want to wear the chastity belt when D
picked up the whip and playfully whipped her thigh. Sam fell silent.
"Now get dressed and go home. D then removed the handcuffs, let Sam
get dressed, and then removed the gag. Sam silently walked out of the
office wither her panties in her pocket and went home.
...What Sam did in school the next day...
When Sam got to school the next day, she was nervous. She felt sure
that everyone that passed knew that sh had had her lustful loins
shackled in an iron chastity belt. SHe had worn a short skirt, and
was ever conscious of how much she revealed. Just when Sam was sure
that everyone knew her secret, the bell rang, signalling the end of
school. Sam left for gymnastics.
Sam barely tried that day, worried about what D would do to her.
Worried but tittillated. When Sam had put on her loetard, she noticed
that the outline of the chastity belt and it's locks were clearly
visible. Luckily, she was the only one there again.
When the time came, Sam went back to the school for her meeting with
D. When she arrived, D was wearing a long black trench coat. "I
forgot the keys to your prison at home, Sammy dear," said D, "If you
want out we'll have to go there." Sam agreed and the two women went
to D's car and drove to her house. "I keep that stuff down in the
basement, dear," said D when they arrived, and they went downstairs.
D's basement was set up with much torture equipment. Once they were
insade, D locked a door behind them with a key. SHe then took off her
coat, revealing a black patent corset and similar thight high boots.
D unzipped the crotch of her corset and pushed the key far into her
vagina. She then zipped the crotch back up and turned her attention
to Sam.
D went over to a safe, put the combination in, and opened it. Inside
were many keys. She took out one and said to Sam, "Take off all your
clothes and I'll unlock that panty." Sam complied, stripping down so
she was wearing only her iron panty. D then unlocked the panty and
took it off. She then slowly drew out the vaginal insert. She lastly
removed the butt plug.
"Thank you very much," said Sam, "I'm sorry for what I did. I'll go
"No, I don't think so," replied D, "I would like to have you try
something first." D then led Sam to a sidways 'C' shaped object.
"Stand there," commanded D as she pointed to the inside of the the
device. D then quickly locked Sam's hands in shackles on the C. She
next shackled Sam's feet. When San was in place, a large device came
out of the machine. It looked like a large dildo. The divice probed
Sam's thights until it found her cunt. It then forced itself up her
vagina. "This is my Lubricosity Testing Station. It measures how
fast you get wet and how much wetness you produce." Sam could feel
the probe sucking her wetness up.
D left Sam in the LTS for nearly an hour. SHe sat down in a chair in
front of Sam and begain to fuck herself with a knobby dildo, as Sam
struggled against the machine. Sam was turned on by watching D
masturbate and began to ram herslef onto the machine. When D tired of
watching Sam n that position, she unbound her and said, "So, Sammy,
how does it feel when other people use you to masturbate? Let's do
some more things before you go." D then led Sam to one of the walls.
Piled at the base of the wall were some chains. There were also
spreader bars and shackles. D picked up two fur lined leather cuffs,
and put then around Sam's wrists. She then placed a lock through
D-rings on the cuffs and locked Sam's hands together. SHe then put
similar cuffs on Sam's ankles. These cuffs she secured to the ends of
one of the bars. The bar was about four feet long, and Sam could
hardly stand up. D then locked the bar to a bracket on the floor.
SHe unlocked Sam's wrists from each other and locked them to another
bar. D locked the wrist bar to the wall, at a height of three feet.
SHe then pulled a padded support away from the wall. It was hinged
and locked in place so it was in front of Sam's thights, effectively
supporting Sam's upper body, as she was bent over at the waist. D
then got a whip and started to beat Sam with it. Sam begain to scream
as D beat her. D responded by putting a ball gag in her mouth. D
beat Sam until Sam's ass was a deep purple. "This will be a reminder
to you for quite some time, Sammy. Maybe I should let you go now,
Samantha. Maybe not. How about just one more thing?"
D then unlocked Sam from the bondage position. SHe led Sam to a foam
pad. She then took some white nylon rope and tied Sam's wrists behind
her back. She then tied Sam's elbows together. She fed the ends of
that rope around Sam and wrapped them around her breasts. SHe next
tied Sam in a crotchrope, making sure that her hands were tied to it.
She then tied Sam's knees to each other. D finally teid Sam's ankles
together. She then made sure then ball gag was still tightly one and
put a blindfold on Sam. "Perfect," said D, "Now struggle for me
Sammy. Struggle like it was possible to escape." Sam complied and
struggled against her bonds. She found that despite her escape
skills, she could not free herself. Sam continued to struggle until
she felt D begin to tie her feet together. Sam felt something hard
and round placed between her feet, and then felt it being lashed in
place. "Even better," commented D. Sam then felt D's feet sliding up
the outside of her legs. When the feet got to her waist, she felt her
feet brush D's thighs and pussy. Sam then realised that D had lashed
a dildo to her feet. D then used her feet to pull on Sam's
crotchrope, driving it between her cunt lips and into her pussy. SHe
then felt D begin to thrust herself onto the dildo. Sam used her
knees, and helped D drive it in. It didn't take much force, and Sam
could feel D's wetness pour over her feet.
D continued to impale herself on the dildo for about fifteen minutes,
during which time she had hooked her feet around Sam's crotchrope in
an effort to get more leverage. She also brought Sam to the brink of
orgasm. Sam could tell when D came because she bagan to scream in
ecstasy. When D came, she had such powerful vaginal contractions that
she squirted her wetness onto Sam's thighs.
After D came, she untied the dildo from Sam's feet. She then took off
Sam's gag and said, "Lick this clean." She then shoved the dildo into
Sam's mouth. Sam immediatedly went to work licking D's juicess off
the dildo. WHen Sam had licked it clean, D untied Sam. Sam stood by,
waiting for D's next command. "Get dressed," was all D said. Sam
complied, and when she had her clothes back on, she waited again.
"Now retriedve the key to the door...without using your fingeres."
Sam then buried her face in D's cunt, searching D's vagina for the
key. D's cunt lips parted easily and Sam found that she could fit a
large part of her jaw in there, but she still could not find the key.
"Use your hand, then," commanded D. Sam then inserted her hand into
D's vagina. It slid easily through the warm, wet tunnel. She still
could not find it, and slid her arm midway up to her elbow in. She
finally grasped the key. She began to pull out, and when her wrist
reached the exit, D squeezed her muscles, stopping Sam's hand
momentarily. D then relaxed and moaned in orgasm as Sam's hand popped
out. Sam licked off the wetness and unlocked the door and left. On
her way out of the dungeon, she heard a vibrator hum into life. Sam
led herself out and went home.
...Sam's follow-up with Dominique...Saturday.
The next day was Saturday, and when Samantha awoke her parents had
left, leaving a note that they wouldn't be back until SUnday night.
Sam decided to call up Bianca and see if she could spend the night.
WHen she called, Bi answered and told her she would, but she expected
to find Sammy hanging from one of her rafters when she arrived. Sam
agreed, and Bi said she would be right over. Sam slipped on a pair of
boxer shorts and a tank top before setting up the bondage. SHe took
some of her velvet manacles and made nhandcuffs out of them. SHe then
placed them over the rafter and locked herself in.
Then she waited.
About fifteen minutes later, Sam heard the door open and Bi came in.
"Well, well, well. What have we here? A pretty little bitch hung up
on something. Don't you know that bitches aren't allowed to wear
clothes?" asked Bi. She then pulled off the boxers and ripped the top
off, leaving Sam naked. Bi then went to Sam's chest of toys and took
out one of the plastic resin paddles she had. These paddles were
quite painful. "I see someone's already given you a good spanking.
Another won't hurt too badly." Bi then began to beat Sam's ass with
the paddle. When Sam began to scream, Bi put her panties in her
mouth. WHen Sam though she couldn't take anymore, Bi stopped and
said, "Hmmm..."
Bi then unbound Sam and let her down. Bi stripped off all of her
clothes and sat on the edge of Sam's bed. She then spread her leds
far apart, and reached down and separated her cunt lips. Sam crawled
over and placed her lips to Bi's. She used her lips to lopd Bi's
apart so she could slide her tongue in. SHe then used her tongue to
explore hte soft tissues of Bi's vagina. She started slowly, licking
just around the outside. When she began to hear Bi moan, she sped up
and pushed her tongue in far deeper. Bi leaned back and let Sam take
her into ecstasy. She let her arms fall above her head. When she
encountered the shackles that Sam had attached to her bed, she slid
her hands in and locked them. Sam continued to eat Bi's pussy. The
constant force on Bi's cunt had pushed Bi fully onto the bed. Sam
then took the other shackles and locked them around Bi's ankles. Bi
was so lost in the sensation that she did not notice her bondage. Bi
began to moan louder as she neared her climax. WHen she finally cam,
she started to scream. She struggled against her bonds as she
convulsed in pleasure. Sam did not stop licking until after Bi had
stopped struggling. Sam then unbound Bi.
Bi stood up and walked across the room. Sam got up and followed her.
Bi had Sam lie down on her stomach on the floor. SHe then laid down
behind Sam and raised up Sam's hips. Sam leaned on her elbows,
wondering what to expect. Bi then put handcuffs on Sam's ankles. SHe
then wrapped her arms around Sam's thights and spread them. Bi then
licked Sam's cunt from underneath. Sam found the position very
exciting and began to force herself onto Bi's face. As she neared
climax, she gritted her teeth and moaned. Within a few minutes, she
came and collapsed onto the floor.
Bi extracted herself from Sam's legs and went to the chest. She took
numerous lengths of rope from it. In fact, she took it all. SHe went
back to Sam and tied Sam's wrists together above her head. She then
tied Sam's ankles, knees, breasts, and elbows. She put a blindfold
and a ballgag on Sam. She then took the remaining rope and placed it
in Sam's vagina. She next slipped a vibrator into Sam's crowded hole.
She finally wadded a sock as a plug, and tied a crotchrope to hold it
all in place.
"I'll be back later, Sammy. Have fun while I'm gone. Don't go
anywhere," Bi said. She then turned on the vibrator and watched it
come to life in Sam's cunt. Sam moaned quietly in a quiet harmony to
the vibrator.
Bi then left Sam's room and went downstairs. She turned on the TV and
watched a porn channel. She fingered herself as she watched. As she
was cumming, she thought about Sam. After she came, she got dressed
and left Sam's house. She decided to see a movie and then come back
and have more fun with Sam.
Samantha was lost in ecstacy when she heard Bianca finally return.
After two hours of being tied up and fucked by a powerful vibrator,
Sam was spent. It was approximately 10 PM, and Sam was surprised Bi's
parents would let her come over.
When Bi opened the door to Sam's room, she could see why Bi could
come. Bi had her overnight bag. "I told them I was spending the
night. I can't come over tomorrow, so we'll have to fit it all in
today." Bi then went to work releasing Sam. "Let's se..." Bi mused,
"What to do, what to do. I know!" exclaimed Bi in mock surprise, "I
can beat you for cumming while I was gone!" Sam tried to complain, but
her gag prohibitied her from doing so.
Bi then got out a chair and sat down. She made Sam lay over her lab
with her ass in the air. Bi the beat Sam fro an hour and a half.
When she was done spanking Sam, Bi spread her legs revealing her nude
pussy beneath her miniskirt. "Lick me goodnight, Sammy." Sam buried
her face and furiously sucked Bi's warm moist vagina. After a few
minutes, Bi pulled off her remaining clothes an fell to the floor,
pulling Sam with her. Sam continued to lick Bi until she fell asleep.
When Sam awoke, she was not surprised to see that Bi had left. She
was surprised, however, to find herself bound hand and foot. As she
began to struggle with her bonds, she heard a knock at the front door.
SHe then panicked, and found it increasingly more difficult to free
herself. Sam then heard the frontdoor open and she fel silent. She
didn't want anyone to finder her like this. About a minute later, her
dorr opened and D popped her head through.
"Your little friend told me you'd be up here. She's really nice. She
even complimented me on my paddling job.. WOuld you like me to help
you, Sammy?" asked D. Sam nodded. "I just came by to see if you'd
like to accompany me out to a farm today. We'll be back by five,"
said D as she unbound Sam's gag.
"Okay, let me get dressed first," replied Sam.
"Please don't wear any underwear, Sam. Remember, I can still tell
people." Sam complied, putting on a miniskirt, T-shirt, socks, and
sneakers. Sam and D then went downstaris and got into D's car.
After the two women were about fifteen minutes out into the country, D
pulled onto a lane and drove down it. At the end of the lane was a
gate that read "BDGS&M Stables." D drove through and pulled up next
to one of the stables and then led Sam inside.
To be continued....
...Sam and Bi's weekend of Fun...
Sunday, continued.
Once the two women were inside the stable, Dominique locked the door
behind them. She then said, "Take off you clothes, Sammy." She said
it so sweetly an nonchalantly that Sam was nude before she realise
exactly what D had asked. D then took a large cap an placed it on
Sam's head. The cap covered all her hair and her ears. D then placed
a large collar on Sam's neck. The collar held her head straight up.
She then took a metal bar and attached it to the collar. Tha bar
reste on Sam's shoulders and had a metal bit that ran through her
D next fitted Sam with a tight corset. The corset locked together in
back. D then put restraint cuffs on Sam's wrists and locked them to
the sides of the corset. She then got out a crotchstrap and attached
it to the corset. The crotchstrap had a dildo that D slid into Sam's
vagina and then locked in place. D then attached an extension to the
dildo and crotchstrap. The extension was about two feet long. D
placed cuffs on Sam's ankles and thighs and then locked the cuffs to
the extension. WHenever Sam moved, the extension wiggled and
stimulated her. D finally took leather reins and threaded them
through rings on Sam's collar, bridle, wrists, and ankles. When she
felt Sam was suitable outfitted, she tied the reins to a post above
Sam's head and changed clothes. SHe changed from regular clothes into
a British riding outfit. SHe also got a riding crop from the wall.
She gathered up Sam's reins and led her out the back door of the
stable. Sam walked funny because every step she took jostled the
Behind the stable was an open field. A small cart was sitting by the
door. "Would you like to go for a ride, Sammy?" D asked.
"What are you doing?" screamed Sam through the bit.
"I've made you into a ponygirl. You belong to me now, and will remain
my posession until you're out of that gear. And now," D then brought
her riding crop down on Sam's ass, "Remember that ponies do not talk.
And you are my little pony." D then secured leather straps on the
cart to Sam's corset. She then climbed in the cart and snapped the
reins on Sam's shoulders, "Let's go, ponygirl!"
Sam pulled on the cart and was surprised how easily it rolled behind
her. Sam let herself be guided by D's tugs on the reins. WHen Sam
had pulled D across the field to another stable, D pulled on the
reins, bringing Sam to a stop. D then unhooked Sam from the cart and
led her inside. Once inside the stable, she released Sam from the
corset and cuffs. She notices that the crotchstrap and dildo were
covered in Sam's wetness and smiled.
When Sam was again naked, D led her to one of the stalls. Inside the
stall, she handcuffed Sam to a rafter and habbled her. She then took
out a tape measure and measured Sam in a variety of places. She then
went to a closet and selected a black leather suit. She then slid Sam
into it. The suit covered Sam's entire body. It was designed with
feet like high-heel shoes, except that the heel was missing. This
caused Sam to stand on her toes. The feet were weighted to make this
easy. The gloves of the suit were designed in a similar manner and
Sam found that she could not move the fingers in them. The suit also
covered Sam's head. The hood part covered her mouth and gagged her
with a bit. There were also eyepatches that could cover her eyes.
The oddest thing about the suit was that it had a latex tube that fit
into her vagina.
"Look at yourself, Sammy," said D. When Sam looked into the mirror,
she saw that the suit had iron rings on her wrists, ankles and bit.
She also saw that the suit had a mane like a horse. "Now for your
tail." D then slid a butt plug in Sam's ass. The plug had a long
ponytail. Once Sam had seen her suit, D closed the eyepatches. "Now,
Sammy, get down and walk like a pony." Sam complied and found that
the boning and design of the suit made it easier to walk on all fours
than upright. D then attached a rope to Sam's bit and led her out of
the stable. WHen Sam was out of the stable, she felt D sit on her
back. She was surprised that the suit distributed her weight so
evenly. D the took a riding drop and amscked Sam's ass. Sam started
walking and carried D around the field for about fifteen minutes. At
that time, D drew in the reins and brought Sam to a stop. Sam then
felt D get off. She menainde still like she thought a horse would.
Dominique then threaded a rope through the ankle and wrist rings and
pulled it tight. This effectively og tied Sam. Sam next felt a dildo
being placed in her vagina. She could just barely feel it through the
latex sheath. She then heard D moan as she began to thrust herself on
the dildo. D impaled herself on the dildo for about ten minutes.
After she came, she removed the dildo from Sam's vagina.
Sam next heard someone else approach. The words spoken between D and
the other person were muffled by Sam's suit, so she couldn't hear what
was said. She heard shouts, which died down quickly. She next heard
the jingling of locks, chains and other metal objects. Sam next felt
herslef being locked into a harness. Her reins were relaced, and she
could only feel them on one side. SHe felt them snap, and she began
to walk, pulling on the harness and what she assumed was a cart. She
walked for quite a distance, but in her suit, she was unsure of the
distance or direction.
Sam stopped when she felt the reins draw in. She was unhooked from
the cart and was led about twenty feet. When she again stopped, she
felt the suit being takedn off her. When she could see, she saw
another girl about her size in a similar suit. D pulled the suit off
Sam, leaving her naked. D then tied up the girl's reins and led Sam
"So how do you like being a ponygirl, Sammy?" asked D.
"So far it seems like fun, Miss D," replied Sam.
"That's good. I was hoping you enjoyed it. This is a private ranch
that I have use of on Sundays. It's equiped with many facilities, but
I'm most proud of the stables."
D led Sam into a small chamber. She then locked Sam's feet to the
floor. D then handcuffed Sam's hands behind her back. D then put a
collar on Sam and locked the collar to a chain from the ceiling. The
collar made Sam stand on her toes. D then took the riding crop and
begain to spank Sam. "Discipline is essential to any good ponygirl,
Sammy," explained D. Sam's ass was already sore, and the spanking
make it worse. Sam's vagina was constantly leaking her wetness. The
wetness dripped down her thigh and formed a puddle under her toes.
After D had finished beating Sam, she unlocked her feet and collar and
said, "Clean up you mess, Sammy." Sam dropped to her knees and began
to lap up the puddle on the tile floor. WHen Sam had licked the floor
dry, D attached a leash to Sam's collar. She then led Sam out of the
chamber and back to the original stables. "Time for you to go home,
Sammy." Sam got dressed and let D lead her to the car. Sam was quiet
on the car ride home, and was sorry that her adventure at the ranch
was at an end.
...Ponygirl Sam...
The next day during gym, Samantha scraped her knee. She went to the
nurse's office. When she arrived, she found D sorting medical files.
D looked glad when she saw Sam. "Hi there, ponygirl. Back for more
"I scraped my knee," replied Sam.
"Well, let's take a look at it." D then had Sam sit on the
exampination table and looked at Sam's knee. "This isn't too bad,
Sammy, but let's make sure you don't have any more cuts." D then
proceded to take off Sam's shirt and bra. "No cuts here." She then
unlaced Sam's sneakers and pulled off her sneakers and socks. "None
here, ither." D then pulled of f Sam's shorts and panties in one
pull. "Here's one that need a big kiss," said D as she put her lips
to Sam's cunt lips.
"Oh!" exclaimed Sam as D parted her cunt lips and licked all around
the inside of Sam's vagina.
"Shhh...if you make too much noise, someone might find out." Sam
closed her mouth tightly and tried not to make any noise as D's expert
tongue slid around her sopping wet pussy. Sam could hardly contain
herself as she came to orgasm. "This has been fun, Sammy," said D as
she wiped Sam's wetness from her face, "but you should get back to
class before someone gets suspicious." Sam got dressed and went back
to class The rest of her day went by quite boringly.
After school the next day, Sam went to her gymnastics practice. When
she had finished her practicing, she went back to the locker room to
change. As she was beginning to change, she heard ne of the showers
come on. When she went to investigate, Sam saw Bi sitting on the
floor of the shower. Sam walked into the shower in her leotard and
started kissing Bi. Bi quickly had the leotard ripped off of Sam.
Sam and Bi rolled around on the floor of the shower, kissing and
fondling each other. Sam then reversed herself and began to eat out
Bi's pussy. Bi also sucked on Sam's cunt. After the two girls came,
Bi turned off the shower and walked back into the locker room. Sam
followed her. When Sam got to her locker, Bi put a gag on Sam,
handcuffed her and handcuffed her feet together. Bi then pushed the
dripping wet Sam into the locker. Sam then heard a lock click on the
locker and Bi zip up her gym bag.
"Bye, bye, Sammy. I'll send soomeone to get you later." Sam then
heard Bi leave. Sam struggled to escape, but she couldn't move enough
in the locker. Sam continued to struggle for nearly an hour. She
then heard someone come in and open the lock. Sam then saw D open the
locker. D pulled Sam out of the locker and unlocked her hands and
feet. Sam then took off the gag as D pulled some clothes out of a
bag. Sam put on the tight shirt, canvas sneakers, and a very short
"Need a ride home, Sammy?" asked D.
"Yes, if it's not too much trouble."
"Oh no, it's not any trouble. By the way, would you like to come back
out to the ranch this weekend?"
"Do I really have a choice?"
"No, not really, but don't worry, it'll be a lot of fun."
"OK. Whatever." D and Sam then went down to D's car. When Sam sat
down, the skirt slid up, revealing her cunt. She tried to pull it
down, but still could not cover herslef. Sam was glad when she
finally got home.
Sam went right up to her room and took off her meager clothing. She
then laid dwn on her bed and took out a dildo. The dildo was made of
rubber covered plastic, and was about two and a half inches wide and a
foot long. It had many knobs and protrusions in the rubber. She used
her left hand to spread her cunt lips as she drove in the dildo with
her right. She then began to slowly slide the dildo in and out of her
pussy. As she became more and more excited, she sped up the dildo.
She was soon rocking her hips in sync with the motion of her dildo.
As she neared orgasm, she continued to pound home her toy. She rammed
it into her pussy until her entire body was convulsing so much that
she couldn't keep her grip on the dildo. She finally came and laid
there, still reeling from the force of her invader.
The next day after achool, Bi came over to Sam's house. Bi ripped off
Sam's clothes and handcuffed her to the foot of the bed. Bi then took
off her own clothes. She used her panties to gag Sam. Sam knew Bi
was horny because the panties were sopping wet. Bi then rolled out a
huge gymnastics ball and tied Sam to it. The ball arched Sam's back
and made her cunt stick out. Bi then laced a strap-on dildo to Sam
and began to thrust herself on the bound girl. It did not take long
for Bi to come. Bi then took the dildo off of Sam and ate out her
pussy. Sam moaned through the panties, and when she begain to spit
them out Bi put her hand over Sam's mouth.
After Sam came, Bi opened her purse and took out some clothespins.
She then proceded to place them up and down Sam's thighs. Sam again
tried to push out the panties. This time, Bi put a piece of masking
tape over Sam's mouth. When Bi had finished with Sam's thighs, she
used two pins to spread Sam's cunt lips apart. She finally placed two
more pins on Sam's nipples. Bi then kissed Sam's stomach and left.
Sam spent the rest of the night trying to escape. As soon as she had
her hands free she sought out her wet pussy and fucked herself. She
then went to bed with the ropes and the clothespins still on.
The next day at school, Sam got a pass to go to the nurse's
office. When she arrived, D was waiting. "Hello, Sammy. Let's skip
school tomorrow. We'll go out to the ranch. Bring your friend. How
long do you think you'll be able to stay?"
"I'll tell my parents that I'm going to a sleepover. I can stay until
Sunday that way. I'll get Bi to do the same.
"Good. Bring along all the toys you think we might want to play with.
And tell Bianca to wait until Saturday to come out to the ranch."
"OK." Sam then went back to class. When she got home, she called up
Bi. "Hey Bitch."
"Hey Slut. Want me to come...over?"
"No. Can you play this weekend, though?"
"Yeah, I'll be over Saturday morning."
"Um, actually, D, the nuse you met last weekend, wants us to come out
to the BGDS&M ranch outside of town."
"Cool. I'm never been out there before. I wonder what it's like to
live on a farm."
"I don't know. I guess we'll see Saturday."
"Yeah. Bye."
"Bye, Bi." Sam then went to her closet and packed all of her favorite
toys and clothes. She then went to bed.
...A Week with Sammy...
Sam went to school the next day with her gym bag full of hr sex toys.
About halfway there, D pulled up next to sam. "Get in, Sammy. Time
to go out to the ranch." Sam then got in the car. "Now take off all
of your clothes. and throw them in the back." Sam complied, and was
soon sitting naked in D's car as they sped out to the ranch.
When they arrived, Sam and D got out of the car. D put a leash on Sam
and led her into one of the buildings. Inside was a torture chamber.
D led Sam over to a salem stock. D then fastened the leather straps
that secured Sam's ankles, writst, and neck. "Your ass isn't red
anymore, Sammy. I know a way to fix that." D then took a cane and
proceded to spank Sam. In no time, Sam's ass had regained a bright
rosy color. "Oh, now isn't that more pleasant."
D unfastened Sam from the stock and led her outside and to a stable.
D then put a bit in Sam's mouth and locked her head in a bridle. The
bridle had blinders that prevented Sam from seeing to the sides. Sam
then felt D push something into her ass. She tightened, but D forced
it in. "Don't let that fall out, Sammy," commanded D. D then fastened
leather cuffs on Sam's wrists and ankles. "I won't lock them now,
Sammy, but I will if you make me." D then attached reins to Sam's
bridle. With the reins in place, D led Sam outside.
Sam tried not to step in the mud, but D led her through it. "let's
try some moves," said D, when they stopped in the middle of a pasture.
"I want to see you highstep prance." Sam complied and pulled her
right foot up to her knee and began to prance. "Good, Sammy. That's
very good. Keep your head up. Now point your toes." Sam followed
the instructions and extender her leg out and pointed her toes.
"You're very good at this Sammy. I'm glad because you and your friend
have a performance Sunday for some of my friends."
"What?" screamed Sam through her bit.
D smacked Sam's ass with the reins. "Firstly, ponys don't talk. If
you do that sSunday, you will regret it. Secondly, no one that's
coming will say anything outside of this ranch." D led Sam around the
pasture and had her do a variety of moves. D then led Sam back to the
stables. On the way, Sam slipped in the mud and fell face first into
the muc puddle. D didn't stop and dragged Sam through the thick mud.
When they finally got back to the stables, Sam was covered in muck. D
locked Sam's cuffs to a frame that held her arms and legs out from her
body. D then took a hose and began to spray the mud off of Sam. When
Sam was clean, D took a towel and dried her off. D then took Sam into
a house that was attached to the stable via a small corridor.
When they got into the house, they were in a kitchen. D took off
Sam's bridle and put a collar on her. D then got out a dog dish and
put some stew in it. She then sat it on the floor in front of Sam.
"Enjoy, Sammy." Sam was thoroughly embarrassed as she ate the stew
from the bowl. D heated up a jar of liquid that she got from the
fridge in the microwave. SHe then poured theliquid into Sam's
waterdish. Sam lapped up the liquid and found that it tasted like
some woman's wetness. "Its yours, Sammy. I collected it with my
Lubricosity Testing Station. I have a lot more too. You were quite
aroused that day." When Sam had finished with her meal, D wiped off
her face, and pulled her by the collar into the living room. "Now for
desert," said D as she pulled Sam's face up to her cunt. Sam's tongue
lashed out at D's vagina and parted her cunt lips. She licked far
into D's vagina and sucked up her wetness as fast as she could. Sam
still could not suck it fast enough, and it dripped down her chin. D
quickly came to orgasm, and screamed loadly.
After her climax, D pulled Sam off and took her over her knee. She
then spanked Sam. D then took Sam down to the basement. She took Sam
into a small cell and strapped her to a bed. "Nighty night, Sammy.
Remember, your friend will be here tomorrow." D then locked the cell
dorr and left.
Sam tried to wriggle her hands to masturbate before she went to sleep,
but the straps held her thoroughly in place. She went to sleep very
much unsatisfied.
Sam was awakened by the feeling of something brushing her brests.
When she opened her eyes, she saw D bring a whip down on her brests.
"Time to wake up, Sammy dear." D then unstrapped Sam. Sam saw Biana
standing naked in the doorway. She had a ball gag in her mouth, and
her wrists and ankles were locked in shackles. D then outfitted Sam
in a similar manner. D then put collars on Sam and Bi and hooked them
both to a leash. She then led the girls upstairs and out to the
stable. She then placed both girls in pony suits. When they were
both locked in their suits, D took them outside.
When D and her 'ponys' were outside, D attached them to a cart. She
then got in the cart and drove the cart around the pasture. When she
reache the distant stable, she stopped the girls by tightly drawing in
the reins. She unbound the girls from the cart and led them, with
them both on all fours, into the stable. D then took the girls to a
trough. She filled the trough with oats. She then opened up the
mouth cover. The girls put their faces in the trough and ate their
After breakfast, D wiped off the ponys' faces. "This morning we'll
work on tomorrow's show. We'll then go down to the dungeon this
afternoon. Let's go," said D. She then led the girls out into the
field. She used the reins and her crop to teach the girls the show
The show lasted 15 minutes, and pranced the two ponygirls around the
pasture. The constant rubbing of the latex tube in their vaginas'
excited the girls, but did not allow them to come. D had the girls
practice the show all morning.
D led the girls back to the stable. She removed the pony suits from
the girls and sat out dog dishes of soup. They ate the food and then
waited for D to return. When she did come back, she placed collars on
each of the girls. She then led them outside and over to a small pool
behind the house. The pool was filled with mud. D then unlocked the
leashes and pushed the girls in. THe mud came up to midchest.
"Why don't you girls wrestle around a bit." said D, "I'm sure you'll
enjoy it." Sam and Bianca then began to grope and struggle with each
other. "I'll personally eat out the winner of the match. The other
one will be punished." With that incentive, Bianca furiously began to
attack Sam. She knocked Sam on her back and sat on her chest. She
then held Sam's wrists down below the surface. "Very good, Bianca.
You win. Come here for your reward." D then hosed off Bianca before
she began to suck her. Bianca came quickly, as she had been left
unfulfilled all day lon. "Now for your reward, Sammy," said D as Bi
was reeling from her orgasm. D hosed Sam off too, and then reattached
the leash and handcuffed her. SHe then led Sam into the house, with
Bi following behind.
took Sam down to the basement adn past all the cells to the door at
the end of the hallway. THe door was massive oak and iron. She
unlocked the door and took Sam inside. When they were inside, D lit
candles all around the room. The candles thoroughly lit the room.
Sam could see all types of restraint and torture devices. D tied
Sam's hands to a wooden post. D then lashed Sam's feet together at
the ankles. D then took one of the candles and dripped the wax onto
Sam's feet. When Sam screamed out, Bianca shoved a ballgag into her
mouth. D continued to drip the how wax until she had covered Sam's
feet. D then let the wax cool, and pulled the sheet of wax off of
Sam's feet. She then untied Sam from the post. She then pulled Sam
over to a table. The table had restrains that wrapped around Sam's
thighs, spreading them far apart. She then slid open part of the
table, and locked Sam's feet in the table's stocks. D next tied
Sam's hands to a bracket on the table. D then investigated Sam's
cunt with her hands.
"You're very wet, my dear Sammy. That reminds me of something. My
guests tomorrow will probably be quite thirsty. Let's all go to my
brewery." D then unstrapped Sam and led her and Bi into another room
in the basement. This room had many chains and shackles. There were
also a variety of glasses, mugs, and buckets. D locked Bi with her
wrists locked in shackles above her head, and her ankles chained
apart. She next attached metal bands around Sam's thighs and wrists.
She then attacked short chains btween Sam's wrists and thights and
suspend her above the floor with more chains connected to the thigh
bands. D then sat mugs out under the girls' cunts to catch their
wetness as it dripped. The girls filled their first two mugs quickly.
"We need more," said D, "I'll tell you two a story to get your juices
flowing. In order for me to recieve membership at this club, I had to
go through an initiation. When I arrived, they stripped off all of my
clothes. I was then led down the road by my sponsor. I had to pass
past all of the members. When I reached the end of the road, my
sponsor strapped me into a ponygirl suit and led me aound the field.
She spanked me with the riding crop, even though I didn't make any
mistakes. I was then forced to 'freet' all of the members. All of
the members here are women, and greeting them meant kissing them on
the cunt lips. THen to repay me for this pleasure, each member
spanked me. I was then taken to the arena. Inside the arena was a
master dominatrix. She then tortured me and bound me for the viewing
enjoyment of all the other members. I was then a slave to the members
for a week, and was not allowed to wear any clothes. I slept in the
stable and as harnessed for most of the day and all of the night. It
was some of the most fun I've ever had." D then paused and added,
"Seem's like you've enjoyed it too." Both girls had filled up a bucket
apiece. D placed new buckets under the girls and continued to tell
her stories.
"I wonder if we have enough. If you fill up these buckets, we should
have enough. If we don't, we might be in trouble. They might take me
not having enough brewed as an insult. If that happens, I will no
longer be your mistress. I also will be a slave. That might not be
good. They probably won't take us off the ranch. There's another
ranch that's twice as large farther out into the country. THe
mistresses ther are totally sadistic. They'd beat us and rape us for
weeks. I once knew a girl who spat at her mistress and was taken
there. She was locked in one of these ponygirl suits for an entire
year solid. She was not allowed to speak and was treated like an
animal for that year.
"Ah, good, you've filled your buckets up again. That should be enough
to keep our guests satisfied. D then took the buckets and poured the
girls wetness into a water cooler. D then unlocked the girls from
their restraints and handcuffed them to the cooler. "Come along,"
said D. Sam and Bi followed, dragging the cooler of wetness behind
D led the girls back to the house. "You two may play here until
dinner," said D as she pushed the girls into one of the cells. "You
can be sure that I'll call." Sam and Bi then fell to the floor and
began to kiss. When Sam was about to slide down to lick Bi, D opened
the door and rolled in a bottle of ketchup. "Enjoy!"
Sam took the bottle and shoved it in Bi's vagina. She then used the
bottle to fuck Bi. When Bi came, she removed the bottle from her
pussy and licked it clean. She then used some of the chains in the
room to spread Sam's arms and legs. She then opened the bottle and
poured the ketchup over Sam's cunt. SHe then began to eat Sam's
pussy. Sam screamed in the ecstacy Bi brought her. Just as Sam was
about to come, D entered and said, "Play time's over. Come on."
Bianca then followed her commands, and stopped licking Sam, leaving
her on the edge of orgasm. D handcuffed both girls and led them into
the kitchen.
In the kitchen, D had set out dog dishes with the girls' names on
them. The dishes were filled with the same stew as before. The girls
them ate their dinner. "Time to get dressed, girls," said D as she
got out the ponygirl suits and put them on the girls. She closed the
eyepatches and locked the bits in place. She then led the girls out
to the stable. She tied the girls' leashes up and locked their ankles
and wrists together.
"Good night, girls. You'll be sleeping here tonight. TOmorrow will
be your big show." D then left the two girls to struggle in the
stable. After they realized that they were trappe, the girls went to
Samantha was awoken by a whip beating her ass. Her arms and legs were
now bound with short chains. She felt someone pulling her along by a
leash. She was then pushed forward and heard a steel cage door shut
behind her. She felt around as much as possible and realised she
seemed to be in some sort of pet cage that was human sized. She then
felt the cage being lifted. She heard a van door close and the engine
start. Sam was left in the cage for nearly an hour after the van
stopped. When Sam was taken out of the cage, she had no idea where
she was. She felt her leash being reattached, and was led on a short
"Hello, Sammy," said D, "Did you sleep well? We're going to begin
now. Mistresses, I would like to present you with my favorite pony.
Her name is Samantha. She will be ridden today by a friend of mine,
Bianca." Sam then felt someone sit down on her and assumed it was Bi.
Sam pranced about as she had been taught, despite her surprise that Bi
was her rider. When she had completed her routine, D said, "Thank you
for joining us today. We'll haave refreshments in the gazebo
immediately. Miss Bianca will be our server today." Sam then felt
her leash being pulled and was led up onto the gazebo. She was then
spanked until she sat down. She then felt a tray being placed on her
back. She realized that she was being usded as the table and tried to
remain as still as possible. She sat and listened to about five
mistresses talking with D about many things, mostly involving bondage
and the ranch. About an hour later, she heard one of hte mistresses
say, "Do you have any more of this tea, D?"
"Um...well...no, you've drunk it all."
"Oh, that's too bad. You should be punished for insulting us like
this." Sam then heard a short scuffle and the jingle of chains.
Sam's eyepatches wer then opened. Sam saw one of the mistresses in
front of her. "You two are not to blame for this. You two have done
an excellent job today. For doing so, you will be given these." She
then presented two leather suits. They were both obviously designed
for bondage. The suits were one piece from toe to neck, and had a
hood that zipped on. The suit had no gloves, but the sleeves were
sewn shut after they narrowed at the wrists. THe suit had numerous
buckles, shackles, and zippers. "And your pony suits," continued the
woman, "plus the cages, and a few lengths of rope." She then helped
both girls out of their suits. When they were naked, the mistress
hogtied them tightly. She then put the girls in the cages with the
suits and locked them in. She then put the cages in the van and drove
the girls home. She unlocked the cages but left the girls tied up.
The girls eventually escaped their bonds. THey then looked at their
suits. Sam had received the pony girl and the bondage suit. Bi,
however, had gotten different ones.
Bi's suits were obviously designd for a mistress. Her first suit was
made of one piece. It had high-heeled boots that stretched up to the
crotch. The crotch was messing from the suit. It did cover her ass
though. THe suit covered the chest, but had holes for breasts. The
arms of the suit did not end in gloves. Instead of gloves, the
sleeves had rods that things could be screwed into. The suit came
with a whip attachment, a cane attachment, a cat-o-nine tails, a
vaginal dildo, a anal dildo, a rabbit, and a tickling attachment.
Her second suit was really a set of clothes. She had a pair of soft
leather boots. The boots were knee high. The next part was a leather
skirt that laced up the side. The skirt was very short, being only
seven inches long. It also had a corset. The corset was designed to
push the wearer's breastes up. The suit was completed by fingerless
Sam and Bi then took their new toys up to Sam's room. Bi put on the
boots, skirt, corset and gloves. She then helped Sam into the bondage
suit. The back unzipped and Sam climbed in. She slid her hands and
feet past the narrow parts as Bi zipped up the back. Bi then slid the
hood over Sam's head. The hood had a gag built in. Bi zipped the
hood to the suit and zipped the hood closed. She then used a small
brass lock to secure all the zippers. She then zipped a zipper that
started at Sam's ass and wrapped down her legs and to her toes. She
then zipped a similar zipper from Sam's cunt to her toes. She locked
the zippers too. Bi then locked Sam's arms to her sides with latches
that were attached. Bi finally bent Sam's legs at the knees and
strapped her feet to her ass. Sam struggled, but she knew she was
trapped. The suit was well designed, making it impossible for her to
escape. Bi unzipped a zipper that covered Sam's cunt and separated
Sam's cunt lips. She then put her face to Sam's sweet vagina and
licked furiously. Sam had been excited all weekend, and was finally
able to relieve the tension. She came quickly and gyrated wildly,
despite the suit.
After Sam came, Bi removed the suit from Sam. She then took Sam to
the bathroom and put her in the tub. She then tightly hogtied Sam.
Sam's bonds were so tight that her wrists were next to her ankles. Bi
then said, "Gee, we haven't gone to the bathroom all weekend. I
really need to go." Bi then sat down on the toilet and began to pee.
Sam could hardly hold herself when she heard Bi's piss tinkling in the
toilet. When Bi finished, she washed her hands and left the water
running slowly. "It'd be a shame if you wet yourself there in the
tub. You know, you should wait and hold it until you can get to the
toilet. Otherwise, you'll get that urine all over yourself. Dripping
over you thighs." Bi then loosened her cunt lips and let some of her
wetness drip onto the floor. The sound of it splattering was too uch
for Sam and she lost control with a moan. Her urine spilled out and
soaked her thighs. It ran between her legs and down to the drain.
"Oh, bad girl! Now you need a bath!" Bi then turned on the water and
let it cover the tub with four inches. Sam's back was still dry, but
the rope had gotten splashed and the knot had swollen. "I'm not quite
done," said Bi as she climbed into the tub. She stood over Sam and
peed again. She pissed all over Sam's back. When she was done with
the golden shower, she let the water flow again and covered Sam's
back. She soaped up her crotch and used it to scrub Sam's back. She
didn't do much to clean Sam as she was constantly leaking her wetness.
She quickly came all over Sam.
Bi then drained the water out of the tub and dried Sam off. Bi untied
Sam and tok her back to the bedroom. Bi dragged a bondage rack out of
the closet and lashed Sam to it. Bi then slid into her second suit.
She screwed the whip and the cane on her gloves. She then beat Sam,
alternating between the two. When Sam's ass was a bright red color,
Bi took off the attachments and screwed on the vaginal dildo and the
cat-o-nine tails. She then rammed Sam with the dildo twenty times.
She then switched to the whip and gave Sam twenty lashes. She
continued this pattern until Sam came. Bi then took off the suit and
unbound Sam.
Sam and Bi laid down on Sam's bed and relaxed. After about fifteen
minutes, Bi took some shorts and a T-shirt and some sneakers from
Sam's closet and dressed. She then kissed Sam goodnight and left.
...A Weekend at the Ranch...
The next day at school, Sam went to see if D was there. A note
addressed to her was on the desk. The paper was slightly wrinkled and
had a faint musky odor. Sam opened it up and read it.
"Dear Pony-Slut Sammy,
"Please meet me at my house after school. I need to give you a
follow-up check-up. Bring your costumes. Can't wait to see you. --D"
Sam couldn't wait until school was out. As soon as the bell rang, Sam
rushed home to get her suits. She then went to D's house. There was
no replywhen she knocked. She then saw a note that said, "Come in and
lock the door." Sam complied. She then proceded down the hall. When
she reached the living room, she was surprised to see D tied up. She
was suspended from a bracket on the ceiling by her wrists. She had a
crotchstrap that split her cunt lips far apart. She also had a
ballgag in her mouth and a spreader bar between her ankles. She had a
post-it note on her stomach that said, "Untie me so I can torture
you." Sam then stripped down and released D from her bonds.
"Thank you, Sammy. I trussed myself up like that this morning to get
in the mood. Now let's go down stairs." D then led the naked Sam
down to the basement. D tied Sam to a bed in her torture chamber.
She then took out a razor and shaved the hair off Sam's mound. SHe
then unbound Sam and put a leash on her. She then handcuffed Sam and
led her around the room. Sam liked the feeling of her naked cunt lips
rubbing freely against each other. When D and Sam reached the other
side of the room, D unbound Sam. She then locked a collar on Sam.
She then locked a wooden spreader bar to the collar. She locked Sam's
wrists in open ings in the wood. She then put a ballgag in Sam's
mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. She then pushed Sam to her
knees. She then put a short spreader bar between Sam's knees and
lashed her ankles together. Sam then heard the snap of a camera. She
then moaned, into her ballgag in fear. "Shh...don't worry, Sammy.
These pictures are only for my personal album. The only people who
will ever see them are me, you, you friend Bi, and a few of my
mistress friends. I'll take every precaution to keep them from the
public." D took a few more pictures and then unbound Sam.
D then led Sam to a bondage rack. She secured Sam tightly to the
rack. She took a few pictures of Sam before she got out a cane. She
then beat Sam with the cane until her ass was bright red. D took the
camera out again and took more pictures of Sam's ass. D then beat Sam
again until her ass was purple. She then took more pictures. "That's
going to be sore for a while, Sammy. You'll have fun in school
tomorrow. Come see me during gym and I'll give you a check up." D
then lit a candle and sat it where it would drip on Sam's back. She
then clicked off pictures as the wax cooled on Sam's back. Sam tried
not to scream as the boiling wax burned her flesh. She knew that if
she made too much noise, D would stuff a gag in her mouth.
After D finished taking the wax pictures, she unbound Sam from the
bondage rack. "Put on your pony suit, Sammy." D commanded. Sam
slowly complied, although she needed D to zip up the back. D laced
the reins up and tied them to a hitching post. She then took pictures
of Sam as a pony. Sam tried to act as much like a pony as she could.
She pulled against the reinsand pawed the ground until D finished with
those pictures.
D took the pony suit off Sam and handed her a reform school uniform.
The uniform did not have panties, however. Sam put the uniform on,
and sat down at a school desk that D had. She spread her legs, and D
took a number of upskirt pictures. D then had Sam sit in a straight
backed wooden chair. She took some nylon rope and tied her legs to
the chair's. She tied Sam's hands to gether behind her head. She
then lifted Sam's skirt, revealing Sam's soggy pussy. She took more
pictures of Sam in this position. She then untied Sam and had her
kneel on the floor with her skirt pulled over her ass. D then setup a
stand to hold the cane until it looked like someone was beating Sam.
she then took many shots of Sam being "punished."
"I'm not quite done with that costume, yet, Sammy. Let's put this
collar on, Sam. And we must do something with those wild legs." D
then coiled rope around Sam's nude thighs, and stocking covered
ankles. She then had Sam kneel like she was praying. She then tied
Sam's wrists in that position. D then tok pictures of Sam "praying."
"Let's do some Inquisition shots, Sammy," D suggested. She took the
clothes off of Sam and locked her in a cage. The cage was made out of
inch wide steel bands. The cage was shaped to fit a woma's body. Sam
could only shift her arms and legs a few inches. D then attached the
cage to a winch and hoisted it to the ceiling. She then took pictures
or Sam in the cage.
When D had taken pictures of every angle of Sam, she lowered the cage
and released Sam. She then tied Sam down to a wooden crossbar. "Have
you ever seem one of these, Sammy?" asked D as she picked up a metal
"It's called a pear. The inquisitors used it on women by making it
force their cunts open until it hurt. Don't worry, I won't hurt you
much." D then inserted the device into Sam's vagina. She turned the
handle on the pear and it tightedned up against the walls of Sam's
cunt. D tightened the pear bit by bit until Sam began to feel pain.
Sam began to scream, so D stopped just long enough to put a gag in
Sam's mouth. She then took a feather and tickled Sam's nipples and
thighs. She then took out the pear, untied Sam and flipped her over
on the cross. SHe then retied her and put the pear back into Sam's
ass. D then ticked Sam's back and ass with the feather. When the
tickling had driven Sam as far as she could go, D stopped. She then
loosened the pear and removed it from Sam's ass. She then untied Sam
and led her to a leather couch and had her sit down. D then ate Sam's
pussy. When Sam was thrashing around in ecstacy, D sped up until Sam
came. Her orgasm was so violent that Sam shot her wetness deep into
D's throat.
"My, oh, my, Sammy," said D after she swallowed, "You sure are
excited. Now get dressed, dear. You should go home now." Sam and D
then went up stair. D helped Sam find her clothes. Strangely,
neither could find Sam's panties. She finally gave up and left
without them.
...Sam's Photoshoot...
Three months later...
Christmas wa fast approaching. Sam hadn't really had much fun for
months. D hadn't called in a while, and all Bi ever had time for was
sex. Sam had reverted back to self-bondage to liven up her life.
Then on day, Sam received a note in her locker from D. It read, "Meet
me after school. --D." Sam instantly became wet. After the bell
rang, and everyone left, Sam went down to D's office. When she
arrived, D was leaving. "Meet me at my house around seve," she said.
Sam then went to gymnastics and home after that. She left a note for
her parents that said that she was studying at Bi's house. Sam then
left and went to D's house. When she arrived, the door was ajar. She
let herself in. Inside, she saw D sitting on the couch. She was
wearing a red santa hat and coat and thigh high black latex boots.
The coat barely covered her breasts, and stopped just above her pussy.
"I need some pictures for my christmas cards, Sammy. Would you like
to help?"
"Of course, Miss D," replied Sam.
"Good. Strip down and go to the basement. I'll be there after I get
a few things." D then left. Sam stripped off all of her clothes,
making a pile on the floor. She then went down stairs. SHe sat down
on a bondage chair. She strapped her legs to it and then fastened her
head. She secured her left hand and then began to finger herself with
her right.
She was nearing orgasm just as D was coming down the stairs. D ran
over, pulled Sam's hand from her dripping cunt and locked it to the
"Oh, please let me come, Miss D!"
"No, not yet, Sammy. First we're going to dress you up like a good
reindeer." D then unbuckled Sam's head and put a steel bit in her
mouth. She then attached a leather harness to the bit. THe harness
was bright red, had blinders, and was adorned with sleigh bells. D
next unbound Sam's legs. She slid up another harness that tightly
covered Sam's cunt. Sam found that she could not come with the
harness in place. D finally unbound Sam's hands and pulled a harness
over Sam's chest. THe harness was made of the same red leather and
also had bells. D buckled the three harnesses together. She then put
cuffs on Sam's wrists and ankles. She finished the costume by
securing reins to the bit. She then attached Sam's harness to a sled.
"Hmm...something's missing," said D as she looked at her captive, "Oh
I know!" D then got a set of antlers that were secured to leather
straps. She secured the antlers to Sam's head, and stepped back to
take a look. "Excellent." D then began to take pictures of Sam.
"You make a beautiful reindeer, Sammy. Nearly as good as you do a
pony." D finished the roll of film and changed it. She then set the
camera on a tripod and set its time to take a picture every minute.
She then stripped and went to her closet, leaving Sam locked in place.
When she returned, she was wearing thigh high black latex boots, with
six inch stilletto heels. She also had on a Samta hat and a matching
coat that came to just below her waist. It had a latex belt, but did
not close enough to cover her cunt, tits, or ass. She got a whip,
turned the camera on, and sat in the sleigh. She gathered up Sam's
reins and cracked th whip at Sam. "Keep straight. We have
twenty-four pictures to take." D then begain to whip Sam's ass and
flanks while the camera clicked off the minutes. The only sounds that
echoes through the dungeon were the cracks of the whip, Sam's muffled
screams, and D's barked orders. "Stick you tail out! Keep you head
up! Stick out your tits! Spread you legs! Face forward!"
By the time the camera finished, Sam's ass was red. D released Sam
from her costume and took her to the other side of the room. SHe then
hogtied Sam with red rope and put a red ball gag in her mouth. D then
got some ribbon and tied a bow on Sam's wrists and ankles, and another
on her head. She then took a few pictures of Sam. "This would make
an excellent christmas card." WHen D finished with that position, she
released Sam. She then took Sam back upstairs and had her get
dressed. Again, Sam was missing her panties. Sam then left, as D
gathered up her film.
...Sam's Christmas Shoot...
The next day at gymnastics, Sammy was surprised when Bi walked in.
She was nude and carried a small duffle bag. She walked over to Sam
and took a ball gag from the bag. Sam opened her mouth and let the
orb in. Bi then took out some oversized handcuffs. She then locked
Sam's breasts, through her leotard, in them. She next took a
singlglove and laced Sam's arms in. She then took Sam over to the
horse. She had previooously installed a strap-on vibrator to it. She
helped Sam onto the horse, and tied her legs to the sides of the
horse. She then tied the singleglove's ring to her feet. She finally
turned the vibrator on. The vibrator was immensely powerful, even
though it had to press through Sam's leotard. Sam ground down on it,
ripping a slit in her leotard crotch to match the one in her body. Bi
sat on the horse in front of Sam and nibbled holes for Sam's nipples
to poke through.
Just as Sam was nearing orgasm, Miss G, the gymnastics and dance
instructor, entered. "What is going on in here? What are you doing?"
Right at that moment, Sam climaxed and screamed into her ballgag.
"You both are coming with me." G untied Sam and dragged her and Bi
into her office. The office had many dance costumes and attire. G
sat behind her desk, making Bi (still naked) and Sam (still
singlegloved, gagged, and wearing the tatters of her leotard) stand.
"I will not permit you to sneak around and use my studio to fuck each
other. I will teach you a lesson you'll not soon forget." She then
locked the two girls in a storage closet. Two minutes later, she
returned wearing a patent leather dominatrix suit. "I know you like
this, Sammy. Im only assuming your friend does also." G then took
the girls back into the studio. She stripped Sam bare, and made the
girls lean over a balance beam. She then took a paddle and beat Bi
and Sam's asses. "I saw your pictures, Sammy. D does such an
excellent job with her work." The girls yelped with each hit, so G
got two ballgags and silenced them. The girls also began to squirm
around. G then took some rope and tied the girls' hands and geet
together. She then continued to spank them.
By the time she had finished, both of the girls had formed smalled
puddles of wetness on the floor. G noticed this and unbound Sam.
"Clean that up, Sammy." Shen the removed Sam's gag and tied her hands
behind her back. Sam quickly lapped up the puddles on the floor and
continued up Bi's leg. Just as she was getting close to Bi's cunt, G
pulled her off. "I go first, dear," said G as she unlaced the pants
and opened up her naked cunt. Sam buried her face in G's muff and ate
her out. Sam was so powerful that G had to lean up against the beam.
As she came she began to moan. After she had come, she pulled Sam off
and regagged her. Bi then began to moan, hoping that she was next.
"Oh yes you are, Bi," G said, reading Bi's mind. She removed Bi's gag
and forced Bi's face into her cunt. Bi ate G, but was not as
ferocious as Sam. "I need to punish you for your terrible eating
habits," said G after she came.
G took her paddle and beat Bi. She did not stop until Bi's ass was
bright red. She then untied the girls. "Please don't use my studio
for your sex-games. If I catch you again, I won't be nearly as kind."
The two girls then ran to the locker room, got dressed, and left.
Two girls went to Sam's house. "Let's play Naughty Daughter," said
Bi. "Ok...I want to be her," replied Sam. Sam then went and got
dressed in her little girl clothes. She had on white lacey socks, a
short flowery dress, and panties with a bear design. She put her hair
into two little pig tails. Bi dressed upin a nightgown. THe gown
closed in the front with ribbon ties. She sat on a sofa and waited
for Sam. When Sam entered, Bi said, "Samantha! I told you to go to
"I don't wanna!" pouted Sam.
"You naughty girl!" screamed Bi as she jumped up and chased after Sam.
Bi quickly caught Sam and dragged her to the floor. She took off
Sam's panties and shoved them in Sam's mouth. She then dragged Sam
back to the sofa by her wrists. SHe took Sam over her knees and began
to spank her. "Those panties better stay in you mouth. I don't want
to hear you making _any_ noise." Sam flailed around, but Bi held on
to her hair tightly. Sams ass was already red and sore, and the
continued punishment excited her. With no panties to her it in, Sam's
wetness poured out over Bi's lap.
"What's this?" screamed Bi. "You've made a mess all over me, too! Go
to your room!"
Just as Bi said this, the two girls heard a knock at the door. Sam
ran upstairs as Bi answered it. Ouside, she saw D dressed in a trench
coat. Bi couls see spiked heeled boots beneath her coat. A van was
parked in th edriveway. "Open the garage door," commanded D. Bi did
as she was told, and D backed the van up. She opened the back and Bi
saw two cages, each with numerous restraints attached. D grabbed Bi
and before she could react, Bi was nacked and caged.
A few minutes later, Samantha came downstairs. "Who was it, Bi?" she
asked. She didn't notice D come up behind her. D gagged and hogtied
Sam, and then dragged her into the second caage. D then closed the
van, opened the garage, drove out, closed the garage again, and then
drove the van away, effectively kidnapping Bi and Sam.
The two girls had no idea what D had planned, and trapped within the
small cages, they could do nothing. They drove for about ten minutes,
and then D stopped She opened the back, and the girls, who were facing
the front of the van and kneeling with their faces towards the floor,
could not see. Bi's cage was grabbed first, and D and another person
haled her into a building. It was daylight, and the girls were
terrified that someone would see them. Sam's cage was taken our
finally, sat on the ground as the van was closed, and finally taken
inside. THe two girls were then released from the cages, and could
see that G, the gym instructor, was also there. D had brought the two
girls back to Gabi's dane studio.
Bi and Sam were hogtied together and gagged. "Don't go anywhere,
sluts. We have to change into more suitable attire." They then left
Bi and Sam together with Bi on top of Sam's back and all eight limbs
lashed together. Sam ccould feel Bi's wetness as it trickled down her
ass to ingle with hoer own juices as they puddled on the floor.
When D and G returned, they had on latex suits that covered them from
head to toe. Their feet were encased in boots with four inch
stilletto heels. The suits sovered their legs like a second skin.
WHen the suits reached their cunts, tey formed a new set of cunt lips
molded into the suit. These lips were open, and a latex sheath
extended into their vaginas. A similar sheath was inserted in thier
assholes. THe suit continued up, covereing the womens' front as well
as it did their legs. THe breats were also formed in the suit. The
armes of the suit ended in tight fitting gloves. THe neck of the
suits extended up like a turtle neck, and covered everything except
thier faces and hair. As far as Bi and Sam could see, the only
openings were the neck, the vagina, and the ass.
"Ooh! Looks like they made a mess on the floor, eh G?"
"Quite right, D. What bad little girls. I think that they need to go
to obedience camp."
"I agree. What do you girls say?"
"mmph...mmgph..." were the only sounds the two could make.
"Excellent. It'll be this July for two weeks. Tell your parents.
There's no cost. You'll pay your way when you get there."
"Now...after a quick spanking, we'll send you home."
"Don't forget the cream!" interrupted D.
"Oh, right. We're going to give each of you a jar of breast cream.
We will expect you to put it on daily until camp starts.
D and G then took a paddle each from a bag, and beat the two girls,
alternating between the two every few strokes. They then returned the
girls to their cages and put them back in the van. THey were driven
to Sam's house, taken out of the cages, and left on the kitchen floor,
naked and bound with a tube of cream by their sides.
THe girls soon managed to escape, and spent the next few weeks making
preparations for their trip to camp. They applied the cream to their
breasts daily, and were amazed at the growth which took place. The
two girls' breasts swelled up to almost half again their original
size. Bi and Sam were both pleased with this effect.
...Another friend?...
Samantha was sitting at home one day after school when the phone rang.
"Hey, Slut," said Bi.
"Hey, Bitch," replied Sam, "What'cha doing?"
"I'm getting ready to come...over and spank your ass."
"Cause you're a slut and deserve it. Now go upstairs and put yourself
in the stocks. Gag yourself."
"Sure thing. See you in a few." Sam then hung up the phone and went
upstairs. She stripped off her clothes and put on a ball gag, the
biggest one she could find. She then went to her closet and got out a
selection of whips and paddles and laid them out on the bed for Bi.
She then got her stocks out, put it together, and tested it to make
sure it was sturdy. She then put ankle shackles on, and attached a
four-foot spreader bar between her legs. She then hopped to the
stocks and pushed the top board up with her head and placed her neck
and hands in the holes. When she stopped pushing up, the top board
fell and a metal plate fell over the lock ring. She tested it, and
the notch in the ring worked, holding the stocks closed, even without
a lock. Sam then waited.
Ten minutes later, Sam heard the front door open and voices talking.
Sam began to panic, as Bi had siad nothing about D or G coming along.
She heard the voices grow louder as they came up to Sam's room. Sam
heard the door open, and two people enter. She then heard the door
close and it be locked with a pad lock.
"Go over and introduce yourself, Kat," Bi said.
"Ok," replied the other voice. A girl a few years younger than Sam
and Bi wearing a school uniform and penny loafers came into Sam's
view. She had brown hair. "Hello, Samantha. My name is Katarina.
Bi said I could tag along."
"mmphgh!" shouted Sam through the gag.
"Oh don't get up, please! You look so comfortable."
"Yeah, not for long," said Bi as she drew back a paddle. *Whack*
*Whack* *Whack* *Whack* *Whack* Sam screamed after every hit. She was
terrified of this new girl. What if she told? I'll be made fun of!
Sam was crying, but she knew that her humiliation was making her wet.
"Boy, she must have been a bad girl," said Katarina as she sat down on
the bed.
"You have no idea how bad she's been. She's a very naughty little
girl." Bi then stopped paddling Sam and asked Katarina, "Would you
like to punish her?"
"Oh, I couldn't. What if I hurt her?"
"Don't worry. Just aim for her bright red ass, and swing as hard as
you can. You can't miss!"
"Oh, well, ok...If it's ok with you, Sammy?"
"mmgph...Gmf!" replied Sam.
"That's a yes," translated Bi.
Katarina then began to spank Sam. She was cautious at first, but when
she saw Sam's wetness fly off her cunt with every hit, she began to
warm up, and was soon hitting Sam as hard as she could. Bi sat on the
bed for a while, but eventually decided to get in on the action. She
put Sam's spreader bar on a box, and raised her feet off of the floor.
Bi then got a feather from Sam's closet and began to tickle Sam's
feet. Sam could do nothing to protect herself, and eventually
accepted her abuse.
Kat and Bi continued thier torment of Sam for about five minutes,
switching positions every minute. Bi then got a string of large beads
and fed them up Sam's vagina. She left a few hanging out. She then
placed a large bowl under the beads to catch Sam's wetness as it fell
to the floor.
The two girls maintained the beatings and the ticklings for another
ten minutes, Then Kat put down the paddle and got another feather, and
tickled Sam's other foot. Sam knew that she wouldn't be able to take
this tickling much longer. She could feel her bladder muscles loosen
and a stream of piss shoot out into the bowl. When this happened,
both Bi and Kat stopped to laugh at Sam. Bi got a marker out, and
then wrote "Pee-Pee Girl" on Sam's stomach, and drew smiley faces on
her nipples.
"Let's go Kat, and leave the naughty pee-pee girl alone," said Bi as
she dropped the marker.
"She we let her out?" inquired Kat.
"No...she put herself in that evil contraption. let her find her own
way out. Besides, I'll be back later. She should think about what
she has done."
"Bye-bye Pee-Pee Girl!" shouted the two as they left. As their voices
faded out, Sam could hear Kat tell Bi about the gymnastics camp that
she was going to that summer that would make her as agile as a cat.
Hours passed, and Bi had still not returned. Sam was in pain from
being in one position for so long. She hoped that Bi would get back
soon. Suddenly, Sam's room's door opened, revealing the much hoped
for Bi. She was completely naked except for the white tube socks she
had on her hands, feet and breasts. Sam could not help laughing at
the strange sight. "Sure, you laugh now. We'll see who's laughing in
a minute." Bi then pulled the socks off her arms and breasts and then
released Sam from the stocks. SHe made Sam lie on the floor, where
she tied Sam's ankles and wrists together. She then tied Sams's hands
to a bar on one side of the room, and her feet to another on the
opposite side of the room. WHen Sam was stretched out, Bi came over
and sat down on Sam's hips. She then put her feet on Sam's face,
covering Sam's mouth with her heels, and eyes with her toes. "I want
you to take my socks off of me, Sam." Sam then took the heel of the
left sock between her teeth and tugged it off. She repeated this for
the right sock. WHen Sam had pulled it off, Bi reached up and stuffed
it into Sam's mouth. Bi then tied a cloth gag across Sam's mouth.
"Ooh...It's a sweaty, stinky sock, isn't it, Baby?" Sam nodded. "I
guess that makes me a sweaty, stink girl, too, doesn't it?" Sam
vigorously shook her head no. "You think that I'm a sweaty, stinky,
filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck slut-bitch, don't you, Baby?
Of course you do. I'll show you who's the slut-bitch." Bianca then
began to lick Sam's breasts. She slowly suckled at each of them,
arising them to the point where Sam thought her nipples might shoot
off and fly across the room.
Once Bi was satisfied that Sam was at the peak stimulation at her
breasts, she moved down her captive's body. She let her tounghe drag
across Sam's stomach, pausing momentarily to play in Sam's belly
button. Sam was aching with desire, and wanted Bi to just fuck her.
Bi then slid down again, letting her tongue skirt Sam's clit, and then
brushing over Sam's labia, catching the tiny droplets Sam was
releaseing. Bi then licked the bridge between cunt and ass and
stopped. She sat up and rested herself on Sam's chest. She then
pulled out Sam's gag.
"Say it," commanded Bi.
"You know."
"Oh, please, just eat me!"
"Say it."
"Fine, I'm a sweaty stinky girl."
"All of it or you get nothing."
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, oily, dirty, horny little fuck slut-bitch."
"You forgot filthy."
"And filthy."
"Do it!"
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck
"What did you say?"
"Well then, Sammy, why didn't you just say so?"
...A new friend...
Bi and Sam were both ready to go to camp. They had told their parents
that D was taking them to a nursing camp. When the Saturday came, Bi
and Sam packed a few pieces of clothing, mostly to cover the toys in
the bottom of their bags.
D picked them us that Saturday that took them to the ranch. By the
time they arrived, the two girls had stripped all their clothes off.
They got out of the car at the ranch, and were greated by G, dressed
in the latex suit she had been wearing the day of the kidnapping. She
appraised the girls and finally said, "I see you've used the cream.
Excellent. Now we'll be able to milk you." The two girls were
shocked, but they could not resist as they were collared and bound.
The collars locked their necks firmly in place with their heads' held
high. A gag connected to the collar fitted into the girls' mouths,
covering their tongues and continuing into their throats. It had a
hole through it for food and breathing. The back of the collar
covered the back of the girls' heads, and their hair was pulled
through a ponytail for Bi, and a mane for Sam. The head cover also
had closable blinders to restrict the girls' vision. The girls' hands
were inserted into bondage gloves that were then laced to a posture
brace across the girls' shoulders. To restrict the girls' motion,
heavy iron hooves were placed on their feet. Large metal stables were
then inserted into the hooves around each toe to hold them in place.
Larger staples crossed the girls' feet and ankles. With the staples
bent into place, they were heated up and welded to the hooves. The
heat burned the girls' feet, but they were helpless to stop it. The
hooves were essentially permanent, and would take hours to remove.
By this time, the two girls were wondering if maybe they had crossed a
line and were now simply property. THey were slightly afraid.
After they had been garbed, G said, "You are our slaves for two weeks.
This week you will be cows. Stupid cows who eat and give milk. Do
you understand? I will milk you daily. You better hope I do because
if I don't, this cream," as she rubbed a new cream on the girls'
helpless tits, "will make it hurt like hell. Running can be very
painful with tits full of milk." She then took the girls into the
barn. She strapped them with D's help, who watched with whip in hand
to prevent trouble, to benches. The benches were four feet off the
ground, and had openings for the girls' tits to fit through. Their
legs and body were shackled to the bench as G got a bucket and stool.
She then sat down in front of Sam and put the bucket under her and
began to tug on her breasts until milk began to come out. She then
started to vigorously pump them and soon began to fill the bucket.
Although being milked was extremely painful, the humiliaation
associated with it was so great that Sam quickly became wet. Bi, who
could see, also became sopping wet. D got two more buckets to catch
the girls' precious wetness.
When G finished with Sam, she moved on to Bi. By the time she
finished, she had a bucket of milk and a bucket of wetness from each
girl. The two cows were exhausted, and sweat covered them. D unbound
Bi and Sam from the benches while G took the buckets into the house.
Once unbound, D attached chastity belts onto the girls. The belts had
a bag which was designed to catch the juices of the wearer. She then
took the girls to a groom on the other side of the barn and said,
"Clean these two up, and use the course brush." She then went to the
house to see G. The groom shackled the girls to arches by their
ankles and head. She then took a stiff bristle brush and rubbed them
down, leaving scrapes and red spots. The girls struggled in vain to
avoid the rough treatment.
Inside the house, D and G were putting the milk and the wetness into
bottles. They then put the jars in the refrigerator. "We got a lot
from those two," said G.
"Yeah," replied D, "They just kept flowing. i've never seen that much
come out of people that small."
"We should see that they get watered. We don't want them to
"Yeah," D paused, "They're going to get the milk and juice mixture
with oats for meals, right?"
"That's what I thought. Maybe we can drain one of the real stallionss
and mix it in for variety."
"Great. Shall we sample their products?"
"Sure. Let's make sure they're not getting _too_ good of a diet." G
then took out four glasses, and poured a glass of both milk and juice
for the two women. They then sipped the liquids as they made plans
for the next two weeks. Both women liked the sweet milk that they had
pumped from the girls.
They were sitting at the kitchen table when a knock came at the door.
G got up to see who it was. Standing on the porch was young Katarina.
"I'm here for my two weeks of gymnastics camp, Miss G. I want to be
just like a cat," said Kat. She had a large duffel bag full of
"Come inside. This is my friend, D. D, this is Katarina, another
member of our camp. D, would you please take Kat's bag to a room?"
"Certainly," replied D. D then took the bag and left.
"Come with me, Kat," continued G. "I have a dressing room in the
basement, next to a studio. Let's get started." G then led Katarina
down to a dark room. "Now Kat, if you want to be as graceful as a
cat, what should you do?"
"Um...I don't know, Miss G. Study them, I suppose."
"Well, yes. But how should you study them?"
"Up close?"
"Yes...up close." G then went to a locker and drew out a large bag.
"Part of this week we will study cats...up close. Wouldn't you say
that _being_ a cat would be the best way to become graceful like one?"
"I suppose, but how?"
"Here, I'll show you," Gabi opened up the bag. "Take off your
clothes, dear."
"Um, Miss Gabi?"
"Come on, come on. We're both adults. I've seen myself you realize."
Katarina complied and took off her pants, shirt, shoes, socks, and
after a huff and an impatient stare from G, her bra and panties.
"Now, my dear," said G as she removed black latex things from the bag,
"the goal of these two weeks of camp is to make you as graceful as a
cat. To do this, you will have to become a cat. This suit will help.
Stand with your arms to you side." Kat complied and G buckled a black
latex corset with black fur to her torso. The corset squeezed Kat's
stomach and mid section, but pushed her breasts through holes.
"Crouch down." Kat again compled to G as she laced up latex pants
over her legs. The pants were odd, and made walking upright
impossible. G then placed a shirt over Kat and tightened straps on
the back. The shirt covered Kat's arms and breasts, although they
were tight and form-fitting to both. "Now for the feet." G placed
huge rubber cat feet on Kat's hands and feet. They were weighted and
were slightly cumbersome. Kat's toes and fingers each fit into an
individual slot in the cat feet. Her hands were balled around a large
palm grip, where most of the weight would be. The hind feet had a
base parallel to Kat's toes, with the soles of her feet rising up at a
sharp angle, putting nearly all the weight on her toes.
Kaatarina walked around the dressing room on all fours. She stumbled
at first, but quicly learned the tricks. "How long will I wear this
today, Miss G?"
"You'll wear that for your entire stay. And I'm not even done, yet."
G then took a rubber cat mask and put it on Kat's face. A small
balloon filled the muzzle and Kat had to take a bit of it into her
mouth. G then placed the back half of the mask on Kat's head.
G then proceded to lace all the individual parts together. Once the
lacings were done, Kat tried to speak, but was having difficulty due
to the balloon. "Now, Kat, everyone knows that cat's can't talk. G
then inflated the balloon, which was shaped like a donut. WHen the
balloon was half inflated, G fed a wid straw through the hole. The
straw went to the back of Kat's throat and almost made her gag. Gabi
then finished inflating the balloon, completely filling Kat's mouth.
Kat began to panic and tried to bite the balloon, but found she
couldn't piece it. Kat then tried to escape, but found that she could
not move her fingers in the feet, and would only be able to bat at her
bonds with her paws, like a cat with a piece of string. "One final
touch, my dear. Every cat needs a tail." She then took a long
synthetic tail and inserted the end into Kat's ass. The end
immediately expanded to fill Kat's ass. "Let's look at you in the
Kat couldn't believe her eyes when she looked into the mirror. Her
face looked like it belonged to a real cat. She saw that she had
large ears atop her hear, and whiskers on her cheeks. When she
brushed them, she could feel the pressure they exerted on the mask and
her skin. Her body was covered, except for her nipples and cunt. Her
feet were tightly laced to her sleeves and leggings, and Kat could
also see straps and locks securing them. The most disturbing thing,
however, was the tail that Kat could see move in relation to her
muscles working.
"Let's go, dear. I want to show you to D. Then I'll train you.
Remember, for the next two weeks, you are a cat, not a human in a cat
suit, but an actual cat. You will live like a cat, and after today,
everyone will treat you like a cat." G led Kat back to the kitchen,
where D was writing in a notebook and drinking milk.
When D saw Kat in her costume, she said, "My! Don't you look
beautiful. You do excellent work, Gabi."
"Why, thank you. I was going to give here a quick training and then
let her go wander around a bit."
"OK. I'll go check on our friends." D then left and went out to the
"Now, Kat, your food will be in this blue bowl, and I'll keep some
milk for you in this red bowl. I will take your mask off only during
meal times. You will not be allowed to speak during those periods, so
please don't try." G then led Kat from the kitchen into the living
room. "This will be your litter box. You may feel free to go
outside, as long as you avoid places where someone might walk. I
assume you won't try to escape. Most people wouldn't understand this
type of training. Do you understand everything?" Kat nodded. "Good.
I'll let you outside for the day." G then took ahold of Kat's collar
and led her to the back door. Kat roamed around the barnyeard for
nearly three hours. She had a bit of trouble adjusting to her new
legs, and spent half of that time relearning how to walk and run.
Once Kat had covered the barnyard, she decided to have a look inside
the barn. She found a door that was slightly ajar, and went inside,
squeezing through just like a cat.
Once she was inside, she saw two other girls that had hooves on their
feet and had their hands tied up at the shoulder. They were wearing
masks that were shaped like a horse head. They were harnessed and D
was hitching them to a small cart. Kat was surprised at this and
began to get scared again. "What if this was really a slavery ring
after all," Kat thought. When Kat saw D look at her, she quickly ran
out of the barn. Kat ran back to the house, and was glad to see G
waiting for her on the porch. "Dinnertime, Katty." Gabi led Kat into
the kitchen by her collar. She then got out Kat's two dog dishes,
filled one with milk from a bottle, and filled the other with cat
food. She then removed Kat's gag so she could eat. Kat paused for a
moment and looked at Gabi. She then said, "I know I'm not to talk,
but I have some questions, Miss G."
"Very well then, but you will have to be punished."
"Well...firstly, I saw two girls in the barn today. They were dressed
like ponies, and were being used like animals."
"Those two are D's. She's helping them with a strength training
regiment. They're...swimmers, and they need to work on their leg
"Ok...and how am I supposed to eat if my hands are still in these
claws? And when will you let me use the bathroom? I won't be able to
with this suit."
"You're not thinking like a cat, Kat. You will eat like the cat you
are. Stick your face in the bowl and chew. And I've already
explained. You may pee at any time. You are required to use the
litter box. If you must shit, find me and I'll remove your tail until
you're through. Now eat!"
Katrina was satisfied for the moment, and besides thast, she was very
hungry after running all afternoon. She quickly dove into the kibble,
and after her initial disgust and humiliation at having to eat pet
food in front of another person, quickly devoured it all. She then
drank her milk, although she didn't realize that it tasted fuller and
richer than normal milk. When she finished eating, Gabi cleaned her
face off, and put the gag-mask back on her. Kat then decided to go to
the bathroom.
She made her way to the litterbox and stood next to it until G took
out her tail. She then paused, hoping that G would give her some
privacy. "Come on! I haven't got all day." G said. Kat realized
that she would not get any privacy. She then accepted her position,
and loosened up. When she was done, G put on a rubber glove, and
proceded to wipe her ass. Kat was humiliated, but was glad that she
could be clean.
"Now for that punishment." G led Kat by the collar into the living
room. G rolled up a newspaper and beat Kat's ass with it. When Kat's
ass was thoroughly red, Gabi gave it a kiss, and put the tail back in.
Kat was tired and decided to sleep. She made her way to one of the
bedrooms, and lept onto the bed, curled up like a cat.
While Kat was eating, D was hitching Sam and Bi to a cart. The cart
was designed for one person to ride. Once the girls were hitched and
the reins drawn, D led the girls out of the barn. She then sat in the
seat, grabbed the reins in one hand and a whip in the other, and set
off on a ride.
D rode the girls across the fields and down the driveway. She pulled
them to a stop at the mailbox, and got a week's worth of mail out.
The two girls could see where they were, and were terrified that a car
would drive by. Sure enough, as D was reading the mail, one did zoom
past, but the girl's blinders prevented them from seeing much. D then
turned the cart around and drove the girls back up the driveway,
taking care to close and lock the gate. D drove the girls back to the
barn and unhitched them. She removed their masks and led them to a
trough. Inside the trough was oatmeal. The girls were rather hungry
and ate up, hardly noticing that the oats had been mixed with their
own milk and juices. D replaced the masks when the girls were done
eating and took them to two stalls in the barn. She attached chains
to their collars to prevent them from crwawling out. She then went
back into the house. The girls soon went to sleep on the hay in the
The next morning, G woke Kat up. SHe took Kat's suit off. SHe
removed the mask and paws, leaving Kat completely naked. She then
took Kat to the bathroom and gave her a bath. "How do you feel, Kat?"
Kat didn't reply , assuming that she would be punished. "Don't worry
dear. This will be off the record."
"Well, Miss G, I'm doing just fine. The suit takes a bit of
adjustment, but it's just fine."
"Nothing feels odd or bad?"
"Well, my head itches."
"Probably due to your hair. We could shave you bald, bt you wouldn't
like that."
"Could we? I mean, if I'm going to wear that suit for another two
weeks, I'm not going to like a constant itch."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep." G then got an electric shaver, and proceded to cut Kat's hair
down to stubble. SHe then got a razor and shaved Kat. "That's
better. I'm ready to get back in that suit."
"Let's put this lubricant on you. You're going to be in the one piece
suit since you decided to shave." G then spread liquid over all of
Kat's body. Gabi then helped Kat get into a black latex suit. Kat
entered the suit through an opening that stretched from her cunt
across her ass crack. Kat's upper body was put in the suit first.
Kat's body was completely covered, leaving the only openings around
Kat's face and cunt. Kat's legs were again hindered, giving her a
cat-like stance. G then put the paws back on Kat, and locked them on.
"Now let's go for breakfast." Gabi led Kat to the kitchen and put her
milk and cat food out.
As Kat was finishing, she noticed that the suit was sticking to her.
"What's up with this suit?"
"That lube turns into a glue when it dries. That suit is stuck to
you. It's permanent until the glue is dissolved in a special solvent.
We'll be able to remove it when we're done, but I didn't want you to
chafe and be uncomfortable."
"Oh...ok." Gabi then put Kat's mask back on and locked it in place.
She then led her out to roam.
Back in the barn, D awoke Bi and Sam with a switch to their asses.
She took them to the trough and let them eat. When they had finished,
D took them ouside and began to lead them around the yard. "I want to
see you high-stepping." Bi and Sam complied, lifting their feet as
much as possible. D had the two ponies march around all morning long.
"Very good, Bi. You're excellent at this. Sam, you could learn much
from your friend."
D led Sam and Bi back to the barn and locked Sam in her stall. She
took Bi to the milking table and strapped her in and then milked her
dry. She then took a cream and rubbed Bi's breasts with it. D then
said, "I'm sorry, Bi, but your milk just isn't as good as Sam's. Gabi
and I have decided that you wouldn't make that good of a pony with
such poor milk. You could probably still be auctioned for close to a
million, but it's not worth it. Don't worry, Bi," she said as Bi
tensed up at the word 'auction.' We wouldn't sell you, or Sam, or K.,
th catgirl. We love you. Besides, there'd be too many questions.
We've decided that you'd make an excellent bunny, however." D then
unstrapped Bi from the table and removed the bondage gear that she was
wearing. She then led Bi into a small room enclosed from the rest of
the barn. Inside this room, D took a sponge and bucket of liquid and
proceded to cover Bi's body. She then had Bi slide into a latex
catsuit that had been covered in rabbit fur. The catsuit had no
crotch, and left her cunt and asshole exposed. D then placed a bunny
mask on Bi's face. The masked covered her entire face except for her
lower jaw. D then took heavy rubber bunny feet and put them on Bi's
hands and feet. D then took a Q-tip and dipped it into a small
bottle. She then spread the liquid over Bi's upper teeth. D then put
fake rabbit teeth on Bi's teeth and held them until the glue set. D
then took another bottle and had Bi drink it. Bi could feel it tingle
as it flowed down her throat. She tried to speak, but could make no
"Don't worry, Bianca. It's only temporary." D then fixed a collar
around Bi's neck. "You'll be in a cage here in the barn for these
next two weeks. I hope you like it. It should be very nice." She
then led Bi into the cage and locked the cell behind her.
Sam was unhappy that Bi had been moved, but knew that she had no
control over her own actions, let alone Bi's. She was beginning to
wish that she had never agreed to any of this. Just then, Sam heard
someone approach. She felt her reins being pulled, and she was led
from her stall.
"It's time for training, Sammy," Sam heard D say, "I want to finish
your pony training basics these few weeks. I'd like to have you do
everything, but that takes years of constant training." Sam couldn't
comprehend the idea of years of perpetual servitude. Bi led Sam out
into the pasture, where she began to give Sam lessons on how to
prance, gallop, and perform as a ponygirl.
The three girls worked hard during their stay at the farm, Katrina
building up her strength and dexterity as a cat, Sam learning more of
her submissive, humiliation-loving personality, and Bi, who learned
how to fuck herself with seven types of vegetables. Sam and Bi left
first, driven home by D, unhappily confined in clothing for the first
time in weeks. Kat left later, after G had removed the catsuit.
Kat's har had grown partially back, but still was quite close to her
"Miss G?" said Kat as Gabi was helping her out of the suit.
"Yes, dear?"
"Will I ever be able to wear this suit again? I've grown so
accustomed to it, I feel like I have always been meant to be encased
in its latex splendour."
"I'd let you take it with you, but you'd need someone to put you in
and take you out. If you'd like, I could keep it at my studio, and
you could use it whenever you're there alone."
"Oh, thank you! That'd be wonderful." Kat then got dressed and had
Gabi take her home.
...Summer Camp...
About a week later, Kat was at Gabi's studio late. She was
practicing, but inside, she really just wanted Gabi to put her in the
suit again. As the last person left, Gabi came out to see Kat. "I'm
locking up, Kat."
"Oh please, Miss Gabi, could I just stay for an hour or so more? I
really want to work some more."
"Sure Kat, I'll just be in my office."
"Could I work, well, with the catsuit?"
"Well, of course Kat, it is yours." G then went to one of the lockers
in the locker room and got out the latex suit. Katrina stripped her
leotard off as Gabi got the suit ready. Gabi then helped Kat slip
into the tight body-legs-arms piece. She then seecured it in place.
She next put the feet on Kat, and secured them tightly onto Kat's
"paws." Gabi then got the face gagmask ready.
"Um, Miss Gabi? I need to use the litter box."
"You should have thought of that before the suit went on, dear."
"No. I need to use the _litter box_, like a cat. I just don't feel
right using toilets anymore."
"Well, I don't have one here for you dear. Can it wait?"
"I really have to wet."
"Use the shower, dear. Do you want me to leave?"
"No. I'm a cat, and I don't care if a human sees me."
Just then, the locker room door opened, and Sam walked in. "I forgot
something in my locker, Miss Gabi, and your back door was open, so
I..." Sam didn't finish, because just then she saw Kat in her
costume. "Um...um..."
"Now I'm ruined!" said Kat, "No one will ever understand my needs!
I'm a freak. 'The Pussy' they'll call me." Kat then began to cry as
she pissed in the shower.
"Now, don't worry, Katrina. Everything'll be just fine." said G
reassuringly. "Little Sammy won't tell, will you, Sammy?"
"No, of course not, Miss Gabi."
"Now calm down, dear. I still need to put your mask on. You'll choke
if you don't stop crying."
Kat stopped crying, but then said, "I don't want to be like this with
her around."
Gabi put the mask on Kat anyway, saying as she tightened it, "You
already have. WHo do you think the pony at the farm was?"
"Miss G!" exclaimed Sam.
"And who do you think supplied the three parts milk to one part cunt
drippings that filled your dish every day."
Both girls were horrified, Kat for being humiliated as an animal and
drinking the liquids of a friend, and Sam for her secret being told
and for the uses she had been used for.
"I was being milked for a human being?" said Sam>
"Of course. It was exactly what Kat needed. Now take off your
clothes, Sam.
Sam complied, and removed her blouse and skirt. She then removed her
bra and panties. She then bent down and removed her sneakers and
socks. "Follow me, Sam," Gabi demanded, "Finish up here, my dear
Kat." G then led Sam back through the dance studio to her office.
Once inside, Gabi went to one of her cabinets. She unlocked in and
removed a few objects that Sam recognized all too well. Gabi removed
a leather harness, a hair ring, a chastity belt, and finally two heavy
steel horse hooves. Gabi began by pulling Sam's hair back and
securing it into a pony tail with the ring. She then affixed the
harned to Sam's head, tightening it so that the bit was between Sam's
molars, driving her jaws apart.
Gabi next prepared the chastity belt. The device was made of
plexiglass, and provided an excellent view of what it protected. Gabi
fit dildos for both Sam's ass and her cunt. She then proceded to fit
it into Sam, locking it shut when both of Sam's holes were filled.
Once the belt was locked on, Gabi took a pony tail and screwed it into
Sam's buttplug.
Finally, Gabi came to the hooves. Gabi had Sam slip them on, and then
she proceded to tighten them onto Sam's feet, using plates attached to
screws. She closed the plates until the hooves stopped moving any.
"Something's missing," Gabi mused to herself, "I know, your hands
can't be loose, you might get yourself into trouble." Gabi went back
to the cabinet and removed two long leather bags. She slid one bag on
each of Sam's arms, which they covered up to the shoulder. Gabi then
tightened lacings on the gloves, using leather thongs. SHe started at
Sam's fist, and tightly sewed the gloves shut. Gabi then took another
cord and sewed Sam's fist to her shoulders, and continued lacing until
her forearm was completely laced to her upper arm. "There. Now isn't
that better?"
"Mss...Mmphsrss..." replied Sam as a bit of spittle escaped her lips.
"Good. Now let's rejoin our friend." Gabi grabbed hold of Sam's
harness and pulled her along. WHen they retunred to Kat, she was in
the shower, rubbing one paw against her exposed cunt. When she saw
Sam and Gabi, it was too late. "Enjoying yourself, dear? Sam learned
awhile ago that I would not permit such promiscuous behavior in my
studio. You must be punished, dear. Let me go change." G then left
Sam and Kat alone in the showers. Both girls wanted to avoid what
they knew was coming, but knew that they couldn't.
Just then, Gabi and the two animals heard a sound from the rest of the
locker room. They all turned to see who it was. They were greeted by
the sight of Bianca in a babydoll T-shirt, sandles, and a very short
pair of shorts. "Oh, fuck," said Bi, as the other girls thought the
same thing. "I really can't play today. I was just seeing what was
keeping Sam and MMpmph..." Bi trailed off quickly as Gabi shoved a
gag in her mouth. She threw BI into the shower and she slid across
through Kat's piss.
"I'll take those," said G as Bi pealed off her shirt and shorts,
resigned to her fate. "Good, no underwear. Saves me the trouble."
Gabi then took a singleglove out of the locker and secured Bi's
willing arms. She then secured Bi's legs with a similar leather
device. "I think a nice trip to the ranch will fix this little
problem up."
"MMph," said Bi.
"Oh, hush. If you and Sam hadn't interrupted, this could have been
resolved by now." Just then, a third sound came from the locker room.
"_Now_ what?"
"Um...hello? I am looking for my friends Sam and Bi? I was told to
wait outside, but it's been so long? Hello?" came a voice.
"Damn...four in my car..." G looked at Bi, who had an 'I-told-you-so'
look on her face. "Yeah, yeah, yeah...can I take her for a few days
without trouble?" Bi nodded. "Good." G then got two sets of
handcuffs and a gag and left the three girls in the shower. The girls
could hear the conversation.
"Ah! Hello! Have you seen my friends, Sam and Bi?"
"Um...yes...they're...over here."
"Thank you," (followed by a pause as they walked), "What in the world?
Excuse me, Miss, but..."
"G, Miss G. Don't worry, you'll figure it out soon enough."
"What? Wait! Stop! Please stop! Stop! No! Stop! No! Ahh!"
*click, click...click, click* "Mmph!"
"There, now tell me, Bi. Did I get everyone, or do I have to wait
until I have the entire teenage girl population of the world tied up
in the floor of my shower?"
Bi just gave her the most innocent look she could muster with a huge
red ball crmmed in her mouth.
"Well. I hope you're all pleased with yourselves. Poor Kat just
wanted to pee like a good kitty," Kat sobbed in embarrassment, "and
you had to burst in on her. Fine. Punishments all around." Gabi
then went back to her office and returned with two cages. She left
them to get the last two. She then stuffed kat and Sam into the first
two. They were small about two feet by two feet by three feet. Gabi
next put Bi into her cage. Bi cooperated as much as possible, because
she knew Gabi would have to work with Rozalia. The small girl in her
penny loafers and skirt struggled against Gabi and her bonds. By the
time Gabi had stuffed her into the cage, they both were drenched in
sweat. Gabi then took the girls one by one to her van and then drove
to the ranch.
When they arrived at the ranch, the four young prisoners heard Gabi
talking. "Oh, great. You're here. I need some help with some
friends. The cat stays in the house. The pony to the barn, the nude
to the basement, and...the clothes-lover...what do you think? Pony?
Bitch? We could make her like you?"
"How about a bitch. It's been awile."
"Ok...to the barn with her. And I thought I asked you to stop wearing
"Oh fuck you! You're not my mother, you can't tell _me_ what to do."
"I am too your mother."
"Yeah, so whey do we sleep together, huh?"
"Shush...get our friends...and make them uncomfortable."
"Fine." The four girls then heard boots across the gravel drive and
saw the van door open. Standing outside was a girl who was about five
to ten years older than they were. She was wearing sneakers, black
latex shorts, and a leather jacket. Her bright red hair was closely
cropped. "Ok, sluts. Time to go." She then unloaded and opened the
first cage, releasing Sam. "Quite the pony, aren't you?" she said as
she attached a leash to Sam. She then half-dragged Sam, who was
unable to keep up, to the barn. The girl soon came back for her next
victim. She opened Kat's cage, and led her, also by a leash, to the
front yard of the house. She returned again, this time for Rozalia.
"You're new name will soon be Sparky. i'll make your tags later.
Would you prefer nipple or cunt tags? Anyway, right now I'm going to
dress you up for your new role in life. Got it, bitch?" The girl did
drag the crying Rosalia to the barn, who resisted as much as she
could. She then tied the new puppy to a table. She took a knife and
sliced Rosalia's clothes off her trembling body. "Oh, calm down!"
ordered the girl, "You won't be hurt...too much. Hell, your friends
even enjoy their treatment." Once Rosalia was secured, the girl left.
Back at the van, Bi was thinking to herself about how much she had to
use the bathroom. She silently cursed Kat, who could piss at anytime,
and who got personal attention to her shit. Bi then decided, "Fuck
it. I'm tired of waiting. I'm their slave. Let them clean me up."
Bi then relaxed and let her piss flow out. The girls then walked into
"Oh, great! I've been looking for a good toilet for over a year now.
Since you don't care about pissing on yourself, I'm sure you won't
mind if I piss on you too." The girl then took Bi's cage out of the
van and opened it and dumped Bi out. Bi couldn't move, and couldn't
even stand up in the single stocking. The girl then grabbed hold of
Bi by the ring on her feet and dragged her to the house. "I think
you'll enjoy yourself...of maybe that should be, 'I'll enjoy you much
more as a toilet." The girl dragged Bi through the house to the
basement door. "I really can't drag you down these stair, Slutasaurus
Bi thought to herself, "Well, if you'd untie me a bit..." but that
wasn't to be. The girl stood Bi up, and then said, "Hop. I'll be
here to catch if you slip." Bi didn't really want to, but complied
anyway. It took the two girls about 15 minutes to get down the
stairs. Once down, Bi was again pushed to the ground and dragged.
When they reached the cell the girl wanted, she got the key off its
hook and opened the door. She then dragged the struggling Bi into the
cell and shut the door behind them.
In the middle of the room was a porcelin basin. It was long and
narrow, and Bi did not like the look of it. The girl removed Bi's leg
restraints, and let her walk to the basin. Inside it were latex
covered straps. Bi knew then that she was goin in, and was not
mistaken. THe girl secured her legs, and they were spread about eight
inches apart. The girl then undid the single glove, and BI had nearly
ten seconds of freedom before her arms were once again deprived of
movement. The girl next placed a plate across Bi's body. The plate
allowed only her head to be visible. It was at this time that BI felt
that the basin sloped to her feet. "Let's take off that gag, ok?"
"Who are you?" asked Bi when her mouth was free.
"Isn't that odd? I don't think a toilet has ever asked me who I was
before. Oh well." The girl then got another porcelin plate from a
shelf. She walked back over and said. "I nearly forgot to finish
your fittings. You must forgive me, toilet, I'm not a very good
plumber." The girl then secured Bi's forehead, jaw, and neck and
shoulders in place with latex straps. She then put the porcelin
toilet seat on the basin over Bi's face.
"You can't do this to me!" claimed Bi as she heard a belt being
Bi was answered by a splash of piss on her face. "Shut up. You're
luck. I only have to piss today. Remember this if you feel compelled
to talk further. Everything you don't suck up drains out the bottom
into a jug. I will continue to pour that back in you." The girl then
sat down on the seat. Bi could see the girl's asshole and cunt,
totally bare of hair. Bi could smell the wetness of the girl about to
pee on her. "Aahhhh..." let out the girl as she let her piss stream
out. Bi instincively closed her mouth to it, and felt it pour on her
face for nearly a minute. She felt more humiliated than ever before,
and this humiliation made her horny. The girl sighed above her, and
the stream started again. This was too much for Bi, and she came
without ever touching herself. Her orgasmwas extremely ill-timed. Bi
still had to pee, and her orgasm gave her release. Her urine streamed
up and splashed noisily. "You really are thirsty, aren't you? You're
going to have to drink that up too, you know." Bi tried to stop, but
the need was took great, and she couldn't stop until she was done.
The girl stood up, and Bi could see the ceiling far above her.
"Well," said the girl, "It looks like you've got a few glasses to
drink here. You probably don't want to have to try this again, so
I'll help you out." Bi thought that the girl was going to drink some.
She was wrong. The girl walked away and retunred holding a funnel,
which she showed to Bi. She shoved the funnel deep into Bi's mouth
and poured the jug of urine in. Bi almost gagged a few times, but was
able to choke it all down.
After the girl had finished drowning Bi in piss, she got an idea.
"Have you ever seen those lawn jockeys, Yellow-bellied Slut-eater?"
"The ones with the silly lanterns? Yeah."
"How would you like to be one for a day or ninety? It'll be lots of
"How much will it hurt?" asked Bi.
"Even less than this little party."
"Do I really have a choice in the matter?"
"Well, no, not really. But we can always pretend you do. It'll make
it more enjoyable for you."
"And you?"
"I'd personally rather you struggled. It's much more fun."
"Well, then...gee, Miss...could you please turn me into one of those
lawn jockeys, even if only for a day?"
"Sure I will," replied the girl with a glint in her eye.
The girl them removed Bi from the toilet and took her into the next
room. The girl then took Bi over to a table in that room. She had Bi
lie on the table with her ass in the air. The girl then shoved a
catheter into Bi's ass. It inflated and was securely locked in place.
SHe next inserted a smaller but similar catheter into Bi's urethra.
"Ouch!" exclaimed Bi.
"I guess I have to fix that too." The girl then inserted plugs into
Bi's nose. She next took a large tube and fed it down Bi's throat.
Bi gagged, but the girl was swift, and Bi soon found her throat
accepting the tube. "I wouldn't want you to starve, dear," said the
girl sarcastically, "Now for that smelly cunt." The girl inserted a
small device into Bi's vagina. Bi attempted to ask what it was, but
the girl placed a similar device in her mouth around the feeding tube.
She then connected the two to a bulb and pumped them up. Bi felt her
vagina and mouth fill with a large latex balloon. Both Bi's mouth and
cunt were stretched almost to the limits of bursting when the girl
finished. "Now," said the girl, "We need to seal those in." She took
small latex disks and rubbed something from a bottle on them. SHe
then took the disks and placed them over Bi's mouth and cunt. they
stuck and Bi assumed that the liquid was glue.
Next, the girl began rubbing Bi's body with the glue. She was careful
around Bi's face, and glued large lenses over her eyes. Just as she
was finishing the application of the glue, the door opened and G
walked in. "I thought I told you to make that puppy!"
"This one looked like more fun, so I decided to turn her into a
"Fine. I've already done your puppy, anyway. I might as well do a
statue too. Even better, pet's make her a bench."
G took some rubber pieces from a closet and began affixing them to Bi.
They snapped together, forcing Bi into a kneeling position balanced on
her hands, yielding a horizontal back. Once all the panels were
affixed, Bi was incapable of moving at all. Her legs were a single
piece, flat to the floor from the knee down, perpendicular from knee
to hip. Her ass was plugged with a constant enema catheter, as was
her urethra. Bi's cunt was filled, but she couldn't arowse herself
beyond her present state. Her back was covered in a padded cushion
that rested on a plastic backbone. Bi's arms also formed right angles
to both floor and body, but were separated shoulder width apart. Her
hands were balled up at the floor, and Bi couldn't even wiggle her
fingers. Her head was held back, and she had air pumped through the
tubes in her nose. Her head was covered in a plastic helmet. It
covered her entire head, and only had opnings for the tubes to escape.
She could hear next to nothing in the helmet, as her ears were covered
in a foam that extended into her ear canal. The fragments she could
pick up scared her, because the only words she heard were "guests,"
"auction," and "sell."
Before Bi was made into a bench, Ga had taken care of Rosalia, who had
been left behind by Kiva. When Gabi entered, she asked, "Do you like
being tied up, my dear?"
"No, ma'am. I'd prefer not," replied Rosalia.
"Well, what is your name again, dear?"
"Rosalia, ma'am."
"Rosalia, yes...well, Rosalia, it seems that your friends do very
much. What do you think about that?"
"I'd think that they are crazy. No one wants to be bound."
"Exactly, crazy. And what does that make you?"
"Friends with crazy people?"
"Well, I'd say that it makes you equally crazy. Come with me." Gabi
then led the naked Rosalia from the barn to the house, and escorted
her to the basement. Gabi took out a key, and unlocked one of the
cells. The room inside was padded.
"I'm not crazy! Please!"
"Hush, dear. You're only making it harder on yourself. Play along,
and you won't get punished." Gabi then picked up a suit that had been
lying on the floor. She held it up for Rosalia to see. It was a
single piece of latex that formed pants and jacket together. Both the
arms and the legs seemed far too long. Gabi unbuckled some straps in
the back and held it open for Rosalia. "Get in," she commanded.
Rosalia complied, and stepped into the suit, her legs slid easily
along the tight latex, stopping halfway down the leg. She assumed
that would be hemmed later. SHe next inserted her arms in the
sleeves, where were again about two times two long. Gabi then began
to rebuckle the back of the suit. She pulled the straps tight,
squeezing the suit tightly onto Rosalia. It was then that Rosalia
began to really notice the suit.
Her ass cheeks were split apart by a division in the suit. This
division continued around, separating her cunt lips. Her breasts fit
into holes on the suit, clearly defining them. Her neck was held in a
collar that made her hold her head straight and look forward. "My,
you look lovely," commented Gabi.
"Yes, well, thank you, ma'am," replied Rosalia, "but I'd really like
to be going."
"Oh, no dear. You haven't been properly fitted." G grabbed Rosalia's
right sleeve, fed it through loops on the sides and fron of the suit,
and finally pulled it around the back, latching it in place. She did
the same with the left. Finally, she brought two rings attached to
the tips of the sleeves to the front of Rozalia. She removed a small
lock and locked Rosalia's sleeve tips to a ring on her chest.
"Oh, please don't do this!" pleaded Rosalia.
"Silence. I was going to let you go after you humored my little game,
but now I'm going to keep you with the rest of your friends." Gabi
then took a leather gag harness and firmly secured it to Rosalia's
head. Rosalia's mouth, filled with a wadded rag, was sealed shut,
silencing the girl. Gabi then moved on. She knocked Rosalia over and
began to wrap the excess leg material around her feet. She wrapped
them around Rosalia's entire lower leg, preventing her from walking.
She completed that too by locking rings on tips together. With
Rosalia completely immobilized, silenced, and lying on the padded
floor of her own cell, Gabi decided she was done. "I'll be back later
to see you my patient is getting along. If you don't seem to be
getting better, I may have to go back to my first plan, and turn you
into a dog. I think I'll put your tags on your cunt. It'll be more
fun. Tata!" Gabi then left to see how Kiva was making out with Bi.
While Gabi was securing Bi into her furniture bondage, D was again
preparing the girls' families for two weeks without them. Kat's
familry recieved a call from a "Ms. D, from the studio," alerting them
that Kat had been selected to attend a national fitness seminar.
"Everything is provided," Ms. D said, "she got on the bus when it
arrived. The selection is always a surprise." They accepted it, and
D moved on. She went to the barn to free Sam.
D gave Sam a pair of very short shorts, a tight T-shirt, and some
canvas sneakers, and then took her home. Sam's parents were not
there, so she left them a note saying that she was attending the
second session of nurse camp. With that done, the two women moved on
to Bi's house. D waited in the car while Sam went in to explain to
Bi's parents. She came out a few minutes later with an envelope in
her hand. D took the envelope and opened it. Inside was three
hundred dollars and a note which read, "Bianca, we've gone on a
cruise. We won't be back for three weeks. Here's some money for food
and such. Love mom and dad." D then had Sam get into the back seat
and take off the meager clothes she had been given. Sam sat naked in
the backseat as D drove back to the ranch.
As they pulled up, they were greated by Gabi. "So? Are we clear?"
"Yep. And look at this. Bi's parents went on vacation and left her
money for food."
"So, in other words, we're technically being paid by her own parents
to lock her up and feed her Sam's milk, her own cunt juice, and Kiva's
"Yep...imagine that." The two dominatrixes laughed, as Sam pensively
considered how sore she'd be after giving milk for two more weeks."
...A return to camp...
Kiva had finally turned 18. SHe had been released from the orphanage
where she had lived in Baltimore, and was on her way to Cal ifonia in
the car she had bought with her meager savings. She was making her
way through West Virginia when one of her tires blew out.
Unfortunately, Kiva was not on the highway, as she had turned off to
avoid construction.
Kiva got out of her car, and began to walk down the road, hoping to
find a phone. Fifteen minutes after setting out, she saw a gravel
driveway and mailbox. She turned down the driveway and walked it
about a hundred yards, when she saw a girl about her age leaning
against a fence. The girl had on tight jean shorts, and a too-tight
button up short-sleeved shirt.
"Howdy, dear. What can we do you for?" inquired the girl.
"Yes, I'm on my way to California, and I got a flat. I was wondering
if I could use your phone to call a tow."
"Well, surely you can. Come on in." The girl hopped the fence, and
her bare feet hit the drive with a slap. "Got relatives there in
"No, I was orphaned, and I thought California would be a nice place to
visit when I got old enough, and I just got old enough."
"Well isn't that a shame, 'bout you's bein' orphaned and all." The
girl led Kiva up onto the porch and into the house. "We don't have
your direct-dial and all out here. You've got to dial the operator."
"Thanks," replied Kiva as she picked up the phone, and pushed the '0'
button. A puff of smoke ejected from teh reciever, choking Kiva. She
gagged and passed out.
When Kiva came to, she knew something was wrong. Her arms had been
drawn behind her back and locked in a leather singleglove. The glove
was attached to a belt that encircled her waist and ran between her
legs. She could feel a gag in her mouth and realized she had a
blindfold on too. She heard birds, and realized that she was outside
again. She tried to stand up, but without her arms to balance, she
had a very hard time.
When Kiva did finally get upright, she heard the girl's voice call
out, "Looks like my brand-spankin' new pony's awake. Don't worry,
you've come to one of the finest pony institutes this side of the
pond. You's darn pretty, too, and I'll get a pretty sum for you."
The girl took off Kiva's blindfold and undid the crotchstrap. She
tied one end of the coil of rope she had to the tip of Kiva's
singleglove. She then fed the coil between Kiva's legs and slung the
excess over her shoulder. "Now, here's the rules. I own you fair and
square, and I'm going to instruct you on how it's going to be. If you
listen, you'll get along fine, and when auction time comes, you'll
bring in alot of money and I'll see that you go to a nice racing team.
If not..."
The girl then gave a tug on the rope and said, "Now, let's go to your
new home. It's a nice place, and you'll learn to love it. I've
already got a friend there for you, and she's really likable."
Despite Kiva's pants and panties, the rope dug between her cunt lips.
The girl walked quickly, and Kiva almost had to run.
When they reached the barn, the girl slid the door open and led her
inside. SHe led Kiva to the back, and opened a stall door. Inside
was the strangest thing Kiva had ever seen. There was a girl who was
wearing a suit of latex that covered her entire torso. It had a
zipper that went from her belly button to the small of her back, and
was the largest opening Kiva could see on the suit. The girl's arms
were bound together perpendicularly to her spine. THe girl's head was
bound in a hood that covered her entire head. It had eyeholes, but
there were blinders that restricted her vision to straight ahead. Her
mouth was filled with a large rubber bit, and Kiva could see the girl
drooling out the side of her mouth. The girl also had large donkey
type ears attached to the side of the hood, and her hair was pulled
through a hole to provide her mane.
By far the strangest part of the gear were the boots. The girl had on
steel boots which appeared to be high heeled shoes without the heel.
The girl balanced on her toes, and moved mainly through kicks of her
"Well, now, deary. Looky at Miss Buttercup. See all that nice stuff
Miss Buttercup's wearin'? I've got a suit right here that's plump
identical. There's two ways we can do this. You let me strip you,
and then you help me put the suit on you, or I put you under, do it
all myself, and then, when you come to, I beat you until you call me
Mama. Remember deary, we're here in the middle of the hill country.
You ain't got no friends here, and I've got a bunch. You ain't never
gonna get outta the county unless you're bein' dragged on a leash."
Kiva considered her options, and when the girl took off her sleeve and
picked up a whip, she made a break for it. She realized that this was
a bad move when she felt the whip wrap around her ankles. Kiva hit
the floor with a thud. "Ok...I'll let that one go since you's new
here. Last chance, though." Kiva began to take off her clothes.
"Good idea, sweety." When Kiva was standing naked in the barn, the
girl helped her get into the suit. After a half hour of squeezing and
sliding, Kiva's upper body was encased. The girl next fitted her bit,
bridle, and hood. With that in place, she took a pair of hoof boots
and slid them on her. She put heavy weights in the toe to force Kiva
to stand correctly. "There. Now don't you look purdy. I'll leave
you two alone, so you can get to know each other." The girl tied the
reins to hooks, locked the stall, and then left.
Now Kiva had a problem. She had to piss. Her zipper was closed, but
not locked. She knew she wouldn't be able to open it, but though she
might be able to get Buttercup's help. "Mmph!" shouted Kiva through
the gag.
"Ssh! Kiet!" replied Buttercup in a whisper.
"I 'otta 'iss!" said Kiva.
"'Iss! I 'otta 'iss!" Kiva looked down at her crotch.
"Aah..." said Buttercup. She then walked over to Kiva's legs and
knelt down. She put her head between Kiva's legs, and trapping the
zipper between lip and bit, opened Kiva's crotch. The blast of cold
air surprized Kiva and she relaxed the muscles holding back her urine.
The hot stream hit Buttercup full in the face. Kiva attempted to
stop, but the pressure was too much. Buttercup, much to Kiva's
surprize, didn't try to get out of the way, rather, she moved so she
could catch as much as possible in her mouth.
Just then, the door opened, and the girl and another woman entered.
"So, Miss Gabirielle, what do you think of my ponies in training...Oh,
god! What are you doing!?" cried the girl as she rushed for the
"Nevermind it...You've just tried to turn a dom into a pony. I'll
take them both, whatever training they've completed. The look good
enough now."
...The Tale of Kiva...
With all the arrangements made for all the girls to stay for two more
weeks, D and G began to orchestrate their plans for the next extended
session. They placed a leash on Sam, to begin with, and then led her
own to the basement.
"We're sorry, Sammy," said D, "but we just can't be bothered to go out
to the barn whenever we want some fresh milk. We're going to put you
in a restraint, my dear, that will allow us easy access to your
wealth. If won't be comfortable, but frankly, Sammy, we practically
own your body." Sam was a bit frightened, but followed behind her
mistresses. "We need to shave you dear. It will stop you from
itching." D then held Sam down as G shaved her body and cut her hair
With Sam neatly shaven, G and D led her to a mannequin. The mannequin
was made of pure white plastic, and was bent over in a crab like pose.
Tubes attached to the mannequin's nipples, cunt and face. D held Sam
tightly as G walked over to the mannequin and released a hidden catch
that allowed the top and bottom halves to swing open. "Ok, Sam. Put
your hands in the top while with organize your connections," commanded
D. Sam slowly slid her hands through the foam lined tube of the arm.
It was a bit tight, but Sam had no trouble slipping in. Her fingers
splayed out, as did those on the mannequin. Once both of Sam's arms
were in the plastic case, Gabi flipped catches on the arms that made
them compress. Sam struggled, but her arms would not budge in the arm
holes. With Sam secured, D quickly fit her with anal and urethral
catheters. With those in place, she took a large plastic dildo, and
pushed it into Sam's cunt. She then helped Sam to slide her feet
through the legs of the mannequin.
Sam's entire back, and all four appendages were now firmly encased in
thick plastic, and her cunt was crammed full. D then pushed Sam's
head back into the mannequin's. D then took a long rubber tube and
forced it down Sam's throat. The tube was attached at the mouth end
to an inflatable gag which D promptly filled Sam's mouth with. D next
took short plastic tubes, and inserted them into Sam's nose. SHe next
picked up the face plate to the mannequin, and fed the three facial
tubes through openings. D then firmly placed the plate on Sam's face,
and latched it into place.
With Sam's head now encased in a plastic cover, D got two glass cups.
She connected the cups to hoses, and placed them over Sam's nipples.
D again fed the tubes through the plastic cover, and sealed the rest
of Sam's body in the mannequin. The catches that sealed the cover
conveniently slid into the shell, making them nearly invisible. With
the case closed, G and D picked up their mannequin and took her
upstairs and placed her in the kitchen. They then attached the nipple
tubes to a pump and turned it on. Sam felt the terrible sucking on
her tits as her milk began to flow. Sam's milk began to fill a small
resevour, as G and D worked on Sam's other connections. They fed the
remaining tubes through a conduit that led into a cabinet. Inside the
cabinet was a breathing pump, which D attached Sam's nose tubes to.
While she was doing this, Gabi connected Sam's rear catheter to an
enema machine, which hummed to life to pump Sam full of water for the
first time. Sam's piss was diverted into a container, which had
valves which allowed it to be sent on to the enema machine, allowing
for a piss-enema, or to the feeding tube, which D connected to the
same machine. The top of the machine had a door which allowed food to
be loaded in to be pumped into Sam. With the connections completed, G
and D closed the cabinet and then both got glasses from another,
filled them up from the milk resevoir, and then drank up.
...Back to Camp...
Sammy was quite happy. She didn't have school on Monday because of a
teacher seminar. She planned to sleep in all day long. She was
thinking about this when the phone rang. She picked it up, and D was
on the other end. "Hi Sammy. Could you come over? I've got a
problem that you might be able to help me with." "Sure!" replied Sam,
and she put on her shoes and went over. When she arrived, she knocked
on the door, and D let her in.
"Hi Sam. It seems your friend Bi here has a slight problem." D
motioned down the basement stairs as she led Sam that direction. "It
seems she has a project due for her Ancient History class, and hasn't
even started. She had the idea to make a mummy, and I though that you
might be able to help."
"Sure. I'd love to help you two. What are you going to make it out
of?" inquired Sam.
"Well," said D as she locked the basement door behind her, "We kinda
thought you." Sam gasped, but Bi was right behind her, and pulled her
hands behind her back, locking them with some handcuffs. "It won't be
that bad," continued D, "we're planning on using you as the form, and
then build a paper-mache frame around you. After that, we'll wrap
bandages around the whole thing."
"Well, ok," conceded Sam, as Bi started to cut her shirt and shorts
off with scissors. "I'll go along with that." When Sam was
completely naked, D led her over to a examining table. She took a
rubber bladder, and inserted it into Sam's ass. She next took a
catheter, and put it in Sam's urethra. She connected the two, so the
catheter flowed into Sam's ass. D next took a sheet of rubber, and
stuck it over Sam's crotch with some glue around the edges.
D next took an inflatable balloon, and inserted it into Sam's mouth.
She blew up the balloon, and then sealed it over with another rubber
sheet. With Sam's mouth filled and covered, D took similar rubber
sheets and covered Sam's eyes with them, leaving Sam completely
helpless. D next led Sam from the examining table, and over to a
piece of plastic cloth on the floor. She helped Sam lie down, and
then gestured Bi to bring over the bucket of paper-mache.
Bi and D then spent the next half hour covering Sam entirely with the
gooey substance. They started with Sam's feet and legs, fixing them
parallel to each other. They slowly worked up Sam's legs, smoothing
the surface as they went. When they reached Sam's cunt, they worked
to make sure that her catheter was hidden. They then had Sam cross
her arms on her chest, and began to cover them. They took their time
to cover Sam's breasts thoroughly, slightly compressing them to make
the cast a bit uncomfortable. The two sculpters then split up, with
Bi continuing down Sam's body to her waist, and D working to cover
Sam's head. They soon had covered Sam entirely, leaving only two
small holes over Sam's nose.
The two artists then sat down and waited for Sam to dry. When the
paper-mache had dried somewhat, they started to wrap bandages around
her body, with the first few layers sticking into the paper-mache. By
the time they had finished, Sam was completely covered in bandages,
and the paper-mache had hardened. Sam attempted to reposition herself
inside her enclosure, but found that it was stuck too closely for her
to get any leverage or to try to move at all. She quickly resigned
herself to the fact that D could invent bondage that was truly
impossible to escape.
When they had finished with Sam, they leaned her up against the wall
to finish drying and sat down to have a drink. "Would you like some
of Sam's milk, Bianca?"
"Yes, Miss D. That would be lovely." D poured the milk into glasses,
and sat down in front of Sam to admire their work.
"I'll take Sam to school for you tomorrow. Which room should I
deliver her to?"
"It needs to go to room 211. Just sit her in the back in the corner,
and I'll worry about her during the day. Can you swing by around 3:15
to pick us up after school?"
"Certainly. Then we can come back and return our mummy to life."
"Sounds good."
Sammy had no idea what was going on. She thought that she would be
wrapped up like this for a few hours at most. She was unable to hear
her friends leave, and spent half the night wondering when she would
be let out. She was awoken the next day as she was moved. She felt
that she was being driven in a car, but only because of the
vibrations. When D arrived at the school, she took the mummy into
Bi's classroom, and propped it up in the corner. Again, Sam assumed
that she was merely moments away from being released, and had no idea
that she was on display for hundreds of students and teachers, who
would certainly be disguested if they knew that one of the projects
contained a naked girl. Her ass was sore as it had filled to swelling
with her piss. Her stomach was pressed uncomfortably against her
enclosure, and she hoped that she would be released soon.
When Bi came to class, she presented her paper, which she had copied
almost verbatim from an encyclopedia to the class, using her mummy as
a prop. The teacher was impressed more with the mummy than the paper,
and gave her an A. AFter school let out, Bi again came by to pick up
Bi and her project. The teacher asked if she could keep it for the
upcoming openhouse. Bi thought about it, but realized that if she
didn't feed Sam soon, she might start struggling. Plus, Sam's ass was
surely drowning in her piss. Because of this, Bi declined the
teacher's suggestion, and helped Bi take the project to the car.
Once they had gotten Sam back to D's house, they began to unwrap the
bandages. When they were down to the plaster, they took a saw and cut
off the head of the encasement. D then took solvent, and removed the
rubber seal from Sam's mouth, and then removed the balloon. "Get me
out of this thing!" yelled Sam.
"Now, is that anyway for a A-quality project to talk? We could just
leave you in here for a little longer if you'd like."
Sam shut up, and D and Bi continued to remove the case. Sam collapsed
to the floor when her rigid shell was removed, and began to pull at
the cover on her ass. "Not until we get to the bathroom," said D as
she shook her bottle of solvent. She pulled Sam into the bathroom,
and had her kneel in the tub. D then removed the rubber cover, and
deflated the balloon holding the catheter in Sam's urethra. The
enormous pressure in Sam's ass forced her piss and shit to pour
backwards from the catheter into the tub. Sam's distended stomach
slowly began to return to normal, and the cramping pressure released
as well.
"So, how do you feel after that, Sammy?" asked Bi.
"First," replied Sam, "if you ever do that again for that long, I'll
make you drink my stuffing." D was amused at that, and she liked the
thought of seeing such an arrangement. "Second, can we get something
to eat, I'm starving!"
...School project...
And so it happened that our heroines graduated high school. They had
not really considered what they would do after they had graduated, but
didn't really care too much. They still had shapely bodies, and still
looked very young. After the graduation ceremonies had finished, D
invited Sam, Bi, Rozalia, and Kat out to the farm for a good time.
They all arrived ready for fun. D led the girls into the house, and
they sat down at the table.
"I'd love to offer you something to drink, but it's been some time
since Sam came for her milking," said D. They all looked at Sam, who
blushed deeply. "Because of this, I believe that you all need to be
punished severely. Follow me." D then led the girls down to the
dungeon. She placed each girl in a separate cell, and told them to
strip and push their clothes through a grate in the door. They
complied, and D took them one at a time to be punished. D started
with Kat, as she knew that she would be easiest.
D retrieved Kat's pussy costume, and took it into her cell. She
brought a razor, and shaved Kat completely bald. She then took a tube
of adhesive, and covered Kat's body completely. D then helped Kat
into the suit, making sure that it stuck to her body correctly. D
next inserted a catheter into Kat's urethra, and a large latex tube
into her ass. Without control over herself, Kat promptly wet herself
and shit herself. D fixed the gag in Kat's mouth, and made sure that
a tube passed down her throat. D then pulled over the hood of the
suit, and zipped up the back. "Now, just in case you thought that
this might just be a temporary situation, I'll show you the truth." D
then got out a welder, and melted the locks and zippers on the back of
Kat's suit into a single mass of steal. Kat began to panic, but
realized that she was now more trapped then she had ever been before.
D hooked her collar to a chain on the wall, and then locked the cell
and left.
Next on D's list of victims was Rozalia. She unlocked the cell, and
led Rozalia out of it. With this turn of events, Rozalia thought to
herself, "I must have graduated to the ranks of Domina." D, however,
had other plans. She led Rozalia into the furthest cell from the
others, around a corner and through a massive oak door. She opened
the cell, and led Rozalia in. Gabi was there waiting. She had a
black leather singleglove, and a matching device for the legs.
Rozalia realized that she had not graduated here, and began to
struggle. D held her as Gabi slid the singleglove over her arms.
Gabi tightened the laces slightly, and then fed the ends into a
machine that was in the corner. Rozalia felt the laces slowly tighten
until her arms felt like they would break. When they reached this
point however, the machine kept going, forcing her arms ever closer
together. Gabi then turned off the machine, and tied a knot in the
With Rozalia's arms out of the way, they proceded to insert the same
type of catheters into her urethra and anus as they had with Kat. The
tube for her piss was then attached to the shit tube. The two
dominatrixes then took a large single leg, and proceded to lace up
Rozalia's legs. They again just slightly tightened the laces, letting
the machine do all the work. They made sure that the excrement system
was clear, and let the machine squeeze Rozalia's legs as close as
possible together. Rozalia attempted to struggle, but realized that
it was beyond hopeless. D then got a head harness, and attached it to
Rozalia's head. Her eyes were completely covered, and her neck was
held firmly in place. Gabi hand laced this up, as the machine could
have choked Roz. Gabi and D then lifted Roz up, and carried her into
the next room.
Although she couldn't see her predicament, Roz was being carried into
a six by six depression in the floor that was about four feet deep.
They laid her down, and then D said, "I don't think that those laces
will hold. I think we better lock her up."
"Good idea," replied Gabi, "I just happened to bring some with me."
Roz then heard a number of small clicks, as each eyelet of her bondage
was locked to another. "You know," continued Gabi, "that just doesn't
look too secure either."
"Don't worry. I still have my welder. We'll just melt those locks.
That'll keep them in place." Roz then heard an electric whirr, and
felt a localized heat slowly move up her legs and then her arms and
"What are you doing?" pleaded Roz.
"Don't worry. There's plenty of food and water in that one corner,
and there's a place set aside for your waste on the other. You'll be
fine in here for a while. I believe that the longest anyone's been
here was Kiva, and she survived just fine for four weeks." Roz then
heard the shut of a metal plate above her, and the sound of bars being
shut and locks being closed. From smell alone, Roz could tell that
she was pointing towards something edible. When she had managed to
slither over, she found a pool of pure water fed from under the floor,
and a mound of dog kibble, fed from a slot in the wall.
Gabi and D then left the deepest part of the dungeon, locking all the
doors as they went. They next opened up Bi's cell. They dragged her
down the hallway, and took her into a room with a pool. The first
thing they did was hogtie Bi with wide leather cuffs. Her right wrist
was affixed to her left ankle, and vice versa, with both ankles and
both wrists also attached. They then took a feeding tube and
inflatable gag, and filled Bi's mouth and throat completely. The next
task was to place tubes up her nose. They inserted the thin tubes far
into Bi's nose, and then sealed off the opening with latex patches.
They also sealed over Bi's mouth, with only the feeding tube
protruding. They then put a collar on her neck, and used a chain to
attach it to her other bound joints. Bi's bonds were then attached to
a metal frame, and she was lifted into the air. Her nose tubes were
attached to a machine, as was her feeding tube. "Now Bi," said D,
"This may not be too comfortable, but it can be fun. Don't worry
about pissing or shitting in the pool. The water is pushed backwards,
so you won't be swimming in your own excrement. It's perfectly
sanitary." Gabi and D then slowly slid the frame over to the side of
the pool, and pushed it in. The heavy frame sank quickly to the
bottom of the pool, completely submerging Bi. Bi panicked for a
moment, but then settled down, and was able to breathe normally
through her nose.
With Bi taking her 'swimming lesson,' G and D went to get Sam. On the
way, D mcommented, "We could have drained her piss and shit with a
pump, and then poured gelatin into the water. She'd be a human Jello
"That's a good idea. Maybe when you get back we can put that into
action," replied G. When they had arrived at Sam's cell, they opened
it up and pulled her out.
"Have you ever been to London, Sammy?" inquired D.
"Well, you're about to." D then pulled Sam into a room down the hall.
Inside was a large packing crate. D first had Sam sit down, and
proceded to insert caters into her ass and urethra. She next took a
dildo, and inserted it into Sam's cunt. She then covered Sam's entire
cunt with a sheet of latex, with only the two catheters and a power
cord for the dildo coming through. She next inserted a feeding tube
and gag into Sam's mouth, also sealing that orafice when she was done.
D next secured a number of cuffs to every major joint on Sam's body.
She then attached the cuffs to a large complex steel frame. The frame
was welded into a shape that held Sam suspended off the ground, with
her body bent into a W shape, with her arms and legs on the outside,
and her ass forming the middle. As D was finishing the locking of the
cuffs, Gabi was connecting the tubes on Sam's ass to a small metal
tank. Gabi next connected the power supply for the dildo to a battery
pack that was next to the metal tank. By this time, D had finished
restraining Sam. She then took Sam's feeding tube, and connected it
to another metal tank that she latched above Sam's head. She then
latched down the waste tank and the battery pack, and made sure that
everything was secure. "Everything's set to a timer. You'll be fed,
cleaned, and fucked regularly. Enjoy!" said D. She and Gabi then put
the metal frame into the packing crate. They then filled the crate
with styrofome peanuts, and nailed the lid on.
D and Gabi then went upstairs to wait for the pickup of Sam. "Is it
just me," said Gabi, "or is this just getting easier?" The two
laughed and went out to the porch to wait for the pickup while they
drank some of Sam's milk that they had hidden away.
Samantha was practicing her dance and gymnastics by herself one day
after school at the local gym. She was all alone and was enjoying
herself when her friend Bianca walked in from the locker room. Bianca
was wearing only her socks, and was covering her pussy with her left
hand, while she was ssucking on her right index finger.
"Do you know how to waltz, Sam?" asked Biance.
"Of course. That was one of the first ones I learned," replyed Sam as
she began to stand up.
"No, no, Sam," said Bianca as she held Sam down and eased her onto her
back, "with your tongue." Bianca then straddled Sam's face with her
pussy and pushed it over her mouth.
"Nmph," said Sam into Bi's vagina as she did a little waltz. Sam
reached down and began to finger herself through her leotard. She was
a bit too forceful and the shoulder straps broke, allowing her breasts
to pop out of the top. She licked Bi's vagina until Bi came to
orgasm. Bi then got off of Sam's face, which was covered in her
wetness, and got some rope from the locker room. SHe then tied up Sam
before she knew what was happening. SHe bound Sam's hands behind her
back before Sam had brought herself to orgasm. Bi also bound Sam's
newly exposed breasts to her arm ropes. Bi then secured Sam's arms
tightly to her back by looping ropes over Sam's body, over her
shoulders and pulled the ropes tightly into Sam's cunt, separating her
cunt lips.
"What are you doing?" asked Sam.
"Let's see you get out of this," Bianca knew that Sam was an
accomplished escape artist. Bianca and Sam had played bondage games
many times before.
Bianca then kissed Sam and left. Sam struggled for a bit and thought
about how she had ended up like this. She and Bi had been friends
since kindergarten, even though they didn't go to the same school.
They were often left alone and had played around with bondage during
elementry school. Sam had always liked being tied up, while Bi liked
to tie her up. They had started with thier clothes on, but by middle
school, they had decided to take them off. That ledd to Bi teaching
Sam about sex. Bi had decided one day to tie up Sam and leave, and
Sam had learned how to escape from being tied up. Sam escaped, much
to Bi's surprise. Bianca had tried fro quite some time to find away
to tie up Sam so that she couldn't escape.
By this time, Samantha had managed to free herself from the ropes.
She stood up to walk to the locker room to change, and her leotard
fell to the floor. SHe pickedd it up and went into the locker room.
When she got there, she noticed that Bianca had stolen her panties and
bra. Samantha pulled on her T-shirt and shorts and put on her white
canvas sneakers. SHe put her ripped leotard in her gym bag, and went
Sam found a note from her parents. It read, "Sammy, we've gone out
tonight and won't be back until about two. Eat something, and go to
bed at bedtime." Samantha was glad that her parents were gone because
she was horney and wanted to have some fun.
Samantha went up to the attic, where her room was. The attic had been
decorated and insolated so Sam could have her room up there. There
were no stairs up to the attic, just the ladder. She pulled it down
and quickly climbed up. She closed the door and locked it with a
deadbolt lock. She dropped her gym bag in the corner and took off her
T-shirt. SHe put it in the laundry chute and decided to take a bath.
She walked into her bathroom and turned on the water in the tup. When
the water was high enough, Sam got in, still wearing her sneakers and
shorts. SHe sat and soaked for a few minutes before kicking off her
shoes. She then pulled her sopping wet shorts off herslef and threw
them out of the tup.
Samantha sat in the tup for a while before she got an idea. She got
out of the tub and walked to a chest and putlled two handcuffs from
it. She then went back to the tub and got back in. She locked her
feet in one of the handcuffs and handcuffed her hands to a bar in the
tub. Sam got very turned on by her predicament. She let the sexual
tension build up in herslef before using her escape skills to free her
hands from the handcuffs. With her free hands, she felt her pussy and
began to finger herself. SHe didn't have long to wait before she
After her bath, Samantha dried off and went back into her bedroom.
Samantha laid down on her bed and got out her porn magazines. She
looked at the pictures of the naked women and pulled out her favorite
vibrator. SHe stuck the vibrator depp into her vagina and turned it
on. This vibrator was her favorite because it not only vibrated but
also thrust in and out. Sam rulled onto her chest and gyrated her
hips while looking through her magazines. Nearly all of her magazines
were bondage related. Sam was looking through a new magazine that had
many positions that Sam thought she could put herself in. As Sam was
approaching orgams, she locked her ankles and wrists in shackes that
she always kept attached to her bed posts. She rode through her first
orgasm and kept herslef locked and gyrating. She had many orgasms
during the thirty minutes she stayed in that position.
Sam finally changed positions after her thirty minutes of pleasure.
She used her handcuffs to secure her ankles to one of the rafters that
crossed her room. She bound herself so that she hung upside down.
She next used some rope and coiled it around her waist and the rafter.
She finally used another of her handcuffs and locked her hands to the
rafter. Sam hung from the rafter until she got tired of it. She
unbound herself and laid on her bed. She fingered herslef and after
she came she decided to practice her gymnastics.
She sat down on the floor and began to stretch. It was about six
o'clock and she went downstairs to eat after she finished stretching.
She unlocked her door and went down to the kitchen and fixed herself a
sandwich. As she was finishing, she heard the corrbell ring. She
looked out the window and saw Bianca. She went to the dooor and
opened it. SHe was surprised to see another girl with Bianca.
"Oh, I'm sorry," said Sam and the girl as Sam tried to cover her
nudity with a long coat.
"This is Rozalia, Sam. She is visiting from Russia. SHe is also a
gymnast so I thought I would bring her by," said Bi.
"We can come back later," started to say Rozalia.
"No, Sam doesn't mind, do you?" insisted Bi.
"No," replied Sam as she led the two into the living room. The three
girls then sat down and began to talk.
After a few minutes of talking, Rozalia said, "You're very beautiful,
"You can touch anything you'd like," replied Sam.
Rozalia responded by throwing herself at Sam. She quickly relieved
Sam of the coat and began to pull off her own clothing. Bi had
already removed her clothes and was playing with both girls. The
three girls had their little threesome for a couple of hours until Bi
and Roza had to leave. On her way out, Roza said, "We'll have to
practice our gymnastics someday."
"Of course," replied Samantha. After ROza and Bi had left, Samantha
went back up to her room and went to bed. She laid down on the bad
and stretched again, after she was warmed up , or wetted up, she bent
over and began to lick her own vagina. This was Sam's one sex secret
that she kept from Bianca. This was another benefit of her gymnastics
classs. After she came, she pulled the covers up over her naked body
and went to sleep.
...What Samantha did after school...
Samantha's next day in school was largely boring. Samantha was
(surprise) as horny as ever. SHe decided to go to the nurse's office
during gym and mastrubate, because the nurse was hardly ever in. When
gymtime came, Sam said that she felt bad and went to the nurse's
office. As usual, the nurse was not in. Sam laid down on a cot near
the window and watched the firls in tight shorts playing volleyball.
She pulled down her skirt and kneeled down on the cot. She then began
to finger herself as her weetness dripped down her thighs. She began
to moan quietly and tried her best to stay quiet so no one would hear.
The door opened just as Sam came. Dominique, the nurse, walked in.
"What are you doing!?" she asked.
"Um, nothing, ma'am," said Sam, her face turning red and her breath
coming in quick gasps.
"You look sick, take off you clothes," Dominique commanded. Sam took
off her socks and shirt, pulled questioningly on her bra, and when D
nodded, she removed it too. "All of it," said D, helping Sam remove
her panties. D then checked Sam's temperature and pulse. "Kneel and
bend over. I want to check something." Sam complied, and she thought
she heard the sound of cloth falling to the floor. She then felt D's
hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks. She next felt D's tongue
caressing her clitoris and vagina. After dancing around Sam's cunt,
she finally burried her tongue in Sam's vagina and licked deeply. Sam
was surprised but still ground her hips into D's face, trying to
increase her pleasure.
D licked Sam until Sam came. She then stopped and said, "Put your
clothes on and go to class. Come back after school at five or so.
I'll be waiting. If you don't come, I'll tell everything." Sam put
her clothes and went to class.
After school, Sam went to gymnastics and practiced her gymnastics
until she was all warmed up. SHe then pulled her skirt on over her
leotard and walked back to school. She went to D's office and
knocked. "Come in," was the reply.
Inside, D was dressed in a patent one piece dress that had had the
breasts cut out. D's ample attributes were exposed. "Take off your
clothes," said D. Sam stripped all her clothes off. "Now put on
these boots," said D as she handed Sam some high heeled patent mid
thigh boots. Sam pulled the boots on as D handed her a set of gloves
that went up to the shoulder and connected to each other. Sam next
put them on. "Lay down on the bed." Sam again complied.
D next got out some rope and a leather collar. D first rolled Sam
onto her stomach. She then fitted the collar around Sam's neck
tightly. She then took the rope and fed it through a ring on the
collar. She pulled Sam's arms behind her back. She then began to
loop the rope around her forearms. D then tightly tied the loops so
that Sam couldn't move her armes. D finally took the ends of the rope
and tied it around Sam's ankled so that her feet her over her ass.
Sam struggled a bit when D finished, but to no avail.
"Struggl all you want, Sammy. You won't be able to escape. I've done
this sort of thing many times before."
"What are you going to do to me?" Sam asked.
"I think I'll teach youto use my office as an excuse to fuck
yourself." D then went to the foot of the bed and looked at Sam. Sam
tried to look at her, but she couldn't see her. D then reached out
and began to massage Sam's cunt. Sam began to gyrate to D's rubbings.
D the surprised Sam by spanking her ass firmly with her hand.
"Ah!" shouted Sam. "What are you doing?"
"I'm teaching you your lesson." D then walked aroung the cot again.
WHen she again reached the foot, Sam heard her open a bag and take
something out. Sam next felt a light brush against her ass. The
brushing increased intensity. Sam could feel that long leather straps
were brushing against her. Just as she realised this, she heard a
whooshing whistle and felt the straps come down on her asss
forecefully. She flinched in pain. "Yes, Sammy, I'm whipping you," D
explained. She continued to beat Sam with her whip.
"Ah! No! Stop!" pleaded Sam.
"I can't have you screaming after every blow, Sammy." D said as she
stopped the beating. She then went back to her bag and got something
else out. "This is called a ball gag. Open you mouth. Remember, if
you don't, and someone hears you scream, they'll find out everything."
Sam considered it and opened her mouth. D then stuck the red rubber
ball into Sam's mouth and forced it back so that Sam's teeth were
lodged in a channel in the ball. D then buckled two of the straps
around Sam's head She buckled one at the bas of Sam's skull and the
other on top of her head. She then buckled the remaining strap under
Sam's jaw so that she couldn't open her mouth. Sam tried
experimentally to remove the gag but couldn't.
D then said, "How about a hood, Sammy? A nice, pretty hood?" When all
Sam could say was "mmph!" D took it as acceptance. She got a black
patent hood from her bag and placed it over Sam's head. She zipped it
up the back. She then smiled at Sam and zipped the eyeholed closed.
Sam was beginning to doubt her decision to come. She tried to pull
her hands loose, but there was far too much rope coiled tightly aroung
them. "Now let's continue you lesson, Sammy," said D as she begain to
beat Sam again. Sam responded to the renewed torture by trying to
scream, but the ballgag and hood muffled her screams to quiet moans.
D beat Sam with her whip until Sam's ass turned from red to a light
purple. D then put the whip down and began to massage Sam's tender
ass. Sam's sore ass was painful during her massage, but she tried to
stay calm, despite the pain.
Sam next heard D rustle in her bag again. "Relax, Sam, it will hurt
less," D said. With that, Sam felt a huge plug being fitted into her
asshole. She tried to scream again, but her efforts were again
useless. "Now, see, that doesn't hurt much, does it?"
D then rustled through her bag again. This time, Sam felt something
being forced into her vagina. Then next thing Sam felt was a cold
metal plate being forced under her hips. When it was in place (it was
shaped like a pair of panties), she felt another plate being hinged
over her ass. Sam heard two distinct 'snicks' as D pressed the plate
into her ass and it locked. D then took off the hood and began to
untie Sam. She left on the ballgag and handcuffed her hands behind
her back, though. When Sam looked down, she saw what D had put her
in. D had locker her in what appeared to be pantied made of steel.
They locked on the sides and had holes that the posts from her butt
plug and dildo stuck out of.
"Not quite finished," said D. She placed a small lock through each of
the posts, locking the panties to the protrusions. "There," said D as
she stood up, "Perfect. Now Sammy, you will wear this all of
tommorrow during school. You may not wear any underwear with it. You
will come here to my office tomorrow aththe same time as today and I
will remove it. Let this be a lesson not to finger yourslef in my
office. Do you have any objections?" Sam tried to tell D that she
was sorry, but didn't want want to wear the chastity belt when D
picked up the whip and playfully whipped her thigh. Sam fell silent.
"Now get dressed and go home. D then removed the handcuffs, let Sam
get dressed, and then removed the gag. Sam silently walked out of the
office wither her panties in her pocket and went home.
...What Sam did in school the next day...
When Sam got to school the next day, she was nervous. She felt sure
that everyone that passed knew that sh had had her lustful loins
shackled in an iron chastity belt. SHe had worn a short skirt, and
was ever conscious of how much she revealed. Just when Sam was sure
that everyone knew her secret, the bell rang, signalling the end of
school. Sam left for gymnastics.
Sam barely tried that day, worried about what D would do to her.
Worried but tittillated. When Sam had put on her loetard, she noticed
that the outline of the chastity belt and it's locks were clearly
visible. Luckily, she was the only one there again.
When the time came, Sam went back to the school for her meeting with
D. When she arrived, D was wearing a long black trench coat. "I
forgot the keys to your prison at home, Sammy dear," said D, "If you
want out we'll have to go there." Sam agreed and the two women went
to D's car and drove to her house. "I keep that stuff down in the
basement, dear," said D when they arrived, and they went downstairs.
D's basement was set up with much torture equipment. Once they were
insade, D locked a door behind them with a key. SHe then took off her
coat, revealing a black patent corset and similar thight high boots.
D unzipped the crotch of her corset and pushed the key far into her
vagina. She then zipped the crotch back up and turned her attention
to Sam.
D went over to a safe, put the combination in, and opened it. Inside
were many keys. She took out one and said to Sam, "Take off all your
clothes and I'll unlock that panty." Sam complied, stripping down so
she was wearing only her iron panty. D then unlocked the panty and
took it off. She then slowly drew out the vaginal insert. She lastly
removed the butt plug.
"Thank you very much," said Sam, "I'm sorry for what I did. I'll go
"No, I don't think so," replied D, "I would like to have you try
something first." D then led Sam to a sidways 'C' shaped object.
"Stand there," commanded D as she pointed to the inside of the the
device. D then quickly locked Sam's hands in shackles on the C. She
next shackled Sam's feet. When San was in place, a large device came
out of the machine. It looked like a large dildo. The divice probed
Sam's thights until it found her cunt. It then forced itself up her
vagina. "This is my Lubricosity Testing Station. It measures how
fast you get wet and how much wetness you produce." Sam could feel
the probe sucking her wetness up.
D left Sam in the LTS for nearly an hour. SHe sat down in a chair in
front of Sam and begain to fuck herself with a knobby dildo, as Sam
struggled against the machine. Sam was turned on by watching D
masturbate and began to ram herslef onto the machine. When D tired of
watching Sam n that position, she unbound her and said, "So, Sammy,
how does it feel when other people use you to masturbate? Let's do
some more things before you go." D then led Sam to one of the walls.
Piled at the base of the wall were some chains. There were also
spreader bars and shackles. D picked up two fur lined leather cuffs,
and put then around Sam's wrists. She then placed a lock through
D-rings on the cuffs and locked Sam's hands together. SHe then put
similar cuffs on Sam's ankles. These cuffs she secured to the ends of
one of the bars. The bar was about four feet long, and Sam could
hardly stand up. D then locked the bar to a bracket on the floor.
SHe unlocked Sam's wrists from each other and locked them to another
bar. D locked the wrist bar to the wall, at a height of three feet.
SHe then pulled a padded support away from the wall. It was hinged
and locked in place so it was in front of Sam's thights, effectively
supporting Sam's upper body, as she was bent over at the waist. D
then got a whip and started to beat Sam with it. Sam begain to scream
as D beat her. D responded by putting a ball gag in her mouth. D
beat Sam until Sam's ass was a deep purple. "This will be a reminder
to you for quite some time, Sammy. Maybe I should let you go now,
Samantha. Maybe not. How about just one more thing?"
D then unlocked Sam from the bondage position. SHe led Sam to a foam
pad. She then took some white nylon rope and tied Sam's wrists behind
her back. She then tied Sam's elbows together. She fed the ends of
that rope around Sam and wrapped them around her breasts. SHe next
tied Sam in a crotchrope, making sure that her hands were tied to it.
She then tied Sam's knees to each other. D finally teid Sam's ankles
together. She then made sure then ball gag was still tightly one and
put a blindfold on Sam. "Perfect," said D, "Now struggle for me
Sammy. Struggle like it was possible to escape." Sam complied and
struggled against her bonds. She found that despite her escape
skills, she could not free herself. Sam continued to struggle until
she felt D begin to tie her feet together. Sam felt something hard
and round placed between her feet, and then felt it being lashed in
place. "Even better," commented D. Sam then felt D's feet sliding up
the outside of her legs. When the feet got to her waist, she felt her
feet brush D's thighs and pussy. Sam then realised that D had lashed
a dildo to her feet. D then used her feet to pull on Sam's
crotchrope, driving it between her cunt lips and into her pussy. SHe
then felt D begin to thrust herself onto the dildo. Sam used her
knees, and helped D drive it in. It didn't take much force, and Sam
could feel D's wetness pour over her feet.
D continued to impale herself on the dildo for about fifteen minutes,
during which time she had hooked her feet around Sam's crotchrope in
an effort to get more leverage. She also brought Sam to the brink of
orgasm. Sam could tell when D came because she bagan to scream in
ecstasy. When D came, she had such powerful vaginal contractions that
she squirted her wetness onto Sam's thighs.
After D came, she untied the dildo from Sam's feet. She then took off
Sam's gag and said, "Lick this clean." She then shoved the dildo into
Sam's mouth. Sam immediatedly went to work licking D's juicess off
the dildo. WHen Sam had licked it clean, D untied Sam. Sam stood by,
waiting for D's next command. "Get dressed," was all D said. Sam
complied, and when she had her clothes back on, she waited again.
"Now retriedve the key to the door...without using your fingeres."
Sam then buried her face in D's cunt, searching D's vagina for the
key. D's cunt lips parted easily and Sam found that she could fit a
large part of her jaw in there, but she still could not find the key.
"Use your hand, then," commanded D. Sam then inserted her hand into
D's vagina. It slid easily through the warm, wet tunnel. She still
could not find it, and slid her arm midway up to her elbow in. She
finally grasped the key. She began to pull out, and when her wrist
reached the exit, D squeezed her muscles, stopping Sam's hand
momentarily. D then relaxed and moaned in orgasm as Sam's hand popped
out. Sam licked off the wetness and unlocked the door and left. On
her way out of the dungeon, she heard a vibrator hum into life. Sam
led herself out and went home.
...Sam's follow-up with Dominique...Saturday.
The next day was Saturday, and when Samantha awoke her parents had
left, leaving a note that they wouldn't be back until SUnday night.
Sam decided to call up Bianca and see if she could spend the night.
WHen she called, Bi answered and told her she would, but she expected
to find Sammy hanging from one of her rafters when she arrived. Sam
agreed, and Bi said she would be right over. Sam slipped on a pair of
boxer shorts and a tank top before setting up the bondage. SHe took
some of her velvet manacles and made nhandcuffs out of them. SHe then
placed them over the rafter and locked herself in.
Then she waited.
About fifteen minutes later, Sam heard the door open and Bi came in.
"Well, well, well. What have we here? A pretty little bitch hung up
on something. Don't you know that bitches aren't allowed to wear
clothes?" asked Bi. She then pulled off the boxers and ripped the top
off, leaving Sam naked. Bi then went to Sam's chest of toys and took
out one of the plastic resin paddles she had. These paddles were
quite painful. "I see someone's already given you a good spanking.
Another won't hurt too badly." Bi then began to beat Sam's ass with
the paddle. When Sam began to scream, Bi put her panties in her
mouth. WHen Sam though she couldn't take anymore, Bi stopped and
said, "Hmmm..."
Bi then unbound Sam and let her down. Bi stripped off all of her
clothes and sat on the edge of Sam's bed. She then spread her leds
far apart, and reached down and separated her cunt lips. Sam crawled
over and placed her lips to Bi's. She used her lips to lopd Bi's
apart so she could slide her tongue in. SHe then used her tongue to
explore hte soft tissues of Bi's vagina. She started slowly, licking
just around the outside. When she began to hear Bi moan, she sped up
and pushed her tongue in far deeper. Bi leaned back and let Sam take
her into ecstasy. She let her arms fall above her head. When she
encountered the shackles that Sam had attached to her bed, she slid
her hands in and locked them. Sam continued to eat Bi's pussy. The
constant force on Bi's cunt had pushed Bi fully onto the bed. Sam
then took the other shackles and locked them around Bi's ankles. Bi
was so lost in the sensation that she did not notice her bondage. Bi
began to moan louder as she neared her climax. WHen she finally cam,
she started to scream. She struggled against her bonds as she
convulsed in pleasure. Sam did not stop licking until after Bi had
stopped struggling. Sam then unbound Bi.
Bi stood up and walked across the room. Sam got up and followed her.
Bi had Sam lie down on her stomach on the floor. SHe then laid down
behind Sam and raised up Sam's hips. Sam leaned on her elbows,
wondering what to expect. Bi then put handcuffs on Sam's ankles. SHe
then wrapped her arms around Sam's thights and spread them. Bi then
licked Sam's cunt from underneath. Sam found the position very
exciting and began to force herself onto Bi's face. As she neared
climax, she gritted her teeth and moaned. Within a few minutes, she
came and collapsed onto the floor.
Bi extracted herself from Sam's legs and went to the chest. She took
numerous lengths of rope from it. In fact, she took it all. SHe went
back to Sam and tied Sam's wrists together above her head. She then
tied Sam's ankles, knees, breasts, and elbows. She put a blindfold
and a ballgag on Sam. She then took the remaining rope and placed it
in Sam's vagina. She next slipped a vibrator into Sam's crowded hole.
She finally wadded a sock as a plug, and tied a crotchrope to hold it
all in place.
"I'll be back later, Sammy. Have fun while I'm gone. Don't go
anywhere," Bi said. She then turned on the vibrator and watched it
come to life in Sam's cunt. Sam moaned quietly in a quiet harmony to
the vibrator.
Bi then left Sam's room and went downstairs. She turned on the TV and
watched a porn channel. She fingered herself as she watched. As she
was cumming, she thought about Sam. After she came, she got dressed
and left Sam's house. She decided to see a movie and then come back
and have more fun with Sam.
Samantha was lost in ecstacy when she heard Bianca finally return.
After two hours of being tied up and fucked by a powerful vibrator,
Sam was spent. It was approximately 10 PM, and Sam was surprised Bi's
parents would let her come over.
When Bi opened the door to Sam's room, she could see why Bi could
come. Bi had her overnight bag. "I told them I was spending the
night. I can't come over tomorrow, so we'll have to fit it all in
today." Bi then went to work releasing Sam. "Let's se..." Bi mused,
"What to do, what to do. I know!" exclaimed Bi in mock surprise, "I
can beat you for cumming while I was gone!" Sam tried to complain, but
her gag prohibitied her from doing so.
Bi then got out a chair and sat down. She made Sam lay over her lab
with her ass in the air. Bi the beat Sam fro an hour and a half.
When she was done spanking Sam, Bi spread her legs revealing her nude
pussy beneath her miniskirt. "Lick me goodnight, Sammy." Sam buried
her face and furiously sucked Bi's warm moist vagina. After a few
minutes, Bi pulled off her remaining clothes an fell to the floor,
pulling Sam with her. Sam continued to lick Bi until she fell asleep.
When Sam awoke, she was not surprised to see that Bi had left. She
was surprised, however, to find herself bound hand and foot. As she
began to struggle with her bonds, she heard a knock at the front door.
SHe then panicked, and found it increasingly more difficult to free
herself. Sam then heard the frontdoor open and she fel silent. She
didn't want anyone to finder her like this. About a minute later, her
dorr opened and D popped her head through.
"Your little friend told me you'd be up here. She's really nice. She
even complimented me on my paddling job.. WOuld you like me to help
you, Sammy?" asked D. Sam nodded. "I just came by to see if you'd
like to accompany me out to a farm today. We'll be back by five,"
said D as she unbound Sam's gag.
"Okay, let me get dressed first," replied Sam.
"Please don't wear any underwear, Sam. Remember, I can still tell
people." Sam complied, putting on a miniskirt, T-shirt, socks, and
sneakers. Sam and D then went downstaris and got into D's car.
After the two women were about fifteen minutes out into the country, D
pulled onto a lane and drove down it. At the end of the lane was a
gate that read "BDGS&M Stables." D drove through and pulled up next
to one of the stables and then led Sam inside.
To be continued....
...Sam and Bi's weekend of Fun...
Sunday, continued.
Once the two women were inside the stable, Dominique locked the door
behind them. She then said, "Take off you clothes, Sammy." She said
it so sweetly an nonchalantly that Sam was nude before she realise
exactly what D had asked. D then took a large cap an placed it on
Sam's head. The cap covered all her hair and her ears. D then placed
a large collar on Sam's neck. The collar held her head straight up.
She then took a metal bar and attached it to the collar. Tha bar
reste on Sam's shoulders and had a metal bit that ran through her
D next fitted Sam with a tight corset. The corset locked together in
back. D then put restraint cuffs on Sam's wrists and locked them to
the sides of the corset. She then got out a crotchstrap and attached
it to the corset. The crotchstrap had a dildo that D slid into Sam's
vagina and then locked in place. D then attached an extension to the
dildo and crotchstrap. The extension was about two feet long. D
placed cuffs on Sam's ankles and thighs and then locked the cuffs to
the extension. WHenever Sam moved, the extension wiggled and
stimulated her. D finally took leather reins and threaded them
through rings on Sam's collar, bridle, wrists, and ankles. When she
felt Sam was suitable outfitted, she tied the reins to a post above
Sam's head and changed clothes. SHe changed from regular clothes into
a British riding outfit. SHe also got a riding crop from the wall.
She gathered up Sam's reins and led her out the back door of the
stable. Sam walked funny because every step she took jostled the
Behind the stable was an open field. A small cart was sitting by the
door. "Would you like to go for a ride, Sammy?" D asked.
"What are you doing?" screamed Sam through the bit.
"I've made you into a ponygirl. You belong to me now, and will remain
my posession until you're out of that gear. And now," D then brought
her riding crop down on Sam's ass, "Remember that ponies do not talk.
And you are my little pony." D then secured leather straps on the
cart to Sam's corset. She then climbed in the cart and snapped the
reins on Sam's shoulders, "Let's go, ponygirl!"
Sam pulled on the cart and was surprised how easily it rolled behind
her. Sam let herself be guided by D's tugs on the reins. WHen Sam
had pulled D across the field to another stable, D pulled on the
reins, bringing Sam to a stop. D then unhooked Sam from the cart and
led her inside. Once inside the stable, she released Sam from the
corset and cuffs. She notices that the crotchstrap and dildo were
covered in Sam's wetness and smiled.
When Sam was again naked, D led her to one of the stalls. Inside the
stall, she handcuffed Sam to a rafter and habbled her. She then took
out a tape measure and measured Sam in a variety of places. She then
went to a closet and selected a black leather suit. She then slid Sam
into it. The suit covered Sam's entire body. It was designed with
feet like high-heel shoes, except that the heel was missing. This
caused Sam to stand on her toes. The feet were weighted to make this
easy. The gloves of the suit were designed in a similar manner and
Sam found that she could not move the fingers in them. The suit also
covered Sam's head. The hood part covered her mouth and gagged her
with a bit. There were also eyepatches that could cover her eyes.
The oddest thing about the suit was that it had a latex tube that fit
into her vagina.
"Look at yourself, Sammy," said D. When Sam looked into the mirror,
she saw that the suit had iron rings on her wrists, ankles and bit.
She also saw that the suit had a mane like a horse. "Now for your
tail." D then slid a butt plug in Sam's ass. The plug had a long
ponytail. Once Sam had seen her suit, D closed the eyepatches. "Now,
Sammy, get down and walk like a pony." Sam complied and found that
the boning and design of the suit made it easier to walk on all fours
than upright. D then attached a rope to Sam's bit and led her out of
the stable. WHen Sam was out of the stable, she felt D sit on her
back. She was surprised that the suit distributed her weight so
evenly. D the took a riding drop and amscked Sam's ass. Sam started
walking and carried D around the field for about fifteen minutes. At
that time, D drew in the reins and brought Sam to a stop. Sam then
felt D get off. She menainde still like she thought a horse would.
Dominique then threaded a rope through the ankle and wrist rings and
pulled it tight. This effectively og tied Sam. Sam next felt a dildo
being placed in her vagina. She could just barely feel it through the
latex sheath. She then heard D moan as she began to thrust herself on
the dildo. D impaled herself on the dildo for about ten minutes.
After she came, she removed the dildo from Sam's vagina.
Sam next heard someone else approach. The words spoken between D and
the other person were muffled by Sam's suit, so she couldn't hear what
was said. She heard shouts, which died down quickly. She next heard
the jingling of locks, chains and other metal objects. Sam next felt
herslef being locked into a harness. Her reins were relaced, and she
could only feel them on one side. SHe felt them snap, and she began
to walk, pulling on the harness and what she assumed was a cart. She
walked for quite a distance, but in her suit, she was unsure of the
distance or direction.
Sam stopped when she felt the reins draw in. She was unhooked from
the cart and was led about twenty feet. When she again stopped, she
felt the suit being takedn off her. When she could see, she saw
another girl about her size in a similar suit. D pulled the suit off
Sam, leaving her naked. D then tied up the girl's reins and led Sam
"So how do you like being a ponygirl, Sammy?" asked D.
"So far it seems like fun, Miss D," replied Sam.
"That's good. I was hoping you enjoyed it. This is a private ranch
that I have use of on Sundays. It's equiped with many facilities, but
I'm most proud of the stables."
D led Sam into a small chamber. She then locked Sam's feet to the
floor. D then handcuffed Sam's hands behind her back. D then put a
collar on Sam and locked the collar to a chain from the ceiling. The
collar made Sam stand on her toes. D then took the riding crop and
begain to spank Sam. "Discipline is essential to any good ponygirl,
Sammy," explained D. Sam's ass was already sore, and the spanking
make it worse. Sam's vagina was constantly leaking her wetness. The
wetness dripped down her thigh and formed a puddle under her toes.
After D had finished beating Sam, she unlocked her feet and collar and
said, "Clean up you mess, Sammy." Sam dropped to her knees and began
to lap up the puddle on the tile floor. WHen Sam had licked the floor
dry, D attached a leash to Sam's collar. She then led Sam out of the
chamber and back to the original stables. "Time for you to go home,
Sammy." Sam got dressed and let D lead her to the car. Sam was quiet
on the car ride home, and was sorry that her adventure at the ranch
was at an end.
...Ponygirl Sam...
The next day during gym, Samantha scraped her knee. She went to the
nurse's office. When she arrived, she found D sorting medical files.
D looked glad when she saw Sam. "Hi there, ponygirl. Back for more
"I scraped my knee," replied Sam.
"Well, let's take a look at it." D then had Sam sit on the
exampination table and looked at Sam's knee. "This isn't too bad,
Sammy, but let's make sure you don't have any more cuts." D then
proceded to take off Sam's shitf and bra. "No cuts here." She then
unlaced Sam's sneakers and pulled off her sneakers and socks. "None
here, ither." D then pulled of f Sam's shorts and panties in one
pull. "Here's one that need a big kiss," said D as she put her lips
to Sam's cunt lips.
"Oh!" exclaimed Sam as D parted her cunt lips and licked all around
the inside of Sam's vagina.
"Shhh...if you make too much noise, someone might find out." Sam
closed her mouth tightly and tried not to make any noise as D's expert
tongue slid around her sopping wet pussy. Sam could hardly contain
herself as she came to orgasm. "This has been fun, Sammy," said D as
she wiped Sam's wetness from her face, "but you should get back to
class before someone gets suspicious." Sam got dressed and went back
to class The rest of her day went by quite boringly.
After school the next day, Sam went to her gymnastics practice. When
she had finished her practicing, she went back to the locker room to
change. As she was beginning to change, she heard ne of the showers
come on. When she went to investigate, Sam saw Bi sitting on the
floor of the shower. Sam walked into the shower in her leotard and
started kissing Bi. Bi quickly had the leotard ripped off of Sam.
Sam and Bi rolled around on the floor of the shower, kissing and
fondling each other. Sam then reversed herself and began to eat out
Bi's pussy. Bi also sucked on Sam's cunt. After the two girls came,
Bi turned off the shower and walked back into the locker room. Sam
followed her. When Sam got to her locker, Bi put a gag on Sam,
handcuffed her and handcuffed her feet together. Bi then pushed the
dripping wet Sam into the locker. Sam then heard a lock click on the
locker and Bi zip up her gym bag.
"Bye, bye, Sammy. I'll send soomeone to get you later." Sam then
heard Bi leave. Sam struggled to escape, but she couldn't move enough
in the locker. Sam continued to struggle for nearly an hour. She
then heard someone come in and open the lock. Sam then saw D open the
locker. D pulled Sam out of the locker and unlocked her hands and
feet. Sam then took off the gag as D pulled some clothes out of a
bag. Sam put on the tight shirt, canvas sneakers, and a very short
"Need a ride home, Sammy?" asked D.
"Yes, if it's not too much trouble."
"Oh no, it's not any trouble. By the way, would you like to come back
out to the ranch this weekend?"
"Do I really have a choice?"
"No, not really, but don't worry, it'll be a lot of fun."
"OK. Whatever." D and Sam then went down to D's car. When Sam sat
down, the skirt slid up, revealing her cunt. She tried to pull it
down, but still could not cover herslef. Sam was glad when she
finally got home.
Sam went right up to her room and took off her meager clothing. She
then laid dwn on her bed and took out a dildo. The dildo was made of
rubber covered plastic, and was about two and a half inches wide and a
foot long. It had many knobs and protrusions in the rubber. She used
her left hand to spread her cunt lips as she drove in the dildo with
her right. She then began to slowly slide the dildo in and out of her
pussy. As she became more and more excited, she sped up the dildo.
She was soon rocking her hips in sync with the motion of her dildo.
As she neared orgasm, she continued to pound home her toy. She rammed
it into her pussy until her entire body was convulsing so much that
she couldn't keep her grip on the dildo. She finally came and laid
there, still reeling from the force of her invader.
The next day after achool, Bi came over to Sam's house. Bi ripped off
Sam's clothes and handcuffed her to the foot of the bed. Bi then took
off her own clothes. She used her panties to gag Sam. Sam knew Bi
was horny because the panties were sopping wet. Bi then rolled out a
huge gymnastics ball and tied Sam to it. The ball arched Sam's back
and made her cunt stick out. Bi then laced a strap-on dildo to Sam
and began to thrust herself on the bound girl. It did not take long
for Bi to come. Bi then took the dildo off of Sam and ate out her
pussy. Sam moaned through the panties, and when she begain to spit
them out Bi put her hand over Sam's mouth.
After Sam came, Bi opened her purse and took out some clothespins.
She then proceded to place them up and down Sam's thighs. Sam again
tried to push out the panties. This time, Bi put a piece of masking
tape over Sam's mouth. When Bi had finished with Sam's thighs, she
used two pins to spread Sam's cunt lips apart. She finally placed two
more pins on Sam's nipples. Bi then kissed Sam's stomach and left.
Sam spent the rest of the night trying to escape. As soon as she had
her hands free she sought out her wet pussy and fucked herself. She
then went to bed with the ropes and the clothespins still on.
The next day at school, Sam got a pass to go to the nurse's
office. When she arrived, D was waiting. "Hello, Sammy. Let's skip
school tomorrow. We'll go out to the ranch. Bring your friend. How
long do you think you'll be able to stay?"
"I'll tell my parents that I'm going to a sleepover. I can stay until
Sunday that way. I'll get Bi to do the same.
"Good. Bring along all the toys you think we might want to play with.
And tell Bianca to wait until Saturday to come out to the ranch."
"OK." Sam then went back to class. When she got home, she called up
Bi. "Hey Bitch."
"Hey Slut. Want me to come...over?"
"No. Can you play this weekend, though?"
"Yeah, I'll be over Saturday morning."
"Um, actually, D, the nuse you met last weekend, wants us to come out
to the BGDS&M ranch outside of town."
"Cool. I'm never been out there before. I wonder what it's like to
live on a farm."
"I don't know. I guess we'll see Saturday."
"Yeah. Bye."
"Bye, Bi." Sam then went to her closet and packed all of her favorite
toys and clothes. She then went to bed.
...A Week with Sammy...
Sam went to school the next day with her gym bag full of hr sex toys.
About halfway there, D pulled up next to sam. "Get in, Sammy. Time
to go out to the ranch." Sam then got in the car. "Now take off all
of your clothes. and throw them in the back." Sam complied, and was
soon sitting naked in D's car as they sped out to the ranch.
When they arrived, Sam and D got out of the car. D put a leash on Sam
and led her into one of the buildings. Inside was a torture chamber.
D led Sam over to a salem stock. D then fastened the leather straps
that secured Sam's ankles, writst, and neck. "Your ass isn't red
anymore, Sammy. I know a way to fix that." D then took a cane and
proceded to spank Sam. In no time, Sam's ass had regained a bright
rosy color. "Oh, now isn't that more pleasant."
D unfastened Sam from the stock and led her outside and to a stable.
D then put a bit in Sam's mouth and locked her head in a bridle. The
bridle had blinders that prevented Sam from seeing to the sides. Sam
then felt D push something into her ass. She tightened, but D forced
it in. "Don't let that fall out, Sammy," commanded D. D then fastened
leather cuffs on Sam's wrists and ankles. "I won't lock them now,
Sammy, but I will if you make me." D then attached reins to Sam's
bridle. With the reins in place, D led Sam outside.
Sam tried not to step in the mud, but D led her through it. "let's
try some moves," said D, when they stopped in the middle of a pasture.
"I want to see you highstep prance." Sam complied and pulled her
right foot up to her knee and began to prance. "Good, Sammy. That's
very good. Keep your head up. Now point your toes." Sam followed
the instructions and extender her leg out and pointed her toes.
"You're very good at this Sammy. I'm glad because you and your friend
have a performance Sunday for some of my friends."
"What?" screamed Sam through her bit.
D smacked Sam's ass with the reins. "Firstly, ponys don't talk. If
you do that sSunday, you will regret it. Secondly, no one that's
coming will say anything outside of this ranch." D led Sam around the
pasture and had her do a variety of moves. D then led Sam back to the
stables. On the way, Sam slipped in the mud and fell face first into
the muc puddle. D didn't stop and dragged Sam through the thick mud.
When they finally got back to the stables, Sam was covered in muck. D
locked Sam's cuffs to a frame that held her arms and legs out from her
body. D then took a hose and began to spray the mud off of Sam. When
Sam was clean, D took a towel and dried her off. D then took Sam into
a house that was attached to the stable via a small corridor.
When they got into the house, they were in a kitchen. D took off
Sam's bridle and put a collar on her. D then got out a dog dish and
put some stew in it. She then sat it on the floor in front of Sam.
"Enjoy, Sammy." Sam was thoroughly embarrassed as she ate the stew
from the bowl. D heated up a jar of liquid that she got from the
fridge in the microwave. SHe then poured theliquid into Sam's
waterdish. Sam lapped up the liquid and found that it tasted like
some woman's wetness. "Its yours, Sammy. I collected it with my
Lubricosity Testing Station. I have a lot more too. You were quite
aroused that day." When Sam had finished with her meal, D wiped off
her face, and pulled her by the collar into the living room. "Now for
desert," said D as she pulled Sam's face up to her cunt. Sam's tongue
lashed out at D's vagina and parted her cunt lips. She licked far
into D's vagina and sucked up her wetness as fast as she could. Sam
still could not suck it fast enough, and it dripped down her chin. D
quickly came to orgasm, and screamed loadly.
After her climax, D pulled Sam off and took her over her knee. She
then spanked Sam. D then took Sam down to the basement. She took Sam
into a small cell and strapped her to a bed. "Nighty night, Sammy.
Remember, your friend will be here tomorrow." D then locked the cell
dorr and left.
Sam tried to wriggle her hands to masturbate before she went to sleep,
but the straps held her thoroughly in place. She went to sleep very
much unsatisfied.
Sam was awakened by the feeling of something brushing her brests.
When she opened her eyes, she saw D bring a whip down on her brests.
"Time to wake up, Sammy dear." D then unstrapped Sam. Sam saw Biana
standing naked in the doorway. She had a ball gag in her mouth, and
her wrists and ankles were locked in shackles. D then outfitted Sam
in a similar manner. D then put collars on Sam and Bi and hooked them
both to a leash. She then led the girls upstairs and out to the
stable. She then placed both girls in pony suits. When they were
both locked in their suits, D took them outside.
When D and her 'ponys' were outside, D attached them to a cart. She
then got in the cart and drove the cart around the pasture. When she
reache the distant stable, she stopped the girls by tightly drawing in
the reins. She unbound the girls from the cart and led them, with
them both on all fours, into the stable. D then took the girls to a
trough. She filled the trough with oats. She then opened up the
mouth cover. The girls put their faces in the trough and ate their
After breakfast, D wiped off the ponys' faces. "This morning we'll
work on tomorrow's show. We'll then go down to the dungeon this
afternoon. Let's go," said D. She then led the girls out into the
field. She used the reins and her crop to teach the girls the show
The show lasted 15 minutes, and pranced the two ponygirls around the
pasture. The constant rubbing of the latex tube in their vaginas'
excited the girls, but did not allow them to come. D had the girls
practice the show all morning.
D led the girls back to the stable. She removed the pony suits from
the girls and sat out dog dishes of soup. They ate the food and then
waited for D to return. When she did come back, she placed collars on
each of the girls. She then led them outside and over to a small pool
behind the house. The pool was filled with mud. D then unlocked the
leashes and pushed the girls in. THe mud came up to midchest.
"Why don't you girls wrestle around a bit." said D, "I'm sure you'll
enjoy it." Sam and Bianca then began to grope and struggle with each
other. "I'll personally eat out the winner of the match. The other
one will be punished." With that incentive, Bianca furiously began to
attack Sam. She knocked Sam on her back and sat on her chest. She
then held Sam's wrists down below the surface. "Very good, Bianca.
You win. Come here for your reward." D then hosed off Bianca before
she began to suck her. Bianca came quickly, as she had been left
unfulfilled all day lon. "Now for your reward, Sammy," said D as Bi
was reeling from her orgasm. D hosed Sam off too, and then reattached
the leash and handcuffed her. SHe then led Sam into the house, with
Bi following behind.
took Sam down to the basement adn past all the cells to the door at
the end of the hallway. THe door was massive oak and iron. She
unlocked the door and took Sam inside. When they were inside, D lit
candles all around the room. The candles thoroughly lit the room.
Sam could see all types of restraint and torture devices. D tied
Sam's hands to a wooden post. D then lashed Sam's feet together at
the ankles. D then took one of the candles and dripped the wax onto
Sam's feet. When Sam screamed out, Bianca shoved a ballgag into her
mouth. D continued to drip the how wax until she had covered Sam's
feet. D then let the wax cool, and pulled the sheet of wax off of
Sam's feet. She then untied Sam from the post. She then pulled Sam
over to a table. The table had restrains that wrapped around Sam's
thighs, spreading them far apart. She then slid open part of the
table, and locked Sam's feet in the table's stocks. D next tied
Sam's hands to a bracket on the table. D then investigated Sam's
cunt with her hands.
"You're very wet, my dear Sammy. That reminds me of something. My
guests tomorrow will probably be quite thirsty. Let's all go to my
brewery." D then unstrapped Sam and led her and Bi into another room
in the basement. This room had many chains and shackles. There were
also a variety of glasses, mugs, and buckets. D locked Bi with her
wrists locked in shackles above her head, and her ankles chained
apart. She next attached metal bands around Sam's thighs and wrists.
She then attacked short chains btween Sam's wrists and thights and
suspend her above the floor with more chains connected to the thigh
bands. D then sat mugs out under the girls' cunts to catch their
wetness as it dripped. The girls filled their first two mugs quickly.
"We need more," said D, "I'll tell you two a story to get your juices
flowing. In order for me to recieve membership at this club, I had to
go through an initiation. When I arrived, they stripped off all of my
clothes. I was then led down the road by my sponsor. I had to pass
past all of the members. When I reached the end of the road, my
sponsor strapped me into a ponygirl suit and led me aound the field.
She spanked me with the riding crop, even though I didn't make any
mistakes. I was then forced to 'freet' all of the members. All of
the members here are women, and greeting them meant kissing them on
the cunt lips. THen to repay me for this pleasure, each member
spanked me. I was then taken to the arena. Inside the arena was a
master dominatrix. She then tortured me and bound me for the viewing
enjoyment of all the other members. I was then a slave to the members
for a week, and was not allowed to wear any clothes. I slept in the
stable and as harnessed for most of the day and all of the night. It
was some of the most fun I've ever had." D then paused and added,
"Seem's like you've enjoyed it too." Both girls had filled up a bucket
apiece. D placed new buckets under the girls and continued to tell
her stories.
"I wonder if we have enough. If you fill up these buckets, we should
have enough. If we don't, we might be in trouble. They might take me
not having enough brewed as an insult. If that happens, I will no
longer be your mistress. I also will be a slave. That might not be
good. They probably won't take us off the ranch. There's another
ranch that's twice as large farther out into the country. THe
mistresses ther are totally sadistic. They'd beat us and rape us for
weeks. I once knew a girl who spat at her mistress and was taken
there. She was locked in one of these ponygirl suits for an entire
year solid. She was not allowed to speak and was treated like an
animal for that year.
"Ah, good, you've filled your buckets up again. That should be enough
to keep our guests satisfied. D then took the buckets and poured the
girls wetness into a water cooler. D then unlocked the girls from
their restraints and handcuffed them to the cooler. "Come along,"
said D. Sam and Bi followed, dragging the cooler of wetness behind
D led the girls back to the house. "You two may play here until
dinner," said D as she pushed the girls into one of the cells. "You
can be sure that I'll call." Sam and Bi then fell to the floor and
began to kiss. When Sam was about to slide down to lick Bi, D opened
the door and rolled in a bottle of ketchup. "Enjoy!"
Sam took the bottle and shoved it in Bi's vagina. She then used the
bottle to fuck Bi. When Bi came, she removed the bottle from her
pussy and licked it clean. She then used some of the chains in the
room to spread Sam's arms and legs. She then opened the bottle and
poured the ketchup over Sam's cunt. SHe then began to eat Sam's
pussy. Sam screamed in the ecstacy Bi brought her. Just as Sam was
about to come, D entered and said, "Play time's over. Come on."
Bianca then followed her commands, and stopped licking Sam, leaving
her on the edge of orgasm. D handcuffed both girls and led them into
the kitchen.
In the kitchen, D had set out dog dishes with the girls' names on
them. The dishes were filled with the same stew as before. The girls
them ate their dinner. "Time to get dressed, girls," said D as she
got out the ponygirl suits and put them on the girls. She closed the
eyepatches and locked the bits in place. She then led the girls out
to the stable. She tied the girls' leashes up and locked their ankles
and wrists together.
"Good night, girls. You'll be sleeping here tonight. TOmorrow will
be your big show." D then left the two girls to struggle in the
stable. After they realized that they were trappe, the girls went to
Samantha was awoken by a whip beating her ass. Her arms and legs were
now bound with short chains. She felt someone pulling her along by a
leash. She was then pushed forward and heard a steel cage door shut
behind her. She felt around as much as possible and realised she
seemed to be in some sort of pet cage that was human sized. She then
felt the cage being lifted. She heard a van door close and the engine
start. Sam was left in the cage for nearly an hour after the van
stopped. When Sam was taken out of the cage, she had no idea where
she was. She felt her leash being reattached, and was led on a short
"Hello, Sammy," said D, "Did you sleep well? We're going to begin
now. Mistresses, I would like to present you with my favorite pony.
Her name is Samantha. She will be ridden today by a friend of mine,
Bianca." Sam then felt someone sit down on her and assumed it was Bi.
Sam pranced about as she had been taught, despite her surprise that Bi
was her rider. When she had completed her routine, D said, "Thank you
for joining us today. We'll haave refreshments in the gazebo
immediately. Miss Bianca will be our server today." Sam then felt
her leash being pulled and was led up onto the gazebo. She was then
spanked until she sat down. She then felt a tray being placed on her
back. She realized that she was being usded as the table and tried to
remain as still as possible. She sat and listened to about five
mistresses talking with D about many things, mostly involving bondage
and the ranch. About an hour later, she heard one of hte mistresses
say, "Do you have any more of this tea, D?"
"Um...well...no, you've drunk it all."
"Oh, that's too bad. You should be punished for insulting us like
this." Sam then heard a short scuffle and the jingle of chains.
Sam's eyepatches wer then opened. Sam saw one of the mistresses in
front of her. "You two are not to blame for this. You two have done
an excellent job today. For doing so, you will be given these." She
then presented two leather suits. They were both obviously designed
for bondage. The suits were one piece from toe to neck, and had a
hood that zipped on. The suit had no gloves, but the sleeves were
sewn shut after they narrowed at the wrists. THe suit had numerous
buckles, shackles, and zippers. "And your pony suits," continued the
woman, "plus the cages, and a few lengths of rope." She then helped
both girls out of their suits. When they were naked, the mistress
hogtied them tightly. She then put the girls in the cages with the
suits and locked them in. She then put the cages in the van and drove
the girls home. She unlocked the cages but left the girls tied up.
The girls eventually escaped their bonds. THey then looked at their
suits. Sam had received the pony girl and the bondage suit. Bi,
however, had gotten different ones.
Bi's suits were obviously designd for a mistress. Her first suit was
made of one piece. It had high-heeled boots that stretched up to the
crotch. The crotch was messing from the suit. It did cover her ass
though. THe suit covered the chest, but had holes for breasts. The
arms of the suit did not end in gloves. Instead of gloves, the
sleeves had rods that things could be screwed into. The suit came
with a whip attachment, a cane attachment, a cat-o-nine tails, a
vaginal dildo, a anal dildo, a rabbit, and a tickling attachment.
Her second suit was really a set of clothes. She had a pair of soft
leather boots. The boots were knee high. The next part was a leather
skirt that laced up the side. The skirt was very short, being only
seven inches long. It also had a corset. The corset was designed to
push the wearer's breastes up. The suit was completed by fingerless
Sam and Bi then took their new toys up to Sam's room. Bi put on the
boots, skirt, corset and gloves. She then helped Sam into the bondage
suit. The back unzipped and Sam climbed in. She slid her hands and
feet past the narrow parts as Bi zipped up the back. Bi then slid the
hood over Sam's head. The hood had a gag built in. Bi zipped the
hood to the suit and zipped the hood closed. She then used a small
brass lock to secure all the zippers. She then zipped a zipper that
started at Sam's ass and wrapped down her legs and to her toes. She
then zipped a similar zipper from Sam's cunt to her toes. She locked
the zippers too. Bi then locked Sam's arms to her sides with latches
that were attached. Bi finally bent Sam's legs at the knees and
strapped her feet to her ass. Sam struggled, but she knew she was
trapped. The suit was well designed, making it impossible for her to
escape. Bi unzipped a zipper that covered Sam's cunt and separated
Sam's cunt lips. She then put her face to Sam's sweet vagina and
licked furiously. Sam had been excited all weekend, and was finally
able to relieve the tension. She came quickly and gyrated wildly,
despite the suit.
After Sam came, Bi removed the suit from Sam. She then took Sam to
the bathroom and put her in the tub. She then tightly hogtied Sam.
Sam's bonds were so tight that her wrists were next to her ankles. Bi
then said, "Gee, we haven't gone to the bathroom all weekend. I
really need to go." Bi then sat down on the toilet and began to pee.
Sam could hardly hold herself when she heard Bi's piss tinkling in the
toilet. When Bi finished, she washed her hands and left the water
running slowly. "It'd be a shame if you wet yourself there in the
tub. You know, you should wait and hold it until you can get to the
toilet. Otherwise, you'll get that urine all over yourself. Dripping
over you thighs." Bi then loosened her cunt lips and let some of her
wetness drip onto the floor. The sound of it splattering was too uch
for Sam and she lost control with a moan. Her urine spilled out and
soaked her thighs. It ran between her legs and down to the drain.
"Oh, bad girl! Now you need a bath!" Bi then turned on the water and
let it cover the tub with four inches. Sam's back was still dry, but
the rope had gotten splashed and the knot had swollen. "I'm not quite
done," said Bi as she climbed into the tub. She stood over Sam and
peed again. She pissed all over Sam's back. When she was done with
the golden shower, she let the water flow again and covered Sam's
back. She soaped up her crotch and used it to scrub Sam's back. She
didn't do much to clean Sam as she was constantly leaking her wetness.
She quickly came all over Sam.
Bi then drained the water out of the tub and dried Sam off. Bi untied
Sam and tok her back to the bedroom. Bi dragged a bondage rack out of
the closet and lashed Sam to it. Bi then slid into her second suit.
She screwed the whip and the cane on her gloves. She then beat Sam,
alternating between the two. When Sam's ass was a bright red color,
Bi took off the attachments and screwed on the vaginal dildo and the
cat-o-nine tails. She then rammed Sam with the dildo twenty times.
She then switched to the whip and gave Sam twenty lashes. She
continued this pattern until Sam came. Bi then took off the suit and
unbound Sam.
Sam and Bi laid down on Sam's bed and relaxed. After about fifteen
minutes, Bi took some shorts and a T-shirt and some sneakers from
Sam's closet and dressed. She then kissed Sam goodnight and left.
...A Weekend at the Ranch...
The next day at school, Sam went to see if D was there. A note
addressed to her was on the desk. The paper was slightly wrinkled and
had a faint musky odor. Sam opened it up and read it.
"Dear Pony-Slut Sammy,
"Please meet me at my house after school. I need to give you a
follow-up check-up. Bring your costumes. Can't wait to see you. --D"
Sam couldn't wait until school was out. As soon as the bell rang, Sam
rushed home to get her suits. She then went to D's house. There was
no replywhen she knocked. She then saw a note that said, "Come in and
lock the door." Sam complied. She then proceded down the hall. When
she reached the living room, she was surprised to see D tied up. She
was suspended from a bracket on the ceiling by her wrists. She had a
crotchstrap that split her cunt lips far apart. She also had a
ballgag in her mouth and a spreader bar between her ankles. She had a
post-it note on her stomach that said, "Untie me so I can torture
you." Sam then stripped down and released D from her bonds.
"Thank you, Sammy. I trussed myself up like that this morning to get
in the mood. Now let's go down stairs." D then led the naked Sam
down to the basement. D tied Sam to a bed in her torture chamber.
She then took out a razor and shaved the hair off Sam's mound. SHe
then unbound Sam and put a leash on her. She then handcuffed Sam and
led her around the room. Sam liked the feeling of her naked cunt lips
rubbing freely against each other. When D and Sam reached the other
side of the room, D unbound Sam. She then locked a collar on Sam.
She then locked a wooden spreader bar to the collar. She locked Sam's
wrists in open ings in the wood. She then put a ballgag in Sam's
mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. She then pushed Sam to her
knees. She then put a short spreader bar between Sam's knees and
lashed her ankles together. Sam then heard the snap of a camera. She
then moaned, into her ballgag in fear. "Shh...don't worry, Sammy.
These pictures are only for my personal album. The only people who
will ever see them are me, you, you friend Bi, and a few of my
mistress friends. I'll take every precaution to keep them from the
public." D took a few more pictures and then unbound Sam.
D then led Sam to a bondage rack. She secured Sam tightly to the
rack. She took a few pictures of Sam before she got out a cane. She
then beat Sam with the cane until her ass was bright red. D took the
camera out again and took more pictures of Sam's ass. D then beat Sam
again until her ass was purple. She then took more pictures. "That's
going to be sore for a while, Sammy. You'll have fun in school
tomorrow. Come see me during gym and I'll give you a check up." D
then lit a candle and sat it where it would drip on Sam's back. She
then clicked off pictures as the wax cooled on Sam's back. Sam tried
not to scream as the boiling wax burned her flesh. She knew that if
she made too much noise, D would stuff a gag in her mouth.
After D finished taking the wax pictures, she unbound Sam from the
bondage rack. "Put on your pony suit, Sammy." D commanded. Sam
slowly complied, although she needed D to zip up the back. D laced
the reins up and tied them to a hitching post. She then took pictures
of Sam as a pony. Sam tried to act as much like a pony as she could.
She pulled against the reinsand pawed the ground until D finished with
those pictures.
D took the pony suit off Sam and handed her a reform school uniform.
The uniform did not have panties, however. Sam put the uniform on,
and sat down at a school desk that D had. She spread her legs, and D
took a number of upskirt pictures. D then had Sam sit in a straight
backed wooden chair. She took some nylon rope and tied her legs to
the chair's. She tied Sam's hands to gether behind her head. She
then lifted Sam's skirt, revealing Sam's soggy pussy. She took more
pictures of Sam in this position. She then untied Sam and had her
kneel on the floor with her skirt pulled over her ass. D then setup a
stand to hold the cane until it looked like someone was beating Sam.
she then took many shots of Sam being "punished."
"I'm not quite done with that costume, yet, Sammy. Let's put this
collar on, Sam. And we must do something with those wild legs." D
then coiled rope around Sam's nude thighs, and stocking covered
ankles. She then had Sam kneel like she was praying. She then tied
Sam's wrists in that position. D then tok pictures of Sam "praying."
"Let's do some Inquisition shots, Sammy," D suggested. She took the
clothes off of Sam and locked her in a cage. The cage was made out of
inch wide steel bands. The cage was shaped to fit a woma's body. Sam
could only shift her arms and legs a few inches. D then attached the
cage to a winch and hoisted it to the ceiling. She then took pictures
or Sam in the cage.
When D had taken pictures of every angle of Sam, she lowered the cage
and released Sam. She then tied Sam down to a wooden crossbar. "Have
you ever seem one of these, Sammy?" asked D as she picked up a metal
"It's called a pear. The inquisitors used it on women by making it
force their cunts open until it hurt. Don't worry, I won't hurt you
much." D then inserted the device into Sam's vagina. She turned the
handle on the pear and it tightedned up against the walls of Sam's
cunt. D tightened the pear bit by bit until Sam began to feel pain.
Sam began to scream, so D stopped just long enough to put a gag in
Sam's mouth. She then took a feather and tickled Sam's nipples and
thighs. She then took out the pear, untied Sam and flipped her over
on the cross. SHe then retied her and put the pear back into Sam's
ass. D then ticked Sam's back and ass with the feather. When the
tickling had driven Sam as far as she could go, D stopped. She then
loosened the pear and removed it from Sam's ass. She then untied Sam
and led her to a leather couch and had her sit down. D then ate Sam's
pussy. When Sam was thrashing around in ecstacy, D sped up until Sam
came. Her orgasm was so violent that Sam shot her wetness deep into
D's throat.
"My, oh, my, Sammy," said D after she swallowed, "You sure are
excited. Now get dressed, dear. You should go home now." Sam and D
then went up stair. D helped Sam find her clothes. Strangely,
neither could find Sam's panties. She finally gave up and left
without them.
...Sam's Photoshoot...
Three months later...
Christmas wa fast approaching. Sam hadn't really had much fun for
months. D hadn't called in a while, and all Bi ever had time for was
sex. Sam had reverted back to self-bondage to liven up her life.
Then on day, Sam received a note in her locker from D. It read, "Meet
me after school. --D." Sam instantly became wet. After the bell
rang, and everyone left, Sam went down to D's office. When she
arrived, D was leaving. "Meet me at my house around seve," she said.
Sam then went to gymnastics and home after that. She left a note for
her parents that said that she was studying at Bi's house. Sam then
left and went to D's house. When she arrived, the door was ajar. She
let herself in. Inside, she saw D sitting on the couch. She was
wearing a red santa hat and coat and thigh high black latex boots.
The coat barely covered her breasts, and stopped just above her pussy.
"I need some pictures for my christmas cards, Sammy. Would you like
to help?"
"Of course, Miss D," replied Sam.
"Good. Strip down and go to the basement. I'll be there after I get
a few things." D then left. Sam stripped off all of her clothes,
making a pile on the floor. She then went down stairs. SHe sat down
on a bondage chair. She strapped her legs to it and then fastened her
head. She secured her left hand and then began to finger herself with
her right.
She was nearing orgasm just as D was coming down the stairs. D ran
over, pulled Sam's hand from her dripping cunt and locked it to the
"Oh, please let me come, Miss D!"
"No, not yet, Sammy. First we're going to dress you up like a good
reindeer." D then unbuckled Sam's head and put a steel bit in her
mouth. She then attached a leather harness to the bit. THe harness
was bright red, had blinders, and was adorned with sleigh bells. D
next unbound Sam's legs. She slid up another harness that tightly
covered Sam's cunt. Sam found that she could not come with the
harness in place. D finally unbound Sam's hands and pulled a harness
over Sam's chest. THe harness was made of the same red leather and
also had bells. D buckled the three harnesses together. She then put
cuffs on Sam's wrists and ankles. She finished the costume by
securing reins to the bit. She then attached Sam's harness to a sled.
"Hmm...something's missing," said D as she looked at her captive, "Oh
I know!" D then got a set of antlers that were secured to leather
straps. She secured the antlers to Sam's head, and stepped back to
take a look. "Excellent." D then began to take pictures of Sam.
"You make a beautiful reindeer, Sammy. Nearly as good as you do a
pony." D finished the roll of film and changed it. She then set the
camera on a tripod and set its time to take a picture every minute.
She then stripped and went to her closet, leaving Sam locked in place.
When she returned, she was wearing thigh high black latex boots, with
six inch stilletto heels. She also had on a Samta hat and a matching
coat that came to just below her waist. It had a latex belt, but did
not close enough to cover her cunt, tits, or ass. She got a whip,
turned the camera on, and sat in the sleigh. She gathered up Sam's
reins and cracked th whip at Sam. "Keep straight. We have
twenty-four pictures to take." D then begain to whip Sam's ass and
flanks while the camera clicked off the minutes. The only sounds that
echoes through the dungeon were the cracks of the whip, Sam's muffled
screams, and D's barked orders. "Stick you tail out! Keep you head
up! Stick out your tits! Spread you legs! Face forward!"
By the time the camera finished, Sam's ass was red. D released Sam
from her costume and took her to the other side of the room. SHe then
hogtied Sam with red rope and put a red ball gag in her mouth. D then
got some ribbon and tied a bow on Sam's wrists and ankles, and another
on her head. She then took a few pictures of Sam. "This would make
an excellent christmas card." WHen D finished with that position, she
released Sam. She then took Sam back upstairs and had her get
dressed. Again, Sam was missing her panties. Sam then left, as D
gathered up her film.
...Sam's Christmas Shoot...
The next day at gymnastics, Sammy was surprised when Bi walked in.
She was nude and carried a small duffle bag. She walked over to Sam
and took a ball gag from the bag. Sam opened her mouth and let the
orb in. Bi then took out some oversized handcuffs. She then locked
Sam's breasts, through her leotard, in them. She next took a
singlglove and laced Sam's arms in. She then took Sam over to the
horse. She had previooously installed a strap-on vibrator to it. She
helped Sam onto the horse, and tied her legs to the sides of the
horse. She then tied the singleglove's ring to her feet. She finally
turned the vibrator on. The vibrator was immensely powerful, even
though it had to press through Sam's leotard. Sam ground down on it,
ripping a slit in her leotard crotch to match the one in her body. Bi
sat on the horse in front of Sam and nibbled holes for Sam's nipples
to poke through.
Just as Sam was nearing orgasm, Miss G, the gymnastics and dance
instructor, entered. "What is going on in here? What are you doing?"
Right at that moment, Sam climaxed and screamed into her ballgag.
"You both are coming with me." G untied Sam and dragged her and Bi
into her office. The office had many dance costumes and attire. G
sat behind her desk, making Bi (still naked) and Sam (still
singlegloved, gagged, and wearing the tatters of her leotard) stand.
"I will not permit you to sneak around and use my studio to fuck each
other. I will teach you a lesson you'll not soon forget." She then
locked the two girls in a storage closet. Two minutes later, she
returned wearing a patent leather dominatrix suit. "I know you like
this, Sammy. Im only assuming your friend does also." G then took
the girls back into the studio. She stripped Sam bare, and made the
girls lean over a balance beam. She then took a paddle and beat Bi
and Sam's asses. "I saw your pictures, Sammy. D does such an
excellent job with her work." The girls yelped with each hit, so G
got two ballgags and silenced them. The girls also began to squirm
around. G then took some rope and tied the girls' hands and geet
together. She then continued to spank them.
By the time she had finished, both of the girls had formed smalled
puddles of wetness on the floor. G noticed this and unbound Sam.
"Clean that up, Sammy." Shen the removed Sam's gag and tied her hands
behind her back. Sam quickly lapped up the puddles on the floor and
continued up Bi's leg. Just as she was getting close to Bi's cunt, G
pulled her off. "I go first, dear," said G as she unlaced the pants
and opened up her naked cunt. Sam buried her face in G's muff and ate
her out. Sam was so powerful that G had to lean up against the beam.
As she came she began to moan. After she had come, she pulled Sam off
and regagged her. Bi then began to moan, hoping that she was next.
"Oh yes you are, Bi," G said, reading Bi's mind. She removed Bi's gag
and forced Bi's face into her cunt. Bi ate G, but was not as
ferocious as Sam. "I need to punish you for your terrible eating
habits," said G after she came.
G took her paddle and beat Bi. She did not stop until Bi's ass was
bright red. She then untied the girls. "Please don't use my studio
for your sex-games. If I catch you again, I won't be nearly as kind."
The two girls then ran to the locker room, got dressed, and left.
Two girls went to Sam's house. "Let's play Naughty Daughter," said
Bi. "Ok...I want to be her," replied Sam. Sam then went and got
dressed in her little girl clothes. She had on white lacey socks, a
short flowery dress, and panties with a bear design. She put her hair
into two little pig tails. Bi dressed upin a nightgown. THe gown
closed in the front with ribbon ties. She sat on a sofa and waited
for Sam. When Sam entered, Bi said, "Samantha! I told you to go to
"I don't wanna!" pouted Sam.
"You naughty girl!" screamed Bi as she jumped up and chased after Sam.
Bi quickly caught Sam and dragged her to the floor. She took off
Sam's panties and shoved them in Sam's mouth. She then dragged Sam
back to the sofa by her wrists. SHe took Sam over her knees and began
to spank her. "Those panties better stay in you mouth. I don't want
to hear you making _any_ noise." Sam flailed around, but Bi held on
to her hair tightly. Sams ass was already red and sore, and the
continued punishment excited her. With no panties to her it in, Sam's
wetness poured out over Bi's lap.
"What's this?" screamed Bi. "You've made a mess all over me, too! Go
to your room!"
Just as Bi said this, the two girls heard a knock at the door. Sam
ran upstairs as Bi answered it. Ouside, she saw D dressed in a trench
coat. Bi couls see spiked heeled boots beneath her coat. A van was
parked in th edriveway. "Open the garage door," commanded D. Bi did
as she was told, and D backed the van up. She opened the back and Bi
saw two cages, each with numerous restraints attached. D grabbed Bi
and before she could react, Bi was nacked and caged.
A few minutes later, Samantha came downstairs. "Who was it, Bi?" she
asked. She didn't notice D come up behind her. D gagged and hogtied
Sam, and then dragged her into the second caage. D then closed the
van, opened the garage, drove out, closed the garage again, and then
drove the van away, effectively kidnapping Bi and Sam.
The two girls had no idea what D had planned, and trapped within the
small cages, they could do nothing. They drove for about ten minutes,
and then D stopped She opened the back, and the girls, who were facing
the front of the van and kneeling with their faces towards the floor,
could not see. Bi's cage was grabbed first, and D and another person
haled her into a building. It was daylight, and the girls were
terrified that someone would see them. Sam's cage was taken our
finally, sat on the ground as the van was closed, and finally taken
inside. THe two girls were then released from the cages, and could
see that G, the gym instructor, was also there. D had brought the two
girls back to Gabi's dane studio.
Bi and Sam were hogtied together and gagged. "Don't go anywhere,
sluts. We have to change into more suitable attire." They then left
Bi and Sam together with Bi on top of Sam's back and all eight limbs
lashed together. Sam ccould feel Bi's wetness as it trickled down her
ass to ingle with hoer own juices as they puddled on the floor.
When D and G returned, they had on latex suits that covered them from
head to toe. Their feet were encased in boots with four inch
stilletto heels. The suits sovered their legs like a second skin.
WHen the suits reached their cunts, tey formed a new set of cunt lips
molded into the suit. These lips were open, and a latex sheath
extended into their vaginas. A similar sheath was inserted in thier
assholes. THe suit continued up, covereing the womens' front as well
as it did their legs. THe breats were also formed in the suit. The
armes of the suit ended in tight fitting gloves. THe neck of the
suits extended up like a turtle neck, and covered everything except
thier faces and hair. As far as Bi and Sam could see, the only
openings were the neck, the vagina, and the ass.
"Ooh! Looks like they made a mess on the floor, eh G?"
"Quite right, D. What bad little girls. I think that they need to go
to obedience camp."
"I agree. What do you girls say?"
"mmph...mmgph..." were the only sounds the two could make.
"Excellent. It'll be this July for two weeks. Tell your parents.
There's no cost. You'll pay your way when you get there."
"Now...after a quick spanking, we'll send you home."
"Don't forget the cream!" interrupted D.
"Oh, right. We're going to give each of you a jar of breast cream.
We will expect you to put it on daily until camp starts.
D and G then took a paddle each from a bag, and beat the two girls,
alternating between the two every few strokes. They then returned the
girls to their cages and put them back in the van. THey were driven
to Sam's house, taken out of the cages, and left on the kitchen floor,
naked and bound with a tube of cream by their sides.
THe girls soon managed to escape, and spent the next few weeks making
preparations for their trip to camp. They applied the cream to their
breasts daily, and were amazed at the growth which took place. The
two girls' breasts swelled up to almost half again their original
size. Bi and Sam were both pleased with this effect.
...Another friend?...
Samantha was sitting at home one day after school when the phone rang.
"Hey, Slut," said Bi.
"Hey, Bitch," replied Sam, "What'cha doing?"
"I'm getting ready to come...over and spank your ass."
"Cause you're a slut and deserve it. Now go upstairs and put yourself
in the stocks. Gag yourself."
"Sure thing. See you in a few." Sam then hung up the phone and went
upstairs. She stripped off her clothes and put on a ball gag, the
biggest one she could find. She then went to her closet and got out a
selection of whips and paddles and laid them out on the bed for Bi.
She then got her stocks out, put it together, and tested it to make
sure it was sturdy. She then put ankle shackles on, and attached a
four-foot spreader bar between her legs. She then hopped to the
stocks and pushed the top board up with her head and placed her neck
and hands in the holes. When she stopped pushing up, the top board
fell and a metal plate fell over the lock ring. She tested it, and
the notch in the ring worked, holding the stocks closed, even without
a lock. Sam then waited.
Ten minutes later, Sam heard the front door open and voices talking.
Sam began to panic, as Bi had siad nothing about D or G coming along.
She heard the voices grow louder as they came up to Sam's room. Sam
heard the door open, and two people enter. She then heard the door
close and it be locked with a pad lock.
"Go over and introduce yourself, Kat," Bi said.
"Ok," replied the other voice. A girl a few years younger than Sam
and Bi wearing a school uniform and penny loafers came into Sam's
view. She had brown hair. "Hello, Samantha. My name is Katarina.
Bi said I could tag along."
"mmphgh!" shouted Sam through the gag.
"Oh don't get up, please! You look so comfortable."
"Yeah, not for long," said Bi as she drew back a paddle. *Whack*
*Whack* *Whack* *Whack* *Whack* Sam screamed after every hit. She was
terrified of this new girl. What if she told? I'll be made fun of!
Sam was crying, but she knew that her humiliation was making her wet.
"Boy, she must have been a bad girl," said Katarina as she sat down on
the bed.
"You have no idea how bad she's been. She's a very naughty little
girl." Bi then stopped paddling Sam and asked Katarina, "Would you
like to punish her?"
"Oh, I couldn't. What if I hurt her?"
"Don't worry. Just aim for her bright red ass, and swing as hard as
you can. You can't miss!"
"Oh, well, ok...If it's ok with you, Sammy?"
"mmgph...Gmf!" replied Sam.
"That's a yes," translated Bi.
Katarina then began to spank Sam. She was cautious at first, but when
she saw Sam's wetness fly off her cunt with every hit, she began to
warm up, and was soon hitting Sam as hard as she could. Bi sat on the
bed for a while, but eventually decided to get in on the action. She
put Sam's spreader bar on a box, and raised her feet off of the floor.
Bi then got a feather from Sam's closet and began to tickle Sam's
feet. Sam could do nothing to protect herself, and eventually
accepted her abuse.
Kat and Bi continued thier torment of Sam for about five minutes,
switching positions every minute. Bi then got a string of large beads
and fed them up Sam's vagina. She left a few hanging out. She then
placed a large bowl under the beads to catch Sam's wetness as it fell
to the floor.
The two girls maintained the beatings and the ticklings for another
ten minutes, Then Kat put down the paddle and got another feather, and
tickled Sam's other foot. Sam knew that she wouldn't be able to take
this tickling much longer. She could feel her bladder muscles loosen
and a stream of piss shoot out into the bowl. When this happened,
both Bi and Kat stopped to laugh at Sam. Bi got a marker out, and
then wrote "Pee-Pee Girl" on Sam's stomach, and drew smiley faces on
her nipples.
"Let's go Kat, and leave the naughty pee-pee girl alone," said Bi as
she dropped the marker.
"She we let her out?" inquired Kat.
"No...she put herself in that evil contraption. let her find her own
way out. Besides, I'll be back later. She should think about what
she has done."
"Bye-bye Pee-Pee Girl!" shouted the two as they left. As their voices
faded out, Sam could hear Kat tell Bi about the gymnastics camp that
she was going to that summer that would make her as agile as a cat.
Hours passed, and Bi had still not returned. Sam was in pain from
being in one position for so long. She hoped that Bi would get back
soon. Suddenly, Sam's room's door opened, revealing the much hoped
for Bi. She was completely naked except for the white tube socks she
had on her hands, feet and breasts. Sam could not help laughing at
the strange sight. "Sure, you laugh now. We'll see who's laughing in
a minute." Bi then pulled the socks off her arms and breasts and then
released Sam from the stocks. SHe made Sam lie on the floor, where
she tied Sam's ankles and wrists together. She then tied Sams's hands
to a bar on one side of the room, and her feet to another on the
opposite side of the room. WHen Sam was stretched out, Bi came over
and sat down on Sam's hips. She then put her feet on Sam's face,
covering Sam's mouth with her heels, and eyes with her toes. "I want
you to take my socks off of me, Sam." Sam then took the heel of the
left sock between her teeth and tugged it off. She repeated this for
the right sock. WHen Sam had pulled it off, Bi reached up and stuffed
it into Sam's mouth. Bi then tied a cloth gag across Sam's mouth.
"Ooh...It's a sweaty, stinky sock, isn't it, Baby?" Sam nodded. "I
guess that makes me a sweaty, stink girl, too, doesn't it?" Sam
vigorously shook her head no. "You think that I'm a sweaty, stinky,
filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck slut-bitch, don't you, Baby?
Of course you do. I'll show you who's the slut-bitch." Bianca then
began to lick Sam's breasts. She slowly suckled at each of them,
arising them to the point where Sam thought her nipples might shoot
off and fly across the room.
Once Bi was satisfied that Sam was at the peak stimulation at her
breasts, she moved down her captive's body. She let her tounghe drag
across Sam's stomach, pausing momentarily to play in Sam's belly
button. Sam was aching with desire, and wanted Bi to just fuck her.
Bi then slid down again, letting her tongue skirt Sam's clit, and then
brushing over Sam's labia, catching the tiny droplets Sam was
releaseing. Bi then licked the bridge between cunt and ass and
stopped. She sat up and rested herself on Sam's chest. She then
pulled out Sam's gag.
"Say it," commanded Bi.
"You know."
"Oh, please, just eat me!"
"Say it."
"Fine, I'm a sweaty stinky girl."
"All of it or you get nothing."
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, oily, dirty, horny little fuck slut-bitch."
"You forgot filthy."
"And filthy."
"Do it!"
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck
"I'm a sweaty, stinky, filthy, oily, dirty, horny little fuck
"What did you say?"
"Well then, Sammy, why didn't you just say so?"
...A new friend...
Bi and Sam were both ready to go to camp. They had told their parents
that D was taking them to a nursing camp. When the Saturday came, Bi
and Sam packed a few pieces of clothing, mostly to cover the toys in
the bottom of their bags.
D picked them us that Saturday that took them to the ranch. By the
time they arrived, the two girls had stripped all their clothes off.
They got out of the car at the ranch, and were greated by G, dressed
in the latex suit she had been wearing the day of the kidnapping. She
appraised the girls and finally said, "I see you've used the cream.
Excellent. Now we'll be able to milk you." The two girls were
shocked, but they could not resist as they were collared and bound.
The collars locked their necks firmly in place with their heads' held
high. A gag connected to the collar fitted into the girls' mouths,
covering their tongues and continuing into their throats. It had a
hole through it for food and breathing. The back of the collar
covered the back of the girls' heads, and their hair was pulled
through a ponytail for Bi, and a mane for Sam. The head cover also
had closable blinders to restrict the girls' vision. The girls' hands
were inserted into bondage gloves that were then laced to a posture
brace across the girls' shoulders. To restrict the girls' motion,
heavy iron hooves were placed on their feet. Large metal stables were
then inserted into the hooves around each toe to hold them in place.
Larger staples crossed the girls' feet and ankles. With the staples
bent into place, they were heated up and welded to the hooves. The
heat burned the girls' feet, but they were helpless to stop it. The
hooves were essentially permanent, and would take hours to remove.
By this time, the two girls were wondering if maybe they had crossed a
line and were now simply property. THey were slightly afraid.
After they had been garbed, G said, "You are our slaves for two weeks.
This week you will be cows. Stupid cows who eat and give milk. Do
you understand? I will milk you daily. You better hope I do because
if I don't, this cream," as she rubbed a new cream on the girls'
helpless tits, "will make it hurt like hell. Running can be very
painful with tits full of milk." She then took the girls into the
barn. She strapped them with D's help, who watched with whip in hand
to prevent trouble, to benches. The benches were four feet off the
ground, and had openings for the girls' tits to fit through. Their
legs and body were shackled to the bench as G got a bucket and stool.
She then sat down in front of Sam and put the bucket under her and
began to tug on her breasts until milk began to come out. She then
started to vigorously pump them and soon began to fill the bucket.
Although being milked was extremely painful, the humiliaation
associated with it was so great that Sam quickly became wet. Bi, who
could see, also became sopping wet. D got two more buckets to catch
the girls' precious wetness.
When G finished with Sam, she moved on to Bi. By the time she
finished, she had a bucket of milk and a bucket of wetness from each
girl. The two cows were exhausted, and sweat covered them. D unbound
Bi and Sam from the benches while G took the buckets into the house.
Once unbound, D attached chastity belts onto the girls. The belts had
a bag which was designed to catch the juices of the wearer. She then
took the girls to a groom on the other side of the barn and said,
"Clean these two up, and use the course brush." She then went to the
house to see G. The groom shackled the girls to arches by their
ankles and head. She then took a stiff bristle brush and rubbed them
down, leaving scrapes and red spots. The girls struggled in vain to
avoid the rough treatment.
Inside the house, D and G were putting the milk and the wetness into
bottles. They then put the jars in the refrigerator. "We got a lot
from those two," said G.
"Yeah," replied D, "They just kept flowing. i've never seen that much
come out of people that small."
"We should see that they get watered. We don't want them to
"Yeah," D paused, "They're going to get the milk and juice mixture
with oats for meals, right?"
"That's what I thought. Maybe we can drain one of the real stallionss
and mix it in for variety."
"Great. Shall we sample their products?"
"Sure. Let's make sure they're not getting _too_ good of a diet." G
then took out four glasses, and poured a glass of both milk and juice
for the two women. They then sipped the liquids as they made plans
for the next two weeks. Both women liked the sweet milk that they had
pumped from the girls.
They were sitting at the kitchen table when a knock came at the door.
G got up to see who it was. Standing on the porch was young Katarina.
"I'm here for my two weeks of gymnastics camp, Miss G. I want to be
just like a cat," said Kat. She had a large duffel bag full of
"Come inside. This is my friend, D. D, this is Katarina, another
member of our camp. D, would you please take Kat's bag to a room?"
"Certainly," replied D. D then took the bag and left.
"Come with me, Kat," continued G. "I have a dressing room in the
basement, next to a studio. Let's get started." G then led Katarina
down to a dark room. "Now Kat, if you want to be as graceful as a
cat, what should you do?"
"Um...I don't know, Miss G. Study them, I suppose."
"Well, yes. But how should you study them?"
"Up close?"
"Yes...up close." G then went to a locker and drew out a large bag.
"Part of this week we will study cats...up close. Wouldn't you say
that _being_ a cat would be the best way to become graceful like one?"
"I suppose, but how?"
"Here, I'll show you," Gabi opened up the bag. "Take off your
clothes, dear."
"Um, Miss Gabi?"
"Come on, come on. We're both adults. I've seen myself you realize."
Katarina complied and took off her pants, shirt, shoes, socks, and
after a huff and an impatient stare from G, her bra and panties.
"Now, my dear," said G as she removed black latex things from the bag,
"the goal of these two weeks of camp is to make you as graceful as a
cat. To do this, you will have to become a cat. This suit will help.
Stand with your arms to you side." Kat complied and G buckled a black
latex corset with black fur to her torso. The corset squeezed Kat's
stomach and mid section, but pushed her breasts through holes.
"Crouch down." Kat again compled to G as she laced up latex pants
over her legs. The pants were odd, and made walking upright
impossible. G then placed a shirt over Kat and tightened straps on
the back. The shirt covered Kat's arms and breasts, although they
were tight and form-fitting to both. "Now for the feet." G placed
huge rubber cat feet on Kat's hands and feet. They were weighted and
were slightly cumbersome. Kat's toes and fingers each fit into an
individual slot in the cat feet. Her hands were balled around a large
palm grip, where most of the weight would be. The hind feet had a
base parallel to Kat's toes, with the soles of her feet rising up at a
sharp angle, putting nearly all the weight on her toes.
Kaatarina walked around the dressing room on all fours. She stumbled
at first, but quicly learned the tricks. "How long will I wear this
today, Miss G?"
"You'll wear that for your entire stay. And I'm not even done, yet."
G then took a rubber cat mask and put it on Kat's face. A small
balloon filled the muzzle and Kat had to take a bit of it into her
mouth. G then placed the back half of the mask on Kat's head.
G then proceded to lace all the individual parts together. Once the
lacings were done, Kat tried to speak, but was having difficulty due
to the balloon. "Now, Kat, everyone knows that cat's can't talk. G
then inflated the balloon, which was shaped like a donut. WHen the
balloon was half inflated, G fed a wid straw through the hole. The
straw went to the back of Kat's throat and almost made her gag. Gabi
then finished inflating the balloon, completely filling Kat's mouth.
Kat began to panic and tried to bite the balloon, but found she
couldn't piece it. Kat then tried to escape, but found that she could
not move her fingers in the feet, and would only be able to bat at her
bonds with her paws, like a cat with a piece of string. "One final
touch, my dear. Every cat needs a tail." She then took a long
synthetic tail and inserted the end into Kat's ass. The end
immediately expanded to fill Kat's ass. "Let's look at you in the
Kat couldn't believe her eyes when she looked into the mirror. Her
face looked like it belonged to a real cat. She saw that she had
large ears atop her hear, and whiskers on her cheeks. When she
brushed them, she could feel the pressure they exerted on the mask and
her skin. Her body was covered, except for her nipples and cunt. Her
feet were tightly laced to her sleeves and leggings, and Kat could
also see straps and locks securing them. The most disturbing thing,
however, was the tail that Kat could see move in relation to her
muscles working.
"Let's go, dear. I want to show you to D. Then I'll train you.
Remember, for the next two weeks, you are a cat, not a human in a cat
suit, but an actual cat. You will live like a cat, and after today,
everyone will treat you like a cat." G led Kat back to the kitchen,
where D was writing in a notebook and drinking milk.
When D saw Kat in her costume, she said, "My! Don't you look
beautiful. You do excellent work, Gabi."
"Why, thank you. I was going to give here a quick training and then
let her go wander around a bit."
"OK. I'll go check on our friends." D then left and went out to the
"Now, Kat, your food will be in this blue bowl, and I'll keep some
milk for you in this red bowl. I will take your mask off only during
meal times. You will not be allowed to speak during those periods, so
please don't try." G then led Kat from the kitchen into the living
room. "This will be your litter box. You may feel free to go
outside, as long as you avoid places where someone might walk. I
assume you won't try to escape. Most people wouldn't understand this
type of training. Do you understand everything?" Kat nodded. "Good.
I'll let you outside for the day." G then took ahold of Kat's collar
and led her to the back door. Kat roamed around the barnyeard for
nearly three hours. She had a bit of trouble adjusting to her new
legs, and spent half of that time relearning how to walk and run.
Once Kat had covered the barnyard, she decided to have a look inside
the barn. She found a door that was slightly ajar, and went inside,
squeezing through just like a cat.
Once she was inside, she saw two other girls that had hooves on their
feet and had their hands tied up at the shoulder. They were wearing
masks that were shaped like a horse head. They were harnessed and D
was hitching them to a small cart. Kat was surprised at this and
began to get scared again. "What if this was really a slavery ring
after all," Kat thought. When Kat saw D look at her, she quickly ran
out of the barn. Kat ran back to the house, and was glad to see G
waiting for her on the porch. "Dinnertime, Katty." Gabi led Kat into
the kitchen by her collar. She then got out Kat's two dog dishes,
filled one with milk from a bottle, and filled the other with cat
food. She then removed Kat's gag so she could eat. Kat paused for a
moment and looked at Gabi. She then said, "I know I'm not to talk,
but I have some questions, Miss G."
"Very well then, but you will have to be punished."
"Well...firstly, I saw two girls in the barn today. They were dressed
like ponies, and were being used like animals."
"Those two are D's. She's helping them with a strength training
regiment. They're...swimmers, and they need to work on their leg
"Ok...and how am I supposed to eat if my hands are still in these
claws? And when will you let me use the bathroom? I won't be able to
with this suit."
"You're not thinking like a cat, Kat. You will eat like the cat you
are. Stick your face in the bowl and chew. And I've already
explained. You may pee at any time. You are required to use the
litter box. If you must shit, find me and I'll remove your tail until
you're through. Now eat!"
Katrina was satisfied for the moment, and besides thast, she was very
hungry after running all afternoon. She quickly dove into the kibble,
and after her initial disgust and humiliation at having to eat pet
food in front of another person, quickly devoured it all. She then
drank her milk, although she didn't realize that it tasted fuller and
richer than normal milk. When she finished eating, Gabi cleaned her
face off, and put the gag-mask back on her. Kat then decided to go to
the bathroom.
She made her way to the litterbox and stood next to it until G took
out her tail. She then paused, hoping that G would give her some
privacy. "Come on! I haven't got all day." G said. Kat realized
that she would not get any privacy. She then accepted her position,
and loosened up. When she was done, G put on a rubber glove, and
proceded to wipe her ass. Kat was humiliated, but was glad that she
could be clean.
"Now for that punishment." G led Kat by the collar into the living
room. G rolled up a newspaper and beat Kat's ass with it. When Kat's
ass was thoroughly red, Gabi gave it a kiss, and put the tail back in.
Kat was tired and decided to sleep. She made her way to one of the
bedrooms, and lept onto the bed, curled up like a cat.
While Kat was eating, D was hitching Sam and Bi to a cart. The cart
was designed for one person to ride. Once the girls were hitched and
the reins drawn, D led the girls out of the barn. She then sat in the
seat, grabbed the reins in one hand and a whip in the other, and set
off on a ride.
D rode the girls across the fields and down the driveway. She pulled
them to a stop at the mailbox, and got a week's worth of mail out.
The two girls could see where they were, and were terrified that a car
would drive by. Sure enough, as D was reading the mail, one did zoom
past, but the girl's blinders prevented them from seeing much. D then
turned the cart around and drove the girls back up the driveway,
taking care to close and lock the gate. D drove the girls back to the
barn and unhitched them. She removed their masks and led them to a
trough. Inside the trough was oatmeal. The girls were rather hungry
and ate up, hardly noticing that the oats had been mixed with their
own milk and juices. D replaced the masks when the girls were done
eating and took them to two stalls in the barn. She attached chains
to their collars to prevent them from crwawling out. She then went
back into the house. The girls soon went to sleep on the hay in the
The next morning, G woke Kat up. SHe took Kat's suit off. SHe
removed the mask and paws, leaving Kat completely naked. She then
took Kat to the bathroom and gave her a bath. "How do you feel, Kat?"
Kat didn't reply , assuming that she would be punished. "Don't worry
dear. This will be off the record."
"Well, Miss G, I'm doing just fine. The suit takes a bit of
adjustment, but it's just fine."
"Nothing feels odd or bad?"
"Well, my head itches."
"Probably due to your hair. We could shave you bald, bt you wouldn't
like that."
"Could we? I mean, if I'm going to wear that suit for another two
weeks, I'm not going to like a constant itch."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep." G then got an electric shaver, and proceded to cut Kat's hair
down to stubble. SHe then got a razor and shaved Kat. "That's
better. I'm ready to get back in that suit."
"Let's put this lubricant on you. You're going to be in the one piece
suit since you decided to shave." G then spread liquid over all of
Kat's body. Gabi then helped Kat get into a black latex suit. Kat
entered the suit through an opening that stretched from her cunt
across her ass crack. Kat's upper body was put in the suit first.
Kat's body was completely covered, leaving the only openings around
Kat's face and cunt. Kat's legs were again hindered, giving her a
cat-like stance. G then put the paws back on Kat, and locked them on.
"Now let's go for breakfast." Gabi led Kat to the kitchen and put her
milk and cat food out.
As Kat was finishing, she noticed that the suit was sticking to her.
"What's up with this suit?"
"That lube turns into a glue when it dries. That suit is stuck to
you. It's permanent until the glue is dissolved in a special solvent.
We'll be able to remove it when we're done, but I didn't want you to
chafe and be uncomfortable."
"Oh...ok." Gabi then put Kat's mask back on and locked it in place.
She then led her out to roam.
Back in the barn, D awoke Bi and Sam with a switch to their asses.
She took them to the trough and let them eat. When they had finished,
D took them ouside and began to lead them around the yard. "I want to
see you high-stepping." Bi and Sam complied, lifting their feet as
much as possible. D had the two ponies march around all morning long.
"Very good, Bi. You're excellent at this. Sam, you could learn much
from your friend."
D led Sam and Bi back to the barn and locked Sam in her stall. She
took Bi to the milking table and strapped her in and then milked her
dry. She then took a cream and rubbed Bi's breasts with it. D then
said, "I'm sorry, Bi, but your milk just isn't as good as Sam's. Gabi
and I have decided that you wouldn't make that good of a pony with
such poor milk. You could probably still be auctioned for close to a
million, but it's not worth it. Don't worry, Bi," she said as Bi
tensed up at the word 'auction.' We wouldn't sell you, or Sam, or K.,
th catgirl. We love you. Besides, there'd be too many questions.
We've decided that you'd make an excellent bunny, however." D then
unstrapped Bi from the table and removed the bondage gear that she was
wearing. She then led Bi into a small room enclosed from the rest of
the barn. Inside this room, D took a sponge and bucket of liquid and
proceded to cover Bi's body. She then had Bi slide into a latex
catsuit that had been covered in rabbit fur. The catsuit had no
crotch, and left her cunt and asshole exposed. D then placed a bunny
mask on Bi's face. The masked covered her entire face except for her
lower jaw. D then took heavy rubber bunny feet and put them on Bi's
hands and feet. D then took a Q-tip and dipped it into a small
bottle. She then spread the liquid over Bi's upper teeth. D then put
fake rabbit teeth on Bi's teeth and held them until the glue set. D
then took another bottle and had Bi drink it. Bi could feel it tingle
as it flowed down her throat. She tried to speak, but could make no
"Don't worry, Bianca. It's only temporary." D then fixed a collar
around Bi's neck. "You'll be in a cage here in the barn for these
next two weeks. I hope you like it. It should be very nice." She
then led Bi into the cage and locked the cell behind her.
Sam was unhappy that Bi had been moved, but knew that she had no
control over her own actions, let alone Bi's. She was beginning to
wish that she had never agreed to any of this. Just then, Sam heard
someone approach. She felt her reins being pulled, and she was led
from her stall.
"It's time for training, Sammy," Sam heard D say, "I want to finish
your pony training basics these few weeks. I'd like to have you do
everything, but that takes years of constant training." Sam couldn't
comprehend the idea of years of perpetual servitude. Bi led Sam out
into the pasture, where she began to give Sam lessons on how to
prance, gallop, and perform as a ponygirl.
The three girls worked hard during their stay at the farm, Katrina
building up her strength and dexterity as a cat, Sam learning more of
her submissive, humiliation-loving personality, and Bi, who learned
how to fuck herself with seven types of vegetables. Sam and Bi left
first, driven home by D, unhappily confined in clothing for the first
time in weeks. Kat left later, after G had removed the catsuit.
Kat's har had grown partially back, but still was quite close to her
"Miss G?" said Kat as Gabi was helping her out of the suit.
"Yes, dear?"
"Will I ever be able to wear this suit again? I've grown so
accustomed to it, I feel like I have always been meant to be encased
in its latex splendour."
"I'd let you take it with you, but you'd need someone to put you in
and take you out. If you'd like, I could keep it at my studio, and
you could use it whenever you're there alone."
"Oh, thank you! That'd be wonderful." Kat then got dressed and had
Gabi take her home.
...Summer Camp...
About a week later, Kat was at Gabi's studio late. She was
practicing, but inside, she really just wanted Gabi to put her in the
suit again. As the last person left, Gabi came out to see Kat. "I'm
locking up, Kat."
"Oh please, Miss Gabi, could I just stay for an hour or so more? I
really want to work some more."
"Sure Kat, I'll just be in my office."
"Could I work, well, with the catsuit?"
"Well, of course Kat, it is yours." G then went to one of the lockers
in the locker room and got out the latex suit. Katrina stripped her
leotard off as Gabi got the suit ready. Gabi then helped Kat slip
into the tight body-legs-arms piece. She then seecured it in place.
She next put the feet on Kat, and secured them tightly onto Kat's
"paws." Gabi then got the face gagmask ready.
"Um, Miss Gabi? I need to use the litter box."
"You should have thought of that before the suit went on, dear."
"No. I need to use the _litter box_, like a cat. I just don't feel
right using toilets anymore."
"Well, I don't have one here for you dear. Can it wait?"
"I really have to wet."
"Use the shower, dear. Do you want me to leave?"
"No. I'm a cat, and I don't care if a human sees me."
Just then, the locker room door opened, and Sam walked in. "I forgot
something in my locker, Miss Gabi, and your back door was open, so
I..." Sam didn't finish, because just then she saw Kat in her
costume. "Um...um..."
"Now I'm ruined!" said Kat, "No one will ever understand my needs!
I'm a freak. 'The Pussy' they'll call me." Kat then began to cry as
she pissed in the shower.
"Now, don't worry, Katrina. Everything'll be just fine." said G
reassuringly. "Little Sammy won't tell, will you, Sammy?"
"No, of course not, Miss Gabi."
"Now calm down, dear. I still need to put your mask on. You'll choke
if you don't stop crying."
Kat stopped crying, but then said, "I don't want to be like this with
her around."
Gabi put the mask on Kat anyway, saying as she tightened it, "You
already have. WHo do you think the pony at the farm was?"
"Miss G!" exclaimed Sam.
"And who do you think supplied the three parts milk to one part cunt
drippings that filled your dish every day."
Both girls were horrified, Kat for being humiliated as an animal and
drinking the liquids of a friend, and Sam for her secret being told
and for the uses she had been used for.
"I was being milked for a human being?" said Sam>
"Of course. It was exactly what Kat needed. Now take off your
clothes, Sam.
Sam complied, and removed her blouse and skirt. She then removed her
bra and panties. She then bent down and removed her sneakers and
socks. "Follow me, Sam," Gabi demanded, "Finish up here, my dear
Kat." G then led Sam back through the dance studio to her office.
Once inside, Gabi went to one of her cabinets. She unlocked in and
removed a few objects that Sam recognized all too well. Gabi removed
a leather harness, a hair ring, a chastity belt, and finally two heavy
steel horse hooves. Gabi began by pulling Sam's hair back and
securing it into a pony tail with the ring. She then affixed the
harned to Sam's head, tightening it so that the bit was between Sam's
molars, driving her jaws apart.
Gabi next prepared the chastity belt. The device was made of
plexiglass, and provided an excellent view of what it protected. Gabi
fit dildos for both Sam's ass and her cunt. She then proceded to fit
it into Sam, locking it shut when both of Sam's holes were filled.
Once the belt was locked on, Gabi took a pony tail and screwed it into
Sam's buttplug.
Finally, Gabi came to the hooves. Gabi had Sam slip them on, and then
she proceded to tighten them onto Sam's feet, using plates attached to
screws. She closed the plates until the hooves stopped moving any.
"Something's missing," Gabi mused to herself, "I know, your hands
can't be loose, you might get yourself into trouble." Gabi went back
to the cabinet and removed two long leather bags. She slid one bag on
each of Sam's arms, which they covered up to the shoulder. Gabi then
tightened lacings on the gloves, using leather thongs. SHe started at
Sam's fist, and tightly sewed the gloves shut. Gabi then took another
cord and sewed Sam's fist to her shoulders, and continued lacing until
her forearm was completely laced to her upper arm. "There. Now isn't
that better?"
"Mss...Mmphsrss..." replied Sam as a bit of spittle escaped her lips.
"Good. Now let's rejoin our friend." Gabi grabbed hold of Sam's
harness and pulled her along. WHen they retunred to Kat, she was in
the shower, rubbing one paw against her exposed cunt. When she saw
Sam and Gabi, it was too late. "Enjoying yourself, dear? Sam learned
awhile ago that I would not permit such promiscuous behavior in my
studio. You must be punished, dear. Let me go change." G then left
Sam and Kat alone in the showers. Both girls wanted to avoid what
they knew was coming, but knew that they couldn't.
Just then, Gabi and the two animals heard a sound from the rest of the
locker room. They all turned to see who it was. They were greeted by
the sight of Bianca in a babydoll T-shirt, sandles, and a very short
pair of shorts. "Oh, fuck," said Bi, as the other girls thought the
same thing. "I really can't play today. I was just seeing what was
keeping Sam and MMpmph..." Bi trailed off quickly as Gabi shoved a
gag in her mouth. She threw BI into the shower and she slid across
through Kat's piss.
"I'll take those," said G as Bi pealed off her shirt and shorts,
resigned to her fate. "Good, no underwear. Saves me the trouble."
Gabi then took a singleglove out of the locker and secured Bi's
willing arms. She then secured Bi's legs with a similar leather
device. "I think a nice trip to the ranch will fix this little
problem up."
"MMph," said Bi.
"Oh, hush. If you and Sam hadn't interrupted, this could have been
resolved by now." Just then, a third sound came from the locker room.
"_Now_ what?"
"Um...hello? I am looking for my friends Sam and Bi? I was told to
wait outside, but it's been so long? Hello?" came a voice.
"Damn...four in my car..." G looked at Bi, who had an 'I-told-you-so'
look on her face. "Yeah, yeah, yeah...can I take her for a few days
without trouble?" Bi nodded. "Good." G then got two sets of
handcuffs and a gag and left the three girls in the shower. The girls
could hear the conversation.
"Ah! Hello! Have you seen my friends, Sam and Bi?"
"Um...yes...they're...over here."
"Thank you," (followed by a pause as they walked), "What in the world?
Excuse me, Miss, but..."
"G, Miss G. Don't worry, you'll figure it out soon enough."
"What? Wait! Stop! Please stop! Stop! No! Stop! No! Ahh!"
*click, click...click, click* "Mmph!"
"There, now tell me, Bi. Did I get everyone, or do I have to wait
until I have the entire teenage girl population of the world tied up
in the floor of my shower?"
Bi just gave her the most innocent look she could muster with a huge
red ball crmmed in her mouth.
"Well. I hope you're all pleased with yourselves. Poor Kat just
wanted to pee like a good kitty," Kat sobbed in embarrassment, "and
you had to burst in on her. Fine. Punishments all around." Gabi
then went back to her office and returned with two cages. She left
them to get the last two. She then stuffed kat and Sam into the first
two. They were small about two feet by two feet by three feet. Gabi
next put Bi into her cage. Bi cooperated as much as possible, because
she knew Gabi would have to work with Rozalia. The small girl in her
penny loafers and skirt struggled against Gabi and her bonds. By the
time Gabi had stuffed her into the cage, they both were drenched in
sweat. Gabi then took the girls one by one to her van and then drove
to the ranch.
When they arrived at the ranch, the four young prisoners heard Gabi
talking. "Oh, great. You're here. I need some help with some
friends. The cat stays in the house. The pony to the barn, the nude
to the basement, and...the clothes-lover...what do you think? Pony?
Bitch? We could make her like you?"
"How about a bitch. It's been awile."
"Ok...to the barn with her. And I thought I asked you to stop wearing
"Oh fuck you! You're not my mother, you can't tell _me_ what to do."
"I am too your mother."
"Yeah, so whey do we sleep together, huh?"
"Shush...get our friends...and make them uncomfortable."
"Fine." The four girls then heard boots across the gravel drive and
saw the van door open. Standing outside was a girl who was about five
to ten years older than they were. She was wearing sneakers, black
latex shorts, and a leather jacket. Her bright red hair was closely
cropped. "Ok, sluts. Time to go." She then unloaded and opened the
first cage, releasing Sam. "Quite the pony, aren't you?" she said as
she attached a leash to Sam. She then half-dragged Sam, who was
unable to keep up, to the barn. The girl soon came back for her next
victim. She opened Kat's cage, and led her, also by a leash, to the
front yard of the house. She returned again, this time for Rozalia.
"You're new name will soon be Sparky. i'll make your tags later.
Would you prefer nipple or cunt tags? Anyway, right now I'm going to
dress you up for your new role in life. Got it, bitch?" The girl did
drag the crying Rosalia to the barn, who resisted as much as she
could. She then tied the new puppy to a table. She took a knife and
sliced Rosalia's clothes off her trembling body. "Oh, calm down!"
ordered the girl, "You won't be hurt...too much. Hell, your friends
even enjoy their treatment." Once Rosalia was secured, the girl left.
Back at the van, Bi was thinking to herself about how much she had to
use the bathroom. She silently cursed Kat, who could piss at anytime,
and who got personal attention to her shit. Bi then decided, "Fuck
it. I'm tired of waiting. I'm their slave. Let them clean me up."
Bi then relaxed and let her piss flow out. The girls then walked into
"Oh, great! I've been looking for a good toilet for over a year now.
Since you don't care about pissing on yourself, I'm sure you won't
mind if I piss on you too." The girl then took Bi's cage out of the
van and opened it and dumped Bi out. Bi couldn't move, and couldn't
even stand up in the single stocking. The girl then grabbed hold of
Bi by the ring on her feet and dragged her to the house. "I think
you'll enjoy yourself...of maybe that should be, 'I'll enjoy you much
more as a toilet." The girl dragged Bi through the house to the
basement door. "I really can't drag you down these stair, Slutasaurus
Bi thought to herself, "Well, if you'd untie me a bit..." but that
wasn't to be. The girl stood Bi up, and then said, "Hop. I'll be
here to catch if you slip." Bi didn't really want to, but complied
anyway. It took the two girls about 15 minutes to get down the
stairs. Once down, Bi was again pushed to the ground and dragged.
When they reached the cell the girl wanted, she got the key off its
hook and opened the door. She then dragged the struggling Bi into the
cell and shut the door behind them.
In the middle of the room was a porcelin basin. It was long and
narrow, and Bi did not like the look of it. The girl removed Bi's leg
restraints, and let her walk to the basin. Inside it were latex
covered straps. Bi knew then that she was goin in, and was not
mistaken. THe girl secured her legs, and they were spread about eight
inches apart. The girl then undid the single glove, and BI had nearly
ten seconds of freedom before her arms were once again deprived of
movement. The girl next placed a plate across Bi's body. The plate
allowed only her head to be visible. It was at this time that BI felt
that the basin sloped to her feet. "Let's take off that gag, ok?"
"Who are you?" asked Bi when her mouth was free.
"Isn't that odd? I don't think a toilet has ever asked me who I was
before. Oh well." The girl then got another porcelin plate from a
shelf. She walked back over and said. "I nearly forgot to finish
your fittings. You must forgive me, toilet, I'm not a very good
plumber." The girl then secured Bi's forehead, jaw, and neck and
shoulders in place with latex straps. She then put the porcelin
toilet seat on the basin over Bi's face.
"You can't do this to me!" claimed Bi as she heard a belt being
Bi was answered by a splash of piss on her face. "Shut up. You're
luck. I only have to piss today. Remember this if you feel compelled
to talk further. Everything you don't suck up drains out the bottom
into a jug. I will continue to pour that back in you." The girl then
sat down on the seat. Bi could see the girl's asshole and cunt,
totally bare of hair. Bi could smell the wetness of the girl about to
pee on her. "Aahhhh..." let out the girl as she let her piss stream
out. Bi instincively closed her mouth to it, and felt it pour on her
face for nearly a minute. She felt more humiliated than ever before,
and this humiliation made her horny. The girl sighed above her, and
the stream started again. This was too much for Bi, and she came
without ever touching herself. Her orgasmwas extremely ill-timed. Bi
still had to pee, and her orgasm gave her release. Her urine streamed
up and splashed noisily. "You really are thirsty, aren't you? You're
going to have to drink that up too, you know." Bi tried to stop, but
the need was took great, and she couldn't stop until she was done.
The girl stood up, and Bi could see the ceiling far above her.
"Well," said the girl, "It looks like you've got a few glasses to
drink here. You probably don't want to have to try this again, so
I'll help you out." Bi thought that the girl was going to drink some.
She was wrong. The girl walked away and retunred holding a funnel,
which she showed to Bi. She shoved the funnel deep into Bi's mouth
and poured the jug of urine in. Bi almost gagged a few times, but was
able to choke it all down.
After the girl had finished drowning Bi in piss, she got an idea.
"Have you ever seen those lawn jockeys, Yellow-bellied Slut-eater?"
"The ones with the silly lanterns? Yeah."
"How would you like to be one for a day or ninety? It'll be lots of
"How much will it hurt?" asked Bi.
"Even less than this little party."
"Do I really have a choice in the matter?"
"Well, no, not really. But we can always pretend you do. It'll make
it more enjoyable for you."
"And you?"
"I'd personally rather you struggled. It's much more fun."
"Well, then...gee, Miss...could you please turn me into one of those
lawn jockeys, even if only for a day?"
"Sure I will," replied the girl with a glint in her eye.
The girl them removed Bi from the toilet and took her into the next
room. The girl then took Bi over to a table in that room. She had Bi
lie on the table with her ass in the air. The girl then shoved a
catheter into Bi's ass. It inflated and was securely locked in place.
SHe next inserted a smaller but similar catheter into Bi's urethra.
"Ouch!" exclaimed Bi.
"I guess I have to fix that too." The girl then inserted plugs into
Bi's nose. She next took a large tube and fed it down Bi's throat.
Bi gagged, but the girl was swift, and Bi soon found her throat
accepting the tube. "I wouldn't want you to starve, dear," said the
girl sarcastically, "Now for that smelly cunt." The girl inserted a
small device into Bi's vagina. Bi attempted to ask what it was, but
the girl placed a similar device in her mouth around the feeding tube.
She then connected the two to a bulb and pumped them up. Bi felt her
vagina and mouth fill with a large latex balloon. Both Bi's mouth and
cunt were stretched almost to the limits of bursting when the girl
finished. "Now," said the girl, "We need to seal those in." She took
small latex disks and rubbed something from a bottle on them. SHe
then took the disks and placed them over Bi's mouth and cunt. they
stuck and Bi assumed that the liquid was glue.
Next, the girl began rubbing Bi's body with the glue. She was careful
around Bi's face, and glued large lenses over her eyes. Just as she
was finishing the application of the glue, the door opened and G
walked in. "I thought I told you to make that puppy!"
"This one looked like more fun, so I decided to turn her into a
"Fine. I've already done your puppy, anyway. I might as well do a
statue too. Even better, pet's make her a bench."
G took some rubber pieces from a closet and began affixing them to Bi.
They snapped together, forcing Bi into a kneeling position balanced on
her hands, yielding a horizontal back. Once all the panels were
affixed, Bi was incapable of moving at all. Her legs were a single
piece, flat to the floor from the knee down, perpendicular from knee
to hip. Her ass was plugged with a constant enema catheter, as was
her urethra. Bi's cunt was filled, but she couldn't arowse herself
beyond her present state. Her back was covered in a padded cushion
that rested on a plastic backbone. Bi's arms also formed right angles
to both floor and body, but were separated shoulder width apart. Her
hands were balled up at the floor, and Bi couldn't even wiggle her
fingers. Her head was held back, and she had air pumped through the
tubes in her nose. Her head was covered in a plastic helmet. It
covered her entire head, and only had opnings for the tubes to escape.
She could hear next to nothing in the helmet, as her ears were covered
in a foam that extended into her ear canal. The fragments she could
pick up scared her, because the only words she heard were "guests,"
"auction," and "sell."
Before Bi was made into a bench, Ga had taken care of Rosalia, who had
been left behind by Kiva. When Gabi entered, she asked, "Do you like
being tied up, my dear?"
"No, ma'am. I'd prefer not," replied Rosalia.
"Well, what is your name again, dear?"
"Rosalia, ma'am."
"Rosalia, yes...well, Rosalia, it seems that your friends do very
much. What do you think about that?"
"I'd think that they are crazy. No one wants to be bound."
"Exactly, crazy. And what does that make you?"
"Friends with crazy people?"
"Well, I'd say that it makes you equally crazy. Come with me." Gabi
then led the naked Rosalia from the barn to the house, and escorted
her to the basement. Gabi took out a key, and unlocked one of the
cells. The room inside was padded.
"I'm not crazy! Please!"
"Hush, dear. You're only making it harder on yourself. Play along,
and you won't get punished." Gabi then picked up a suit that had been
lying on the floor. She held it up for Rosalia to see. It was a
single piece of latex that formed pants and jacket together. Both the
arms and the legs seemed far too long. Gabi unbuckled some straps in
the back and held it open for Rosalia. "Get in," she commanded.
Rosalia complied, and stepped into the suit, her legs slid easily
along the tight latex, stopping halfway down the leg. She assumed
that would be hemmed later. SHe next inserted her arms in the
sleeves, where were again about two times two long. Gabi then began
to rebuckle the back of the suit. She pulled the straps tight,
squeezing the suit tightly onto Rosalia. It was then that Rosalia
began to really notice the suit.
Her ass cheeks were split apart by a division in the suit. This
division continued around, separating her cunt lips. Her breasts fit
into holes on the suit, clearly defining them. Her neck was held in a
collar that made her hold her head straight and look forward. "My,
you look lovely," commented Gabi.
"Yes, well, thank you, ma'am," replied Rosalia, "but I'd really like
to be going."
"Oh, no dear. You haven't been properly fitted." G grabbed Rosalia's
right sleeve, fed it through loops on the sides and fron of the suit,
and finally pulled it around the back, latching it in place. She did
the same with the left. Finally, she brought two rings attached to
the tips of the sleeves to the front of Rozalia. She removed a small
lock and locked Rosalia's sleeve tips to a ring on her chest.
"Oh, please don't do this!" pleaded Rosalia.
"Silence. I was going to let you go after you humored my little game,
but now I'm going to keep you with the rest of your friends." Gabi
then took a leather gag harness and firmly secured it to Rosalia's
head. Rosalia's mouth, filled with a wadded rag, was sealed shut,
silencing the girl. Gabi then moved on. She knocked Rosalia over and
began to wrap the excess leg material around her feet. She wrapped
them around Rosalia's entire lower leg, preventing her from walking.
She completed that too by locking rings on tips together. With
Rosalia completely immobilized, silenced, and lying on the padded
floor of her own cell, Gabi decided she was done. "I'll be back later
to see you my patient is getting along. If you don't seem to be
getting better, I may have to go back to my first plan, and turn you
into a dog. I think I'll put your tags on your cunt. It'll be more
fun. Tata!" Gabi then left to see how Kiva was making out with Bi.
While Gabi was securing Bi into her furniture bondage, D was again
preparing the girls' families for two weeks without them. Kat's
familry recieved a call from a "Ms. D, from the studio," alerting them
that Kat had been selected to attend a national fitness seminar.
"Everything is provided," Ms. D said, "she got on the bus when it
arrived. The selection is always a surprise." They accepted it, and
D moved on. She went to the barn to free Sam.
D gave Sam a pair of very short shorts, a tight T-shirt, and some
canvas sneakers, and then took her home. Sam's parents were not
there, so she left them a note saying that she was attending the
second session of nurse camp. With that done, the two women moved on
to Bi's house. D waited in the car while Sam went in to explain to
Bi's parents. She came out a few minutes later with an envelope in
her hand. D took the envelope and opened it. Inside was three
hundred dollars and a note which read, "Bianca, we've gone on a
cruise. We won't be back for three weeks. Here's some money for food
and such. Love mom and dad." D then had Sam get into the back seat
and take off the meager clothes she had been given. Sam sat naked in
the backseat as D drove back to the ranch.
As they pulled up, they were greated by Gabi. "So? Are we clear?"
"Yep. And look at this. Bi's parents went on vacation and left her
money for food."
"So, in other words, we're technically being paid by her own parents
to lock her up and feed her Sam's milk, her own cunt juice, and Kiva's
"Yep...imagine that." The two dominatrixes laughed, as Sam pensively
considered how sore she'd be after giving milk for two more weeks."
...A return to camp...
Kiva had finally turned 18. SHe had been released from the orphanage
where she had lived in Baltimore, and was on her way to Cal ifonia in
the car she had bought with her meager savings. She was making her
way through West Virginia when one of her tires blew out.
Unfortunately, Kiva was not on the highway, as she had turned off to
avoid construction.
Kiva got out of her car, and began to walk down the road, hoping to
find a phone. Fifteen minutes after setting out, she saw a gravel
driveway and mailbox. She turned down the driveway and walked it
about a hundred yards, when she saw a girl about her age leaning
against a fence. The girl had on tight jean shorts, and a too-tight
button up short-sleeved shirt.
"Howdy, dear. What can we do you for?" inquired the girl.
"Yes, I'm on my way to California, and I got a flat. I was wondering
if I could use your phone to call a tow."
"Well, surely you can. Come on in." The girl hopped the fence, and
her bare feet hit the drive with a slap. "Got relatives there in
"No, I was orphaned, and I thought California would be a nice place to
visit when I got old enough, and I just got old enough."
"Well isn't that a shame, 'bout you's bein' orphaned and all." The
girl led Kiva up onto the porch and into the house. "We don't have
your direct-dial and all out here. You've got to dial the operator."
"Thanks," replied Kiva as she picked up the phone, and pushed the '0'
button. A puff of smoke ejected from teh reciever, choking Kiva. She
gagged and passed out.
When Kiva came to, she knew something was wrong. Her arms had been
drawn behind her back and locked in a leather singleglove. The glove
was attached to a belt that encircled her waist and ran between her
legs. She could feel a gag in her mouth and realized she had a
blindfold on too. She heard birds, and realized that she was outside
again. She tried to stand up, but without her arms to balance, she
had a very hard time.
When Kiva did finally get upright, she heard the girl's voice call
out, "Looks like my brand-spankin' new pony's awake. Don't worry,
you've come to one of the finest pony institutes this side of the
pond. You's darn pretty, too, and I'll get a pretty sum for you."
The girl took off Kiva's blindfold and undid the crotchstrap. She
tied one end of the coil of rope she had to the tip of Kiva's
singleglove. She then fed the coil between Kiva's legs and slung the
excess over her shoulder. "Now, here's the rules. I own you fair and
square, and I'm going to instruct you on how it's going to be. If you
listen, you'll get along fine, and when auction time comes, you'll
bring in alot of money and I'll see that you go to a nice racing team.
If not..."
The girl then gave a tug on the rope and said, "Now, let's go to your
new home. It's a nice place, and you'll learn to love it. I've
already got a friend there for you, and she's really likable."
Despite Kiva's pants and panties, the rope dug between her cunt lips.
The girl walked quickly, and Kiva almost had to run.
When they reached the barn, the girl slid the door open and led her
inside. SHe led Kiva to the back, and opened a stall door. Inside
was the strangest thing Kiva had ever seen. There was a girl who was
wearing a suit of latex that covered her entire torso. It had a
zipper that went from her belly button to the small of her back, and
was the largest opening Kiva could see on the suit. The girl's arms
were bound together perpendicularly to her spine. THe girl's head was
bound in a hood that covered her entire head. It had eyeholes, but
there were blinders that restricted her vision to straight ahead. Her
mouth was filled with a large rubber bit, and Kiva could see the girl
drooling out the side of her mouth. The girl also had large donkey
type ears attached to the side of the hood, and her hair was pulled
through a hole to provide her mane.
By far the strangest part of the gear were the boots. The girl had on
steel boots which appeared to be high heeled shoes without the heel.
The girl balanced on her toes, and moved mainly through kicks of her
"Well, now, deary. Looky at Miss Buttercup. See all that nice stuff
Miss Buttercup's wearin'? I've got a suit right here that's plump
identical. There's two ways we can do this. You let me strip you,
and then you help me put the suit on you, or I put you under, do it
all myself, and then, when you come to, I beat you until you call me
Mama. Remember deary, we're here in the middle of the hill country.
You ain't got no friends here, and I've got a bunch. You ain't never
gonna get outta the county unless you're bein' dragged on a leash."
Kiva considered her options, and when the girl took off her sleeve and
picked up a whip, she made a break for it. She realized that this was
a bad move when she felt the whip wrap around her ankles. Kiva hit
the floor with a thud. "Ok...I'll let that one go since you's new
here. Last chance, though." Kiva began to take off her clothes.
"Good idea, sweety." When Kiva was standing naked in the barn, the
girl helped her get into the suit. After a half hour of squeezing and
sliding, Kiva's upper body was encased. The girl next fitted her bit,
bridle, and hood. With that in place, she took a pair of hoof boots
and slid them on her. She put heavy weights in the toe to force Kiva
to stand correctly. "There. Now don't you look purdy. I'll leave
you two alone, so you can get to know each other." The girl tied the
reins to hooks, locked the stall, and then left.
Now Kiva had a problem. She had to piss. Her zipper was closed, but
not locked. She knew she wouldn't be able to open it, but though she
might be able to get Buttercup's help. "Mmph!" shouted Kiva through
the gag.
"Ssh! Kiet!" replied Buttercup in a whisper.
"I 'otta 'iss!" said Kiva.
"'Iss! I 'otta 'iss!" Kiva looked down at her crotch.
"Aah..." said Buttercup. She then walked over to Kiva's legs and
knelt down. She put her head between Kiva's legs, and trapping the
zipper between lip and bit, opened Kiva's crotch. The blast of cold
air surprized Kiva and she relaxed the muscles holding back her urine.
The hot stream hit Buttercup full in the face. Kiva attempted to
stop, but the pressure was too much. Buttercup, much to Kiva's
surprize, didn't try to get out of the way, rather, she moved so she
could catch as much as possible in her mouth.
Just then, the door opened, and the girl and another woman entered.
"So, Miss Gabirielle, what do you think of my ponies in training...Oh,
god! What are you doing!?" cried the girl as she rushed for the
"Nevermind it...You've just tried to turn a dom into a pony. I'll
take them both, whatever training they've completed. The look good
enough now."
...The Tale of Kiva...
With all the arrangements made for all the girls to stay for two more
weeks, D and G began to orchestrate their plans for the next extended
session. They placed a leash on Sam, to begin with, and then led her
own to the basement.
"We're sorry, Sammy," said D, "but we just can't be bothered to go out
to the barn whenever we want some fresh milk. We're going to put you
in a restraint, my dear, that will allow us easy access to your
wealth. If won't be comfortable, but frankly, Sammy, we practically
own your body." Sam was a bit frightened, but followed behind her
mistresses. "We need to shave you dear. It will stop you from
itching." D then held Sam down as G shaved her body and cut her hair
With Sam neatly shaven, G and D led her to a mannequin. The mannequin
was made of pure white plastic, and was bent over in a crab like pose.
Tubes attached to the mannequin's nipples, cunt and face. D held Sam
tightly as G walked over to the mannequin and released a hidden catch
that allowed the top and bottom halves to swing open. "Ok, Sam. Put
your hands in the top while with organize your connections," commanded
D. Sam slowly slid her hands through the foam lined tube of the arm.
It was a bit tight, but Sam had no trouble slipping in. Her fingers
splayed out, as did those on the mannequin. Once both of Sam's arms
were in the plastic case, Gabi flipped catches on the arms that made
them compress. Sam struggled, but her arms would not budge in the arm
holes. With Sam secured, D quickly fit her with anal and urethral
catheters. With those in place, she took a large plastic dildo, and
pushed it into Sam's cunt. She then helped Sam to slide her feet
through the legs of the mannequin.
Sam's entire back, and all four appendages were now firmly encased in
thick plastic, and her cunt was crammed full. D then pushed Sam's
head back into the mannequin's. D then took a long rubber tube and
forced it down Sam's throat. The tube was attached at the mouth end
to an inflatable gag which D promptly filled Sam's mouth with. D next
took short plastic tubes, and inserted them into Sam's nose. SHe next
picked up the face plate to the mannequin, and fed the three facial
tubes through openings. D then firmly placed the plate on Sam's face,
and latched it into place.
With Sam's head now encased in a plastic cover, D got two glass cups.
She connected the cups to hoses, and placed them over Sam's nipples.
D again fed the tubes through the plastic cover, and sealed the rest
of Sam's body in the mannequin. The catches that sealed the cover
conveniently slid into the shell, making them nearly invisible. With
the case closed, G and D picked up their mannequin and took her
upstairs and placed her in the kitchen. They then attached the nipple
tubes to a pump and turned it on. Sam felt the terrible sucking on
her tits as her milk began to flow. Sam's milk began to fill a small
resevour, as G and D worked on Sam's other connections. They fed the
remaining tubes through a conduit that led into a cabinet. Inside the
cabinet was a breathing pump, which D attached Sam's nose tubes to.
While she was doing this, Gabi connected Sam's rear catheter to an
enema machine, which hummed to life to pump Sam full of water for the
first time. Sam's piss was diverted into a container, which had
valves which allowed it to be sent on to the enema machine, allowing
for a piss-enema, or to the feeding tube, which D connected to the
same machine. The top of the machine had a door which allowed food to
be loaded in to be pumped into Sam. With the connections completed, G
and D closed the cabinet and then both got glasses from another,
filled them up from the milk resevoir, and then drank up.
...Back to Camp...
Sammy was quite happy. She didn't have school on Monday because of a
teacher seminar. She planned to sleep in all day long. She was
thinking about this when the phone rang. She picked it up, and D was
on the other end. "Hi Sammy. Could you come over? I've got a
problem that you might be able to help me with." "Sure!" replied Sam,
and she put on her shoes and went over. When she arrived, she knocked
on the door, and D let her in.
"Hi Sam. It seems your friend Bi here has a slight problem." D
motioned down the basement stairs as she led Sam that direction. "It
seems she has a project due for her Ancient History class, and hasn't
even started. She had the idea to make a mummy, and I though that you
might be able to help."
"Sure. I'd love to help you two. What are you going to make it out
of?" inquired Sam.
"Well," said D as she locked the basement door behind her, "We kinda
thought you." Sam gasped, but Bi was right behind her, and pulled her
hands behind her back, locking them with some handcuffs. "It won't be
that bad," continued D, "we're planning on using you as the form, and
then build a paper-mache frame around you. After that, we'll wrap
bandages around the whole thing."
"Well, ok," conceded Sam, as Bi started to cut her shirt and shorts
off with scissors. "I'll go along with that." When Sam was
completely naked, D led her over to a examining table. She took a
rubber bladder, and inserted it into Sam's ass. She next took a
catheter, and put it in Sam's urethra. She connected the two, so the
catheter flowed into Sam's ass. D next took a sheet of rubber, and
stuck it over Sam's crotch with some glue around the edges.
D next took an inflatable balloon, and inserted it into Sam's mouth.
She blew up the balloon, and then sealed it over with another rubber
sheet. With Sam's mouth filled and covered, D took similar rubber
sheets and covered Sam's eyes with them, leaving Sam completely
helpless. D next led Sam from the examining table, and over to a
piece of plastic cloth on the floor. She helped Sam lie down, and
then gestured Bi to bring over the bucket of paper-mache.
Bi and D then spent the next half hour covering Sam entirely with the
gooey substance. They started with Sam's feet and legs, fixing them
parallel to each other. They slowly worked up Sam's legs, smoothing
the surface as they went. When they reached Sam's cunt, they worked
to make sure that her catheter was hidden. They then had Sam cross
her arms on her chest, and began to cover them. They took their time
to cover Sam's breasts thoroughly, slightly compressing them to make
the cast a bit uncomfortable. The two sculpters then split up, with
Bi continuing down Sam's body to her waist, and D working to cover
Sam's head. They soon had covered Sam entirely, leaving only two
small holes over Sam's nose.
The two artists then sat down and waited for Sam to dry. When the
paper-mache had dried somewhat, they started to wrap bandages around
her body, with the first few layers sticking into the paper-mache. By
the time they had finished, Sam was completely covered in bandages,
and the paper-mache had hardened. Sam attempted to reposition herself
inside her enclosure, but found that it was stuck too closely for her
to get any leverage or to try to move at all. She quickly resigned
herself to the fact that D could invent bondage that was truly
impossible to escape.
When they had finished with Sam, they leaned her up against the wall
to finish drying and sat down to have a drink. "Would you like some
of Sam's milk, Bianca?"
"Yes, Miss D. That would be lovely." D poured the milk into glasses,
and sat down in front of Sam to admire their work.
"I'll take Sam to school for you tomorrow. Which room should I
deliver her to?"
"It needs to go to room 211. Just sit her in the back in the corner,
and I'll worry about her during the day. Can you swing by around 3:15
to pick us up after school?"
"Certainly. Then we can come back and return our mummy to life."
"Sounds good."
Sammy had no idea what was going on. She thought that she would be
wrapped up like this for a few hours at most. She was unable to hear
her friends leave, and spent half the night wondering when she would
be let out. She was awoken the next day as she was moved. She felt
that she was being driven in a car, but only because of the
vibrations. When D arrived at the school, she took the mummy into
Bi's classroom, and propped it up in the corner. Again, Sam assumed
that she was merely moments away from being released, and had no idea
that she was on display for hundreds of students and teachers, who
would certainly be disguested if they knew that one of the projects
contained a naked girl. Her ass was sore as it had filled to swelling
with her piss. Her stomach was pressed uncomfortably against her
enclosure, and she hoped that she would be released soon.
When Bi came to class, she presented her paper, which she had copied
almost verbatim from an encyclopedia to the class, using her mummy as
a prop. The teacher was impressed more with the mummy than the paper,
and gave her an A. AFter school let out, Bi again came by to pick up
Bi and her project. The teacher asked if she could keep it for the
upcoming openhouse. Bi thought about it, but realized that if she
didn't feed Sam soon, she might start struggling. Plus, Sam's ass was
surely drowning in her piss. Because of this, Bi declined the
teacher's suggestion, and helped Bi take the project to the car.
Once they had gotten Sam back to D's house, they began to unwrap the
bandages. When they were down to the plaster, they took a saw and cut
off the head of the encasement. D then took solvent, and removed the
rubber seal from Sam's mouth, and then removed the balloon. "Get me
out of this thing!" yelled Sam.
"Now, is that anyway for a A-quality project to talk? We could just
leave you in here for a little longer if you'd like."
Sam shut up, and D and Bi continued to remove the case. Sam collapsed
to the floor when her rigid shell was removed, and began to pull at
the cover on her ass. "Not until we get to the bathroom," said D as
she shook her bottle of solvent. She pulled Sam into the bathroom,
and had her kneel in the tub. D then removed the rubber cover, and
deflated the balloon holding the catheter in Sam's urethra. The
enormous pressure in Sam's ass forced her piss and shit to pour
backwards from the catheter into the tub. Sam's distended stomach
slowly began to return to normal, and the cramping pressure released
as well.
"So, how do you feel after that, Sammy?" asked Bi.
"First," replied Sam, "if you ever do that again for that long, I'll
make you drink my stuffing." D was amused at that, and she liked the
thought of seeing such an arrangement. "Second, can we get something
to eat, I'm starving!"
...School project...
And so it happened that our heroines graduated high school. They had
not really considered what they would do after they had graduated, but
didn't really care too much. They still had shapely bodies, and still
looked very young. After the graduation ceremonies had finished, D
invited Sam, Bi, Rozalia, and Kat out to the farm for a good time.
They all arrived ready for fun. D led the girls into the house, and
they sat down at the table.
"I'd love to offer you something to drink, but it's been some time
since Sam came for her milking," said D. They all looked at Sam, who
blushed deeply. "Because of this, I believe that you all need to be
punished severely. Follow me." D then led the girls down to the
dungeon. She placed each girl in a separate cell, and told them to
strip and push their clothes through a grate in the door. They
complied, and D took them one at a time to be punished. D started
with Kat, as she knew that she would be easiest.
D retrieved Kat's pussy costume, and took it into her cell. She
brought a razor, and shaved Kat completely bald. She then took a tube
of adhesive, and covered Kat's body completely. D then helped Kat
into the suit, making sure that it stuck to her body correctly. D
next inserted a catheter into Kat's urethra, and a large latex tube
into her ass. Without control over herself, Kat promptly wet herself
and shit herself. D fixed the gag in Kat's mouth, and made sure that
a tube passed down her throat. D then pulled over the hood of the
suit, and zipped up the back. "Now, just in case you thought that
this might just be a temporary situation, I'll show you the truth." D
then got out a welder, and melted the locks and zippers on the back of
Kat's suit into a single mass of steal. Kat began to panic, but
realized that she was now more trapped then she had ever been before.
D hooked her collar to a chain on the wall, and then locked the cell
and left.
Next on D's list of victims was Rozalia. She unlocked the cell, and
led Rozalia out of it. With this turn of events, Rozalia thought to
herself, "I must have graduated to the ranks of Domina." D, however,
had other plans. She led Rozalia into the furthest cell from the
others, around a corner and through a massive oak door. She opened
the cell, and led Rozalia in. Gabi was there waiting. She had a
black leather singleglove, and a matching device for the legs.
Rozalia realized that she had not graduated here, and began to
struggle. D held her as Gabi slid the singleglove over her arms.
Gabi tightened the laces slightly, and then fed the ends into a
machine that was in the corner. Rozalia felt the laces slowly tighten
until her arms felt like they would break. When they reached this
point however, the machine kept going, forcing her arms ever closer
together. Gabi then turned off the machine, and tied a knot in the
With Rozalia's arms out of the way, they proceded to insert the same
type of catheters into her urethra and anus as they had with Kat. The
tube for her piss was then attached to the shit tube. The two
dominatrixes then took a large single leg, and proceded to lace up
Rozalia's legs. They again just slightly tightened the laces, letting
the machine do all the work. They made sure that the excrement system
was clear, and let the machine squeeze Rozalia's legs as close as
possible together. Rozalia attempted to struggle, but realized that
it was beyond hopeless. D then got a head harness, and attached it to
Rozalia's head. Her eyes were completely covered, and her neck was
held firmly in place. Gabi hand laced this up, as the machine could
have choked Roz. Gabi and D then lifted Roz up, and carried her into
the next room.
Although she couldn't see her predicament, Roz was being carried into
a six by six depression in the floor that was about four feet deep.
They laid her down, and then D said, "I don't think that those laces
will hold. I think we better lock her up."
"Good idea," replied Gabi, "I just happened to bring some with me."
Roz then heard a number of small clicks, as each eyelet of her bondage
was locked to another. "You know," continued Gabi, "that just doesn't
look too secure either."
"Don't worry. I still have my welder. We'll just melt those locks.
That'll keep them in place." Roz then heard an electric whirr, and
felt a localized heat slowly move up her legs and then her arms and
"What are you doing?" pleaded Roz.
"Don't worry. There's plenty of food and water in that one corner,
and there's a place set aside for your waste on the other. You'll be
fine in here for a while. I believe that the longest anyone's been
here was Kiva, and she survived just fine for four weeks." Roz then
heard the shut of a metal plate above her, and the sound of bars being
shut and locks being closed. From smell alone, Roz could tell that
she was pointing towards something edible. When she had managed to
slither over, she found a pool of pure water fed from under the floor,
and a mound of dog kibble, fed from a slot in the wall.
Gabi and D then left the deepest part of the dungeon, locking all the
doors as they went. They next opened up Bi's cell. They dragged her
down the hallway, and took her into a room with a pool. The first
thing they did was hogtie Bi with wide leather cuffs. Her right wrist
was affixed to her left ankle, and vice versa, with both ankles and
both wrists also attached. They then took a feeding tube and
inflatable gag, and filled Bi's mouth and throat completely. The next
task was to place tubes up her nose. They inserted the thin tubes far
into Bi's nose, and then sealed off the opening with latex patches.
They also sealed over Bi's mouth, with only the feeding tube
protruding. They then put a collar on her neck, and used a chain to
attach it to her other bound joints. Bi's bonds were then attached to
a metal frame, and she was lifted into the air. Her nose tubes were
attached to a machine, as was her feeding tube. "Now Bi," said D,
"This may not be too comfortable, but it can be fun. Don't worry
about pissing or shitting in the pool. The water is pushed backwards,
so you won't be swimming in your own excrement. It's perfectly
sanitary." Gabi and D then slowly slid the frame over to the side of
the pool, and pushed it in. The heavy frame sank quickly to the
bottom of the pool, completely submerging Bi. Bi panicked for a
moment, but then settled down, and was able to breathe normally
through her nose.
With Bi taking her 'swimming lesson,' G and D went to get Sam. On the
way, D mcommented, "We could have drained her piss and shit with a
pump, and then poured gelatin into the water. She'd be a human Jello
"That's a good idea. Maybe when you get back we can put that into
action," replied G. When they had arrived at Sam's cell, they opened
it up and pulled her out.
"Have you ever been to London, Sammy?" inquired D.
"Well, you're about to." D then pulled Sam into a room down the hall.
Inside was a large packing crate. D first had Sam sit down, and
proceded to insert caters into her ass and urethra. She next took a
dildo, and inserted it into Sam's cunt. She then covered Sam's entire
cunt with a sheet of latex, with only the two catheters and a power
cord for the dildo coming through. She next inserted a feeding tube
and gag into Sam's mouth, also sealing that orafice when she was done.
D next secured a number of cuffs to every major joint on Sam's body.
She then attached the cuffs to a large complex steel frame. The frame
was welded into a shape that held Sam suspended off the ground, with
her body bent into a W shape, with her arms and legs on the outside,
and her ass forming the middle. As D was finishing the locking of the
cuffs, Gabi was connecting the tubes on Sam's ass to a small metal
tank. Gabi next connected the power supply for the dildo to a battery
pack that was next to the metal tank. By this time, D had finished
restraining Sam. She then took Sam's feeding tube, and connected it
to another metal tank that she latched above Sam's head. She then
latched down the waste tank and the battery pack, and made sure that
everything was secure. "Everything's set to a timer. You'll be fed,
cleaned, and fucked regularly. Enjoy!" said D. She and Gabi then put
the metal frame into the packing crate. They then filled the crate
with styrofome peanuts, and nailed the lid on.
D and Gabi then went upstairs to wait for the pickup of Sam. "Is it
just me," said Gabi, "or is this just getting easier?" The two
laughed and went out to the porch to wait for the pickup while they
drank some of Sam's milk that they had hidden away.
A LITTLE PSA FROM JO: Kirsten has finished writing her update on the day for you all, but I've just taken the netbook from her to add a little something of my own. I want to thank you all for taking an active part in her adventures. The truth and the fantasy. If I sometimes seem a little pushy in the feedback comments about the targets I set....That is because I can only have Kirsten at certain times and days because of work, personal lives, etc. And as I read your amazing suggestions, I...
The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...
This is a story of true love, of the purest kind. It's first and foremost a love story, but has a transgender backbone that runs the length of the story. It may get wordy at times, but I felt it necessary to flesh out the whole story. There is no violence, no rape, incest, or bondage, so if you are looking for that kind of thing, you might want to look elsewhere. But if you are looking for a story that makes you feel good about the human spirit, then you have come to the right place....
This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
Before I start this, I just want you people to know that I really hesitated about sharing this story. The reason being that this site has so many followers you never know who is on here and if they read your stories. The information in this story is true and it could cost me my job if anyone figured it out. That is when I decided to use fake names to protect my ass and the innocent. One day when I was laid up in the hotel with my man fucking his brains out, we decided to play a truth game. It...
High School Softmore II I'm not much for writing sequels to my stories but for some reason this story has been a favorite for many of you. Even months after writing this story I keep getting so many request for this story to continue. So I have decided to give you one more chapter. I hope you enjoy it as much as the first one. You can reach me at, [email protected] My head was spinning out of control with my nylon covered legs rubbing with my best friends silky legs. To...
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Author’s note: I started writing this a long time ago and enjoyed the way it was going (At least in my head). I’ve held off posting this first chapter because I wanted to get more done, but I’m curious to see if people are really interested in this story line before I go too much further. Please feel free to comment. I do read them. I also make an effort not to delete any comments that people make, as long as they’re not offensive. In other words, I’m old enough to take constructive criticism...
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Author’s note: Thanks for all you kind words. I was surprised by how many of you were interested in this story. Here is the second chapter. I hope it doesn’t disappoint. JD. ********** The car ride was painfully quiet as we made our way toward my high school. My father was driving and to say he wasn’t happy with me was a vast understatement. Mom was sitting next to him and looked like she hadn’t slept much at all last night. I knew they were worried about me and I could certainly see why. I...
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High School Sweetheart By Popov My name is Kitty. Well, it was Kevin until my sophomore year in high school. I was a member of the school's swim team and, a pretty good swimmer. I made it to our region's championship that year. As competitive swimmers I, and the rest of my team-mates, had to shave our bodies. No one ever looked forward to this ritual, but it was necessary to get that extra edge on the competition. This was a problem in the spring because most kids wore...
High School Dilemma: Part One By Lauren Westley I should have known better. It was such a stupid thing and it didn't even work out. Here I was graduating from High School. I had just turned eighteen and it was the last week of school. How could I have done it? Why did I take the chance? Kelly was probably the prettiest girl in school. Her hair was long and blond. Not much different then mine. Actually we were both about 5' 5" and weighed around 120 pounds. But, Kelly was Joe's...
The loss of the head custodian put a crimp in Hellboy's plans. With no head custodian to keep the brothel clean and orderly and no principal to hire his replacement, the whole brothel operation had to be put on hold until something could be done. Initially, Hellboy had been considering having the whores clean up after themselves, but that was going to cut into the revenue-producing fucking time. Besides, adult men were needed to haul around those heavy metal refuse containers that the school...
High School Sweetheart Chapter 3 By Lauren Bliss It was prom night, and I was ecstatic. I was dressed in a pink, strapless, diaphanous gown that fell to mid thigh. The bodice clung to my developing curves, but the neckline was high enough to remain tasteful. My opera length gloves fit snugly around my arms. I wore my mother's pearls, and carried a small drawstring purse, while I paced nervously around our living room. Ela was there, dressed similarly. We stood for photos while our...
Logan maybe, he was at least smart enough to get good grades, Devon, on the other hand, was a complete tool and an absolute idiot. Unless he made it to the NFL, which he didn’t, there’s no way he achieved anything with his life. But it’s Logan I want to show up. He always went out of his way to put me down. He tried to act so manly, but honestly, his voice sounded so girly. I’m surprised Devon didn’t give him shit for it. Even though he was shorter than me, being the state champion in...
Chapter 1 On the first day of high school, Kevin did the rare thing and lost his virginity. Only if was Kevin who got fucked. Kevin was a little guy at 5'4", and he weighted only 115 pounds. With his black hair and bright blue eyes, Kevin could be quite a looker, but he was so shy that he tried to go unnoticed. For the last decade and a half he had managed to do that. But underneath those clothes he had a body and an ass that would make people cream over. It started during 3rd period gym....
"Aww man, there's no 'home room' in high school?" I exclaimed, disappointed because Chris and I always goofed off in home room. We checked eachothers schedules and compared them. "Damn dude, looks like we only have Science and Lunch together" Chris pointed out. He sounded as disappointed as he could...Chris wasn't the most emotional kid. He was a 'burn out child' as we liked to call him and slightly pick on him because of his hippie parents. Chris didn't mind though, he was...
THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quickly and quietly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters’ forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods, the cool November air kissed my cheeks even through the trees. Birds scarcely sang in the distance, most having...
I’m not a great story teller but I’ll try. So it was my senior year in High school. Me and my friends just got done taking our senior exams. Being seniors after the exams we got to go home early. But I decided to stay a little and say my goodbye’s to all the underclassman etc. I pretty much knew everyone in school. I was also cool with everybody….Except this one bitch, which we’ll call Jezebel. I knew her and nearly all my classmates since elementary school. I had beef with many close friends...
Family and friends Michael? Where did you go? Ashley taunted from behind a nearby tree. I snuck up behind her quietly and quickly, scooped her up and hugged her tight. She screamed and then giggled. I kissed my sisters forehead and said, (gotcha.) No fair it was my turn she squeaked. Can we have pizza, Ashley asked? As we walked back to the house from Sanctuary, our little fort in the woods. A little about us, my sister and I are from (Mass-a-two-shits, yes I said that right, the state is...
(This story is part fact, and part fiction. I won't tell you what is what, you'll have to figure it out on your own…Sorry, I guess it's a little long, but I hope you enjoy it.)I was a highly under-sexed, but extremely horny high school student. This was back in the big-hair days of the ‘80s. I still think some of the best porn came from those days. Beating the cum out of my cock watching a young Ginger Lynn, Nina Hartley, Taija Rae, Barbara Dare (a secret crush of mine back on the day) Christy...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SEVEN Kirsty Sheraton was thirty-three years old, and had graduated from...
"Well, that was what we agreed to Mom. I would share a sexy adventure of me and my friends and you would return the favor."I tried hard to maintain my composure, to keep from acting surprised that Mom would volunteer re-stating our previous "agreement". She could have easily dismissed that weak arrangement since neither of us really made a point about the rules of our sexy story exchange. Mom looked at me intently, as if trying to see if I would break-down and release her from this flimsy...
"Horsey" had started his business at an unusually early age! Not many boys become independent businessmen before they leave middle school. Of course, Horsey had a great mentor in his oldest brother, who was one of the most successful pimps in their housing complex. Horsey's brother ran a stable with women of all ages, starting with his mother who was 39 and their youngest sister who was 17. That brother had taught Horsey all he needed to know to keep his whores in line and how to extract...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...
So it was my senior year in High school. Me and my friends just got done taking our senior exams. Being seniors after the exams we got to go home early. But I decided to stay a little and say my goodbye's to all the underclassman etc. I pretty much knew everyone in school. I was also cool with everybody....Except this one bitch, which we'll call Jezebel. I knew her and nearly all my classmates since elementary school. I had beef with many close friends growing up, but we all eventually...
Story Summary - Brad Taylor enjoys his work as a high school guidance counselor and hypnotist. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! Yeah, I have it pretty...
High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Story by Jaana "Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, and their friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants them both nightmare and gift beyond price." *** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex, female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! *** "Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together,...
Author’s note: If you haven’t read the previous chapters then I suggest you don’t bother continuing until you do, especially if all you’re interested in is the sex scenes. There is one, but in order to keep the reader enmeshed in a story of this length most of this chapter is character and plot development. I think you’ll be lost and disappointed without the background the previous chapters supply. For those of you who have read the previous chapters and are willing to continue to read the...
High School Girls A Rings of the Oni Storyby Jaana"Three teenage boys find their simple lives completely overturned, andtheir friendship put to the test, when an unexpected find grants themboth nightmare and gift beyond price."*** WARNING: The following story contains graphic depictions of sex,female transformation and female arousal. You have been warned! ***"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people withwhom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE THREE Moira McIver, the Principal of the school, had been standing near the...
High School Flasher Club I wanted to start a photography club in my high school but no one wanted to join. I was always considered a nerd and photography just wasn’t cool. Their loss. I got my sister to help me out. Natalie was a year younger than I was but she was certainly no nerd. In fact Natalie was part of the cool group. She was very pretty, well built, and quite popular too. At fifteen and in the ninth grade Natalie was always good to me. I was sixteen, in the tenth...
The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...
CheatingHigh School Daysbynikkis©When I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her...
Bill paid a visit to the next man up the ladder in the loan sharking ring. Somewhat reluctantly, this man supplied the names and locations for four more of the men who actually made the customer contacts. This guy reported directly to Archie, so Bill learned that the loan sharking ring was not very thick and could be easily broken. There was nothing more for Bill to learn from him, so Bill sent him to the hospital with the usual complement of broken joints. By the middle of the following...
It was 1980 and I was a senior in high school. There was a guy in my grade and we had gone to school together all four years. We both did sports and we both played football and basketball all four years.During our freshman and sophomore years we were also required to take physical education. Fortunately for me we both had the same PE classes all four semesters and back then everybody showered after practice as well as Phys Ed. I don't know why the school seem to have stopped this unless they...
Gay Male"Damn! You my sweet bitch, ain't you? You sure know how to lick some good pussy, girl."Megan raised her head from between Kathy's black thighs. She didn't make eye contact, just starred off into space, detached. A stray black pube was glued to her cheek and the musty stench of Kathy's muff filled her nostrils and mouth.Kathy stroked her blonde hair as she stared into her ice blue eyes. "You still missin' them football players, snowflake? Ha! Damn! They must've fucked you good. Why don't you...
Your career is stagnant and dull. Your name is John Doe and you are an investigative journalist. You are young, having just turned 23, and your pieces have earned you a few awards. But as of late, you haven't gotten any good subjects to write about. You've been relegated to beat coverage to pass the time, mostly because your editor isn't willing to pony up the bucks required to undertake a good investigative report in these trying economic times. Though the gig has been boring the last year or...
To all those who follow my posts you already know I am very adventurous sexually. I often meet people directly from websites who respond to my postings or I often repeat similar adventures that work for us such as being a truck stop whore or being a bar slut or a beach cum bucket. All of these continue to work for me. But instead of posting adventures that are nearly the same as previous adventures, I try to keep it fresh by sharing new extremes I've tried. So yes I remain very active sexually...
It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE TWO Hayley Statten was restless and bored, wondering why she had come to...
They met in their sophomore year of high school, shortly after they turned sixteen. Two loners who somehow found each other, Jim and Amy became fast friends and did everything together. They attended high school sporting events, dances and other school activities. Occasionally they would kiss, and maybe pet a little, but basically theirs was a platonic friendship. The night of their graduation, after tiptoeing around the margins for a long time, they finally consummated their relationship. All...
Straight SexWhen I look back at those days I realize that the height of my most memorable high school sexual experiences started in one week. It was the week that would change the relationship between me, Mom, Karen, my girl friend, Brad my best friend and his girl friend Sasha, forever. I was an 18 year old high school senior cross country runner at the time. Mom also ran she actually got me started in the sport. Mom had been running for years just to stay fit and it showed. Her 5'6" frame was gorgeous....
I really liked Frankel’s stories at Literotica, but they have been deleted from Literotica, probably because Literotica requires that the victim enjoys the sex. I had many Frankel stories saved on my computer, and have been able to recover others from various places. I will publish these stories here on xnxx.com, with a little editing to correct typos. WARNING: Frankel’s stories are not much fun if you’re a woman, and nor are my two stories so far. There’s lots of forced blowjobs, but...
It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...
TeenMy interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...