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"You sent for me?" she asked from the doorway.

I chuckled, not even looking up from the monitor.

"Harriet, Harriet," I said, "is that the way I've taught you to behave?"

I glanced over to find Harriet Mosley, Vice President of Human Resources standing on the spot flushed and squirming. There was an agonized look on her pretty face, a conflicted look, one that told me that she was finding it hard reconciling the aggressive, domineering career woman she had been with the slave she had become.

" Master," she stuttered.

"Then get over here and do it properly," I said, turning back to the screen. I heard the click of her heels on the concrete floor of the computer room, the rustle of her expensive suit as she stripped, but I didn't look her way. The worst punishment you can give a little slut like Harriet is to ignore her and so I did, using the time to refine the port access map on the company firewall.

"Master, you summoned this worthless cunt to Your presence?" her voice was low,

trembling a little. Harriet had been a little full of herself recently so I'd given her that little speech to say whenever I sent for her. Call me old-fashioned but I think it's good to remind a girl of her place.

I looked up to find her kneeling on the floor beside the desk. Her jacket and skirt were gone, folded neatly and placed on a nearby empty office chair. Her legs were open showing her wet, shaved pussy to full effect, her hands were clasped tightly behind her head, and her eyes looked down at my feet. Harriet was in her early thirties, small and shapely with big brown, almond shaped eyes and shoulder length brown hair. She glanced up, noticed I was looking and quickly fixed her eyes on my shoes again.

"Better," I said, "but for your earlier insolence you will be punished." I noticed a shiver run up her spine. Harriet needs to be punished, needs it like she needs to breathe. It was that need that brought her to me in the first place, that need that makes her mine today.

But that was not the reason I'd brought her here. A man needs to expand his horizons and my next acquisition awaited.

"Elaine Shapiro," I said watching her closely, "what can you tell me about her?"

My little Harriet is so conflicted. On the one hand part of her resents the control I have over her, hates to kneel, hates the way I've perverted her. At the same time even the mention of another woman results in a little flash of green-eyed jealousy, even though Harriet knows she is not my first slave, or even the only one I keep.

"She works in marketing my Master," Harriet said, slipping her good girl face back on, "she's been here four years. I met her family at a company picnic, husband's name is Jim, her daughter's name is Melinda but I think they call her Mindy."

I nodded. That information was on the personnel record, what I was looking for was something more intimate.

"This Mindy? How old is she?" I asked.

Harriet shrugged. "I suppose eleven or twelve Master?"

"And Jim, what's he like? Do they have a good relationship?"

I saw something flicker in her eyes and I could see that she was struggling to say something nice.

"I want the truth, I said heading her off, "plus your gut feeling and any gossip you've heard."

Harriet sighed. "Relations seemed...... well a little strained my Master," she said still trying to sound charitable, "I have heard that they sleep in separate rooms at home and that she's waiting for Mindy to get a little older before pressing for a divorce."

"Really?" I said, "on what grounds?"

She swallowed. "H... his infidelity," she stammered.

I nodded. So far it all sounded good. I'd chanced upon something in one of the activity logs that suggested that Mrs. Elaine Shapiro had some hidden depths worth plumbing. I turned to my case and took out a crop. I'd had a riding crop cut in the middle and a small socket joint installed. This allowed me to break it down into two pieces when not in use and fit a standard length crop into a briefcase. I assembled the crop and turned to find Harriet already trembling with anticipation. Though I knew she'd deny it Harriet would feel a lot better after this and I suspected her co-workers would find her much more relaxed and amenable this afternoon.

"You will befriend her," I said as I tested the assembled crop on the palm of my hand. "I want you to become her confidant and friend, I expect a full report on everything she tells you. Now assume punishment position three."

Harriet turned and raised her naked ass. She pulled the tail of her blouse up to fully uncover her cheeks and I could see the fading red marks from her last punishment. I traced a bruise with the tips of my fingers and she squirmed and moaned a little. Harriet had lost her underwear rights last week and had only won back her right to wear a bra at work with a very sexy lap dance.

"You will count out six," I commanded.

I brought the crop down hard on Harriet's right cheek. She yelped a little, but then I saw her relax and sigh deeply.

"One, thank you my Master."

I raised the crop again.


I came home to find Harriet kneeling by the door. Nothing strange in that, even the little black PVC French maid's outfit she was wearing had been part of my orders that morning. The odd thing was the sparkle in her eye, the "I've been a very good girl" look she only gets when she's done something I'll reward her for. As she presented me with my crop I could see her red lips rolling around the ball gag she wore, I could tell she was impatient but whatever she wanted to tell me could wait. Instead I gave her my coat and bag and walked into the dining room where my dinner was waiting.

A few minutes later Harriet was by my side serving the wine. I made sure I had everything I needed and then said, "very good slave. You may remove the gag and kneel."Harriet flushed with humiliation/excitement and unfastened the snaps that held the gag in place. Harriet uses her voice a lot during the day, it is the source of much of her power and influence. Making her spend most of her time at home silenced enforces my authority and makes her subjugation more extreme. The gag has snaps so that she can take it off quickly if the phone rings. This is Harriet's house  --or at least it was before she signed all her belongings over to me-her friends and family still call and expect her to be the one that answers.

With the gag off Harriet sank to her knees by the side of my chair. Her portion of dinner was waiting on the floor in a little enamel dog bowl with her name on the side. At first I'd made her eat and drink from the bowls with her hands cuffed behind her. As a sign of her progress I now allowed her a knife and fork and to drink from a cup.  I looked down and found her kneeling cutely waiting for permission to start. I sighed. Being an old softy I poured a little wine into a glass and passed it down to her.

"You have something to say?" I asked. I noticed her flush again.

"Y... yes my Master," I was talking to Lainey.... err Elaine at lunch today. She told me that her husband is taking Mindy to visit his mother this weekend. Elaine and her mother in law don't get on, she's told him she has to work this weekend and can't go."

This was what I'd been waiting for. It had been two months since Elaine first came to my attention, two months where I'd spied on her every action and infiltrated my little informant into her inner circle.

"Did you do as I ordered?"

She nodded. "Yes my Master. I asked her if she wanted to have a girl's night out and she said that she would think about it. She said that she was looking forward to a quiet weekend at home."

I allowed myself a dark little smile. If I had my way little Lainey's weekend was going to be far from quiet.


"Marty? I'm so glad you're here! My personal printer just stopped and Mr. Radcliffe wants these offers to go out today!"

I adjusted my thick rimmed glasses and put my tool bag on the table. "S...sure thing, T...Tracy," I stammered, "D...don't worry, we'll have that f...fixed for you in a j..jiffy."

Most companies have a "trophy secretary" a girl who seemed to be hired more for her physical good looks than for any ability to type. In our office that was Tracey, small, blonde, blue eyed, button nosed Tracy. When she'd been younger, which was not that long ago, she had been a local beauty queen, now she was

the secretary and assistant to Mr. J.R. Ratcliffe, V.P for sales and marketing and the biggest bastard in the building. This meant that if Tracy needed anything, you dropped everything and scuttled over there. In this case though I was eager to oblige, since my prey was now in sight.

Lainey had her own office, a throwback to a time when she had been acting deputy VP. The position had been axed as part of last year's cuts but in Cubicleville the possession of an office is 9/10s of the law. Not that she flaunted it you understand. Lainey wasn't that kind of person. Her door was literally always

open. I looked though the doorway and saw her typing at her desk. Today was casual Friday and just about everyone still there was dressed business casual. Not our Lainey, her suit, blouse and scarf was as business like and impeccable as always.

At this point my subconscious, the part of my brain forced to listen to Tracey as she jabbered about her "problem," flagged the fact that she had finished. Reluctantly I dragged my attention back to the job in hand.

"W... well, l... let's see shall we?"

She smiled. For Tracey using men came naturally, it wasn't manipulation or any conscious process at all. Her entire life she had gotten whatever she wanted just by looking at a man and smiling. The urge to take Tracey, to train her to crawl to me on her knees, to beg for even the most basic things, to force her to

perform the most filthy debased acts, just welled up inside me. It was all I could do just to fight it back. Desperate to get my mind on the job I glanced down at the little LCD display on her personal laser printer.

The code was admittedly a little cryptic, it meant the high-tension wire needed cleaning. On most machines you would have had a smudged print, on this one the machine forced you to clean it. Inside I smiled.

I opened the printer and looked inside. Some people said that Tracey was just there for show and that she didn't do anything. I knew that wasn't true, a girl that did nothing wouldn't break as many things as she did. Part of her problem was that she tried to fix things rather than let someone else do it. Inside the cover was a small, smudged toner fingerprint. A side-glance at her hands showed the toner on her fingers. It was time to have some fun.

"D..... did you t....touch anything T...Tracy?" I stuttered looking puzzled.

"No!" she said, loudly, shaking her head. Her eyes opened wide and she peered at me worriedly.  "Why?"

"I...I don't understand it," I said, "t....there seems to be a p..part missing?"

Her eyes got even wider. "Part missing?"

"Y...yes," I nodded, "the main polarizing element...... it's g..gone!"

I started to look around the printer. "'s just g..gotta be someplace, just gotta!"

I started moving things about on the desk near the printer.

"You, check the floor T...Tracey. looks like a little metal and p...plastic strip a...about three inches long."

Tracey glanced at the floor at first, but when it became clear that she couldn't see the "polarizer"  she slid to her knees and started to rummage under the desk. Checking to make sure no one else could see I slipped back into the corner of the cubical folded my arms and admired the view. Casual Friday or not I suspect only Tracey could get away with wearing a leather skirt to the office. This was one of the knee length variety with a little slit at the bottom between the legs. With Tracey's ass thrust up the skirt conformed to her ripe rounded buttocks in a most appealing way. In fact in my opinion the only way Tracey's ass could have looked better was totally naked and reddened by a crop.

Sighing I took a swab from my toolkit, dosed it in alcohol and switched off the printer. A quick swipe and the wire was clean.

"F....found it!" I said.

"You have?" she sounded relieved, but I decided the fun wasn't over.

"T...Tracey, while're d..down there we need to r..reset the LAN connection."

"Okay?" she said.

"Okay dokey," I said stepping behind her. " I want you to t....take out the plug from it's s...socket, put in back in, wait 3 seconds, take it out, wait 3 seconds, p..put it back in. Okay?"

She scrambled. "Okay," she said, "ready."

"G..great T..Tracey now t..tell me what are doing."

Tracey's leather covered ass slipped back until it was at most half an inch from my bulging pants.

"Out," she said.

Her ass slipped forwards.


She paused.


She thrust her leather covered tush at my groin again. I smiled, wondering what it looked like if anyone could see us.

I stepped away and hit the retry button on her computer. As Tracey stood up the first page was printing flawlessly.

She beamed. "Thanks Marty! You were wonderful!"

Somehow I resisted the urge to laugh.

"T....thanks T..Tracey," I said putting my tools away, "It w..was g..great for me too."



There was a pause.

"Hello?" I said again.

I looked at one of my side monitors where a small window displayed the view from the camera I'd installed over Lainey's desk. Her pretty nose was wrinkled, her face confused, at length she said, "I was looking for Marty?"

"Marty went home early for the holidays Miss Shapiro, can I help you? My name is Dave."I watched as she flustered for a moment. Agitated she pushed some of her long brown hair to one side, blue eyes scanning the screen on her laptop as she punched the return key in frustration. People liked Marty, he was a quiet, nervy little geek that everyone thought was harmless. People would tell him things or say things in his presence that they would never have said to someone else. They trusted him, were used to him being there.

I watched Lainey sigh.

"Look I was filling in some client data for the monthly report when my computer froze. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid if I reset I'll loose the whole afternoons work. I don't want to have to do it over now." She

looked at her watch.I glanced at the clock on my desktop. It was 5:17PM exactly the moment that the Trojan program I'd loaded into her laptop was supposed to pull the plug.

"I'm sorry, Miss Shapiro," I said, "I just started a server upgrade, I'm afraid I cant come up there to help you for at least an hour."

"Damn! Look I...."

"There is nothing I can do," I said, loading my voice with fake regret, "once the upgrade is over I can try and recover your files."

I settled back and watched the screen. Lainey was mad but she was trapped. Better an hour late tonight than having to work on a holiday weekend.

"Ok call me when you're ready." I watched as she slammed the phone down.

I smiled and looked down at the naked Harriet as she shivered at my feet. She was kneeling, her ass resting on her heels, her legs parted, breasts thrust out and hands clasped behind her head. One glance showed the dampness on the parted lips of her pussy, the hard erect nipples thrust towards me. I laughed and pointed down at the bulge in my pants.

"Service your Master slave," I ordered, "then you will go home and prepare for our guest."


After Harriet left I watched Lainey get more and more frustrated for the next hour and a quarter. At first she did what paperwork she could without the use of her machine. Then she took a book from her bag and started to read it. The most important thing was that she didn't reach for the phone. On a normal night a

delay like this would have resulted in panicked calls to Jim and calls to the neighbor who collected Mindy from school. This time Lainey just waited and read her book. That seemed to confirm Jim's weekend plans but to be sure I made a couple of quick calls. The first was to Lainey's house. I wasn't too surprised when after 5 rings the machine picked up. Satisfied I rang off

without leaving a message.

My next call was to a motel a few miles south of Jim's parent's place. A polite clerk confirmed both that Mr. Shapiro had a room booked and that Mrs. Shapiro had already arrived. I again decided not to leave a message and put the phone down. I watched as Lainey turned the page on her book, wondering if she had

noticed that Jim's frequent trips home to mommy had only started after Lainey had caught him cheating?

A glance at the security computer showed that only six people were still in the building.

I picked up the phone.


The door buzzed. I glanced at the security monitor to see Lainey waiting outside. She was carrying her overcoat, her briefcase and the troublesome laptop.

I keyed the mic.


"Elaine Shapiro," she said irritated, "you said if I brought my laptop down you would look at it?"

I pressed the button and buzzed her into the server room. "Come on in Miss Shapiro."

She struggled in with bag and coat. Dropping everything on the first available chair.

I wondered over.

"Let me see?" I took the laptop and sat down in my regular chair. I offered her one of the free seats and she collapsed gratefully.

"No one here but you?" she asked, realizing belatedly that she was locked in a soundproof room with a man she thought she'd never met.

"That's right," I said looking down at the laptop, "this is usual in this business, companies always upgrade servers and software at weekends and holidays, means less disruption for users."

"Will you be here all weekend?"

I shook my head. "I'm hoping not to be," I said nodding towards one of the monitors, "we'll see if the machines will let me."

I picked at the keyboard. There was a secret sequence of keystrokes that would disable the lock I had put on her computer but I wasn't ready for that just yet. Instead I looked at the screen and hit keys at random.

"How about you?" I asked, "big plans for the weekend?"

"No," she said, "not really."

"That's a pity," I said, "look if you really are stuck for something to do I know this neat club?"

She laughed, raised her hand and rotated the plain Gold wedding band. "Married," she said.

"Is he here at the moment?"

She shook her head. "No, he's gone to visit his parents this weekend," she said and then frowned, probably wondering why she had told me that. "Look can you call Marty and see if he has any suggestions?"

It's an odd thing to have someone talk about you as if you were another person. I suspect a real life Clark Kent or Bruce Wayne would soon get tired of the whole secret identity thing.

I keyed in the release code.

"Got it!" I said triumphantly, "now save your files... there."

She brightened. "Well, thank you SO much," she said, taking the computer from me. "You really are a life saver."

"No problem Natasha."

She froze. "I'm sorry?"

"Natasha," I said, "that is your chatroom nickname isn't Lainey?  Well one of them. There is of course mom4BDSM and my all time favorite rapeslut."

She froze, trembling, her face white. I hit a key and nodded towards the big plasma display on the wall. A moment before it had shown the state of the corporate network, now it was slowly scrolling through the log of an IRC session. The room was a private one, created just for cybersex, and there were only four people in it. The top nick in the list, the creator of the channel and its only operator had the nick "rapeslut."

As Lainey watched horrified the text continued to scroll as the three men and Lainey played out the game.

"Gang rape," I said nodding towards the screen, "one man for each hole. Now, what was it you wanted? Oh yes that's right, they play a black street gang and you're the lone white female cop they captured. All three of them where impressively and improbably hung as I recall. That session was what? Three hours?" I hit a key and the onscreen log changed. This time Lainey's nick was "mom4BDSM."

"Home invasion," I nodded, "two men tie you to your kitchen table and gang rape you. I like the guy that thought to raid the fridge, nice use of root vegetables."

I pressed a key again.

"Finally," I said, slipping into my best Boris Badanov voice, "ve 'ave Natasha darlinks. You know, the girl who flirts with men in that chatroom the one looking for a Master?"

"Where....?" she said at last. Panicked eyes still locked on the screen.

"If you must do this Lainey, don't do it on company equipment," I advised, "we log just about everything. You will remember that you did sign an IT use policy when you joined the company? You were advised that misuse of company equipment does make you liable to immediate dismissal?"

She swallowed, still shaking.

"Take your jacket off Lainey," I commanded, "put it on the chair, then spread your legs and place your hands behind your head."

She froze, blue eyes locked on the screen.

"Tough job market out there Lainey, " I said, "someone like you, someone who has little formal qualifications, would need a good reference to find another job. Do you think you'd get one for hanging out on sex boards on company time?"

I punched a key.

"This one," I said putting rapeslut's three way back on the screen. "Now this is the killer. You did this at the weekend. You remember? You booked overtime for some of the hours you were playing. I do believe that's fraud. I suspect at the very least the company wants its money back."

I smiled, "Now, take off the jacket Lainey."

She did, eyes still glued to the big screen. I glanced up. This was the point at which the first "black rapist" pulled the panty gag from officer rapeslut's mouth and ordered her to suck him. Now that sounded like a

good idea. I looked back and watched as she assumed the position I'd ordered.

I walked over.

Reaching up I started to unbutton her blouse. That caused her to shift her attention back from the screen.

She didn't struggle or try to fight as I worked my way down the buttons.

"Take it off." I said stepping back.I watched while she did as I ordered. "Bra too."

There was a moment's hesitation, she looked at me with fear filled blue eyes then glanced back at the screen. This was the part of the log where rapeslut was on her knees sucking and licking 3 cocks.

The bra came off.

I stepped forward and cupped her breasts, thumbs playing across her nipples. In a few strokes her traitorous buds had hardened. She looked up, agony in her eyes.

"Wha..." she began, I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Not a word, not a sound, understand Lainey?" I said sternly. I kept her eyes locked with mine. She nodded.

I rolled her nipples. Listened as she gasped. Her body was tight, strained. I just kept looking into her eyes.

"Let me tell you how this works," I said, never breaking eye contact, "your husband Jim teaches art at the local community college. Problem is that his idea of personal tutoring is very personal and involves motel rooms." She looked at me helpless. Her nipples were bullet hard.

"Remove your skirt," I ordered still keeping eye contact. Her trembling hands slipped from her head, I felt her fumble and then the skirt slid to the concrete. Her hands returned to her head.

"Good girl," I said nodding, "continue to serve me this well and we will get on wonderfully. Now back to Jim. Let me tell you Lainey's plan. You believe that when pretty little Mindy is a little older, say three more years from now, you can divorce unfaithful Jim and start out on your own."

I slid a hand down to rest on her pubic mound. She was still wearing a pair of cotton panties so I ran my fingertips over them, sliding my index finger through the long depression in the front. She gasped and a little moan escaped her lips.

I wasn't really surprised when my finger encountered a damp patch on the

cotton panties. It was easy to keep my eyes fixed deep into her big blues without a hint of emotion. Slowly I stroked her sex, feeling her squirm to my touch.

"Your problem is this," I continued, "If you loose this job, and you will if this gets reported, you will have a lot of trouble finding another that pays as well without references. In addition the company would have to document the reason for that dismissal to cover themselves legally. That document, and these logs could be subpoenaed by Jim in any future custody hearing."

I nodded at the screen. At this point rapeslut, tied to the hood of a car in a chop shop, was begging her rapists to fuck her faster.

"Do you want him to use this in court?"

She moaned and shook her head.

I handed her a mint flavored condom. "On your knees."


I looked down at the shivering Lainey. She was kneeling at my feet, naked but for garterbelt and stockings. One hand was wrapped around the base of my rubber-covered cock, the other parted the lips of her wet sex and fingered slowly. She was weeping piteously, big fat tears rolling down her face as her mouth moved

around my erect shaft.

"Lick it," I said.

She slipped my cock from her mouth, hand holding it firmly as her tongue slid over the rubber surface. She winced and pulled a face and I suspected that the mint flavor was starting to wear off. I tapped a few keys and brought up the logs of Lainey's main alter ego "Natasha."

Tasha was a girl on the make. One of these in-your-face, I'm-a-brat-punish-me kind of submissives that only ever exist in cyberspace, where the "punishment" is only virtual. Most of her activity was dedicated to finding a Master and over the year's worth of logs we'd collected she'd had many takers. The problem was

that eventually all these men had wanted to take things to the next stage, to a real life Lainey had no intention of following through on. I don't think it would have been so bad if she had made it clear from the onset that she was only interested in cybersex. In the many bulletin boards and chat rooms of cyberspace there were thousands only interested in virtual relationships. Lainey however led her "Masters" on, hinting that she was looking for a real life 24/7 relationship when that wasn't the case.

It was time to change that.

I looked down.


She stopped.

I nodded at the log. "You are a cock tease."

"I was only..." she began.

I reached down and grabbed her face with my hand, squeezing her cheeks painfully. She stopped talking.

"I was not expressing my opinion," I said coldly, "I was stating a fact. You are a cock tease, what are you?"

I released her.

She stiffened and looked down, murmuring something.


"I....I'm a cock tease," she whimpered.

"Louder," I demanded, adding a dangerous edge to my voice that made her shiver.

"I'm a cock tease," she said. Her tears were now in full force and her face, already red from crying, flushed even brighter.

I looked down. "Keep licking."

As she sniffed and started to lick again I smiled down.

"I'm going to fuck you," I announced, "you get to decide if its your cunt or your ass that gets used."

"Please?" she whispered, bright blue eyes begging. I fixed her with my sternest look, watching as she looked away.

"M..... my cunt," she said at last.


"My cunt," she said louder. She sobbed but I wasn't through yet.

"Beg," I said.

She looked up horrified.

"No please I...."

"I said beg."

She swallowed. "Please fuck my cunt," she said, her voice level, almost as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

"You forgot something," I said.

She blinked and looked up confused.

"My name is Master!"

Lainey shivered.


I gagged her with the ballgag I keep in my briefcase. I did it not through fear that anyone else would hear but because I thought she needed the full submissive experience. I had a leather armbinder in my bag which I used to imprison her hands behind her back. It had the advantage that it left no marks, which meant that if Lainey was stupid enough to say anything later it would be her word against mine.

Bound and gagged in real life Lainey didn't seem half as feisty as her cyber identity Natasha had been I suppose having a real riding crop just inches from your flesh is more of a deterrent than its virtual equivalent.

On her belly, the near naked Lainey gag-kissed my shoe. That act of submission completed I pulled her to her feet and led her to the couch in the corner. I'd rescued the couch from a redecoration of one of the upstairs rest areas and though tattered it was perfectly serviceable. I pushed her down and forced open her legs.

Lainey looked up wide-eyed. There was no shaking of the head, no denial, no gagged begging for mercy. Instead she just looked up, shocked and scared as I pressed my cock against her pussy lips and pushed.

"Ummmm," she moaned and I felt her flesh ripple around me. Her eyes widened. For a moment I thought she was going it scream, then I thrust in deeper and she choked back the sound. Three fast strokes and everything was lubricated. Then, I thrust in deep filling her.

As her eyes bulged I withdrew half way.

"" I said, punctuating every word with a swift, shallow thrust inside her."Understand?" I thrust in deep.

"Ummmmmppphhh!!!" she gave a gagged squeal and reared up. 

I pumped in again,"Understand?"

She nodded and whimpered. I started to thrust in again. This time each stroke was long and deep. Lainey grunted, her sex clenching with every new intrusion. I speeded things up, ramming in long and hard as she bucked beneath me. Then I heard it, a change in the sounds she made as each stroke pushed her closer to

orgasm. She was gagged of course so the sound wasn't that clear, but years of working around gagged women makes you good at decoding. There could be no doubt what she was saying....

"Fuck me."

And with that I thrust in faster, harder and deeper than before, listening to her chanting and begging as we came together.


"What will you do with me?" her voice was quiet, not begging, not whimpering. I looked down as she knelt at my feet. She was still almost naked, still had her arms strapped behind her with the binder, I had however removed the gag and it now hung around her neck like a strange fetish necklace.

"You forgot something," I said.

Lainey pouted. "Master," she said.

"Much better," I nodded, "as to your question. I will do whatever I please with my property."

She flushed. " can't be serious... Master?"

I looked down at her. "Why not?"

Her eyes widened. I think that was the point where she finally understood what was going on. She swallowed and trembling a little said, "oh my God..."

"As I see it the question is clear," I said, "and it's how much do you love your daughter?" I reached down and stroked some of the hair from her face then I stroked her cheek. "Under normal circumstances during a divorce a judge will almost always give the custody of the child to the mother. However, in the event that the mother is shown to be of low moral character.." I nodded at the rapeslut log that was back on the big screen. "Well in that case he may feel the father is the better choice."

She looked up at me, eyes wide.

"So like I said, it depends on how much you love Mindy. If you love her and want to keep her with you then the price of that is total and complete obedience. You will serve me as a slave from now until I decide

to release you. Alternatively you can tell me to go to hell, in which case Jim gets all he needs to take Mindy from you."

I smiled.

"If you accept my terms kiss my foot like a good little slave. Of not, tell me to go to hell and I'll release


I could tell she wanted to tell me where to stuff my offer, but in the end she was trapped and we both knew it.

Bending over she pecked at my shoe.

"Yes Master," my new slave said

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SRU: The Card Deck By JRD William "Billy" Lucas wandered through the mall, looking for something to do for the night. It was "game night" for him, his wife, Lucy, and his neighbors, Luke and Wendy Johnson, their best friends and sometime "playmates". Game night was a time for the four of them to get together and play games, many times sexual, but just as often not. But game night was getting boring. Unless he found something new in the mall, they'd probably have to pull out the...

3 years ago
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Willows World

Willow hadn't intended for the spell to go this way. It was supposed to create a ball of sunlight, and sure enough, it did. But the spell had other effects, as she soon found out. Buffy had been staring straight into the spell for twenty minutes when Willow found her. By that time it was to late. The spell carried Willow's deepest desires with it, and in those twenty minutes Buffy went from straight to bisexual to lesbian. Willow was horrified to realize she'd turned her best friend into a...

3 years ago
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The Delivery Guy

‘I’m never going to find the right guy’ , Sam thought to herself. She was a sophomore in college for christ’s sakes. She had an issue. It was not her looks. She was 5’7 with a flat stomach, and 36 c boobs. She was a little paranoid. She thought that if she slept with a guy then he would tell everyone, she would be thought of as the campus slut, and then she would drop out of school.   She realized it was a more than a little irrational. Anyhow she had to get back to her room, she had been...

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 06 Flying Solo

In the first year of our swinging adventure, Kathleen and I broke many of the rules that we had initially established. In the year that followed, we broke another, which profoundly changed the way we participated in this strange new lifestyle.True to their word, our new friends Frank and Diane kept in touch with us after they returned home from Cancun. They invited us to Frank’s impressive house, and we shared a lot of laughs over take-out food before climbing into their large hot tub together....

Wife Lovers
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Foreskin play caught in the act

Well this story is about being caught out , my wife and I have a good sex life having sex 3 / 4 times a week , but I have a very high sex drive so give my self a handjob up too 4 times most days , could say im addicted too it , I work from home so its very easy , my wife works 4 days a week , one day not so long a go she went off too work and I was so horny the second she left the door so got on hamster tube and started watching a clip about a guy who was giving him self a handjob with an...

1 year ago
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The New Girl

Old Silas came puffing into the station that morning looking worried. His antique pick-up with piled full of his junk and a few pieces of furniture. He came into the office with a pretty girl by the wrist and sat her down. “Bill, my buddy, what’ll y’give me for her? I got to get out a’town.” “What’s wrong?” I asked, admiring the youngster on the chair in her tight t-shirt and grimy Levis. She was barefoot and her hair a tangled mess. She did not look happy. “Them spics caught me selling meth in...

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If you’re trying to Find Her Name and haven’t had any luck, I may be able to help you out today. Well, technically, I’ll just be pointing you in the right direction, but this next website is absolutely full of naked Internet celebrities, social media attention whores, and the next generation of self-made amateur porn sluts. Maybe that name you’re looking for is among them, but if not, at least you’ll have plenty of material to shake your dick is new as hell, and that’s...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Gorillas in the MistChapter 5

Evelyn woke the next morning feeling cold. Coming to, she groggily realised that Charity was nowhere to be seen. The smells of sweat, stale milk, and unwashed sex reminded her that heir torrid night together had been no dream. The clattering sound of a metal pan told her that Charity was up and already preparing breakfast. Unzipping the tent, Evelyn was immediately assaulted by the pungent smell of wet wood and paraffin from Charity's makeshift fire. Evelyn scrambled out of the small tent...

1 year ago
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john never saw this comingnew sissy life

after john and cindy swapped cum and john swallowed it all cindy flipped john over and slipped her cock into john waiting boy pussy and made him cry and scream like a sissy faggot girl.john felt cindys second load pump into him he knew he was going down the path that the girls had layed out for him years ago.john and cindy saw each other almost everyday cindy had to remind john from time to time that he was a homosexual,a crossdresser,a sissy,a faggot,and he was above all not a man that he was...

3 years ago
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An Italian girl loses a football bet

Hi my name is Francesca. I’m a 26-year-old Italian girl living in Milan. I’m a dark haired girl with blue eyes, about 1.7 meters tall and quite thin, I dress a 42, of European size, and I go to the gym to keep my body in shape. Before a bet I made with a foreign man about a football match I had never thought about having sex with any foreign man—this experience I changed my mind. It was a pleasant evening in June when the Italian football team played for the international cup against Egypt. I...

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The Night Me and Jackie Wont Forget

It was a Friday night. The rain was pouring fast and hard. It was pitch black at the park. We, Jackie and I, just came from the bar and decided to go park at the park. We were super drunk. From what I can remember, I had three Bacardi Rum and Coke, one shot of Patron (tequilla) and she had three Sex On The Beach and one shot of Bacardi Raspberry. The only thing we had on our mind was some hott butt naked sex at the park. (The Description) While we sat in the car, laughing and talking,...

2 years ago
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My First Adventure with a quick note about the Se

At orientation for classes, I notice her. She is hanging out with another hottie and every guy is trying to get their attention. She is simply breathtaking....about 5'7" with the athletic body and strength of a dancer, Blonde, and natural 32 D tits. We get our schedules, and then i find out we are in the same class. First day of class, all but one of the guys is hitting on her. I figure she is out of my league anyway, and i find out she already met some dude in another class. I figure there no...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 7 Idiots Rule

“The CD comes with nude pictures!” Pete exclaimed, grinning broadly as he held the photos tight. “Give me that!” I blurted out, snatching them from his hand. I felt heat rapidly rising to my head. For a moment, there was confusion on Pete’s face. Then it changed to amusement. “Wait, are those yours? Holy shit, I thought they came with the album!” My mind raced as I stared at the pictures, keeping them turned away from my friends. How the hell did these get into Pete’s hands? I looked at...

3 years ago
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The Matriarchy Mrs Mckenzie

It was too hot that weekend for anything but my summer dress and a sun hat. So I simply wore that and began trimming the rose bushes in my garden. On my knees, garden gloves on, elbow deep in a flower bed I heard a noise. My daughter is at uni and her ex boyfriend still loves her. She dumped him before going because he wouldn't accept boundary 23. Her ex-boyfriend was knocking at the gate, grinning like a moron. Hes a nice boy, very handsome but equally stupid. Like most men these...

2 years ago
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Rental ProblemsChapter 4

Chis left only after Destiny let him. She walked him to the door and made out with him for more than a few moments. The smell and taste of champain was all in his mouth when he left. He was in his car wondering how he should spend his new found wealth. Chris woke up to the sound of a text message alert. It was Destiny sending pictures again. Chris sat up to wipe his eyes clear and see that Destiny was already sending pictures of her open black snatch. It was spread wide open with a message....

4 years ago
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Fucked Tina and she didnt know it was me

Anyway, I worked for about a year with a girl called Tina. She was born and raised in Tennessee, but her Dad was Polish and her Mom Cuban. She was absolutely gorgeous - beautiful Cuban ass, gorgeous curly hair, striking Latina features and small but perky boobs. She liked to wear tight clothing, which accented her figure. It's fair to say that I was physically attracted to Tina from day one, and fantasized about her regularly. Tina and I actually became quite close, but there was never a hint...

2 years ago
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First time cheating

I am 38 years of age and from Singapore where there’s lots of Indians, Paki and Bangladesh come to work. My husband of 15 years, is an agent supplying foreign workers to construction companies and me sort of helping him as a secretary cum accounts. He is mildly mannered when he is sober but when he had too much to drink, he would sometimes abused me which as submissive wife bear the brunt and not once complained to my family. For ten years we’ve been married we still could not have babies. We...

3 years ago
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Anal AlisonChapter 9

Brad came in the door leading two huge dogs on leashes and followed by another guy with a satchel. "I brought two of Mary's friends and some toys for the girls to enjoy tonight!" Alison looked over and her face paled. Amanda looked over and blushed. Both girls panted a bit. The dogs headed for Mary who was lying on the floor still recovering from her double fisting of a short while ago. The largest put his head to her cunt and started licking her out. Mary began to moan and the other dog...

4 years ago
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Mistletoe and Holly Second Part The New Years Party

************************************* Even though she knew what we were doing, Mom didn't say anything more to us and quickly got used to us going to the same room at night. My twin and I used my bedroom because the guest bed was bigger, quieter and had more bounce. For the next six nights Holly and I lived in a sexual fantasy land as we tried to make up for the years we were apart. We didn't try to make excuses for our behavior, we didn't try to rationalize, we just fucked like...

3 years ago
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Kellys Exploration

A yearning was growing inside her. A yearning that was very unfamiliar. As she stared at the magazine rack her eyes kept drawing back to the one with the picture of a girl strapped to a wooden cross and a man dressed in black with his head covered holding a paddle in his hand. The title read BDSM Lifestyle. She grabbed the magazine along with a current edition of Cosmo, paid the cashier and headed home. Kelly was a housewife, 38 years old and kept herself in good shape. When she got home she...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 40

Note: This chapter contains very intense and hardcore BDSM. It is pure indulgence of the author and there's almost no plot here. You have been warned. When Ken got to the bedroom, both his slaves were kneeling, waiting for him. Jane was wearing only the bikini bottoms, and Arianwen was naked. Ken knew that Jane had the bottoms on only because they were holding in the dildos that had been inside her all evening. Her pussy and asshole were slightly sore from being stretched and rubbed for all...

2 years ago
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My first time used and abused

I'm a 47 year old; sexual being, who identifies as nonspecific gender. I've been fucked by; and have fucked, men and women my whole life. Soon I'll be going to my first gay bar! I'm excited and anxious for this experience! I hope I find an attractive man to fuck me; really fucking hard!!I arrived at the bar dressed well; but underneath my clothes, I was wearing my black lace panties and black thigh thighs! I was nervous as hell as I walked in to the dimly lit; not too smokey, quiet little...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 32 Forgiveness

I stopped partway to Duke Dwayne's estates for a chance to regroup. I looped the reins over a tree branch and knelt. I cried for a few minutes before I settled down. The anger had kept me sane enough to do what I had to do. Now that it was gone, my actions left an open wound. I didn't like it. I didn't have to like it. I knew that I had little choice in the matter. Still on my knees, exhausted from my crying, I prayed. Bright Lady, please forgive me. I felt her sad smile while her...

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New school New beginnings

My moms a drunk, she's been through rehab multiple times without recovering. We moved because we couldn't afford were we lived prior to this because she spends to much money on her drinking then she does anything else.  Let me describe my self. I'm 6' 180 pounds, I'm considered fit because I spend my free-time in the gym playing football, or working. I run a 4.8 on the 40 yard dash, and I can squat 300 pounds. I bench 250, curl 75. I have dark brown almost black hair, grey eyes, a...

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My slut wifes black gang


We were out in a pub getting her drunk enough to go to our favourite spot where she would let me screw her in the car while people watched from outside. It was several weeks since she had met one of her "colleagues" for sex and she'd got bored with our usual sexual routine so I knew she was up for a little variety. I noticed her eying up a bunch of black guys who'd sat down at the other end of the bar and as I turned to look at them it was obvious they were looking her over too. When I...

1 year ago
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Milk My Boobs

Hi everyone! I am a 23 year old girl living in California . I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’m 5ft6 and my figure is 36D-25-39, extremely delicious, I’ve been told. I can see people get hardons on the streets when I walk past. Even gorgeous, I guess I got my looks in heredity. I prefer wearing revealing clothes. I love sexy lingerie and tight clothes. I wear tops which enhance my sexy bust and short skirts which show off my tempting butt. Over all I am a very eatable package and I know...

3 years ago
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Carry Out or Delivery

I have always prided myself in being a leader and not a follower, and it did not surprise me that I did not fall into the majority of women on most scenarios. After purchasing my home, however, I found one area in which I do fall into the majority, and after the discovery, I have come to feel comfortable with the vast numbers of women with which I share this particular fantasy. Shopping is not highly rated on my list, especially when it comes to groceries. I find myself either shopping while I...

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Lauren GisalChapter 21

Thursday 13th August Nikki and Lauren discussed the idea of Lauren returning to Marlene’s for another session of photos. Nikki said she thought it sounded like fun, especially since Lauren had clearly enjoyed herself so much. She was also happy to go along with the story of Lauren staying at her house for the night - something that was not uncommon and therefore was unlikely to be discovered. Both girls knew that sometime Lauren would have to do the same for her, and that’s what friends were...

2 years ago
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Alex is 17Chapter 8

"I don't have time to come down this week, Alex." Peter sounded frustrated. "Can you hold off with this girl until next weekend?" "Peter, the dance is tomorrow night." "I know. I said I'm sorry." He sighed deeply. "Alex. No pain until meet this girl. You wanna screw her, fine. But no scars, no bruises, no scratches. Clear?" I have a number of things I want to say but all of them are likely to get me suspended. "Clear, Sir." I answer. The next day was a long one at school....

4 years ago
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Ballad of the SamuraiChapter 19

By the time they got home, Arrian's hand had completely healed, although a small amount of dried blood remained on the back of it. It was late, so Arrian carried a sleeping Sarah into her bedroom and tucked her in before going to bed himself. Arrian was surrounded in total darkness; he turned from one direction to another trying to see something. He attempted to yell in an attempt to catch someone's attention. Trying as much as he could he couldn't get his mouth to make one single...

3 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 11

Bill’s turn: Things are getting strange. When you understand that I’m starting from a place where I live in a household with my sixteen year old wife and her best friend, my fourteen year old daughter, and we call that ‘normal’, then ‘strange’ takes on new impact. Now it’s academic. Not ‘academic’ as a descriptive term to denote something that doesn’t affect reality, but rather ‘academic’ as in pertaining to education. I considered myself to be pretty smart. I mean, I AM an engineer, and...

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The Good Boy

His name was Chris. That really all that can be really said about him of interest. He was a shy black male around 21 years old. He seems to have a youthful ness about him. He was still pretty naïve about the world He can best be describe as cute. He still had his baby face and slim build; He had a nice manner about him and a nice sense of humor. He seem quiet around people he didn't know but mostly happy a lot of the time. He seem to all ways help the other neighbors out with things namely 3...

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Jason DunlapChapter 11

Taking out 14 men in a large room at one time was not going to be easy! The only way around the problem was not to do it that way. The Ghost needed some way to separate the men into small groups and keep them separated long enough to eliminate each small group before moving on to the next group. Maybe he could entice some of the men below to come up on the roof. One sure way to do that would be to throw a body through a skylight. There was only one ladder from the ground to the roof, so that...

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Jane and I had been married for six wonderful years, we had sex on every possible occasion, even at lunchtime I would come home from work and we would have a steamy sex session. I had never known such a sexy woman, despite the cruel fact that she had resolutely refused to have sex before our marriage. This was due to her strict Presbyterian upbringing. Her father was an elder of the church, and her mother had made it very plain that the only justification for intercourse was for the procreation...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 391

A guy Living in a houseboat had a romantic relationship with the girl next door. Eventually they drifted apart. This guy tried to make his date have sex on the hood of his Honda Civic. She refused and told him that if she was going to have sex, it was going to be on her own Accord. A man tried to sell me a coffin today. I told him, that’s the last thing I need. The neighborhood barber just got arrested for selling drugs. We had been his customers for 8 years and had no idea he was a...

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My Sexy Mami

Hi, this is my third story at ISS and this is about my mami Sanika (name changed). Her size is 36-32-38. Sanika’s main feature is her big ass. Ogling at her ass makes one feel like holding her head by her hair from behind. I was making her crawl on her all fours and take her like a bitch from behind. She had always been a bitch and a strict authoritarian. But being a human she had her soft spots and hers was drinking. She is a teacher in New Delhi and always used to wear a saree well below her...

2 years ago
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The british Lord Part 1

Lord Chambers sat in the chair, his cigar burning in the ashtray on the table, a glass of sherry in his hand. He looked at Sara, his cock hardening as he remembered the last time she got down on her knees to blow his prick. She was a delightful girl and knew her station in life. He had given her a job as a chambermaid only after she had submitted to him, Lord Chambers enjoying stripping her naked before she sucked him off for the first time. She got the job right away and she had been...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART TWO

HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA PART TWO (THE CONCLUSION) This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. PART TWO Back in Ancient Runes, Harrys distracted for several minutes before he can bring...

3 years ago
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sister in Lawrsquos Power Goes Out

sister in Law’s Power Goes Out Tina sister Barbra called in the middle of the night her power had gone out and Dave her husband was out of town, and she was scared and did not won’t to mess with it. So Tina asks me to go over and look at it I got up and got dressed and went over. When I got to Barbra’s house it was in total darkness. She stood at the door with a flashlight shining in my eyes. I took it from her and as my eyes adjusted I noticed that she was in a see threw nightie. I shook my...

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I really welcomed moving into the condo after my divorce. The divorce put me through a lot of mental anguish and coming home at night and not ever having to worry about things like cutting grass or raking leaves was a welcome luxury in my life. It still is a welcome luxury three years after. The condominium complex I found has a swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts. Next to the pool is a clubhouse that contains the changing rooms for the pool, a full-featured gym and a main room with a...

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Flight Fantasy Ch 02

Flight Fantasy – Finale My apologies to my friends in Sydney and the employees and shareholders of Qantas for my errors in spelling in Part 1. ——————————————- I awoke slowly that Saturday morning after a long night of passion. Cheryl had been insistent in her desire, not only urging me to take her to higher and higher places of sexual pleasure but in her seeing that I was equally pleased. There was nothing of herself that she held back and she demanded everything from me in return. It was...

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Childhood Dreams Come True 8211 Part I

Hi every one this is Fucker prince from Delhi here I’m going to narrate my personal story that how the dream of my childhood came true on my teen age here I will write the story in Hindi that’s way everyone will be able to read and understand any unsatisfied girl bhabi and aunty from Delhi and NCR aged between 18-38 can mail me my id is ( Hello Doston kaise hain aap mera naam prince hai main Delhi main rehta hoon sabse pehlw main aapsab ko apne bare main batadoon meri age 20 years hai rang gora...

1 year ago
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Lust Making

My guy went away for a weekend with a mate and my G/F came to stay over and kept me company ,so some of my hamster friends will know who im writting about LOL and he wishes that he stayed at home heheheheIt was a warm balmy night,i was standing in my closet,with just a towel wrapped around me,drying my wet body after just taking my evening shower,i stood there wondering what PJ's i was going to wear,when suddenly,i felt two hands grabbing my breast.A warm body embraced me from behind,her warm...

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Girlfriend story 1 True Story

This is a true story about a girl I dated for a while in the 90's. She was kind of crazy, which is a fun type to date but not necessarily settle down with. We had a lot of sexual adventures together and I'm going to put them down in the rough order they happened. They are all 100% true with names and some locations changed.....I hope you enjoy it......She was always ready when I said I wanted to try something new. Remember, this is the early 90's and no internet porn at all. If you wanted...

3 years ago
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Big Time with Big Girl chapter 01

Introduction: A large woman divorces and decides to have some fun His hands roamed across her body, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she felt his embrace, His tongue traced around her aereola as she moaned softly, enjoying the attentions of her lover. Then he was standing up as he pulled on his tight briefs again, Oh, how she loved a man with a tight butt. Ill be back in a moment my dear, But first, we need more wine! he kissed her longingly and slipped away to the Kitchen as she lay back...

4 years ago
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Dads Prescription

Present Day:“Dad… Dad, are you in there?”Silly question really because I know he is in the house somewhere.I work as a Family Physician in a local medical clinic and visit home a couple of times a week to check on my father who lives alone. This evening when I enter the house, it is dark, no lights, and the heating is set excessively low. I turn up the thermostat and switch on the kitchen and living room lights.I find dad asleep, sitting in his recliner in front of the switched off...

3 years ago
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She Controlled Me More Than I Thought 2

Rainy Day I was sitting at home and heard my phone chime with a text massage. I picked up my phone and it was from her. I could tell it was a picture, so I opened up the phone and saw a picture of a penis. My penis with the caption (I want to see it again.) I don’t remember her taking a picture, it must have been when I was looking down. Still how did I not notice, and does she have others. Another text came in (Don’t keep me waiting to long or I might get upset.)I hadn’t talked to or seen her...

2 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 8 The Replacement

Chapter 8: The Replacement I couldn't deny it anymore, I had boobs. I adjusted my brand new pink sports bra from Victoria's Secret and stared down at my chest. Another three weeks had past and they had grown quite significantly, now fully filling my A cups, meaning soon I would have to upgrade to the B cups I had thankfully already purchased. I wriggled a little back and forth, feeling them jiggle despite the confines of the sport bra. They actually stuck out far enough to...

1 year ago
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Bookstore Mischief

Our first time "A True Story" To start things out,We're what you would call an average,people next door type of couple.Two kids,a cat,nice house and cars.We are just middle class people that live a regular life.We go to work each day,come home and do the daily chores at night.Now,not that we lead a boring life or anything like that,but we do provide a good homelife for the kids.What we did on this weekend in early December 2001, was something we hadn't even considered before.So,here goes the...

First Time
4 years ago
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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 9

Damn! It was like my father threw a switch when he said that. My mind started going in a million directions at once. There must been some indication of what was happening to me because as soon as things started whirling around, I could feel Bev taking my hand. I squeezed back, unable to say anything coherent as I sat at the table with my mind going a mile a minute. The first thoughts were how I'd fucked up. I'd failed Dad in not curing him, I'd neglected to think of all the possibilities...

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German Soccer MILFs

I was at the beach in the morning. About 2 hours before the start of the game, I went home to change and take a shower. Germany was playing Argentina in the next round of the World Cup. I put on some dark jeans. Some black Adidas Flip Flops. A white German Football Jersey. I put on some black boxer briefs. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.I drove to a bar near my house. Its kinda of an English pub. I have come there to watch most of the games played so far. They always have all the...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 3

Jennifer drew back her tongue inside her mouth, gathered a tongue-full of foamy saliva, and then licked around the head of her son's cock again. The warm spit covered the purple head and ran in warm, sticky cascades down his shaft, until it gathered on the top of her hand. She then used it to smear her son's entire cock with her drool, using it as lubrication as she continued pumping Mark as she kept licking and tasting his crown. Jennifer drew back her head slowly, with the only thing...

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The Queens Partner

John Doe was a perfectly normal guy. He was neither fat nor thin, neither tall nor short, neither too handsome nor too ugly. In fact, he was the kind of person you would never notice among the crowd. And, of course, his sexual behavior was normal too: he's interested in girls and girls only. Somehow, he managed to get a girlfriend. Her name is Jessica. Unlike John, she was smart, beautiful and being born in a wealthy family. Seeing them together, people wondered how can they become a couple....

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Kismet The Christmas Elf

“Well, hi folks! Do you remember me?” “Yes, that’s right! I’m the talking Snowman from that old TV show!” “What was that you said?” “Why yes, I suppose I do sound like Burl Ives, and why not? The man had a perfectly wonderful voice.” “So, I’m sure you’re wondering what I doing here at this time of night? I mean, the kids are all snuggled up in bed and all, and it’s too late to tell them a Christmas story, isn’t it? Hehe, you must think this old Snowman’s brain is half melted after all these...

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Ben and Dave were brothers who now co-owned their Dad's old hunting shack in northern Wisconson. Dad was gone, but the boys tried to get up there whenever they could. Both were all grown up, living in different towns and working very different jobs. Dave was married and had two sons, worked 9 to 5 at a legal firm, and had weekends off. Ben, 2 years older, was single, worked shift work at a manufacturing firm, and usually worked weekends. They tried to hunt together at least twice each...

4 years ago
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Damsel in Need Meg

Ian is a 55 year old really retiree who kept himself in good shape by regular sessions in the gym. He had just finished a workout session, and had showered and changed before heading to have some lunch. He was having his lunch in the food court of the local shopping center when he first observed Meg and her infant son. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, tall and slim with long blonde hair, and dressed in a colorful mid-thigh length skirt and a loose fitting white top. Her child was asleep...

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