Harry s Final Year at Hogwarts Chapter One
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Hogtied at Hogwarts: Slave Girls in the Wizarding World
Chapter 1 : Slytherin Bitches
The first thing that you would have noticed about that dark Hogwarts hallway was how quiet it was. None of the normal student chatter could be heard in this part of the castle. Periods of absolute quiet were broken by the slow drips from a leaking pipe somewhere. Every so often, the sound of a rat scurrying across the floor, searching in vain for crumbs on the stone floor, could be heard. The noise of a doxy gnawing on the leg of a desk would suddenly echo through the black passages, and then be gone as quickly as it had come. It seemed as if time itself had stopped in this place. There were, however, two more forms in the darkness that had only recently come to these forgotten hallways. And these two forms were on a mission.
Harry and Ron crouched in a dark classroom, looking out on the empty Hogwarts hallway. Abandoned due to a bad boggart infestation, this part of the castle hadn’t been used in years. It wasn’t a pleasant place to be. It had the advantage, though, of being the one place where Harry and Ron knew their targets would pass every day without the protection of the Professors or the other Slytherin students.
?Are we seriously going to go through with this?!? Ron asked nervously, glancing around with a worried look on his face.
?Yes.? Harry responded. ?Don’t worry. We’ve planned it all out, remember? Every day, the three of them walk down this hallway. They are the only ones who ever come this way. Everyone else just takes the main hallway because it is more direct. We’ll have plenty of time to deal with them.?
Ron nodded, but he still looked unconvinced.
Harry looked out at the hallway resolutely. He had been planning this for far too long to back out now.
* * *
Harry and Ron had to wait another twenty minutes, but finally the focus of the day came down the hallway.
The three Slytherin girls strutted arrogantly down the hall. Dressed in green and silver accessories, the girls, like always, had made sure to look their best. They had become very skilled at making the other girls jealous and attracting handsome purebloods boys to their bed chamber at night. Despite walking down these filthy hallways every day, their designer clothing remained spotless (an anti-grime jinx, Harry supposed). This forgotten hallway had become their daily path because it gave them the chance to exchange nasty rumors about the other students with each other without getting in trouble with the Professors.
Pansy Parkinson was walking in the middle and slightly ahead of the group with a smirk of dominance upon her face. She was the leader of the group and the other girls always did what she said. For girls in Slytherin, popularity depended on what Pansy thought of you. Get in her good graces and you were assured a place at the top of the social hierarchy. Fail to impress her and no one in Slytherin would bother to talk to you again. Thus the girls always went out of their way to please Pansy.
Daphne Greengrass and her younger sister Astoria, one on either side, walked with Pansy, obediently laughing at all the right times when Pansy made a joke. At that moment, Pansy was telling her worshipers about class that day, ??and then that Mudblood bitch, Hermione Granger, started whining that the topic Professor Snape had given her for her potions essay wasn’t in her precious little textbook or the library she lives in. Snape told her, in front of the whole class, that if she had any common sense to go along with her book smarts, she would have asked him to borrow one of his books on the topic. She started blinking back tears and her lip started trembling so much I thought she was going to start bawling like a toddler right in the middle of class! She is such a weak pitiful little cunt.? Daphne and Astoria snickered at Pansy’s story. They all hated Hermione.
?Wait ‘til they go by?? Harry whispered. The girls, totally engaged in bashing Hermione, didn’t see the boys crouching in the shadows.
?Now!? whispered Harry. Standing, Ron and Harry pointed their wands at their female targets and yelled ?Stupefy!? Bolts of red light shot out from the two boys’ wands and headed straight for the girls. Ron’s spell hit Daphne in the back, causing her to immediately collapse. Harry’s slammed into Astoria’s head, knocking her violently to the ground. Pansy whorled around in shock and stared for a second in horror and disbelief at Harry and Ron. ?STUPEFY!!? bellowed Ron and Harry together, sending two spells that rammed into Pansy’s well-endowed chest. The spell knocked Pansy clear off of her feet and she crashed onto the castle floor.
Harry and Ron dashed up to admire their work. All three Slytherin girls were laying there unconscious. Harry could see large bumps forming on their heads from where they hit the dungeon floor. Harry smirked. That would cause all three of them nasty headaches when they woke up. Ron ran his hand through his red hair and looked with disbelief at the three girls lying before him. ?I can’t believe our plan actually worked! We took all three of them out in a few seconds!? he said in amazement, ?I just can’t believe it!?
Harry held up his wand once more, ?It’s not done yet. Let’s get these bitches stripped and tied up before they regain consciousness. We’ll practice that stripping spell I told you about.? Standing back, Harry waved his wand at Pansy, ?Nudencia!? Immediately, Pansy’s robes started pulling themselves up off of her body, undressing her in a quick fashion. As Pansy’s robes came up over her hips, Harry smirked. Pansy wasn’t wearing any panties beneath her robe. What a slut, Harry thought to himself.
It took only half a minute for Pansy to be completely stripped by the spell and lie naked before the grinning boys. Ron proceeded to practice the stripping spell on Daphne, admiring her well-developed breasts after she was completely nude, while Harry cast the spell on young Astoria, causing her to collapse back on the ground naked with her naked ass in the air.
?Alright, now for the binding spell. Remember that in order to bind them correctly, you have to imagine in your mind exactly how you want them to look when they are tied.? Harry demonstrated, again on Pansy, ?Incarcerous!? Ropes appeared out of thin air and started wrapping themselves around Pansy’s wrists and ankles. Her arms were forced together behind her back and her legs were bound to each other. The ropes then brought themselves together, pulling Pansy’s naked body into a hogtie. Harry nodded, ?There. Easy as pie.?
Ron and Harry proceeded to bind Daphne and Astoria’s naked bodies similarly with the binding spell. They had been especially sure to practice this spell over the summer on an apartment store manikin that Ron’s father had secretly collected. They didn’t want their prey to escape once they had captured them.
It was Harry who initiated the final touch in the girls’ bondage. Waving his wand, three dirty rags suddenly appeared out of thin air and stuffed themselves into the mouths of the three Slytherin girls. Ron snickered at this. He’d always said that these three had dirty mouths. These grime-covered rags seemed especially appropriate. Three ropes also appeared, forcing themselves between the Slytherin girls’ teeth and then tying themselves behind their heads. No speech would be heard from them as long as that gag was in their mouths.
?And in case they wake up too soon, I’ll put them under a full body bind curse so that they don’t attract any undue attention.? Harry explained. ?Petrificus Totalus? exclaimed Harry authoritatively as he waved his wand. Pansy’s unconscious naked body suddenly went stiff. Even if she were to awake, there was no way for her to summon help from anyone now, which was just how Harry wanted her. Ron practiced the spell on Astoria while Harry finished off with Daphne.
?Alright, now for the transportation?? Harry muttered to himself, waving his wand again. There was no immediate change to the girls. Turning to Ron, Harry explained, ?That spell was to make the girls seem as if they are feather light. That should make them much easier to take with us.? Rolling up his sleeves, Harry waved his want again, ?Wingardium Leviosa!? Pansy Parkinson’s nude hogtied body was pulled into the air, where it hovered, weightless. Ron waved his wand and Daphne and Astoria Greengrass did the same. Harry and Ron grinned at each other. They could not believe how easy this had been. Here they had three unconscious bound Slytherin girls that they could move wherever they wanted and do with as they pleased. It was going to be Heaven for them?and Hell for the girls.
?We can’t just bring the girls in like this, obviously. We need some cover.? Harry pondered to himself. With a wave of his wand, three burlap sacks appeared out of thin air. Opening by themselves, they each slid over one of the three girls and then magically tied themselves shut, trapping the girls in the musty interior. Another rope formed out of nowhere and tied the three sacks of girl together in a line.
Suddenly a loud crash echoed out behind them. Ron and Harry whorled around in shock, expecting the worst. All that was behind them, however, was a rat scurrying away from the long forgotten cauldron it had knocked off of a desk.
Ron shivered, ?Come on. Let’s get out of here. This place gives me the creeps.? Harry nodded in silent agreement. Pulling the rope behind them, Ron and Harry made their way down the hall toward the occupied section of the castle, the three girls floating behind them, concealed beneath the burlap sacks.
* * *
They were only a few hundred feet from the entrance to the Gryffindor common room when it happened.
?Mr. Potter! Mr. Weasley! What do you have there?? Harry and Ron froze as they heard Professor McGonagall’s voice behind them. Harry had a sudden fleeting fantasy where he had brought his invisibility cloak, somehow fit Ron and him and all three girls under it, and avoided being sent to Azkaban for sexual abuse of his fellow students. Realizing that he was not in that fantasy, Harry slowly turned around and glanced up at Professor McGonagall’s stern face.
?Oh, these?? Harry shifted his feet uncomfortably, looking nervously at the floating bags, ?Well, these are just some?um?well?some?you know??
?Some brooms!? Ron saved.
?Yeah, brooms!? Harry echoed a little too quickly, ?That’s what these are!?
There was a short pause where Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrows and waited for them to continue. Ron attempted to, ?The reason we have them is ? well? we were just?um??
??taking them upstairs,? Harry finished, ?because some of the other students in Gryffindor said that they’d help us clean them and get them ready for the big match tomorrow! That’s why.?
Ron nodded enthusiastically. McGonagall, however, looked skeptical.
?And why don’t you just clean them in the storage area where all the cleaning supplies are?? she asked.
Ron piped up this time, feeling slightly more confident about his ability to lie. ?We just thought it would be more comfortable for everyone if we did it in the common room where we could sit on the couches and chat while we work.?
?I see.? Professor McGonagall said with a slight hint of displeasure in her voice, ?Well, alright. Just remember that you are not allowed to fly on them indoors. The last thing we need is for one of the students to crash into something and get hurt. And don’t go dripping any of the cleaning supplies on the carpet! Also, I don’t want you making a habit of filling the common room with brooms. It isn’t a storage room.?
?We won’t.? Harry and Ron said together.
?Alright then, off you go.? Professor McGonagall sniffed. She turned and walked purposefully down the hallway to continue her rounds, soon turning a corner and leaving the boys behind.
Ron wiped his forehead, ?Phew! That was a close one, mate! Imagine what she would have said if she had found three unconscious naked girls tied up in our bags. Now let’s get these bitches back to the Gryffindor common room before anyone else can hassle us!? They both hurried on.
* * *
Hermione’s nose was buried in a book as she walked down quickly down the hall, somehow avoiding crashing into the other students that she passed. She was returning from (where else?) the library after having worked on her essay for Charms class. She stopped in front of the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.
?Password?? Asked the Fat Lady.
Hermione sighed. The Fat Lady had let her into the Gryffindor common room several times a day for years, but every time she was still required to give the password. Hermione didn’t understand why simply showing her face from behind the book wasn’t enough. But rules were rules. ?Blubber mouth? Hermione responded, giving the new password. The Fat Lady snorted, ?Same to you!? but the portrait swung open, and Hermione stepped in, her eyes still glancing over the pages of the book.
Hermione continued to flip through her book as she walked into the common room, looking over the various properties of rune stones. When she reached the center of the common room she glanced up casually and stopped suddenly in her tracks. For a moment, she was so shocked by what she saw that she couldn’t make a sound. Her mouth just opened and closed silently. Then finally, ?Wha..What’s going on?!?
There, floating in the air in front of her, completely naked, were Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, and her younger sister Astoria Greengrass. Yellow glowing rings had been locked around their wrists and ankles, pulling their nude bodies in a tight spread eagle fashion in the air. The dirty rags from their mouths had been replaced by large dildos that had been strapped in place, causing the three girls to constantly gag on them. The looks on their faces showed that they weren’t having a good time. Around them stood about twenty Gryffindor students, all of them grinning ear to ear.
?Like our new toys, Hermione?? asked George brightly, ?Ron and Harry captured them this afternoon. We’ve been playing with them ever since.? Ginny giggled. Judging by the welts on their bodies, however, Hermione could tell that the Slytherin girls would not have called what happened to them ?play?.
?What are? are you doing to them?? Hermione asked, the shock of the whole situation hitting her hard.
Harry grinned and patted Daphne’s nude ass, ?We’re making these Slytherin sluts into slave girls for the Gryffindor house. I’ve been planning this for months!?
A very worried look formed itself on Hermione’s face as she stared up at the distressed girls. Hermione shifted from one foot to the other fearfully as she turned back to Harry and said, her voice quivering, ?But you can’t do this, Harry!?Oh dear! Oh dear!...You can’t!? Hermione started pacing back and forth nervously, glancing up at the girls every so often as if she was afraid they were about to summon a professor. ?Oh, we are going to get in so much trouble for this? ?Hermione fretted. But the Slytherin girls, gagged as they were, could do nothing.
Harry reached up and squeezed Pansy’s boob, causing her to moan, before responding, ?You know these sluts have been gossiping and mocking us for years. Why shouldn’t we take revenge??
Hermione glanced with distress back at the common room door, ?But you have to let them go eventually and then they’ll tell the professors. We’ll definitely get expelled and maybe thrown into Azkaban as well for who knows how long! We just can’t take that risk, Harry! We just can’t! It might already be too late?? Hermione began pacing again.
Harry smirked, ?Who said that I was going to them go??
Hermione stopped dead in her tracks as a look of complete shock came over her face, ?You?You mean you’re never going to set them free?? Hermione said, looking horrified, ?You’re going to keep them here for the rest of their lives?? The faces of the Slytherin girls filled with a look of terror and they began whimpering for mercy.
Harry nodded, ?Well, we haven’t decided whether we were going to leave them in the Gryffindor house so that future students can have their way with them or whether we were going to take them with us in one of our trunks after we graduated. But yeah, they’re going to spend the rest of their lives as our slaves.?
All three Slytherin girls were whining in fear at this revelation, struggling to free themselves from their bonds. The bonds, however, held tight, trapping the girls where they were. Lee reached over and ran his fingers between Astoria’s pussy lips, ?Sshh, sweetie, calm down.? he said with a false kindness in his voice. Ginny grinned as Astoria tried unsuccessfully to pull away from Lee, unable to escape his probing fingers.
Hermione continued scanning the door for danger, ?But?but surely the other Slytherin students will notice when they don’t show up in the dorm tonight. How are you going to explain their disappearance??
Ron answered her this time as he groped Daphne’s ass, ?We made them write and send out letters saying that they had run off in search of You-Know-Who to join his ranks and become Death Eaters. We figured since we were stealing these girls away from their parents, we might as well make up some evil twisted deeds for them to do so that their pureblood Mums and Dads can be proud of them.?
?And if the girls refused to write, Fred and I whipped their asses hard.? George explained, holding up a nasty looking whip. Pansy moaned and shifted her welt-covered ass, clearly remembering the experience.
?And as a reward, we got to put our sticks in their honey pots.? Fred smiled. Hermione looked in alarm at the sisters Daphne and Astoria who, she just noticed, had cum dripping out of their cunts and running down their legs. Ginny giggled again.
?You?you RAPED them?!? Hermione could barely get the thought out of her mouth.
George shrugged, ?Sure. If you seriously think that we’d see three naked helpless Slytherin cunts tied up and not fuck them against their will, you’re out of your mind, Hermione. I just wish I would have found a way to do it earlier.?
Fred winked, ?And then, after they did exactly what we asked them to, we decided that we wanted to whip them some more anyway, so we did!? Pansy whimpered again.
George nodded, ?Yeah, we discovered a way to give them the punishment they deserve without even getting our arms tired. See, watch!? All three Slytherin girls, knowing what was coming, desperately shook their head back and forth, pleading with the boys to reconsider, but it was no use. With a flash, George summoned three whips which floated in the air behind the girls. With a flick of his wand, the whips uncurled, drew back, and?
CRACK!! ?MMMMHHHH!!!!? the three girls screamed through their dildo gags as the whips struck their already heavily welted asses, causing still more agonizing welts to crisscross the ones they already had.
A fit of giggling had hit Ginny again as she collapsed into a chair, so happy to see her enemies suffer magically induced torment. Hermione, however, shuddered.
While everyone else watched the Slytherin girls suffer, Harry picked up three wands from the table and passed one to George and one to Fred. Hermione pointed hesitantly to the wands but didn’t move, ?Wait?are those their wands?!?
Harry grinned evilly up at Pansy and said ?It looks like you sluts won’t be doing any more magic!? Pansy, realizing what was going to happen, again shook her head and pleaded with her eyes, but bound in her present state, she could do nothing to stop Harry. SNAP!! With one swift movement of his wrist, Harry broke her wand in half. This was quickly followed by two more; SNAP!! SNAP!! as Fred and George did the same to Daphne and Astoria’s wands.
The three Slytherin girls wailed as they stared down at the broken remnants of their beloved wands. Their magical ability, the heritage of which set them apart as purebloods, was stolen from them as long as they had no wands. Without their wands, they were no better than squibs, a thought that filled the three girls’ minds with dread. Pansy’s head dropped forward as she sobbed in sorrow at her loss.
Hermione turned to Harry in exacerbation. ?This is way out of bounds, Harry! Way out of bounds! How can you even think of doing this?? The three Slytherin girls nodded their agreement and whimpered for mercy as the whips continued to snap on their sore asses.
Harry narrowed his eyes at Hermione, ?Are you saying they don’t deserve it?? The Slytherin girls turned their pleading eyes to Hermione.
Hermione stammered, ?I mean?well?um?but what if you get caught?!?
?Oh, that’s no problem.? Grinned Fred, waving his hand dismissively, ?We put a caterwauling charm on this room that will shriek like a tomcat if an adult is coming too close when the girls are being displayed. It also sets off another hex which quickly hides these Slytherin whores automatically?as well as adds a little extra fun to the mix. Do you want to see??
Hermione looked uncertain, ?What do you mean?...How are you going to???
?It’s easy. I put a testing jinx on it so that we could make sure it works. Watch, I’ll trigger it now.? Fred waved his wand. Suddenly six extra large dildos formed out of nowhere. Three of them roughly shoved themselves into the three Slytherin girls’ pussies. The other three rammed themselves hard up the Slytherin girls’ asses as far as they could go, causing all three to scream in agony. The dildos, Hermione had noticed, were coated with a stinging solution, which was already causing the Slytherins to squirm in discomfort.
The golden rings around the Slytherins’ wrists and ankles came together quickly, pulling the girls’ arms behind their back and their legs together. Three long lengths of barbed wire then appeared, causing cries of fear from the Slytherin girls. The pieces of barbed wire wrapped themselves around the girls from head to toe and then pulled tight, the metal thorns stabbing into the girls’ skin. The Slytherin girls screamed in pain as the sharp barbs cut into their skin. Astoria squired, trying to get free from the barbed wire, but this only made the barbs hurt her worse, so she stopped.
Finally a box in the back of the room opened up and all three of the girls glided in the air back toward it. As they hovered over the box, the spell suddenly dropped them, all three girls yelling in surprise as the crashed into the box. The lid then closed again and locked, squeezing the girls together into the cramped space. There wasn’t really enough room for all three of them in the box, so they ended up pressed tightly against each other, causing the barbs to dig deeper into their skin. All three began sobbing for mercy, but none came. In fact they couldn’t even be heard outside the locked box. All of the pain that they had just gone through to be stored made the Slytherin girls feel like maybe ten long minutes of torment had gone by, but in reality it had only taken about 30 seconds to hide them, a good speed given the distance of the caterwauling charm.
??and then the box automatically shoves itself into the closet and the closet door shuts and locks.? George explained as the box and closet door did just that. ?This is where those Slytherin sluts will spend their time when we aren’t using them for our pleasure. Being wrapped tightly in barbed wire with stinging dildos up their cunts and assholes and stuffed in a small box most of the day is a pretty nasty fate for these girls, but I don’t feel sorry for them. Does anyone else??
Hermione looked around the room. All of the Gryffindor students were shaking their heads no, evidently pleased at the tortures that were happening to the three female Slytherin prisoners. Hermione’s head, however, remained still.
??and to reverse the spell and bring them out again, you just do this?? continued Fred. Waving his wand, he said ?Revealiar whorias.? The closet door unlocked itself and opened and the box pulled itself out again. Unlocking and opening, the box violently ejected the three Slytherin girls into the air again. They moaned in surprise, evidently not sure whether they preferred being stuffed in the box wrapped in barbed wire or being forced to endure another torture session. The ends of the three strands of barbed wire were magically tugged and the three girls were spun quickly around and around in circles as the barbed wire was pulled off of them. The three girls shrieked in terror, never having been spun naked before, but were soon floated, dizzy, in the air, the barbed wire gone, and their skin covered with tiny little bleeding cuts. The rings around their wrists and ankles forced them spread eagle again. Then?POP! The Slytherin girls yelped in surprise as the dildos were magically yanked from the girl holes in which they had been stuffed.
Hermione had begun her pacing again, ?I don’t know, Harry. I just don’t know?? Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought this issue would come up. Harry was putting their entire futures on the line with this stunt.
Harry put his hands on Hermione’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes, ?Hermione, I’ve seen the horrible things that these girls do to you. They have no respect for you as a human being and they take pleasure in every tear that you cry. They are evil, you know they are. Please, Hermione, help me get back at them for you.?
?No?I really shouldn’t?? Hermione said weakly, but her resistance was crumbling.
Pansy’s eyes pleaded Hermione for forgiveness and begged Hermione to save her from her horrible fate. Hermione, however, couldn’t look her in the eye. Harry considered this a good sign. Perhaps Hermione was feeling guilty for what she knew she was about to do to Pansy.
Harry pressed on, ?They mock you all of the time. They were even mocking you when we captured them. They think of you as nothing but a Mudblood. They said they think you are pathetic. And I’m sure that they were about to come up with more hateful rumors about you to spread if Ron and I hadn’t have come and tied them up. Haven’t you hated the way they’ve made you suffer emotionally over the years and made fun of you behind your back??
?Well yes, but??
?You know that the professors haven’t been able to stop them. The Slytherin girls only move in to hurt you when there aren’t any sympathetic adults around. You can’t hide under the shadow of friendly teachers all your life, Hermione, although you surly have tried. These Slytherin cunts will always find times to torment you when you have no protection. You are the only one who can truly protect yourself. Don’t you think these Slytherin bitches deserve some punishment for what they’ve done to you??
?I suppose??
?Well now is the perfect chance! You need to show these whores once and for all that there will be consequences for treating you like they did. Are you willing to teach these bitches a lesson, Hermione??
?Well?maybe just this once? That should be enough to make them understand?? The Slytherin girls’ eyes widened in fear. They all knew of Hermione’s prowess with magic.
Harry patted Hermione on the back, ?That’s the spirit! Now, I’ve come up with a great idea for how you can break them in?? Harry waved his wand. Suddenly, between the legs of the three Slytherin girls, appeared three burning hot coals, one under each girl. The Slytherin girls gasped in horror. Harry ignored them and turned back to Hermione, ?Simply use your wand to press these glowing hot coals against the whores’ pussies, burning their most delicate parts.?
Hermione hesitated, ?Oh, I don’t know if I could do that. Isn’t that a little?extreme.? The Slytherin girls, quivering in fear, nodded their heads dramatically.
?No.? Harry said definitively, ?It’s exactly what they deserve. You know levitation magic. Ram those hot coals against those cunts’ cunts.?
?Well, alright?? Hermione responded, her will to resist broken. She couldn’t deny that she relished the opportunity to pay back the Slytherin girls for years of torment. Pansy had temporarily given up begging and was yelling through her gag in defiance, though it was too muffled for anyone else to understand. Daphne was shaking her head in desperation. Astoria was sobbing and trembling as she felt the hot coals move closer to her nether lips.
It all seemed to happen at once. All three pieces of hot coal made contact with the girls’ pussies all at the same time. The three cunts began turning bright red almost instantly. The screams of agony that erupted from the girls’ throats made it seem like they were not gagged at all.
After a few seconds, Hermione lowered the hot coals again. ?You know what? This does feel sort of nice?? Hermione grinned, drinking in the fear and pleading from the Slytherin girls’ eyes.
Raising her wand again, she raised the hot coals once more and pressed them against the Slytherin girls’ pussies again, harder this time. The hot coals now encountered pussy lips already burned raw, eliciting even higher pitched screams from the girls. Daphne was sobbing again as she realized that that her potential savior had begun to enjoy her pain. Finally Hermione lowered the coals once more, giving the Slytherin girls momentary relief.
?I think I could get used to this!? Hermione giggled as she waved her wand and the hot coals pressed against the Slytherin girls’ pussies again, causing all three of them to resume their high pitched screaming.
* * *
It turned out that once Hermione had been convinced to join in on the torturing of the Slytherin girls, she enjoyed it more than anyone and was more successful at hurting the girls than anyone else in Gryffindor. Hermione spent the next two hours making the Slytherin girls scream in agony using various nasty spells that she knew. The rest of Gryffindor decided to let Hermione have all three of the Slytherin sex slaves to herself since she had just gotten to the dorm and hadn’t had a chance to hurt them earlier. This was no blessing for the Slytherin girls, however, as Hermione’s skills in magic caused the captured females far more agony than the rest of Gryffindor combined had before. Hermione giggled the entire time, obviously enjoying her revenge. Ginny eventually came back to help, giving the Slytherin girls a double dose of pain at times. Harry didn’t know which was louder, Hermione and Ginny’s giggling or the screams of the Slytherin girls through their gags.
By the time Hermione and Ginny were done it was time to go to bed, so Harry, Ron, and Dean took the Slytherin girls with them. But instead of sleep, they decided a good rape fest was in order. They’d been violating the girls for about an hour now and there was still no end in sight.
Harry was sitting in his bed reading a book. Between his legs was Pansy. She was naked and tied in a tight hogtie with the unbreakable magic thread. Harry had stuffed his cock in her mouth and ordered her to suck it. Pansy had quivered in fear and obeyed without hesitation.
Across the room, Ron had Daphne on his bed, naked, her arms bound behind her and the dildo gag still stuck down her throat. He had spread her legs wide as he rammed his cock into her cunt again and again. Ron’s forceful pounding of her pussy, which was badly burned, was causing her to tremble in agony, though she was too exhausted to scream any more. A look of defeat had formed through the pain on Daphne’s face as she laid back and took the brutal rape.
On the next bed over was Astoria. Like her sister, she also was naked and had the dildo gag strapped in her mouth. But unlike Daphne, Astoria was laying on her stomach, her arms and legs bound to the corners of the bed so that she was forced spread eagle. Dean had lain down on top of her and had taken out his hardened cock, pressing it against Astoria’s rosebud asshole. Astoria had whimpered for mercy, but she had been completely ignored by Dean. When he shoved his dick into her ass, she had let out a terrifying cry of pain. She was now continuously sobbing as Dean thrust his large hardened cock in and out of her tight asshole again and again and again. Ginny had been shoving razor sharp objects up Astoria’s asshole earlier in the evening and so it was already horribly sliced inside. Having Dean’s dick rammed up there did not sooth Astoria’s suffering. Harry smiled. Being anally raped with a badly cut up asshole was exactly what these Slytherin bitches deserved.
Chuckling to himself at Astoria’s fate, Harry turned back to the book. He had used his invisibility cloak to steal it from the restricted section of the library earlier that week. In it was a potion that Harry had a lot of interest in: the Elixir of Wife Obedience. Powerful Dark Magic that was invented in the late 13th century (though it wasn’t considered Dark at the time), the Elixir of Wife Obedience was a potion that was created by noblewizards worried about females in the line of succession that might attempt to claim the surrounding land holdings. By creating the Elixir of Wife Obedience, these noblewizards could assure that the women would submit to their authority and that they would continue to control their fiefdoms.
Although quite common in the Middle Ages, it had since been looked down upon for centuries and hardly ever practiced (at least not openly. Harry had heard of many cases in Professor Binn’s class, during the few times that he had been awake, about witches in history who seemed suddenly to have been tamed by their husbands and became more docile. Harry believed this was evidence that the potion was still being used in secret long after it was socially unacceptable to do so). The potion itself was officially banned in 1892, but the knowledge lived on?if you knew where to look.
The elixir was very powerful. When ingested, it weaved an unbreakable enchantment on a woman’s mind, forcing her complete obedience toward the first man she laid eyes on after drinking the potion (which the husband would arrange to be himself). The magic only worked on females, which made the potion much safer to use for people like Harry. And most importantly, the enchantment was permanent. Once drunk, the elixir ensured that the woman would be under the control of her male master for the rest of her life and would do anything he said. And the book was clear that when it said anything, it meant anything.
Subconsciously enjoying Pansy’s sucking of his dick, Harry daydreamed about the potion’s potential. He had always been stricken by Cho Chang, a hot Asian girl from Ravenclaw. But why, Harry asked himself, should he work to win her as a girlfriend when he could just use the potion to make her his sex slave instead? He had already thought of the perfect place to train her.
The Room of Requirement, an incredibly important magical room, changed to suit the needs of those who entered and once occupied could not be opened by anyone else unless they were seeking exactly what the wizard already using it was. This would provide Harry with all of the girl punishing devices that he could ever need as well as a secret room to keep his enslaved sluts that no one could ever get to unless Harry told them what they were looking for.
Harry closed his eyes, imagining Cho naked and on her knees in the Room of Requirement, her arms bound behind her magically with unbreakable thread, her lips wrapped around Harry’s cock as she sucked diligently. That was the kind of relationship Harry wanted with Cho, one where he was in control and she did as she was told. And that, of course, meant lots of sex for Harry. He couldn’t wait to spank that cute little Asian ass while he listened to Cho promise her undying love and submission to him.
And why, Harry asked himself, should he stop with Cho? Hermione had been a little cheeky to him this afternoon, trying to stop him from having fun punishing the Slytherin bitches. Why not use the potion to enslave her as well so that he could slap those cheeks whenever he wanted? Harry smiled as he imagined Hermione, one of his best friends, naked and on her knees, her wrists bound behind her with the same unbreakable magic thread, as she bowed before him and obediently kissed his shoes. The scene changed again and this time Hermione was in the same position as Cho, naked on her knees with her arms bound behind her, except licking Harry’s balls while Cho sucked his cock.
Harry knew the first thing he would do to Hermione, though, as soon as she was under his control and they were in private. One flick of his wand and Hermione’s clothing would fly off of her and leave her naked. A second flick and her arms would be forced behind her back and bound with unbreakable magic thread. He would then grab her by the hair and force her to bend over a desk. It would be then that he would claim his prize. Taking out his cock, he would ram it into Hermione’s ass and fuck her long and hard. Her moans and sobbing would be music to his ears. Afterwards, he would force her to suck his cock clean and thank him for sexually abusing her. He had masturbated for years to this fantasy of anally raping Hermione, but it was only now that he had figured out a way to make it happen for real.
And what about Ginny Weasley? Ron wouldn’t like it if Harry made Ron’s sister a slave?but Ron didn’t need to know. Ginny already had a crush on Harry. If she started carrying Harry’s books for him on the walk to class or started cleaning his room for him, no one would think anything of it. He would only strip her, bind her, fuck her, and dominate her in private. She would make an excellent addition to Harry’s collection of former female friends made obedient slave girls. Ginny, bound naked like the other two and on her knees, would be forced to lick Harry’s asshole while Cho and Hermione licked his cock and balls. Ron would probably hit him if he knew what Harry was planning to do to his sister, but again, Ron didn’t need to know.
Harry wouldn’t leave Ron entirely out of the loop. He was sure that Ron would be excited when he told him of Hermione’s forced submission. Ron had always secretly had a crush on Hermione and Harry was sure that he would love to take advantage of her when she was enslaved and couldn’t stop him. Ron and Harry would force Hermione to do all of their homework for them every day while they played Quidditch or chatted with their friends. This would triple Hermione’s daily workload, but due to the elixir, she would be unable to protest. When Hermione wasn’t working, Ron and Harry would bring her to the Room of Requirement to fuck her and train her. Yes, thought Harry, he and Ron were going to enjoy the power structure in their new relationship with Hermione.
Harry would keep Cho all to himself, however. He would bind her nude body spread eagle to a bed in the Room of Requirement using magical chains from which she could never escape. He would throw himself on top of her and thrust his cock into her tight Asian pussy, ramming her hard again and again until finally he shot his semen deep into her oriental womb. Afterward, maybe he would punish her cunt by whipping it with a crop just to show her who was in charge. Hermione and Ginny would be bound in 69 fashion on the floor, forced to lick each others’ pussies for as long as Harry said.
And then there was Lavender Brown (whom he was sure Ron would like to fuck), Parvati Patil, her sister Padma, the girls from his Quidditch team, both past and present, not to mention Fluer Delacour (whom he was also sure Ron would like to fuck)? the list went on and on.
Harry had so many amazing ideas. And the great thing was that he now had the power to make them all come true. Some of the ingredients in the elixir would be hard to get, but with his invisibility cloak, he would be able to sneak into Snape’s office and get what he needed and have it all mixed up and ready to go in a few days. Then all he would have to do is trick Cho, Hermione, Ginny, and any other girl he wanted into drinking it and they were his sex slaves for life. It was all too easy.
Harry looked down at the Slytherin girl between his legs. Pansy’s sobbing was causing her to suck his cock much weaker than she had before. The thought of being a slave to Harry, Voldemort’s biggest enemy, for the rest of her life had sent her into a deep depression. Harry had no sympathy for her, however. ?Cinderio? he growled. His wand glowed red at the tip as it heated up to a very high temperature. ?Suck harder, Slytherin bitch!? Harry barked as he jabbed the searing hot wand tip into Pansy’s ass cheek. Pansy let out a screech of pain, and began bobbing her head very fast as she sucked harder on Harry’s cock. Harry grinned in triumph. Pansy kept glancing worriedly at the wand that Harry held lazily in his hand, but never once did she slow down the bobbing of her head or lessen the diligence of her sucking.
Finally, feeling himself near climax, Harry grabbed Pansy’s hair and forced his cock as far down her throat as he could. Pansy started gagging violently, but she could do nothing as Harry shot load after load of cum down her throat. After he was done, Harry lay back, basking in the orgasmic nirvana he had just achieved from sexually conquering Pansy. Pansy, however, was coughing hard, trying to get the cum out of her lungs that Harry had shot down her windpipe.
In between coughs, Pansy was still sobbing hard. Though Harry’s cock was still in her mouth, she had stopped sucking as she attempted to clear her lungs so she could breathe again. Glaring angrily down at her, Harry snarled ?Cinderio? and the end of his wand glowed red again as it quickly heated up. Pansy’s eyes widened as she saw this and she started frantically sucking his cock again, but it was too late. Harry jabbed his wand down, stabbing between Pansy’s ass cheeks. His aim was true and the super-heated tip was jammed into Pansy’s rosebud asshole, causing Pansy to cry out in shock. As Harry twisted the red hot tip of his wand deeper and deeper into Pansy’s asshole, smoke began to appear from the burning flesh. Pansy was screaming in pain, though it was somewhat muffled by Harry’s cock in her mouth.
?Who told you that you could stop sucking, bitch?? Harry growled, ?I want you to be good slut from now on and do you’re told. Can you do that?? Pansy forced herself to nod her head, even though she was still screaming. Harry snorted, ?Ha! You couldn’t follow an order competently if your life depended on it?which it will if you keep failing to please me.? Pansy shuddered in fear at this threat on her life. She vigorously nodded her head again, trying to convince Harry that she would submit totally to him and that he could take the burning wand tip out of her ass now.
Harry glared down at her, ?Fine. I’ll give you one more chance. But don’t screw it up, you fucking whore.? Harry pulled his wand out of Pansy’s ass with a pop. Pansy collapsed in relief(or at least as much as her bonds would allow her). She looked up at Harry and mumbled something around his cock that Harry could barely make out as ?Thank you, Master! Thank you!? (Harry had taught her earlier to call him master by shocking her with bolts of electricity from his wand when she forgot). Harry smirked, noting how attentive Pansy had become to his needs after he had put her through painful torture. He would have to do that more often.
Harry lay back again, letting out a sigh of contentment, and listened to Pansy’s whimpers of fear as she pleasured his cock. Sometimes, he thought, life in the wizarding world was pretty good.
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, grope, hp, magic, oral, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 3 – Lily Evans Is A Slut! by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hogwarts of 1976 was a very different Hogwarts of what Harry and Hermione had ever experienced. It was probably in large part due to the fact that both Harry...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: ncon, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 2 – Clothing Optional by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 8 – The League by Avatrek ([email protected]) Hermiones first day of class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1976 had begun a little less than...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...
Introduction: James gets upto no good on the Hogwarts Express while Harry and Kingsley hold an important meeting. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 2 Quickly now Harry, the trains about to leave, cried Ginny above the din of the trains engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives...
Since the beginning, the students and staff at Hogwarts engaged in frequent sexual activity where anyone aged 18 and above were free for anyone to use to their hearts content, which drastically altered the way the Magical World lived. Sadly there was a number of people - known as Prudists - who believed that sex should only be between a man and wife for the purpose of producing children. Albus Dumbledore was one such Prudist. Raised in a Prudist household, Albus hated the constant sexual acts...
BisexualDue to the attacks by the monster Slytherin`s heir had let lose again Hogwarts was basically deserted over the Christmas holidays. Most of the Students had fled home to their parents in fear of new attacks which was why Harry, Ron and Hermoine had the castle almost to themselves. The other Weasley kids had also stayed in Hogwarts which made the Gryffindor Common room the Weasley kid`s Christmas and their friends. Darco Malfoy and his two bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle, were also staying over...
while looking around Hogwarts a character finds a special book. The book allows rules and descriptions of students/teachers to be written and will make it seem natural to all but the owner of the book. uses it to make his stay at Hogwarts more enjoyable for any of the characters in any year that the rule book is found in . the rule book is found in the room of requirement on the seventh floor of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. in any year of hogwarts school of witchcraft and...
The year is 2025. You are a late bloomer, which during the 19th century would have been super rare, but these days it's become common enough that Hogwarts have separates classes for these first years. You have received a late acceptance into Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly Headmaster: Athena Marazion Dear {insert student's name here}, _We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly....
Introduction: Harry finally meets his destiny in the final battle for his life. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 10 Voldemort deeply inhaled the cold, stinging air as he turned to face the thousands of his supporters behind him. A few of the Death Eaters gasped in awe at the impressive sight of him. Voldemort was stood high above them on a giant stone, with the impressive castle of Hogwarts...
Introduction: This story is based on the series of books by J.K. Rowling. Hermione Grangers Fifth year at hogwarts. She wishes to discover the reason for the House elves love of slavery, and discovers the shocking truth The Secret of Hogwarts House Elves You know, I still dont understand why the house elves dont try and speak out against their masters more like Dobby! I mean, why would they be willing to serve anyone for know pay or pensions? Ron, rolling his eyes turned to Hermione. Ive...
Introduction: This story is based on the series of books by J.K. Rowling. Hermione Grangers Fifth year at hogwarts. She wishes to discover the reason for the House elves love of slavery, and discovers the shocking truth The Secret of Hogwarts House Elves You know, I still dont understand why the house elves dont try and speak out against their masters more like Dobby! I mean, why would they be willing to serve anyone for no pay or pensions? Ron, rolling his eyes turned to Hermione. Ive told...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, exhib, grope, hand, magic, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 6 – Classes Begin Part 2 by Avatrek ([email protected]) As Ron, Ginny and Lunas day went relatively well, Hermiones had been nothing short of a disaster. Her first class had been double potions and after being...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, uniform Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 4 – Spin The Bottle by Avatrek ([email protected]) Gryffindor House of 1976 was far better than the one Ronald Weasley had ever known, not only were the common room and dormitories bigger, better and...
Chapter Thirteen – Hogwarts Pimp Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, Mf, ncon, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, mc, preg, spank, unif, The Triwizard Cup feast had gone off without any problems; Ron had used a wondrous little potion to seduce the beautiful Fleur Delacour, and Harry had finally picked up the trail of his missing Spellbook of Desires. Even...
Once the applause from the sorting hat’s opening remarks was done, the first years were brought in, along with the first transfer student to Hogwarts in over twenty-five years. With the school’s leader now being Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, the reader of the student’s names had become Aurora Sinistra, the Astronomy Teacher. Her slight Romany accent made the names sound quite interesting. Less than 25 minutes later, Gabriel was one of the new members of Gryffindor house, and the three...
Harry was feeling sore every step he took down the corridor towards the hospital wing. He could still feel Ron, the space Ron had filled out inside Harry and how he had moved in him. He looked to his left and saw Ron walking next to him, who realised that Harry was looking at him and then gave Harry a grin. They made their way to the hospital wing to bring Hermoine her stuff she had asked for and she kept the boys there until Madam Pomfrey decided that it was late enough and called the curfew...
Evan was massaging her clit with his tongue, sucking all the juice streaming from her beautiful pussy. He reached up and slid a finger inside her. She squirmed, grabbing the chairs arms to stop herself from bucking like the school broomsticks. He turned his finger to face the ceiling, finding her point of pure ecstasy. She screamed in full now, unable to control the waves of nirvana engulfing her. Sensing danger the shorter fourth year rushed over to the side of the armchair. He slammed his...
[Thanks for choosing HSOWAF! I have started introducing conditional chapters into the story, so please hit that 'start game' button on the right of your screen for the best reading experience. Also, feel free to leave a like or comment on any chapters that tickle you along the way. Enjoy!] Harry Potter was back at the newly rebuilt Hogwarts to complete his wizarding education. Defeating a dark lord opened a few doors for sure, but the gang had all agreed to return and enjoy their final year....
We take up the story as the adult Hermione Granger and Virginia (Ginny) Weasley’s, along with the other female pupils from Hogwarts, education has now progressed to the Dianic Craft College. The year is 1997. The word craft in the title of the College has nothing to do with turning wood or making clay pots but rather the ancient craft, that is witchcraft. It was named in honour of the moon goddess Diana. It’s late September but the weather is mild and pleasant due to the setting of the college...
EroticChapter 2 ‘Quickly now Harry, the train’s about to leave,’ cried Ginny above the din of the train’s engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives towards Ginny, who was stood anxiously beside one of the few open doors left to the train. ‘Keep up the hard work at school Lily,’ said Ginny hurriedly as she gave her a quick kiss and hug before Lily happily bounded onto the...
Chapter 2 ‘Quickly Harry, the train’s about to leave,’ cried Ginny above the roar of the train’s engines as the station master began to close the doors to the carriages. Harry and the three kids quickly ran over through the horde of parents and relatives towards Ginny, who was stood anxiously beside one of the few open doors left to the train. ‘Keep up the hard work at school Lily,’ said Ginny hurriedly as she gave her a quick kiss and hug before Lily happily bounded onto the train. ‘Have a...
Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...
Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...
Finished with our ice cream, we all walked together looking for a jewelry store. Ron put his arm around Hermione who had started to cry. “What’s wrong, Love? Did I say something wrong?” “No, you haven’t. I was thinking of my parents who live somewhere in Australia. I had always dreamed my Daddy would walk me down the aisle the day I got married. Now, neither of my parents would recognize me as their daughter.” “I’m so sorry for you. Pardon me for this possibly stupid question, but can a...
The Harry Potters and the Ron Weasleys shared a berth on the Hogwarts Express with Ginny proud of her Prefect badge she had acquired. That and being Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team was a rare ‘double.’ After everyone was on board and the train started on its way, parchment documents appeared in every berth. Ginny picked it up, and read it to the group, “At the discretion of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, first, second, and third year students may be allowed to learn...
Molly allowed the newly engaged couples in each other’s room, provided the door was left open. It was the meal to end all meals. You never saw so much food since the last meal in the main hall of Hogwarts. At one of Harrys last trips to Hogsmeade before the shit hit the fan, Hermione taught him a spell that he used: ‘Butterefriigorisus Beermenti’ which put an ice cold Non-alcoholic Butterbeer besides everyone’s plate. “Now that is a bloody amazing spell,” George said. He repeated what he...
“Yep,” she said, as she watched her future husband get completely naked. Harry had kept himself in rather good shape over the years. She especially like the hair on his chest. After he did, she laid on the bed on her back and asked him to get on her chest and give her a titty fuck! Fortunately, in the last two years, Ginny had gone from a small bust(78cm/30in) to bigger than her mother(91cm/36in), which put this item on her list. She ran her hands through his abundant black chest...
Saturday - MAY 16, 1998 The Day of the Weddings! With the Battle of Hogwarts still fresh in everyone’s mind, a memorium was placed in the backyard of the Burrow for those who were lost. Although, obviously buried in their families’ cemeteries, a faux colorful headstone was made for each of them: Lavender Brown (Gryffindor) (Member of the DA) Born 07/07/1980 Died 02/05/1998 Colin Creevey (Gryffindor) (Member of the DA) Born 06/07/1981 Died 02/05/1998 Romilda...
After settling in at the Burrow upon his arrival Harry`s best summer began and he forgot his pain at times. Harry was sharing a room with his best friend Ron and they were having fun flying with brooms in the backyard, playing chess and even taking care of the garden was something Harry enjoyed being able to do so together with friends. But he had discovered something even more fun to do. Being under stress the entire time while staying with the Dursleys Harry`s puberty really just hit him...
Introduction: I took advice from the advice I got and also decided to add some plot. Then I decided to say fuck it and disregard the plot of the books. Please, give me more criticism. It was a windy day at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron could hear the harsh wind howling outside the Gryffindor tower as they sat down for a game of wizards chess. They enjoyed the warmth of the common room, and the solitude of it so far. The roar of the fire their only companion as they battled for supremacy on the board....
Welcome to Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. This story take place during your 7 years at hogwarts ( all characters aged 18 or older) So are you male or female.
Alternative Facts: This is Harry Potter Fan Fiction, set in an alternate HP universe and therefore many things are different than they appear in the books. I feel the best place to start is with a list of these facts. (Feel free to ignore this if you wish not to have these facts spoiled. However, the story will proceed as if you, the reader, are already aware of these things). 1) Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry receive their acceptance letters between the ages of 13 or...
They had won War faster than they had thought or even hoped for but now it was now finally over. Harry Potter the Boy-Who-Lived is now one of the major leagues of all time in the Wizard World as the Man-who-Conquered and Slayed the Dark Lord twice. While Hogwarts was being rebuilt by the professors all students couldn't stay in Hogwarts. He learned from Headmaster Dumbledore that after the Death of Voldemort the scar horcrux had bound itself with his magic. It looked like that even his...
The ladies of the wizarding world are finding themselves naked and embarrassed, sometimes in very public places, most times with a magical twist. They could be naked as a result of a magical object, spell, by the actions of an enemy, or even by their own hand! Though the title implies, it is not strictly ENF, confident nude girls and exhibitionists are also welcome! All characters in this story are 18 or above.
Chapter Twenty – Malfoy’s Hogwarts Escort Service Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, cream pie, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Yule Ball had been a wild success for Harry Potter and Ron Weasley; they had used the animal magnetism potion Harry had concocted from the Spellbook of Desires to great effect. They hadn’t been able to seduce the girls they had...
“You know, I still don’t understand why the house elves don’t try and speak out against their masters more like Dobby! I mean, why would they be willing to serve anyone for know pay or pensions?” Ron, rolling his eyes turned to Hermione. “I’ve told you already! House elves LIKE to work. They don’t want pay or pensions or sick leave or anything like that! Its not in their nature” Harry continued listening to their bickering while he continued to concentrate on trying to find a place...
“You know, I still don’t understand why the house elves don’t try and speak out against their masters more like Dobby! I mean, why would they be willing to serve anyone for no pay or pensions?” Ron, rolling his eyes turned to Hermione. “I’ve told you already! House elves LIKE to work. They don’t want pay or pensions or sick leave! Its not in their nature” Harry continued listening to their bickering while he continued to concentrate on trying to find a place where the DA could hold...
Starting in the year 1995 This was the Trio's 5th year being at Hogwarts, They knew many things by now but they are soon to find out. This is a story about winners take all and losers getting fucked. How it works? It starts at the beginning of the year and goes till the end. Which ever house has the most points is the winner for that year. The second place house also gets rewarded but rewarded less and still punished but punished less. The third place house is only punished but not as harshly...
“Arthur, I miss our children already,” Molly said, in front of Percy and Nadia, Bill, Fleur and Gabrielle. “Mum,” Bill said, “We can stay here for a while, if you want us to?” Gabrielle said the same thing, going to Molly and giving her a great big hug. “William,” his mother said, “What about Gabrielle staying here, and you can go home to the Shell Cottage?” “Oh, Billy, please? Could I stay here with Molly and Arthur, they can get me to Hogwarts, couldn’t they?” Molly looked at her...
“How did you know to ask that?” Ginny asked her fiancé. “By the expressions she used. Remember, I was raised by the Dursleys, and eventually started to watch TV late at night, when they were all asleep.” “Exactly what benefits are involved?” Ron asked, getting a severe look from his partner. “Sorry, Hermione. It sounds like something we could have been doing, if I hadn’t been such a prat.” “You had other issues, Ronald Weasley, but we have ended up in this place and at this time getting...
Also, after seeing them walk into their room, Ginny, pulled on Harry, leaving their suitcases outside the room. “What about our clothes?” Harry said. “Hubby, we are not going to need any clothes for at least two days!” she responded, undressing with Harry impressed with her assertiveness and transfixed by her beauty. She crawled up on the bed, not bothering to take down the blankets. Harry performed ‘Nullum Locum Procul, ‘ to keep things between them, then he used the Professa Hysteri....
“I want to join a professional Quidditch team, eventually, hubby ... Maybe six kids!” she said with a giggle. “Harry Junior?” He suggested. “Albus?” she suggested. “Gabrielle, perhaps?” She stopped and looked at him, but swallowed her first response and said, “Ronald James Potter?” “Molly Louise?” he said. “Luna Lily?” she responded. “Lily Luna, sounds better, don’t you think so?” ‘That’s enough of that,” she said. “What else do we need to get, Lover?” That stopped him long enough to...
“Ginny, can I share him with you, please?” the pretty best friend of both of them said. “Sure, just remember, you have your own husband, OK?” “He is dead asleep, long enough for us all to have some fun, if you want?” “What exactly can two girls do to only one fellow?” Harry said. “You’d be surprised,” Ginny said to him. “Like what you see?” Hermione said rubbing her hands over his upper chest. “You are so ... robust!” “Thank you,” he said unsure of how to deal with the girl he has known...
It is Harry Potter's seventh year at Hogwarts - Voldemort was killed in battle by Harry and the Order of the Phoenix last year and, except for Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, everyone survived the final fight. Now, with the castle varying between mourning for the dead and jubilation, a lone figure is easily able to sneak away from the Common Room, down to the library in the middle of the star-filled night, and smoothly into the Restricted Section without setting off any alarms...
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Once, one of the most prestigious magical institutions in the world, it is now a haven of vice and debauchery where witches and wizards run wild. Why, you may ask, would anyone want to go to school in such a place? The answer: those witches and wizards who emerge, are some of the greatest in the world. Whether it's the cunning that must be learned to keep your dignity in tact, or the happiness it brings to those students who attend something about...
Next, they went to potions with Prof. Slughorn and he started teaching them how to make Polyjuice Potion. Now this one Hermione, Ron and Harry had already known how to make. Their potion started better than everyone else did, but it would take a month to finish. They each earned extra credit for being so far with it. After lunch, they had DADA, which was Harry's favorite class so far. The teacher always wore nothing or very little under her robes and every time she bent over Harry and...
Hogwarts whore house for 18+ witches. A place every female witch gets acquainted with after they finish their studies. That’s all witches are good for in this world being fucked. The only reason they get sent to school is to prepare them for the whore house. Every wizard also knows about the whore house but for a different purpose. They’ve been told that when they graduate they can go to the whore house and fuck any girl they like and even buy one so they don’t have to leave the house. When it...
All characters are aged up to legal age. (No rape, scat, watersports, gore, or anything that disgusting. Please label any futanari or dickgirls at the start of any chapter.) Welcome to Hogwarts. The most famous wizard school full of teenagers raging with hormones and little supervision. Pick the character and see their dirty secrets.
The Witches and Wizards at Hogwarts sometimes got themselves into mischief with the help of the almost limitless suppy of potions hormones and bad ideas.
One day you Recieved a Letter to a Mysterious School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, a School called Hogwarts! Your Letter said that you'd been Accepted as a Student, the letter was signed by a Deputy Headmistress called Minerva McGonnogall. You were amazed to be accepted into such a School and couldn't wait to learn more and more........ So what is happening now!?
You are a sixth year at Hogwarts and are about to begin a marathon weekend when you will try to fuck as many fellow students as possible. But where to begin...?
Your Harry Potter you have left school. Voltamort is dead, his followers are scattered and leaderless. You have moved out of your aunt and uncles house and now live in Sirius Black's house. As his godson everything of his was left to you. Your parents had left you a fare bit. But now your even richer. So what do you want to do with your life. Your single. You can now use magic out side of school. While at school you had found several book in the forbidden shelves in the Library all containing...
Hogwarts: A Lesbian History 3: BlackmailGinny Weasley was feeling on top of the fucking world. She had this glow about her lately-- The kind of glow only created when one is consistently being pleasured. Not only is great sex fun, but it vastly improved the quality of the petite red head's life. She found herself happier, able to concentrate better on her schoolwork and she even seemed to feel less stress come around exam time. There was a noticeable difference in the way that Ginny carried...
Hogwarts: A Lesbian History: Chapter 2: Hermione and the Ginger"Come on, Hermione... I promise you'll like it." Ginny coaxed as she lay on the Head Girl's massive 4-poster bed. She was next to her best friend, who was dressed in a pair of plain white cotton panties and a tank top with no bra underneath. Ginny was dressed in a slightly skimpier pair of knickers with a pale blue lacy bra, her long red hair left down."I- I don't think so, Ginny. This is a horrible idea." Hermione shook her head...
*ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+* Hogwarts Wizarding college, the pinnacle of education for the European wizarding communities. The staff mostly consisting of the cream of the crop of magical educators, (although there were definitely several sub par professors). However with the funding and decision making being done by the ministry of magic, and most politicians of the last couple hundred years being very similar to the current minister: Cornelius Fudge, the support staff of the school were...
Discovering the hidden world This au timeline is as follows: Book 1- as is Book 2 as is Book 3 as is Book 4 dark lord did not come back Books 5-7 did not happen Hermione walked down to the perfect bathroom, unknow to her someone else had the same idea at 11 o'clock at night. Draco was behind her, when he saw her go in he made up his mind. He was going to do what he had wanted for so long now. He was going to make her his sub. He slipped in and hind in one of the stalls as she...
Harry had spent his whole summer holiday up until this moment thinking of his last few days at Hogwarts and what it had meant to him. It had been the best week of his life followed by the absolute worst. He had spent his last week at Hogwarts having finally admitted his true feelings that he had kept bottled up since the day he first saw her on the train back when he was eleven. His best friend Hermione Granger had always had a certain look about her that had stirred Harry’s emotions even back...