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?To be frank I am confident that you will be pleased with the result." He said as he led her down the corridor, his?head down?staring at?his feet and actually feeling the reverse..

" I think you will admit Mrs Bishom the brief you gave us was not very detailed -?" mute sentient suffering "?I think was the nub of the thing -?however I believe we understood your requirements and that our interpretation will be to your taste."

The woman turns to him as her heels click on the parquet flooring, her head slightly back.

?You knew the situation. I do hope this will not have been a waste of time Doctor."

He turns to her, admiring her slim and elegant form in the two piece black cotton suit,?she is a remarkable?beauty, he smiles.

?Or money.? Her smile is thin.

?I am confident you will find it not to have been. Ah, here we are."

He turns to one side and opens a glazed door, pushes it wide and waits politely as the woman walks through, grabbing a quick eyeful of her backside as she sways past him, a hint of her perfume. The room is large, windowless and painted entirely in white above a chequer board floor of black and white rubber tiles. In the centre is a less than human sized object draped in red latex sheeting and facing it two steel Breuer?chairs.

?Is this it?" the woman asks. He nods.


She stands?looking down at it, she has crossed her arms on her chest and he can see her knuckles are white with pressure, excitement? Suppressed anger?

?You said it had to be fully capable of rational thought, retain its intellect, and yet be incapable of any independent action. Entirely reliant upon your smallest whim for life itself."

The woman nods.

" Yess!" she hisses.

He walks forward to the object.

" Then let me show you what we did to rather." he corrects himself then reaches forward and pulls at the shining rubber to expose..................


A head. A doll's head. A life sized Barbie Doll's head. The hair of a platinum blonde is set in a bizarre 1960s flick up style. Its eyebrows are arched high, its huge eyes heavily made up, the?nose a tiny retrousse, the fat lipped?mouth slightly open. A pretty face but disturbing, not entirely human. Something between a pouting sex doll and a 1960s illustration of?the perfect ?woman.


Mrs Bishom?bends at the waist and looks intently at it, she is breathing hard, her nostrils pinched.

Is this the bitch? Is this the cunt?I hate so much??This thing has absolutely no resemblance to her, have they substituted some other poor bitch? Wait though?but there IS a hint of her face in this........thing, the eyes are the same colour but.........


" Reasoning that you wanted a plaything, a toy so to speak, we took the model of a child's doll and extended it a little." He reaches forward with both hands and pulls at the plastic hair, lifts it from the head.

" Many of the techniques are quite commonly required here, yours was not an unusual request."

" It is bald, the body?completely depilated, though it may need to continue with a cream on the head and vagina for a little longer. You will see that set into the cranium are three D rings, one on the top. " He touches the steel almost lovingly. " and these two on either side."

It IS you, I see it now. You had beautiful hair didn't you Margaret you ball busting whore, black as night. Does he know this? Has he made it this platinum blonde for that reason? You hated blondes didn't you? Silly airheads perpetuating a male stereotype said.

" With these it can be led, attached, or even suspended, they are reinforced beneath the scalp and we actually used them in the early neck stretching work."

He pulls back the rubber beneath the head to expose a slim neck of impossible length, though never to be compared with that of a swan, it is rigid and straight with no bends in it, no movement at all and this adds to the growing impression of artificiality.


She looks at him suddenly.

" It hasn't moved. Is it dead?" she steps back.

Don't die now! I am enjoying this............a blonde bimbo doll...........everything you despised eh cunt?

He smiles.

" Not at all, it is merely that it has not been given permission to move. It knows now that it must be very obedient or it will suffer. I have ensured it's compliance by inducing a partial catatonia, I will explain later in some detail about how to use that function. Suffice it to say it is totally immobile until I, or you dear lady, choose otherwise."


I will choose eh Margaret? I choose just as you chose to take him from me - the pathetic scum. " Women must have life choices " you said, one of them being to take my man. Well this is my choice for you........


He gets closer to the woman and grips the gleaming skull beneath him. He turns to her.

" Implanted in the actual brain are several filaments which you may now use to stimulate various responses directly to it. Here." He traces a path with his finger.

" This is the pain response, the worst pain imaginable, hell on earth, they often involuntarily?urinate and defecate at the highest levels so you will have to get used to the control. Here is the fear some ways more useful and amusing to watch"

His fingers trace love, pain, fear and sexual arousal over the doll's head down to a small bump at the lower cranium.

" This function was installed first, it makes the object.................shall I say extremely tractable in a very short time. I can also trigger a catatonic fit, as I have for this first part of the presentation."


Yes cunt I will have you in a catatonic state of absolute fear and pain. THAT should be amusing to watch, and I can finger myself as you scream and then climax on your stupid doll face. Rub my cuntwetness all over you.


He smiles at the woman and for the first time she lifts her head from her study and smiles back at him, almost nervously.


" The eyebrows are of course tattooed in place as is the eye " makeup" and the liner to the lips.............the eyes themselves? Well that is a subject on which I could expand for hours. To make them larger in itself required a huge amount of work, drilling out the sockets to accept them. In fact the profile has been changed by pushing the eyeball from a sphere to something like a flattened ball. It means a loss of all but the most rudimentary sight but I did not think you would care about that."

The woman crosses her arms, lifts a finger to her cheek?and considers for a moment.

" It can see me now?"

He nods.

" And hear you too, it is aware of us and I am sure it knows you though it?is not allowed to move?a muscle."

The woman bends at the knees and looks directly at the doll.


" Dear me, where are my manners?. I am SO sorry Margaret, I didn't say hello when I first saw you. Hello?" Her tone is patronising, facetious but chirpy, her head on one side.

" Not saying hello back? I thought you had good manners Margaret, Cheltenham Ladies College wasn't it? Caius Cambridge..................high table and everything, have you forgotten all your good breeding? Well have you?" She waits, tapping her toe impatiently.



She stands, eyes flashing and aims a tremendous slap to the dolls face then stands with hands on hips watching the skin redden.


You cunt, you cunt you cunt you took him from me and filled his stupid head with lies. May as well have cut his balls off, you with your slow eyes and languid charm........not so charming now cunt eh? I will make you suffer every single moment of every day and have you begging to that something to smile about?


" I will have to deal with this lack of manners later Margaret, I really don't have time now but depend upon it you will pay for your lack of delicacy at my convenience."?Her tone is even and she seems to have subsided from her little mania, she turns to the man.


" I am sorry. If have not seen the bitch for a year and............. I suspect I have some deep anger issues here. " Though the sentence begins seriously after the pause she smiles and the tone becomes flippant.


" The skin seems .......unnatural." She continues.

" It is not artificial as such Mrs Bishom but I have drawn it tight over the whole head, it gives almost a plastic look to it, add the effect of immobility and I can see your point. Now the nose............." he looks to her to get her assent to continue. She nods.

" The nose is almost totally cosmetic, the nostrils are so small as to be practically useless. As with many of its features I feel that piercing or ringing would be suitable at a later date and I can recommend both private and public practitioners who I have found simpatico."

She nods.

Lead by a nose ring? OH YES! Even better showing the thing off to ordinary people, introducing it as an old friend.................and public practitioners means ordinary people who will see and know you for my plaything.Taking you to such a place where all the young people go and they will laugh at this bitch.


" I am particularly pleased with the mouth obviously the lips have been grossly?enlarged but you will notice the mouth is slightly open. A second."

He bends over and picks up a?slim silver and black object from the floor, a mobile phone?

" I am going to turn off the catatonia in a second -?I wish it to show some of its functions." He explains to the woman, he turns to the doll's head.


" Obviously it recognises this woman eh? If it does not obey orders immediately it knows what will happen doesn't it? "

He presses at the control pad and very rapidly the doll's head makes a short nod. The body seems to relax, though it still remains very still there is a slight sway to it.

" Tongue!" the voice is one of command and both of them step back as the doll extends its tongue.

" I am afraid there is little I can do with the tongue, it was never particularly long."


Long enough to thrust down my new husband’s throat you bitch though never good enough to lick his prick though, " .....fellatio is a male dominant practice demeaning to women....."Well we will see how taking my Master's prick suits you and you can use it to lick me out, to suck up my piss from the floor around you...........That mouth is made for facefucking. the clever man has ensured my Master uses THAT particular orifice.


" The jaw can be set at several apertures. " he continues and shows the woman the controlling button.

The jaw opens as if the doll is speaking then at another signal snaps to wide open, gaping. The most disturbing aspect is that the facial expression does not change and the skin about the face hardly creases.

He reaches forward.

" Tongue back."

He grips the teeth within the mouth and pulls at them, removing them.

" It cannot close its mouth unless you use that switch and I have removed the cosmetic dentures - I am sure you will enjoy the videos we have of the extractions all done without anaesthetic -, this means its throat can be used for almost any size of penis. Here though .."


I will watch all the videos of your changes and fuck myself as I do so. No! ?I will have the doll do it makes it listen to its own torture and relive it.


He points to an inch wide steel circle set at the base of the long neck.

" This is a tracheotomy void which will allow the object to breathe whilst its throat is filled. It can actually survive all night just so..................we have tested it. Haven't we?" He looks at the doll and smiles. It blinks, perhaps NOT a happy memory.?

The woman looks at him.


He has fucked it and used it for his own pleasure. He is a sadist and a dominant one at that. I will keep an eye on this one................if ever Master leaves........


Without waiting for a response he continues.

"The neck has been stretched as?I mentioned before and it has lost almost all lateral movement as a result of the steel rods I have inserted here, here, here and here. As a result it cannot turn its head. To do so, if it were physically possible, would kill it. The surgery was entirely to enhance the doll like effect"


Killitkillitkillit.................yes that was what I WAS going to do when I discovered what you had done.?My new?lawyer fucking my new husband.............killitkillit!


He steps back and turns fully to Mrs. Bishom.

" I do hope you approve so far."

She smiles, she is a very attractive woman and some tension has gone from her, she puts a hand on his arm conspiratorially.

" I am very happy, have all the procedures been recorded? The dental I know about...........Did they all involve pain?"

His returning smile is closer to a smirk.

"?Every scream has been captured, every indignity and all its .........................err punishments, the early training I am quite confident you will find VERY enjoyable. It appeared to be strangely resistant to use by the staff for their pleasure and the process of making it more tractable we had to be far more brutal than is usual"


He uses the words precisely and watches her shiver in sexual anticipation, he is manipulating his client and she is not unaware of the process. She stares directly at him.


" I will watch with Master and see if he approves."

He grins at the rebuff and momentarily bows his head.

" Would you like to take a seat Mrs Bishom? "

She sits herself on one of the chairs, crossing her legs at the calf and angling herself to the object of interest.

" Stand!" he orders, the object obeys and the red slithering latex plicks and folds and falls to the floor.


The woman studies the figure in front of her. The freak like breasts, the tiny corseted waist covered in thick red leather, the stick thin arms, and the ballet booted legs. She sees that he HAS created a doll for her, something to play with, to dress and talk to as she did to her own dolls as a child and like them she will re-enact what was done to her with it. She shivers.


" The breasts have been enlarged to a..................double?E cup? I am never sure of the correct terms, however they are certainly huge in anyone's eyes and will ensure very few people look at its face when and if you decide to take it out in public. The profile can be changed of course but I chose a classic torpedo shape which protrudes even when unclothed rather than the more usual spherical profile, for its obvious artificiality. It lactates of course."


They are surely larger! You thought that their biological function was over didn't you count? Liked your own two fried eggs and thought my own breasts were almost obscene. Now you can carry those around and be seen as what you should be, a cunt and tits on legs........and the slut will provide milk. Master WILL be pleased, coffee in the morning will taste SO delicious.


" They cause severe back pain and we have found that an ox hide corset with double steel boning supports the weight a little and gives it a?better posture. Of course four ribs were removed and some of the internal organs in order to reach this size of waist..........40cms."

Mrs Bisham stands and walks to the figure. She reaches out to put her hands on the waist leaning back to avoid the?outthrust breasts.


" Tiny, I can almost span the waist with my hands....."


She moves to stand behind the immobile figure. Lifts one arm.


" Ah, yes. As you see I have fused the fingers?together into a single..well flipper is what we call them. The thumb is retained for the moment to enable it to be of some use if you intend to use it for service. Many clients have the thumbs removed immediately, certainly our lesbian customers like a hand that can be used to fuck and that generally means amputation of the entire hand and some shaping of the stump to individual requirements. I made the decision to leave it almost entire and concentrate on making it unable to express itself. The hands CAN be used to write but it will not be intelligible as anything but a toddlers scrawl.."


Mrs Bishom stands behind the doll and studies her erstwhile tormentor.


" Not even able to write? Oh dear what a stupid doll it is......I remember I had a dear friend Margaret. She wrote so superbly, she even wrote to my husband..........well ex husband Long, love letters and in them she reasoned that women?are a superior species. SO well argued. I MUST show it to you sometime. Can you read? Oh I forgot, probably not with those doll's eyes eh? Barely able to read and write.......................fitting for you, you cunt"?

She giggles.


" The arms I have retained and it has been trained to the reverse prayer, they are VERY weak though and will barely support it if the object is on all fours, some muscle removal and enfeebling makes the arm very slim and elegant but practically useless. This can be partially reversed if you wish.....................?."


She is stroking the breasts, feeling their gravid fullness, twisting the huge, fat nipples. As she does so she looks into the doll's face.


" Happy Margaret? Lovely breasts - Master likes to breast fuck me and will enjoy doing the same to you, after he has beaten them to a pulp of course, I am afraid he is a true sadist and quite addicted to pain. I suffer so much but then a woman must, mustn't she?


She looks down to see her fingers are moist with milk which is seeping from the nipples.


" It has a very rapid response to stimulus. "

She turns and raises an eyebrow.


As she returns to sit Mrs Bishom traces a finger along the doll's jaw line slowly.


" Feeble, I like it."


" Of course the womb has been removed and the object does not menstruate, its diet has to be supplemented with hormones to prevent it losing all condition. The clitoris I have left though there has been some lengthening, another area where you may want to " Use it or lose it " as it were. The vagina though has been surrounded by a series of small sacs which can be inflated by this operation......" He leans towards the woman and demonstrates the buttons used.


" Your Master will find this pleasing as it?tightens the vagina to?taste. Some like a very tight cunt, others like to use it to grip and then release or enjoy fisting or enforced cunt widening. It is a matter of taste?and you can use it yourself to?grip a double dildo more securely within the object to work against, many female clients have been very happy with this function, some even disappointed in unmodified females after prolonged use of a cunt so enhanced. "

He grins, he is aware that he is exciting the woman even more and teasing her with his own knowledge. She smiles in return.


" The labia enlarged of course, the hymen replaced and strengthened, when it is first used vaginally there will be a satisfying flow of blood and we can, of course, replace the hymen almost indefinitely. The prosthesis continues?with the buttocks which you can see are high and spheroid. The anus has been tightened to make the first anal entry more uncomfortable to the object,?extremely painful in fact. "

She smiles then.

" Thank you, so thoughtful, Master will have two deflorations to look forward to. "


" Which brings me to the conclusion of your introduction, the legs have not been atrophied to the same extent as the arms, the musculature is important to retain for the moment at least. I have removed both of the big toes to enable the foot to have a more pleasing profile and inserted a steel rod down the length of the sole, it can never be flexed of course but is perfectly shaped for the ballet boot or shoe which it wears now. I am afraid it means that without footwear it is incapable of independent movement, other than crawling of course."


" Come here." he orders, the figure obeys after a second's pause, its?hands palms to the floor, arms slightly away from the body, legs bent at the knee to flex and hold balance on the red patent ballet heeled ankle boots. It stops in front of Mrs Bishom.


" !t is elegant in a way........" She muses and reaches forward to press her fingers to its fleshy mound of Venus.

" Have you considered a name for it?" He turns to her.

" The woman you used to create this had.............hurt me. Hurt me very badly. " She takes a deep breath.

" My intention was to have her killed originally, slaughtered in front of .............the other person who harmed me. My mother cautioned patience and she suggested this............process. I am pleased she did, this torment will be so extended the bitch will repay in full for its sins and then continue suffering. Forever. You have done very well!"

She stares at the object.

He smiles.


" I am complimented Mrs Bishom and will thank your mother herself when next I see her, a woman for whom I have enormous respect as a person as well as a regular client with very exciting ideas. "


" We have had some amusement thinking of names, there was a British doll in the sixties with an amusingly artificial name. I think it is apt for this cunt as it has done me wrong and erred from the true path of womanhood. I am going to call it sindi!"


" How apt, sinnedee, a witty and demeaning name."


" Now come here sindi and thank mistress for your makeover."

He hands the controller to her.

" Time to get to know one another I think...................................

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I woke up the next morning feeling pretty good. At least the front of me felt good. It took me a moment to realize why. Emily was still in my bed with me spooned around her. I could feel her smooth skin on mine, which was heavenly. 'Her smooth skin against mine?' I thought. I realized that my morning hardon had also found it way out of the opening in my boxers and was pressed firmly in the crease of her butt. I moved my hand around and realized that Emily's nightgown had ridden up around...

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Firecracker ch1

'what?' 'I said, 'beautiful.' 'oh.' he paused, i could tell he didnt want to do anything that could change my mind. to tell you the truth i was sitting on the boarder of going through with it or walking away. she just sat there, staring back at me. she was afraid of course, but calm. here eyes werent puffy or red from tears like the other girls in the cell. she was going to cost me alot, though money wasnt the issue. i did, however, want a good vaccation. 'how old is...

2 years ago
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Hand Job

At the age of forty, a colleague that was working at the same company approached me and suggested that we start our own business. He was ten years my junior and very bright. Ralph, the person in question, also had access to finance because he came from a well-off family. His dad had retired at an early age and sold his company for a small fortune a few years before. It seemed a very good proposition and with the modest amount that I was able to invest, I became a twenty-five percent shareholder...

Gay Male
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 Chapter1. Claudia wakes in the morning the sunlight creeping in through the small gap of the red velvet curtains. She looks at the small sunbeam and follows it with her dark green cat eyes as it hits the mirror and reflexes back on its self. Claudia stretches her long slender arms and looks at her neatly painted talon like nails; her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the old fashion phone. She reaches across and lifts the ivory hand piece as she speaks she hears a slight moan...

4 years ago
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The Promotion

My husband John was going to finally get his well deserved promotion and for the last couple of days that was all he could talk about. This evening as we sat in the dining room finishing our dinner he stared talking about it again. "God Gloria, I can't believe it, they're really going to promote me this time. I just can't believe that Rick is really going to do it. Christ honey, it means a $30,000 a year raise and an extra week's vacation. And I'll get the corner office; you know the one...

1 year ago
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Virgin to Webcam Sex A Nice Way to find Pleasure Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Ed clicked on the ad that kept showing up in his browser. It was an invitation for free online sex. It led him to a portal that had a list of pretty girls.  It seemed they all wanted to chat with him..a sex chat. He scrolls through the list just for the heck of it and then his eyes fall on someone called Amber. He clicks on it and she makes an appearance on screen. That was the beginning of finding pleasure through webcam sex. Brown hair, smooth golden skin and a great set of tits. She was...

3 years ago
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Shaadi Se Alag

Hi everybody, I am Simran. I reside in a very big city of UP, Meerut. I am 29 years old and a housewife. Main year 2014 mein shadi kar ke Meerut ayi thi. Mere sasural ke pehle kuch mahine bahut ache nikle. Sabhi log mjhse ache se baat karte aur mera khayal rakhte. Mere husband ka ek chota business tha. Par unke father government job mein the toh ghar mein paiso ki kabhi problem nahi rehti thi. Meri shadi ke 1 saal baad mere husband ki ek achi private job lag gayi. Unhone engineering ki thi....

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Meeting Michelle

Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've pulled their panties off, and then realize you've unleashed a monster... It was May, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run by the beach. At the end of a 5 mile stretch, my mind was on a hot shower and a post-workout snack as I made my...

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The Night Nurse

Darcy was a really devoted nurse. Great nursing is a gift that very few people are born with. You either have it or you don’t. If you are empathetically challenged, then it is not your calling. In the oncology section of the hospital he worked in, Dr. Johnson recognized his special talent with the terminal patients and often made mention of it to Darcy.In fact, Dr. Johnson was the one to advise Darcy to become a freelance night nurse and do his own thing. Many terminal patients who were not...

Gay Male
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Summer Camp part 3

Summer Camp Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one and two so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part two to...

3 years ago
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Night At The Hotel 8211 Britain MILF

Hey all! Devil here with a New Trilogy. In this one all the events take place at the same place with different people. All the characters of the Story and the Story itself is completely imaginary. Please mail me all your comments, suggestions and feedbacks Coming to the Story… This is Susheel’s Story. A 30 Year old Businessman who has come to Mussoorie on a Business Trip and meets this Older Lady at the Dinner. Read on to find out how events turn up leading to intimacy between them.. In...

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BBC Adventure PT1

I had stopped at the sex store that had video booths in the back room late one afternoon. As I was stopping, getting out of my car, I saw a tall young black guy with a medium Afro, that had been walking past, he looked at me and then turned around and went into the sex store ahead of me. I thought, Could this guy read me that well that he immediately understood I was on the prowl for cock?Here I was a 40-something married white guy, going into a sex arcade, and this young black guy understood...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 10 The Seasons Change The Old Country Awaits

Dave walked up to Katherine's door still nervous about the evening they would spend together. Her mother answered the door and, after a brief cordial discussion, Katherine herself came down the stairs and she and Dave left. Katherine's mother watched as they pulled out of the driveway. Her heart was breaking for her daughter - she knew her daughter cared very deeply for Dave but he wouldn't or couldn't fully return that affection. She had watched her quiet shy teenager blossom into a...

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4 Horny Men Have Public Toilet Sex

Sex in public. Sex in toilets. Sex in public toilets....Oh yes, the thrill of the unknown, the heart-pounding expectation that any moment, a horny fucker with a full ball sack, a filthy attitude and a tasty cock would come into the toilets and start the game...I used to live for such sexual encounters, but now, most convenience are closed - I miss it so much! It was instant, exciting, unpredictable, dangerous, anonymous, fulfilling and ultimately, ticked all my boxes sex-wise.I'm looking at...

4 years ago
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Coachs Corner

They say that being the coach of a girl's senior High School AAA team is great, all these cute barely legal girls in shorts that leave not much to the imagination. Fit, firm, and forbidden fruit you can't touch, not without risking 15-20 and a sex offender registration at the end. What they don't tell you is that being the coach of a Junior Varsity team is even better. The girls are still young, fit, and firm, and yeah it could still result in a harassment suit, but words like 'jail bait',...

2 years ago
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barbarously bound short story

Once Lillith had been a princess. A whole kingdom had alin at her feet. But then the misfortunes of war had delivered her into the hands of her clan`s enemies. In the barbarous times of old, defeat meant humiliating enslavement for one of Lillith?s class. Dragged from her castle, she was paraded through the streets naked and in chains to the auction block.Her golden haired beauty made the crowd gasp as she was displayed by the eager slave merchant. Biding was brisk and the sums grew large as...

1 year ago
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A new Begining for my wife

Well Enjoy, Hope it stays this time As I say this is about 95% true I live in Southern Ireland Well, I am sure you may not believe this story, or should I say real life happening, but let me assure you it did happen as and in the way I tell it. It all starts! Sorry let me tell you about my self, I am 53 and my wife is 39 years old, we had been married before to other people, but we have been living together for over 18 years, there are children involved, however almost grown up…My wife is a...

1 year ago
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My UnFairy Tale

by Michael Richard on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.Once upon a time, (I think it might have been a Thursday), in a kingdom far away, (it might have been down the river just past the bend, you know the place), there lived a brave knight. Now this knight heard some tavern tales about an enchanted tower in which an evil wizard locked away some king's beautiful daughter. The story continues to say that the wizard died before he could lift the enchantments he placed on the surrounding forest, and...

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Pams lost hours at the shopping centre

1. The innocent, unsuspecting prey. I blame myself. It was my own fault, I shouldn’t have bought that bloody book of erotic stories. But you know how it is, we all have needs. Besides, a bit of titillation is nice when you’re at a loose end and the love of your life is a long way away. It’s normally quite harmless – a distraction, that’s all, an innocent way of easing the boredom and the sexual tension. That’s the way I look at it, anyway. Still, maybe I shouldn’t have bought that...

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Let the Chips Fall Where They MayChapter 7

Franco barely got Octavia settled in for the night, before Aurelia and Gloria nearly tackled him, while Jaimie and Minnie watched and laughed. Both girls bent over for him, making their invitation to Captain Varizzi rather blatant. Naturally, as a red-blooded Italian guy, he didn't refuse it. In minutes, Franco's dick started moving back and forth from the Latina and the Guyanese woman. Each lady moaned with delight as he invaded and withdrew from her. Varizzi was eager to make sure that...

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Twins found love Part 3

Introduction: The third part to this story I pushed Sam out of my room and locked then door. My heart racing as I wiped his cum off my chin and my lips, as I licked my fingers and the cum off them I knew that I needed to for fill my needs. Later on, I found out that mum and dad were going on a weekend holiday to Paris and that me and Sam would be alone all week. I prepared for when they left I grabbed a small tube of k-y and put it by my bed and took my birth control pill. bye mum, bye dad!...

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Felicity LaGrande There was a knock at the door. I looked at my watch - 8pm? Who'd be knocking at a time like this? I stood, a little unsteady from the beer, and made my way to the door. On peering through the peephole, I saw the most drop dead gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my life. Long, poofy blonde hair, thick, pouting pink lips, thick black hipster glasses, an excellent rack by the looks... I grinned tipsily and opened the door to...

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my good fuck

its about 11pm my husband is not home from work yet he works long hours and always comes home late. He finally called me that he was going be late i have had a long day i was tired. i decide to take a shower before laying in bed.I pull down my short skirt and remove my blouse and slowly remove my panties as i can feel my pussy wet. I wish my husband was here to take care of my pussy i was so horny. i finally remove my bra and allow my big breast to hang as i feel my nipples extreamly hard. i...

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Total Woman Journal 06

The remaining weeks sped by, filled with advanced exercises for the residents. The girls were inventive as they individually, or in covert teams, staged enticing setups for Ned to act out his immediate impulses. Ned was tantalized constantly by everyday activities that were duplicitous sexual provocations. Real or role playing activities mimicked such scenes as topless or nude volleyball, scanty schoolgirl uniforms in the library, innocent office intern or secretary slut displays, the flirty...

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Tai and Bo

Tai came into Bo’s bedroom dressed in a little yellow outfit that hugged the curves of her body. The top was a tight fitting yellow chemise with spaghetti straps that allowed the tops of her breasts to show. Her boobs were creamy where they showed over the top of the shirt and her nipples pushed the thin material out suggestively. The rest of the shirt clung on her thin torso and ended above her navel accentuating her flat smooth tummy. The bottom was granny pants that showed half of...

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Going to a Black Club

Oh yes… home alone again; but this time my beloved hubby would be nursing a friend at the hospital during the whole night.My sexy girlfriend Camilla invited me to dance. She told me that I would have a wonderful time. I really needed it… a night for my own, after a very hard week at my office.The only detail Camilla did not mention, was that we would be going to a club where mostly black men hung out. I had decided to wear a sexy mini skirt with a satin blouse; no bra; just a very tiny black...

1 year ago
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That Motorcycle Trip Parts One and Two

Part One For ten years I had dutifully ridden behind my husband on his Harley. God what a noisy machine! I like quiet. My helmet broke some of the potato-potato-potato noise, thank god, and for a long time I wore earplugs underneath, that helped a lot. Then my great aunt died and left me with some money. Not a huge amount, but enough that I felt like I could splurge on a motorcycle of my own.  I got a Honda Gold Wing. It is wonderfully quiet. In fact, with my helmet I could almost pretend I...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 49

“We need to interview you - we have an office center in the terminal,” he said. Louis Boucher had been the commander of the National Police for five years. I had talked with him several times since the signing of the Pact papers. This morning had been the first face to face meeting. I liked what I heard; I liked his attitude and dedication to fighting terrorism. His father had been in the French resistance during the Great War. His grandfather earned medals in WW1 as a unit commander. He...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 21

[Preservation – Janice] We went out the back with my horse and picked up Bennie's. We stayed in the woods trying to shield our movements from the hill post. Bennie said, "Leave your radio on simplex and try to call Amy. Act like you're concerned but still in the rest area. Let's see what you may hear. I'll monitor Jim on the triple nickel." I nodded. "Amy, this is Janice. Do you read? Are you okay? Over." There was no answer. We wanted to get there immediately but that was our...

1 year ago
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368 HI IM KAY 2

Kay waited, she didn’t think coffee appropriate , a stiff drink was more her line, but those last few minutes were tense, she used the toilet, annexed to the waiting room, nervous peeing, she returned, sitting waiting on the edge of the chair, as the door opened and a short but stocky chap entered, he was totally naked, and between his legs hung a thick 8 incher and balls like a horse. He smiled a greeting walked to the door she had arrived from and bolted it ritualistically there was no...

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Wollt Ihr Das Bett in Flammen SehenChapter 4

The sky is clear and blue as David pulls up outside a house he had not seen for many years. He is both apprehensive and wishing to catch at least glimpse of Gillian. Dinger comes running out as soon as he draws to a full halt, crash helmet in hand. "Morning mate, I wasn't sure whether you'd come, you don't have to y'know. Mum'll take us to me bike after she gets up." "No problem, besides I would like to see this machine in the daylight. What is it by the way? You didn't tell me...

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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 12 Partying With Friends

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 388 Meeting the Neighbors

I might as well get this out of the way. They will be seeing a lot of other teenagers around here and me driving around here now. “Well, that was rude,” I said to the woman. “Who is getting robbed?” the lead officer said, coming over to me. I laughed and said, “These people swatted me. My parents told me we were moving into the mansion I got from that Darren guy when he died last fall. I sure as hell wasn’t going to have my Maserati anywhere near the movers. All of them dodge the Camry as...

3 years ago
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Taming the redhead

Ranma moaned wantonly as the big man behind her pounded her wet cut. Ranma and the construction worker had been fucking for hours in the hotel bed. The tangled sheets beneath the nude redhead were soaked in sweat and semen as the fat man clutched her hips while working on her her hot slit. Ranma's redhaired head bobbed until the man grabbed a handful of her tresses. Her head lifted as she drooled, bucking on hands and knees as her pussy was roughly fucked by the fat stranger. And...

2 years ago
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Secret Desires

Another day, another night. After wrapping up your homework for tomorrow, it's time to get ready for bed. You lay out your favorite pajamas on the comforter and strip down to your underwear. Like most nights, you take the opportunity to pose in front of the mirror atop your dresser. You don't find your reflection disappointing. You are...well, you know who you are. After three-and-a-half years at an all-girls high school, you're in your final semester now, 18 years old and ready to head off to...

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A Collection of Gay Rape Stories Part 2

Jason smoothed back his twin brother's shorts to reveal one pale cheek of his ass. "What are you doing?" David asked gently. Jason didn't answer, just slipped his thumb into his brother's crack. "What are you doing?!" David asked, demanding this time. "Just..let me." Jason said vacantly, leaning his weight down to pen David with his other arm. "Jason! Don't." David whined. --- "nuuuhh!" Brandon said almost incoherently, trying desperately to push away the naked thighs...

1 year ago
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Mrs Denver The Prequel

“Oh, hullo Nikki,” Sally Denver said in a friendly tone. “Hullo Mrs Denver ,” 23 year old Nikki replied not sure how else to address her ex-headmistress. Nikki had attended the school where Mrs Denver was the headmistress until she was 18 years old. Sally smiled at her ex-pupil and asked, “How have you been Nikki, what are you doing now?” Nikki smiled back and said, “Oh after school I went to Uni got my degree and now I’m training to be an Accountant. I’ve just got off the train going home...

3 years ago
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Tricked into wearing a dress pt1

As a student at college I wanted a bicycle for Christmas. I hadn't past my driving test and even if I had, I couldn't afford to run one with my Saturday job wages. My parents didn't have much money so I didn't ask for an expensive model by name, anything would do. I didn't think they could go far wrong or could they?They did attempt to wrap it with some festive paper and ribbon. Unfortunately nothing could hide its bright bubble-gum pink, wicker shopping basket or step-through frame. I cringed...

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