Suffering at the movies
- 4 years ago
- 27
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SUFFER Abimimi
They arrived almost precisely on time. We had been listening to the?bug in the car?of course and knew he was on schedule,?though what we mostly heard was?the infernal pop music the girls insisted on listening to with their Father's occasional comment to help us plot their progress.
" Wimbledon is terrible at this time of the day."
" Well! Fast through Maidenhead!"
Kaisu and I had exchanged a smile at that, for that is what we intended too.
We had agreed that we would keep them as our?personal playthings?for a few weeks or months before they moved on in the training process, as the first slave sisters that SUFFER had created to be harvested at the same time they did offer a wealth of possibilities for amusement. We had designed little outfits for them in latex or taffeta or steel which would enhance their youth or torment them cruelly and discussed their " schooling " at some length and for this first meeting we had both adopted our interpretation of the schoolmarm look. Our hair severely brushed back from the face and set in a simple twist on the crown of the head, classic grey silk blouses with the collars turned up, sleeveless calf length shirtwaisters in black leather buckled closed with deep belts above?laced 6 inch heeled?tight knee boots. Finished of course with black kid gloves and gold rimmed half glasses on chains around our necks.
I must say it suited Kaisu's slim 55 year old female body and?grey blonde hair?a little better than My own, My enhanced breasts in particular still appearing threatening rather than matronly and My jet black hair making me appear?more than usually severe.
It was time. We watched from the window of?our upstairs?rooms as the car approached down the long road leading to the drive, pulled up in front of the entrance and then we heard a flurry of conversation.
" Right here we are, your home for the night!"
" It's huge Daddy! Are you sure ?"
The girls seemed intimidated by the grandeur of their surroundings.
" Are you sure this is OUR hotel?"
They believed that they were emigrating to New Zealand of course and that the father had booked this as a hotel for the night before the flight. The flight did not exist nor would they ever see New Zealand, unless Kai or I decided to go there and they survived long enough to accompany us. It was merely a very easy way of making them disappear from college and their locale and email or messenger allows even the best friend to be hoodwinked.
I smiled when they finally got out of the car and stretched after the journey faintly hearing their heels crunching on the gravel.
The one on the right was Abigail, the eldest. Taller by an inch or so, long straight blonde hair falling to the small of her back, thin, pale and long legged in her white jeans and grey sweatshirt, she was mine and I slowly licked my lips as I watched her, such sweet meat. The other the younger, Mimi,?the same face,?retrousse nose and wide mouth but definitely more doll like with her own pale blonde hair? cut in a short bob barely covering her elfin ears. ?
" The instructions say I have to park the car at the back, you two go in and get your rooms, I could be a while. they will bring the bags to our rooms"? He lied.
I smiled as I saw them approach and come to the front doors as he drove past and away. The pathetic subscum male. Everything that he would receive in pain, torment far beyond his wildest fantasies, he deserved for this terrible betrayal. We would use it to rot him from the inside and THAT not his physical pain would be the only pleasure we took from him.
I heard the doorbell and the snapping heels of?our secretary Inge on the marble tiled hall floor as she went to the door, the murmurs of their voices and then the sounds of their ascent to the first floor, Kaisu kissed my cheek and then moved to the next room and closed the connecting door to await Mimi and I stood looking out at the rain sodden grounds my fists on my hips.
I turned when I heard them enter, Abigail saying thank you with her back to me talking through the narrowing gap. That hair was superb, I would have such pleasure in using it................................
She turned.
" I am sorry?I was told this is my............."
She looked intently at me, recognition suddenly brightening and then clouding her face.
" Oh MY GOD!" A most irritating turn of phrase but one all these girls use, I had heard her use it a hundred times when I sent her extreme images of torture, usually whispered before her orgasm.
" Not precisely Abigail but close enough. " I smiled.?
As I advanced towards her, I could?see fear?deep in her eyes and confusion on her face.
I placed?the back of my kid gloved hand?to her cheek and stroked it. Her eyes?were huge with shock.
" Be polite my child. Greet me properly. " I whispered.
"?Ma..Madam?" The tone?was interrogative, unbelieving.
" Yes my dear little abigail. Madam.?It is a shock I know..............but I did tell you I was going to take you didn't I? "
She was frozen for several seconds and just stared, twisted to look behind her and then gaped again.
Slowly she nodded, mouth slightly open.
? I said I would have you as my little slavegirl and as you will find I always keep my word.?
I stepped even closer, taller than her by a head my breasts pressed against her collar bone. The smell of my leather dress, the warmth of my flesh, my perfume and the soft creaking of my clothing........I could see this sensory overload working on her. She bowed her head and I?stroked her deliciously soft hair.
" There Abigail, welcome to your new home. "
She looked up at me at that.
" But New Zealand, we sister where is she? Where is Daddy?" The last phrase becoming almost childlike in tone.
I put my fingers to my lips to silence her, she blushed.
I took her arm and guided her to one of the two?black leather Eileen Gray sofas set?either side of a low glass coffee table in the middle of the room, my boot heels clicking on the?marble floor, her trainers squeaking. I looked down and saw her white socks?were trimmed with pink lace, how charming!
" Sit!"
She was shivering as she obeyed then she seemed to shrink to occupy as little space as possible, her?legs pressed?tight together, her body hunched over and touching her thighs.
I sat next to her and crossed my legs, the silk?hissing as I did so. I looked at her, head bowed and very, very vulnerable, confused and torn between fear at my presence and a trained sexual response which might be called desire.
" How long have I been talking to?little abigail on?online now ? "
She shook her head, that hair shimmering, she mumbled something.
" HOW LONG slave?"
She raised her head and I could see little tears in her eyes.
"?A year Madam."
" Roughly?my dear, it is actually 14 months. Since?soon after your 17th birthday in fact when you were given the computer as a present. You were very grateful to Daddy weren't you?"
She nodded. I leaned forward and stroked her cheek.
"But actually?I gave you the computer so that I could check on the interests of one of shall I say? It is a very special machine my dear girl, a very clever machine.?You see it?remembers?everything that you do on it and it sends a copy for me to look at.?VERY interesting my child. I looked at everything you did on that laptop from the first day, shall we see what you did with my new present to you? Do you remember??"
Her eyes widened once more and she?began to mumble, her?cheeks a bright scarlet. I lifted my?crop from the?glass coffee table by my side and lifted the tip to her chin.
" Don't be silly slave, you have no need to be coy with Mistress, remember I have watched you masturbate, whip yourself, and climax time and time again, you have no secrets from Mistress my little doll. Now be a good girl and look, there!"
She turned her head in the direction I had indicated to the large flatscreen set in the wall. I picked up the remote.
The screen opened and a jumble of images flickered across?it, the page shots that had been recorded from the girl’s computer.?Search engines, celebrity sites, music, revision, music again and then the screen froze on?a page in an image search. In the search box the words, whipping. The images were of historical slavery to begin but as the girl had become adept at finding what she wanted pages of college work or communication with friends became more frequently interspersed with images of women being beaten. One full screen?which I paused was of a?naked woman, suspended from a cross bar with blood running down her shoulder blades, behind her a woman with a bullwhip. The girl tried to look away when that one came one, I used the?crop to return her to concentration.
The next frozen frame?a female figure in a rubber hood. From this moment every other picture?was of latex, slavery, lesbian sex, torture.
She stared open mouthed at the images, cheeks even redder. She looked away?again towards the end but I grabbed at her?chin and yanked her head back up.
" I saw all this ...........EVERY sick image and every story you read abigail my dear................" I hissed.
The screen finally froze on a single picture. A woman in skin tight black?rubber over her entire body, faceless, terribly, rigidly corsetted, mouth wedged open with a brutal bit gag, arms strapped painfully behind her. Over her shoulder I could be seen intent on the electrical box in my hands from which wires can be seen leading to the victim's breasts and between her legs. I was laughing.
" Your favourite image abigail." I whispered in her ear holding her head to look at it.
" Isn't it?"
She nodded.
" Abigail masturbates to it at least once?a is so nice....and it shows Madam about to shock one of her toys again does it not?"
I felt her resistance as she tried to pull away. I smiled and pressed the remote.
The screen now showed a new view, of the girl I was holding, abigail, ?in her own room at the old house - sitting naked, legs apart staring at the camera. Her mouth?wedged open with a hairbrush and her hands at her crutch rubbing at herself. In one corner of the screen the picture she was staring at was displayed, her favourite image of me tormenting a slave.
I turned up the sound and her moans of ecstasy filled the room.
" Every place you visited was recorded my dear, but it was more than that..........?" I whispered and kissed the lobe of her ear. I felt her shiver. I sensed her shameful arousal looking at herself.
" I watched you every day my child and I even made sure you went to links that would develop your knowledge. Wasn't I good to you? "
?I smiled and turned her face to my own. Slowly, holding her eyes with my own, I pulled her to me and kissed her, I felt her turn to me responding and hungry. I opened her mouth with my tongue and probed her soft little mouth, breathed into her and took her own breath into my lungs sucking it from her. At the same time the sounds of her recorded ecstasy as she climaxed filled the room. When the squeal became high pitched I bit her lower lip and pulled her head back from me.
Her eyes were closed and her mouth gaping, I could see a vein in her long neck throbbing, her face was flushed and her lips full. She was an extremely excited little girl.
" You know what to do now slave? I have taught you haven't I. Madam wishes you to climax without touching, don't open your eyes slave!
It is a training method I have used successfully with many of my slaves and this girl had learnt very swiftly, with constant practice a healthy young female animal or even an old whore can be educated to cum on command, males have to endure some deep psychological and chemical treatment on the other hand.?I watched as she obeyed me, as she sank back into the sofa making little mewing noises, her arms straight by her sides, fists clenched?and within 30 seconds her body was becoming rigid and?each breath was audible through her nostrils and clenched teeth. Another 20 seconds and she grunted once and began to slowly writhe as she climaxed, like a silk worm on a leaf. She finished with a deep sigh and a final series of jerky twists of her body.
" Open your eyes slave. Thank Madam."
She was calmer now, she obeyed with a small smile.
" Thank you Madam for my climax. " She whispered?and ran her hands over her breasts as I returned her smile.
" Repeat the orgasm slut." I turned away as she subsided into obedience for the second time, it was quicker of course but I knew she would be more compliant after it. Her mews of ecstasy gave me notice of her completion. This time her voice was softer, more relaxed.
" Thank you Madam for my climax." When I looked at her?I could see a dampness at her cunt making the white denim darker, the slut was a wet cunted little doll.
" Sit up straight and listen to me child." I pressed my hand to the white jeans at her belly and pushed my thumb to her clitoris.
" Now abigail is going to be a good girl and get showered and changed for Madam. Your first rubber clothing little slave that I had made especially for you - you will be dressed to please Madam and I am sure you will adore it, won't you?"
I waited.
" Well?"
" Yes Madam. " she said distractedly as I pressed my thumb onto her clit harder, she squealed then.
I nodded and pressed for a maid.
She lay quite content?under my hand?staring up at me until the maid arrived, knocking at the door and then entering and clicking to stand in front of me.
" Oh My God! " the girl whispered as she saw the woman , but this was a different intonation to her previous outburst, wondrous and lustful to a certain extent.
The woman was dressed as all my housemaids in the " closed " properties I use. A skin tight black rubber hood with pepper pot holes over the eyes allowing her some limited visual sense, below that a thick black latex dress with integral posture collar and long sleeves completed by attached mittens, the waist boned to an hour glass shape and the skirt hobble tight to the knee. Below that black latex stockings and ballet heeled ankle boots. The white latex apron and ridiculous white cap with ribbons my own little conceited simulation of an English maid.
" Take her and prepare her in the uniform and then bring her back to me, is Miss Kaisu ready? "
The maid nodded with some difficulty.?I stood and helped abigail to her feet by gripping the nape of her neck and lifting her.
I embraced her, pressing?my breasts hard against her.
" Hurry back little slave we have so MUCH to do, slave has to service Mistress for the first time and must be punished ................."
I felt her shiver and squirm again.
" Climax!" I held her tight as she stiffened and then twisted in my arms in orgasm, grinning and satisfied with my instant control of the animal, her little body felt hot and firm I was SO looking forward to using that flesh.
The maid waited and then at my nod ?took?the girl's?arm and led her out of the room by a side door.
I grinned. The slut was well trained, extremely willing and totally in thrall to me. I wondered how Kaisu had progressed and was not surprised when after a few minutes she knocked on the connecting door and entered with a matching smile on her face. She sat next to me.
" As expected? " I asked.
" Precisely" she giggled. " Mimi is a total slut, watch." She picked up the remote and replayed the action in her own room. The girl when she entered to see Kaisu standing there had actually beamed and run to her and knelt at her feet as if this was the most natural thing in the world rather than an abduction
?As Kaisu stood she had licked her boots unprompted and?then Kaisu had ordered her to strip and climax for her pleasure. The little whore had lain on her back and done it?staring at her Mistress with just one touch to her cunt, then held the climax at a long painful peak which had surprised and gratified my sadistic aunt.
I showed Kaisu?my more tentative but accomplished meat. We rang for wine and then distractedly watched the girls being prepared. Each had been taken to separate rooms which adjoined our suites, decorated entirely in black rubber. Whilst I could see abigail?wrinkle her nose at the strong smell of latex, mimi breathed it in like sea air, smiling. Both girls?stood obediently whilst their respective and identically mute and faceless maids shampooed their hair and soaped their bodies. Again I saw abigail shy away from the woman's touch whilst her younger sister's nipples sprang erect and she stroked the rubber arm of her servant to communicate her joy.
Dried and talced then their hair dried and brushed we watched them dress in the first of our little outfits. We had decided that white held a significance as the colour of innocence and purity and although we knew they were not entirely without experience or corruption that it should comprise their first latex clothing.
First they were given high collared?sleeveless blouses of white rubberised satin with a slight pearl sheen. These fastened with small buttons at the back and showed abigail’s rather small breasts and the more pronounced mounds of mimi rather fetchingly, the fabric folding and twisting over their small bodies as they moved like oily water. Then tennis skirts of a little over 10 inches length?in the same pearl rubberised satin, box pleated ?but so short that?the lower cleft of their buttocks were clearly visible.?White latex knee socks and 3 inch heeled?square toed court shoes ( we had argued about their shoes, should they be stilettos so early in the process, Kaisu had prevailed ) and finally sweet little white latex gloves and a round crowned raised brim ?white hat, placed on the back of their heads, the rubberised satin ribbons falling from it to their waists.?
I decided we would take the youngest first, abigail's anxieties and nervousness made her a?target for more sophisticated torment, the apparently whole?hearted acceptance of her slavery by mimi made her brutal early use an absolute priority.
The first to return was abigail, I bid the maid enter and she brought the girl to us, her eyes downcast, to stand facing the two sofas on each of which one of us sat.
" Charming, absolutely charming. keep your eyes down slave abigail. This is my Aunt Kaisu, she will be enjoying your body and torment too. What do you think Kai?"
Kaisu stood and circled the girl appreciatively, she stood?at?her side?and?stroked her breasts through the rubberised satin with one hand whilst with the other she patted the girl's bottom. I listened to the crackling of the clothing and the soft slap of her hand becoming increasingly aroused. She grinned when she saw abigail’s nipples hard through the fabric.
" Smooth and lovely firm little breasts, look the bitch is aroused. "
Moving to face her she pinched the teat ends, very hard.
" She takes the pain well.................let me see."
She pressed her fingers to abigail's cleft.?I looked from my seated position almost directly at her pubis,?the wispy blonde hair was covered in dew drops of arousal pulled from her by Kaisu's probing fingertips.
" Yes, this one will do perfectly, though I would have it surgically altered. "
" Not yet Aunt! I have to take my pleasure from having a little slave daughter to play with. The disfigurement can come much later."
I saw the girl shiver at that.
" Kneel at my feet my child!" I was pleased to see that she obeyed instantly and remained staring at the floor after placing her hands in her lap. These positions she had practised for the last six months on her own as well as the climax on command and various dress and deportment rules.? I placed one of my hands on her shoulder and stroked the flesh of her lower neck?through the blouse.
" I am going to hood you My dear, the rubber is very thick and breathing may be difficult, you will not squirm."? She nodded her acquiescence. I took the thick white rubber two piece hood from the coffee table, positioned the back in place and then pushed the moulded front onto her face, no eyeholes, a?large tube for the mouth opened her jaws wide to accommodate it. When the rigid rubber clamshells were strapped tight her head was completely covered, the blonde tresses sprouting from the base which covered her neck like a bizarre Tudor ruff of human hair.
She became totally mute, blond and deaf, adorably helpless. We signalled for the younger sister to enter.
Mimi began badly, looking at us as she came through the door and tripping as she hastened.
" WALK SLOWLY mimislave! EYES TO THE FLOOR!" Kaisu's voice was sharp.
The girl stopped in front of her.
" This is Mistress Melissa, she shares ownership of your scumcunt body and will be using you as well. " Kaisu explained in a patronising tone.
I stood and took my turn to circle our prey, I stood behind her and weighed her breasts in my hands, rubbing at her nipples through the slick satin, pulling her to me. I pushed her forwards to bend at the waist, this exposed her soft, peach buttocks and the glistening little pink slit of her cunny.
I too examined the labia and the wetness there and found the girl to be dribbling.
" Climax mimi!" I kept my fingers in place and not only heard her climax after a minute or two but felt her cuntlips tighten on me. Oh this doll HAD to be broken first, such a responsive cunt.
" Thank you Madam for my climax." she whispered.
I slapped her buttocks hard and then sat by the mute and still abigail.
" Kneel here at my feet slave. " Kaisu barked, tapping a place by her boots with her cane.
It appeared that only then did mimi notice this identically dressed girl and her telltale blonde hair.....................
" Correct mimislut it is your elder sister abigail, ." Kaisu sneered.
The girl looked at me urgently, her eyes wide.
" Yes my child both of you are ours, as you have been shown how we monitored your progress I can assure you that your sibling was watched and trained in precisely the same way by Melissa, isn't that sweet? Both of you in your rooms, both masturbating, both being trained but unaware of your sister’s activities and here you are........................"
" Wha?? ....." Mimi had hardly uttered the whole syllable when Kaisu's hand shot out and gripped her neck and then standing she forced the girl's face to the floor, putting the sole of her boot to the back of her head.
" NEVER! Speak unless spoken to slave!" She was terribly angry, spittle flew from her mouth.
" Stay still cunt! Do NOT DARE to move. " I shouted.
I pulled abigail up to sit next to me and idly played with her breasts whilst I watched Kaisu deal with the girl.
" I will explain." She said.
"You belong to us mimi. Nearly thirty years ago?I?began a breeding program for slavemeat."
I interjected.
"?Madam?is a visionary as a Doctor and geneticist and a consummate sadist in her sexual life, much like me. As a wealthy woman she deployed a range of strategies to identify those females and males?who?were most submissive and?had them brought to her for study. Some of which was?vital to her theoretical work, a lot for her own sick pleasure."
Kaisu giggled and I smiled at her.
" Your " daddy" as you call him was one.................................." I looked at?Kaisu as she ground the girl's face onto the?floor.
"??A subscum male but young and vigorous,?we bred from him with?a woman we had identified as the most masochistic and the most submissive in the group. That was your mother my child. A brood mare used to produce slave you and your sister. Melisa and I have decided we wish to use you and have reclaimed our posessions. "
I?heard a moan of?anguish as mimi started crying, perhaps the reality of her situation was reaching her, more likely she was terrified.
" You two are just?one of our?little experiments, some slaves are programmed to it early in life, others are born to serve, you are fortunate as you have been BRED to be slaves. Even more fortunate in that we have decided to adopt the pair of you to make you more easily accepted as our....................companions."
I paused and took a sip from my wine, watching the girl?as?her little?world shrunk down to the size of a laboratory experiment, the realisation that?she had been manipulated every day of her life and never actually exercised free will.
Suddenly a pure stream of urine erupted from her and fell in a rather?graceful arc onto the floor behind her, Kaisu stepped swiftly to one side to avoid it.
I looked at Kaisu and we both began laughing,?feeling my movement abigail rubbed herself against me.
Kaisu aimed a kick at the breasts of the girl sobbing on the floor.
" CLUMSY slut!"
With a?whimper mimi clutched at herself?but remained in place torn between the obedience she had been taught and her own discomfort and mental turmoil.
I grinned and put my hand underneath abigail's tiny skirt and pressed my fingers to her slit. Slippery with sexuality, I rubbed?at the clitoris.
" It is useless to us for the moment. I suggest we get it bagged and out of the way and then we can use this one."
" Have it cathetered, tubed and then give it a day or two in isolation. When it re-emerges it will be totally broken and docile.............
Call for Danvers and get her to handle it. Then this little one can lick up her sister's piss from the floor before dinner. "
" No, it has got to suffer first, it must learn obedience, I did not give it permission to urinate or to cry out " I could see Kaisu?was determined. She stood above the recumbent girl flexing her rattan cane then she looked down at her with a sneer.
" Stand!" she ordered.
Sniffling the girl?slowly stood, head bowed, with one hand she wiped away her tears her and pushed back one lock of hair.. Kaisu stood in front of her.
" You can’"
Kaisu punched the stupid slut in the stomach very hard and watched her double over, choking and coughing.
" I do not believe you understand me slave.? Kaisu whispered in a patronising tone. ? You have no choice, at the moment your Daddy is being taken to another place – a place he has always wanted to be but one he will learn to hate, your sister has accepted her fate and you can't even run away as the grounds are extensive and surrounded by high voltage. Not that you really want to........................ "
She lied but the little cunt had no idea.............
Kaisu gripped her hair and slowly raised her
"?Look at Me!" The girl again obeyed.
Kaisu opened her mouth with her fingers and leaned closer.............then spat a heavy wad of saliva into the waiting face and pushed the jaw of the?girl shut on it.
Meanwhile I had summoned their Governess Danvers. I bade her enter after a soft knock on the door and in strode a gaunt faced woman in her forties with a long face and?thin nose above small thin lips. Definitely not a beauty but ideally suited to our purpose as we had both used her to train cuntobjects for us over the last ten years, lesbian of course and developing a latex fetish to rival our own. To this end she wore a Governess costume by Peter Leth in white latex with?a high collar, cossack sleeves above skin tight attached elbow length gloves buttoned as closures?with high buttoned cuffs, a well corsetted bodice and floor length A line skirt. At?her hips a thin leather belt from which hung canes, crop, tawse and electric prod. Danvers was to be our disciplinarian!
" Ah Danvers." I greeted her.
" The girls have arrived as you can see and it seems the younger is a little overwhelmed, it needs some additional training. I am sure you can handle that can you not?"
The smile on her face was icy and distinctly threatening.
" Yes Mistress?Melissa. "
"?I am keeping the other with us for the evening unless..................." I looked at Kaisu.
" I will stay with the slut until it is fully rubberised, play with it for a while and then join you. What time will we eat?"
" Snacks will suffice for me Kai, I have MY meal right here. " I embraced my " daughter ", hearing the soft crackle of the rubberised satin of her blouse..
" Then I will stay with the object and play with it, it?can provide some amusement even when in the Maiden. For the moment Danvers it needs a thrashing. Will you see to it?"
The woman nodded.
" With pleasure Madam Kaisu."
Kai sat next to me and placed her hand?on my genitals and I felt my already rigid prick stiffen. She opened her own legs and pressed her other hand to her own crutch.
Danvers walked to mimi. her long skirt plicking as she walked and swaying at every step.
" Stand girl!" mimi actually looked at Kaisu first for approval, a mark in her favour.
" Miss Danvers is your Governess slave, obey her as you would me. "
Mimi stood, Danvers gripped the nape of her neck and walked her to the sofa opposite us, she pushed the girl down over the back, her arms supporting her upper body, her arse exposed as her skirt rode up. She looked in fascination at her Mistress Kaisu as she opened her legs wider and exposed her fleshy slit to the girl, her leather covered fingers rubbing at her clitoris. The little beauty licked her lips.
" I feel the cane Madam Kaisu." Danvers said turning towards us.
" I agree Danvers, make her scream if you will. " The woman nodded.
She took a long cane from?the clip at her waist and stood back.
" You will receive twenty strokes, you will not move -?each?movement will mean an extra stroke." She spoke softly.
" You will not scream, each scream will mean an extra stroke. You will count every stroke and thank Madam for your just punishment. UNDERSTAND!"
The girl nodded, biting her lip.
The woman took a step back, extended her arm and the cane and measured her distance by touching it to the soft, peach orbs in front of her, she crooked her arm and rested her other hand on her waist. She drew her arm back and then WHHUUUFF tested it in a sharp slice through the air.
Then she drew it high again.
"WHHUUUFFCRIK!" The cane landed on the girl's arse and her face contorted.
" One............thank you Madam for my just punishment.
" Aieeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!"
" One extra stroke. thank Madam "
Mimi's face?was contorted with pain, eyes closed. She nodded urgently, the hair fine and wispy..........
" Two ...........thank you Madam for my just punishment."
" Three.........thank you Madam for my just punishment." She squirmed in pain.
" One extra stroke. "
I smiled, I had seen this before, The girl HAS to express her pain in screaming OR moving, only a thoroughly restrained object can deny it's reflexes.
The cane began it's work again and I slowly opened the front of my shirtwaister and pushed my hand to my breast, kneading it and rubbing my thumb over the nipple, Kaisu's insistent probing had done it's work, my prick was throbbing and erect. Whilst?I did not wish to fuck the mute abigail I had no compunction?in doing it to my aunt or Danvers. Pain always arouses me and I wanted cunt.
I growled.
" One extra stroke. "
" One extra stroke. "
Then?a terrible heartrending scream and the girl hissed.
" Thank you Madam for my climax."?
" One extra stroke. "
I turned from the girl, now squealing and whimpering, tears dribbling down her face and faced My Aunt, she had her mouth open and was watching her toy's torment.
" One extra stroke. "
Kaisu shuddered in orgasm.
I gripped her neck?and pulled her to me, kissed her savagely and then forced her legs wide with my own. Both her hands hands gripping my prick to pull it to her. Her cuntlips were puffy as ever and streaming cuntcream and entering her was slippery ease, I rammed her back down onto the sofa.
" Stop Danvers. Make a note of the strokes earnt." Kai panted, the woman?nodded and waited. The?girl mewed in agony then opened her eyes to watch my deep slow fucking of her new owner- her Mother. Kai’s legs wrapped around my body as ever allowing me deeper penetration It was?pleasurable and?Kai squealed and bit at my collar bone as she always has when she climaxed again and I stiffened as the seed erupted from me into her aging body. Then we subsided in languid, sweaty?dishevelment smiling and sated for the moment ignoring both the governess and the sluts we had so recently taken. Finally I stood rebuckled my dress, tightened the belt again and walked to the mirror to make some repair to my hair and makeup. Kai was idly fingering herself, looking at the girl.
I walked to the little body, shivering in pain and shock, the rubberised satin reflecting every tremor faithfully, I looked at her arse. The welts were?brutal, blueing already and weeping tiny?droplets of blood in several places. I put my hand to the most damaging. The girl reared..........and then.
" Thank you Madam for my climax."?
I smiled, a total pain slut eh? Then she was excellent meat and would get orgasm after orgasm until we stopped THAT little game!
I walked to her face again.
? Lick it clean slave!? I pressed my thick but flaccid prick to her lips.
To be frank Kaisu had always intended to place the younger sister in the Rubber Maiden as soon as was inhumanly possible.
My sadistic Aunt was very keen to see it used for its primary purpose of breaking the will and the mind of a slave, she had actually remained within it for a day to judge just for herself how rigorous the experience would be and I had happily tormented her whilst she was in it and had literally staggered out and fallen to the floor in a completely exhausted and tractable state when she was finally released. It is testament to her experience that when I fucked her as she lay, seemingly comatose she recovered quite swiftly. The time spent in the RM and the fucking she added to her plans, insisting that when a slave was released it should not be given any stimulus for hours if the intention was to break its mind.
Nevertheless she felt she had to justify her actions.
? I think a day or so in the Rubber Maiden should improve the slut’s attitude Melissa, your own cunt seems to be far more obedient.?
I patted the thick rubber of abigail’s punishment helmet.
? True but we have yet to see how it reacts when told of it’s true situation. Though I am confident of its attitude?
I unclipped the side fastenings and took the back of the clamshell away.
? Danvers replace this on the little one? Make sure it doesn’t speak.?
The woman swished towards me and in a few moments the helmet had been clamped onto mimi whilst I smiled down at the newly released abigail, her hands in her lap, her eyes directed down towards the floor as she had been trained that a good slave should.
Her face was flushed and strands of her fine blonde hair stuck to it with sweat. She looked at the girl in front of her whose legs showed the livid weals of the recent caning and the puddle of urine on the floor.
? This slave has been disobedient abigail My dear. Lick up the piss that it has released.?
Very slowly she leant forward, placed her hands at the edge of the puddle and began to lick at the liquid covering the marble, as she did so her hair fell to the floor and became soaked in the urine. I listened to her sucking and licking and looked at the sweet fold of her cunt exposed as she leant forward with her legs a little apart. I was hard and hungry for the bitch but I intended to savour every moment of the next days.
Kaisu watched too, now standing behind the helmeted girl and twisting her nipples.
? Now as you work I will tell you a little of my plans for you abigail. Would you like that??
As she nodded more of her hair became soaked in her sister’s piss.
I kicked at her right buttock with my stiletto heel and heard her yelp, watched the red bruise blossom.
? Answer me slave!?
? Yes Madam. slave is sorry.?
I smiled.
? !t is good to see that slave remembers the training I gave it online. Slave will think that she has been talking to me for nearly two years but it must know that in reality most of the time it was not me it was talking to, I could not be bothered with such a chore, I have people who are well trained to do that rather tedious work.?
She continued to move forward, sucking at the pale yellow pool, I detected a nod.
? Does it surprise you that the piss you are licking is from your sister’s slit? ? I watched her, she paused only momentarily.
? Obviously you recognised her figure.....?
I saw her shudder, shiver, pause.
? No Madam........................................ I did not ...............mimi? .........?
I stood and paced in front of her, boot heels clicking on the marble.
? mimi yours too Madam?? Her speech was contorted by her slack mouthed licking but the tone of regret and pain was clear.
? Not exactly slave, she is patterned on Kaisu, she has been engaged in talking to her for the same time period, since her fifteenth birthday in fact. She has performed for us and willingly submitted, I trust slave will not disappoint Madam......... My Aunt Kaisu – the beautiful woman sitting opposite you - and myself have adopted the pair of you, legally and with the very willing help of your scum Father.?
Again there was not even a pause.
? You will call me Mother from now on whenever others are present as at the moment.?
? Yes Mother, thank you Mother?
? Continue.?
I took pleasure in watching her concentration on the task and on the movement of the crackling rubberised satin over her small body, the folds which snapped into a different shapes, the soft sheen of the material.
Kaisu made to leave but I waved for her to stay. I paced around the girl, my leather skirts swaying at every step, finally stopping with my stiletto heeled boots just beyond the diminished puddle but well in her sight.
? You are my slave daughter because you were bred for use. Your blood mother was a masochist and slavepig that I owned and used when I was very young. As one of our most accomplished submissives we mated her with a male subscum who Kaisu owned, your father. He brought you up as he was ordered to by our psychologists, his reward for your betrayal will be shown to you. Would you like that??
? Yes Mother? she whispered and for the first time I could hear deep trepidation and anxiety in her tone.
? Your younger sister is Kaisu’s property though of course I will have use of her. A slave’s body is for everyone’s pleasure?
I returned to my seat.
? Kai you are very patient but I think they should both be shown the maiden...? I ignored the slut at my feet and engaged in conversation about generalities.
After twenty minutes the floor appeared to be clean, abigail sat on her haunches to look around her for any vestiges of wetness, found one or two and finished them off swiftly then sat mute and still at my feet.
? Some splashed on kaisu’s boots, lick them clean slavedaughter.?
Kaisu opposite me and I watched the girl perform her first real boot service. She was thorough.
? Now finish by licking your sister’s thighs and cunny abigail, we must make sure she is clean before Kaisu punishes her properly.
Now I detected the slightest pause, the girl turned to me, her face showing some shock.
I stood over her, black leather gloved hands on hips, thrusting my tits at her, legs a little apart.
My raised voice and threatening classic pose goaded her to action, the stupid bitch obviously turned on when she is humiliated and ordered and she crawled urgently to kneel in front of mimi. Kaisu watched hungrily, opening her legs again and pressing her fingers into her slit, whilst licking her lips.
My daughter slowly raised her face to her sister’s mons, the pale blonde hair wispy and dew dropped with urine. At the first touch mimi flinched, expecting pain no doubt. As she felt the tongue of her sister on her thighs she began to squirm in pleasure. Delicious, I smiled at Kaisu and saw that she was giggling at this degradation.
? Danvers how wet are they?? Kaisu asked, her voice husky with sexual pleasure. Their governess walked to mimi first and pressed her finger to the girl’s slit.
? Wet Madam.? She walked and then bent to test abigail’s arousal. The slave had already accepted that she would be tested and so moved her legs apart to enable the woman in white latex to put her fingers to her labia.
? Damp Madam.?
? That’s right abigail lick at sisters little fuckslit, I think she likes it, she is squirming. Is it clean? Then work on her clitoris and make her climax, it will be the first time you have tasted cunt won’t it??
? Yes mother.? Her voice muffled by her sister’s flesh.
? Though you have dreamt of it many times. Use your nose my child and rub it against her, round and round. Danvers will have to teach you properly. You will won’t you Danvers??
? With pleasure Madam.? And she bent and whispered into abigails ear with instructions, gripping her head in her latex covered hands and positioning her so that mimi jumped in sexual pleasure.
I grinned at Kaisu.
? When she has made her sister climax we can go to the Rubber Maiden eh Kai?? Kaisu smiled slowly.
We watched as abigail worked on her sister, her face deep in her mound, pressing at the soft flesh and her head moving as she pushed her tongue deep into the wet cleft. The girl was squirming and abigail obviously had difficulty keeping up with the movement until Danvers gripped the helmeted girl and held her body rigid. Then her thighs began to quiver and her hips ground down and within seconds she was twisting her body in her peak.
Kaisu stood, straightened her skirt, smoothing the leather down over her hips.
? Let’s get the slut to the Maiden now!?.
Smiling I beckoned to Danvers to get my daughter to her feet and bring her to me. I embraced her and cupped her right breast in my hand, feeling it’s long firmness and thick hard nipple through the rubberised satin.
? You are going to see our little clinic abi, filled with joys. ? I whispered in her ear, the faint smell of her sister’s piss pungent in my nostrils.
? Though maybe mimi will not think of it as a joyful place after a day or so, eh??
Her head fell in submission but she pressed against me. My little girl - I pulled her head to lean on my upper arm, she stood at least 30cms shorter than I in her flat shoes. I kissed the top of her head.
We walked together to the lift, Danvers leading the still helmeted mimi who stumbled intermittently in her punishment helmet and Kaisu clicking behind abigail and myself. When we all packed into the lift Kaisu grabbed at abigail’s hair, yanked it back and then kissed the open mouth offered to her. I moved to take over the penetration of her mouth whilst Kai’s practised hands went to my crutch, pressing and squeezing. I was aware that the girl was squirming and pressing herself to me, the slut had been abducted, licked her sisters piss from the floor, seen her flesh and blood beaten and then been forced to tongue fuck her until she had climaxed and now she wanted me! What a willing and docile animal I owned!
I ran my hands over her slim young body, felt her buttocks under the latex, her small ( soon to be MUCH smaller ) waist, held her tiny wrists in my hands and put her arms behind her.
? Position 4 slave, keep them there.?
The lift doors opened to reveal one of our sisters of suffering. A woman dressed in black rubber nun’s habit, her arms crossed in front of her, hands hidden in her sleeves, her head bowed. The veil black, the wimple and coif red with the latex covering her face to her eyes. She curtseyed and then walked to our right, leading the way through the concreted corridor.
The house had actually been chosen for just this feature, the extensive cellars and tunnels built beneath it. Despite appearances it was a Victorian construction of mixed wrought iron and brick, faced with concrete. When I bought it for S U F F E R I had had it fitted out as part home, part prison and very much part experimental facility. Others may call torture and physical abuse ? play ? for Kaisu and I it is a biological imperative and the one and a half floors beneath the house were our preferred arena.
We walked away from the experimental side of our chambers and towards the simple punishment and amusement section on a chequer board rubber tiled floor. The smell down here was constant and pungent. I held my ? daughter? tighter round the waist and felt her hips move against my upper thigh in desire. We took the second door on our right, an old fashioned construction taken from a former prison.
Behind it was a room decorated with the same white rubber walls and floor of about four metres square, small one might say even intimate, for its only occupants are three red Rubber Maidens and two large black leather armchairs.
We had both seen and used some antique Iron Maidens in a friend’s facilities in Austria but Kaisu felt that though the thing itself was aesthetically pleasing in a rusty medieval sort of way that to kill the occupant or damage her every time in use was wasteful.
These things had the same moulded size and shape. That of a woman, her mouth wide open in a scream the rubber making a small depression in the surface at that point, her arms held by her sides, her waist corseted , her legs a little apart but obviously made of rubber and as abigail saw when the nun opened one, the interior was also lined in red latex made up of many layers and individual rubber sacs.
She shivered next to me.
? It has so many uses my dear daughter. ? I whispered in her ear.
? Kai is going to put your younger sister in there to break her mind and will but it can be used to punish or to make a slave deliriously orgasmic. I think you will be a good girl and take that path won’t you sweetie??
I kissed her then my hands gripping at her flesh and my knee in her crutch.
? The inside has tubes for feeding the occupant, for giving the object an enema, catheter to drain the urine of course, vibrator, mammary and anal stimulus and pain electrodes, in fact everything to torment a cuntobject over a long period of time. See when Sister has taken your slut sisters clothes off she will fit her into it.?
We watched as the slim figure, still in the thick red helmet, was denuded- the fearful caning marks now slightly blueing in places on her thin, fawn’s legs and tight buttocks. She tried to cross her arms over her upper body to hide her nakedness in some vestigial feeling of shame when the dress was shucked up over her head but the nun gently, though insistently, pinched her upper arms and she lowered them. Reminded of her status the girl then stood docile whilst the Rubber Maiden was prepared unaware of her fate.
I took a seat in one of the armchairs.
? Kneel daughter.? abigail knelt at my feet.
Kaisu took the place next to me and we watched as the practised rubber nun directed the girl to bend over, opened her legs and then expertly inserted the black rubber enema tubing into her anus and pumped it up into immobility. The insertion of the catheter was a more delicate and time consuming task but eventually accomplished after the girl had screamed audibly within the helmet and Danvers had to grip her hard before it was accomplished. Then the girl was pushed into the obscene rubber container and the lower half was closed covering her to the cunt mound.
? Put a clitoris electrode on her and then make sure the nipples are ready for torment.? Kaisu ordered and the nun plicked and swished to obey, clipping an electric contact directly onto the girl’s clitoris hood, nestling against the nub. She repeated the process on each of the slave’s nipples. Taping over all to ensure they were secure then closed the next quarter of the RM. The girl was helpless within now, her arms pinned inside the latex only her head and collar bones exposed and now her tormentor removed the helmet, the mimi revealed had a beetroot red face, mottled with white, her hair – shorter than my own toy’s - was plastered to her skull. She gulped in air.
? Hello little cunt.? Kaisu smiled and rose from her seat approaching the girl. ? You must be happy to be out of that
The girl nodded vigorously, her eyes darting about her to see her sister kneeling before her, me of course, the nun to one side and the RM holding her rigid from sternum to her toes.
? You can move a little can’t you? ?
? Yes Mistress a little.?
? We must stop that.? She nodded to the nun.
? Inflate the lower 3.? From behind the casing came a high whine of a compressor and I watched as the interior of the RM was inflated, a hundred rubber sacs expanding against the little body within.
? Maximum on the lungs and waist.? Kaisu smiled as she saw the slave’s face go scarlet again. The nun moved something at the side of the Rubber maiden and the girl gasped.
? Madam!? she wailed.
? Yes slavecunt?? Kaisu stood in front of the girl staring into her face, breathing in her agony like perfume.
Kaisu laughed.
? Can’t what slave? Can’t tell me how much you love me? No? Can’t wait to lick me? No? Sure? Can’t wait to feel the delight of my whip on your flesh.................................?
? Or cannot breathe.................perhaps??
Mimi nodded vigorously.
Kai put her lips to the girls and kissed her, stroked her cheek and cooed.
? But mummy likes making her little one slave must just accept it............? She kissed the little one with some tenderness.
?....CLOSE THE CUNT UP!? She turned away and abigail was revealed to her younger sister.
? Abi? ? she had time to gasp then the nun expertly pinched the girl’s nose and pushed a thick rubber O ring into her mouth through which the girl screamed a throaty wail. Tubes pressed in to her tiny nostrils and finally a mask pressed over her face from cheeks to chin. Her eyes were wide, staring, panic stricken.
Kaisu waved and blew her a kiss.
With a dreadful thump and finality the top section of the maiden was closed on her.
The nun pressed the locks tight at the side.
? Inflate to highest pressure.? Kai said negligently, sitting and then opening her legs wide, pulling the red silk lined leather up over her thighs, exposing her shaven slit.
? As I am going to be torturing your little sister slave I think you should service me whilst I do so. Perhaps I might even kill her...........?
I knew she was trying to get abigail to break her slave composure and I think my slavedaughter discerned the same purpose, she looked at me, I nodded my assent and she shuffled to lay her head between Kaisu’s thighs, staring at the thick labia and the glistening clitoris.
I watched as the girl lowered her head to the task and Kaisu crooked one leg over the chair side, it was enough I stood undressed to just boots stockings and corset. Smiling at My Aunt I knelt behind my slavedaughter and, as she worked inexpertly upon Kai I released my prick and brought it to her pink cuntlips making her jump, then rather viciously rammed into her. For a few moments the slavemeat did not make the connection between this action and me merely squirming as my flesh ripped into her sweet little cunny but when I gripped her thighs and then lay down on her, rubbing my breasts against her back and she smelt my perfume I think the bitch made the connection. Mistress Mother with a thick prick......................a slave serves though and to give credit the slut accepted it and redoubled her efforts at Kai’s slit whilst I enjoyed her virgin cunt
Kai smiled down at me.
? When you have finished with the slut I would love that here. ? She licked her lips lasciviously. It promised to be a very long night for the girls.....................................
Introduction: When you are crazy, you go to a psych ward. Youre locked away and you become something that is no longer human. You are a specimen of sorts, and doctors study you and run tests on you, and inject you with numerous chemicals. But what happens when your crazy with sanity? What happens when its reality you suffer from, and the crimes you committed were in bouts of sanity? What happens when reality is so real, it drives you to insanity? Chapter One Ive been here for five years. Many...
I've been here for five years. Many have proven incapable of surviving this long. They lose their minds and succumb to the insanities they are labeled. They are defined by their insanities and are slaves to them. They come in here, secretly denying their insanities, and over time, are moulded into the exact thing they denied. I am my insanities. I define them and accept them. I mould my insanities into what I want them to be. I shape them and nurture them. I am not labeled insane. I am...
Introduction: When you are crazy, you go to a psych ward. Youre locked away and you become something that is no longer human. You are a specimen of sorts, and doctors study you and run tests on you, and inject you with numerous chemicals. But what happens when your crazy with sanity? What happens when its reality you suffer from, and the crimes you committed were in bouts of sanity? What happens when reality is so real, it drives you to insanity? Chapter Two It had been three weeks since she...
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Hi friends this is Rajini, and I’m back again, I want to thanks for the over whelming response to my previous stories “Cops robs”, “Gane mein lassan” & “ Chut mein ghore lund” having received more then 500 mails, but most of them from tharki guys…who are like always after my pussy. Ok let’s start the new story now. Firstly, a little about me for the new readers. I am a good looking girl, fair, with medium breasts(at that time)and sexy tits. I like watching XXX movies at home and have collected...
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Light. Not sunlight. Vivid neon colors pulsing, pounding, fragmenting and fracturing, every color, blending madly, floating past, sometimes at impossible speeds before coming to a sudden halt. “Where?” Books fluttered past, pages opened like butterflies, words lifting like bees, buzzing around her head, letters spinning, cutting grooves in her flesh, lodging in her skin, some with faces, screaming obscenities, warning her to get out of the way, to hurry up, that God was coming, or had come,...
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Group SexHi my name is Sathish. Age 22. I am bisexual. I realized it when i was 18. In my previous story with sex with insurance agent, i had mentioned that i have not 1 but 2sex partners. The other one being my sexy hunky dad. When i was having sex with Manoj the insurance agent, dad had come home. I did not realize this because the music was on and i was busy sucking and getting fucked by Manoj. Dad had heard the moans and came to my room. He did not open the door completely but saw how I and the...
Gay MaleMPG Headquarters, New Pittsburgh September 14, 2146, 2000 hours "It's confirmed, Kevin," General Zoloft told General Jackson via video link. "The WestHem marines are in full retreat from the main line. They started giving up in droves twenty minutes ago. It started at the Pillbox 73 and 72 positions and spread all along the line from there." "Could it be some kind of trickery?" Jackson asked, wanting to believe what he was being told but not wanting to fall into a trap. "I don't...
When I was uni-student. One day I was going to a book store by motorcycle. I was aware a woman walking this way. Passing beyond, we turned our eyes each other. I murmured ‘she is tight!’ in my heart. When I was reading a book in a sotre, someone stood by me and pushed stucked book down to my side .. I faced that person. She was there! She didn’t look at me but seemed to expect something. After a while she moved to exit and stopped to face me for a moment. I was too square to chase her. I...
"Kiss me, whore."We share a long hot open mouth kiss."Yes, baby. I am your whore. I am your slut. I belong to you.""Yeah, I like when you tell me that. You're my favorite white pussy boy. You suck my big black dick better than anyone else I know."I really am good at sucking a BBC. "Thank you for saying that, baby. You deserve nothing but the best cocksucker for your 11.5 inch dick. Should I undress for you now?"Yeah. Do it slow and sexy. Do it like the girly boy you know you are."He sits down...
That dreaded sound rang through the dark bedroom and Sarah groggily reached out to stop it. Reluctantly she opened her eyes and looked at the time- the ungodly hour of six-thirty stared back at her. Sarah gave a small sigh- she had to be at work in an hour, before which she wanted to shower, eat breakfast, maybe even go for a run. But that meant that she had to get up out of this warm bed. her husband, David, moved slightly in his sleep. He pressed his deliciously warm body against hers and...
Love StoriesWaking up in the morning used to be a happy time for me, but now I hate it. I wish I could just sleep all the time so my evil sister couldn’t do anything more to me. I hated her so much now, that if she died, I would party and laugh about it. But I did wake up, and when I opened my eyes, Mandy was right there. Damn, I thought, when will she leave me alone. I sat up and she said, “Get in the bathroom whore, I need to piss. No clothes yet.” Once in the bathroom, she sat on the toilet seat and...
Your Decisions are important. The wrong decisions can lead to disastrous outcomes for Alicia. Alicia sits on the banks of the Merwood river. It runs through central Stormdale under a magnificent cobblestone bridge. She scrubs the bed sheets of her master, angry that the stain will not come out. This is the fourth whore he has bedded this week and the fourth time she has had to clean his mess. Alicia catches a glimpse of herself in the rivers reflection. A truly beautiful girl who had her...
FantasyI drove up and down a dozen streets, I didn't feel like working. I saw a small diner and pulled into the unpaved lot, hitting each pothole. I walked inside and it was cool, and I was the only customer. I sat at a table and the waitress brought me a glass of water. I didn't even look up, and ordered coffee. I saw the cup slid in front of me and heard a voice, "Problems with your women?" she asked. I nodded and looked up for the first time. My eyes stopped at hers, however they didn't...
I started my wicked plan from the day he moved in. I hated my mom she was a witch. She had cheated on my real dad numerous times.When dad was away on work trips I would often lay in bed at night listening to some guy she had picked up in a bar fuck her brains out. The grunts & moans were at first all to much for me & I was disgusted, but over the years as I grew into a woman I would lay there naked on top of the sheets squeezing my tiny titties & rubbing the thin wisks of pubic hair...
After about twenty minutes after the symphony started, I went into the tent to get one more bottle of water, before I was going to find a place to watch and listen to the show. I was the only one in there when a woman walked in from the other side. She had dark curly hair that came to her shoulders, dark brown eyes that seemed to look right thru me. She was sweating as much as I was, and her tee shirt was clinging to her hourglass figure. She had a small hand towel that she was dipping into...
Ellen was curious about having sex with another guy. We went to and fro about it; sometimes we were joking and teasing or kind of hinting around it. I can't even remember where the idea started, did it come from her, or something we heard or read? I don't know. We never got close to the idea of swinging because finding two people who we fancied seemed like a tall order. We did touch on whether I should reciprocate with another woman but one way or another we made no progress with that...
CuckoldThe alarm clock wasn’t my friend. It blared loudly cutting into the silence. I reached out and gently turned the machine off. It was an alert that my day was beginning. I dragged myself out of bed and headed toward the shower. Refreshed and ready to start the day, there was a knocked at the door.“Who is It?” I called from behind the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a familiar person.“It’s Reggie” I opened the door, wrapped in my bath towel surprised to see Reggie.“Ted, Can I take a...
Porn director Mick Blue’s intimate, POV-style footage presents sweet, petite, blonde newcomer Lily Larimar in a private date. Lily flaunts her mouthwateringly slender bod in tiny white cutoffs over a dark lingerie one-piece and white platform heels. She kneels to stroke Mick’s big cock and give a POV-angle blowjob. Mick plants his face between her ripe ass cheeks and tastes her tiny twat from behind. The pretty li’l thang takes Mick’s meat in her young pussy...
xmoviesforyouTraveling in Asia is always a dream, and today as we walk through this big beautiful city, I could not be more satisfied. The only thing that will make me more excited is getting back to our room later and slipping into some sexy fun. I bend over and invite James to slide his big dick inside of my sensitive pussy. The way he fills me up gets me so horny, I just need to feel his hot cum. Finally, he gets close, pulls out, and shoots his load on my ass. Traveling is always better when you have...
xmoviesforyouPresent – Ben, Jens and others – The trip I had a hell of a nap and when I wake up I find Jens is still asleep. I slowly extricate myself from her arms, slip out of bed, find my underwear and clothes and put them back on. I look at Jens, sleeping in the bed, and realize I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’ve married an incredibly beautiful woman who actually wants sex more than I do. I make sure to cover her up after ogling her incredibly hot body and head out into the main area. I pick up...
On the third vacation day at Barbados, I woke up in the morning seeing my sweet Ana’s nude tanned body close to me in bed. It was too much for me.Pulling back the sheets I looked her over. Her left boob now had a couple of small bite marks along with the dark hickey Samuel had given her during the first night he had fucked Ana.Her pussy lips were even redder and more swollen than before.Ana opened her eyes and stirred onto the bed. She smiled and opened her arms to me. I could not resist; I...
Susi K. war eine blonde Hausfrau Mitte 30. Ihr Mann war als Ingenieur häufig im Ausland unterwegs und die Kinder waren tagsüber in der Schule. Susi selber war jetzt Hausfrau und tagsüber nicht immer ausgelastet. Ihr einziges Vergnügen waren die Stunden im Fitness-Studio. Das war auch Grund, warum Susi eigentlich noch ganz knackig war. Im Fitness-Studio pfiffen ihr sogar Männer hinterher. Susi langweilte sich und schaltete ihr Lap-Top ein. Um sich Ideen für ihre Freizeit zu holen, gab sie in...
Hi.. My name is dilip. My age is 20. I am from chennai. My sister's name is akila. Her age is 19. She looks homely. Her face resembles that of vijay tv jodi no 1 VJ divyadarshini. If u dont know it search google for that. Her structure also looks the same. Her tits are small but smooth and sexy.Once my parents were out for purchase. I and my sister were in home. My sister was taking bath. There was a problem with our bathroom latch that day. So she told me before entering. While she was...
We spent the whole week between Christmas and New Year's Day at Lena's house. Clothes other than bath robes were worn only for trips outside. Other than restaurants, the only notable trip was to a sex shop where I bought Lena a second butt plug to match the one she gave Eve. The two women would wear them round the house together, a constant reminder of the next sex session they were preparing for. After a few days of barely uninterrupted coitus, I was starting to remember stories about how...
AnalCumslut HusbandPart 1 - An Acquired Taste"So, honey, what did ya get me for my birthday this year?" Smiling, my wife sucked a drop of butter from her finger and told me "It'd better be good."Uh-oh. I'd completely forgotten about it, and I think she knew it. Stalling, I snatched a piece of toast from her plate and crammed it in my mouth, mumbling incoherently around it."You forgot, didn't you." Crossing her arms over her breasts, she just sat there and glared at me. I tell you - if looks could...
Ladies, if you like this story, and want to exchange more like this, please email me at The rain had continued all day. Standing at his office window, he looked at the street below. It was already flooded. This could easily get worse, he thought. He was the last one left at the office. As the director, he never left before all his employees had already left. Deciding to call it a day, he shut down the office and hurried to his parked car, holding his office bag and newspaper over his head....
Chapter One: Futa's First Wild Ride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Before the cheering studio audience, the host interviewing about my life for the last hour, was lost to her lusts. The sexy, caramel-skinned Amelia, pushed me down on the couch we were sitting upon. I didn't fight her, my futa-dick throbbing so hard against my dress. “Oh, Becky,” she groaned, her perfectly coiffed, brown hair spilling about the wild passion of her features. She had that delightful,...
There are so many tales about incest, what’s special about mine is that …. NOTHING.But you’ll be surprised to hear all these. I was born as the first boy child after 20 years in my family. I am Nirmal , son of Rakesh Raj & Anushitha Rakesh born to the Great Shervani family. I can still remember the days of past where I was totally Loved and Cared in every manner by my family members. As u know due to the reason that I was the only Boy after those 20 years, I was surrounded by the queens of the...
IncestI know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...
My name is Jackson Shaw. I’m a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago. Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...
Hi readers. This is Rohan again. I am 18 years old. I have already lost my virginity to my maid Sheetal and I continue having sex with her. In this story I am going to tell you about my experiences with Pooja aunty.Sheetal is a 45 year old woman. She is chubby and has dark skin tone. Sheetal has got long black hair. It feels like heaven to hold her hair when she gives blowjobs. She has got large hanging boobs. She always wears saree which feels great to remove from a woman’s body and have sex...
Present dayEmily quirked a lip at herself in the vertical mirror of her closet door, running fingers through her shaggy tangle of black hair. She was dressed in her Akane Kurokawa cosplay, the kunoichi from the massively popular Shinobi Souls anime. She’d ordered the cosplay as a complete set from an online retailer, simply making minor adjustments to it over time so that it better suited her each year.The costume was simple—a red summer kimono called a yukata, that tied at the waist in a...
NovelsThe Diary of a Co-ed Part one By Olivia Evans Feb. 1st, Friday: I don't know how I'll be able to continue with my college education. When my inheritance runs out at the end of the month, I'll be flat broke. Not a penny. I've looked for part time jobs, but there really isn't anything available for a college sophomore with no work experience to speak of, and those that are available wouldn't even pay for half of the textbooks I need. So, at the end of...
Hello Friends, This is an unforgettable incidence in my life . Let me explain it ! I was admitted in a college in Pune that time(4 years ago). I was living with my cousin sister’s home ,who was married 2 years ago. It was Love marriage. Minal(thats her name)was unhappy as her husband had gone to abroad 4 months after her marriage and was not keeping contact with her. She was so upset about that because they had love marriage and still he did like that.. ! Whenever we talked about that guy...