Ally's Webcam Friends free porn video

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Ally entered her apartment, struggling to hold back her tears. She was carrying a heavier bag than usual as she had to clear her desk, like many others that day. Mass layoffs had finally arrived at her company, and after 14 months of being productive and being a model employee, she was one of 20 who were let go that afternoon.

She had nowhere to go to. Her family had cut her off, following her decision to move to ?the decadent, immoral big city? and her choice of boyfriend at the time. They had long broken up. Her only ?friends? now were the couple on her webcam.

She turned on the light and put her backpack on the bed. The apartment was a mess, typical for a Friday. Cleaning was for weekends. She removed her jacket and hung it by the door. She untucked her blouse from her pants and walked over to her laptop.

?Welcome home,? said the European-accented male voice. She could see him milling about his study, ?how was your day??

?I got fired today,? Ally said slowly, struggling to keep her composure. She undid her pants, pulled them off and threw them onto her bed.

?Sorry to hear that,? came the reply as he approached his computer and sat down. His wife joined him by his side, ?Hi,? she said, ?sorry to hear the bad news. What will you do now??

Ally removed her blouse and stood before her webcam in her underwear. ?I don’t know,? she said, ?they gave us six weeks pay and benefits. I’ll have find another job. I can’t move back home.? She unhooked her bra and removed her panties and stood before her webcam, naked. She picked up the water bottle that was on the windowsill and drank from it.

?Please sit down,? the man said. Ally pulled up her chair and sat down. ?Would you consider working for us?? he asked.

Ally was taken aback, ?doing what??

?Well,? said the woman, in her European accent, ?we’ve known you for a while. You are clearly comfortable being around us and we think you are obedient and disciplined. We can hire you as a Business Manager. We’ll pay you a salary but all of it will be used to cover room, board, benefits and any other expense that we feel is necessary.?

?What’s my job description?? Ally asked, perplexed and a little scared.

?We will determine that,? the man replied, ?it won’t be very different from what you do for us, but there will be more work and more perks. You’ll have structure and routine in your life. And you will be respected and taken care of.?

Ally sighed, ?can I think it over,? she asked.

?Sure,? the woman said, ?we’ll e-mail a contract now. Read it over tonight and we’ll talk in the morning. What are your plans for the rest of the evening??

?What would you like me to do?? Ally asked.

?Remain naked, eat dinner and relax. Read over the contract, take a nice shower before going to bed. Login when you wake up and we’ll instruct you further,? the man continued, ?keep the webcam on you all evening.?

The ?new e-mail? alert popped up on her screen. Ally clicked ?open?. There it was. She opened the attachment and hit print.

?I’ll read this tonight. Have a good evening,? Ally said, picking up the pages from the printer. She lifted her legs and placed her heels on the edge of the chair, giving her viewers a good view of her smooth, bald pussy, which glistened in the lighting. In spite of her troubles, she was clearly aroused.

Ally read the document carefully, sipping water from time to time, but remaining in her position throughout. Her stomach started to growl. She also had to pee badly, but she wanted to finish reading.

They continued to watch her throughout the evening, even though they had switched their webcam off. Ally got up and went to the bathroom, dragging the webcam with her. She had to buy a super-long cable for it. She fixed herself a sandwich and ate in bed, having thrown her clothes to the floor. She read the contract over and over again. In the end, she was so tired that she skipped the shower and fell asleep. The webcam was on the edge of the table, aimed right at her as she slept with the lights dimmed, with no covers.


Ally woke up around 7:30. She sat up on her bed and looked at the contract. She read it again. Finally, she got up and went to her laptop, moving the webcam so it was facing her.

He was at the other end. His webcam came on. ?You forgot to shower last night,? he admonished her, ?rare bit of disobedience from you.?

?I’m sorry. I was too tired. I read the contract carefully,? Ally replied.


?I’ll sign it.?

?Any questions??


?Good. Sign it electronically and e-mail it and bring the paper copy when you start.?

?What would you like me to do now??

?Clean your apartment.?

?May I go to the bathroom??

?You may. Eat breakfast before you start.?

Ally went into the bathroom, dragging the webcam along. After freshening up she went into the kitchen and poured herself some milk and cereal. She ate it standing there.

Like every Saturday, it took her all morning to clean her apartment. Dishes had to be washed, laundry organized, bed made, floors swept, bathroom cleaned. She did all of it meticulously, and all the while she was naked. Her small breasts jiggled as she went about her chores. Her pussy wet with desire. She wasn’t allowed to masturbate or pleasure herself in any way. Their rules. Now they were about to ?own? her.

After she was done cleaning, she got permission to shower. She took a long, soothing shower and after she finished she found instructions waiting in her inbox.

?You will start tomorrow. At 10 am a black Chevy Tahoe will pull up in front of your building. You will be taken to our favorite spa for preparation. Wear simple, comfortable clothes and shoes. Carry only your contract, cell phone, keys and ID. Leave everything else behind. We will arrange to pack up your things and take care of your affairs. Go and enjoy the rest of today. There is no need to check in via webcam any more. We will see you tomorrow.?

Tomorrow. One more day. Short notice. Ally’s heart was racing. Leave everything behind? Can these people be trusted? Black SUV? Spa? She took a few deep breaths. It will be OK, she said to herself. These people care about me, she thought.

The rest of the day was a blur. She frantically organized her things, making sure they wouldn’t miss anything. She called a couple of friends from work. No one was in the mood to talk or get together. Losers, she thought. In the evening she ordered a small pizza and relished it. Later she finished the ice cream that was in her freezer. She picked out her clothes for the next day. Something simple. She chose her favorite ripped jeans, ultra-low rise, pink panties, pink lace bra and a blue tank top that bared her midriff.

She barely slept that night. In the morning, she showered, at breakfast, got ready and left her apartment, taking exactly what she had been instructed to take with her.

The SUV was waiting for her. Inside there were two women she did not recognize. One of them got out and asked her for her ID. She checked it and gave it back to her. Then she asked for her keys. She went into the building while the other woman drove her to the spa.

When she checked in at the spa she was shown her schedule: herbal enema, full body wax with Brazilian, floral treatment and bath, manicure and pedicure, facial, haircut.

When they were done with her, it was 5 pm. Ally never felt this clean and pretty. Her hair was virtually the same, blond, straight and shoulder-length. Her skin felt soft all over. She smelt great. She felt nourished and cleansed. She boarded the SUV and was driven to her new home and office. They arrived at 7:30. They were in the middle of nowhere.


The mansion was set deep in the woods. The property was gated and hidden from the main road. Ally’s room was in the basement. It had a small window near the ceiling. There was a single bed, neatly made with a pillow and bedsheet, no covers. There was a small table and chair. On the table there was a jug of water and a plastic glass. A sink was in one corner and there were two shelves cut into the wall. On one shelf there were dental supplies and on the other shelf there was a box of tampons and a hairbrush. There was a small mirror above the sink and a liquid soap dispenser on the sink itself.

There were three hooks on the door, where she could hang her clothes. There was a closet, but it simply housed a toilet with no seat. There was a toilet paper dispenser and a plastic bowl on the floor.

On the bed there was a document titled ?Rules for the resident.? That would be her bedtime reading.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Her employers and hosts merely told her to take her time to get used to the place. Everything was transparent and she would get a chance to read up on all the rules and expectations. Full obedience and compliance was expected. There was a punishment clause in the contract. She was reminded that she had signed the contract. There was no escape clause. This was a three year contract.

Before taking her down to her room, the man, whom she had to call Master said, ?tomorrow you will go for a medical checkup. You can’t eat anything and pee into this cup. We want to make sure that you are in perfect health.?

After she had surveyed her room, Ally took off her clothes and hung them on the hooks. She had no idea where the rest of her stuff was. She didn’t dare ask. She lay on the rather hard bed and opened the document.

Rules for the Resident

You must follow instructions at all times. You must never ask questions about your living conditions or meals. You may only ask for water. You must never complain or whine. You must show respect to those taking care of you. You must never waste food. You must observe proper oral hygiene: brush, floss and rinse twice a day. You must shower when instructed but perform a minimal wash after using the toilet. You own nothing. Your personal effects and room furnishings are part of your privileges and can be taken away at any time. You must never look your Master or Madam in the eye. If you are in any discomfort or feel unwell, you must say, ?red light?.

Ally yawned and turned out the light. She managed to fall asleep after a lot of tossing and turning.

The next day, she got a clean bill of health.


Each day was different but each day started at 5:30 and ended close to 11. One thing remained constant during the first month. Ally was always naked. She showered no more than four times a week. She was constantly occupied with something or someone. Days were hard and long. She was no ordinary Business Manager.

She managed to screw things up often and in ways that enraged her owners. But they showed extreme patience. Her punishment log filled up fast. Each time she was punished she had to write about it in a journal. The first entry was made on Day 8.

Day 8

I screwed up today. I was late reporting for work. I was really tired last night and couldn’t get up on time. Master had to come and wake me.

I had to report to the punishment room. I had to lean over the table with my legs spread and my elbows on the table. I counted fifteen blows with the strap on my bare bottom. It hurt. I didn’t cry. I counted aloud. I managed to not pee everywhere since I had to go badly. I saw the result in Master’s camera. My butt was red all over. No bruises or cuts, just red all over. I wasn’t allowed to touch it or soothe it in any way. It hurt to sit down all day.

To her owners, everything seemed rather mundane. A month into her stay there was a dinner table conversation that would change everything. Ally had served the meal and was standing by the dining room door, awaiting further instructions, when the woman addressed her husband.

?When are we going to stop treating her like a houseguest and more like a slave?? she asked, sounding annoyed as she cut her piece of chicken.

?We can make changes now, if you’d like,? said Ally’s Master, ?what do you have in mind??

?Forced nudity and the occasional spanking won’t get her anywhere.?

?Let’s go to the cabin for a couple of weeks. Conditions there are better-suited for proper training.?

?We can start here in the meantime. Also, what’s new with Karl in Dresden??

?He’s always on the lookout.?

?Let’s get her on the webcam tomorrow and show her off to him. I’m sure he might have some good ideas for us.?

Ally was listening intently as the conversation drifted to another subject. A trip to the cabin sounded like fun. But where was Dresden? And who was this Karl fellow she would have to show herself to in the morning?

?Slave, take off the apron and crawl to me,? her Madam ordered her, without looking at her. Ally did as she was told. She waited by her chair, on all fours. The woman tossed a piece of potato onto the floor, ?eat that without picking it up,? she ordered her. Ally looked at her.

?What are you looking at? You’ve cleaned the floor today. Now eat off of it you shameless slut!?

Ally did as she was told. A few more pieces followed. After dinner she was instructed to clean up and wash the dishes. Then she got to eat the rest of her dinner, cold leftovers off her owner’s plates. There was enough, fortunately. It was close to 9 pm when she was done with her chores. She hadn’t seen her owners since they had finished eating. Finally, the woman emerged.

?You will sleep in your room tonight. Tomorrow, you will rise at 4, freshen up and report to the front door no later than 4:30. Go shower now and get some rest. You will need it.?

Ally did as she was told. The shower felt good. It had been two days since her last shower, which happened after she got a body wax at home.

She tossed and turned all night in her bed. She barely slept. The alarm went off at 4. Groggy, she got up and got ready. She was at the front door at 4:25.


It was a long drive, nearly 10 hours, until they reached their destination. There was no civilization in sight. Thick woods surrounded the property. There was a small lake in the distance. The cabin itself was nondescript and looked rundown.

Ally was clothed for a change. She was wearing a thin, shapeless white dress that was sleeveless and barely covered her ass. In the van she had to sit in the middle of the backseat, with her legs apart and her ankles shackled to the seat. A mirror was placed across from her so that her pussy was always in view of her owners. They had given her two slices of bread and a banana, along with a large bottle of water, for breakfast. They stopped twice, once at a deserted campground and let Ally out to relieve herself in the bushes and once at a gas station to buy food and fill gas. Ally had to remain in the car for that. They gave her two snack bars and more water for lunch.

Once they were at the cabin, Ally really needed to pee. Her Master pointed towards the bushes. Ally rushed over and squatted. She wiped herself with a leaf and came back to the van.

?Take off your dress,? came the orders. She did as she was told. Then came her first task. There were two buckets near the porch. She had to take them to the lake, wash them and then walk up a small hill and fill them in a natural spring. She had to bring the buckets back, climb a flight of stairs to the side of the roof and fill the tank. That was their source of ?running? water in the cabin. The tank was large and would take at least 30 buckets to fill.

It took Ally the rest of the afternoon to finish her task. She was hot and sweaty and hungry. She would routinely drink water from the spring. Her back and arms were sore. She was ready to drop to the ground. When she emptied the final bucket she sat down by the stairs, panting. Ten minutes later, her owners emerged with a bowl of grits. She slurped it up gratefully while they went off into the woods, carrying a bag with them.

Ally drank some of the remaining water from the bucket and crouched behind the bushes to pee. When she finished and got up she noticed that they were back. It was beginning to get dark.

?Come, let’s show you to your room,? said her Madam, putting her arm around her, ?you must be tired. Long drive, hard work after that.? Then she gave her a shove into her husband’s arms. He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the dense woods. He seemed to be in a hurry, Ally was struggling to stay on her feet and keep up. Finally he pushed her to the ground when they reached a small clearing.

?On your knees, face that tree,? he ordered her. She did as she was told. She was breathing heavily. Her heart was pounding. She was going from houseguest to slave, she knew the time had come. She closed her eyes. He cuffed her hands behind her back and blindfolded her. The cuffs hurt. She could barely move her arms. He put a chain on her ankles and pulled her to her feet.

?Now you listen to me,? this time it was her Madam, ?we’ve let you be nice and comfortable in our house. But those days are over. Now, at best, you’ll be uncomfortable, at worst? well, you’ll find out.?

?Please don’t kill me,? Ally begged.

?What good would that do?? said the man. Ally heard him open a door. He pushed her inside. Before she could balance herself, the door slammed shut. She heard the chain go around the handles outside.

?Get some rest,? said her Madam through the door, ?there’s a bowl of water in the corner.? Ally was on her knees, getting a sense of the tiny shed she was now locked in. She found the water and bent over and slurped some up. Then she curled up on the floor. There was no room to stretch her legs. She managed to fall asleep. Her exhaustion trumped her fear this time. She only woke up when she heard the door being opened. A hand reached in and pulled the blindfold off her. Ally was started by the light and averted her eyes.

Madam was standing there, wearing a pair of boxers and a bra, ?On your feet,? she said and pulled Ally up. Ally was covered with dirt. ?Filthy whore,? she said, pulling her out of the shed. ?Now walk up that path, and don’t look back,? she pointed towards a narrow path that started behind the shed. Ally did as she was told. The path was really narrow. Tree branches and leaves tickled her as she walked. She didn’t hear anyone following her. She was going alone. She got deeper and deeper into the woods. She was sweating, her bladder was full and she was having a hard time seeing where she was going.

Finally the order came to stop.


Ally could barely move. Her skin felt like it was on fire. The strap landed on practically every inch of her body from the neck down. It was wide and thick. It took one lash to send a jolt of pain through her, accompanied by a quick reddening of her skin. She was curled up in the corner of her shed, rubbing her arms as they were also sore from being tied behind her. Her pussy throbbed. It wasn’t spared either. Her stomach growled. Her water bowl was empty. Desperation was slowly coming over her. It had only been an hour since they brought her back to the shed. When she was being whipped, the pain was so intense that she peed right there, angering her owners even more, and earning her an extra pussy lash.

?I deserved it,? she kept muttering to herself, ?I’m a whore. A worthless slave.? She had to say this over and over again, until further notice.

When the door opened a piece of bread was thrown at her. ?Eat,? came the order, ?it’s time to fill the tank.? Ally gobbled the piece of bread and slowly made it to her feet. She hobbled out of the shed and followed her Master back to the cabin. She picked up the buckets and made her way to the spring. Another hot day, another 30 buckets. She toiled, drinking water at every stop

By the end of the week, Ally was covered in dirt, mud and sweat. She was filthy from head to toe. She hadn’t been flogged since the first day but all she did was fill the tank every day and spend the rest of her time in the shed. The lake looked inviting. She was desperate to wash. All she got to eat was a slice of bread in the morning, two snack bars for lunch and a bowl of grits for dinner.

On the seventh morning she was woken up and told to wash in the lake. ?Time to go home,? said her Madam, ?clean up good and we’ll meet you at the van.?


?Nice, very nice,? said Karl over the webcam. Ally was standing with her back to the webcam, her legs spread apart and she was bending over and grabbing her ankles.

?Face me and squat girl,? Karl instructed her. Ally turned around and squatted. ?Go up and down, let’s see those tits juggle,? he said. Ally did as she was told.

?Alright,? said Karl. He addressed Ally’s owners, ?dye it jet black and give her the markings we discussed earlier. I’ll see you on the 19th.? The webcam went dark.

Later that morning, Ally found herself in a tattoo parlor. After a painful session, the words ?Slave Ally? were tattooed above her crotch and the words ?Property of? were tattooed near her tailbone, with the space below to the filled later.

Ally came home with her hair cut to shoulder length and dyed black. She stripped off her dress and hung it near the door.

?Where is Dresden?? she asked her Madam.

?You’ll see for yourself. Now go and relax. You have a lot of work to do later. Come back up at 4,? she said.

Ally retired to her room. Thanks to her new status the bed was gone and the toilet closet was locked. There was nothing in the room except for the sink, the alarm clock and a chamber pot. Ally’s tattoos were stinging. She lay on the floor, on her side, and closed her eyes.


The plane landed in Dresden at 8:20 in the morning. Ally had slept the entire second leg. She was dressed in a pair of flannel shorts and a loose t-shirt and no underwear. She was wearing flip flops. She had no baggage. Her Master accompanied her on the flight. He was carrying a bag, his laptop and a suitcase.

Karl had sent a car. They got in. The windows in the back were blackened out. Ally sat alone in the back, clutching a bottle of water. She took sips from it. It was a long drive. She managed to fall asleep again.

It was close to noon when they reached their destination. Ally woke up and realized the car had stopped. She didn’t hear anyone. She lightly tapped on the window. Finally, the door opened. Two men were waiting. One was Karl. She didn’t know who the other one was.

?Prettier in person,? Karl remarked. Ally looked around as she stepped out. She couldn’t see her Master. ?Here, sign this,? said Karl, thrusting a clipboard and pen at her. The paper was titled, ?Lease Agreement?.

?Can I read it?? Ally asked.

?Do as you are told,? her Master emerged from the building behind the car.

Ally quickly scanned the paper and signed it. She caught phrases like, ?I agree?, ?his choosing?, ?reasonable limits? and so on. Ally was led into the building and to a room marked with her name, ?Ally, U.S.A.?

Her clothes were taken from her at the door and she was shoved into the room. The room was dimly lit. There were no windows. The toilet was a hole in the ground with a flush built into the wall. There was a tap next to the flush. A small package lay on the floor. Ally removed the brown paper wrapping and found a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a small hairbrush and a bar of soap wrapped in a towel.

Ally did what she could to freshen up after the long trip. The water emerged from the tap as a trickle so washing was a frustrating process. She did what she could, cleaning her hands, feet, face and of course, her privates. After that she dried herself and lay out on the hard floor. The room was six feet long and four feet wide so there wasn’t much distance between her and the toilet.

When the door opened, a stern uniformed guard towered over her. He asked her a few rapidfire questions in broken English. She answered them. Then he handed her a plate of food and a plastic pitcher of water. ?We talk tomorrow,? he said, closing and locking the door.

In the dim light, Ally surveyed what was on her plate. There was a baked potato, a boiled egg, two slices of bread and a banana. She ate the potato and egg and saved the rest for later. She drank nearly half of the water.

There was nothing to do but sit around and wait. She had no idea what Karl’s world entailed. It was going to be very different, that was for certain. She had grown accustomed to her owner’s methods. She missed them and hoped to go back. But what if this was a permanent arrangement? She signed a lease agreement, so it had to be temporary. But in this crazy world, nothing was certain.


Ally stood in the hallway, she was one of many who had lined up. They were almost standing shoulder to shoulder. One thing was eerie about this lineup. Everyone was skinny, small breasted and had shoulder length hair dyed black. Ally didn’t get to see too many faces. The air was thick with the smell of cheap soap mixed in with sweat.

Two guards walked up and down, inspecting the lineup. Ally watched through the corner of her eye as one guard stepped up to one of the girls and grabbed her by the cheeks and pretended to slap her. Finally one of the guards spoke.

?We have a new guest,? he said, looking at Ally, then motioning her to step forward and turn and face the lineup. Most of the girls looked elsewhere. Ally surveyed them. All were so similar: white, skinny and hairless, with the same hair color. All of them had the same type of tattoo above their crotch.

The guard handed Ally a piece of paper. ?Read this,? he said.

Ally read aloud, ?My name is Slave Ally. I am no one’s property for now. I am a slut. I am a whore. I am filth. I am worthless. I am trash.?

There was no reaction from any one. The guard took the paper from her and pushed her towards the lineup.

?Right turn, start walking!? the guard ordered. Everyone did as they were told. They walked down the corridor and up a flight of stairs. They arrived at an empty bar where there were several tables with poles mounted on them. Each girl had to find the table with their photo, climb on top and start dancing.

Minutes after the music began, the doors opened and patrons flooded the place. Ally was on one of the corner tables, holding the pole and swaying to the music. One man came and sat down at her table, holding two drinks. He offered Ally one. She crouched and accepted it. It was plain water. She gratefully drank it and resumed dancing. The man sat back and watched as she swayed and shook and crouched and swiveled. She had had plenty of practice in college. Pole dancing was part of her sorority culture. Karl and a few other men wandered around the bar, greeting patrons. Karl came up to Ally’s table and whispered into her patron’s ear. The gentleman nodded. Ally continued to dance, though she was getting tired and hungry. The man served her water a few more times but now she had to pee. Embarrassed, she crouched and asked if she could use the bathroom. He turned towards Karl and summoned him. He spoke into his ear. Karl nodded. Then the man turned to Ally and motioned her to follow him.

He led her up a flight of stairs and unlocked a room. ?After you,? he said, in a strange accent. Ally stepped into the room. There was a curtain dividing the room. In the half they were standing in, there was a twin bed and a sink. The man pulled a steel pan out from under the bed.

?You pee, I watch,? he said. Ally crouched over the pan and relieved herself. She peed so much that she was afraid the pan would overflow. But it didn’t.

?Empty into sink,? he told her. She did that and rinsed the pan and placed it under the bed. She needed to wash herself so she ran a wet hand over her damp pussy. She was also hot and sweaty from all the dancing.

?Please, get like doggy on floor,? the man said, unbuckling his pants. Ally went down on all fours. The man entered her from behind, grabbing her around the waist and thrusting into her. He was huge and Ally was fairly tight. She gritted her teeth as he moved inside her. Slowly she got wet enough that he was moving more easily. She wanted it over with but he took a while to cum. When he finally did and went limp, he pulled out and tossed the condom into the trash. Ally remained on all fours, breathing heavily, her pussy throbbing and dripping.

Then, in an instant, she was hooded, cuffed and secured so that her wrists were locked to the spreader bar that held her ankles in place. The tight leather hood simply had a hole for her nose. Her arms pressed against her breasts as she was on her knees, face down on the floor, butt in the air. She hadn’t noticed the ring on the floor, her collar was locked to it.

She could feel his fingers rubbing something cool onto her asshole. Then he slid a cold, steel probe into her asshole. Once it was in place, he picked up a whip and lashed her back three times. Then he took out a paddle and slapped each buttcheek three times. With each blow, the probe seemed to move deeper inside her. Then he pulled out the probe and pushed his cock into her asshole, stretching it but she was accommodating. The position she was in was more painful. She was also dripping wet and desperately wanted to cum. Her moans were muffled by the tight hood. Once he was done, he cleaned up and got dressed while Ally remained in position, her pussy still throbbing, her body covered in sweat, her limbs sore. He freed her ankles and pulled her to her feet. Her wrists were still cuffed. He lifted the hood and placed a ball gag in her mouth. He removed the hood completely and blindfolded her.

?I like you,? he said, ?I own you now.?


The tattoo on her back now said, ?Property of Victor?. She had been formally owned by Victor.

The first thing Victor did was put Ally through laser hair removal treatment. It was painful but she would no longer need waxing. Ally spent a three days ?recovering? in a shed in a remote village. She saw no one and didn’t leave the shed. She had a bucket for a toilet and was given food through a slot under the door. After three days she was soaped and hosed and taken to her new room.

Life under Victor was brutal. Ally was shackled 24 hours a day. The position changed depending on Victor’s plans. Some days she would be in a standing position, other days in a crouching or sitting position. He mercilessly whipped and paddled her, never drawing blood or leaving scars. He was good at that. She had to present herself for sex whenever he wanted. She had no choice, she was usually immobile. He fed her bread and water three times a day, a banana three times a week and an egg once a week. He kept her awake for days on end. He even placed her in a water tank, chin-deep, for three days. A month into her ordeal, Victor had several friends over and Ally was helpless as they took turns with her, for three days straight as she was locked in a stockade, her torso parallel to the floor, her legs spread, her pussy inviting.

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Steve had come home from college for the weekend and was just about to go out with some friends when he heard his stepmother's cell phone ringtone. Thinking it might be something important, he ran to answer it since his stepmom was in the bathroom at the time.It stopped ringing just as he got there, and whoever was calling had been sent to her voicemail. Steve waited for a few seconds so whoever was calling could leave their message, then he opened up her voicemail to see who had called."What...

2 years ago
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Betty Boop on Webcam pt1

It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant. Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain. 'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger. 'No...but I love your name. Do you look like her?' The stranger instantly replied. I instantly blushed like a tomato. 'Oh.....thanks......sort of.' I typed. 'Really? Do tell.' 'That’s my nickname...

3 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 2

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

3 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 2

Introduction: William James loves his games. Now that a stranger online is giving him a chance to get exclusive items, what is William willing to do for the stranger in return? Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series....

2 years ago
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Self Served a Webcam Adventure

Introduction: A sexy webcam performance with a twist at the end Self Served a Webcam Adventure She turns on her computer and brings up her live web site. Typing rapidly she opens the site and scans to see how many are logged in and waiting. A record crowd tonight! Well, well her satisfied customers are telling their friends and her fame is spreading. Not your average webcam babe, she is a thirty something redhead with waist length curly hair and a lush womans body with ample curves. She has...

2 years ago
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The Slutty Webcam Girl

The Slutty Webcam GirlWritten by TrueRoyaltyChapter 1I heard the two familiar notes. The two notes that ring every time I turned on my webcam. I never got any attention from boys in high school. I was a virgin at my high school graduation while all the other girls had boys drooling over them. But after hearing that jingle and I'm immediatley turned on. I like stripping for guys who pay me just to show them my small titties and my flat ass. And I would do it for free but if I get payed to be...

1 year ago
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My wife the webcam slut

This is about how I found out my wife was a webcam slut. I had been going out with Sarah for 3 years and things were going fine – or so I thought. She was 21, about 5’5 with a hot body and always keen to have shag. We lived together in a flat in Birmingham, she working part time at an office while I worked in transport. Everything seemed okay until one of my friends said he had seen some people he didn’t recognized close to the flat, and I had been noticing a few items had been moved around....

Cheating Wifes
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Webcam fun

ON CAM IN KENT NOV 2018Just got back from a few days away with my wife. Just a short break in a very nice hotel in Kent. Had a great time too. Plus we had some much awaited and unexpected fun on our webcam. We have in the past had a bit of fun on a adult webcam website but haven’t been on it for at least a year but she had promised to go on it again if we stayed away from home in a hotel. We had stayed away before but sadly nothing had happened.This time I noticed she had “secretly” packed her...

4 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 8

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...

3 years ago
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webcam mom

This story relates to my mom rittu who is 42 years of age and has a sexy luscious fig of 36 34 38 and she used to wear tight blouse and her nipples were always erect and hard as it can be seen in the blouse.My father had left for Chandigarh to setup some business over there whil I was studing in college in delhi.We were living in rented apartment but enjoyed good life and dad used to send us money.I always admired mom for her sex beauty and always wanted to be by her side but mom never gave me...

3 years ago
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Self Served a Webcam Adventure

She turns on her computer and brings up her live web site. Typing rapidly she opens the site and scans to see how many are logged in and waiting. A record crowd tonight! Well, well her satisfied customers are telling their friends and her fame is spreading. Not your average webcam babe, she is a thirty something redhead with waist length curly hair and a lush woman’s body with ample curves. She has a stunning smile and bright shining blue eyes a light complexion with flawless skin that...

1 year ago
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Webcam Model Becomes My Hot Stepdaughter

Hello ISS readers. This is a father sharing his experience of a live video sex chat session with a bold, playful, and seductive webcam model of Delhi Sex Chat website. The truly helped in exploring my pervert desires over my 20-year-old stepdaughter. Moreover, the open-minded webcam model was exceedingly erotic. A few days ago, one afternoon, my stepdaughter came home from college. I had taken a day off from work and was watching TV in the living room. I waited for my stepdaughter to come out...

1 year ago
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Webcam model

What is webcam modeling? Webcam modeling is a very unique position within the adult entertainment industry to say the least. Unlike any other adult position, webcam models can work from the comfort and privacy of their own home, perform virtually over the internet, set their own schedule, and work without supervision. There is NO experience necessary to be a webcam model, no required STD testing, and no need for a co-star. The concept is simple: Open Chat Seductively dressed models log into a...

4 years ago
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Friend8217s Sister And Webcam Model Made My Big Cock Hard

I will never forget those fair perky breasts tightly wrapped in a thin water-soaked cloth. And the sight of those wet hairy vagina barely covered by the same thin cloth used as a towel. Uf! If was the last day of 2020 and I, along with some colony friends were making arrangements for the New Year Party on the building terrace. During our preparation, my friend’s sister and I went to her house each carrying two cardboard boxes full of extra ribbons and leftover balloon packets. I was arranging...

2 years ago
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The End of Prudery Episode I Lindas Webcam

My mother had definitely not been happy to stay on the other side of the continent, but heck, I was eighteen now and at some point the young are supposed to flee the nest. That is especially important when said young have entirely inappropriate dreams about the mother hen. Those thoughts had recently surfaced and where most likely the result of the fact that at eighteen I was still a virgin without wanting to be one. Bookish nerdy types just don't score with the girls. I wouldn't really...

4 years ago
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My experience as a webcam model

I was finishing up my freshman year at college when I was approached by an attractive older woman as I was leaving the gym. She asked if I had done any modelling. At first I thought she was joking and kept walking. She caught up to me and handed me a flyer. She seriously thought I had what it took to model. We continued walking to my dormitory. When we got there she asked if we could talk some more in my room. We got several looks as we rode the elevator to my floor. We got to my room. She sat...

2 years ago
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Mom chats with bully on webcam

Rebecca O'Neil had just gotten home from a disappointing girls-night-out. The 34 year-old single mom had hoped to pick up some young stud to fuck her brains out, but all she found were wimpy nerds and old perverts. She had dressed like a complete slut for the occasion, skipping her panties and wearing a white dress that clung to her wide hips and bubble ass like a second skin. Her entire back was completely exposed all the way to the top of her ass cheeks. As she entered the house she heard...

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My experience as a webcam model

I was finishing up my freshman year at college when I was approached by an attractive older woman as I was leaving the gym. She asked if I had done any modelling. At first I thought she was joking and kept walking. She caught up to me and handed me a flyer. She seriously thought I had what it took to model. We continued walking to my dormitory. When we got there she asked if we could talk some more in my room. We got several looks as we rode the elevator to my floor.We got to my room. She sat...

1 year ago
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Webcam Model Plays 8216My Bitch Mother8217

Hello, my name is Bhargav Dutta. I am 20 years old. I live in a row house that is in line with other row houses, on one of the busiest streets of Kanpur. If one observes carefully in the vicinity of my colony, then he/she will come to know that sultry affairs are been carried out secretively by desperate housewives and over-enthusiastic husbands! Ever since reaching the age of puberty, I began to fantasise about my mother having an affair with our neighbour Mr Patel. I have seen Mr Patel’s eyes...

3 years ago
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Fun With Webcam Model Rabia

Hey there, jolly readers of ISS. My name is Aashish Nair (Age 20) and this is my first sex story on this website. In this sex story, I have described my recent sex chat experience with a scintillating webcam model of Delhi sex chat web portal. I must confess that having a live session has helped me stay away from watching pornographic videos. Nowadays, I enjoy sexually stimulating myself by having sex chat sessions with anyone of the DSC’s gorgeous and open-minded cam models. It was a bright...

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Webcam Model Anamika Fulfilled My Pervert Lust

Hello ISS readers! My name is Anmol Patel (Age 36) and I would like to share my first live sex chat experience on the Delhi sex chat website. I am a married man with an unconventional desire for sexual pleasures. My wife and I indulge in role-playing activities to spice-up our marriage life. She even allows me to stick my cock up her ass. Even though I bash my wife’s hairy pussy and tight asshole regularly, I still don’t feel satisfied. That’s the reason I started observing the young women in...

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Webcam Session

Thought I'd try something different and share a webcam session I had with a HOT 22yr old tonight. We've cammed before and she loves to masturbate in front of the cam while I do everything she says! I just cut and pasted our session together, hope you like!kayla says: i wanna play get readyJessie says: yes maam! what should I grab? my vibrator and whip?kayla says: mmmmm that and a candle Jessie says: yes maam mic?kayla says: no, roomies home dont want her to hear youJessie says: yes maamkayla...

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Betty Boop on Webcam pt2

I'd been out on the town twice with a couple of married girlfriends but apart from some extra attention because I was wearing seamed stockings nothing had come of it; I still had to rely on my toys and webcam to get my jolly's. "That's him." Claudia whispered as I was making us a cup of coffee. "Who?" I replied as I teetered back into the main office on my new 3 inch heels. "Looking in the window. The one that looks a bit like the actor Colin Farrell." My young colleague...

3 years ago
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Young Lactating MILF Becomes a Webcam Whore for Her Redneck Husband

Sitting here now at the age of thirty, in our upscale suburban home near Mobile, Alabama, it’s sometimes hard to imagine how far we’ve come from a challenging start. My name is Jody, and after getting knocked up in high school by my boyfriend, Billy, we got married and struggled financially until he encouraged me to make extra money by becoming a webcam stripper.This story starts at the time I had just turned sixteen years old, during the summer before my junior year in high school. I am a...

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Mum joins in the webcam fun

It was a saturday afternoon and i was at home on the laptop chatting to a guy id meet called pete, he was 56 married and from somewhere up north. Im not gay of had any thoughts like that, we had just got chatting and had cammed together showing each other our cocks and wanking infront of cam. This afternoon i knew i was alone for a while as mum was out food shopping. Me and pete were typing away to each other whilst our cams were on, my cam was lowered facing towards my cock area and petes was...

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her webcam

I am NOT the simply sharingShe left to take a shower, and forgot to turn her webcam off. Now, it was time for the big adventureView Author's Copyright InformationWe had been talking on webcam every day for months, and had become wonderful friends. She is young, vibrant, and beautiful. I'm just an old retired guy. Her long dark hair goes well past the middle of her back. Her large, doe eyes have the greenish cast of being hazel in color and melt me whenever I see them. Her lips are...

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Brittneys New WebCam

Brittney gets a WebCam by Brittney Little This is the almost entirely true story of what happened the first time Brittney started chatting online. Part I She sat down at the computer for the first time. Her medium length brunette hair pushed behind one ear exposing a silver ear ring. She was freshly bathed, smoothed and lotioned. The aroma of vanilla and lavender surrounded her from her bath and lotions. She wore tight pink and plaid capri pants. She had a lace top...

2 years ago
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Erica The Webcam MILF Chapter 3

Steve had little time to dwell on the duality of the situation as she started to bob up and down his shaft. Frankly, it didn't matter to him whether it was Erica or Diane who was sucking his cock at that moment. All he knew was that whoever was doing it was doing a marvelous job!But Steve wasn't the only one enjoying this sexual union. Erica was herself more aroused than she had ever been. It was hard, at times, to differentiate his moaning from her own. Erica sucked on his cock as if she was...

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Webcam fun

I was going to be gone for about 6 weeks and he sent me a few thinks I needed and a few extra things to include a webcam. He always loved watching me... playing with myself or even with other people. He would send me stories, pictures and movies of us or other people. I would get home from school and find these in my mail box and go thru them, I guess a sort of warm up. We would get online later at night and switch on the webcams. I would tell him what I liked and what got me turned...

1 year ago
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Wife and the webcam

My wife Marie loved her job, working as a software developer for a small startup company. The company only had ten employees and half of them were programmers or project managers directly involved in coding. With such a small company, the work atmosphere was fantastic. The president and vice president were in their 30s, and everyone else in their 20s. She could probably make more money working for a larger company, but she had already done that right out of college and appreciated the...

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Tashas webcam show Ch 2

Tasha continue's her webcam show, with an unexpected surprise from her new lover Bullet. It's been two weeks since my last live webcam show, where I ended up getting fucked by my dog Bullet and sucking my little brother C.J's cock live on webcam. With everything happening so fast, I didn't realize how much my life had changed after that night. I was no longer known for shaking my ass and masturbating for my webcam fans, I was now the black girl who not only likes doggy cock, but I...

3 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 6

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

4 years ago
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Dreaming I Was Only Dreaming Of My Webcam Girlfriend

I’d never looked at a girl like I was looking at her. I always thought I was straight, every person I found attractive was a guy, but this woman in front of me was so amazing I was starting to doubt my own sexuality. Was it possible that I could be bisexual? I’m 25 and never looked at a woman like this before. Actually wait, I did kiss that girl a few years ago, I was drunk, but surely there must have been something there less I wouldn’t have done it. And her from that band, Taylor, God she...

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Wifes webcam 2

In the days that followed, none of her coworkers said anything. My wife Marie had knowingly walked completely naked in front of her webcam and pretended to be unaware that her three fellow programmers were watching, and none of them said a word to her. I can't say that I was surprised. If it were me, I too would have kept my mouth shut in hopes of future shows. But Marie knew that she had to ease up. She couldn't give a repeat performance too often without it becoming obvious that she knew they...

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Webcam Sex with Wife

A few times a month my wife indulges my fantasies and lets me undress her on webcam. Last night was one of those nights. She was really into it. As I setup the webcam on a tripod, she got into her sexy read lingerie. I logged into and I like a bit of both. On RealCoupleCam, I can watch other couples who are also getting naked. On ShufflePeople, I like watching the faces of others when suddenly they're staring at my wife's beautiful body as I fondle...

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Her webcam

We had been talking on webcam every day for months, and had become wonderful friends. She is young, vibrant, and beautiful. I'm just an old retired guy. Her long dark hair goes well past the middle of her back. Her large, doe eyes have the greenish cast of being hazel in color and melt me whenever I see them. Her lips are just so luscious, so delicious looking, wanting to be softly kissed. I had never seen her breasts, but could tell they are the kind I love ..... guessing, I would think them...

3 years ago
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Webcam Model Trains Me To Fuck My Widow Aunty

Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...

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Sexy Webcam Model Gave Me A Satisfying Sex Show

It was my friend who had informed me about a wonderful way to spend the lockdown and now, I will pass on that elixir of lust to you guys. One evening, my childhood friend sent me a URL link along with a message. He had asked me to check out the link and thank him later. What got me curious was the fact that my friend had also advised me to access the link late at night and to maintain privacy. Around 23:30, I accessed the link on my mobile phone. At first glance, I thought my friend had sent me...

1 year ago
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Office Romance Sex on a WebCAM

Swetha is my administrative assistant in a hyderabad based IT company, the friendship between us blossomed in last one month and we spent a day alone in my apartment just before my visit to USA. she was shy about sex and reluctant to open in our first sexcapade, i was able to make some progress but she was stopped short of taking me inside. Swetha is 33 yrs old, married, with a kid, she is good looking and a very efficient administrator, she manages her time extremely well between office, home...

4 years ago
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Erica The Webcam MILF Chapter 4

Steve watched over his mother as she came back to earth after the mind-blowing orgasm he had given her. He was proud and quite pleased that he had been able to give her such pleasure. But his work wasn't yet finished. And so, after a very brief respite – only long enough for her to regain her wind a bit – he smacked her on the hip."Roll over and get up on all fours!" he barked his command."Please, Steve, let me have a few minutes to rest... you really made me cum hard, baby!" she said...

4 years ago
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Allys Travels

Ally sat in one of the airports many cafes eating a cinnamon bun and browsing the internet. As she finished the cinnamon bun, a handsome man, sits at her table. ‘Hey sexy.’ ‘Darrell Turner? From Tremor High?’ ‘That’s me babe.’ ‘Oh my God! How you been?’ ‘Life’s been good in certain aspects.’ ‘Wow, so how’s your sex life been?’ ‘Damn, Ally after having sex with you in the janitor’s closet on prom night, I can’t find any other woman that knows how to give me the pleasure you did.’ ‘Awww… I’m...

2 years ago
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Allys Travels Part Three

A couple of hours later, the trio landed and tried to catch a cab. ‘TAXI!!’ Daniel screamed.  Four taxis passed by and they all ignored him.’ ‘Geez Daniel let me show you how to get a cab.’ Jen said. Jen stepped into the street and whistled loudly. A cab stopped for them. ‘Wow Jen!’Allie said. ‘Just a freaking whistle’ Daniel muttered under his breath. Daniel opened the door for the women and as Ally stepped in, her skirt ran up and Dan saw her pink thong. He had an instant hard-on. He knew...

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Tashas webcam show

I'm Tasha, but everybody calls me Ta-Ta. Because of my chocolate 38 C breasts. I'm 18 and petite at, 5' 6" tall, 115 lbs of dark chocolate. I rock a short Halle Berry hairstyle. With an apple bottom booty that would make J-Lo say "Damn" I still live with my parents and my goofy ass 15-year-old little brother Calvin Jr (Nicknamed C.J) Plus, we have a 3-year-old pitbull named Bullet. Whose constantly staring at me with those piercing blue eyes, while I rub his dark grey fur....

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Webcam Boys Chapter 10

Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...

1 year ago
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Fiona forced onto webcamat work part 2

Introduction: The staff finally realise their manager is a total whore Fiona positioned herself on the floor like instructed, around about 5ft from the office door. I carried on telling Fiona to plough her cunt with the big black rubber cock. From the position of the webcam on the filing cabinet I had a perfect view. Thats it Fiona pull on your hard nipples as well slut, yeah thats it really moan, moan as you fuck your cunt. Thats it slut moan as loud as possible, let the others hear you...

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I Caught My Daughter Fucking On Webcam And I Liked It

As a divorced mom, I was very sexually frustrated in the prime of my life and just about anything turns me on, anything!  I masturbated every night but still couldn't satisfy my needs, no matter what toys I used. This is when I began going online and got my kicks from watching porn and webcam shows. I began to become open to anything and found even women started to turn me on, enough to watch lesbian sex. I only told my best friend, Tanya, about my masturbation sessions and my interest in...

3 years ago
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I Caught My Daughter Fucking On Webcam And We Put On Our Own Show

After catching my daughter fucking her boyfriend on webcam and joining them for a little fun myself, I watched her almost every night. Whether she was with her boyfriend or on her own. I think she knew I was watching and I was gagging to join her again. This time, I wanted it to be just me and her. We never spoke about what happened that night and just pretended it never happened.That night, I opened my laptop in bed with just my underwear on. I went onto her webcam page to find her already...

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Two Broke Girls The Webcam

Max and Caroline were barely making enough money to pay the rent, and their cupcake business was starting to dwindle. They were getting sick of waitressing tables at the diner, but the money had to come in somehow. Sofie, their sexpot upstairs neighbor, suggested they do an internet webcam show from their apartment. All they needed was a computer and a camera and they could make a lot of money by getting naked for horny men without dealing with any perverts face to face. Caroline...

4 years ago
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Sexy Webcam Model Shares Her Secret

Hi friends. My name is Parag Panchal (age 19) from Mumbai. Generally, I share someone else’s erotic incident in the form of a story, but this story is based on my life. A few weeks ago, my elder brother had gone on a camping trip that was sponsored by his college. A day before the camping trip, he was entirely focused on packing his bag and preparing himself for the trip. In the excitement of the upcoming adventure, he had become hasty in his manners. I took advantage of my elder brother’s...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Sex With Webcam Model Abigail

Dear ISS readers, this is my first sex story and I would like to share my experience; an experience of a 19-year-old introvert girl, attracted only towards girls, interested in their body, struggling to convince them to share intimacy. Any self-respecting, shapely, nymphomaniac lesbian like me would look for an alternate source for carnal pleasures. There was this girl in my junior college who I found to be of my type. When I saw her for the first time in college, I had to rush myself...

3 years ago
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A Webcam to Remember

He had known for a few years. First meeting through his girlfriend Callie, Rich immediately lusted for Alexius. There was something about her that entranced him – possibly her wine coloured hair, her inviting smile, her petite frame or simply her enthusiastic and friendly attitude. Whatever it was, from the first time he’d laid eyes on her he wanted to get to know her better. Rich and Callie had a special relationship – they both trusted each other and she enjoyed seeing him with other women;...

2 years ago
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WebCam Mom Part 3

It had been over a week since Steve discovered his mother’s secret. She had a WebCam business. She operated out of her bedroom and charged money for her sexual WebCam shows. Steve was lucky enough to be told this by his childhood friend Todd. Yet his luck continued even further. By clumsily knocking his own WebCam over, his mom discovered that he was her client. The two of them made mad passionate love that first night and have slept in her bed every night since. The lovemaking has not stopped....

3 years ago
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Webcam Delight

Hi, I am Rahul. I have been a regular reader of ISS but this is my first submission. I hope you will enjoy it. I have changed the name of my friend as I still respect her. It is about my friend Jyoti. Let me describe Jyoti to you. She is an average girl of 5.5 ft with these good apple sized breast and good ass. Probably her figure would be 35-28-38. There is something about her ass that always gets your attention. We had met online on yahoo and over the years had become very good friends. We...

2 years ago
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WebcamChapter 2 falling in love

I didn’t want to ask Becky for a blowjob too often, and when Kate was home, I couldn’t anyway, but there were a few hours after school when Kate was at cheer practice I was usually alone with Becky. As the blackmailer I’ll tell her to go get your dad and bring him into her room and blow him. I then go into her room and she would take out my cock and suck on me. She got better at it, and she did it in different positions, sometimes with me lying on her bed, sometimes I stood and she knelt at...

4 years ago
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WebcamChapter 6 The Pill

I push the pause button on the computer, and I sat back onto my chair. I still had one hand on my somewhat soft cum soaked cock. I had many questions going through my head as I looked at Becky’s face, with her tears running down her cheeks as she was looking right at me. Did she know I’m her blackmailer? If so, how did she find out, and for how long? Who is blackmailing her and Kate? And when did it start? Why did it start? How was Heather Carr and her daughter Mindie involved in this? Are...

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