Webcam Boys Chapter 10 free porn video

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Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real meat of the story.

I will be posting each chapter exactly as it is found on nifty, this time with my friends authors notes. He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him hes at:

[email protected]

I hope you enjoy his story.


This is the last chapter.

Posted here for your convenience is a link to my authors page, so you can see his other works and also mine.

Also, if you wish to view the chapters through nifty, heres the link:

Disclaimer: You are about to read a fictional story. This story features underage boys engaging in sexual behaviour. All similarities with any persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. If youre not allowed to read this, then please dont. If you dont want to read this or find it offensive then…feel free to peruse friendlier works of art. Comments, suggestions and criticisms are very welcome, but please spare me the flames. I mean, Im still learning how to write properly.

Note: If youre looking for a quick fap, this aint your story. I place heavy emphasis on the backstory and any perverted interactions are milder than most and come later compared to other similar stories.

TL,DR This is a story with sex, not a sex story.

Authors notes are located after the story. Please try to read them even though theyre long. Theyre VERY important.

This chapter is dedicated to my brofriend. Even though we said we wouldnt ride that rollercoaster, I already bought tickets in case you change your mind later. Youre totally paying for the cotton candy though :p


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Webcam Boys

Chapter 10: Turnabout Relationships

It was a cold Tuesday afternoon as light, intermittent snowfall persisted since morning. Peter McMahon was in the pool locker rooms, the team had just finished their training session and he was now getting ready for lunch. Coach Piaget had promised them more intense training sessions for the weeks to come, and the man was true to his word. Despite the absurdly chilly weather, the team was excused from their morning classes every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday so that they could go and train in the pool until lunch, aside from regular after school training on Wednesdays and Fridays. To Peter, it seemed like Coach Piaget wanted to win the interstate meet very, very badly. It made the teen wonder if the coach was trying to fulfill a failed childhood dream. Peter deliberately dawdled in taking a shower and dressing up so that he was the last one at the locker room, like he usually did when he was exhausted. He wanted to enjoy a little bit of peace and quieta wish promptly dashed by what sounded like a twelve-year old boy screaming for his life.

Carl, get back here!

No way, man, seriously I cant believe you still piss your pants!

Darn it, stop being such an asshole!

Peter went to see what the commotion was all about and was greeted with a peculiar site. A sixth-grader was running toward him waving his iPhone around while being chased by a slightly chubby boy who Peter recognized as John Watson.

What Peter barely managed to blurt before the boy John was chasing almost crashed into him. The boy finally noticed that he was about to bulldoze Peter and did a drastic, haphazard sideways roll to avoid a collision. John though, was too frantic to realize Peters presence in time.

Peter braced for the impact, but both he and John still tumbled on the floor, with John bearing the worst of it.

What the hell was that about?! Peter demanded of the other, still standing boy while massaging his head with a pained expression.

Im sorry! I was just teasing him! said the boy as he went over to John. John, hey! How many fingers do you see?

Ughh&hellip,screw you, Carl. My ankle hurts real bad&hellip,

Crap, I think you sprained it Carl said as he helped John up. Well, you arent just gonna stand there are ya? Help me get him to the infirmary! he said looking at Peter.

W-what, hey! YOU guys ran into me and

Cmon, hurry up! Dont be a jerk!

Pfft. Fine, Peter grumbled as he helped the boy named Carl carry John off. I cant believe you guys&hellip,you even ran over me&hellip, he mumbled further.

As they carried the limping John, Carl tried to offer his meek apologies to Peter once more. With the teen generally refusing to show interest however, Carls covert thumbs up towards the direction of the bleachers went unnoticed.


Im sorry I ran into you&hellip,

Ah well, dont sweat it. Its not like I got hurt or anything. You okay?

Well, aside from my ankle, yeah.

Wheres the nurse anyway? Peter wondered out loud.

Just then Nurse Joy came in with a rather harried expression on her face.

Oh Im sorry I took long boys. What happened here?

I kinda bumped into him and I hurt my ankle, John said, gesturing at Peter.

Actually, he ran into me, corrected Peter.

I think he sprained his ankle, Nurse Joy, Carl elaborated.

Nurse Joy went over to John and had him remove his right shoe and sock. She moved his foot side to side, scrutinizing it with a few pokes and a raised eyebrow.

When I move it like this, does it hurt?

Uhm, not really.

And this?

Uhm&hellip,yeah, ouch!

Hmm, looks like a contusion more than a sprain, theres no swelling so far, Nurse Joy concluded. And you, whats your concern? She asked Peter.

Well, I guess my head hurts where I hit the floor&hellip,

And you? she asked Carl.

Uh&hellip,Im tired from chasing John before he bumped into this guy&hellip,? Carl offered with a sheepish grin. He recoiled from the stern look Nurse Joy gave him and took it as a sign of dismissal. He quietly edged out of the room all the while enduring the nurses piercing glare.

Anyway, Im so sorry, but you buys have to wait for a bit before I can attend to you, Nurse Joy said after Carl had left. Its all so strange, just before you boys came in, three other boys came to me complaining of stomachaches&hellip,it looks like food poisoning since they said they were drinking this coconut water and when I inspected it, it was already slightly spoiled, she went on while preparing a bed and ice bags.

Here, this is for you, she said as she handed Peter an icebag.

She then helped John up to the bed and propped his foot up. There, rest up first while I go back to the other boys in the room. Just apply the ice bag as necessary.

Nurse Joy then hobbled back toward the other room muttering what Peter made out to be &hellip,easier when I was just a veterinarian back at the center&hellip,

Im sorry I ran into you&hellip, John apologized.

Its not like I got hurt or anything, so I guess its cool, Peter replied.

Well, not just that, I wanna thank you for helping to get me here even if I was the one who rammed into you.

Its no big, John.

Howd you know my name? came Johns startled reply.

Well, uh, that other boy called you John, uhm, right?

Oh, yeah. Whats yours? John asked, his hand outstretched.

McMahon, Peter McMahon, Peter said as they shook hands.

Oh, youre Peter&hellip, John said slowly.

Seems like you know me.

Uh&hellip,on the school paper. Heard you were playing for the interstate swim meet. You must be good.

Thanks. So whats the deal with that boy back there? Any reason you were chasing him like a madman? Peter asked while attempting to lighten the mood.

He was teasing me. He kinda found out that I&hellip,that I wet the bed sometimes and he was shouting it in the halls and&hellip,

Okay, I get it, guys a complete asshole.

Something like that. I thought he was a good guy too, John agreed. It sucks when people you thought were cool turned out to be real assholes huh?

Yeah. I agree with you there wholeheartedly&hellip, Peter said.

Its the same with my friend, Will.

WillWilliam James&hellip,? W-what about him? Peter stuttered. The teen seemed like he was getting slightly hesitant, as if the topic might shift into something awkward.

I thought he was my best friend, John said, closely watching Peter.

Isnt he still?

Hes being a jerk.


Hes starting to ditch me. Brushes me off because I dont understand his problems. Hes being a snob and wont even talk to me like we used to. I dont get it and he doesnt let me. Im just so pissed at him!

Oh&hellip,I didnt know it was that bad&hellip,

You know something about it.

I&hellip,no, why would I&hellip,

Peter, you know Will&hellip, John said.

How would I know him?

You said his full name even if I didnt, John replied with a raised eyebrow.

Oh. Well, were&hellip,acquainted&hellip,but Peter stammered.

Will mentioned something about hanging out with a more mature friend, helps him out with math and stuff&hellip,he mentioned you once or twice. Its alright, John said to Peter, who looked as if he was caught cheating in a relationship.

Look, I dont blame you if William hangs out with you more or whatever now&hellip, John continued, breaking eye contact and mumbling the last few words.

John, it aint like that. William doesnt hang with me any more than we used to, which isnt as much as he does with you I reckon.

We havent been talking lately, so I dunno about that. I was sick last Saturday and I asked him if he could come and visit me, and you know what? He couldnt because he said he had stuff to do. I mean, isnt checking up on your sick friend kinda more important?

Peter was sweating a little now. He couldnt help but recall that on the Saturday in question, he sucked William for all the boy was worth in his bedroom. John, dont jump to conclusions. I bet he cares a lot about you. Maybeyou know, the whole fighting thing with you guys is hard on him too, Peter said.

Whatever, I dunno anymore. Hes an&hellip,an&hellip, John said, seemingly straining to say his next words. &hellip,hes an asshole. Thats what he is. Why am I even friends with someone like him?

John, wait. Dont say that. William&hellip,he isnt like that at all. You got it all wrong, Peter said definitively.

What do you mean? Peter, what do you know about Will? John said with a rather expectant tone.

What do you want to know? Peter asked, seemingly moved with sympathy.

Did he ever tell you about, well&hellip,anything? I mean&hellip,why hes not talking to me and why hes like that now&hellip, John asked, shifting uncomfortably and subtly stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I cant promise I know much&hellip, Peter started. He looked at John and saw the younger boy miserably looking up at him. The teen bit his lip and sighed. William seems to have an effect on you. How much do you really care about him?

Hes my best friend. Or&hellip,was. I dunno anymore, John said, looking at the floor. Weve been friends for as long as I could remember.

Peter sighed as he regarded John. Maybe I can help you understand each other a little, if it helps. Dont be too shocked or anything&hellip, but you really got William all wrong. I think that actually, he loves you.


The final bell just rang and Peter was looking forward to a good long rest. The day was especially exhausting, what with the swim training and running into John Watson of all people. It was none too easy telling John that William James loved him, especially after Peter himself sexed up William. And even more especially since their talk tread on dangerous ground.

Overall, it was definitely not the best day Peter had. He supposed he could be excused for not appearing to be enthusiastic when William James suddenly came up to his side, as cheerful as a twelve-year old boy could be.



So&hellip,tomorrow we all have half the day off because of that annual faculty meeting, right?


Uhm, would you still be training after though?

Well, I dont think so. Coach Piaget is part of the meeting too.

Cool! So youre free then. Er, wanna hang out? William asked expectantly.

I dunno, Im kinda tired&hellip, Peter replied, his voice trailing. In truth he wouldnt want to pass up any opportunity to be with William, but due to his recent exertions he thought he needed time to relax for himself, and he told William so.

Not today, dummy! I meant tomorrow, thats why I asked! William replied.

I meant tomorrow too. Besides, its been cold as crap lately, its not the best kind of weather for us to hang. It might even snow, and you might have problems getting back. Whats with you anyway? You seem more&hellip,uh&hellip,hyper than usual, Peter said, noting that William was never the hyper kind of boy to begin with.

Well&hellip,I&hellip, William stammered, as if backpedalling on his previous enthusiasm. I just thought it would be a good time to hang out&hellip,and stuff, William blushed heavily at the last word, and Peter definitely noticed it.

Do&hellip,do you really want to? I mean, you know&hellip, Peter replied, glancing to his sides and whispering as if anyone could hear him through the noise of the other chatting students.

Uhm, yeah. I mean&hellip,when else do we get to do stuff like that, yeah? And uhm&hellip,I got a little bit of a surprise for ya tomorrow&hellip,

What, what surprise, what do you mean? Peter asked. The way Williams voice trailed off seemed highly suspect.

Look&hellip,I never really thanked you before for&hellip,stuff. I really liked it. And I wanna surprise you with something to make up for it.

Can you at least tell me something about it so I can get ready or something? You kinda got me worried.

Of course not, its a surprise! Chill! All you gotta know is that my surprise will&hellip,blow you away.

After working out the details of their meet up at his house, Peter watched William go. Though he had his misgivings, the boner he had in his pants made him look forward to the coming day.


You got that ladder ready?


Alright, cool.


Yeah take care of John, will you?


Nah, I just worry thats all, he might panic.


No, no Im not making fun of you, John. Well, not intentionally, haha. Mind giving the phone back to Carl?


Yeah, Im on the way to his place. Remember, put your phone on mute and check for my text before you go in.


Yeah, yeah, Ill be fine. Jim is ready to go too, dont worry about us. Im more worried about the both of you. Lets just hope nothing goes wrong.


Despite himself, Peter was quite excited for William to arrive. The younger boy had promised to come over as soon as he dropped off his school things at home. Since Peter got home himself, hed taken to looking out the front yard every other minute or so, hoping the next person to pass by was William.

When William did arrive, all smiles and giddiness included, Peter couldnt help but look around behind the boy for the supposed surprise, in case it wasnt a sex thing like he hoped and instead a furious parent like he had feared.

Hello? Pete? Im here in front of you! William said humorously, waving his hand in front of Peters eyes.

Yeah, I see you, Will, Peter said with a laugh, while ruffling Williams hair.

Ack, quit it! William giggled, and then promptly dashed into the living room after he was free of Peters grasp. Peter closed the door after making sure no one else was outside, and found William on the sofa, flat on his belly, his jacket already strewn on the floor.

Scoot over, Peter said to William. The boy sat up and let Peter sit on the sofa, but immediately laid his head on Peters lap.

Well, this is uncharacteristically flirty of you, Peter sniggered.

What? William replied with a smile. This is nice. Besides, I think you like it.

And what makes you say that?

This, William said before promptly biting at Peters crotch.

Whoa! Easy there, you little horndog! Peter said with a laugh.

What? I think you even have a boner already.

Maybe. Seriously now though, this is all really unlike you. Its kinda freaking me out, even if it is kinda turning me on.

Alright, alright, William said as he sat up. This was kinda part of the surprise.

So, tell me about the surprise. Why all this all of a sudden?

Its just like I said, you know? William started, a deep blush appearing on his cheeks. What we did last time&hellip,that was awesome. Super awesome. I wanted to thank you for that, but when I was here last time, I was too spaced out to even say it. Also&hellip, his eyes dropped to his lap as he paused, I didnt even get to do you in return.

You dont have to, you know, Peter said while absent-mindedly stroking Williams thigh.

But I&hellip,I want to. You made me feel special in ways I never imagined.

Hasnt John ever made you feel special?

Huh? What about him? Youve met?

In a way. Youve been a having a row havent you? Peter asked.

In a way, William replied evasively.

Whats been going on with the two of you? Hes your best friend, I think he deserves better treatment than what youve been giving him.


Cmon, Will, you can tell me anything.

Its complicated, Pete. Its like, Im growing up and hes still just a kid. I cant explain it very well. Uhm, for starters, I cant ever imagine me and him doing the stuff we do, I mean sucking and stuff, William said, avoiding eye contact with Peter.

But youve done it with each other!


I uhmm&hellip, Peter took a while to regain his composure then proceeded to tell William a trimmed down version of their talk in the infirmary. He uh&hellip, mentioned that you two wanked and sucked each other before. Is that why youre being so cold to him?

I dunno. I guess I need to sort it in my head still, William said as he lay on the sofa with his head on Peters lap again. The teen understood this as a sign that William didnt want to pursue the topic further.

Okay, I guess. Whatever suits you, little bro, Peter said after a sigh. Just remember Im here if you want to talk, alright?

Sure. Now though&hellip, William said after looking at his watch, its about time for your surprise.

What, you mean it isnt a sex thing? Peter asked, slightly laughing.

Eh, youll see. Can I check my FB in your comp first though?

Cant you check on your phone? I just turned it off.

Er, my phones not picking up the wifi very well. I just need to check it real quick, its related to the surprise.

The pair then went up to Peters room where the teen booted up his computer. Peter was starting to get real excited, not least of which was because William was in his room again. He was so excited he didnt even mind William hovering over him as he typed his password.

Right then, here you go, Will, Peter said to the boy, who by then was standing to the side, examining his bedside window, Er, any particular reason why youre staring at my window?

Ah, nothing much. I thought your window had grills on it or something. I mean what if you were leaning on it and you accidentally fell through? William asked, examining the glass sliding window.

Well, the very knowledge of that possibility prevents me from doing such, my young friend, Peter said in an imitation of Sherlock Holmes.

Yeah, right. Anyway its getting stuffy in here, why dont we just&hellip, William started as he unlocked the hatch. A blast of unforgiving cold wind met his face as he slid the window open, prompting him to immediately pull the sliding panel closed again. Well, nevermind.

The snow outside didnt give you any hints? I swear, youre just so restless today, Peter said amusedly.

Maybe Im just a bit excited, William said as he went over the computer and checked his FB. You know I barely heard the teachers at all today since the periods were cut short. I dont know why they expect anyone to understand anything when its a half day off.

Excited for&hellip,? Peter asked sensually, wrapping his arms around William as the boy sat typing.

For the surprise of course!

Well, were in my room&hellip, Why dont you surprise me now? Peter said in a whisper.

No, no. Not here. We gotta go back downstairs. The surprise is coming!

Wait, what? Peter said, genuinely confused.

Just trust me, cmon!

What about the computer?

Just leave it on, cmon! William said as he led Peter back to the living room.

Peter sat back down the sofa, still anxious while William went out the front porch, cellphone in hand. The teen was still baffled by what the supposed surprise could be. And just when he realized that everything William had done and said so far could only mean the arrival of another person, the boy came back in and said Surprise!

Johnson Masters entered the living room after William, sporting his trademark perpetual scowl.


Yeah, I just got his message. Theyre all there now, Carl Rogers said to John Watson, who was seated beside him.

Were running a little late then. I blame you for taking so long to get dressed, replied John. Both he and Carl were currently riding a bus to Peters house after making lengthy preparations that Carl deemed absolutely necessary.

Theyll have to stall. Dont worry, theyll handle it.

Why does Will have to text you, he could text me just fine too, you know&hellip,

Because Im the one who thought of this entire operation. You can go be jelly later ayt?

Oh, sod off. Im not jelly. Stop saying jelly!



Relax. Were nearly there.

Its kinda hard to relax, John said, glancing around then at the ladder to their side. Both he and Carl had to plead and argue with the bus driver to let them carry the metal stepladder inside the bus, despite its size severely limiting the space of the other passengers around them. More than a few patrons also questioned why two young boys such as themselves even need a ladder. Most disconcerting of all to John was how the passengers reacted to what they looked like, Carl, through a stroke of childish insanity, declared that he and John should don all black outfits, with black beanies, shades, black gloves, black cargo pants, black shirts and black jackets that made them seem, according to Carl, like secret agents. Or burglars, John mused miserably. The passengers and the driver were certainly reacting as if they were the latter.

Can I at least wear my glasses now? Its hard to see with these shades&hellip, John added.

Just keep your cool, ayt? You should be excited even, Carl replied, clearly unperturbed by the curious glances he was getting.

Just one more thing. Did you always have outfits like this before you thought of the plan? John asked, tugging at his borrowed jacket.

Thats irrelevant to the mission, Carl hastily said. John felt both annoyed and amused at what Carl implied. The pair remained silent until they got off at their stop.

Good thing its near the road, Carl said, pointing out Peter McMahons house. Right there, number five. Will wasnt kidding, Peters house looks way rich.

As the boys went nearer the house, John chose to voice his immediate concern. Carl&hellip,how the heck are we gonna get over that fence?! he said, gesturing towards the ten-foot wrought iron fence surrounding the house that Carl seemed resolute to ignore.

Hmm, well yeah, thats a problem. Its kind of weird, considering almost none of the houses here have fences, then again, I guess it figures that a mini-mansion like that has a fancy fence, Carl replied.

You have a plan, right?

Er, actually, Will forgot to mention the fence. Oh, but thats the room over there though, second window to the left, second story. William should have already unlocked it.

Youre taking this quite well arent you? John asked with thinly veiled sarcasm.

Relax, Ill think of something.


Stall. The fence knew we were coming, said the text message William just read. It was from Carl, and while humorous, wasnt good. William just remembered the fence, and was mentally berating himself for forgetting to tell the others about it beforehand. He wasnt in a position to think of an alternative plan though, since at the moment, he was preoccupied with assuring Peter that he did not just let the entire school know he was getting sexy with two twelve-year old boys.

Ugh, Will, you tell him. I think Im just making it worse.

Jim, I thought you were good with words? William asked as Johnson shrugged. He sat beside a clearly mortified Peter. Pete, listen to me. Pete? Hello?

Will, what the heck?! Who else knows?! Why is Johnson here?!

Its really out of character for you to panic&hellip, Johnson said.

Jim, thats not helping, William said. Pete, its only Jim and me, you gotta believe me.

But why is he&hellip, Peter stammered.

Pete, Ill say it again. Will knows about us, okay? And I know about you and Will. Its only the three of us that know and thats it, Johnson said confidently though facing away from Peter.

But how&hellip,? Peter asked incredulously.

Okay, so I guess I shouldve filled you in with some things before Jim got here, William started. I told you Jim and I made up for that fight we had, remember? After that we started hanging&hellip,then we kinda started talking about horny stuff&hellip, he finished, his tone trailing and hesitant.

More or less, Johnson added quickly. See, Will here wanted a size contest, and after I beat him by a mileJohnson sniggered as William cast him a dirty look, I reckoned we could have a race to see who cums first. Well, after that I remembered about all those times I wanked for you and I happened to mention it by accident. So after that, Will got real embarrassed and said he knew you too. I reckoned he meant more than just a chance meeting so I had him tell me about what you guys did together, which was a lot by the way. Its only fair he told me about you guys since I told him about us, yknow? I was like, whyd you leave me out? So Will here got this brilliant idea to Johnson trailed off and looked expectantly at William.

I thought it would be cool if the three of us&hellip,did stuff&hellip, William said meekly. He was positively blushing.

Wow&hellip,is this for real? Peter asked, his incredulity being steadily replaced by excitement.

Johnson went behind the sofa, wrapped Peters neck with a hug then asked, What do you think?

Well, I always thought you sort of minded all those times you wanked for me, Peter said.

After all the awesome porn you gave me? And if I did, why did I keep doing it then? Also, If I did, why would I be here, right now, with you? Johnson said whispered in a smooth, seductive tone.

Hey, hey, Im still here! Im kinda feeling left out, William said, privately thinking that Johnson was overdoing the whole flirting thing.

Dont worry, Will, Im not forgetting you, Peter stroked Williams thigh then suddenly grabbed his crotch, making him squeal in surprise. Dont act so surprised, you were eager for this since a while ago, he then said as William blushed furiously.

I never really told you, but I really thought it was unfair that I kept wanking for you but you never showed me your stuff. I wanna see it, Peter. All of you, Johnson said, almost in a whisper.

Damn, both of you are so horned up today! Peter said, his tone substantially more elated, if not a bit longing. Alright you two, how about we head up to my room and

No, not in your room! William blurted, getting a curious look from Peter.

We want it here, in the living room, Johnson added a bit demandingly, while giving William a stern look.

What, here? You guys are crazy!

Exactly. This is the kind of time when crazy is a good thing&hellip,besides, your mom wont bo home till later, right? Johnson continued.

Not until past midnight, I dunno where she gets to with her meetings. She might just be in some party by then, Peter replied.

Then&hellip, Johnson said as he went over to Peters front. Lets do this. We wont have many chances to, he continued as he leaned over Peter and gripped the sides of the teens shirt. Peter did the same to Johnson unquestioningly, seemingly lost in a passionate daze. As the pair undressed each others shirts, William looked at his cellphone one last time. With no reply from Carl and both Peter and Johnsons expectant looks going his way, he started to strip.


Does your arm still hurt?

Yeah, a bit. Okay, no, not a bit. It hurts like hell but its not like I can scream about it right now, Carl said through gritted teeth.

Shhh, youre almost shouting, keep it down, John said as he rummaged around Peters drawers, finding only a tube of some sort of lotion that he nonchalantly threw to the side. He should have some rubbing alcohol or iodine here somewhere&hellip,

What do you think, he has a first aid kit in here? Carl asked sarcastically.

Everyone should have one handy.

I dont have anything like that in my room even, and Im supposed to be the boyscout.

Well, I do!

And youre prolly the only one we know who does, Carl said with a pained smirk.

Crap. Nothing. You still holding on okay?

More or less, yeah. Its just a flesh wound, Carl said, failing to sound confident as he closed the window from which they entered. He walked over to the Peters computer and sat down while gripping his left forearm, which was currently wrapped with an improvised tourniquet that used to be Johns beanie.

Darn it. We should just call this off. Youre bleeding and it could get infected and stuff and

John, dont be such a wuss! Carl hissed. Look, Im fine. Were already here so lets just do what we have to. Will and Jim are down there being forced to do you know what so we could do this. You dont want that all to go to waste do you? he said in a hushed, though defiant tone.

Right, right. Youre right, John said steadying himself.

Anyway, its a good thing William convinced Peter to leave his comp open, Carl said as he used his uninjured arm to move the mouse and browse files.

If he didnt?

Wed have to start it ourselves and most likely it has password protection in case of times like this. William would have gotten the password like we talked about anyway. Get the external HD from my bag wont you?

Youre taking a lot for granted in this plan of yours. Its like youre just assuming everything will go according to plan even if theres a big chance they wont! Carl said worriedly as he rummaged in Carls bag.

Hey, Im doing my best to try and plan everything. But youre right, theres always going to be unexpected things that might screw us over, Carl started. But see, Im not the only one in the plan. I got you, I got Jim and I got Will. Im not so worried that Ill end up failing horribly because I know you guys have my back, he ended with a cheeky smile.

John smiled in reply, admiring Carls indefatigable charisma even under duress. He thought fondly of how he, Carl, William and Johnson had become such close friends especially during this week, especially while planning this little mission (as Carl liked to call it). Seeing Carl involuntarily grasp his wounded arm however, brought him out of his reverie. Look, you just go through the computer first, alright? Ill try to find something to patch you up.

You cant go out there! Theyre just there in the living room, theyll see you!

Ill be careful. Ill be just like James Bond, John said, trying to ride on Carls espionage enthusiasm.

Except that James Bond always gets caught and only got by because he sexes up every woman he sees!

My mom covers my eyes during those parts&hellip,

&hellip,andwait what? Carl said, almost laughing out loud.

Er, anyway, dont worry, Ill be really careful, John said, glad to see he loosened Carl up.

Alright. Just dont take too long, Ill need you to help me see which of the files I find are yours.

Ill be fast.

And John? Carl added just as John was about to leave. Promise me you wont go and see what Will and Jim are doing.

I promise.

John quietly closed the door behind him and crept along the spacious hallway. From what he could make out, the second story of the house looked very much like an overhanging balcony for the first. Immediately in front of him seemed like a hallway but his immediate right wasnt a wall. In its place were wooden railings and beyond it, a ten-foot drop to the living room. The entire second story looked like a giant L shape open to one side, with constant view of what was below, a wooden terrace of sorts overlooking the lower floor. All the rooms were located to his left like Peters room, which was at one end of the hall. Beyond him, he could see around three more doors on the left, all generously spaced between each other. Near the other end of the hall where the L branched off, it led to a spacious flat to the right side, with large sofas and fixtures that made it seem like a second living room, which also sported a wide staircase leading down. (

John walked carefully even though his steps were muffled by the carpeted wooden floor, trying very hard to ignore the sounds of conversation from the living room where Johnson, William and Peter were. When it became clear that hed be very visible to anyone from below who might happen to look up, he resolved to crawl on his belly and it was in this way that he reached the first bathroom. There was a medicine cabinet, but John was disappointed to find that it contained no medicine whatsoever. He moved on to the next doors only to find an empty but spacious room that he wouldnt be able to search thoroughly in time and another bathroom that was only as helpful as the first.

The last room at the far end was rather smaller than the rest and a quick glance revealed stacks of laundry and an ironing board that looked like it was left mid use. John guessed that this was the maids room, and wondered how rich Peters family must be to have a room solely designated for maids, and having said maids for that matter. He was rather glad the maid was nowhere in the house at that time. A further quick inspection yielded what John had been searching for: a small plastic box that contained iodine, cotton and actual bandages. He imagined the maid, who must have been perpetually harried and hassled being called on all the time, even being given responsibility over the first aid kit. After slinking away from the small room, John carefully crawled back to Peters bedroom, his belly on the floor. He wasnt even halfway when he heard something that stopped him dead in his tracks:

William was moaning downstairs.

John could never mistake such an intimate sound coming from his brofriend. Despite what had been discussed in their plans, he felt a twinge of pain and perhaps a bit of jealousy. With irrational emotions running through his mind at that point, he couldnt help but break his promise to Carl. Quietly, he stood from his prone position, and looked.


William always thought he knew what a happy person looked like, he always assumed it was similar to how he looked after getting a new game. Seeing Peters face right now made him rethink his existing definitions of a happy face. To apply adjectives to describe Peters face would be imprecise, so he chose to focus on a graphic description. Peters eyes alternated from being wide open to almost narrowed slits, the crease of his forehead becoming pronounced as his eyebrows furrowed occasionally. His cheeks would be taut at times, as his mouth opened and closed sporadically. His mouth seemed to be the most expressive of his facial features at the moment, often forming an O shape the way he opened it, sometimes opening it only slightly, other times licking his lips. There were also times he smiled, except smile was a loose term to describe the extreme open curves his mouth would do. William almost expected Peter to ask him why he was so serious.

Then again, William mused, Peter could be forgiven for all his facial oddities, because they were out of extreme happiness. The teen did very much seem like he had just achieved his lifelong dream, which apparently involved wanking two twelve year-olds while simultaneously being wanked by one of them. Both he and Johnson were kneeling on the sofa to either side of Peter, who was seated, all three of them naked except for their socks. Peter was wanking him and Johnson with both hands while Johnson used his right hand to stroke Peters massive dick at the same time.

William made a mental note to profusely thank Johnson later. So far, he had been performing above and beyond the line of duty, going out of his way to make those flirty remarks to Peter and making sure that he covered up for times when Williams act was failing. Johnson even took one for the team, offering to stroke Peters teen meat. William was especially glad for that, since he was very sure he couldnt bring himself to do it, not with the whole purpose of their mission hanging over his head and the real surprise that they had in store for Peter later, after John and Carl had done their part.

Still, even with all his doubts and worries and reservations with the whole affair, he could never doubt Peters prowess at wanking. William became hard before long as Peter wholly committed himself to pleasuring the two boys beside him. And again, despite Williams thoughts about the matter, having his dick expertly manhandled elicited more than a few grunts and moans from him. It was sort of embarrassing since aside from labored breathing and the occasional grunting, neither Peter nor Johnson were sounding like porn stars.

Ugh&hellip,uhm&hellip,Pete&hellip, William groaned, his eyes briefly closing. He couldnt help but give in to the pleasure that Peter was giving him. He opened his eyes again, coincidentally looking above to the second story. And unexpectedly, John was staring right back at him.

Jooh&hellip,aaahh! William managed to say before completely saying Johns name. He quickly faked collapsing on Peter and grasping the teens shoulders, to cover up his near mistake and hoping he sounded more like he was moaning in pleasure rather than saying someones name in surprise. Peter steadied William and while the teen was preoccupied, Johnson, realizing Williams ploy, looked up, saw John and signaled him to retreat.

Sorry, sorry, Im okay. It just felt too good, thats all, William said.

Did you cum? Peter asked, still stroking Williams three and a half-inch boner.

Uhm, no, not yet&hellip,

Good, Peter said with a devilish grin. I dont want you cumming too fast, we still have a lot to do.

Dont worry too much, Johnson piped in, his hand nursing his still hard dick. We can do it a lot of times, you know.

What makes you say that? Peter asked Johnson.

Research. Younger boys can orgasm a lot of times in a row. When you get to your age…not so much.

And what exactly are those things you research about, hm? Peter asked in jest.

The kind of things that got me to meet you, and incidentally to do this, Johnson said before replacing his hand on Peters rigid boner.

I bet thats the only thing you research about&hellip, Peter said with a sigh of pleasure.

Nno! I read about all kinds of stuff! I read about technology and science and&hellip,oh just shut up and cum, Johnson said, all flustered.

Ahh, thats right. Youre real good with that, Johnson.

Thanks very much, Johnson replied crossly.

That feels good, but hold up for a second, Peter said as he gestured for Johnson to stop. I wanna spice things up a little. Alright, you two over here, he directed the two boys. He had William and Johnson sit next to each other while he got off the sofa.

You know what would be really hot? Peter asked, to the puzzlement of the two younger boys. And as Peter said his next words, William couldnt help but stare at him in disbelief.

What? came Williams startled reply.

Go on, you heard me, Peter replied with a devilish grin.

Wait, I think I didnt hear you right&hellip,

Nope, I think you did. Johnson, care to tell William again? Peter said, clearly enjoying how William was getting flustered.

He uh&hellip,he wants us to suck each other&hellip, Johnson said with clear hesitation. His eyes looked down as he said it, as if embarrassed by the notion.

But Jim! I mean, we &hellip,but, but&hellip,! William sputtered, desperately looking at Johnson.

Oh come on, William! This will be great, Peter said with a manic grin on his face.

Will, Johnson said. The sound of his name made William focus on the naked boy in front of him. Johnson was looking him straight in the eye, it was a look of intense and serious determination. Johnsons eyes were first locked on to William then darted to the side where Peter was waiting expectantly, then down to his crotch, upwards to where John and Carl would be and then finally, back to William. He inexplicably felt like he understood everything Johnson was trying to say through his eyes, for the sake of this mission and for the sake of my friends, there is nothing Im unwilling to do. I trust you to believe in that. William nodded slightly in assent with their entire silent conversation lasting only a second. He suddenly realized how eerily this whole scenario was similar to the time PBear blackmailed John and him to suck each other. Moreover, Peters behavior, his very words even, echoed that of PBears. The recollection of the wrongness of that time that gave William all the resolve he needed.

With Williams nod, Johnsons expression changed considerably, his moment of serious thought over. In its place was a face sporting a sly grin and sleazy, half-closed eyes. He was back to being the spontaneously flirty persona that he was lavishing Peter with. William privately thought it looked a bit creepy.

Will, Im waiting&hellip, Johnson cooed. He was jutting his pelvis provocatively while his dick, slightly deflated a while ago, stood rigid again with its full four inches. Johnson was making it twitch angrily, almost as if it were some agitated pup starved for attention.
Why do I have to suck first? William asked indignantly.

Because, Johnson said with overdone pompousness, Whoever has the bigger dick gets served first. William marveled at how, even with noble intentions, Johnsons jerky demeanor always finds ways to express itself.

Without any more reason to hesitate, William got off the sofa and knelt before Johnson. Aside from the encounter in the gym storehouse that started their friendship, he had never really seen Johnsons dick in detail before, never mind his naked body. William didnt think he ever needed to anyway. Still, he couldnt help but admire Johnson, the boy was athletically built, with his arms getting definition and his torso definitely showing the start of abs. His legs were firm yet lean, indicating a lot of time spent running. This shouldnt have been a surprise, since Johnson was a known athlete in school, being an established badminton and soccer player. But then, William reasoned, seeing Johnson in all his naked glory was vastly different from speculating about it. Then of course, there was his dick. Jutting out at about a little more than four inches hard and getting a noticeable amount of short curly pubes, it was only now that William had a good, close-up view of it. Standing tall and proud, it had this dignified girth that seemed to dwarf Williams own three and a half-incher. It was a little thicker than a quarter, not too big for a boy his age but enough for Johnson to be considered well endowed. The mushroom tip was flared and evenly sized with his shaft, which showed the signs of an expert circumcision. William would later come to refer to such dicks as jock dicks, the kind of dicks one cant help but envy. He thought it was quite unfair that already academically inclined people like Johnson get to be good in everything, including sports and dicks, without having a weakness or shortcoming. However, after remembering that Johnson did have personality flaws, and that those led them to be friends in the first place, he decided he didnt mind that Johnson had a lot going for him, even in the dick department.

Just suck me already or I might go and just wank myself, Johnson said seductively. William was about to protest, but as he opened his mouth to do so, Johnson shoved his crotch towards Williams mouth. William made a mental note to smack Johnson later for giving him an impromptu mouthful of dick.

H-hey youre not so bad aftergah! Johnson was cut midsentence as William suddenly stopped sucking to bite Johnsons shaft in retaliation. Before Johnson could sound his indignation, William resumed sucking with gusto. Johnson was promptly silenced as William went to work, with Johnsons panting and involuntary twitches expressing the rest of his sentiments.

Holy shit. I cant believe Im seeing this&hellip,its just&hellip,wow, Peter said. He gaped at the two boys before him, with William so engrossed with sucking and Johnson so overwhelmed by ecstasy. It was all the teen could do to not tear his dick off from the speed and ferocity of his wanking, motivated by the sight of William sucking off Johnson.

It was slightly salty, tasted a bit differently from Johns and definitely bigger. There was still that distinct rubbery texture he liked to feel with his tongue. There was that gentle rigidness and almost rhythmic twitches. William was keenly aware of how he was now apparently keenly aware of all the little intricacies sucking entailed. It almost felt natural to him now, having a dick in his mouth. Just like with John a few days ago, he was getting extremely absorbed with his task, using the techniques he learned from Peter and tested on John without even thinking about it, as if such was already a routine for him. Johnson was doing his best to be calm and stoic, but his dignified composure seemed to be faltering. His face and his sighs said as much. William liked to think that it was because he was so good at sucking now, and Johnsons facial and auditory cues goaded him on, turned him on and most bafflingly of all, it sort of made him proud of himself.

Will, wait&hellip, Johnson panted. William stopped sucking and looked up at Johnson.

That was, wow&hellip, Johnson said, still short of breath.

Er, thanks, I guess&hellip,. William replied with a sheepish grin, as if slightly abashed that he actually liked getting praised for his efforts.

This is so gay, Johnson said to William. There wasnt any malice in the statement though. Johnson was giggling, almost childishly. William was looking at him and understood, this was Johnsons real persona, not the act that he was putting in for Peter. This was the real Johnson, the one that only Carl ever had the pleasure to see.

So, should I stop? William asked, lost in the moment and smiling in return.

Nah. I like it, hehe, Johnson said with a little laugh.

Hey boys, look what you made me do, Peter said. Both boys suddenly remembered that he was still there. You went and made me way too horny. Now one of you has to help me out, he continued. William noted that Peters thick dick was slick with what he assumed was a copious amount of precum. Will, I think I wanna see just how good you are with your mouth.

William looked at Johnson, his eye twitching. Johnson nodded ever so slightly in understanding. William was glad that Johnson seemed to understand that his conscience would make him throw up if he sucked Peters dick. William mentally noted again that, after smacking Johnson for shoving his dick unexpectedly earlier, he had to thank him for his admirable spirit of volunteerism in the face of a blowjob.

Nah, Will cant take that monster of yours. Only a real man can, Johnson declared, a smirk on his face.

Oh yeah, Johnson? You think youre man enough for this? Peter sneered as they got into a more comfortable position. Peter was now seated on the sofa, with Johnson lying on his side, using his elbow for support. Without anything more said, Johnson slowly and hesitantly latched his mouth onto Peters waiting six-inch pole.

William watched as he sat on the floor, taking a much needed break. Peter was grunting as Johnson sucked, William thought Johnson could use a bit of tutoring. Johnson seemed a bit sloppy, sometimes unsure of when to bob or lick, making it look somehow awkward. He knew how to hold back his teeth though, and he tried to take in a lot of Peters considerable length, managing to accommodate at least until his nose brushed Peters thick bushy pubes. From Williams outsider perspective, it definitely wasnt Johnsons first time sucking, since he thought his first was with Carl, but he certainly hadnt been doing it a lot either. Then again, William mused that he was in no position to compare since, including Johnson, hed only sucked thrice in his life. For all Johnsons apparent lack in technique though, Peter sure seemed like he was enjoying it. William wondered how long ago it was that Peter felt this good, since from the last time Peter ever talked about his personal history, he was implying that his last sexual encounter was even before they moved here and that that actually ended a bit badly.

It was then that William noticed Johnson was still trying to wank himself, which was proving hard to coincide with his sucking Peter. With equal parts horniness, equal parts gratitude and equal parts ah what the heck, this is fun, William went in closer to Johnsons crotch, swatted the other boys hand away and went back to his unfinished business.

It went on for a few minutes or more. William was now definitely sure of one thing: he absolutely kind of enjoyed sucking a dick, and it showed in his spirited performance. He even forgot about his own boner, it was almost like sucking was pleasurable in its own way. In a matter of minutes he had Johnson writhing on the sofa, a clear sign that he was close to his climax. Randomly, William thought that climax equals end, and end equals I wonder if John and Carl are done yet. With that, he looked up to the second story, almost expecting John and Carl to be there watching, having accomplished their task. He was shocked then, to find that John and Carl WERE indeed there, both sporting dumbfounded looks. Even stranger was the fact that Carl and John were wearing strange, black outfits, Carls right arm sleeve was torn and sported a bandage, and that John was holding up his phone, seemingly recording the scene below. That last part was definitely not part of their plans.

William didnt realize he had stopped sucking Johnson, and only remembered after the other boy frantically humped his face, urgently wanting him to continue. Neither Peter nor Johnson noticed the two above, both of them had their eyes closed blissfully. Only William was aware that Carl and John were watching the three of them from the second story. It was all William could do to frantically gesture to the two above to wait for the right time to reveal themselves. Carl seemed to understand and nodded as he whispered something to John, who looked somewhat furious.

William resumed sucking the dick in his mouth, and a few seconds later, Johnson was madly thrusting his hips, with his dick twitching and throbbing, signaling his impending orgasm. William knew he should have pulled out, but Johnsons seed filled his mouth faster than he could decide. It was a lot more than William expected and some dribbled out of his mouth. He took a few seconds to scrutinize Johnsons cum, it was very slimy, it felt like warm liquid&hellip,something, and most of all, it tasted salty, much like lukewarm water with too much salt. He swallowed without even thinking, and briefly considered if he should be disgusted or not. He couldnt understand why he was suddenly so interested in the characteristics of another boys semen, and he wondered if he should scold himself later for it.

Peter had felt Johnsons urgent thrusts and watched as William swallowed. Holy shit, thats so hot&hellip, he said as he panted. By now, Johnson had stopped sucking him and was panting for dear life. Peter swiftly removed his large member from Johnsons mouth and wanked for all he was worth, staring intently at Williams mouth and the bit of cum that was left on his lips. Ahh! he moaned audibly one final time.

William could only describe it as an erupting volcano. Then again, he thought, lava wasnt usually milky white, and usually people were very much distressed during volcanic eruptions. Peter on the other hand, looked immensely pleased with himself, his angry red cap twitching from post orgasmic bliss. His cum shot high and fast like water from a high pressure hose, spilling every which way. Johnson, still groggy from his recent exertion, hastily rolled off the sofa to avoid getting splashed by the fallout, landing on the floor with a resounding thud.

Johnson propped himself up to a sitting position and looked slowly at William with a goofy grin. In reply William slightly turned his head northeast, to where he knew John and Carl were still waiting. Johnsons eyes briefly glanced toward the second story then nodded. In an instant he was again alert and wide-eyed, standing up to collect his clothing.

Pete, get up. Get dressed, William said as wiped his mouth and looked for his underwear.

Whats the rush little bro? That was such a good time&hellip, I think I wanna stay like this for a bit…

Just get dressed. Now, William said with uncharacteristic authority, surprising even himself.

Just do it, Peter, Johnson wearily said from the side. He was already wearing his jeans.

Alright, alright, whats gotten in you guys all of a sudden? You hungry or something? Peter said, putting his pants on.

No, William said. He had Peter sit down again while he remained standing, an arrangement that would make it seem like he was the one in control of the entire exchange.

Whats this about now? Peter asked quizzically.

Pete, Im going to come clean with you. Theres only one reason why Jim and I met up with you today. I wanted to find something out.

What? Peter asked, his features steadily growing suspicious.

&hellip,and I did, Pete. I found it out. Im sure now, William continued without missing a beat, his determination lending gravity to his words.

Will, what are you getting at? Peter asked seriously.

Pete&hellip,I told you back then that there was a time I wanked with people online too. There was one guy named PBear who blackmailed me and John to do things by recording the stuff I did on webcam. Pete&hellip, William said, his voice calm, but solidly determined. Youre PBear.

No&hellip,no nono no&hellip,William wait, ImIm not!

Hold it!

Carl had just come from the stairs with John in tow, his outburst visibly shocking Peter.

What. The. Hell, Peter said slowly, as if still trying to decide if the two newcomers were real or not.

William, tired as he was, couldnt help but smile and share in Carls enthusiasm. Even with all its potentials for failure, Carls master plan to finally solve the mystery of PBear was actually coming together. William could still hear Carls voice in his head as clear as it was in that cold, open rooftop foodcourt two days ago, when they were planning what then seemed to be the single most ridiculously risky thing theyd ever do.

Alright, lets have a recap. Im going to run down every step of the plan and if you guys have any questions, just ask, alright?

Yeah, sure. Go ahead, Carl.

Thank you, Will. So tomorrow, were going to intercept Peter at lunch time. Will, are you sure hell be at the gym by then?

Yeah, he told me last Sunday on FB that he likes to hang back after morning practice to rest a bit. Im sure hell be there.

Okay, so by then, John and I will cause the distraction thatll get him away from his locker&hellip,

Then I swoop in and find his phone.

Exactly, Jim.

Carl, are you sure the infirmary thing will work? I mean Nurse Joy might see through it&hellip,I mean, she IS a nurse.

John dont worry, well just have to sell it.

Youre not really gonna hurt me are you?

I wont maim you if thats what youre asking.


Anyway, Jim, youll be hiding near the bleachers and just wait for my signal, uhm, if I do the District Twelve salute it means its clear.

Okay sure. But, why do I have to search his phone anyway? It sounds a lot like theft if you ask me.

Jim, its not theft if you dont keep it. I told you&hellip,I reckon that he might have videos or pictures of you there from all those times you wanked for him in person. You said so yourself that you dont pay attention to him when you wank so he could be doing anything while you were spaced out.

Yeah, Will. But isnt it stupid for anyone to keep sensitive things like that in their phone? He might have deleted those already if he had them.

Yeah, Jim, but Peter isnt expecting anyone to go after his phone. Its not just videos either. Just make sure to copy any files that we can use to pin on him. Messages, pictures, videos, whatever. The point is, we need solid evidence that hes been making you do these things, that your trades were his idea. Oh and remember, his pattern lock is a P shape, he does it in front of me all the time.

Alright, alright.

Jim, Will, everything clear on that? Okay, good. So thats phase one. Phase two, me, John and Peter will already be in the infirmary. Before we get there, Will, where will you be?

By that time, Ethan, Greg and I will be in the first ward, and I wouldve already given the spoiled juice to Nurse Joy. Jim, you sure Ethan and Greg will play along? I mean, I know were paying them but if it were me, it sounds suspicious.

Dont worry, Will. Theyre the kind of guys that dont ask too many questions. Besides, they owe me for all those times I let them copy off my exams, getting paid to repay a favor is a win-win for them.

So anyway, Ill be getting out of there real quick so than John and Peter have their private moment. John, remember to at least think of your lines a bit tonight, okay?

Im not good with words, Carl! I dunno if I can do this&hellip,

Dont sweat it, bro, just be your sweet charming self&hellip,

Aw, stop it Will, youre embarrassing me&hellip,

Ehehe&hellip,you lovebirds flirt later. Look, John, you dont have to stress yourself. Just act natural. Just keep him talking about Will. Im sure hell slip up and say something incriminating. Just dont forget to record it with your phone, but dont make it obvious that youre doing it. Try setting it up beforehand so all you have to do is trigger it while your phone is in your pocket.

Okay, got it, Carl. But why do we need this in the first place?

Its like what Ive been saying. According to Will, Peter doesnt know that you know hes been messing around with Will. So the goal here is to keep him talking, because hell have to either slip up and say something he could only know by being with Will, or lie about something that contradicts something he told William.

Carls right. But aside from that, I have this feeling that what Peter says might sound like the things PBear says, Im actually checking my chats with him now, we could use it as evidence.

Sure, you go do that, Will. Just make sure you get Nurse Joy as preoccupied for as long as possible so John and Peter can talk more, okay?

Yeah no problem, Carl.

Alright, after that, Will, when youre asking Peter to invite you and Jim over, try to act as giddy as possible, make him want to take you guys home.

Im not much of an actor, but I guess I can try. Oh and I dont think Ill be mentioning Jim just yet. He doesnt know that Jim and I know his secret. He might think its risky to have both Jim and I there at the same time since we both had our&hellip,uh, adventures with him. You get what Im saying? Ill think of something&hellip,maybe Ill tell him theres a surprise and then itll actually be Jim.

Sure, no problem. Do whatever you think you have to. I dont think itll be hard since Peter has the hots for you.

Hey, he doesnt!

Anyway, thats it for phase two. Well be doing phase three the next day after they let us out for that annual teacher meeting thing. Now, I dont have to tell you that phase three is actually the most important part. All we did in the first two was gather a bit of supporting evidence. But phase three is where we actually pin him down.

If phase three was so important why do we have to do phase one and two?

John, its like a backup plan. If we fail phase three, then we would at least already have some evidence against him. Its insurance. Theyre just as important a phase three!

Yeah, we know that, Carl, no need to be dramatically redundant.

Ah, let him have his moment, Jim. Ive never seen him this motivated before.

Thanks, Will. Glad to know I have some supporters&hellip,

Joking aside, I still feel uneasy about the whole thing, Carl. Were basically breaking and entering. I think thats considered a crime in like, forty-nine and a half states. If we get caught, we could end up in juvie, or worse. And by worse I mean what our parents will think.

Jim, youre always a pessimist you know? Peters got it worse, the things he did. Besides, its just me and John doing the dirty work, so dont sweat it. Youre just the distraction, while John and I have to sneak in Peters house.

Eh, the distraction could be dirtier. Messier even. Ugh, why did I even agree to this? Why do I have to be the one to horn him up?

Hey, dont forget me, Jim, both of us are doing that. Youre not the only one who has second thoughts&hellip,

Im not the distraction because Peter doesnt know me. Duh. Look, Peters comfy doing sexy stuff with you and Will which makes you two the perfect distractions. Besides, if you can just keep him talking, John and I might already be done gutting his computer before you even take off your shirt. The sex thing is just a backup plan.

Easy for you to say, since youre not the one whos going to be potentially molested, Carl. Searching files might take a while, you know.

Aw, you gotta trust in my skills more, Jim. Besides, you didnt seem to mind so much when I was molesting you&hellip,

Gah!…Carl&hellip,what &hellip,oh, shut up&hellip,you know its different with you!

Will, are you really gonna have sex with Peter again?

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Webcam Boys Chapter 3

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

1 year ago
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Webcam fun

ON CAM IN KENT NOV 2018Just got back from a few days away with my wife. Just a short break in a very nice hotel in Kent. Had a great time too. Plus we had some much awaited and unexpected fun on our webcam. We have in the past had a bit of fun on a adult webcam website but haven’t been on it for at least a year but she had promised to go on it again if we stayed away from home in a hotel. We had stayed away before but sadly nothing had happened.This time I noticed she had “secretly” packed her...

3 years ago
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webcam mom

This story relates to my mom rittu who is 42 years of age and has a sexy luscious fig of 36 34 38 and she used to wear tight blouse and her nipples were always erect and hard as it can be seen in the blouse.My father had left for Chandigarh to setup some business over there whil I was studing in college in delhi.We were living in rented apartment but enjoyed good life and dad used to send us money.I always admired mom for her sex beauty and always wanted to be by her side but mom never gave me...

1 year ago
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Webcam Model Becomes My Hot Stepdaughter

Hello ISS readers. This is a father sharing his experience of a live video sex chat session with a bold, playful, and seductive webcam model of Delhi Sex Chat website. The truly helped in exploring my pervert desires over my 20-year-old stepdaughter. Moreover, the open-minded webcam model was exceedingly erotic. A few days ago, one afternoon, my stepdaughter came home from college. I had taken a day off from work and was watching TV in the living room. I waited for my stepdaughter to come out...

1 year ago
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Webcam model

What is webcam modeling? Webcam modeling is a very unique position within the adult entertainment industry to say the least. Unlike any other adult position, webcam models can work from the comfort and privacy of their own home, perform virtually over the internet, set their own schedule, and work without supervision. There is NO experience necessary to be a webcam model, no required STD testing, and no need for a co-star. The concept is simple: Open Chat Seductively dressed models log into a...

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Webcam Model Plays 8216My Bitch Mother8217

Hello, my name is Bhargav Dutta. I am 20 years old. I live in a row house that is in line with other row houses, on one of the busiest streets of Kanpur. If one observes carefully in the vicinity of my colony, then he/she will come to know that sultry affairs are been carried out secretively by desperate housewives and over-enthusiastic husbands! Ever since reaching the age of puberty, I began to fantasise about my mother having an affair with our neighbour Mr Patel. I have seen Mr Patel’s eyes...

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Webcam Model Anamika Fulfilled My Pervert Lust

Hello ISS readers! My name is Anmol Patel (Age 36) and I would like to share my first live sex chat experience on the Delhi sex chat website. I am a married man with an unconventional desire for sexual pleasures. My wife and I indulge in role-playing activities to spice-up our marriage life. She even allows me to stick my cock up her ass. Even though I bash my wife’s hairy pussy and tight asshole regularly, I still don’t feel satisfied. That’s the reason I started observing the young women in...

2 years ago
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Webcam Session

Thought I'd try something different and share a webcam session I had with a HOT 22yr old tonight. We've cammed before and she loves to masturbate in front of the cam while I do everything she says! I just cut and pasted our session together, hope you like!kayla says: i wanna play get readyJessie says: yes maam! what should I grab? my vibrator and whip?kayla says: mmmmm that and a candle Jessie says: yes maam mic?kayla says: no, roomies home dont want her to hear youJessie says: yes maamkayla...

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Webcam Boys Chapter 1

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

2 years ago
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Webcam fun

I was going to be gone for about 6 weeks and he sent me a few thinks I needed and a few extra things to include a webcam. He always loved watching me... playing with myself or even with other people. He would send me stories, pictures and movies of us or other people. I would get home from school and find these in my mail box and go thru them, I guess a sort of warm up. We would get online later at night and switch on the webcams. I would tell him what I liked and what got me turned...

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Webcam Sex with Wife

A few times a month my wife indulges my fantasies and lets me undress her on webcam. Last night was one of those nights. She was really into it. As I setup the webcam on a tripod, she got into her sexy read lingerie. I logged into and I like a bit of both. On RealCoupleCam, I can watch other couples who are also getting naked. On ShufflePeople, I like watching the faces of others when suddenly they're staring at my wife's beautiful body as I fondle...

3 years ago
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Webcam Model Trains Me To Fuck My Widow Aunty

Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...

2 years ago
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WebCam Mom Part 3

It had been over a week since Steve discovered his mother’s secret. She had a WebCam business. She operated out of her bedroom and charged money for her sexual WebCam shows. Steve was lucky enough to be told this by his childhood friend Todd. Yet his luck continued even further. By clumsily knocking his own WebCam over, his mom discovered that he was her client. The two of them made mad passionate love that first night and have slept in her bed every night since. The lovemaking has not stopped....

3 years ago
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Webcam Delight

Hi, I am Rahul. I have been a regular reader of ISS but this is my first submission. I hope you will enjoy it. I have changed the name of my friend as I still respect her. It is about my friend Jyoti. Let me describe Jyoti to you. She is an average girl of 5.5 ft with these good apple sized breast and good ass. Probably her figure would be 35-28-38. There is something about her ass that always gets your attention. We had met online on yahoo and over the years had become very good friends. We...

2 years ago
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WebcamChapter 2 falling in love

I didn’t want to ask Becky for a blowjob too often, and when Kate was home, I couldn’t anyway, but there were a few hours after school when Kate was at cheer practice I was usually alone with Becky. As the blackmailer I’ll tell her to go get your dad and bring him into her room and blow him. I then go into her room and she would take out my cock and suck on me. She got better at it, and she did it in different positions, sometimes with me lying on her bed, sometimes I stood and she knelt at...

4 years ago
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WebcamChapter 6 The Pill

I push the pause button on the computer, and I sat back onto my chair. I still had one hand on my somewhat soft cum soaked cock. I had many questions going through my head as I looked at Becky’s face, with her tears running down her cheeks as she was looking right at me. Did she know I’m her blackmailer? If so, how did she find out, and for how long? Who is blackmailing her and Kate? And when did it start? Why did it start? How was Heather Carr and her daughter Mindie involved in this? Are...

1 year ago
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WebcamChapter 12 The Club

Finally, it’s Friday, the day this will, hopefully, all end. Alternatively the day when the real hell will begin. Before I put the girls on the school bus we all hugged each other, and we cried. We knew that if things didn’t go as planned, it might be the last time we saw each other. After the girls had left the house to walk to the school bus, I got dressed and then I went to Beth’s hotel. She had me take off my shirt then gave me another one to wear. The top button was a camera, and the...

1 year ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 5

Introduction: Despite threat of blackmail, young love blossoms between John and William. All is not well though, as a few more people become privy to their little secret., and become part of a complicated situation b]Posters notes[/b] This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one...

1 year ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 5

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

2 years ago
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Webcam Boys Chapter 7

This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...

4 years ago
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Webcam Surprise

I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. "That's it, baby," he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...

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Webcam Se Vavi Ko Ragda

Main guddu luv aapke sath phirse mera naya sex experience baanta chata hu. Delhi main aab kaphi thand badh gayi thi . office se aate aate mere hath paon jam jate the. Office se ghar hote hote meri zindegi nark banrahithi. Sex ke liye bhukhe ser ki dahad marne ke siba mere pas koi chara nahin tha do mahine se laund ki pyas nahi bujhithi aur meri katil aanke hamesha kisi gori aur sundar badan ke talas main bhatak rahithi ki tabhi mere gaon se ramesh bhaya aapni family ke sath delhi ghumne aaye....

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Seit Monaten jetzt schon ist Home Office angesagt, kein Arbeiten mehr im Büro, keine Reisen. Die Decke fällt uns nicht auf den Kopf, aber, ehrlich gesagt, die Abwechslung fehlt. Treffen mit Arbeitskollegen und Kunden finden nur noch über das Telefon, als Telefonkonferenz oder Web Meeting statt. Was liegt also näher, als diese veränderte Art des Treffens auch in unser privates Leben einzubeziehen? Nachdem wir auf diese Idee kamen und sie uns bereits einige Male ausgemalt haben, kam die Frage...

2 years ago
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WebcamChapter 10 Kate

I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...

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Webcam trio

You just got yourself a webcam the other day. It was your birthday and your best friend got you one. It was a boring day, and you decided that you might as well could try it out now. You plugged it in, but it did not seem to work. You where not that into computers, not installing webcams anyhow, so you called your friend.

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Webcam Strangers

The website used in this story is completely fictitious. I get so tired of being home alone at night. It sucks. Having to get yourself off when your girlfriend isn’t around gets progressively harder as you run out of porn. Sure, the Internet if filled with hot videos for our enjoyment, but I want to have a real person interact with me. So, in the magic of a search engine, I found Chat Swap. Now, for any of you who don’t know, Chat Swap is a website where you can talk with random strangers on...

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Webcam Surprise

I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. ‘That’s it, baby,’ he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...

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WebCam Mom Part 2

The night before had been wonderful. In one magical night, Steve found out his mother had a secret life. She put on Webcam shows from her bedroom. He logged on and began to enjoy her show firsthand. He was extremely turned on. As he masturbated to the site of his beautiful mother, he knocked the camera over revealing his identity. What he figured would be a disaster, ultimately became the greatest night of his life. He and his mother spent the entire night making love. He did things he had...

2 years ago
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WebCam Mom

Steve never thought about his mother sexually. That is, until hewas referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. Chapter 1 After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve had just turned eighteen and about to graduate. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at...

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Webcam Show

While the following is story is Fiction my wife has told me to be careful what I fantasize about!!! I married a beautiful woman who is a few years older than me. She finds my fascination with cross dressing as exciting as I do. While we have really only played in the bedroom alone she has had me wear lingerie under my clothes when we go to local gentlemen's establishments. She says that one of these days she is planning to get me a dance in hopes the young dancer will feel the...

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Webcam Mom

Steve never thought about his mother sexually until he was referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve was a senior. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at school. He was a starter on the football team and was...

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Webcam Game Sex and Climax

"I like erected penises if they don't threaten me." - I am ready!- Okay, I am waiting for my roommate to leave. I think he will be gone in 5 mins. Is WhatsApp okay? Or would you like to Skype?- Skype is more comfortable since I can see you on a bigger screen on my laptop. - Okay :) But I cannot be loud, the housemates are gathering in the kitchen. I don’t want them to hear, lol.- Is he gone?- Yes, I am calling you right now. He appeared on the screen with an oversize t-shirt and naked...

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webcam sex

The first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I’d ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I’d squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I thought...

2 years ago
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So my tranny friend Daisy and I had done a webcamshow which proved to be very succesfull regarding the response. So we got another invitation from the studio. We didn't have to think twice, with the joy we had found in our new kink: exhibionism. And the pay was good welcome too, ofcourse.On arriving that afternoon the producer, a severe woman, clad in black leather skirt and top looked at my skinny body and asked: "Have you ever been in woman's clothing?"Not really apart from some red frilly...

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webcam humiliation

I have always had a high sexdrive and wanked a lot. I have been lucky enough in my life to have a decent amount of fun sex but have always been addicted to porn as well. Recently I have enjoyed taking a lot of c*ke and spending the night in wanking for hours and stopping myself coming until one almighty orgasm. I watch porn and chat to people about sex for hours. I know it is a terrible waste of life but I love it. Please tell me there is someone else out there like me?I regularly turn down a...

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webcam sex

The first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I'd ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I'd squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I...

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WebcamChapter 3 A Golden Day

I heard Becky calling to me; I already had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. I wanted my cock to go down before I went to her room, I didn’t want her to wonder why I had a boner, and I can’t pee with a hard-on. I still wanted to end being a Blackmailer, but as I had her doing things for me, the sense of power made me think twice. I wasn’t sure if I could give that up. The only reason Becky and I became so close was because of my secret identity as the Blackmailer. Without me forcing her to do...

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WebcamChapter 5 Another Blackmailer

Before I left home, I went into my office and I got on my PC and I push record on Becky’s cam, I also push record on Kate’s cam also. I have been so focused on Becky that I hadn’t spied on Kate. There was something going on between two sisters. I locked my office door before I went downstairs. Kate was watching tv and Becky was doing the dishes. I went into the kitchen and I walked up behind Becky, I put my arms around her and cupped her boobs, and I squeeze them hard. She winced in pain and...

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WebcamChapter 7 All Most No Tomorrow

I woke up early the next morning. Becky was still asleep on my bed, she looked so sweet laying there naked. She still had my dry crusty cum on her. It was still dark outside, I looked at my clock on my night stand, it read 5 am. I got up, I needed to do a couple things before Becky got up, and before Katie gets home. I got dressed, and I went out to the garage, and got into my car. I knew Kate would be sore on her bottom, so I went to a drugstore to get some bath salts. On the way to the...

1 year ago
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WebcamChapter 8 The planning

We are all walking up toward the house. The front door opened up, and Nancy came walking out, and She screams “Omg!” Nancy ran off the front porch and straight into Heather’s arms and they hugged each other. She then looked at Becky and Kate, she turned to me and said; “are they your daughters?” “Yes, they are my daughters.” “Michael I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I’m guessing we are all in the same boat!” “That we are,” I said looking at the house. “I’m not sure if it’s safe to talk inside...

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WebcamChapter 9 Wherersquos The Money

I must have fallen asleep, I was having a very strange dream, I was dreaming I was being licked and kissed everywhere on my body. It felt so good I didn’t want to wake up, but I did and I found out it wasn’t a dream. I was looking straight into Nancy’s blue eyes as she is french kissing me. I looked further down to see the twins sucking on my nipples. Down further I see Mindie sucking on my cock and Kate licking my balls and ass. Becky and Heather were sucking on my toes. I just came not too...

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Webcam Rips is a free porn site with full-length rips of cam shows. What’s the worst part about camsluts? No, it’s not that they never pay attention to you. It helps if you’re attractive, wealthy, or not a neckbeard. The answer is that you can’t catch every single show, since it’s simply not possible. We’ve all been there. You run to log on and try to fap to your favorite whore only to see that she’s closing her legs and shutting down the show. It fucking sucks. But what if I told you cucks...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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16 ladyboys jerked off in front of me live

Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me.Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time for my birthday present. The door to the bar was closed a chair was bought out and put against the closed door and I was told to go sit on it. Then I was blindfolded and a bib put on me. I could hear all the...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Webcamsex mit einem Schuumller

Ich kontrolliere gerade die Posteingänge in meinem Profil -laber, laber, du siehst geil aus, du hast tolle Beine, was hast du heute an-, da leuchtet mir eine Anfrage "Habe Cam-Interesse, zahle auch gut dafür" entgegen.Na endlich, denke ich, ein wenig Geld nebenbei wäre in diesem Monat mit den vielen Rechnungen gut.Ich beantworte die Anfrage mit "Hi, du hast in meinem Profil gelesen, dass ich 30 J. jung bin und reine Amateurin? Was siehst du gern vor der Cam und willst du dich auch zeigen?"Ich...

1 year ago
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Do you get horny as fuck as night just thinking about the web cam gals that you are missing out on while you try to sleep? I know the struggle, mother fucker. There are so many hours in the fucking day for you to get off to webcam beauties. You’re missing out on them, so it would be nice if you could actually watch some of the hottest and sexiest webcam models that are out there performing for horny fucks like yourself.Well, I am happy to say that you can do exactly that! At least, that is the...

Free Cam Girl Video Sites
2 years ago
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Two Cowboys and One Dancehall Girl Part One

I live in a town where the national rodeo cowboys come to town every year. And each time they come the testosterone level in town goes up, immensely. All of the big handsome, strong men in spurs and chaps and jeans and western-cut shirts and cowboy boots and cowboy hats get my clitty dick stirring down in my little panties when I see them around town in their pickup trucks or sitting tall in the saddle on horseback. They look rough and rugged and ready. And I'd be lying if I didn't tell you...


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