Webcam Boys Chapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Despite threat of blackmail, young love blossoms between John and William. All is not well though, as a few more people become privy to their little secret., and become part of a complicated situation b]Posters notes[/b]
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat of the story.
I will be posting each chapter exactly as it is found on nifty sans my friends authors notes. He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him hes at:
[email protected]
I hope you enjoy his story.
Chapter 5: Looming Shadows
Are you sure its the right time? I mean, hes still eleven. I dont think hes at that age yet.
Connor, trust me. Hes at that age already. He needs the talk sooner than later. And its better if he finds out about&hellip,those things&hellip, directly from you than from any of his friends. Sharon Watson said imperiously. She was washing the dishes as her husband, Connor Watson, read the days newspaper. It was usual for the couple to discuss important family issues in the morning, just after their son left for school and just before Connor would leave for work.
What makes you think I need to give him the talk now? Dont they have that at school these days? Connor replied without taking his eyes off the newspaper.
I just do. And I think the usual talk wont cut it, either, you need to, well, maybe explain the things he should and shouldnt do, and maybe clear up things hes confused with. He needs a fathers guidance. Sharon said airily as she piled the dried plates together.
Im likely to be confused myself if you dont cut to the chase.
Well, when he had that sleepover with William the other day remember, its the James son- I accidentally overheard them talking to each other. And well, because of that I have reason to believe they may be, well, to use the term, playing with each other.
Playing&hellip,with each other? Whats wrong with that?
For Christs sake, Connor, youre not making this easy for me to say! Sharon sighed in exasperation. While she loved her husband dearly and couldnt think ill of him, there were times when she seriously thought he was daft. That, or he was doing it on purpose to annoy her. I think theyve been exploring each others bodies-doing sex play if you want it any clearer!
What&hellip,? Connor was dumbfounded. For the first time he put down the newspaper to look Sharon in the eye. Are you saying hes doing gay sex with William?!
Oh, goodness no, not sex, not like that, I think. But well, if we let it go I dont imagine its impossible. Thats why I want you to talk to him as early as now, Connor, before he gets the wrong ideas! Sharon said, her previously commanding voice slightly faltering. The topic was awkward in itself, but somehow, she didnt like how her husband reacted.
Ill be damned if he does. You shouldve just said so in the first place! Conner said firmly. The man was clearly agitated. Dont worry, Ill straighten John out. I thought that William was a good kid, but no way in hell is he turning my son gay!
Connor, calm yourself! Sharon said, starting to panic. She didnt know her husband would react so violently. She was starting to regret bringing up the topic at all. Boys will be boys, theyre just curious and all that. Its just a phase! Just guide John into it and explain that while its normal, boys arent supposed to, you know&hellip,tell him something from your experiences.
I cant stay calm while you tell me my sons gay, Sharon! Connor said angrily. What do you want me to say? That when I was a kid I messed around with my friends too?
Well, yes! Something like that. I wouldnt be surprised if you did! Its normal for boys to get curious, right? Sex play isnt that uncommon between them. Sharon was steadily losing her bravado. She sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as her husband.
Sorry to say, but Ive no such experience. I was raised in a normal Catholic home with normal parents and with normal straight friends. You know all this, Sharon, weve been married for twelve years and theres nothing you dont know about the way I was brought up! Connor said in a slightly offended tone.
Dear, you shouldnt be too worried about this. I never said John was gay. Im just saying he needs guidance. Sharon tried to negotiate. Well, I never knew you were a homophobe&hellip,
Sharon&hellip, Connor sighed. His anger had softened into something more similar to calm stubbornness. Im not a homophobe. Personally, I have nothing on gays. I couldnt care less that gay marriage is now legal or that there are single gay fathers. But then I see how gay men are treated, Sharon. Theyre ostracized, ridiculed by normal folk. Theyre labelled and judged and it makes it hard for them to live a normal, good life. And its a fact that more AIDS victims are homosexual. I dont want any of that for my John.
In any case, he continued, sensing that his wife was going to retort. Leave it to me. Ill talk to John about it, maybe in a few days time. Dont worry about it anymore, hun, he said with finality.
Sharon bit her lip. Connor was unmovable once he had decided on a course of action. She only hoped that he wouldnt do anything theyd both regret, or worse, anything John might hate them for. Her mothers intuition seemed to agree that Conner was going to give their son a hard time.
John and William were walking along the third floor corridor after enduring a rather difficult pop quiz in math. They were both comparing answers-or lack thereof. William seemed to have fared better than John.
I cant believe you answered that! That was a trick question, I mean come on, it was a fraction that had letters on it! recounted John, slightly annoyed, as he mimicked the position of the offending fraction with his hands.
Well, its not the first time Ive seen it, to be honest. Peter and I were practising after school yesterday and he showed me something like that. William said bashfully.
Peter? That guy you randomly met a few days ago? John adopted an air of suspicion. He hung out with you yesterday?
Well, yeah. You said you had to go early yesterday cuz your gramps cooked dinner, right?
For the record, my grandpa makes a mean Bouillabaisse.
Yeah, well anyway no Im not even going to try and pronounce that- I just hung around a little longer and I met Peter on the halls. Well, long story short, we just talked and ended up in the library and he kinda taught me some more math stuff. William said nonchalantly. I didnt think it would actually be useful though! I cant wait to tell him it did!
The library?! I thought nothing short of a zombie apocalypse would get you to go there. Will, is it just me or do you like Peter as much as he does you? John said, barely concealing a smirk.
What do you mean?
Well, remember, I reckon hes got a crush on you, and the way I see it, I think you have one on him too!
You bastard! Its only the second time we met! Hes just a cool guy, thats all. William replied as he playfully shoved a giggling John.
Well, whatever, dude. Anyway, I need to take a piss.
Both boys drifted to the nearest boys bathroom. By some lucky coincidence, this particular one was completely devoid of any other patrons at the moment, and the hall outside seemed to be rather empty as well. All in all, it was a secluded, quiet place, with only John and William present to break the eerie silence.
Sensing that it was as good a time as ever, John brought up something that hed been meaning to discuss with William. Hey Will, I wanted to talk to you about well&hellip,you know. PBear and our video.
Uhm, what about it? William replied nervously as he took the urinal beside John and unzipped his pants.
Did you see him online again, did he mention anything about the video? John asked with equal uncertainty as he pulled out his dick and aimed it at the urinal.
Only one other time, it was the day after, you know&hellip,and no he didnt mention anything, we just went on a quest together.
Oh, I see. Its just that Im getting real nervous, Will. What if anybody else finds out? What if our parents find out? Whenever I think about it I get scared.
Dude, chill. Youre getting too paranoid. We kept our word and PBear kept his. He doesnt have a reason to show it to anyone.
What if he does? How can we trust him?
William thought for a bit and seemed to have made up his mind. No, he wont.
How sure are you? John asked fearfully. By now, both boys had finished urinating though they seemed to have forgotten the fact that their dicks were still exposed, absorbed as they were with their conversation.
I just am.
Dont worry, nothing bad will happen to us, I promise. As he said this, William hugged John as if to reassure the younger boy. John leaned on Williams shoulder and just stood there feeling the warmth of his friends embrace, he wished he could find the security he was longing for in Williams arms.
John was just enjoying the moment until he realized something. Dude, youre hugging me but you didnt even wash your hands yet, ugh! he said as if he was disgusted, but he was laughing all the same.
William didnt seem predisposed to reply though, as he held John tighter toward him. John was now fully aware of the fact that their dicks lay forgotten in the open air, and that they were now being squashed together because of Williams hug. Furthermore, William was quickly sporting a boner.
What&hellip,Will! John whispered shrilly. Do you have to be horny right now?
Yes. William replied with a grin.
But&hellip,but someone might come in! John said worriedly, though despite himself he was now getting his own erection, mostly because Williams already hard three and a half inches was rubbing across his own.
William nodded and led John to one of the larger cubicles. By this time John was already grinning as well. Walking around with his boner poking out of his fly was too naughty for someone like him, though it did have its charm, or rather, thrill. William hooked the latch and turned to face John again. Johns eyes were wide and he was already smiling. With privacy somewhat assured, he was now as willing as William.
John made to grab the older boys hard dick, but William swatted Johns eager hand away and put his hands on Johns shoulders. No, I want to try something I just thought of. Just do what I do. And with that, William started to rub his dick across Johns crotch.
John was momentarily stunned. He didnt know what William wanted him to do. After a few seconds though, a new, yet familiar, feeling radiated from his dick to his loins. Williams dick was rubbing across his, pushing it this way and that as if re-enacting a perverse swordfight. It felt positively good. He put his hands on Williams shoulders and started rubbing his crotch on William in the same manner.
For a few good minutes, the boys enjoyed humping each other. It didnt have any rhythm to it, they just submitted themselves to their passions and thrust their hips at each other, rubbing their dicks on each others groin, and feeling each others warm breath. They were both silent, with only their laboured breathing, their occasional grunts and the rustling of their clothes disturbing the otherwise still atmosphere. Sometimes their random thrusts would be replaced by gyrating their hips, all for the purpose of making their dicks bat and swat each other, and rubbing their over-sensitive tips on each others smooth skin.
Will, Im&hellip,! John whispered thickly.
Yeah&hellip,me too&hellip,just keep&hellip,doing it! William replied between breaths.
Through some convenient coincidence, both boys reached their climax at the same time, after one last, forceful, simultaneous thrust. Both of their dicks were throbbing angrily, sandwiched between their now, slightly moist pubic areas.
Will&hellip,whats&hellip,it feels a bit gooey. Wait, this isnt piss&hellip, John said. He inspected the sticky, clear substance on his pelvis, feeling it between his thumb and forefinger, and held it up to the light. To the young boy, it looked very much like clear snot.
I&hellip,dunno. But I have some on mine too&hellip,and it doesnt look like its…well, you know…semen… William remarked with a blush. He was feeling around on his pubic area as well.
Both of them looked at each other and smiled, then promptly sagged to the floor. Their little activity had taken its toll on them, apparently it was not best to perform it standing up while fully clothed. Their knees ached and worst of all, their dicks, while fully satisfied, were now red and sore. William winced, he made a mental note to never do this again unless it was on a bed.
All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps made them both stand up in fear. Someone just went in the bathroom.
Hellooo? the voice said. William accidentally bit his tongue as he realized to whom the voice belonged. It was Johnson Masters.
John and William were silent, not to mention scared out of their wits. It would be quite difficult to explain why the two of them were sharing a cubicle without raising eyebrows. John made to unlock the cubicle, but William stopped him, giving him a look that said no-were-gonna-get-screwed-if-he-sees-us. John replied with an expression that clearly said we-are-so-dead.
The footsteps drew nearer and seemed to stop at the urinals. They heard the sound of Johnson unzipping his fly and relieving his bladder. All the while, William was racking his brains for a way out of their precarious situation. It did not help that John was cutting off the blood flow in his left arm with a vice grip.
Moments later, they heard the footsteps again and the sound of a faucet being turned on. In that same instant, a metaphorical light bulb lit up in Williams brain. He motioned for John to climb up on the toilet, which the younger boy did as quietly as he could. He made John sit on the toilet canister with his feet on the toilets rim. Then William shucked off his pants and underwear, than sat on the bowl himself. This time, he was the one gripping Johns legs. To the common observer, it would look like William was taking a dump while he was giving John a piggyback ride.
The footsteps drew nearer still and just as William had predicted, Johnson was now inspecting the cubicles. The cubicle they were in was the most conspicuous, because it was the only one that was closed. Johnson would definitely stop in front of their cubicle. And no sooner than William thought this, a shadow and a pair of sneakers appeared under the cubicles door, Johnson was right in front of them.
There was a pregnant pause as the bathroom regained its eerie silence. John was starting to shake, and William was afraid the younger boy would crack up and start screaming. Just then he noticed the shadow change and thicken. It seemed that Johnson was trying to look under the cubicle door, just as William thought he would. And just as he planned, all Johnson would see were his shoes and his pants around his ankles, making it seem like he was doing his business, and more importantly, alone.
Summoning his best impersonation of Batmans voice in the Dark Knight Rises, if only a bit more comprehensible, William said, Bugger off, dude! Im taking a dump! He prayed as hard has he could that Johnson would not recognize his voice and that this whole charade would actually work.
A few seconds later, the shadow disappeared as they heard the footsteps heading back towards the hallway. Johnson had left.
After making sure the coast was clear, William put his pants back on and together with John, left the bathroom in haste.
That&hellip,was too close! William exclaimed. Despite his great anxiety, he felt elated, he felt as though he were an elite secret agent that just outwitted his arch enemy.
Darn right it was, Will! You&hellip,you bitch! I told you someone might come in! John said in an annoyed tone. He promptly elbowed William with as much force as he could muster, but ended up hitting Williams hard elbow joint, which caused both boys considerable pain. After exchanging a grimace, they both giggled.
William looked behind just to make sure that Johnson wasnt still there. He saw the boy in question walking the opposite direction, his back turned to them some distance away. William breathed a long sigh of relief, but at the last moment, he snapped his head back to look behind him again. He could have sworn that, in the instant he turned his gaze away from Johnsons back the other boy looked back his way and gave him an overly suspicious look.
After school, John had to leave early again because he had to see his grandfather off at the airport with his family. William was still in a cheery mood, reliving their bathroom adventure (and subsequent near discovery) that he felt like staying at school a bit longer. He had the urge to go out and have some fun, maybe go to the arcade or eat out somewhere, none of which hed be able to do if he went home.
I suppose I could always play some games&hellip, William thought out loud. He had his PS3 and his PC at home, and he could always go and play Dragon Sorcerer Kingdom Wars&hellip,but for some reason he didnt feel like doing any of those. While they were fun to play, William wanted something more, something different. To be precise, merely playing those games seemed rather lonely. Ever since he and John discovered the wonders of mutual pleasure, he had longed for more interpersonal encounters, he wanted to hang out with people in person. To head home was to enter a state of solitude, since he couldnt talk to anyone there, least of all his ever-busy parents. It was too much of a nice Friday afternoon to be wasted alone.
William walked around the school grounds, settling on the parking lot, where there was a shed where the students could sit and wait for their rides home. He watched as the multitude of students rushed to get to their respective school buses and cars, no doubt excited for the weekend. William instinctively tried to hide himself from view when he saw Johnson Masters among that crowd. The other boy seemed to be looking for his ride home, which had evidently not yet arrived. This was the only chance William had to look at Johnson from afar. It didnt take one to be friends to recognize the sulky expression on Johnsons face. William was sure that while Johnson was perpetually sulky, his face wasnt that sour when they chanced upon each other in the halls earlier. He briefly entertained the thought of finally talking to Johnson just as he had promised Carl, if only to have something to do. Just then, a car pulled up near the boy and a plump-looking woman waved at Johnson from the passenger side window. William took it as a divine sign that their talk would have to wait.
You seem quite lonely here. said a voice beside William. He was momentarily startled when he realized that Peter McMahon was already sitting beside him.
Oh, hey! When did you&hellip,?
Just now. You were kind of sitting alone and looking lonely. You were staring at Johnson a lot too.
You know him? John asked in surprise.
Oh, erm, not&hellip, personally. I know him because…uhm, I heard hes one of the smartest in your grade, thats all. Peter replied, suddenly looking at the floor.
Okaaay&hellip,? William didnt sound convinced.
Well, I&hellip,I need to know stuff like that cuz Im in the school paper. Peter replied with a bit more confidence, this time looking at William again.
I didnt know you were in the paper&hellip,
I must have forgotten to mention it. But then, weve only met like two times before, right? Peter said with a grin. Im nothing important there, mind. Im just one of the assistant photographers.
Wow, youre already a swimmer, and youre also photographer? I wish I had that many talents. William said in admiration.
Oh, its not as easy and glamorous you know. Swimmings hard work and Im serious about not being much in the school paper. Its only good for one little perk, actually.
Oh, whats that?
I have a legitimate reason to stalk people! Peter proudly exclaimed with a roguish wink.
You bastard! William retorted jokingly. He had to admit that in its own way, stalking people as a job sounded cool, if a bit naughty. He couldnt help but giggle at the idea.
So, why are you sitting all alone here on a Friday when you can do just about anything else? asked Peter.
Well, I dunno. I mean, I want to do something but I dont have anything to do and well, no one to do anything with. Johns left early and well its almost like I feel lost if hes not around. Funny, eh? William mused.
Johns your best friend, right?
Howd you know? William was steadily noticing how Peter seemed to know a lot of things that he wasnt normally supposed to.
Oh, nothing&hellip,Well, uh&hellip, Well, its just the way you talked about him. I know that feeling. I had a friend like that too. Peter said a bit awkwardly. William noticed he said had instead of have. He chose not to make the older boy elaborate.
Why dont you go home then? You told me before youre a gamer, right? Since its Friday you can go knock yourself out and play as much as you want! Peter continued.
Well, yeah I could&hellip,but nobodys home right now. Both my mom and dad are still out and they wont be back till like, eleven. Id just be bummed out at home. As William said this, he looked at Peter and could have sworn that for a second, his face froze with a weird expression around the time he said nobodys home. After he blinked though, Peters face was as normal as ever. Apparently William had just imagined it.
Well, you know&hellip, Peter said carefully. Im free right now too. Theres no swim practice and I was thinking of going to the mall and just hanging out. Id invite you along but, I bet your folks would mind&hellip, he trailed of suggestively.
Nah they wont! Its a Friday anyway. I could just say I hung out with my buds a bit before going home. Then again, Id only have to tell them if I went past eleven, which is, like, next to impossible anyway. William said excitedly. Going to the mall with Peter was definitely more fun than staying at home. Plus, he was excited with the prospect of hanging out with an older teen, and he wondered what fun stuff Peter could show him.
William couldnt be in higher spirits. He and Peter rode the bus to the mall, talking all the way. Before they knew it, they were walking along the mall plaza. He happily told the teen about his math exam and the benefit their study session had given him. They talked of everything and nothing, of the most mundane, trivial topics to the most profound and deep issues of life that they could think of. The only time William talked this much and this freely was whenever he was with John, and in the boys absence, he lacked an outlet. Peter would listen to even the stupidest things he said, laugh and or sarcastically critique every one of his jokes. The older teen even obliged him an honest answer for every question he could think of, and most of all, even gave him some bits of sagely advice every now and then. William thought that if he ever had an older brother, this would certainly be what it felt like.
The way bullies are, they just have something theyre trying to hide, an inadequacy, fear, or longing that they cant express in any other way. They compensate through violence.
How do you reckon that? asked William, genuinely interested.
Because Ive dealt with them before. Just find the right things that can set them off, and they wont have anything to say in return. Theyll just try to hit you and try to make you fear them, just like how an animal will do its best to scratch you with its claws if you hit it where it hurts.
I still dont get it, but I think what youre trying to say is that bullies are asses because theyre messed up inside?
Yeah. If you could get inside a bullys head, youd see he has loads of problems too, like maybe his parents are divorced or his dads an alcoholic&hellip,that kind of stuff. He doesnt know how to deal with it other than to be a bully in school. Peter said knowingly.
I never thought of it that way before&hellip,I wonder if Jim&hellip, William caught himself at the last moment from continuing, but Peter noticed it anyway.
What about Johnson?
Well, uhm&hellip,its just that hes also an ass and hes like a bully&hellip,
Does this have anything to do with your fight last week? Peter asked with a smile.
What, whyd you say that? William replied in a panicky voice.
School paper, remember? I easily pick up stories like that. Word gets around, and I hear all of them, even when they dont get written down as news.
Right well&hellip,something like that&hellip,anyway&hellip, William trailed off, hoping to change the subject. He was briefly reminded of Carl Rogers and his uncanny ability to know more than he should.
Their talk eventually shifted to other things, and Peter obliged him by not pursuing Williams issues with Johnson Masters. Peter continued to give out advice and for all the world seemed like the smartest and wisest guy William had ever known. Peter was so mature and understanding in his answers that he seemed much older than his 16 years. He seemed to understand Williams concerns so perfectly. The young boy definitely enjoyed his company.
They played some computer games together in a nearby net café,, working together in Left4Dead 2 killing zombies (but since the game was more designed to be played as a four man team, they were soundly murdered by the undead hordes), playing competitively in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (where Peter mercilessly showed William what calling in an airstrike would do) and finally playing a few matches in Need for Speed Most Wanted (with both of them alternately winning against each other because neither of them had much experience in racing games). William was enjoying himself as he passed the time with Peter. Peter seemed to feel the same way.
Hey, are you sure you dont want me to pay for mine, I mean Ive got some of my allowance left&hellip, William asked meekly while sipping his milkshake. Up till then, Peter had treated him to everything they did, and now that they were in a snack bar with the older teen treating him yet again, he was feeling thoroughly abashed.
Its no problem, bro. I got ya covered. Peter said with a smile as he sipped his own milkshake.
William replied with a grateful smile and went back to sipping his milkshake.
So, you enjoying yourself? Peter asked, looking at Williams cheerful face.
You bet! Youre so cool! But well, I wanted to ask, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, weve barely known each other and youre already treating me and stuff&hellip,
Well, do you like my milkshake? Peter asked with a mischievous grin.
Yeah&hellip,wait, what?! William replied as he started to laugh. He almost didnt notice the innuendo.
Peter laughed with him before he answered the boys question. I guess its because I always wanted a little brother. And, I just happened to meet you and you seemed like that to me.
But dont you mind hanging out with a younger kid like me?
Not at all! Im loving hanging out with you. Im enjoying myself just as much as you are.
But well, William started, slightly unsure how to phrase his question. Wouldnt you rather hang out with your same-age friends and stuff?
No. I dont ha-..well&hellip, Peter stuttered. He suddenly seemed flustered. The guys&hellip,well, all I can say is I like hanging out with you more.
Whys that?
Well, uhm&hellip,the guys can get stupid sometimes. You make loads more sense than they do. Trust me.
William took Peters reply as a sign that the older boy was dismissing the topic. He just went back to sipping his milkshake in awkwardness.
Peter sensed the sudden tension and said, Besides, youre a cool younger bro. He raised his fist expectantly.
And youre a cool older bro! William said enthusiastically, obliging Peter with a fist bump. Both boys were smiling, with Peter smiling more so.
After a while, Peter asked, Hey, what time do you have to get back again?
Well, I need to-crap! Its already nine! I have to go home like, now! William said in a panic.
Chill, you said your parents wont be home til like eleven, right? Maybe we could go hang at my place for a bit&hellip, Peter said rather suggestively.
I cant, bro. I just cant be out this late. And theres always the off chance my parents would be back early&hellip,.
Alright, alright, lets get a move on. Peter said with a sigh. First though, lets go take a piss.
Both of them went to the nearest bathroom and took urinals next to each other. They did their business in silence, with only the streams of their urine making any sound. For some reason, William remembered the bathroom adventure he had with John earlier and it gave him an instant boner. Afraid that Peter might see, he put his dick back in his underwear and looked at the older teen just to make sure he hadnt noticed. To his surprise, Peter was already looking at him with a smile. Apparently he was looking at William the whole time, of course hed seen the younger boys boner. Peter signalled with his eyes for William (who was now blushing) to look down. And when he looked, he saw Peter also had a boner. William couldnt help but stare at the teens longer and fatter dick, with his matte of dark pubes and bulbous red glans.
The sound of flushing and doors opening snapped the two boys out of their daze, with Peter tucking away his hard dick as he smiled, and William, blushing like a traffic light, following the older teen to the sink to wash their hands. A while later they were heading out the mall. William was still embarrassed and silent.
Dude, its cool, we all get boners. Its normal. Peter reassured William. Oh yeah, you got a nice dick. He added with a wink.
Uh&hellip,thanks&hellip, William tried to smile though all he managed was to blush even harder.
Peter laughed and put his arm around the younger boys shoulders as they walked back to the bus stop.
In next to no time, William was already home. The locked gate and the absence of the car signified that his parents had yet to arrive. As he fished his spare keys from his pocket, he thought back to the wonderful day he had with John and the bathroom incident and Peter at the mall&hellip,and the bathroom incident with him&hellip,what was it with bathrooms today anyway? William went to his room and dropped on the bed thinking what it would have been like if he accepted Peters offer to hang out at his place.
John was doing some last minute Facebooking before heading off to bed. It was a tiring day, what with his grandpas farewell dinner and their trip to the airport, not to mention his earlier escapade with William in the school bathroom. It was already 11 PM and the young boy was getting sleepy, and perhaps a bit irritable.
While randomly scrolling through his homepage, he chanced upon an update that he seemed to have missed before. It was a post on Williams wall, made by a certain Peter McMahon thanking William for a great hang out. John clicked on the update to see all the replies, and to his irritation, he saw around twenty more replies coming from both William and Peter referencing what fun they apparently had together. As John read further, he found out that Peter and William hung out after school in the mall and spent somewhere near five hours together. The two had been trading comments for a couple of hours judging from the timestamp of their latest replies.
John unconsciously gritted his teeth in dismay. For some inexplicable reason, he was really very pissed off at the pair. He was pissed off at Peter for being a total stranger who seemed to sweep William off his feet, and he was also pissed at William for&hellip,well. WAS he pissed at William? Johns irritation immediately softened as he thought of his best friend. He couldnt really be angry with William even if he tried. John realized with a wistful smile, that what he was feeling wasnt anger at all, it was loneliness, even longing. In a word he was&hellip,was he&hellip,? Was John actually&hellip,jealous of William and Peter?
It wasnt only that, but William seemed to be enjoying himself too much, to the point that hed been taking their whole being blackmailed into having sex issue too lightly. Its almost like William didnt care at all. Personally, John was scared out of his wits thinking what that video might do to both of their lives should it get leaked anywhere. Its not that he didnt want to do sex things with William, it was just that he was afraid what would happen if anyone knew&hellip,and Williams certainty that nothing would happen felt so hollow and unconvincing despite his firm belief. John was worrying about it so much, though if he was honest with himself, he didnt know what to do. He didnt have any leads to who PBear might be, and he had no idea what to if, by some miracle, he found him.
A knock on the door brought John back to his senses. After he opened it, his father walked in with a solemn expression on his face.
Dad? John said in surprise. Whats up?
I hope youre not too sleepy, John. Have a seat. I just want to talk to you.
No, its alright&hellip, John replied as he sat on his bed. He had this intuition that his dad wasnt there for a reason hed like.
Connor Watson sat on Johns computer chair and looked straight into his sons eyes. Ill do my best not to beat around the bush, son. Im here to talk to you about sex.
W&hellip,what? John said, dumbfounded.
Your mother and I think that its about time that we had this talk. Ill just tell you how it all works, son. No malice or shame or anything like that. These are just things you need to know.
But&hellip,but dad! This is embarrassing! John stammered, his cheeks already bright crimson.
You shouldnt be. Im open with you, and you should be open with me. If you want to ask anything at all, dont hesitate. Connor was still calm and stoic. John merely looked to the floor and stayed Silent. Connor continued, Pretty soon youll be starting puberty and when you do, youll be on the way to becoming sexually mature. When a boy becomes sexually mature, he is able to have babies with a girl. Do you understand?
Well, yeah, but dad&hellip, John was still blushing and avoiding eye contact. I sort of know how it all works. I know about sperm and egg cells and how babies are born and the whole sex thing&hellip,.
Its called intercourse. Intercourse is what most people commonly refer to as having sex, which is when a man inserts his penis into the womans-
Yeah, dad I know! Geez&hellip,.we have sex ed at school! You dont have to tell me&hellip, John interrupted, still flustered.
Very well. Did they also teach you about the changes to your body and behaviour during puberty? Connor was as serious and devoid of emotion as when he started.
Well, yeah, sort of&hellip,
Did you know about getting muscle definition, your voice cracking, your shoulders broadening and the appearance of bodily hair?
Yes! You dont have to nitpick, dad!
How about the growing of your penis, wet dreams and the production of sperm?
Dad! Please! This is really awkward! Yes, I know all that!
John, I want you to be honest with me. Do you have wet dreams?
Dad! Why are we talking about this?! Its embarrassing! I
Please just answer the question, son. Connor cut across the boy rather harshly.
John was getting increasingly scared of where this conversation might lead. He had the impression that his dad was telling him off. There was something about him that seemed odd&hellip,something that felt&hellip,cold. Well, no, I dont&hellip,I mean, I cant well, you know&hellip,not yet.
I see. But I believe you masturbate? Connor sounded impatient now, with each word becoming quicker.
Well, I&hellip,uhm&hellip,but its normal anyway&hellip,right?
Yes&hellip,I see. Yes, in private and on your own it is.
Huh? What do you mean? John was confused with what his father said. Its like Connor was implying something&hellip,
Son, I need to emphasize that sex is done by MEN and WOMEN because they love each other. Get it? BOYS and GIRLS fall in love with each other, then when they grow up to be MEN and WOMEN they get into a relationship and they marry and become HUSBAND and WIFE. Then they become FATHER and MOTHER when they have children. Thats how life works alright?
Dad&hellip,where are you going with this&hellip,? John just had a sudden realization what his fathers repetitive emphasis meant to imply. Did his father know about him and William&hellip,? The young boy was now honestly scared, his pulse even quickened and he was starting to sweat.
Let me tell you a story, John. Back when I was the head of the Marketing Department, we had a new guy named Michel. I knew there was something odd about him, it was how he talked like a woman sometimes and how he was generally flamboyant, gaudy and over the top you might say. I tried to pass it off as his native flavour, since he was from France, but I knew that wasnt the case. Michel was a homosexual, and a lot of people in the department were bothered by his behaviour. It came to a head when he tried to have a relationship with one of our male employees.
One day we all just came into the office dumbfounded because that male employee was quitting and filing for assault charges on Michel. It was as bad as you can imagine. It was quite a fracas at the time, the department was getting so much ridicule. I think the charges were dropped over time, but none of us were really sure anymore. In the years after that all of us were promoted or given new projects, and I became VP for corporate affairs. Thing is, Michel just stayed there in Marketing and was never picked for anything. Out of the blue I heard he was fired for no reason. Its illegal to fire anyone without a reason, but I heard Michel just accepted it and vanished. No one ever came to his defence and the way the story goes, the new guys at Marketing were glad to have him gone.
Wh&hellip,why&hellip,are you..telling me this, dad? John was trying his hardest to remain composed but he was miserably failing. He was certain now. His dad knew.
John, homosexuals are treated badly by others. Being gay will make your life impossible. As your father, I want you to have a future. And for you to have a future, you need to be straight and proper like the rest of us.
What&hellip,are you tr..trying to say?
Ill be frank with you, son. I know you and William have been experimenting with your bodies together. Anything sexual you do with someone of the same sex is homosexual. Its gay. And its one big step closer to being gay yourself, to being like Michel. Connor said gravely.
But, dad! We-
I dont want to hear it. Your reaction already makes you guilty. From now on, William is banned from ever stepping foot in our house. You are not allowed to go over to their house anymore either. You are not to associate with him and you will sever ties with him. I cannot monitor what you do outside the house, but I will be having a talk with his parents when I can, just to make sure you two stay apart. Hes a bad influence on you and if I let you boys be, hell turn you into a homosexual, Ive no doubt about that.
Dad, NO! You dont know what youre saying! Williams my best friend! You cant do this! John half pleaded and half angrily shouted.
Dont talk back to me, John! That is my decision! If I get wind of you cavorting with William Ill have you live with your aunt in Denver and Ill have you transfer schools, is that clear?! Connor said, raising his voice but maintaining the steely glint in his eyes.
John was getting teary eyed as he looked at his father with terror. Conner took it as a sign of confirmation. Sensing that John had nothing left to say, he left his sons room in the same stoic manner. Before he closed the door he said, This is for your own good. From his tone, he sounded like he was trying to convince himself.
It was Monday, and William walked along the school corridors trying to find John before class started. He hadnt heard anything from John over the weekend, and he thought that as strange, theyd at least talk to each other online. He also wanted to regale his trip with Peter to his best friend.
He found John already on the way to their classroom, and he hesitated when they both looked at each other. John looked extremely miserable.
Hey&hellip,buddy? Whats up? William said apprehensively.
Nothing much. John muttered.
Ookay? William sensed the dismissal in Johns tone.
For the rest of the day, John was silent. William kept looking at him hoping to start up a conversation, but the younger boy just seemed despondent. It was increasingly awkward for William, especially since John was his seatmate. He thought back to when he was having his spell of depression two weeks ago and wondered if it was Johns turn to have one now. And if it was, he wondered what could have caused it.
When lunch came, William walked beside a still silent John as they went to their lockers and shelved their books before heading off to the canteen. William was getting annoyed with John and his silent treatment and resolved to return his friend to his former non-depressed self. John, what happened to you dude? Cmon you can tell me.
I dont think I can.
Why not?
I just dont feel like it.
John. William stopped the boy from leaving by grabbing his arm. Bro, whatever it is, I want to help you out. Do you want to hang out after school so we can talk and stuff?
No thanks. Im busy. Maybe you can hang out with Peter or whatever.
What? Whats this got to do with Peter? William said apprehensively.
Nothing. I mean you can find other people to hang out with if you want. John said in a monotone.
Dude, cmon, whats worrying you?
Well, for starters, Im worried about our video, if it gets leaked and stuff. Do you have an idea who PBear might be?
Huh? Well, no. I mean Hes a dude online how am I supposed to know him? Besides I havent seen him online recently and, dude, I told you nothing bads gonna happen!
Will, there you go again! John said accusingly. Youre so sure of yourself but you dont even know if youre right! You dont have proof that thing wont be seen by anyone, but youre not even worried at all! I have this suspicion that PBear is someone who knows you. But you dont care! Youre even acting like its not a problem! John hissed at William discreetly so that no one else could hear.
John, wait&hellip, William tried to hold on to Johns arm, but his grip slackened as Johns words hit its mark. Of course John was right, he didnt have the slightest idea who PBear was, and now that John said that it might have been someone he knew&hellip,a sense of urgency filled him, the kind that he knew should have felt before. It was true that he didnt really care back then, he wanted to trust PBear&hellip,perhaps he only wanted to because he didnt know what else to do.
John shook off Williams hand and hurried to get away from him. William walked beside the young boy but then stopped when John faced him again.
Will&hellip,please&hellip,leave me alone. John whispered with sadness. William saw that Johns eyes were starting to get red, as if he was on the verge of tears. He let John go feeling hurt, confused and ashamed.
John went outside to the school grounds to get some air and to wipe his wet eyes. For now, he was at a loss. He was trapped between two problems, his father on one end and PBear on the other. As he walked on, looking for a solitary place to sit, he saw Johnson Masters being dragged to the far-off gym bathrooms by an older student. With his short, curly hair and with his toned looking arms&hellip,if John hadnt known any better, he couldve sworn the older teen was Peter McMahon.
Introduction: William James loves his games. Now that a stranger online is giving him a chance to get exclusive items, what is William willing to do for the stranger in return? Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series....
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...
Introduction: William and John get a long awaited reunion. Now allied with Johnson and Carl, the boys try to figure out the mystery of Peter McMahon Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work in progress, with...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...
Introduction: There was a boy, there was a game, and there was a webcam. When a boy gets too addicted to his games, how far is he willing to go to get the most out of his playtime? This is a story about that boy, his consequences, how the people around him are affected by it, and most of all, how his best friend shows him that falling in love with a game is stupid, when actual love is already staring you in the face. Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of...
This story is the main entry? There are four more first chapters of stories following this tale that may be submitted in full later, individually.WEBCAM VIDEOSChapter One? Modeling for the webcamInhaling a deep, deliberate breath she hesitates, glances toward the webcam above the computer, the red light blinking on. Carefully positioning herself across the stool in front of the dark bed sheet pinned to the wall for a backdrop, the black leather hood covering her head melding to the contours of...
Introduction: William is plagued by guilt after doing things he never though hed ever do. Hes being irrationally angry towards everyone because of his guilt. Help comes in the form of his ever-loyal best friend.. Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
ON CAM IN KENT NOV 2018Just got back from a few days away with my wife. Just a short break in a very nice hotel in Kent. Had a great time too. Plus we had some much awaited and unexpected fun on our webcam. We have in the past had a bit of fun on a adult webcam website but haven’t been on it for at least a year but she had promised to go on it again if we stayed away from home in a hotel. We had stayed away before but sadly nothing had happened.This time I noticed she had “secretly” packed her...
This story relates to my mom rittu who is 42 years of age and has a sexy luscious fig of 36 34 38 and she used to wear tight blouse and her nipples were always erect and hard as it can be seen in the blouse.My father had left for Chandigarh to setup some business over there whil I was studing in college in delhi.We were living in rented apartment but enjoyed good life and dad used to send us money.I always admired mom for her sex beauty and always wanted to be by her side but mom never gave me...
Hello ISS readers. This is a father sharing his experience of a live video sex chat session with a bold, playful, and seductive webcam model of Delhi Sex Chat website. The truly helped in exploring my pervert desires over my 20-year-old stepdaughter. Moreover, the open-minded webcam model was exceedingly erotic. A few days ago, one afternoon, my stepdaughter came home from college. I had taken a day off from work and was watching TV in the living room. I waited for my stepdaughter to come out...
What is webcam modeling? Webcam modeling is a very unique position within the adult entertainment industry to say the least. Unlike any other adult position, webcam models can work from the comfort and privacy of their own home, perform virtually over the internet, set their own schedule, and work without supervision. There is NO experience necessary to be a webcam model, no required STD testing, and no need for a co-star. The concept is simple: Open Chat Seductively dressed models log into a...
Hello, my name is Bhargav Dutta. I am 20 years old. I live in a row house that is in line with other row houses, on one of the busiest streets of Kanpur. If one observes carefully in the vicinity of my colony, then he/she will come to know that sultry affairs are been carried out secretively by desperate housewives and over-enthusiastic husbands! Ever since reaching the age of puberty, I began to fantasise about my mother having an affair with our neighbour Mr Patel. I have seen Mr Patel’s eyes...
Hello ISS readers! My name is Anmol Patel (Age 36) and I would like to share my first live sex chat experience on the Delhi sex chat website. I am a married man with an unconventional desire for sexual pleasures. My wife and I indulge in role-playing activities to spice-up our marriage life. She even allows me to stick my cock up her ass. Even though I bash my wife’s hairy pussy and tight asshole regularly, I still don’t feel satisfied. That’s the reason I started observing the young women in...
IncestThought I'd try something different and share a webcam session I had with a HOT 22yr old tonight. We've cammed before and she loves to masturbate in front of the cam while I do everything she says! I just cut and pasted our session together, hope you like!kayla says: i wanna play get readyJessie says: yes maam! what should I grab? my vibrator and whip?kayla says: mmmmm that and a candle Jessie says: yes maam mic?kayla says: no, roomies home dont want her to hear youJessie says: yes maamkayla...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
I was going to be gone for about 6 weeks and he sent me a few thinks I needed and a few extra things to include a webcam. He always loved watching me... playing with myself or even with other people. He would send me stories, pictures and movies of us or other people. I would get home from school and find these in my mail box and go thru them, I guess a sort of warm up. We would get online later at night and switch on the webcams. I would tell him what I liked and what got me turned...
A few times a month my wife indulges my fantasies and lets me undress her on webcam. Last night was one of those nights. She was really into it. As I setup the webcam on a tripod, she got into her sexy read lingerie. I logged into and I like a bit of both. On RealCoupleCam, I can watch other couples who are also getting naked. On ShufflePeople, I like watching the faces of others when suddenly they're staring at my wife's beautiful body as I fondle...
Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...
It had been over a week since Steve discovered his mother’s secret. She had a WebCam business. She operated out of her bedroom and charged money for her sexual WebCam shows. Steve was lucky enough to be told this by his childhood friend Todd. Yet his luck continued even further. By clumsily knocking his own WebCam over, his mom discovered that he was her client. The two of them made mad passionate love that first night and have slept in her bed every night since. The lovemaking has not stopped....
IncestHi, I am Rahul. I have been a regular reader of ISS but this is my first submission. I hope you will enjoy it. I have changed the name of my friend as I still respect her. It is about my friend Jyoti. Let me describe Jyoti to you. She is an average girl of 5.5 ft with these good apple sized breast and good ass. Probably her figure would be 35-28-38. There is something about her ass that always gets your attention. We had met online on yahoo and over the years had become very good friends. We...
I didn’t want to ask Becky for a blowjob too often, and when Kate was home, I couldn’t anyway, but there were a few hours after school when Kate was at cheer practice I was usually alone with Becky. As the blackmailer I’ll tell her to go get your dad and bring him into her room and blow him. I then go into her room and she would take out my cock and suck on me. She got better at it, and she did it in different positions, sometimes with me lying on her bed, sometimes I stood and she knelt at...
I push the pause button on the computer, and I sat back onto my chair. I still had one hand on my somewhat soft cum soaked cock. I had many questions going through my head as I looked at Becky’s face, with her tears running down her cheeks as she was looking right at me. Did she know I’m her blackmailer? If so, how did she find out, and for how long? Who is blackmailing her and Kate? And when did it start? Why did it start? How was Heather Carr and her daughter Mindie involved in this? Are...
Finally, it’s Friday, the day this will, hopefully, all end. Alternatively the day when the real hell will begin. Before I put the girls on the school bus we all hugged each other, and we cried. We knew that if things didn’t go as planned, it might be the last time we saw each other. After the girls had left the house to walk to the school bus, I got dressed and then I went to Beth’s hotel. She had me take off my shirt then gave me another one to wear. The top button was a camera, and the...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. "That's it, baby," he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...
BisexualMain guddu luv aapke sath phirse mera naya sex experience baanta chata hu. Delhi main aab kaphi thand badh gayi thi . office se aate aate mere hath paon jam jate the. Office se ghar hote hote meri zindegi nark banrahithi. Sex ke liye bhukhe ser ki dahad marne ke siba mere pas koi chara nahin tha do mahine se laund ki pyas nahi bujhithi aur meri katil aanke hamesha kisi gori aur sundar badan ke talas main bhatak rahithi ki tabhi mere gaon se ramesh bhaya aapni family ke sath delhi ghumne aaye....
Seit Monaten jetzt schon ist Home Office angesagt, kein Arbeiten mehr im Büro, keine Reisen. Die Decke fällt uns nicht auf den Kopf, aber, ehrlich gesagt, die Abwechslung fehlt. Treffen mit Arbeitskollegen und Kunden finden nur noch über das Telefon, als Telefonkonferenz oder Web Meeting statt. Was liegt also näher, als diese veränderte Art des Treffens auch in unser privates Leben einzubeziehen? Nachdem wir auf diese Idee kamen und sie uns bereits einige Male ausgemalt haben, kam die Frage...
BisexualI met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...
You just got yourself a webcam the other day. It was your birthday and your best friend got you one. It was a boring day, and you decided that you might as well could try it out now. You plugged it in, but it did not seem to work. You where not that into computers, not installing webcams anyhow, so you called your friend.
Wife does first webcam show for her hubby and strangers while he's away at work and realizes she loves it.
ExhibitionismThe website used in this story is completely fictitious. I get so tired of being home alone at night. It sucks. Having to get yourself off when your girlfriend isn’t around gets progressively harder as you run out of porn. Sure, the Internet if filled with hot videos for our enjoyment, but I want to have a real person interact with me. So, in the magic of a search engine, I found Chat Swap. Now, for any of you who don’t know, Chat Swap is a website where you can talk with random strangers on...
I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. ‘That’s it, baby,’ he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...
The night before had been wonderful. In one magical night, Steve found out his mother had a secret life. She put on Webcam shows from her bedroom. He logged on and began to enjoy her show firsthand. He was extremely turned on. As he masturbated to the site of his beautiful mother, he knocked the camera over revealing his identity. What he figured would be a disaster, ultimately became the greatest night of his life. He and his mother spent the entire night making love. He did things he had...
IncestSteve never thought about his mother sexually. That is, until hewas referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. Chapter 1 After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve had just turned eighteen and about to graduate. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at...
IncestWhile the following is story is Fiction my wife has told me to be careful what I fantasize about!!! I married a beautiful woman who is a few years older than me. She finds my fascination with cross dressing as exciting as I do. While we have really only played in the bedroom alone she has had me wear lingerie under my clothes when we go to local gentlemen's establishments. She says that one of these days she is planning to get me a dance in hopes the young dancer will feel the...
Steve never thought about his mother sexually until he was referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve was a senior. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at school. He was a starter on the football team and was...
"I like erected penises if they don't threaten me." - I am ready!- Okay, I am waiting for my roommate to leave. I think he will be gone in 5 mins. Is WhatsApp okay? Or would you like to Skype?- Skype is more comfortable since I can see you on a bigger screen on my laptop. - Okay :) But I cannot be loud, the housemates are gathering in the kitchen. I don’t want them to hear, lol.- Is he gone?- Yes, I am calling you right now. He appeared on the screen with an oversize t-shirt and naked...
TabooThe first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I’d ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I’d squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I thought...
So my tranny friend Daisy and I had done a webcamshow which proved to be very succesfull regarding the response. So we got another invitation from the studio. We didn't have to think twice, with the joy we had found in our new kink: exhibionism. And the pay was good welcome too, ofcourse.On arriving that afternoon the producer, a severe woman, clad in black leather skirt and top looked at my skinny body and asked: "Have you ever been in woman's clothing?"Not really apart from some red frilly...
I have always had a high sexdrive and wanked a lot. I have been lucky enough in my life to have a decent amount of fun sex but have always been addicted to porn as well. Recently I have enjoyed taking a lot of c*ke and spending the night in wanking for hours and stopping myself coming until one almighty orgasm. I watch porn and chat to people about sex for hours. I know it is a terrible waste of life but I love it. Please tell me there is someone else out there like me?I regularly turn down a...
The first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I'd ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I'd squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I...
I heard Becky calling to me; I already had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. I wanted my cock to go down before I went to her room, I didn’t want her to wonder why I had a boner, and I can’t pee with a hard-on. I still wanted to end being a Blackmailer, but as I had her doing things for me, the sense of power made me think twice. I wasn’t sure if I could give that up. The only reason Becky and I became so close was because of my secret identity as the Blackmailer. Without me forcing her to do...
Before I left home, I went into my office and I got on my PC and I push record on Becky’s cam, I also push record on Kate’s cam also. I have been so focused on Becky that I hadn’t spied on Kate. There was something going on between two sisters. I locked my office door before I went downstairs. Kate was watching tv and Becky was doing the dishes. I went into the kitchen and I walked up behind Becky, I put my arms around her and cupped her boobs, and I squeeze them hard. She winced in pain and...
I woke up early the next morning. Becky was still asleep on my bed, she looked so sweet laying there naked. She still had my dry crusty cum on her. It was still dark outside, I looked at my clock on my night stand, it read 5 am. I got up, I needed to do a couple things before Becky got up, and before Katie gets home. I got dressed, and I went out to the garage, and got into my car. I knew Kate would be sore on her bottom, so I went to a drugstore to get some bath salts. On the way to the...
We are all walking up toward the house. The front door opened up, and Nancy came walking out, and She screams “Omg!” Nancy ran off the front porch and straight into Heather’s arms and they hugged each other. She then looked at Becky and Kate, she turned to me and said; “are they your daughters?” “Yes, they are my daughters.” “Michael I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I’m guessing we are all in the same boat!” “That we are,” I said looking at the house. “I’m not sure if it’s safe to talk inside...
I must have fallen asleep, I was having a very strange dream, I was dreaming I was being licked and kissed everywhere on my body. It felt so good I didn’t want to wake up, but I did and I found out it wasn’t a dream. I was looking straight into Nancy’s blue eyes as she is french kissing me. I looked further down to see the twins sucking on my nipples. Down further I see Mindie sucking on my cock and Kate licking my balls and ass. Becky and Heather were sucking on my toes. I just came not too... is a free porn site with full-length rips of cam shows. What’s the worst part about camsluts? No, it’s not that they never pay attention to you. It helps if you’re attractive, wealthy, or not a neckbeard. The answer is that you can’t catch every single show, since it’s simply not possible. We’ve all been there. You run to log on and try to fap to your favorite whore only to see that she’s closing her legs and shutting down the show. It fucking sucks. But what if I told you cucks...
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Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me.Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time for my birthday present. The door to the bar was closed a chair was bought out and put against the closed door and I was told to go sit on it. Then I was blindfolded and a bib put on me. I could hear all the...
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