Webcam Boys Chapter 4
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: William and John get a long awaited reunion. Now allied with Johnson and Carl, the boys try to figure out the mystery of Peter McMahon Posters notes
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real meat of the story.
I will be posting each chapter exactly as it is found on nifty sans my friends authors notes. He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him hes at:
[email protected]
I hope you enjoy his story.
This is the latest chapter. It might take a month for the next one to come out. I hope you guys will still continue to read my friends stories after the wait. This is the second to the last chapter.
Posted here for your convenience is a link to my authors page, so you can see his other works and also mine.
Also, if you wish to view the chapters through nifty, heres the link:
Chapter 9: The Investigation Team
So, what about this?
Uhm&hellip,I dunno it feels kinda off.
What if I grab it from the top like this?
Now it feels like youre my mom when she drags me off to go with her when shes shopping for shoes or whatever.
Oh&hellip,yeah, youre right this is kinda awkward, William said, blushing while grinning sheepishly.
Hey, lets do it like this&hellip,okay? John replied gently.
Yeah&hellip,that feels&hellip,better. Nice. This holding hands thing is weird&hellip,but&hellip,good weird, William said, and his bashful gaze met Johns as both boys smiled. Their hands were clasped together in the fashion of two romantic lovers.
The pair was sitting together in the Junes Mall food court that Monday afternoon. They had agreed to meet there after school let out in order to catch up with each other during the times when they werent exactly on speaking terms. Both had a lot to say, but they held off most of the discussion until their group was complete.
William had been thanked by Carl Rogers that day for helping with Johnsons situation. William, with a sudden stroke of inspiration, invited Carl and Johnson to their little meetup. He thought that the two other boys were also inexplicably involved in the things he was going to discuss with John, and therefore had the right to be included. Carl and Johnson were running late however, Carl mentioned something about a late library book and both he and Johnson didnt join William and John in coming to Junes. When William arrived at the mall with John, he told the younger boy about his reconciliation with Johnson. Since then they passed the time glancing goofily at each other and trying to work out how holding hands worked.
Wheres Carl? Its been almost an hour&hellip,Im getting really cold.
Theyll be here, dont worry. Youre right&hellip,its getting way too cold, William said as he looked at the glum, cloudy sky.
I dont even understand why a food court is on an open rooftop. What if it suddenly snows? What kind of mall is this anyway? John complained.
I think its a branch from a famous Japanese mall or something like that. Anyway, its not like you havent been here before. And its the closest mall weve got, so chill already.
Yeah I got the chilling part covered, thanks very much. I hate this weather, John grumbled.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can help keep your hand warm&hellip, William blushed again as he grasped Johns hand with both of his own. John squeezed Williams hand in reply.
At that moment, a voice in the distance grabbed both boys attention. Hey! I hope you didnt wait too long- Carl started, but stopped after seeing that William and John were holding hands and had their foreheads close together.
William and John, with all the appearance of being caught red-handed, quickly let go of each other and straightened up.
Hehe&hellip,I guess we came at a bad time? Carl sniggered.
Hello to you too, Carl, William replied, his eye slightly twitching.
Guys, its totally, okay. See? Carl said as he gestured to Johnson Masters, who was behind him. Johnson seemed a bit sullen, and looked like he would rather be somewhere else.
Jim, greeted William.
Will, Johnson acknowledged with a curt nod. Suddenly, Carl grabbed his hand in the same way William held Johns hand a moment ago. Johnsons expression radically changed, his face suddenly becoming relaxed and a goofy smile forming on his lips. He blushed intensely as he looked at Carl, then at William and John, then at the floor.
Carl and Johnson sat down, the former with brimming exuberance while the latter was nothing but awkward. William and John smiled at each other, understanding the meaning behind Carls gesture.
So uhm, Jim, are you and Carl&hellip,er&hellip,you know&hellip, John asked, his speech impeded by nervous giggles.
All I can say is, we understand you guys way better now, Carl replied on behalf of Johnson, who was still blushing and bashful. Takes one to know one and all that, he said with a wide smile.
Oh and before you ask, yes, you and John were too bloody obvious. Thats the whole reason I helped coach you guys with your thing, Carl continued.
Yeah, thanks for that&hellip, John smiled in gratitude.
We owe you for that. Im glad that everythings cool with you and Jim now, William added.
Yeah, thats thanks to you. So I guess that makes us pretty even with you, Will, isnt that right, Jim? Carl said as he nudged Johnson gently with his elbow.
Johnsons reply was a sheepish grin at William, one that the other boy returned just as awkwardly. Both of them were still getting used to the fact that they werent enemies anymore.
Hey, if you guys dont mind, Im still kinda left out here, John said. I still dont really get what went on between you and Jim, and what Will and I had to do with it, he said to Carl.
Well, its a long story, but I suppose thats what were here for anyway aint it? And I love telling stories anyway, Carl laughed.
Okay, tell us, from the beginning. How the thing with Jim all started and how you figured we could help and what happened after, you know. I mean you guys being all cuddly and stuff now, John giggled.
Alright, if you insist, Carl replied with a smile. He started to tell them how Johnsons problems started. He only gave them the necessary details, like when and why Johnsons behaviour became problematic. While Carl was talking though, his mind was elsewhere. Talking about his experiences with Johnson made him relive in his mind his entire history with the boy whose hand he affectionately held.
Johnson Masters wasnt the easiest boy to get along with. The first time I met him in second grade, I threw a spitball at him because he said I was annoying. To be fair, I think I really was because I kept badgering him so much that even a nun, with all her patience, would have been tempted to throw a pew at me. Johnson was a snob, and I was eager to make friends. We were sort of like opposites. His constant rejection of my friendship ironically motivated me to pursue him more. There was something about him I liked&hellip,something I didnt understand yet.
I stuck around him as we got older, like some annoying fly buzzing around his ear. At first he was annoyed, but eventually he got used to me just always being there. Everyone around us got used to it too. They all thought we were good friends, even though it wasnt really the case. But I guess, it was some kind of peer pressure thing, Johnson started acting like we WERE friends, as if we knew each other well all this time. Its almost like we suddenly became friends out of nowhere, a sudden understanding that we never even talked about. We became best friends, and we didnt exactly know how or why.
Before I knew it he was telling me everything about himself. Johnson, or Jim, as Id taken to calling him, was an incredibly smart boy. He was naturally diligent and was a fast learner, he was even good in sports. It was for these same reasons that Jim wasnt a very social person. His parents pressured him to be an outstanding student, driving him to the bone even. He would get scolded for getting a B, he was forbidden to play during schooldays, he was hardly ever allowed outside if it wasnt for a school related reason. Jims early years were nothing but studying. He was lonely, but he was brilliant, too brilliant even. He was always the top of the class, the most acknowledged and noted student, ironically his brilliance isolated him from the rest of the kids. I knew it then, he wanted someone to come on to him, someone who wouldnt mind putting up with his un-fun habits. And I, being ever friendly and curious, couldnt help but be drawn to this smart, lonely boy.
I guess he rubbed off on me, without meaning to, my grades improved as well and at the same time, Jim and I became really close. Again, to everyone around us, it just seemed natural. They all started calling him Jim, just like I did. I even kind of forced myself on his parents, after visiting so many times they got used to me being in their house at any given time. Seeing Jim having fun with me seemed to mellow out their standards a bit. One of Jims happiest moments, he tells me, was when his parents allowed him to have a sleepover with me, which was apparently something they were firmly against before I came along.
Its funny, a year ago I wouldnt even dream of having sleepovers because of my parents. But here I am now, sleeping on the same bed with you.
Its not called sleeping if youre still talking, Jim&hellip,
Do you really have to be sarcastic about everything, Carl?
It wouldnt be me if I wasnt&hellip,hehe
Oh, you&hellip,!
When he was with me, Jim experienced his unguarded moments. He was most like a kid when it was just the two of us, and I guess that night, the kid in him decided it was a good time to wrestle me off the bed. Of course, he was the better-built boy and had the upper hand, but somehow he fell off the bed. His stifled shout told me he landed on something other than the floor. Well, I was never known for cleaning my room much anyway.
Ok, calm down, Jim, lemme have a look!
Ack! It stings like crazy! Careful, dont touch it!
Whoa, thats jammed in there good. Hold your breath, Ill have to take it out.
Another stifled scream later I showed him what I had just pulled from his left buttcheek. It was a tack tinged with a little blood. The pointy end went through both his pjs and underwear, and buried itself in his buttcheek.
Oh, man up. Its nothing. Ill have to use some rubbing alcohol on it though. Take off your pjs and your undies.
What, no way!
Jim, stop being a wuss, youre gonna get an infection if we dont clean that up. Anyway, were both boys arent we?
But, dude! Youre gonna see me naked!
One could say that I was sort of expecting this line of thought, so I already planned the appropriate response: I stripped in front of Jim. What can I say, I have a naughty streak in me.
Now you can see me naked. Its not really that big a deal, to be honest.
Jim stared in shock at me as I walked to my drawer and got the alcohol and some cotton, my dick wagging around freely as I went. My nakedness was enough to persuade him to strip down too, and in a few minutes I was rubbing the bare butt of my best friend. It felt funny&hellip,like I really wanted to do this&hellip,keep on rubbing his butt.
Hey, Jim.
You have a nice ass.
Uh&hellip,thanks&hellip,I guess?
His blush was unmistakable. He liked it that I liked it.
You like it when I compliment your butt?!
W-well&hellip,hey! Bastard!
It was all he could manage to say, being flustered like that. It was in situations like these, in the moment of friendly practical jokes, that I would deserve a light punch on my shoulder. But since he was on his tummy, Jim decided to do the next best thing: shove his ass at my face.
What the?! Mfff!
You deserved that, Carl, you bastard.
Jim was still grinning. I would have too, but having someones asshole suddenly shoved in front of your face isnt such a spectacular experience. Quite the opposite, really.
As usual, youre good at being an ass. Pun intended.
We both laughed a bit but then a total look of shock formed on his face.
I-Im sorry, Carl. I shouldnt have done that&hellip,it was&hellip,that was really gay.
I dont mind&hellip,well actually I do mind because, damn thats gross, but you get the idea.
Carl, serious&hellip,please dont tell anyone I did that&hellip,I&hellip,I mean, Im just like this&hellip,you know, different when Im with you. Its because I trust you. I dont mind if its embarrassing if its with you but with anyone else&hellip,I dont want anyone else to know.
Trust. It was a big word for kids our age, but its profound meaning wasnt lost on us.
Dont worry, I wont tell anyone. And even if I do, itll be because I trust you to trust me.
Thanks&hellip,wait what?!
Of course I meant it as a joke that time, and it didnt even make a lot of sense. After that we just sort of fell asleep naked. Wed just laugh about that experience in private, and many more sleepovers followed, some of them for studying, others just for fun, and almost always Id make a snide remark about him being a good ass, which always instantly won me whatever arguments we had. After all the time we spent together as a pair, me as the extrovert and him as the misunderstood genius, I couldnt help it&hellip,even though we were just twelve, I realized I was kinda maybe falling in love with him.
Something wrong inexplicably happened one day. Jim, for the first time in ages, was late for class. Jim just shrugged me off saying its because he was studying. But it happened more often as the days went by and he also always went home as soon as possible, sometimes outright disappearing from the classroom as soon as the last bell rang. I would have believed him if he wasnt acting out of character too. Jim isnt the most social person in class, but at the same time, he was never blatantly mean to anyone. In the days that followed though, he became more irritable than a mad rodeo bull. There was something wrong, but not too many people cared about Jim enough to bother asking what. Again, there was the collective assumption that Jim was always a dick, because supposedly people take it for granted that most smart people were snobs. He was always singled out to be the superior student before, and that made people keen to hate him when they had an excuse to. Jim was a regular Ender Wiggin.
I know theres something up with you, Jim. You know you can always tell me about it, right?
Yeah, I know, Carl. But, theres nothing going on that you have to worry about.
At school youre like a zombie and out of it youre a hermit in your room. How can I not be worried?
Well, I just need my space sometimes, okay? I just&hellip,need my privacy.
And so went every conversation we had about the matter. Jim asked me to understand. I really wanted to say then that its hard to understand something you dont know, but I just agreed with him. I was losing my head, why wouldnt I when Im seeing the boy Im falling in love with biting back tears because of some problem I dont even know? Ive never felt so helpless and useless in my life, and it was frustrating. It was painful.
Abe, Im lost.
Care to elaborate, little brother?
I talked to my older brother, Abe, about my little predicament. I didnt even hesitate to tell him that I liked Johnson a bit too much than is friendly. Big bro Abe was chill with it though, were tight like that, even after he left for college. After a rather lengthy sap story about the where, whats and hows of my best friends issue and my resulting frustration, Abe gave me a solid piece of brotherly advice:
You want to understand him but you cant because you havent experienced what he has. At this point, youre more different from him than you could ever be. Honestly, if he doesnt say anything, theres not much you can do. The only one that could help him right now, is someone whos going through the same thing, someone like him.
Of course he made sense. Hes smart, hes in college and hes my brother. I didnt know who else I could ask to help Jim, but I figured that if I had to find someone that was having the same kind of problems, that someone should be acting a little bit the same. It was a long shot, but the answer hit me like a dodge ball thrown with extreme prejudice.
Abe pointed out how next to impossible it was to find another guy who was going through what Jim was going through, since I didnt know what the problem was in the first place. For the first time in my life, I disagreed with him.
Ive been friends with William James and John Watson since the fourth grade, when we first became classmates. They were a cool bunch of guys, and I easily became friends with them. I couldnt compete with their bond though, they said that theyve been friends for as long as they could remember, and their bond really showed. The easiest way to describe their relationship was, if William was there, John was surely there too. I didnt think much of it at first, but when I realized that I was feeling a lot more than just friendship with Jim, I reckoned that it was kinda like how William and John were. It was a guess, but, I think they were the same as us. The two of them could also be kinda in love.
That was all the more reason why I thought that they could be the kind of guys my brother talked about.
It started when William was suddenly acting like a jerk and coming late for class. It was just like Jim. That wasnt the end of it though, even John was acting the way I did: concerned but clueless and helpless. I made up my mind at that point. Although their problems might not be the same, Both William and Jim have something in common: their problem was bad enough that they couldnt tell their best friends about it. Since William and John were going through the same time like I am with Jim, I knew that they were the best guys to help Jim out. Before I could ask them though, they had that incident during PE.
William had that little fight with Jim. Although William did start it, for some reason, again, the common belief was that Jim was just being ass and was the cause of it all. Of course, the boys saw what really happened, but I guess they didnt really care. I knew there had to be a reason why William and Jim fought. Jim wouldnt tell me what it was, but I guessed as much that something must have happened between him and William, something that really struck a nerve. Just like that, I had my master plan.
Guilt. It was a powerful feeling to get anyone to do anything, like say, talk to someone they have a grudge with. I knew William wouldnt tell me his deal either so I opted for the next best thing: guilt tripping him to talking with Jim. William was easily persuaded, I just had to remind him that the fight was his fault. The fight they had might have made them sort of enemies, but they still had something in common, the fact that they both are acting like bitches because of their problems. I knew that Jim, with all his smartness, will pick up on that and itll make him want to talk. Misery loves company, or so they say. Well, of course Im just assuming Jim wont beat William to a pulp. As a backup plan though, the little passcode I gave to William will let Jim know that I mean business.
It wasnt an overnight thing. I waited for nearly a month, during which I had to put up with Jims attitude. I clung on to him and he seemed grateful for my company even though he still didnt talk about his problems with me. There was even a time my plan almost fell apart and I had to intervene a bit when William and John had a row of their own. I basically told them to not give up on each other, just like I was doing with Jim. My pep talk seemed to motivate William a lot, at the same time it became obvious to me that both he and John had a thing for each other. I knew then, that my plan was definitely going to work.
Finally, on one fateful Saturday afternoon, I got my results. Jim came over to my place all of a sudden, and he took me straight to my room and locked the door. I think at this point, I can be forgiven for having a boner.
Carl&hellip,Im not really good at this kind of thing but&hellip,Im sorry&hellip,
Sorry for&hellip,? Gotta be a little bit more specific there, Jim.
Well, you know&hellip,acting like a jerk and stuff&hellip,
So, thats it? Youre just saying sorry, end of story?
Damnit, Carl! Youre making this too hard for me! Look, I know that it was hard for you too. Im sorry I never thought about how you felt.
About time.
I didnt want you to know because&hellip,I was scared you might&hellip,not want to be friends with me anymore if I told you&hellip,that youd think I was weird or gross or-
Jim never expected what I did next. I hugged him, hard. For a few good seconds I just held him in my arms and we didnt say a thing. His body seemed to sag and submit to the embrace. In that moment I think he understood that I was trying to say, Welcome back.
He told me everything. He was starting to get curious about sex, so he spent a lot of time researching on the internet. He found out that the internet is for porn. Then he learned to wank to porn. It would have been simple if it was just that, but it wasnt. He got more and more curious. He was starting to get more curious about boys rather than girls. His porn shifted from having just girls, to having boys and girls then just to boys.
Then he met someone online who offered him more gay porn, the kind he couldnt get anywhere else, in exchange for stripping and jerking on cam. He accepted. It turns out the guy Jim met also went to our school. From wanking on cam, it became live wanking sessions at school with him whenever they thought they could get away with it. Jim felt guilty and confused, he doubted himself and his preferences. This was also why he had his fight with William in the first place, William provoked him by asking to see his dick, but Jim thought it was gay, he was scared of being gay. He was scared he was doing something wrong all this time. He was scared that he couldnt stop it.
It made sense, I guess. Jims irrationally bad behaviour all stemmed from him not knowing what he was anymore, and having no one to talk to about it, because he was too scared to be found out. With all the expectations and pressures that a grade A student like him carries, it must have been rough.
Jim, you dont have to be scared, alright? I wont stop being your best friend just for something like that. Not for anything. Ill always be here for you and you never have to feel alone.
I just hugged him some more. Jims chest heaved and he returned my hug. I then wiped his moist eyes with my sleeve, and I let my fingers trail down his wet cheek. We were just looking at each other that whole time, our eyes saying things words couldnt say. Then I put my hand gently at the back of his neck, and leaned forward.
Carl finished his tale, ending with a trailing silence. For a moment after he finished, Carl seemed lost in his memories, gazing lazily at a far-off wall. It was as if the story he told was the short version, while he kept all the sweet little idiosyncrasies of having Johnson for a friend to himself. Though Carl only gave out the barest details, it was enough to cause curious speculation, as demonstrated by Williams flabbergasted question.
Whoa wait, so when you were in your room, did you kiss?!
Cripes, yeah, yell it out some more, why dont ya? I dont remember saying that I wanted the whole mall to know! Carl shushed William while Johnson looked around in panic. I didnt even say it outright but you jump to conclusions fairly quickly.
Well, it sounded a lot like you did, and you guys are holding hands like youre together now too, so&hellip,!
Its only obvious to someone whos done it before, Will, thanks for admitting that, Johnson snickered.
Wha…hey! I didnt mean&hellip,!
I dunno, its kinda sweet, Will. And dont be too surprised, I mean, kissing felt nice&hellip, John said, blushing deep crimson and looking at the table.
So I was right. You guys did stuff too, huh? Johnson said, still with his grin.
Oh, you guys its alright, cats out of the bag now, no use trying to hide anything&hellip, Carl said amusedly in response to William nudging John with his elbow.
Its amazing and a bit creepy though, how it looked like you were planning everything all this time&hellip, William said as his left eye twitched slightly.
Well, from a certain point of view, I guess this has all been an elaborate plan I made so that Jim would get gay with me.
Hey, Johnson started.
Relax, I was just kidding, brofriend, teased Carl.
Er, alright. Sorry, Im just not used to uhm&hellip,finding out that a lot of the people I know are&hellip,uhm, you know, William said sheepishly. So, erm&hellip,what else&hellip,did you do&hellip,? he asked Johnson.
Oh, well&hellip, Im sure it isnt new stuff for you guys, Carl answered with a sly smile.
What, what kind of stuff? William asked insistently.
Will, you horny bastard, its none of your-eugh!
Its those kinds of things, Will, Carl said, as he groped Johnsons crotch, cutting the latter off mid-sentence.
Carl, were in public! gasped Johnson, who was blushing heavily.
I know, but then again, youre still getting hard&hellip, Carl replied with a mischievous grin.
Guys, guys, relax, okay? John called out amid Williams incessant giggling. So, let me get this straight. Carl, Jim wouldnt talk to you about his thing so you planned for Will to talk to Jim, because you thought Will would understand him and vice-versa. Will, you talked to Jim and you made him realize that he was being an ass to Carl. Now, Jim, after some sudden moment of clarity, decided to fess up and now were all cool with each other, right?
That about sums it up, yeah, Carl answered, nodding along with William and Johnson. Will, Jim already told me what you talked about with him. Again, I cant thank you enough for it.
Hey, I promised, didnt I?
Thanks for keeping it, Carl answered with a smile. So from what you told Jim, both of you had the same wanking on cam problem, eh?
Yeah pretty much. Thats why I had you two come over here with us. We need to do something about that, William said, adopting a serious tone.
What do you mean? Carl asked.
The guy I wanked for recorded me, and hes threatened to leak the video more than once. I know who it is, and Im thinking if we plan this right, we can get back at him and maybe even get our videos.
Our? Wait, Im getting confused, Johnson said, scratching his head.
Jim, I saw you going with an older student during lunch, once. You were going to the gym, and Im guessing it wasnt for any sports practice, John stated matter-of-factly.
You&hellip,you saw us?
Ok, so yeah. That guy who gave me porn&hellip,his names Peter McMahon. That time you saw us he was&hellip,he wanted me to wank for him. Hes this tenth-grader whos also on the swim team and-
Jim, I know. Ive met Peter, intimately, William said, getting curious looks from Johnson, Carl and John.
Intimately? John asked. You mean-
Yes, we know each other. And yes, he took me to his house and buggered me. Its a long story, William confessed, offering an apologetic look to his shocked friends, mostly to John. More importantly, because of that, I think that hes the stranger I cammed for. From what you guys said, hes also the one who cammed with you, Jim.
Thats just&hellip,wow. Funny coincidence right there, said Carl, though his expression was less of amusement and more of shock.
Its a small world. Anyway, Im pretty sure he also records you when you cam for him, William continued.
Damn&hellip,I never thought about that. Gods, Ive been so stupid&hellip, Johnson muttered.
Its not your fault, Jim, William consoled the other boy. He played us. He even blackmailed John and me to suck each other on cam, he continued, blushing along with the rest of the boys. John, meanwhile, squirmed in his seat.
Er&hellip,right. So, now what? Do we like, jump in a Jaeger and blast him with a plasma cannon or something? asked Johnson a bit sarcastically.
Nope, nothing like that, we dont have a spare Gipsy Danger or anything in the garage, William mused, making the others laugh. But honestly I dont know what to do. I know where he lives though, so I was thinking we just take his computer or something&hellip,
For a couple of minutes the boys were silent as they tried to come up with ideas. William looked up at the gloomy sky, while John fiddled with his glasses. Meanwhile, Johnson muttered under his breath while Carl stroked his chin.
Suddenly, Carl said, Hey guys, I think I have a plan.
Night had already fallen, and cricket noises echoed inside Williams room. After their meetup with Carl and Johnson, William invited John to come to his house, his mother would be coming home late and it gave them the opportunity and venue for a more private conversation. William sat cross-legged on his bed, opposite John who was doing the same. John silently listened as William regaled his adventure with Peter last Saturday. William couldnt help but feel a bit guilty telling John that he had allowed someone else to mess around with him. John, meanwhile, saw Williams pained expression as discomfort at having to remember a distasteful memory, and squeezed the older boys hand in support.
So&hellip,uh, howd you reckon he was Pbear, exactly? asked John after William finished.
I noticed some weird things, the whole time I was there. Then again, I wouldnt have noticed them if I wasnt thinking of Pbear in the first place. Hes like a pro gamer so Im sure he plays Dragon Sorcerer Kingdom Wars too, even if he didnt mention it. He said he uses his moms credit card for his games, so that explains how he always has new exclusive items for me. When we cammed with that girl, he never turned off the webcam even after we were done, as if he was still recording the stuff we&hellip,you know. Also, the way he talked, it almost felt like he knew me more than he should, like he knew stuff only hed know if he knew me for longer&hellip,or if he was Pbear.
And in any case, what Jim told us today confirms that Peter does cam with him. We know that Pbear is someone from school, who likes to see younger boys do stuff. Well, that narrows down the number of people we know who fit that description to&hellip,well, just Peter actually, William concluded.
It makes loads of sense, but Im scared. What if we thought wrong? What if Peter was just coincidentally creepy and we go through with the plan? Wed be four ways screwed, John said.
Thats why the first part of the plan is getting a bit more evidence, its not just a distraction, you know, William reassured the younger boy.
Right, right. I know. Geez, Im just real nervous, going through with this plan and everything.
Dont worry, were going to prepare. We have two days to pull this off, we have some time.
Time&hellip,right. Will&hellip,I dont think I have much time either, John whispered morosely.
What, what do you mean?
Will&hellip,its my dad. He&hellip,well, you know how things are with him right now. He got really angry that day you came to check up on me. Mom and dad, they had a fight. Will, my dads moving me to Denver, just like he said he would if I didnt stop seeing you.
Wha&hellip,? No way dude. NO EFFIN WAY! But your mom, your moms on our side!
She is, Will. But&hellip,dad had his way. I dont know what happened, but mom hasnt been coming home since last Saturday. Dad said it was because she wanted to cool off at grannys, but I have this feeling that its more than just that. Dad looked like he was happy she wasnt at home, like he could get his way. Mom just texted me that she loves me and that shes doing things her way, John lamented.
How…how much time, William asked, fighting back tears and trying to maintain his composure. How much time do you have left here?
Next Saturday&hellip,Dad said he was preparing everything already, like getting a school for me there.
Heh&hellip,he cared just enough to let you go on the field trip on Friday, huh.
Both boys looked at each other. It was obvious that both were trying hard not to break down in tears. A sad silence permeated the room as they let the gravity of the situation sink in. William closed his eyes, they were moist. He suddenly felt John scoot over closer to him. The younger boy gently pushed William to lie on the bed, William let him. In the next moment, John was hugging him.
I dont want to leave, Will. I dont want to leave you.
Cant we do something? Anything? I dont want you to go…I want you here&hellip,
I dont know&hellip,dads determined. All I know is, I want to be here too, with you. I &hellip,Will, this sounds sappy as crap but, I dont know how else to say it&hellip,I&hellip,lo-
Shhh&hellip, William whispered just before he put his lips against Johns.
It was a silent agreement. John didnt need to finish the sentence for William to understand it. His reply was a kiss. For a few seconds they were unmoving, both their lips pressed against each other as though communicating some intangible message through contact. John broke it first, looking into Williams eyes.
Uhm, wait, let me just take off my glasses&hellip,
No, John, leave them on&hellip,youre cuter that way.
They kissed again, both their eyes shut and allowing their sense of touch to guide them. This time, John sucked on Wiliams lower lip. He put it between his lips then moved on to do the same to Williams upper lip. Johns tongue lightly grazed Williams lips as if by accident. William signalled his approval by meeting Johns tongue with his, they had just discovered how to French kiss, and they didnt even realize it. Their tongues were now part of the fray, as their kissing became more passionate. There was tender longing in their body movement, both of them had been deprived of each others attention for so long. It was akin to a long awaited reunion, and the dance of their tongues inside each others mouth expressed their heartfelt joy. It was an awkward dance at that, just as with all the things boys do for the first time. But that same awkwardness in their kissing, sucking and tongue movement was what made every first anything worth remembering.
John&hellip, William whispered as he broke their kiss. That time I was doing it with Peter&hellip,it felt weird, like I didnt really like it as much as I should have. When I thought about it, there was something missing. Now I know its you. I wasnt as comfortable doing stuff with him as I am with you. And&hellip,I guess I dont like doing it to anyone else but you.
You know, I havent done anything at all since I stopped hanging with you. Not even wanking. It just, didnt feel right, John replied.
John, is it alright if I&hellip,uhm, if I suck you?
Only if youll let me do it to you too, John said with a smile.
Both boys stripped. William had John lie down sideways on the bed so that the younger boys legs were draped over the beds edge. He then stood between Johns legs and leaned on the younger boy, kissing Johns neck. John was giggling as William kept on kissing him, inching lower and lower with every kiss. William licked Johns nipples, which caused John to cringe, apparently it tickled him. William giggled then went on giving tiny kisses to Johns abdomen, and after that, his crotch. John seemed to like the treatment, his three inch dick was already hard.
William was aware that he was doing what Peter did with him, back when they had done it in the teens room. But William reasoned to himself that this was different. While Peter licked, William kissed. While Peter was brusque, William was gentle. And as he put Johns glans in his mouth, William was sure it felt different.
It felt right.
Despite his misgivings that day, William learned from Peter. He learned how to tease the underside of the glans, licking Johns pulled back foreskin and frenulum. He teased Johns piss slit with his tongue before licking and poking at the shaft. John made no effort to stifle his moans and grunts, wantonly gripping the sheets with both hands. Williams borrowed techniques gave John no pause for breath, it was evident that they made the entire experience so, so much better.
William concentrated on sucking and licking the hard member in his mouth. His eyes were closed and his head was bowed as he knelt beside the bed and fervently pleasured John. John looked at him a couple of times, and to the younger boy, it almost looked like William was in a gesture of prayer. William almost looked solemn.
Johns breathing had become uneven and William knew he was close. William picked up the pace and sucked harder, making sure that his lips were pursed tightly so much that he could feel the contour of Johns shaft. John groaned in approval, and tensed up. William then wiggled his finger around Johns bottom, he was rubbing on the younger boys virgin hole, and it caused John strange, new sensations. William then used his fingers to stroke Johns shaft firmly, in sync with his sucking of the glans. With a final arch of his back and unintentionally thrusting at Williams face, Johns climax exploded in him, with waves after waves of pleasure expressed by his madly twitching boydick.
William slumped to the floor. Though slightly tired, he revelled at the sight of Johns post orgasmic bliss. John was completely wiped out by the intense orgasm he just had. His head felt light and he heard a slight ringing in his ears. It was almost as if the intense pleasure temporarily overloaded his senses. He supposed that it also had something to do with his long period of sexual abstinence that past week. It took him a few seconds to realize that William was gently calling him, the remainder of his senses were preoccupied with watching his dick go soft before they functioned properly again.
John, you okay? You looked like you died or something there, William chuckled.
Man, it felt like it. I thought I was already in heaven, John replied, smiling. You&hellip,you learned a lot since the last time.
Well, I picked up a few stuff from Peter. I reckon Im putting the things I learned to better use on you.
It certainly felt loads better. What was that thing with my butt?
Oh that. Peter told me about putting your dick in another guys hole&hellip,its supposed to feel good even if it doesnt sound remotely like it.
Did you want to do it to me?
No, well, I dunno. Im not sure how to go about it. I just thought teasing your butt would feel nice.
Well, I guess it was&hellip, John mused. Anyway, its your turn now.
Both boys hugged, then William let John lay him on the bed. This time John was the one kneeling and staring intently at Williams dick. He started to caress Williams hard three and a half inches, letting his soft fingers lightly rub across the entire shaft. William was already panting from the light stimulation. It was less of the pleasure, than it was the eroticism of the act that made Williams heart skip every other beat.
I havent learned anything new, but I wanna surprise you too. I guess I have to get a bit creative, John said, as he started to stroke Williams penis. He started with a firm grip, stroking very slowly but keeping his hand focused on applying pressure on Williams entire shaft. William grunted with each stroke, wiggling his toes and thrusting his hips, begging for John to do more.
After some experimentation and some audible gasps from William, John had confirmed that William liked it better when he was stroked with a fist rather than with just fingers. William also liked it when John played with his balls, but not when John sucked them. John was getting to know William in the most intimate of ways, finding out all the little things that would make Williams libido peak.
John then sucked sensuously on Williams red helmet head, slowly suckling on the tip then, inching ever so slowly down the shaft. William was practically writhing on the bed. John was making him feel very, very good, but not good enough to stop him from wanting more. It felt like John was teasing him and it was pleasurably agonizing.
John took the time to lick every part of Williams dick, from every angle and side, almost as if he was studying every crease, every curve and every surface. He was not unlike an archaeologist regarding a museum curio, if archaeology involved in-depth oral penile examinations. John would suck, then get off and just lick, then suck again, then wank slightly then vigorously, trying to find out which of those made William moan the most.
John, youre killing me, bro. You tease me way too much! William moaned.
Im not teasing&hellip,Im just&hellip,appreciating. You know, the last time we ever got to suck, we didnt exactly have the luxury of time to do things the way we like, said John, referring to their first blowjob session while they were being recorded under threat of blackmail.
Yeah, youre right. So, uhm&hellip,what do you reckon, I mean, do you&hellip,like&hellip,uhm, my dick? William asked sheepishly.
I think its perfect, John said with a big smile. It feels perfect in my mouth, and I just cant get enough of sucking it. It feels&hellip,natural, he said before diving down on William again.
It was only now that John appreciated the finer details of sucking a dick. He never really thought about it before, but Williams dick didnt taste like anything. It was like he was sucking on his thumb, but it felt better to suck because it wasnt bony or too hard. It was just nice and soft, yet with the firm rigidness of a hyper-stimulated boner. Williams glans had the texture of rubber to John, and he spent some time probing that rubbery head with his tongue. William was beside himself with sensation. He wanted that feeling to continue, to intensify, but then, John stopped.
Dude, what&hellip,something wrong? William asked.
John was licking his lips, and wore an expression of slight confusion. I tasted something. It was this thing on your piss slit I think&hellip,its salty. Will, did you just sperm?
Oh, its that…erm, no its not sperm. Its precum&hellip,it comes before the sperm&hellip,
Oh&hellip, it tastes&hellip,weird. Like water with too much salt or something. Actually for a second there I was scared you just peed yourself, John said as he smiled.
No, ew! I wouldnt ever do that to you! And Im on the bed! William said, laughing. Please, suck me more, John&hellip,.
Well, youre lucky I kinda like that salty stuff. Kinda. Are you like gonna sperm now? Ive never seen you sperm before&hellip,
I dont think I can sperm yet. Hey, John, lets call it cum and cumming kay? Uhm, I dunno but sperm sounds kinda lame if we keep saying it.
Hmm, well, I dont really mind, but sure, no probs. Cum is easier to say anyway, John said just before he resumed sucking William.
In his pursuit to try new things, John decided to try taking in Williams entire length in his mouth, something hed never really thought of before. Slowly, but steadily, he took Williams entire shaft in his mouth, until his lips were touching Williams pubic mound. John slightly gagged, he was definitely not used to this. His mouth felt impossibly full and it felt like Williams glans was hitting something that was making him want to throw up. He slid off Williams dick and gasped for air.
Uhhh! William whimpered.
What, did I do something wrong, Will?
No, No&hellip,that&hellip,that was amazing&hellip,so amazing! That feeling of my whole dick&hellip,in your&hellip,and then you went up and&hellip,wow.
With a triumphant look on his face, John did it again, sucking on Williams dick until he got it all in. He readied himself so that he wouldnt gag, and he did it a few more times until he got used to it. Every time he would slide his mouth up to try it again, William gasped. John had discovered that deep throating was what turned on William the most. Also, John had discovered deep throating.
It happened all of a sudden. John slid down Williams entire length really fast, at the same time, William instinctively thrust his hips, pounding into John. The force of it combined with the girth in his mouth almost staggered John, but he had learned to accommodate Williams whole dick already. What he wasnt prepared for though, was the warm spurt of liquid that suddenly invaded his mouth. It didnt taste like anything at all, it was possibly the blandest tasting thing John had ever tasted. Its consistency was that of stirred jello, but smoother, and definitely slimier.
John got off Williams dick, and with a nervous gulp, swallowed the small amount of boyseed in his mouth. He looked at William, and saw that the latter was lost in a daze. Williams dick was still hard and slightly twitching, the shaft glistening with Johns saliva.
Will, that was&hellip,that was your cum, wasnt it?
Im sorry! I didnt mean to! It&hellip,it just came out all of a sudden! Did it taste bad?
I &hellip,dont think so, I mean, it didnt really taste like anything. It was okay, I guess, but uhm, warn me next time, kay?
Yeah, no probs, Im just, wow…Im sorry&hellip,
Oh, dont be too sorry, there wasnt much to swallow, John teased.
Hey! William pretended to pout, then sat upright on the bed. That was my first you know&hellip,my first cum. Ive never done it before.
Wow&hellip,that kinda makes me really happy, knowing that I got your first, John said with a wide grin.
John got on the bed with William and they kissed while hugging. They spent a few minutes just lying there in each others arms. After a while, they were already fully clothed, with John ready to go.
I dont want to say goodbye yet&hellip,.I mean we just&hellip,I wish we couldve done this kind of thing sooner, William said from where he stood at the porch.
I know, me too. But its already eight, Im in for it as it is, dad will ask me why Im late coming home.
Will you tell him you went with me?
Bugger that, I wont tell him nothing. Ill just makeup an excuse&hellip,whatever, I dont care what he says. This was all worth it.
I still cant believe that youre going away&hellip,
It wont be until the weekend&hellip,lets not think about it right now. We have a whole week. Maybe&hellip,maybe we can come up with something, yeah? I just want to remember this moment as the happiest moment of my life, John said, beaming.
Alright. Take care, brofriend&hellip, William said as he bade John goodbye. With a final embrace, the younger boy started the walk home.
After seeing John off, William went back to his room and turned on his computer. He had to prepare for their plan to get back at Peter McMahon. In a couple of minutes, he was already chatting with Carl Rogers on facebook, discussing their strategy.
William wasnt sure if was any good at theatrics….but he reasoned to himself that worrying was pointless. After all, in a couple of days, he was going to find out.
Introduction: William James loves his games. Now that a stranger online is giving him a chance to get exclusive items, what is William willing to do for the stranger in return? Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series....
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
Introduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3 onwards containing the real...
Introduction: There was a boy, there was a game, and there was a webcam. When a boy gets too addicted to his games, how far is he willing to go to get the most out of his playtime? This is a story about that boy, his consequences, how the people around him are affected by it, and most of all, how his best friend shows him that falling in love with a game is stupid, when actual love is already staring you in the face. Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of...
This story is the main entry? There are four more first chapters of stories following this tale that may be submitted in full later, individually.WEBCAM VIDEOSChapter One? Modeling for the webcamInhaling a deep, deliberate breath she hesitates, glances toward the webcam above the computer, the red light blinking on. Carefully positioning herself across the stool in front of the dark bed sheet pinned to the wall for a backdrop, the black leather hood covering her head melding to the contours of...
Introduction: William is plagued by guilt after doing things he never though hed ever do. Hes being irrationally angry towards everyone because of his guilt. Help comes in the form of his ever-loyal best friend.. Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
ON CAM IN KENT NOV 2018Just got back from a few days away with my wife. Just a short break in a very nice hotel in Kent. Had a great time too. Plus we had some much awaited and unexpected fun on our webcam. We have in the past had a bit of fun on a adult webcam website but haven’t been on it for at least a year but she had promised to go on it again if we stayed away from home in a hotel. We had stayed away before but sadly nothing had happened.This time I noticed she had “secretly” packed her...
This story relates to my mom rittu who is 42 years of age and has a sexy luscious fig of 36 34 38 and she used to wear tight blouse and her nipples were always erect and hard as it can be seen in the blouse.My father had left for Chandigarh to setup some business over there whil I was studing in college in delhi.We were living in rented apartment but enjoyed good life and dad used to send us money.I always admired mom for her sex beauty and always wanted to be by her side but mom never gave me...
Hello ISS readers. This is a father sharing his experience of a live video sex chat session with a bold, playful, and seductive webcam model of Delhi Sex Chat website. The truly helped in exploring my pervert desires over my 20-year-old stepdaughter. Moreover, the open-minded webcam model was exceedingly erotic. A few days ago, one afternoon, my stepdaughter came home from college. I had taken a day off from work and was watching TV in the living room. I waited for my stepdaughter to come out...
What is webcam modeling? Webcam modeling is a very unique position within the adult entertainment industry to say the least. Unlike any other adult position, webcam models can work from the comfort and privacy of their own home, perform virtually over the internet, set their own schedule, and work without supervision. There is NO experience necessary to be a webcam model, no required STD testing, and no need for a co-star. The concept is simple: Open Chat Seductively dressed models log into a...
Hello, my name is Bhargav Dutta. I am 20 years old. I live in a row house that is in line with other row houses, on one of the busiest streets of Kanpur. If one observes carefully in the vicinity of my colony, then he/she will come to know that sultry affairs are been carried out secretively by desperate housewives and over-enthusiastic husbands! Ever since reaching the age of puberty, I began to fantasise about my mother having an affair with our neighbour Mr Patel. I have seen Mr Patel’s eyes...
Hello ISS readers! My name is Anmol Patel (Age 36) and I would like to share my first live sex chat experience on the Delhi sex chat website. I am a married man with an unconventional desire for sexual pleasures. My wife and I indulge in role-playing activities to spice-up our marriage life. She even allows me to stick my cock up her ass. Even though I bash my wife’s hairy pussy and tight asshole regularly, I still don’t feel satisfied. That’s the reason I started observing the young women in...
IncestThought I'd try something different and share a webcam session I had with a HOT 22yr old tonight. We've cammed before and she loves to masturbate in front of the cam while I do everything she says! I just cut and pasted our session together, hope you like!kayla says: i wanna play get readyJessie says: yes maam! what should I grab? my vibrator and whip?kayla says: mmmmm that and a candle Jessie says: yes maam mic?kayla says: no, roomies home dont want her to hear youJessie says: yes maamkayla...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
I was going to be gone for about 6 weeks and he sent me a few thinks I needed and a few extra things to include a webcam. He always loved watching me... playing with myself or even with other people. He would send me stories, pictures and movies of us or other people. I would get home from school and find these in my mail box and go thru them, I guess a sort of warm up. We would get online later at night and switch on the webcams. I would tell him what I liked and what got me turned...
A few times a month my wife indulges my fantasies and lets me undress her on webcam. Last night was one of those nights. She was really into it. As I setup the webcam on a tripod, she got into her sexy read lingerie. I logged into and I like a bit of both. On RealCoupleCam, I can watch other couples who are also getting naked. On ShufflePeople, I like watching the faces of others when suddenly they're staring at my wife's beautiful body as I fondle...
Serendipity! I have utterly understood the meaning of this word (…at 23 years of age!) from a recent encounter that occurred in my life. If it wasn’t for one of my friends, I would have never got to meet an open-minded webcam model who also became an agony aunt and advised me to better fuck my widow aunt in the pussy rather than in her tight asshole. This is what had occurred in my life guys.. I was working in the city far away from my hometown when the ongoing lockdown was imposed. My job...
It had been over a week since Steve discovered his mother’s secret. She had a WebCam business. She operated out of her bedroom and charged money for her sexual WebCam shows. Steve was lucky enough to be told this by his childhood friend Todd. Yet his luck continued even further. By clumsily knocking his own WebCam over, his mom discovered that he was her client. The two of them made mad passionate love that first night and have slept in her bed every night since. The lovemaking has not stopped....
IncestHi, I am Rahul. I have been a regular reader of ISS but this is my first submission. I hope you will enjoy it. I have changed the name of my friend as I still respect her. It is about my friend Jyoti. Let me describe Jyoti to you. She is an average girl of 5.5 ft with these good apple sized breast and good ass. Probably her figure would be 35-28-38. There is something about her ass that always gets your attention. We had met online on yahoo and over the years had become very good friends. We...
I didn’t want to ask Becky for a blowjob too often, and when Kate was home, I couldn’t anyway, but there were a few hours after school when Kate was at cheer practice I was usually alone with Becky. As the blackmailer I’ll tell her to go get your dad and bring him into her room and blow him. I then go into her room and she would take out my cock and suck on me. She got better at it, and she did it in different positions, sometimes with me lying on her bed, sometimes I stood and she knelt at...
I push the pause button on the computer, and I sat back onto my chair. I still had one hand on my somewhat soft cum soaked cock. I had many questions going through my head as I looked at Becky’s face, with her tears running down her cheeks as she was looking right at me. Did she know I’m her blackmailer? If so, how did she find out, and for how long? Who is blackmailing her and Kate? And when did it start? Why did it start? How was Heather Carr and her daughter Mindie involved in this? Are...
Finally, it’s Friday, the day this will, hopefully, all end. Alternatively the day when the real hell will begin. Before I put the girls on the school bus we all hugged each other, and we cried. We knew that if things didn’t go as planned, it might be the last time we saw each other. After the girls had left the house to walk to the school bus, I got dressed and then I went to Beth’s hotel. She had me take off my shirt then gave me another one to wear. The top button was a camera, and the...
Introduction: Despite threat of blackmail, young love blossoms between John and William. All is not well though, as a few more people become privy to their little secret., and become part of a complicated situation b]Posters notes[/b] This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn't get an account here), I'm posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story aren't specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. It's a work in progress, with currently 8 chapters and counting. Chapter 1 serves as a prologue. Chapter 2 is the actual start of the story, with Chapter 3-8 containing the real meat...
I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. "That's it, baby," he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...
BisexualMain guddu luv aapke sath phirse mera naya sex experience baanta chata hu. Delhi main aab kaphi thand badh gayi thi . office se aate aate mere hath paon jam jate the. Office se ghar hote hote meri zindegi nark banrahithi. Sex ke liye bhukhe ser ki dahad marne ke siba mere pas koi chara nahin tha do mahine se laund ki pyas nahi bujhithi aur meri katil aanke hamesha kisi gori aur sundar badan ke talas main bhatak rahithi ki tabhi mere gaon se ramesh bhaya aapni family ke sath delhi ghumne aaye....
Seit Monaten jetzt schon ist Home Office angesagt, kein Arbeiten mehr im Büro, keine Reisen. Die Decke fällt uns nicht auf den Kopf, aber, ehrlich gesagt, die Abwechslung fehlt. Treffen mit Arbeitskollegen und Kunden finden nur noch über das Telefon, als Telefonkonferenz oder Web Meeting statt. Was liegt also näher, als diese veränderte Art des Treffens auch in unser privates Leben einzubeziehen? Nachdem wir auf diese Idee kamen und sie uns bereits einige Male ausgemalt haben, kam die Frage...
BisexualI met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...
You just got yourself a webcam the other day. It was your birthday and your best friend got you one. It was a boring day, and you decided that you might as well could try it out now. You plugged it in, but it did not seem to work. You where not that into computers, not installing webcams anyhow, so you called your friend.
Wife does first webcam show for her hubby and strangers while he's away at work and realizes she loves it.
ExhibitionismThe website used in this story is completely fictitious. I get so tired of being home alone at night. It sucks. Having to get yourself off when your girlfriend isn’t around gets progressively harder as you run out of porn. Sure, the Internet if filled with hot videos for our enjoyment, but I want to have a real person interact with me. So, in the magic of a search engine, I found Chat Swap. Now, for any of you who don’t know, Chat Swap is a website where you can talk with random strangers on...
I suck my finger slowly as I stare deep into my webcam. My boyfriend, Dave, is watching me intently, his hand on the bulge in his boxer briefs. ‘That’s it, baby,’ he says as I move my hand down to cup my bare breasts, sliding back on my bed slightly and adjusting the lid of my laptop to give him a better view. I bring my second hand up and roll my nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I then gently run my fingers along the underside of my breasts, enjoying the sensation of my hands on my...
The night before had been wonderful. In one magical night, Steve found out his mother had a secret life. She put on Webcam shows from her bedroom. He logged on and began to enjoy her show firsthand. He was extremely turned on. As he masturbated to the site of his beautiful mother, he knocked the camera over revealing his identity. What he figured would be a disaster, ultimately became the greatest night of his life. He and his mother spent the entire night making love. He did things he had...
IncestSteve never thought about his mother sexually. That is, until hewas referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. Chapter 1 After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve had just turned eighteen and about to graduate. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at...
IncestWhile the following is story is Fiction my wife has told me to be careful what I fantasize about!!! I married a beautiful woman who is a few years older than me. She finds my fascination with cross dressing as exciting as I do. While we have really only played in the bedroom alone she has had me wear lingerie under my clothes when we go to local gentlemen's establishments. She says that one of these days she is planning to get me a dance in hopes the young dancer will feel the...
Steve never thought about his mother sexually until he was referred to a video sex site by his childhood friend. Shortly after he clicked the link, he realized just how stimulating his mother could be - both on screen and in real life. After school, everyone would meet their friends to talk about what they were doing, or where they were going immediately after school. Steve was a senior. Not only that, he was pretty much a popular kid at school. He was a starter on the football team and was...
"I like erected penises if they don't threaten me." - I am ready!- Okay, I am waiting for my roommate to leave. I think he will be gone in 5 mins. Is WhatsApp okay? Or would you like to Skype?- Skype is more comfortable since I can see you on a bigger screen on my laptop. - Okay :) But I cannot be loud, the housemates are gathering in the kitchen. I don’t want them to hear, lol.- Is he gone?- Yes, I am calling you right now. He appeared on the screen with an oversize t-shirt and naked...
TabooThe first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I’d ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I’d squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I thought...
So my tranny friend Daisy and I had done a webcamshow which proved to be very succesfull regarding the response. So we got another invitation from the studio. We didn't have to think twice, with the joy we had found in our new kink: exhibionism. And the pay was good welcome too, ofcourse.On arriving that afternoon the producer, a severe woman, clad in black leather skirt and top looked at my skinny body and asked: "Have you ever been in woman's clothing?"Not really apart from some red frilly...
I have always had a high sexdrive and wanked a lot. I have been lucky enough in my life to have a decent amount of fun sex but have always been addicted to porn as well. Recently I have enjoyed taking a lot of c*ke and spending the night in wanking for hours and stopping myself coming until one almighty orgasm. I watch porn and chat to people about sex for hours. I know it is a terrible waste of life but I love it. Please tell me there is someone else out there like me?I regularly turn down a...
The first introduction I had of dildos was by my husband. He started with one that vibrated but still resembled a penis. I had an orgasm unlike any I'd ever experienced before. This he recognized and soon had me worked up to some that were huge , cock-like, non-vibrating dildos and would make me cum so hard I'd squirt. One night when I was feeling horny, I tried awakening him with a slow, sensual blow job. He did get hard but after a few minutes excused himself and left the bedroom. I...
I heard Becky calling to me; I already had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. I wanted my cock to go down before I went to her room, I didn’t want her to wonder why I had a boner, and I can’t pee with a hard-on. I still wanted to end being a Blackmailer, but as I had her doing things for me, the sense of power made me think twice. I wasn’t sure if I could give that up. The only reason Becky and I became so close was because of my secret identity as the Blackmailer. Without me forcing her to do...
Before I left home, I went into my office and I got on my PC and I push record on Becky’s cam, I also push record on Kate’s cam also. I have been so focused on Becky that I hadn’t spied on Kate. There was something going on between two sisters. I locked my office door before I went downstairs. Kate was watching tv and Becky was doing the dishes. I went into the kitchen and I walked up behind Becky, I put my arms around her and cupped her boobs, and I squeeze them hard. She winced in pain and...
I woke up early the next morning. Becky was still asleep on my bed, she looked so sweet laying there naked. She still had my dry crusty cum on her. It was still dark outside, I looked at my clock on my night stand, it read 5 am. I got up, I needed to do a couple things before Becky got up, and before Katie gets home. I got dressed, and I went out to the garage, and got into my car. I knew Kate would be sore on her bottom, so I went to a drugstore to get some bath salts. On the way to the...
We are all walking up toward the house. The front door opened up, and Nancy came walking out, and She screams “Omg!” Nancy ran off the front porch and straight into Heather’s arms and they hugged each other. She then looked at Becky and Kate, she turned to me and said; “are they your daughters?” “Yes, they are my daughters.” “Michael I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I’m guessing we are all in the same boat!” “That we are,” I said looking at the house. “I’m not sure if it’s safe to talk inside...
I must have fallen asleep, I was having a very strange dream, I was dreaming I was being licked and kissed everywhere on my body. It felt so good I didn’t want to wake up, but I did and I found out it wasn’t a dream. I was looking straight into Nancy’s blue eyes as she is french kissing me. I looked further down to see the twins sucking on my nipples. Down further I see Mindie sucking on my cock and Kate licking my balls and ass. Becky and Heather were sucking on my toes. I just came not too... is a free porn site with full-length rips of cam shows. What’s the worst part about camsluts? No, it’s not that they never pay attention to you. It helps if you’re attractive, wealthy, or not a neckbeard. The answer is that you can’t catch every single show, since it’s simply not possible. We’ve all been there. You run to log on and try to fap to your favorite whore only to see that she’s closing her legs and shutting down the show. It fucking sucks. But what if I told you cucks...
Free Cam Girl Video SitesAfter living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...
Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me.Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time for my birthday present. The door to the bar was closed a chair was bought out and put against the closed door and I was told to go sit on it. Then I was blindfolded and a bib put on me. I could hear all the...
THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
Ich kontrolliere gerade die Posteingänge in meinem Profil -laber, laber, du siehst geil aus, du hast tolle Beine, was hast du heute an-, da leuchtet mir eine Anfrage "Habe Cam-Interesse, zahle auch gut dafür" entgegen.Na endlich, denke ich, ein wenig Geld nebenbei wäre in diesem Monat mit den vielen Rechnungen gut.Ich beantworte die Anfrage mit "Hi, du hast in meinem Profil gelesen, dass ich 30 J. jung bin und reine Amateurin? Was siehst du gern vor der Cam und willst du dich auch zeigen?"Ich...
Do you get horny as fuck as night just thinking about the web cam gals that you are missing out on while you try to sleep? I know the struggle, mother fucker. There are so many hours in the fucking day for you to get off to webcam beauties. You’re missing out on them, so it would be nice if you could actually watch some of the hottest and sexiest webcam models that are out there performing for horny fucks like yourself.Well, I am happy to say that you can do exactly that! At least, that is the...
Free Cam Girl Video SitesI live in a town where the national rodeo cowboys come to town every year. And each time they come the testosterone level in town goes up, immensely. All of the big handsome, strong men in spurs and chaps and jeans and western-cut shirts and cowboy boots and cowboy hats get my clitty dick stirring down in my little panties when I see them around town in their pickup trucks or sitting tall in the saddle on horseback. They look rough and rugged and ready. And I'd be lying if I didn't tell you...