A Story of Expedience
- 2 years ago
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A Story of Expedience.
Page 1.
At last, with the persuasion of my hand gun, I'd forced her to take all her clothes off. Of course, she was reluctant, indignant and thought I must be kidding. It took her over an hour of wheedling and denial before she got it all out. All her natural and naked beauty, that was.
I'd taken her to a private place, not so remote she couldn't hear the traffic passing from the throughway, but isolated enough she could scream her guts out and no one would care because no one could hear.
She desperately wanted to cover herself but didn't know what to chose. She didn't have enough hands to cover her pubic triangle and her considerable breasts at the same time, breasts that would rightfully qualify as melons.
She looked like she needed reassuring, even a little comforting, so I decided to give her a compliment.
'I knew you had lovely tits, I mean I could always see them under those tight, white blouses you loved wearing so much where you worked, but they're even nicer, more spectacular, than I imagined. But then you didn't leave much to the imagination, did you? And those girlfriends of yours, the blonde and the black haired raven beauty. I mean the three of you together. Fuck were you ever a sight then. What were their names?'
'Go to Hell.'
'Not yet. So tell me, do you like your boobs? Your fucking tits. Do you think your breasts are important to you?'
'Yes, of course they are. They're one of the best parts of my body. Of course they're important.'
'To put it correctly, you mean two of the best parts. Right? You wouldn't want to have just one jug. Right? Like one had been cut off? Amputated.'
'You're sick. What are you talking about, cut off?'
'Whatever, but I have to say, yes you're right. You bet they are. They are a premiere feature of your body. Way out front, ha ha. How would you feel about me playing with them?'
Page 2.
'Do you, you... What? Do you mean like, huh? Huh, like touching them and rubbing them? That's what you want?'
'Not exactly.' I grinned. 'No, not exactly, I have other things in mind.'
'What? Like what? What is this about?'
'Let me show you something important. Something central to your safety now.'
I pulled out my leather brief case (my rape kit) and opened it slowly, like to add suspense and drama, being sure she could see the contents. I mean I was organized and quite fussy about how the contents were arranged, very specifically, and she could see it filled with needles of various lengths and shapes, even some big curved ones for sewing leather and all. There were also some BBQ metal skewers and clamps and even some firecrackers in a bag she couldn't tell what they were. Like a bang-on surprise for later.
I picked out a long needle of four inches straight and flicked its point.
'What do you think? What are these for? What do you think?'
I motioned towards her chest. She immediately got its purpose and tried to cover her nipples. Of course that left her labia exposed so she pinched her legs together really tightly at the top like a shy and modest bald-cunted little school-girl.
'What? What do you think you're going to do with those, with that? What are you going to do with those? That stuff?'
'Oh, sweetheart, oh, y'know maybe nothing. But. But maybe something. I haven't decided yet. It really all depends on how well you do what I want you to do. What I order you to do. How well you obey my commands. You're under my control now and you have to realize it. The sooner you do the better for you and your, your fucking blatant sexuality.'
Page 3.
'But.. But what do you want me to do. What do you think this is about?'
I grinned a superior, power-filled smile at her, not from the heart nor the eyes, but from my teeth and dick. Yeah, it was a cocky grin.
'Lets see. OK. I want you to be sexy. I want you to show me how hot you can be. I want you to model for me, to act like my own personal contestant on, y'know, America's Next Top Model. You think you can do that? You think you could even win it?'
'No. It's demeaning, women strutting like that to be ogled and just for fame or money. I think they're disgusting and do the cause for woman's advancement irreparable harm.'
'What? You're one of those flaming feminists, are you?'
'I have my beliefs. I have my principles. I'm strong and I'm independent. I know. I know what I know.'
'Yeah. I bet you do. That's why you went braless so often, right? And your fucking girlfriends too.'
'I had the right. We had it. We have it. It's not for you to judge. I don't have to live my life according to what creeps like you think. Little insignificant losers like you who can't get it up with a real woman.'
Arrogance traced her face like a road map.
'Ahh, maybe, but now you fucking do. Yes indeed. I have the gun and I have you, so now you most definitely do, so to start, begin by turning around and face me full on, stop being shy and coy and show off your tits and smile for me. Give me a big smile. Push them out.'
She wasn't receptive.
'Go to Hell. You sniveling little bastard, I will not. Go to Hell, you weasel.'
'I see. OK, if that's the way you wanna play it. But you better turn around and take a look where the gun is pointed.'
She was curious.
It was aimed right for where I assumed her clit was.
'No, you monster.'
'You think I won't shoot you? I won't shoot you there?'
'No. No you wouldn't.'
'Don't test me. So smile and display your tits.'
Page 4.
She indeed did, thrusting out her chest in defiance. If she was going to comply, she was going to do it aggressively and not show any shame. She was better than me and her tits more significant than mine, like my man boobs which were just what a regular guy would have but I often had sore nipples since I pinched them so much for the quick jolt to the crotch.
'Very nice. That's very nice. Indeed. Fuck are you built.'
'Go to Hell.'
'That all you can say to me? Come on, you can do better than that. Show some originality.'
'You little scumbag weasel, you're right. I could do better than that. I could put you in your place, you're so pathetic but you're not worth the effort. You're worthless. You loser.'
'You don't think so? You think so? Whatever, so how about you pinch your nipples? Give yourself a nipple pinch. A really hard one. Use your finger nails. I wanna see some nipple blood.'
'But I can't. No, I can't. See blood, that would hurt.'
'I see. I understand. You don't want me to make you do anything bad like that.'
'Of course I don't and you can't make me anyway.'
'Well I guess I won't make you do anything bad, just like that then since you're so sure of yourself.'
'Oh. Oh I guess. I guess I should thank you then, Mr. Craven.'
(I'd chosen that name -not my real one- after Wes Craven who'd produced some pretty weird and wonderful, wacko stuff for the movies.)
The sarcasm and superiority verily dripped from her lips. Yeah, I'd get it dripping from her roasted labia lips and see how she liked that. How advanced she was then.
'Thank me? Thank me for what?' I asked.
'For what you said about not making me.'
'Not so fast, I just meant I'm going to have to hurt your nipples myself.'
'Like Hell you will.'
'Well I will. You can be sure of that, eventually. So take another look in my brief case. Y'know what I call it? My rape kit.'
Page 5.
'Rape. Rape? You think you're gonna get away with raping me?'
'We'll deal with that later. Right now it's your nipples. See in the case, what else do you see?'
She looked but tried to pretend she didn't.
'You're disgusting. You're evil. Why are you doing this to me?'
'I suppose because I can but there's other reasons too but we'll get to them later. See the metal clamps, the strong ones? They're for nipples too.'
'You're crazy, they look like they'd do damage.'
'So that's what I'm telling you, to chose. Should it be needles or clamps?'
Like the stupid, uncooperative cunt I knew she was, she couldn't answer.
'Come on bitch. Come on cunt, you gotta know if you don't chose, if you don't answer, it's both.'
'Please. Please, don't hurt my nipples. They're so sensitive. They're too sensitive to be tortured. I love my nipples and they're not strong enough to be hurt.'
Was she crazy? That's all nipples were for. To be tortured and mutilated and ultimately cut off, that according to my bible on sexual etiquette and organization. The pursuit of orgasmic Nirvana.
'Of course, good. Good, great, you recognize that. That makes it even better, so choose now.'
'Oh, God. I hate the thought of needles, of having my nipples pierced. God it would be too horrible, so I guess the clamps, use the clamps please if you must do something so horrible and disgusting.'
I showed her the selection of clamps in the case.
'You chose. You chose the clamps. Chose at least two of them.'
I knew she'd go for the smallest. I mean the biggest ones looked so evil and strong. What she didn't know was I had ground and filed away the edges of the smaller clamps to resemble three teeth and bent them inwards. (One in the middle and on the other side, one on each side of it.) I mean there was real evil and genius in how I'd crafted them. She just didn't notice the alterations I had made which tickled my pride and sense of accomplishment.
Page 6.
I took hold of her considerable areola and pinched her nipple bud out.
Her face was defiant but resigned.
She wanted to spit in mine but didn't.
'Hold on. Hold on, I want this to be perfect. Be back in a second.'
There was a fridge where I was and in it ice cubes. I cracked a couple out and went back to really harden her nipple. To drive it to it's greatest lever of erection.
'What are you going to do with those?'
'What do you think? Make your nipple really hard. As hard as it can possibly be.'
'No you're not.'
'Oh yes I am. How you gonna stop me? You wanna get shot? Or I'll tell you what, if you don't want them applied to your nipple how about I stuff them in your vagina? See if I can freeze your cervix. Like that better?'
'Go.. Go.. Go straight to Hell.'
'So I assume it's your nipple then?'
'Do whatever you have to do. Just do it. You're..I hate you.'
'Oh you will. I can assure you of that. More than you ever thought possible, you'll hate me.'
'Just do it and get it over with.'
I circled it around her areola crinkling it up and finally got her nipple bud hard like a dried pea. I gave her a soft look in the eye and kissed her mouth softly.
'I gotta tell you, you're life's gonna change now. You ready?'
She was nervous and didn't comprehend and tried to whimper but more wanted to show bravado.
'You're.. You're.. Bastard.. God..'
I snapped the pointed teeth into the sides of her bud and her breast blood squirted out. She shrieked and wailed and acted like a deeply surprised and injured woman. She was breast offended.
'It hurts. Stop it, God it hurts too much. Take it off. God, I'm bleeding. Stop it hurting me.'
Page 7.
I got the other one ready and snapped it to her softer nipple. It dug in pretty well just as effectively but there was less blood squirting and more oozing.
'Stop hurting me. You're inhuman. Stop hurting me.'
'Stop hurting you? Are you crazy? Are you nuts? What on earth do you mean? I've only just started. You poor fucking, deluded bitch, you have no idea. You have no idea what your body's in for. If you did, you'd beg me to kill you now.'
Her eyes were wide and uncomprehending.
What was that about me killing her?
But with the clamps dug in deep, her eyes became filled with impossible tears. She had never imagined such a thing as possible, that her nipples could hurt so much being punctured from the sides.
I was in the mood to escalate.
'OK. OK, now there's something else you gotta do. I want you to put your panties back on. Your powder-blue, satin-silk panties, I fucking love them. I love the smell of them. The smell of your vagina on them. Your cunt juice. Your cunt stuff.'
I wiped them across my nose and licked the crotch and tossed them to her.
'OK, sweet thing, this is where it gets interesting. If you want to protect that pussy of yours, you're going to have to make another choice only a much more difficult one. I know you chose the clamps because you thought they were going to be the easy one, right?'
She just mumbled as she wriggled into her undies.
'Right? Fucking answer me, right?'
'Yes, but I didn't see what you'd done to them to make them cut into me like they are. You're so evil. I never thought of that.'
'Of course you didn't, but because you chose what you thought was going to be the easiest, like the lesser of two evils, ha ha, because of that and even though you were mistaken it was the intent that counts so you're gonna have to be punished, like really punished brutally. Sadistically. You now have to chose between these two things. No, I think I'll make it three, best two out of three.'
I held up the first two things in front of her wide, horrified eyes.
Page 8.
What I held up?
First, the long needles and two meat skewers she had been so horrified to see and then, then out of my mind, out of my tree, out of my case, a shiny new scalpel.
'What? What? God, who are you? What are you? What are you going to do with that? What do you think you're going to try to do?'
'Can't you guess, honey? Sweet thing. I mean your nipples really gotta be hurting you now. Those sharp teeth I made by using the grinder and metal file, I mean they're biting right into your erection muscles and milk ducts, like the little tubes. Fuck, they might even ruin your nipples. The ability for them to lactate or harden up. What do you think about that?'
'You are a monster. It's monstrous and I hate you so much.'
'Yeah, I bet you do, but so like I said, that your tits are going to please me in a way they've never pleased another man before and probably in a way that will never be possible again.'
'A man. Please a man? You're not a man. You're not even a human being. You're a misfit, a freak of nature and you don't deserve to live.'
'Not my biggest fan, are you?'
'You're stupid too. You're a goof and a moron. An idiot.'
'You're pretty good with the names but right now this is a one time deal. So the needles or scalpel?'
'You horrible creep. You shit. You piece of crap. Go.. Go fuck yourself.'
'But I'd much rather fuck you. Be fucking you. How does in the ass sound? Or across your tits, huh? Maybe I should hang you by your tits too. Rip them right off. How's that sound?'
'You are evil. You are cruel, so cruel. I don't want to hear you talking to me like that anymore. You're scaring me and I don't like it one bit so stop. And just stop it now.'
'Let me tell you something, something I'm sure you don't wanna hear. Your tits are gonna look far less lovely in awhile, maybe hours, honey, and it's going to be so much fun to make them like that. You'll be the walking freak show..'
Page 9.
'What? What do you mean? What are you talking about? You have no right. Who do you think you are making such threats and suggestions?'
'It's more than a suggestion and even more than a threat, it's a fact and a promise what I'm gonna do to you to make you suffer.'
'I.. OK, I.. Please. I told myself I'd never do this. I'd never do it with any man, nor with you, but I'm begging, please, I'm begging. Just stop now. Don't do anymore and take the clamps off my breasts.'
'Stop now? For the best part? And miss the best part?'
'What part? What best?'
'Of course you know what a mastectomy is? I know you know that.'
'Yes, I do. Every woman does. Like for cancer.'
'So consider me the cancer of your nipple, nipples, and I'm gonna perform nipple-ectomies on you.'
'What? What you think? What you say?'
'I can tell by your reaction that you get it.'
'No, but yes. No. No. You think you're gonna cut my nipples off.'
'That's what I was saying, you'll be the walking freak show, the nippleless woman. Not really a woman anymore. Huh? No breast feeding. No man suckling on you. No rubbing them to get yourself to orgasm when you're all alone and horny.'
'You're so crazy.'
'Indeed I am, and proud of it. So what'll it be, the needles or the scalpel?'
'You know I don't want you to cut them off. You know that so it'll have to be the needles.'
'Yeah, just as I thought. There you go again making the obvious, easiest choice but you can only have the needles if this, these, the third option.'
'What? What are you talking about now?'
I took out the bag hiding them inside.
'These.' I showed her.
'What? What are they? What do you have there? - Oh God. God, no God, they look like firecrackers.'
Page 10.
'Bang bang, you're bang on. Forth of July salutes they are.'
'You're crazy.'
'The you're bang on was meant to be funny. It was meant to be humorous. You didn't even laugh.'
'Go to Hell. Go straight to Hell.'
'That's your answer to everything you don't like the sound of, telling me to go to Hell. Like I said before, not very original. Why don't you give it a better try and, oh by the way, before you do, the crackers go off in your vagina and your rectum.'
'No. No. You're crazy. No. No. God no.'
'You got it. You heard me, so will it still be the needles?'
'I.. Oh, how? How can I, how could I possibly chose about that? No, you know, you know they're impossible choices and I can see now that's why you're suggesting them to me. You love it. You get off on the power and the control. You think it makes you a man. Well it doesn't. It just makes you a freak and pathetic. A loser.'
'So look, I get it. I've heard it all before and from better cunts than you. Like your two girlfriends. I bet they're better cunts than you. Right?'
'You're sick. No they're just like me. Strong and resolute and way better people than you could ever hope to be. Independent and accomplished they are.'
'I'm sure. I guess. I suppose you think that's true but it doesn't help you. You see it's too late now. It's all too late for you. I'm gonna do it all. I'm gonna pierce your tits and your nipples. Torture. Torture. Tit torture. I'm gonna drive the big meat skewers into the sides of your tits and make them come out your nipples from the inside and then I'm gonna scalpel them off and keep them as souvenirs. And burn the wounds, the gaps, to cauterize them. And then your vagina. Your fucking cunt. I'm gonna remove it from you, that is what's left of it after I set the big firecrackers off inside of it. See. See, big ones like these.'
I held three right in front of her face and she finally spat, - on them.
'That doesn't do any good. That won't ruin them. And, oh by the way, just for special effects, I'm gonna blind you too. I'm gonna mush your eyeballs in.'
Page 11.
Her mind and brain were reeling and she had to make one last desperate play which she hoped would just be a ploy since she figured she'd get rescued somehow. God wouldn't let her down which I couldn't figure that since He already had.
'You're going to rape me? You said you wanted to.'
'Fucking right. You bet.'
'So do it now. Do it now. Forget about all this horrid, disgusting, impossible stuff and just do it now.'
'I know you'd like that but no, first I do one of the things, like the torture things, and then you get your rape. Your own personal rape. Yeah, the rape you've earned and deserve just like your cunt girlfriends do too.'
She didn't want to, be she was desperate and had to.
She sensed a wedge issue.
'My.. My friends, my girlfriends, you seem quite taken by them. Quite interested in them.'
'Fucking right. Of course I am. I mean if I wanted you, you can be sure as fuck I'd want them too.'
'What? What? Oh God, help me. What if I could get them here for you? What then?'
She truly seized my interest, my undivided attention, as they said.
'The two of them? Are you for real? You could get the two of them here?'
'Yes. They trust me. We're best friends and have been for years, so yes, I could get them to come here to help me.'
'And for that, I'd have to leave you alone and apply my skills to them. That's the idea? The play?'
'God. God, I hate to say it but I don't want to be blind. I don't. So yes, that's how it would be.'
'OK. OK, I have to say I'm considering it. I mean it's a pretty irresistible offer but there's one thing I think you gotta know and it's important.'
'I'm listening.'
'Sure you are. Of course.'
'What? What is it?'
Page 12.
'You. You gotta help me. That's what.'
'OK, yes I already said I would.'
'No, you don't understand. You have to help me to torture them.'
'Oh, please, that's not fair. It's not right.'
'I know but you didn't let me finish. You have to help me torture them to death. With me. What's it gonna be?'
'I.. I.. I don't know. I..'
She was pretty sure if they died so would she but she needed time. She had to figure me out and that would take more time and smarts on her part. She needed to get it all right. She'd only get one chance, she thought. She had to outsmart me but then I threw her the curve.
'And oh by the way, I've got a special friend who's gonna be joining us and his name's Jim. And I gotta tell you if you think you already hate me, wait until the two of us get together and working on you. Oh yeah, he's a master too and he really loves the clit and the cervix. Something else to look forward to.'
The score had just doubled in my favor and she had to affirm the impossible choices. Did she really want to betray her friends just to save her own skin, her own sex skin? Or could she manage all the pain by her lonesome?
She thought she could.
She thought she might.
It's just she didn't want to be blind.
Which way would the cunt chose?
Integrity or expedience?
Post your vote (preference) now.
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Lena didn't come over and I waited and waited. Finally, I called over there to see if everything was all right. Pat answered the phone; crying and I wondered what was wrong. She said that she should have called to let me know that Lena would not be able to walk the dog today, but other things seemed more important. Albie, her husband, was called up at the last minute to fly overseas because of a major military screw up that had to have his expertise immediately and they were to take him to...
The next two days were uneventful because my wife was at home and we did our running and our chores and shopping. But the following day, she was gone for the day so I opened up her garage door, my signal to the neighbors. I didn't know if they would see it or react to it, and if they did, who would be coming over. Soon I saw Lena coming down the drive by herself. She went in to get Tawny for her morning walk. By the way, if the garage door wasn't up, Lena didn't come over to walk the dog...
Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...
Note: This is Part II of the backstory on Jim and Monique, two grieving lovers who find each other on a private island in the South Pacific. In the previous installment, Jim meets Monique, who has anchored on the far side of his island, secretly, to stock up on fresh water before sailing to Hawaii. He tells her that if she had only asked he would have given her all the fresh water she wanted, and cooked dinner for her, too. In this installment, she takes him up on his offer. ———— December 27...
I slowed the door down before it slammed loudly, and eased it shut and locked. I shifted the laptop over my shoulder and turned to walk down the hall. Distantly, I saw another person doing the same thing as me. Her skirt-and-jacket combination looked tastefully chosen even from this distance, and as she walked down the hall I saw the unmistakeable pose of a woman holding the handheld to her ear. She had a sizeable bag slung over her shoulder as well. As we walked towards one another to the...
Note: I mentioned in ‘The Next Morning’ that it was part of a longer story. Well, here’s the beginning of that story, drenched in the grief of a man who has lost his wife, who wakes up every morning wondering how to go on and then, one day, wakes up on a private island in the South Pacific. He’s comfortable enough. There is a beautiful beach house fitted out with every known amenity (and some that are still unknown). But the grief stays with him. And then, on the first anniversary of her death,...
xxx310: remember that video of us I said I madeyumi:No!! Lol video?!xxx310: you dont be listenin man, I told you like twice... I even pointed to the camera. you was like "HUH"yumi:Lol oh.... Lol I can't really listen anything while I'm getting fucked lolxxx310: lol damnxxx310: Ive had it like 4ever... I wondered why you never asked about it againyumi: Lol u should've told me! Lol was it good?yumi: U did tell me huh lolxxx310: yes luv I did...twice...ehhh yea its good... its mostly my huge legz...
Hi friends its love gupta again with a little conversation with 1 of my sexiest and hottest reader Ankita friends ye meri 2nd story hai jo main yahan post kar raha hoon apni pehli story meri pyari bahen jo ki mere mama ki ladki thi ko post karne ke baad. main aap sabhi ka tahe dil se shukargujaar hoon ki aap logon ne meri aapbeeti ko pasand kiya or us par apne reply bheje. Par friends main sirf girls ko hi apni friends banane mein jyada interested hoon isliye aap logon se nivedan hai ki kripya...
Hi friends, I am jay from mumbai. 37 male married. I like enjoying with different styles. Me and my wife enjoy at the fullest. I wrote one story in gujju and after reading that story I got many responses. Story was about how I n my wife enjoy playing child hood game doctor doctor. After reading this story I got many responses and mails. Thanks to all. Out of this I recd a mail from a girl aged 25. Her name was let’s say p. She liked my story very much and especially the typical words I used in...
I posted this before but this is the updated & final version with some additions.Every event in this long story is true and happened exactly as I have told it with only minor embellishments. The story covers a period of about 30 years and includes only events that I remember as highlights – there were many others who were similar so this really should be called “The Best Bits of the Story of Jane”! If you like it and it turns you on please rate it so more people will read it and share our...
Hi friends it’s your love love gupta) again from DIL walon ki Delhi with the 2nd part of my true incident story reader married lady ko pregnant kiya 2 whom I made her Pregnant with the permission of her sweet husband jiska 1st part 23rd august ko indian sex stories par publish ho chukka hai or uska link http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/story_reader_married_lady_ko_pregnant_kiya_127576.html Hi actually she loves her husband very much and doesn’t wants 2 come with me but her loving...
Welcome to another by me on this site, and this one alone. Please don’t forget to read the added part at the end of the story where I explain the background of this series. You can always skip to the original story. I start it with “~story starts~” and finish it with “~story ends~”. Also, you can skip right to the sexual part. I start it with “~sex starts~” and finish it with “~sex ends~”. Now, enjoy the story! ~Story starts~ Zainab was a student in a prominent university of this country....
Hello readers, welcome back for the third part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...
Hi friends, its LOVE GUPTA again with a little conversation with 1 of my sexiest and hottest reader. Friends ye meri 3rd story hai jo main yahan post kar raha hoon apni pehli story MERI PYARI BAHEN (jo ki mere mama ki ladki hai) ke 5th part ko post karne ke baad is user se meri baatcheet hui thi. Main aap sabhi ka tahe dil se shukargujaar hoon ki aap logon ne meri AAPBEETI ko pasand kiya or us par apne reply bheje. Par friends main sirf girls ko hi apni friends banane mein jyada interested hoon...
Hello friends, I hope all story readers are fine , myself garry and I again come with my life’s real incident. First of all a happy new year to all my friends. Aap mujhe fb pe add kar saktey hai my id is garry singh gkc. Agar koi aunty,girl ya bhabhi mere saath contact karna chaahe for satisfaction then contact me on fb my id is garry singh gkc satisfaction gauranteed and privacy bhi full rahegii. Abb jyada bore na kartey huye story par aayey hai . Ye kahaani meri life ka ek real incidence hai...
Hello readers, welcome back for the fourth part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...
Hello readers, welcome back to the sequel to the “Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake”. If you have not read the first parts, it can be found here: http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Group/story_of_arpita__part_i__wife_at_stake_132114.html http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Group/_story_of_arpita__part_i__wife_at_stake_continued_132434.html But for those who have read and loved the first part, a brief recap may help them for continuity – Pritam, a young, small town guy was laid off...
Weekend came and I was meant to be there for 18:30I arrived early a little excited at the thought of what could happen, I pressed the bell and heard the little ones, I remembered a conversation about them going away the weekend and thought they haven’t gone yet, il get to say goodbye to them. The door opened and it was the eldest one letting me in. I walk in to the kitchen where everyone was and said “Hi” They was too busy chatting and almost completely ignored me when his wife grabbed my hand...
Weekend came and I was meant to be there for 18:30I arrived early a little excited at the thought of what could happen, I pressed the bell and heard the little ones, I remembered a conversation about them going away the weekend and thought they haven’t gone yet, il get to say goodbye to them. The door opened and it was the eldest one letting me in. I walk in to the kitchen where everyone was and said “Hi” They was too busy chatting and almost completely ignored me when his wife grabbed my hand...
My mums friend, had her sister staying, she was running from an abusive relationship. They had arranged a night out and I went to look after her k**s for a few hours. When I got there they was just about to leave, she told me her husband was in the shower but had to go to a meeting and they would be back by 1am. I went and got settled as their cab arrived. It wasn’t long before the baby needed a bottle and I went and got one for him, he soon went back to sleep. So I watched TV. I got a little...
Hello beautiful people. I hope you are in a good state of health. I am sorry that I couldn’t post any of my stories for very long. I was waiting for some real action to be depicted as a story. For those who don’t know me, I am Aryan 24 years old from Delhi. I hail from a well-to-do family and a qualified professional. I am 5’8” tall with 6” long tool and 2.5” in thickness with fair color, athletic body and looks that you can’t ignore! I am very thankful to ISS for giving me the experience of my...
Hi gurls, bhabhies, aunties, widows, divorced and unsatisfied ladies. Mujhe toh ab koi story padne wali haseena hogi jo mujhe nahi jaanti ho. Still jo nye readers hai mi unke liye apna intro de deta hu. Well i m sunny 24 male, kyu ki meri demand jammu mai itni hai ke mai majboor ho gya hu jammu aane ke liye, so ladies from jammu get ready for the fun and excitement. Maine apna cell no stoies mai post kiya tha , jiska response mujhe bohot achha mila, bohot si girls, aur aunties ne mujhe contact...
Hi friends its LOVE GUPTA again with 3rd part of my TRUE INCIDENT in which I helped 1 of my story reader who is already married and contact me after reading 1 of my true incident STORY READER ANKITA SE CHAT on INDIAN SEX STORIES jiska address http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/story_reader_ankita_se_chat_123133.html hai. Her husband requested me 2 make her pregnant coz he had some problems jiska koi ilaaj nahi ho sakta tha. they trusted me and contacted me. Meri is story ke 2 parts pehle...
Dear Readers, this is my first story here. This is a True incident that happened to me , a rather beautiful one , for those who want to consider this a fantasy , go on with your assumptions but I don think any guy would lie about losing his virginity especially when it happens the way he wanted it to and also for those who don have patience, this is rather long a proper love making story rather just touch n go banging. For those who expect just expressions of sex , I rather suggest you not to...
Story of myself torture #2This is going to be my second story. For those who have not read my first story of how I self torture my self for sexual orgasms I will give a brief synopsis of me and what I like to do before I continue with my recent self torture.-My name is Debbie and I'm a 49-year-old white divorcee. I am 5 foot 7, 148 pounds. I have green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. My measurements for those who want to know are you know 38C -29- 38. I used to trim my pubic hair but now I...
True Story of Jane Part 1 When I first met my wife she was 23 and I was 28. She had been married once before. I learned very quickly that she was very sexually experienced and I found out she had had a black American soldier, who was stationed in England, as her boyfriend for a while. I pressed her to tell me more about sex with him and she readily admitted that he had the biggest cock she had ever taken (and she also admitted she had taken quite a few). She said that his favourite position was...
My mind is constantly on sex, and being bisexual, my dirty mind doesn’t spare anyone ;) However I’ve never met anyone for real until the incident with Anu which I mentioned in my previous story, this story is a continuation of the previous, so read the previous story if you want all the details :) This story is 100% real and any woman, girls or mature aunties are welcome to contact me if you are in Bangalore at Please read my previous story Anu, Me, And Hershey’s: Story Of A Male...
Ye story bhi meri ek fan matlb ek story reader ki hai jo pune mai rehti hai 2 saal se married hai with 7mnth kid.Her name rupali(name changed) age 29. I am neel age 27 well educated firom pune simple in looks and slim body with good pussy licking and kamsutra style sex expert If any single,married,widow/seprated woman wants to enjoy hot wild romantic sex please mail me.And ha to all the story reader I have a good news just a story reader ko maine choda rha 3 din she is paregnat and after 4yr of...
Hello all, I am posting this story on behalf of my friend about how she had become the desperate housewife. She is 50+ years and wanted to share her story in this portal. This story will have different parts. I am Vasundhara, and everyone calls me Vasu. I am married with two kids. Without wasting any time, I will start my real-life story. I was born in the 1960 era to a lower-middle-class family. I was married to Pankaj at the age of 18 years. Pankaj is twenty years older than me, and I came to...
A story I told my wife while we cuddled one night, we both had a lot of fun with it...My wife and I loved to tell stories to each other in the bed and this, bar none, is one of her favorites and one of mine as well. The story is of how she was at a bar with her college friends on her way to see me. She and I were just going together. She wasn’t even old enough to drink, but she and her friends just needed to take a break from school and needed a girls' night out. They had a great time,...
Wife LoversHi friends its YOUR LOVE ( LOVE GUPTA) again with my another incident of 1 of my story reader 2 whom I made her PREGNANT with the permission of her sweet HUSBAND. Actually she loves her husband very much and doesn’t wants 2 come with me but her loving husband has some problems due 2 which he does not able 2 make her pregnant even 4years of their marriage. They had gone 2 almost every senior doctors available in DELHI but there is no response in favor of him. So they decided 2 contact me. They...
Hello dosto meh aapka bunny fir se hajir hun ek nayi aur sachi kahani lekar joh abhi kuch din phele ki hai maine apni pheli story meh bataya tha ki kaise tanu bhabhi ne mujhe gigolo bana diya yeh story paadhne k baad mujhe kaafi mails aaye unsab ke liye meh aapko dil se thanx bolna chata hun aur unsabhi ladko se kehna chata hun ki meh koi male escort agency nhi chalata hun joh meh aapko apne sath rakh luh aur na hii meh apne clients ki details share karta hun so plzz insab chiz ke liye mujhe...
Two hours later, they had completed their lunch. Anjan and Arpita were joined back by Unmesh and Rahul and they had ordered some sumptuous food in the room itself. Arpita and Anjan both had a refreshing fuck at the bathroom, and were very hungry. And all of them ate heartily. Later Rahul and Anjan were at the living room, watching TV, while Unmesh took Arpita inside the bedroom. It was Unmesh’s turn as per the plan and he intended to use her well throughout the afternoon. Outside, Rahul and...
I recently read two stories on xhamster that were outstanding examples of exceptional writing and story telling. The authors were able to paint a mental image of these events that allowed the reader to share their experience. I found myself longing for more.That said, does it appear that much of the content here is diminishing in quality? Either the stories are so outlandish they aren’t even possible. Or they are so poorly written that the story is nearly impossible to follow. Or the grammar,...
Hello to all indiansexstories2.net readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for fun want to have sex or want your sexual fatasies brought to reality, then...
Hello readers, I am back again after a long gap. I hope you had missed me and liked my previous stories in the meantime. If you have not, you can search with my name – xxxauthor, and I promise you will not be disappointed. This time too, I am back with an equally enthralling storyline, with the expectation that it will be liked and loved by a lot of you just like my previous stories. This story is about Arpita – a recently married housewife is her mid twenties, and how her ideal married life...
Hello readers, I am back again after a long gap. I hope you had missed me and liked my previous stories in the meantime. If you have not, you can search with my name – xxxauthor, and I promise you will not be disappointed. This time too, I am back with an equally enthralling storyline, with the expectation that it will be liked and loved by a lot of you just like my previous stories. This story is about Arpita – a recently married housewife is her mid twenties, and how her ideal married life...
Warning: This is a long story with a slow build-up.1980 was a long time ago. A lot of history has happened since then, but there are parts of that year I remember like it was yesterday. I remember being a shy, seventeen-year-old kid, in my second-last year of high school, and I remember that I was not exactly Mister Popularity, either. I remember that feeling of not always fitting in, although I still had a few friends of my own, and I wasn’t a total misfit, and I remember being a virgin, even...
First Time"I was supposed to have soccer practice but our coach, Coach Fox, called it off when thunder and lightning erupted in the west. We would have moved into the gym but the PTO was organizing a craft show there." I went on, "Her language wasn't pretty when she realized they were in there - it never was, even with us girls, though her vocabulary was limited because something in the past led her to avoid sex cuss words. Anyway she sent us home." "I showered in the locker room and got back...
by Darklord© I've always known that my girlfriend and her brother were close. However, I was just about to discover how close they were, and this information opened up a whole new door in our sex life. Interested? Just read the following transcript of what happened. A couple of months ago, my girlfriend Karen and I were lying naked on my bed. We just fucked each other's brains out, and I was just recovering from one of the greatest orgasms I've ever had. Karen lay with her head on...
This is the final story in the Story of my Life trilogy. As such I repeat once more: all the names (except my own) have been changed. Otherwise this story is as true as possible.__________________________________________Three years after loosing my virginity, i had sex with a girl for the first time. This is the story of the experience. That was the first time I realized that I liked girls, not guys.I was f******n at the time. My breasts were still tiny but other than that, people said I was a...