Story Of Zainab – Pt 1 (Unconventional First Night) free porn video

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Welcome to another by me on this site, and this one alone. Please don’t forget to read the added part at the end of the story where I explain the background of this series.

You can always skip to the original story. I start it with “~story starts~” and finish it with “~story ends~”. Also, you can skip right to the sexual part. I start it with “~sex starts~” and finish it with “~sex ends~”.

Now, enjoy the story!

~Story starts~

Zainab was a student in a prominent university of this country. She was 20 years old when she entered the university. Being the conservative religious girl from the conservative religious family she was from, she covered her body very well, except for her face, her hands and her feet where she wore her sandals.

Amin was a batchmate of Zainab. They knew each other. But Amin wanted more from her than just friendship.

So, one day and as usual, they met at a nearby cafe at walking distance away from the university.

“Zainab, can we talk?”

“Sure, about what?”

The talk didn’t go as well as either of them thought it would. She wasn’t ready to get engaged, much less married. She didn’t wanna be a traditional woman of her culture and not even her own family was restricting her into being one. Zainab got angry at the end.

“Okay look,” Zainab said as he stood off her seat, “I think you sound really weird right now. I gotta go now,” she said as she stood up and tried to walk away.

But Amin held her by her wrist.

“Amin, let go of me!”

“I wanna meet your parents.”

“I said, let go of me!” Zainab said as she pulled away her hand.

Amin stood up angrily. That’s when the shop owner, Reyansh, stood up.

Reyansh was 21 years old. He was tall and he seemed fit. He wasn’t qualified to enter the university, so he started working in this shop, and soon enough, he bought it for himself, and hired a bunch of guys to work for him.

He was a hard-working man who would do anything moral for a few extra bucks. He was more of a friend than the boss to those who worked under him.

To make an example to his workers, he was working as the cashier when he wasn’t busy with other work. When he was busy, someone else took care of the cash.

“Hey, hey!” he shouted at Amin.

Every other shopper was looking at them. Reyansh closed in on Amin.

“Pay your bill and get outta here right now. I don’t wanna see trouble in my cafe.”

“This is none of your business.”

“But this is my cafe! Now get out before I make you.”

Amin went outside without a fight. Zainab tried to follow him.

“You stay right where you are,” Reyansh said as he stopped her with his right arm.

Zainab was so scared that she complied without a fight. The other customers went back to what they were doing.

“Come with me,” Reyansh said to Zainab, going to the back of the shop. Zainab, not knowing what to do, followed him.

Reyansh took her to his office room, and his bedroom, in the back of the cafe. Zainab was getting scared. This was the first time she was getting alone with a stranger in a bedroom.

“Don’t be scared. Come and sit here,” Reyansh said as he sat on the bed. Zainab sat by him, still reluctantly.

“What’s your name?”


“Where are you from?”

He asked her many questions and she answered.

He calmed her down and said that she has no reason to worry as long as she comes to his cafe.

“Do you come here from home every day?”

“No, it’s too far away. I stay at the university hostel.”

“Don’t go there today. It’s too dangerous.”

“I…dodon’t have a choice, though.”

“I can prepare a place for you if you’d like.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“Very well,” Reyansh said with a smile as he stood up, “let me know if you change your mind,” he said as he handed her over her visiting card.

She accepted it, but only reluctantly.

“Oh, the name is Reyansh, but you can just call me Rey if you want,” Rey said.

“Sure, Rey…well, can I go now?”

“Oh yes, sure,” Rey said as he opened the door.

Zainab was kinda surprised. He could have done anything to her there and there was absolutely nothing she could have done about it. But he didn’t even try to touch her. Puzzled like nothing, she stepped outside the shop.

“Come on, boss, you could have made her yours in that bed,” a worker said to Rey as she left.

“Nah, I’ll make her mine through her heart, not her vagina,” Rey said with a smile.

The day was fine for Zainab. Amin was around but wasn’t being a trouble to her. But she could say he was angry with her.

The day was fine…until she had to wait longer to get outta the university and walk back to the hostel.

As she was walking on the lonely road, a van came by and stopped. The door opened and Amin came out.

“Come here!” Amin said as he pulled her by her waist.

“Amin, no! Stop! Let me go,” Zainab said struggling.

Amin still managed to get her in the van and it rode off.

~Sex starts~

“Amin, no…please,” Zainab said.

“I am not gonna hurt you,” Amin said.

That wasn’t something she expected to hear. Amin held her head in his hands and pulled her for a kiss.

Later on, much happened inside the van. She wasn’t resisting and feeling the hands of an unrelated man, and that too for the first time in her life, turned her on really fast.

“Ah…yeah, Amin, give it to me…give me your cock, baby…Get inside me,” she finally said.

This was what Amin wanted to hear. He laid on her and slowly got inside her. This was her first time so it hurt her.

“Aah…Oh God, that hurts,” she said, but she didn’t seem to be in her right sense.

He penetrated her again and again for a while and pulled his dick out in time and ejaculated all over her face. She had her eyes shut tight. That was when she came back to her senses.

~Sex ends~

“Oh God, what did you do, Amin?”

“Made you mine, what else?”

The van stopped again and the door opened.

“Hope you can find your way to the hostel from here,” Amin said as he took her by his hands and pushed her outside.

As she stood by the road, naked, with a face covered in semen and her dress rolled into one mess, along with her backpack, she waited for a while.

She was alone again. Soon enough, she got back dressed and thought about what to do next.

She got back dressed. It was too late to go back to the hostel without arousing everyone’s suspicion. Her roommates knew she was gonna be late, so she wasn’t surprised they hadn’t called. Also, there was no way she could tell even them about what happened.

She had no idea what to do, but she thought she’d try the crazy idea that hit her mind right then. She looked for the card Rey gave her. She could find it.

Back in Rey’s shop, his phone rang.

“Whose is this number…hello, Rey’s cafe.”

“Rey, it’s me, Zainab.”

Rey looked astonished but he still talked.

“Yes, Zainab?”

“I got into some serious trouble. I can’t talk right now. Can we meet?” Her voice was breaking.

“Sure, sure hon, just…calm down and tell me where you are.”

“I am on my way back to your cafe, Rey. If you’re coming, come along the way to the university ladies hostel and you’ll see me walking by the road.”

“Sure thing, hon, I am on my way,” Rey said as she hung up.

He called a co-worker to take charge and left in a hurry in his bike.

“Zainab, what did you get yourself into?” He thought as he rode off.

Soon enough, he saw a dark shadow walking by the road. Some woman with her whole body covered in a black dress.

As Rey stopped by her and talked to her, she dropped her veil.

“Excuse me, ma’am, did you see…Jesus! Zainab, is that you?”

Rey was taken aback when she dropped her face veil all of a sudden but was relieved to see it was her. Her face was marked with sweat, saliva, semen, and her own tears.

“It’s me, Rey, and thank you for coming…”

“…we have no time to talk. Come on, let’s go to my place,” Rey said, signaling her to get on the back of the bike.

“Now, hold me tight,” he said as he got there.

“But I’m dirty, Rey.”

“Doesn’t matter, hon. It’s for your own safety,” Rey said with a smile.

They rode back to the shop. It was closed by then and the workers were asleep in their rooms.

“Okay, come here,” Rey said as he guided her into his room, again. This time, he used a back door which also opened into the same room.

“I think you need a wash before anything else. Have a wash, put on something and we can talk. There, everything you need is in the cupboard. I’ll wait here until then,” Rey said as he opened the other door. That was the door that he opened the first time.

Rey went outside and waited.

Zainab had a wash, dried herself up using a towel, got dressed in one of Rey’s suits and opened the door. This time, her head and neck weren’t covered by a veil.

“Come in, Rey.”

“Sure, thanks,” Rey said as he went inside.

“So, wanna tell me what happened?” He said as he sat in his bed. Zainab was already sitting there.

He told him everything that happened inside the van with each and every detail.

Rey was a good person, but nevertheless, he was a man. Hearing what he heard, made him have a mini-erection which was still not visible through his pants.

She hugged him and he hugged her back.

“I am sorry it had to come to this, girl,” he said as he ran his fingers through her hair, slowly.

~Sex starts~

He kissed her right ear and was rubbing her up and down over her suit with his fingertips. This was arousing her again and now, she had nothing to lose. He left him and looked into his eyes at once. He was looking at her, astonished again.

“Zainab, I…” was all he could say.

Zainab held his head in her hands pulled him into herself and started a deep lip kiss.

“Mmh…!” They were both moaning, as Rey’s hands were running all over Zainab’s back.

This was what Rey was waiting for since he saw her for the first time. He wanted to see her naked, hear her scream in pleasure, smell, taste and feel each and every bit of her body, but he didn’t rush it.

Later, he hugged her tightly and started eating the left side of her neck. While doing that, he also brought his hands to her boobs and started squeezing them.

“Oh my god, yes baby,” she moaned, running her hands over his back.

Later, she broke his kiss and pulled him for a lip kiss again. At the same time, he slowly pulled up her shirt and placed his hands on her boobs.

She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She had put away her bra. When she felt his hands on her nipples, she felt electricity running through her upper body.

She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, as he kept feeling them under her t-shirt. She placed her hands on his bands.

“Do you like the way they feel, Rey?”

“Oh yeah, of course, I do, baby.”

“Wanna know how they taste too…mmh?”

“Yeah,” Rey said, and without even waiting for approval, he pulled up her t-shirt, and started sucking her right nipple.

“Ahh…Yeah baby,” she said, as she killed his head.

She left his head, took off her t-shirt and put it away. She then started unbuttoning his shirt as well.

After a while, he pulled it away and as she put it away, he kept sucking her nipple. It felt good, and in fact, better than how it felt when Amin did, but it started to hurt after a while.

“Rey, stop,” she said as Rey stopped sucking her nipple and looked into her eyes again.

“Why, baby?” He said as he palmed her right cheek.

She held his wrist with her right hand and kissed his hand.

“My nipple now hurts, Rey. Suck the other one,” she said, as he started sucking her other nipple right away.

This time, he bit her nipple too.

“Aah…Don’t bite it too hard, Rey,” she said among her moans.

Later, he stopped it and they started their lip kissing again. And while doing that, he slowly laid her against the bed. He broke the kiss and licked her cleavage and underboobs, having her pinned against the mattress by her wrists. He was now sure that whatever he does, she wouldn’t resist it.

“Ahh…! Yeah, baby, eat me up,” she said as he looked at his head.

Later, he started unbuttoning her pants. He tried to pull it down, but it wouldn’t move.

“Here, let me do it for you,” Zainab said as she pulled her pants down along with her panty.

Rey saw that she was already pretty wet down there.

“So, what do you say? Wanna come home, daddy?” She asked in a naughty tone.

“Oh yeah, baby,” he said as he pulled down his pants, and placed his dick against her pussy.

She saw that it was even larger than that of Amin.

“Let me know if it hurts you, okay?” Rey said as he slowly got inside of her. She just nodded a yes with a smile.

He slowly laid on her and hugged her. They started sharing a kiss again, as he slowly but surely, moved in and out of her.

Later, she broke the kiss and looked into his eyes.

“This is the best night of my life,” she said as they kissed each other a few times again.

“Mine too, baby,” he said as he started eating her neck again.

Doing that, he started pinching and twisting her left nipple too. She was struggling a bit and moaning louder. But she wasn’t resisting him.

He knew she was losing herself, again, but he was in full control. When he was about to come, he removed himself and stood up.

“Why Rey?”

“I can’t come inside you. You’ll get pregnant and will be in serious trouble,” he said and this is when she came to her senses.

“Okay, then come on my belly,” he said. Within seconds, there was a load of semen on her belly.

~Sex ends~

She took some of that and put inside her mouth.

“Salty,” she said with a naughty smile.

“You’re one Bitch, aren’t you? Here, wipe that off with this,” he said as he handed over a rag to her.

“Go, clean yourself, put something on and start studying. I know you have to do that too. Let me know if you need anything,” he said as he put his pants back on, and opened a door.

~Story ends~


The structure of the story is basically true, even though the sex scenes are kinda expanded on and detailed to make them sound more interesting.

Sometimes, I’ll have to water down scenes to make the story fit the site guidelines. Sorry about that.

Leave your comments and even better, send them to my email on Ask me anything. All comments and questions are welcome.

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Two hours later, they had completed their lunch. Anjan and Arpita were joined back by Unmesh and Rahul and they had ordered some sumptuous food in the room itself. Arpita and Anjan both had a refreshing fuck at the bathroom, and were very hungry. And all of them ate heartily. Later Rahul and Anjan were at the living room, watching TV, while Unmesh took Arpita inside the bedroom. It was Unmesh’s turn as per the plan and he intended to use her well throughout the afternoon. Outside, Rahul and...

3 years ago
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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part I 8211 Wife At Stake

Hello readers, I am back again after a long gap. I hope you had missed me and liked my previous stories in the meantime. If you have not, you can search with my name – xxxauthor, and I promise you will not be disappointed. This time too, I am back with an equally enthralling storyline, with the expectation that it will be liked and loved by a lot of you just like my previous stories. This story is about Arpita – a recently married housewife is her mid twenties, and how her ideal married life...

2 years ago
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Story Of College Hotties 8211 Part 1 8211 Threesome

Hi.. Handshake to guys and boob shake to my dear girls.. I am Akshay from Bangalore.. I am 5 7′ height, average build, horny teenager i.e., 20 year old studying medical in Bangalore. Please reply and comments to my e mail any girls or females need satisfaction in and around Bangalore contact me for secret relation and hot chats.. Any age females are welcome.. And any couples are welcome if they are interested in threesome.. Contact me on my email.. Please do comment on my story so that i can...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XII 8211 My First Night

DATE – DECEMBER, 18th 2009. This was a very important day of my life. According to our application made to the registrar of marriage and their order, myself, my bf Ramesh, my parents, Ramesh’s parents, my uncle and some close family friends/relatives, visited the marriage registrar’s office in the morning. My parents and in-laws were signed as witness and we have been declared WIFE AND HUSBAND by the registrar on exchanging the marriage ring there. I was started feeling differently on...

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part V 8211 Mr Richard8217s Fuck Toy

Arpita tried to understand what his husband was telling. She knew about Mr. Richard, the owner of the company. She also knew that he was coming over to India during the Diwali when he will confer some key promotions. She knew all of this because Rahul was among one of them expecting a promotion. Rahul expected to become a Vice President, while Unmesh was expecting to become a Director. But what that has to take with her revenge, she didn’t understand. And Pritam was starting to feel irritated...

2 years ago
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Auntie Betty 8211 The Next week

Following my exciting encounter with Auntie Betty and knowing I was invited back the following Saturday, you can imagine my week was feverish to say the least. I seemed to spend the week stroking my cock; in serious danger of a sprained right wrist by the Friday! My mum was pleased that her sister and I had got along so well – if only she knew how well!! So at 10.00 on the following Saturday morning, I was ringing Auntie Betty’s door bell with a pounding heart and an erection you could...

3 years ago
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Merlin 8211 Part 2 8211 Our First Night

Friends hope you have enjoyed my first encounter with Merlin. If you have missed it you can read it. To recapitulate, I met Merlin in a hotel at Kolkata. It was love at first sight and ended up with long lasting relationship, friendship and more. I thought of sharing my sweet memories with all of you. Merlin says – love grows by sharing. If my old memories give you some happiness, I would love to share it you. As Merlin was waiting in bed with her arms spread out, I could not stop myself from...

3 years ago
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Family stud 8211 A son steps up to the plate when his mother needs him

It was one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit Augusta Maine. The snow was up to the window sills and all the roads were closed so I could not possibly make it to my classes at high school. When Dad divorced Mom, he received the family residence, and Mom took two small rental houses. She rented one out, while she and I lived in the other. Our house had all electric heat and no facility for burning wood. With the electric power off because of the snowstorm, the house temperature went down to...

1 year ago
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Love Unconventionally

First comes love, then comes marriage and then comes baby in a baby carriage… Isn’t that how it is supposed to happen? But what if you’re not in love? What if you’re not married? What if it’s not your baby? I have found life doesn’t follow the conventions of the norm. Life doesn’t care what is supposed to happen. And all I can do is manage what life wishes for me. * ‘Return was by far the greatest!’ Dan announced. ‘No way, the best is obviously Empire,’ Cole retaliated. ‘What?’ Dan...

3 years ago
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History 8211 Chapter 4 8211 The Party

Chapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...

4 years ago
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Industrial Visit 8211 Part II 8211 DJ Night

Riya is the name I have used multiple times over casual hook-ups and erotic encounters. For obvious practical reasons, I cannot share my real identity here. This is the second experience in the “Industrial Visit” series of stories. You should be able to enjoy this story without a lot of continuity overlaps except knowing that Rohan is one of my ex-boyfriends. If you want to enjoy it fully with all continuity and references, please go through the 1st part before this one. From Ambala, we went to...

2 years ago
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Hungry mouths 8211 Strap on time with Cynthia

“Hungry mouths always find each other.” We were married with husbands that no longer thrilled us and had 3 children between us. Cindy a BBW with long blonde locks sang in a band some weekends, and that was what made her seem exciting in the beginning. She had been seeing me for massage at my home office. And that is how we met. The first time Cynthia visited me at my home, we were alone in my computer room with the door shut. My hubby’s was at work, and the kids were visiting...

4 years ago
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College students fuck one of their horny mothers 8211 and then do each other too

Shit! This was crazy. I was just out of high school by a couple of years, barely 18-19. I went to study with a buddy at his place, on campus, well probably not, most likely off campus. Yeah. We were in his apartment off campus. We were studying. Then this woman crashed into the apartment, drunk as a “shit house mouse,” as daddy used to say. She was babbling like mad, in many meanings of that word. “Ah, damn it, I didn’t get fucked tonight,’ she slurred....

1 year ago
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Gigolo 8211 Male Escort 8211 Rent Man 8211 Call Boy Odisha 8211 Part 5

Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Plans

As I sat in the corner of the room, I felt relaxed. I looked around and everyone seemed to be anxious, and nervous. I looked into the eyes of a few and saw unrequited fear. I, however, was at peace with everything. This was what I was meant for. I couldn’t argue with fate. I had put myself in this situation, knowing full well what would happen, and now the expected end was near. I closed my eyes and leaned back and felt the back of my head touch the cold rough texture of the wall. My hands,...

2 years ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 15

The elevator doors close and my husband hugs me close to him, and as he does so, his hand seems to naturally settle on my bun. But it was not by accident, as his fingers begin to tease my butt through my jeans. Suddenly his fingers slip past the waistband slip inside my jeans. I am in shock, thinking what happens if the elevator doors open. But that was precisely what my husband was hoping would happen. What would anyone see? I wasn’t sure, but could only imagine the worst. In reality, they...

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Unconventional Awakening Ch 16

The afternoon session was a blur as my mind kept going back to my last moments before rushing here. I hungered for my husband. I was looking forward to the end of the afternoon session, and then. It was over. Time to get out of here. I rushed back to my room, our room now. And where was my husband? Laying on the bed. Naked. His cock harder and bigger than I ever remember seeing it. And he was softly stroking it. His fingers softly rubbing just below the purple head with a glistening...

2 years ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 17

‘Ring.’ ‘Ring.’ ‘Ring.’ My husband answers as I continue to savor his cock in my mouth. It is soft and I lather it with my tongue. My tongue swirls around its head, teasing the tip. His cock feels warm and so soft. I chew on it gently, much to his delight. He winks at me and gives me a shit eating grin as he talks to Paul. He says ‘Wait’ and laughs softly. ‘Am I interested in dinner’ he says softly, his eyes twinkling. I don’t have to say anything. My husband tells Paul that we need a few...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 12

It has been a while since the last chapter. A lot has happened. Lets see, where did we leave off. Oh, yes. I climbed into bed, and enjoyed the feeling of naked skin between the sheets. Time to call my husband. Was he ready for bed? Was he ready to hear about my stay so far in Chicago? My fingers trembled as I dialed. My breathing was deep and labored. My heart rate felt like I had just run a marathon. The seconds seemed like minutes, and the mental ‘tick tock’ thundered silently in my...

3 years ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 14

‘He is coming to Chicago’ runs through my mind as an endless loop. I pull my wet sticky pussy juice covered fingers from my for the moment satiated center of my new found womanhood, and run them lazily upward, trembling at the trail of wetness they leave in their wake. My fingers slide upward, between my breasts and up. Caressing the underside of my chin. Upward. Slowing down now. Around the curve. Upward. The scent teases my nostrils. My scent. A scent that until a few days ago was one...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Awakening Ch 13

My husband wants to know about Sunday night. The night I first made love to not just one man, who up to a few hours prior was a complete stranger, but to two men who had just recently come into my life. I can tell that he really wants to know, and that the circumstances will not be a setback for us. With this knowledge that our relationship will come through this, and may actually be stronger bolsters my spirits and I share with him the activities that have transformed his sexually conservative...

2 years ago
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The Unconventional Convention A beginning

I've worked with Andrea for years. Every step of the way, both of us maintained full professionalism and appropriate behavior, even as we evolved into becoming friends and running buddies. We would run together at least once, sometimes twice a week, most of the time with a couple other regular runners in a small club, but sometimes just the two of us. We were acquaintances. I had been to her Wedding. She had given me a ride to pick up my car from the mechanic. We had been pet-sitters for...

3 years ago
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The Unconventional Convention Adding Amie

What a whirlwind of a convention. It hasn't even started yet, and somehow I've had the great fortune to have finally after years of daydreams, gotten my colleague Andrea naked. We've just finished our very first time together in her hotel room. We fucked. I licked her pussy. She deep throated me and swallowed my cum. Now, we’re heading down to the hotel restaurant to get a bite to eat. We were in for a big shock as the elevator door opened to the lobby. It was a packed party central...

3 years ago
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An Unconventional Beginning

AAuthor’s Note: This story was written at a reader’s request. Thank you for the idea and for pushing me out of my usual box! This is a stand alone short story and I do not intend to make it into chapters. ************* Avery flicked her eyes over at her co-worker Trevor, the two of them were often scheduled together for the late night shift at the 24 hour dry-cleaners since they were both students who took their classes in the afternoons and so could rearrange their schedules the easiest out...

3 years ago
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An Unconventional Marriage

Daniel and Susan Mellings had been married for fifteen years, they had an eight year old daughter and a cat. They lived in a modest three bedroom semi detached property, with a shared drive and got on very well with their neighbours either side. The garden was neat and tidy, the paintwork clean and bright. Daniel worked in Publishing and Susan had been his assistant for five years before they married. They were similar in age, but whereas Susan was sunny and outgoing, Daniel was insular and...

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Note from the Author: Hello! This story was originally meant to follow just Victor and Ashley on their perverted adventures. But as you may have noticed I've shaken things up a bit. In the interest of reaching a wider audience and in the interest of having a place where I can develop new stories about mundane characters having interesting relationships, I decided to do a little remodeling. Victor and Ashley's story will still be available as one of the threads down below, but now I plan to add...

3 years ago
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An Unconventional Gift

Kate rushed in through the front entryway and dropped her keys in the small antique bowl on the side table. Her long black raincoat fell to a pile on the Asian rug covering the inlaid hardwood floor. The worn leather briefcase dropped next to the curving stairwell as Kate slightly hiked up the skirt of her business suit and charged up the stairs. “Roger!” she yelled. Ten more steps and again, “Roger!” It wasn’t until she reached the top of the stairwell that the answer came. “In the study,”...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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An Unconventional Love

Tim and Amy had been married for about five years when it happened. They had been wonderful years and were both very happy and looking forward to a long happy life together. But then something happened that was to alter both of their lives. Amy and Rebecca had always been close even as children. Rebecca and her parents had moved in to the house next door when she was just six years old. Amy was eight at the time and as Rebecca moved in, Amy watched them unload the U-Haul truck. From the moment...

Group Sex
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Unconventional Conversation

My husband and I owned a business and one of the perks was going to the Convention every year. Now normally I wouldn’t be so excited for such but it was held in Las Vegas each year. So a long weekend of finding and getting into as much trouble was we can. I guess better attention should of been paid this one year as my husband booked a fishing trip for the same weekend. Both events bought and paid for with neither willing to return funds. We finally worked out that he’d go on his trip and I’d...

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