An Unconventional Marriage free porn video

Daniel and Susan Mellings had been married for fifteen years, they had an eight year old daughter and a cat. They lived in a modest three bedroom semi detached property, with a shared drive and got on very well with their neighbours either side. The garden was neat and tidy, the paintwork clean and bright. Daniel worked in Publishing and Susan had been his assistant for five years before they married. They were similar in age, but whereas Susan was sunny and outgoing, Daniel was insular and prone to bouts of depression. Lucy took after her mother and they would often sing together in the evening and at weekends.
Daniel’s work took him away often and he would return seemingly relaxed and confident. After his return to the office he would revert to type and become quiet and introspective. Susan was worried that their lives were becoming divergent to such an extent that they were married in name only. She could not fault Daniel on his devotion to Lucy and he would quite quickly become happy and sunny when in his daughters presence.
As a father he was faultless, having immersed himself in bathing, feeding and changing Lucy when first born, he carried this through as she grew. Reading stories and taking time to listen to her as she grew older, made him an almost ideal Dad. He spent holidays by Susan and Lucy’s side, willing to throw himself into sandcastle building, swimming and diving in the sea. As a husband, he decorated, gardened, and was also a great cook. His birthday surprises for both Susan and Lucy were legendary. As a lover, he had in their early days been incredibly attentive, and almost fastideous that Susan should achieve orgasm. At times he had failed to penetrate her but had not seemed too worried, he was capable as Lucy’s arrival had proved. Over time though their lovemaking had become distracted, erratic, until it ceased to exist. Susan had thought that this was work pressure and had never reproached him. She waited patiently for him to discuss this with her and metaphorically sat on her hands.
One wednesday, Daniel arrived home, flustered, and distraught. After an exchange of sorts he sat at the table in the kitchen. Susan instinctively knew something was afoot. Daniel had his head in his hands and tears were failing onto the table. Susan sat by him and put an arm round his shoulder, and he fell into her embrace. After a while he stopped sobbing and eased himself from her grasp. Holding her hands his sorrowful brown eyes bored into her soft blue ones.
‘I have something to tell you, it’s not pleasant and I hate myself for this, but… I’ve fallen in love with someone else.’
‘Oh God! is it serious? what are you telling me? who is she?’
‘It’s a he, I’m gay, always have been, I’m so sorry.’
‘Gay? How? I mean… you can’t be… Lucy is… How could you, how could you…’
Susan began to drum on his chest with her fists, tears of fear, rage, frustration welling up. She hammered at his body and he didn’t try to defend himself, in the end just wrapping her in his arms, their heads coming together and bitter tears falling from their eyes.
‘I never, ever wanted to hurt you, deceive you, but I have and I am so, so, sorry for this. I have tried to be a good husband, tried to deny to myself what I actually felt. But it’s no good, I can’t lie anymore. I am so sorry, Susan. Believe me I love you so much, all you are and what you give me as a husband.’
‘But you love someone else, a man. Losing you to a woman would be awful, losing you to a man is devastating. Knowing now that your lovemaking was an act, a performance, an act of utter falseness. You’ve lied to me for twenty years, twenty years Dan! Our whole relationship is a sham.’
‘No, no, Susan, darling, it wasn’t, isn’t, I loved you like I’ve never loved a women, or could love a woman. You made me a man, you made me feel I had been wrong and that I could live a happy and physically normal life with you.’
‘But now…’
‘I won’t lie anymore, Julian and I have been seeing each other for a year now. I can’t deny that what I want is to be with him fully, totally without hiding or secrecy.’
‘And what about Lucy and me?’
‘that is the hardest part, because I don’t want to lose either of you. I hope you can understand that. I know it appears impossible, but I do still love you, as a friend, a soulmate and as the mother of my daughter. I couldn’t bear to be without Lucy, life would be useless. I want my cake and I want to eat it too.’
‘You’re asking a lot, what are you proposing?’
‘I don’t have any proposals I just want everything and I know in my heart I may end up with nothing.’
Susan dried her eyes straightened and reached for his hand.
‘I want to meet him, this Julian, I want to meet him, here, for a meal.’
‘Do it Dan, do it if you love me as you say I do. I want to meet the man who’s stolen your heart, stolen you from me. No hysterics, just a meal and a discussion, he can stay over, with you if you wish.’
‘Susan, you can’t be serious, really, you want to do this?’
‘No, not really, but I want to meet the man who has your heart and I want to make sure he’s good enough for you.’
‘I’m not sure it’s such a good idea, but if you want to, so be it.’
‘Thank you, now let’s clear up and go to bed, it’s been a hell of a day, so far. Oh! do you still want to share a bed with me?’
‘If you still want me too, of course I do.’
‘Come on sod the clearing up, come to bed.’
Ten minutes later they lay spooned together, each wondering what the other was thinking and neither sure that they would sleep. Tiredness eventually overcame them and they slept, hardly moving, wrapped in each other. The alarm woke them and they lifted fuzzy heads as Lucy came in to give them a morning hug. She slipped between them and settled down, they lay on their sides arms around Lucy, tears in their eyes.
One week later, as Susan thought about preparing the evening meal, the house empty as Lucy was having a sleepover at her friends, the door bell buzzed. Susan walked down the hall from the kitchen. A dark shape showed through the frosted glass of the front door. Susan frowned, she had a lot to do ready for this evening. Opening the door she saw a tall slim man about her age. He carried a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. Smiling hesitatingly he proffered the flowers.
‘Susan, I’m Julian, I brought these for you, a thank you for the meal.’
‘Julian, I… I didn’t expect, I mean… so early, errr, come in, come in, please.’
Stepping back she allowed him in, surprisingly he hugged and kissed her, then blushing stood in the hall way. She shut the door and gestured towards the kitchen, he turned and went as directed. She offered and he accepted a mug of tea, they sat at the table.
‘Susan I’m sorry to be early, but I had to see you on your own, to apologise for what’s happening. I know Dan loves you very much and I’ve barged in and stolen him. I feel bad, but it’s a chance for us to be ourselves. I’m sorry to be the bastard. I would never have dreamed this would happen.’
‘But despite this, you will take Dan from me and live with him, dream with him, love him?’
‘I can’t tell you how much it hurts sitting here watching the agony on your face. But, I love him, he loves me, what can I say? Sorry is worthless, trite, a nonsensical waste of time word.’
‘I understand, partially, what amazes me is that you accepted my invitation, despite the fact that in all probability, I’m just a tad shy of ripping you a new arsehole.’ She held her fingers a few millimetres apart to demonstrate how fragile the space between them was. He nodded and looked suitably abashed.
‘Not wishing to provoke you, but I think if I were you, I’d have done it by now. It would be worth the prison time.’ he grinned, she grinned, then placed her hands on his,
‘If I asked you not to do this thing, would
‘No, I’m sorry, but I want Dan in my life and my bed, I…’
Jukian shook his head and looked down at the table. His eyes grew wet with tears and he sobbed uncontrollably. Susan felt a dam burst and she too cried loudly, helplessly, hopelessly. They held hands and a strange bond began to form between them. Eventually Susan rose and found a box of tissues, placing them on the table between them. Julian nodded and began to help himself. Slowly they gathered themselves together and the house quietened. Suddenly Susan straightened and stood, the chair scraping across the tiles.
‘Bugger, I need to get on with the meal, sorry Julian, I…’
‘Fine, I’ll help, what do you need me to do?’
‘err, well there’s veg need preparing, potatoes to scrub, anything…’
‘Right let’s get on then, do you have an apron,’ standing he gestured helplessly to his neat clothing.
‘Of course, drawer over there, veg in fridge, knives in the rack, cutting board behind the bread bin. saucepans in the rack…’
‘Water in the tap?’
‘Daft sod.’ She nudged him with her hip, he giggled and held her close, kissing her cheek, he spun her away and walked to the drawer, pulling out an apron he tied it and made for the fridge. Susan meanwhile, a broad grin on her face began the main course preparation. She had pre-prepared the major part the previous day, she looked for a dish and turned to pass Julian.
‘Beef Stew?’ Julian said over his shoulder as she put down the large container of meat.
‘Boeuf bourguignon with shallots,’ she shouted tersely,
‘Beef Stew?’ he repeated with a grin, turning back to the vegetables.
‘Bastard!’ she grinned then turned back to him. Moving with purpose she applied the base of the large saucepan she was holding to his rear, her hands gripping the handle tightly. The resounding clang of the base hitting Julian eang round the kitchen
He yelped and leapt in the air, clutching his sore backside, he jumped round the kitchen shouting obsenities. Susan reduced to tears of laughter had her eyes closed. Slowing up he picked up the water jug, grabbing her from behind, he emptied the cold water into the small exposed portion of her cleavage showing. Her turn to yelp, she struggled free and pulled the sodden blouse away from her wet breasts. She was helpless now, tears of laughter falling, as Julian embraced her again, putting the water jug over his head and soaking himself and her.
Dan walked into the kitchen, a look of anxiety on his face. He discovered his wife, and his lover in a laughter filled embrace, soaking wet. They stopped, looked at Dan, then started again, holding each other up, tears falling freely. As sanity took hold they stopped laughing although neither could look at the other without starting again, they held onto the table inches from each other. Dan sat at the table trying to make sense of the scene. His look of bemused terror only served to start off Susan and Julian again, angering Dan.
‘What the fuck is going on?’ he shouted, banging the table. This made it worse, as Julian grabbed Susan and they held each other helplessly. Dan stood to leave but in a blink, Julian and Susan grabbed him and held him tightly. Facing Julian and with Susan pressed into his back, he accepted the kiss and relaxed. Julian turned Dan round, Susan kissed him gently. He sighed and tears formed, Holding them he hung his head down.
‘What is going on?’ he asked desperately, Susan sat him down as Julian sat one side and she sat the other. He reached out and each took a hand.
‘Julian arrived earlier and we talked, not a lot, he was helping me prepare the meal, we started larking around, it got a bit out of hand.’ she shrugged, Dan looked round at Julian, who grinned.
‘Probably my fault clowning around as usual,’ he winked.
‘I would suggest it was six and two three’s, we just went a bit too far, that’s all. It’s no big deal, trust me.’ Susan added. Dan nodded.
‘Jools, do you want to go take a shower, I’m sure Dan has clothes that will fit, don’t you?’ Dan looked bemused, but nodded. Julian nodded too and stood.
‘Here, I need to change too, I’ll show you the way. She led Julian out, as Dan sat there trying to work out what was going on.
In the bedroom she showed Julian the en-suite and left him to shower, undressing she went to look for a dry clothes and underwear. Suddenly she was aware she needed to pee and without thinking walked into the bathroom. Julian was stepping out the shower, his eyes widened and he grinned. Susan blushed, looking away but took in his manhood, however, she was on a mission, she sat on the toilet as demurely as she could and relaxed. Wiping she stood to wash her hands. Leaving she found Julian, towel round his waist looking in Dan’s wardrobe. Without a thought she whipped the towel off him, causing him to shout and turn. They stood naked looking at each other, grinning.
‘We have to stop this, it’ll drive him mad,’ Julian said hands on hips.
‘What wil… What the fuck… What are you two doing?’ Dan stood in the doorway, staring at his wife and his lover naked in the marital bedroom.
‘I think we’re getting to know one another.’ Julian said lightly, arching an eyebrow.
‘And I think we like what we see, he’ll do Dan, he’s perfect for you.’
Susan walked to Julian and hugged him, then walked to Dan and hugged him.
‘I’m going to carry on preparing the meal, want to join me Jools.’ Susan walked out the room.
Dan looked at Julian, saw the grin and sat on the bed, ‘She’s stark bollock naked, what the hell is going on?’
‘Nothing to worry about, Dan, I like her and if she cooks as good as she looks, this is going to be a scrummy meal. Don’t worry, I love you very much, and she is a good looking woman, we’re going to have lots of fun. Trust me, we’re going to be fine.’ Julian kissed Dan and left.
Dan sat there for a while, trying to work out what had happened to his life. Meanwhile he registered talk and laughter from downstairs. Sighing he removed his tie, shirt, the rest of his clothes and went to shower.
Half an hour later, Susan, Julian and Dan sat in the kitchen drinking the wine Julian brought. They liked the dark rich red fruity tasting wine and finished the bottle quickly. Dan rose to find a replacement. He strode to the wine rack and selected a bottle.
‘St Emilion, is that OK?’ he asked and saw their heads nod. Removing the cap cover he placed the wine between his legs and flinched, the bottle was cold on his bare skin. Looking up he saw the pair of them grinning.
‘Very bloody funny, how the hell did you manage to persuade me to come down naked?’ he asked as he fitted the corkscrew.
‘You love us?’ Julian surmised,
‘You’re taking a risk, against all your instincts?’
‘Oh very good, yes that’ll be it, you’re showing a new side of yourself.’
‘One we haven’t seen before, the daredevil…’
‘Devil may care…’
‘Mysterious and beguiling…’
‘Sexually aware…’
‘Fuck Off the pair of you,’ Dan said grinning, two fingers directed at them.
‘Is he always this charming?’
‘Jools, as you are no doubt aware, he can be a right miserable sod!’
‘Oi! I’m here you know, listening, is that meal ready I’m bloody starving?
‘OMG, his masters voice. Yes master, coming right up, as you command your immenceness.’
Susan stood and bowed low. Julian smacked the cheek of her arse and grinned. Susan stood abruptly grinning. Julian caught the glink in her eye and tried to stand. Dan beat him too it and stood between the two.
‘Enough, stop it both of you. Let’s eat.’
They nodded solemnly and between them dished out the meal. They sat, then Susan laughed, starting Julian. Dan put his head in his hands, he knew he was never going to win at this. They ate and talked and eventually the reached the end of the evening. As they prepared to go
upstairs, Julian whispered to Dan and then carried on upstairs. Dan turned to Susan.
‘Julian said it isn’t fair on you to use the spare room. He wants to ask you to stay with us tonight, in the same bed. He doean’t want to think of you alone.’
‘Are you sure, I mean this is the first night of your being out, so surely…’
‘I want it too. You mean so much to me, I can’t think of a better way of ending the evening, please say yes?’
‘OK, if you’re sure, I must admit, I wasn’t looking forward to the old spare room bed. Thank you.’
Arm in arm they went into the main bedroom, Julian emerging from the en-suite. They hugged and whilst Dan went to complete his nightly ritual, Susan and Julian sat on the bed. When Dan returned Susan left for the bathroom. Julian and Dan kissed passionately, Arms wrapped around each other. Susan returned and stopped momentarily. She walked to the bed and sat facing the oblivious lovers. Their hands roamed each other backs and they shifted to accomodate their growing erections. they unclinched and held hands, turning they spotted Susan. She nodded slowly and they smiled.
Walking to the bed, Dan moved to the middle, Julian went to one side Susan the other. Looking over she grinned, Julian raised an eyebrow. She laughed, Dan looked round at her.
‘Sorry, but you look like a yacht marina,’ she pointed to their erections standing up over their prone bodies. Julian got it and laughed. Dan looked perplexed. Julian lost it and began to laugh loudly. Susan joining him. Dan looked from one side to the other.
‘Dear God, please not this every night,’ he looked heavenward.
Twelve Months later…
‘Dan hurry, we’re going to be late.’ Julian jammed his second shoe on and winced.
‘You need to get a new pair of shoes, they’re far too tight.’ Susan scolded as she buttoned her coat.
Dan came thumping downstairs, trying to tie his tie in a windsor knot. He reached the bottom and Susan slapped his hands away and tied it expertly. Julian patted her backside. She grinned and turned, kissed him and opened the door.
‘Out, both of you. I’ll lock up, come on hurry.’
‘Thanks Mum,’
‘Not tonight! Both of you, best behavour, promise?’
‘Yes Dad.’ they chorused. Dan unlocked the car and they jumped in.
Ten minutes later they pulled into the school car park. Hurrying in they saw their friends by the door. Waving their friends held the door for them as they came running across the tarmac playground.
‘Dan, Julian, Susan,’ Peter Watkins shook their hands and kissed Susan.
‘Boys, Susan,’ Lesley Watkins kissed all three, then hurried them in, they quickly found their seats. Seconds later the lights lowered and the Pantomime began.
After the show they all went back to the Watkins’s for tea and cakes. The two girls went upstairs to play. The adults settled in the lounge. After the usual polite conversation they were relaxed and at ease.
The Watkins had accepted Julian into their circle immediately and unconditionally. As with most families, they were happy for friends parents to pick up and look after their children. When Peter’s Mum was ill, they had immediately asked Julian, who was collecting Lucy, if Charlotte could come back with him, so they could go off. Julian instantly said yes and offered to take Charlotte overnight, an offer gratefully accepted.
‘Fancy coming over for a meal Friday?’ Lesley asked.
Err, yes, we’ll bring some wine, that’s OK isn’t it?’
‘Sure,’ said Dan, Julian nodded, ‘Anything special?’
‘No just a few friends, a bit of chat and a meal.’
‘How many friends?’ said Susan archly as she spotted a flick of Dan’s eyebrow.
‘Just a few, four or five maybe…’ Lesley said, not sure what to say.
‘Odd or even number?’ Susan was colouring slightly.
‘Odd…ish.’ Peter said, ‘That’s OK isn’t it.’
‘Are you trying to set me up? Again?’ said Susan flaring red from neck to hairline.
‘Sue, please it’s just a bloody meal, we’re not trying to matchmake.’
‘Unlike two months ago, what was the ghastly man’s name?’
‘Eric, Eric Marler, he’s long gone, trust me.’
‘Would you mind if I held that in abeyance for a while. So who is it this time?’

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