Unconventional free porn video

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"Kill them all. God will know his own." The answer given by the knight who led the crusade against the Cathers in 1209AD when ask who they should spare and who they should kill in the villages they attacked. "Unconventional" By Quiet Savage From:[email protected] To:[email protected] I know who you are. --- From:[email protected] To:[email protected] What, do you want? --- From: [email protected] To:[email protected] I run a little "zine" rag I want to interview you about your stories. It was those stories that lead me to you, your computer is pretty cutting edge and you explained it so well. No one runs equipment like that unless they're doing CG and not as a desktop. I met you at OSworld last year; I just put the pieces together. Are we talking? --- From:[email protected] To:[email protected] Oh, we're talking. I call you soon. --- From: [email protected] To:[email protected] Do you need my number? --- From:[email protected] To:[email protected] That won't be necessary, I already have it. ==== Walter: (sound of papers rustling) This is Walter Mann taping an interview for Zine Peligro. It is 8:30 in the PM, so lets get started. Gorilla: Okay. Walter: so tell me how you got started in the revenge game? Gorilla: from childhood, if the truth is known. But "officially"? That was high school. I was... Well, now-a-days it's "Goth kid" no fancy names in my childhood though, only "queer." I was often a victim of bullying. I found comfort for my mind in a list of criminals and what was done to me. Walter: yes, we talked on the phone about that. I kept a list like that myself. I fancy myself a little of the old revenge artist too. You know putting super glue in locks and stuff, not as extreme as you; is that how it started? Gorilla: Much that way, but all that was simply an irritant and it didn't calm my mind; to punish criminals one must bring pain. My first inclination was to simply kill the bastards, which I still do, but I saw that the criminal must languish. There's a lot of people out there pushing around people smaller then them and those of us who push back must inflict pain. Walter: Did you say you killed people?! Gorilla: sure, it must be done, so I do it. I remember my first one - a stoner at my school. Such people confuse me. I mean, a person like that has his own problems and thinks of himself as being picked on by the world, I mean, you would think he would be sympathetic, but he was the worst asshole around. I was scared as hell but when I shot him it was so anti-climatic. It wasn't anything like from a movie or nothing; it was simply the way his faced changed. I wasn't even sure he was dead. For weeks after I was sure I would get busted but it never happened, that's when I realized I was on to something. It's also when I realized that simply killing the bastards wasn't enough, because that act simply left me empty. Walter: WOW! I truthfully must say that I'm a little disturbed. How many have you killed? Gorilla: truthfully? I've lost track off the top of my head. They say Bundy killed 35 officially and some say as many as a few hundred, somewhere in there. Walter: Well, if you don't kill them what do you do? Gorilla: Take something from them - burn their house or business, kill their dog, cap their knee. Right now I'm thinking of turning some guys into women. Walter: how do you get away with it? Gorilla: you simply got to be smart about it. I mean you use all kinds of deceptive tricks, surveillance, cons. And of course, just doing it. Ninety-nine percent of anything is making a plan and executing it. It's simply a matter of separating out what really can be done and then applying it in the real world. Walter: Isn't there a line between fantasy and reality? Gorilla: It's not where most people think. A fantasy is just something that isn't yet real. I mean at one time human flight was a fantasy but the Wright brothers made it real. A lot of people got a real problem with fantasy and reality. Walter: how do you mean? Gorilla: Well, years ago I started posting my exploits on the web, or back then it wasn't the "web" it was the internet and BBS's. I fictionalized all the names and locations and put them out there as stories. Some of them sent me notes telling me what I said was absurd. For example - a lot of people still leave their door unlocked when they leave. And I was in this guy's house and I saw that he'd just got one of those digital coffee makers. I bought one too and modified it to burst into flames, then I switched it out the next day. Soon his house was gone. Definitely cooler then a Molotov cocktail! So, I wrote it up on the Internet complete with detailed instructions on how to do it and I was told I was full of shit. I knew for a fact I wasn't! Walter: Did the guys insurance pay out? Gorilla: That time, yea. Walter: doesn't that negate the point? Gorilla: Not really. Being highly disruptive is often enough. I mean, you burn someone's house you take most of what they got. It's a lot of trouble to replace things and some things can't be replaced. I do have one trick that works sometimes, I call the anonymous tip line a week or two before and say the guy tried to hire me in a bar to burn his house and then I make a show of it being arson. That creates a real mess. It don't always work but it works enough I still do it. And sometimes things go all screwy; one guy is in prison for insurance fraud for what I did. He's serving the third... no, the fourth year of his prison sentence. I'm pretty sure with his behavior he'll get out early and (laughing) I'm sure his roommate "Big Bubba" will keep that sweet piece of meat's behavior real good. Walter: that seems harsh. Gorilla: not any worse then he did to me! I remember, he cut me off in traffic; he cut right across my lane to get to his exit! Well, I found out later it was his wife's car. Red is so totally a girl's color. I wrote down his license and got his address from the DMV for a pittance. I made sure he got what he deserved. I wish they all turned out that good. But like I said I'm moving on to better things like turning dudes into chicks. Walter: Yes, you mentioned that before what does that mean? Gorilla: Well, It's the whole transgender thing, I'm sure you've seen "chicks with dicks" web sites and what not. Most people who do that choose it because they feel they have been born the wrong gender, but I'm talking about forcing that on a guy. I even have my first victim picked out. Walter: That seems an odd thing to do. How did you come up with that? Gorilla: Oh, I've had the idea for some time. It first formed back in the 80's - I saw some bit about it on "Real People" or some show like that, I don't remember, but it was about transsexuals. Anyway, the person profiled chose it but I remember thinking what a perfect punishment for rapists, pimps, and child molesters and such. It wasn't till later that I found out that other people had the same idea. But something was off about them, I mean, I saw it as punishment but those people eroticized it. Walter: It seems even more odd to find it erotic. Gorilla: (laughing) that's what I use to think. But there it was, I remember looking at a magazine called "forced womanhood", I never owned the magazine myself but I do remember when; I think, it was the same magazine, was called "slave piercing and chastisement" I think. Or another and even earlier I, I mean I think, I saw prints by that artist for sale in the back of the cheap porno novels I use to buy. Or maybe all that happened at once. I remember a time when cheap porn novels only had ads for other cheap porn novels and not art or 1-900 numbers. If I thought that that in any way intersected with reality I'd have been on board sooner. I mean those dudes had all FFF or OO cup breasts! I guess it's the whole Tom of Finland thing, men are very visual and can understand something so over the top on an emotional level. I always wondered if female hormones change that. I mean, I would expect people that choose that are already pretty language driven anyway but what about those that aren't? But like I said, those images aren't reality; a person that looked like that in real life would be a freak. I don't think people truly realize how big 36DD really is. Like I said back then I thought the whole thing was absurd. Walter: So what's changed? Gorilla: boredom I guess. People who know me know my main motivation in life is to not be bored. This first one I have picked out is a keeper. Like I said he's younger then me, late twenties. To do that right he should really be like 22 to 24 or even better younger, as close to puberty as possible; ideally in the teens. Any way, I like his face; I think it would take well to feminization, that's what they call it "feminization." See a lot of young people over look the face, I mean a nice rack is good but 80%-90% of the time that's not the part you'll be looking at... I guess that's a "girl" attitude but there you go anyway. Also, he's not too fat, that's important, even for a guy like me that like's a little big. He does have his problems - the guy has light features so it'll have to be dyed darker. After all, all relationships need to be balanced, I need dark hair. The good part is that it's all ready grown out some. All in all, a good foundation. Anyway, I never was able to keep a real chick for long. Now all I want is a girl, and I use the term "girl" loosely, that I can keep in a cage and keep from running off. Walter: And where's he at? Gorilla: out of state, just outside the panhandle. I've been there. When people send me stuff and I'm in the area I go there and stand on their doorstep; I don't knock, but I'm there none the less. You can tell a lot about a person by they're neighborhood. Anyway, I drive past this guys place once a year on my way to my hunt'en ground. Oh there's this great outdoor store up there. It must cover a few acres inside, with a big animal sculpture outside and a display of stuffed animals in the center, they even got an aquarium with bass! Walter: Hey, small world! That's right down the road from my house. May I be so presumptions as to ask what this poor S.O.B. did? Gorilla: he couldn't keep his mouth shut. There's no worse crime in my book then loose lips. If someone can't keep his mouth closed he might as well have a cock shoved in it! This guy fancies himself a revenge artist too, but he's small time. I mean he read one of my stories and realized who I was and I wasn't joking and he sought me out. I mean I can't have people like that walking around free! Besides, like I said, he deserves it, he even smokes weed at his age. I have a nose for that stuff; I can smell it a mile away. I mean I use to drink and drug when I was younger but at some point you got to realize you're getting older and cut it out; lest it becomes a peter-pan complex. Like some forty-year-old man wearing tennis shoes or some thirty-year-old wearing blue jeans. I haven't worn jeans or sneakers since I was, well... it's hard to remember, like 23 or 24. And I never wore Wolverines because I thought they were cool. Walter: I must say though I sympathize with that guy, it's hard to get out of a habit. Gorilla: excuses! (sound of Gorilla sighing) In my limited world only a few people see redemption (another sigh) some of us have grown beyond those old ways and if you don't understand what is really being said or why something is there you should keep your mouth shut. He should have simply been happy with his limited glimpse of how the world really works. Walter: Maybe so. Again may I be so presumptuous as to ask how you're going to go about getting this guy and where are you going to keep him? Gorilla: I've had a few plans. The best I had was to rent a moving truck and go get him. I'd put a cage in the back, I got a Sun Pass so I could blow through the toll booths on the express way and stop as few times as possible. Of course, even though he'd be in a cage I'd shoot'm full of horse tranquilizer to shut him up. But now? well... you might say he's within arm's reach. Walter: wouldn't it be easier to start with a real woman? Gorilla: Well, I try not to bring women into my work too much, women need protection. Someone can't go through life without meeting some bitch girls. Like that don't put out after the second date, hookers that use mickeys, those that write checks in the express lane, or who talk the clerks head off while I'm standing right behind them! I don't feel too bad after I shoot a cunt like that. My first job was in a supermarket - I can't think of anything ruder then talking to the clerk. But what can I say; they need protection, even from each other. (laughing) They REALLY need protection from each other. Also, where is the technical aspect of it? I mean, anyone could do that; it seems so common and base. I think Kennedy said it best when he said something like, "you don't do something because it's easy, but BECAUSE it's hard." (laughing) Walter: But doesn't this seem terribly cruel? What about his happiness or pleasure? Gorilla: Well, that's a more interesting question. His pleasure? Well, I guess everything is relative, I mean lots of things are pleasurable. I'm not heartless; the punishment is to become my submissive girl toy not to lose sexual gratification. I'm going to, well, I mean I know all the tricks, from chastity belts to control release and capture arousal, DSMO on the head of the cock and from the first day all he'll get from me is a frig'en. And that's all he can expect - a hand job. But to be totally honest I fully expect him to lose all motivation in that area. Female hormones can be brutal on the libido as well as the ability to perform. I can't imagine a guy ever letting go and seeing such enslavement as normal. It's my hope he does but I realize he probably won't. And that constant acid tip for the first year won't help either. But there will be kindnesses if he goes along. Walter: How do you fund this? I mean the revenge, and this other stuff? Aren't the drugs expensive? Gorilla: Well, the revolution isn't funded by donations. I use to be low tech and steal scrap metal. I had a great score up north when I stole a bunch of nozzles off a ski resort's snowmaking machines. They even got on TV begging for them to be returned - no questions asked. What a bunch of wusses! Skiers, snowboarders and golfers and the like are some of the worst criminals I can think of. They think being in the outdoors means being out of doors. They're not environmentalists like people who ride dirt bikes or hunters. Walter: aren't you in the wrong state? This is prime golf country; even a longhaired hippy like me has a clubhouse membership for when I come down. Gorilla: yea, your hair's real preddy (these words represent a pause) Anyway, I melted them down and sold the aluminum for scrap six months later. I use to do a lot of things like that but now I've gone high tech. One thing I do is a smash and grab on doctor's and lawyer's offices. I steal a bunch of files and the computers, I'm usually in and out in under four or five minutes, then I ghost the hard drive to my terabyte server. (these words represent a pause) I remember when that really meant something, now a terabyte is with in reach of any dumbass with a credit card. Doctor's and Lawyer's computers are a great source of all kinds of interesting information about people; once you break the password or more often then not no password is set. The worst password I can think of is "password." (laughing) and that kind of thing is pretty common out there. After that I put some crap operating system on the computer and some warez apps and sell the whole thing on an online auction. I mostly do stuff like that now along with some other scams, I've even dabbled in identity fraud. Walter: Identity fraud? Gorilla: Yea, but I'm not hard-core about it. What I did a few years back is put some hardware key loggers on some of the computers at the local colleges and libraries. Soon I had all kinds of passwords for emails, bank accounts and what not. I opened some accounts overseas, usually the east or some backwards country, then transferred the money to Spain or France and then have them mail money orders to a mail drop here. A quickie check-cashing place later and I have cold hard cash. Now that's a lot of extra work and risk then most people would take but like I said before I like to be smart. It helps to have a working knowledge of a few languages, even if it is badly like me. It's especially important to note that it becomes an international crime but then again the story the authorities probably came up with is that it was an international crime to start with, which is the point. It's not like the old days of going through people's garbage. I still got quite a war chest from that operation. Walter: doesn't that conflict with your revenge idea? I mean, aren't you the criminal? Gorilla: Naaa, I'm not a criminal, the real criminals are out there. People like me keep this ridiculous farce of a society stable. If someone is so stupid as to use a public terminal for such things then deep down they want it to happen; not to say I don't got a lot of software key loggers in places that aren't so public, but still. Sometimes even they need it to happen - One guy's email account made it clear he was screwing around on his wife. It must'd been painful getting that giant red letter "A" tattoo removed from his face; I bet he still got a scar. Walter: Personally, I hate computers; I got an old Underwood at home I work on. But don't you use those computers to do stuff, you know, anonymously or do you just do it from home. Gorilla: Naw, only use those in an extreme emergency. I don't use my home broadband connection either, at least not for anything too serious. But it's not like anything in my home is in my real name anyway. I use to use fake dial up. Well, not really dial-up there's a lot of interesting things you can do with a modem and a phone line besides get on the internet. But now-a-days as more companies are using VPNs over the internet, and well, most places have a gateway or a bridge, so that's looking like the way to go. Most people have internet on their corporate desktop in the first place; you know, internet and intranets being connected. Anyway, I use to go to a cheap motel and what not. Now- a-days them free account disks you find in the garbage at the post office on Friday don't even require a credit card anymore. For short things I use to hook my modem to a pay phone through an acoustic coupler. Yea, I remember pay phones, all those colored boxes. Too bad they're fazing those out; if you don't have a cell you're a loser freak. But the bit rate over a pay phone was horrible. I bought one of those pay as you go phones and a fifty dollar card from a big electronics places, those are great 'cause their made for teens who don't have credit cards so they're easy to get in a fake name. It's generally safe to give out cell phone numbers too 'cause people can't do a reverse phone number search to your address, at least not easily. Anyway, I hooked it up but that was even worse, they compress the hell out of those signals it doesn't work too well even not using the modem on a digital network. Walter: you can do that? Gorilla: Yea, cell phones are great. I use to have this one that I knew how to get into debugging mode so I could listen to other people's calls. Back then you only needed a modified scanner, but it was cool to use an actual phone. It was hardly worth it though, reading peoples emails and listening to their conversations has taught me how truly boring people are - it's so much "what are you doing?", "nothing, what are you doing?" There's so many interesting things to do out there an' most people waste their time in clubs, bars, hanging out and what not. People are all so much the same... What were we talking about again? Walter: Something about using the networks. Gorilla: Right, Right... if I'm doing something that I don't feel comfortable with from home I simply drive or walk around with my old Libretto and find an open wireless network or simply go to a coffee shop. Stupid yuppie scum, God's gift to me, not only do they make the perfect marks they make it easy. Anybody that hangs out in a coffee shop is a retarded monkey. Most of the time even then I use an SSH encrypted chain of anonymous foreign proxies, after all they can track your approximate location by your IP address. There's a lot of information you put out there about you and your computer that you're not even aware of. And Webmaster's should check their logs because if you catch me on a bad day my spoofed user agent tells you exactly how I feel! (sound of Gorilla moving something on the table) Actually, I'm not half the hacker I use to be, it's so hard to keep up. (Sound of a Zippo being flipped open) Walter: "Hacker"? Don't you mean "cracker"? Gorilla: You are 'n interrupting bitch aren't you... Hacker? Cracker? Same difference. It's all about solving problems; only that the latter does it on the dark side. But, I'm not on the dark side. When the system is broken the best become outlaws; I do things not to hurt people but because the system is broken and I'm helping return it to the hands of the people. It's hard to keep up though. I mean once you get the concepts down it's easy, everything just revolves around some core concepts. But the rate of change and all, I got a stack of books in the middle room I'll probably never get around to reading. Sadly, my skills have pretty much degraded into simply downloading free "black" programs off constantly changing hacker sites and bad social engineering. It's barely worth getting a handle anymore, if you get known you get busted. Walter: All this brings up the matter of your identity. Gorilla: Well, right now I've been using a false ID so long that most people simply know me by that. Walter: you mean like teens use to buy beer? Gorilla: no, no, I need to make a distinction between what those kiddies have and what I got; I mean a whole complete backstopped ID, I actually have a few. They changed some laws around to make it harder, but it's still doable, luckily I had the foresight to get them sometime ago. But you know, that ID's not even my first line of defense. Walter: How do you mean? Gorilla: Most places don't really care whose name is on the bill so long as they get paid. Some people do something stupid like switch their first and middle name but I don't think that's good enough - a person's real name should never be on any bill. Sometimes they ask for social security numbers and stuff but I usually make that stuff up. It's not a good idea to give a totally bogus number to a bank or employer so I got several legitimate fakes that work for those kinds of situations. I use mail drops and stuff, I mean, stuff like that. And if I need something that's on the Fed's watch list I make up a front company, that's important now-a-days. Most of the time though it doesn't have to go that far. I mean a lot of the time people are happy to see what looks like an official ID, they're not going to do anything with it- Up until a few years ago when I flew I simply showed them a fake student ID and they were satisfied. Of course taking a gun on a plane back then was easier too. I've done that recently, but then again I have the skill set to make a gun that doesn't look like a gun. Walter: Ok, but if you're such a master criminal why do you live so... frugally? This apartment isn't very large. Gorilla: I told you I'm not a criminal! I have the highest morals of anyone I know! I keep my revenge war chest and my daily expenses separate. Otherwise, I'd be part of the problem. I have an LPN license and that's how I make my living money. If anyone's looking for some quick cash nursing is it - a few months of night classes, a few weeks of clinical and then your boards and you got it. You get more respect and money then working a service job. But to be honest, I don't like to work - I simply can not get on with people, I have absolutely no idea why, after all I'm just an average guy; it's the greatest tragedy in my life. Anyway, I mostly work in nursing homes for a few months to build up my funds then quit and live for a few months frugally. Them old people taught me that God is the ultimate revenge artist. You can be the biggest asshole fuck in the world but you get old and weak, go senile and lose control of your bowels. I hate working but those jobs are good for some things - a guy can never be bored in a room with both a file cabinet and a photocopier. Walter: It might be strange for some to think of you as having morals? But I can see it it's almost biblical. Gorilla: Now you're getting it! Most people misread that book, there's a lot of good stuff in there. Like Acts chapter 5, it's about this guy that tries to cheat the apostles out of some money and Peter, Peter if you remember is the one from John 18:10 who when on a hack and slash when they came for Jesus, but Peter cuts this guys belly open. And then his wife won't give up the money either and he pops a cap in that bitch too! I think a lot of people might feel different about that book if they realized Jesus traveled around with twelve men armed to the teeth. I can see him in today's world - riding a Harley across the country, a 1911 on his hip and his old woman; Mary; in the bitch seat... Ever watch cartoons? Walter: Aaa, ya, sure who hasn't? Gorilla: I always was a big fan of Mr. Freeze on the Batman cartoon show. He's not in it for money or power or joy; he is in it for justice. Freeze never wanted to be a hero nor a villain he only wanted to be left alone but the world couldn't even give him that. The Batman got sympathy for the crimes against him while freeze got blamed for what happened. The Batman was always reaching out to Freeze but you can never help Mr. Freeze, you can't pull him back from the brink, until he gets closure. When the light leaves you can't stop the darkness from returning. You see, darkness is everywhere - in people's hearts and minds, in the night and shadows. Go a million miles into space and it's there too. Darkness is more powerful because light needs to fight it. Darkness is more powerful because it doesn't need the light to exist. The darkness is submissive to the light but the submissive is more powerful. The light must constantly work and watch to keep the darkness at bay where as the darkness must simply wait for the light to get tired, burn out and go away. Sooner or later the dominant forgets the danger she is in, the dominant slips up. They say the meek will inherit the earth but the truth is the darkness will. Walter: Okay, that goes to motive... and going back, you're a nurse so that's how you get the drugs? Gorilla: I already got them. Some of that stuff has a short shelf life so I had to pick the right things and store it right. But I don't work anywhere where I would have access to that stuff or in the quantities I need, nor would I want to risk getting the police involved by stealing from work. (laughing) Well, I guess that sounds odd, but still. Anyway, there's a bunch of holes in the FDA's controls and I get them that way. I can get some stuff from over seas or even Mexico. I use to get my steroids down there before they started cracking down. And down there you really can get whatever you want if you know where to go, slip the pharmacist the right amount they'll sell, even tranquilizers or GHB. Oh, that reminds me you want something to drink? I'm a whisky drinker myself but I can fix you a girl's drink like a margarita or mudslide. Walter: No thanks. What about harmful side effects how are you going to regulate that stuff? Gorilla: Well, it's your loss; a drink would make all this go easier. Yea, the side effects? There's a bunch, blood clots and stuff, especially on the doses I have planned. I won't push it too much; at some point upping the dose becomes diminishing returns. But I'm not too worried about that, after all, the suffering would be hers and it's not like I haven't disposed of a dead body before. For me it's about the results - I won't get a "ten", but my standards have been lowered and I'm simply looking for something that's fuckable and I can keep in a cage. I want a real life doll I can play with and it doesn't have to be a perfect doll. I mean right now I can see his face; right in front of me - He doesn't have a protruding jaw or that annoying head ridge, the cheek bones aren't as feminine as I would like but I'm willing to compromise. His eyes are nice, the ears look pulled back. The hairline's not right but that might be an issue of style, if it can't be fixed I'll get him a wig or something. The real issue is his age and that has consequences. Walter: how do you mean? Gorilla: As I said before to be more natural you got to catch them close to that vital age of puberty, things don't seem to work out as well other wise. To be honest, though, I'm not too confident in the body at any age, I mean I'm a fan of big hips and that's partly a function of the underlying skeletal structure. But, you know, I guess, even X X girls have their own problems - it's hard to find a real girl that isn't a mess of cellulite and stretch marks. And like I said I'm willing to put up with flaws. I mean part of the fun is dressing her up in all her pretty doll clothes. And, that will be especially fun if he hasn't done that before. You ever crossdress? Walter: No. (a slight laugh, pages flipping) you talked about a cage do you actually have it? Gorilla: sure do, it's in the back you want to try it on for size. Walter: No thanks. Gorilla: Well, that was just a fantasy I guess. I actually modified the hell out of that room - installed bars, sound insulation, chains and pulleys, metal shutters over the windows. You kiddies and your wacky Internet, you get your stuff on there but back in my day we used the corner hardware store and made our own equipment. I hope to someday change it back. I mean it's my hope I can break him and he'll choose to stay but I don't think that that's realistic. I at least hope he'll learn to shut the fuck up, even with the sound insulation I've had to make arrangements. This condo is perfect - on a corner of a top floor, but I still needed a dead zone; I had to buy the place below me. You can scream your head off all day in that cage and no one will hear you. Walter: Scary thought... It's getting late. Know what time it is? No wait (sound of cell phone being fliped open) yea, it's late. Hey I don't get any reception, that's odd in town. Gorilla: oh sorry, that's my bad I must have left my cell phone jammer on. I hate when people use those in restaurants. Walter: Well, I think I got enough to finish the article. I should be going. Gorilla: No, I don't think so (sound of drawer opening) Walter: HEY! Gorilla: (sound of hammer being cocked) This would have been easier if you simply had a drink. Walter: You're not serious? Gorilla: SIT DOWN! Walter: Listen I.. (sound of crashing) HEY, DON'T HURT ME!! Gorilla: Well, if you go along I'll treat you real good. Walter: What do you want? Gorilla: I want a pretty girl, I want YOU. Walter: Please, don't do this. Gorilla: I do what I want, and do you know why? Walter: because you have the gun. Gorilla: (laughing, hard) you think that's why I can do it? (clunk of gun falling on the floor) pick it up, stop this now; shoot me, you got the guts? (pause) That's it point it at me... feels good don't it?.... now pull that trigger. Walter: (voice cracking) I can't, please. Gorilla: (sound of gun being slapped out of his hand and hitting wall) All you people are the same. (sound of Walter making a muffled cry) And, soon your body will match you mind - you fucking pussy. THE END Email address of Quiet Savage is available in the Bio's section of fictionmania.tv. Also see my website for updated, corrected and alternate versions of my stories.

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First Day Of Work

I was walking to my new job. Once I got there, I was introduced to my new boss, Miss Jordan Tutwhiler. She was tall, cinnamon brown hair, tan with icey blue eyes. She was beautiful. She said, " Hello, Miss Janglar." and I just said "hi". She showed me to my own little office. And told me what to do. I said "Thank you" then she left and I carried on. After work Miss Tutwhiler invited me to dinner. So we drove to her place and ate spaghetti and meatballs. Then she sat me down her couch. I asked...

2 years ago
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DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen

DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK II

I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the...

4 years ago
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Making the most of the mishap

Adrian gave up and left the side of capsizing canoe, choosing instead to concentrate on getting them both to shore. Elena swam, feeling silly. Her retro, canvas pants filled with water and she had to kick free of her wellies to save herself from drowning. In a few minutes they'd made it to the safety of the mud on the riverbank, sprawling on the black ground to catch their breath. Adrian wiped his hippie locks out of his eyes, succeeding in dragging silt across his forehead. Elena laughed,...

Quickie Sex
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Lottie and Tom Ch 03

I would just like to say a massive thanks to you, the reader, for staying with this story through the first two instalments to this, the final part. For those of you who have stumbled upon this, it follows on from Lottie and Tom: Part 1 & Lottie and Tom: Part 2. For completion I suggest you read those before this. All characters are 18 or over. As always, I welcome your comments and please, enjoy. ***** Chapter 1: The ‘fasten seatbelts’ sign turned off above us and I unbuckled mine...

3 years ago
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Daughters Dream 2

If you haven't read Daughter's Dream, then I would like to state that all characters are over the age of 16. Enjoy.I woke up the next morning in my bed. I licked my lips tasting a little bit of Daddy's cum on them. Hmm, so it had happened. Wonderful. I looked over at my clock, it was 9:00 am, Daddy should still be asleep. I'll just slip into his bed... I miss the feel of him, the feel of his warm hairy body against mine. I slowly got up only in a short shirt, and eased my way down the hall to...

3 years ago
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Zaks GiftChapter 6

Inet clutched the covers to her chest, panting and sweating in the aftermath of her vision. Her aide, Zaid, entered the room just then, having been awakened by her cries. "My Lady, are you well?" he asked. "It ... it is time." she said. "We must go. Now." "I have prepared your satchel as you requested." he told her. "Good." she said. He turned away respectfully so she could dress. She chose a simple, white muslin dress, stepped into her sandals, and put on her mother's Bastet...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Spring "It's so funny!," Kathy exclaimed as she poked lightly at Cal's erect cock. It bobbed away slightly at her touch before springing back into position like a pendulum. "All right!" Cal protested. "You've seen it! You promised to show me yours." "Just a minute." She said, sounding slightly annoyed as she stared at the strange protrusion with great intensity as if memorizing every last detail. She reached her hand around and grasp it, applying a light but firm...

3 years ago
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One Woman ManChapter 6

Kate Turner stood at the helm of the Lady Ester and watched a flock of brown pelicans as they flew across the bow, low on the water, in single file. They didn't fly in a V - unlike geese, they weren't migrating they were scanning the waters searching for fish. The weather was perfect for sailing - a sunny and warm day with a strong following breeze that keep the sails filled as they made their way toward Santa Cruz Island, twenty miles distant. It was just past noon and the waters of the...

1 year ago
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Amorous Agents

This story is a continuation story with characters from the Shadows of Resentment series. All characters are over 18. It is self-edited. Please vote and comment. ***** Keith was sick of the bureaucratic nonsense he had to put up with from the leaders in Washington. They really did not understand. It was not the job of his office to find lost pets or mistresses that ran away. He was an investigator. Standing at five feet ten inches tall, Keith ran his fingers through his thinning black...

3 years ago
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What Do You Do When

The weekend arrives and mom and dad are going out and I assume they are going to one of their swinger parties and won’t be home until early the next morning. So I do my normal thing when they are gone and play dress up and go out and hunt for dick. But this time I knew they would be gone and had already planned an evening of fun with a couple of guys I had met at the adult bookstore my parents owned. Once they left I called the two guys on the phone and told them to come over,that it was safe.

3 years ago
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My Freaky Fantasy 1

okay, it's been a while since i've gotten any dick, and i won't lie, i'm having withdrawals.. touching myself doesn't do it anymore. i've even tried phone sex, fingering myself while watching videos of girls licking each other. it's all getting repetitive. and to be honest? i want something different. something new. something.... freaky. hahaha.this is one of my many fantasies, and if you don't like it - suck it, slurp it and swallow, because i don't care. i'll be posting whenever i don't have...

2 years ago
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The Slave Princess Part 2

Morose and unkind, Unfeeling, unheeding, blind, The winds laugh and moan, Unknowing, unknown.– The Canticle of Menkeret ***************************** Night. I am alone in my cell in the house of Heshuzius. I am one of his possessions, a thing to be used, like a ladle. Or so he thinks. But I am no ladle, I am a sword, I am a rod of iron. Heshuzius does not know me, nor do any of these Darrakhai. I am a thing as foreign to them as snow is to the howling desert. I am alone yet I am never...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Madi Collins My Stepsis Is Extra

Jay Romero’s stepsister, Madi Collins, is so extra that it’s really holding her back. Jay tries to indulge her, but eventually his patience wears thin. He offers to help Madi stop being extra. Madi accepts, so Jay instructs her to put on a bathing suit and meet him in the shower. Madi’s first challenge is when she walks into the bathroom and sees that her stepbrother is naked. Jay patiently explains to her that no one wears a swimsuit in the shower unless they’re extra,...

3 years ago
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My Slut Wifes Day Off Part Two

It was in the middle of August on a Friday when I was scheduled to work from seven a.m. until one p.m. Then from one p.m. to five p.m. I was to go do some special training in the next town. I told my wife I would probably be late and I would call on the way home. She knew these training exercises always take longer than scheduled. She warned me that it was supposed to be a scorching hot day that day, and for me to drink lots of water. I packed up all my gear, loaded up my truck, gave her a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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In The Ass

She was so hot. I just loved to look at her as she left her apartment. No matter when or for what reason she look very sexy. She had the kind of body that just screamed 'fuck me'. And that is what I wanted to do. She was kind of short but had those perfect legs that gave the illusion of going on for ever. She had that long, thick hair that was just perfect to nuzzle in too. I watched her everyday, and I knew her habits. On weekdays morning she dressed in a short dress type suit. All stiff and...

2 years ago
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Met at the gym

I had heard of a gym in the downtown area that catered to men that liked to have sex with other men. I checked out their web site and decided to go check it out. Every since high school when I was attacked by three of the schools bullies and made to give up my innocence, I have had a hankering for male on male contact. No matter how many females I dated or bedded I always found myself underneath another guy from time to time. Matter of fact those same three bullies managed to use me for their...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Discovery Part 3

On Monday morning, the phone rang. It was Carol, inviting us to a party at their home on Saturday night. During the week, we talked about what might happen. Mary said she secretly hoped some more pictures would be taken, and that she would like to be tied up. I called Bob on Saturday morning and asked if he could arrange a “special” time for Mary. He said that another couple would be there, and they would ensure a good time would be had by all. She took extra care in preparing for the...

3 years ago
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Me and Hannah go camping

"ok im coming sorry!" I really couldnt believe i was aloud to take my best friend with me camping and sleep in the same tent. This really was going to be a weekend to remember. now a bit about myself im 16 and love sports and i dont mean to brag at all but because i love sports my body is fairly toned in a muscular way. i stand at around 5'9 with brown hair that comes down and just over my ears and have dazzaling blue eyes apperently. Now Hannah i had know since i was a little kid and...

3 years ago
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The Gardener

The Gardner. My name is Robert and my wife of five years is called Angela and earlier this year we signed up to a bigger mortgage than we could comfortably afford to pay but we simply had to buy the cottage we now lived in as soon as the estate agent showed us around it. We had often dreamed of owning a spacious cottage in the country and to find one so secluded and possessing the period features we craved, as well as having a large garden, meant that we had to break the bank to make sure it...

1 year ago
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AEBN Pornstars

As betas, you guys know that every environment has an alpha. Whether it be work, the bar, home, or even the grocery store, you're always at the bottom of the totem pole. You can't get any respect no matter where you go. You even get punked at Dungeons and Dragons gatherings.Smoking Totem PoleYou guys hate this power dynamic because it never falls in your favor, but it's impossible to avoid. Humans stratify society where ever we go. We can't help ourselves. And when an alpha like me runs into a...

Premium Pornstar Sites
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THE Harem Tales 5 InkieChapter 2 Tiptoe Through The Tulips

It had been a long trip and Helva’s crew and passengers were ready for a break on a planet - especially a planet as beautiful from orbit as was Azahar. Helva had been with The Good Ship Lollipop - Lolli to her crew and friends - when the two ships had returned their loaner crews to Nova Roma along with the thousands of new colonists promised as compensation for the loan of the two crews. During that portion of the voyage, Lolli and Helva had made several ports of call en route, and the time...

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 31

Kat and Vlad spent a lot of time together, since he was the head of her 'security team'. She was amused by the euphemism, knowing that they were her jailers and sure that most of them would much rather just shove her out an airlock and be done with it. She was not confined to her cell, exactly, but she was not free to roam either. She could take meals in the common mess if she wanted, but doing to was a hassle to everyone involved. Her guards would clear an area of the mess, ejecting...

3 years ago
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How my Ex loses her virginity Fantasy part 1

It was dusk, and the darkness was crawling through the woods rapidly with no hesitation. So swift did the darkness come, we were enveloped in its embrace within minutes. It was just the few of us, Laura, Steve, Bill, Mike, Dmitri, and I wondering through the woods at that point, lost and out of energy to think of a way out. I never knew how cold it could have gotten, with forceful chills running down my spine. It was unbearable, and I can tell that the others were feeling the same cold...

1 year ago
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“Welcome to the Transgender in STEM Symposium hosted by the African-American Transgender Alliance. I’m Ericka Scott, the program coordinator for the AATA. And today, we have quite a treat for you. We have a panel discussion with four Black transgender persons who all work in the fields of science, technology, engineering, or math. Interestingly enough, all of them also completed at least one of their degrees at an HBCU. After that, we’ll have some breakout sessions focusing on STEM education,...

3 years ago
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Detectives Journal Chapter 5

Frank I awoke from an awesome dream in the most erotic way with a head bobbing on my morning woody. My eyes were clearing from sleep, and I saw Alexia’s mouth slurping up and down like she was trying to consume me whole, not quite achieving that, but I really appreciated the effort. It was so erotic watching her tits swaying against my thighs with her erect nipples pointing the way. This was confirmation that last night was not just a dream. ‘Well, good morning to you!’ ‘Goog moorig,’...

3 years ago
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A weekend with my sister

I was in my senior year of High School, and my parents were heading out of town for a long weekend. I wasn’t going with them, but I didn’t really feel like staying at home by myself either. So, my older sister agreed to let me stay with her for the weekend. Thursday night I got there, and that night was a pretty normal night. We hung out and watched movies, having a great time together. The next day she took me around her school, hoping she could convince me to come to school there as...

1 year ago
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Arabian NightsChapter 3

"Only one word of advice I can give you; don't resist them," Sarina whispers into Michele's ear. "Thank you Mistress," Michele responds. "You won't thank me when they deflower your tight little arsehole," Sarina responds. Although obviously American she uses the English word arse, rather than ass. "I can't and won't help you once we are inside. You need to know I am not your friend; I am your Mistress. In fact I'm going to rather enjoy watching them take you." "I have seen...

4 years ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Four

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Thursday: Sex Education Chapter 16 "Good morning!" I welcome Vicki into the house, out of the dark cold morning and into the warmth and light. She looks tired, if I'm honest, and slightly irritated that I appear to be fresh as a daisy and awake. What she doesn't know is that I've been having to get up this early every morning for the last week. This is normal for me. "Coffee?" I ask with a smile, drawing my robe around me and bustling...

3 years ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingOttawa

Or that’s what I had been planning to do. It had struck me again, as it has a million times before. I bolted for the door. I was terrified. How would it turn out? Would they fight? Would they hate me? What if I settled down? What if I had to be a parent to my children? What if I became ... trapped? It was craziness. I was already to a distinct extent a parent to most of my children. I visited Kelly and Cheryl frequently. I spent most holidays there. I probably spent an average of a month and...

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How I Slept With Neighbor Couple

Hi, iss readers this is Mallika, I am an house wife got married 2years back About myself I am a native of village near Rajamundry, I am 24 years old fair with busty physic I am so shy girl so my parents didn’t send me out for graduation so, I have done my graduation in my town only, and they married me after completion of my degree even though I have an idea of doing job. My husband is good and work determined, he works at an oil company near Krishna Godavari basins, so after marriage we...

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A Long Hard Look part 2

My gait got slower as I stopped to think about what was said and done on the bus. My panties were soaked everytime he would look at me, even before that day. I always had to cross my legs together in order to avoid embarrassment and a possible orgasm on the bus. Although I've often wondered what that would be like... just to have someone's eyes glued upon me as I worked my magic (touch!). They could even be masturbating as well... as long as we would all gather in the enjoyment, perhaps even...

1 year ago
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Rosa was a young Filipina girl only 18 years old and still a virgin. This wasn't because she wasn't interested in sex; instead it was because all of the boys her age seemed to be just too timid and unsure of themselves. Rosa wanted her virginity to be taken by an older, more experienced man, one with the confidence to just take what he wanted from her. Rosa's parents had arrived from the Philippines right before she was born and they were very conservative. They attempted to push this onto...

1 year ago
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The Back Of The Bus

I burst through the doors to the bus station and sprinted to the ticket counter. I checked the schedules: only ten minutes until the 1:30 departure. I stopped at the first ticket window."One way to Toronto please!" I managed to pant out."39.50 ma'am," the old woman behind the glass said flatly. I dug out a couple of twenties, took my ticket and ran without waiting for change.I sprinted up to platform 11 and onto the idling bus. I immediately headed for the back. I enjoyed the privacy especially...

4 years ago
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It was very lonely in my room, but it had been lonely in allof the rooms I had lived in. My Mother and Father had been killedin a car, bus accident during my first semester at college, SinceI had no other relatives and no money of my own I had sold theirhouse and with the life insurance money and the settlement fromthe bus company, I was relatively well off. I had decided tocontinue at college and was able to live well and pay all of mytuition. But now having graduated with a major in...

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The Half LilinChapter 13

So I picked up the cup of coffee and tipped it to my lips. Even the taste was divine. Strong, rich and exquisitely divine. It felt wonderful on my tongue and lingers even after the first sip. It kept me alert, my senses awake. I could feel the presence of the the other angels of death in Tartarus. I could count each and every one of them and could tell exactly what they were doing. I closed my eyes, enjoying the brew's wonderful effect on my mind, heightening my senses as I started to get...

1 year ago
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Laura Part 31

We got to the room. Darlene and Joe were naked in no time flat. Darlene immediately started sucking Joe's cock. Laura and I got naked and Laura started sucking my cock. Darlene let go of Joe's cock and asked Laura if she could join in. It was exciting looking down and watching two women playing and taking turns sucking my cock. Darlene reached over and gave Laura's tit a squeeze. Laura returned the favor. I thought I was going to see 2 women make out. I had all I could do to not orgasm...

1 year ago
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The teacher part two

Epilogue from The : Part One: Our heroine, Ellyn, has been having these strange feelings inside of her for years, and while she is unable to go to her mother with her problems, she decides to confide in her english teacher, Miss Gray! She confesses to her teacher that she thinks she is a lesbian, and as we found out, Miss Gray turned out to be a raving bull dyke!!! After inviting our young innocent to her apartment, Miss Gray then has Ellyn satisfy her orally for several hours!!! Our story...

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Like Cats and DogsPart 3

Sharesh awoke early the next morning, and languidly stretched her way out of bed. She let Vannah sleep, the poor girl had worked hard last night, and the sheets would need changing as a result. She slipped into the large bathing room, and performed her morning ablutions. As she emerged from the bathroom, she saw movement under the door to the hall. Someone was outside her door. She smiled, thinking it was either a message or, better perhaps, the page. She silently padded to the door and...

2 years ago
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I was feeling that I had finally hit rock bottom as I lay on the bed that I was assigned at the mens shelter! It was a type of work program where you had to work for your keep some guys went out and collected clothing at the many boxes the organization had all over the state then the clothes were sorted the good ones were resold at a thrift store the others were sold as rags baled into huge bales they were then sold to a company it looked like a pretty lucrative racket to me the owner drove a...

4 years ago
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Best friends

I was meeting my friend after soccer practise. We were 17. I was the shy slightly geeky one and he was the jock. I loved hanging out with him. He was always so much fun and never treated me like the other guys that were the popular jocks. He always listened to me even though I was very soft spoken. We could talk for hours about movies, books, videogames and pretty much everything. I met him outside the field and he asked if it would be alright if we swung by his house. He'd like to shower and...

2 years ago
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how i fucked my classmate

Hello all. I am Nick(name changed). I am 23 years old ,5.8 ft height 7 inch penis ,average built and here is my sexual experience when I was a third year college student. Sushila(name changed) stood about 5 foot 2 inches with long black hair, well developed nice round ass, and nice sized tits. I had known her for quite a while, and we were friends. She would wear sexy tight clothes which would bring my cock to full attention in no time. One day in the class room, I looked up and noticed that...

3 years ago
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Julies New JobChapter 5 Joans story

Well, thing have gone great for me since I got Julie's sister Mary to go to work for me. I was still in college, with Julie, Mary, and some other girl friends. I always thought that Mary was going to be a frat slut, and when I was able to introduce her at two different fraternities, she became their 'little sister'. Of BOTH frats. I knew that her older sister Julie would make a first class slut also, but she was more resistant to that type of lifestyle. I tried all of the way through...

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The Poolside Question I Was Not Expecting Part 1

I met Jeannie just a few weeks after I first met her mother Kathy. Kathy and I met through some mutual friends and hit it off immediately. Over a few too many drinks one night we realized that we were both bisexual and we were also quick to admit that we were attracted to one another. One thing led to another and for the last five years, Kathy and I have been lovers. We both have our own lives, me and my husband and she and her boyfriends, but we get together, just the two of us, every once in...

3 years ago
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Union in CrisisChapter 13

Pan would have been almost unrecognizable to those he had left behind at the Citadel only a couple of weeks before. Never a muscular man, he had always had the wiry, whipcord strength of an athlete, a runner. The past weeks had pared that down to the most basic essence, stripped every ounce of fat from his frame and re-sculpted him. His cheek bones stood out like knife blades from his sunken cheeks and his jaw, always strong, had a chiseled look of weathered stone. His eyes, normally a...

2 years ago
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Fun In India Bride Cousin Is Wet For Me

Hi everyone, this is my first story on ISS and I am willing to get feedback, please mail me at – I will always reply. ? The story I am about to narrate is not fiction. It happened to me a year ago and it kind of changed my perspective on sex. I am 24 now, but I was 23 when this happened. I work with an IT company in Texas, U.S.A. But in those days, I was visiting Goa for a cousin’s wedding. I had no idea the wedding would change me, as a man. I used to be a very reserved man, I thought love...

1 year ago
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The Skate ParkB l o o d Sweat and Tears

The Skate Park—Bl o o d Sweat and TearsTime went on for the next few years with nothing out of the ordinary happining. Dustin 16 now I was aproaching 21. Still mowing, and more painting now. Still making a porn here and there for Mr. Johnny. I told him I was content for the filming fee—he could keep sales and commissions. Prolly should keep it in the big towns cause the smaller ones might recognize me from football fame. So we kept it to Dallas/Ft Worth, Houston, San Antone, and Austin. There...

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Carla The Cute BBW Teacher

I've seen Carla around town a lot over the last several years. I'd often run into her in the supermarket or the drugstore, but in the last few months, our paths have crossed a lot at a local deli. It turns out that we both stop in for our morning coffee around the same time at the same deli. We would often have small talk and would joke around as we stood in line. Sometimes (usually in summer) she would have her son with her, I think he's in third or fourth grade. As I got to know her from our...

4 years ago
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Deacons TaleChapter 3

The new people knew their business just fine, didn’t need lessons in tracking, just local knowledge, asked nice too. Took me a few days to get the team set and the other wolf pack territories marked up on the team’s maps, told them part was guesswork, but the main boundaries were solid. They even had their own lye soap or something like it, not a whiff of anything, not even spearmint gum, that smell spreads on the wind, might as well carry a bell as chew that stuff. Took the papers with me...

2 years ago
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SATURDAY AFTERNOON I met her when TA, was 19 years old, she had already been in a bad, and very abusive marriage, she left, and lived for a short time on the streets. That is where I had met her, she offered me anything I wanted for $50.00. I gave her a hundred, told her to get into the car. We have been together for the last couple of years. Now, she seems to be my shadow, as we are always together, I was 61 in November of this past year, and people are always asking if she is my daughter or...

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26 December 2006Chapter 6

One of the kids at the table next to them threw a toy onto the floor, and the Dad had to lean over closer to Dan to pick it up. Dan’s fingers froze inside Wendy’s pussy. All he had to do was look up, and he’d see his hand between her legs. While her husband was leaning over, the woman looked directly at Wendy. She smiled and waved her hand at her. That’s when Wendy realized that the woman had been watching Dan fingering her pussy all along. Wendy was too far gone to care they were being...

2 years ago
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How I Fucked A Busty Sexy Housewife

Hi all the readers of this site. This is my first story. Please send your feed back on So that I can share my other stories. Come to the story. I stay in Bangalore & work for an MNC as a team leader. This story is when I was about to bike a new bike around six months ago. I was suppose to get some money from my company as award for my new idea which was successful. But it was bit delayed due to year end. But I had booked already a new bike & I had sold my old one also. So I thought of take a...

1 year ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 07

VII Girl next door The events of the day had stunned me. I had had no idea things might go this far. Not only had I just rendered worthless the marriage vows on which I had based my life for twenty years, not only had the sex been utterly out of this world, but to cap it all this sexy, vivacious young woman, her whole life before her, had just pledged herself unconditionally and with every appearance of desperate sincerity to a fat, bald, middle-aged married insurance manager. I thought long...

2 years ago
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Our First TIme

I clung to him as he thrust in harder and harder. His length rubbing against my walls, rippling over my g-spot. I moaned as he kissed his way to my neck, moving my hair aside he sunk his teeth into my neck. I gasped trying to remember how to breathe. I felt the sweet pain run from my neck to my pussy, making it contract hard around him. He stiffened and stared right into my eyes. He slid his hand up to cup my throat and pressed down slightly. I arched up and moaned. I looked like a cat in...

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