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Sex-Slave Wife

Helga awoke slowly, her head pounding. Slowly she opened her eyes and her senses began to come into focus. As consciousness returned to her she began to take stock of her situation. She is strapped naked to a ridged metal chair her head is strapped tightly across her four head to the chair, a large ball is stuffed into her mouth and strapped around her head.
Her torso is also strapped across her shoulders and below her breasts crossing over her arms just above the elbows. Her arms are positioned on the arm rests of the chair and strapped just below the elbow and at the wrist. Her legs are also strapped one to each leg of the chair above and below the knee and at the ankle. Her hands are spread flat with each finger separated as far as they would go and are strapped across the back of her hand above the wrist. Her fingers are bolted to the chair with metal cable between each of her knuckles.
She begins to sense pain, her head pounding, the gag bit deeply into her skin and her jaw is cramping painfully. Panic overtook her, Helga began screaming into the gag and struggling wildly yanking her arms against the restraints with tears rolling from her eyes but movement is imposable, escape imposable. Helga struggled futilely until exhaustion forced her to stop and breathing heavy with sweat dripping from her body she began to focus on her surroundings.
With her head held immobile, she cannot see much of the room she is in but there is a small light above her head allowing her to see only a few feet beyond where she sits. The room is cold and silent and no light seeps into the room from outside nor can she see the walls to the room from where she sits. As the minutes pass Helga searched her memory for an answer to how she got here, she remembered leaving work walking out into the parking garage standing beside her car, beyond that her memory is blank. Again tears began to flow down her cheeks; tears of frustration, pain and fear. Suddenly she hears a disembodied voice coming from the darkness.
“Helga Chambers, 20 years old 120 pounds 5 feet 6 inches tall firm size C breasts” Hearing this Helga began to squirm again, low whimpering sounds began to come from her gagged mouth. The voice continued.
“k**napped last night she has only just recently awoken and has no idea what is in store for her. She will be tortured, broken and rebuilt while all of you and the rest of our members watch from across the world.”
At that moment, the entire room was lit with dozens of bright lights revealing to Helga, for the first time, that she sit in a viewing room and her predicament is being viewed by an audience of hundreds. The light was bright and Helga was forced to shut her eyes to shield them, but even when opened she saw only a blur through her desperate, tear filled eyes.
After hearing the voice, again she burst into desperate, yet futile struggling. Every muscle in her small body flexed against the restraints. Her outstretched fingers tried to close into fists, but even that small bit of freedom was denied her. Sweat dripped down her chest, belly, and thighs, her hair hung limp and plastered to her restrained forehead with sweat. All the while Helga let out long shrill wails into the gag, which succeeded in keeping even her desperate cries for mercy restrained and helpless. Oblivious to, or encouraged by her struggles, Helga could not tell which, the voice continued to narrate for the audience what was about to happen to her.
“We will begin the program by spending some time on the whores’ breasts.” A figure stepped out from behind the chair Helga was attached to and moved into her view. Helga’s chest heaved up and down as she took quick shallow breaths desperately trying to maintain her composure.
The figure moved around in front of her, and unfurled a whip with at least a dozen 10 -12 inch individual leather strands dangling from its wrapped leather hilt. Helga’s eyes went wide as she saw it, but true fear set in as she noticed that each leather strand had tied into it 5 or 6 metal spikes. The spikes were X shaped and tied around the middle so at least one sharp end would hit every time.
She had no time to react, as soon has her eyes focused on the whip it came down hard across her right breast. The pain caused a new wave of wails and struggling causing the straps around her wrists and ankles to cut into her skin. The whip tore into her breast cutting her in several places; blood began to drip from the wounds mixing with beads of sweat collecting on her chest. Again, the whip fell this time across her left breast, three, four, five, and six times the whip fell against her unprotected skin its target alternating at random.
The whip fell many times over a period of 30 minutes or so, at the end of which Helga’s once beautiful almost perfect breasts were left a shattered, scarred mess. They were cut in dozens of places blood oozed out of them and dripped onto her stomach and thighs. Her right nipple was ripped completely off and blood flowed from it freely.
Helga sat sobbing uncontrollably, having no other escape, air puffed from her nose causing snot to drip out and over the gag covering her mouth. With only her nose to breath through she is forced to blow the mucous from her nostrils to clear them. At this point, the voice began again.
“We will now increase the whore’s pain by shifting our attention to her fingers. We will remove the nails from each of her finger tips.” There was a brief but discernible cheer from the audience and new sobs from Helga, her arms tensed against the restraints, and her fists attempted to close again. However, these struggles were half hearted as acceptance of her helplessness made her realize escape was imposable. Her lack of struggling was made up for with her sobs and screams of utter despair that came from deep in her throat, and was muffled by the gag.
“The whore was injected earlier with a stimulant that will keep her completely aware throughout this process. She will not faint nor will her mind block out the pain, she will endure it all until the very end.”
With that, the same man who had whipped her but never speaks moves to Helga’s left hand pulling into Helga’s view a cart full of assorted instruments; scalpels, drills, pliers several different types of gags, and a small metal spike. Her tormentor reaches for this spike holding it into her view. The spike was about 6 inches long and only slightly thicker then a needle. Helga’s entire body tenses as she begins to understand what is about to happen and despite her earlier acceptance instinctively begins pulling her hand away in desperation, but again it avails her nothing.
With the spike in his left hand and a pair of pliers in the other he thrusts the spike under Helga’s left pinky fingernail working it in deep then pulling it out only to thrust it back in again.
Helga, insane with pain and fear yanks and thrusts every muscle in her body, anything to escape the pain. A constant indiscernible, but audible wail of despair filled the viewing room and would continue to fill it, much to the pleasure of the viewers, for the next 6 hours as Helga’s torment continued.
Screams came from the television as Greg Richards sat watching his latest purchase from the Brigant society, a DVD of a young woman being tortured. This was already the third time he had watched through the 6 hour program, and as the video reached the part where the brown haired girl was having her teeth removed Greg found that his mind wandered.
He very much enjoyed the film, getting off on it twice already, and it had cost him enough; but that was how it was if you wanted the highest quality. Lately his mind has been preoccupied by thoughts of his whore of a wife that he has grown to despise over the years.
Greg thought of his wife Ann, who he had married 7 years ago when she was only 21 years old. She had been beautiful both physically and mentally; back then. After 7 years she was still beautiful in every way; physically. Greg thought of his wife’s appearance describing her to himself in his head as if to focus on her appearance specifically. She was about 5 ft 7 inches in height with long black hair that reached to the middle of her back, her body was a perfect curve her breasts firm and round. He thought about how her tits use to fit perfectly into his hands when they made love. Rounding out her features was a slim waistline with long beautiful legs coming together to form the tightest ass he had ever seen.
Greg’s cock began to tingle at the very thought of Ann’s beauty. The feeling was short lived however, as Greg’s mind wandered further from the video, and onto his wife’s least attractive, yet unavoidable features. When he had married her, Ann had a personality that was as beautiful as her body. Greg thought bitterly about it. How the whore had changed, how she had turned away from him after he found out that he could not have k**s. From that point on she would never look at him the same again. He recalled how she would demean him in front of others, making jokes about him to her friends. Telling them, he was less of a man because he could not have k**s. Laughing and giggling about him with her friends knowing that he could hear what they were saying.
Greg began to get angry just thinking about her, his filthy bitch of a wife who had abandoned him physically and emotionally years ago. Once she found out that, he could not impregnate her she lost interest in him sexually. At first, she put up a brave front, trying to pretend she desired him, but that was even worse. The pretending did not last long and over time she stopped having sex with him all together. It had been years since he had even seen her naked, and he longed to see her again, to have her as his own again, to make her obey him as she always should have.
It was because of her that he had spent his life savings and called in every favor he had just to join the Brigant Society so he could purchase from them videos that would satisfy his unrequited lust. They could at least give him pleasure where she refused. Now Greg was ready to risk bankruptcy again to teach his wife a lesson and to set her straight once, and for all.
He had recently learned that the society in addition to the many other services it provides, offers its members for an additional fee, k**nappings upon request. The service allows members to pay to have a particular person k**napped, and then allows the member to stipulate exactly what they want done to the hapless victim. This is when Greg got the idea for a little wife training.
Ann Richards stood in her bathroom combing her still wet hair after her nightly shower. She wore only her light blue silk bathrobe that was tied at the waist and reached about midway down her thighs. She thought about her husband who had mysteriously gone out tonight with only a vague explanation as to where he was going. She did not very much care what he did anyway; they had both been divorced emotionally for years now, but it was unusual for him to go out on a Saturday night.
She considered why they did not just make it official by getting a divorce, but she realized that neither of them wanted to face their families after the fuss they had made about getting married so young. Not a very good reason to stay married, she knew, but Greg had a good job and at least she could spend his money whenever she wanted, and she did, looking down at her silk bathrobe a half smile forming on her face.
Finishing her combing she put down the brush and headed out of the bathroom and into her adjoining bedroom. Ann walked gingerly and did not notice the dark figure standing beside the bathroom doorway as she past. Before she could react, a strong hand came down over her mouth and an arm went across her waist pinning her arms to her sides. In one deliberate motion, she was silenced, immobilized, lifted off her bare feet and brought down hard with her face to the floor.
Her attacker straddled her sitting on her back with his left hand still clamped over her mouth muffling her screams and pinning her arms under his knees. With his right hand, he pulled a blue ball with a leather strap weeded through it from his pocket. Ann could barely process what was happening to her. She began to panic as her faceless assailant removed his hand from her mouth and immediately forced the blue ball into her mouth. It filled her mouth completely, holding her jaw open painfully she tried to dislodge it with her tongue but he had already fastened the leather strap around her head. This prevented the ball from moving and muffled her increasingly panicked cries.
After gagging her, he forced her wrists into the small of her back and bound her hands palms together with what Ann guessed was a plastic cable tie. It dug into her skin as she tried to free her hands but it held. Ann’s attacker continued his assault by cinching her arms above and below her elbows with more cable ties. He pulled the ties tight and Ann grunted through her gag in pain as her skin was pinched and her elbows were brought agonizingly close to each other.
Tears were streaming down her face, struggling only caused her pain and she new it would avail her nothing anyway. She thought bitterly about her husband if he had been here this would not be happening to her, but he was useless. He was not even here now when she needed him the most. Sobs now pouring out of her as her attacker continued restraining her.
Her attacker bound her legs above and below her knees as well as her ankles with plastic ties. He then forced her ankles up toward her bound arms and affixed her ankle ties to wrists leaving her hogtied. Ann bit down on her gag as the position began to put constant pressure on her wrists and ankles cutting off circulation and tearing at her skin.
The man ignored her pain, moved over to her head, and knelt down beside her. The man pulled a small backpack into Ann’s view. Ann trying to focus had not noticed the bag before and assumed he must have been wearing it when he attacked her. She watched as the man pulled from the bag a roll of duct tape that he, to her horror began wrapping around her gagged mouth. He wrapped the tape around and around starting just below her nose and continuing down to her chin. He wrapped the tape around the back of her head over her hair several times, sealing off her screams and cries.
He then moved to her hands and grabbing them roughly. Ann tried in vain to squirm away from him. She tried to close her fingers into fists but they hand already gone numb, leaving her hands as defenseless as the rest of her body. The man unconcerned with her struggles continued his work on her hands. Forcing her thumb deep into her palm then closing her fingers into fists around it. Then proceeds to wrap tape around her entire hand, repeating the process on her other hand trapping her thumb and fingers uncomfortably into useless bound fists.
Finishing with her hands, the man walks back to his back pack lying near Ann’s head. As he does this, Ann, in panic attempts to free her trapped limbs pulling at them despite the pain. She struggles to move her body side to side and eventually manages to tip herself onto her side. Finally, exhausted she falls limp, realizing in despair all her struggles accomplished was to cause the ties to cut her skin and to tip onto her side, which got her nowhere. It is now she realizes that in all her struggles her bathrobe had come undone at the waist and had flopped open revealing to this monster her naked breasts.
Sobbing and with sweat, glistening on her recently washed skin Ann let her neck go limp allowing the top of her head to rest on the floor, her sobs interrupted only by her need to breath.
Ann glanced over at her attacker able now to get a better look at him while lying on her side. She could see now that he was in fact dressed in all black covered from head to toe including tight leather gloves with only small eye holes cut in his mask. Ann thought briefly that if she ever got the chance she would have no way of identifying her attacker.
Her thought was broken when the man, who now held in his hand a blank cloth hood, turned toward her. Moving to her the man pulls the hood over Ann’s head and cinches it around her neck, tight enough to prevent it from slipping off, but not so tight that it strangled her.
Terror grips Ann again as she is left in total darkness. Instinctively, she summons her arms to pull the hood from her head, but again the only response she receives is more pain from her torn wrists, yet her sobs continue unabated.
Ann had little time to think about her newly darkened world as strong arms reach under her, scoop her up and fling her onto her attackers shoulder. She was blind, but could still tell she was being carried downstairs, and to her horror, toward the front door. Nothing done to her so far had terrified her as much as this new revelation, Ann now understanding how bad her situation truly is.
She thought, this is not just some robbery where she would be found, embarrassingly, but otherwise unharmed hours from now by her husband. Nor was it a break in and ****, a terrible prospect of its own, or course, but she would otherwise be alive and home. Her mind crying out in desperation, but no, this is a k**napping, which will most likely involve **** then eventually murder.
Again out of an instinct for self preservation Ann struggled in the mans arms but he held her firmly over his shoulder pinning her torso to his chest with his right arm and holding her in place, on his shoulder with his left arm.
Ann searched her mind for any last shred of hope, as she is carried out of her own home and into the cool night air. Maybe this is for ransom she thought; maybe all this guy wants is Greg’s money. Briefly, she is hopeful that all she will need to do to survive this is to wait for the ransom to be paid. The hope is fleeting however, as she quickly realizes two fatal flaws with this idea. The first being that while Greg did make a good living, he did not make nearly enough for a k**napping to be worth the time and effort, although so far her attacker did not seem to be having much trouble with the k**napping part she thought ruefully. The second, but even more painful reality was if this was a ransom situation, she was not sure at all that her husband would even pay it.
Ann stopped crying as her mind tried to make sense of what was happening to her, but new tears began to flow as she realized that her husband would probably be glad that she was gone. He did not love her anymore, and even she would admit that she had been cruel to him. With these thoughts running though her head, Ann hears a door being opened. She is then tossed roughly onto a thinly carpeted surface that she can only guess is the interior of some kind of vehicle, she then hears the doors slam shut.
Ann is left alone now, in darkness and silence, her only companion being the humbling thought that her only chances of surviving this would soon lie in the hands of her husband. Her husband who will be the first to notice she was gone, her husband whose responsibility it will be to call the police immediately so they can start looking for her, her husband who might have to pay a ransom for her. Her husband, who she had shunned, emasculated and humiliated in front of her friends, her husband whom she had refused to touch for years now, and her husband who on so many occasions, she knew, could barely contain his contempt for her. She sobbed uncontrollably as she lamented her hopeless situation, and she heard the unmistakable sound of a car engine starting, and felt the gentle vibrations as the car roared to life and began to move.
Ann stood on the balls of her feet as she struggled to relieve the pressure mounting in her wrists and shoulders. She was tied with her arms pulled above her head, her wrists held with rope that bit into her skin. Her ankles cramped painfully as the rope holding her wrists forces her to stand on the balls of her feet to maintain contact with the floor. Her legs were left unbound, but the small bit of freedom would do her little with her arms tied as they were. The gag however, that had been stuffed into her mouth was still firmly lodged between her teeth causing more discomfort and helplessness.
At some point she had fallen asleep Ann remembered, or the bastard had d**gged her. All she knew was she woke up here hanging like this, and she had no way of knowing for how long.
The room she was in resembled a shower room, tiled from floor to ceiling with a drainage trench running along the base of the walls. The room was lit dimly, by a single light in the ceiling.
Ann jumped and let out a small yelp through the gag as a large metal door swung open, and a man walked in. The first man was then followed by two more, with one of the men carrying a medium sized box. Ann watched as the first man walked up to her and stopped just three feet from where she hung helplessly.
“The life and identity that you once knew is over.” He said calmly. Ann twitched pulling slightly on her wrists causing a sharp pain in return as the ropes dug deeper. Continuing, the man said “you have been taken from your life, and will never be allowed to return to it. Now we will take from you your very identity destroying forever the Ann Yates that you were, and creating in her place a submissive, obedient, whore. We will begin your transformation by teaching you to answer to your new name.” he then held into Ann’s view a long leather whip.
“From now on you will only answer to the following names; whore, slave, or filth.” He spoke the words as if he had said them thousands of times to thousands of women.
Ann recoiled in fear pulling to get free, while screaming pleads of mercy through the gag. “Please don’t do this! Oh please I’ll do anything; just don’t hurt me!” Ann screamed these words and many others like them, but only she could hear them, for the gag transformed her words into only semi discernable and disconnected syllables.
At that moment Ann caught in the face of her tormentor something that chilled her to the bone. In his face she could see that even though her words were muffled he knew full well what she was saying and what she wanted. He had heard it thousands of times and it only excited him more. Hopelessness began to settle on her now, as she came to grips with the reality that this was going to happen, and she was powerless to stop it.
To Ann’s surprise, her tormentor began removing her gag, grabbing a hold of the tape and ripping it off her, winding it around and around until it hit the final layer that was pressed against her hair. Without pause he yanked the final layer of tape from her head, ripping clumps of her hair out from the root causing her to scream through the gag that still held her jaw painfully open. He then removed the gag by unfastening it from behind her head and removed the ball that had been lodged between her teeth for hours.
As soon as the gag was removed a rush of relief as well as a small amount of hope that this ordeal may be coming to an unexpected ending; Ann repeated her earlier pleadings. “Please I beg you, don’t do this! Let me go, and I will do anything for you, get anything for you, please!”
“What is your name!” was her only reply as the man raised the whip above his head. Ann paralyzed with fear and shock said nothing. She simply froze in place not sure what to do. Then the whip fell, streaming across her chest from the top of her right breast up over her shoulder, and finally resting its savage momentum on her shoulder blade. Pain swelled across her chest and now perfectly audible cries were let loose from her now unfettered mouth. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, Fuck!” she winced in pain, but then another fell upon her this time across her belly, this was followed by another then three more after that, in rapid succession. The whip fell across her tits, thighs and then two more dealt punishments to her ass. Finally, unable to take it any longer Ann let out in a raspy exhausted voice,
She let her head fall limp her body dangling from her wrists.
Her torturer stopped his whipping.
“Good. Good job whore, you are learning fast.”
Ann’s torturer stepped out of the light for a moment and returned holding a long needle about six inches long. He held it up so she could see it clearly.
“Whore, would you like to suck my cock?” he asked nonchalantly.
He stood waiting for her response. Ann hung there again not sure how to answer, not knowing which answer would give her more or less pain. But fearing punishment if she hesitated to long she blurted out the honest answer.
“No. No please don’t make me.” She managed to speak in a low trembling voice.
The torturer did not even react nor did he hesitate he simply brought the needle down and began pressing it into the side of her tit. It pierced her skin easily and drops of brood began trickling out.
Ann screamed in pain and horror as she felt the needle rip her skin and tear through the tender tissue inside her breast. The needle seemed to penetrate her forever. She screamed and kicked her legs, twisting and turning trying to escape it. Finally the needle penetrated through to the other side. But the pain remained as the wound burned and throbbed. Tears flowed down her face soaking her face and chest.
The man reached over and produced another needle and just as before held it so she could see, but this time he asked no questions. Instead, the needle came down and penetrated straight through her nipple in the same tit as the first needle.
Panic over took Ann has the needle came at her again. She had not even recovered from the first needle and already she felt it press against her sensitive nipple. She let out a wail as it broke the skin and was pushed into her. Her cry was broken by sobs as despair was her only companion. In he pushed the needle and the pain only increased as it sank deep into the once beautiful breast.
“Stop, Oh god stop, I’ll suck your cock please just stop hurting me.” Ann cried out in a desperate plea to stop the pain.
The man stopped and looked at her.
“Do you want to be gang ****d and sodomized in all your holes?”
Ann hesitated for only a fraction of a second as his words sank in, but that fraction was all it took. The man grabbed the needle lodged in her nipple and began twisting and pulling it in and out slightly causing the needle to chew away at the tissue in her breast. Fresh agony shot through her body. Her voice hoarse from screaming let out another shriek as she felt the needle tear at her.
“Yes Jesus Christ, I want to be ****d! Fuck, it hurts.” Ann let out the words as if held in against some enormous pressure. She didn’t care she just wanted the pain to stop. She sobbed uncontrollably and a wave of pure exhaustion fell over her and she gasp for breath.
“Good. You’re learning how to be a good little whore.” Ann’s torturer patronized her. But she was to out of it to even notice and she barely felt the cold misty spray that hit her face just below her nostrils. Within moments Ann felt her consciousness slip away from her and darkness fell around her as her eye lids closed off the light in the room.

Ann lay on her back on a hard metal platform inside a small cell. She was still naked and her arms were tied painfully across her chest. With her left wrist being tied to the right side of the bed and her right wrist tied to the left. Her shoulders burned with the pain of being stretched to the extreme and it prevented her from moving even a tiny bit without great pain. Her legs were tied to the sides of the bed at the ankle leaving her spread and exposed. The ball-gag was also back in her mouth. When she first awoke and tried to sit up in addition to the shooting pain in her shoulders she felt another sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Ann had no idea what it was and she had no hope of being able to inspect the area in her current position. She could not tell how long she had been locked in this room, which had no windows and no light. She sat in total darkness. She awoke a while ago and found herself here. Her breasts still stung and throbbed from the needles. Ann assumed the needles had been removed but she could not tell for sure. Every part of her body ached from her earlier tortures as well as the uncomfortable position she was stuck in for what had to be hours at least. To compound her discomfort Ann had to use the toilet and she used most of her concentration to hold in both her shit and piss.
Tears had fallen steadily since she woke up but her dehydrated body had run out of tears. Now she laid there wondering what she had done to deserve this horrible fate. She had been cruel to her husband that was true, but surely that did not justify this being done to her. She wondered what Greg was doing now, was he worried about her, was he trying to find her? Or, and this thought chilled her to the bone what if he thought she had left him. She had threatened to do it many times and he would remind her how he owned everything and she would lose it all if she left. Ann would respond by threatening to leave anyway, but she knew she never would she was too use to the life style. But what worried her now was that what if Greg just assumed she had left him as she said she would and left all her belongings behind. If he thought that her disappearance wouldn’t even be reported. She sobbed quietly as her thoughts reminded her how hopeless her situation was.
There would be no deliverance from this hell and Ann had to use all of her strength to except her reality without going mad at the sheer thought of it. She laid there in pain and unable to move for hours waiting for someone to return and resume her tortures. And as time wore on she had no choice but to release her bowels and bladder, not able to hold it any longer. And the wretched stench of her own mess invaded her nose and she used all her will power not to vomit, with the gag in her mouth she would surely drown. At this point Ann begged god for them to return and relieve her of this slow torment even if it would mean fresh pain at least she would be out of her current predicament, but the hours continued to pass.
Eventually they did finally come for her Ann had no idea how long she had waited but all she knew was it was far too long. She was released from the bed and allowed to shower and finally given some food and water to eat. She had forgotten he last time she had eaten and it was the first small amount of pleasure she had felt since being a*****ed. It would not last long however and Ann was eventually lead still naked by two men into another room that had a metal table set in the middle of it. The table had four legs with support bars connecting all four of the legs a few inches from the ground. As she was lead closer to the table Ann could tell it was exactly waist height to her and she soon found out why. She was bent over the table lengthwise and her arms were pulled over the other side of the table and bound with several thick cable ties to one of the support bars near the floor. Ann didn’t struggle much as they bound her she knew these men would over power her easily if she tried to escape. Her legs were spread and tied to each table leg at the ankle. She was now painfully stretched over the length of the hard table completely nude and totally exposed and finally one of the men spoke.
“You begged to be ****d and now you will get what you wanted.”

Ann tensed as he spoke. She was not surprised that she would be ****d she had expected it from when she was first taken but to hear out loud and to know it was coming any moment sent chills up her spine and she pulled a little at her wrists but they were tight and not getting loose. She froze as three naked men entered the room and approached her. One took position at her head and the other from behind while the third stood off to the side. Ann was suddenly staring straight into an erect cock.
“Oh shit wait I… I didn’t mean….” Ann started to protest but she was cut off as the man rammed his cock into her mouth and began thrusting in and out. At the same time she felt the other man penetrating her pussy and began pounding away at her. The pain was intense as her pussy was fucked dry and her delicate insides were fucked raw. All the while nearly choking on the cock being jammed down her throat. Then before she had even adjusted to the double fucking another searing pain shot across her back and a guttural moan was muffled by the cock in her mouth. The third man was biding his time by whipping her across her exposed back. Ann yanked at her bonds instinctively but it only cut her skin and gained her nothing. And again the whip came down and she yelped and gasped for breath between the man’s thrusts.
For several minutes this continued until both men shot their loads into her. She felt there warm cum shooting deep into her pussy as well as down her throat and overflowing down her chin. When the men were finished the too who had fucker her left the room and two more entered and just as before one of the new men stood to the side and the man who had whipped her before took position at her back and the other new man stood at her head. Ann’s despair was complete as she realized this would continue endlessly. But her thought was cut short as the she felt her tight ass being invaded by a hard think cock.
“NO PLEASE!” but again she was answered with a cock in her throat.
And the thrusting began from both ends and soon after Ann felt the sting of the whip across her back. The pain in her back and ass was incredible. Ann could not believe the pain as her ass was torn apart from the inside as it was fucked totally dry. This cycle would continue unabated over and over again an endless stream of cocks would just pound away at her. Always one in her mouth, but the men would alternate from pussy to ass every man knowing to switch. This would go on nonstop for most of the day then Ann would be released from the table and lead barely able to walk on her own to a shower to be cleaned. Then she would be given food. And was forced to exercise on a tread mill for 40 minutes she was then allowed to sleep for a few hours. Ann would then be woken up and brought back to the room where she would be returned to the table and the fucking would continue without pause for 18 hours a day. As this routine went on Ann’s psyche began to unravel her former self striping away and leaving a hollow sell in its wake. She did not fight, and no longer hoped for release or even death she was incapable of even comprehending her situation ever improving. She simply endured, day after day and **** after ****.

Greg sat nervously. Twitching with angst as he waited in the large banquet room for his wife to be returned to him. It had been a month since he had her a*****ion arranged by the society. It was the longest month of his life but it was finally over and he would get to have his new slave wife he had paid for. He was not alone in the room. Many other society clients waiting like him, or were just here as members enjoying the facilities. Several companion and pain slaves wandered about the room, a few companions flirting with some of the members doing their jobs as hosts. Others served drinks and food and all slaves were in various states of near nudity most of the companion slaves were only issued a very narrow wardrobe consisting of mostly leather thongs and six inch heel boots and bikini like leather tops.
Greg noticed a man enter the room, another member. He was followed a few paces behind by a woman most likely his companion slave. But she lead behind her another woman being lead by a leash around her neck clearly this was the pain slave Greg thought. As the group approached however Greg thought he recognized the pain slave. As he watched them approach it dawned on him the pain slave they led behind them was the girl from his video, Helga Chambers the name occurring to him. He stared at her in fascination. She was naked and her head and body had been totally shaved, her teeth had been removed and her jaw was held permanently open by metal rods drilled into the jaw bone. And she had bloody blisters where her finger and toe nails would have been. Greg’s cock instantly responded as he watched her pass and was able to see what had been done to her. She kept her eyes pointed toward the floor and made eye contact with no one. He watched her be lead away from him and his impatience was at its height now.
Greg thought of Ann again. He had wanted them to turn her into a sex slave and had always assumed that would be enough for him but after seeing little Helga he began considering the possibility of turning her into a full blown pain slave with all the ensuing modifications. But he could decide that later for now he could not wait to see what they had turned her into. And after several more minutes finally a man emerged and behind him was his naked wife being lead by a leash much like Helga had been. Greg nearly came in his pants seeing her like that and he fought to contain himself. The man approached him with Ann in tow. She had her eyes to the floor and did not notice him yet.
“Greg Richards, the society delivers to you your trained sex slave as you requested.” Greg’s cock almost exploded as the man spoke the words. Greg looked at his wife and could not help but notice with delight as she heard his name and understood for the first time that he was the reason this had happened to her. He saw her body stiffen and he thought he heard a small whimper out of her but he could not be sure, but she did not look up did not look into his eyes. It was at that point that he knew her training was complete that even now after learning the truth, she still resisted looking at him because she had been trained not to look a man in the eye.
“You will not have any more problems with this one Mr. Richards.” And the man handed Greg his wife’s leash and Greg took it from him. Greg stood there now holding the leash and staring at his naked terrorized and once confident and strong wife and he commanded her for the first time as he would for the rest of her life.
“Kneel before me slut!” he surprised himself at the force behind his words but he watched as Ann knelt before him as she was ordered. She did not look up and simply waited for further instructions.
“What is your purpose, slave?” he asked. Ann answered without pause.
“I am a slave and you are my master and my purpose is to serve my master in any way that he wishes.”
Greg could not believe how well this had turned out, and he was satisfied. He pulled on his slaves leash and ordered her to follow and she did without hesitation and he lead his broken wife out the door and toward her knew existence of total servitude.

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Whereas Guenter H., Legally identified by passport no. … issued on … by …, Retired business executive, born on …, 1947 in …/Germany and living at … in D-xxxxx L…, Known in the net as slave gunnarsub and registered as Sklavennutte Guenter in The Slave Register under Registration Number 326-878-134, thereafter for purposes of this document, called "SLAVE" has agreed to give up voluntarily all legal, civil, and human rights in order to become the unlimited slave property of the OWNER and whereas...

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Slave Ownership

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The White Slave

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Slave Training

Heather was waking up from her nap, and was regretting it already. She wasn't a nap person, and was now facing one good hour of headaches. It beat facing the full brunt of a seven-hour long flight, but for some reason, the headache was really severe this time."Hmmmngh...dammit..."She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and cute features marred by baggy eyes and a few freckles. She certainly couldn't be confused for a guy, even with her tendency to wear practical male clothing, but her body...

2 years ago
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Slave Training

Heather was waking up from her nap, and was regretting it already. She wasn’t a nap person, and was now facing one good hour of headaches. It beat facing the full brunt of a seven-hour long flight, but for some reason, the headache was really severe this time. ‘Hmmmngh…dammit…’ She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and cute features marred by baggy eyes and a few freckles. She certainly couldn’t be confused for a guy, even with her tendency to wear practical male clothing, but her ...

3 years ago
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The Darkest Slave Queen

Dealing in the darkest parts of the underworld had its upsides. For a start, it garnered me a lot of money. Filthy amounts of it, especially from the slave and weapons trade. For another, I had... oh, other illicit comforts in my life. A slave of my own, for instance. Every morning, when I woke up, I never used a standard toilet for my wastes anymore. Instead I would undo my lovely slave’s gag and she would press her lips worshipfully to my asshole to eat what I dispelled. Or she would gently...

4 years ago
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Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt

                                             Jane and Carol at the Great Slave Hunt.                                                 CHAPTER ONE     ?You'll enjoy it so much, Jane,? Carol told her enthusiastically. ?Just think; a whole three weeks in role together!?  Jane was dubious. Her cousin's proposal was exciting, but Jane had never role-played before strangers and she inwardly quailed at the very idea of appearing naked in public. But, deep within, a queer little thrill at the prospect...

2 years ago
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First Slave

First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman.  That was her cue.  She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening.  This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl.  They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young.  The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled.  Angela wished that she could whisper something...

3 years ago
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Mistress Vera and her slave part 2

Mistress Vera and her slave 2Chapter 3Upstairs Mistress Vera had changed. She sat relaxed on her sofa wearing a simple t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. She was talking on the phone. “Yes at eight,” she said. “Yes okay I‘ll see you soon, bye.” She hung up the phone but almost immediately picked it up again and began dialling another number. She talked to various people before she finally stood up and wandered into the kitchen. There she selected a cookbook from a shelf and opened it on the table,...

4 years ago
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Sexy Secretary Slave Search 1

PRELUDE - slender sexy blonde beauty lovely Lea, an awesome and amazing applicationMy naughty need for a sweet sexy and equally obedient secreary topping my page got eager applicantsMy secretary needs to be well read and eager to learn languages, in order to sort out all my poetryMy vacancies are a few. But first I need a wise woman slave to train younger secretaries on the jobSlender sexy sweet lovely looking Lea has been a very foxy friends for years. No surprise she'd likeShe sent a short...

2 years ago
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Submissive slave positions

Bara This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment. On stomach, face down and turned to the left with wrists crossed behind back. Ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.? "Bara!" he snapped. I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too. I lay there in confusion, in obedience. He went to pick up the binding fiber which had been removed from my ankles by Tupita, from my wrists, a bit before, by...

3 years ago
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Torturing Slave Allie8217s Asshole

Greg gave the rope that tied his sweet slave Allie’s hands behind her back one more good pull just to make sure the bindings where secure. The young, blond woman was bent over in bed, a stack of old towels supporting her so she could comfortably lie with her ass in the air, Allie was unbound other than her hands, and that was less to restrain her but more done as a comfort, Allie loved bondage, it made her feel safe and loved and for the things Greg had planned this evening his...

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