An Unconventional Beginning free porn video

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AAuthor’s Note: This story was written at a reader’s request. Thank you for the idea and for pushing me out of my usual box! This is a stand alone short story and I do not intend to make it into chapters.


Avery flicked her eyes over at her co-worker Trevor, the two of them were often scheduled together for the late night shift at the 24 hour dry-cleaners since they were both students who took their classes in the afternoons and so could rearrange their schedules the easiest out of all of the employees. It wasn’t glamorous work, but the graveyard shift paid pretty well and the owners didn’t mind if they did their homework in between customers. In the city that never sleeps there weren’t too many 3am customers, but it had been known to happen.

The other upside of working the late night shift was her co-worker himself. He was twenty two, just one year older than her, and freaking gorgeous. Muscular and tall, he was a 6’4′ feet tall, which meant that he made her feel petite despite the fact that she was 5′ 8′ and taller than the average female. He had thick, wavy brown hair that he curled around the nape of his neck and the kind of ruggedly masculine features that made most of the girls on campus, Avery included, swoon whenever he walked by. The man could be making money as a model but he chose to devote himself to biochemistry instead. And work the graveyard shift at a laundry mat. Sometimes he wore geeky t-shirt too, which should have made him more approachable but it didn’t.

Even though she wanted desperately to start a conversation with him, she could never bring herself to do it. Most of the time, when she tried to think about what she might say to him, she came up with nothing. After all, she was a history major with her focus on Renaissance England. He was a biochemistry major with his focus on something smart that she didn’t understand and the one time she’d asked him about it had only increased her confusions, not to mention her feeling of looking like an idiot while he tried to explain to her about how some molecule attached to another molecule and… she couldn’t even remember the explanation, much less why it was important to his field. Ugh.

Tonight he was wearing a ‘Firefly’ t-shirt, which was one of her favorite tv series – even though it had been canceled (criminally) after only one season and she was dying to ask him if he was a fan, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it because after talking about the show, where would the conversation go next? No where. It would just start something that she couldn’t finish and so she wasn’t going to do that. Instead she contented herself with drinking in the gorgeous sight of him bent over his text book, studying in earnest. Gorgeous, smart, slightly nerdy if his t-shirts were anything to go by… the perfect man and yet he was so far out of her league it wasn’t even funny.

Suppressing a sigh, she reached for her phone in her purse, thinking to text her best friend, Rose. It was something she often did while working the graveyard shift, so that at least she could gossip about how incredibly sexy Trevor was. Maybe if Rose could suggest a second topic of conversation, so that there would be something more to say after asking about his t-shirt, then Avery could get up the courage to actually try and talk to him. But her phone wasn’t in its usual pocket. That wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary, she usually tried to put it in the same place but sometimes she just tossed it in without thinking and then had to search for it. Hauling the large bag up onto her lap she began to dig around inside of it, as quietly as she could so as not to disturb Trevor’s studying.


‘Shoot,’ she muttered under her breath, grabbing her car keys and putting the purse down.

‘Everything okay?’ The deep rumble of his voice almost made her knees buckle, just as she was standing up. There should be some kind of warning bell that set off before Trevor was ever allowed to speak. He had the kind of deep, bass voice that sent vibrations through a woman’s stomach, straight down to… well, places that Avery didn’t have much experience with. Just his voice was as good as an orgasm. Not that any man had ever given her one of those, but she’d managed to find her own way using a vibrator. Rose had meant the gift as a joke, but Avery had gotten plenty of use out of it. Especially after she’d started working the graveyard shift with Trevor.

‘Um. Fine. Yeah. Forgot my phone.’ Avery cursed herself for sounding like a complete moron. She was smart dammit! And friendly, if not outgoing. She should be able to have a conversation with a guy, or at least answer a question without sounding like a completely fool. Deep breath. ‘I um, forgot my phone. I’m just going to run out to my car to get it.’

‘Okay, but you’d better hurry back,’ he drawled. ‘Otherwise I might be overrun by needy customers before you get back.’ The wink he gave her made her stomach do all sorts of flip flop melty things as she skittered a laugh, trying to cover up the blatant desire that he might want her to hurry back because he liked her company.

‘Right. Sure,’ she said breathlessly, and then turned to head out the back door, practically fleeing the scene.

Stupid Avery. Why would he like her company? She couldn’t even talk to him.

Every time Avery was out of the room the whole atmosphere seemed to lose a little bit of its luster. Trevor sighed, feeling frustrated and pathetic. They’d been working together for months but she barely noticed him. He admired how studious she was, but he wished that she was just a little bit less studious. A little bit more talkative. The few times he’d tried to initiate conversation she’d barely responded. Lately he’d resorted to rather pathetic attempts of wearing t-shirts that were meant to be commented on. Not that long ago he’d heard her talking to a customer about her favorite TV show, Firefly, so he’d watched it and bought the shirt. It was a good show. He’d thoroughly enjoyed it. But he’d love talking to her about it even more.

Especially if talking led to sitting closer to her, close enough to get more than just an elusive wisp of the honeyed vanilla scent she always wore. Avery was stunning in the wholesome girl next door way that Trevor liked so much. He’d never lacked for female attention, but most of the girls that came after him made themselves up more than Avery did. They wore lots of make-up, put enough product in their hair to make it stiff and unappealing, and wore tight, revealing clothing. Which, okay he had to admit, was fun. But he wasn’t truly interested in them. Great, he was good looking, had a body that girls seemed to want, and he knew he was a damn good lover. But for the first time in his life he’d found a girl that he wanted to pursue and had realized a vital conundrum – he’d never been in this position before. Girls had always come to him, not the other way around. He had no idea how to go after a girl that he wanted.

Cheesy pick up lines weren’t good enough for her. Neither were the seductive suggestions that popped into his head sometimes. He hadn’t known, until he met Avery, that he always relied on the woman he was with to steer a conversation. Avery wasn’t like that. She wouldn’t talk just to talk.

By now he’d figured out that Avery was shy. He just didn’t know how to break through that bubble. Not that she seemed interested in breaking through it. Avery had plenty of friends, she was always texting them even during the late night shift, and she was obviously a good student who was focused on her studies. Which was probably why she wasn’t coming after her. But that didn’t mean he didn’t want to go after her. Show her that she didn’t need to be studying all the time to be a good student. Lately he’d been hoping to impress her with his own dedication to doing homework and studying, but she barely seemed to notice his presence. So he was stuck just sitting and watching her, fantasizing a
bout running his fingers through that long dark brown hair of hers that was always secured in a pony tail that reached halfway down her back, wondering what kind of underwear she was wearing under her jeans and those slim fitting t-shirts and sweaters she wore. Doing his best to catch an occasional glimpse into those sparkling hazel eyes. Wondering how soft her bow-shaped pink lips were and if she’d taste as good as she smelled.

All in all it was pretty infuriating.

Dammit. Enough was enough. He didn’t care if he had to tie her to a chair and throw her books in the trash. When she got back inside they were going to have a conversation.

Just then the door chimed and he looked up with a smile on his face. Avery was coming in the door looking pale as milk, her wide eyes startled and frantic in her ghost-like face. Next to her was a person in a ski-mask, a firm grip on her upper arm, and they had a gun to her head.

The only thing keeping Avery’s legs from collapsing was the sure knowledge that if she made a sudden and unexpected move, she’d surely be shot. It was also the only thing keeping her from going into complete and utter hysterics. When her eyes met Trevor’s across the length of the floor, she wanted to moan. Horror flitted across his face followed quickly by an intense rage and she had the sudden, hysterical vision of him leaping across the counter and taking down the bad guy. Followed by a horrifying vision of him dead on the floor in front of her for trying it.

‘Don’t even think about it,’ the guy holding the gun to her head said, his voice calm and sure. Avery closed her eyes and gulped, but when she opened them again this awfulness was still happening. He’d accosted her before she’d even gotten to her car, having seen her exit the building. The entire time he’d been giving her directions, he’d also reassured her that he didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Strangely she believed him. But she also believed him when he said that it wouldn’t completely ruin his night if he didn’t get what he wanted either. ‘If you do what you’re told, I won’t have to shoot her. Now stand up. Slowly.’

The quiver in Trevor’s jaw was further evidence of his rage at his impotence in the situation. His hands were fisted by his sides as he stood. Avery could sympathize with him. Guys like him would take a robbery like this personally, feeling like they should be able to do something about the situation. But he would never risk her, because guys like him also didn’t ever put a woman in danger. So he had to do what the bad guy was telling him to, even though every bone in his body must be screaming that he should stop the robbery. Take down the bad guy. This was his territory and now it had been invaded and he couldn’t do anything about it because she had a gun pressed to her head.

It made her feel like she’d let him down abysmally. She was so stupid to have gone outside like that, at this time of night, without even looking around to see if there were other people on the street. All for her stupid phone. So unnecessary. And now look at where it had gotten her. Trevor would hate her after this. All of these thoughts whirled around her head, as if her brain was trying to distract her from the imminent danger she was in.

‘Strip. Down to your boxers.’

Avery blinked, barely keeping herself from jerking at the odd command. She watched the confusion flicker across Trevor’s face, cutting through the anger. And then the hesitation. Oh god, please don’t hesitate. Any other night she’d be cheering to see Trevor’s body, but right now all she could focus on was not pissing off the guy holding the gun. Please, please, please.

‘Do it. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get some kind of sick pleasure out of it.’

That muscle in Trevor’s jaw tightened again, his eyes meeting hers for a moment. It seemed like he was trying to tell her something, some hidden message, but she didn’t know what. All she could do was try not to panic. And then wonder what the hell was wrong with her that she could still enjoy watching him strip, even with a gun pressed to her head. But maybe that was why she was enjoying it, because even if these were the last moments of her life, at least she got to see Trevor stripped out of his clothes and appreciate those broad shoulders, the incredible pectoral muscles with pinkish flat nipples, and the smattering of hair across the center of his chest, reappearing in a thin line that disappeared down into his boxers.

A six pack, he had an honest to god six pack. Apparently her body didn’t know that she was supposed to be completely terrified, her fear seemed to be subsiding, overwhelmed by the pure heat of female appreciation for Trevor’s body.

‘Toss the clothes over here.’ He did so and the bad guy kicked them away. As she heard the sound of his phone clattering around, slightly muffled as it was in his jeans, Avery suddenly understood the reason for the command. Now Trevor had no phone. And if he’d had any kind of weapon in his clothes then he no longer had it available to him. Well, depended on your definition of weapon. She fought the sick impulse to giggle at a time like this.

With a gun to her head it took almost no time for Trevor to hand over the cash from the safe and register that the man demanded, he was careful to have Trevor throw everything to him, never letting Trevor out of his sight but never letting him come within ten feet of them. Then he backed Trevor into a closet, after getting the key for it. Trevor looked way too big for the space, it was little more than a broom closet, with just enough space for someone to lie on the floor. All it had it in was a broom and dustpan and some afghans that she’d stacked in there last winter when the heat hadn’t been working properly.

Seeing how much Trevor looked like an enraged animal about to spring from its cage must have given the bad guy second thoughts because he had him turn around so that Avery could tie his wrists together with some of the cord that they sometimes used to hold the laundry bags. The gunman was careful to keep her between the two of them. She was actually starting to relax a little, he truly didn’t seem to want to hurt them, he just didn’t trust Trevor to try and stop him. She couldn’t blame him, considering that Trevor looked like he was constantly trying to find a way to turn the circumstances around. But the gun to her head didn’t leave him much of a choice. As long as Trevor didn’t do anything stupid, which she trusted him not to, then she wouldn’t be hurt. That’s what she kept telling herself, over and over again throughout the entire awful situation.

Once Tyler’s hands were secured behind his back, tight enough to reassure the gunman, he had Trevor step back into the closet. Then he ordered Avery to strip down to her underwear. Trembling, hoping that he didn’t have anything more in mind than what he’d done to Trevor and knowing that she had no choice even if he did, Avery tugged her shirt over her head.

In all the fantasies he’d had of seeing Avery’s delectable body, these were not circumstances that he’d ever imagined. Or wanted. It took away all the pleasure from the situation because he couldn’t leap forward and strangle this sick bastard for threatening her and then exposing her like this to both of them. His wrists twisted behind his back, the friction of the cord burning against his skin. Even with his hands behind his back, if that asshole touched her, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from leaping forward. And probably getting himself shot but he wasn’t really thinking logically anymore. There was just that tiny shred of it left, that one miniscule line that kept him from going into complete caveman, enraged and protective male – mode. They were more likely to get out of this okay if he could control himself.

But his eyes promised instant retribution if the robber took things too far.

Plus, staring down the bad guy kept him from looking too much at Avery’s creamy skin, the way her
breasts were heaving inside the demure pink bra she was wearing, and the fact that her underwear matched the bra. A part of him stirred that had no right to be taking notice of anything in this situation.

Fortunately for everyone, the bad guy didn’t make any inappropriate comments or do anything out of hand. He just took Avery’s clothes and tossed them away before looping cord around her wrists and tying them in a loose knot with one hand, keeping an eye on Trevor the entire time. It was a small sop to his ego that the bad guy obviously still considered him a threat. Or maybe the guy just realized that Trevor was THIS close to losing it and not thinking with his brain anymore. Having Avery stripped down was a bad idea because right now every cell in his body was screaming ‘Mine’ and there was someone else seeing her as well. Even touching her a little bit, but only incidental touches as he tied her hands behind her back.

And then, suddenly, they were shut in the closet together, both of them breathing like they’d just run a marathon. The sound of the door locking was almost shockingly loud in the small room. They both stood there silently, listening as the bell to the front door rang, letting them know that the robber had left. It was over. Sort of.

Looking down, Trevor saw Avery’s eyes fill with sudden tears, her lower lip trembling as all the emotions she’d repressed during the robbery, all of the fear and embarrassment and shock, came rushing to the surface now that they were safe.

‘Don’t, please don’t cry,’ he begged, tugging harder at his wrists and wincing as the cord tightened further. Avery looked at him with those large doe eyes, full of liquid, and then they widened as she took in the pained grimace on his face.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Trying to get the hell out of these cords so I can hold you,’ he answered gruffly. ‘Did you have to tie them so tight?’ Immediately he regretted the accusation, but she didn’t even seem to notice. Instead she just blinked at him and then, shockingly, a small, tremulous smile spread across her face.

‘Turn around,’ she said.


‘Turn around.’

Frowning he did as she ordered, looking over his shoulder as she got to her knees. ‘What are you doing?’

Avery didn’t respond, instead she leaned forward out of his vision and he felt something tug at the cord around his wrist. She was using her mouth!

‘You know, this would have been a lot easier if you hadn’t pulled so much on these,’ she muttered. There was another tug and then tight grip around his wrists slackened and the restraints fell away. ‘Oh my god, your wrists!’

Trevor turned immediately, grasping her shoulders and pulling her up to her feet, ignoring the heat that seemed to fizz through his blood at the contact as well as the reddened and slightly torn skin of his wrists. Getting her off of her knees in front of him was paramount, because it was sending all sorts of inappropriate images through his brain. Their half naked state wasn’t helping either. Ruthlessly he shoved back those thoughts and turned her around before she could see his reaction to them, fumbling at the cords around her own wrist.

‘How did you do that?’ he asked as he picked at the knot. ‘How did you get me untied so quickly?’

‘My Dad taught me how to tie that knot,’ she said, with understandable pride in her voice. ‘It looks complicated and super secure, but one good tug at the right place and it all comes apart.’ Not like the knot around her wrists, sloppy as it was. Trevor gave up on getting it completely undone and just got it loose enough to slip the first loop of cord over her hands, the rest quickly following.

And then he followed his all too human instinct to hold her and confirm that she was physically okay, even though he’d been able to see that nothing had happened to her the entire time. The urge to check over every inch of her vulnerable body was overwhelming. Spinning her around he pulled her into his arms, settling her face against his chest as she let out a small gasp, her hands automatically coming up to press against his chest.

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UnconventionalChapter 17

Five months later... “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness these unions between these ... people today. If there is anyone who can show just cause why any of these ... people should not be joined together, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace,” the minister intoned, said minister being Brett, in fact. Several tense seconds elapsed, and then I heard, “yeah, I object!” “Oh, Sylvester, shut up already! Just be glad that you were invited, okay? We’re already divorced and...

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UnconventionalChapter 18

I had just finished inside Jeannie Lanier when I heard Christy cough and I realized that she wanted to officiate the next wedding. I winked at her and gestured for her to begin. I then cleared my throat while still stroking Jeannie’s hair. “Proceed, Christy,” I told her with a slap to her ass. “Will Wayne Simpson and Stacey Weingarter please step forward. Now that Wayne has officially completed his reservist duties for the last time and is on terminal leave, it is time, wouldn’t you say,...

1 year ago
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Unconventional Friendship

Holding on to hope - I had been secretly in love with my best friend for nearly three years before my feelings where discovered. I remember the very moment that I realized that what I was feeling for my friend was love. It happened about a year after we had met in the summer of 1978 when we where both 18-years old. This all began more then 20 years ago and now more then 10 years has passed since I have seen his face. What a special time it was to grow up and become a teenager at the transition...

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Witch Chronicles 007 Dark Beginnings

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings: A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book is dedicated to all of the...

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Sissy hypno The beginnings

The beginnings of cock lust – Sissy Hypno pornFOR THOSE NOT INTO STORY OR BUILD UP, SCROLL DOWN TO THE ******** MARKER FOR EROTIC ACTION!Felicity heard Billy come rushing down the stairs from his home quarters above the pub, he swung around the doorframe and appeared behind the bar area calling out to the Indian beauty who was sat looking out the window for a moment.Felicity stood in an empty pub window looking out at the welsh countryside. As far as her Indian eyes could see, were blankets of...

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Candys beginnings

Candy’s beginnings.I’ve been asked a few times when and how I started dressing and what turns me on about it, so here is the story of Candy’s beginnings.I went to a boys only boarding school many years ago. I suppose I would have been 13 when the adolescent rush of hormones became so overpowering that I began to have sexual desires and, as there were only boys there, there was only one way to go. There were many boys at the school who had relationships with other pupils. One in particular who...

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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 6 New Beginnings

SATURDAY I woke up to Speckles licking my face. I opened my eyes and pet her. The sun was streaming through the window. I slept pretty good. I got up to let Speckles out. But first, I changed into one of my old t- shirts, and grabbed a pair of Kathy's shorts. Passing my height mark on the door jamb I noticed I didn't shrink. Cupping my breasts told me those have not grown either. I grabbed the back of my hair. It seems to have stopped growing right at the middle of my...

2 years ago
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La and the Ceremony of Light and Beginning

La and the Ceremony of Light and Beginning I am La. High Priestess of Ra, the Goddess of Life and Death. I am Ra's Messenger and Ra's manifestation on this earthly plane of existence. I am The One, The All. The Beginning and The End The new day is dawning as I walk onto the raised stone platform in the City Square. The sun has just risen over the horizon and slanted beams of sunlight wash the stone under my feet in a warm golden glow. As I look out I see the crowd waiting patiently, in complete...

2 years ago
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Ericas And Meagans Excellent Adventure The Beginning

I’m nervous entering the community of Hersey, Pennsylvania.  Yes, that Hershey.  Where the smell of sweet chocolate permeates the air and the world-famous Hershey Kisses have been made since 1907.My thoughts return to the purpose of my visit.  The reason why I’m leaving my husband for the weekend and driving 137 miles and spending two-and-a half hours on the road.  The raison d’etre of my visit – Erica.  Erica, a twenty-eight-year old woman that I met on Lush.  Yes, on Lush!My mind is aflutter...

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The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 1 Jennifers Beginnings

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee...

3 years ago
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Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm; and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....

Wife Lovers
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New Beginnings

New Beginnings (I'd really love an illustrator for this story. If you're interested, please let me know.) I know dad and mom hated each other, and dad had left a year ago and moved to Europe with another woman. But I never thought of him as mean, you know? When they argued, it always seemed as though mom was screaming louder than dad, and was more abusive. But mom kept telling me that he was "out to destroy our family," and wanted custody of me and wanted to take me away from her. Mom...

2 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Beginning

“I appeal to thee, oh goddess, please grant me my wish. Let my desire be fulfilled! Grant me the power to cast my will on those who have wronged me.”The words rang in the small room of the apartment, bouncing off the walls repeatedly. There was nothing else in the room to absorb the noise anyhow. This was Charley’s spare bedroom in her apartment, and like many young 22-year-olds trying to pay for school, she hadn’t filled it with anything. In fact, the only thing within the small room, besides...

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Anndie From the beginning

Anndie Smyth came home from work as she usually does, horny. For being a middle-aged mother of 3 adults who teaches elementary school, you would think she was past her sexual peak. But, after a first marriage that was less than ideal, she has come into her own sexually. Her second husband has really opened her up to new experiences and she totally enjoying the new Anndie. Today was no different. She got home at 4:30 knowing Owen would not be home for at least 45 minutes, so after dropping...

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Linda Part 1 Beginnings

Enjoy, vote and comment/criticize. All feedback is appreciated. Linda, Part 1 - Beginnings I had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover she had always wanted. When it came to sex, her ex had ranged from lackluster to not interested, at best. We went at it like a couple of rabbits most of the time, especially in the beginning. She was apparently just trying to impress me in the beginning as well,...

4 years ago
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Linda Part 1 Beginnings

Introduction: The Awakening of a Zoo freak This is a total work of fiction, though admittedly it is fiction based loosely on factual events. Enjoy. There are a couple of other installments to Lindas transformation and if this one is received well, I will post the others. Enjoy, vote and comment/criticize. All feedback is appreciated. Linda, Part 1 – Beginnings I had met Linda three years earlier. She left her husband and moved in with me within a year. I was, from all she said, the lover...

2 years ago
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter I Beginnings

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is candy and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated X....

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Sissy Julian Chapter I Beginnings

Here we go again. Some boys simply are sissies. This is the story of one of them. It is not a story of discovery, although there is much of that, but rather a tale of a lovely boy's trip to self-realization, albeit a tad 'forced.' If lots of frilly sissy boy and girl outfits, super swishy behavior and a little sex, not to mention dominant women, are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fanciful, fictional fantasy work. No references...

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Beginnings It started out in such a simple and harmless way. Some friends were having a Halloween party for a Girl Scout Troup and I agreed to provide some entertainment by telling fortunes. For fun, we decided it would be best if I wore a costume so I agreed to become Caroline the fortune teller for the night. I had never worn women's clothing before so it seemed like quite the lark. I did some exploring on eBay and found I could shop anonymously as long as I knew what size to...

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South of Bikini 3 Dreams Realms and New Beginnings

The changes continue for Alex and friends as their lives seem to be intertwining uncontrollably. Details of the Empress' last mission begin to emerge. Terra's new era finally and truly begins. Episode 4 "Dreams, Realms, and New Beginnings" Waking from my slumber, I turned over and stretched, taking in the smooth, clean feel of the sheets. The light of the new day flooding into the room silhouetted my sleep companion. My arm...

4 years ago
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Diane a new Beginning

Diane, A new beginning Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Somehow the dress just felt right. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, yet I had always been too scared to even try it! That was the first time I have ever worn women's clothing, and now I know for sure that it was exactly what was missing in my life. I don't know why I had dreamed about it, but quite often over the years, in my dreams, I drew a mental picture of myself as a girl, one that I was sure I...

4 years ago
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Diane a New Beginning

Diane, A new beginning Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Somehow the dress just felt right. I had dreamed of this moment for a long time, yet I had always been too scared to even try it! That was the first time I have ever worn women's clothing, and now I know for sure that it was exactly what was missing in my life. I don't know why I had dreamed about it, but quite often over the years, in my dreams, I drew a mental picture of myself as a girl, one that I was sure I could...

2 years ago
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Angel A New Beginning

This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...

5 years ago
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The Chiroprictor The beginning

The Chiroprictor (The Beginning)It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul. It didn’t matter to me that had...

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Our New Life Part 1 The Beginning

OUR NEW LIFE By Charli Part 1 - The beginning Prologue A while back I posted a contribution here entitled "Our New Life". Its submission was premature. It was disjointed and far too long. I should have submitted chapters or segments of the story. It was also full of omissions that I thought at the time were too personal or extreme. A fair amount of fantasy had also crept in, replacing some of the things I felt too personal to write about. The other 2 members of our...

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The Chiroprictor The beginning

The Chiroprictor (The Beginning)It was a very brisk day, mid December. Snow was blowing sideways across the eastern coast of South Korea. The car windows fogged slightly on their jet black Sonata as the couple sped south on Koreas main expressway. Gina, my Korean born Americanized wife was smiling as we had just completed our Christmas Shopping. She had also just gotten her Early Christmas present, a very popular Gucci purse from a top name dept. store in Seoul. It didn’t matter to me that had...

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Bus Ride Part 5 New Beginnings

This is a continuation of Bus Ride – Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 5 – New Beginnings When Gaby finally opened her eyes she blinked as she looked around the small private hospital room before her gaze reached Colin, her newest Master who was sitting in the corner patiently waiting for her to wake up. He walked over to where she was...

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INNOCENT BEGINNINGS ‘Did you take your vitamin, dear?’ Ellen called from the bathroom. I rubbed sl**p from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle, rolling a big tablet into my palm. ‘My horse pill? I’m doing it now.’ ‘Have you noticed any difference yet?’ ‘Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike.’ She’d gone on a minor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to lose a little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn’t actually made it to the gym to work out like she was though....

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INNOCENT BEGINNINGS "Did you take your vitamin, dear?" Ellen called from thebathroom. I rubbed sleep from my eyes and picked up the pill bottle,rolling a big tablet into my palm. "My horse pill? I'm doing itnow." "Have you noticed any difference yet?" "Nah. Vitamins are pretty much all alike." She'd gone on aminor health kick a month before, insisting that I needed to losea little weight and take better care of myself. I hadn'tactually made it to the gym to work out like...

2 years ago
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Mantra Beginnings

MANTRA: BEGINNINGS by BobH (c) 2010 Author's Note: The planned next story in my Mantra sequence is MANTRA: THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS. I started in on this immediately after I finished the last one back in 2005. Obviously I never finished it, and I don't know if I ever will. I've done odd bits of work on the story over the years such that the text file now weighs in at 40kb. However, unlike in my other unfinished tales this one contains a couple of sequences that, when excerpted and put...

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Max to Maxie New Beginnings

Max to Maxie Chapter 1 - New Beginnings As I lay on the gurney, with my wife Sandi sitting next to me, Dr. Madison came in. "Good morning Maxie, good morning Sandi", as she was shaking our hands. "Maxie, I know we already went over what we are going to do today but, I want to make sure that you understand what is going to happen. I'll be doing 3 procedures on you today. Up to now, the changes that have been made are reversible. But, after today they will be irreversible. I am going...

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South of Bikini 2 Losses and Beginnings

Returning from Egypt, Alex suffers her first real loss since becoming Empress. An emergency mission to right a fatal mistake ensues requiring her to re-establish balance between two Universes. South of Bikini: Onward Episode 7 "Loses and Beginnings" 1303 hours, Reilly Research Station, Kili Island, June 28th, 2028 "Welcome back, Empress. It is 1303hrs,...

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Kylie and Chrissy Part 2 New Beginnings

(This is the second part of the story Kylie and Chrissy. I would like to start the New Year by relaunching this story, so please send me your thoughts and feedback to [email protected]) PART 2 - NEW BEGINNINGS "So is that it now, are you gay?" The silence and tension in the room was interrupted, as the bass from the party below continued to pulse through the walls of the house. "I don't see how it's any of your fucking business - we haven't spoken for...

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