My Unconventional LifeChapter 4 free porn video

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It was our little secret. Or at least I thought of it that way. Actually, though, Uncle Bob never hid it from anybody. More than once he did the exact same thing while my mother was right there. I know she knew he was doing it. But I also think she knew, as did I, that he would only go as far as it was right to go.

I know that sounds funny. Most people would have said it wasn’t right for him to go anywhere at all. Heck, most people would have said it was wrong for us to be nudists together.

I’ve thought about this a lot. I think he did things to me for multiple reasons. He wanted to, of course. That’s obvious. But I think he knew I wanted him to as well. And the things he did to me really did give me the kind of experience that would amount to control later on in my life. I was never surprised by what some guy did to me ... because Uncle Bob had already done it, and I knew what to expect. Whether that was his intent or not, who knows? For all I know he was just having fun trying to see how much I’d let him get away with.

Of course I had no idea how far I wanted him to go. I just loved how he made me feel. And it wasn’t only the physical feeling of being touched by a man I loved, and who I knew loved me. I loved it that he got erections for me. It didn’t mean anything was going to happen. It just meant that he thought I was pretty, or sexy or something, and whatever it was, I wanted to be that. What was “right” about what he did to me was that he bolstered my self confidence, and all it involved was touching me for less than five seconds with a slippery finger.

Of course, by the end of summer, both Brinn and Shannon saw what happened when I asked Uncle Bob to put sun block on me. The interesting thing about that wasn’t that Shannon decided she wanted him to put sun block on her too ... just like he did for me. No, the interesting thing about that was that, somewhere along the way, Brinn had developed an interest in girls. And of course the girls he had the easiest access to - and who were usually nude to boot - were his sisters.

What was interesting about all that was that one day, when only Brinn and I were swimming, and we got out of the pool together to warm up a bit, he asked, “You want me to put some sun block on you?”

He should have added “like Uncle Bob does” to that question, but he didn’t. Of course I found out pretty quickly that that’s what he actually meant.

And I have to tell you, the first time my brother felt me up - because that’s exactly what he did - all I did was compare his technique to that of my Uncle. Uncle Bob was good. In fact, Uncle Bob was very good. He could bring me to the panting edge of something I had yet to discover, and that was an orgasm. I’d never had one yet, but I didn’t know what I was missing, so I didn’t care. What Uncle Bob did felt really good, and that was good enough for me.

With Brinn, it was very different, though. The hard part is explaining that difference. His hands were smaller, of course, but they still felt really good stroking my skin. And he didn’t push as hard, because I don’t think he was trying to massage me like Uncle Bob always did. I think he just wanted to touch me and see what it felt like. But that didn’t matter, really. I loved the way Uncle Bob massaged me, but I also liked the way Brinn’s hands slid all over me.

And when I turned over, and he played with my breasts, it was so delightful. I don’t think anybody could play with my breasts and it not feel good. Assuming it was somebody I wanted to touch them, anyway.

But the big difference was when he put his fingers on my sex.

Uncle Bob just teased me a little bit down there. He didn’t actually masturbate me, really. He just touched, and then only for a few seconds. Brinn didn’t do it that way. His objection over touching Shannon “where she peed” had mysteriously vanished. Brinn didn’t masturbate me, either, because he didn’t understand what actually masturbating a woman meant. He rubbed me inexpertly, to be sure, but he rubbed me for a lot longer. There was never any danger of an orgasm happening, but it felt good, and I let him keep going.

“You feel so weird,” he finally said.

“Girls are built different than boys,” I said.

“Well duh,” he said.

“You want me to touch you?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “Do you want to?”

“Actually, I do,” I said, surprised myself that I suddenly wanted to stroke him.

“I’m already hard,” he said, backing away from me.

“Well then, let’s go somewhere where Mom won’t accidentally see us and get freaked out,” I said.

Again, I need to impress on you that we weren’t hiding from Mom because we thought we were doing something wrong. We just knew she didn’t like to see him masturbate.

So we went behind some pine trees that had been planted to make a wind break, and I sank down on my knees and reached up to grasp Brinn’s penis while he stood in front of me. The sun was hot, and the sun block smelled good, and suddenly it was a lot of fun to stroke a hard penis.

“You’ve gotten bigger,” I observed.

“That’s not all that’s changed,” he said. “Stuff comes out of it now.”

“Really?” I remembered that white stuff that Uncle Bob had squirted on Mom’s belly that day.

“Yeah, and it feels so much better now than it used to. It used to kind of hurt. I guess is still hurts, but when the stuff shoots out, it’s really soothing and it feels fantastic.”

I was having fun rubbing him, because he was very appreciative, and he made these noises and leaned this way and that way, and it made me feel good that I was doing a good job. He asked me to speed up at one point, and I did. Then, without warning, his stuff splattered all over my face and chest and shoulders. There was a lot of it, but it didn’t really bother me because it was hot. I don’t know why I expected it to be cold. Actually I didn’t expect him to squirt on me at all, but when it happened that’s what I thought of. I thought of the fact that it was warm, rather than cold. I guess I just thought white stuff would be cold.

But the biggest part about that was that when he spurted, some of it got in my mouth. I didn’t even realize it until I closed my mouth and tasted something different. It was bitter, with a hint of salt. But it wasn’t bad bitter. It was just different. In fact, I decided it was kind of good. I looked down at my breasts, which were splattered with the stuff, and scooped up some on my forefinger. I tasted that, and it tasted exactly the same way.

“What are you doing?” he panted.

“Tasting it,” I said.

“Why?” he gasped.

“Some of it got in my mouth when you squirted. It’s not bad.”

“You’re crazy!” he sighed.

“Maybe,” I said. “But it tastes pretty good. I never knew I liked bitter before.”


“Yeah. It tastes kind of bitter.”

“You are crazy,” he said.

But he smiled.

If you’re a twin, or triplet or any part of a multiple birth, then you know there is no stronger, more intimate bond. I’d be willing to argue that that bond is even stronger than a marriage bond. Or can be. Left alone, triplets will do anything with each other, assuming they think of doing it in the first place. We didn’t kiss each other with deep, tongue-filled kisses, but the only reason was we hadn’t thought of it. We saw Uncle Bob and Mom kiss that way, but it just never occurred to us to try it, so we didn’t. And it was that way with everything else sexual too.

Now, I know Brinn had been masturbating in front of us, and had asked us to help him sometimes, but believe it or not, that wasn’t really sexual. Not then. All he was doing was something that felt good. He didn’t think of it as something sexual, and neither did we. Nor did we girls think that rubbing our bump was simulating having sex. It was just something that felt good.

And when Uncle Bob slid his finger between our pussy lips while he put sun block on us, it wasn’t sexual for us either. Make no mistake, it was sexual for him, but we didn’t think of it that way. In one sense, rubbing the sexual organs is as normal as night and day. Watch a very young child and you’ll see them masturbate. They don’t know they’re doing it, but fingers push and pull between the legs without anyone teaching them to do that. In fact, the only reason it stops (for a while) is that some adult gets all serious and says, “Stop doing that!” Adults, in fact, teach children not to masturbate, even though nature says, “Go ahead. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

But at some point, an awareness builds in the mind that leads to the suspicion that there is more going on there than merely feeling good. Sometimes it is the fact that some adult yelled “Stop that!” Kids learn early that that adults are buzz killers. Sometimes there’s a good reason to kill the buzz, but sometimes there isn’t, and when that’s the case, it usually means adults want to do something, but don’t want to let kids do it. Again, sometimes there are good reasons. But looked at on its most basic level, young people tend to think, “If you can do it ... I should be able to do it.”

And once you do begin to think about things in terms of sexuality ... there’s no going back.

And, as you can imagine, we triplets couldn’t keep anything secret from each other.

I don’t know if it was the way Brinn and I cuddled that night, when we went to bed, or just what it was, but Shannon noticed it.

“What happened?” she asked.

We went through five minutes of denials that anything happened, even though we both knew exactly what she was talking about. I had made Brinn’s penis squirt, and that was the elephant in the room. Finally I got tired of messing with her.

“Actually, you wouldn’t be interested in it anyway,” I said.

“Interested in what?”

“You know how he loves to rub his thing?” I asked.

“Penis,” she said, correcting my vernacular automatically. We had been taught to call a spade a spade, as opposed to calling it a goddam shovel, so to speak.

“Penis,” I said, not willing to argue the point.


“Well I played with it today. And stuff shot out of it and I tasted it.”

You’d have thought Shannon had flipped back the covers and found a dead body in our bed. I had to put my hand over her mouth to quiet her down. While I was doing it I wondered why I was doing it. I wondered why I was trying to keep it a secret from the adults.

That’s when I realized the difference between simply doing something that felt good, and doing something sexual. And I was thirteen years old!

If you actually know any thirteen-year-olds, and think they are clueless about things sexual, you are deluding yourself. It’s complicated, but trust me that thirteen year old kids know plenty about sex. They may have a few things wrong, but basically, in this day and age, it’s completely normal for a child that age to know exactly how to make a baby.

And I know this may be difficult to understand, but we were actually the exception to that norm. I mean I started this whole narrative by saying our childhood was unconventional, and all this time you’ve been thinking it was the sexual things in our life that made it that way. But, in reality, we were actually sheltered more than most other kids, because we were never taught that being naked was bad, or that touching each other was bad, or that adults having sex right in front of us was bad. All that stuff was just part of our normal life. And it didn’t have sexual overtones to us kids, because it was just part of loving each other. It was just how people acted.

If we had lived in town, where nobody ran around naked, and we were over at friend’s houses a lot, we would have learned other things. But that’s not how things turned out for us. At the same time we had had the talk. And we did know Mom and Uncle Bob were having sex, even if they were only practicing to make babies. That last sentence illustrates why I said two paragraphs ago that it is complicated. We still thought, at that point in time, that the adults were only practicing. We had a lot of information/truth ... but not all of it.

So Brinn and I had made the jump from harmless fun ... to something a lot more complicated and important than that. I think that’s probably what Shannon picked up on.

Anyway, when she finally calmed down. Then she wanted details. She’d been horrified, but when she saw nobody had grown a third eye or something, curiosity replaced horror. It was easier just to show her than tell her, so that’s what we did.

Believe it or not, Shannon made more noise than either Brinn or I did, and all she did was watch. But I suspect one reason she was such a drama queen was because she was able to empathize with others so much. And she had tried to get me to rub her bump. So when Brinn and I laid down together, and I started slowly stroking him, and he slid his fingers between my labia and started rubbing my bump in the little circles I’d taught him to do, I spread my legs to give him some room, and then added something to the whole exercise.

I kissed him.

Don’t ask me why I did that. Maybe it was simply instinct. But I kissed him, and I did it the same way we had all seen Mom and Uncle Bob kiss each other for almost a decade. He was surprised at first. I could tell. But when I pushed my tongue at his stiff lips, they relaxed and the next thing I knew we were swapping spit like experts. I have a suspicion that French kissing is part of evolution or something, because it was instinctive for us. I have, since then, talked to women who told stories (usually horror stories) of learning to kiss, or of teaching some boy to kiss, but there was none of that for Brinn and me.

And it added to the exercise in a way that was both astonishing and exponential.

His fingers on my bump (I hadn’t learned the word “clitoris” yet) felt so good that I couldn’t keep my hips still. And I think it affected my grip on his penis, because he started kind of grunting into my mouth in time with my strokes.

“You guys!” gasped Shannon, who wasn’t prepared for any of this. Then there was a lot of “What are you doing?” and she was crawling over us to get a better look. Which, by the way, was also stimulating for some reason. Her skin, sliding over ours was almost electric. Brinn and I actually talked about that the next day. Anyway, I felt fantastic and he squirted all over the place. It got all over me, and him and the bed. And just one bit of it got on Shannon. When we broke apart from that one, long, amazing kiss, she was sitting on her calves, staring at her arm, where a little stripe of semen maybe a quarter inch wide and a couple inches long sat.

Her eyes were really big, and her mouth was open. I could tell she was holding her breath, and I suddenly imagined she was waiting, expecting that semen to burn through her arm or something. And I didn’t want her to scream, which it looked like she was primed to do.

So I leaned over and licked it off her arm.

Brinn was the one who had to put his hand over her mouth this time.

She calmed down pretty fast, actually. She got back into that sitting-on-her-calves position, and rotated her stare from her arm, to Brinn, to me. She was breathing fast, but not exactly panting. I was rubbing my bump, but wasn’t aware I was doing it. Brinn, being a boy, had gotten to the end really fast. And that had left me high and dry, though I wasn’t educated enough to think of it in those terms. So, having been interrupted by his penis spurting, I think I had unconsciously taken over. I still hadn’t had an orgasm, and still didn’t know something like that was even possible. I knew the word, of course, but I also knew the word “quark” and it didn’t have any real meaning for me either.

I did not, in fact, realize I was doing that until Shannon’s gaze dropped to the hand in my crotch.

“What did it feel like?” she asked, suddenly.

I thought she was talking about his penis, and started to describe that.

“No,” she said, stopping me. “What did it feel like when he rubbed you?”

Good, old, practical Shannon. She went from being freaked out, to trying to figure out how to make things better for herself.

And, within ten minutes, Brinn was showing her what I’d taught him.

By September of that year, it was getting cool, but we kids still kept going out to the pool, because that’s where we put on sun block.

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My encounter with uncle Eddie

November 7:Hi, my name is Andy and I’m 16 years old. I haven’t told my family yet that I’m bisexual, the area where I live in is…. against same sex dating. My parents split up recently and I needed to get my head clear from all the tense environment, so, I decided to move to Ohio for higher studies.November 8:I am currently living with my father and I discussed with him today that I want to go to Ohio for studies and he was cool with that. My classes are going to start from 16 November so, I...

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SargeChapter 28

The phone made whatever noise it is that they make since they no longer rings. That week my ‘rotating ring’ was a bit of sixties rock music from a movie score. Don’t ask me, I have no idea what movie, or what the name of the song might be. What I did know was that the music was to alert me that Leigh, Siler City’s lady cop, was on the line. The phone didn’t have her number in the memory, so it just said unk caller. “Hello,” I answered. “Sarge it’s Leigh. I can be there in about fifteen...

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Lost And Caged Chapter One0

After graduating about four years early from my college of being a Doctor, I really didn’t have much to do with my life. I was an insanely smart young- adult, graduating High School at 16 years old and graduating from college at age 20. It wasn’t common to see such smart people around these days but in some instances, you do. I could easily make $100,000 a year with my degree but of course, that’s not exactly what I wanted to do. A year ago, I had been reading about the FBI cracking down...

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It Started as a Favor 6

(Author's Note: This is my 5th entry into a series that already had 2 parts. So, there are 7 parts in all, but the numbering does not match as "Chapter 1" had a different title, and I opted to run with the title to "Chapter 2") It Started as a Favor Part 6 The rest of Danni's day was fairly uneventful. He found it unusual for people to hold doors open for him, and he found it odd that when he began a new class that it wasn't guys but rather girls that initially chatted him up as...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Sybil College Babe8217s Pussy Fucked and Toes Sucked

Leg fetish lovers tune in to see sexy teen temptress, Sybil, in her most sizzling Euro Teen Erotica scene yet. In this 4K premium porn video, the brunette babe is captivating as she seductively outfits herself in super sexy negligee to properly seduce her man. While she secures her thigh-high stockings, garter belt, and high heels there’s no denying that the glamour pornstar is in her prime. Watch as she throws her man down on the bed and makes him her sexual servant. The Ukrainian...

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Romantic fuck in abroad vicky

This story is novel base i was submit my all Iss reader enjoyed this story u really like this pls mail me then i was continue is this your enjoyment… This story starts with me in my first class with Prof. Harrison. I am in my third year of college. While in class, I start daydreaming about Michelle, which is setting the next row over and two chairs up. She is the girl of my dreams. I have wanted her ever since she started going to collage here two months ago. She is so very beautiful. Michelle...

3 years ago
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The Girls All Get PrettierChapter 2

SALLY I felt better after talking with Tammy. I was really confused with what he said about a boyfriend — what was that all about? And then Tammy told her about what Hank said: "I'm takin' over the ranch management from Jake and I will move in to that big old house after Jake moves out. What was Jake going to do? Where was he moving? That damn cowboy! I had to admit I was having feelin's for him. I think I was just mad at myself for drinkin' all those beers. And then hearin' him sing...

1 year ago
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Life With sis Pt 4

After the week away, it was really hard to get back to a normal lifestyle. First off, mom and dad noticed that we were a lot nicer towards each other. Rather than tell a big lie, I told them that we just really learned to appreciate each other more, I guess it comes with growing up . . . they thought it was nice.Every chance I had, I would go naked around the house when the parents weren't there. I loved being naked in front of Steph and she got pretty comfortable about being partially naked...

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Retirement Home

A lot of my friends ask my why I like older men. The real questions is, what is there not to like? They are economically stable (most of them), they have experience (again, most of them) and a lot of them are married so there is no attachments. I like to hang out with them, have them buy me expensive gifts and in return they get enjoy my young, voluptous body any way they want. Anyway, a lot of people want to know how I got started, I mean, I didn't alway liked older men. It started when I was...

2 years ago
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"Hey, sleepyhead... Wake up." I rolled over and opened my eyes. Mary was sitting at the edge of the bed with a big grin on her face. "What time is it?" I asked groggily. "About 8:30. You promised to help me finish cleaning out the third bedroom, remember?" "Yeah, right." I yawned and stretched. That's when I realized what I was wearing. "Oh shit!" I quickly reached for the covers but Mary was sitting on the turned back portion and I couldn't pull them over me. "Shit," I...

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Hearing Test Appointment

I was moving towards her.. I wore jeans and a button-up shirt. The sound proof test room was large, cold and clinical. It had all the necessary items with a chair in the middle of the room. Then... the lights went out and she heard the door shut. She dropped the items in her hand and ran to the door, She was locked in. " Haha, very funny. You got me; now let me out." She tried to sound brave and sarcastic but her voice was too small and shaky. Her heart was beating in her ears and a rush of...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 15

“I still can’t believe he was so cute,” said Kendra. “’Cute’ is so not how I’d describe him,” said Chelsea. “He wasn’t a boy, he was a man.”   “You guys,” Elaine said, shaking her head. She was enjoying the banter more than she thought she would. She hadn’t been able to talk about much on the walk home, and even now a couple of hours later, the whole thing seemed a blur. The three of them had demolished Chelsea’s delicious risotto in silence, and were sitting around the kitchen table, sipping...

3 years ago
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Annual Biker Bash

Eric is a babe magnet and my partner Ronnie is a big time club member, so they get all the hangaround pussy a man can handle. Jackie and Deb understand that party girls come with the lifestyle and there's a difference between being a respected wife or girlfriend and a hangaround. Wives and girlfriends are off limits unless invited by the man. My buddies have always respected our marriage and we trust each other like only our brotherhood can. Eric's band opened the party and after a few...

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Moroccan Breeding Vacation Adventure

[ For A & T once again, and for all those white couples seeking an interracial c***d! ]My name is Khalid. I am from Rabat, Morocco. I am 33 years of age. I have a very interesting experience I'd like to relate that I was part of last year, in early October. I met up with a young European married couple (Hanna, and her husband Krystian) after the three of us had chatted for several months on-line about the possibility that Hanna might become pregnant. Naturally, I inquired as to why Krystian...

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Brandis new trick

I can't believe my wife left me after 22 years of marriage. She said she felt trapped and needed her freedom. We have 3 c***dren, 2 of which still live at home. Julie just turned 18, but is still in her final year of high school, and her younger sister Brandi. We really didn't think what to make of my wife's decision to walk out on us, but the three of us were probably better off. I should've known that something was up when our sex life was almost non existent. Now she's split leaving me to...

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Career Opportunities Part Three

Career Opportunities, Part Three By Valerie Hope Corey tried to avert his eyes, but no matter where he looked he saw the reflection. Two proportionately long, lissome legs which flared to wide, rounded hips, and the most adorable little bubble of a butt sticking out. The hips collapsed to a superbly muscled stomach that was as flat as a plank, a ribcage that was prominent but not so as to be grotesque. Two enormous spherical breasts, close to the size of cantaloupes with the...

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New Career California 1850Chapter 4

My trip to San Francisco was interesting to me because it dispelled a few mistaken ideas. For one thing, I had not realized that the road from Sacramento to San Francisco actually ended in Oakland, an older city, and required a trip by ferry to reach San Francisco. Oh, it was possible to reach San Francisco by land, but that required a long circuitous route around the southerly arm of the Bay. I paid the outrageous fee to take the public ferry with my horse across the Bay to San Francisco....

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My Best Mates Dad and his mate Davo

Best Mates Dad and his mate DavoThe previous 2 weeks had been a blur as I’d been over to my mate Tom’s house every time that he wasn’t there! Ofcourse this was planned, so that I could feast on Tom’s Dad’s healthy pendulous man meat and stimulate it to attention and let him plunder my sole with his cock and tongue. Ofcourse it hadn’t all been one way and my body had adapted to this flood of sexual endorphins that flooded my body and any and every touch that he made on my body. I was addicted...

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My Wife Rita

My wife Rita and I have been married for three years now and we have been very happy. She is twenty four now but because she only stands a little over 4' '7" and looks so young, you would swear she was only thirteen. She loves sex and is very multi-orgasmic. I have never met a women who could cum so easily or so often. Though she is very small she is very well proportioned and looks like a 6' fashion model in miniature. She has long golden blonde hair, wide hips, a tight ass, small breasts with...

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Russian Shemales

(Translated from the Russian)We lived in small village, no work, nothing to do but smoke all day. Friend Serge and I sitting by road one day, when black sedan, shiny from city stop near us. The man inside wearing a expensive suit, and ask if we want jobs as models.Serge and I think must be joke. But man introduce himself as talent scout. He speaks Russian but with accent I don't not know where from. He says he is from modeling agency and is looking for new talent to model. Introduces...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 16

“So Eddie and Rachel,” Joe sighed, discussing the complication of the surprise visit to New York from his least favorite hometown girl. The morning after her invasion. In Joanne’s hotel room. “And Cheryl and Mary,” Nigella added. “Eddie with three girls? I don’t know if he could handle that.” “You just handled four,” Moe pointed out. “Oh yeah,” he smirked. “Dickhead,” both Moe and Nigella said. Joanna wouldn’t dare, but she laughed. And nodded. “But,” Nigella hesitated. “What?” he...

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Purple Drank 2

This has been a long time... I started to come too... it was that type of groggy sleep, where you cant really move your body, or your head, and you just slowly open your eyes. My head was aching slightly, but nothing to worry about. I looked down and saw Nancy's back, blocking the view of my Mother. I could make her out as Nancy's body shifted, but couldnt quite see anything...yet.So there were the two mothers... Nancy's hand still slightly over my Mother's, and both still grasping on the thick...

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Slave Tracey

Tracey got up and rang the bell as the bus approached her stop. Clutching her handbag tightly she stepped off the bus and looked towards the big gleaming glass building to the right.At just over a month since her eighteenth birthday she had decided it was time to learn to drive and as part of that under the new rules for females she had to report to the licensing centre and have a medical completed.She started walking towards the building with some slight trepidation, she was naturally a...

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Spizoo Jessie Lee Hot Tattooed Brunette Gets Double BBC

Jessie Lee is one hot tattoed big tits babe that loves takes Big Black Cocks for real! Today she wears a sexy black fishnet outfit to tease her big boys. She will touch herself and let her black lovers suck her big breast and fingering her pussy. She takes both dicks on hands to then put in mouth and pussy with double BBC penetration. This interracial threesome enjoys eating pussy and sucks cock real hardcore style. Jessie loves deep penetration and deep throat and today she haves 2 big black...

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Sweetie sex

Hi hello everybody this is 100% true and real and no fake or imagination and I am a male of 23 yrs and software developer by profession working in a software company in Chennai and I live with my parents and my grandmother and for past five years i used to think and masturbate a women who is 47 yrs old women and she lives with her husband who is state goverment bus driver who used to drive tamilnadu goverment buses from chennai cmbt to banglore and they are a typical malayalam speaking family...

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Sneaking Up On Margaret

It was Sunday, and Pst was up early to help the minister with the morning service. Margaret made breakfast for the three of us, and told me I could stay home an relax due to the fact I wasn't a member of their religion. Pat left, and Margaret poured herslef another cup of coffee, and sat down at the table with me. In a soft and warm tone, she said, "Trev...what has been goin on between us may or may not be strictly moral, but I want you to know that it has made me feel more alive than I've ever...

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MomPOV Annah Thick beautiful MILF big ole titties

– 43 years old MILF – Brought her husband of 3 years to the shoot – She loves typical mom things, reading and sewing – Sometimes she sews leather whips for flogging – She also made BDSM outfits for kinky fun times – As you may have guessed, she’s open to swinging – Her husband enjoys watching her get fucked – She has an oral fixation, loves a cock in her mouth – Doesn’t care what size the cock is, all are welcome – She doesn’t judge, long as you’re confident you can fuck – The youngest man they...

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Our First Swinging House Party Ch 04

Continued from Chapter 3: As soon as Bill asked my wife the question, he looked at Yvonne and smiled. Surprised that Bill’s wife was eager to go too, Sue took my hand and the four of us headed upstairs. We ran into Don as we headed up the stairs and he pulled me aside as my wife, Bill, and Sue continued into one of the bedrooms. ‘I just wanted to give you a heads up,’ he said leaning into me and whispering as if he was giving me a tip on which horse to bet on at a race. ‘This is Bill and...

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The Girl Stories Mission 5

--- "No. No. No." --- she heard one of the girls beside her whisper. Lilly looked at her. She was terrified out of her mind. From the way the car was bumping up and down, moving slower, Lilly could guess they were again going on the main road for a stop. Her first guess was that the girl was afraid what they will do when they arrive. But as the car took a turn, Lilly what the girl was terrified about. The girl could not hold it anymore and her body just let go. A puddle of urine formed...

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Frankie Part 3

Frankie and I lay together on her bed. Her body was warm and slightly sweaty and she was still convulsing from her intense orgasm. We lay facing each other on our sides and she pulled my leg around her. I kept studying her face as I kissed her neck, cheeks and behind her ears. Her breathing was still ragged and it brought me immense happiness to know that I had given her so much pleasure. With her eyes still closed she began to touch my body. First with her hand moving up my thigh to my waist;...


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