RunChapter 51: Unconventional free porn video

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The sputtering motor had earlier signaled to Logan that he was running out of gas. Or something else was wrong, he really wasn’t sure, but the hesitation in the four-wheeler’s momentum told him enough to start looking for his next steps.

He’d only gotten maybe ten minutes away from the air and port complex before he’d had to abandon the four-wheeler along a rough trail which led up a small rise somewhere beyond the complex. He’d seen only one person since escaping his pursuers, an old woman carrying a bundle of dirty rags down a dirt path. She hadn’t even looked up as he zoomed past her.

Whether his pursuers had given up, Logan had no way of knowing.

He gathered his wits after leaving the vehicle and found a high spot on the rise which overlooked the complex. The sounds of gunfire had exploded below him and Finch’s heart raced with fear and excitement. This hero stuff is intense! Three or four large black high-hull boats raced up towards shore and several helicopters sprayed burst of heavy ammunition down onto the few soldiers still around the port. Logan realized that if he’d been captured, those bullets would surely have been hammering down on him right then.

Instead, he watched in awe as soldiers in dark suits swarmed up the dock and rappelled out of the helicopters, the invading forces calming the situation almost immediately, gunfire gone quiet within two minutes of their arrival. Whoever the new group might be, they’d certainly had no qualms about using deadly force against Logan’s captors, and for that, the boy was rather thankful.

But he’d been through enough by then to trust nothing. He knew there were more than two sides in this war, and there was no guarantee he’d be in trustworthy hands should he make an approach back to the port.

Logan was exhausted, though. Beyond exhausted. Starving, thirsty, every muscle spasming and locking up in pain. It was enough to force down his instinct to keep moving. He found a spot covered by bushes and hidden from anyone not close by and curled up, twitching in painful muscle cramps. The exhaustion won out over the pain, but it was a hard slog right till the end.

“Gene!” Tamara exploded in arms extended and rushing legs. She all but leapt into his body. He’d barely stepped through the doorway when she’d practically tackled him.

“Tamara!” he exclaimed, his arms squeezing her so tight she couldn’t breath. Tamara cared not one bit to be in Gene’s vice.

The reunion was sudden and so long in the waiting that Tamara nearly mounted the man right then, the same emotions which had driven her to take her son inside her made her need to mate with Gene powerful and almost unstoppable. It was only when she saw Lauren step in that a different set of emotions won out. “Oh, God!” she cried as Lauren joined her embrace with Gene.

“Mom!” The three hugged tightly and soon a fourth, Finch, wrapped himself inside their arms.

Tamara simply couldn’t believe they were all together again. It had been weeks. So many hard, difficult, confusing, exciting, dangerous weeks on the run.

It wasn’t complete, though, she realized with horror. “Where’s Logan?” She hadn’t heard his name mentioned, and it was clear he was not about to step into the room.

“No one is sure right now,” said the tall, deep-voiced man who’d broken the news about Gene and Lauren coming to see her. “He was in Malta, of that we’re certain. But he hasn’t been seen since Sagal got you two out of there. She spotted him in the warehouse, but there was no way to get all three of you out.”

“She just left him there! Fuck!” Tamara exploded. “You left my son behind?!”

Gene’s calm voice took the edge off, but just a little. “Easy, Tam ... I understand it was a rather hot location. Damned lucky to get the two of you out. Damned lucky. We’re trying to find Logan right now, though...”

He trailed off and the tall, handsome man nearby finished his thought, “There are ... other priorities...”

“Other fucking priorities?” Tamara exploded again.

“Your son is most likely fine, and ... if he’s not ... we likely cannot help him.” When Tamara drew in breath to shout at him, the man rested a hand on her forearm and said calmly, “Mrs. Polanski, I’ll do everything I can for your son, I promise, but right now, we’re racing against time. The whole world is at stake, and we’re still trying to figure out where to find all the puzzle pieces we need to put together to regain control.”

Tamara spat, “Who the fuck are you, anyway.”

“Aristotle Bridgewater. You’re on my boat and under my protection.”

“Holly’s father,” Gene added evenly.

Bridgewater continued, “We almost rescued you in Vecchio but Utah got to you first.”

Tamara’s head swam trying to recall the details. “Utah? You mean Chaster Haul?”

“Same,” the man replied. “He goes by many names.”

“He killed my friend...”


“Marcus Hannigan.”

“Red-haired man, shot in Vecchio?”

“That’s him,” Tamara groaned, feeling the weight of his loss.

“He’s quite alive, I’m happy to say,” Bridgewater told her, “not well, exactly, but alive, last I checked.”

Tamara’s heart swelled and raced, “Is he here?”

Gene could tell his wife’s attachment to O’Leary was more than just as companion. He knew her well enough to read between the lines and see the emotional weight of her concern. He wasn’t exactly sure how to deal with that, but given how Gene and Holly had developed something more than just friendship, he was not about to think too deeply on things.

And he utterly refused to recall the details of his mating with Lauren hours earlier. That was a can of worms he simply couldn’t deal with in the middle of all this.

His reunion with his wife was something difficult to fully grasp. Gene had been overwhelmed, both joyous and in disbelief. When Holly had told him on the chopper that they had rescued Tamara and Finch from Malta and were taking them to the Cambridge, he’d refused to let himself get too excited. He hadn’t even told Lauren since it seemed that every time they got close to seeing each other again, his wife ended up being moved elsewhere or captured again. Only when he’d seen her face, her body covered only in white underwear, did he give in. Gene might have even cried a little, but he’d done his best to wipe away the tears before the four-way embrace broke apart with concerns for the missing Logan.

“No,” Bridgewater said in reply to Tamara’s question about O’Leary, “he’s in a medical ward in Israel. Certainly had a bad day, that man, but last I’d heard, he was stable. Unconscious, but stable.”

Gene saw a measured relief wash over Tamara’s face. She grasped Gene’s hand and squeezed it as if she needed reassurance that he was still there. She asked, “So what happens now? How do we find my son?”

Bridgewater didn’t hesitate to completely destroy any fantasy of prioritizing Logan. “We need to unlock you, Mrs. Polanski. We need to know what you know.”

“What I know?”

Gene spoke up, “It seems ... you were as much a part of Whitehead as I was ... We were ... brainwashed, I suppose. Brainwashed to forget your involvement. I only remembered when we found a key to my lost memories. But I’m just a key into yours, it seems, and Victor, and Utah, and who the fuck else knows who all want whatever it is inside your head to disappear, or reappear, or, fuck,” Gene growled, “whatever is in there is important, that’s about all we know. Something Victor needs to disappear or open or turn on.”

Tamara thought a moment, then said, “Haul mentioned something ... that I knew ... while we were in his sub. He didn’t say what,” she added quickly, “only that he wanted to access it. He didn’t want me dead, at least not immediately. He seemed to think I had knowledge which could turn Victor’s plan against him. Haul wanted revenge against Victor, I—”

Bridgewater cut her off. “To the status room. Hurry. We need to record everything you know. Hurry!”

Tamara jogged beside Gene, her head turning to ensure Lauren and Finch were with them, as they raced down one metal corridor after another, Tamara trying to recall every word Haul spoke to her on the submarine.

She’d been so urgent and needful that Finch wondered if what he’d done with his mother might have meant she was not in her right mind. The idea that she wasn’t herself while she fucked him made Finch cringe as they were settled in status room, another metal-walled enclosure with an oval table with seating for two dozen people. Only half that were inside. He and Lauren, his parents, Bridgewater and Holly, a few others.

His mother began talking rapidly when Bridgewater had insisted she continue.

“I don’t know much, really,” she said, “but there’s something inside me ... and not just information, I think. Haul made it clear I had a tracker in me somewhere, possibly more than a tracker. I’ve had it for years, he said.”

Bridgewater nodded and Finch wondered if the man knew more about his mother than he’d let on.

“Victor wants billions dead, Haul said, but Haul wanted to turn the tables and instead kill Victor and some ‘thousands’ who had made some wrong choice.”

“The Carthage Event,” Bridgewater nodded again, “please, go on.”

“Haul said that whatever was inside me could be used against Victor and that he needed some horrible man he called the Mantis to unlock me. Whatever it is I know, Haul was going to use it to make a change in Victor’s plans. That’s really about all I know.”

Finch could see the way the weeks on the run had aged his mother. Lines and blemishes, dark patches, rough skin, they all added years to her face and hands. She was gorgeous, without a doubt, but even Finch recognized how difficult the journey had been for her. He didn’t know the details of her weeks running, and Finch really hoped the worst sorts of things had not happened to her.

Gene spoke up, “Does this mean anything, Tam? Don’t Disturb the Monkey with the Golden Tambourine. Anything?” Gene’s pulse throbbed in his veins in expectation.

Tamara remained rather calm, shaking her head, “No, sorry ... nothing.”

“Nothing?!” Gene exclaimed, sure that the phrase was the one needed to open her up. “You feel nothing when I say don’t disturb the monkey with the golden tambourine?” He couldn’t believe the words had no effect.

“Nothing,” she comfirmed.

Gene looked at Bridgewater and Holly in shock. “I was so sure...”

Bridgewater betrayed nothing of any additional concerns from that non-event. “We’re missing something here.” He turned to Holly, “See if our man has arrived.”

When the blonde left the room, Gene asked, “Who?”

“Lee Lee, an old ... friend ... of the family, of a sort.”

“The mind-fuck guy, Anna’s ex or something,” Gene replied.

“Basically. He should be here by now. If anyone can get inside her head, Lee Lee can.”

The phrase had meant nothing to her, nothing at all. It sounded like some silly line from a children’s rhyme or perhaps lyrics from a philosophical rock song out of the seventies. Whatever it was, it didn’t match anything currently accessible inside Tamara’s head. She had seen the confusion on Gene’s face when she had no meaningful response.

The door rolled open a moment later and Holly slid through the opening, followed by a thin, good-looking Korean man with short, black hair and a wetsuit to match his locks. His glasses were thin and oval, resting on thin wire frames curled behind his ears.

“Lee Lee, good to see you after so long,” Bridgewater told the man while shaking his hand, “Sorry we have no time to catch up. This is her. This is Quincy.”

“Huh?” she heard Lauren say, “Who’s Quincy?”

“Ah, right,” Bridgewater said, “old habit, using that name ... Tamara. This is Tamara Polanski.”

The Korean man looked at her and replied to Bridgewater, “Don’t think I’ll let you being alive slip away from further conversation, Aristotle, but I appreciate your ... urgency. Tamara,” he said, directing his words at her, “I understand you’ve a bit of a blockage that needs my assistance. We should start immediately.”

Tamara was confused and exhausted and in an odd state after such traumatic and erotic experiences over the last few weeks, including mating with her son. It caused her to joke wryly, “Jeez, Lee Lee, you should at least buy a girl dinner before you start probing inside her...”

The room was quiet. No one laughed. Lee Lee turned to Bridgewater with a very confused look.

The tall, handsome man’s mouth turned into a small smile. “A joke, my friend. One day, you’ll get those.”

There was a rush of motion as Lee Lee led her quickly out of the room and down into a medical bay, settling her on a cushioned seat. There was not much room inside, only Lee Lee and Gene in the room itself, others gathered around the narrow opening to observe.

“I’m afraid some of this might hurt a bit, but I’ll do what I can to numb you as I can.”

“What are you going to do?” Tamara asked with a bit of panic at the image flushing into her head of the bespectacled man sawing open her skull to look at her brain.

“Well,” he said in a cool, emotionless voice, “first I’ll give you a sedative to help you relax, then I’m going to try to find this device in your body. It could be very small, but if it is like the one I found in Poppy weeks ago, it should show up on a scan. Don’t wish to be forced into anything more... unconventional.”


He shrugged, “Best not to worry right now...”

Lee Lee managed to stick the needle in her arm before she even realized it was in his hands, and the sedative took effect quickly. It left her with some awareness and alertness, no fear of falling asleep, but it certainly took the edge off of many of the swirling, troubling thoughts in her head.

It was nervewracking to watch as her mother was under the Korean man’s care. Even seeing the needle stuck into her arm was difficult for Lauren to witness, and she worried about just what sorts of horrible things he’d do to discover her secrets. None of this much made sense to Lauren. The terms, the people, it was beyond her understanding. All she was sure of was that she wanted her mother to be safe and to get this over with as quickly as possible. That, and to slide into bed with her father again.

Lauren couldn’t help that those moments played out as they did in her head, even when more pressing, mostly frightening, thoughts were already crowding her mind. But the warm strength stretching her vagina, the powerful spurts of her father’s seed, those had left her brain full of arousing memories and her mind was unwilling to let them go. Perhaps it was a defense mechanism, Lauren acknowledged, a way of going to a happy place when everything else was shit. Certainly, she knew, it was a very happy moment, sharing her bed and her body with her father.

“I’m going to need to focus,” Lee Lee called calmly to those watching from the doorway, “please ... leave me to work.”

The tall man Bridgewater ushered those watching back into the larger room and said, “I’ll go and keep watch. I’ll let you know if anything changes...”


Lauren’s attempt to protest was cut short by the man’s raised hand. “Right now, Lee Lee needs silence and patience. You can’t help, and you’re only going to get in his way. This will take some time. It would be best, for everyone, to get some rest. Here or your bunks is your decision.”

Same as Run
Chapter 51: Unconventional Videos

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Iam Owned by my Moms Friends

Slut-boy is 22 years old and his Mistress is a friend of his mother. The two friends of Mistress are roughly the same age as Mistress, which is somewhere in the mid-forties.Mistress and slut-boy"Did you clean the bathroom yet, slut-boy?""No.""I can't believe you just said that! It's a good thing your mother asked me to look out for you while you finished college. You'd have never made it!""I'm sorry, Mistress. I meant to say, No, Mistress.""Get in there and clean the bathroom while I decide...

1 year ago
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My first sexual encounter with my Exgirlfriend

Hi friends, I love the stories posted on this site and I am a fan of this site I like all the stories posted here. I am going to share my true experience with my ex-girlfriend. I guess names would not be necessary. I just completed my studies (M.C.A) in a reputed college but the fact is I hated the college. I was a know person in the college because of not good reasons I don’t mean I was a brat but used to have a lot of doubts in the subject and the professors were not able to clarify my...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Change Ch 02

[This story will be at least four parts. It could be in Loving Wives, First Times, Incest/Taboo or a couple of other categories. I apologize right up front for any misrepresentation of the Shoshone peoples. My intention was to honor them and their culture. Naturally, you are encouraged to vote and leave feedback. Especially leave feedback that is intended to assist me in improving as an author.] * Buzz tossed me the lotion bottle and said, ‘Kay is the Goddess. You job today is to love her,...

3 years ago
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Alabaster Purity with a Flaw

ONE The purity of a woman is like a diamond, an unmarked mirror of the perfect first flower of spring – something to be looked upon with pleasure, very deep pleasure that is so exquisitely deep. It’s an intrinsic pleasure that money can’t buy. Martin Church had that long-winded and self-righteous thought as he waited in the restuarant for his lunch order to arrive. Martin was low on the town’s unwritten listing of its VIPs, although Martin being Martin would have assumed he’d be highly...

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TOM and I

It’s Saturday night and we are at my wife’s sister's house. She and her husband are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary. There are 10 couples in attendance. The 8 other couples are their neighbours. We live 30 miles from here and do not know any of them. We are sitting around visiting in their family room in the basement, having a beer, wine, whatever. There aren’t enough chairs so some people are sitting on the floor or wherever they are comfortable. One guy is sitting on the stairs....

2 years ago
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Ms Lattuca Gets A Taste Of Her Student

It was finally Halloween day. Ms. Lattuca had picked out a sexy outfit for the occasion. She was a teacher, why not dress like one? She wore a black lacy bra and matching panties. Over it, a pleated plaid skirt with lace at the hemthat barely covered her tight, fit ass. She pulled on her fishnet stockings and complimented them with black stilettos. She didn’t plan on wearing anything over her bra, she wanted to keep her costume very sexy, very alluring. Accentuating her outfit, she wore a plaid...

3 years ago
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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I'd been there, tried that; got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn't my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

2 years ago
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Black Rule Owning The Future

Picking Prospects? Think PPP! As any Bull active for more than a few years knows, there is a target-rich environment out there for Balance Kings. When you've got your neighbour's buxom housewife, a nubile cheerleader, your pin-skirted boss and half a dozen cold-propositions all clamouring to be your next toys, it can be tough to choose. An experienced King will aim to train no more than 3 couples at once - this is meticulous work that often takes over a year, even for our top recruiters, so...

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A Love from the Past Ch 1213

There are fictional locations near real locations mentioned in this post, any similarity to a real location is a coincidence. Thanks for reading! Ashira CHAPTER TWELVE ‘Marie, it’s Shella. Again. I know I’m probably the last person you want to hear from right now, but I wanted to remind you that I had the baby, a boy and I thought you would want to see your grandson. I named him Paul Samuel after his father and he looks just like him. You know my cell number, please call me,’ Shella said,...

3 years ago
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Casual Relationship Through Tinder

Hey babes… this is Rohan from Bhopal, 26 years old submitting my first story here. This happened 2 weeks ago. First of all, I would like to say this is 110% real and not just a fantasy. Now, coming to the story. It all started 3 months back when I was trying to move on over my ex and had installed a few dating apps on my mobile. Obviously, I was not in need of another relationship and honestly, I had no idea about what I wanted through those dating apps. Anyway, while I was swiping left and...

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Saskia My First anal rape REPOST

As we walked up a particularly long and steep hill, my dad changed the conversation to something I was not expecting. ?Adam, today we?re not just going to be walking.? He started to explain. ?What do you mean by that?? I asked quite curiously. ?You?re seventeen in less than a month and you?re still whipped on that Saskia girl. We need to get you over this, so I?ve arranged a little surprise for you..? I thought this over for the next couple of minutes. I?d liked this girl since the end of my...

1 year ago
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Valqua the Ehira of the Household

(Desi translation of “whore”: ahreh or sharmuta or ehira) When the two older women scooped her up from where she was begging on the street in the Arab city that she didn’t even know the name of, Valqua didn’t know why. The piece of fruit they gave her occupied her attention for a bit. She was very hungry and dirty, clad in filthy rags. After a long walk on the crowded streets they approached the door of a large walled compound, one of many in the city. Being recognized through a peephole, the...

1 year ago
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Private Gabi Gold Lina Luxa Share A Lucky Stud

Gabi Gold and Lina Luxa have come to Private Gold, Family and Friends and these two waste no time taking advantage of a free house as they strip down to their lingerie and get it on with each other. However this hot lesbian action will soon turn into an unforgettable threesome as Gabi’s lucky boyfriend Marc Rose returns home and joins in the fun. Watch these beauties in action as they share a nice blowjob before taking turns getting fucked in this breath taking scene full of pussy eating, cock...

2 years ago
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the stockroom

ok, first story....this is trueI had been working in this pub for near a year now. since i had started i had been constantly flirting with a girl named anne (another lounge staff), but since we both were in relationships we never acted on it, everyone else who worked there constantly teased us both over it, something we would just laugh off. anyway to cut long story short, it was after last call one night and i was to head to stock room to get rid of any rubbish, only to find anne hiding out...

1 year ago
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Sex with sons girlfriend

Son is 26. Girlfriend is 27......I am 48 yrs old. They had been together 3 months and broke up. Long story short we were friends on Facebook. She messaged me about 4 months after breakup. I told her I was sorry it didn't work out. She ended up giving me her cell number after messaging for awhile. She asked lots of question including sexual history. I'm a freak and so we were sharing stories. She then told me she heard I was very talented orally. What? How did she know? I never said a word about...

2 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 5

“Yes, this is Mrs. Bailey, who is this?” “This is Dr. Phelps, from the UCSD Medical Center. Your son, Blane, was taken to our emergency room about five minutes ago. He has overdosed on three kinds of substances, we think it’s a mixture of cocaine, alcohol and another substance we haven’t identified yet.” “Oh good Lord!” Mrs. Bailey said, falling back into her bed as she put a hand over her heart, “Is he alright?” “He’ll be fine, Ms. Bailey, the drugs spread through his body...

1 year ago
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The optician

I had an appointment at the Optician as I needed a yearly check up cos of my diabetis. This was a specialist shop not the run of the mill high street cheapo places. As I sat waiting the receptionist was a beutiful looking MILF of around 45-50 years old, slim and smelling beautiful, I was fantasizing about shagging her and had a semi on when I was called.As I walked awkwardly into the room, the optician was a mature man of around 50 years old. He asked me if I was Ok, I said "Yes thanks", as I...

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Black man says he fucked my wife

I know my now 65y.o. wife has fucked black men in the past and I have never gotten to see it and can't get her to do it now. Says she has changed but still tells me her fantasies about black men, when trying to get my little 4" dick hard.I recently put an ad. with a couple of pics of her on craigslist asking for a black man to seduce her. I got a response from a guy who wanted to know if her name was Sue? I told him it was and he told me if she had worked for parole in Georgia, he had fucked...

3 years ago
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Getting Quick And Dirty With My Maid

So this finally happened. I just had a breakfast in bed, and it was served between my maid’s long legs. A little background first. I’m 28 year old man, happily married and living in Mumbai. Don’t get my wrong, me and my wife have a healthy sexual relationship and we do engage in fun every once in a while. But unfortunately, I have slightly bigger appetite for sex than her and she’s slightly more traditional when it comes to sex while I like to try new things. So I try and find different ways to...

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Fucked My Boss 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers, this is varun here with continuation of my first story fucked my bitch boss. Were in this story it is about the two more session which I will be narrating in this story. Coming to the story after the first encounter with my boss she started to behave like a bitch again were she started to act like that encounter has never happened between us and said to me that no one should know about this. Everything came to routine again and another exhibition took place in the star...

2 years ago
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Helping out a friend part 2

Continued from part I. --- I still couldn't believe what had happened last night, I had swallowed a load from my boyfriend's best friend! The worst part, however, was that I wanted more. But the rest of our friends were arriving that weekend, so I never thought I would get an opportunity. I laid the idea to rest, plus - I wasn't entirely sure I could start cheating on Mike. Later on that afternoon, we were all lounging by the dock. "Hey Mike, I'm going to go canoeing, want to come?" Ron yelled...

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Sex With my Moms FriendsChapter 3

I lay in bed that night, unable to sleep after learning that my mother was in a sexual relationship with a woman who, just hours earlier, was having anal sex with me. Mom hadn't lied when she told me she had seen others after my father died, she just neglected to tell me that one of them was a woman, one of her best friends. I wasn't judging her but I was shocked to hear her talk with Jeri the way she did just after I had fucked Jeri in the ass. I had many questions which needed answers, but I...

1 year ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 29

Emerald Princess ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 29: Combat Finals ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THAT NIGHT WITH Caireen in her castle she cuddled me, fed me, cuddled me, fed me, and cuddled some more; all while I continued teething in her world too. She turned the baby treatment on full blast, but I didn't honestly mind it that much with how miserable my mouth felt! Each time I nursed from her though, I felt stronger, and by the time she changed me and nursed me that night my...

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Dare with the Ex

The six of us were there, myself, Jessica, Max, Drew, Ashley and Mimi. We played a bunch of drinking games and were all pretty buzzed when max said, anyone interested in a little Truth or Dare? We all agreed, Jessica looked at me and said no matter what the dare is we have to agreed to do it, I not wanted to back down or seem scared said no matter what. The tension in the room was obvious, we started with the BS dares, ring the neighbor’s door and run, eat the year-old candy bar, little...

2 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 62

Things had just started to get really interesting – Jessica had managed to get Rose to go down on Rebecca, and was moving into position to straddle Rebecca’s face – when there was a loud ringing. Lifting her head from her friend’s crotch, Rose located her phone and studied it for a few seconds.“It’s my uncle,” said Rose. “He’ll be wondering where we are.”And with that the moment was over – Jessica knew there was no sense pushing her luck and having this uncle coming snooping around. She helped...

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Cover UpChapter 6

Ed found himself with a lot of free time on his hands. He'd picked up a few skills in the Air Force, enough to give him some confidence in his ability to figure out how to make basic repairs around his Aunt's house. Mostly, they were cosmetic improvements, like painting the fence in the front yard and reattaching the storm drains where they'd become separated from the accumulated weight of the leaves and other detritus that had accumulated in the gutters from the roof. These things kept...

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Just For LaughsChapter 15

The very next day the new vice-president and her husband were given the grand tour of her wing of the White House. Her new secretary Vivian Green called "Vi" showed her around. The last room shown to them was the opulent bathroom with its gold plated faucets and marble bathtub and shower. The showing took almost an hour before Gabrielle dismissed Vi locking the door behind her. She noticed that Vi was a tall, slender, pretty black woman who was Woodhouse's secretary. She asked Vi if she...

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The Captive Princess

Clara felt herself coming to. She could not remember much but she was sure that she had been taken hostage last night. She had been asleep in her room when a strange man had woke her just as he was putting a rag over her mouth and then she could remember nothing else. She was sure her father the King would pay what ever payment was demanded for her safe return. She did not know that the man that had taken her did not want anything from the king and much from her small virginal body. Robert had...

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Insolence in the Shower

She grabbed my arm, jolting me, her flawless lavender-pink nails digging into my skin. “Where have you been,” she hissed. The fruity, sugary fragrance of her perfume filled my nostrils. Insolence by Guerlain. As sickeningly sweet as it was, I yearned for it when it was not there. She wrenched me away from what I was doing. Forgotten, my textbook fell to the desk. She forced me to look into her hazel eyes. “You were supposed to meet me ten minutes ago.” Even the way she snarled was alluring,...

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