Mischevious MorganChapter 2 free porn video

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I wake up early Sunday morning, and get ready for church. I get out of bed and look in my closet for a dress. After deciding on a red button-down blouse with black skirt and red belt, I grab a bra and underwear, and go to the bathroom for my shower.

I head in and start the shower. After taking off my pajamas, I sit on the toilet and piss. Come to think of it, Emily’s right. I think ‘piss’ sounds a lot more grown up than ‘pee’. Anyway, I flush the toilet and wait for the shower to get back to warm water. As I wait, I look down at my big red bush. It is overgrown from the years of never shaving it. I don’t want to disappoint my strict parents, and that’s why I never shave my bush.

I get in the shower and enjoy the warm water cascading down my body. After spending half the weekend without any clothes and really loving my personal nudity, as well as the girls at Sami’s party, I’m learning to cherish the times when I can be away from my parents and enjoy the freedom to do what I want as long as I don’t do anything that would lead to major consequences. I lather up my hands with soap and slap some on my breasts and tummy, then give my pussy with big red bush a good soaping. I finish up with my arms and legs. After a nice rinse, I wash my red mane, and shampoo it really good. I rinse and dry off.

I get out and put on my bra and panties. I look in the mirror and wish I had my phone with me. Not because I think I have a great body, though my best friend, Emily, sure thinks so. I want to do it to further free myself of my parents’ crazy rules. I mean does showing my belly button really make me a bad person? I sure as hell hope not.

I fit into my skirt, then put on the blouse. I slowly button from the top down to my belly. I button the last one and put on my belt. I leave the bathroom and carry my pajamas back to my room. Then I put them in the dirty clothes hamper.

I grab my phone and keys from my dresser and head to the kitchen.

“Good morning, Mom!”

“Hey, Morgan. Did you sleep good?”

“Yeah”, I reply

“Good. You look nice this morning”, she says.

“Thanks, mom.”

I look in the pantry and get some Frosted Flakes. Then I grab the milk from fridge and make a bowl of cereal. I enjoy my cereal while Mom reads the paper. Dad comes in wearing his usual Sunday best suit, another consequence of living with Papa Gilmore.

“You look nice, Dad”, I tell him.

“Thanks. You do too, Morgan”, says Dad.

Thanks, Dad.”

I finish my cereal, then go back to my room and grab my bible.

“See you there! Love you!”, I shout as I head out the door.

“Love you, Morgan!”, says Mom.

I get in my car and head to church. Serenity is a fairly small, in relative terms, church. By comparison, the biggest church in America is actually about five miles from my house. The church building is an arena that our basketball team used to play in. It’s pretty huge. It’s possible you’ve heard of the pastor. Mom and Dad aren’t fans of his. They don’t think he’s a real pastor like his dad. But they feel really comfortable at Serenity. It may not be big, but it’s just right.

I find a parking place and walk to the youth building. After opening the door, I see Emily.

“Hey, girlie!”

“Hey there!”, says Emily.

After a hug, I follow Emily to a table with church friends, Brianna, Rachel, and Amanda.

“Hey, Morgan!”, says Brianna.

“Hey, girls! What’s up?”

“Well, Noah and I went to a movie last night. We went to see ‘The Jungle Book’ in 3D”, Brianna replies.

“Oh, I love the cartoon”, I mention

“This is a live action version. I think you’d like it. I know you watch a lot of Disney movies”, says Brianna.

“True”, I reply.

“I heard you and Emily went to a party”, says Rachel.

“Yeah, we had cake and ice cream, and watch some movies”, I tell her.

“Sounds pretty nice”, Rachel says.

Do you really think I’m going to tell them what really happened? ‘Yeah, I watched a couple of male strippers strip to nothing, and oh, Emily and I got naked, too.’ I don’t think so. Yeah, I know lying isn’t good for my soul.

Noah and James, two guys from another high school join us. Noah is Brianna’s boyfriend. James is his best friend.

“Hey, honey.”

“Well, hi, sweetie”, says Noah. He sits down and puts his arm around Brianna. Brianna kisses him on the cheek.

“Hey, Morgan”, says James.

“Hey”, I say.

“How are you?”, he asks

“I’m fine. How have you been?”, I respond


I guess I should say that James has been very interested in dating me. But I’m not ready. Oh, I’m very interested in guys. I’m just not sure about James.

He walks away from the table and goes to another one. Our teachers, Michael and Lori, open class with a prayer. They continue by introducing today’s lesson about David and Bathsheba. I’m not going to bore you to death. Basically, Bathsheba is married to someone else, and David sees her. He’s very smitten with her. So smitten, David has Bathsheba’s husband killed, then marries her. Pretty damn screwy. Oops, I can’t say damn in church! Pretty screwy to me.

After the full assembly, the boys and girls split up. The guys stay in the big room. Us girls have to go to another room for time away from the guys. We sit in a circle on the floor. I sit between Emily and Rachel as Lori teaches the lesson.

Emily and I flip through our bibles, following the lesson, giving no hint of what we did this weekend. After the lesson, Brianna leads the girls in a closing prayer. Lori dismisses us, and Emily and I head towards the sanctuary.

“Hey, Morgan, I need to go to the bathroom”, says Emily.

“Me, too.”

Emily finds a bathroom. We go in and Emily locks the door.

“I need to go first”, she says.

It’s one of those single stall bathrooms big enough for disabled people to use. Emily reaches underneath her skirt and completely removes her panties.

“Emily, you’re going to get us in a lot of trouble!”, I exclaim.

“Nah!”, she says. “Just get your phone out. Do not show anything to your parents.”

I get my phone out of my skirt pocket. Emily pulls her blouse and skirt up, then stands over the toilet bowl.

“Oh my gosh, you’re...”

Yeah, she has to go. It looks like a gusher. The splash in the bowl is loud. I take some pictures of it on my phone and Emily’s phone. After she’s done, it’s my turn.

“You really want me to do that, too?”, I ask, getting scared out of my mind.

“Why not?”, she retorts.

“Emily, we’re in church!”,

“So? Didn’t Jesus ever go to the bathroom?”, she mentions.

“I’m sure he did, but not with people watching.” I look at Emily. I’m a little ticked off by this, but I relent. I remove my panties, and unbutton my blouse. I pull up my skirt and stand over the toilet like Emily did. I piss, but not as magnificently as Emily. She takes some pictures for our phones.

“Did you like that?”, I ask.

“Oh, Morgan, you know I liked it. Didn’t you like my piss?”, she replies.

“Of course, I did, Emily. I just didn’t think doing this in church was appropriate.”I button my blouse, then get my panties back on. “Your mom doesn’t let you get wild at the house?”

“No, you heard her say the most we could do is bare our bellies”, Emily reminds me.

“But you loved being naked this weekend?”

“Yeah”, she says.

“I did, too, Emily. But you know my parents are here, and they can’t know anything ... ever. Or I’ll be grounded until I’m forty.”

“I’m sorry, Morgan. You know I love you.”

“Love you, too. We just have to be careful with the naked fun. I actually liked pissing in front of you, I never thought that would happen. We need to get out of here.”

We leave the bathroom in a quick and and decent fashion. After walking down a hall, Emily and I enter the sanctuary. We join the others in the youth group, and sit next to Brianna and Noah. I look behind us to see mom and dad. I wave at them. Mom waves back.

My church is one of those that went from traditional hymns to the more modern worship style. So, we don’t have hymnals in the pews. Instead, there’s monitors on both sides of the sanctuary that display announcements before services, and song lyrics when we sing.

The congregation sings a few songs, and Pastor Ben talks about biblical marriage. Something that I’ll be lucky to have if my parents have a say.

I drive home after church and do my homework while Mom cooks lunch. While I read my government lesson, I can smell chicken fried steak. I go to the kitchen.

“Mom, that smells so good.”

“Thank you, honey. Go ahead and get out of that dress. Don’t want to get it all messy.”

I go back to my room and change into a t-shirt and shorts. Before going back to the kitchen, I get out my phone and send my pics with Emily to Grace. She’ll get a kick out of them for sure.

Mom has lunch ready. That chicken fried steak is the bomb. She’s a really good cook. Corn and green beans are yummy, too.

I go back to my room and finish homework. Then, I pull out my flute and practice for band. Yeah, I’m a band nerd. But I’d rather be a band nerd than a P. E. reject. It’s hard getting laughed at every day because you have to wear your gym clothes under your school clothes. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen in band.

After dinner, I go back to my room and call Grace.

“Hey, Sissy!”

“Hey, Gracie!”

“Oh my God, I can’t believe what you and Emily did at church!”, my sister says.

“I know!”, I respond. “I’m not sure if Emily planned it or not. But we actually did it between Sunday School and the church service.”

“Are you frickin’ kidding? Where was this?”, she asks.

“It was a small bathroom near the sanctuary”, I reply.

“And no one saw?”

“Well, it had a lock on it.”

“God, you don’t know how lucky you both are. But might I say I love them. So, this was the outfit you wore to church?”, she wonders.


“I love the open blouse with the bra and skirt. Very sexy.”

“Thank you. So, how are your peeps liking my pictures?”, I ask.

“Oh. Morgan, they love them. They really want to get your own page”, Grace responds.

“They really do?”, I ask in horror. “But Mom and Dad could find out and I’ll be grounded be until I’m dead.”

“Morgan, first off, you’re sixteen. You’ll be eighteen in a year-and-a-half. At that time, you can decide to stay or move somewhere else. Second, if you need to deactivate your account at any time to cover your tracks, you can do that.”

“Do you think I can get a Peepbook page without getting into trouble?”, I inquire.

“Of course you can. Do you need help from me? I can help set it up”, Grace responds back.

“Let me get on my computer.” I boot up the computer and go into Firefox. “What’s the website?”

“It’s peepbook.com.”

I type in peepbook.com and come to the login page. I type in my first and last name, my email address, and my zip code.

“Okay, what did you put?”, she asks.

“Morgan Gilmore, [email protected]...”

“Sissy, just use Morgan Hope. Don’t use Gilmore until you’re at least eighteen. At least Mom and Dad won’t have much say then.”

“Okay.” I change Gilmore to Hope and click the sign-up button. The screen then shows me a number of possible friends based on my zip code. I look down the list and several personal friends like Susan Moore, Sami Moore, Taylor Mills, Shelby Matthews, and Karen Richardson ... Karen Richardson! Oh my God, my computer teacher is on Peepbook?! “My computer teacher, Mrs. Richardson, is on Peepbook.”

“Oh really? I guess you can’t wait to see?”, she wonders.

“Well, Susan said she has a belly ring and nipple rings”, I reply.

“Nipple rings? Eck! Nasty and unappealing.”

“That’s basically what Susan said as well. She urged me to not get them.”

“Good!”, says Grace. “Anyway, friend me, and I’ll try to get as many of my friends on your page as I can. In the meantime, go ahead and send friend requests. Even if you don’t know them, they will probably accept anyway. Start with the list, and hit ‘send friend request’ on every one of them.

“Okay, Gracie.”

“How many are on the list?”, she asks.

“It says 172”, I tell her.

“Damn! I had no idea there were that many down there. I’ll check your list next weekend, and add your people. Then you can add mine. Now, Morgan, don’t flip out over what I’m about to tell you, but it’s very important.”


“Of course, Peepbook allows you to post your naked pics, and see everyone else’s. But you can also communicate with your Peepbook friends and actually meet them”, she says.

“Okay”, I say, not surprised by her previous statement.

“And have sex”, she says.

“Oh my God! What?”, I exclaim in a hushed voice. Don’t want my parents to know what I’m doing.

“You can meet people and have sex”, she repeats.

“Have you ... done it?”, I ask, scared of what Grace’s answer might be.

“A few ... times.”

“Oh, Gracie.”

“I know Mom and Dad would be disappointed”, she says. “But I want to live my life, not be under their foot all the damn time.”

“Do you and your roommates have sex together?”, I ask.

“A couple of times.”

“Really? Do tell!”

“Well, I’ve done Peter twice. Don’t worry. I made sure he had a condom on before he stuck it in me. Alyssa and I have had sex four or five times”, she says.

“You’ve had sex with a girl?”, I ask. I’m really shocked by this revelation.

“Yeah”, she replies.

“Holy crap!”, I exclaim. I’m really in shock over this. “Is Alyssa good?”

“Yeah. But I don’t know if I’m bisexual. I still feel heterosexual. I have met a few men through Peepbook. And a few women.”


“Are you ready for something like that?”, she asks.

“Yeah”, is my reply.

“Okay, I sent a friend request. Go send requests from your list, and start having fun”, she says.

“Okay, Gracie. I love you.”

“I love you, too, Morgan. Good night, Sissy.”

“Good night.” I end the call.

It takes about five minutes, but I send out all the friend requests. I accept Grace’s request and start looking through her page. Oh my God! There’s lots of pictures here like the one of her work uniform that she already sent me. I see a couple that are in bra and panties. She’s naked outside, inside ... what the hell is this? Holy shit, that’s her butt hole! That’s the last thing I would have expected! I would expect closeups of her ass and her pussy, but not her ass hole. God, I feel so dirty, I need a shower. But it’ll have to wait until morning.

Mrs. Richardson accepts my friend request. Oh my God! Her message pops up on my screen.

“Morgan, when did you get on Peepbook?”, she writes.

I write back, “ I just started on Peepbook. My sister is on here and convinced me to get a page.”

She types, “I see. I just know your mom and dad wouldn’t allow the kind of stuff on here.”

“Please don’t tell them, Mrs. Richardson.”

“I won’t if you do me one small favor.”

“Anything!”, I type.

“Okay. Actually, Morgan, it’s not anything bad. My sister told me you were at Sami’s party. I assume you have pictures?”

“Of course, and Grace has some of them.”

“Awesome! I expect to see some tomorrow night”, she types back.


“But actually that wasn’t it. You remember my sister wanting you to call her Susan? Well, please call me Karen outside of class.”

“Okay, Karen, you have a deal.”

“Have you gone through my pictures yet?”

“I haven’t.”

“Well, there’s a lot of pictures, taken over twenty-five years. Some have my sister, some with my husband. And plenty more with friends.”


“Oh, don’t forget to friend my husband, Tom.”

“Oh, thanks! I will.”

I’m noticing a lot of the friend requests are being accepted, and there’s some action in the feed. Let’s see ... one from a young man, I’m guessing around thirty, stripping out in a park. Damn, that’s a nice sausage! He even has a nice picture of his ass up there. There’s another from an older woman who is pictured with a blouse, but nothing else. She writes, “A new outfit for work. I wore this on Friday.” Work? Where does she work? I don’t know of any places where you could wear that and get away with it.

More requests come in. Wow, I’m getting requests from some girls my age who live in another city. Naturally, I accept them. Kristine is a blonde, and, God, does she like to show off in public. She’s in one of those discount stores exposing her boobs and belly. In another, she drops her skirt, showing everything. Damn! And is she getting naked in school? Wow! No way in hell I could do that!

Anyway, I have to save it for tomorrow. It’s bedtime. I change into a nightgown and panties. I go to the living where Mom and Dad are.

“Good night!”

“Good night, Morgan! Sweet dreams, sweetie”, says Mom.

I go back to my room and close the door. I hop into bed and sneakily get my panties off. I put them next to me under the sheets. I pull my nightshirt above my belly. It’s probably the best situation until I can move. My door doesn’t have a lock on it and my parents can come in and out at anytime. I slowly get to sleep.

Six-thirty comes very early. I get a shower and slip on a pink Christian t-shirt and jeans over a bra and undies. Yeah, I know ... why is someone wearing a Christian t-shirt who’s also exposing their naked body on the internet? Mom and Dad aren’t up yet, so I get a bowl of raisin bran.

After eating my bowl of cereal, I brush my hair and teeth. I grab my bookbag, flute, phone, and keys, and head out the front door to my car. I get in and start my car. Chris Tomlin comes on the radio station, and I sing along.

Traffic to school usually difficult. After all, there’s over two million people living in this city. That’s why I give myself plenty of time to get there. I park the car at school and go in. I head to the band hall and drop off my flute. Then, as I head to the cafeteria to sit before first period, Mrs. Richardson ... uh, Karen, passes me.

“Hey, Morgan, how are you?”, she greets me.

“I’m great”, I reply.

“Did you put the pictures up yet?”, she asks.

“I haven’t”, I reply.

“Well, follow me and I’ll help you”, she says.

“Really? Right now?”, I ask.

“Yeah, we got time.”


We go to Mrs. Richardson’s computer room. She closes the windowless door.

“So, you went to Sami’s party, got naked, and now you’re on Peepbook”, she says.

“Strange weekend, wasn’t it?”

“I’d say so. Sis showed me some of the pictures she took.”

“You like them?”, I ask.

“Oh, you bet I loved them”, Karen replies. “She said you and your friend, Emily, took some pictures there.”

“Yeah. Grace wanted me to send some pictures.”

“Wait. Grace wanted the pics? What the hell happened?”, she asks, rather shocked that my sister would even like nudity.

“Her roommates in Austin are nudists. She’s now a nudist herself”, I reply.

“Holy crap! I wasn’t expecting that. So, you’re both into nudity?”


“And Mom and Dad don’t know”, she wonders.

“Right”, I confirm

“Okay. Don’t worry, I’m not telling them. But I want to see the pics.”

I pull my phone out and show her the pictures. Her eyes look like they’re coming out of their sockets.

“Oh my, Morgan! I love these”, she says.

“Thank you.”

“Just go to your feed, and add all of them to your status.”

I click the camera icon, which brings up all the pictures. I click them all and add them.

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Chucks Forced VacationChapter 8

I woke before six thinking about food. Wonder why I'm always so darned hungry. I did think that I should get up and get going so I could call John. I needed to get in touch with Bud to see what he's up to. As I shifted, Kathy wrapped herself around me and said, "Oh no, you don't. You have to pay a toll before you can get out of my clutches. You have to pay one very good kiss first." We kissed very gently and just looked at each other. She said, "I'm glad you have become part of us. I...

1 year ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 46

That was the end of the scene, I knew it was going to happen from my script, but it still rankled that I wasn't getting a straight run at this gorgeous blonde. Again, the crew re-sited the equipment, while Vicky busied herself with her make-up and hair. When Debbie the make-up girl had finished with Vicky, she applied a little foundation to my face and brushed my hair. Then Peter said, "positions please," Peter called "action" and then Vicky and I moved over by the couch, then Vicky...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity With My Boyfriend At My House

Hi, I am new here and this is my first sex story. My name is Riya, I am 19 and have figure 32-26-32. This story is about how I lost my virginity at my own house with my boyfriend karthik who is 20. We had a relationship of 6 months and we were very close to each other. We used to have sex talks late night talks and we want to have it but were not getting perfect place for it. Suddenly my family have to go somewhere and due to some reasons I was not able to go with them. So my family went up in...

2 years ago
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A Weekend Getaway Pt II

My wife just let herself get fucked by a complete stranger. She had met him through a Craigslist ad and communicated a few times before through emails, but this was the first time they had met in person. His name is Brandt. Laura had surprised me with a weekend getaway to northern Georgia and he had been waiting in the cabin my wife had rented. In less than ten minutes after arriving, my wife had her pussy filled with his cock. Within twenty Brandt was shooting his hot cum down her throat. I...

Wife Lovers
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The Witch and the Dragon Part 1

Prologue Sunlight poked through the cracks of the window shutters, glittering rays dancing across the grey stones of the tower room floor. Alluna hadn’t opened the shutters, unable to bear the sight of another perfect day. The scene would be the same—the tall grass in the field rolling and swaying with the caress of summer breeze, surrounded by a sea of deep green forest beyond. The trees always danced and whispered amongst themselves, making Alluna envy them. They were surrounded by their own...

1 year ago
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What I Do When Im Alone

With the wife off to work today, I decide to indulge in my fetish. I wait a little bit till I know she is at work and it’s upstairs I go. I take my computer with me to chat with friends and others I happen to meet in chat rooms. I lie down on my bed and start chatting with people and seeing which friends are on. It takes about an hour before I finally find someone to chat with. What follows is what I usually do when I find someone to chat with, this is no direct account of what happens, its...

3 years ago
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Mummy Fucked By Doodhwala

Hi friends, me naam Sumit ( name change) hai apni ek nayi story ke sath pehle me apne bare me bata du me college me 20 saal ka hu ye meri ghr me mom dad or chota bhen hai meri mom ka naam rashmi hai vo ek teacher hai school me unka figure 36 28 36 hai ye story meri mummy ke baare me hai ki kaise vo doodh wale se chudi hamare ghr me ek ladka doodh dene aata hai vo gaon ka desi banda hai jiski umar karb 25 se 28 ki hogi vo gaon me kushti karta hai or usne apni body kaafi achi bana rakhi hai uski...

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Taking the Risk Mishas Story Ch 03

For those that wanted to know more about Misha before he met Froo, here is his story and how he came to be in England which is where he met her and fell in love, and his time with Suzanne the woman in his past. His passion for Suzanne becomes an obsession, as she plunges down into a self destructive whirlpool, so for those that believe that life’s many experiences make up a rich and interesting tapestry….here is Misha’s story. To read about Misha and Froo please read the companion story...

1 year ago
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the adventures of fairy tail

A young wizard was walking in a small port known as hargion on his way to magnolia when he saw a man with pink hair getting pummeled by a mob of angry women then you notice who it is standing next to him your cousin Lucy when you approach them she spots you.John is that you asked Lucy Lucy its great to see you but I never would have thought to see you so far a may from your home. I know but I got fed up with it and the way father ignoirs me. So I left to find and join fairy tail said lucy....

3 years ago
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Watching My Daughter Fuck My Black Neighbor

My name is Kevin and I live with my daughter Mandy who is s*******n years old. Ever since her mom left Mandy has taken over of the role of "Mom" in her mind and even though I tell her that she needs to go out and be a teenager she insists that shes fine and feels more comfortable at home taking care of me. I have had a few dates here and there but the motivation to go out and date is just not there right now. It can be hard somedays waking up and looking at Mandy because she looks exactly like...

2 years ago
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Dominance pt 2 Sharing

The chime of her phone caused everyone in the meeting to turn and look. She blushed and mouthed “sorry” to her frowning boss. Only one person texted her during the day, and she knew he was busy with friends this week. Although she was anxious to check, she had to wait until the meeting dragged itself to a close before looking. Rear entrance 5:45. A car will be waiting. Her heart raced. A rendezvous with him was always exciting, but this was unexpected. As the day wound to a close she found...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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A Deal

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… Sue Anderson walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She knew that it would not be long before Jim, her husband, would be in to join her. She had left him watching the news while she got ready...

2 years ago
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Vienna Street Urchins

“Has Max been in yet tonight?” I had had to build up the courage, with my second drink, on the stool at the Sling Bar, a gay nightclub on Vienna’s Margaretenstrasse, southwest of the ring road around the old city, before I could ask the barman. It was a gay bar. It wasn’t just that I was asking for one of the male prostitutes who frequently picked up men in this bar that I was hesitant. It was because Max was fourteen, one of the street urchins of Vienna who maintained his existence by selling...

1 year ago
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McQueen Fucks Sally Carerra Extended Version

McQueen fucks Sally (with extended backstory)Short version also availableLightning McQueen, a cocky rookie racecar, speeds through Radiator Springs during the night in search of his transporter rig, Mack. He is pursued by Sheriff, the local law enforcement officer, and destroys the road while being chased. He soon crashes into power lines and is arrested and impounded. Days later, during the trial, the town attorney, Sally Carrara, a curvy, sleek sky blue Porsche, enters the courtroom. “Holy...

3 years ago
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A Night At The Casino

Nancy’s marriage was dead. While there was a time she loved her husband to death, their marriage over time just weakened. The two of them stopped having sex years ago and don’t even sit down at the dinner table together. He’s not a bad guy. I met him a time or two. A pretty good looking guy for his age, a hard worker and very friendly. He wasn’t at all a controlling person and pretty much let her do whatever she wanted and on his dime. I certainly didn’t appear as a threat to him given...

2 years ago
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In a 1950’s style apartment a lovely woman with full breasts and natural curves to spare, a large woman, gets ready for bed in an absurdly short negligee. She is Giovanna, a brave and daring woman who knows her needs and knows how to please. She combs her raven and electric blue hair and then touches up her eye make-up.“Every good girl is always ready,” she says into the mirror. She notices out her window that a handsome neighbor from across the alley is watching her.He is strong in an...

4 years ago
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The Reset ManifestoChapter 29

There was a point at which it became obvious that the service had stopped being a normal funeral. People started telling ‘Peter Moore stories.’ Rebecca was happily encouraging people to relate how they had come to know her late husband. Donald was enjoying the stories immensely. It was one thing to look up to your father because he’d been an important person in your life, but it was something else to discover that he had been important to a lot of other people, too. Based on the stories that...

2 years ago
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Moli Baudir Chodanlila

Hi ami Neel… eti amar first story iss e. ami thaki barasat er ekti gram e.amar golper nayika mane moli baudi.Amar paser barir baudi.baudi khubi sexy .baudir fig 36-30-36, mane bujhtei parcho kirokom hot. Khub forsa. Baudi r mukh theke sona ei ghotona ta.emnite baudi holo khub saral sadhasidhe kintu tar jibone ghote jaoa ei ghotona ta baudir mukhe……… baudir sathe pari chay er por baudir kach theke sona ei ghotonar katha…………. Ami moli age 26 . bhalo nam barnali . Amar biye hoy barasat e aj theke...

4 years ago
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Fucking Ramya

I have been involved in intense pleasure for almost 2 year. Ramya is a Tamil girl but grown up in Bangalore and has terrific figure with 34c-30-34 along with thunder thighs. Her whitish skin tone makes her even more attractive. Shape of her lips is more sexiest that it will give Viagara effect. She takes great care of her body by jogging and yoga activities daily. Ramya and I stay in the same apartment community. Since my office is just few blocks away, I had ample time for jogging and...

1 year ago
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iCarly iCant Do This Chapter 3

iCarly: iCan't Do This - Chapter 3: Rolling Down The Hill"Sam, what's the matter? You're not yourself today.""Shut up Gibby," I hiss, but it comes out flat and sad, so I just tug his underwear harder, jerking his feet off the ground. And boy, I must be really fucked up if Gibby's noticing it."I'm just worried about you Sam. It's – ah! – just not like you to be this sloppy." I tug viciously, but my heart's not in it. "I mean, I had to find you today!" I sigh and let his underwear go."Whatever...

2 years ago
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Taking Care of Business Chapter 3

Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...

3 years ago
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A Missed Call Take Me To Beauties Bed

Hi readers, This is Rahul from Bangalore working in Private Ltd Company. I am staying alone here & I stayed in a flat. I am fair dashing good looking guy without mustache. My friends call me Sharukh, because of same looks. In first visit itself ladies attract towards me. This story started with unknown call & my heroine name is Juhi (name changed & she looks exactly like film actor Juhi Chawla). let me describe her, She is very fair milky white color with nice structured i.e. 32- 36-32 with...

3 years ago
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A letter to my wife

We are out in town, it’s been a great night so far, out with some of your friends, ending up in Hoochies. I rolled my eyes when it was suggested we go there, but I went with it – I want you to enjoy yourself so it’s worth it. The night is going well and you’re having a good dance with some random woman you’ve gotten chatting to, as the friends have all headed off home and it’s just us left. A guy starts giving you the eye and dancing over to the pair of you. The woman gives you a theatrical...

2 years ago
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"Timmy" Timmy had been spending summers with his aunt Madge for several years. She had caught him in her lingerie drawer when he was nine and after a spanking and a severe scolding she had thought the episode was now in the past. But the next summer when he was ten it happened again! After another scolding and a few threats to expose him as a little sissy Madge was confident her nephew was now back in line. And for the next few summers it seemed so. But now, this year with little...

2 years ago
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Love Is Never BlindChapter 9

Margaret and Aiden had champagne for all of us. Mom and Dad had hors d’oeuvres. Alex and I had one glass of champagne and a few goodies. I described the appetizers to Alex and she took a few from my fingers. After a while, I faked a yawn, and, that was Alex’s signal, she yawned too. I said I was hot and sweaty and needed a shower. Alex said she really wanted a shower before we went to sleep. There was one more thing I wanted to do. I put my arm over Alex’s shoulders and she put her arm around...

3 years ago
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Love Thy NeighborPart 2

Something made me lift my head, and I turned to look behind me. There, in the door, staring at the two of us in his bed, his large hands gripping the wheels of his chair, was Karen‘s husband , Jim. My already shrinking manhood all but disappeared as I scrambled to get off of Karen. I searched the room frantically for my clothes, trying to avoid eye contact with Jim. “Where the hell do you think your going, sport?” He asked. “I…..I…can explain!” I blurted out, as I almost tripped trying to pull...

2 years ago
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Losing It

I’d like to tell you the story of the day I lost my virginity; I was 19 years old. This was in the late sixty’s the decade of free love. But I was what you would call a late bloomer. Heck, I wasn’t even sure that I was ready to go all the way with a woman. As it happen I had a friend who was going to get married in a few weeks and he wanted to have one last big fling before he got married. He talked me and a friend named Richard, into going on a fuck quest. My name is Al and my soon to be...

3 years ago
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33 yrs olf Wife with Stranger 21yrs old

Kavita and I made our way back into normal lives that night feeling very horny from our experience at the webcam with other nude couples. We did not talk much but I could sense the thought rolling through her head. My thoughts were more about Kavita’s inhibited behavior at the webcam. I would like her to shed her clothes and shower her nudity to all viewers. When strangers peeped into her assets or eyed at her large boobs it really turned me on. Although she needed some instigation from my end...

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Dating Site

I don't get out enough, not to see friends anyway. I live in a New England city other than Boston, in fact it happens to not be in Massachusetts. It's large enough that it has public transportation, which is helpful since I never got a license. Most of my friends don't have their licenses either. I guess that's why we hang out so rarely. It's the beginning of July, I'm on vacation from college. I haven't seen this circle of friends since winter break. We go out drinking only two of my...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 68

Meredith was puttering around the hotel room waiting for Brock's return when she heard the keycard in the door. Brock saw a room-service cart first. But his attention soon shifted to the scantily clad young woman in the room. Meredith was wearing a very sheer negligee that clearly showed that it was the only article of clothing on her body. "Hungry?" she asked with a devilish gleam in her eye as she sat down with her knees parted. Brock could see all the way up the short white gown. He...

2 years ago
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Experience With An Old Crush 8211 Part 2

Hope you guys enjoyed part one. Send any feedback you may have to my email Any women interested in a casual fling are free to email me as well. So last time we left off lisa just started breaking a sweat. I wasn’t ready to let her rest yet, and I could tell she still wanted more. It was a real turn on making her cum so much. She used to be an athlete, so her body could take the intensity. So even though she came twice she hardly broke a sweat. I was losing patience. I wanted to fuck her, but I...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 7

Eventually Jeanette took me home with her, and once I was under control again, Roland left us. We did not talk as she drove. My mind was still roiling over confronting Ross’ abuse. It made little sense for me to be so emotional over things that happened to someone else, but using Ross’ body must have left me susceptible to his emotions. Jeanette chose to give me space. Her house was in the country not far outside of town. It was neat, clean, and attractive, just like Jeanette. The furniture...

4 years ago
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The Evolution Of Me Part 2

Those few weeks that followed Sean and I having a mutual masturbation session were a blur. I went out on a few dates with girls, but I couldn’t get the sight of Sean stroking his hard cock out of my mind.During this same time period, my parents bought me a computer for my bedroom and, eventually, my college dorm. My heart skipped a beat when I discovered the world of online pornography. Thoughts of Sean jacking off in front of me led me to explore gay porn on the Internet. I quickly found...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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16th Birthday CUM Party

Though I will be 16 years old am still little in body type, but then again big in other areas for being a boy, my jelly Bubble Butt, (BB), evil smile, just the way I like it, am such a sissy bitch, hehehe, on the day of my 16th. Birthday something strange happen that I should had been more aware and paid more attention too, MY SURROUNDINGS, which cost me to get rape by 5 clowns, but thats just getting ahead of this story, thats for the next story, it’s very late in the afternoon, am still...

4 years ago
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Keenum could not believe his ears when he got off the phone. Shit! What could he have done different? He shouldn’t have let John join in! That was the problem. So what could he do? Go after her! No. That won’t work. It would probably make certain that he would never have her again. If he did nothing, would she come back? No, he thought, she seemed determined. So he had to call her! He would call her the next day. That decided, he went to bed.The next day, after further thought, he changed his...

4 years ago
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What Girls are Made For

What Girls are Made ForPart One        Mae lay naked on the bed next to her favourite teddy bears. She had just finished taking a bath and was supposed to be getting dressed, but instead she snuggled her wet body into her duvet and watched the drips of water run from her skin onto the cover.        She picked up a picture book her Daddy had given her a few days earlier. It had pictures of girls, just like mae, doing things with men. Some of the girls were tied up, and others were kneeling on...

1 year ago
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Eat it All CumSlut Creampie

I thrust into my wife and with a deep low moan shot several long spurts of my sticky come deep inside her pussy. I felt her vaginal muscles spasm around my hard cock almost pulling the sperm out from me, depositing it deep inside her juicy wet hairy pussy."Go on then." Angie said. "You know what you want to do now."I pulled my now limp cock out from her pussy and gently moved down her body to nibble on her hard engorged nipples."Keep going downwards cum eater," Angie said to me in a playful...

1 year ago
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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 4 Alien Battleship in orbit

I awoke, I couldn't move, I was being carried by what looked like a giant spider, I tried to move my head to look around, I could see I was being carried down a long corridor, it looked to be made out of the same metal as the fighters. The ship must have been huge, we eventually came upon a lift of some kind, the spider entered it, I could feel the movement as we rode the lift for what seemed like several minutes. The lift stopped and the doors opened, I saw some smaller spiders walking the...

2 years ago
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Fantasy to Reality part 3

Online play to sissy life. Part 3 I received a response to my essay the following Tuesday in the form of a telephone call from Mistress who told me that she was very happy with my essay and the tasks that I had completed. She told me that she wanted to take it to the next level where I would amuse her directly rather than from afar. As I had nothing planned for the upcoming weekend she told me that I should make myself available for her amusement. On Friday morning she phoned me...

1 year ago
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Tropical Island Vacation Chapter 4

Our encounter with Lynnette and Steve did a lot for both Talia and myself in feeling relaxed being nude on the beach. We sit on our blanket and eat our lunch and minute by minute begin feeling more and more natural being naked. It feels wonderfully free and liberating. Even though she never mentions it, Talia notices that my penis is remaining semi-hard the whole time we are eating. I occasionally catch her looking at it, but she only gives me a sly smile. She can be such a minx sometimes....

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