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Carl Campbell sipped his drink while he watched his daughters splash around in

the pool. Across the table from him sat his wife of 15 years. Sarah had just

turned thirty-five but could easily pass for her early twenties. She was dressed

in a slim bikini that hugged her athletic curves in all the right places. Her

apparel was hardly appropriate for a woman in the Middle East, in fact it was

illegal. But with the right friends and financial clout, private enclosures

within the estates of powerful individuals could be used, and in this land, the

rules don't apply to the men in control of the black gold known as oil. Carl's

job was to acquire items for these men that, although well within their vast

budgets, were difficult to obtain due to the western world's disapproving

attention. The most common of these things was high tech weapons, although

difficult to obtain these things fetched a highly profitable price from his

clients. He also dabbled in another area of supply with only his most preferred

clients, this trade item fetched a huge cash return for very little investment.

Carl was an exclusive underground white slave trader. His clientele was very

select, only a handful of wealthy men who derived a great deal of pleasure from

owning a beautiful young American woman. In this part of the world, it was an

unwritten rule that a man owned women, they were called his wives. The thrill

for these men was lost because a woman born into this culture accepted it as a

way of life, unlike an educated American woman, whose beliefs and morals would

totally reject the concept of ownership by a man.

Carl provided certain powerful men with women that he smuggled from the U.S.,

most specifically ordered in advance. When he received an order he would

research for months to find a likely candidate, usually a woman with little or

no family, young, blonde, brunette, or whatever the client was looking for. He

usually shipped two to three women per year, mostly teenagers through their

early twenties. The oldest he ever sold was thirty-three, his client had met her

at a party on one of his trips to the U.S. he was quite taken with her, but she

rather forcefully rejected his advances, embarrassing him in front of some of

his associates. Carl didn't normally do orders for an individual, he preferred

to snare anonymous victims, but his client was very determined, and this

translated into a hefty fee for Carl. So he did the job, the last time he saw

her she was hanging by her hands from a chain in a small dark room in the bowels

of his clients palace, her clothes hanging in shreds around her now naked body.

Behind her a soldier was swinging a long leather whip back and forth. His client

relaxed in a large chair in front of her as the whip connected with her back and

the screaming started. Carl heard the screams fade as he worked his way up and

out of the palace. The youngest woman he ever sold was a girl of about twelve, a

homeless runaway he had picked up from a bus station. Once she was cleaned up

and prepared she was very pretty, this one almost caused him some difficulty, as

his own youngest was almost the same age. But his client was specific about the

age and Carl fell back on his rule that this was business and the girl was

merchandise and, unlike his own daughters whom he loved dearly, she meant

nothing to him but a profit margin.

Carl turned from his wife to watch his daughters again. Sarah knew nothing of

his real work, of course. She believed him to be in the export business, which

was true to a certain extent. He normally didn't bring his family on business

excursions, but the offer by his client of the use of the palace facilities was

too tempting to pass up. He suspected that the free working vacation for him and

his family was a softening-up ploy in order to get a better deal for the next

arms shipment, necessary to counteract new weapons acquired by his clients' main

enemy. Carl was aware of this because, in fact, he had been the supplier of

those new enemy weapons. Playing both sides off one another was risky but Carl

was very careful that no connection could be made between him and his other


He admired his daughters as they took turns diving into the pool. Stephanie was

almost sixteen and turning into a gorgeous young woman. Carl often caught

himself admiring her well developed body, she had her mothers' chestnut brown

hair but wore it long, she also had her mothers' blue eyes. his other daughter,

Beth, had just turned eleven and took after Carls' side of the family, with big

green eyes and long red hair. He could see the beginnings of budding breasts

underneath her pink one piece bathing suit. He often found himself thinking

sexual thoughts when watching his daughters but in spite of his amoral stance

toward the women and girls he sold into slavery, his wife and daughters were his

greatest joy and he hoped to retire comfortably soon and enjoy his family with

no worries for the rest of his life.

His reverie was interrupted by a servant delivering a message, the Prince, his

client, was ready for their meeting.

"I'll be back later hon, these things usually run on", he said as he rose. "Say

goodnight to the girls for me."

He kissed his wife and walked into the palace.

Carl was led to an audience chamber laden with silk tapestries and large,

colourful cushions placed behind low tables. This was the Prince's idea of a

conference room. Most of the Prince's business meetings ran long and late,

usually finishing with some perverse entertainment involving one or more of the

Prince's pleasure slaves, some of whom Carl had sold to the Prince. Prince Ashir

entered with robes flowing and, after the usual ceremony, proceeded with the

meeting. The meeting went as usual, the Prince was very long-winded and given to

impromptu speeches whenever the mood took him. Carl noted that Ashir was in rare

form, rambling on at several points about trust and loyalty between business

partners. Carl was getting worried that maybe the Prince had learned about

certain other business deals, but things winded up late in the evening and a

deal was struck. The Prince clapped his hands and servants cleared the papers

from the tables. More servants swept into the room with large, covered boards. A

board was placed in front of each man at the table. Carl looked at the object

set in front of him, the board was about three feet wide by four feet long and

was draped with a large cloth made of silk. Whatever was under the cloth was

fairly big, Carl assumed from the smell that it was dinner, but he wasn't sure

he was hungry enough for whatever filled up such a large plate.

"In honour of our esteemed colleague, Mr. Campbell, I have arranged a delicacy

as uncommon as it is exciting. As in so many fine recipes, how the food is

arranged is as important as how the food is prepared." And with that, servants

pulled away all of the silk cloths, unveiling the meals to all present.

Carl was surprised, but he should have expected something like this, knowing the

tastes of his host. On the board was a naked young woman, strapped down to

handles that ran along the edges. The woman was on her back, on top of her hands

which were secured behind her back. Her knees were folded so that her feet were

pushed against her ass and a strap circled her calve and thigh on each leg,

keeping them folded. Her feet were tied tightly with the souls facing each

other. Two straps were looped through her knees and pulled them to each side of

the board, leaving her pubic mound fully splayed open. This was augmented by

some kind of block under her ass which raised her loins up from the board. a

thin leather strap crossed her waist with two more above and below her breasts.

All of the straps were extremely tight, her thigh muscles could be seen

straining against the cords which stretched her knees apart. Carl could imagine

how uncomfortable she was but he couldn't see it, her face was hidden by a

leather hood which covered her entire head, ending at a wide leather collar

around her neck. The girl was completely hairless, although she may have had

hair under the hood. But her pubic hair had been shaved off, which made her look

younger than she must have been. This girl was the 'plate' on which the food was

placed. Around her crotch was a salad, with lettuce, fruit and dressing laid out

in a circle, her pussy being at the centre. Her pussy was mostly covered by a

large, white flower. On her stomach sat a large lobster, sitting in a bed of

steaming vegetables. The lobster was facing the girls breasts and it's pincers

still had the restraint bands that keep them closed while it's still alive.

These bands must have been put on after cooking though, because each pincer was

firmly locked onto one of the girl's breasts, just at the base of the nipple.

Carl was thankful that these meetings and meals were exclusively for men, so his

wife never had to see a scene like this. Most of the 'meals' were made with

local women but the Prince and Carl had white 'plates' with their meals. Carl

recognized the young runaway he had sold lying on the Princes plate. She was the

only one without a concealing hood, although she was wearing a red ball gag in

her mouth.

"Enjoy!" the Prince said as started yanking at the lobster on the young girl in

front of him. Every time the lobster was pulled at, the pincers would pulled the

girls small breasts this way or that, causing a muffled squeal from behind the


Carl could see no way of eating without hurting the girl so he shrugged and

reached for the lobster. He poked at a piece of steamed potato with his fork and

lifted it of the girl's flat stomach, her skin underneath was red from the hot

vegetables and sauce that had been placed on her. He dipped the potato in a pool

of sauce gathered at her belly button and stuffed it into his mouth. He wondered

where the Prince had acquired this second white girl, maybe he had some

competition in this market. A servant came up to him and handed him a small

spoon with a long handle. The servant then pulled the flower away from the girls

pussy. Underneath was a large metal clamp holding the girl's pussy lips closed.

This was removed and two smaller clamps were attached to each lip, Carl heard a

suppressed squeal come from under the hood at this. These clamps were equipped

with long strings which were ran through handles at the sides of the board and

tightened. the girl's pussy was now stretched open. The servant pressed down at

certain places on the girl's abdomen and caviar oozed out of the girl's pussy.

Carl shook his head in amazement, they had stuffed her pussy with caviar! He

reached over with his spoon and scooped the delicacy out of her pussy.

When most of the guests were done eating, the servants returned to clear the

table. They didn't remove the plates, sponges and small bowls of water were used

to clean the leftover food off the girl's bodies. Carl then saw what desert

consisted of, as the other guests lifted their robes and mounted their

respective 'plates' pumping vigorously into the bound girls. Carl was feeling

quite excited himself at the moment, after looking at a beautiful naked girl

spread out in front of him for the past hour. But he hesitated, he did not

normally indulge in things like this when he travelled with his wife, only when

he was away on his own did he like to play around when the opportunity presented

itself. The Prince approached from the other end of the table, Ashir did not

engage in such entertainments in front of his guests.

"Please, feel free to enjoy my humble gift." the Prince said with an odd smile.

"I recently acquired her and she has not yet been used by a man."

Inwardly, Carl shrugged, it was decided for him when the Prince mentioned the

word 'gift'. The tradition of this land stated that refusal of a gift was an

insult to the giver. Carl did not want to offend one of his biggest customers.

He stood up and placed his right hand on her left breast and started kneading it

while his left hand went down to cup her pussy. He could see her attempts to

move her hips within the tight straps as he pushed his middle finger into her.

He fondled her for a while longer but she remained dry, not surprising

considering the situation, Carl thought.

"Let me get you some assistance", the Prince said his large, throne-like chair

where he was watching the proceedings. He motioned to a servant who walked over

and released the girl that was his plate. This was the young girl Carl had

smuggled to the Prince from America. She let herself down from the table and

rubbed her limbs to restore circulation while the servant removed the ball gag.

"She has responded well to my training, although it was difficult at first." The

Prince smiled as the girl walked over to Carl's place at the table.

The girl did not look at Carl, she merely climbed onto the table and, when on

her knees in front of the bound girl, lowered her head and started licking the

helpless girl's pussy. Carl remembered the young girl he had captured quite

well, she was about thirteen years old now with long blonde hair and a petit

body that was forming nicely. When he captured her she fought him with all the

strength she had, but he kept her handcuffed naked in a closet for a week and

she calmed down a bit. He did nothing to her but fondling because the Prince had

stipulated that she must be a virgin. He had heard she resumed her energetic

resistance when the Prince took possession of her but she soon learned the

Prince's talent for using creative methods of causing pain and humiliation to

train the young women that he purchased for his pleasure. The bound girl was

moaning softly when the young girl stopped her stimulation and moved to kneel in

front of Carl. She opened his pants and pulled out his cock and started sucking

on it. Carl moaned as the girl worked on him, obviously the Prince had taken

care to make her an expert at performing this service. She stopped after some

time and stepped back. Carl climbed onto the table and lowered himself between

the spread knees of the girl on the table. She started breathing in short, sharp

gasps as he slowly pushed his cock into the tight entrance of her pussy. He

didn't get far when he reached her intact hymen. Carl paused for a second and

then shoved his cock into her all the way. A high squeal came from inside the

hood as the girl felt her virginity ripped away. Carl pumped himself slowly in

her wet pussy until he came. The girl had stopped moving a just lay still,

breathing heavily. He pulled out of her, his cock was covered with her blood

mixed with his semen. As he climbed down from the table, strong hands grabbed

him from behind, it was two of the Prince's big bodyguards. Carl shouted at them

to no effect, it had slipped his mind at the moment that the guards did not

speak any english. They dragged/carried him out of the room and down a short

hallway, then into a small room whose door locked behind them.

The room had only on piece of furniture, a large wooden chair with a high back

and straps on the arms and legs. In a very short time Carl was secured in this

chair, he hadn't even been able to pull his pants up, his bloody cock was

flopping around in his lap. Before he could say anything more, one of the guards

shoved a large piece of cloth into his mouth and secured it with a strap running

around his head. The guards then left the room and returned pushing a large

cabinet on wheels, they where followed by the Prince who ignored Carl's

questioning eyes. The men opened the cabinet in front of Carl, inside was a

large screen TV with stereo speakers on each side. They connect some wires and

then left Carl with the Prince.

"A month ago my soldiers raided a warehouse belonging to my chief competitor."

He said, now looking at Carl for the first time. "We found an interesting

assortment of weapons, in fact they are identical to the catalogue of

merchandise that you offer". He turned on the TV, it showed a view of the room

where the dinner had taken place. The girl he had fucked was still there, tied

to the board. Another woman was kneeling over her, one hand mauling her breasts,

the other sliding four fingers in a out of her pussy. There was still blood on

her thighs from her lost virginity. The woman looked towards the camera, she was

oriental, dressed in some kind of leather outfit made entirely of straps. She

looked back at the girl and reaching over, pulled the hood from her head. Brown

hair flowed down, now free from the hood. The woman grasped the girl's extended

jaw, there was a large rubber prod in her mouth held there by straps, and turned

her face towards the camera. Carl tried to leap from the chair, almost knocking

himself over, the girl's eyes were shut, her face soaked with sweat and tears,

but it was Stephanie, Carl's sixteen year old daughter.

"It took a while, but my investigators were able to trace those weapons to you."

The Prince shook his head as Carl tried to scream something at him. "I do not

need to hear any false explanations, I have seen sufficient proof that you have

been dealing with my competitors. You have broken the trust I gave you as a

business partner and now I will claim my rights to retribution." he gestured

towards the TV, the oriental woman had removed the prod gag from Stephanie and

was again pushing her four fingers into the teenager's pussy. With every thrust

she pushed deeper and Stephanie moaned louder. "You will pay through the pain

and humiliation of your women. They have been told why they are being made to

suffer and your daughter knew it was you who raped her. The scene was also

witnessed by your wife through this camera. You will remain in this room for

some time. You will not be harmed here, but you will be shown recordings of some

things that have already been done to your wife and daughters and when that is

complete, you will see live scenes of things that are going to be done to them."

He smiled from the doorway on his way out. "I do not bear ill will towards you

or your family, but payment must be extracted for the betrayal of my trust, Good

evening." He left the room, closing the door behind him. On the TV, Stephanie

screamed as the woman forced her whole hand into her, made a fist, and twisted

her arm back and forth.

Carl felt worse than he ever had in his life. He doubted the Prince would let

any of them live. Why hadn't he suspected? He pulled uselessly at the straps as

the door opened and a guard walked in. He carried a case full of video

cassettes. He placed them on top of the cabinet and pulled the first one out. It

had a label 'Sarah eating dinner' Carl read as the guard held it front of him.

The cassette was placed in the machine under the TV and started. Before the

guard left he turned the volume up as high as it would go.

Tape #1 - Sarah Eating Dinner

Sarah was strapped into what looked like a dentists chair, dressed in the

clothes she had set out to wear to dinner that night. She was shaking her head

wildly and making unintelligible noises, she was wearing one of the prod gags. A

guard walked into view and locked into place padded metal braces on either side

of Sarah's head. He turned adjusting knobs until the braces held her head

tightly so that no motion was possible. He released the prod gag and pulled it

halfway out, tilting it towards her nose. This forced her lower jaw down even

further than it was with the gag fully inserted. He held the prod in place with

one hand while the other retrieved a piece of hard white plastic from the tray

beside the chair. The plastic device was a small rectangle with grooves on each

end. He pushed it into one side of her mouth and worked it into place on her

rear teeth. Her back molars wedged into the grooves in the plastic tightly. He

repeated the process with another plastic rectangle on the other side of her

mouth. When he was done he pulled the prod out of Sarah's mouth. Sarah's mouth

still gapped open as far as it had with the gag in place, the plastic spacers

forced her jaws to remain painfully wide. A woman now entered the scene,

carrying a covered tray. The woman was tall, with shoulder length black hair

that she wore up. She was wearing a white lab coat which hung down to mid-thigh

with white stockings and white heels. She placed the tray next to the chair.

"My name is Sylvia, I supervise the punishments that the Prince orders for his

female slaves." She said as she checked the straps holding Sarah to the chair.

"The Prince has ordered you and your daughters to endure punishments until such

time as he decides to stop them. Why you are being punished is of no relevance

to me, my responsibility is to see that the Princes wishes are carried out and

to ensure that you and your daughters are not permanently injured, the Prince

dislikes devaluing his property. I am a fully qualified nurse and I will try to

keep you and your girls as comfortable as possible within the bounds of my duty

to the Prince. I can even make it pleasant for you at times if you like." with

this, she ran a hand up along Sarah's calf to her inner thigh, just under her

white skirt, and squeezed.

Sarah jerked in the chair and groaned in anger, she was not capable of forming

any words with her mouth distended as it was.

"Well, no matter, when you are not being punished you are mine to use as I wish,

your daughters too" As Sarah let out another moan, Sylvia pulled a pair of

rubber medical gloves out of her pocket and pulled them on. "I believe you were

about to attend a dinner party when we interrupted you, well we won't let you go


She removed the cover from the tray, under it was a large metal bowl, the

contents of which immediately assailed Sarah's nostrils.

"You have your youngest to thank for your dinner tonight, she was very reluctant

to expel it but we helped her along." Picking up a large spoon Sylvia scooped

the lumpy brown substance up and dumped it into Sarah's mouth, holding her

tongue down with her other hand. Sarah gagged at the noxious stuff that was

running down her throat and immediately started retching. Spoonful by spoonful

Sarah was fed her daughters excrement. When it was all down, Sylvia pushed a

button and the chair started tilting back on an electric motor. The motor

stopped when her head was two feet from the floor.

"Ahmed, give her something to wash it down with" Sylvia as she removed her


The guard stood above Sarah's head and took his cock out. Sarah cried out again

but was silence as the stream of urine hit her mouth and filled it up. She had

no choice but to swallow to keep breathing. When he was done she sobbed quietly

until shocked awake by a bucket of cold water which was dumped on her head.

Sylvia knelt beside her and used a sponge to clean her face and mouth.

"That went well, now we'll do something nice for desert" Out of her pocket she

pulled a small metal device. It was basically a small stainless steel clamp with

two small posts on either side. Reaching into Sarah's mouth, Sylvia grasped her

tongue and pulled it out. With her other hand she closed the clamp around

Sarah's tongue as close to the back as possible. Using a small screwdriver she

tightened the clamp until it was firmly holding the base of Sarah's tongue.

Sylvia released her grip, and Sarah reflexively tried to pull her tongue into

her mouth. The small posts on the clamp bumped against the plastic spacers at

the back of Sarah's mouth and would go no further. Sarah's tongue was held at

almost full extension out of her mouth.

"You have probably never been made to pleasure a woman before, so this first

time I'll do all the work." Sylvia opened her lab coat, beneath she wore nothing

but the white stockings and a matching garter. Her full breasts swayed as she

stood facing Sarah's feet with her legs on either side of Sarah's head. Sylvia

touched the chair control and Sarah's head started lifting up towards Sylvia's

crotch. Sarah's eyes closed tightly as her extended tongue made first contact

with the lips of Sylvia's pussy. When the motor stopped, Sarah's tongue was

lodged in Sylvia's pussy hole, her chin was smothered in pubic hair, and her

nose was wedged between Sylvia's ass cheeks. Sylvia was already wet as she

started rocking back and forth, she could feel the forced out tongue rubbing her

pussy wherever she wanted. She excited herself on Sarah's face for some time,

occasionally sliding forward so that Sarah's tongue excited her anus as well.

She climaxed violently, holding on to Sarah's breasts with tightened fists. When

she was finished, she closed her lab coat and returned the chair to it's upright


"That was nice" she said as she sponged off Sarah's face, which was covered with

her juices. "Next time you will not be locked in the clamp, and you will learn

to do it well, as will your daughters."

TAPE #2 - Beth in the bathroom

The woman named Sylvia was leading Beth down a long hallway. Beth was dressed in

her school uniform, a pleated skirt with a white blouse, knee socks and black

shoes. Her long red hair was pulled back in a pony tail.

"You should use the washroom first, because you won't be able to during the

official dinner ceremony", Sylvia said with a smile. She led Beth down a side

hallway. Unlocking the door, she led Beth into a small bedroom. The room was lit

with low lighting, a small four post bed was on one side and a small leather

couch sat on the other side. In front of the couch was a long, low bench covered

in leather. On the bench sat a young girl not much older than Beth, this was the

young slave that the prince had acquired from Beth's father. She was dressed

much the same as Beth, with a short skirt and blouse, but her feet were bare.

"This is Rosalyn, she is staying here for a while to learn about the Prince and

his way of life", Sylvia said, smiling at the girl. "You notice she does not

speak unless specifically asked to, this is a custom of the Prince's people.

Young girls must remain silent until asked to speak. Would you like to learn

about the customs of the Prince and his family Beth?"

"I guess so." Beth said hesitatingly as she looked around the room. The walls

were covered with tapestries depicting all kinds of flowers in many colours.

"That is very good, we'll start now. The washroom is through that door." She led

beth through a door into a large bathroom. The bathroom was all done in black

porcelain. The walls were mirrored on all sides. There was no sink, only a large

bathtub and an odd looking bidet as well as a low bench much like the one in the

living room. At various places throughout the room and on the fixtures were

solid silver rings. Beth, of course, did not grasp the import of these things,

but her father, watching the whole scene on some kind of hidden video system had

seen this bathroom before. The Prince had it custom built for his new young

slave, Rosalyn. Using the rings, a girl could be secured in any number of

positions and be forced to perform normal bathroom functions as well as some not

so normal functions. Beth looked at the bidet strangely, she had never seen one


"It's called a bidet, you have to remove your panties and squat over it", Sylvia

said as she sat on the bench, watching Beth expectantly.

"It looks weird, but I'll try it. I shouldn't be long", she stood next to the

device, waiting for Sylvia to leave.

"Now, you have to remember the Prince's customs, you do not speak unless asked

to, it would be considered impolite if you spoke around adults. You might as

well start now. There are punishments here for girls who break the rules",

Sylvia said. "And you don't have to worry about relieving yourself in front of

me, in front of other women or the Prince you should not be ashamed of your


"I'd rather try this alone, please" Beth wasn't sure she wanted to experience to

much of this Prince's culture if she couldn't speak and had to use the bathroom

in front of other people.

"Now Beth, you really must make an effort to be silent. Your father is aware of

what we are doing and has voiced no problems about it." Sylvia was starting to

look more serious now and had lost some of the cheerfulness she had exhibited

before. "Perhaps a demonstration would ease your hesitations, Rosalyn, show Beth

how to properly relieve herself." She motioned to the girl who had followed them

into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. The girl walked over to the

bidet and straddled it, one bare foot on either side. The device was wider than

normal and this caused the girl's legs to be parted more than usual. She reached

down and lifted the short skirt up so that it was bunched at her waist. Her

crotch was hairless, her small slit completely exposed. At this point Beth had

seen enough and ran for the door, but found it locked. Sylvia grabbed Beth by

the arm in a strong, painful grip and pulled her over to the other girl, pushing

her down to her knees. Beth found herself looking straight at Rosalyn's pussy,

it lips slightly parted because of her spread legs. Beth tried to yell for help

but found her mouth stuffed with a piece of cloth Sylvia had retrieved from a

pocket. Sylvia took a silk handkerchief from another pocket and placed it over

the cloth in Beth's mouth, tying it tightly behind her head.

"Now you will learn how to what you are told and be silent." Sylvia said darkly.

She then nodded to Rosalyn. Rosalyn concentrated for a second and a stream of

urine emerged from between her legs, splashing into the water below. Beth tried

to look away but a firm hand in her hair yanked her head back and she was forced

to watch the remaining urine flow from the girl. When Rosalyn was finished,

Sylvia nodded to her again, "and the other." Rosalyn squatted a bit lower and

after straining, she was rewarded with a large plop in the bowl below. Beth was

close to tears now as Sylvia pushed her face even closer to Rosalyn's crotch as

the girl cleaned herself with some tissue. When Rosalyn was finished, Sylvia

pushed her over to the bench. "Take off her shoes and socks" Sylvia said as she

held Beth down on the bench, her legs dangling off the end. "If you struggle you

will be hurt, so be still" Sylvia spoke in a scary tone of voice, much different

from her friendly words earlier today. Beth stopped struggling, scared stiff of

being hurt by these people. Rosalyn removed her shoes, and then stripped off her

socks, leaving her feet bare. "Get some ankle and wrist cuffs" Sylvia ordered.

Rosalyn retrieved four leather and steel cuffs from a cabinet on the wall. The

cuffs were made of thick leather with steel buckles and rings with clips, but

they were sized carefully for a small girl's wrists and ankles. Indeed, they had

seen much use holding back the struggles of Rosalyn quite often while under the

attentions of the Prince. She locked a cuff tightly on each of Beth's slim

ankles and then placed the wrist cuffs on reluctant wrists forced out by Sylvia.

Sylvia then stood Beth up, openly sobbing now. "Take your panties off Beth."

Beth just stood there, not believing what was happening. Sylvia looked

meaningfully at Rosalyn. Rosalyn walked over to the cabinet and came back with a

long black switch. "Either you take them off or I will and then you will feel

this switch across your bare bottom." Sylvia snapped. This frightened Beth into

motion, she would do whatever Sylvia asked or be hurt. She reached down, the

unaccustomed weight of the cuffs on her wrists, and pulled her panties down and

stepped out of them. They were white, with pink flowers printed on them. "Very

pretty," Sylvia picked up the underwear,"now stand over the bidet." Beth did as

instructed, having to spread her legs uncomfortably to do so. She wiped tears

from her cheeks. "Don't worry about that, I like young girl's tears" She reached

down and, using the clips on Beth's ankle cuffs, fastened her ankles to two

rings on either side of the bidet. She then locked beth's wrists behind her

back. Beth's belt was removed and then her wool, wrap-around skirt was taken

off. Beth now wore only her white blouse, which hung down below her waist.

Sylvia smiled a Beth's panicky expression as she undid the front buttons of the

blouse, then pulling it down her shoulders a bit so that the her front was wide

open. Sylvia sat on the bench and admired Beth's nearly naked body, her pubic

area was just starting to grow fine red hairs around a delicate slit. Beth's

newly forming breasts were still small bumps inside a dainty training bra.

"You may begin now." Sylvia said as she took the switch from Rosalyn. Beth just

whimpered, moving her hands around against the unaccustomed restraints. Sylvia

reached out with the end of the switch and tapped it lightly on Beth's pussy

lips. Beth jumped slightly, squealing through the gag. "My patience is wearing

thin Beth." More tears flowed as Beth released her bladder and her urine

streamed into the bidet. She soon finished, still sobbing into the gag. "Now the

other thing, just like Rosalyn" Sylvia ordered. Beth's eyes opened wide at this

but she immediately tried to comply but her bowels were not going to cooperate

in this situation. "Well Rosalyn, She is trying, but I think she'll need some

help." Sylvia walked over to Beth and pushed her forward and down to her knees.

Because her ankles were still attached to the sides of the wide bidet, she ended

up kneeling directly in front of it, her bottom pressed against its edge. The

bench was then moved up to her until it bumped against her stomach. Sylvia went

behind her and, grabbing her pony tail with one hand, she shoved the other

between Beth's legs, roughly grasping her crotch. Screaming into the gag, Beth

was lifted up as Rosalyn pushed the bench forward into Beth's waist. Sylvia

lowered Beth's torso onto the bench and secured it there with a tight strap over

her waist. Beth was now lying half on the bench with her bottom suspended over

the bidet, legs spread by her secured ankles on either side of the bidet. Sylvia

opened a cabinet on the wall, inside were the various toys that were available

for the Prince to use or have used on Rosalyn. Included was a full enema kit

with a long hose, clamp, nozzles and several clear bags full of liquid. The

nozzles were arranged by size and numbered.

"Rosalyn, you're about the same size as Beth, what size feels most comfortable

for you?" Sylvia asked sweetly.

"I can use a number 2 without any pain, mistress." Rosalyn spoke for the first

time in a small voice. There were six nozzles in the set.

"What does the Prince use on you?" Sylvia said as she examined the devices. Each

nozzle started with a small spout and was about three inches long, flaring

towards a grove at the base. The smallest barely widened at all along it's

length, the largest flared to 1 1/2 inches before the groove at it's base.

"He uses number 5 unless he is punishing me, then he uses the 6." Rosalyn said.

"Well, we'll go easier on Beth as this is her first time, a 4 will do nicely."

She removed the nozzle, which was still almost an inch wide. Removing the rest

of the kit, Sylvia attached the hose to a new bag and hung it from a hook in the

ceiling, letting the hose hang down, near its end was a clamp. Sylvia watched

the liquid flow down the hose until it was stopped by the clamp. "Hold her open

for me." Sylvia ordered. Rosalyn threw a leg over the bench and sat on the small

of Beth's back, facing her bottom. Placing a hand on each of Beth's bottom

cheeks, she pulled them wide. Beth groaned loudly but Sylvia was no longer

concerned with the sounds that Beth produced. Pouring some oil from a small jar

onto the nozzle, she crouched down behind Beth. Sylvia placed the tip of the

nozzle on Beth's small dimple of an anus and started working it into her. Beth

was screaming into the gag now, at the same time trying to wrench herself away

from the intrusion into her bottom. But with Rosalyn's weight on her and her

ankles locked in place she could do nothing as the widening nozzle was forced

into her. Sylvia continued pushing and twisting the nozzle against the

resistance of Beth's sphincter muscle. Sylvia smiled as she watched the young

girl's muscles give up and the nozzle sunk all the way in, Beth's now tightly

stretched anus locking into the groove at the base of the nozzle. Sylvia took

the free end of the hose and attached it to the base of the nozzle. When she

released the clamp, liquid flowed down and into Beth's rectum.

"We'll just give her a quart, to loosen her bowels up a bit." Sylvia walked

around to watch Beth's face as the liquid continued to flow from the bag. "I

being easy on you now Beth, but if you fail to do everything I or the Prince

asks from now on, I will use the largest nozzle and put enough liquid into you

to make your belly swell like a pregnant woman. Your voice will fail because of

your constant screaming at the pain. Do you understand?" Through her whimpers,

Beth nodded her head. "That's good, because we can do nice things to you as

well." Sylvia walked back to the bag, which was almost empty, and squeezed the

rest of the liquid down the tube. The nozzle was removed and Beth was released

and made to squat over a pail and release her bowels. Her attitude was totally

submissive now and she did everything asked of her with a blank face.

Beth's restraints were removed and put away by Rosalyn, she was then led into

the small bedroom.

"Lie down on the bed please Beth." Sylvia said as she followed the girls into

the room.

Not saying a word, Beth sat on the bed and then stretched out, her hands

nervously clasped on her tummy. Sylvia sat down beside her near the head of the

bed, Rosalyn sat on the other side near Beth's bare feet.

"Now we'll do something nice for Beth, Rosalyn." Sylvia said, smiling at Beth.

"Show Beth how you have learned to make another girl feel good below her waist."

Rosalyn reached over and started running her hands up Beth's slim legs. Beth

stiffened and once Rosalyn's hands started pushing her skirt up her thighs she

reached down in panic, squealing into her gag.

"Now, now, none of that." Sylvia said as she pulled Beth's wrists above her

head, fastening them to silk cords attached to the bed frame for just such a


Rosalyn pushed Beth's skirt up to her waist, revealing bare, slim hips and naked

pubic area sparsely covered with fine red hairs. Rosalyn started running a

finger along Beth's closed slit. Beth jumped at the touch to her private parts,

trying to roll away, but Sylvia held her down with a hand on her stomach. Her

other hand, Sylvia undid the buttons to Beth's blouse. The blouse fell open to

reveal a dainty white training bra. Meanwhile Rosalyn continued to rub her

fingers along the front of Beth's pussy between tightly closed legs. Sylvia slid

a hand underneath a white, frilly bra cup. Her hand cupped the small, barely

formed breast, the bud of a nipple held between her thumb and forefinger.

"Now, you will keep still and do what I tell you." Sylvia said, as she looked

into Beth's eyes and played with the girl's nipple. "Or I will do things like


Beth's small torso arched up off the bed as Sylvia squeezed a small nipple with

her strong fingers. She fell back, breathing heavily when Sylvia eased up on the

pressure without releasing the nipple from her grip.

"Pull your knees up and open your legs" Sylvia said, punctuating the phrase with

another quick squeeze on Beth's nipple.

Beth, tears streaming down her face, slowly brought her knees up and moved her

legs apart. Rosalyn promptly placed herself between them, her face inches away

from Beth's now fully exposed pussy. Placing a finger on each pussy lip, Rosalyn

drew Beth's pussy open and proceeded to run her tongue along the inner folds of

flesh that were now exposed. Beth squealed and turned her head to the side, but

did not move, fearful of the tight grip still on her tender nipple.

"There, isn't that much nicer?" Sylvia smiled as she moved the bra cups aside,

exposing Beth's small, budding breasts. Sylvia bent over and took the nipple

that she had hurt into her mouth.

They continued like this for some time, Rosalyn eating Beth's pussy while Sylvia

sucked on her nipples. Beth's head was turned all the way to one side and she

was whimpering now and then as her physical reactions to the stimulation she was

under started to take over. Suddenly she stiffened, breathing short, fast

breaths into the gag as she climaxed.

"Very good Rosalyn" Sylvia said as she rose form the bed. "The Prince won't be

using her until tomorrow, she's yours for the night." Sylvia moved for the door.

"Keep her tied and gagged, make her come at least twice more before the morning.

Good night, girls." there was a click as the door was locked behind her.

Carl closed his eyes. He could not believe what he had just seen. He wanted so

much to scream for them to stop but he knew it was useless, the action had

already taken place and he was only watching a recording. Who knew what they had

been doing to his precious Beth since?

After a while one of the guards entered the room. The video cassette was removed

from the machine. The guard did not have a new cassette this time, instead, he

switched the channel on the monitor. The room now in view looked somewhat like

an operating room in a hospital. In the centre of the room, underneath bright

operating lights, was a flat metal table mounted on some kind of large pivoting

base. The table glinted like highly polished chrome, reflecting the glare of the

lights like a mirror. This device was clearly intended for use with the human

body, for instead of the usual rectangle it was shaped like the outline of a

person. Numerous seams and joints could be seen on the surface, denoting

sections that could be moved when necessary. The table was also equipped with

numerous black straps to hold the occupant in place.

"This is His Excellency's interrogation room." The guard said without looking at

Carl. "It was here that your treachery was discovered from one of our enemy's

soldiers. He did not survive." The man stopped at the door on his way out. "Pray

that your wife fares better."

On the screen two guards appeared. Between them was Carl's wife, Sarah. They had

stripped her clothes off, and she walked between the guards with short steps,

glancing fearfully around the room. Her feet and hands were in prison shackles

joined with chains which held her hands down at her waist. She looked unharmed

but someone had shaved her pubic hair completely off, leaving her pussy

completely exposed. In Sarah's mouth was a black plastic ring held in place with

straps. The ring had grooves on top and bottom for her teeth and when locked in

place, held her mouth open. Part of the bottom of the ring extended in to her

mouth over her tongue, holding it down like a permanent tongue depressor. The

effect of this was to prevent Sarah from speaking but still allow her to make

all the other sounds that the Prince liked to hear from a woman in pain.

Sarah started to struggle as she was lifted onto the table, but the guards

easily held her in place and strapped her down, removing the prison shackles.

When the guards were finished, Sarah's body was firmly secured to the sections

of the table. Her legs were strapped at ankle and thigh, a large strap at her

hips just below her belly button, two straps above and below her breasts, straps

on her wrists and arms, a thick collar on her neck, and a strap across her

forehead. The guards left when they were finished.

Sarah was on the table, breathing in short fearful gulps, for about ten minutes

when a man entered the room. The man was oriental, bald, and dressed in a

doctors lab coat. He did not say a word to Sarah for the entire session. He

performed his tasks in an emotionless, almost robotic way.

The man started off by working some controls on a wall panel. There was some

humming from underneath the table as hydraulic pumps were activated. The metal

table separated into components, it's leg sections moving apart until Sarah's

legs were widely separated. The arm sections swivelled away from her sides and

stopped only when her arms were angled back behind her head. Sarah was now in a

spread-eagle position. The man push another control and the leg and arm parts of

the table slowly pushed away from the main part of the table. Sarah cried out as

her body was stretched to it's limit. When the table stopped moving, Sarah's

body was stretched tight, her tendons could be seen straining at the tension

from the modern rack.

The small oriental man opened a drawer and removed a tray of small metal

objects. He placed the tray in a bracket at the side of the table and took one

of the objects out. It was a metal clamp with a large round wheel attached to a

screw for tightening. He placed the clamp on Sarah's thumb in such a way that it

compressed her thumbnail when he tightened it. He only tightened it enough to

hold it in place, then he put three more clamps on her other thumb and her two

big toes. Two more clamps were retrieved and he grasped one her Sarah's breasts.

Pulling the nipple up, he placed the clamp firmly on the base of the bud of

flesh. He repeated the process with the other breast. He pulled one more clamp

out, smaller than the others. Walking between her widely spread legs, he pulled

at the folds of flesh around Sarah's clitoris, causing it to pop out into the

open. The small clamp was tightened around her small, pink clit as she squealed

at the sensation.

All of the clamps were now attached with just enough tension to hold them in

place, although even this was sufficient to cause discomfort to Sarah's tender

nipples and clit. The man started tightening one of the thumb clamps. The large

wheel and fine threading on the screws caused the clamp to close slowly on

Sarah's thumb. Suddenly her moans of discomfort turned into a scream of pain as

the clamp compressed her thumbnail with impossible force. When the man was

finished, the tip of Sarah's thumb was a deep red colour. Her cries continued as

he tightened the other thumb clamp to the same degree. She tried in vain to

twist her foot away when he approached, but it was grasped an her screams rose a

level as the clamp compressed her toe between its jaws. The other toe was

finished next, and now Sarah whimpered piteously as he approached her side an

grasped her left breast in one hand while the other turned the wheel. Another

scream peeled out as the clamp crushed her nipple until it was almost flat

between the steel jaws. Sarah's voice was starting to go when her second nipple

was crushed by the clamp. He was now between her legs, fondling the last clamp

that was secured to her clitoris. When he tightened the clamp and Sarah's clit

was squeezed between steel, she let out one last scream before she fainted.

Carl had long since ceased to struggle against the chair that he was fastened

to. He just watched the monitor with helplessness as his family was tortured and

abused for the sole purpose of revenge at his less than honest business

practices. His only hope was that once the Prince was done extracting payment

for Carl's treachery, Sarah and her daughters would actually be released. Carl

had no illusions about his own fate however, he was a dead man.

The screen on the monitor switched to a new room, an opulent office with an

elegant, hand carved oak desk in front of a large window. At the desk sat the

Prince, he set some papers down as the large double doors opened. Stephanie,

Carl's sixteen year old daughter, walked in. Her expression was one of pain and

confusion, resulting from her experiences at dinner. She was dressed in her own

regular clothing, a grey wool skirt, white blouse and a blue jacket. On her feet

were low heel shoes and she was wearing no stockings. Following Stephanie was

Sylvia, in the traditional clothing of an arab woman, including the almost

opaque veil.

"She is ready, my lord." Sylvia said, passing a small black remote control to

the Prince.

"We are about to have visitors from your embassy." The Prince said as he toyed

with the remote control. "You will behave normally and act as if nothing odd is

happening. If you are asked about the rest of your family, you will say that

they are off sight-seeing." The Prince smiled for the first time. "You are aware

of your preparation for this interview, now a small demonstration of the

consequences that will result from disobedience."

With that, the Prince reached for the remote control box. The box consisted of a

dial and four red buttons. He adjusted the dial to setting 5, the highest was

10. The Prince pressed a finger to the first button. Stephanie immediately let

out a yelp, her hands flying to her chest. The button was released after only a

second. Stephanie was still holding her chest, almost hyperventilating, with

tears running down her face. Sylvia approached and pushed the teenager into a

chair, wiping her face off with a cloth from inside her robes.

"Now we can receive our guests I think" The prince said as he pressed another

button, this one on his desk.

The representatives from the embassy entered, were introduced to Stephanie and

Sylvia and a short meeting took place. Throughout the meeting, the Prince toyed

with the remote control. The dial was set on 1 or 2 at times, and he pressed the

bottom three buttons randomly. Stephanie maintained a normal expression,

appearing to be attentive to the meeting. But her thighs moved back and forth

under her skirt, occasionally clenching tight together. When the meeting

concluded, the men exchanged pleasantries and left.

The Prince sat behind his desk and nodded to Sylvia.

Sylvia led Stephanie to the front of the Prince's desk. She then walked over to

the wall and flipped what looked like a light switch. A panel opened in the

ceiling and, with the whir of an electric motor, a chain lowered through the

opening. At the end of the chain were a pair of leather cuffs and these stopped

lowering when they reached the frightened teenager's face. Sylvia walked over

and fastened the cuffs tightly to Stephanie's wrists. Next she pulled the jacket

off the girl's shoulders and removed the harness, placing the battery/control

unit and receiver on the desk. Under the jacket Stephanie wore a harness similar

to a pistol harness used by plain-clothes police. The difference was that

instead of a pistol holster, there was a rectangular battery pack held under the

girl's left arm, and a small receiver under her right arm. A thin wire ran from

the receiver across her back to the battery controller, from there four thicker

wires ran down to her waist, disappearing under the waistband of her skirt.

Sylvia removed the jacket and set it aside. She then pulled the teenager's skirt

down and off, leaving her in just her white blouse which hung down to her upper

thighs.. Sylvia now produced another pair of leather cuffs from a wall cabinet

and, after removing the girl's shoes fastened them on her slim ankles. Grabbing

the girl's left ankle, Sylvia clipped the ring in the cuff to an eyebolt mounted

at the bottom corner of the desk. She repeated this with the other ankle.

Stephanie's legs were now spread wide to each side of the desk, the edge of

which was just below her pelvic area. She faced the Prince and started sobbing

as the motor above started pulling her hands up again, taking up the slack from

her fastened legs until she was stretched tight. Sylvia reached around for

behind the girl and ripped open her blouse, revealing to the Prince what had

been done to Stephanie earlier.

Under the blouse Stephanie wore no other clothing. A wide, tight rubber belt was

fastened around her waist. A rubber strap connected to this in the front ran

down between her legs and was fastened at the back of the belt, drawn up tightly

into her crotch. Three of the wires ran into this, the fourth ran up to the

girl's pert breasts. The fourth wire split in two, one extension going two each

of Stephanie's nipples. The wires were stripped of insulation at the ends and

then twisted tightly around each nipple.

"You did well during that meeting." the Prince smiled. "Of course at the low

setting, the devices inside your holes provide more pleasure than pain. Although

I've been told that the metal contact on a woman's clitoris causes pain at all

settings." He pressed the fourth button.

Stephanie's hips jerked. "Please stop." she squealed.

He released the button. "I noticed the younger man, Mr. Stevens, glancing at you

several times during the meeting." The Prince noted. "Not exactly with fondness

either, have you met him before?"

"No, that's the first time I've ever seen him." Stephanie replied.

"I'm not sure I believe you." The Prince turned the dial to 7 and pressed each

button for a second. Stephanie's body clenched tight and vibrated as current

flowed through her breasts, into the prod in her cunt, into the other prod in

her anus, and through the metal contact on her clitoris. She screamed

constantly, then fell limp when the last jolt faded. "Tell me where you met him

and why he dislikes you so."

Stephanie spoke in gasps, "At a dance in the embassy, he danced with me, hung

around me all evening. When he got me alone later on he tried to kiss me, he was

very rough."

"What was your response?" The Prince asked.

"I slapped him, and told my father. He was reprimanded and he may get demoted"

Tears were flowing freely down the poor girl's face.

"That's better." The Prince thought for a minute. "Sylvia, invite young Mr.

Jones to a special party tonight. I think young Stephanie would like a chance to

make amends to the gentleman."

The Prince got up and walked behind Stephanie. Sylvia activated the motor and

lowered the girl's hands until they were at her waist, the excess chain on the

desk. Sylvia sat down in the Prince's chair and pulled on the chain, forcing

Stephanie the bend over across the desk. Behind Stephanie, the Prince lifted up

the back of the shirt. Placing one hand on her ass cheek, he used the other to

unfasten the rubber crotch strap from the back of the belt. When the strap was

pulled out from between her legs, the anal prod with it's wire could be seen

embedded in her anus. Below that, the cunt prod poked out of the girl's vagina.

The Prince opened his robe, revealing a large, erect cock. He grasped the anal

prod and pulled, it came out of the girl with a pop. He then pulled her ass

cheeks apart and placed his erect cock against her small anal dimple. Stephanie

started to panic now, but Sylvia held the chain tight, keeping the teenager

stretched across the desk. She screamed when he thrust his large cock into her

ass to the hilt in one motion. She continued crying out on each successive

thrust. As he was about to come, Sylvia picked the remote box and pressed the

buttons, sending current into her breasts, clit and cunt at the same time. The

Prince came violently as he felt the girls body jump up, the muscles in her ass

clenched him like a vice and pushed him over the edge.

"Get her ready for the party tonight." the Prince said. "Be sure she dresses

exactly the same as she did at that embassy dance, her clothes should all be in

her luggage." He pulled out of the limp girl, wiped himself with her shirt and

left the room.

Carl woke with a start as the door opened and Sylvia walked in. Behind her came

Stephanie, naked, being pulled along be a collar and leash. Stephanie was gagged

with a ring gag, a hard plastic ring wedged in her front teeth with straps

around the back of her head. The gag held her mouth wide open, her tongue could

be seen fluttering around in the open space. Stephanie had been put in a harness

made of black leather straps. The straps went around her waist, crossed her

breasts and over her shoulders, meeting at the back of her waist. Where the

straps went over a breast, there was a three inch diameter iron ring. The girls

breasts were forced completely through the rings. This caused her breasts to

bulge out through the painfully tight rings around the bases. A thin, hardened

leather strap with spaced knots ran between her legs, threading her bare pussy

lips. The straps had been tightened to the extreme, causing visible indentations

in Stephanie's creamy, white skin. Her hands were in leather cuffs that linked

together and connected to the back of the harness at her waist.

Carl looked into his daughter's eyes, what he saw there wasn't pleasant. A lot

of pain and humiliation from her experiences with the Prince, but also a new

found hatred for her father who had raped her. Carl was still gagged, so he

could not say anything, but he didn't know what he would say anyway.

"Well Stephanie, let's say hello to daddy." Sylvia smiled as she moved the girl

until she was standing in front of her seated father. "You can start by sitting

on his lap, facing him." Sylvia said with a smile.

Tears were starting roll down Stephanie's face as she opened her legs and placed

her naked bottom on her father's thighs, her legs on either side of the chair.

Carl's pants were still open and his cock jumped when her bare mound brushed

against it. Stephanie looked down briefly, only to see his cock, coated with her

dried blood from when he raped her. "Move your hips girl, rub yourself on his

cock." Sylvia ordered. Stephanie moaned through the open ring gag in protest.

"You will obey, or you'll have another session with those electrical toys, I'll

make you want to jump out of your skin this time." Sylvia warned.

Stephanie looked to the side as she started moving her hips. Carl felt his

daughter's bare cunt rubbing up and down his cock. In spite of himself, his cock

leapt to attention at the stimulation.

"Show him how nice your breasts look in the rings, rub them against his face."

Sylvia said.

Stephanie stood up, still over his lap. Her ringed breasts came up to the level

of his face. She started caressing his face with her protruding breasts. This

caused more pain from the constricting rings.

"Enough, get off him." Sylvia ordered. She walked over to a cabinet and returned

with a thin bamboo cane. Putting a hand on Stephanie's shoulder, she pushed the

girl down to her knees. Placing the cane down behind the frightened teenager,

Sylvia reached over to Carl and unfastened the seatbelt-like strap holding his

waist to the chair. Grabbing a handful of long brown hair, Sylvia pushed

Stephanie's head down into her father's lap. Stephanie squealed in protest as

the ring gag settled onto her father's cock. His erect member slipped through

the ring and into her mouth. Sylvia shoved the girl's head down, reconnecting

the lap belt over the back of her head. Stephanie was gagging and trying to pull

her head up as Sylvia yanked the strap tight, pressing her face even farther

down on the erect cock. Carl squirmed in the chair, never had he felt so utterly

at odds with himself. His cock was lodged firmly into a struggling girl's throat

and it felt great, at the same time he was horrified that the girl was his

sixteen year old daughter.

"There, now that's what I call father-daughter communication." Sylvia said as

she picked up the cane. "In fact, I think little Stephanie is going to get

across how she feels in a very unique way." Sylvia sent the cane whistling

across Stephanie's bent over ass.

A muffled scream came out of the poor girl as a deep red line appeared on the

upper part of her bottom cheeks. Carl jumped too as his cock vibrated in her

throat as muscles clenched with her scream.

"I do hope daddy's in a sexy mood, because I'm not stopping until he comes."

Sylvia laughed as she landed another stroke, just below the first.

Another scream from Stephanie and another moan from her father as the girl's

pain was transformed into friction on his excited cock. Stephanie's feet were

kicking the floor as she tried to avoid the blows, but they came relentlessly.

At the fifteenth stroke Carl was starting to approach an orgasm. Sylvia

delivered five fast, sharp slices that drove the screaming teenager crazy. Carl

came furiously, sending wads of semen down his daughter's throat. Stephanie

choked and gagged but could not move away. The girl's bottom was criss-crossed

with red lines left by the cane, at one point were two lines intersected a drop

of blood could be seen.

"I must say, you two have a great relationship!" Sylvia said as she unfastened

Stephanie and lifted her to her feet by the hair. "If you'll excuse us, Steph

has to get ready for a hot date." She pushed Stephanie out the door without

looking back.

Later that evening, Stephanie stood in front of a tall mirror.. Evidence of the

past day had been washed away, although under the clothes she wore there were

still the welts from the cane on her bottom. Sylvia had the girl dressed to

kill, in an off the strapless black evening dress that showed off her creamy

shoulders. The tops of her breasts were revealed in a plunging neckline that

just stopped short of her nipples. The dress had a tight waist and the hem

stopped a just a touch higher than mid-thigh. Under the dress she wore black,

shear panties with shear stockings and a black garter belt. On her feet were 3

inch black heels. Sylvia had done her hair to perfection as well.

"Well, no wonder this Stevens guy was taken with you." Sylvia said slyly.

"That's a very hot look for a young girl like yourself."

"Please don't make me do this." Stephanie pleaded finally. Although with what

had happened so far, she no longer believed that there was any thing that was to

harsh for her to do.

"Now what did we say about talking?" Sylvia said. "I don't want to mess up the

beautiful job I've done because you forget the rules and need to be punished."

Now Sylvia smiled. "But just in case there is still some doubt as to whether you

can do what I've told you to do.." She walked over to a curtain and drew it

back. Behind the curtain was a window into a dark room lit by only a fireplace.

Sarah was in the room, naked and tied over a wooden trestle. A bald oriental man

was anally raping the bent over woman his large cock. Sylvia pushed a button on

the intercom device mounted beside the window. Instantly, Sarah's cries could be

heard in time with each forward thrust of the large intruder in her small anal

passage. A video camera was set nearby, no doubt recording the scene live for

Carl's viewing pleasure.

"I hate to interrupt your fun, Master Li." Sylvia said. "But could you give us a

small sample of your talent for persuasion?"

The man said nothing, but pulled out of Sarah and walked to the fireplace.

Taking a pair of iron tongs, he lifted a small burning ember out of the flames.

He approached Sarah's exposed ass, with the glowing material held before him in

the tongs.

"No, please don't!" Stephanie cried, placing her hands on the window pane.

The man did not acknowledge her. Using one hand, he pried open the crack of her

ass. He quickly placed the burning ember in her ass crack, just above her anus.

He then dropped the tongs and used both hands to close her ass cheeks. Sarah let

out a long, piercing scream. Her legs could be seen pulling franticly at their

bindings as she struggled to dislodge the fire burning into her tender flesh.

Master Li held the ember in place for a minute, then released her as cheeks,

causing the ember to fall to the floor. The skin in her ass crack where the

ember had been was a deep red, with blisters starting to form. He placed his

cock back at her small anus and thrust into her again.

"I'm sure you understand your position now." Sylvia said, to the now crying

teenager, as she closed the curtain. "You will meet with Mr. Stevens tonight.

You will not speak a word unless told to. You will do everything and anything

that he asks or Master Li will get a chance to play with young Beth."

Dale Stevens walked into the Prince's ornate office for the second time. He had

no idea why the Prince required another meeting, the hand delivered message had

contained no details. He also wondered if that little stuck-up bitch would be

around again. He still entertained dark thoughts about her. After all, he

thought, she had practically hung all over him that night, teasing him until he

was bursting with lust, only to play the shy virgin when he responded in kind.

The Prince looked up from the papers on his desk. "Thank you for attending on

such short notice." He said, as Dale sat down.

"I'm honored, as always, but I was not aware that there were any more official

details to be ironed out since our last meeting." Dale asked as he sat in a

plush chair.

"Indeed, that is so." The Prince said with a smile. "I had intended to discuss

business of a more personal nature with you today."

"And what might that be?" Dale ventured warily.

"I have recently discovered that certain.... competitors of mine have been

receiving inside information from your embassy. Also, that this information

comes from a bright young staffer who's tastes exceed his meager civil service

salary." The Prince said smoothly.

"Are you accusing me of ..." Dale replied indignantly. Although he knew exactly

what the Prince was talking about.

"Not at all. Just pointing out the possibilities if this information were true."

The Prince gestured expansively. "For instance, it might be advantageous to me

if the information going to my competition were to cross my desk first. It would

allow me advance notice of certain things, perhaps some of the material could be

slightly altered before reaching the opposition's eyes. I would be appreciative

to the individual in ways that my competitor cannot."

Now this was getting interesting, Dale thought. But he still had to play this

cool until he was sure that this joker was on the level.

"I still have no idea what you're talking about." Dale replied, hoping that his

deception was visible, but not too visible.

"Let me demonstrate." The Prince said generously as he pressed a button on his

desk. "My competitors offer financial reward for services rendered I'm sure, and

I do the same. But I believe that I can offer, shall we say a 'perk' that they

can't match."

The Prince became silent as Stephanie walked into the room, followed by Sylvia.

Dale's jaw almost hit the floor. It was her! The little tramp was dressed

exactly as she had been that night. The same sexy black dress, hair done the

same way, hell, he thought, even her perfume smelled the same. Sylvia was in her

working clothes, a white lab coat that ended at mid thigh with white stockings

and heels.

"I believe you have already met Stephanie." The Prince said." Say hello to my

guest Stephanie."

"Hello Mr. Stevens." Stephanie said in a quiet voice.

"Young Stephanie has agreed, for personal reasons, to be owned by me for a

period of time." The Prince said as he came around the desk and stood beside

her. "Until an as yet undetermined future date, this young lady belongs to me in

body, if not in soul." He placed a hand lightly on a bare shoulder. "And

possessions of mine I can of course bestow upon others as 'gifts' for their

loyalty and service."

"Is some kind of game?" Dale asked irritably. "If you have something to say,

please say it. Otherwise I'll take my leave now."

"Very well Mr. Stevens." The Prince said. "Your people lack the grace of polite

conversation. But I do can be abrasively direct when I desire. What I am

offering is, in addition to the usual financial arrangements, the use of young

Stephanie in exchange for the informational items mentioned earlier."

"You've got to be kidding!" Dale exclaimed, although he noticed a deep blush

coloring the pretty teenager's face.

"Stephanie, kneel in front of Mr. Stevens and kiss his shoes until I tell you to

stop." The Prince ordered. Stephanie slowly kneeled before Dale's chair. Dale

watched her pretty head lower to his shoes. He almost died when he felt her lips

pressing against the toe of his leather dress shoes.

"As you can see, she will accommodate anything you desire without complaint."

The Prince smiled. "Do we have an equitable deal?"

"Yes." Carl breathed, still staring at Stephanie's bare shoulders in the

strapless, black dress as she continued kissing his shoes.

"Very well." The Prince said. "I other business that requires my attention. Feel

free to use the girl for the rest of the evening, Sylvia will assist you."

The Prince left the room. Dale was still speechless, staring down at a formally

stuck up young tease, as she continued kissing his shoes. Dale's imagination was

running wild.

He turned to Sylvia. "I can do anything I want with her?"

"Anything at all, she belongs to you temporarily." Sylvia replied. "But you must

not cause any permanent damage to her. Our master frowns upon de-valuing

property that he lends out."

"Why isn't she saying anything about this?" He asked.

"She has certain instructions to follow." Sylvia said. "She is not to speak

unless told to by you."

"She will do anything I ask without force?"

"Yes, however you may also use her with force if you like." Sylvia said with a

sly grin. She could almost see the drool coming out of this guy's mouth.

"Stephanie, take my shoes and socks off." Dale ventured. The girl stopped

kissing his shoes and took them off his feet, pulling his socks off as well.

"Now you may lick and suck my toes for a while." Dale said as he smiled down at

her. There was the briefest hesitation before he felt warm, soft lips engulf one

of his big toes. He ran a hand along her exposed shoulders, thinking how much

fun he was going to have with his pretty new slave. When he tired of the soft

lips and tongue playing with his toes, he lifted her up by the hair so that she

was kneeling upright in front of him.

"May I point out that you look particularly stunning tonight Steph." He said

looking her in the eye for the first time since she slapped him at the embassy.

"Put your hands behind your head and keep them there." He ordered. Reaching for

her, he placed one hand on the side of her face and gently cupped her soft

breast through the dress with the other.

"You weren't very impressed the last time I did this, eh?" He said as his hand

started rolling her breast around. "I do recall getting a nice stiff nipple

reaction before you so rudely interrupted me. Of course, there will be no

interruption this time." He pulled down the dress cup that was barely covering

her breast, revealing a perfectly shaped breast with a very erect nipple. He

quickly pulled down the other cup, leaving both bare before his hungry gaze.

"Wet your fingers and play with your nipples for me." He said as he pulled his

cock out of his pants. She hesitated for a second until she felt a hand grasping

her hair, pulling her head back. Sylvia looked down at her, there was no

mistaking the message in her eyes. Stephanie licked her fingers and started

caressing her own nipples. Her face blushed as she watched the excited eyes of

this hated man watching her stimulate her own body.

"Turn around and bend over." Dale ordered. Stephanie turned around on her knees

and lowered herself to her hands. Then she felt a hand between her shoulder

blades shove her head to the floor, leaving her bottom stuck up in the air

before Dale's hungry eyes.

"What have you people been doing with her?" He asked, running his hands up the

outside of her thighs, lifting the hem of the dress up to her waist. This

revealed black garters and a skimpy pair of black lace panties. The panties

covered very little of Stephanie's bottom cheeks, and criss-crossing red lines

decorated the pale skin.

"She was caned recently, as you can tell." Sylvia said as she knelt with her

knees on either side of the teenager's head. "All of her holes have been broken

in, she was a virgin when she came to us."

Dale pulled the small panties down to the girl's thighs. With her bottom stuck

up in the air the way it was, Dale could immediately see the pretty, bare cunt

and above that, the small dimple of her anus. He cupped the moist lips of her

pussy with one hand while tickling her anal entrance with the thumb of his other


"Too bad, I would have liked to have done that myself. But this little bitch

turned into an ice queen just as we got rolling." He punctuated 'bitch' by

shoving his thumbs into both of her dry holes, producing a short cry and some

squirming of the pretty, young girl. A sharp slap for Sylvia on the girl's hip

stifled the cry and stopped the movement. Dale moved his thumb back and forth in

her anal passage, watching with fascination as the tight little ring of flesh

clung to the intruding digit.

He stood up, opening his pants and pulling out a very erect cock. "Roll her

over, I want to see her face when she gets fucked."

Sylvia grabbed Stephanie and flipped her onto her back. She grasped the youth's

stocking- covered ankles and pulled them back and apart, leaving her bare

privates lifted and spread for the grinning man. He stared at the frightened

girl's eyes as he knelt before her and placed his erect cock at the entrance to

her pussy. She let out a short gasp as he shoved the length of his cock into her

tight pussy. She turned her head away, but he grabbed her chin and roughly

forced her face towards his as he began pumping into her with slow thrusts.

Seeing that the man's body would hold the girl in place, Sylvia released the

ankles she was holding. Standing up, she opened her lab coat and let it slip to

the floor. Underneath she wore nothing but white garters to hold up the


"Wow, do I get to play with you to?" Dale said with wide eyes as he continued

fucking the beautiful, young teenager.

"No." Sylvia said with a hint of disgust. "I'm here to help you enjoy the

Prince's gift. Towards that end I will do anything you wish."

Dale thought for a moment. "I hate to have all the fun by myself, why don't you

sit on the little slut's face and let her eat you?"

Sylvia smiled as she moved forward unit her heeled feet were on either side of

the girl's head. Stephanie stared up into the woman's hairy cunt as it was

gently lowered towards her face. She tried to shift away, but Dale kept her

pinned with his thrusting body and his hand on her chin held her face straight

up. Sylvia sighed as she settled down on the teenager's face. She shifted

herself so that the wet lips of her cunt pushed down on the girl's closed lips.

"Open your mouth please." Sylvia said, as she moved herself back and forth on

the girl's face. "I want to feel your tongue inside me, I'm sure you don't want

to be punished in front of your new friend."

Stephanie, face now soaked with the excretions of the hot cunt that was almost

smothering her, opened her mouth and extended her tongue into Sylvia's cunt.

Immediately she had to swallow the flood of juices that started pouring into her


On seeing this, Dale started pumping faster and quickly shot a load of semen

into the young girl. He pulled out and sat back, still watching Sylvia grind her

hips over Stephanie's face.

"What else can I do to her?" Dale asked as Sylvia closed her eyes in a silent


"I think you might want to deal with the issue of her slapping you in public."

Sylvia said as she lifted herself off the girl. Stephanie's face was wet with

Sylvia's fluids as well as her own tears.

"Yeah, that would teach the little bitch as lesson, what can I do?" Dale was

practically salivating at the thought of punishing this girl with her 'holier

than thou' attitude.

"There is another room in the palace that is well suited to this kind of thing,

follow me." Sylvia instructed as she pulled Stephanie up by the hair and pushed

her out of the room. Dale quickly pulled up his pants and followed.

Stephanie was on her knees in the new room, naked save for a set of heavy

leather straps. In addition to the usual ankle and wrist cuffs, she now had

thick straps on each thigh and a large belt digging into her midsection. Sylvia

was busy arranging several chains connected to pulleys on the walls to either

side of the girl. The room was fairly small, with various rings and pulleys

connected to many places on the walls. The only other item in the room was a

large cabinet, which was being inspected by an excited Dale.

"How would you like her arranged for punishment?" Sylvia asked.

"What is the best position?" He responded as he picked up an item from inside

the cabinet. "And what is this thing?" He lifted up a large transparent plastic

tube with a plunger on one end and what looked like a large nozzle on the other.

"That would depend on what method of punishment you wish to use." Sylvia smiled.

"That instrument is a type of enema, you can fill it up with various liquids and

insert the nozzle into a girl's ass. Then you can use the plunger to force the

liquid into her bowels. You can do it more than once to increase the volume of

liquid she has to hold. She will start to have severe cramps and the pain is

excruciating." Sylvia smiled. "It is a favorite of the Prince, especially with

young, small girls."

"Have you done this to her yet?" He asked.

"No, although her little sister received a mild enema earlier." Sylvia said.

"Would you like to try? It is very exciting when the severe cramps start, along

with the screams."

He walked in front of Stephanie and held the large nozzle up to her face. "Yes,

I think that will do nicely" Dale smile into the terrified teenager's tear

streaked face.

Sylvia pushed the girl's shoulder down so that she was on her hands and knees.

The chains came next, two chains connected her wrist cuffs to pulleys at floor

level on each opposing wall. The same was done to her ankle cuffs and thigh

straps. Two large chains from the ceiling connected to either side of the waist

strap. Sylvia then tightened the chains. Stephanie's ankles were held apart, the

chains held her thighs open, and the waist chains kept her bottom from dropping

when her knees were pulled apart. Stephanie's weight was partially supported by

her knees and partially by the waist chains. Finally the wrist chains pulled her

arms as far as possible along the floor to either side. Without the support of

her arms, her upper torso to fell to the floor. Dale walked behind the teenager.

The effect was incredible, the girl's bottom was up in the air, thighs held

apart, her chest and head bent down to the floor.

Sylvia retrieved a plastic basin from the cabinet and started filling it with

hot water from a faucet in the wall. As it was filling she added some soap

solution from a small bottle, causing the water to bubble slightly. When the

basing was full, she placed it beneath Stephanie's spread thighs and motioned

for Dale to begin.

Dale placed the large nozzle into the hot water and pulled the plunger back. The

hot, bubbly liquid was drawn up into the transparent cylinder. He then carefully

placed the tip against the girl's small anal opening. He smiled as he forced the

device into Stephanie, her small opening stretched wide to accommodate the large

nozzle. This extracted a long moan from Stephanie, who had been mostly silent

until now. When the device was fully inserted, Dale reached back to the fully

extended plunger and began pressing it home. Stephanie immediately started

shaking her body within the limits of the chains, crying out as vicious hot

liquid was forced into her bowels. When the device was empty Dale withdrew it

from the crying teenager's ass. Immediately, Sylvia reached down and forced a

large, rubber plug into the distended opening.

"We don't want the little darling letting go early do we?" She said. "It usually

helps if you make her jump around a little after taking one of those, it kind of

loosens her up inside" Sylvia said as she held the plug in place. "You can use

that whip in the cupboard on her back for now."

Dale found the whip, it was a series of long, knotted leather attached to a

handle. He walked to the whimpering girl and let the leather strands run across

the side of her face.

"You know," He said, smiling sarcastically down at Stephanie's tear-streaked

face. "You're not such a bad date after all!" He punctuated the sentence with

the whip, sending a hard blow into her back. Instantly, red lines appeared where

the leather cords cut into her pale skin. Dale delivered several strokes across

the girl's back, getting a sharp cry from her with every impact.

"Time for her second helping" Sylvia said as she pulled the plug out from

Stephanie's ass.

Dale quickly re-filled the plastic cylinder and plunged another dose of hot

water into Stephanie. When it was done, Sylvia re-inserted the plug into the now

constantly moaning girl. This time Dale picked out a kind of metal cane. The

device consisted of a rubber handle attached to a thin, flexible metal rod. The

rod was three feet long and about as thick as a car antenna.

"That is usually best on the backs of her legs." Sylvia advised.

Dale rested the rod on the back of a slim calve, the raised it up and brought it

down with a quick stroke. Stephanie let out an astonished scream, a thin red

line appeared on the back of her leg. He gave her four more slices on her calves

before he had an idea of his own. He stepped back and sent a whistling slice

into the sole of her left foot. Stephanie screamed her most agonized cry yet and

leaped against the chains. He sent another cut into her right foot and she

jumped around for a few minutes before collapsing.

"You've made her faint." Sylvia noted. "Get ready to give her another dose of

water while I wake her up."

Dale re-filled the cylinder for the third time and shoved it into the girl's

stretched anus. Sylvia held a small vial under Stephanie's nose and the girl

jerked awake, eyes wide as the plunger started shoving more water into her

bowels. When the device was again empty, Dale felt under the girl's belly. He

was not surprised to find a slight swelling due to the amount of water he had

injected into her.

"This time I think you might enjoy plugging her yourself." Sylvia smiled as she

ran a hand through Stephanie's hair.

Dale got the message. He dropped his pants and placed his painfully erect cock

at the teenager's nether entrance. Stephanie screamed in protest, but it was

lost in a gasp as he shoved his length into her already overpressured bowels.

Dale sighed as he started pumping into Stephanie's bowels, some of the water

starting to leak out around him. This Prince sure knows how to live, he thought

to himself.

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Friends Moving Day

Friends: Deleted Scenes - Moving DayA gloomy haze hung within the purple walls of Rachel and Monica's apartment. They had lost a rash betting contest to the guys, and now they found themselves forced to pack and move to a smaller, dingier place.Monica was in the living room trying to lift a heavy box, when Rachel walked in from Chandler's new bedroom."Hey, Rach, can you give me a hand with this box?" she asked."No! Put that box down!" Rachel demanded. "We are not going anywhere! This is my...

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Aliens and CowboysThe Bastard

Mark, Maren and Gyges had left so suddenly, which had them worried, but they were also eager to participate in catching the bastard. Now that everyone had wrist devices, they had begun using them more, but they didn’t want to contact them via their wrist devices, just in case they ended up distracting or compromising them somehow. Angela informed them that there was a shuttle at the palace and that she could pilot it, if they wanted to go out there? The group agreed and walked off through...

1 year ago
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Pee Fans! Porn is a lot of things. It’s hot, sexy, nasty and dirty. It’s also usually wet. There’s jizz flying everywhere and the girls who aren’t squirting at least have sopping wet pussies. Why stop there, though? The human body is a fantastic storage vessel for all kinds of fluids. The average human bladder, for example, can hold between 1 and 4 cups of urine at any moment. That’s exactly the kind of sexual factoid you’ll learn at PeeFans.Of course, whether or not urine is sexual is up for...

Porn Forums
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NuruMassage Alexa Nova Cheat Sheet

When Ryan McLane comes home, he’s livid with his girlfriend Alexa Nova. She doesn’t know why he’s upset, and he doesn’t appreciate her playing dumb about fucking around with Doug. Alexa wants to know what makes him think she’s been cheating with Doug. Ryan says that Kimberly told him when she came over last night. Alexa figures that means the hockey game and drinks with the boys was a lie. Ryan was supposed to go to hockey but got sidetracked by what Kimberly told...

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Shady and Restful

The gray skies were fitting for the occasion. Light mist sprayed the people as they walked from the graveyard. The entire town had turned out for Joe's funeral. Sam Drucker, Fred Ziffle and Arnold, Oliver and Lisa Douglas, Floyd Smoot and the volunteer fire department. The Bradley girls walked away from the grave site toward the little train which would carry them back home to the shady rest. Anyone from outside the community would consider Joe as a lazy bum constantly trying one get rich...

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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 15 Angel in the Doorway

We finally disentangled, but I still wouldn't let Kayla go completely. I kept my arm around her and pulled her with me back to my chair. She sat down next to me, pulling her chair close so I could keep my arm across her shoulder. She leaned in to me and put her hand on my thigh, wanting and needing the physical touch as much as I. I looked around the table as Eric and Keisha got settled in. "Were all you guys in on this?" I asked. Jesse smiled and nodded. "Yep. Everybody except for...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 4

Der Dachboden 4 Meine Mutter trat auf die Terrasse, direkt gefolgt von meinem Vater. "Hallo, wer seid ihr denn? Und wo ist mein Sohn? Probt ihr f?r eine Theaterauff?hrung?" Sie schaute von einem zum anderen, wie auch mein Vater. Der schien die bizarre Situation eher zu begreifen. "So sagt doch was. Ach, das ist doch Tim? Tim, das ist doch mein Negligee? Warum hast du mein Negligee an? Und das, das ist doch meine Per?cke?" Mein Vater schaltete sich ein, "Ja, Schatz, und das unter...

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Kiesha the Hoodrat

KeishaEver since the recent crack and heroin epidemic in the city, the black community has been through difficult times. Gun v******e, d**g abuse, and prostitution are an everyday occurrence in the slums of New York. It was tough for single mothers since numerous black men were getting locked up, strung out on d**gs, or ended up murdered over d**g deals.Keisha was a native of Brooklyn, NY. Now forty-two years old with five c***dren, she has been through some hard times. Even though she is...

4 years ago
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WillowChapter 15

Highway seventeen is notorious for delays. The winding road is narrow and often lacks a shoulder. Traffic going both north and south is heavy. Whether it was a stalled vehicle, road work or a crash, any event brings everyone to a halt. There are no bypasses and no turning around. Being stuck in traffic is a great time to think. You are captive and can't simply move on to some other activity. The boredom forces the mind to reach out for stimulation. Being in the mountains between San Jose...

4 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 42

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry Duke Risen’s eyes went wide as he read the report from the spy he’d planted in Tauntoff’s court. The bastard fake to the throne of the Empire had more lives and luck than he could believe. Pacing he knew that the man was going to come after him next. Smiling the Duke thought it was...

1 year ago
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The Complete Submission 3

PART THREE: THE COMPLETE SEDUCTION 100% fiction! This morning I got up a little earlier than usual for a Saturday and after getting dressed in a cute flower sundress, that made me look 18, and pink stay-ups; I headed downstairs. No one was there. I knew that Mark would still be sleeping, no way he gets up in the morning on a weekend and dad would be at work as usual, but where was mom? I went upstairs and she was in her room, I knocked and she said come in. She was on the internet shopping on...

1 year ago
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17 The age at which I realized that I was born t

I'm a tgirl and have been crossdressing for as long as I can remember....So as I told the first story, my first money I made as a whore rendering sexual services at the age of only 17 years old ... I am not ashamed to admit it, on the contrary still I want to tell you about this story ... I know you are very very curious ... in what follows I will satisfy this curiosity for you.Once when I was 17 I went to a Halloween house party dressed as a hooker. (yeah, yeah, been done before but it's...

3 years ago
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Willing Slave the second day part four

"Bet you thought you couldn't sleep standing up." he said and she blushed and nodded. He stood up and walked around her. Looking at the marks on her ass that lasted through the night, to her surprise there were only one or two. He leaned forward and gripped her tit in his hand, moving towards the nipple clamps. "I didn't mean to leave these on last night. Its going to hurt really badly when I take them off. This is a pain I would spare you if I could, because I didn't mean for you...

3 years ago
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Late Night Sex

You lookin at me while im still eatin you cause you think its soo sexy.You can hear the effects of me tastin you,sounds like a straw bein sucked on when there’s no more drink in tha cup(you kno dat sound ; )…)I stopped and said “Baby stay right there”…..5 mins lata,I came back with sum ice in a bowl.Your face lookin like “O damn what daddy bout to do now?”I place the blow full of ice beside you oand looked at you with a smile.I grab one little ice cube and put it in your mouth,then i lean...

1 year ago
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QueenChapter 10

Cassi found the address of the plush apartment building, impatiently waited as the elevator slowly crawled to the seventeenth floor, and rang the doorbell. Anticipation sent shivers through her as she waited for a response. At last the door opened and Cassi's heart jumped to see her queen once again. Clad in the ever-present robe the hood laid back on her shoulders, Leonora smiled and motioned Cassi to enter. As the two women undressed the changes in Cassi could hardly go...

2 years ago
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Our first time together

We had spoken several times before we finally met, John and Judy were just as I had imagined them to be, a young couple in their early thirties they made me feel very welcome and relaxed, so when Judy had finished her drink and said she was going to get changed into something more comfortable neither John or I thought much about it.Only when she returned and sat on the sofa opposite did either of us notice that underneath her robe she appeared to be naked, she smiled at us both as we sat...

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Mrs Lyndsey Dunn

Mrs. Dunn was my kind of woman and I didn’t care if the room was damp and over priced I would be moving in just to see more of her. As it happened the room was perfect and the price was affordable. A week later and I was settling in fine and getting on with Mrs. Dunn just great, she often caught me staring at her sexy body and just smiled at me. Then one morning I was having a bath when Mrs. Dunn walked in on me (I had forgotten to lock the door) she was only wearing a silky red and black...

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How I Had Sex With My MotherInLaw

Dear Readers, I am writing this story about my mother-in-law and how I ended up having sex with her. To begin with let me summarize my situation with my mother-in-law: I am 22 years old and I live with my wife and her mother. It is just us three in the household. My mother-in-law is sort of a traditional Indian woman and as a result she always has something to teach her daughter in the ways of marriage. Most often it has to do with me and how I can be better in treating my wife. She always has...

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SPH fantasy to another level

This is only going to be a short story of what happened last weekend. I was gonna post this story yesterday but upon finding and reading a few messages from my wife's phone I decided to postpone it for a day.Again, My wife and I have been married for quite sometime now. I love her she loves me. During the past couple of years we've learned of each others kinks mine being SPH and hers as I've found out most recently is public exhibition.She loves my small cock and she honestly told me that part...

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Artist AwakensChapter 3

I knew mother was furious with me. I had walked in on a situation no son should ever observe his mother in. It was not my fault she didn’t take him to her bedroom and lock the door as she should have. I always had access to the studio. How was I supposed to know? No matter how much I tried to justify my actions I could not get over the feeling that I had violated my mother’s privacy again. The fact that my mother was on her knees sucking and fondling Derrick’s cock certainly surprised me....

3 years ago
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A Very Private BeachChapter 7 The Seventh Day

The phone rang in the living room that morning, and Liz got up to answer it. I rolled over and went back to sleep. When I awoke again, she'd already been finger-fucking herself, and was masturbating me to arousal in more ways than one. As soon as I was hard, I entered her and began pumping her. But try as I might, I couldn't light that fire in her before my own orgasm hit. "I'm sorry," I panted. "For what?" she asked. "I wanted you to cum first," I explained. I started to...

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Letting it all hang out 3

This is a continuation of previous stories, it includeshomosexual and transsexual activities. If it's notyour cup of tea, I respect that but don't read it andleave mean and nasty comments.Kelly and I had just sucked each others cocks, explodingdown the others throats. My finger had been slowly encirclingher rosebud. She stopped me, turned and slithered up mybody until our cocks were touching. She looked at me in myeyes, smiled, slid up some more until we could look directlyinto each others...

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I Walk Up to the Front Door

I walk up to the front door. My heart pounding. I spent hours preparing myself a hot bubble bath, my nails polished and hair curled. Covering my body with vanilla scented powder allowing my black PVC mini skirt to just slip over my thighs like a second skin. My corset is ruby red with black lace. I love the feel of it against my breasts, the restriction on my breathing is a turn on in itself. I take one deep breath and ring the door bell. The door opens. I am greeted by a very curvaceous...

Group Sex
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Sidewalk Encounter

Walking back to work from a fast-food lunch, I had to navigate an obstacle course on the newly created sidewalk as various pieces of construction equipment were still parked. Approaching me from the opposite direction was a woman. Thinking she had also navigated this course before during this summer of road-widening construction, I smiled and said, "Still a real challenge to get through!" She smiled, and as she came next to me asked, "Do you know where Columbia Street is? Is it down there?"...

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Couple wants to try swinging but get duped into a gangbang and a lot of humiliation for hubby

We were a newly married couple, I was 20 and my pretty little wife Helen was only 18. She had been listening to older women chatting at the hairdressers about wife swapping and had been turned on by it. She eagerly told me all the gory details that she had heard and seeing that I was turned on as well, asked me if we should try it. Well the thought of being able to get my hands on lot’s of other women seamed a great idea. I hadn’t really thought about how I would feel seeing Helen...

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Night Shift Romance

It was a typical, night shift Sunday. The huge factory, normally bustling with noise and activity, lay quiet and dark. I was in my office/quality lab, dipping parts in chemicals and singing along with the cranked up stereo. “I didn’t know you could sing,” someone exclaimed behind me. I spun around, startled by the sudden and unexpected voice. Recognizing Olivia, a cute little brunette supervisor, I relaxed and leaned against the counter laughing at myself. “You scared the fuck out of me Liv,” I...

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Tanu And The Game Of Love Sex And Infidelity

Tanusree was always this spoilt brat who never gave a damn about what anyone thought not even her dad, she was this beautiful looking girl – her demands were sky high, a nice apartment cars salons dining at cozy comfortable top class restaurants, shop at the best outlets flaunt her beauty. Academically she was a disaster who didn’t even understand basic maths, after her +2 she joined frankfinn to become an air hostess but then she didn’t have the patience to take orders from anyone and so left...

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ReallyChapter 2

I awoke the next morning with her in my arms and my cock sporting a morning wood. I needed to pee and slipped from her body. She was still sleeping soundly when I reentered her bedroom and knelt by her side. As I slipped into my clothes, I wondered whatever happened to Amy yesterday. She could have sat there and watched us for all I knew. I never heard her if she did. I walked out of the bedroom headed to the garage. When I got to the kitchen, Amy was busy working on something at the table....

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What I Do When Im Alone

With the wife off to work today, I decide to indulge in my fetish. I wait a little bit till I know she is at work and it’s upstairs I go. I take my computer with me to chat with friends and others I happen to meet in chat rooms. I lie down on my bed and start chatting with people and seeing which friends are on. It takes about an hour before I finally find someone to chat with. What follows is what I usually do when I find someone to chat with, this is no direct account of what happens, its...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 37 Terms and Conditions May Apply

November-December 1978 I woke up Monday as usual and got my trunks. Stephanie was waiting for me, which came as no surprise. We swam our laps, with me again outpacing her. I was sure in a few months she’d be able to keep up. We walked down the hall and she smirked and started to follow me into my room. I decided this was a chance to practice setting limits that Jennifer and I had discussed. “Stephanie, no!” I said firmly, but gently. “We’re not ready for this yet. You’re not. I’m not. We...

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A story about sharing my wife and her using me as a cuckold

If I had known the evening would turn out so well I wouldn’t have been dreading it so much all day. My wife was having a man over that she had meet in a bar at the airport when she was catching a plane last week. She had been telling me all about him all week, how good looking he was, that he looked like he was well hung, she really couldn’t wait to fuck him, etc. I had heard this over and over. Normally I would not have minded, in fact I love to watch her fuck one of her...

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Trixie Ann

It was just after noon and the foyer of the office block was crowded with office workers rushing to lunch.  Jack was wandering out disconsolately.  His son’s fiancée, Isabelle, had called to say that his wife Carmen had asked her to go on yet another pre-wedding shopping trip.  So she would be unable to meet him for their lunchtime tryst at the office park Hilton.  He had gone by the hotel in the morning to pick up the room keycard and had been looking forward to Isabelle’s hot body all...

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freaky biday

I kissed him when I passed him on my way to the living room to wait for Trevor. Tony followed me. We say on the couch and started to roll up a blunt while we waited. By the time the blunt was rolled, there was a knock on the door. Tony got up to answer it, he opened the door and greeted our new friend. Tony stepped aside to let Trevor inside and they both sit on the couch. Trevor is an attractive man with a medium build, a little smaller than Tony but not by much. He was slimmer, not athletic...

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