- 3 years ago
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Clare had been wondering about body modification for ages. She read magazines that covered the subject. Piercing seem to be the most usual. Girls had nipples and labia pierced frequently, and one girl has several labia piercings and wore a lace through the holes, holding her pussy closed.
The more she read, the more interested she became. She herself had never been pierced but had often thought about it. But what if she had no control over it? What if she were in a position where she was unable to stop herself being pierced? And where would she be pierced?
She often thought about how it would feel to have her pussy sewn up as that girl had, but what would any future boyfriends feel about having to release her pussy in order to have sex?
She saw a link to ?serious piercing?
The cursor hovered over it, invitingly. She anted to know what the link led her to, but, was suddenly afraid that it would take her where she didn’t want to go. For over an hour she held the cursor in that one spot. Thankfully, computers don’t make their own decisions. Had it done so, it would have got impatient with her, and clicked the bloody button itself.
Clare had subscribed to a few modification sites, and often got emails pointing her to one site or another. But it was the one she got that raised her thoughts even more.
When she clicked the email open, and read it, the email simply said ?looking for body mod models.?
Clare wondered what a body mod model would do, other than show off any modifications they had, and she had none herself. Clicking on the link Clare was taken to a web site that offered free modifications, as long as the site could tape it, and use it on their own and affiliated sites.
Just more spam, thought Clare. But she read the whole page, before clicking on the gallery page. The pictures were all female, and with several modifications. Some were simple pierced body parts, and one was with rings through both nipples, and another through her clit, with a chain connected to all three rings. The chain was obviously shorter than it should be, as the nipples were being pulled down.
At the bottom of each page there was a link to become a model.
From what she had seen. Clare was becoming interested. The piercing would be out of her control, and probably more erotic than anything she could think of herself.
She hovered over the link, and then, with her eyes closed, she clicked on it. She sort of hoped it wouldn’t work, but at the same time, hoped it would.
The link led to an email address. All she had to do, was email them, and send a picture of herself wearing as little as possible, and they would get back to her soon.;
Not knowing why, she found herself filling in the form. Age, name, date of birth, and then locating a picture of herself on her computer. Most of her pictures showed her fully dressed, but there was a solitary one in which she wore a bikini. What they would make of that, she had no idea. It would probably turn them off, and she would hear nothing else if she was not picked.
Just before she sent it she looked at the boxes at the bottom. It asked what modifications she wanted, and where. Convinced they would not get back to her, Clare ticked the boxes that said ?anything? and ?Anywhere?. Then she sent the mail.
A week later Clare go an answer. In the email it said ?if you are selected, would you like to be picked up at home> or would you like to be ?kidnapped??
This message threw Clare. She had always said that if she got pierced, she would have to have no control over it.
Clare read the message time and time again; she could invite them to her house, or she could tell them to kidnap her off the street. She was sure that either way, she would have no control over what they did to her.
Eventually, Clare chose to be kidnapped, and once again confirmed that they could modify any part of her, in any way they wanted. As far as she was concerned, the worst they could do was put a few rings in various places.
With a wry smile, she sent the email.
The site had not even asked for her address. How could they kidnap her. it was simply an idle boast. And if they did ask for an address, she would lie to them. It was easy to tell them anything when they had no chance of finding her. she did, however, tell them the correct city, but how many people shared her name>
Clare checked her email for the next week, but there was no response from the site again. Obviously, they had lost interest. She forgot about it, and carried on her normal life. Though she still scoured the internet for body modification sites on a regular basis.
It was about a month later, and Clare was at home waiting for a taxi she had ordered, to go shopping. There was a knock at the door, which sort of surprised her. normally the taxi beeped its horn to say it was there. Picking up her bag, Clare opened the front door. What happened next was a blur to her. two men forced their way into the house, one of them placed a sweet smelling cloth over her mouth and nose, as the other grabbed her arms to stop them flailing.
Clare tried to kick out, but the man holding her was far too strong to be dislodged, as the other man still held the cloth over Clare’s mouth.
The kicks became weaker, as the chloroform began to take effect. In a few moments Clare was limp in the man’s arms.
Together, the two men carried her limp form out of the house and into the back of a black van. One of the men stayed with her, while the other moved to the drivers door, starting the engine. As the van left the close where Clare lived, a taxi pulled in. Clare had been close to safety, but closer to her fate.
In the back of the van the man placed the cloth over Clare’s mouth, and using duct tape, secured it in place. The constant smell of chloroform would keep her asleep until they arrived at their destination.
As Clare slept, the man began to cut away her clothing, smiling at the red silk knickers and bra she would no longer need. Turning her over, the man pulled both of Clare’s hand s behind her back, and took a pair of handcuffs from a panel in the van, securing her hands behind her. satisfied that she would not get free, he rolled her onto her back and admired her body.
The man already knew what was to become of Clare, and had been told that if he wanted to, he could be the last one to fuck her. even if she was unaware of it.
As she lay on the floor of the van, the man started to undress. He was not over endowed, but his cock stood firm and hard. Normally, he was not allowed to touch the victims, but this time, he had been told he could. Which to him, was an order to do so.
Kneeling between the sleeping girl’s legs, he guided his cock towards her pussy. He placed his hands under her hips, and lifted her up a little, so he could get free access to his target.
In a single lunge, the man’s cock disappeared into the helpless woman. It didn’t bother the man that there was no response, as he began to move in and out of her, slowly at first., then speeding up as he was sure he was buried deep inside her.
As he began to fuck her, the man felt the, now familiar, surge in his cock, as the metal bar buried deep inside it, pressed its way forward. The modification he had undergone meant that when he had sex, a metal bar came from his body, filled his cock, and made it even harder then it had been before.
As he fucked the helpless Clare, he was driven on by the start of the vibrating within his cock. To a woman awake, this would have felt strange, feeling a man’s cock harden even more, and to vibrate. But Clare knew nothing of this, as the man continued to take her. the man lasted a good fifteen minutes, his balls slamming against Clare’s thighs as he rammed deeper and deeper into her, his orgasm getting closer with each thrust.
With a lunge, the man buried himself deep inside her, and felt his hot juices filling the sleeping form.
For another five minutes the man lay on top of her, his cock still hurried deep in her pussy, his cum filling her. it was the first time that he had been allowed to do this to a victim, and he made sure she took all he could give her.
A few minutes later the van stopped, and the man pulled out of Clare and started to dress. He didn’t care if his seed took hold inside her or not. She would not give birth after her modifications.
A few minutes later the doors of the van opened, and the driver helped the first man to take Clare from the van. It was only a few steps of fresh air, but Clare did not stir. The constant chloroform made certain of that.
She was carried through a doorway and taken quickly to a holding room, and placed on a thin mattress on the floor, where she would stay until the doctors made preparations for her. as they left the room the man who had fucked Clare, removed the cloth from her face. Very soon she would awaken, and would still not know she had been fucked.
It was almost an hour later when Clare started to stir. She had no idea where she was. Nor why she could not move her hands. It took several moments before she realised she was cuffed, and another few moments to realise she was naked.
How she had got where she was, was a total blank. She remembered the taxi driver knocking at the door, and then nothing. Where she was now, was beyond her comprehension. She didn’t remember getting undressed.
There was a click and a voice came from speakers in the ceiling.
?Good evening Clare. You asked to be kidnapped, and you have been, you asked for modification, and that will happen soon. You stated repeatedly that we could modify anything in any way we wished, and that will happen. You will get food soon, though you will have to eat with your hands behind you. We do not care that you have to eat out of a dog bowl, in fact, it pleases us. You are being recorded, and have been since your arrival. Please. Make the members happy.
Another click, and the room fell silent again.
Clare began to panic. She hadn’t really wanted this. She had only filled the form in because there was no chance of them knowing who she was and where she lived. Had she known they could find her, she would not have filled it in.
A small trap door opened in the door, and a bowl of food was passed through it.
Clare looked at the food and determined not to eat it. But the chloroform had also made her hungry. Slowly. Trying to see where the cameras were hidden, she made her way to the bowl of food. It smelled nice, tempting, and Clare sank to her knees, leaning forward to eat.
Her hunger was clear to see, as the three doctors watched her on the monitor. They had already decided on the modification they would perform on Clare. It had been decided long before she had been picked up. The man who fucked her in the van, would be the last man to ever have sex with her.
Clare never even ate half of the food in the bowel before the aesthetic started to work on her. she was already falling asleep long before it was finished.
The doctors smiled to themselves. They had yet to fail. Clare would now know nothing until she woke up back at her home.
The door to Clare’s room opened and two men entered with a medical trolley. And placed her on it. They moved her from the cell to the lab, where her modification would take place.
A man in a grey suit stood in the lab waiting.
?You know what is to happen to her??. .
One of the doctors leafed through some papers and then grunted a yes.
?Okay gentle men. The camera is running. Do your best.?.
The man left the lab and moved to his office where he could watch what happened. The member of the site would be paying good money to see this in the next few days.
Clare was laid on the medical table, with one of the doctors taking care of the aesthetic. She would sleep through it.
The other two doctors made several marks on Clare’s flesh with marker pens, and then began work.
Clare would still be a woman, but no longer have a sex life by the time they finished.. and the two doctors enjoyed their work.
After the operations Clare was placed in a recovery room, still sedated, as she would be until she was returned home. A doctor kept checked up on her regularly, making sure that the procedures had gone well.
Two of them were well practised operations, but the third, most difficult, was one they had never attempted before, and were unsure of. It seemed to be mending well, in fact, better than they had expected. Another few days, and Clare could be released.
Though they could keep an eye on her while she was in the facility. And she was sedated, they could have no knowledge of how she will react when she got home.
It was close to two weeks after Clare was admitted that the doctors felt she was okay to be released. The two men who had brought her to the facility, were called upon to take her home. This time, the man in the back of the van would not be having sex with Clare. Unless he took her anally. But that was not his thing.
During the journey back to Clare’s house, the man kept an eyes on her to make sure she did not waken. They knew it was going to be a tight thing, leaving little journey time over before the drugs started to wear off.
As they let themselves into Clare’s home, one of the men located the central heating and turned it on for her. though they wee capable of many things, neither of the men wanted Clare to get cold and catch something. It would have been hard for her to explain her operations to a GP or hospital.
Together the two men placed Clare into her own bed, covering her up, before leaving her there. From that moment she would be on her own. She had asked for modification, and now it was all hers to live with.
The aesthetic was slow to wear off, but as it did so. and Clare started to awaken.she felt a little nauseous and dry. She slowly opened her eyes and found a strange man sat on a chair near her bed.
?who are you?? she asked, but for some strange reason ,though she could hear it in her head, the words never materialised.
In fact?she heard nothing;.
?Hello Clare? the man spoke with a soft voice.. ?I know you have many questions, but unfortunately, you will not be able to ask them. So I will answer for you. You wrote to us on the understanding that we actually perform severe and irreversible body modifications. You agreed to take part. But wanted to be kidnapped. All of this was done. So I am here to explain about the modifications. Firstly, as you now know, you are unable to speak. This is because we severed your vocal chords, it was a simple and easy operation, but it does mean you cant speak, moan, groan or scream. And you never will do. Even the best surgeons the land can never reverse what we have done. We then used a method we call melding. We used lasers and took away four layers of skin from your upper and lower lip. Then we held your lips together until they healed, as a single unit. There is a small hole through which you can take drinks and liquid food. We applied the same technique to your pussy. But first we gave you a total hysterectomy. Your womb. Ovaries, fallopian tubes have all been removed, so you will never have another period long as you live.. then we did the same to your pussy lips as we had to your lips. They are melded shut. With just a small hole to pee through.?
Clare was shocked ad annoyed, and tried to say so. But it was a futile effort
?We also removed your nipples, and your clit. So you can no longer take sex into your life. If you want sex from now on, it will be anal only. But we have a better offer for you. Come back with us, and we will finish the remodelling on you. The other choice, is you stay as you are, alone, and totally unable to communicate with anyone. When you applied you knew we did extreme modifications. When we asked what you wanted, you replied anything, anywhere. Your wish was granted. Now you can choose. Live as you are. Or come back to us. We will give you time to think about it. 24 hours. If we get no email in that time. you are on your own. And before you think a surgeon can reverse what we have done, they cant. Hell, even we cant. The meld is permanent. The choice is now yours. We await your email.?
With that the man left the room, and even before Clare could get out of bed and downstairs, she heard the front door close.
How could she live like this? Her very work depended on voice recognition, without the ability to speak, nothing would work for her. although they had given her a choice, they had really given her no choice at all. And they knew this.
And how could she report them? She couldn’t speak, was unconscious for the journey there, the time she was there, and the journey back. She knew anything she did, would not get her condition reversed. Yes. Although they had given her a choice, they, and Clare knew, she had no choice. They knew they had made her into a slave that needed them more than they needed her.
The email was short, to the point, and irreversible.
?come and get me?
ClareLet me introduce you to Clare, I met Clare on xHamster and wrote her a short story just for her entertainment, to my surprise she wrote back with a continuation of that story. This has been going on for some time now and with Clare's full consent we would like to share this fascinating journey with you.Neither Clare nor I are professional writers as we are sure you will see, but if you can excuse the appalling grammar you may enjoy the concept of a story written by two people one male, one...
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CuckoldThursday morning, just as we were getting ready to leave for school, Bill's crew showed up with the new windows. Things had warmed up, most of the snow was gone and the ground was drying out so changing the windows wouldn't be an exercise in freezing the crew's butts off or chewing up the yard with their ladders and scaffolding. Greg and I were grinning from ear to ear—we wouldn't have to use a rented bucket truck or, worse yet, climb that rickety old ladder to change the screens and...
As we often do, Cindy and I were lounging topless by the pool at my house. We’ve been close friends for a number of ears, ever since our husbands went into business together. I must admit our topless sunbathing is as much glorifying in the fact our thirty something bodies are still great than in getting a lineless tan. Cindy’s blonde hair frames her face and trails down toward her ample chest. Even after having two children, Cindy’s body is great, especially her breasts, which are to-die-for...
The difference between having the Power and not having the Power came down to knowing when your being messed with. If I concentrated a thought, or command at someone with the Power he or she would know right off that me or someone else was messing with them. It would set off all kinds of internal alarms in their heads. On the other hand a person without any Power would not consciously feel anything, but be compelled to do what I was thinking at them. They would shortly think up some reason to...
Mera naam seema hai. Is waqt meri umar 27 saal ki hai. Meri shadi abhi abhi hui hai. Mera id hai Seema mera asli naam hai aur kanwar main jo likha hai who main reenakanwar ji ki stories se prerit (encourage) ho kar likha hai. Unki stories mein bahut detailed sex stories hoti hai. Jisko pad kar bahut maja aata hai. Meri readers se anurodh hai ki reenakanwar ki stories bhi zroor read karein. Meri figure 36D_27_34 hai. Mere mummey ke shape gol-gol hai par thorey se big hone ki wajah se thore...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
AnalSgt Rock: Badass American Soldier Sergeant Jonas Rockwell heard the annoying static of the field radio in the outer room of his command tent. He paid little attention to the clamorous chatter emanating from the device. Better things occupied his mind. At the moment, the sergeant had his two hands full of soft, smooth, female ass. Pfc Jessica Sampson was sitting astride his prone body and was riding his cock with the wild passion of a berserk banshee warrior. This female soldier...
Leah definitely wanted to share words with CO2Deviant, but they were not pleasantries. She tried her best to shout insults and derogatory remarks at him but it just came out as unintelligible sounds thanks to the ring gag. "So if you've been wondering why all this is happening to you, now you know who to thank. It's because of me you're here. I told Alpha, my uncle, about you, and what you did to me. Normally he wouldn't go for something like this. Luckily for me, after taking one...
"David? What is that?" Andrea was point down at the blob in the water. "It looks like an airplane. Can you get closer?" David and Andrea were aboard the Wilga running the coastline east of Valencia Island. They had just turned into a little bay and Andrea had spotted a man-made shape in the water. She made a one eighty and over flew the object ... a lot lower this time. "One more time ... let me get a picture this go-round." One of the devices David had found while rummaging through...
I have been thinking much about Dianne lately. You see, she is a very beautiful single woman, very open sexually, and very caring for others (it is difficult for a man, and some women, to resist such a combination). I met her several months ago -- of all places -- in the waiting room of my dentist, where she shared with me her business (which is of no relevance to this story). My wife, Kristin, and I decided a few weeks later to join her business venture, and because of this association we have...
THE GAMES PART FOUR By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, and Three you really should! Part One is here... Chapter Thirteen MY HEART IS POUNDING IN my chest. I feel like I might feint. I can hardly breathe with this waist cincher on. Janine says I have just have stage fright. I don't have a...
Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn’t seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...
My mom had remarried and wanted me to get to know her new family. I was living out of town, but I made a visit to meet them. I had already met mom's new husband two new step brothers and got along well with them; they each lived in different cities. On this trip, I was to spend some time with mom's new husband and his daughter, Julia, who was actually my age, but still living at home. When I arrived, it was close to dinner time, and we all went out for a nice meal. When met Julia, I'm not...
In hindsight, my life had to be a really boring thing. One month into high school I get to second base and get voted into student council because I acted like a spineless wimp onstage, and it feels like it's been the most important week of my entire life. Not that I was complaining. Even though I had a crush on May, this past week brought me Nicole, who was more than an easy tomboy as someone would see her on the outside - she was a friend. "So, what do ya wanna do?" Nicole asked as she...
It was a magnificent old oak desk. Massive, polished wood touched the ground on three sides, with drawers built into each side of the back. It was a huge desk. Large enough to fit a person underneath comfortably. He had noticed this when he first bought the desk. A few modifications later and it was perfect. He had business clients coming today for a meeting. Today was the day to test the usefulness of this desk. He brought her in first. His pet. He had ordered her to strip and then put a belt...
My apologies for the long delay! Here is the next chapter. With luck I'll be able to get another chapter posted this next week. I have some real world problems that may prevent that, but hopefully won't! This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction,...
‘COMPANY OF MEN” written by Janet Diane a former prostitute want to escape away from her abusing pimps, and other men. She wants to change her life around just to become a normal person, she want to go back to school, get a good job. But, it’s seem whatever she do, she always fail. Diane loves to dress sexy, she is 45 year old, and has an athlete shape with a size 48 D cup breast. Her hips is very wide and her ass shake very heavy when she walk. Guys can’t resist stopping and staring at her....
At 23 Cass was still broken hearted over the breakup of her relationship to her first older lover , it was only a few weeks since it and since then she had committed herself fully to her work but the last thing she needed at that time was to be half way across the country for a meeting the following day . she sat sipping her wine in the hotel bar and thank fully it was quiet as she went through her paperwork for the next day’s meeting . by 10pm there was only her and a gentleman left in the bar...
My goal was to write something that was a little sweet and little romantic. I wanted to create a story where an attraction was evident early but true affection grew slowly. Hopefully, I came reasonably close to succeeding and I’m sure I’ll hear about it if I didn’t. Thanks for taking the time to read Contract Extensions. Jerry Hernandez was one of the best boxers of his age. He was also my brother and my hero. He was a successful welterweight when the division was at its peak. Jerry moved up...
Two days later, I really got to test my wellness and fortitude. It was late in the afternoon when I heard the whip crack and the scream of pain. Off to my right, in what appeared to be a fruitful hollow, spread a plantation with a big main house, a double row of outbuildings and a cluster of slave quarters. I rode over out of curiosity in time to hear the whip and the sharp outcry again. It sounded like a young boy or a woman to me. A saw a cluster of people in the back of the brick house,...
Being intentionally awake after midnight felt utterly alien to Cassie. She lay on her bed with her arms wrapped around herself, the dark stillness like a foreign dimension. At night, she felt far more at home in the dreamverse than anywhere else. She was not frightened of the dark; she felt out of place, as if the physical constants of reality were just slightly off. She uttered a husky sigh as she resisted the urge to squirm. Her pussy ached and oozed, and the heat within its folds felt...
They called themselves, for reasons that became apparent, Katherine and Petruccio. She was 43, he 47. They were an educated, sophisticated couple, slightly nervous although that was commonplace with many who came to us. Sitting together on a couch facing us, they made an attractive pair. She crossed and uncrossed her legs two or three times. Good legs. I imagined running my hands up the calves, under the skirt, encountering cool flesh above the stocking tops. I hoped Katherine and Petruccio...
Group SexWhenever Hardy was with the general on campus or when the general was entertaining, Hardy always addressed him as General Dustin or Dean Dustin. The dean would likewise address Hardy as Cadet Cochran. However whenever they were alone or with a small grouping of the general’s inner circle of friends, Hardy fondly called the dean, general daddy or daddy general, and the general called Hardy, son. Although Hardy was given a room of his own, at the mansion, he preferred to accept the invitation to...
Kitten's Diary by Throne Monday. Okay. Marnie says I have to write in this diary, so that's what I'm doing. The other night we were talking and she wanted to know what I like about her. I didn't really think it through and said something about her big tits. I mean large breasts. She got mad because I didn't start with her smile or how smart she is. So, I tried to cover up by saying how I like that she's short, the way I am. That seemed to help. I even mentioned that I'm not a...
When Donna lifted her veil, I thought my heart would burst. Could it really be that this woman - this angel - had agreed to be my wife?I swallowed and glanced back down the aisle. The pews were packed with our friends, family, and the other assorted acquaintances and business contacts that one is compelled to invite to the notable events in your life. The soft spring sunlight cascaded through the stained-glass windows, giving the interior of the church a magical radiance. I was, at that...
AnalAs a 42 year old white woman, I must admit that my curiosity and interest in interracial sexuality started way back when I was in high school. However, growing up in rural Texas, it wasn ’t easy to necessarily just go out on a date with a black guy. The prejudices people have about a white girl dating a black guy were and still are quite strong in certain parts of the South. Having already lost my virginity, I had discovered a few things. Firstly, that I enjoyed sex. Secondly, that my former...