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My goal was to write something that was a little sweet and little romantic. I wanted to create a story where an attraction was evident early but true affection grew slowly. Hopefully, I came reasonably close to succeeding and I’m sure I’ll hear about it if I didn’t. Thanks for taking the time to read Contract Extensions.

Jerry Hernandez was one of the best boxers of his age. He was also my brother and my hero. He was a successful welterweight when the division was at its peak. Jerry moved up and down weight classes but fought most often at one-forty-seven. He went up against all the greats and won about as much as he lost in those fights.

In an era of bangers like Duran and Hearns, he was a pugilist. If I ever needed a lesson in subjectivity, I would read what the sports writers had to say about him. They detailed his defensive genius and his supposed lack of power. The few times I stepped into the ring with him, his punches felt like I was getting hit by a car. Of the three of us brothers, Jerry was the only one who was athletically gifted.

I believe that it was his defensive genius that allowed him to keep his mental faculties. He was as sharp in the post-fight interviews after his final bout as he was the first time he stepped into a ring. Maybe that’s what allowed him to keep most of his money, unlike many of his contemporaries. In spite of stepping into the ring numerous times a year with some of the most dangerous men on the planet, he was the kindest man I’ve ever known.

He put me through college, and as a graduation gift, he bought me a house on the same block he had purchased one for each of our two sisters, my other brother and our mother. We lived a charmed life due to his willingness to have other men try to knock him out for a living. Every summer we would have block parties that he would pay for. If you were family, a friend or a fan, there was always a place for you.

Jerry spent his days in his beloved garden, hanging out with his nieces and nephews or at the gym he founded in a nearby, low-income neighborhood. The gym had an adjacent, smaller building that was set up like a schoolroom. He hired high school kids from the honor society to tutor younger children. Membership at the gym didn’t have a financial fee, but he insisted on seeing report cards and had every kid that came there help out somehow. Some tutored, some cleaned and some mowed the lawn but everyone contributed.

They came to learn to box but what he was really teaching was confidence, self-discipline and the importance of community.

In spite of the normal heartache that enters every family, our lives were happy and without serious strife until he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He didn’t have health insurance and I blame myself for not talking to him about his finances and planning. Jerry had a guy that was supposed to take care of it and some of his money but the idiot dropped the ball. Cancer was a hell of a preexisting condition and getting new insurance proved impossible. He was well off, but the cancer stripped him of not only his vitality and eventually his life but also his money.

I effectively moved in with him towards the end. We would talk, watch videos of his fights and tend to his garden. Once or twice a week we would slowly walk to my house where he would sit by the garden and I would tend to it. We had a tradition in the family where we all kept gardens but we alternated what we grew. We’d get together every few days and split the bounty amongst us.

It was the education that he had paid for that allowed me the luxury of spending my time as I liked. I was a programmer and had developed software used, ironically, in the home healthcare industry. I sold it and rolled the money over into a number of tech companies.

I got out before the bubble burst and was left with enough money to live sensibly for the rest of my life or to live like an idiot for a decade or so. I continued to create apps to keep my hands in the industry and to keep my mind sharp. The greatest benefit of the money I earned was that I was able to keep my brother comfortable when his ran out. He received the medicine, treatment and help he needed and I got to pay off some of the debt I owed to the man I loved most in the world.

Although our nieces and nephews came over often, our siblings started to withdraw when they realized that he couldn’t outpoint death with his deft head movement and quick feet. They soon realized that his money was being swallowed whole by his treatment and that hastened their departure from any meaningful part of his life.

How they treated him was almost as painful to me as his dying was. I couldn’t and still can’t understand how a woman as brilliant, caring and generous as our mother could raise people as disparate as my brother and my other siblings. One was as giving as the day is long and the others driven purely by avarice. She was an amazing woman and it certainly wasn’t her fault. I guess that they never realized that what he had wasn’t their due.

I haven’t spoken to any of them since the funeral.

I mowed his lawn and worked on his garden while his home was on the market. It helped me feel closer to him and push off that inevitable feeling of loss I knew was coming when someone eventually moved in.

The breeze coming down from the hills was cool for once. Beautiful weather, an ice cold Shiner Bock and a comfortable chair made my porch a perfect late spring oasis. It was my daily routine to relax before supper and read any new tech articles. As I skimmed through something about problems with Google’s corporate culture, the moving van pulled into the driveway at Jerry’s house. I immediately realized that I would have to stop calling it that, even if it was only in my head. I put my glasses on the table next to my chair and watched as the men moved box after box into the house.

About twenty minutes after the movers arrived a large sedan pulled up with a woman and three kids. She popped the trunk and they all started hauling boxes and some bags into the house. I found them annoying. They didn’t fit in the neighborhood, I could tell that right away. She was beautiful but seemed snooty and the kids would be a loud annoyance. Her husband probably wouldn’t wait a week before trying to borrow some tools.

Yeah, I wouldn’t be thinking any of this if they moved into a different house. I knew that but I didn’t really care. I was annoyed and I wanted to indulge my anger and self-pity. My brother was taken from me. The rest of my family were ingrates. Screw these people. I closed the laptop, grabbed my glasses and beer and went inside.

There was a persistent knocking around seven in the evening the next day. I looked out the window as I made my way to the door and saw the woman that moved into Jerry’s house. She was standing across the street in front of Mrs. Cruz house, and her two daughters were knocking on the Cruz’s door. Her hair fell just passed her shoulders and she kept kept her attention divided between her children.

I opened my door to see a nine or ten-year-old boy standing there with a plate of cookies wrapped in cellophane.

“Hi! I’m Ted Frost! We just moved in over there.” he pointed to Jerry’s house, “We made some cookies!” He might be the most enthusiastic kid I’d ever met. His mother must have told him to be cheerful. Looking across the street I could see the same thing was playing out with Mrs. Cruz and the two girls, one Caucasian, the other Asian. Ted was black.

I plastered a smile on my face, smiled and nodded at his mom. She gave a little wave.

“Thanks, Ted. Tell your mom and dad I said thanks.”

“I’ll tell Mom. Dad’s dead.”

What the hell do you say to that? I had no idea, so I changed the topic.

“Did you help with the cookies?”

“I helped with the chocolate chip ones! The girls helped with the oatmeal raisin.” Ted was way too excited about these cookies. Or moving here. Or life in general.

“Ok, well, they look great. Thanks again.” I started to step back in the house.

“Are there any kids around here?” I guess I wasn’t going inside.

“Ah, not on this block. Sorry.” I didn’t feel like explaining that there were, but my brother and sisters were assholes who moved as soon as their meal ticket was gone and they took their children with them. For the first time, he didn’t seem like his world was comprised of rainbows and puppies.

“Ok. Enjoy the cookies.” He jumped from the porch, skipping the stairs and jogged out to his mom. I waved again and went back inside with my plate of guilt. I guess I couldn’t really hate them too much at this point.

The truck rumbled down the street as I sat on the porch, again enjoying a beer while doing some research. It stopped at Jerry’s house and the delivery men started unloading furniture. Two trucks in three days. There was no way that they were going to fit that much stuff in the house.

The car from yesterday was gone and the moving men staged everything in the front yard, presumably waiting for the woman to arrive. I glanced over occasionally and when I saw where they were putting the last of the items, I jumped up and made my way over.

“Hey!” I called as I crossed the street. “You can’t can’t put that there.”

They both looked at me and then at each other. “On the lawn?”

“No, I don’t care about the lawn. Over here. You’re crushing the plants.”

“Uhhh, who are you?” He was the shorter of the two, bald with a potbelly but he had biceps larger than my head.

“This is ... this was my ... Look, just move all this shit from this line here to somewhere else.”

“That ‘shit’ happens to be my family’s belongings.” The cold, female voice called out from the street I had my back to. I turned to see the kids piling out of her car as she walked towards me.

“Gentleman, continue with what you were doing. Sir, please get off my property.”

She was not happy at all and that was completely understandable. The movers were trying not to be obvious as they were checking her out. I couldn’t blame them. Under different circumstances, I would do the same thing.

“Listen, I was out of line-”

“I need to get the kids inside. Please get off my property.”

So much for my skills as the welcome wagon.

Looking up from the laptop, I saw Mrs. Cruz making her way to my porch. I continued reading as she sat down.


“Good evening, Mark. More computer stuff?”


She didn’t care what I was reading. This was a prelude to some good old-fashioned gossip. Jennifer and her husband Charles were more formidable than covert government agencies when it came to finding out about their neighbors. I had enjoyed their rumors and stories until I started to wonder what they told other people about me.

Gossips or not, they’ve always been kind and they were dedicated to Jerry during those last few months. I avoided their guarded questions, never knowing where the answers would be going, but there’s little I wouldn’t do for them.

“Beer’s in the fridge if you want one.” She got up, went in the house and came back with another Shiner.

“Her husband passed, poor thing. A doctor.”

I offered a non-committal grunt and took another pull on the Shiner.

“They had to sell their home and move here. Sad. And such beautiful children.”

“What’s wrong with here?” There was an unintended edge to my voice.

“Nothing, Mark. They came from Durango. They had money. I don’t know, the kids moving away from friends, downsizing to a smaller house. I think that they have money problems. It’s just sad. It was odd timing, you know? With the kids, I mean. They called Julie their miracle baby. They thought that they couldn’t have kids and adopted Ted and Wendy. Ages didn’t matter. They wanted the kids that needed them the most. Then Maria found out she was pregnant and their family got a little larger. And now they’re here.”

“Jen, do you have their house bugged?”

“It’s strange, Mark but some people are friendly and they like to talk to their neighbors.”

We chatted some more before she went home. I wasn’t all that comfortable with the thought that someone was moving into Jerry’s house out of necessity. There was a bit of guilt nipping at my conscience. I set the bar pretty low for being a good neighbor.

My knocking had barely stopped before Ted and a little girl a few years younger than him stood before the open door.

“Hey, Ted. Your mom around?”

He walked back into the house, leaving his sister at the door. “Mom! The man from across the street is here!” The house isn’t that big, so I had no idea why he was yelling. The little girl was just standing there staring at me.

“Wendy, go help your brother.” Their mother came out from the kitchen and turned her daughter towards Ted. “Set the table, guys and help Julie wash up.”

Hair in a ponytail and wearing an apron, she looked very domestic. I was struck again by how pretty she was. Not opening the door, she looked at the ziplock bags in my hands. “Can I help you?”

“Listen, I ... We got off on the wrong foot. I just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood.” I lifted the two bags. “Some pulled pork. I pulled them off the smoker this afternoon.”

“That’s very nice of you...”

“Mark. Sorry, I’m Mark Hernandez.”

“Maria Frost.”

“Maria, do you have a couple of minutes?”

“We’ve got about five minutes before supper. Will that do?”

“Yeah, sure. So, my brother used to own this place and my other brother and sisters also had homes on the street. We all grew vegetables. It was my brother’s hobby. He was passionate about it. We’d all get together once a week or so and split everything between us. That’s sort of why I was over here yesterday.”

Maria offered a small, hesitant smile. It was more of a ‘I’m being polite but please hurry up with your story’ smile. A petite blonde, she seemed very young to have three children with Ted being around ten.

“I obviously shouldn’t have said anything. It’s none of my business what you do with your property, it’s just that I’ve sort of been taking care of the yard and garden since, well, since he’s been gone. But I’m sorry about that. You don’t know me and feel free to say no, but I was wondering if I could maybe rent the area that your garden is in? I know it’s weird, but it’s sort of all I have left of Jerry, and I don’t know, it’s not that much space. I’d be happy to split the produce with you. Maybe a hundred a week until the fall?”

“I’m sorry about your brother, Mr. Hernandez. Can I have a few days to think about it?”

“Sure. Absolutely.”

The faint, acrid aroma of a distant bonfire was alive in the air. It reminded me of awkward teenage fumblings, weed and bad beer. I sighed and felt a million years old. I nodded to Jennifer as she made her daily pilgrimage.

Another day had gone by and Mrs. Cruz was joining me on my porch again. I lifted my beer.

“Help yourself and grab me another if you could?”

She went in the house and came back out with two Shiners.

“Did you hear about the Clark’s grandson? They arrested him at his office. Took him out in handcuffs. I never liked that kid.”

The community updates continued before she got to the reason for today’s visit.

“She’s been asking about you. I guess she has to with three kids. A hundred a week, Mark? For a hundred a week you can have my entire yard. You’re not fooling anyone, you know. You disappeared into your head for a while after Christine and Jerry and then when your nephews and nieces left. I didn’t care for their parents, but they were great kids. It’s good to see you coming back.”

“It’s just money.”

“Yes, it is Mark. And she probably needs it. You sit here on your porch and pretend to be a recluse and curmudgeon, but you’re a good man. I told her that, too.”

She ended with some more gossip and headed home. An hour later there was a knock on the door.

“Mrs. Frost. Care to come in?”

“No, thank you. I was thinking about your offer and I have a counter-proposal. Fifty dollars a week, you’re only there when I’m present and you spend some of the time explaining to Ted what you’re doing.”

I countered. “Ok, here’s what I’m thinking. Seventy-five a week, Ted gets to choose one vegetable that he’d like to grow and we revisit this in six weeks. If we’re both happy then it goes to a hundred a week and if you want I’ll show the girls what we’re doing and talk to them about gardening. Deal?”

She stuck her hand out and we shook.


“Do we need some sort of contract, Mr. Hernandez?” She smiled while speaking, joking about our negotiating.

“I think that was our verbal contract, signed with the handshake.”

I watched her walk away. She was a small woman, but well put together. Her dark blonde hair fell just below her shoulders and her body tapered to a slim waist before flaring out to some generous curves. Her husband had been a lucky man.

As Ted and I dug, tilled, planted, and tended we would see the girls spying out of the windows, catching a peek at what we were doing until we saw them. Once seen, they would scurry out of sight. After the first week, their mother would send them out with water, iced tea or lemonade.

They were cute and friendly kids, but they weren’t as effusive as Ted. I don’t know if anyone was as effusive as Ted. He spent twenty minutes telling Wally, our mailman, about what we were growing and when it would be coming up. I think Wally left with the impression that I was Ted’s assistant.

Maria alternated between calling her daughter Wendy or Wei. Her brother and sister called her Wendy. “Mr. Hernandez, can you stay for supper?” She was holding her little sister’s hand and was using the other hand and arm to clutch the empty water pitcher to her chest.

“Uhhh, thank you, Wendy but you should really talk to your mom about that.”

“Okay, but she told us to ask.”

“Oh. In that case, sure. Do I have time to go wash up?”

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, I was on their doorstep, knocking.

“Come in!” Ted’s voice echoed through the house.

“Theodore Frost! You go open the door and invite Mr. Hernandez in. You know how to behave.”

I could see and hear them through the screen door as he put his game controller down and headed my way.

“C’mon in. Everything’s ready.” He opened the door and held it for me.

“Thanks, Ted.” I turned to his mother. She was very attractive in a girl-next-door sort of way. I guess that worked as she pretty much was next door. “Mrs. Frost, I didn’t know what was appropriate. I have some wine at the house that I can grab.”

“No, we’re good. And Maria is fine, by the way.”

“Okay, then it’s Mark. No more Mr. Hernandez. I’m already old; I don’t need to feel ancient.”

Ted looked at me. “You’re old? How old are you?”

“Ted, you don’t ask people how old they are.” his mother chided.

“It’s alright. We’re friends. I’m forty-one.”

He looked astonished as if it was a thing of wonder that someone my age could make it through a few hours of gardening. It did wonders for my fragile ego to have Ted think I was a contemporary of Methuselah. I resolved to start going back to the gym the next day.

Two weeks had passed since our deal commenced.

Having just finished supper, I was about to bring my plate into the kitchen when I saw Ted bounding across the street. He saw me as he knocked on the screen door.

“Theodore!” Maria used her mom voice. He ignored her call.

“Hey, Mr. Hernandez. We’re going for a walk. Wanna come? I think mom just wants to go around the block.”

“Okay, sure let me just -”

“He says he wants to come!”

Ted seems to run on either conversational, indoor voice or megaphone, ear-bleed volume. They were right across the street, not across the state. I put the plate in the sink and joined them on their walk. The kids talked about school and Maria mentioned that she got another job. She was now the associate editor for a magazine that covered cattle ranches and the beef industry as well as a magazine published by the Colorado Board of Tourism.

The sweet smell of honeysuckle mixed with the aroma of neighbors grilling and smoking. It was one of those nights when the sunset seemed to suffuse the evening with shades of orange. It was a pleasant walk and took us past a schoolyard. We put Wendy and Julie on the swings and let them enjoy themselves for five or ten minutes. Always cautious with his sisters, Ted refused to push Wendy hard enough to get her as high as she wanted to go.

I found myself letting them walk ahead of me a bit. They seemed content where I was melancholy. I enjoyed watching them. Maria seemed to be a good mother and they were a happy family. I’d listen to her laugh at Ted’s jokes and how seriously she answered Wendy’s questions. She treated her children with a respect that many parents didn’t think was necessary. When we made it back they made their way to their house and I made my way to mine.

“See ya’ tomorrow, Mr. Hernandez.”

“See ya, Ted.”

We fell into a rhythm. If we didn’t garden that day we would take a walk. Sometimes it was quick, sometimes it was longer but we always stopped at the school playground.

Three weeks had gone by. Mrs. Cruz was back on my porch, drinking one of my beers.

“So, what are you growing?”

“Here, or,” I tipped my beer towards Jerry’s house. “over there?”


“Well, I’ve got some baby carrots, kale and green onions coming up soon. They’ve got radishes, spinach, and squash. Ted’s got a bunch of hot peppers going.”

“About another week?”

“Tired of the farmer’s markets, Jennifer? Yeah, about another week.”

“Did you hear Phillip is retiring? Between you and me, it’s not voluntarily. He was with his boss’s daughter and then dumped her pretty callously.”

I was surprised. “Isn’t he, like sixty?”

“Yeah, and she’s about forty-two I think. He really got her hooked and then broke her heart.”

“So, she’s single?”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “I guess so.”

“Jennifer, do you have an agenda here? I’m not interested.”

“Don’t be an idiot, Mark. That wasn’t what I was implying. He’s almost twenty years older than her and she adored him. It happens. Age difference isn’t as big a thing as people make it seem. Especially not if both people are emotionally mature.”

Realization dawned and I was struck by her implication. “C’mon, there’s nothing there. She’s just a neighbor. The last thing she wants is the middle-aged guy next door. And I’m definitely not in the market.”

“Keep telling yourself that. Thanks for the beer, Mark.”

She got up, put the empty in the recycling bin and headed home.

Wendy didn’t have much interest in gardening but her sister did. Whenever Ted and I pruned, watered trimmed or cleaned up, little Julie would be following right along behind us. She was a cute kid. They all were. They were almost professionally cute, as if they just stepped out of a commercial for Target.

We put the tools away in the shed and made our way to the house. I was going to tell Maria we were done for the day and head home when Wendy grabbed my hand.

“Look, Mr. Hernandez! I got all A’s!”

I looked at her report card and made sure I gave her the ‘wow, I’m very impressed’ look.

“That’s great Wendy. Nice job. Is your mom going to put it up on your refrigerator?”

“I think so. Did you want to put it up on yours?”

I paused for a second, thinking about my nieces and nephews. It still hurt. I hated my siblings sometimes.

“I’d love to, honey but they only give you one. Maybe your mom can send me a copy and I’ll use that.”

“Mom! Can Mr. Hernandez have a copy of the report card?” Wendy yelled to her mother who was at most fifty feet away.

Maria walked into the kitchen, head tilted as she fastened an earring. “Sure, if he wants one.”

“Mom says we’re going out for dinner and for ice-cream after to celebrate. Do you wanna come?”

“Oh, no. Thank you, Wendy. You guys have a great time.”

Maria looked at my shirt and pants. “No dirt stains. You look presentable, Mark. You sure you don’t want to come?”

“Okay, as long as I get to pay for the ice-cream.”

As we headed out the door, Ted ran to the car and Julie held my hand. It was nice.

“Mr. Hernandez gets the front seat, Ted.”

“I know!” He called out as he moved from the front to the back.

Sardoni’s is a continental grill on the outskirts of Durango. It was an excellent choice. The food was what critics called rustic and there were plenty of choices for the kids. As Ted was asking the waitress if their vegetables were organic, I leaned over to quietly talk to Maria. I wasn’t sure if it was her perfume but she was wearing something with floral overtones.

“Have you ever had him tested? I don’t know that much about it, but I think he’s pretty bright. Maybe he should be in some special program or something?”

“Mark, every class he’s in is advanced. If I put him in any more advanced classes I’d have to enroll him in night school.”

“Oh.” I felt a little foolish. Of course a mother would know that her son is gifted.

The elder kids scoured the menu for dishes that used ingredients that we were growing. Wendy and Ted patiently read the dishes off to Julie who didn’t seem terribly interested. Her dinner choice was written in stone. If they had them, she was getting chicken strips that her mother would cut up and call nuggets.

When the food arrived, Ted wouldn’t allow Maria to start on hers.

“Wait, wait!” He took out his phone and took a picture of the dish. “We can make that.”

“The chicken?” Maria asked.

“No, the green beans almondine. We’re growing string beans next! We can make that. We just need to get a recipe. Can we buy some green beans tomorrow?”

After dinner, we went to Benji’s Freezatory for ice-cream. I sat at a picnic table with Maria as we finished our cones and watched Wendy and Julie in the little playground. The bench wasn’t very wide and her leg touched mine often. We saw Ted walking towards us from the farm-stand next door. He held a bag up high.

“I got some green beans!”

“Ted, you can’t just walk off. You need to ask me if you want to go somewhere.” She looked nervous and it seemed that she was as upset with herself for not realizing he was missing as she was with him for leaving. “Do we owe them money?”

“No, I used my allowance. I showed them the picture. They gave me some good ones.”

He got me thinking.

“Mr. Hernandez, can I hang out here for a while?” Ted was standing on my porch by the screen door.

“Sure. Come on in. Does your mom know you’re here?”

“I left her a note. She was crying, so I didn’t want to bother her.”

Should I pry? If there was something that I could have done I would feel horrible if I hadn’t.

“Is ... is everything ok, Ted?”

“Yeah, she just gets sad sometimes.”

“Where are the girls?”

“Wendy’s helping Julie color.”

I wasn’t comfortable having Ted just sitting around here if his mother didn’t approve it.

“Grab a soda, if you want. I’m going to text your mom.”

Jennifer and I r headed to town. Picking up fertilizer, tools, groceries. I thought Ted should come to the garden center. If that’s ok, maybe the girls can come 2 and we can stop for ice cream.

A few minutes went by.

That would be great. Thanks.

I immediately called Jennifer.

“So, please tell me that you’re free for the next few hours. Don’t make a liar out of me.”

When I explained the situation she was happy to go. Ted got the girls and carried Julies booster seat to my SUV. He also gave me a twenty from his mother for the ice cream.

“Guys, your mom gave us some money. Let’s use it for dinner. What does everyone want?” The vote was two for pizza and one for chicken nuggets. We got both and they brought it home to share with Maria.

Jennifer stopped before walking home.

“Wendy mentioned that today was her parents anniversary. She dropped it in the conversation pretty casually but I could see she was worried. If Maria’s not doing okay tomorrow, give me a yell. You know, she asks about you, Mark.”

“Did you tell her about Jerry and Christine?”

“A little about Jerry. Was that wrong?”

“No. What happened, happened. If she asks, tell her.”

The previous year I had planted a butterfly bush in the corner of Jerry’s yard. I had no idea if it would actually attract butterflies but I wanted to find out. It thrived, growing quickly, and this year it was larger than last with many more buds that flowered.

The workings of the bush and how it attracted the butterflies were a mystery to me but it performed as advertised. I was working with Ted as he carefully watered the garden and heard incessant giggling. Julie was laughing as only a four-year-old can while she tried to catch some of the colorful insects. Maria was walking towards her, explaining that they weren’t pets and they should be watched and not touched.

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The day was to be a busy one; I had appointments to keep and errands to run. First, I had to pick up my dry cleaning, then off to the store for some groceries, and finally to rush home and wait for the people from the contracting company. I was extending my patio behind my pool, and the people were going to have a survey of the property, before we set down the details. I finally made it home, and as it was a hot day, I jumped in the shower to clean off, put on a bikini, and went out to the pool...

2 years ago
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Contract of Leather Ch1

I need only look around my room to set the sadness burning in my chest once more. The walls of my chambers are bare, and the closet stands open and devoid of clothing. Everything I own is neatly packed away somewhere in the house, in preparation of tomorrow’s journey. The only remaining articles are the bedclothes and the gown I am to wear in the morning. It is the last night I will ever spend in my family home, and I can’t seem to stop the tears from welling in my eyes at the thought. In the...

2 years ago
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Contract for Sex

My story is a warning to all those arrogant men who believe they are all their wives could want, and who are complacent about their spouse's fidelity. My wife Alex and I had been married for five years, and were both 26. Alex is a 5'4" redhead, not the prettiest girl in the world but very attractive sexually. She had put on some weight since our marriage, but her fuller figure only served to turn even more heads. She had wanted to have c***dren fairly soon, but I had insisted that we become...

4 years ago
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Contract Lab Ours And Contractors

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fifth part for continuation “Local Crook Free Mistress” @ , would...

2 years ago
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Contract For Sex

My story is a warning to all those arrogant men who believe they are all their wives could want, and who are complacent about their spouse’s fidelity. My wife Alex and I had been married for five years, and were both 26. Alex is a 5’4″ redhead, not the prettiest girl in the world but very attractive sexually. She had put on some weight since our marriage, but her fuller figure only served to turn even more heads. She had wanted to have children fairly soon, but I had...

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Contract Dispute

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. “What do you mean I can’t keep them?” Now I was getting pissed. It all started a few hours ago. Granger’s was having its annual company picnic. Since about ten percent of the local population works there, and almost everyone else is related to someone that works there, well over half the town was in the park. Even in tough times,...

3 years ago
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Contracts chapter 18

The relationship with Yanni was going great. We have accustomed to each other in a very short time and we are very happy together. We are constantly enjoying our sex and we try to find our likes and dislikes. So far as long as Yanni fucks me slow and leaves his cock inside me for some time I am happy. Of course his semen inside my boi – pussy is a fantastic experience. Many times I ask him to try two and three times so that I get a lot of semen inside my pussy. What a sexual pleasure that is. I...

Gay Male
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After close to half an hour Steve’s rhythm increased in speed and became erratic. I knew he was about to ejaculate, and squeezed my sphincter around him but he pulled out before the moment came and ran around to Jenny’s ass. Trey pulled out, Steve pushed in and grunted, then cried out as he was allowed to fill Jenny with his famously copious quantity. Moments later I felt another cock pushing in me, and from the feel and technique I knew it was Cody. Another fucking commenced and I grinned into...

3 years ago
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Contracted Companion

Without emotion or surprise the national news reported the start of the fourth year of the recession and that unemployment was holding at 12.5%. No one believes that. Many have given up looking or are recent graduates choosing not to start. Even medical care providers have downsized. People with jobs are holding every dollar close because they feel insecure about their employment and financial future. Untold millions are beyond help from unemployment insurance. Charities are over extended....

4 years ago
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Contractor to the porn Stars

I got an urgent message on my cell phone. At the time I was on a roof and don’t take my phone on roofs anymore. I’ve found that they don’t work too well after falling fifteen feet or so to concrete. Hell, they don’t even look like a phone. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself before we go any further. My name is Chad, and I’m a contractor and no, I’m not one of those that build a thousand homes a year. I’m a one man show, for now anyway, and I’ve only been in business a little over a...

2 years ago
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I used this Contractor to build homes we got to be friends and would go to launch and dinner sometimes to look over plans he is 6.6 tall and handsome.. We were in the bathroom one time and win he was done he turned before zipping up and I seen his cock WoW it was big and long I joked with him asking what he fed that thing lololol.. He did not know I was a Cross Dresser and a total Bottom and I Loved to be Man-handled !! Also it was odd he would reach out and flip my boob they are big for a guy...

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Contractor to the porn Stars Chapter two

As Ann and I walked through the rooms it was apparent that she'd been right. There were only a few people, setting up equipment for the day's shooting, even though it was early afternoon. We went into the kitchen and raided the refrigerator. There was still quite a bit of the previous evenings delicacies put away nicely by the caterers. We each made a sandwich, I had a beer and Ann had a bottle of some kind of fancy French water that probably cost more than the champagne that was still...

Straight Sex
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Contractor to the porn Stars

I got an urgent message on my cell phone. At the time I was on a roof and don't take my phone on roofs anymore. I've found that they don't work too well after falling fifteen feet or so to concrete. Hell, they don't even look like a phone. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself before we go any further. My name is Chad, and I'm a contractor and no, I'm not one of those that build a thousand homes a year. I'm a one man show, for now anyway, and I've only been in business a little over a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Contractual Obligations

1 PrologueIt was an autumn evening in London. On Thames Embankment, the lines of plane trees were already shedding their furry seed balls and the first strong winds of the season were picking off the early leaf fall. In the hall of a house in Clerkenwell, a man stood quietly. His clothes were less than fashionable and made him look older than his years. Even so, they were of a quality that suggested that he could afford to dress well. His face was serious. An observant person would have...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 1 Coffee For Two

Allison Terry was on her lunch break but the precious hour before she had to be back at her desk was slipping away. She looked up and waved as Cerys came in to the coffee shop. Cerys looked as disorganised as ever, nodding an acknowledgement to Allison as she tried to juggle her large shoulder bag while she ordered a cappuccino. Fumbling in the bag in search of her purse as she reached the end of the counter, she almost knocked a pile of pastries to the floor while trying to find the money to...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 2 An Evening Drink

Allison was puzzled and a little concerned by the peculiarly precise way that Cerys had insisted that she turn up exactly at seven o’clock and ring twice on the doorbell. Whatever the cause, though, she wanted to find out what on earth was going on with her friend. When she got to the apartment, Cerys was her usual pleasant, relaxed and hospitable self. Allison was welcomed in, enthusiastically. “You had me worried at lunchtime,” Allison said. “I thought you’d been at the gin for...

4 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 3 Original Research

Allison was thinking. She had spent a couple of hours after work reading the papers that Cerys had given her and searching on the Internet. It seemed like there was an infinite range of things that might be included in a contract like the one Cerys was looking for. It all depended on what sort of dominant / submissive relationship they had going, what sort of kinks they enjoyed and what Cerys wanted out of it. Actually, Allison thought, I guess it depends what he wants out of it too. To...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 4 Lunchtime Call

It was the lunchtime on the following day when Allison picked up a call on her mobile. It was Cerys. “Hi-yer,” Cerrie’s greeting was cheery. Allison, trying to carry her coffee and sandwich while looking for a table and clutching the phone between her ear and her shoulder, wasn’t quite as chipper. “Hang on, Cerrie, I’m juggling lunch here.” Eventually she managed to get sat down and turned her attention back to the phone. “Sorry ‘bout that. It’s a pain trying to find a seat in here.” “You...

3 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 5 An Embarrassing Discovery

Two days later, on the Thursday, just before she was going to leave work, when Allison was interrupted by a cough and a diffident voice. “I wonder if I could have a word, Miss Terry?” Lionel Fairbrother looked rather uncomfortable as he beckoned Allison towards his office. As one of the senior partners Lionel was rather held in awe by the secretarial staff. He specialised in inheritance and probate work. Allison had worked on a few things for him but nothing recently. She’d always found him...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 6 Cocktails for Two

On Friday, Allison spent most of the day avoiding Lionel, thinking that he would interpret her evasion as disdainful disinterest for at least a while. That, she hoped – in between trying to clear her desk of the various tasks she needed to finish before the weekend - would give her a chance to think about his proposal. The disturbing thing, Allison thought, was that she hadn’t dismissed the idea out of hand and even now was still wondering what she should do about it. Friday night at least...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 7 Distraction

Lionel Fairbrother threw the book he was reading to one side. He couldn’t concentrate. A pile of papers – documents that he needed to review for a case at work - sat on the couch beside him, accusingly, waiting for his attention. Lionel pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers and stared across at his hi-fi. He blinked. The music had stopped but he wasn’t even sure how long ago. A half drunk cup of coffee stood on a low table in front of the couch. Lionel could see it was cold just...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 8 Consultation

After leaving Cerys and the helpless Gordon, Allison headed home. Although it was early she felt tired; emotionally drained, she supposed, as a result of the strange experiences of that evening. She went to bed. The weather was sultry. A bout of late autumn sunshine following on from a week’s rain meant the city felt damp. In Allison’s bedroom, with windows closed it was stuffy but she knew that leaving them open would mean a chilly early morning. Allison lay, unable to settle, pulling her...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 9 A Phone Call And A Meeting

Allison had spent quite a while thinking about the call that she was about to make. In the end she decided there was no alternative but to plunge in and see what happened. “Could I speak to Ms Calloway, please.” “Just a moment. Who shall I say is calling?” “My name is Allison Terry. Ms Calloway should be expecting my call.” “Of course. Please hold.” The voice at the other end of the telephone was softly spoken. Allison couldn’t help wondering if it came from one of Ms Calloway’s clients,...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 10 Clerkenwell

After her meeting with June on the South Bank, Allison spent the next day on tenterhooks getting progressively more anxious as the day wore on. She noticed as Lionel left his office at about five. He seemed to be in the same state of nervous anticipation that she was. Allison had suffered the same “What do you wear... ?” conundrum as she had in the office earlier in the week. She’s was beginning to think the default dominatrix outfit of black leather, corset and boots at least had the...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 11 Lionelrsquos Session

Lionel Fairbrother was standing in the doorway of the room, looking uncertainly from June to Allison and back again. Allison, anonymous behind her mask and wig was sitting in an armchair watching him. June was standing beside her. “I think you know what’s expected,” June said quietly. “Please don’t be concerned by my guest.” “No, of course, no Mistress,” Lionel’s stuttered response betrayed the way in which his expectations of the evening session had already been disturbed. Allison watched...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 12 Final Draft

“There,” Allison said, putting the folder containing what she thought would be the final version of Gordon’s slave contract down on the table between her and Cerys. “I hope it’s what you were looking for.” “I’m sure it will be,” Cerys responded. “Thank you so much. It’s really going to get Gordon excited. You saw how he reacted when we mentioned about it last week.” Allison nodded. Gordon’s reaction had been one of the reasons why she’d even thought about Lionel’s proposal. Cery’s picked...

5 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 13 A Lunch Date

She could not, Allison decided, put it off any longer. She had decided that she would like things to progress. That meant one thing. A discussion with Lionel was needed. He, it seemed to Allison, had been very patient but now it was time to settle things between them. She stood in the corridor outside his office gathering her thoughts. Portraits of earlier partners in the firm peered down from the walls. Serious looking men in serious suits seemed to gaze down at Allison as if taking a dim...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 14 If You Become a Teacher By Your Pupils Yoursquoll be Taught

The apartment was looking presentable, Allison thought. It was five to eight. He was almost due. She looked at the bottles standing on the sideboard. For a moment she thought a drink would be a good idea. She dismissed the thought, though. The conversation with Lionel was going to need all her attention. She’d decided that a rather formal, business-like look was probably the best for their initial meeting so she’d put on an outfit that she might well have worn to the office. The white...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 15 Shopping

“So, what did you think of the contract?” Allison and Cerys were sitting in the coffee shop where Cerys had first raised the idea of Allison drafting a contract for her and Gordon. Cerys pulled the document from her bag. “It’s exactly what I wanted. I’m so grateful. It’s really good.” “What does Gordon think of it?” Cerys laughed. “He felt a little uncertain, I think, when I first showed it to him. I guess the only thing worse than not having your fantasies fulfilled is having them...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 16 Pain For Pleasure

Allison had told Lionel he could visit her again. From her point of view, she still felt that there were things to explore and he had seemed as keen as ever when she had rasied the idea. They had agreed a time but now Allison was worried. Lionel was over two hours late for their appointment and she had heard nothing from him. She knew he had left the office before her and there wasn’t - as far as she knew - any reason why he should have arrived at her flat yet. She wondered if he had had...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 17 Aftermath

“You’ve got to get off here, sir. Service terminates here.” The words of the Underground guard snapped Lionel out of his confused state. “What? I’m sorry...” he began. “High Barnet, mate. We don’t go no further.” “No. No, of course.” He looked around. The carriage was empty. He got up slowly and a little stiffly, still very conscious of pummelling that his buttocks had received from Allison. “Are you all right, mate?” Lionel nodded. “Yes. Yes, of course.” He looked around as he went to...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 18 Hangover

Allison felt terrible. Her headache was partly the consequence of the several large glasses of scotch she had downed after Lionel had left but mostly it was because of what had happened while he was in the flat and in particular how she felt about her own behaviour. She’d called the office and told them that she wasn’t feeling well. That was true, but the trouble was she didn’t know, even when she felt better, how she was ever going to be able to look Lionel in the face, ever again. It was...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 19 Man About The House

Allison looked up in response to the buzz from the front door of her flat. She had been worrying about the evening. She wanted to continue with her relationship with Lionel and she wanted to continue to explore her interests in dominance. She was also determined to stay in control her own reactions. It was going to be a difficult balancing act, she knew, combining her amusement with Lionel’s. She had thought hard about the evening, remembering June Calloway’s advice to plan things out. She...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 20 Understanding

The next day, Allison got into the office earlier than she expected. She was a bit bleary-eyed from a restless night but that was nothing that a good cup of coffee wouldn’t cure, she thought. She was standing in the queue for the coffee machine. There were a couple of other girls in front of her chatting away about the last evening’s television and similar things. “How was your dinner party,” one said. “Ah,” the other responded, “did you hear that news item that said dinner parties would be...

4 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 21 Another Trip To Clerkenwell

In the hall of her house in Clerkenwell, June Calloway was welcoming Allison. “We can talk upstairs if you like,” said June. “I have some visitors but they won’t object.” Allison was pretty certain that she knew what June meant by “visitors” but, following her experiences over the last few weeks, she didn’t feel the need to insist on having their conversation with June in the hall. June led the way up from the hallway and into her lounge. A few of the tools of her trade – a pair of long...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 22 Clubbing

“You are invited,” the embossed, gold-edged card decreed in large black letters, “to a celebration of kink. The new Kink Collection of leatherwear, rubberwear, and restraints will be shown alongside party, play and dance at the Viaduct Club.” Allison turned the card over. It had the date and time and the words, “Dress Code: Tops – Leather / Rubber / Uniform / Fetish / Vintage. Bottoms – whatever the Top decrees.” Allison smiled. That was only as it ought to be, of course. Clipped to the...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 23 Working At Home

“I’ve finished in the kitchen, Mistress.” Lionel stood head bowed in the door to the living room. It was becoming a regular event in Allison’s week. Each Wednesday, Lionel would appear and, accept her directions to clean up around the flat before being allowed some time worshipping at Allison’s feet. Allison found the routine curiously reassuring but she worried that Lionel was getting to take it for granted and also that she wasn’t getting much out of it other than a clean kitchen, damp...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 24 Picking Choosing

The next morning when Allison awoke, rested after her night’s sleep, she felt no qualms about the night before. Somehow she felt quite comfortable with how things had turned out and saw no reason to break the spell that Lionel was obviously under. She dismissed him with barely a word, waving him away before she had even left the bed, even refusing his offer to put away the clothes she had discarded the night before. She had been amused when she woke to look down and see the sleeping Lionel,...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 25 Lunch

Three days later and with over a week to go before the Kink Collection party, Allison was in her usual lunchtime coffee shop. She turned away from the counter, clutching the sandwich and Americano she had chosen for lunch. She was hoping for a short time to relax after a hectic morning in the office. Lionel hadn’t been around – he’d had to go out to a potential new client for a meeting – but that had at least allowed Allison to concentrate on her work. It was hard to know which of the two...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 26 Infidelity

“Well, you’d better get off to your playroom. I think you know what I am expecting, don’t you?” Allison and Gordon were standing in the hallway of his house. Allison’s stern demeanour immediately struck the right chord with Gordon. “Yes, Mistress,” he volunteered. “That is, if you wish for me to call you that.” He looked at her furtively. Allison had chosen to wear the corset that Gordon’s card had paid for together with the blouse and skirt she had been wearing at the time she had been at...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 27 Party Outing

It was the evening of the Kink Collection party. Cerys was bleary eyed and coughing. Her nose was streaming from a particularly unpleasant cold. “It’s no good,” she said, “I’m in no condition to go to this thing tonight. “You sound awful,” Allison responded, sympathetically. She had come to meet up with her friend on the way to the Kink Collection event but Cerys was obviously not well. “I quite understand.” “I think the only way I could do it would be wearing a gas mask with a block of...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 28 Viaduct Club

I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 29 Due Consideration

I really don’t understand how I’m not freaked out by this, Allison said to herself as she made her way through the packed bar of the Viaduct Club. Only a few weeks earlier her understanding of the BDSM world had been limited, to say the least. Yet, now here she was with three slaves in tow, surrounded by fetish enthusiasts of every flavour, and enjoying every minute of it. She found herself taking in appreciative looks from the others in the room. Her outfit was attracting attention from...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 30 Plans for a Party

It was a few days after the show at the Viaduct Club. Allison looked up from her coffee just as a taxi stopped outside the shop. It was quiet. The coffee shop was almost deserted. Cerys emerged from the taxi festooned with shopping bags, each of which carried the name of some designer brand or other. Amongst them, Allison noticed, were two carrying the logo of ‘Style with Restraint’. Half falling through the door of the coffee shop she collapsed into an armchair. “Who’d have thought spending...

2 years ago
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Contractual ObligationsChapter 31 Bound By Contract

Allison and Lionel were together in Allison’s flat. She was sitting on the couch. He stood in the middle of the room facing her. He looked, she thought, more than a little uncomfortable. That alone gave her pleasure in a way she found surpising. “So,” she said, “have you had the chance to read it.” She nodded towards the papers that sat on the table on the far side of the room. She wasn’t certain what she expected or hoped the outcome of the conversation would be. “Yes.” “And what did you...

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Contracts chapter 18

The relationship with Yanni was going great. We have accustomed to each other in a very short time and we are very happy together. We are constantly enjoying our sex and we try to find our likes and dislikes. So far as long as Yanni fucks me slow and leaves his cock inside me for some time I am happy. Of course his semen inside my boi – pussy is a fantastic experience. Many times I ask him to try two and three times so that I get a lot of semen inside my pussy. What a sexual pleasure that is. I...

2 years ago
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The Contract Extension

Jason Jackson is the starting small forward for the Chicago Bulls. An all-star the past three seasons and has never had a problem with ownership. Yet now that he asks for a much need contract extension and more money he’s getting the cold shoulder and cant figure out way this is. After another big win where he recorded 30 points, 12 assists, and 13 rebounds, Jason finds himself the last one left in the locker room after taking a long soak in the whirlpool to sooth the aches, bumps, and...

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Contracting Love

‘Dad I love him and I will marry him.’ I said furiously to my dad. ‘Meona Johnson, you are not going to marry him ever and that’s my final decision.’ He snapped at me. ‘Why dad why, why don’t you want to see me happy?’ I asked him crying. ‘Meona he’s not right for you.’ He whispered. ‘Dad stop it, you don’t know him. He loves me.’ I told him to make him convince. ‘No he doesn’t Meona. He’s just using you for your money. Can’t you see it?’ he asked me. ‘No dad you are lying. Just because...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 9 Back to Just Before They Moved Into the Extension

Both the Wednesday and the Thursday were taken up with exercising out the back and jogging. The girls wanted to wear their Ben Wa balls again and Dennis was happy to let them. They also didn’t want to wear anything else when they were out the back but Dennis insisted that they wore their bikinis even though he knew that most of their tits would be exposed by the end of the session. During the jogging there was only one stop because of a steel ball dropping out and Dennis was starting to...

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Contractors wife

Hi this is Sanjay again. This in not true story but getting from chats with woman friend of mine. Rohit had gone to Delhi and I was bored sitting alone. Just then mobile rang. “Hello Amit. You are very busy these days. You not called or come home for more than a week.” “Sorry Sunita, I was busy. It is election time for local bodies. Listen I arranged for meeting with Kishore for the contract. The contract is Rohit’s if you want it.” “Of course, we want it Amit. This is first big contract for...

4 years ago
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Contractor to the Porn Stars Chapter 4

When I entered the house I found it cleaner than it had been for a while. I’d been too busy to do much more than a lick and a promise, but Ann had it shiny. She looked a little tired so I made a pitcher of lemonade and persuaded her to take a break. We sat out back on the patio and Ann visibly relaxed. I explained the progress I had made about Chuckie and she relaxed even more. I told her, “You did a great job, Ann, but you look a little tired. Why don’t you take a shower and clean up and...

3 years ago
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Contractor to the porn Stars Chapter 3

Ann and I must have sat and talked for hours in the coffee shop when I noticed it had become dark outside. I was surprised and said, “I’m sorry, Ann, I’ve kept you from wherever you were supposed to be. I was just enjoying talking to you so much I didn’t notice the time.” “Don’t be silly, Chad. There’s no place I’d rather be right now than sitting here talking to you. Do you have to be somewhere?” I looked into her eyes and said, “Yes, there is, and it’s right here, with you.” She looked...

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