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Contract Modifications
By Tigger
Copyright 2002
All Rights Reserved.
Introduction and Ramblings:
Why am I writing this introduction? Self consciousness? Maybe.
Self promotion? Probably. Mostly, however, I think as a bit of a
warning to those who haven't read my 'early-period' stuff and
think of me predominantly as Aunt Jane's biographer. And maybe
something in the way of an explanation, so that you know why I
wrote the story, and to some extent, what I am trying to do with
the story.
The story has, as a significant thematic element, Female
Dominance/Male Submission, but having said that, what I sought to
write was a love story.
Some stories start, and never finish, dying at some point,
unlamented, with the crash of a hard-drive or some such thing.
Some stories, all but write themselves, and are shot into the
ether almost before the idea is fully formed in the author's mind
(note to personal muse - a few more of that latter type would
definitely be appreciated - please.) Most stories, however, take
a reasonable amount of time (measured in weeks or sometimes
months) to flesh out, plot, polish and finish - usually almost
NEVER to the author's satisfaction.
And others, sit on your hard-drive, mocking you, daring you to
come back and try to finish them, all but LAUGHING at you when
you give up, yet again. Stories that, for all you might wish it,
you cannot NOT write. Stories that bug you SO much, that at some
point - maybe once or twice - you even try to drag the bloody
thing to Uncle Bill's Recycle Bin, or Uncle Stevie's Trash Can.
And then, drag it back out because either you can't let it go, or
it won't let YOU go.
This story is just such a torment. The earliest date I can find
for it is more than two years ago - almost three. And now, it's
I think.
Part of the reason it took so long is that it is not a
comfortable story, and also, at least in part, because in the
past couple of years, what appears (to me, at least) to be an
increasing number of the genre's readership have become rather
outspoken and forceful against the authoritarian Female
Domination sub-genre.
Anyway, my story is thematically Femdom. It was one of those
stories that refused to go unwritten, and is, in many ways, a
return to my authorial roots.
My first attempts at writing, other than 'school-stuff', were
erotica. What motivated me to write was a book entitled "My
Darling Dominatrix", by Grant Antrews, published by Masquerade
Books, currently out of print.
In the story, the male lead falls in love with a woman, who
happens to be a dominatrix. The story details him learning to
deal with that aspect of her personality, paying a heavy price in
terms of pain and humiliation in the process of becoming her
consort. In the end, tragedy overtakes them just as she realizes
she truly trusts his love and therefore, she doesn't need to
'test' him to that high a degree any longer. After the buildup of
the story, to reach that cusp of 'true love', only to deal with
what followed... well, I found it emotionally devastating.
Many parts of that story are, as my old math textbooks used to
say, 'left to the reader'. In other words, Mr. Antrews set the
scene, delved into motivations and the anticipatory emotions of
the players, and then faded to black, often hinting at what
happened in the following scenes by describing what the
submissive had to go through in 'recovery', and how the dominant
women reacted to his injury(ies). All in all, not a comforting
or comfortable story.
And yet, as a former high school and collegiate athlete, I could
understand the determination to accept, confront and fight
through the pain in order to achieve the overriding goal. I must
admit that I don't understand - at all - the concept of the
'pleasure of pain' for it's own sake, but I do understand the
satisfaction of overcoming such obstacles and being able to say
(smugly) 'been there, done that, and can you say the same?
Thought not.'.
However, I felt the need to 'understand' more, so I started off
writing for myself the 'missing' pieces - fitting into the faded
out sections, bits and pieces that were, as much as I could,
consistent with the rest of the story. From there, I 'extended'
the story to scenes not included in the story but that seemed, in
my mind, to fit where the characters were going. This may be,
btw, where my tendency to 'finish' 'incomplete' stories
As a result, when I stepped out on my own to write my own
stories, they were also Female Dominant/male submissive Dominance
and Submission (D/s) stories. Over time, these stories evolved
into what I called "Loving D/s", in that there was a strong
undercurrent of love - agape, eros or hopefully, both - between
the protagonists. In my view, the only way to trust another
person that much is to love them, and the only way to love them
that much is to trust them. That's a personal perspective, I've
met people who don't feel that way - people for whom D/s play is
a natural high and a good way to get off, but as I said, that's
As my writing developed, my stories often included cross-dressing
as a sub-theme, but only as because that seemed to fit in with
main story's plot, such as the story "Mistress is Pregnant" in
which she forces him into female dress in an attempt to run him
off. Cross-dressing was, therefore, the 'big-gun' in those
stories - the humiliating demand that ultimately proved the depth
and truth of the knight-errant's devotion to the lady. In fact,
at the time (early 1990's to 1995 or so) all the fiction I saw
that included any type of cross-dressing had a strong D/s,
humiliation focus to the story - probably because I was reading
them in D/s oriented newsgroups, bulletin boards and later,
It wasn't until I wrote "Loving a Witch" that I realized that
there was a whole genre of fiction that might see such things as
other than a 'trial by fire', and instead as something devoutly
to be desired in and for itself. I was chatting with someone and
told him that, as much as I'd been asked to write a sequel to
'Witch', I just couldn't seem to find something that added to the
tale. He replied that since I had already 'TG-ed' the hero,
there wasn't much else I could do to him. My response was
something along the lines of "What the heck is TG-ed?"
With that simple question, I found a wider answer than I had, at
first, expected. Still, in my view, the greater preponderance of
what I found was still hard-over humiliation oriented - in this
society, surrendering one's 'manhood' is culturally perceived as
humiliating. I mean, the original Seasons of Change, and
Adventures of Samantha, are based on forced femme - the male
surrenders and in so doing, becomes feminized. In my experience
with the genre, it wasn't until Fictionmania, and later
StorySite, that the so-called 'sweet-and-sentimental' stories
came into ascendancy.
With that ascendancy, it is my perception that there has been
something of a backlash, most likely from a huge change in the
readership and readership demographics, against D/s, FemDom,
'forced-femme' stories. In large part, I suspect, this is because
these stories involve men being forced into roles that caricature
what many of our readers personally dream of and aspire to
themselves. In many of these stories, the cross-dressed
submissive is demeaned with gross exaggerations of what many
would wish for themselves, were it not so 'over the top'.
Thinking about this, I have developed the theory that another key
reason for this backlash is that such stories, as fantasies,
divorce themselves from the true dynamic of a Real Life, BDSM,
D/s relationship. You don't see the 'loving' part of Loving D/s
in these stories. You don't hear the careful, often very detailed
pre-scene negotiations about what the submissive can and cannot
handle, nor see the careful preparations to assure safety nor
feel the nurturing after-scene-care that brings both dominant and
submissive safely back into real-world equality and friendship.
All you get in this type of story is 'just the good stuff'. You
see the whips and the chains, you hear the insults and the
threats, you 'smell' the leather and the rubber, and you feel the
handcuffs and the harsh bite of the lash. And then, like a
premature climax, the story is over. "Wham-bam, thank you,
If you're lucky.
Which leads to a key issue for me - without the 'loving' part,
what you see in such stories isn't really about Dominance and
submission. In most of the stories, it's about unrealistic
fantasy, or it is about destructive abuse.
My view of Female Dominance is much different than that, of
course. In many ways, I see it is as a way to really know how to
please the woman. I mean, hey, she's giving the orders, right?
Why would she tell the submissive to do something that doesn't
feel good to her? Why would the submissive do it, other than as
a way to be closer to her? The key point is that just like any
other relationship, there is a dynamic, a shared experience that
requires both of them, working together, for good things to
happen. And what makes it work best is love.
In all my stories, including the D/s stories, the glue that holds
things together is love. Jane loves her boys, even when she's
tormenting them. Mellisande loves her man, even when she's using
her witchcraft to transform him or tease him. Even Sam(antha)
(in my reading of the story and in the way I finished it) was
loved, otherwise the women wouldn't have been so hurt by his
callous behavior, nor would he have sacrificed himself (in my
conclusion) to save one of their number.
This is all leading up to my newest story, Contract
Modifications. As I noted above, it is a strongly FemDom-based
story, and it has both the 'bad' and the 'good' of that genre
intertwined into it. However, the underlying core of what I'm
working with in the story are people who care about others, and
about themselves.
Is it a 'kinky' story? Yes, it is.
Does it involve humiliation and non-consensual pain inflicted on
an innocent? Yes, it does, and on some 'not-so-innocents', too.
However, those things, like killing someone in a murder mystery,
are necessary to the creating the story, but just as in the case
of the murder, they are NOT the story. Every 'cozy-murder' novel
starts with somebody getting murdered, but the author always gets
past that messy little necessity as quickly and as neatly as
possible, so he/she could get on with the real story. That's
what I've tried to do here - get past the non-consensual,
demeaning, but plot-development-necessary stuff as quickly as the
story allows, and then on with the 'knight-in-shining-satin'
serving his Lady Fair stuff.
Anyway, you've been 'warned'. Having said that, I hope you'll
give the story a chance, and more, I hope that, in the end, that
you'll find it was well worth your time.
Contract Modifications
By Tigger
Part I
Prologue: Null and Void
Edward Davis stood in front of the three-pane floor-to-ceiling
mirrors, examining his reflection in the minute detail as he
had been taught. His now well-trained eyes could find nothing
wrong with his appearance. More importantly, neither did he
see anything that his keepers might find faulty in his
He laughed, humorlessly, at his use of the personal pronoun
'he' and the possessive adjective 'his' in his mental
ruminations. In truth, nothing about the young, attractive
professional-woman peering back at him from the mirror's
other-worldly dimension was in any way masculine. It was only
sheer determination and pure cussedness on Edward's part that
he even tried to cling to the masculine tense.
After - what had it been? Days? Weeks? He really had no idea
how long he'd been here for the simple reason that he hadn't
seen a clock, let alone the sun or the moon since the night
he'd been captured.
However, despite the length of his unwilling tenancy in this
hell-hole, and despite the best efforts of his captors, he'd
managed to maintain the rebellion that he was still male.
And most of all, despite the many stories told by that
damnable mirror.
The tall, almost-pretty blonde woman in the tailored blue
business suit staring back at him would have been welcome in
any boardroom, any executive office. She was even quite
shapely, thanks to a rib-crushing corset and a pair of very
realistic glued-on prosthetic breasts.
Resignation furrowed the forehead above finely arched brows.
After some of the personas imposed on him during his
captivity, this one was almost pleasant. At least this pair of
heels wouldn't be an open invitation to a broken ankle, nor
would this manicure require registration with the local
constabulary as potentially lethal weapons.
Which was fortunate, he thought, as he brought one of those
girl-clawed hands up to stifle a jaw-cracking yawn. Edward
recognized that his mind was beginning to play tricks on him,
and he also knew why - he was just so bloody tired. Before
being captured and brought to where ever 'here' was, his job
had often forced him to work long hours with minimal sleep, so
he knew sleep deprivation when it hit him. He had all the
classic symptoms - slowed reaction times, eye fixation on any
handy object - like that bloody mirror - and shortened
attention span. Fatigue - thick and heavy - bore down on him,
and bid fare to overwhelm him. Clearly, the naps he'd been
allowed between sessions had been just as short as they felt.
He was tired and he was depressed.
It was, he mused, the very gentle manner of this outfitting
that was at the heart of this bout of depression. For it
brought home to him the saddest aspect of this whole mess -
the death of a long-held dream.
Ever since Edward had first discovered that girls were so
wonderfully different than boys, along with the purpose behind
those delightful differences, he'd always entertained
fantasies about female domination - of strong, beautiful women
worthy of his service and adoration.
The very idea of submitting himself - body and soul - to such
a woman called to some darkly romantic part of him - like some
fairy tale dream in which he was a knight and she was both the
'lady faire' and the dragon whose fiery breath he must endure
to be judged worthy of her favor. Well, he thought, that bit
of childish delusion had certainly died during his little
sojourn in this pit. This experience had very effectively -
very forcefully - transformed those never-realized, youthful
dreams into his darkest nightmares.
"Your stay with us is drawing to an end, Edie," a musical
voice said behind him, causing him to jerk about in surprise,
nearly falling down in the process. "We hope your experience
has been everything you dared dream it would be."
"What did you say?" Edward replied, so dumbfounded that he
forgot to use the light feminine alto so harshly learned at
the insistence of his overseers.
The speaker was the masked woman to whom all his other female
overseers deferred. Except she wasn't masked this time.
Standing on the other side of the steel-barred cell door, she
remained, as always, just beyond his reach. Her name was 'La
Marquesa' - Edward had learned THAT the hard way, too. His
first and only failure to use that honorific in the hearing of
one of the overseers had led to a most painfully memorable
session, conducted in a very real and very dark dungeon. The
posterior portions of his anatomy still burned from that
Her fine brows knitted, almost in surprise. "Come, come now,
Edie. Certainly, there isn't any further need for pretense
between us," she chided, but still using the feminized version
of his name. "Your contracted program of events has been
completed in all details save the one you are about to embark
upon - your graduation trip home dressed as you are. So, can
we not dispense with the 'resisting submissive' roleplay? At
least for these last few moments together? You are the first
client we've entertained here who requested so comprehensive
and demanding an experience. Not only that, but you never once
used the agreed-upon mercy codeword. I would like your
feedback on how things went for you. More to the point, I
*need* your feedback so that I can improve upon our, well, our
services to our future clientele."
Edward stared at the smiling woman, trying to make sense of
her words. Finally, he shook his head. "I have no idea what
you are talking about. What program? What game? What mercy?
You and your..." only hard-learned self preservation stayed
his tongue, "your band have no concept of the word. Not from
what I've seen and felt in this dam...darn pit of yours."
The Marquesa's eyes went black, but surprisingly, she didn't
lash out at him. Instead, she just sighed - somewhat sadly.
"Really, Edie, there is no point in continuing the dramatics.
Your contract is complete. In a few moments, you will again be
drugged and when you wake up, you will find yourself at home,
well, almost home, in any case. I believe we have accomplished
everything you wanted out of this experience, but your
personal insights will help us deal more effectively with any
future clients who wish to play out such stringent scenarios.
Surely that is not too much to ask after all the effort we've
expended on your behalf."
"On my behalf?" he asked, unable to keep the incredulity out
of his voice. "What are you TALKING about?!? Your words are
making absolutely NO sense! It's like I went to sleep while
performing in one movie and woke up in another, but no one
gave me either script. What do you mean 'contract'? What
contract? Paid for? I sure as shooting have paid for this -
the HARD way - at the cost of my skin, dignity and spirit."
Clearly annoyed, she tossed a folder at him. "Oh, give it up,
Edie," La Marquesa snapped. "Here's your contract, in case
you've conveniently forgotten what services you requested,
complete with your signature, and with each agreed-upon scene
checked off and signed off as we did them. Surely you remember
each one, eh?"
Slowly, wary of some new and devious trap, Edward reached down
to pick up the folder. He flipped through the pages, quickly
scanning their content. Sure enough, there was page after
page, containing detailed descriptions of various scenarios,
from French Maid to harem slave, and he remembered suffering
through each one of them. Including the full-penetration dildo
rapes like the one that had been completed just before he'd
been ordered to don this current outfit. He flipped to the
last page to look for a signature and found it. Slowly, he
raised tear-filled eyes from the papers in his hand. "I don't
know what new, vicious game you are playing with me, but I
never signed this...this... THING!" he said with quiet
finality. "Heavens above, until just now, I never saw this
document before."
La Marquesa simply stared at him for a moment, and then
shrugged. "Very well. If that is the way you wish this to end,
I suppose that is your right. The customer is, as they say,
always right. Have a good life, Mr. Davis. We will not meet
With that, she raised her hand, pointed the black remote
control device directly at him and pressed one of the myriad
buttons. The necklace at Edward's throat made a hissing sound,
his nose caught the faintest scent of something almost sickly
sweet just before the world went black.
Chapter 1: Parties of the First Part
The urge for a wee dram of Jameson's was nearly overwhelming,
but Mary Margaret O'Hurley ruthlessly squelched it. She'd
overcome that addiction, not without a good deal of pain, just
as she had overcome every other weakness, real or perceived,
since she'd escaped from a South Boston housing project nearly
two decades ago. Weaknesses made a person vulnerable, and she
had vowed she would never be vulnerable again in her life.
She shifted uncomfortably in the car seat. The afternoon sun
was hot and the humidity had long since wilted anything
remotely resembling body from her hair. Well, she thought
philosophically, so much for $250.00 worth of Esteban's very
precious time.
Mary was checking her watch for what must have been the
thousandth time when the office building's revolving door
spun. She looked up just in time to see *him* exit. He stopped
to look about him, and then turned away to walk up the street,
directly away from Mary's parking place. That was as expected.
She had parked there so that he would turn away from her on
departing that building, and thus, not see her watching for
How many times had she played this game of pursuit and
capture, she wondered even as she watched her quarry make his
way toward the nearby subway entrance? 'Too many times' was
the immediate answer that came to mind. If today had been like
any of those other times, she'd have let her subject get a
block or so ahead of her, then she'd slip out of her car to
follow, all the while knowing his habits, and most
importantly, knowing his likely destination and direction.
Then, somewhere between here and that destination, her 'team'
would be waiting in a location carefully selected for security
and safety, ready to spring their trap.
However, today wasn't like any of those other times and she
had other, less pleasant tasks awaiting her, more was the
pity. And if her information was correct, she also had to be
much more careful with this subject.
She was just about to pull her car out into the traffic stream
when that last caution proved true. Her quarry suddenly
reversed direction and began walking back towards her position
at a very rapid pace. Maybe he's forgotten something at the
office, she thought, only to have that faint hope all too
quickly dashed when he turned down a crowded cross street
towards another subway station.
*Just as reported,* she thought. *He IS using
counter-surveillance tactics. Why? Because of his experiences
with me? But it's been months since we freed him!* Mary had
fervently wanted that particular comment by her investigator
to be an exaggeration - wanted to believe that her usually
very competent PI's assessment that the subject had 'made' him
on at least three occasions had been erroneous.
For a few moments, she simply sat there in the car,
considering the implications. He hadn't possessed nor
exhibited such skills and tactics the first time she had
pursued him. Clearly, he possessed, and more importantly, used
them now.
She restarted her car and pulled out into the rush hour
traffic. She had learned all she could here. It didn't really
matter what techniques he used to counter any trailers as she
didn't intend to trail him any longer.
The desire for alcohol stalked her again, and once again, she
squashed it ruthlessly. Apparently, mistakes were as bad as
Edward Davis cautiously opened his apartment door and reached
inside to flick on the lights before actually entering. Once,
a lifetime ago, he might have felt foolish taking such
dramatic precautions before entering his own home and castle,
but no longer. Two lost weeks in hell made many apparently
eccentric behaviors seem sensible.
Relaxing slightly, he entered his flat and began checking his
little 'tell-tales' as he walked through down the entry hall.
These were little, almost-invisible traps that, if tripped,
would warn him that an intruder had been in the apartment
while he'd been at work.
It often occurred to him - especially these days - that he
could not continue to live like this. The pressure and stress
were adversely affecting the quality of his work - not to
mention destroying what could only laughingly be called his
quality of life.
Not for the first time, he asked himself if simply moving away
to a new place, a new job and a new life might not be easier
in the long run? Probably, but not certainly - which was the
answer he craved. Besides, running away from his problems
would eat at him just as badly as staying. No way could he
tolerate letting whoever had been responsible for his
kidnapping 'win', whatever 'winning' meant.
He had to find out who had done this to him, so that he could
then learn the answer to the more important question.
That question was still stumping him when his eyes went wide
at a sight he had hoped never to find - a sprung trap. A
gossamer thread that he had strung across his study's doorway
just above floor level lay broken in two pieces. An icy
frisson of dread scurried down his spine even as he reached
inside his coat pocket to retrieve the small caliber,
unregistered semi-automatic pistol he now habitually carried.
Edward thumbed off the safety and gathered himself. For just a
moment, he leaned against the wall adjacent to the door, his
heart racing, his breathing ragged. Not again, he told
himself, not ever again.
Then, a voice from his darkest nightmares called out to him
from that lightless room. "Edward? It's me. You know I'm here
because I intentionally broke your trip-cord. Come in here. We
need to talk."
Reaching around the door, he flicked on the room light and
spun into the doorway, his gun held in front of him at the
There she was - calmly seated in his favorite armchair as if
it were her throne.
HIS favorite armchair!
If the sight of his gun aimed at her surprised her, no such
emotion showed on her face. "I am here alone, Edward, just to
talk. I am unarmed and you have nothing to fear from me. I
swear it," she said in that soft, powerful voice that he would
immediately recognize for the rest of his life.
A nearly overwhelming sensation of deja vu swept over him, and
his mind slipped back, more than six months to when he'd last
seen this woman... her reflection in the mirror next to a
tall, blond, fashionably dressed businesswoman.
Chapter 2: Informal Discussions
"You've been looking for me," she accused sharply, breaking
through the suddenly churning maelstrom of his mind.
"What are you doing here, Marquesa?" he asked coldly.
"Same reasons as you, I suspect. Looking for answers," she
replied. "You may as well put that gun away, Edward. I am
alone and unarmed. When we are finished here, you will still
be here and I will be gone. Nothing is going to happen to you
unless you make a foolish mistake with that gun, so why don't
you do us both a favor and just put... it... away!"
"R...I...I...ght," Edward snorted derisively. "Like I have
any reason to believe anything you say, particularly when I
finally have some advantage with you."
"I have done many things with you and to you, but I have never
lied to you."
Edward thought about that, and something in her demeanor
reached him. "You're behind that guy who has been following me
the past couple of weeks, aren't you?" he accused, even as he
lowered the gun and clicked on the safety.
She shrugged. "As I just pointed out. *You* had someone
looking for me. Word got back to me. That was a violation of
our contracted agreement. I want to know why."
"You and I have no agreement to violate, contracted or
otherwise," he snapped back at her, "I told you that six
months ago."
She was ready to believe him on that score now, but this
wasn't the time to admit that so she changed the subject.
"You've had training since then. The man I hired to put you
under surveillance is very skilled. I have used him in the
past setting up my little programs and he's never been spotted
while undercover before."
"Amazing what motivation being kidnapped, brutalized, stripped
of dignity and manhood gives a fellow," Edward retorted
snidely. "You tend to look for ways to ensure it never happens
"And yet, you kept the last ensemble," she said quietly.
"Preserved and protected it, if the recent dry cleaning ticket
pinned to the collar label is any indication. Mind telling me
"You've gone through my things?" he sputtered.
"It's not the first time," she shrugged. "The first time I was
here was before your little sabbatical with my ladies and me."
"You were here before? Why?"
"To verify that you were what the contract purported you to be
- a male submissive. Contrary to what you so obviously
believe, perhaps with justification I'm sorry to say, I insist
on informed consent from all my... guests - to ALL the
activities I conduct with them. In your case, I especially
needed to ensure that you were truly the novice your
application indicated, albeit a novice who wanted a
particularly deep immersion experience. So I checked you out.
Here in your apartment, and other places, using a variety of
methods. In the course of those checks, my colleagues and I
found what we thought was sufficient evidence. There were
fetish-related books and magazines, and there were files and
Internet bookmarks of a similar nature on your computer - back
then," she added quietly. "Now, none of those materials are
here anymore. The only thing in this apartment that still
connects you to the person in those earlier reports are the
dress and accessories you wore when we brought you home. Why?"
"Why keep the dress or why destroy the rest of it?" he laughed
"Either or both answers will serve," she replied, her eyes
steady on his.
"That damned dress was - *is* the only evidence I have of what
had happened to me. I needed SOMEthing to hold on to, to
preserve my sometimes fragile hold on my sanity."
"It isn't evidence, Edward," she corrected him, "At least, not
in the legal sense. There is nothing about that dress or any
of the other clothing items you've kept that can be connected
to me or to my operation."
"I know that," he muttered angrily. "Hell, I knew couldn't
prove anything, even assuming I could ever find you again, but
there have been times in the past six months..." his voice
broke and he turned away to regain control of wild-running
emotions. He did, and turned back to face her, his eyes hot
and his lashes wet. "Times that I woke up shaking in the
night, times that *I* needed some proof that it wasn't just
some god-awful nightmare." He paused yet again, struggling to
retain his self control. "Proof that I wasn't going insane."
"I can assure you that it all happened, whether it was a dream
come true or a nightmare, Edward. Don't doubt your sanity on
that score," she offered, surprising him with the caring he
heard in her voice.
"Don't you understand? How could I NOT doubt it?!? Hell, I
couldn't even prove to anyone that I had gone missing during
that hellish two weeks. I was supposed to be gone - supposed
to be on vacation. Everyone thought I was camping in the Blue
Ridge Mountains. And there is evidence to support that story,
too. A man fitting my description drove up there in my car,
checked in with the park rangers, disappeared into the woods
for twelve days, then came back out and left."
"Just in time for you to 'return' from your vacation. I know.
My investigator was able to develop those facts in his more
recent inquiries. Unfortunately, that trail was too old for
him to find out who actually impersonated you, or more
importantly, who paid him to do so."
"I figured you did it, or rather, someone who worked for you
did it - as a way of covering your tracks."
The voluptuously-figured woman's eyes closed, almost making
him think she actually felt some pain over what she'd done to
him. Then she shook her head. When she opened them again, she
seemed to pull her emotions back from her face, leaving only
the coldly controlled visage he remembered with both fear and
loathing from his time in her keeping. "What about the rest -
your magazines and so forth?" she asked, returning to her
original question.
"I seem to have lost my taste for that type of fantasy," he
said flatly. "It was burned out of me about six months ago so
I burned them, one by one - page by bloody page in that very
"I thought something like that might be the case," she told
him. "Consuella and Tamiqua both had bad feelings about your
time with us."
"Two of the women on my team," she answered, briskly. "Both of
them spent a good deal of time working directly with you
during your stay on my island," she replied. "Consuella is the
black-haired Latina with the preference for electric-blue
latex. Tamiqua is the tall, black girl with the Caribbean
accent. You may recall her as Lady Shamarra."
Edward nodded in recognition. They had both been utterly
gorgeous - the stuff of fantasy made strong feminine flesh -
and both had stalked his fear-darkened dreams ever since.
"They each came to me several times during your second week
with us," La Marquesa continued soberly, "expressing their
belief that something was wrong. That no one, especially no
one so inexperienced in scene-dynamics, could play the
confused, outraged and abused prisoner that well. Tamiqua went
so far as to refuse to participate in any more of your
supposedly contracted scenes."
"Nice of her," he put in sarcastically.
"Since she badly needed the money she was to have been paid
for her continued participation - to pay for her college
tuition, by the way - I would say it was a rather impressive
display of ethics on her part," La Marquesa snapped, furious
for her young friend.
He didn't want to hear good things about ANY of those people,
he really didn't. "So, what do you want?" he demanded wearily.
"What will it take to get you out of here?"
"The truth - once and for all. Look me in the eye and tell me
the absolute, unvarnished truth. Were you really an unwilling
participant in those scenes?"
She watched him carefully, looking for the hints of body
language that would verify his words, seeking some small sign
that he was being truthful or evasive. For several long
moments he considered the question, and finally decided to
answer her.
What Mary saw in his face appalled her. He was emotionally and
mentally spent - the tension and stress of the past six months
had finally beaten him and he had nothing left to fight with
or for.
"Completely unwilling," he said with absolute if quiet
conviction. "I thought, right up until you came to me that
last time - heck - even until I woke up still rigged out like
a woman in my own office at the agency, that every bit of it
from the threats of torture to the promises of a life of
slavery was real. A nightmare, but real."
She could hear the truth in his words and the softness with
which they'd been spoken did nothing to gentle the crushing
blow they delivered to her most basic self image. La Marquesa
closed her eyes to staunch the moist heat she felt begin to
well up and let her head fall backwards against the chair.
"Damn," she murmured, before lifting her head again and fixing
her gaze on Edward Davis. "I believe you."
"Well, whoopie," the man opposite her snorted derisively. "I
can't tell you how much your faith lightens my heart."
She rose, more than a little unsteadily, and reached to
collect her purse. Instantly, the gun was back out. "Whoa!" he
ordered as he aimed the weapon at her heart. "Where do you
think you are going?"
She stared at him coldly. "I have things to do, now," La
Marquesa told him. "And as you said, you cannot prove
anything. The only thing you can do to me is use that gun, and
while I cannot stop you, killing me will finish the job of
destroying your life that you feel that I started six months
For a few tense moments, Mary Margaret O'Hurley steeled
herself for the shot, for the fiery insult of metal boring
into flesh, but then the hand wavered and finally lowered.
Edward looked at the gun and shook his head. "Forgot to take
it off safe anyway," he muttered to himself before looking up
at the woman again. "What things?"
"Someone used me to hurt you," she said, with quiet malice. "I
kidnapped you, abused you, demeaned you, and yes, even raped
you. Had you really wanted those experiences, had they truly
been consensual, had you but known you could have stopped us
at any time by just uttering a simple three-syllable word,
none of what happened between us would have been in any way
wrong, at least according to my personal code of ethics.
However, I now believe...I now KNOW that you did not request
any of that. I don't know how I'm going to live with what I
did to you, but step one is to make sure that whoever did this
to you, and by extension, whoever did it to me and my friends,
never does anything like it again."
She again started to leave, but Edward moved to intercept her.
"How are you going to do that?" he asked intensely.
Dark eyes flashed at him. "I have ways," she said in clipped,
tight-lipped tones.
"I've been looking for the same person or persons. If you find
out anything, let me know." La Marquesa did not respond to
that, her eyes having gone momentarily vacant, searching.
"Marquesa? Did you hear what I said?"
Irritation flashed across the woman's face. She gave him a
dismissive shake of her head. "Look, I don't have time to take
care of you while I am pursuing this. Just trust that I will
see this matter dealt with and leave it at that."
"I don't need to be taken care of," Ed rebutted. "I just want
to know what you find out. I think that's only fair.
Regardless of what insult you are feeling right now because of
this mess, surely I have suffered far worse from whoever did
this. I have the right to know who did it and why!"
Mary gave him a hard stare that sent a frisson of tension
running up his spine. Finally, she nodded. "I'll... think
about it.
"I need closure, Marquesa. Surely, you see the fairness of
"Mary," she corrected instantly, "My real name is Mary. Maybe
someday, I will tell you all of it. Look, Edward, I'm not sure
that is such a good idea. I understand your motivations, but
you may not fully understand and accept mine. Look, let's
sleep on it. We can meet tomorrow for lunch and discuss it
Edward nodded and walked her to the door of his apartment. He
stood there staring for long minutes after she'd left,
wondering if she would in fact be there when he arrived for
their luncheon appointment.
Chapter 3: Just Business
Edward stifled a sigh and moved his right hand over to rest on
his left wrist - so that he would not be tempted to look at
his watch again. Time, and this meeting, were both dragging.
"Ed? We really could use your input here," a sharp, feminine
voice said with the heavy emphasis of someone talking to a
day-dreamer. "Your team and I have been talking about this
perfume account proposal for two hours already, and we've yet
to come up with a single viable campaign concept."
"Surely it isn't that bad, Helen," Ed replied, even as he
realized that he couldn't recall even discussing the perfume
account. *Better get your head back in the game, boy,* he
chided himself as he looked around the table.
Helen Martin was ostensibly his peer in the organization, in
charge of administering the campaigns that his team created
and designed. A former model, she had realized that, while she
had made it to the top of the 'second tier' of that
profession, she didn't have what it took to have the title
'super-model' tacked onto her name. So she had invested her
earnings carefully, built up a tidy little fortune and gone to
business school. Upon graduation, she'd applied her degree
and her work experience to the business side of the
advertising game.
And she was, Ed admitted privately, damned good at what she
did. Helen was the one who got the ads on TV and radio, and
into the newspapers and magazines once Ed gave the concepts
and story boards to her. It was a shame, he thought, that
she'd gone and cut that glorious mane of long blond hair last
year, but he guessed that the sassy new shoulder-length cut
still suited her. Besides, it was more in keeping with the
image of the young, upwardly-mobile professional she worked so
hard at cultivating these days.
Hadn't Ed learned, the hard way, just how difficult it could
be to keep really long hair well-groomed and presentable at
all times?
Forcing himself to lose that image, Ed looked around the
table. Also at the meeting were Ed's two key assistants, Ken
Aljerson and Delores (Didi) Conners, along with Helen's
principal deputy, Derrick Tolivar. Ed gave his team an
encouraging smile, but saw that they were just as down on the
outcome of the meeting as Helen. *Didn't pull your weight
here, old son. Too busy being distracted by questions that
have nothing to do with your job.*
"Oh, come now, Ed," Derrick put in. "I mean, the only idea I
heard that got more than two minutes of discussion was what
that we rip off the old Miller Light commercials? I mean,
can't you see it? We get Brandi Chastain and her pal Mimi, or
maybe Kari Webb and Annika Sorenstam and they can argue
whether they like the perfume because it is Less Cloying or
because it Smells Great?"
"That's not fair, Derrick," Ed defended. "That was only a
joke, and since you two sprung this account on us just this
morning at 8:30, I think we can be forgiven for not having a
Clio Award winning concept at, what time is it now? 11:30? Two
thirds of that time has been spent in this meeting, and if it
hasn't been productive, then maybe we should try something
"And you know that's the way this business is, Ed," Derrick
replied, his tones all gentle reproof. "There's never enough
time for the big ones, and this account has huge upscale
potential, doesn't it, Helen?" At her nod, the deputy turned
his oh-so-very agreeable stare to Ed. "I mean, this should be
big, very big, like in terms of millions of dollars in
advertising and for other spin-off products. You guys have to
come up with a campaign for this because no other team can be
spared from existing accounts. Look, we're sorry this is a
little tight, time-wise, but you're just going to have to get
it done."
"Derrick, we *know* the potential for this account. Why don't
you focus on helping us solve the problem, not on restating
the obvious?" Ed said tiredly.
"Hey, you're the creative guy here, Ed. Don't look on it as a
hassle. Look at it like it's another opportunity to show how
great you are."
The grin that accompanied that last remark set Ed's teeth
hard. "I think you've said enough, Derrick," Ed replied
coldly. "We don't need fatuous motivational bull... gumdrops.
Last time I checked, I don't work for you and neither does my
team. Helen, if you have a problem with that, then we, you and
I, can go down to Veronica and discuss it. Otherwise, stop
wasting my time."
Derrick started to splutter in his own defense, "Now wait just
a minute, there... "
Helen put up a hand to her deputy. "Settle down, Derrick."
"But, Helen..."
"No, Ed is right about who we all work for," Helen said in
what she probably intended to be a soothing tone, but instead
came out condescending. "However, Ed, Derrick is right, too,
when he says that we don't have very much time to dither on
this one," she added firmly. "Andrushka is the hottest teen
pop-star since Britney, and she wants this perfume to be a big
deal. She's going to push the button quickly and we will lose
out on what I believe will be a very big deal if we can't come
up with something damned good, damned quickly!"
"Fine," Edward answered her. "My people and I understand the
time-sensitivity. Now, why don't you go do your job and let us
do ours."
"Very well. I will tell Veronica that you are... working on
it," Helen said as she collected her papers and left, a
visibly fuming deputy trailing behind her.
"Whew," Didi sighed. "I'm sorry, Ed, but I just can't think
with her hovering like that. She's just so... tense."
"And *he's* such a sneaky, supercilious son of a bitch," Ken
sighed. "That woman may be the greatest deployment specialist
in advertising, but she knows more ways to plug up a creative
flow than any three other people I've EVER met."
"Don't sweat it, gang. Look, you two go get some lunch and try
not to think about this for an hour or so. Meet me in my
office at say, 1:30, and we'll take another look at this
little challenge."
"Little challenge? We're talking millions a year in revenue,
Ed," Ken gawked. "If we don't pull this off, we're toast."
"As in 'So what have you done for me lately', Ken? So what
else is new? Go get something to eat and come back ready to
work. I've got to meet someone for lunch."
"Guy or girl? Friend or friendlier?" Didi, the ultimate
romantic asked.
"Girl, and I'm not sure. Let's just say an acquaintance. Ciao,
Chapter 4: Working Lunch
Edward strove to look 'in-control' as he walked up to the
hostess at Archie's Place. He'd gone so far as to take special
care with his dress and grooming today - every selection
agonized over as he tried to make the most masculine statement
possible. The charcoal-gray pinstriped suit with white button-
collared shirt and a striped tie (in England it would have
been called 'regimental') were the male power-tools of his
profession. He had once worn them without thought, and without
worry. Once upon a time long ago in a world far, far away.
"Excuse me, ma'am," he said to the attractive young woman
guarding Archie's dining room, "I am Edward Davis and I am
here to meet someone?" The directions had been left with his
secretary earlier that morning with orders 'not to disturb Mr.
Davis. He's expecting this, dear.'
The hostess smiled professionally. "Yes, Mr. Davis. The lady
has already been seated. She arrived early. Will you please
follow me?"
Yet another best laid plan laid to rest, he thought ruefully,
for he'd made the effort to arrive early, hoping to gain some
small advantage. The hostess led him to the back of the dining
room, past the private rooms set aside for 'important business
meetings', to a small table next to a window overlooking the
park. Then she slipped away without any comments.
La Marquesa was dressed in the feminine equivalent of his own
suit, he noted wryly. It would have been hard for the color
and pattern of their two suits to be more closely matched.
Other than the fact that she wore a skirt and he wore
trousers, the only real differences were his tie - she wore a
series of gold necklaces - and his lapel pin - she wore a
large gold pin. The pin's design was eye-catchingly unique - a
triangle pointed down with some type of intricate lettering,
Greek perhaps, intertwined with the three sides of the
triangle. She rose from her seat as he approached, offering
her hand. "Mr. Davis," she said, a polite, professional smile
almost reaching her sea-green eyes.
"Marquesa," he rejoined, "and please, I think I would be more
comfortable if you called me Ed or Edward."
"And I, Edward, have already asked you to call me by my
Christian name, Mary." The pleasantries dispensed with, they
took their seats and made small talk until their waiter came
for their luncheon orders. Neither ordered the special and
were informed that it would be about twenty minutes before
their entries were ready.
"That gives us time to speak freely, I think," Edward said
after ensuring they were alone.
"I should hope so. We have nothing to gain by playing any
further games at this point."
"I have some concerns, Marqu... Mary, and I need some
answers." She merely nodded, and indicated that he should
continue. "First, let me say that I never signed that
contract. Before you showed it to me that last time we were
together, I had no idea what was going on except that it was
damned scary and usually very painful."
Sighing, Mary nodded again. "I know that now, Edward. It is a
large part of why I am here with you right now. My goal today
is to assure that I will, somehow, find a way to make amends
to you for that... debacle."
"But you have to understand - that is what I don't understand.
You are a very careful woman. You've told me that you have
access to investigators, that you had me and my home checked
out before you took me that night, and yet, you believed I had
signed that contract. You never saw me, let alone saw me sign
that contract. How could you accept that I had made that kind
of commitment?"
"An excellent question - and one which we've already proven I
do not have an equally excellent answer. Oh, I still have some
physical evidence that I could show you - not with me, but
that I can bring to you, perhaps tonight after you get off
work - but there were other reasons why I accepted that
contract as real. First, there was the simple matter of the
money that was involved."
"Money? What money?"
"Edward," she said, with gentle reproof, "You had a very
expensive two weeks in my care... err... keeping. You had
the full attention, 24/7, of myself and five other women. You
were never allowed more than six hours of rest any of those
days, never more than two hours of that uninterrupted. At the
same time, however, you always under the direct observation of
at least one member of my team, and when you weren't sleeping,
you were always attended by no fewer than two on-watch
Mistresses. That is not inexpensive under any circumstances,
and *I* am the best at what I do. I charge accordingly for my
"And you were paid? In full?"
"Of course, and up front, as well. Half when I started the
deep background checks on you to ensure that you were a viable
candidate, and the other half when we... when whoever arranged
the contract and I set the date for your capture. You have no
idea how many men try to weasel out of payment after they've
had their... fun," her brow arched high in challenge,
"especially when the... arrangements are not
"I can just imagine."
"Edward?" she said warningly, not liking his tone of voice,
"Don't impugn my skills or my ethics, even in jest. I give
value for value, and those who come to me in full knowledge
never leave unsatisfied with the experience. Your case is
unique in many ways."
"No disrespect intended, ma'am."
"And don't call me 'ma'am'. I prefer Mary, please."
"Yes, Ma'am," he said grinning.
"Well done, Edward. If you can stay that relaxed, we might
just accomplish something. So, to continue, the money was a
big part of my readiness to accept the contract offer as
genuine. Then, when I checked out your supposed references,
they seemed genuine as well. You are, or were, a member of the
local chapter of Black Rose."
"I was never a participating member," he corrected. "I just
went to meetings. I was an embarrassed voyeur at the only play
party I ever tried to attend. Closest I came to doing anything
even remotely submissive was fetching a glass of wine for one
of the Dominas."
"That is not what your references told me, or rather, the
people who purported to be your references told me. They had
quite a story built up, very consistent, too, the picture was
of a committed novice ready to make the next big step. It fit
with everything else. Then we checked out your home and there,
too, what we found supported the picture we had of you.
"Why didn't you just ask me?"
"Because part of the deal was that you wanted to be captured -
taken against your will, as it were."
"And that didn't set off any warning bells?"
Mary shrugged, no longer as comfortable responding to that
question as she would have been but twenty four hours earlier.
"It's a common enough fantasy, and one we did quite a business
in providing."
"Seems damned dangerous to me. Suppose I'd been armed that
"That has recently occurred to us," she said, her voice
momentarily chilly. Then, she seemed to relent and continued
as if he had not interrupted. "From now on, when we agree to a
snatch-and-grab, the 'victim' will be required to go to a
place specified by me, and make a signal specified by me
before the game starts. It will cut down on the spontaneity
and will also dull the sharp edge of dark anticipation for the
client, but at the same time, it will limit the possibility of
a crime such as this being perpetrated on another unsuspecting
"Seems like a more sensible way of doing your business, Mary,"
Edward said, the effort to keep from saying something more
biting obvious in his face.
"Hindsight is always 20-20, Edward. For what little it is
worth, I am most sincerely sorry that you were so basely used
and abused by my hand and at my direction."
"Thank you." He went silent. "I just wish I knew WHY!!! I NEED
to know WHY."
"Ed, whoever did this to you is, obviously, very malicious.
And that malice has already been directed at you once. I'm
afraid I'm going to have to ask you to stay out of what comes
next for your own safety."
Momentarily speechless, Ed stared at the woman seated across
the table from him. Finally, he shook his head. "That's not
going to happen, Mary. It's my life that has been turned
upside down. Cripes, I took those anti-terrorist and self
defense courses to protect myself, but even now, I can't even
walk into my own home without being on guard. There is no way
that I am staying out of this."
Exasperation lined Mary's brow. "Dammit, Edward, think with
the head on your shoulders instead of the one in your pants!
What would you be able to do? All right, so you've had some
training, and from what I saw last night, you've benefited
from it, but that is not the same as being a professional
investigator or... whatever. And I am perfectly capable of
hiring such muscle as I might need so I don't need your manly
self for protection in this endeavor."
Edward decided to shift the topic. "What are YOU going to do
to this person when you find him?"
"Rap him soundly upon the knuckles, stand him in the corner
for a time out and then make him promise not to be naughty
again," she snapped. When Edward's only response to that was a
single challengingly raised brow, she sighed. "I don't think
you want to know that."
"Ah, but I do. That's the point, actually. For all that you
thought what you did to me was consensual, and therefore legal
by most definitions, we are very likely to do something
non-consensual and illegal to this person. I think it is in
your best interests to keep the circle of those who know what
that something is as small as possible. That includes me by
force of circumstance."
"Nonsense. You are too intrinsically honest to do what may
need to be done."
"My honesty is exceeded by my need for justice. I don't think
I will have any trouble rationalizing any non-lethal action
against this person."
"So you say now," she muttered. "Tell me this, then. Are you
willing to do what I say, follow my orders? We can't be
working at cross purposes in this, Edward, or we will, in all
likelihood, lose our quarry. He or she will go to ground and
we'll never find out what happened."
A wry grin lit Edward's tense features. "I've certainly
demonstrated that I *can* follow your orders."
"Don't prevaricate!" Mary ordered sharply. "My question was on
whether you were *willing* to do so."
"Yes," Edward replied calmly. "Insofar as my obedience
supports finding and... doing something appropriate to my
unknown adversary."
"You're already trying to qualify your answer. How far are you
willing to go?"
"In the hunt? Or in doing something to him?"
"Does that make a difference?" Mary asked baldly, "And don't
forget that this might be a 'her'."
"I am still haunted by nightmares from what I went through
because of this person. I will do what it takes to find
whoever did this to us. Once that is done, how far
I'll be willing to go will depend."
"Depend? On what?"
"On the why," he answered simply.
"But under my orders? At least up until we discover the who
and the why?"
"I already agreed to that."
Mary regarded Edward somberly for several moments, and then
shrugged. "Then, I think we should consider what to do next.
For starters, I will arrive at your apartment at 9:00. I will
expect to be greeted by Edie."
"What?!? Edie? Are you nuts?"
"No, I am not."
"I am not going back there, Mary. You can forget that right
"I see. So much for your agreement to follow my orders in this
"That was a setup and you know it!"
"Very well. I'm sorry for the confusion. I will not, of
course, insist that you become Edie again. I will, however,
insist that you not interfere with my own plans." She reached
beneath the table and brought up her purse. "Good-bye."
"Damn you! You're trying to coerce me into that damnable game
of yours again!"
A momentary sadness flitted across Mary's countenance that
immediately disappeared behind a steely mask of control. "No,
actually, I'm not. I don't think you are suited to what will
be required. If you DO stay involved, however, it will be on
my terms. You can leave at any time - but as long as you are
working with me, it will be in support of my plans. So, make
up your mind."
"You can't stop me from pursuing this, with or without you."
"No, short of kidnapping you again, I can't, but as I tried to
make clear earlier, your interference will virtually assure
that the person who did this to you will escape unscathed."
Just then, the waiter arrived with their meals. Edward allowed
him to serve while he considered Mary's words. When they were
again alone, he could only shake his head. "I can't not pursue
it, Mary. Why are you acting this way?"
"Several reasons," she sighed even as she returned her purse
to beneath the table and resettled herself. "Even when you
were at your lowest at my island, I knew you to be one of
God's gentle people, Edward. You will, without a doubt, feel
horribly guilty when what must be done is done." she said,
reaching over to put a soothing hand over his own. "It would
be better for both of us if you just got out of my way.
Secondly, if there is any danger involved in this, I want to
know that you will do what you're told when you're told to do
"And you think THAT was a fair test of that?"
"You said you had agreed to follow my orders."
"In the context of our search. Edie is something you created
to humiliate me, and just now, you were using that humiliation
to get what you want, not achieve our mutual goal."
Mary sighed. This encounter was not going the way she'd hoped
when she'd agreed to meet him here. As things stood now, she
was going to have to deal with either an independently acting
Ed or one who would not follow her orders without question.
Neither was acceptable. It was time to take a different tact.
"All right, Edward. I won't insist that Edie meet me tonight,
but that only delays the inevitable. I will insist on it at
some point. I have my reasons, and they are valid. If you are
really willing to do what I say on this, then perhaps we can
work together. If not, let's stop wasting each other's time."
"Do you really have reasons why this is necessary to find our
adversary? This is not just an excuse to humiliate me again,
or a ploy to get me to back out?
"Ed, if I haven't convinced you by now that I am very, very
serious about... correcting this situation, then nothing I
can say now will change that. Make up your mind whether you
can find it in yourself to trust me - whether you need me - or
Keeping her own gaze steady and unwavering as Ed regarded her
silently took every bit of Mary's will, but she managed.
Unfortunately, Ed didn't answer her, denying her the
opportunity to turn his own words back on him. "Well?" she
demanded, one finely shaped brow rising in challenge.
He shook himself. "I haven't decided how I feel about either
issue," he admitted. "I'm going to have to think some more
about that. I thought I was ready to trust you, but after that
Edie demand, I'm no longer so sure."
Mary was struggling to find a reply to that when a new voice
called from behind him "Edward? Is that you?"
"Ms. Johnson," he said as he rose and turned to face the
direction of the call. Mary gave the woman a searching look,
and for some reason, liked what she saw. She was of slightly
less than average height for a woman, although her three inch
power-heels helped.
*Red hair and violet eyes,* Mary thought, *and she is
concerned for Edward.*
"Mary," Edward offered, "This is my supervisor, Ms. Veronica
Johnson. Ms. Johnson, this is an acquaintance of mine, ummm,"
Mary forced herself not to smile at Edward's embarrassment,
but knew that she had never told him her full name. She rose
and offered her hand to the shorter woman. "Mary O'Hurley, Ms.
Johnson. Edward was going to slip and call me by my former
married name," she added by way of explanation.
"A pleasure," was the patently insincere reply. Mary felt her
chin rise in challenge as the piercingly vivid violent eyes
gave her a thorough going-over. "From your tan, I would say
you are from warmer climes."
"South," Mary replied as she took her seat.
"Will you be staying?"
Mary arched a single brow at the question. "For a while, in
any case. Edward and I are considering doing a project
"A possible business customer, Ed?"
"Personal, Ms. Johnson," he replied.
"I see. Well, then I will leave you alone to enjoy your
coffee. A pleasure meeting you, Ms. O'Hurley. Oh, nice broach,
by the way. I have one very much like it."
A strange look came across Mary's features. "Really, Ms.
Johnson? How unusual, and unexpected. And the pleasure was
Edward and Mary watched in momentary silence as Veronica
strode away. "Interesting woman," Mary finally offered.
"She's been very good to me, professionally speaking."
"Has she indeed?" Mary asked mysteriously. *Well, she just put
herself on the very short list of possible suspects with that
parting shot of hers. And if I had to guess, I would say her
interest in Mr. Davis was not merely professional. A VERY
interesting woman.*
Part II
Chapter 5: Productive Meetings
Feeling more in control than he had in many a month, Edward
returned to the office, and found his work going unusually
well as a result. In the time before Ken and Didi were due to
show up, he managed to clear his in-basket, to come up with at
least three potentially good ideas for some under-development
projects, and to solve a disgruntled client's problem with an
ongoing campaign. He was feeling rather good about things when
Ken and Didi stuck their heads in his door.
"Okay, let's think about this product," he started. "Who is
the customer for this stuff?"
"Girls," Ken put in. "Young ones who want to be just like
"Boys who buy gifts for those girls," Didi added.
"Okay, so we're dealing with what? Girls in the 12 to 22 age
range and those few, semi-enlightened males who want to get on
their good side?" Ed asked.
Ken considered that for a moment and then frowned. "Put that
way, it doesn't sound like the multimillion dollar revenue
source that Helen was nattering about, does it?"
"Not if we market the stuff as just another 'be like Mike' or
in this case, 'the teenie-bopper of the minute' product," Ed
agreed before turning to Didi. "Why do girls - women wear
perfume in the first place?"
Snorting a laugh, Ken spoke first. "To smell pretty. Cover
body odor, attract guys."
"Leave it to Algerson to overstate the obvious," Didi giggled.
"But I'd agree, at least about the smelling pretty part."
"Why?" Ed asked.
"Why what? Why smell pretty?" Didi asked? "Because it is
better than smelling bad."
"No, why only agree to the smelling part? I assume you were
saying that attracting guys wasn't necessarily the reason to
wear the perfume. Do you wear perfume, Didi?"
"Of course I do - sometimes."
The almost too-thin brunette considered that question for a
few moments. "I guess, I wear it for me, first and foremost,
for the way it makes me feel."
"And that is?"
"Womanly, I guess. Female and proud of it."
"I am woman, smell my scent?" Ken teased.
"Smart ass!" Didi snapped.
"Would you say that it is at least partially about your
personal power as a woman? As an attractive woman?" Ed put in
quickly, hoping to quell the growing explosion before it ended
the meeting prematurely.
"Personal power as a woman," Didi said, obviously savoring the
words and the idea. "Th