Marie s Big Mistake Case No 11 198 9
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Marie 8950 words
It was hot in Savannah, and the humidity made
Marie's simple muslin dress cling. She held Mr.
Marrow's hand and tried not to step in the horse
droppings with her bare feet as they made their way
to the hotel. Inside, after visiting with the desk
clerk, he led her up two flights of stairs to a room.
It was the first time Marie had visited Savannah, the
first time she had seen a building so big, and there
were so many white folks. Mr. Marrow was taken
aback when a woman opened the door. Marie
thought she was beautiful, old enough to be her
mother, but dressed in a fancy taupe gown of silk,
with dark blue trimmings. She had a tiny waist and
a full bosom. "Mr. Marrow, I presume," said the
woman. "I am Mrs. Wilson."
"I am pleased to meet you, ma'am. Will John be
back soon?"
"No. I buried him yesterday, typhoid."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. You have my
condolence. While I only knew him as a business
associate, I regarded him as a friend. He was a fine
"Thank-you, Mr. Marrow. The goods you sent were
received in good condition and are already loaded
on the ship. I have your money here, in gold. as you
wish. Please count it." She held out a heavy bag
of coins. "Is there anything else? I must attend to
my late husband's other obligations. My ship
leaves the day after tomorrow, early, and I suspect I
may not return to America. If you wish to continue
to do business with our firm, I can send the name
of our new representative, when he is known."
He put the money back on the table and said,
"When I came here, I had in mind to suggest a
business proposition to your husband, but I will
make it now to you, Mrs. Wilson. May I introduce
Marie? Step forward, girl."
"What is this, another orphan you have befriended?
Mr. Wilson told me you were charitable, if not
churched, but a child like this... She is pretty.
People might talk."
"I assure you, Mrs. Wilson, Marie may be short and
slender, but she is a woman, not a child. No one
will think ill of me for bringing her to Savannah.
She is my slave, and they will assume I mean to sell
"But she is white!"
"So it would appear. Her skin is light; her hair is
only wavy, not kinky. He features are not distinctly
African. Her mother was light skinned, for a
negress, and we may presume her father was white.
As a child, Marie was a common field slave, pulling
weeds and picking cotton. When my wife died, I
brought her mother and Marie up to the big house
and added them to the domestic staff. I have come
to regard Marie as my daughter, my only child, as,
possibly, she may be. I taught her and her mother
to read and write and figure with numbers, but I , a
man without a wife, could not teach her to be a
"I understand it is illegal in Georgia to teach a slave
to read."
"Mrs. Wilson, illegal is not the same as immoral. I
try to do the right thing, regardless of the law.
When her mother was dying, I promised her that,
when the time was right, I would free Marie."
"I appreciate your desire, but where do I fit in?"
"I want you to take Marie with you to England and
place her in a good school. The money from this
last cargo should be sufficient, I think. You may, of
course, take appropriate payment for your efforts,
and I have an account with a bank in London which
you may access should additional funds be
"Legally, she will be free the moment sets foot on
British soil. Slavery was abolished long ago."
"That is my point, Mrs. Wilson. If I were to legally
emancipate her here, she would be simply another
free negro, an orphan, ill equipped for the world,
subject to abuse or exploitation by any white man.
If she goes to a good English school, she will not
only be free, but they will teach her how to be a
respectable white woman, equip her to marry well.
When the time comes, I can provide a modest
dowry. There are so many things she doesn't know.
Few men have even spoken with her, and none has
touched her. She would have no idea how to
behave if a gentleman were to pay suit to her."
"If that is the case, Mr. Morrow, I cannot think of a
suitable school. The other girls would tease her and
fill her head with unsuitable ideas."
"Can you suggest what I should do, Mrs. Wilson?"
"I am willing to take her with me to England. She
can travel as my niece, Marie Morrow, if that is all
right with you."
"Yes, of course."
"Lacking a suitable school, I think it best if I take
her into my own household, as my relative, and she
can be tutored in the ways of respectable women in
a protected environment. I shall send you progress
reports and accounts of expenses from time to time,
and it may be that, with training, she may later
attend a finishing school, or she may come out, be
presented to society, at a ball in London, as many
country girls are. I feel sure we will find her a
suitable husband. I would, of course, be acting in
loco parentis, with full guardianship rights, the right
to discipline her as necessary and to control who
she may or may not associate with. I will choose
or approve her choice of husband. I would want
that in writing. Would that be agreeable, Mr.
"Marie, would you agree to that?"
"Yes, Master."
"Agreed, Mrs. Wilson. I'll have a document giving
you guardianship drawn up and delivered here
tomorrow morning. As far as my lawyer, or my
acquaintances here, will know, I am selling her to
you, but with a transfer of guardianship, since
slavery is illegal in England. I will have a separate
letter drawn up for my bank. Can you think of
anything else?"
"It is best, Mr. Morrow, that I take charge of Marie
now. I have only a day to get her cleaned up and to
buy her a wardrobe a white woman would be seen
in. Has she any proper clothes? Corsets? Shoes?"
"I fear not. What would I know about buying her
such things?"
"Very well, Mr. Morrow, I will take charge of your
daughter and treat her as if she were my own. The
money for the cargo should be ample for the first
year or so, and, who knows, by then she may be
married. If you will excuse me, I am expecting
more visitors."
Twelve weeks later, a letter arrived from England:
"Dear Papa, Auntie, Mrs. Wilson, says I may send
you my own progress report. The voyage took 34
days and was an adventure, which is to say, an
inconvenience, rightly considered. I'm afraid I lost
some weight, the result of mal de mer, indifferent
food, and the constriction of my new corsets, which
limits how much I can eat at one meal. However,
Auntie tutored me in French and deportment during
the voyage. I have learned to put up my hair, like a
lady, and I have been practicing a little flirting, with
the eyes. We traveled to London by railway,
another great adventure, and I now live in a fine
house, five floors tall, close by the River Thames. I
think I am gaining weight. I have not yet seen a lot
of London, but I am learning all sorts of things I
might not have dreamed of. Your appreciative and
loving daughter, Marie."
The letter, of course, was written under the
supervision of Auntie, and it left much unsaid.
Upon arriving at the Wilson house, which was close
by the docks, Marie was introduced to her new
home and the rules thereof. "Auntie," Mrs. Wilson,
must be obeyed, instantly and without question. In
her absence, the chain of command was Mr.
Manchester, the butler, Mrs. Wood, the
housekeeper, Mrs. Dudley, the cook, and Marie's
maid, Edith. All must be obeyed. Except for
politely requesting services from Edith, Marie could
order no one, and idle conversation with anyone
else was forbidden. She was not to leave the house
except with someone specifically designated by
Mrs. Wilson. Humility and obedience would be
required at all times, and failure to obey would be
That understood, Marie was sent upstairs with
Edith. Warm water was brought from the kitchen
to fill a large wooden tub, and Edith helped Marie
undress. With all those buttons in the back of her
dress, and the corset laces, Marie could not have
undressed without help. In short order, Marie
stood in her room in nothing but her corsets and the
underlying camisole, both of which had not been
removed from her body since she had embarked at
Savannah. Each day, Auntie had tightened the
laces, in an effort to give Marie a new waistline,
smaller, of course, but also higher than before, to
avoid constricting the bowels. That required
compressing the lower ribs, a mildly painful process
which might take years to complete. Since the
corsets were stayed with whalebone, Marie had not
been able to bend at the waist, so her accustomed
sleeping posture, curled up, was impossible. Using
the commode, and wiping herself, was awkward.
Auntie had provided a sponge on a stick for
washing the nether orifices.
When Marie was finally naked, and thankful for the
respite from the corsets, Emily helped her to bathe,
soaping her liberally and scrubbing the folds of her
skin to remove the smell of five weeks
accumulation of sweat. Emily patted Marie dry
with a towel and directed her to stand, naked, by the
fire to dry off, while Emily took advantage of the
bath water to bathe herself.
Marie stood, taking it all in, the coals of the fire, the
sights and sounds of the traffic in the street, the
draft horses and great wagons, the rumbles and
shouts she could hear even through closed
windows. This city surely was the hub of the
British Empire; there was nothing like it in Marie's
experience. Marie had begun to comb out her
waist-length hair, when the door opened and Auntie
entered, followed by Mr. Manchester! Marie
dropped the comb and tried to cover her breasts and
most private places with her arms and hands.
"Marie, stand still, with your arms at your sides,"
barked Mrs. Wilson. Marie continued to cringe and
cover her privates. "For disobedience, you have
earned three strokes of the cane. Now, do as you
are told. Stand at attention, facing me, with your
arms at your sides."
Marie froze with fear. She had never been
whipped. As a child, she had seen an overseer whip
a field hand near to death, and when Birdie stole
and ran away, she was caught and whipped. The
memories made Marie sick.
"For delay, another stroke."
"Auntie, I'm naked, and Mr. Manchester is a man."
"Another stroke for questioning my order. Think of
Mr. Manchester as your overseer. He has a right to
examine you." Marie forced herself to stand
straight, with her hands at her sides. Mr.
Manchester approached and looked her over
carefully, front and back, even pausing to feel the
elasticity of her breasts. Never before had a man
touched her like that. It made her cringe, which
was corrected by a glaring look of reproof from
Mrs. Wilson. When Mr. Manchester had stepped
back, Mrs. Wilson said, "Marie, stand at the foot of
the bed and bend over, with your face against the
There was a great four-poster bed. Marie stood at
the foot and bent at her hips, pressing her breasts
into the eider down coverlet. That posture stretched
out the muscles of her legs and presented her
buttocks uppermost. Mr. Manchester produced a
cane the length of his arm. It made a whizzing
noise as he tested his form. "Five strokes, Mr.
Manchester. Marie, you will ask for each stroke,
'Please, sir, may I have the first,' and after each
stroke you will say 'thank you.' There will be no
fuss and blubber. Do not clench your arse cheeks.
Relax. Move your knees apart." Marie realized
that, if she did that, Mr. Manchester would have a
full view of her private little fig, between her legs,
but she had no choice but to obey. "Ask for it,
"Please, sir, may I have the first?" Whap! The
blow fell across both buttocks, an instant sting,
followed by a deep burn. Marie screeched at the
pain, worse than she had ever known. She pushed
away from the bed and bolted for the door, but Mr.
Manchester was too quick for her. She dodged to
the side and tried to find shelter under the bed, but
Mr. Manchester grabbed her ankle and dragged her
across the floor.
"Stand up, girl! For that, you get three more.
Edith, come here and hold Marie." Marie was
repositioned on the bed, her torso pressed against
the eider down, her arms stretched forward, with
the naked, wet Edith holding her wrists. When Mrs.
Wilson adjusted the position of Marie's legs, apart
in a vee, she was helpless. "We will start again, for
eight. Ask for the first again, Marie." Again, Marie
was frozen by fear. "More delay. Make that nine
strokes, Mr. Manchester." Marie drew upon
reserves of strength and resolved to take her
punishment properly.
"Please, sir, may I have the first?" Whap! The
cane fell almost exactly as it had before, leaving a
bright red welt atop the first. Marie managed to
stifle her scream, grunting hard and gasping for
breath. "Thank you, sir. Please, sir, may I have the
second?" Whap! Again the cane struck both
cheeks equally, half an inch lower than before.
Marie gave a noise like a frightened animal and
then said, "Thank you, sir. Please, sir, may I have
the third?" With a precision derived from long
practice, the "overseer" raised a welt parallel to the
others. Marie broke into uncontrollable sobs.
"For further delay, make it ten." At last, Marie
asked for and received her strokes, thanking Mr.
Manchester for each one. Strokes eight and nine
struck the back of her thighs, and the tenth, by some
devilish craft, also struck the fleshy lips of her
womanly cleft, the ultimate pain and humiliation so
far. When the punishment was over, Mrs. Wilson
said, "Marie, you will stay here, naked, until Edith
brings you another camisole and corsets. Edith, you
may dress and go to eat. Then bring Marie her
supper. After that, you may find new clothes for
her and wash the corsets she wore on the ship."
"Mrs. Wilson," said Mr. Manchester, "I think a
further examination of the girl is in order." They
put Marie on her back on the bed and raised her
ankles, up and apart, so that her striped buttocks
were in the air and her private place was displayed
for all to see. Mr. Manchester actually parted her
labia with the cane! He examined her from a
distance of inches. When they lowered her legs,
Marie rolled over onto her stomach and cried into
the pillow. Slavery on the plantation was never as
bad as this, and there was no way she could appeal
to her master, her papa, for help. Mr. Manchester
cleared his throat and said, "Mrs. Wilson, we have
here a genuine virgin, virga intacta. You have seen
her maidenhead. Further, while she must be two
years older than Edith, she looks younger, don't you
think? Her breasts are those of a barely blooming
child." Mrs. Wilson smiled. "Would she not be
more attractive to the right sort of men if we
represented her to be, perhaps, thirteen? Imported
from America, where one can still find virgins?"
Mrs. Wilson spoke with joy in her voice. "Edith,
forget the new corsets. From now on, Marie will
wear none. She will wear her hair down, as it is
now. And tonight, before you go to bed, ask Mrs.
Wood for soft soap and a sharp razor. I want you to
shave Marie, to remove all the hair from between
her legs. Yes, and under her arms, too. From now
on, Marie, you are thirteen, and not yet a woman."
When Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Manchester had gone,
Edith rubbed some oil over Marie's welts, even
rubbing her bruised lower lips as Marie lay, face
down, on the big bed, her legs splayed. "Thank
you, Edith. That feels better." Edith slipped an oily
finger between the puffy lips. Marie gasped. She
knew she shouldn't touch herself there, but Edith
did not hesitate. But then, Mr. Manchester had
touched her, too, with his cane. "Mmm. Thank
you. I think that's enough." Edith held up a hand
mirror, and Marie turned her head so she could see
her own bottom. "Will those marks go away?"
Edith responded by showing Marie Edith's bottom.
"They whipped you, too? How long ago was it?"
"The day before yesterday. We maids get whipped
once or twice a week, whether or not we have
misbehaved. Mr. Manchester says it keeps us
obedient and diligent in our work. I think he just
likes to whip girls, and Mrs. Wilson likes to watch.
Well I'd better get dressed and get down to the
kitchen. You just stay here and lie on your tummy
until the soreness goes away."
Just before bed time, Edith shaved Marie, until she
was hairless as a baby. She ran her finger tips over
the newly shaved lips and then, while Marie's legs
were still spread, Edith bent down and planted a
kiss on Marie's virginal cleft. Her tongue slid
toward Marie's navel, probing toward the apex of
the inner labia. Marie started to protest, but then
Edith reminded her to do as she was told. "Just lie
there, with your knees far apart, and I will teach you
something you apparently never learned." Her
tongue teased the clitoris, and then Edith kissed it
with her lips and gently sucked, trapping the little
organ while the tip of her tongue flicked the end of
it. Marie moaned and tensed up, as Edith
continued her ministrations. Then Marie rocked
her pelvis, exuding juices from her cleft, and
making incoherent cries of delight.
After a while, Marie said, "Thank you. I never felt
anything like that before. What happened?"
"Women are blessed with a place whose purpose is
to make life worthwhile, no matter how bad things
seem. They call it the man in the boat. There must
be other names but... Anyway, it makes up for
having a bottom God designed for being whipped.
Now, you are spent. You will be able to sleep."
Edith pulled her shift off over her head and climbed
in bed beside Marie, pulling up the eider down.
"Good night, Marie. Tomorrow I'll show you your
In the morning, Mrs. Wilson was concerned about
what Marie should wear. Finally she gave her back
the thin muslin frock she had worn in Savannah. "It
will do, until we get you some clothes appropriate
for your age. Remember, you are thirteen. Wear
these clogs until we get some proper slippers. Now,
Marie, if you are going to marry well, you must
know the skills of a good wife. You must know all
there is to know about running a house, and there is
no better way to learn than to learn what each of the
servants does. Today, you will stay with Edith and
do what she says. You will do the work that she
does, so you will appreciate what maids must do. Is
that clear? Good. Tonight, Mrs. Harris, next door,
is having a soiree, a party, with gentlemen guests. I
expect, Marie, that I will take you there and
introduce you, sort of whet their appetites. Of
course, you have a lot to learn about how to please a
During the day, Marie emptied chamber pots,
cleaned fireplaces and laid new fires, polished
brass, swept and dusted, and did so many things that
normally went on out of sight of Mrs. Wilson. She
also began her monthly period, inadvertently
staining her dress, so Mrs. Wilson said Marie could
not go to the party. Edith went, and the next night,
too, returning to the bed very late, her breath
smelling of alcohol. Marie was anxious to hear
about the parties, but Edith would not tell her,
explaining that it was best if she found out herself
or from Mrs. Wilson.
There were no Sunday services; it was a day like
any other. That did not surprise Marie, for her papa
had not observed the Sabbath, either. The next
week was more drudgery, though Mrs. Wilson did
have a seamstress fit some girlish calico dresses for
Marie, and some pretty slippers. Neither Marie nor
Edith had occasion to be caned that week.
Sometimes, Marie would dine with Auntie, instead
of with the servants, to learn proper table manners.
Often, as they ate, Auntie would expound on the
state of the world, how free trade was making
Britain prosper, how anyone could find work, while
other countries, with their tariffs and monopolies,
stagnated and had many underemployed workers.
Our Queen is our mother and looks after us, and
Albert, her Prince Consort, is so interested in
natural philosophy and mechanics and commerce.
He sets an example for English enterprise. Yes, the
human race is perfectible, and progress can be seen
everywhere: railways, steam ships, pumped water,
sewers to carry away the filth. All over Britain,
there are societies to promote learning and morality,
to suppress vice, and to alleviate the suffering of the
poor. Yes, there are the poor, but an ambitious
woman, prepared to do what she must, can do very
well in London. "Marie, you are going to learn
what it is that rich men want. Someday, you will
have a rich man at your command, eating out of
your hand, so to speak, and you will not want for
nice things. There is no excuse for being poor."
On Friday, there was to be another party. Edith
bathed Marie, and herself, and shaved Marie once
more. Mrs. Wilson applied some perfume. Marie
helped Edith to dress with corsets, laced tight,
crinolines, and a silk dress which was cut low in
front and showed the mounds of her breasts and the
valley between, barely covering her nipples with a
frill of lace and gauze. Marie, however, had her
breasts bound with strips of gauze before putting on
a brightly printed calico dress, which had a high
collar and no bust line at all.
"No pantalettes, Auntie?"
"No, they won't be necessary." While Edith had
her hair pinned up, Marie's cascaded down her
back, without even a ribbon to restrain it. Edith
even had some rouge for her cheeks, and color for
her lips and eyelids. Marie wondered when she
would be old enough for that. English ladies
evidently painted their faces, whereas in Georgia
that would be scandalous.
Very strangely, Marie thought, they did not go into
the street to enter the house of Mrs. Harris by the
front door. Instead, on the topmost floor of Mrs.
Wilson's, up under the roof, where there were box
rooms and tiny cubicles for servants, there was a
secret door, which led though the wall to a passage
and stairs and another concealed door, which
entered out into a small room adjacent to a parlor
and ball room. A quartet of musicians, a pianist
and string trio, waited to play for the dancers. The
guests were evidently down stairs, dining or
drinking. Auntie told Marie to wait on the
concealed stairs until she came to get her. It was
dark, absolutely black, as Marie sat there, alone,
listening to the noises of the house. Soon the
musicians started tuning up, and then playing
waltzes, interspersed with lively tunes. She heard
muffled conversations, and the clink of glasses, and
occasionally a woman's uninhibited laugh. She had
never heard ladies laughing, only the slaves at
night, around the fire.
Finally, Mrs. Wilson came for her and led her into
the parlor. Marie's eyes had to adjust to the light,
and she stood there, speechless. Through a
doorway, she could see men of all ages dancing,
but in the parlor, there were just four men, all her
papa's age, or older, sitting, looking at her. Two
smoked cigars. She had come to like the smell of
cigars. Papa smoked them, sometimes, and he had
a small cigar factory on the plantation, so he could
sell cigars as well as tobacco wholesale. She had
even learned to roll cigars herself, once when Papa
had a big order from England. "Gentlemen, let me
introduce Marie, all the way from America. She is
only thirteen, and no man has touched her, ever, so
she is, as you might expect, shy and a bit reticent
around gentlemen. However, she is anxious to
grow up and to please a generous mentor. We are
talking here of a long term relationship. One can
only spend one's innocence once, you know, so it
should be worthwhile, don't you think?"
One man, rather round in the middle, put his cigar
down and said, "Only thirteen? Ah, could I see?"
Without a word, before Marie could realize what
was happening, Auntie raised Marie's skirt for about
three seconds, showing Marie's hairless cleft to the
gentlemen. "She seems biddable, not too skittish,"
remarked the curious one.
"She has learned to do what she is told. Emily!"
Emily appeared at the door. "Take Marie to get
some punch, please." When Marie was out of
earshot, Mrs. Wilson said, "Now, let's discuss
Marie was out of her element. She did not know
how to dance, and she felt out of place, pretending
to be thirteen. Furthermore, the punch, which
tasted delightful, had rum in it, which she had never
had before, and she was getting a bit fuzzy headed.
It was all very exciting, however, and she saw
several dashing young men, who did not, however,
seem to see Marie. Twice men approached Edith,
who was actually younger than Marie, asking to
dance, but she told them, "Later, if you please." At
a sign from Auntie, Edith took Marie back to the
hidden stairs and tucked her into her bed. Edith,
however, went back to the party.
At dawn, Marie awoke to see Edith beside her,
utterly unconscious. Marie got up, used the
chamber pot, washed her face, the lower face, too,
and put on her white muslin dress from home. It
comforted her to wear that dress. She slipped on
slippers and went downstairs. She was eating
oatmeal in the kitchen when Auntie found her.
"Where's Edith?"
"I couldn't wake her."
"That's alright. She was up late last night. When
you have finished breakfast, come see me in the
office." Marie thought Auntie seemed unusually
cheerful. Auntie conducted several businesses from
her home, importing and exporting goods, arranging
holidays for travelers, and who knows what else.
Perhaps her businesses were prospering. "Marie,"
she said when her "niece" presented herself.
"Today you are going to meet a real gentleman, a
rich gentleman, at ten o'clock this morning, next
door. I think he is the most suitable for our
purposes, that he will treat you well. Remember,
you are thirteen, newly arrived from America, and
you know nothing of big city ways."
"It is true, Auntie. I know nothing, except what
you have taught me. It is all bewildering, after
growing up on the plantation."
"This gentleman, he says you may call him Uncle
George, is going to have you spend the day and
night with him. He should bring you back to Mrs.
Harris's by midnight, tomorrow. I'm sure he will
treat you courteously and buy you treats and such.
In return, you must obey him in all things. You
must do whatever he says to do, no matter how
strange it may seem. Understand? If he tells me
tomorrow that you have failed in the least
particular, you will be whipped, and he can watch,
if he wants to. If you thought ten strokes was
hurtful, think of thirty or forty, and not just on your
bottom. Now, tell me, what are your instructions?"
"I must do anything Uncle George tells me to do."
"Yes. Be pleasant and forthcoming. If he asks you
questions, answer him truthfully, except you must
remember that you are thirteen and you are white
and have never been a slave. He must not guess
your true age. You may tell him what you like or
dislike, what you think of the things he shows you.
Tell him about America, if he asks, but do not
betray your age. Remember, you are the only child
of a rich planter, who has sent you to England
because his wife, your mother, was very sick and
died a few years ago, and he wants you properly
educated. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Auntie."
At ten, Uncle George arrived at the door of Mrs.
Harris, and Marie came out, dressed in pink calico
with a bonnet and white gloves. Uncle George had
a hired cab, and they drove through The City, with
St. Paul's Cathedral, and on to Westminster Abbey
and the Houses of Parliament. Marie was genuinely
excited and told him how pleased she was. He
smiled and bought her sweets. They drove through
Trafalgar Square, dedicated to Lord Nelson, and up
the Mall and on to Kensington, where they walked
hand in hand in the parks.
"Uncle George, I've never seen such sights. I'm
learning so much!" she said, as they dined on chops
at an Oxford Street hotel.
"Do you like Madeira? You don't know what it is?
Waiter, a bottle of Madeira, if you please." Marie
drank more than her share. It loosened her tongue.
"Uncle George, may I ask you some questions?
Why are you interested in me? Why are you being
so nice to me?"
"I thought I would enjoy your company, and I was
"Are you married? Have you children?"
"You look as old as my papa. Have you ever been
"Yes, twice. My first wife, Agnes, was very
beautiful, but she died of childbed fever, after
bearing our first child, who was stillborn. After that
I married a widow, who had a title and considerable
property. We had no children, and in time she
"I'm sorry."
"Why, Marie, did you come with me?"
"I promised my papa I would obey Auntie in all
things, and she told me to go with you and to do
anything you want me to."
George smiled. "Do you think that strange?"
"No. It is not for me to question my guardian."
They went to Paddington Station, and took the
Great Western Railway to Windsor. Sitting
opposite each other, alone in a first class
compartment, Marie, who was already a bit
unsteady on her feet, said, "Uncle George, do you
have more of that nice wine?"
"You know I do. I bought another bottle, and two
glasses. Would you like some more?"
"Yes, please."
"Can I ask you a favor?" he said, as he poured the
"Yes, of course."
"Show me your cunny?"
"Cunny? What's that?"
"Are you wearing pantalettes?"
"Show me that that is so." Marie giggled and lifted
the hem of her dress up to her chin, throwing her
knees apart. "Oh, my. Oh, my, how beautiful you
are. I am quite overcome. Let me touch you." He
did not wait for her answer but reached out and
traced her pouting labia with a finger tip. "That is
your cunny. Yours is so pretty." She giggled. He
pulled back.
"Uncle George, no man has ever touched me there.
It's alright, Uncle George. You didn't hurt me."
She dropped her skirt.
They were out of the city, tearing along at a
frightening speed through green countryside.
"Marie, may I see your boobies?"
"These? I don't see why not, Uncle George." She
unbuttoned the front of her dress, and George
helped her pull her dress down, baring her
shoulders and breasts.
"Oh," he sighed, "so perfect, like sugar cookies
with gumdrops in the center." He reached out and
touched her nipples, which seemed to grow before
his eyes. "Come, sit next to me." He cradled her
in his arms and blew on her bare breasts, touching
his tongue to a nipple. She giggled. "Do you like
that, Marie?"
"Mmmm. I don't know. Try it some more, please,
and I'll tell you." He devoured her little breasts,
holding one while he licked the other. He found he
could suck almost her entire breast into his mouth
and swirl his tongue over the gumdrop nipples. The
train began to slow, and he pushed her away,
pulling up her dress and doing up the buttons. He
looked at her expectantly. "Yes, Uncle George, I
enjoyed that. Fun. More wine?"
They stared up at Windsor Castle, towering over
the Thames. They walked a bit in The Great Park
and rented a punt on the river, but Marie was
decidedly tipsy, so they returned to the train station.
They found an empty compartment -- first class cost
more and was less popular -- and Marie sat next to
Uncle George and snuggled close. He slid his hand
over the bodice of her dress and she did not
complain. He unfastened some buttons so he could
slip his hand under the cloth and cup her breast in
his hand. She seemed to purr. He withdrew his
hand and slipped it along her thigh, under the skirt
of her dress. She let her knees move apart. Again,
he traced her labia with his finger tips. She giggled.
"You like my cunny? Is that what it's called?"
"Yes, very much." He slid his finger between the
lips and gently rubbed, noting that she seemed to be
getting more slippery. His finger tip tried to press
inside her.
"Ouch! You can't do that. There isn't room for
your finger. I'm not telling you what you can or
can't do, Uncle George. I just thought you ought to
know that it hurts."
"Oh, my dear little girl. I don't want to hurt you.
It's just that you are so pretty. I get carried away,
and I do so like what you have between your legs."
She smiled at him, and he kissed her for the first
time, a quick, uncle-like kiss. "Marie, have you
ever seen what a man has between his legs?"
"Yes, a black man. I saw a slave making water in a
field. Are white men different?"
"Would you like to see?" He undid his trousers,
lifted his hips so he could slide them, and his
drawers, down to his knees. His rampant penis, tall
and stiff, was there for her to see.
"Oh, it's so big. It's much bigger and longer than
the slave's was. And these are your bollocks?" She
touched his scrotum lightly.
"You've seen a man's -- uh -- balls before?"
"No, but I grew up among farm animals. Dogs,
horses, bulls, they all have them, underneath the
pizzle. My, what a splendid pizzle you have."
"Ah, Marie, animals have pizzles. Men have
"I understand," she replied. He took her hand,
removed her glove, and guided her fingers to the
shaft of his penis. She wrapped her fingers around
it. Slowly, his hand over hers, he led her to stroke
his tool. "It's quite marvelous, isn't it? I seems
almost to be growing. So big and hard."
"Marie, kiss it. Put your lips around the end of it."
"I'll do whatever you ask, Uncle George." She bent
and took the end into her mouth, while still moving
her hand up and down the shaft. With out further
instruction, she swirled her tongue, treating it as
Edith had treated her man in the boat. In seconds, it
seemed, the penis was jerking in her grasp, and then
it spurted something into her mouth. It was more
sweet than salty, like clotted cream in consistency.
She had no handkerchief to spit into, so she
swallowed the fluid, not so different than
swallowing her nasal secretions. When she
straightened up, Uncle George handed her the last
of the wine, "to clear your palate," he said. His
penis was only a shadow of its former self. He
pulled up his drawers and trousers and buttoned the
waistband. "Thank you," he said, "You are a very
dear girl, and you have made me very happy."
Marie finished the wine and giggled. "It is my
pleasure to serve you, Uncle George. You have
been very good to me."
They took a cab to his club, where he had to leave
her in the cab while he went inside -- no females
allowed. He came out with a leather traveling bag
and directed the driver to a hotel, a small one,
where it was unlikely that anyone who knew him
would see them go in. They had wine and
sandwiches brought up to the room and watched the
setting sun as they ate. Marie expressed a need to
find a privy. He showed her the water closet at the
end of the hall and explained the operation of the
flush toilet. In a few minutes, she was back at the
room, and he bolted the door.
"What would you like to do now, Marie?"
"Whatever you like, Uncle George. I am at your
"Take off your clothes, all of them." She had
already taken off her bonnet and gloves. She
removed her shoes and then began to unbutton her
dress. George stared at her, as Mrs. Wilson might
have stared at a heap of gold, and then, without
removing his gaze from Marie, he began to undress
himself. She was naked first, and she stood there,
her skin rosy in the light of the dusk, as he devoured
her with his eyes and left his clothing in a heap on
the floor. He motioned for her to come to the bed.
She sat beside her. "Your pizz...your penis seems
to have grown again."
"I want to put it inside you."
"I don't think it will fit."
"I'd like to try."
"I cannot say no to you, Uncle George. Do what
you will." He arranged her over the edge of the
bed, face down, much as she had been when she
was caned by Mr. Manchester. He felt her cleft,
first with his fingers, then with the tip of his stiff
penis. She made soft mewling noises, as if in pain
but not wanting to complain. He got down on his
knees and tried to lick her quim, the fluids of her
little valley, but he could not quite reach her man in
the boat. The sight of her after globes distracted
him. He began to stroke them, then squeeze them.
All traces of her punishment had faded.
"Of course your parents spanked you," he said.
"No," she replied. "I have never been spanked."
"I want to spank you. You've been a good girl. I'm
not punishing you for anything. But some women,
uh, some older girls, like to be spanked, and if you
have never been spanked, you don't know, do you?
You might like it."
"You can do whatever you want to me, Uncle
George." Gently, he spanked her globes,
alternately. She flinched and murmured and, as he
spanked harder, she giggled, even laughed.
Compared with the cane, it was exciting, sending
shivers through her insides. He stopped a moment
and felt her quim; she was wetter than before. With
one hand he spanked her bottom while, with the
other, he reached for and fingered her little passion
button, the man in the boat. She began to squirm,
rocking her pelvis, and she exclaimed, "Uncle
George, you are making me feel so... so strange!
Oh, oh, I don't know if I can stand much more of
this. I feel faint." He stopped slapping her bottom
and applied his penis, but she cried out, "Ow, you
are tearing me!" He stopped and got onto the bed,
lying on his back.
"Marie, sit astride my legs." She did. He beckoned
to her to come close. She leaned closer and he
rubbed her boobies. "Marie. I don't want you to
remember me as the man who hurt you with his
penis. Now, listen carefully. I will hold my penis
upright. I want you to slide up, closer, on your
knees, so you little cunny is right above my penis.
Understand? Good. I want you to lower yourself,
so it enters your cunny. You can go as fast or as
slowly as you like and lean forward or back,
whatever way makes it go in easiest. It may hurt
some, but you have control over how much it hurts.
If it hurts too much, you can pull away and start
over. You may just have to grit your teeth and bear
the pain, but I want you to put my penis in your
Marie positioned herself over his penis, which he
held upright with his left hand while his right hand
roamed over her chest and belly and then homed in
on her passion spot. She lowered herself until the
tip was half an inch inside her. She winced and
seemed to gather her courage. Then she sat quickly
on his pole, driving it into her belly. She gave a
short scream, and then she smiled, proud of herself.
George looked down and saw blood on his pubic
hair. "Good girl," he said. "I'm proud of you. You
did very well, Marie." He grasped her hips and
urged her to slide forward and back with his penis
deep inside her. He could feel his penis deep in the
fundus of her vagina, rubbing her cervix as it went
back to front and back again. He watched the
expression on her face, the smile giving way to
some excitement, perhaps even fear. She started
breathing through her mouth and working hard,
rocking her pelvis back and forth, pivoting on his
penis. He found her man in the boat, which
squirmed under his finger, as she grew more and
more excited, grinding her cunny against the root of
his shaft. Perspiration gleamed on her chest. Her
mouth was agape, her breath was audible, her
nipples stood forth. George could feel it coming,
that exquisite sensitivity, that inevitable tension, but
Marie was panting and rocking her hips, her hair
flying, her eyes closed.
"Ah, ah, ah, ohh," she moaned, while George tensed
and said, "I can't hold back. I'm coming." They
writhed together for a few seconds, and then Marie
collapsed on his chest, hugging him, breathing
heavily. A minute later, his penis had slipped out of
her. He moved, and tipped her onto the bed. He
took a towel from his bag and mopped up the blood
as best he could, leaving the crimson cloth between
her legs. She seemed asleep already. He
rearranged her limp form and lay beside her,
slipping into a contented sleep.
When, in the morning, they were wakened by
church bells, he asked her how her cunny felt. She
said, "Sore. But I'm not sorry. Last night was the
most exciting of my life. Thank you very much."
"I am in debt to you," he said. They enjoyed a
delightful day, strolling in the parks, taking a cab to
Greenwich, boating on the river, which is tidal
there. In the afternoon, they returned to the hotel
room and had supper in their room, with wine and
beer. "Let's eat naked," he suggested. She agreed,
so they did, building up the fire to avoid a chill.
She slipped her dress on to visit the water closet,
then returned to the room. "Did you move your
bowels?" She said she had. "We have only a few
hours left. How is your cunny?"
"It has stopped bleeding, but it's sore when I touch
"I want to be inside you again, but I don't want to
hurt you."
"I will try to bear the pain. I'm sure it's nothing,
compared to childbirth. Women do these things for
men, I'm told."
"But you are a child, and you don't deserve to be
hurt, at least not more than necessary. Would you
mind if I put it inside your back passage?"
"Uncle George, you may do whatever you want to
George positioned her naked, on her knees, face
down on the bed. He applied some butter from the
dinner tray to her little rosebud and worked the tip
of his finger inside. She tried to relax and
accommodate him. Then he took a half bottle of
wine, topped it off with beer, and placed the neck of
the bottle against her buttery backside. He pushed
until it slipped inside, an inch or so, and he shook
the bottle. There was enough carbonation left in
the beer to force liquid into her rectum. The
alcohol absorbed very quickly, and in minutes
Marie announced that she was drunk and no longer
responsible for her actions. With a towel handy,
George withdrew the bottle, wiping up her wet
farts, while Marie giggled and sighed. George held
her hips, so she wouldn't slide away from him, and
he thrust his penis into her relaxed anus. "Oh, My,
that's good!", he called. Marie giggled as he came
inside her, his seed mixing with the wine and beer.
Marie was drunk for hours, but he got her cleaned
up -- the bed was a mess -- and dressed by ten. He
held up two golden sovereigns, warmed in his hand,
more money than a laborer would earn in many
months. "These are for you, not your Auntie. I
want you to hide them and keep them in case of
future need." He slipped them, one at a time, into
her cunny. Then they took a cab back to the Harris
house. Marie went upstairs, to use the secret
passage to her room, while Uncle George spoke
with Mrs. Wilson. He could afford it, so he
negotiated a long-term lease on Marie, exclusive
use, every weekend, from Friday to Sunday night.
Later that week, although Marie had performed her
duties diligently, Mrs. Wilson decided she was
altogether too cheerful, and she had Mr.
Manchester administer ten strokes of the cane, after
which, with the threat of another ten, Marie was
forced to fellate Mr. Manchester and perform
cunnilingus on Auntie.
Friday night, Uncle George noticed the bruises on
Marie's bottom and became very angry, asking her
what had happened. She tried to make light of it,
saying Auntie believed girls should be caned
regularly, to assure they remained submissive.
Sunday night, before he would return Marie, he
insisted on a full-time lease. He bought her clothes
from Mrs. Wilson and installed Marie in a hotel
room not far from the Inns of Court. Uncle George
left her alone during the day, Monday through
Friday, when she would mostly read. He brought
her the papers, and novels by reputable and
instructive authors. There were also biographies
and histories, from his personal library. Over
supper, he would ask her about what she had read.
"You are a thoughtful and sensible reader," he said,
"more so than many grown women, wives of my
colleagues, I have spoken with."
Their nights were spent in splendid fornication,
unbridled sin. They also went out, walking the
streets, dining out. Uncle George bought Marie
more grown-up dresses, but still no corsets. He
asked her to wear her hair up and bought her fancy
hats, with plumes. "You like me to seem older,
more grown-up?" she asked.
"Yes. I look forward to your growing up, becoming
a beautiful woman."
"If you wanted a beautiful woman, why did you
choose me, a child?"
"No matter your age, I enjoy your company. But I
chose you because no man had touched you. After I
married my second wife, the widow, I discovered
that her previous husband had left her with syphilis.
Do you know what that is? No, of course you don't.
It is a disease that is spread by intimate touching. I
have a great fear of it. I could not touch my wife.
We slept in separate rooms. Of course we had no
children. She died of the disease. I promised
myself I would not touch a woman who was not a
virgin. I chose you because, of all the females I
might have chosen, you were the first that I
believed was certainly a virgin. It wasn't that you
were a child. I'm not a pedophile. I only wanted
to make sure my lady was a virgin."
One night, George said, "What's this? You are
"If it offends you, dearest, you may use my back
channel or my mouth. It is only my monthly."
George pulled away from her. "Is it not unusual for
a thirteen year old girl to have monthly periods?
How long has this been going on?" he asked, when
he realized the implications. "My Lord, you might
have conceived a child!"
Marie replied, "I cannot tell you."
"Why not? Just give me an estimate, a few months,
a year? How old were you when your periods
"I am not permitted to tell you. Auntie forbids it."
"Auntie be damned! I've paid for you, and I want to
"Can you protect me from Auntie and Mr.
Manchester? They said they would beat me, forty
strokes of the cane and more if I let on my true
"Of course I can protect you. I'm a Queen's Bench
Judge. If they hurt you, I'll see them prosecuted.
Tell me the truth, child."
"I started my periods when I was fifteen. I turned
eighteen last month, while we were still at sea."
"Eighteen? You lied about your age? You are a
"She lied about my age. Mr. Manchester said I
would be more attractive to men, if they said I was
younger. I haven't lied, though I allowed you to be
deceived. Please, forgive me. I had no choice.
Mrs. Wilson is my legal guardian."
"But you were truly a virgin. It wasn't a trick,
sewing you up or something."
"Yes, I was truly a virgin. Until Mr. Manchester
felt my breasts, I had never been touched by any
man, and you are the only man who has ever
touched my cunny. I'm sorry I'm a fraud. Have you
noticed that I used your razor when you were out? I
have been shaved, down there, to make me look
younger. My father was defrauded, too, for he paid
Mrs. Wilson to make me a lady, and I realize now
I'm not a lady. They say about one in fourteen
women in London sells her body. The preachers
call them whores. Really, I did not want to become
a whore. I did not sell my body. Mrs. Wilson did.
And you bought me, knowing you were making me
a whore, before I realized that was what I would
become." Marie began to cry. "Please, don't send
me back."
George paced the room and seethed, muttering
angrily. Then he stood still and said, "I really have
nothing to complain about. I conclude that it is I
who have wronged you, Marie. In a sense, I am
relieved, for I did have moral qualms about
debauching an innocent child. Now, you are a
child no longer, not in my eyes. I certainly don't
want to send you back to Harris House, to be sold to
the next bidder as a common prostitute. Come,
give me a kiss. I forgive your deception. Will you
forgive my arrogance, my selfishness? I had no
right to try to buy your love."
"But I do love you, George. Is it all right if I stop
calling you Uncle? You make me feel that I am a
lady, even if..." She threw her arms around him and
kissed him long and hard.
In the next weeks, George treated Marie even
better, if that was possible, and consulted her more
often about her wishes and preferences. He did not
seem embarrassed to be seen with her and even
introduced her to his clerk, when they met on the
street, and to a barrister, as "Miss Morrow, from
The next month, Marie's period did not come.
George said, almost cheerfully, "I must make you
an honest woman. I will get Mrs. Wilson's
permission, if you will consent to marry me."
Marie glowed and kissed him in reply. "If she dares
demand money, I'll take you to Scotland to marry
you, and I'll see that the police close her down."
Several weeks later, two letters from London
arrived in Georgia, containing clippings from the
London papers. The gist of them was that Sir
George Hounslow, QB, had married the former
Marie Morrow, of Georgia, USA, in a ceremony at
St. Clemmon's Church. They plan to honeymoon
on the continent, making the grand tour. In the first
letter, Auntie included a note: "I feel that I have
delivered value for money, and our accounts are
settled. It has been a pleasure doing business with
you." The second letter was in Marie's distinctive
Marie's bag was packed and in her car. She took one more look around the house. Everything was good, so she set off on her short break. Marie had booked herself in a five-star hotel. It was a gift to herself for being a bad girl.After checking in, Marie went straight to her third-floor room. It was better than she expected.Marie bounced on the bed, 'Oh, yes,' she said to herself.She hadn't gone there to pick a man up, but if she did, her bouncy bed would be a great place to fuck.Marie...
MatureMarie's Mom For the past two weeks Marie noticed when she got home that her mother was already there, locked in her bedroom. She could hear sounds on the other side of the door but was unable to clearly hear what was going on, and it bothered her that Mona was keeping something from her. The next week, when she got home from work, again she heard Mona in her room, and this time the door was not locked. Quickly moving to the end of the hallway, she turned off the hall light and returned to the...
Marie was back in her room. She went straight to the mirror and looked at herself. There was a smug, but confident look on her face.A smile broke out, "You've just been fucked in the ass," Marie said gloating to herself.Marie was a little tender, but she thought it was a small price to pay. Now she had the evening to look forward to.Time went slow. Marie couldn't wait for nine when she was meeting Tom and Ruth. She had dinner, showered, and it came time to chose her outfit. Black nylons and...
MoneyMarie woke at three in the morning, still on top of the bed and naked.Naked except for her garter belt and nylons. She had a pee and got into bed.It was after nine when she woke again. The air was full of the musky smell of sex. Or more accurately the smell of Ryan's cum Marie had rubbed into her skin. Rather than a shower when she got out of bed, Marie went to the kitchen and made a coffee.The phone buzzed. Marie had a text.It was Timothy. He wasn't going to make it today.Timothy didn't...
MatureI kissed Marie and asked her to snuggle up to me again. She asked if I would 'Save her place' while she went to the potty. She promised to be right back. While she was gone I undressed, it was warm in front of that fire. Marie trotted back, she was shivering and cold, she threw her self on those quilts and pushed a freezing cold butt into my crotch. " Could you help warm me please, it is freezing cold in the master bed room and bath" she said. I promised I would light the heater in...
Seventy-one-year-old Marie was watching Timothy mowing her lawn. He was nineteen and did odd jobs for Marie. The son of Marie's friend Margaret.Marie smiled and thought to herself, "If only I was fifty years younger."She caught herself holding her breast. A finger on her nipple."Act your age," Marie said out loud.There hadn't been a man in Marie's life since her husband passed ten years ago. She had always been a sexual woman. Now her only pleasure came from ever-decreasing moments with...
Mature“Why sure, you may sit here, Sir.” Marie Clair said to the kind-looking, middle aged gentleman. She was glad to have a “gentleman” sit next to her on the train, considering there was some “riff-raff” getting on behind him. She sure wouldn’t want to sit next to one of them. Her aunt had warned her about some of the people who might be on the commuter train. “My name is Marie Clair, and I’m on my way to Saint Catherine’s School for Girls in town. I’ve never been to the city...
Two weeks passed before Marie heard from Hiroshi again. During this time, she did not tell Jane about the video she had made with Hiroshi in the warehouse. She tried to find out what was happening with Brad, but Jane replied that she had not seen him or heard from him for some time. Marie wondered if she would ever hear from him again, and also began to think that it was time for her to return to Dubai. However, she put that thought out of her mind when her husband told her in a phone call...
George Jones was unemployed and having trouble finding work. George and several other employees were part of a layoff. George had previously worked twenty years with an investment banking firm. He was offered a severance package. After he was let go, George took his wife and stepdaughter on a cruise. He enjoyed several weeks off, but when he tried to look for work, he ran into some problems.Most companies would rather hire young adults rather than mature adults with experience. George...
TabooMarie was almost unable to focus on her daily activities of food shopping, cooking, and cleaning as she waited to receive a phone call from Hiroshi giving her instructions about where she should go for the video shoot. In fact, she had to wait for almost two weeks before her phone rang with the information that she needed – and longed – to hear. The instructions were clear and precise. Hiroshi gave her an address, a day, and a time. He told her not to wear anything special – her outfit would...
As Marie climbed unsteadily from the bed, exhausted from the intense fuck and suck, she turned to see that Brad was now intent on fucking Jane. Marie knew that Brad would not make love like her boyfriend - instead he would fuck her roughly, treating her like the slut daughter of the slut mother that Marie had just shown herself to be. She couldn’t bear the thought of what might be in store for her daughter and herself next, because she knew that Brad had no mercy and that he was totally...
The day of the gangbang arrived finally. Karl had arranged to meet Marie at his hotel and she assumed that they would meet the other men there. However, when she arrived at the hotel and met Karl, he told her that the arrangement was to use a private villa which belonged to a friend of his. This friend was experienced in organizing gangbangs and he was delighted to know that Marie was going to participate as the sex toy for the enjoyment of a group of men. The drive to the villa was a little...
Almost as soon as Marie rang the bell, the door opened. Brad stood holding the door open and ushered Marie into the room. Once inside, Marie took off her wrap and draped it over the back of the sofa – the same sofa where Brad had fucked her as she looked at Jane’s drugged face, and where Jane had heard her mother begging to be fucked like a bitch. “You look stunning” said Brad as he eyed her up and down. The dress was having the effect that Marie had hoped for which was obvious from the...
Tom was waiting in the pub for Marie the next day at 5 pm. Marie had told Tom that she could only be free on Saturday and part of Sunday, although she had not told him why or who she lived with. In Dubai, Marie had always been careful not to tell the men she fucked where she lived, and she had very rarely met any man more than once in order to keep her identity secret. By meeting Tom, Marie knew that she was taking a big risk, but she was desperate to continue the lifestyle she had explored...
Marie Osmond thought she had the world by the ears -- everything had seemed to be going her way, and she was enjoying herself in all of the twisted perverted ways that she'd become so accustomed to. One of the main things in Marie's life were her sexual games and perverted sexual pasttimes that she spent much of her time and effort and resources on enjoying. Marie had more girlfriends, male studs, and even animal lovers than anyone could ever have imagined. That was so true of everything...
Marie was in a particularly naughty mood this morning, earlier she had masturbated to a delicious orgasm while spending some time on-line. It was only 10:00am, the kids were at her Mothers until 4:30 and she had the whole day to herself. She decided she would go out grocery shopping for awhile. Now some people might find grocery shopping tedious or boring, but Marie new how to make the most mundane tasks seem very erotic. She picked out a short red skirt, matching red shoes, and a thin white...
As Marie settled into her seat on the Airbus 380 flight EK 001 from Dubai to London Heathrow, she wondered how life would be in England. Marie was a filipina maid working for a rich family in Dubai, and she was travelling to England with the oldest daughter of the family, who was about to start her studies at a UK university. Noora, the daughter, was 18 and she was about to live away from her family for the first time in her life, so Marie’s job was to look after her, shop for food, cook for...
A few days passed with Marie anxiously waiting for Jane to tell her where they were to meet Brad. Finally, three days after Jane had revealed that she was no longer a virgin, and that Hiroshi’s father was involved in the production of specialist porn videos, Jane came home and teasingly began to speak. Smiling at her mother, she said, “Brad told me where we should meet.” Then she stopped. And smiled. Marie was desperate to hear where Brad had arranged for them to meet, but she was even...
Marie expected that she and Noora would return to Dubai as soon as the university term ended. However, Noora’s family had decided to spend the summer in London, so Noora was told to bring Marie with her and meet the family at the apartment they had rented near Harrods. Marie was disappointed because she had been looking forward to renewing her secret life as a slut in Dubai. Instead, she found herself working almost like a slave looking after the family, cooking, washing clothes and generally...
With three more hours of flight, Marie wondered if there was anything she could do to satisfy her desire to be as slutty as possible. She considered asking Peter if he wanted to join the mile high club, but the toilets were beside the galley, and the cabin crew had all gathered there, so it would not be possible to enter and leave the toilet without being seen. Instead, she lay back in her seat and closed her eyes, and let her mind wander back to the time that she had been at her most out of...
Brad deliberately stayed away from Marie and Jane’s house for a week after the birthday party in the restaurant and his unexpected gift from Marie. Marie was desperate to see him again, and to taste his cock, but it seemed as if Brad wanted to show that he was in charge of the relationship by withholding his cock and his cum from her. However, Jane reported that she and he saw each other regularly at her college, but she also told her mother that they had not had an opportunity to be alone,...
That was when the doorbell rang and Brad told Marie to open it. Marie thought that the person at the door would be Hiroshi, and that he had forgotten his key. However, Brad told her that he had invited someone to join them, and that Hiroshi would come later. Marie had no choice, but to open the door and let the stranger in. She knew that Brad would not invite someone just for a social visit, and that he would have offered this man the chance to fuck a willing pinay. Marie hoped that the man...
And then she heard the doorbell ring. She heard the door open and realized that Hiroshi was speaking in Japanese to whoever had rung the bell. Marie was unable to raise her head to see who the new Japanese visitor was, but she suddenly understood that more than one man had entered the hotel suite because she did not hear the door close immediately. From her crouching position tied to the armchair, Marie could hear the sounds of shoes and clothes being removed. There was much whispering, and...
Marie is a little cutie. A bundle of fun and energy wrapped up in a five foot three-inch hot little body. She has long blonde hair which she wears in a ponytail, hazel eyes, a cute little button nose and a firm compact body with nice sized boobs if I were to guess a “B” cup size and cute firm and pert little bum. And although her legs aren’t long they are perfectly proportioned and shaped, all in all to my eyes, the perfect package. So what was the problem? Fifteen? That was how old she is,...
Brad then asked Hiroshi whether he would like Jane to do the same for him. Hiroshi stammered, “No because this is a very public place and anyone might see. It would be very embarrassing for me if that happened.” Hiroshi’s face was bright red, and he was sweating because he was so embarrassed, but the tent pole in his swimming trunks showed that he was interested in Brad’s suggestion. “Ok, Hiro” said Brad. “Why don’t you and Jane go into the clubhouse and find a nice quiet spot? I know that...
(As in most of my stories Marie is a real person and I've tried to represent her fantasy. She is a drop dead gorgeous blond with a body to die for. I chatted with her long enough to know she is a sweet and caring woman with a strong sex drive. Those of you lucky enough to be in the UK and meet her will want her, be you a woman or a man. I hope you enjoy her fantasy and like me wonder if she has really experienced it.) For weeks, months, maybe even years, I've known that I was missing...
After two months in Nottingham looking after the apartment, cooking, washing clothes and watching daytime TV, Marie was bored. She had plenty of time on her hands because Noora, the girl she looked after, was busy with her lectures at the university most days. Marie had become familiar with the local supermarket and she knew which bus to catch to go to and from the centre of town. However, she had not done anything apart from housework, food shopping and watching TV, and her desires to be...
The thought of Jane becoming pregnant was a big worry for Marie, and she often couldn’t sleep because that thought kept coming into her head. Marie had already talked to Jane and warned her about the danger of having sex with Brad, but although she promised her mother that she was still a virgin, and that she had no intention of having sex with Brad, Marie were still worried because she knew how easy it is to allow hormones to take control, and logic and reason to vanish in the heat of...
As Marie lay back on the poolside lounger with the towel wrapped around her waist, she saw Jane and Hiroshi returning from the clubhouse. Jane was holding Hiroshi’s hand just as when the pair had left Brad and Marie alone a short while before. From the smile on Jane’s face, Marie knew that she was satisfied with whatever had happened in the clubhouse. Marie wanted to ask her daughter what she and Hiroshi had done, but she was also half-ashamed and half-embarrassed to show the others that she...
Finally, Brad arrived to visit Jane. Marie and Jane had already agreed that she would sit in the living room and pretend to study. Marie would be in the kitchen again. What was amazing was how Jane took control of the plan and told her mother exactly how things would unfold. She would pretend to study and after some time she would tell Brad to go and help Marie in the kitchen so that she could study in peace. Jane was sure that Brad would not refuse. Then Jane told her mother that she...
Two weeks later, Brad had not returned to see Jane. She told Marie that he was busy with his research and that he had been out of Manila in a provincial town doing field research. Jane did not mention that she missed him, but Marie had not been able to stop thinking of how he had made Jane and her his sluts. However, she did not discuss her feelings with Jane, and Jane did not tell her mother how she was feeling. It was almost as if they both wanted to forget that night and the following...
Marie’s experience of dogging had been on Saturday evening and Noora returned from London on Sunday afternoon. This meant that Marie was no longer free to meet Tom. However, the trip to the dogging site was not the last time she and Tom got together. Noora often sent Marie to buy food from a local supermarket, and a few weeks after the outing to the dogging site Marie was in the supermarket concentrating on choosing some vegetables to cook for dinner. Suddenly, she felt a tap on her...
Brad stayed for the night because it was late by the time both women had sucked his balls dry of sperm. He could not believe what had just happened, but when Marie suggested that he should stay for the night because of the heavy rain outside, and the difficulty of finding a jeepney because it was so late and their street in the barangay was far from the main road, he agreed, thinking that he might finally be able to fuck his girlfriend – or even better, her slutty mom. However, his hopes of...
The next day, Marie and Jane caught a jeepney to the centre of the city. Brad had told Marie that Hiroshi’s family was rich, so he was living in a hotel rather than in an apartment. The name of the hotel was One Central Hotel and Suites. Marie knew that this hotel was one where many foreigners stayed, so it would not be unusual for a guest to bring a Filipina “friend” to his room. A few dollars slipped to the staff made sure that nobody would comment or ask for ID. Even though there were two...
Brad smiled as he saw that Marie was now totally under his control. He knew that he did not have to say anything about what had happened in this room in order to make Marie do whatever he wanted. But he also knew that he needed to degrade Marie even more by showing her daughter the depths that she had sunk to before explaining his plans for her to star in the special movies that Hiroshi’s father produced and sold to a select audience in Japan and abroad. As Marie watched, horrified, Brad...
I'd had always liked dressing in women's undies from an early age. It was usually my older sister's panties and skirts whenever possible. When I finally left home at eighteen and moved into an apartment in the town center, it really took off. I had had a few encounters with a few guys, mainly glory hole fun in the local cottages. On a few occasions I found the odd pair of stockings behind a cistern also which I would take and wash and then wear myself while wanking off.Eventually I got the...
Marie was almost glad when she saw that Jane was about to speak. She thought that Jane would not remember what had happened because of having been drugged by Brad, but she was wrong. Jane began to tell her mom what she had experienced. “I know that Brad spiked my drink. I could feel myself being drugged, but I couldn’t do anything about it” was how Jane started the conversation. Jane continued to tell Marie how she had been aware of what was happening to her. “I knew what Brad had done to...
Marie had given up hope of ever seeing or hearing from Brad again after Jane had told her how she never wanted to have any contact with him again, so she was surprised when she received a call from him one afternoon when she was alone. Marie did not know what to say, but she needn’t have been concerned because Brad swiftly monopolized the conversation. What he said was brief and very clear. “I want you to come to Hiroshi’s room again tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.” Marie was unsure what...
It was just a regular meet with Eric ( Mr. Thick)as he comes through on business every so often , Eric is our young friend whom we meet up with at times to play with and share my wife with , Marie my wife enjoys the fact that he has stamina is good looking and has a thick cock which fills her up nicely and makes her squirt.This time we had arranged to meet at hotel in our downtown area since Eric was staying nearby but there were no rooms available in his hotel , I got off work early that day...
Next day Jane had her exam, so Marie was alone in the house. Marie’s house was down a quiet small road with an empty plot on one side and a half-built house on the other. This meant that she did not have anyone living beside her at the moment. At about 2 pm, Marie was sitting quietly in the kitchen, having just finished her lunch and thinking about what had happened in this very room the night before. The memory of Brad’s cock in her mouth made her feel horny again and she started to...
Marie was desperate to scrub herself clean as soon as she arrived home. The humiliation of having her hair covered in cum and piss was bad enough, but the fact that her long hair had been roughly chopped off was what finally brought tears to her eyes. Marie wept as she looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom and saw hair that was ragged and spiky. She looked like someone with a bad skin disease that caused hair to fall out. As she looked at herself, Marie also saw the dress that she...
Marie did not know what to say after she had heard how she had suffered such humiliation for nothing. She did not know whether to cry or be angry, but, in the end, she sat in stunned silence. Finally, she recovered enough to ask Jane some questions. “Did you know what Brad and Hiroshi had planned for me today?” was her first query. Jane replied that she had no idea that they had planned such an elaborate way to humiliate Marie, although Brad had already told her that he was sure that he...
Marie ist eine alte Bekannte. Du stehst schon auf sie seit der Schule. Sie ist immer noch ein Pummelchen, und mit der Pubertät bekam sie dazu die passenden Euter. Sie hat bald nach der Schule jemand anderes geheiratet. Schon immer war sie eine Reiterin und du wolltest ihr schon immer dienen. das kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass du ihre reitstiefel abschlecken willst, an denen ein bisschen pferdescheiße und stroh klebt. und ich kann mir genauso gut vorstellen, wie sie da mit ihrem fetten arsch...
BDSMMy door-bell rang, not 2 minutes after I had gotten home. I was not expecting any-one, so I thought about ignoring it. But curiosity won. I knew the person on the door-step. I had moved her out of student´s housing project where I worked, about 1½ week before. “Hi,” she said, flashing a big smile, “remember me?” “I do” I said. Which was true. She was an exchange student, from France. There was no way I could remember her name, though. We replace over a hundred international students at the...
The helpful teacher, James, from the boys' school had been in touch, suggesting that the sixth-form boys could really benefit from some instruction in pleasing a woman, and would I mind giving the occasional lesson on the subject? As I thought I could combine it with indulging in a night of rampant sex with another dormitory of boys, I agreed readily.However, as I was intending to enjoy a group of horny boys that night, I did not want to get worn out or overused in the lesson, so I decided to...
ExhibitionismMy door-bell rang, not 2 minutes after I had gotten home. I was not expecting any-one, so I thought about ignoring it. But curiosity won.I knew the person on the door-step. I had moved her out of student´s housing project where I worked, about 1½ week before. “Hi,” she said, flashing a big smile, “remember me?”“I do” I said. Which was true. She was an exchange student, from France. There was no way I could remember her name, though. We replace over a hundred international students at the start...
She woke frome the noise of her alarm as she does every morning at this time but this morning there was a difference it was her 40th birthday and what a birthday it was gonna be little did she know her husband had a big night planned for her. She stumbleedd out into the kitchen for a shot of coffee and found a card from Jayson and she opened it it was a beautiful card as usel but a letter fell out she thought my what could this be and she had to open it right away she begin to read it the...
Jane’s face was dripping cum, and she was smiling. Marie was amazed at what had just happened to the daughter she thought of as an innocent girl, but she also felt two other emotions. First, she was half pleased to see how slutty Jane could be. But second, she was unhappy that Brad had not cum on her face. And like most men, she knew that Brad would not get hard again for some time. Unless she could think of some way to make him hard. Marie quickly thought about how to excite Brad...
Of course, initially Jane was shocked to see her mother looking like she had been attacked by a hairdresser high on the drug shaboo, but when she saw that Marie was not injured otherwise, she faced Marie and calmly asked what had happened. “Jane, I’m sorry ... I’m ashamed to tell you ... I mean I don’t know what to say ... I ... I went to meet ... Brad today” she finally managed to stammer. “I know” said Jane. Marie couldn’t believe what Jane had just said. “How ... how do you...
Marie had shoulder length brown hair, was less than five foot tall and had an innocent air about her that I found really appealing. When she was embarrassed her face just looked so angelic and she would flush bright red, looking at the floor. She had a great figure for such a small girl which she inadvertently showed off when she wore low cut tops, not really low but they would show a fair portion of her breasts. She was 15 when she met my son Lee. They had been going out for a while before...
The first time we are going to meet it will be in a secluded spot that we’ve decided was perfect for us. It was out of the way, quiet and pleasant. We have chatted online and exchanged letters for a while and had built up wonderfully, exciting expectations of how it would be the first time we’d make love. Our letters had gotten more and more passionate and exciting, the images each of us created for each other more than fantastic. I couldn’t wait to feel the touch of your lips on mine, the feel...
EroticDuring the following week I had gotten hornier and hornier thinking of the wekend visit to the air raid shelter. I popped into town during the week to get some make up and some clothes to wear for the following Sunday. This was going to be a bit awkward, but egged on by my urges i set off shopping. I decided to try the charity shops first and at the first shop i went to found a nice short black skirt and bought it. I then tried a few more charity shops and eventually found a lovely tight top...
I had graduated from high school and I was leaving for college in a couple of weeks. I was a preacher's k** so the church that my father pastored decided to give me a going away to college party. Little did I know that it would change my life the way it did.Let me back up to Christmas prior to this time. We had a Christmas party at Marie's home. I had turned 18 the previous month. I had walked to the bathroom down the hall without noticing the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling there. As I...
I had noticed Marie at the market checkout line every time she had the warmest smile and always asked how I was doing. When I asked her age she said twenty five,which was fifteen years my junior. When asked if she had a boyfriend she laughed and said they had went separate ways.Being the only one in line I went on to ask if she would like to take in a movie after her shift ended.I would love to she smiled shyly.I'll pick you up at eight then.As I drove out of the parking lot my mind drifted to...
The question that Jane asked stunned Marie, so that she couldn’t comprehend what she had just heard. Did her innocent daughter, who claimed to be a virgin, just ask her mother to teach her how to suck her boyfriend’s cock? And how could Marie possibly do that without Jane finding out what a slutty whore she had been in Dubai? Jane took the initiative and said, “I can see that you enjoyed it when Brad sprayed your face with his cum. Where did you learn to like that? Because I am sure that...
Ich war 19, kam gerade frisch nach dem Abitur in eine fremde Stadt, wo ich mit ein wenig Glück einen Studienplatz gefunden hatte. Meine Eltern wohnten in München und da ich in Hamburg studierte, war ich von meiner gewohnten Umwelt und meinen Freunden völlig abgeschnitten. Mit meinem Freund hatte ich auch Schluss gemacht, nachdem ich erfahren hatte, dass ich dort oben studieren wollte. Auf eine Fernbeziehung hatte ich keine Lust. So war ich natürlich umso glücklicher, als ich direkt am ersten...
TeenIntroduction: Maries training intensifies Maries Submissive Year Week 4 – Chicago ——————— WARNING and DISCLAIMER: This story outlines the travels of a middle-aged wife who decided to spent a year exploring her long-repressed submissive side. Her husband and her best friend subject her to the worst kinds of depravities during a year-old international junket. If you dont like that kind of thing, please go read something else and dont leave feedback here about how horrible and disgusting the...
I first met Donna in the Spring of 2001. We were both living in different Southern cities at the time, about 130 miles apart, and we both had an ad on the same dating web site. She evidently liked what I had written in my ad as she responded to it one day in late April. I liked her introductory note and replied to her and we began emailing, instant messaging and talking on the phone. I learned that she was an RN and had spent most of her career in either the OR or ER, working in the OR at that...