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You Visit L.A.
You are unfamiliar with the L.A. streets, and somewhere
south and east of the airport, you find yourself lost in the dark
in a very questionable neighborhood, run down, full of signs in
languages you can't read. Suddenly, an old van with a big wooden
bumper rear-ends your rented Toyota, driving it up over a curb.
When you recover from the shock of the collision, you reach for
the door handle, to get out and look at the damage.
As soon as you get out, someone grabs you from behind. A
coarse sack, burlap or jute, is pulled down over your head, and
your arm is twisted behind you, by someone you can't see. "Don't
make a noise, Anglo bitch, or you are dead right now" says a
voice which sounds as if the teeth are clenched. In seconds, you
was dragged into the van and pushed to the floor. You can feel
it back up, stop with a lurch, and then move forward, making
several turns, probably turning at every intersection.
Strong hands roll you on your back. Counting hands, there
must be at least three men. You feel the hard steel floor of the
van against your back; it is a cargo van, no seats in back.
Probably no windows, either, you realize. Unless there were
witnesses to the ramming and abduction, no one could know where
you are.
You feel cold steel against your throat, under the bag which
covers your eyes. "Listen, Sweetie, you are going to do
everything you are told to do, and you are not going to scream or
struggle or talk back; otherwise, you die right now.
Understand?" The point of the knife presses painfully into your
"Yes," you croak, your throat dry with terror.
You feel them pulling your arms above your head, and apart.
Your wrists are tied to something, maybe the front seats of the
van. They are using wire; it bites into your skin. They take
your Reboks and tie your ankles, using wire again, pulling your
legs straight and apart. You are spread-eagled, entirely
helpless and vulnerable. Your breathing is rapid. You are
hyperventilating and might become light headed, blowing off too
much carbon-dioxide, except that the sack over your head
restricts the air flow, compensating for your panicky panting.
You are wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. The knife point
slides down your neck, until the blade encounters the first
button of your shirt. There is a little tug, and the button
flies off. You actually hear it strike the metal wall of the
van. Men laugh. You smell marijuana.
You can feel another tug at your shirt. The second button
is cut off. Then the third. And the fourth, and the fifth,
which is down by your navel. Someone pulls the tail of your
shirt out of your jeans and cuts the last buttons. They didn't
have to cut them off. You know you can never wear that shirt
again. Will you die naked? The flannel is pulled back, baring
the front of your body.
The sharp blade, double edged, slides along the midline of
your tummy. You wonder, is it drawing blood? How can you be so
detached, so clinical? Does it have something to do with being
blindfolded by the sack? You cannot see who is assaulting you,
so you must concentrate on what you feel. You feel the blade
pause, between your breasts, and lift, and suddenly your bra
springs away from your breasts, leaving them exposed. Almost
instantly, strong, masculine hands grasp your breasts. They are
big hands, able to engulf your B-cup breasts, and they are rough,
calloused hands. They squeeze and knead your breasts. These men
have no respect for your body.
They could unbutton your jeans, but they don't. The knife
slides along your hip and down the outside of your leg, slicing
the denim. When it has traveled down both sides, there is
nothing holding your jeans on but force of habit. Someone yanks
on the cloth, and you feel it sliding out from under you. In
seconds, there is nothing on the lower half of your body but your
cotton briefs. You can feel the cold steel floor through the
thin cotton. You feel tugs at the waist of the briefs, as the
knife does its work. Your last covering is snatched from you.
Now your bare buttocks are pressed against the cold steel floor,
and your genitals are fully exposed to the crazy men who have
kidnapped you.
You know you will be raped. You know it will be very
unpleasant. You can only hope you are not maimed or killed. You
remember that woman who was raped and had her arms cut off.
remember countless reports of nude bodies being found in the
hills around L.A. You don't want to end up on a slab in a
The bag over your head is pulled partially off. You cannot
see, but you can breathe easier. Something warm is pressed
against your lips. "Suck it," you hear. You open your mouth to
receive the stiff cock, uncircumcized. It tastes strange, as if
it hadn't been washed for a long time. You are disgusted, but
fear for your life makes you suck it, just the same.
Meanwhile, whoever was squeezing your breasts is now
pinching the nipples, hard. You want to cry out, to complain,
but your mouth is full. The pain radiates through your body and,
by the time it finds its way between your legs, it is somehow
pleasurable. Another man begins grinding his fist into your
vulva, mashing your labia, pressing on your concealed clitoris.
"Hey, man, she likes it! Lookit her get wet."
The cock in your mouth is now fucking your thorat. You want
to gag. You can only breathe in gasps. You are no longer
sucking, just enduring. Sweet/salty semen makes you gag, and you
have to swallow it, or you will suffocate. Several men laugh, as
you swallow hard and try to breathe. The now soft penis pulls
out of your mouth, dribbling sticky fluid over your chin.
Now rough hands are probing your crotch, pulling the labia
apart. You hate that. You feel hot breath between your legs,
and then a tongue touches your clitoris and begins to lick it,
pressing hard. "OH, God, NO!" you cry, as the tongue rapes you.
Even as you loathe the violation of your most private parts, you
feel the electric tingles from your clit, and you involuntarily
begin to buck your hips. Tingles, twinges, waves of muscular
activity, radiate from your cunt, as, simultaneously, waves of
stimulation from your tortured nipples radiate downward. The
nervous energy meets in your belly, causing pandemonium, as if
your internal organs were playing musical chairs in your pelvis.
You are tossing you bagged head, moaning, straining at the
wires which bind you, sweating, on the edge of an orgasm, when
the tongue stops, leaving you frustrated and angry. How dare
they! The nipple pinching stops, and you feel a warm hard body
climbing onto you.
"No, Angelo. You got AIDS. You go last."
A shiver of horror erases the lust you felt seconds earlier.
AIDS! Someone else lies on you, the buttons of his shirt pockets
digging into your mashed breasts, his massive belt buckle
scraping your navel. His fat dick finds your cunt. With a
grunt, he forces into you. Seconds earlier, you wanted a cock in
you. Now, you don't.
Push, push, push, the penis invades your vagina. You are
wet and slippery. You were on the edge of an orgasm. Now, you
grit your teeth and bear it. Strangely, however, in spite of
yourself, you feel delicious tingles, in time with your rapists
push-ups over your helpless body. Again, you are gasping,
feeling waves of excitement racing through your body. "Uh, uh,
uh," you cry, waiting for the climax you know can only be seconds
away. Even now, your cunt is twitching.
"UUUHHH!" the rapist groans, and his spunk floods your cunt.
In seconds, his prick is gone. Your cunt quivers, with nothing
to hold on to. The promised orgasm evaporates, leaving your
feeling congested and frustrated.
"Was she tight?"
"So, so."
"This will help." You feel something being inserted in your
anus. There is no lubricant; it hurts. It's a hose, or
something like that. You hear a swish-swish sound, and
something, a balloon or bag of some kind inflates in your rectum.
"Ah, you'll kill me," you cry, as your stretched bowels send
distress signals of intense pain to your brain. You feel your
anal sphincters, and your anus itself, being stretched, dilated,
by the growing thing inside you. Your swollen intestine presses
your vagina. Your bladder is pressed, and you can't help passing
urine. The men laugh.
The next rapist is quick and rough. His swollen cock forces
into your vagina, sending waves of increased pressure through you
painfully full rectum. With the air pressure squeezing your cunt
against his tool, the friction is intense, and before you can get
over the shock and decide whether he gives you pleasure or pain,
he has ejaculated into you and withdrawn. You feel cheated. You
got fucked and couldn't even enjoy it.
You realize the van is no longer moving. You wonder where
you can be. "OK, Angelo, your turn." The one with AIDS! Your
blood runs cold. The hose in your anus is pulled. Almost
painfully, the bag within you bears against your anal sphincter
muscles, stretching, stretching. You think giving birth to a
baby must be like this.
"EERRRGH!" you cry, and suddenly your rectum is empty, your
burning anus no longer stretched.
"Shit, man, I don't want her tight. I want to enjoy this."
Angelo lowers himself onto you, pressing you against the hard
steel floor. His hard penis pokes at your cunt, trying to find
the hole. At one point, it bumps your clit, and your whole body
shudders. Now he finds his goal, and you feel your ring of cunt
muscles distended as he thrusts deep into you. He pushes hard.
His pubic hair tangles with yours. You feel your womb displaced,
as his prod reaches the very depths of your treasure tunnel.
Slowly, he strokes in and out, sliding on the semen of his
predecessors. You dread the moment when he ejaculates. Will he
give you AIDS? For that matter, will you get pregnant; it's your
fertile time. But such questions are meaningless, if they are
going to kill you, anyway.
Angelo strokes in and out. He even hums to himself, in no
hurry. One of the men says, "Hey, Angelo, enjoy it while you
can." Angelo tries to prolong the pleasure, changing position
slightly, making his prod rub higher up in your vulva and lower
down in your cunt. You begin to feel those pleasant tingles and
Angelo keeps up the rhythmic stroke, filling your cunt with
his tool, then pulling out, almost all the way, so that when he
thrusts again, you feel yourself stretched open anew, feel
delicious friction in your vulva. The sensations become
stronger, more insistent. Little shuddering twinges begin to
ripple through your belly. They get stronger, so that your whole
body responds. As he pushes down, driving his meat deep into
you, your legs stiffen, your tummy twitches, your breasts feel
electric, and your toes curl. Before you know it, things are out
of control. You are so sensitive. You feel everything, and
every touch sends electricity through your belly. Your organs
spasm. You buck your hips. You groan, and thrash and writhe and
go crazy, as Angelo keeps thrusting into you, giving you no
There is laughter. "She likes it, Angelo." Your nipples
are hard, your chest sweaty. You feel hot, flushed, and you are
breathing hard, as another wave of contractions washes through
you, like shock waves from an explosion, like an earthquake in
your body. And then it is over. Angelo has come inside you and
withdrawn his prick. You feel slightly sore, but relieved and
relaxed. It was a whopper of an orgasm.
"What do we do now, cut her nipples off?" says a voice. You
shudder with dread.
"Too messy. Kill her."
"No, don't kill me. I can still show you a good time," you
hear yourself saying, without even thinking about it first. You
will do anything to stay alive.
You hear a wicked little laugh. "Remember what we did to
that chick we picked up on La Cienega? The one that was only
"Yeh, man, let's do that."
You quake with fear, fear of the unknown. Someone turns off
the engine, gets out of the van. You hear the hood raise.
Moments later, they start the engine again.
"Hey, you red haired Anglo sweetie. Do you know what
happens next?"
"No," you say. You still can't see anything.
"Here is a wire from a spark plug. A hundred thousand
volts. Enjoy." You feel a sharp burn on your belly, and the
electricity spreads through your abdominal muscles and through
your buttocks and into the steel floor of the van. Your body
convulses, flopping as far as the taut wires to your limbs will
allow. You have a few seconds to catch your breath, and then the
wire is run down the centerline of your body: breastbone, navel,
vulva. The engine is idling, so the sparks are leaping to your
body perhaps twice a second. The burning pain where the spark
enters the skin is bad enough, like a red hot iron, but the
ripply spasms of your muscles, unable to relax, are even more
"Man, lookit her twitch!" says a laughing man, as you scream
in pain and frustration. Someone pushes the end of the wire into
your vagina. You do not feel the burn, but the muscle spasms are
Some one gooses the engine, so the sparks are almost
continuous. "UNNNGH!" you groan, through clenched teeth, as
your back arches and your womb leaps in your belly, and you climax
like the 1812 Overture, with cannons in your cunt. They pull out
the wire. You lie there, gasping.
"Any bets how long she'll last?"
"Not long. Do it again."
The wire strokes along your wet labia. Your body writhes
and bounces on the steel floor, as every muscle from your
shoulders to your heels convulses. You can't breathe! And your
cunt is doing things that drive you crazy. Through the pain,
your brain lights up with ecstatic orgasms, a paradox of
pleasurable pain. Again, they give you time to catch your
breath, to recover.
"Anyone want to fuck her again?"
"Shit, man, her cunt is ruined. Be like fucking a bag of
"Well, give her some more."
This time, they shove the wire against your anus. There is
no orgasm, just pain so intense that you faint for a moment.
When you come to, you hear, "She's not dead yet. Here, put this
in her." You feel something cold inserted into your vagina,
something like a wrench handle. "Now, just touch the wire to
"UUNNGH!" You make horrible noises, as your vagina receives
the electricity, and your contracted buttocks connect with the
cold steel floor. You reach a climax in seconds, and then
another and another. You can't breathe. You can't control
anything about your body. The electricity jerks you like a
marionette. Climax. Pain. Climax. Pain. You see stars, hear
roaring in your ears, and then nothing.
You realize that your are regaining your senses, but you try
to remain limp and not let on. You are being carried, hanging by
your hands and feet. The bag is still over your head; you can
see nothing. The remains of your shirt and bra are gone; you
haven't a stitch on. You can still feel the wires, wrapped
around your wrists and ankles. They must have simply cut you
loose, not bothered to remove them. You continue to play dead.
You feel yourself being lifted. Your ass bumps on a round
railing. Suddenly you are falling! One second, two, three! You
wait for death.
There is a jarring, stinging, smack against your body. You
are under water, salt water. You slam against a gravelly bottom.
You scrunch into a ball, holding your breath, and push off toward
the surface.
You tear the sodden bag from your head, gasping to breathe.
You can tread water. You are alive and able to breathe. You
wait, looking up at the bridge above you, blacker than the night.
You wait, until the men will be far away. Then you swim toward
the beach.
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Recently I found out that Kay and Don had broken up after three years together, and that she was coming down for a visit with her folks and would like to come and visit me at the same time.I talked with James about her visit and having spent time with her on our own in the past, masturbating together and knowing she would be sad at breaking up with Don, I suggested to James that I would be happy for him to do whatever he wanted, to make her visit a memorable one for her.“Does that mean what I...
First TimeChapter 1 The young girl sat nervously in the office chair. Her long, brown hair falling down past her shoulders as she crosses and uncrosses her legs nervously while she waits for her name to be called. Her hands fumble with a magazine as she tries to calm her nerves. This was not the first visit the nineteen year old had made to this doctor. But after each visit, she realized that she was more and more attracted to Dr. Connolly. He looked so distinguished in his crisp, white lab coat....
It was a warm summer day and I was sitting at home bored, so I put in a porn video to watch. After about ten minutes, I hear a knock at my screen door. Suddenly realising that I had left my door open, I scrambled for the remote to turn it off. I stood to answer the door and saw that it was my next door neighbors daughter Ashley. I had known her for years and she often did odd chores around my yard for a little extra cash. I invited her inside and offered her a soda to drink. "No thanks, I'm...
Prologue Anne was on her way home from a trip to the grocery store. She had told her son Jake that she would be home in a few hours but it had only been thirty minutes. He won't mind, she thought. It was hard for her to believe that her son was 18. It made her feel even older. She had gotten pregnant with him at 16 so she was only 34 now. She hadn't been real close with her son lately. He liked his father the best, and it was obvious. She had tried to spend time with him but it never...
Richard's Second Visit If you read "Not just another day dressing up as Gemma" you'll know I've recently made contact with a very nice gentleman called Richard and that I met him for the first time last week. I did a number of things for the first time culminating with me giving my first blowjob. I'd enjoyed it very much and couldn't wait for his next visit which was to be a week later. When you're looking forward to a special day, time can appear to pass all too slowly, but today...
This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and reached a high rank at a young age....
Of course I was expecting the doorbell to ring, after all I knew she was coming and I'd even heard the car pull into the drive, but it made me jump anyway. I suppose I must have been day dreaming again; whether I like to admit it or not, old wistful memories of the good times kind-a creep up on me unexpectedly, and sometimes, nostalgia for what once was, can be a real pain in the arse as well. I really had wanted to play it cool, as if her visit was nothing special. Because to me, it wasn't,...
Dear Readers my name is Sahebji. This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and...
While waiting for Marcie's flight to arrive, I had time to reflect on the current state of my existence on this earth. Even separate, the issues were complex; combined they were insurmountable. At the top of the list was Megan. I knew that she was disappointed with the way Mel had dismissed her appeal to spend time with me. I wasn't there and I don't know what was said, but I do know that he had flatly refused to listen to her. Mel probably wasn't a bad guy. I couldn't blame him for...
I am NOT the simply sharing Husband dresses up for his wife so that they can have a little fun during the weekendMy wife knew of my enjoyment to wear women’s lingerie when we married and over the months that followed our honeymoon she had often wanted to see more of me dressed up. I always enjoyed these times although they were not as frequent as I would have liked them to be. One Friday, after a rather long and difficult week at work, I returned home and was greeted by a tender hug...
My wife knew of my enjoyment to wear women’s lingerie when we married and over the months that followed our honeymoon she had often wanted to see more of me dressed up. I always enjoyed these times although they were not as frequent as I would have liked them to be. One Friday, after a rather long and difficult week at work, I returned home and was greeted by a tender hug and a loving kiss, as was the usual in our house. We settled into our normal routine and I thought that the weekend...
CrossdressingMy second year in college (at 21 years old), I met this 20 year old Brazilian exchange student from Sao Paulo in my Latin class. Her name was Liana, and she was drop dead gorgeous. She stood about 5’6″ and had Carmel colored skin. Her features were all extremely profound, as she had a large (almost oversized) butt, and D size breasts. She had green eyes, and her face was perfectly symmetrical, beautifully offset by a little birthmark on her left cheek. We took an immediate liking to...
Thought I would share what happened last week-end when John came to visit with his partner C. John phoned to say he was coming to London for a 2 day conference bringing C with him she would shop and sight see while he worked and could they come to visit as C wanted to meet us. John had already explained that C was a great lover but very shy outside their bedroom and of course no idea of what we got up to on his visits. They arrived on the Friday night and C although not a beauty had a lovely...
Crystal and I had been dating for almost 2 years. We were nearly inseparablec and she almost immediately started staying with me in my trailer home, which was fine with me because I didn't have to masturbate, and she could suck "chrome off my hitch", if you get my point. She had a voracious, insatiable appetite for sex and had no boundaries. We had sex everywhere. We had a 3some with a guy she met at the grocery store, a girlfriend in our trailer park, anal sex, public sex, nothing was...
Julie and I meet you at the airport and drive you to my townhouse. Even though it's not too late we decide to chill and have a few drinks at my place. We all worked today and you even had a flight. Normally we sip on wine but tonight is margaritas but we made them a little weak. No reason to start the weekend by overdoing it the first night. As we talk there is mild tension in the air. We all want to get to know each other a little better but at the same time we are hoping to fuck ourselves...
Kelly's Farm Visit----------I dedicate this story to my new friend, Kelly. Hope she and others like it.----------"Grr, Do I have to keep clearing out that old trashy storage room? I've been working on it every day for a month, and seems like it will never get emptied out," I complained to Dad at breakfast.This was not the way I had wanted to spend the day. The main barn was immaculate; all lighting was perfect, everything in it's place, swept clean daily and no trash other than in the waste...
Thought I would share what happened last week-end when John came to visit with his partner C. John phoned to say he was coming to London for a 2 day conference bringing C with him she would shop and sight see while he worked and could they come to visit as C wanted to meet us. John had already explained that C was a great lover but very shy outside their bedroom and of course no idea of what we got up to on his visits.They arrived on the Friday night and C although not a beauty had a lovely...
By : Exoticindianprincess As Mohini got up that day, an excitement ran through her. Her beloved, her beau, her dear husband Prem was returning from a 6 month company project in the Silicone Valley, US. She could remember the last time she shared some intimate moments with her husband, Prem. She shuddered with the memories of that night. She remembered how hopeless she was feeling that night with the thought of Prem leaving her alone for 6 months. Prem had held her in her arms tightly embracing...
Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Visit-A Magical Visit to Disney World Aaron and Beth were settled into their own apartment. For Beth the hard part about living with Aaron was pretending to be surprised by Aaron's idiosyncrasies. She had lived with Aaron previously as Ken. Prior to moving in with Aaron, she wondered if he still did the same annoying habit of setting his alarm for 5:30 am, then hit the snooze every to minutes for the next hour. Beth was convinced that she...
By DBARCLAY© DAY ONE Tony, Trevor and I were relaxing on the pool deck on a lovely Florida June day. They were visiting just for a week’s break from the UK. Buying a few cars for taking back and re-selling, something they did twice a year. The wife had gone on a four-day cruise with her mother to the Bahamas I told them that are weekend was going to be interrupted by a visit from my friend Monique, who was flying up from Miami, and staying for the weekend, she wanted some photos taken of...
Group SexHi everybody. This is sanjay from thane (mumbai).i am 40 years old with a very well built body .my height is 5’7” .now i want to share my sex experience with all the readers. I am a sex lover. Especially i am fond a women in saree, because i like watching women when they walk and expose their sexy navel. I am fond of deep sexy perfect round navels. When ever women in saree walk or lift their hands my eyes automatically get stuck at their sexy navel. And it feels to squeeze the juice out of...
Several years ago my Sister In Law came to visit. It was well known by my wife that I had a thing for her sister. She is equally sexy and seeing her dressed and watching her I always wondered what was beneath the clothing. Do her tits look similar? Is her pussy similar with large labia? When I found out she was coming for a visit my wife was already on to me about how lucky I was going to be. I could check her out. We made plans to take her to see the sights locally. We had even planned to take...
"I have to run some errands," I told Melanie, my wife of going on thirty three years.I added that the day nurse would be there soon, and that I'd be back just as soon as I'd run the errands. "You'll be fine," I said, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead. From the bed, she looked up into my face, and smiled weakly. "Go ahead," she replied. "Besides, you need to get out of the house more often. You're always here looking after me. So, go! I mean it. Do your errands, and take some time for...
Aunt Janice Comes To Visit Pt 1 Me, my step sister Lori and step mother Susan have been having sex together now for almost a month. I never dreamed my life would turn out like this, being with my step sister was so taboo and mind blowing, but my step mother too. I mean, she is one of the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever seen, and to be so downright dirty blows my mind. She told me the other day her younger sister Janice was coming to stay with us for a visit. I had forgotten what a...
IncestAs I said in the previous chapter, I am my parent`s toy. I will do anything for them. Till now, there weren`t many interactions with other members of my family. Throughout the year we did go and see some relatives and they did come and visit us. When they would visit us, I would put on some clothes as our relationship is a secret. It was the holidays. It was the year 2013. I was still waiting for results so I was at home. My father`s brother who lives in South Africa along with his wife and son...
The wife a informed me that she was due for gyno visit and that she had an appointment scheduled I asked well what actually goes on and she said well if you want you can come along and go into the exam room with me and see so I said okay on the day of the appointment I went with her to the clinic on the way she said that this Doc was a younger guy and I asked her if he was hot and she said yes he is. When we arrived we were escorted to the exam room by the nurse my wife caught me checking her...
The visitWhen one is divorced and have business together one always have to maintain ties. When you are divorced and Zefa is your ex-wife is no different. My current wife knows this and one or two weekends a month I travel to the house of my ex to take care of common matters.There I was on my way. I took the ferry. I takes almost an hour to arrive and when I got there Zefa was waiting for me at the exit. I noticed she got some weight. Her current husband wants her like that. But she’s still...
Home Visit As she approached the surgery on a cold, dank, and generally miserable mid winter morning Lisa was full of foreboding, the last time she’d had an internal the male doctor had been rough and she was contemplating more of the same this time. His rough skin, lack of compassion, and his leery smile had been the last straw for her, it had pretty much turned her off men for good. Lisa was living alone again now and alone was how she felt, she had looked online for another woman who may be...
Hello, guys. This is me Rajat from Pune. I’m 21 years old. My height is 5’11. Fair complexion. So this is a true sex story which I’m gonna tell you today. It was the day when our college went to an industrial visit in some big company(I won’t mention the name) for a visit. We were excited to go there. As we reached there, I could see my sir and a Ma’am. I knew my sir but the Ma’am who was standing there wasn’t known. We all went down. Sir introduced her to us. She was the guide who would show...
Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...
WHEN DRAG QUEENS CAME TO VISIT by Throne "But Margo," I said with a note of anxiety in my voice, "I don't understand." "It's very simple, Perry. I invited several young men to our home for the next week. You know I like to interact with people who have different lifestyles. Remember when I went to that retreat with lesbians and straight women? To see what we could teach each other?" "I remember." That had been a nervous three days for me, and my wife seemed somehow different...
Synopsis: Its a story of an Indian guy who lusts for his wife's sister, and one day he gets the opportunity of his life time. He catches her flirting with clients and decide that she may as well be an object of amusement for himself.In continuation of the story called Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The DiscoveryTitle : Complex Relationships - The Indian Context - The Client VisitSynopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife's younger sister is said to...