MC, 1862 free porn video

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     I first saw her during my morning walk; it was along the

path to Nettlebed.  There was light rain, as there so often is in

June, and the poor young woman, who looked as if she had slept

under a hedge, was damp through.  I tipped my hat, as she stepped

aside to let me pass.

     "Good morning to you, Sir," she said, boldly.  Our eyes met,

and I paused in my progress.  Her hair was straggly and her face

was dirty, but under it all she was a comely lass -- thin, even

malnourished looking, but there was something attractive to me.

There was something about the lilt of her voice; she was not a

local girl.

     "Good morning to you, Miss.  Are you going far?"  I said,


     "As far as need be, Sir, even to London."  I knew in an

instant her circumstance.  The war between the American states

was choking off the supply of cotton.  Tens of thousands of

spinners and weavers, throughout the North, were unemployed.

Some had family to help.  Some went to the poorhouse or sank to

prostitution.  Others, of necessity, took to the road in search

of work.

     "You are looking for work."

     "Yes, Sir."

     "I cannot offer you employment, but as a Christian, I will

at least offer you breakfast and a warm fire, to ease your


     "I would be most grateful, Sir," she replied, and it seemed

to me she emphasized "most."

     "Come along, then.  It's not far.  My name is James Fairfax,

Major Fairfax."

     "I'm most grateful to you, Major Fairfax, Sir.  My name is

Marie-Cecile Stewart."

     I am not a handsome man.  My face is scarred, my nose

broken, my hair graying, and my speech is somewhat impaired, so I

am not attractive to women.  I was wounded out in India, and I

sold out of the army in '57.  Nor am I a wealthy man.  I have an

income, a few pounds annually, which would pay the rent for my

little cottage and pay Mrs. Trumble, my housekeeper, who came

with the cottage.  I keep no horse.  I dress plainly, and

whatever money is left over I generally squander on books and

newspapers.  White Ladies Bottom is a small village, and I seldom

attend the local church.  Everything considered, it may be the

only female I have occasion to speak to, for weeks on end, is

Mrs. Trumble.  You will understand, therefore, that I was

intrigued by this strange young woman who disturbed the routine

of my retirement.

     My home is on the edge of the village, the first cottage one

comes to, coming down the Nettlebed footpath.  Marie-Cecile

followed me through the low front door.  "Back so soon, Major

Fairfax?" said Mrs. Trumble.

     "Yes, I have brought a guest.  Mrs. Trumble, this is Mary."

     "Marie-cecile, Sir," she corrected me.  "It's all one name."

     "Umph," I said, momentarily at a loss.  "At any rate, Mrs.

Trumble, I should be obliged if you would feed this young person

some breakfast and let her warm herself by the fire.  Not just

porridge, Mrs. Trumble, a real, nourishing breakfast."

     Mrs. Trumble said, "Yes, Sir," and led the young woman into

the kitchen.  I retired to the front room, sat by the fire, and

tried to resume reading a novel, but I could not, for some

reason, concentrate on it.  I kept thinking of that young woman

in my kitchen.  I had never married.  I had, of course, in India,

a concubine.  The Hindoos have a real appreciation for the sins

of the flesh; some of the low-caste women are shameless.  Back in

England, all these years, now, I had been deprived of female

companionship.  The social gulf between myself and the farmers of

White Ladies Bottom is unbridgeable, and I seldom get into the

city.  Even had I found a suitable wife, I felt I could not

afford to keep her in the proper style.  I confess, thinking

about the young woman had aroused sexual yearnings that I had

tried hard to suppress.

     It was almost midday, and I had read but a hundred pages,

when Mrs. Trumble announced that the young lady was ready to

depart.  "Leave us, a moment," I said, as she ushered the woman

into the room.  Marie-cecile had greatly improved in her

appearance.  Her face was clean, her hair combed and pinned up.

I had meant to give her a shilling and send her on her way, but I

could not bring myself to give up looking at her.  For all that

she was fully mature, her thinness and frailty gave her a

childlike appearance.  Her small breasts, hardly filling the

bodice of her simple dress, would not have been out of place on a

girl of sixteen who had not yet begun her menses, which, as I

understand, is usually at seventeen or eighteen, in these parts.

     I've no idea how long I stared, but at last I said, "Won't

you sit down, Marie-cecile?"  She sat, gracefully, sitting primly

on the edge of the chair.

     "I wish to thank you, Sir, from the bottom of my heart, for

your charity toward a homeless woman.  It may be that you have

saved my life, for I was chilled through when you found me."

     "Umph," I replied.

     The wind had picked up, and it dashed rain against the

window, made the fire flicker in the grate.  Our eyes met, her

blue eyes shamelessly engaging mine.  "Major Fairfax, Sir,

could I ask you, please, if you might employ me as a domestic

servant?  I would work for food.  Mrs. Trumble is getting very

old.  She could use some help."

     I looked out at the atrocious weather.  "Well," I said, "I

can hardly turn you out into the rain.  You may stay until the

weather clears.  But then, I'm afraid you will have to go."

     "Thank you, Sir," she replied.  "I will do anything to

please you."  Anything?, I thought.

     "Mrs. Trumble," I said, "Marie-cecile will be staying until

the weather clears.  She has offered to be useful.  Can you find

her work to do?  I cannot get my tongue around that name.  I

think we shall call her Em-See."

     "Very well, Sir," both replied.

     Well, I had not noticed how Mrs. Trumble had been aging.

With MC around the place, it improved visibly.  The fireplaces

were swept out, the furniture dusted, and my clothes, such as

they were, brushed and pressed, mended and hung neatly.

     Come nightfall, it was still raining.  Mrs. Trumble came

into the front room to clear my supper tray.  The servants, of

course, had eaten in the kitchen.  "Major Fairfax, Sir," she

said, "where is MC to sleep?  Surely, you don't expect me to

share my bed, do you?"

     "Of course not, Mrs. Trumble.  Cannot you fix her a pallet

in the kitchen, where she can be warm, near the fire?"

     "Well, I suppose so," she said.  My humble cottage had only

the two bedrooms, mine and Mrs. Trumble's, and only the two beds.

     It was the middle of the night, when I was awakened by the

sound of my door softly closing.  The rain clouds had blown away,

and moonlight illuminated my room.  MC stood there, wearing one

of my old shirts, which Mrs. Trumble must have given her to sleep

in.  The sight of her, there in the dim light, her hair down, the

shirt tented by her upstanding little breasts, instantly aroused

my lust.  She came and stood, quite close to me, and said, "The

rain has stopped, Sir.  Does that mean that I must leave, come


     "Umph.  I suppose . . . "  The thought of driving her away

was depressing.

     "If you keep me, I will serve you well, Major, Sir.  There

are many ways I can serve you."  She lifted the tail of the

shirt, revealing more of her lean, thin legs.

     "You have no references," I said, stupidly.

     "Cannot you judge me by my performance?  Do I not work hard?

As well, I offer you my body, to do with as you will."

     "If you have sold your body, why are you here, in White

Ladies Bottom?"

     "Sir, you misjudge me.  I have never sold my body.  I am not

a prostitute.  I offer myself out of gratitude, and affection,

Sir.  You have been most kind."

     "But, surely, you are not a virgin."

     "No, I have not been a virgin these past ten years, since I

was twelve."

     "Twelve!"  I knew that things like that happened, but they

are not supposed to happen in civilized, Nineteenth-Century

England, a Christian nation.

     "I have two older brothers.  They began to use me when I was

twelve.  No more, of course.  One is in the army, the other at

sea.  No man has used my body since I was sixteen."

     "And now you offer yourself to me."

     "Sir, I feel the time has come, to do this."  She pulled the

shirt up over her head, shamelessly exposing her most private

parts to my gaze, and she turned back the coverlet of my bed.

She climbed in beside me and snuggled close.  "Oh, Major, Sir,

this is nice.  It's nice to be warm."  She reached out and placed

her hand on my erect organ, stroking it through the cloth of my

night shirt.

     I rolled on my side and ran my hand along her naked body.  I

could feel her ribs, and I made a mental note to fatten her up a

bit.  I had not held a woman in my arms since '57, and I was

overcome with lust.  She kissed me, passionately, and I kissed

back, relishing feelings I had not felt for years.  Then she was

pulling my nightshirt up and begging me to use her.

     I made to put her on her back, to service her in the usual

way, but she got up on her hands and knees, throwing back the

bedclothes, and presented her behind to me.  I felt the lips of

her womanly cleft, covered with silky short hairs, and tried to

insinuate my tumescent organ between them, but without much


     "Wrong hole, Sir," she whispered.  She reached back and

guided the tip of my tool toward the anal orifice.  I recoiled.

     "Major Fairfax, Sir, why do you hesitate?"  she said.  "I

put some butter on it, to make it easier for you."

     You must appreciate what a shock this was to me.  Buggery,

sodomy, is a capital crime in the British Army.  I had never

thought of using a woman in such a way.

     "Please, Sir," she said.  "I want to give myself to you.  I

want to please you."

     "Is this how men have used you?  They place their organs

there?"  I fingered the buttered orifice.

     "Isn't that what all men do?  I have known only my brothers,

and one friend of my father's, but I had supposed that husbands

and wives couple so.  I have seen dogs in the street mount a

bitch as my brothers mounted me."

     "MC," I tried to explain, "that is the wrong hole.  Here --"

I fingered her maidenly cleft, "is where I should plant my seed."

She was silent for some moments, as I stroked her, as my Hindoo

concubine had taught me, and felt her nether lips respond and


     "Mmmm.  That is nice, Sir, but surely, with an organ the

size of yours, you could never put it inside the hole where I

make water.  It is too small."

     "Let me see," I said.  I got out of bed and put a log on the

fire, to take some of the chill off the room.  I lighted a candle

and held it close behind her, as she patiently stayed there on

the bed, with her rump in the air.  With my fingers, I explored

the cleft, expecting to find, perhaps, an unusually tough

maidenhead.  Gently, I parted the inner lips and peered into the

pinkness of her sex.  To my surprise, I found that, in fact, her

womanly sheath was very small.  I could not insinuate a finger,

and when I tried, with more force, MC cried out and begged me not

to hurt her.  To a certainty, this woman was a virgin.

     I put the candle on the bedside table and tried to think,

even as I pressed gently between her legs.  My manly tool raged

tall, lusting to be satisfied, but, clearly, there was nothing

for me to do.  Even if my moral sensibilities had not forbidden

my deflowering an innocent virgin, it was a physical

impossibility for me to sheath my sword in her minute vagina.

And yet, the alternative presented to me was, it seemed, equally

impossible, morally repugnant.

     "Sir," she said softly.  "I am ready, whenever you are." Her

delicate fingers tried to guide my organ toward her anal opening.

May The Almighty forgive me; lust overcame conscience, and I

thrust against her.  After a second's effort, my organ slid into

her warm back channel.  It felt so good!  Shamelessly, I thrust

deep, then partially withdrew, to and fro, revelling in the tight

warmth of her, and the incredible deliciousness as her muscles

gripped my shaft.  Too soon, I expelled my seed into her.

     For a moment, I was overcome with guilt, for I had ravished

a virgin.  And yet, I had not.  And there could be no scandal, no

love child, for, in truth, she was still a virgin!   MC thanked

me for my attentions, thanked me!  I put her on her back and

thanked her as best I could, by performing cunnilingus, another

secret of the mysterious East.

     Needless to say, I did not send MC away.  She stayed on, to

help Mrs. Trumble.  It was so nice to have her around the house,

sometimes singing in that strange north-country accent of hers.

When Mrs. Trumble sickened, MC was an invaluable nurse.  When the

old woman passed on to her reward, in August, MC was promoted to

become the new housekeeper, to be paid the same as Mrs. Trumble

had been.  Of course, as head housekeeper, she is entitled to be

called, "Mrs. Stewart," though she is, in actuality, Miss


     I had not, since that first night, permitted MC in my bed,

though she was willing enough to come, had I asked.  Somehow,

shame, and the fear of discovery, had held my appetites in check.

However, as soon as the watchful Mrs. Trumble was in the

churchyard, Mrs. Stewart and I were overcome by debauchery.

     I have become a confirmed sodomite.  Several times a week,

sometimes even in the middle of the day, since no one can

observe, Mrs. S. will confess to me that she has transgressed.

Perhaps she has spilled the tea, or dropped a book and lost my

place, or failed in the performance of one of her usual duties as

my housekeeper.  Well, of course, she must be punished, which she

implores me to do, that she might be forgiven.

     Somehow, in the context of my duty to discipline her, I can

forget that I commit a mortal sin.  It is always the same; she

has prepared herself by cleansing her bowels and lubricating the

orifice.  She bends over the table, or the arm of my chair, or

the foot of the bed.  I throw her skirts over her head.  The

beautiful globes of her behind are presented to me -- she has

filled out a bit, with careful feeding -- and I spank them, or

even cane her, which excites her terribly.  Inevitably, as the

ultimate punishment, I beat her with my meaty club, burying my

pillar in her forbidden pit, to our mutual relief.

     She dares not sleep in the dead woman's room, so she shares

my bed.  Oft times, late at night, or even in the morning, I will

devote myself to licking her naked body, all over, as if to bathe

her with my saliva.  Her little breasts, still girlish, are a

perfect mouthful, and, when I lave her lower labia with my

tongue, the taste of her juices is heavenly to me.  She tells me

I make her utterly content, and I have never been happier, never

in my lifetime.

     I have, from a physician in London, a mahogany case.  It

contains a graduated set of ebony rods, ranging in diameter from

one eighth inch to an inch and a half.  It is a medical

appliance, specifically manufactured and widely used, I am told,

to treat conditions such as the vaginal inadequacy of Mrs.


     All day, as she works in the kitchen or garden, my

housekeeper carries within her, there, between her legs, one of

the ebony rods, which I personally remove at night and replace in

the morning.  Already, she can contain the seven-eighths inch

diameter rod, and tomorrow, perhaps, I will try to insert the

one-inch rod.  It will not be long before I will be able to

couple with her as God intended.

     The question is: will I want to?  My intellect can

rationalize our unnatural relationship as long as the natural sex

act is impossible.  Would it be fair to Mrs. S. to use her like a

common whore?  Dare I to expose her to the risk of a scandalous

pregnancy?  I think not.  Dare I risk the possibility of her

marrying one of the young lads she encounters when shopping in

the village?  I think not.

     I think that, perhaps, tomorrow, I will "forget" to insert

any ebony rod at all.  May God forgive me.


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Watching Ana taking care of herselfBarely two months after moving to L.A., I suffered some injures in a car crash. Nothing bad, but I was supposed to stay in bed with some broken ribs for at least one month.One week later my sweet Ana confessed me she was getting horny and we should do something, because she needed an urgent cock to satisfy her and calm down her.I was still so sore and could barely move by myself.Suddenly Ana got her beautiful face red and left the bedroom, telling me she was...

1 year ago
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A Flatmates First Time

My name is John and it all started for me the same as most CDs; I was 13 and had stumbled upon my mother's underwear draw and for some reason I decided to try on my mum's pantyhose. The feeling was divine and I was immediately hooked. Over the next few days I experimented more and more with panties, bras, shoes, clothes and make-up. Ever since then I have had several unsuccessful attempts to quit my habits. I am now a 24 year old closet CD who lives in London with my flatmate Katy. She did not...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Beti Ki Jam Kar Sil Todi 8211 Part 1

Mera nam sagar he…. Umar 27 he.. Me aap ko bore na karte hue. Sidhe kahani pe aata hu … Meri agali kahani aap ne padhi hogi ..””bhabhi ki chudai. ..”” Ye meri sachchi kahani he… Or koi bhabhi ya koi girl ..South gujarat ki ho jo mujase maje lena chati ho. Apane patiyo se nakhus ho to muje mail kare. .Ye mail aapki khusi ka daravaja khol dega. Ye sab kisiko pata nahi hoga ..Aapki identity gupt rakhi jayegi..Aap muje mail kar skate ho ..Mera mail id he. (()) Plz muje jarur batayega. Meri kahani...

3 years ago
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Fucking the Blond Across the Street

This is based on a true story that happened 25 years ago.It has been six months since my wife and I had split up. Winter turned to spring, and living back with my parents at 25, was no picnic. It wasn't that we didn't get along, it was just that my parents felt that their grown c***dren shouldn't be going back to live with them. They had to deal with my oldest brother when he and his wife split up, now it was me. There was one day I was waiting at the bus stop. This blond haired girl was also...

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Waking with Dawn

I walk up behind you and brush the hair from your neck. I lean in and gently kiss the nape of your neck, slowly kissing you down your shoulder. I turn you around and stare into your eyes right before I kiss you full on the lips. My arms hold you as though you are going to fall away from me. A lover’s embrace as I whisper in your ear, ‘I want to make love to you.” Not waiting for your reply, I pull the straps of your nightgown past your shoulders and watch it fall to the floor. As it glides...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Krimson

Legends spread through the land like wildfire of the mightiest of demon slayers. Some say she was a demon herself. Others that she was immortal. The huntress known as Krimson was famed for being the best in her field. Her prices didn't come cheap, however. But for those that could afford her, it was guarenteed their demon problem would be solved quickly. Krimson frowned as she wiped the black blood from her sword before sheathing it, glancing down at the slain demon before her. The fight was...

1 year ago
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Leaning back in the taxi, Olive tried to relax as the lazy spring evening sped past the windows. Magnolias, cherry blossoms, camellias. She was passing through the quiet side of the city now, houses with gardens and garages, the kind of upper class pristine suburbia that only seemed to exist in lifestyle magazines. The sky was deepening and traffic was quiet. His house was half a mile away. She’d never been there before. He didn’t even know she knew the address, let alone that she was on her...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 4

After Carla's "accidental" nude display, Tommy started spending a lot more time around our apartment. He became Carla's "swimming buddy" as she called him. Tommy became such a fixture that his uncle, a single parent who lived on the apartment complex grounds several buildings away from us, worried that he was becoming a nuisance. Carla met him at the pool one day and told him not to worry, that Tommy was good company and that he was helping her with some projects around the house. I was...

3 years ago
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The single speck of light that shines through the surface from the outworld to yours, attracting you like a baby to its mother’s breast. You know you shouldn’t approach, you’ve been warned since childhood of the dangers of entering the warmer waters that lead to the outworld. Tales of evil creatures lurking above the surface abound, of the affect of the warmer waters on your breathing, and of the changes that can occur in your body if you ever break the surface. Yet there are as many romantic...

2 years ago
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My Widow Mommy Latha

I am going to share one of my experiences with my mom. Her name is Latha. She is 38 years old widow. She has got a 38 size breast and huge ass. Her ass is so plump she is a little above average figure like Shakeela she looks after me from my c***dhood days. She works in her house with sewing machine and saw dresses for women. The incident happened when I started my college and when I was 19.From my 9th standard itself my dream girl was my mom because she was only available for me so close. We...

1 year ago
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If you’re looking for Bondage Comixxx, I’ve got some good news for you. Not because I’ve started taking drawing lessons or anything, as I’ve usually got my hands full and lubed up here at ThePornDude. Nah, I ain’t drawing these artistic BDSM bangs, femdom adventures and futanari fetishism, but I’ve got a line on some really good shit. In fact, maybe you’ve heard of this place already. They’ve been around since 2008, get thousands of visitors a day, and have an insane library of bondage porn...

Porn Comics Sites
4 years ago
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A Flame in the Night Ch 09

THE FLAME (Act 3 of 3) Our adventurous night has been filled with dancing and candle-lit lovemaking. There’s even a large bag full of many sensual things. Though for now, the bag sits closely nearby us with more things inside it, most of which is still unbeknownst to you. But thus far its contents, including a candle and restraining ware, have added an exciting element to the evening. However, presently, we’re lying on our sides and resting on the bed with the lights on. Indeed, I need this...

2 years ago
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Masturbation In Broad Daylight

I woke up early in the afternoon, my parent was still at work, so I decided to take a shower to refresh myself. I moved back home after graduating from college. Now I try to write my first novel. I usually stay up to 4 am and sleep during the day. I went to the bathroom, took off my nightgown, and started cleaning myself. I shaved my pussy, because I hate when it's hairy, I like it to be soft, silky, and bare. I have not planned to masturbate that afternoon, but I was naked, wet in every sense...

2 years ago
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Dude Looks Like a Lady

Last night I was at a bar for a few drinks with the guys after hockey. We were joking, drinking and playing some pool. On the table next to us was a beautiful woman in her late 20’s playing against her boyfriend. She had huge boobs that were spilling out of her tight tank top. I was having a very hard time concentrating on my game because every time she bend over to take her shot I got a huge glimpse of her wonderful rack. Her Boyfriend noticed I was staring and didn’t look to pleased. He was...

1 year ago
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Lawn Service

Lawn Service I was living alone, cross dressing almost everyday and traveling quite a bit. As a result, I hired a lawn service to cut my lawn. In the beginning, I was happy with the results, however, as the summer moved along I became very unhappy with what I thought was horrible work. Many times I'd return home and wonder if my lawn had even been cut, however, I always received a bill. In late July, I arrived home after a trip just as my lawn service was leaving. Great I thought, a...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 281

DEEP THOUGHTS When your Gecko is Broken you have a reptile dysfunction, I have kleptomania, But When it gets bad, I take something for it~ Follow your dreams! Except that one where you're naked in Church. Heaven is Where: The Police are British, The Chefs are Italian, The Mechanics are German, The Lovers are French and It's all organized by the Swiss. Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake! My short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my short-term...

3 years ago
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Sissy Downfall 2

Sissy Downfall 2*My new life at Mistresses mansion was quite pleasant most of the time. My duties were to be maid to the two mistresses. I helped them bathe and dress; hand washed their delicate garments, cleaned their bedroom and changed the bed clothes daily. Sometimes, if I was really lucky the young mistress would have me lick her to orgasm. She had the most fragrant tasty pussy that I had ever experienced. Sometimes she would alloy me to play with my clit as I served her and if really...

2 years ago
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Room Service

Room Service.I lived on an outback station tending cattle, doing a lot of riding, riding a cross country motorbike, and lots of other general farm work. My sister had been on the station until she got married and then moved into the nearest town where she and her husband bought a small motel – only 14 rooms but it gave them a living especially as many guests paid cash. They had been doing it for a couple of years when they asked me if I could possibly give them some relief from the 7 day work...

1 year ago
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Mercado LakeChapter 3

Ethel sat Ann, Brenda and Father Adams at the kitchen table and started to busy herself fixing breakfast for all of them. Just as she sat the food in front of them there was a knock on the door. Father Adams walked into the living room and answered the door. He returned in a minute followed by another man who introduced himself as Sam Bradbury, Rosie Bradbury's son. Ethel got him a coffee and sat him down at the kitchen table. She insisted that he allow Ann and the baby to get something to...

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XXXAtWork Valerie White Voluptuous Blonde Valerie Taken Advantage of By Her Boss

Voluptuous Valerie White gets called up to her boss’s office for some disciplinary action. Turns out that Valerie was caught on video giving a blowjob to another employee! Feeling kinky, her boss, Bill Bailey orders Valerie to demonstrate on him what she did in the security footage. So she gets on her knees and digs out Bill’s huge dick and sucks him off, then she bends over and exposes her juicy, white ass and gets drilled in doggy-style. After getting pounded, she turns around and...

3 years ago
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Let He Who is Without Sin

This was going to be the most difficult day of my working life, I was about to preach a sermon that would either bring my flock onside or alienate them forever. I, Matthew Ridgway, have been the Minister of a church in a small country town for some three years. The time has been something like the Curate’s egg, good in parts. I have been accepted into this town and have made many friends and enjoyed my work in the community, that has been the good part. The bad part was the loss of my wife of...

2 years ago
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boys first black cock

I had been horny all day, stuck at work and craving a hookup after. I decided to post a CL ad to find a top stud to have me over after work for a little fun. I met my boyfriend that way, so I had some success before. I submitted my post and waited 20 minutes until Scott emailed me.Scott was a handsome black athlete from the local college. He was on the football team and was definitely built for it. He stood about 6'5", was just over 200 with a muscular build and sort of a shy face. He said he...

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Special Services

Tim Purdy balanced on his right (and only) leg and fished a pair of crutches out of the back seat of the Veteran’s Administration transport van. The sun was scorching on this late July morning just outside Atlanta. ‘Thanks for the ride, Mike,’ he called. ‘No problem, Tim. Same time tomorrow, right?’ ‘I’ll be ready.’ Tim slid the van’s door closed and checked the area. Since coming back from Afghanistan, he was much more aware of his physical surroundings than the ordinary American. He...

3 years ago
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Kamini Ki Mast Chudai

Hi friends, mai hu Ram “mastram” Meri age 19 year hai aur mai bhut si bhabhi aur auntyon ko chod chuka hu.Apne baare me btau to mai ek Average looking boy hu aur shuru se hi iss aur blue films kaa fan rha hu. Ye ek sacchi ghatna hai jo meri aur Kamini aunty (name changed)mere bagal wale ghr me rent pe aayi thi jo ki hamara hi chacha ka tha .Kamini aunty dikhne me ek simple lady thi figure 34 32 36 ke approx.hoga aur ek 7 saal ke bete ki maa thi,aur rang gora aur aunty ke boobs to kya kehne. Ab...

3 years ago
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How i not banged my mom for the first time

My family consists of my father Ravi, my mom Shradha, my sister Pooja and myself Harish.My father is 51 and my mother is 38. My age is 20.I was a normal guy until I started watching porn videos.My mind got corrupted and I started fantasizing about women around me – my teachers my aunties .Slowly I dived into the world of i****t taboo porn especially the mother-son genre.It simply blew my mind I started imagining myself and my mom.My mom was a hot lady she was fair in color with nice juicy boobs...

2 years ago
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My Friend8217s Hot Mom

Hello to all Indian sex stories readers. This is a story about how I fucked one of my friend’s mom. My name is Raj(name changed), I’m an average 18 year old from Bangalore ,5 ft.11 inches tall,dusky and when erect my dick is 7 inches long(haven’t checked girth). Coming to the story, I had a friend called Raghav(name changed) whom I knew through football coaching. We both were the same age and played for the same club as well. Eventually we turned out to be good friends. We used to hangout in...

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Fantasy in Vegas

Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....

1 year ago
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BangPOV Kira Perez Pervert Stepbro Caught Spying

Tyler creeps up to his stepsister Kira’s door to watch her get dressed. Kira has great tits and ass, whose to blame him? Unfortunately he gets caught red-handed and Kira orders him to come inside the room. Tyler repeats that it will never happen again but Kira demands him to take his pants off so they can get over it. After a bit of convincing, Tyler takes his pants off and Kira gives a great blowjob. Things get heated when they get on the bed and that’s when the real fun begins....

2 years ago
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Me My Father In Law

Hi, this is Santhi Prakash from Chennai. I am happy to share my experience in the version of the story which happen a couple of months back with my FIL. I am married to Prakash who at present works in a company as an admin personal at Mumbai. Now I am 34 and I am a mother of a 6 year old girl child, who is studying in a school at Chennai. I have been working as an accountant in a private company in Chennai and since my child too studies at Chennai, we did not think of moving from Chennai. I...

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Master Karl8217s dog

Master Karl inserted a funnel gag into its mouth, strapping it around the head. He bound the arms behind the back in leather cuffs shackled together with an S clip, separated and secured the legs with a spreader bar attached above the knees, locked the neck in a thick steel collar and then connected that with a short steel linked chain clipped to an iron ring on the floor so it couldn’t escape from a prone position. He allowed it to kneel on a cushion, although he could just as easily...

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For the first time pt2

"There's lube in the drawer there." I pointed to the nightstand. He found the lube and squirted some into his hand. He stroked it into his dick and used what was left and smeared in onto my ass hole. He wiped his finger over my hole and pressed into it. I clenched and tried my best to relax. I felt his finger tip slide past my hole and I tensed again. He laid his hand on my ass cheek and rubbed it. I looked at Matt who was sitting in front of me and saw his dick laying there, dripping with...

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294 Kitty and her James Bond

294 Kitty and her James Bond. Brady, the man in the tuxedo took his place at the bar, the barman did not need telling and within seconds the tall glass appeared, looking like something dell boy would have ordered. The man sat quietly waiting, he was the only one in the big bar and the silence was broken only by the tick of the bulkhead clock the barman keeping a discrete distance from the yachts owner, he knowing his place, and the wrath of the owner was well known. They were tied to a pier...

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sister in law

Invariably most guys who have a sister in law, fantasize about her, I know I have. Everything from attempting to look down her top to sniffing her used underwear especially the crusty crotch on her panties. I even stole a pair of hers once. I kept them for 3 months and almost sucked them clean of her juices replacing it with my own secretions. The highlight was when we were on holiday in a caravan and she drunkenly had to climb over the bed I was in. Just briefly as she stepped over my head a...

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BugsChapter 15

"Damn, last night was great, Wendy!" Mark had arisen to get ready for class. Since moving to an adjacent apartment, he had been "entertaining" every night. Last night was Wendy's turn. "Look, how would you like to live here with me?" he asked. "I... don't know. What about Eric? " "Oh, you'd still have to turn some tricks, maybe even do him whenever he wanted, but I think I could get you out of the fraternity party gigs." "Why would you do that?" asked Wendy...

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brother inlaw and I

I have always since as early as I can remember, loved the way sex make me feel. The sheer pleasure of being touched, desired, and loved, makes not only your body feel bliss. It touches your heart in a way that can’t be explained. Now I know that sex does not equal love. I have 2 lovers right now. Do I care about them? So I love them? Maybe care about in a since of love, but was not in love with. The man I am going to tell you about I am truly and utterly in love with. But know that we will and...

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