Cowed free porn video

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With a bit of Sci Fi, a bit of body modifications, injections, sex, racism even, and all that I guess I better apologise in advance.

No to hell with it, it’s a fantasy.

               Cowed part one

?It’s Carbs time Elmer,? John Amish  announced as he passed Elmer Torp’s front porch, ?shall I come over??

?Six O’clock, have  bite to eat,? Elmer replied, looking admiringly at Johns coach and four, the four matching darkies trotting along merrily in step as John sat back in his sumptuously upholstered seat.

?Nice Team,? he hollered.

?Geldings, nice tempered!? John replied, as Elmer watched their asses wobbling in unison as they trotted up the road butt naked apart from their boots. 

Elmer sat and closed his eyes thinking about Carbs time, which was the day of reckoning, every bit as cataclysmic as anything in the Bible or Coran, ever since they fixed on Global warming in 2020 they had reduced the carbon allowances bit by bit until by 2184 the rate of increase was down to minus percentages, and  every year they had a review of every family’s Carbon emissions based on their allowances and if they were far out then came the reckoning.

Most folks knew the what they could use, but sometimes they got a mite carried away and then there would maybe be a voluntary cull.

Elmer had been bending the Carbs rules ever since he left came to Hicksville to retire after twenty years as head lecturer at surgeons school at Fundy Bay, the city around the big hydro power plant up in the state of East Canadia, but now he had more or less retired again and handed over the reins as surgeon to young Henry Elliot, and that was where the problem was, Henry was over a year in Carbs deficit, and the law required redress.

They met at six, John sat his team down in  the kitchen and they started eating the spread Elmer laid on for them, waiting till he went before they started jabbering.

?Nice team of darkies!? Elmer said.

?Well you done ‘em for me!? John replied, ?Guess you forget.?

?Well you don’t look at the faces when you’m cutting their pricks off do you?? Elmer said, ?Still they seem happy enough.?

?How much longer do you think we can do this scheme Elmer?? John asked, ?Cutting their pricks off don’t make ‘em horses any more than milking the women makes ‘em cows!?

?When they been soloed and dropped they’re pretty much cows.? Elmer pointed out.

John continued, ?You reckon sealing their ass holes and making them shit through their?

?Don’t be crude, It ain’t that simple John,? Elmer explained, ?They get the full bovine tract replicated, hell you listen when they get excited.?

John butted right back in, ?But Elmer they ain’t cows they’re human beings!?

?Well they give milk and they only got one orifice, that’s the legal definition of a cow to stop people passing a woman of as a cow, two orifices no tits no milk and that’s a gelding, state ordinance 3287 of 2184.? Elmer countered, ?anyways, what we doing about Henry??

?I don’t rightly know.? Elmer said, ?He got this automobile hid, it isn’t just the Carbs on the meter John but he burned about twenty Gallons of Gasoline.?

John nodded, ?He got it bad Elmer, but that’s cullment territory.?

?Unless the family want to pay?? Elmer pointed out.

?I don’t know, how’s about we go see them?? John suggested.

The team were singing Old Man river in Barbershop harmony when they came back, the pitcher of moonshine was empty and the team were if not raring to go at least able to stand.

?There any negroes you ain’t gelded?? John asked conversationally.

?Hardly, they mostly gone down south, too cold for ‘em,  There’s just a couple of nine inchers.? He replied,  ?Miss Torp would be mighty sad to see her nine inchers gelded!?

?I suppose so? John agreed.

?And what about the Latimers and Kubiachi’s? Elmer said, ?them dark skinned ain’t they?? 

?I guess so.? John greed, ?I sort of forgot about them.?

John nodded,  Article 3320 of 2185 the Geneic Diversity order stated that any person with an erection exceeding 8 inches was immune from Cullment, which was blatantly racist, not to mention sexist, but there was once a white guy down in Sacremento, Paul Holmes, that managed an 8.12 otherwise there was only darkies.

Elmer still talked like Melissa, his wife was around, except one day she had sneaked off and had herself culled to save Carbs so Elmer lived alone except his daughter Julia looked in twice a day to get his meals and help with operations.

The old blacktop was cracked and crazed and potholed a far cry from the nineteen hundreds when it was laid down for automobiles and trucks, and they sped along past cornfields and, well, more cornfields till they came to town with the cow grazing meadows and the school and the Cow facility with its milking sheds beyond, and beyond that the heated winter quarters where most townsfolk would head each fall.

They carried on up main street to the Elliot’s place.  Ma, Pa, Henry Jessica and Amanda were all home.

?Its your Carbs, Mister Elliot.? Elmer said deferentially, Tom Elliot had won his survival through sheer strength and determination at his graduation cull where he ripped Simon Grath’s head most the way off and broke Evel Brooks neck, not a  guy to be messed with.

?What Carbs.? Tom snarled.

?Henry is a year in deficit and we believe he has an illicit automobile.? John explained.

?We bought extra Carbs from those negroes what froze last January.? Tom snapped.

?Yes, we added that in.? Elmer agreed, still over  year and that’s cull zone.?

?So what you saying?? Tom asked.

?You can nominate a proxy cull, maybe you or Mrs Elliot??

?No way!? Tom said, ?Next.?

?Put Jessica or Amanda on the Cow program.? John suggested.

?Sure!? Tom answered

?It would have to be both considering the Auto!? Elmer added.

He looked at the girls, the ?Twins? although never had so un identical twins ever been conceived, Amanda full breasted, blonde haired and luscious, just about to head for university and Jessica, oh poor Jessica, just a scrap of skin and bone, dark and barely eighteen and determined to get to medical school.

?No!? squealed Amanda.

Jessica just looked at Elmer with a look of mischief.

?Look’s like you’re on the cow program girls.? Tom said nastily, ?No more nagging.?

Henry sat silently in the corner his head hung in shame.

?I’ll take them now then Tom.? Elmer said.

Tom swore, but he knew he was out manoeuvred, Amanda cried and Jessica looked at her mother with hatred.

?Any decent parent would take cullment.? She snapped.

Tom’s slap broke Jessica’s nose, not for the first time it must be admitted, before sending her reeling across the room to crash into the food store.

?As I was saying, any decent parent would.? Jessica said nasally through her bloodied and mis-shapen nose as Tom again lunged, he missed. ?Shall we go.?

?I need my stuff ,? Amanda sobbed.

?Not anymore sister, you’re just going to be milked.? Jessica said, ?Lets go.?

?Mr Elliot I need your signature as these two are over eighteen and under twenty one,?

?Hey, let me,? Jessica grabbed her form from Elmer and ticked the boxes with a flourish, filling her name in, and handed it to her father as she staunched the bleeding from her nose so only a few crimson splodges dotted the form.

Tom signed with a bad grace and they went away.

There wasn’t room for all four in the cart so Jessica ran along behind, Elmer put a collar and leash on her but he held it in his hand instead of tying it off in case she fell.

It wasn’t far to the Cow facility, John said fare well while Elmer spent the night there ready for the morning.

They gave Amanda and Jessica a twin room with single beds better than they had at home and while Amanda wept Jessica smiled to herself and thought of the future.

Amanda was always the popular one, well built, curvy a magnet for boys while she was more likely to join in their football game than lust after a ball player, she still didn’t need a bra, the only ones she had were padded, and she felt pretty smug.

Sadie Markowitz was on duty next morning and she took breakfast to Amanda and Jessica, ?I’m on a diet!? Jessica insisted as she refused the food but Amanda ate ravenously.

?It’s drugged you idiot!? Jessica warned, but Amanda wolfed it down heedlessly.

Elmer came to see the girls after breakfast, ?If you would like to undress and sit on the bed Amanda.? He suggested.

?What about her!? Amanda cried.

?One at a time, although perhaps Jessica you could?? Elmer suggested.

Elmer checked Amanda’s breasts for implants and then he  took a large syringe and injected first her left and then her right breast.

?It’s hormones to start lactation,? Jessica explained.

?Yes,? Elmer agreed, ?How did you guess,?

?I read it in Henry’s notes.? Jessica announced, as Elmer put the syringe away.

?That’s it for today, get dressed, go home and come back tomorrow morning.? Elmer said pleasantly.

?What about her!? Amanda said.

?She’s too flat chested,? Elmer declared, ? she needs a baby or two before she’s ready and in any case she filled in the form to say she’s a gelding!?

?Oh.? Amanda said, in shock.

?So gelding get your clothes off because you’re coming home with me, I’ve an allowance for two to pull my cart.? Elmer said with a wicked grin.

?Hey, wait a minute,? Jessica squealed, ?If I’m gelded then Henry hasn’t cleared his Carbon debt so.?

?Yep,? Elmer said, ?But your pa and me countersigned the order so I guess that bit’s legal.?

?So why can’t I go home and go to med school,? Jessica demanded.

?Because you’re a devious little hussy, and I got uses for you, that’s why, now shoes and socks.? Elmer ordered.

?I can’t Mr Torp.? Jennifer wailed.

?Sure you can,? Elmer said kindly as he ripped her skirt and panties off, ?See!?

It was a little before nine when Elmer took Jessica by her brand new collar and dragged her past the high school, towards his house, past all the kids queuing at the gate, ogling and laughing as she desperately tried to cover her nakedness.

They saw the Cow-Girls up ahead just turning into their field their pink asses wobbling and bobbling as they stumped along, with just the occasional brown one to break up the monotony.

?Look it’s Jess Elliot, she’s a Gelding!? someone cried ?Look her nose is all smashed up!? and they all turned to watch as she walked past, Elmer took her a few more yards and then stopped. ?Squat and spread your legs.? He ordered and as she obeyed so he reached down, and explored her sex, then he withdrew his hand.

?Dry as a bone, didn’t it turn you on,?? he asked as he slipped off his coat and put it round her.

?No, it was horrible.? She replied.

?Well it gave me one hell of a boner little lady, so you better think on.? He said and smiled at her.

?Mr Torp, you’re not thinking of having sex with me are you?? she said, ?You’re as old as my grandfather!?

?He’s dead and I ain’t, that makes a difference,? he laughed, but really he admired the young girl’s playing of the system and he really wanted her to like him.

It was a pleasant stroll past the cornfields to Elmer’s house, he showed Jessica her quarters, a barn built on the side of his house, her straw was wet where the roof leaked, and the door was off its hinges, ?They say there’s a big buck with a nine incher comes round at night.? He told her and was pleased to see her shudder.

He set her to housework, he could have just laid her down and done what he needed to but he wanted her to make the first move.

?You best get some pants on if you’re chopping wood.? Elmer advised her and showed her where his late wife’s clothes were put away.

?It’s all far too big!? Jessica whined.

?Then use this Leather Apron.? He suggested.

She was useless with a chopper and she wasn’t much better fixing supper and then he took her outside to her bed, laid her naked on the wet straw and kissed her ?Good night?

He went inside and lay in his own bed, waiting and soon enough he heard creaking of door hinges and saw a small figure entering his room.

?You changed your mind?? he asked.

?I’m frightened!? she admitted.

?Then come to daddy.? Elmer suggested.

?Don’t say daddy, I hate him.? She said.

?Then come to old Elmer!?

He felt her warmth against his bare skin.

?I’ll wait till you’re ready girlie.? Elmer said and kissed her on the neck, ?I want you to enjoy it too.?

Jessica shivered as Elmer took her in his arms, his chest against her bare back, and then his hands were moving again until one rested in her crotch, this time her body betrayed her, she felt warm and safe and she responded as Elmer expertly showed her clitoris how much he loved her.

He moved fast for an old guy, there was a whirl of bedclothes and then a searing pain as Jessica watched Elmer’s surprisingly sturdy member spear between the moistened lips of her sex and in that instant she became a woman, there was less bleeding than she expected, and the pain soon ebbed to a dull ache which dissolved into passion and to her disbelief and despair she found herself smothering Elmer in kisses as he blasted his pent up ejaculate deep inside her.

?This is your bed now Jess,? Elmer said, ?You earned a place in it, you’re my little girl now not Tom Elliot’s.

?I’m your whore!? she cried, ?I wanted to be a surgeon not just a whore!?

?I said girl Jess not whore, if that’s what you want Jess why don’t you tag along with me, see how I do my procedures?? Elmer suggested, ?Maybe do some yourself??

?Don’t be so cruel!? Jessica stormed and went to run away but Elmer pulled her back.

?Either you stay voluntary or I tie you up,? he said as he put his arms around her, ?Hell I just had the best fuck I had in years, don’t spoil it!?

Elmer called around the Elliot’s house next day, Jess pulled the hand cart and the neighbours all stood and laughed at her as she stood naked, but as Elmer ordered she stood up proud and tall, ?I guess Jess’s things are mine to sell now?? Elmer told her mother , ?Being as I took her on as a gelding.?

?How in heavens name is she a gelding?? Mrs Elliot asked.

?No cock. No tits, makes her a gelding in my book!? Elmer pointed out reasonably.

Jessica checked her stuff and eventually agreed with Mrs Elliot that they had everything and so they made their way back to Elmer’s place her new status now accepted so people barely stared any more.

Elmer injected Amanda every day that week, she knew she was changing, even by the second day her bra was too small, and she decided to stay at the Cow facility because she liked their cannabis laced chocolate biscuits, and by the fifth day her nipples were too tender for her to bear to have them covered, and by the end of the week she was starting feel slow and lethargic and didn’t see the point of clothes any more..

Tom Elliot had to come to the Cow milking facility that second Monday to sort out the paperwork, there was a seven day cooling off period, and a parent had to countersign to confirm that the process should continue.

Amanda was not concerned, she had given up walking and wearing clothes already, the medication always worked well, and she could no longer bear the feel of clothing on her over sensitive breasts nor could she be bothered with the inconvenience of using a lavatory.

Jessica was horrified when Amanda crawled in, Amanda gazed around awkwardly, ?I know you!? she said, struggling to understand.

It was just a formality, Tom signed on the dotted line three times, except he never read any of them and he never realised the second was for Jennifer, and when it was done Elmer invited him to attach Amanda’s belts, one on each elbow and one on each knee tightening the buckles firmly and carefully, and then fastening the tether between elbow and knee so she could no longer try to stand so she wouldn’t injure herself.

?That could be you,? Elmer told Jennifer as he put a protective arm around her and worked his hand down inside her pants.

?Elmer!? she whispered, ?My Dad’s here!?

?So!? Elmer said as he worked a finger ever deeper inside her.

?What about that bitch you’re pawing?? Tom asked, ?Why ain’t she on the program??

?Gelding, no tits no prick Gelding, you signed the form.? Elmer said, ?I’m fucking her, any objections??

Tom’s jaw dropped in disbelief, he looked round, there were too many people with tranquilliser guns, so he said ?Nope?

?Best damn fuck I ever had.? He said loudly.

?Elmer!? Jennifer squealed as she squirmed in embarrassment ?Don’t Elmer, leave my clit alone Elmer.? She continued but Elmer knew exactly how to turn her on,

?Pervert!? Tom reeled as he walked away, ?Fucking a drain pipe with a fucked up nose!?

?You all right sweetness?? Elmer asked.

?Sure Elmer,? Jennifer exclaimed regaining her composure.

Elmer continued ?I forgot about your nose, shall I fix it??

?I can’t afford that Elmer!? Jennifer said.

?You want to help me do your sister?? he asked. ?See what you got coming if you get tits?

?Help you? That’s Henry’s job.? Jessica exclaimed.

?It’s only plasma cutting and laser stitching, I’ll help you.? Elmer said, ?Hell your eyes are better than mine, and at least you’re sober.?

?You’re not serious!?  Jennifer scoffed, ?Are you??

?Shall we get scrubbed?? he asked, Jennifer had mixed feelings, disgust that her brother and fathers actions were to cause her sister to become a cow, and excitement that she should be invited to do some of the work.

They scrubbed up in the shower, together, then they dressed in green surgical gowns and made their way through to the operating room.

Amanda was already in the rig when Elmer and Jessica came in, Dolores and Michelle the scrub nurses were in position, the laser and plasma module was warming up and the evacuation was in full swing,  ?we can give you thirty five minutes from zero blood Mr Torp? Dolores trilled.

?Waste and Urine?? Jennifer asked.

?Clean,? Dolores announced, ?Are you operating, only Mr Henry Elliot usually officiates.?

?That last one he did was twisted I nearly bust my prick trying to screw it,? Elmer complained, ?Sorry sweetness, I’ll let someone else test screw them from now on.?

Amanda was unconscious, her blood draining through a tube in her jugular vein, her head at waist level her crotch raised as she laid on her back, her legs clamped  firmly in the rig and her thighs spread right out almost straight from knee to knee to give the maximum access to her crotch.

?Blood gone? Michelle announced, ?Heart stopped Thirty four minutes and forty five seconds remaining.?

?You used a plasma before?? Elmer asked.

?Only on rats at school? Jessica answered but Elmer had already marked up the cuts.

?Just skin deep sweetness, get a good flap to work with.? Elmer suggested, ?And get the goggles on.?

Jessica grasped the handles and pulled the plasma cutter down against the counterbalance springs and tracked the blue pilot light onto the black inked marks across Amanda’s abdomen and crotch, she looked at Elmer, ?Atta girl!? he grinned as he encouraged her

The bright blue flash startled Jessica and she flinched momentarily before guiding the cutter around her sisters skin, it took no more than a few seconds, then her cunt lips and slit right up to her clit were separated.

?Elmer, now what!? Jessica squealed.

?Go In about five inches and separate it, and separate the urethra.? Elmer suggested ?We’re keeping the lips so be careful.?

?Like this,? Jessica sliced through the flesh expertly and precisely.

?Yes, take the flap Michelle, now you know your Biology Jessica you know what to do.? Elmer suggested.

?But you must tell me!? she wailed, as she peered into the bloodless tangle of nerves, arteries blood vessels and miscellaneous tubes that filled Amelia’s abdomen

?Nope, I pioneered this laser  method, first time I did it no one had done this before, so you do it how you’d want it done if it was you.

?Do I leave ovaries and that in?? she asked.

?Your call sweetness.? Elmer told her.

?Then they stay,? She determined.

?Get the baby tube straight then,? Elmer suggested, ?Henry always favours the poo poo, but that’s like fucking an ass, you want straight fucks not shits like frankfurters and a cunt with a right angled bend, and for god’s sake take care with that Clitoris.?

?All right Elmer,? Jessica explained, ?I see.?

?Don’t forget the urethra, she has to pee.?

?All right Elmer, say can I give some more volume here, I guess she can only take maybe four inch cocks.? Jessica said professionally as she swapped from the big rig mounted 250 zhk plasma to the hand held 2.5 zhk version.

?I guess leg skin is your best source,? Elmer suggested,  ?Michelle take six inches immediately above the ankle keep it as a tube please.?

Michelle had to do it cave man style with a knife and she cut around Amelia’s left leg above the ankle and below the knee and with some difficulty slid the tube of skin free.

?This is an operating room,? Elmer chided, ?Michelle, you’re not filleting fish you know!?

?No sir? she acknowledged but Elmer was joking, Michelle was the best there was for cutting and sewing the old way, and with her dainty little hands she could often feel any obstructions to the finished tract without need to fire up the scanner with the heavy Carbon emissions that entailed.

?Twenty five minutes.? Dolores warned.

?Doing well Jennifer, use the leg skin to lengthen,? Elmer instructed, ?No inside out, hairy side in, that’s it, laser it, spot weld that flesh and if its right then bead and seam weld the flesh, good girl!? Elmer praised her.  ?All around, now where’s the anus, you want to cut that out next and half way down the new sleeve, get a good angle if you can.

?I want it as close to her lips as I can Elmer,? Jennifer suggested.

?It’s your sister, you do what you want, but don’t forget she needs to pee.? Elmer said.

Jennifer worked frantically, spreading Geneticaid and Tissuefix gel over the surfaces as she worked to promote rapid blood cell regeneration and nerve growth in the severed areas.

?Jennifer, watch that Clitoris, for heavens sake don’t sever it!? Elmer cried as Jennifer went to laser away her sisters future happiness, ?Clit nerves never regenerate properly, just cut round and laser it into, ? he stopped talking as Jennifer carefully worked the little maggot like clitoris around back and under other nerves and veins until it nestled against the lengthened penile receptor.

?Here?? Jennifer asked.

?You’re a girl!? Elmer said, ?You should know.?

?If its four inches in even a four incher should give her some fun.? Jennifer explained.

?Time Jennifer and the Urethra, she has to pee somewhere.? Elmer explained, ?Michelle, can you get some Fibrebone sheet and gel please we have a problem.? He continued.

?What is it Elmer?? Jennifer asked,

?Pelvic floor, the floor needs to come out, that bone, look, laser it out and we’ll make good with fibrebone, is that ok.?

?Why?? Jennifer asked,

?Unless you want her cunt to stick out like, well I don’t know what, but the alignment’s wrong.?

Michelle brought the Fibrebone, in a dish and  a can of activator spray ?Three minute setting time from activator spray sir .? she advised.

?Times wasting Michelle, can you fix up the legs?? Elmer asked.

?Yes sir,? Michelle replied, ?I always do Henrys, rubber or bone??

?You choose? Elmer said, ?But a pair ok!?

Michell laughed at the time she shortened one of a cow girl’s legs and did a bone hoof while Henry did the other with a ball end for a rubber boot.

Jennifer tried to ignore what was happening as Michelle hacked Amanda’s legs off jut below the knee with the big 250 kh plasma, it was supposed to be a spare for rig mounting but Michelle often used it as a hand held in preference to the chain saw.

Michelle carefully set the discarded limb aside, sometimes the skin and bone was re used immediately but often the material was saved and made into Fibrebone or Fibreskin where real bone fibre and glasseous fibre were made as sheets and power as quick drying new skin or bone for operations.

?Take a breather sweetness? Elmer suggested as he dived in and attacked Amanda’s pelvic bone with the laser, cutting away a big portion which allowed her legs to spread further apart before making good in Fibrebone.

?Twelve minutes.?  Dolores warned

?Left leg done,? Michelle announced.

?Urethra? Elmer said again.

?Its round the back.? Jennifer said.

?She’ll pee on her clit.? Elmer said, ?She’ll cum when she pees. Oh?

?Lucky girl!? said Dolores.

?So where’s the problem Elmer.? Jennifer said.

?Makes men redundant maybe.? Said Elmer.

?You can always screw her sister,? said Jennifer and she giggled as she tacked Amelia’s labia in place, ?how’s that?

?That’s really elegant!? Elmer suggested, ?Is there a straight run in??

?To the womb yes,? said Jennifer.

?Then finish up.? said Elmer.

?Seven minutes,? Dolores intoned.

The very last part was sealing the hole where there used to be an anal orifice and making good up front and Jennifer lovingly laser welded pieces of surplus leg tissue over the gaps so there was no hint of any join.

?Three minutes,? Dolores warned.

?Are we finished,?? Elmer asked, Jennifer stood away as did Michelle. ?Then blood ninety and stand by for restart in thirty, twenty nine,? Elmer intoned.

Jennifer could barely look as her sisters blood started to return through the pipe in her throat, ?We’ll do the brain live.? Elmer suggested.

?Why not give her a week and se what she says.? Jennifer suggested.

?I suppose we could, but if she starts screaming we sedate and lobotomise immediately.? Elmer said forcefully, as he wrapped his big hairy arms around Jennifer and kissed the back of her head.

?Are we clear for restart.? Dolores asked, as she checked they were clear and turned the switch through auxiliary to on and then to start.

The started whirred and then as the charge built suddenly Amelia’s heart trace started moving on the hologram indicator.

?Pumping,? Dolores said needlessly, ?And lung function, going autonomous.? Dolores added as she switched the life support to standby.

Amelia coughed and farted, and went back to sleep.

?Well done!? Elmer said, ?I’m going to grow you some tits young lady.?

?What?? Jennifer said.

?After I fixed your nose now sit down on the bench.? Elmer ordered.

?Aren’t you going to sedate me?? Jennifer said as Elmer took the little 2.5 zkh plasma and started to cut her nose open.

?Twenty mil of three minute genetic Fibrebone please Michelle,? Elmer requested as he staunched the bleeding and then he pulled the broken fragments of bone clear.

?Hemer hiss goo hexpensive? Jennifer objected.

?Your Pa’s paying, only the best for my Jennifer, now lets get you prettied up.? Elmer said quietly.

She wondered what sort of nose Elmer would give her, but when he was done and Michelle had welded her skin back nice and neat with the laser she figured she looked just like she always did.

?What about my breasts Elmer?? Jennifer asked.

?That’s in hand, like I swapped your birth control pills.? Elmer said.

?I haven’t been taking them,? Jennifer said, ?I figured maybe you would marry me if I get a kid.?

Elmer suddenly figured it out, ?And if you do your Carbs allowance goes to me and.?

?Yes you get to geld Henry.? Jennifer laughed, ?But I want you Elmer, we’re a great team.?

?Well if we’re finished up here we best get down the Mayor’s office and get things legalised.? Elmer decided he better jump right in before Jennifer got away.

To be continued

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Since I had planned to spend the four day weekend with my family and Jennifer, I had insisted on doing most of my sluts due those days on that Wednesday. I had been warning them all that I wasn’t going to be doing these weekly fucks one on one much longer and had had threesomes with most of them at least once. I had not yet done anything more than use my magic touch on any of them, but I decided I would take it to the next level that evening. As I drove to my home, I completely forgot about...

2 years ago
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My pig boyfriend

My boyfriend is a pig. I mean, he didn't devolve into one overnight. At first everything was fine. We dated a couple of times, he seemed like a normal adult male. Sure, he was in his thirties and still rented. He worked as a carpenter. I was willing to overlook that by his thirties he should have been on his own or running a small company instead of working on someone else's crew. And of course, his profession was seasonal. So, his company shut down just after Thanksgiving. And he...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 33 Victimized

Monday, June 24, 1996, Sanford Maine I sat in stunned disbelief. From the moment that I had been placed into the back of the police car until the moment that they had me sitting in an ‘interview room, I was feeling pretty surreal. I couldn’t for the life of me comprehend a world where I was the one being arrested for assault when all I had done was save a friend from being raped. I looked up from where I was sitting as the door opened, and the Detective who had arrested me came into the room...

3 years ago
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Volunteer of the Year

Men often complain that their wives arent interested in sex, but my husband doesnt complain at all — Im the one with the complaint! From early morning to late at night, my husband works as a heavy equipment salesman. He makes tons of money, but he never makes love to me except for a half-hearted effort on some weekends. Whats even worse, when he gets home at night he usually falls asleep on the couch. We never see a movie, go out to dinner, or even just go to the mall to get out of...

3 years ago
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Older is Better

“Bye Kim, nice to meet you Beth, have fun!” As one of my favorite customers left my shop, I topped off my coffee and went back to my crossword. Working in an adult toy store dulls some people’s sexual appetite, but even after six years mine was going strong. In the afternoons there was often a lot of time between customers, but I had ways to pass the time and keep myself amused. As I worked on the puzzle, I ground my ass into the chair to feel the butt plug shift inside me. “Maybe It’s time...

2 years ago
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unfaithfull with consequences

My wife and I had been married for three great years. We were high school sweathearts in the middle of small town in germany. She is the only woman I have been with and I was the only man who she had had. I was a normal looking guy, dark hair, average height and weight. My wife was a cute little girl with italian ancestors . She had shoulder length black hair and a nice little body. She was petite with a nice little rack. She looked alot like Christina Aguilera except she dressed much more...

3 years ago
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How I became a dirty anal cumslut part IV

I was standing in the doorway to the nurse’s office. It was warm in her room, and the lights were a little dimmer. “Come in”, said the nurse. And I moved into the room to her desk. It was quiet in there, cold and flu season was over and nobody got hurt in gym class that morning...nobody was playing sports haha. “You’ve had a full morning” she said. “It’s been awhile since we’ve had one of these fun days, I’m glad you gave us the opportunity!”I smiled big, “Oh no, thank you all. This has been an...

2 years ago
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Going to Hell

“And those sinners who dare argue with our Lord’s divine will,” shouted the Reverend Gary Whitman, “Will be doomed to spend an eternity in hell! Who is that, you ask? Who are these sinners? Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you. It’s the murderers, the criminals, the thieves!” The congregation cheered. Reverend Whitman’s movements were animated and exaggerated when he was in the middle of a sermon. Whitman was a man in his mid-forties whose light brown hair was beginning to gray. He was...

3 years ago
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Ladies Tailor Ki Chut Maari

I’m Rakesh 27yrs, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I’m going to tell u my story which happened with me last summer, as I’m 5’7″ and having good physique, all the ladies who see me got impressed with me. I got married and was living with my wife for one month. Once she was to get her one suit stitched so we visited a women tailor. Her shop was like one shop in front and one adjoining room for her tailoring and after that her house. She was a girl of near about 22 yrs. She took my...

2 years ago
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Because I can

She spends a lot of time dreaming sexual fantasies in her own head. Constantly thinking about how she would love to have more than just her husband's cock keeping the usual beat on the usual night of a boring week. When he's not home she surfs the net reading erotica and sometimes takes a change to watch porn on line. She has her toys... he doesn't know she has them, he doesn't know that she likes to have her nipples pinched very very very hard and roughly pulled and twisted. She loves to have...

3 years ago
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My Daughter and My Wife Go Black

Our white daughter is 19, attends a nearby college. To save money still lives with us. She has her own bedroom and sometimes has male friends over when we are out. It took a while, but we got used to it.This one Friday night my wife and I were supposed to go out for dinner as usual, but there was a long line at our favorite restaurant. We decided to just grab a couple hamburgers at a drive-through and head home -- a couple hours earlier than usual.As we sat in the kitchen eating our hamburgers,...

1 year ago
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Amutha Teacher Udan Kaama Aatam

Hi friends,  en peyar roshan vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan parka azhagaga velaiyaaga irupen, ithu naal varai niraiya pengalai usar seithu matter seithu irukiren. Azhagana pengalai paarthaal enaku migavum pidithu vidum, en kalluriyil padikum niraiya pengalai naan oothu irukiren. Aanal ithu naal varai entha auntyaiyum oothathu kidaiyaathu, en nanbargal niraiya per auntyai oothu vittu semaya irunthathu endru solluvaargal. Aunty mogam thaan osathi endru soluvaargal, ennai keli seivaargal ithu naal...

2 years ago
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Grandpas Treat Part 2

After Mrs Duff and Mary left I sat back down and pondered about the situation, I couldn’t make Mrs Duff out, she looked good but business like and had quite a good body on her and the fact she took some cum from my shorts and licked her finger really had got me thinking, and what was all this about yogurt!!I must have dozed off again because the doorbell woke me up, in a daze I walked to the door and standing there was Mrs Duff, “Hello again Frank, I just dropped a lad off up the road and...

3 years ago
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VacationsChapter 11

Taylor smiled to herself as Billy drove through the darkened streets to his house. His mother had made them drive over to the house before dinner so she could take pictures of them together. His parents had divorced years ago, and now it was simply the two of them. She worked the graveyard shift, eleven to seven, to pick up the shift differential, and had cadged a ride with a friend to work. She and Taylor would have the house to themselves for hours. They had been dating since the Spring...

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Small Side Trip

Copyright 2001 by the Wraith390 Edited by Sara Sue Anne Martin and her daughter Lauren were on the last days of a working vacation, traveling around Mexico City to study the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Lauren needed some field research notes before returning to Yale to write her final dissertation to get her doctorate in archeology. They decided to take a quick morning drive before the flight home the next morning. The two women were enjoying the quiet countryside and just getting out of the big...

1 year ago
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Ginas Education pt2

Marcy told me "Roy you can't cum in me, you have more ladies to service." I pulled out and got up and went to the redhead who was cleaning Toms cock. She had medium size breast with light purple nipples, nipple rings and a cute little pussy. I noticed another guy between Gina's legs and he was only 5 inches but he fucked her like a dog in heat. I could see cum being pushed out of her pussy with every stroke.

2 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 67

Sandra placed her bicycle against the wall, next to the few stairs that went up to the front door. Timmy, however, had other plans and had run away towards the forest. Sandra could guess what he was looking for, but for now, she wanted him to be with her. She whistled at him and he immediately turned around and came running towards her. Together, they followed Martha inside the mansion. The first thing she noticed, was how cold the floor felt beneath her feet and also that it was much cooler...

1 year ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 33

"Malfoy's back!" The cry was taken up by others as the news quickly spread through the Great Hall. Ron stopped chewing, his open mouth gaping in astonishment as he saw Draco's tall, thin form make its way towards the Slytherin table. "Oh Ron, do close your mouth, please," said Hermione absently, watching as Malfoy headed towards his accustomed seat, greeting his friends noisily as he did so. A throng formed around him, through which Pansy struggled until she finally succeeding in...

4 years ago
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What Once Was Old Part 6

I woke up feeling refreshed. I stretched my arms over my head and let out a nice healthy yawn. The way my breasts rose as I inhaled was an interesting feeling to say the least. I hopped out of bed and let my arms drop to my side and in a very unladylike manner gave my vagina a quick scratch. Is this thing supposed to itch so much? Well, even so, I would take a little itchiness down there than have to deal with the constant adjusting of my penis I had been doing all my life. I made my way...

4 years ago
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You Are Who You Are Chapter 5

Ch 5 On Thursday, Dan, my editor, called me over to his desk. "I need you to go to Binghamton for some photos from a perp walk. A former resident was arrested for murder. Since football is winding down, I thought you wouldn't mind having Friday off and making a run up there for some photos. Quick easy job." Normally, I would have been all over it in a heartbeat. There would have been less hours and less work and I would have been on the road for awhile. I love being on the road,...

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Becoming A Slut Husband Alan

As far as Tuesdays went this one sucked big time. I was ten minutes early and not even at my desk yet when my boss hollered at me to come into his office. I was no sooner in the door when he threw a piece of paper at me and said: "What the hell is this shit?" I looked at it and saw that it was an e-mail from the XYZ Corporation telling us that we were being removed from their list of preferred customers. I had no idea of what kind of response was expected from me so I just shrugged my...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 67

Hope and Shawna were uncomfortable. They flitted from seat to seat, changed places, changed positions, but the cause of the discomfort was internal, and they knew it. The silence grew longer, heavier, more wearing, and even when Briana arrived and she and Elspeth sat talking in the corner things didn't really improve. Night had fallen fully by the time the door creaked open, and Ally slowly led the way in. Hope and Shawna quickly scrambled to their feet, and Marcus followed through the door...

1 year ago
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A Boat Beneath the Darkening Sky 1 The Cottage by the Wood

The house looked little like my memories. I’d expected to find a sprawling mansion rather than a rather ordinary sized cottage. That said, there was a quaintness about it, not surprising as it was nestled away on the edge of a secluded wood some many hours north of London. Grandmother had always been a bit… well, eccentric. Victoria thought she was crazy. Then, again, my posh and proper sister thought I was crazy as well. Myself? I thought she was kind of cool. I should mention that she wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Five Nights Ch 07 The Conclusion

THE MORNING AFTERI woke slowly the next morning to the sound of light rain at the window. Because of the cloudy sky I couldn’t really tell what time it was. I turned and saw Sue was gone, and I wondered how late it might be, and then instantly wondered how to tell her what I had done last night. Unlike all the other mornings this week, the ‘no talking’ rule was now officially ended; I knew that she would find out. I wanted to know what she did on Mike’s night, when I wasn’t there, so I was...

Group Sex
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First time experience

It was 1978; I was 18 years old at the time and was hitchhiking along a highway in upper Michigan in the middle of winter, late at night. A car stopped to pick me up after a few minutes of walking in the cold and I was grateful for the ride. I jumped in and thanked him for stopping, telling him I was headed for the cabins up the road a few miles. He was probably ten years older than me and we engaged in casual conversation as if we'd known each other for ages. After a few minutes we came upon a...

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Massaging not moms feet

My mom was single, a lot. She had a string of guys, but they were basically awful to her. She won't talk about it, but I know for a fact she was ****d, more than once. Sometimes while I was in the house. By at least a couple guys. Not just, like, home invasions. But just really fucking mean boyfriends who didn't respond well to "no".Anyway, I was in school, and my mom had been without a boyfriend for a couple years. Probably a good thing for her, really. But at the time it was obvious how much...

2 years ago
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A message of optimism Pandemic Lockdown

Pandemic lockdown day 15 I am in my apartment. Just like a prisoner. Prisoner of fear. More people are getting sick every single day. Yesterday the took three of them from my building with severe symptoms. I am getting more nervous every day. Things are going to get worse before they get better they say. I have a feeling that I cannot escape this. I was looking for a way to ease the tension. Sex would have been a safe bet but my girlfriend went away for the weekend visiting her parents and...

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Life After DadChapter 5

I felt incredible, I was leaning back against the table, my son was on his knees between my wide spread legs, his mouth was pressed to my filmy little panties and his tongue was just about in my vagina! "Tommy" I said and pushed him away as gently as I could, "No darling, not like this" I pushed my skirt down and went back into the house where I packed all my things and rang for a taxi, "Donna, what's wrong darling?" Frankie was beside me along with Tommy and Jim, a worried look on...

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Dessert is on me

Just another day at the gym. Today is my chest and back day and I have worked my chest pretty hard, I am very tired and sweaty. I should have left the gym about 20 minutes ago, I will probably be late for work. I am just hoping to see her again. We have been flirting with our eyes for the past month. I am not sure if she wants me to make the move or if she is just checking me out while she waits to use the next machine. All I know is that she is breathtaking, she is perfect. She comes...

Straight Sex
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Homecoming 1 Provincial Beginnings

“You never told me you were rich, love” Conor said in his Irish accent, in awe of the beautiful mansion in front of them. The walls were newly painted white, the windows were still the old kind, the ones that open outwards and made of wood—neatly varnished mahogany wood. The ground floor was made of stone, too keep its foundation strong and in front of the house was a fountain of intricate design, dolphins, cherubs, and pots circled the base, squirting water into its small pool as water...

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A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch 05

Maureen had tried to stay awake. She wanted to consummate this relationship. She wanted to possess this man. She loved this awkward, lanky, boat building, chicken frying, nose punching young man. She thought about the punch in the nose for a second. That was quite a surprise. Nobody saw that coming. Yeah, Cal had become all she thought about, or cared about. He’d become her obsession. Just exactly when she knew he was the right one, the one for her, she couldn’t say. It had to have been that...

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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

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A Life Ever Changing 15

"Now I'm looking at a flashback Sunday, Zoom lens feeling just won't disappear..." - J. Geils Band A Life Ever Changing #15 Freeze Frame By Angel ...Margie reached up and took out my ponytail. WOW! Mrs. Benning and I forgot about that! (Or did she?)... My mother, smiling with a very motherly look on her face asked me, "So, Rachel was born over seven years ago. Ricky, you were transformed from a boy to a girl in less than a few hours. It did not take much, either, did...

3 years ago
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NollieChapter 12

We soon learned that college is vastly different than high school. The atmosphere is easy-going, and there was a lot of free time between and after classes. However, unlike high school, you never asked a teacher to repeat a sentence. We had to pay attention in class, because if you didn't get it the first time you got left behind. Most classes were lecture-style and we took copious notes. The books we needed were expensive, and the tuition - although cheaper than a regular college - made a...

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Meri Bhen Ki Chadi Jawani Padi Bahari 8211 Part I

Hi mein Karan Mittal apni kahani leke apke samne hajir hu. Meri umar 20saal hai meri hyt 6f eet haimein engg kar raha hu. Mere ghar me meri mom dad aur ek choti bhen hai. Mein padhai ki wajah se ghar se alag rehta hu aur har mahine ghar jata hu. Ye baat jab ki hai jab mein apne ghar gaya aur mujhe waha ye pata laga ki meri bhen ne boyfriend banaya hai. Aur is baat ke mere dad against the to mene apni sis Radha ko bhaut danta. Lekin usko meri girlfriends ke bare me pata tha to usne bhi palat ke...

2 years ago
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Surprise Cruise

Sunday was warm, but breezy with bright blue skies as I was out for a drive in the mid-afternoon. I had decided to visit a wildlife area along my route in order to get out and stretch my legs with no thoughts of any pleasure other than the sunny skies and fresh air. This park has a reservoir that attracts a handful of fishermen down on its banks, but I guess there is no boating as I never see any out on the water. Around the water are wooded hills maybe fifty or sixty feet higher on a fairly...

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Passion Wagon

I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

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My first experience1

I was 11 almost 12 when I had my first experience with what I know now to be sex. I was swimming at a local swimming hole with some kids both boys and girls. While we were playing around one of the boys challenged me to a swimming race. I accepted because I was a good swimmer and he raced me up the creek for about 200 metres before I got tired and stopped. He came over to me and he hugged me and tried to kiss me while we were still in the water. I then realised we had been separated from...

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Jessicas Story Part 20

Jessica's Story - Part 20 Anne was checking the calender for her next day off work. Since going full time at the supermarket, she had been given every second Wednesday off, along with every Sunday. The reason was simple, as she needed to visit the register office to arrange her civil partnership ceremony to Julia. "Next Wednesday," she said to herself. "It will have to be then." "Shall I call Sally and tell her?" asked Helen. "I'll call her," said Anne. "I'm sure she'll get some...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 44

This one is compliments of billstories‎ Better than a Flu Shot! Miss Beatrice, The church organist, was in her eighties and had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea... As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with...

3 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 14

"Well," said Dave thoughtfully. "I guess you got what you wanted." "What?" said Sammy in surprise. Dave looked at her with mild reproach. "Julie and I were both wondering why you and Bobby hadn't gotten together yet." "Why would you wonder that?" asked Sammy, trying her best to feign ignorance. "We're just friends." "Sammy... Julie told me how you feel about him." Sammy visibly deflated. "She did, huh?" "Yeah. And Sammy... I already knew you loved Bobby." She began...

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SSBBW CoWorker

A while ago I had a friend that worked with me at the same company for a while. She was an older, short, white, super-sized BBW, definitely a GILF. And like all the women I like, she had an enormous, wobbly ass. Even though I was maybe 25 years younger than her, I have to admit I was still attracted to her. Well, I was attracted to her ass, anyway. We got along nicely with each other. From time to time I helped her out with a few projects that she was working on. And she always showed her...

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WildOnCam Coco Lovelock Flexible And Petite Coco Will Make You Cum LIVE

Coco Lovelock is back and can’t wait to get a big black cock to fuck. She was hoping to get her tiny little pussy filled, but today it was her perfect mouth that enjoyed every drop. Coco sucks his cock and shows you all of her favorite positions while she uses her dildo to fuck herself. She grabs her ankles and goes into a pretzel position, so her pussy is right there as she drills herself deep with her toy! Lawson brings his cock down into her mouth so she could give him a super sloppy...

1 year ago
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Sniffle Chapter 2

--- Sniffle, Chapter 2 (mf, fdom, mc, nc, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- JJ didn't have any classes with Sally the next day, but at lunch he felt her elbow "accidentally" connect with his head as she went by with her food tray. He was really confused. After school, JJ ran to Sally's neighborhood and waited out of sight until she got home. Then he went up and rang her bell. When she answered the door she immediately became angry. "What the fuck are you doing here,...

2 years ago
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Red Rock Canyon Day 01

Day One: the hike into the park Shelby and Paige had decided to go to Red Rock Canyon for the second weekend of their spring break. After spending Easter weekend with their families the two girls were ready to get back to nature, and to the solitude and tranquility of being without their parents and grandparents and pesky younger siblings that wouldn’t leave them be for 5 seconds at a time. Always asking about boys and college and are the college parties as fun as they say etc. They’d...

2 years ago
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Rear Window

Rear Window Draft I live for feedback [email protected] Rear Window is a 1954 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart and Grace Kelly. This fictional story is inspired by some of the characters and events of the film. It is in no way connected to the film and any resemblance is purely coincidental. For a while I wished I could go back and start that day again. It had all begun so well. The forecast was for a beautiful summer's day; clear blue skies and...

1 year ago
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Texas TerrorChapter 8 The Awakening

I awoke from a restful, dreamless sleep feeling better than I had in years. It was light outside and a beautiful day. I remembered Steve was in the same motel and rose to see first hand what my friend had brought to the party. I started for the office to confirm the idea that he would park in front of his own door when the answer came to me. A beautiful blonde left the room in front of his bike. It was deja-vu a moment later when she came out again. I put one and one together and came up...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Alura Jenson Pool Guy8217s Special Package

Ok so Sergeant Miles is pretty good at what he does, tending to my pool on a weekly basis. But honestly I need more, so we need to talk, I mean this is the last month of our contract. I mean he must offer a package deal! So I came right out pretty much & asked for a few things. One, that he takes care of any of my plumbing issues. Two, that Sergeant Miles, himself, comes everyday at the same time, when my husband is not home. Three, no paperwork, I’ll just pay for his services the...

4 years ago
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Xenthia Chapter 1 Hypna and Morphia

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - This is my first work of TG fiction and I am looking for help along the way! Thanks to all those who left comments on the prequel - your supportive words pushed me along when writing this I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Please read the prequel to this which can be found on this site as it will explain the situation so far. Feel...

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Konoha Hospital

It's a sunny day in Konoha as the famous Konoha hospital have been booming with many patients in their hospital beds. Tsunade looks at her 4 nurses with a grin on her face as she sees in line Naruko, Hinata, Satsuki and Sakura standing side by side knowing that they have given space for her to stand in the middle as they were commanded to do so since the beginning of when she opened this hospital or rather this haven for nurses like them in the past that the true leader of this hospital is...

2 years ago
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Sex With Pune Bhabhi

Hi friends mera naam chirag hai mai pune ka rehne wala hu meri age 25 hai height 5.8 m fair and my dick size is 6 or 7 inches.Ab mai apni story start karta hu mai market yard pe rehta hu maine thodi din pehele he taljai tekdi pe walking ko jana chalu kiya mai roz subha 6.30 ko wahape jata ek week baad maine ek aunty ko bhi roz aate hue notice kiya aunty thodi moti aur age 40 42 ke karib hoga vo roz akele he aati thi roz dekh dekh ke smile kar kar ke hamri pehchan jaise hue ek din mai running...

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