Allie and Nicole
- 3 years ago
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Allie et Nicole
F/f F+/f F+/f+ exhibition ados uro BDSM esclave lyc?e humiliation r?ticence
Ce conte enti?rement fictif est l’adaptation fran?aise de l’?uvre am?ricaine d’un auteur dont le pseudonyme est "Annie the slick". (
Elle a publi? deux autres textes?: "Modern Maid" et "L.E.Z. – The Lesbian Sorority".
Apr?s avoir contact? Annie par email, elle m’a donn? l’autorisation d’adapter son texte en fran?ais et de le publier.
Si cette adaptation vous int?resse et que vous souhaitez lire les autres histoires d’Annie en fran?ais, veuillez me contacter ? l’adresse suivante?: [email protected] (ou bien sur mon site?:
Dans l’attente de vos r?actions et commentaires?
Synopsis?: Allie est une adolescente qui a perdu son p?re et sa m?re dans un accident de la circulation. Elle est prise en charge par sa baby-sitter, Nicole, qui la d?sire depuis toujours. La pauvre Allie sera humili?e, forc?e ? satisfaire sa nouvelle ma?tresse de diverses mani?res toutes plus inventives les unes que les autres.
Allie et Nicole
— Ne t’inqui?te pas Allie, tu peux venir habiter chez moi aussi longtemps que tu le souhaites, je ne te laisserai pas tomber.
Nicole ?treignit sa copine si na?ve. Elle fantasmait sur l’adolescente depuis qu’elle avait ?t? sa baby-sitter. La petite ?tait alors ?g?e de six ans. Aujourd’hui, ? 27 ans, elle avait obtenu sa garde car les parents d’Allie l’avaient d?sign?e comme tutrice.
Les cheveux blonds de la jeune fille et ses yeux bleus ?taient ternis par sa robe de deuil noire. Ses parents venaient d’?tre tu?s dans un accident de la circulation et elle n’avait pas d’autre famille. L’orpheline n’avait ni grands parents, ni cousins et venait juste de f?ter son anniversaire. Elle n’avait nul endroit o? aller.
Nicole, au contraire, avait une situation, une maison dans laquelle elle pouvait accueillir l’adolescente d?sesp?r?e. Aussi lorsque Nicole proposa de l’h?berger, Allie ressentit un grand soulagement.
Pendant les semaines qui suivirent, Nicole l’assista en permanence dans sa nouvelle vie. Elle l’aida ? vendre la maison de ses parents, remplissant tous les documents administratifs ? sa place. Allie ?tait an?antie. Il y avait une chambre d’amis dans la maison. C’?tait petit, en fait ? peine une pi?ce avec un lit et une armoire, mais, pour Allie, c’?tait un "chez-soi" au moment o? elle en avait le plus besoin.
Nicole l’aida ? d?m?nager. Elle ne poss?dait que quelques v?tements car Nicole lui avait fait revendre tout le reste, pr?textant qu’elle n’en aurait plus besoin puisque dor?navant, ce serait elle, Nicole, qui s’occuperait d’elle. Allie ?tait encore trop sous le choc pour se poser des questions, elle accepta sans arri?re-pens?e les conseils de son a?n?e.
Lorsque Allie fut compl?tement install?e, Nicole instaura quelques r?gles. Comme elle travaillait et que la jeune fille ?tait inoccup?e, elle lui demanda d’entretenir la maison, de faire le m?nage et la cuisine. Elle pr?texta que c’?tait pour son bien et qu’il valait mieux qu’elle s’occupe au lieu de rester ? ruminer dans son coin. Puis elle rajouta qu’elle pensait que ?a ne serait pas une bonne id?e de sortir seule avec l’?tat d’esprit dans lequel elle se trouvait actuellement.
Allie passa donc ses journ?es enferm?e, ? nettoyer la maison de son h?tesse, ? lui pr?parer ? manger. Nicole ?tait tr?s exigeante et, souvent, Allie dut recommencer le nettoyage de la cuisine ou la salle de bain. Chaque fois, elle pr?textait que c’?tait pour son bien et que ?a lui changeait les id?es. Rapidement, Allie s’habitua ? faire ce que Nicole exigeait d’elle.
Un mois plus tard, Nicole d?cida qu’il ?tait temps de sortir de la maison. Elle sugg?ra un repas au restaurant. Allie aima l’id?e et en ressentit un peu d’excitation. Pour la premi?re fois depuis le drame qui l’accablait, elle avait envie d’autre chose. Nicole pr?tendit qu’avant tout il fallait qu’elles aillent acheter de nouveaux v?tements.
— Tes v?tements ont v?cu de meilleurs jours. Avait-elle dit en inspectant un vieux pull marron. Franchement Allie, ta garde-robe laisse ? d?sirer. Elle fait vieux jeu et tes v?tements sont tous us?s. Pour la plupart, ils datent de ton enfance et ne te vont m?me plus. Je pense qu’il est temps de trouver des v?tements qui conviendront mieux ? une jeune fille de ton age.
— Oui Nicole, tu as raison. Elle partageait l’avis de sa tutrice bien que ses commentaires la mettaient mal ? l’aise. Ces v?tements ?taient tout ce qui lui restait de ses parents.
Nicole ouvrit la commode dans laquelle Allie rangeait ses sous-v?tements et farfouilla quelques instants dans la lingerie.
— D?cid?ment, il faut faire quelque chose. Dit-elle en inspectant une vieille paire de culottes grises en coton. — Franchement, ce sont des culottes de gamine, il faut qu’on t’ach?te des sous-v?tements de ton age pour aller avec de nouveaux v?tements.
De la t?te, Allie acquies?a avec un petit sourire r?sign?.
— Bien, allons-y, jeune fille, en route pour le centre commercial.
Nicole les conduisit en BMW jusqu’au centre commercial du quartier o? elle connaissait une petite boutique de v?tements ? prix abordables. Elles y p?n?tr?rent et elle commen?a ? faire son choix pour Allie. L’adolescente se contentait de l’accompagner dans les rayons. Elle avait la charge de porter les robes que Nicole lui tendait au fur et ? mesure qu’elle les d?crochait des pr?sentoirs. Ce n’?taient pas celles qu’elle aurait choisies, mais elle avait conscience que son amie faisait ?a pour elle et, par reconnaissance, elle ne lui en toucha mot. Les robes ?taient courtes et tr?s fines, deux d’entre elles ?taient rouges, une autre noire et la derni?re avait des motifs en formes de fleurs.
Nicole l’escorta jusqu’aux cabines d’essayage, en trouva une qui ?tait vide et y entra avec Allie.
Elle se tourna vers la blonde et dit?:
— Ok, maintenant commence par celle avec les fleurs. Son regard ?tait fix? sur la jeune fille, dans l’expectative.
L’adolescente fut un peu surprise que sa tutrice reste avec elle, mais elle resta silencieuse. Lentement, elle retira son pull-over, r?v?lant un vieux soutien-gorge d?mod?. Nicole se r?galait en regardant le d?shabillage. C’?tait mieux que tout ce qu’elle avait pu imaginer, Allie ne lui avait pas demand? de sortir de la cabine d’essayage. C’est une soumise n?e, pensa-t-elle. Les jolis petits seins de la jeune fille se maintenaient fermement dans les bonnets B du soutien-gorge grossier. Elle ?tait impatiente d’?changer le vilain sous-v?tement strict par un autre plus sexy et en dentelle, mais bon, chaque chose en son temps. Lentement, Allie baissa son vieux jean sur ses chevilles en rougissant, exhibant son corps jeune et minces, ses longues jambes bien galb?es et ses petites fesses rondes et fermes que masquait une culotte de coton affligeante. Elle se retint p?niblement pour ne pas se jeter sur elle, lui arracher ses effets et prendre possession de son corps, de force, sans plus attendre. Mhhh, patience, se dit-elle.
Allie se tenait devant Nicole, elle ne portait plus que sa culotte, son soutien-gorge et ses tennis. Toutes deux rest?rent immobiles pendant un instant. Timidement, l’adolescente baissa les yeux. Le regard de la jeune femme l’inspectait avec insistance, remontant de ses pieds jusqu’? ses fesses pour finir par se fixer sur ses seins, se repaissant de l’apparition, criante d’innocence, qu’elle repr?sentait ? ses yeux.
— Alors?? Dit Nicole d’un ton impatient, malgr? son regret de ne pouvoir profiter plus longtemps de cette vision enchanteresse. — Habille-toi donc?! A moins que tu aies envie de rester en sous-v?tements??
Rouge de honte, Allie acquies?a de la t?te et enfila la robe ? fleurs. Elle ?tait tr?s courte et lui recouvrait ? peine les fesses. En r?alit?, elle ?tait trop petite pour elle, mais Nicole d?cida que ?a lui allait ? la perfection.
— La mode se porte tr?s courte aujourd’hui.
Nicole se r?gala un moment des contorsions qu’Allie fit en tirant sur sa robe pour l’emp?cher de d?voiler sa culotte, c’?tait possible, mais pour cela, elle devait se tenir droite. Evidemment, son hideuse culotte grise en coton d?passait mais elle allait rem?dier ? cela tr?s bient?t.
— Nicole, je ne peux pas porter ?a, c’est trop court.
— Ne sois pas idiote, ma ch?rie, toutes les jeunes femmes ? la mode s’habillent comme ?a aujourd’hui, tu veux avoir l’air branch? non??
— Je ne sais pas.
— ?coute, je ne veux pas gaspiller mon argent ? remplacer tes vieux habits ringards par des v?tements minables.
— D’accord, je comprends.
— Je pr?f?re ?a, maintenant essaye la rouge.
La robe rouge ?tait encore mieux, plus sexy avec deux petits cordons minces, qui couraient sur les ?paules ? la place des bretelles. C’?tait encore une robe tr?s courte qui mettait ? mal la pudeur d’Allie et l’obligeait ? d?ployer des tr?sors d’ing?niosit? pour ne pas d?voiler ses charmes aux regards indiscrets. Bien entendu, elles essay?rent la troisi?me robe et, lorsque ce fut fini, le sexe de Nicole ?tait tellement humide qu’elle avait tach? sa culotte. Elle avait la certitude qu’Allie pouvait sentir l’odeur poivr?e de son excitation. Avant de sortir, comme Allie s’appr?tait ? remettre son pull-over et son jean, Nicole l’interrompit.
— Allie, j’aimerais que tu portes une de ces nouvelles tenues que je viens de t’acheter, mets la rouge, s’il te pla?t, elle te va ? merveille.
Le ton ?tait sans ?quivoque. Elle prit la robe que la jeune femme lui tendait et assista, impuissante au geste rapide qu’elle fit pour s’emparer du pull-over et du jean. Allie n’allait jamais les revoir. Nicole avait pr?vu de jeter tous ses anciens v?tements.
L’adolescente, v?tue de la robe l?g?rement transparente, se sentait mal ? l’aise devant son a?n?e.
— Bien, prochaine ?tape?: "Victoria secrets", il te faut aussi de la lingerie.
Allie ?tait mortifi?e, est-ce que pour Nicole allait l’obliger ? changer de dessous en sa pr?sence?? Elle suivit timidement son amie jusqu’? la caisse. Pendant que Nicole payait, elle se tint derri?re elle, embarrass?e par sa tenue qu’elle trouvait outrageuse. Les regards des gens autour d’elle montraient leur d?sapprobation, mis ? part quelques hommes qui pensaient s?rement ? la baiser. Elle se sentait plus que nue, expos?e ? la vue de tout le monde, mais Nicole la r?conforta en lui disant qu’elle ?tait superbe, si bien qu’elle finit par se dire que c’?tait elle qui fantasmait.
Apr?s avoir pay?, Nicole lui fit porter les sacs. Cela l’emp?chait de tenir sa robe et de m?nager sa pudeur. Elles travers?rent la galerie marchande jusqu’? Victoria Secrets. Pendant tout le chemin, Allie sentait sur elle les regards des gens qu’elles croisaient. Un peu plus loin, un groupe de filles de son age de son ?ge discutaient. L’une d’entre elles l’aper?ut et la d?signa du doigt. Elle se sentait humili?e, sa jupe ?tait plus courte que celle d’une majorette et, ? chaque pas qu’elle faisait, sa culotte se montrait ? la vue de tout le monde. Quoi qu’elle fasse pour l’en emp?cher, cela ne changeait rien.
Enfin, elles arriv?rent ? la boutique. Allie en f?t soulag?e. Au moins ici, il y avait moins de monde. L’air tr?s s?rieux, Nicole la guida jusqu’? jusqu’au rayon des strings. Elle en choisit une douzaine sans m?me lui demander son avis. Ensuite elle se dirigea vers les soutiens-gorge assortis en dentelle et fit sa s?lection. Allie essaya de protester, mais Nicole l’ignora superbement, la contourna et pr?senta un string contre ses fesses.
— Parfait, maintenant va essayer ?a et rapporte-moi tes vielles fripes.
Allie protesta bien un peu mais Nicole la poussa gentiment vers les cabines d’essayage. Une fois ? l’abri des regards, l’adolescente chercha un moyen de conserver les sous-v?tements qu’elle portait. Peut-?tre que si elle acceptait de mettre les neufs aujourd’hui, elle arriverait ? convaincre Nicole de la laisser remettre les autres plus tard. R?sign?e, elle d?cida de les enfiler, c’?tait ce que Nicole attendait et elle savait que c’?tait pour son bien. Lentement, elle quitta sa robe, ?ta son soutien-gorge et baissa sa culotte. Au moins, Nicole n’?tait pas rentr?e dans la cabine avec elle. C’est ? ce moment, le rideau s’?carta sur sa tutrice.
— Je me demandais si le noir ne t’irait pas mieux.
Allie ?tait enti?rement nue. Lorsque Nicole lui tendit la lingerie, ?bahie, elle s’en saisit. Avant qu’elle ait pu r?agir, Nicole s’accroupit et s’empara des sous-v?tements qui reposaient ? ses pieds. Allie n’avait plus d’autre possibilit? que de porter la lingerie ?chancr?e. Nicole resta un moment ? d?tailler la jeune fille des pieds ? la t?te. L’adolescente se demanda si elle avait fait quelque chose de mal et baissa les yeux. La jeune femme resta dans la cabine pendant qu’elle enfilait le string et ne sortit en refermant le rideau que lorsqu’elle eut mis le soutien-gorge.
Nicole n’arrivait pas ? y croire. Allie acceptait sans conditions tout ce qu’elle lui imposait. Visiblement, elle n’attendait que ?a. Avant ce soir, cette fille se prosternerait entre ses jambes.
L’adolescente enfila la robe rouge, et se regarda dans le miroir, elle se dit qu’elle ressemblait ? une salope. La robe courte et l?g?rement transparente masquait ? peine son entrejambe et si elle se retournait, elle distinguait clairement le reflet de ses fesses. La lingerie lui faisait une impression bizarre, c’?tait comme si elle portait une culotte normale qui aurait compl?tement gliss? entre ses fesses. Ce sentiment ?tait obs?dant. Il lui rappelait continuellement ? quel point sa tenue ?tait scandaleuse, pas une parcelle de son corps ne serait ? l’abri des regards indiscrets.
Elle ouvrit la porte de la cabine d’essayage et s’avan?a dans la boutique. Elle eut honte et rejoignit directement Nicole qui se tenait devant la caisse pour payer les sous-v?tements. Elle essaya d’attirer son attention, de lui dire qu’elle ne pouvait pas porter ces v?tements, mais son amie discutait avec la vendeuse, une jolie jeune fille, blonde, du m?me ?ge qu’elle. Elle ne fit pas r?ellement attention ? leur discussion tant elle ?tait sous le choc.
— Allie?! Va derri?re la caisse, cette demoiselle a besoin de lire l’?tiquette de ta culotte.
Allie fit ce qu’on lui demandait sans r?fl?chir.
— Hmmm? O? se trouve le prix?? Demanda la jeune femme.
? son tour, Nicole fit le tour de la caisse. Elle fit pivoter une Allie compl?tement h?b?t?e de fa?on ? ce qu’elle pr?sente son derri?re ? la vendeuse, souleva l’ourlet de la courte jupe rouge, d?voilant les fesses parfaites d’Allie, avec, pour seul et unique rempart, la lani?re du string qui les partageait. L’?tiquette d?passait l?g?rement sous l’ourlet de la culotte. La vendeuse se pencha lentement en avant avec un air d?daigneux, l’attrapa et en coupa la fixation en plastique en la tirant fermement. Allie ne savait plus ou se mettre. L’adolescente l’entendit murmurer "putain" dans un souffle, tandis qu’elle s’emparait de l’?tiquette. Elle aurait voulu se justifier et lui dire qu’elle se trompait, mais elle ?tait trop choqu?e. Son embarras ?tait tel qu’elle ?tait au bord des larmes.
Lorsqu’elle eut pay?, Nicole sortit dans la galerie marchande, suivie par Allie qui portait un sac suppl?mentaire. Elle avait l’impression que son derri?re ?tait nu, expos? ? la vue de tout le monde.
— Un dernier achat pour te faire belle, jeune fille, et ensuite nous pourrons aller d?ner.
Allie redoutait le prochain arr?t, mais, en m?me temps, elle se disait que cela ne pourrait pas ?tre pire que de montrer ses fesses ? une ?trang?re en ?tant exhib?e si nonchalamment par son amie.
Elles chemin?rent jusqu’? un magasin de chaussures sous le regard ahuri des passants qui d?visageaient Allie pendant tout le trajet. Nicole marchait plus vite qu’elle et la pr?c?dait de quelques pas, si bien qu’il semblait qu’Allie se promenait seule. Lorsqu’elles furent arriv?es, Nicole choisit plusieurs sortes de chaussures pour qu’Allie les essaye. Toutes avaient des talons assez hauts. Une vendeuse vint s’enqu?rir de leurs d?sirs. Elle ?tait jeune et jolie. ? croire que la beaut? ?tait le principal crit?re de recrutement dans ce centre commercial, se dit l’adolescente.
Nicole la fit asseoir sur une chaise pour essayer les premi?res paires. Les deux premi?res que la vendeuse lui proposa ?taient une rouge et une noire. Elle s’agenouilla devant Allie qui r?alisa aussit?t qu’elle lui offrait une vue imprenable sur ce qu’elle tentait d?sesp?r?ment de dissimuler sous sa robe. La jupe ne la couvrait presque pas et, comble de l’ind?cence, ?tait remont?e sur ses cuisses lorsqu’elle s’?tait assise. La jeune femme avait son sexe ? peine voil? par le tissu en dentelle en vision directe.
L’adolescente fit son possible pour ne pas se donner en spectacle, mais au fur et ? mesure qu’elle levait ses pieds pour mettre les chaussures, ses jambes s’?cart?rent l?g?rement et sa foufoune, ? peine masqu?e par la dentelle, en f?t plus que jamais exhib?e. Au comble de l’embarras, elle ressentit un d?but d’excitation lorsqu’elle constata que la jeune femme jetait plusieurs coups d’?il vers son entrecuisse pendant l’essayage. Est-ce que la jeune vendeuse le faisait expr?s?? Elle en f?t plus embarrass?e que jamais. Aussi, d?s que Nicole fut satisfaite, elle enfila les chaussures et quitta la boutique sans demander son reste. Nicole paya les achats et la rejoignit.
— Ok, nous en avons termin? avec ton "shopping". J’ai encore quelques magazines ? acheter et nous pourrons aller d?ner. Elles p?n?tr?rent dans une librairie. Il n’y avait que peu de clients et Allie se dissimula entre deux rayons pendant que Nicole faisait son choix. Quelques minutes plus tard, elle revint avec une pile de magazines. Sur le dessus, un "Marie-Claire" l’emp?chait de voir le titre des autres revues. Elles se dirig?rent vers la caisse qui ?tait tenue par une jeune femme. En faisant la queue, Allie se tenait le plus droit possible afin de dissimuler ses fesses sous le court v?tement. Le client qui les pr?c?dait avait de nombreux achats, si bien qu’il y eut rapidement du monde derri?re elles?: Deux hommes et deux femmes. Alors que leur tour arrivait, Nicole lui tendit un billet de cinquante Euros et lui demanda de payer pendant qu’elle t?l?phonait au restaurant pour retenir une table. Abandonnant Allie, elle sortit de la boutique.
Allie fit quelques pas et d?posa la pile de revues sur le comptoir. ? sa grande surprise, lorsqu’elles gliss?rent les uns sur les autres, elle se rendit compte qu’il y avait plusieurs revues pornographiques sous le "Marie-Claire". Son sang se gla?a dans ses veines. Qu’allait-on penser d’elle?? Sans aucun doute, tous leurs regards ?taient braqu?s sur elle. Les deux femmes eurent une grimace de d?go?t, l’un des hommes sourit et la vendeuse fron?a les sourcils.
— On ach?te quelques distractions coquines ? ce que je vois. Dit la vendeuse. Des ricanements retentirent derri?re elle. Le comique de la situation leur faisait oublier leur d?sapprobation.
— Vous allez avoir les mains occup?es cette nuit. Dit l’un des hommes.
Tout le monde se moquait d’elle.
— Vous-vous int?ressez ? la mode?? Demanda la vendeuse en exhibant une revue dont la couverture glac?e montrait une blonde nue qui s’exhibait de profil pour masquer son sexe. Son bras n’arrivait pas ? cacher enti?rement sa poitrine dont on voyait distinctement l’un des t?tons.
Allie paya et sortit de la librairie si pr?cipitamment qu’elle ne prit m?me pas le temps de prendre le sac que la vendeuse allait lui tendre. Elle tenta de les ranger dans l’un des sacs de v?tements, mais fut si maladroite qu’elle en laissa ?chapper deux. Elle s’accroupit pour les ramasser, mais d?j? quelques passants s’?taient arr?t?s pour la regarder. La sc?ne insolite que cette jeune femme si peu v?tue qui ramassait ses magazines pornographiques ?tait proprement ahurissante. Allie fit le plus vite possible, humili?e ? l’id?e que tout le monde allait la prendre pour une lesbienne et qui allait se masturber en regardant des photos de femmes nues.
Nicole s’avan?a discr?tement vers l’adolescente d?sempar?e. Elle riait.
— C’?tait une bonne farce. hmmm??
Allie tenta de sourire et d’en rire, mais elle n’arrivait pas ? oublier son humiliation.
Nicole la pr?c?da jusqu’? sa BMW noire, se disant qu’elle tenait la jeune fille. Elles mont?rent dans la voiture et se mirent en route vers la maison.
— Maintenant que tu es habill?e convenablement, nous allons pouvoir sortir, mais auparavant, j’ai moi aussi besoin de me changer. Nous allons d’abord passer ? la maison et tu en profiteras pour te d?barrasser de toutes tes emplettes.
Allie pouvait sentir le cuir du si?ge sous ses cuisses et ses fesses, au d?but c’?tait froid mais au bout d’un moment, il s’en d?gageait une chaleur agr?able.
— Que pense-tu de tes nouveaux habits Allie?? Demanda Nicole. Elle savait que la jeune fille d?testait s’exhiber ainsi, mais elle adorait la fa?on dont ils r?v?laient son corps sans concessions. Elle voulait l’habituer ? d?voiler ses charmes et pensait que le plus t?t serait le mieux car ce n’?tait que la premi?re ?tape et elle aurait beaucoup plus ? exhiber dans le futur.
— Je les aime bien, Nicole, merci beaucoup. Mentit Allie.
Nicole tendit le bras vers la jambe d’Allie et tapota le haut de sa cuisse de la main droite.
— Je t’en prie, petite chienne.
Sa main resta sur la cuisse de l’adolescente pendant qu’elle conduisait.
Les id?es de la jeune fille tournoyaient dans sa t?te. Pourquoi Nicole laissait-elle sa main sur sa cuisse?? Pourquoi l’avait-elle appel? comme ?a?? Sa main ?tait tr?s chaude et ses doigts se trouvaient ? quelques centim?tres seulement de son sexe. Allait-elle l’enlever?? Pourtant, ?a n’?tait pas d?sagr?able et elle d?sirait autant qu’elle la fasse glisser vers son entrejambe pour la caresser que de lui demander d’arr?ter ?a. Toutes ces ?motions l’avaient ?puis?e, aussi elle resta simplement assise, sans rien dire, durant tout le trajet du retour.
Paul was on his front deck grilling when they arrived. Dressed in a silly oversized apron and cargo shorts pulled up too high, he couldn't have looked more grandfatherly and sweet. 'Fraud!' thought Allie. She saw the discreet grin he shot in her direction as he checked out her outfit, a much too revealing strapless sundress that'd she worn on the plane, and it was anything but sweet! She hadn't wanted to wear the stupid dress, but her dad had insisted she put on "real clothes" and...
I watched from the third floor hotel room window as she got out of her car. I was stunned and felt a rush move through my body. She was even more sexy and beautiful than the pictures she had texted me. A moment of doubt swept through my mind. Would I be able to please her in the ways we had talked about? Would my 50 year old body be able to keep up with a 27 year old woman? The thought of bailing out before she could get to the room crossed my mind briefly. "No," I said to myself. "She's driven...
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It was raining. Again. For three days, it hadn't stopped raining. Neil said it was Maine's wettest August ever. At first, Allie was thrilled. Bad weather meant no forced trips to the beach, and no awkward encounters with the perverted old man next door. She had all the time she could want to lay in bed and avoid the world. Long quiet days, though, meant way too much time to think. Her summer had gotten progressively more humiliating, and she really didn't need endless time to...
"Hello." "Hi, where are you," she asked? "At the hotel, and you?" "Not far away!" "Good, I can't wait to see you. I'm in room 232." "Okay, I'll be there in a bit." "K, see you soon!" Hanging up I set about making the final preparations. The bubbly I bought was an exquisite brand that tasted fantastic. It was well chilled from having sat in my vehicle all morning. I opened the bottle and poured two glasses, setting them on the table, along with the fruit tray I had purchased. Yes they...
Straight SexMy music is up, and I think "Only a few more songs til a smoke break." Yeah, Im a smoker now. Thats why I made saved by a cigarette. Through the music I think I hear my mom yell Allie's real name. Now I have a pretty wild imagination. I didn't think I could hear anything with these things going on full blast, so I just shake it off. But around 15 minutes later, I take off my earbuds, and grab a cigarette. My mom comes down the stairs, faster than a bat out of hell. Her expression...
Allie is 30 and has long, curly brown hair and emerald green eyes. She has a very voluptuous figure, her ample 40DDs definitely drawing her the most attention; even when she was skinner she was still 38D. Allie had moved in with her boyfriend over a year ago. Her and her boyfriend, James, had good sex, but usually only a couple times a week. Allie couldn’t help but long for the days when she was more promiscuous and times were more exciting, even though she had to admit James could almost...
Taboo1.01 Eric and Nicole: 1.02 Eric, Nicole, Harness Preparation: 1.03 Nicole, Harness, Bidet, Vaginal Preparation: 1.04 Eric, Harness, Bidet, Rectal Preparation: 1.05 Nicole, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.06 Eric, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.07 Nicole, Harness, The Girl, Fisting: 1.08 Eric, Harness, The Boy, Mating: 1.01 Eric and Nicole: Eric and Nicole are anti Gay and Lesbian activists. They also campaigned for the closing of adult businesses that sell sexual oriented material,...
For the exceptional lady that is my ‘Nicole’ and in the words of Glenn Fry – ‘Here’s how it all started.’ : Hope you like it… Nigel and Nicole had been living together for a few years before they got married, so they thought they knew each other inside out, and they had a satisfactory, normal sex life together and were devoted to each other, but unknown to both… In the deep night, they both dreamt about secret sexy fantasies. Nicole’s were about orgies, outdoor sex, swinging parties, sex...
“Happy Birthday Ellen, I knew he was perfect as soon as I saw him.” Ellen formally introduced her new roommate to all of her roommates, “Allie, this is everybody, everybody, this is Allie the Alien.” She found him a spot between Dweeb the Bear and Smokey her Guardian Dragon. The three occupied a shelf over the dresser at the end of her bed. Ellen felt safe in her room with the trio gazing down on her while she slept. Justin sat at his laptop watching the girl as she slumbered. He was...
Taking a shower with my Mom was one of the most fun times we ever had. Like two kids under a summer spray nozzle we laughed and played. We washed each other all over. It was sexy and arousing, but primarily, it was fun.Let me tell you how we came to be showering together. My Mom and I had been thru many difficult times together. My folks had a bad maraige. My Dad was mean when drunk. He was rarely home. When he was, he was usually drunk and abusive.Once, as a kid, I heard them having sex. Mom...
IncestMy name is Kevin and this is the story of my summer before college. It was the summer after I graduated high school and I was glad to have the summer to relax before I started college. I had a sister, Caitlin, a year older than me who had finished her first year of college. I also had a younger brother in middle school. Now a little background on myself. I’m not particularly skinny or fat, I am just average and somewhat muscular. I’m fairly average looking with brown hair and am about 5...
Nicole asked, “Daddy! Why is there a naked lady in your bedroom? There’s no hair on her vagina!” All that went through my mind was, “Oh shit!” Fortunately I did not say it out loud. Nicole’s mother and I had divorced two years ago when Nicole was twelve. Now at fourteen years old Nicole is quite the young lady. She can be a conniving little bitch to get what she wants from me but that’s just because I allow her too. I have her convinced that she has me wrapped around her little finger. She...
I met Nicole at a party. It was still early in the night, and she was standing alone, untouched drink in her hand. To my surprise, no guys were lining up to hit on this very attractive girl in a classic black cocktail party dress, but she definitely was giving a stand-offish vibe - she was obviously uncomfortable, waiting for a friend to come back. I was pretty much in the same situation, so I decided to use that to break the ice."Waiting for a friend?"She looked up and smirked, "Yeah. Sort of,...
Allie could feel the heat between her thighs so intensely, she swore she could light her lace panties on fire if she were allowed to rub her legs together. Every nerve ending in her heated aroused sex was ready to explode. She wanted to cum, no… she needed to cum, so fucking badly. But she had no way to voice her opinion, or close her legs now for that matter.She groaned as she bit down harder on the leather sandwiched between her teeth. The buzz from the round egg vibrator stuffed up in her...
Things ended badly between us – we both said some hurtful things – but we were able to eventually move beyond those things and remain friends. And even though we both knew that a relationship could never work out between us, we both still found ourselves attracted to each other. Nicole is 26, about 5’8” tall, brown hair and eyes, smallish breasts and strong legs from all of her years playing competitive sports. I have always loved athletic women and this type of body was the norm....
Inspired by a remark from my ‘little sister’. My grateful thanks to evanslily for her time and patience, and her editing skills. As always, the good stuff is due to her, the mistakes are mine. ALLIE The Piccadilly line in the middle of the morning is hardly the Road to Damascus, and yet the premonition that morning was no less apocalyptic in my life. The advertisement was for Help The Aged, the picture, a sprightly-looking older lady, but it was the wording that caught my attention: ...
After taking a soothing hot shower she was just coming out the bathroom, as I stood there with her roommate. "Oh, sorry Nicole. This is my boyfriend. He was just stopping by to drop off a few things." I reached my hand out to greet her. Nicole was at first embarrassed, standing as she was in only a towel, but there was something about me that seem to relaxed her. There was something about her that immediately turned me on. Maybe it was the way her body hugged the towel... the fact that...
It’s mid-January and High-school seniors across the country are stressing out about making their final decisions for which colleges they want to apply to, having only a few weeks left to get their applications sent out, that way the colleges can make their decisions and send out responses by April. The last couple of years, Sam had been just assuming she would go to NorthWestern State University in Louisiana. That is where both of her parents had attended and both sets of her grandparents...
Introduction: Jason has some unexpected fun with his neighbor Laurie and her best friend Nicole. This is a fantasy Ive wanted to write about for a while. Its a little long though, so make sure youve got some time on your hands. Its my first story on this site so go easy on the comments please. There is a kind of long build-up to the action, but if you stick with it I think youll find it was worth the wait. I hope you enjoy! Dear Journal, My name is Jason. Im pretty much your average...
Nicole by Miss Jessica It all started innocently enough. Brian and I were lying in bed, after sex. We had been dating for four months. While we weren't on dating behavior anymore, we hadn't quite entered the relationship stage either. He made jokes whenever emotions came up and I was fine with that. Exploring my feelings was never my strong suit. "So, what's your fantasy?" I said, running my fingers up and down his chest. He wasn't a hairy guy, which I...
One of the first people I looked up was my ex Allie. You all have likely read my stories about her. Her profile was privacy protected except for her picture and the links to send messages and poke and that stuff. She looked great in her pic....damn near the same as the last time I saw her. Obviously she was older now, but I could still see the great smile and twinkle in her eyes. I wrestled with the thought of even sending her a message. After we lost touch, I knew she got married and...
When Allie's dad tried to drag her back down the beach the next day, she wouldn't budge. The thought of going back made her skin crawl. She told him she didn't feel well, and when he pressed, she just said it was "girl stuff." That always did the trick. With her dad, Uncle Neil and her stupid brothers away, she finally had the cabin to herself. After a quick shower in the gross outdoor stall, she changed into her bikini--the super skimpy yellow one she wouldn't dare wear to the...
"How's the thesis coming?" Josh asked. Promising not to be a pest, he'd moved in with me for a while. Frankly, I was delighted. We were in the living room of my Boston apartment and had just finished dinner. I was sipping on a glass of white wine. I grinned. "It's a doctoral dissertation, and it's ahead of schedule. My advisor is impressed." "What's it about again?" "The domain of microeconomic analysis applied to a wide range of human behavior and social interaction. I'm...
My husband DJ and I recently celebrated our anniversary. We’ve been married 27 years and have raised two beautiful daughters. Our relationship has opened up over the past few years to whet my appetite for the bisexual lifestyle and occasional threesomes. I’ve had several affairs with some of my girlfriends, who are just as curious as me to explore their inner lesbian desires. DJ has been very supportive of my new sexual urges, and why wouldn’t he be? Isn’t it every man’s secret fantasy to make...
Alex and Nicole Continued from part 1 "Fun" I asked. I really wanted this, but I had to put up a front of objection, then it seemed more like I was being forced to do so. Hmmm. Though there were not many choices it seemed. Running around in the house wearing only her underwear was a bit demeaning, so wearing a French Maids dress would solve that completely. There must be some logic there somewhere. Right? Uhm. "It will be like dress-up. Besides, this outfit will fit your...
Long ago and in a place far away, a dusty caravan of desert travelers made their torturous way through a rock-strewn pass between a pair of formidable mountains of dubious fame. The stumbling column of tired camels followed each other more from instinct than from actual guidance from their robe-cloaked masters. When viewed from a height, the route was similar to the time honored expedition up female secret passageways struggling forward until the paradise of ultimate sensuous delight...
It had been going on for a while and we were totally in to each other. Girls were sometimes funny though. They wanted to do things - try new things out. But they didn't want to be seen as slutty. On the one hand they all wanted to do the deed, but they don't want anyone to know that they did least, not anyone who would judge them harshly.That's the biggest difference between the sexes I guess. Guys really don't care if anyone knows what girls they had sex with, or fooled around with, or...
It had been going on for a while and we were totally in to each other. Girls were sometimes funny though. They wanted to do things - try new things out. But they didn't want to be seen as slutty. On the one hand they all wanted to do the deed, but they don't want anyone to know that they did least, not anyone who would judge them harshly. That's the biggest difference between the sexes I guess. Guys really don't care if anyone knows what girls they had sex with, or fooled around with,...
First TimeAllie is 30 and has long, curly brown hair and emerald green eyes. She has a very voluptuous figure, her ample 40DDs definitely drawing her the most attention, even when she was skinner she was still 38D. Allie had moved in with her boyfriend over a year ago. Her and her boyfriend, James, had good sex, but usually only a couple times a week. Allie couldn’t help but long for the days when she was more promiscuous and times were more exciting, even though she had to admit James could almost...
My aunt Tiffany had dropped her off for what she called a "play date".Well my cousin Nicole was prone to not fully bathing so my mother instructed me to watch her while nicole took a bath.Me and nicole have has been close since we were kids.I was actually a little mad at first i really wanted to go play with myself as i had got accustomed to at that time.Well my mother was not having any disobediance, so i was ordered to do as she said.As i led my cousin nicole into the bathroom to my...
For friends, you’ll see a gallery I posted of my ex girlfriend, Nicole. We were together over 2 years and had some wild times, but ultimately, we just grew apart. I still have great memories from her, with one in particular that I can’t stop thinking about: the first time I organized a gangbang. Nicole was (and probably still is) the textbook definition of a slut, and I loved her for it. We met at work, our first jobs out of college for both of us. We didn’t interact too much, until a few...
"Hey, Pop, how you?" I said on the telephone. I started to fall into the speech patterns of my youth as I dialed my father's telephone number. "Nicky! It sure is good to hear from you. I'm right as rain. How you? How's college comin' along?" "Good, Pop, real good. How's Jessie?" "Fine as frog's hair. She's not here right now, went to the store. How's that husband of yours?" "Great. Did you get the painting Josh sent you?" "Yup, it's hangin' on the wall in the livin'...
Nicole by Leigh de Santa Fe Nick Gordon came home early one day to find his wife blowing a strange man in their bedroom. They hadn't heard his approach so when he walked past the bedroom he saw the tableau vivant as though he were glimpsing a pornographic movie. The man was lying on his back on their bed, his legs dangling over the side while his naked wife crouched between his legs, working away at her task with an assiduousness she'd never applied in their own lovemaking....
MWAH! Enjoy "Oh My God. Fuck me harder!" Nicole exclaimed. The sound of our bodies slapping into each other was echoing off the wall, and tuned to a half a second a piece. (Look at your watch. Now watch the second hand, and divide that in half ... clap your hands to the beat, and close your eyes and imagine a sweet girl moaning as I pounded my thick meat hammer into her tight pussy.) Her right leg was spread along the counter in the ladies bathroom and I was standing behind her with my...
My english is not very good thats why i used google transate soo if someone want can help for better translate.Photos are changed quickly one after the other week I was scouring and now wanted a nice straomodna Fucking: porn on the TV and nude pictures. Again I took some strings of my stepsisters and polish them. Sam throughout apartamen can enjoy completely smeared lubricant all over his cock and balls ohcheh and moan out loud. At one time relaxed head back and closed his eyes OO yeah I heard...
The truck climbed the snowy hill slowly, we made it, we had finally arrived at her house, our excitement at our vacation that was now starting was even stronger now. Exams were over, we had a month off, it was going to be great. Her parents, my aunt and uncle, were in Florida for the winter, the lodge was secluded and it was just what we needed after such a grueling semester. My cousin and I were surprised and then very happy when we found out that we had enrolled at the same...
Nicole was in her late 40s but looked much younger. If you've read my previous stories you'll know how we met but for those that haven't I'll briefly explain. I'd been fucking a mature slut from work following a works Christmas party. The woman in question was the filthiest woman I'd ever been with, there was nothing she would say no to. After a couple of wild nights we had extended the invite to a friend of mine and the three of us enjoyed a threesome. The following week Christine asked that...
Nicole Les f?minisatrices - Episode 1 Ma vie changea l'ann?e de mes quinze ans. Depuis que mon p?re ?tait parti, je vivais seul avec ma m?re dans un petit appartement. Maman n'?tait pas souvent ? la maison. Elle travaillait ? la caisse d'un supermarch?, et comme son salaire ?tait insuffisant, elle faisait le m?nage pour des personnes ?g?es. J'?tais donc souvent livr? ? moi-m?me, et je d?sesp?rais ma m?re en faisant l'?cole buissonni?re et en participant souvent ? des actes de petite d?linquance. A cette ?poque, je faisais p...
When my eyes opened, I scanned the room. Josh and Sandy were still asleep, but Darren was missing. I search for him and found him with his mother. They were making love. Wanda was asleep. My beloved father, too, but Jessie was awake - barely. After taking care of my morning duties, I slipped on a robe and left the room and the house. My scan had also told me Pierre and Grace were up and about. They were in the communal kitchen. Pierre had the makings for eggs benedict, Josh's favorite...
This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. All characters in this story are the creation of the author (unless otherwise noted), and any resemblance to...
KIMBERLY NICOLE The Wizard was bored. The little bell over the door to his shop hadn't rung in days. He even checked it to be sure it wasn't broken. But, how do you break a mechanical bell?! He had even moved his store to other malls, and still no action. Finally he took to sitting in his dusty little office, just staring at his magic ball. He had it on auto-scan, looking for anyone that could use his services. It finally stopped on a young couple having sex. He smacked the ball,...
Introduction: This was incredble In my first story about Allie, I broke her cherry. This story is about the time I took her ass virginity.After we had been having sex for a couple months, Allie and I had gotten really good at it. We knew what each other liked and had no problems giving each other mind-bending orgasms. Of course, it was easy for her to get me off with her tight cunt and mouth. Getting her off was different a bit for me. I found that she would have a couple different types of...
We were exhausted. Age played a big part in my state of exhaustion, but Nicole was just spent from the multiple massive orgasms that she had experienced in the last hour. An odd couple to say the least. I was 60 years old and she was just 20. She was cuddled up to me, head resting on my shoulder with a firm breast pressing into my side, leg thrown careless across my groin trapping my sticky spent cock. “That was wonderful” she murmured. It was truly wonderful ... and unexpected. I had...
It happened the summer I turned sixteen. I knew about sex before that, so it is more accurate to say I experienced making love the summer I turned sixteen. In the mid fifties, knowledge of sex was everywhere, so the only way you wouldn't know about it was to live in a convent and read nothing what-so-ever. I dated some during my freshman and sophomore years in school, and although the older guys suggested they teach me about it, I declined. There were several reasons, not the least of...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! My Sister Nicole was the sexiest thing I ever saw in my life, growing up in a small household proved difficult with just my mum and my Sister. My mum and dad had broken up a year before, leaving me growing up in a household of women. My Sister was eighteen at the time, & I just was fifteen when this incident took place. I had always been a small kid and people always thought I was about a couple of years younger. My...
IncestYou see Nicole, a new CHYOO member, standing at the other end of the room. She is petite, with smallish breasts and slender legs. She is wearing a bright red t-shirt and snug white shorts. She seems to be somewhat lost. "Oh hi," she says with a nervous smile. "I'm Nicole."
My life changed when I met Clare. We met in a very awkward fashion being tied up while nude and not knowing how we had gotten there. I should probably start at the beginning...My name is Nicholas Valence...I am not the type to go to a party by any means. I am usually entertained by myself, but something possessed me to go to the party that my friend Jordan invited me to, she and I have been close friends since we were k**s. To be honest, I always had a little bit of a crush on Jordan but never...
We’d traded glances at work a bunch of times, Nicole and me. She was cute. She had an adorable smile surrounded by pouty red lips and a sweet face. But she was remarkably self-conscious because she was heavy. She was, true enough. At about 5’3” or so, she was probably in the upper 190 range, maybe a little bit more. But something about her was amazingly attractive. Maybe it was her legs that I was just dying to suck on? Maybe it was her massive tits that I couldn't’t miss? Maybe it was her ass...
Straight SexMost people seem to think that young Lafayette was the first Frenchman to come over and serve the American cause. He might have been the richest and perhaps the youngest and surely the best known, but he was not the first. I met a man called Bonnet, Bo-nay he called it, at least a year before I saw Lafayette. He went to war in style, followed by two wagons, one with his food, cook and dinner table and the other for his wife, their clothes and her maid. I had both of them. The maid was better...
PART 1 My name is Nicole, but it used to be Nicol?s. If I look back into my childhood the signs were always there, but somehow I never noticed them until I suddenly did when I turned 18. I?ve always been an excellent student, a nerd actually. My main focus were my studies so I didn't have much of a social life, nor did I want one. I was happy reading and studying or playing video games online. I was an 18 year old boy who had no social life or sexual interest, it was almost as if I w...
‘Hello.’ ‘Hi, where are you,’ she asked? ‘At the hotel, and you?’ ‘Not far away!’ ‘Good, I can’t wait to see you. I’m in room 232.’ ‘Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.’ ‘K, see you soon!’ Hanging up I set about making the final preparations. The bubbly I bought was an exquisite brand that tasted fantastic. It was well chilled from having sat in my vehicle all morning. I opened the bottle and poured two glasses, setting them on the table, along with the fruit tray I had purchased. Yes they...
Dominique hadn’t been in school for twodays. The desk beside me sat empty and void of her smell, her smile, and her funky rattling jewelry. I missed the way she always borrowed my pencil. I missed her little giggle when she saw I was hard in class again. Most of all, I missed her reaching over and touching me. I felt lost in class. I felt like my life had no meaning without her there. It had been two days of hell. Even back at the art club house, my little oasis from the rest of the world,...
We’d traded glances at work a bunch of times, Nicole and me. She was cute. She had an adorable smile surrounded by pouty red lips and a sweet face. But she was remarkably self-conscious because she was heavy. She was, true enough. At about 5’3” or so, she was probably in the upper 190 range, maybe a little bit more. But something about her was amazingly attractive. Maybe it was her legs that I was just dying to suck on? Maybe it was her massive tits that I couldn’t’t miss? Maybe it was her ass...
I love sitting alone on the bus. It's a perfect way to unwind after a long day at school. Read an article on that new TV show. Get lost in some sci-fi novel or another. Hell, you could just take a fifteen-minute nap. In other words, I was typical eighteen-year old loner nerd. Though I never think of myself that way, I'm smart enough to know how other people saw me: a guy with no social skills to speak of and far too many opinions about Star Trek. This is the story of Nicole and I. How we became...
TeenAuf einer Examensfeier geht es heiss her. Es wird gefeiert und gesoffen. Nicole kenn ich noch als 18j
Hi, mein Name ist Nicole und bin 16 Jahre jung gehe auf ein Gymnasium und spiele im Verein Handball. Ich bin 1,62m groß, schlank, ich habe schulterlange blonde Haare, die ich mir meistens zu einem Pferdeschwanz binde und braune Augen, meine Körpchengröße ist 80B und ich habe einen süßen knackigen Hintern. Durch mein jugendliches Gesicht und meinem sehr weiblichen Kurven wirke ich besonders auf ältere Männer sehr anziehend. Auch wenn ich schon die hälfte der Jungs in meiner Schule mit meinem...
Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...
College Sex