Blacks On Blondes
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?? ? ? ? Everyone knows that Summertime is when the big movie blockbusters come out. Well, it is no different for Mr. Black and his underground film operation. It's just that whereas the major films take a year to make, Mr. Black's often take only a day.?
?? ? ? ?Dressed in tan slacks of a light breathable material, a black short sleeve pullover of cashmere, Italian loafers with no socks, and a simple platinum watch, Mr. Black walked down the hall of his studio toward the first sound stage. Behind him, a totally naked boy of thirteen carried a sliver tray on which rested a martini shaker and a Baccarat??crystal martini glass. he boy was very careful not to make any noise by shifting the tray so the glass and shaker might jiggle. He walked very carefully with his cute naked feet on the thick plush rub. One time, early on in his training, before the whippings and electricity and the dogs and the pigs and horses, Peter had tripped while carrying the tray. He will never ever forget that day. Mr. Black does not anger easily, and he almost never loses it, so the dropped tray did not upset him. He even knelt next to the naked boy and helped him to retrieve the spilled items. ?
?? ? ?"I am not angry, Peter," had ?said kindly. "I am actually more upset about the spilled vodka than I am about the tray and glass. Now ?you will have to rush back and make another perfect martini for me and bring it quickly, as I am quite thirsty. The boys rose smiling but with shaking hands. He was such a beautiful lad, the recent star of a very famous Mr. Black film, "Peter loses his cherry." Mr. Black smiled again and ruffed the boy's silken hair.?
?? ? ?"Of course we can't have you breaking all my crystal and denting my sterling with clumsy behavior, now can we? So, even though I am not in the least angry, I feel that you do need to be taught a lesson. Am I correct?"?
?? ? ? Peter's beautiful full lower lip began to tremble. It was the boy's natural cocksucker lips that first attracted Mr. Black to him. Peter knew bad things were about to happen. "It won't happen again." he said, a sweet pout on his lips and a frown on his face.?
?? ? ? Mr. Black actually laughed. He seldom actually laughed. His half Oriental blood gave a him a kind of natural severity, or perhaps it was the anguish and abuse he has suffered as a child. At any rate, he laughed on this?occasion. ?"Oh, I know it won't happen again. If it does, I'll have?piranhas?eat your penis and balls. And I'd hate to lose those pretty little nuggets that are just starting to develop." He reached out and gently cupped the boys small scrotum. "No, I'm sure it won't happen again. Still, I do believe a bit of corrective action might prove incentive, am I correct?"?
?? ? ? ?A big old tear rolled down the sweet soft face of the little boy. "Yes, sir." He said.?
?? ? ? ?"Good. Then pick up the largest piece of broken crystal Peter. Be very careful not to cut your fingers. ?Fine. Now shove it up your asshole!"?
?? ? ? ?The little boy's eyes grew wide with horror.?
?? ? ? ?"I will cut my ass to pieces."?
?? ? ? ?"Yes, and I shall have to cover the doctor's expenses to get you sewn up and fixed. And it means I won't be able to fuck you for two or three weeks. ?Still, it is worth it as a lesson to you. It will teach you to be more careful with my things in the future. Now shove that shark of crystal up your cunt."?
?? ? ? ?He was so young and so vulnerable and so delicate. His skin was like porcelain. He sobbed as he worked the piece of glass up inside his asshole. Blood ran down his legs. It was quite grotesque.?
?? ? ? ? But all of that was a long time ago. Before the dogs and horses and what not. Before Peter had starred in almost a dozen movies including, "Little Peter's Doggie Fuck," "Little Peter Sucks a Horse," "Little Peter endures Nazi Torture," "Little Peter Black Thug Piss Drinker," and "Little Peter's Poop Dinner."?
?? ? ? ?His asshole had healed nicely and had been forced to endure much worse things than a shard of glass. Getting fist-fucked by five muscular six-foot six negroes had been far more painful. But the film had sold well, and Mr. Black had a special affection for the battered little boy.?
?? ? ? ? So on this particular day, Peter made no noise as he followed his master down the hallway toward the sound stage.?
?? ? ? ? Mr. Black opened the door and entered the room. The filming on "Coach's New Team" was in progress. He silently watched, sipping a martini. He liked to personally check the quality of each film. The director of "Coach's New Team" was a twenty two year old ex-convict named Chris. Chris had been sent to prison for Child rape and abuse and torture. Mr. Black understood that Chris was not a mean sort. He just had unusual needs. He was a handsome, well built young man, with a wonderful streak for the sadistic. Mr. Black had taken the boy under his wing, and using his influence, gotten him out of prison. Now Chris was one of his most creative directors.?
?? ? ? ? The room was decorated to resemble a gym in a high school. Work out equipment dotted the room, and the school motto, "DO UNTO OTHERS" ?hung on the wall. It was a bit of Mr. Black humor. He always tinkered with the scripts of the films himself, often adding bits of esoteric humor.?
?? ? ? ?On a mat in the middle of the room, two teenage boys wrestled. They were fourteen years old, both nice looking, and both totally bare assed naked. The cameras whirred silently as the two boys rolled around on the mat, grabbing and twisting and pulling and holding each others naked young bodies. Under the Motto on the wall hung a sign, "Freshman Wrestling." ?On the sidelines, stood the actors playing the coach and his assistant. The guy playing the coach was six foot four and filled with muscle. His dick which hung six inches flaccid was now a full ten inches of pulsing prickmeat. He gently masturbated it as he watched the boy's wrestle. His assistant who was some years younger was hung almost as large. The naked boys rolling around on the floor were covered with sweat.?
?? ? ? ? Mr. Black watched for a few moments and then raised his hand to stop the filming. "Cut!" he called. Everyone in the room looked at him with fear in their eyes, especially the two boys.?
?? ? ? ?Mr. Black squatted down next to the wrestlers. ?"Do you boys ever want to go home to see your families again? Do you ever want to see your school mates and your friends? Do you want to l live?"?
?? ? ? ? Tears mingled with sweat. The two boys literally glistened. ?They were too scared to speak. The nodded.?
?? ? ? ?"Well then, I expect a better performance out of you. I expect an Academy Award performance. Tell ?you what. The boy who hurts the other boy the most, gets to go home. The boy who bites the other boy's scrotum and dick and tries to chew it to pieces, gets to go home. The boy who loses, gets fucked in the ass by a very large donkey ?in our Mexican Studio and may never be seen or heard of again. And you should know by now, that I never lie. So I want to see some real fighting here. In this film, the coach is a fucking pervert. He molests and enslaves the boys on his team. So his wrestling practices are a bit unusual. There are no rules. No regulations. ?The boy who hurts and damages his opponent the most wins. Extra points are given for ball sack biting, and penis chewing. You boys are both nicely hung for your age, and so there is plenty there to punch and pull and bite. That's what my customers want to see. Now after we find a winnder, Then the Coach rewards him by letting the kid suck on his big fat dick and balls. And throw a little asshole sucking action in too."?
?? ? ? ?Mr. Black glanced at Chris. "You sure neither of these boys has ever sucked dick before?"?
?? ? ? ?The handsome director tilted his cute head. "As sure as we can be. They both seem to be total virgins in every sense of the word."?
?? ? ? ? "Good that always makes the cocksucking more fun. The wining boy then gets fucked up the ass by coach's assistant."?
?? ? ? ? The large man playing the coach frowned. "Why do I have to settle for a suck job and Jeff here gets to fuck the slut? Ain't I done good work for you, Mr. B?"?
?? ? ? ?Mr. Black studied the large somewhat frightful man. "Of course, you have performed stunningly. But you have fucked teen and pr-teen boys in my last five films, and the audience wants to see some new dick. Jeff here is a fresh face and a fresh cock, and while it is not quite as thick or long as yours, I'll bet he knows how to hurt a boy beautifully."?
?? ? ? ?Jeff smile, and he had a killer smile. "Just give me a chance, Mr. Black." ?His huge dick twitched and started to drip. The boys on the mat started to cry.?
?? ? ? ?"Catch their crying with the hand held camera will you, we can play that under the credits. Now, Stan, I am not angry, but if you ever complain about one of my decisions again, I shall have you kicked out of our company and deported so far away, you have no idea where you are. Be grateful you have a beautiful young teenage boy to lick your big sweaty balls and suck your dick."
?? ? ? ? "I wasn't complaining Mr. Black. Honest. I was just asking."?
?? ? ? ? "I'm relieved because it sounded like complaining to me."?
?? ? ? ? ?"Can I hurt the boy?"?
?? ? ? ? ?"You may slap him around all you like, and deep throat him. I don't care if his vocal cords are injured, but I don't want any broken bones because He has to star in another film, "Ryan's Total self-Abuse" later in the week. Then, while Jeff here fucks the winning boy, You Stan, tie up the losing boy and hang some really heavy weights from his tender teenage nuts. Make sure the ball sack is stretched unbelievably. I want the guys watching the film to totally freak out at how much the fuckbag is stretched. Don't let the boy pass out. I want his screams to fill the room."
?? ? ? ? Now the big lout playing the coach smiled. "Oh boy, thanks Mr. Black. That wasn't in the script."?
?? ? ? ? "You know I always tweak the scripts to please our clients. I have a man in Seattle wants to see some really extreme teenage ball sack torture."
?? ? ? ? ?"Jeez, Sir. what if I stretch it too far and it rips or something?"?
?? ? ? ? ? "Well, try not to. Because after has been stretched almost to his knees, we are going to have you and Jeff here stick long thick pins into it. Then we are going to bore a tiny hole in the sack and fill it with liquid until the bag is swollen like a grapefruit. then we remove the pins and watch the liquid squirt out through the pin holes. that should make for some exciting cinema. You may also stick some pins through his dick. But not more than twenty or thirty. And make sure he does not lose consciousness. If he passes out, piss on his face to wake him. Catch all of this with two cameras, one on his face at all times, showing his agony." Mr. Black turned to the boys on the floor. "Now you see, you have further incentive to wrestle hard. The winner gets the special treat of sucking dick and getting fucked. While the loser gets tortured until his young scrotum is totally ruined."?
?? ? ? ? ? Mr. Black ignored the sobbing of the two teenage wrestlers. He rose and straightened his trousers and turned to Chris, the young director.?
?? ? ? ? ?"This delay is your fault, Chris. I expect better things out of you. ?There was no life, no energy in their wrestling. And we should hear the sound of their breathing and fear their little hearts will burst from exertion. ?We should hear the slapping of fuck meat as the coach and assistant beat their dicks watching the two boys. I hope you completed the footage of the boys physical exams and of them taking a shower before today, as once these two are finished with them, they will never be the same again. I doubt either boy will ever smile or laugh again. And the boy who wins, after Jeff finishes fucking him, have him patched up and bathed, so we can get him ready for part two, where he is fucked by the whole wrestling team. How interesting that he will find that he and his little chum here are the only white boys on an all black wrestling team, and that each of his negro teammates has a dick that is over eight inches in length. I want him sucking while he gets fucked, and then I want him double fucked. Two big black dicks up his ass at the same time. I want the audience to feel his unbearable pain. ?But I am getting ahead of myself. We need to finish part one first. " Mr. Black snapped for this tray barer to follow him. ?"Very well, carry on."?
?? ? ? ? ?He left the room, a bit perturbed that the moment he didn't oversee each film himself, things seemed to fall apart. All the action was there, but it lacked energy and?spontaneity. ?Wealthy perverted men were paying fortunes for these films, they had to be top-notch quality. Did people think available, cute, vulnerable teenage boys grew on trees? Kidnapping these boys, and paying off police and other officials alone was a monumental effort. In fact that was the most difficult part of the whole thing.?
?? ? ? ? There was a slight impatience in his walk as Mr. Black moved toward the next room. A tension not usually there. He would have to work that out in the afternoon ?Hong Gar Kung Fu work out to which he always devoted an hour every day. He'd have a cute naked boy of fifteen or sixteen brought in and he would practice his kicks to the boy's face. Not too hard, after all this was just a workout. He could easily break his opponent's neck with one kick if he chose to. Or break a nose. He might break the kid's nose just for fun. Depends on how cute the kid turned out to be.?
?? ? ? ? In the second room, the filming had not yet started. The star of the room stood to one side, quite nervous. Mr. Black approached him.?
?? ? ? ? "How are you feeling Damon, ready for your big film debut?" ?
?? ? ? ? The man to whom he spoke had never acted before. He had never made a film before. He too had been sprung from prison. He was a six foot two black gang leader of ?nineteen, with an ebony body as smooth as silk and muscles that rippled for days beneath the velvet like skin. His face was beautiful in a cruel savage like way. And between his legs hung an unbelievable dick as thick as a beer can and hanging over seven inches flaccid.?
?? ? ? ?Damon rubbed his hard six pack stomach with one nervous hand. "I'm kind of up tight, Mr. B. I don't want to fuck up, you know?"?
?? ? ? ?Mr. Black reached down and cupped the full low hanging scrotum of the negro. "Well, if you fuck well, you won't fuck up. You could have a marvelous career with my organization. With a dick that measures over twelve inches hard, and you only nineteen years old, think of the wonderful partnership we could have."?
?? ? ? ?"Thas' jus' it. I wants to do a really bang up job fo' you."?
?? ? ? ?"Then remember. Our clients pay to see perversion. Our films go much further than anything you can buy in a store or over the internet. So you can't be afraid to go all the way. We never do snuff, but pretty much everything else goes. What you need to remember today is to bang your partner as hard and rough as you can."
?? ? ? ?As he spoke, Mr. Black fondled the scrotum and dick of the black teen. Damon hated to have guys touch him down there. He hated guys touching him anywhere. But he hated more being in prison with the potential of having to fight for his life every day to save his ass cherry. Better to let Mr. Black fuck his ass and play with him, than to have to submit to prison gangs raping him. And believe me, as beautiful a black buck as Damon was, he would be an immediate target in prison. So he put up with Mr. Black's fingers on his amazing dick. He even sucked on Mr. Black's dick. The very first dick he ever sucked. He even allowed Mr. Black to fuck his virgin ass. ?However his new boss had assured him that eighty percent of his film work would be straight fucking. He had not fucked cunt in almost six months, not since he had been arrested. His ?big bloated nigger nuts were about to burst from fuck need. Eighty percent fucking beautiful girls. That meant only twenty percent of his sex action had to be with faggots. And Mr. Black had promised him that of that twenty percent ninety-eight would be him fucking others and getting served. And the money was unbelievable. So things were looking up.?
?? ? ? ? Mr. Black peeled back the thick nigger foreskin to examine the pink dickhead and the wide piss hole. "This is really a beautiful dick. I know you will do it justice and give me a really violent, rough fuck. I want her fucked in the mouth and ass and cunt and I want you to go from hole to hole. I want her fucked in every possible position for at least forty minutes before you shoot. And I want you to shoot on her face." ??
?? ? ? ?Damon smiled. "I'll slam dat cunt's body 'til she ?go through da floor! I gonna split her twat open until she just one big screaming fuckhole! I loves to hurt dem, Mr. B. Just you watch me."?
?? ? ? Mr. Black gently pumped the thick black dick. ?"Good. She's young, you know."
?? ? ? "Ah, sweet. I likes em young. I fucked a thirteen year old white girl jus' before I got arrested. I fucked her so hard, she couldn't walk. We laughed and laughed watchin' her waddle when she tried to leave."
?? ? ? ?"Well, this girl is quite young. And she has never seen a cock before. You are going to need to teach her everything. How to suck, how to spread her cunt lips for you. How to stick her ass up so you can plow it. Don't be afraid to slap her around. The filming I just came from was lackluster and boring. I want to see lots of excitement here and lots of tension. Don't just better her, but teach her to respect your big black dick. Introduce her to cocksucking. Teach her how to lick your big balls and your asshole. She's never licked an ass and it will be traumatic for her. We want to capture all of that."?
?? ? ? ? "Don' worry, Mr. B. I educate her real well. I have her lick and suck my toes, and I spit all over her face and den spit kiss her real good. My fucking tongue almos' as long as my dick, Ha ha. I teach her how to be a proper little slut."?
?? ? ? ? Mr. Black smiled. ?"That's the key. She is walking in this room a totally innocent little virgin, and I want her to leave a totally fucked and fucked up dick slut. Okay Mr. Beasley, you are the director, start the cameras rolling. I want the cameras on her when she comes through the door and sees her first cock...a twelve inch black one."?
?? ? ? ?Damon's dick was standing tall now, well as tall as it could. It was so thick and heavy that it hung a bit downward when fully erect. But t pulsed and twitched and leaked. A truly frightening sight for any girl. The camera played over Damon's body, every inch of it, but especially the fuckmeat. Then, it panned to the door.?
?? ? ? ?The door opened and in walked.....
?? ? ? ?Well she was so tiny the camera had to pan down. She had no breasts yet, and not a single hair on her bald little virginal pussy. A look of stark terror was on her sweet young face. She trembled as she walked. She looked at the huge black man who was going to fuck her. She only came up to his dick.?
?? ? ? "Holy, Shit, Mr. B. YOu said young, but....I mean...well....."?
?? ? ? "Too young for you, Damon? Shall I replace you?"?
?? ? ? "Fuck no, Mr. Black. Dis little bitch cunt is every street nigger's dream!"?
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LesbianA little bit about Summer. She's 23 year old short haired brunette, tall and skinny. She's about 5' 10" tall and about 105 lbs. She is also some what of a shy woman. Even though she is skinny I think as a very nice body. More about her as the story goes on. Months after the store visit Summer gave Jenn a call. They had exchanged phone numbers as we were checking out. Anyway Summer told Jenn that her boyfriend broke up with her a month & a half ago. She went on to say that she hadn't...
Marissa Cooper's eyes blinked open after hearing the voice of her best friend Summer Roberts. She had spent the whole night partying with her friends and was drunk out of her mind. It wasn't unusual for Marissa and Summer to stay out until all hours of the night but this night had been special because it was Summer's birthday meaning both of them were finally 18. Ok, so they were still technically won't supposed to be drinking that they had both matured quickly and the rich of Orange...
Series: Casual Encounter Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, movies, femdom, malesub, dom, sub, bdsm, anonymous, pwp Summary: Two people are in a theatre, watching a bad movie. Note: Casual Encounters is something I’m trying, rather than focusing on the players in the story, I wanted to take two random characters, and a place that two people could have sex, and make the sex the star of the story. I hope you enjoy, and if you’d like more stories like this, please let me know. ...
Jay was at the mall the first time he saw Ann. He noticed her because she had a fresh look and huge tits. She also looked very young but adult. He walked up to her and began to talk and then asked if she did modeling. He asked if she would like to be in a movie? She smiled and said "Maybe." He offered to take her to his studio and show her some of his stars and a few movies. She agreed and they left together in his car. At his place he had many pictures of young girls nude but very beautiful...
Please read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...
Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...
Chapter 14: Summer Transformed - Summer's Metamorphosis From below, Rayleena gave a moan that sounded almost despairing, then thrust powerfully forward and up, her hips driving the bursting shaft of her cock flesh to the hilt in Summer. Vantha could hear the slapping thud of Rayleena's body meeting the quivering globes of Summer's rump in a forceful plunge. Vantha quivered, her muscles standing out and tremb-ling, as she strained her own body, bent on burying her own fountaining cock into...
The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...
Realizing that I was on board, Summer’s face lit up. She jumped at me, wrapping her arms around me giving me a big hug.Ashley sat down on the couch across from us.“You’re sure about this?”Summer looked at me tentatively.“Yeah, we’re sure.”“Wait!” Summer spoke up. “What about Maddie? You’re sure that she won’t be mad at me?”“As I said, there’s no possession or jealousy. We all understand that we’re free to do what we want.”With her mind at ease, or at least the pretense of guilt removed, Summer...
CuckoldChapter 15: Summer Transformed - Summer's Release Summer showed no tenderness or compunction in what she did next. The now much larger girl stood up, her assets shuddering delightfully before Rayleena's awestruck eyes, as the huge shaft of her new cock jerked to slap heavily between her breasts repeatedly. Summer turned to Vantha lying upon the bed, her massive cock stretching out over Vantha like a tree limb from her new body. Summer's powerful new form quivered and rippled in anticipation...
After Summer’s threesome with Darren and Carl, she continued to see Darren on and off for a few months. After just a few dates though, Summer complained to me that Darren was starting to get jealous and possessive. He didn’t care about me, but when she was with him and her phone rang he’d want to know who was calling, or if she wasn’t free to meet up with him he’d demand to know if she was going out with someone else (she usually was). Things came to a boil when Darren found out that she’d been...
CuckoldIntroduction: Summer is made a member of the Connors family – in EVERY way possible Hot Summer Nights by Jen L. Lee 2012 You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes, Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere, she sniffed in a condescending tone. Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone elses problem. There is no such thing as an incorrigible child, the 34-year old...
by Jen L. Lee © 2012 “You do realize that Summer has been returned to us from six foster homes,” Mrs. Naste said to Teal Connors. “She is almost 15 and we feel she is incorrigible and likely will never fit in anywhere,” she sniffed in a condescending tone. “Frankly, we all believed she would age out and be someone else’s problem.” “There is no such thing as an incorrigible child,” the 34-year old socialite said as she adjusted her stylish hat. “I was not able to have children after...
Horror Movies It was a dark and rainy night. Our parents were away for the week and we were supposed to be home alone. As you know…kids will be kids. I called up two of my friends and Donna called up some of her friends. Before we knew it we had a house full and they were all spending the night. There were the three of us guys and there were six girls, two for each of us. Donna was fourteen years old and her friends were all about that age too. I am sixteen years old and my friends are...
Chapter 13: Summer Transformed - Summer Is Gifted Both Vantha and Rayleena had left their respective quarters, and were now roaming the hallways of the Island, eagerly in search of new partners to satisfy their seemingly endless sexual lust and excitement. Because of the relative closeness of Tiffany and Ebony's quarters on the one side of the Island, and the layout of the corridors, it was only a few moments before Vantha and Rayleena met each other in the hallway. Both girls instantly knew...
After 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job. It was a large country high school...
When it came time to move, Summer decided that she’d rather get a few guys from her gym to help out than hire movers.“Why pay strangers when we can grab a case of beer and some pizza – that way, we can enjoy it too?” Her reasoning made sense, and again it was her money, so my say didn’t amount to much.That was the first time that I’d come face to face with Darren. He seemed like a nice guy, but I did my best to avoid him because it felt strange to be around him. He looked as much like Denzel...
Cuckold"So are you as excited as I am? You get to do your gift tonight!" Summer said, grinning at Aaron. "Yes, I do, and don't think I haven't given it a lot of thought," he smiled. "Thought? Obsession would be more like it," said John, sniggering at him. Aaron took a ring of calamari and plopped it into John's beer. "Hey, you fuck!" laughed John, plucking the calamari from his glass. He shook it at Aaron, splattering him with beer. "What? Do you deny it? That's all you've been...
Someone once said "Never leave home angry". Summer couldn't remember who had said it, but the line kept on bouncing around her brain. She was angry and she had just left the Trailer, she and her Mom were sharing, to go to the Baywatch Headquarters to start her shift. She was angry and she was disappointed. Only a few hours ago she had a fight with her boyfriend Matt. They kept on having fights about the one theme only. But why wouldn't he just let go of it? She had made it clear to him...
"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...
Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...
This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...
Chapter 7: Summer Sucks JordanJordan held still on the bed, as Summer leaned in for a closer look at her crotch, her eyes fixed upon steadily growing bulge in her panties. Before Summer could do anything, Jordan's body began to tremble. In seconds it was growing, and Jordan could feel her skeleton enlarging. "Holy shit, now I'm doing it too!" cried Jordan, as she felt her body transform. After a few moments, Jordan finally stopped when she was roughly the same size as Summer in her bigger...
My wife at the moviesAuthor: Chris Christopher All Right ReservedIt was a typical late summer Friday night date night for my wife and I. We were planning on dinner, a movie and drinks at the new Irish pub that had just opened. We were double dating with some good friends. We had known Jimmy and Shannon for a long time. We love playing games at their home and spending time in their hot tub. The girls had gone topless a couple of times in the hot tub and, on a dare, Jimmy and I had lost our...
SUFFERING AT THE MOVIES SUFFERING AT THE MOVIES It was a rainy September afternoon and there really was nothing to do.? So I went to the mall and hung out.? Ok, maybe everyone called me the class jerk but I felt there might be some others there from my high school class and we could find something to do like shooting pool or seeing if we could g et into a bar as I was only 2 months short of turning 18.? But nobody was there. So I thought what the hell I might as well go and see a movie...
Deanna and Summer had both attended high school together, and their friendship had its ?roller-coaster? aspect. They were a true contrast, these girls. Deanna had long, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. She had an elegance to her that Summer didn?t quite possess. Summer was a classic blonde, who shared her eye color with Deanna, but little else in appearance. She had a bit of a tan, unlike her best friend. She was not quite as intellectual as her friend, either, though not the typical blonde...
I’d left Summer’s place full of hope, thinking that I’d formed some kind of special bond with her, but within a matter of days I thought that I’d blown it with her. After spending what had been the best day of my life with Summer, I was a little too eager to see her again. Could you blame me?After our time at her parent’s place, we made rough plans to go out sometime. I called her later that same night, but she didn’t answer. I called her again the next day and when she didn’t answer the...
Cuckold"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...
The project I was working on was going to take two months. I'd spend month there, go home for two weeks, and then go back for another month. We had to make appointments at each facility before we could go, so scheduling was big issue. The site was about 50 miles from the nearest town. So we'd have to get up early and drive for an hour before we can start working and it was the same going home in the evening. We end up spending a lot of time together talking on the drive to and from site....
Chapter 5: Jordan Sucks Summer Kneeling on the bed, Jordan reached out and stroked Summer's tummy; rubbing her head and hands against her impressive shaft lying down between her legs. "What are you waiting for, silly?" teased Summer. Now Jordan was facing the impressive member. Summer's limp cock hung from her crotch, and went halfway down her thigh to her knee. Jordan slowly moved her hands to cup the lower half of its soft, warm and heavy expanse. With her fingertips, she gradually ran...
Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 4: "Submission with Skye and Summer" By humbleslave I am attempting to make these stories stand-alone as well as make sense in a series. If you like this, make sure to read my other stories. Think of your votes and comments as your contribution to my stories! Thanks! After the week I'd had so far, including my most recent ordeal at the softball fields, I didn't figure it could get much worse. Today I had been promised to Mistresses Skye Blue and Summer...
Lilly talked for the both of us asking each of us questions and going on about her day until I heard mom say (to Lilly) "did you hear about the new Nudist beach their building over in Balsam?" I swallow my anger and ask "how come their building a resort there,there's no beach on the lake except in the park right?" Mom looks at me and says "actually there's a sand bar on the side of the lake grandpas house is on" I chuckled and said bet the Ryersons be all excited about that" mom...