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Chick ‘n Stu

By Sascha Illyvich

Tanja had enough of his shit.  Ian had been belligerent, obstinate and in general, an ass.  It was simple really, get up, come to work, make pizzas, fold boxes and keep your mouth shut.  Marty had already talked to Tanja about Ian twice.  Tanja secretly hoped he’d continue to act the way he had.  Ian was handsome, built and had hinted at being an Adonis in bed.  She could only imagine, and it led her to be distracted from her work after a week.  Thoughts of breaking his ego didn’t help, either.  He’d agreed to do his job and keep his mouth shut, but when she pushed open the door to one of the stands and saw his cup filled with beer, that was the last straw.

Tanja knew she had a choice to either fire Ian, or as her carnal desires were pushing for, punish him on her terms. 

?You’re going to be disciplined for your actions,? she said.

Ian sipped his beer one last time, set the cup down and started to walk past her. ?I’ll be gone immediately, and collect my paycheck in two weeks at the store.?

Tanja grabbed his wrist.  ?Oh, I’m not going to fire you.?  Her eyes narrowed. 

?You’re not??

?No, I’m not.  That wouldn’t do either of us any good.  You’d go about your day thinking you pulled the wool over some hot supervisor’s eyes and I’d get nothing out of it but a large headache.?  Her body tingled and her pussy grew wet with anticipation.  ?I’m going to discipline you, instead.?

?You are??  By the look on his face, Tanja guessed that Ian wasn’t entirely happy with her statement.  Her expression changed from angry to an unnerving calmness. 

He stepped back.

?Why are you stepping away?? she asked.

?I have better things to do than play with some little girl.?  She watched Ian slip on his sunglasses even though it was well after dark, pick up the beer cup and take a long sip before setting it back down. 

Tanja tightened her grip on Ian’s wrist.  She pulled him to her and looked straight into his eyes.  She licked her lips and swore she saw fear behind those dark glasses.  Still, Ian didn’t move.

?You’re going to do what I say, when I say.?

Ian scoffed.  ?What makes you so sure??

His tone was driving her crazy.  ?Because I’m in control, little boy.?

Ian frowned.  Tanja thrust her chest out at him and knew he could feel the heat radiating from her sexuality. 

He thought she was toying with him, so he bent down, wrapped his arms around her and spanned his fingers over the small of her back.  He pressed his mouth to hers and sunk his tongue between her lips. 

Tanja sucked on his tongue, wrapped her hands around his upper body and dug her nails into him.  She walked them both to the hot plates, ignoring the fact that Ian had bumped his head on the heat lamp while she held him in place.  She stepped away still in the middle of their kiss and grabbed his crotch.  She wasn’t surprised to find him hard as a rock.

She broke free of their kiss and massaged his cock through his pants. 

Ian moaned and closed his eyes.  He tried to move off the hot plate to position her and get a grip on her, but Tanja refused to budge.  ?I am in control, little man.?  Tanja took hold of his hair at the base of his neck, pulled his head back slightly. 

?I don’t think so,? Ian said and started to pick Tanja up but her grip on his crotch tightened and he realized she was going to squeeze harder unless he released her.

?This is my game,? she said.  ?Your punishment, your discipline and my game.?  She slapped his face with her free hand.  ?You will come with me, hand in hand as we walk out of the stadium tonight and pretend this little incident didn’t happen.?  Tanja ran her fingers up Ian’s shoulders and over his neck and face.  She watched him shudder.  His aroused look changed to shock as she pulled his head back by his ponytail and bit his neck. 

The pleasurable pain was enough to make his cock grow even harder in her hand. 

?You’re going to walk out of here and pretend nothing happened.  I’ll follow out later.  Meet me down on the first floor.?

Tanja bit his neck again and sucked hard on his exposed flesh. 

Ian loved the way her tongue danced over his skin as she nibbled and hurt him, and felt empty when she stopped.  ?Go,? she commanded.  Ian turned around and she slapped his ass as he left.

The door closed and Tanja realized that a fantasy of hers was about to come true. 

An hour later, Tanja came down to the kitchen they used as an office and waited for her other employee to come in and sign off before she escorted Ian out with her. 

?Tough night,? Ann called out.

?Yeah.  You ready to leave?? 

?I sure am.  Have you seen Ian??

?Not since I sent him to stock the third level suites.  Why??

?He’s acting weird.  He hasn’t said a single thing to me since earlier and he’s usually so flirtatious.?  Ann scratched her forehead.  ?Is he okay??

Oh, he’s fine all right.  ?I’m sure he’s just tired.  It has been a long day for both of us.?

?Yup.  Back tomorrow for one more day of this shit.?

Tanja stood and escorted Ann to the door. ?Yeah.  Last day.?

?See you tomorrow then.?

Tanja waved to Ann and went back to her chair.  She started to sit, but had another thought.  If Ian hadn’t shown up, where was he?  He certainly wouldn’t have been stupid enough to leave already.  She remembered the way his cock reacted from her touch. 

Tanja picked up the clipboard, clocked Ian and herself out and walked towards the door.  She grabbed the keys to the golf cart, climbed in and started it up.  She zoomed down the walkways and outside towards the ramps and started the uphill drive when she spotted a figure standing in the shadow, cigarette in his mouth.  She headed in his direction, pulled up in front of him and stopped the golf cart.

?Where have you been??

Ian took a draw on his cigarillo and exhaled.  He said nothing, kept his glance down at the ground.  Strands of black hair blew against his face.

?I asked you a question.?

Ian still said nothing.  He took another drag from his cigarillo, blew the smoke towards Tanja and looked away.

Tanja coughed when she inhaled the scent of vanilla.  His very idiosyncrasies annoyed her further.  ?I see.?  She stepped out of the cart and walked up to him. ?Have you forgotten our agreement??

?I chose not to care about it until later.?

?You don’t seem to understand that you had no choice.?  Tanja stepped close enough to Ian so that her breasts were brushing against his chest.  He took another long drag on his cigarillo, tossed it aside and stepped on the end. 

?What are you talking about??

Tanja reached up and grabbed Ian by the ponytail and brought him to his knees with a swift kick.   It took her another second to have him flat on his back as she straddled him and bent down, her lips a whisper away from his. ?Your attitude has just cost you extra punishment.  Come along quietly, or else I’ll make a scene.  You don’t want pretty little me making a scene.?

What Ian wanted was for her to let him go so he could finally react on the lusty feelings for her that he’d had since having started to work this close with her.  The way her breasts looked beneath the tight shirt made his mouth water, and the snug fit of her jeans hugged her ass just so that it was almost as if she displayed her product for him as she walked with a sway. 

?Well?  Are you going to come with me like a good little boy??

Ian didn’t think she was kidding.  Tanja was pretty and she wasn’t stupid.  It would be easy to believe that a man with his stature could hurt a woman like her. 

He sighed.  ?Yes.?

?That’s my good boy.?  Tanja lowered her lips to his neck, licked up his neck and to his ear.  She nibbled on his earlobe and felt his hands snake down her waist and over her ass.  ?Not yet,? she swatted his hands away. 

?Soon,? she whispered.  Tanja stood and pulled Ian to his feet.  ?Now come along.?

Ian’s heart filled with anticipation, his body tingled at the very thought of touching this creature.  He kept his desires hidden, except for his erection which Tanja kept stroking as they drove to the parking lot in the cart. 

An hour later, Ian sat on Tanja’s couch and waited for her.  She said she’d only be a moment but it had been fifteen.  Ian was getting anxious, nervous and even a little annoyed.  She was supposed to be a hot fuck, nothing more, but he wondered just what he was getting. 

Clatter on her wood floor and the crack of a whip signaled Ian’s attention behind him.  He turned his head and saw Tanja.  His jaw dropped when he saw her clad in leather that barely covered her breasts, pussy and little else.  Her creamy skin provided nice contrast against the dim lighting of her living room.  She walked towards him very carefully, slowly.  His cock suddenly became very hard and his mouth watered.

?Do you like?? she asked.

?Very much,? Ian replied and started to stand.

Tanja came to him, put her hands on his shoulders and forced him back down on the couch.  She straddled his legs and sat down with her arms draped around his neck.  ?Get used to this, because there is going to be a lot of woman on top from now on,? she said.

?I like this already.?

?You’re not going to,? she slapped his face.  ?You’ve been a very disobedient little boy these past three weeks.  You know exactly what you’ve done and you’re going to have to suffer for it.?

Ian started to open his mouth to protest but the look in Tanja’s eyes scared him.  She produced a knife from behind her and let the light reflect off the blade.  ?This will be part of your torture,? she grinned.

Ian’s breath caught in his throat.

?You’re not woman enough to—?

?To what?  Cut you up and have my way with you?  Force you to have sex with me?  I hardly have to force any man to have sex with me. What I have to make you do is understand,? she drew the blade along his chin, ?That you are now my loyal servant.?

?Not on your life,? Ian swallowed hard. The cold steel against his skin didn’t make him any more comfortable. 

?And the best part,? her tone became syrupy sweet, ?is I won’t need this knife to help me.  You’ll be begging for my control after tonight is over with.?  Tanja set the knife down on the table beside the couch. She slid off Ian’s knees and stood.  She arched her back, brought her hands up over her shoulders, behind her head and let her beautiful red mane flow over her barely clad body.  ?You already want this,? she uttered.

Ian’s mouth began to water and his cock grew hard just looking at her. 

?Stand and strip,? she commanded.

Ian did as he was told, not quite sure why.  Tanja walked over to the wall and flipped a dimmer switch to lesson the light.  The way Ian’s body looked when he moved towards her was graceful.  Her juices had definitely begun to flow. 

Tanja licked her lips at the sight of his cock as it bobbed defiantly in front of him.  ?That’s nice.  Maybe it’ll get some attention in a few moments.  Come with me.?

Ian looked at the way the T-back panties outlined Tanja’s toned ass.  He reached out to grab her but she shoved his hand away.

?You’ll get your turn to touch me if you’re a good boy.?

Tanja led Ian down the hall and into a room with little furniture, a leather bench and some chains that hung from the wall.  Between the chains was a post with a place carved out that was about the size of a human head.  ?There,? she pointed. 

Ian walked over to the space and stepped closer to the wall. His face was pressed into the headspace and a leather clasp was fastened around his neck.

?Hey, what are you—? he started to speak but a yelp came out when Tanja grabbed his scrotum and tugged downward. 

?Not unless I tell you are you to speak,? she said.  ?Do you understand??

Ian barely nodded.  The pressure on his balls hurt.  He pushed against the wall but her nails dug into his cock and he hissed.  Tanja brought one arm up to the chain, adjusted the length and cuffed him in.  She did the same with his other arm and then kicked his feet apart. 

Two leather fetters were fastened around his feet and held him secure.  Tanja went over to a desk, picked up half of a box and brought it back to Ian.  She lined up the posts, secured the box in place and knocked on the cedar for good measure.  ?Can you hear me??

Ian mumbled something that sounded like a yes.

?Good.  Can you breath??

Again, another mumbled yes.

?That’s what I want to hear.  Now, you’re going to be subjected to my whims if you want your dick sucked, do you understand??  Not only did Tanja want his cock in her mouth, she wanted it in her pussy, her ass, wherever he could put it after she was through with him.  Her breasts swelled and her nipples became little peaks as she massaged them through the leather. 

Ian felt trapped, but the mention of a blowjob reminded him that he was still horny.  Damn his body for its betrayal!

?Have you ever had a dildo up your ass, boy??

Ian’s body tensed.  He mumbled something that sounded like a protest, but Tanja laughed.  ?You will refer to me as Mistress from this night on,? she said as she picked up a flogger with a smooth wooden handle.  ?This won’t hurt me a bit,? she said and swung the flogger.  It landed on his ass.  A red welt appeared and she knew he felt the sting but said nothing to his silence.  Tanja stepped closer, reached around and grabbed his cock, giving it a few pumps as she swatted his ass again. 

Ian moaned, the sensation from the flogger was more of an annoyance, but her hand on his cock was the center of his attention.

?You like that, don’t you?? Tanja asked.

Ian nodded.

?Good, because it’s all you’re getting.?  She released his cock and spanked his ass a few more times before moving up his back and shoulders.  Ian struggled to anticipate the next blow but Tanja made sure each blow landed somewhere different.  Tanja slapped his ass with her bare hand and landed a few hits on his thighs, almost skimming his balls, which made him flinch. 

After a moment, Ian’s body was warm all over.  Tanja felt heat rise from his skin as she stood behind him.  Close enough to feel his skin against hers, she wrapped her hands around his beautiful waist and played with his cock, teasing him, touching the head, rubbing him, pulling on his balls.  ?Do you like this?? she asked.

?Yes,? he replied, his eyes glazing over. 

?Do you think you’ve been punished enough??  Her husky voice was sure to arouse him.  Judging by the size of his cock, she was right in her guess. 

Ian shook his head.

?I don’t.?  Tanja laughed and walked away.

Ian’s body felt cool, empty without her standing behind him. 

?Don’t worry.  It gets better.?

Ian groaned.  He tensed his body and waited.  Nothing.  One minute passed, then two, and still nothing.  After five minutes of silence, Ian tried to turn his head only to realize that he couldn’t.  The smell of fresh cut wood from the box around his head mingled with the scent of sex in the air.  He didn’t feel alone, didn’t hear a door open or close but knew as soon as the hair on his skin stood up that he was about to feel something.

WHACK!  Ian yelled as five more thuds landed on his ass.  Nails raked down his back and spine and five swats covered each leg, just under his toned ass.  He struggled against his bonds but couldn’t move much more than a few centimeters.  

Tanja could barely make out the words ‘motherfucker’ and ‘goddamnit’ but didn’t care.  She was enjoying his cries as she swatted him with what was known as The Punisher, a large wooden paddle with leather on one side and wooden spikes on the other.  So far, she had only used the leather-clad side.  Out of fun, but mostly out of curiosity, Tanja turned the paddle over and gave Ian a good spanking on his ass.  He cried aloud.  The marks that rose up reflected the points from the paddle. 

?That’s my good boy,? she growled.  ?Cry.?

Tanja gave him a tap on his ass with the paddle.  Ian shuddered when she tickled his balls and scrotum.  He wanted to laugh, but the pain from the paddle was reinforced by another series of swats over the same area where the spikes had landed. 

Tears stung the backs of his eyes and he sniffled. 

?Are we through yet,? she asked?

Ian started to answer but groaned as he realized she was playing with his cock still.  Tanja was right; he was still aroused. 

?It’s time to take you down a notch. You’re still resisting me.  You need a little lesson in pain management,? she said as she undid the box around Ian’s head. 

Ian thought he’d already gotten a lesson in that area. 

Ian took a deep breath.  His face was red and tears had slipped down his cheeks.  The stolid expression on his face hadn’t changed.. 

?Yes, definitely another notch.?

Tanja walked him over to a bench and bent him over it.  She slapped his ass once more and grabbed a handful of firm flesh.  ?I like a strong man.  It makes them harder to break.? 

The wicked laugh that came with her statement didn’t reassure Ian.  Without a moment’s warning, Tanja reached for a flogger and brushed it over his back, ass and tapped his balls with the handle.  The urge to shove the flogger handle up his ass made Tanja even wetter as she thought about how much it’d hurt Ian.  Tanja liked inflicting delicious pain on her victims. 

The hair on the back of Ian’s neck stood up and a shiver raced down his spine.  Ian started to stand but Tanja pushed him onto a leather surface.  The cool leather provided contrast against his warm body and Ian felt a strap slide over his back and secure him.  Tanja bound his feet to the legs of the table with rope and made sure to tie the knots just a little too tight. 

The scratchy rope wasn’t going to bother Ian.  He wouldn’t let it. 

Tanja came around to the front of the table, squatted down and looked directly at Ian.  His eyes burned red hot with passion, anger and rebellion.  She hadn’t seen someone get this defensive in a long time and her thighs were soaked from looking at his expression.  ?Watch me,? she said and slid her fingers beneath the thin material that covered her pussy.  ?Mmm, this feels so good,? she said as she toyed with herself.  The crotch of her panties was soaked.

Ian’s lips parted, his eyes remained glued to her hand and nothing else.  His cock ached for contact with her beautiful mouth at the very least as she tugged her panties up, slid them against her clit and continued to finger fuck herself.

?You like watching this, don’t you??

?Yes,? he breathed the words, obvious desire dancing in his eyes.  .

Before she got lost in her orgasm, Tanja pulled her fingers out and brought them to Ian’s lips.  He flicked his tongue over her fingers and started to lick them clean but she pulled her hand away.  ?Not yet.  Besides, I don’t like to be licked.?

Ian reached out to grab her hand and she went to slap his hand away but he caught her instead.  ?Now what,? he said.

?You really haven’t learned anything, have you??  Tanja shook her head, pinched a nipple and lowered her tongue to her breast. She darted her tongue across her skin and gave Ian a desperate ‘come fuck me’ look that distracted him enough for her to free herself. 

?Now,? she said as she walked around the table and picked up the flogger.  ?On second thought,? she put it down and picked up a large jump bat with a little claw at the end of the paddle.  ?You ever try to overstep your boundaries little man, and you’ll have more trouble on your hands than you know what to do with,? she said as she slapped his ass, his back and shoved his head down on the table.  ?Do you understand your mistress??

Ian tried to turn onto his back but he was trapped.  His body was tired and he started to feel his will slip away.  ?Yes,? he said.

Tanja picked up a bottle of K-Y, a condom and tapped his ass once more with the claw.  She slid the condom over the handle of her crop and covered it in K-Y. ?Yes, what?? she said as she probed his ass with two lubed fingers. 

?Yes. . .?

The handle of the crop went inside his ass, deep.  Ian squirmed and tried to kick back but Tanja held his leg down.  In the position she had him in, he couldn’t move much but the crop wriggled its way in deeper until it brushed against his prostrate.  ?Don’t you like it when Mistress pleasures you??

Ian was slow to speak. ?Y-y-yes. . .ma’am.?

?You’re starting,? she said as she worked the crop in and out.  Tanja bent down, nibbled his ass and trailed her tongue over his flesh as she fucked him.  She found his cock and gave him a few pumps as encouragement.  ?Yes, Mistress.?

?Yes, Mistress,? he said as the crop and her hand worked him. 

?This is the part I enjoy,? she said as Ian started to squirm.  His cock shuddered and before he knew it, his body rocked with orgasm that had him explode all over the table as he came in jets on Mistress Tanja’s hand. 

She bent down and tasted his come before bringing her hand to his lips.  ?Taste,? she said. 

Ian wanted to refuse but the crop was still in his ass, sliding slowly in and out, breaking him down even further. 

?If I’d have known you were this easy, I would have had you two weeks ago,? she said and giggled.  ?But you’re not done yet.?

Ian wasn’t sure how to take that. Tanja undid the ropes around his ankles, helped him roll onto his back and then tightened the strap around his torso.  She slid a come sticky hand down his chest, pinched a nipple and scratched his belly.  He shivered and she pulled the crop out of his ass.  Ian felt empty until Tanja rolled a condom over his semi hard cock.

?This is the last time you will come without my permission.?  Her gaze locked on his ass she slipped out of her panties and climbed atop Ian.  Her warmth surrounded his cock and Ian groaned.  He started to put his hands on her hips but stopped short.  He looked at Tanja for approval and she nodded. 

?Go ahead, hold on, because I’m still in control.?

Ian held her hips and gasped as she pounded down on his cock.  Each bounce on him hurt as she slammed her body against his and pressed his already sore skin down on the leather table.  Tanja’s pussy clenched and milked Ian’s cock.  She mouthed his name until her sounds became as inaudible as his and she came, orgasm ripping through her.  She didn’t stop fucking him just yet, a second orgasm was close at hand. 

Tanja gripped his shoulders, dug her fingernails into his skin and paid no mind to the fact that she’d drawn blood as she came a second time, this time the pressure built within her swelling to a new high until her core burst, sending warmth throughout her body.  She stopped, fell over Ian’s tired chest and crushed her breasts to his chest.  She gave herself a moment to recover, wiped the sweat from her brow and bent down again, this time to lick the blood from his arms.  ?The energy that flows between us, binds us,? she said. 

Ian stopped short of saying anything, though his parted lips invited a kiss, and he tasted metal as Tanja slid her tongue inside his mouth and ran her organ over his lips, teeth and along his jaw line.  ?You are mine, now.?

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INTRODUCTION: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, we would like to introduce you to Cassie. Cassie is a 19yr old busty slim young woman, it would be fair to say she was not the brightest spark in the world, and any man looking for an intellectual conversation was looking in the wrong place. However, for those guys who liked a good body and a good time, Cassie was your girl!Men who had an evil streak saw Cassie coming from a mile and she was far too dumb to know she was being tricked. She shared her...

3 years ago
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TrickChick Part Two

Well, we hoped you enjoyed part one, Cassie provided us much enjoyment when we knew her, I know some of you think we are bastards, but she was arrogant. She knew she was sexy, she looked down at everyone claiming she will be better than us and we were all losers. She was also thick, how many times can a girl be conned and still not learn? We did try and tell her a few times, when it was really bad but she would just get tricked again, so why bother? Besides, we started to enjoy hearing about...

2 years ago
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TrickChick Part Two

Well, we hoped you enjoyed part one, Cassie provided us much enjoyment when we knew her, I know some of you think we are bastards, but she was arrogant. She knew she was sexy, she looked down at everyone claiming she will be better than us and we were all losers. She was also thick, how many times can a girl be conned and still not learn? We did try and tell her a few times, when it was really bad but she would just get tricked again, so why bother? Besides, we started to enjoy hearing about...

3 years ago
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TrickChick Part One

INTRODUCTION: Hello Ladies and Gentleman, we would like to introduce you to Cassie. Cassie is a 19yr old busty slim young woman, it would be fair to say she was not the brightest spark in the world, and any man looking for an intellectual conversation was looking in the wrong place. However, for those guys who liked a good body and a good time, Cassie was your girl!Men who had an evil streak saw Cassie coming from a mile and she was far too dumb to know she was being tricked. She shared her...

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With a name like One Click Chicks, I certainly did not expect to find an enf forum-based website. But, that is exactly what is—an entirely community-based site of pornophiles from all over the world sharing and discussing their favorite amateur photos and videos. If you’ve read my other reviews on sites like Alohatube and Pornhub Homemade, you already know how much I love amateur porn, so, for me, this was a pleasant surprise.This forum is massive, and, from the looks of it,...

Porn Forums
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Reddit ChickFlixxx, aka r/ChickFlixxx! Uh oh, it looks like we’ve got one of those feminist ratholes up in this bitch. What am I talking about? Well, there’s this sub called /r/chickflixxx that seems to be all about “female empowerment” and “letting women finally have a say when it comes to NSFW subs”. Listen, if your gender wasn’t full of squeamish and delicate little bitches, then I think that you could have a say on any NSFW subreddit. The thing about girls is that they just aren’t so...

Reddit NSFW List
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Internet Chicks make the world go ‘round, or at the very least, they make the Internet a whole hell of a lot more interesting. While your wife posts on social media all day, trying to sell her MLM diet shakes and show off her meatloaf, there are younger, sexier broads making names for themselves with twerk videos, stripteases, masturbation shows and even kinkier fare. I think you know exactly which web bitches I’m talking about, and chances are you’ve already got a few favorites on your list of...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Baddies Chicks! Do you love beating off to amateur pornography? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t love jacking off to beautiful women that look like someone you may have come across in your mundane, everyday life? It adds another layer to the jerk-off session and even makes you consider the fact that, hey, maybe you’ll get laid someday.Don’t be disappointed if that day never comes. Instead, visit Amateur PornHub and find all of the sexy fucking content that this tube site has to offer a poor sap...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
4 years ago
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A Bullys Comeuppance Part Five King Studios

The days leading up to Saturday morning seemed to drag by slower than a dead snail, but by the time my alarm went off at 7am it seemed to have come by way too quickly. I'd not told Abbie what Marcus and I had agreed to, and simply told her he had a job he wanted to trial me for that would take place on Saturday. She hadn't asked any more, but told me to tell her how it went and wished me luck with a big kiss and cuddle. She was still fast asleep as I showered and ate my breakfast,...

2 years ago
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Compulsive masturbators

Anonymous asked: can any man be turned into a sissy, even if at the start he really doesnt want itI don’t know. I suppose it all depends on their mental fortitude. But I imagine after prolonged forced chastity, the male mind will grow weak to influence and suggestion if it means the reward of sexual release. If the influence and suggestion at the time is that of feminization and bi/homosexuality, combined to exposure of related erotic images, video, and art, I’d assume that even the strongest...

1 year ago
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Chicks on a Plane

The year was 1980. Or just it 1979. Whatever. Ted was a guy who fought in Vietnam against the Nazis. During this time, he, his pal John, and his other seven buddies got captured by Nazis who tortured them by making them watch Last Jedi. This seven nameless committed suicide afterwards. Afterwards he got a drinking problem. He wasn't an alcoholic, he just splashed beverages everywhere but his mouth. And because of a wartime injury, his leg would shoot towards, causing him to kick over tables and...

1 year ago
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OLanterns Halloween Costumes

Here's a short little Halloween story. It's a little late because I didn't actually get inspired to start writing it until Halloween night while I was waiting on trick or treaters. O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes By Morpheus O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes, the sign on the shop read in bright orange letters. It was a small shop occupying a corner of the local strip mall, not standing out in any way beside the sign nor looking...

2 years ago
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surreptitious masturbator

Once he got really lucky when instead of getting ready for bed, she lay back down on the bed and began playing with her tits and nipples! Just watching her twist and tweak them made him cum after only a stroke or two, and even though he had just shot a load, he continued to watch and was soon rewarded as she dropped a hand to her crotch and frigged her clit! Mark had never seen anyone do that before and was fascinated that girls as well as boys "did it"! When Sarah finally came, she stifled a...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Serial Masturbator

It is three in the morning and I’m still awake, even though I have masturbated four times during the night. I have alternated between visions of cock and pussy as I punished my cock till I came four times, always allowing the cum to settle on my chest and belly. My body is literally coated with dried cum. I smelled like a cum dump.I started masturbating at sixteen and was addicted to jacking off. My mother had caught me many times always with the same admonishment, “If you don’t stop that you...

2 years ago
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Innocent Story of an Habitual Masturbator

Hello my name is Innocent and I am a habitual masturbator. I can't help myself. It seems that's all I want to do anymore. It all started at the early age of 14. I was bored one night and decided to get naked and explore my body. I let my hands roam over my budding tits and between my thighs. I took my index finger and traced the lips of my young twat. I did it slowly,I wanted to feel the sensation of a young man discovering pussy,for the fist time. So I closed my eyes,imagining a young teen...

3 years ago
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Fifty Years of Halloween Costumes

An elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...

2 years ago
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Domestic Disturbance

‘I’m not going to say it again, I won’t marry you, I don’t want to talk about it any more.’ ‘I thought you loved me.’ ‘You know I love you, Christ almighty, I tell you every time I see you.’ ‘Then why can’t we get married?’ ‘FUCK! Donna we’ve been over this a thousand times, you know why.’ I said as I got out of the bed that Donna and I had just made love in minutes ago. I headed for the shower, my shift started in an hour. It may not have been a thousand times, but we had gone over this...

3 years ago
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Halley Officer Peter and the Domestic Disturbance

I answered the door quickly when I heard the doorbell. It was only my second night at my new house in the big city, just outside Raleigh. I loved it here, the warmth, the beach within reasonable driving distance, being out of my parents’ house, having employment that utilized my college degree! And oh, the sweet southern accents that made my knees weak. My knees were not weak because of the accents at the moment though, they were quaking in fear. My not-so-friendly neighbors had gotten into it....

Straight Sex
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Remedy for a Stumbler

Who, what, where, when, why? Have I lost the trail again? Have I lost myself in the moment and forgotten how to breathe? How to think? How to remember? This is all I know in those panicked minutes. That they come, moments when I lose my grip and tumble, and that I have to focus, focus, focus. When I find myself in a car, in a bed, in a room, and I find nothing else to connect with. Not in the surroundings, not in the depths of a gridlocked memory. When I’m nobody, and I can’t recall anything....

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DISTURBIA A Short Introduction To A Bigger Picture © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 1: A Dinner Party In Suburbia It was a casual, nonchalant, dinner party conversation really. The fact that Julia spoke between popping bright red, fresh strawberries, between her full, deep red lips was a focal point for her guests. The ladies, grinned at their hostess’s teasing antics as the guys squirmed with a weird sophisticated embarrassment. “I did tell the guy that MY way was the smoothest way. That if the merger...

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Vixen Expostulates

Vixen sat in the front row in Mr. Valpor’s English class listening to him discuss Mark Twain and local color. She took notes and between times sucked on her Bic pen, keeping her pouting lips wet and soft, showing him her tongue tip now and then and enjoying the dampness her vagina was generating. She was “in heat” and she knew it. Estrous it was called in the animal world. She noticed that he was wearing a wide wedding band, and it looked like he might have gained some weight since he got...

3 years ago
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A former stundet

Introduction: She was a former student, sexy, alluring, and it was a night I would never forget She was a very attractive young girl, and as a student of mine, she was one that I always remembered. Mariah was one of those students you would fantasize about being with. She had nice firm boobs, wore low cut tops and had a personality that was alluring. She had been gone for several years now, however, all of a sudden, Mariah started to visit me from time to time. The first time she visited, she...

2 years ago
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Their Little Stut

I didn’t plan on this night getting as wild as it did, especially since the party was at a farm and held by a typically middle- class married couple. It was a fairy tale theme fancy dress party. I decided to go as Little Red Riding Hood, and wore a 50’s style dress with red roses on it with a big red petticoat underneath. This style of dress not only complemented my curves but showed off the right amount of cleavage. I also wore a little red hooded cape and bright red high heels. I thought I...

4 years ago
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The Marine Studes

I just love the common toilet and bath of the place I stay in this southern city. The urinals have no separators that I’ve seen lots of dicks during my stays from locals to foreigners. The toilet/bath even though with wall wall separators have almost 6 inches gap from the floor so that one can easily see the reflection of another bather esp when the lighting is good. This alone makes me want to bathe all day. It was such my lucky day that during my stay it coincided with the field trip of...

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Moms Stocking Stuffer

It started out innocently enough – but I guess it always does.As long as I can remember, Mom had always greeted me and wished me goodbye with a little peck on the lips.  Naturally, I tried to avoid it as I got older out of embarrassment, and by the time I was a teenager, it was something rare that only happened at home.That changed when Dad walked out on us.  Mom was devastated, and I did everything in my power to help her through it.  On a whim, I brought back the old childhood ritual.  The...

4 years ago
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Julias Absturz

Julia ist nicht sonderlich groß ganz im Gegensatz zu ihren Brüsten. In engen Tops liebt sie die Blicke der Jungs und wenn sie an ihnen vor bei geht weiß sie genau, dass die pubertären Kerle auf ihren perfekten Po starren. Die 18 Jährige Liebt Partys hat aber dennoch gute Noten und ist alles in allem sehr beliebt. Ihr hellbraunes Haar, die sonnengebräunte Haut und die blauen Augen harmonierten Perfekt. Bis ihr Leben irgendwann beginnt sich zu verändern. Julia hatte heute Sport in der letzten...

2 years ago
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Verficktes Fitnessstudio

An alle potenziellen Mitschreiber: Bitte zuerst die Storyrichtlinien lesen! Das "Olympia" ist das größte und angesagteste Fitnessstudio der gesamten Stadt. Es verfügt über einen riesigen Raum fürs Kraft- & Muskeltraining, 4 Kursräume und freie Trainingsflächen, einen Zirkel, unzählige Cardiogeräte mit integrierten Monitoren, einem großen Swimming Pool, ein Becken für Wassergynmanstik, 8 Themensaunen, einem Massagebereich, einer ebenso großzügigen Lounge wie auch einen Relaxbereich und helle...

4 years ago
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Nie wieder würde ich einer Freundin einen Gefallen tun. Nie wieder! Egal, wie sehr sie mich bitten würde. Seit Stunden stand ich hinter dem Tresen und zapfte ein Bier nach dem anderen. Meine Füße und mein Kreuz taten weh. Anja hatte mich gebeten, für sie einzuspringen. Nun stand ich da. Körperliche Arbeit war ich nicht gewohnt. Mein Bafög besserte ich sonst mit Aushilfsjobs an der Uni auf. Ich seufzte laut auf. Langsam leerte sich die Kneipe. Nur noch ein Tisch ganz hinten in der Ecke war...

2 years ago
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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

3 years ago
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Sophies Studium

Sophie ist eine zierliche Frau mit langen braunen Locken. Etwa 1,65m groß und 24 Jahre alt. Sophie lebte bis vor einer Woche in einer überschaubaren Kleinstadt, besuchte dort das Gymnasium, stets mit dem Ziel Kariere zu machen. Vor etwa einer Woche startete Sophie Ihr BWL Studium in der nahegelegen Großstadt. Da Ihr Freund Julius, mit dem Sie nun schon 2 Jahre zusammen ist, schon länger in der Stadt studiert und bereits eine kleine 1 Zimmerwohnung in der Stadt hat, konnte Sie direkt zu Ihm...

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Beginn eines Studentenlebens

Pia war neu in der Stadt. Vor wenigen Tagen hatte sie ihre Studentenbude bezogen, eine kleine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung in einem Haus der Gründerzeit am Rande der City. Noch ein paar Wochen, dann würde die Uni beginnen. Pia kannte noch niemanden in der Stadt. In einer anderen Stadt aufgewachsen, fühlte sie sich keineswegs unwohl - es würde einfach ein paar Tage dauern, bis sie neue Bekanntschaften schloß. Genügend Zeit, sich einzuleben. Pia zog sich an, um auszugehen. Sie wählte einen kurzen Rock, ein...

1 year ago
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Die Nacht im Fitnessstudio

Sonntag 16.08.2017, 22:55 Uhr. Das Fitnessstudio „Fit and Fun“ in einem Vorort von Frankfurt ist fast menschenleer. Kein Wunder, es ist ein lauer Sommerabend und um 23 Uhr macht das Studio wie üblich dicht. Hinter der Theke ist die 23-jährige Bianca dabei die Tageseinnahmen zu zählen. Viel ist es nicht, aber 322,50 € sind für einen Sonntag gar nicht mal so übel. Sie kann es gar nicht erwarten endlich nach Hause zu kommen. Die lange Steherei hinter der Theke hat sie müde gemacht. Ihr...

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Einforderung von Sozialleistungen

"Ich habe ja schon viel gehört, aber so was noch nicht. Was glauben Sie wo Sie hier sind?", tobte Yvonne Kaufmann in ihrer Funktion als Sachbearbeiterin beim Jobcenter. "Wo ich hier bin?", tobte der etwa fünfzigjährige Spätaussiedler aus Russland Victor Damov. "Ich bin da wo ich meine Leistungen bekomme auf die ich Anspruch habe!" "Ganz genau. Und Sie haben sicherlich keinen Anspruch auf 400,00 € zusätzlich im Monat um eine Prostituierte aufzusuchen!", schimpfte die junge Sachbearbeiterin. "Wir...

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Die Mathe Studentin

Theresa saß wie jeden Tag in der Uni Bibliothek und saß über ihren Mathe Büchern. Sie war die fleißigste Studentin ihres Jahrgangs und hatte die besten Noten und dem entsprechend auch weder Freizeit noch Freunde. Dabei sah sie garnicht so schlecht aus. Schulterlanges rötliches Haar eine süße etwas zu große Nase, eine schlanke Figur und mit großen Brüsten die sie so gut wie möglich verdeckte. Dazu eine Brille die sie noch ein bisschen niedlicher machte.

Group Sex
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Meine Fickstute

Wie der Zufall es will, so habe auch ich diese junge Verkäuferin kennengelernt. Schnell erkannte ich ihre Veranlagung. Sie steht auf schnellen Sex. Bereits bei unserem zweiten Treffen, habe ich sie auf der Herrentoilette abgefickt. Da sie auf ältere Herren steht, weicht sie mir seitdem nicht mehr von der Seite. Da sie ständig geil ist und ihre Löcher nach Füllmaterial lechzen, habe ich sie nach nur wenigen Wochen zu einer lasziven Dreilochstute eingeritten. In einem Pornokino habe ich...

3 years ago
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Die Studentin

Saskia hatte es in den Arsch bekommen, aber sie hatte ihre Prüfung bestanden. Gerade als sie sich die Hose wieder anzog, drückte er seinen Stempel auf ihre Arbeit und kritzelte seine Unterschrift drauf. Sie hatte ihre Prüfung bestanden und sie hatte eine Ladung Sperma in den Arsch bekommen. Sperma von meinem Professor. Wer hätte damit gerechnet, das der alte Bock dermaßen potent war. Saskia jedenfalls hatte nicht damit gerechnet. Ein Fick für das Bestehen, das war der Deal gewesen. Eigentlich...

1 year ago
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Angie wird zur Dreilochstute

Mein Name ist Angela. Ich bin eine 32-jährige, schlanke Brünette und 1.65 m groß. Meine Freunde schätzen mein offenes, lustiges Wesen und mein hübsches Gesicht. Ich bin doch ziemlich stolz, dass ich für Männer immer noch ein ?Hingucker? bin. Besonders meine vollen, halbrunden 85 C Titten mit den aufwärts gerichteten Nippeln, die sich so schön durch meine enge Bluse abzeichnen, haben sicher schon einige müde Penisse munter gemacht. Meinen Body halte ich durch Jogging und Aerobic fit, sodass...

1 year ago
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Wildes Studentenleben

Es ist Ende August. Die freie Zeit ist nahezu vorbei. Bald geht es wieder los. Die junge Nina hatte in den letzten Monaten nach Ihrem Abitur das Leben genoßen. Sie war einige Wochen im Ausland im Urlaub und erfreute sich an dem herlichen Wetter diesen Sommer. Nun ist es bald soweit, ihr Informatik-Studium beginnt. Sie wird wegziehen von zuhause, von ihren Freunden in eine fremde Stadt. Sie ist unglaublich aufgeregt. Nina ist jetzt 20 Jahre alt. Sie hat kurze braune Haare mit leichtem rot-ton....

3 years ago
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Pit Stup

Valerie Stup of Home shopping network is the latest celebrity MILF I've been daydreaming about having sex with, I see her segments and I'm just in awe of this lovely blonde's figure, I swear if I were her husband I would bend her over and nail her into next week Wednesday and the month after that! I bet Mr.Stup doesn't approve of me daydreaming about getting it on his wife.I wish I could put my fantasies about her on DVD so i can watch myself fucking her.I walked into the studio where she was...

4 years ago
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Die Nachhilfestunden

Also ich bin Stefan, ich bin 25 Jahre alt ca 182cm groß habe kurze dunkle Haare und braune augen. Meine Freundin Steffi ist 22, hat langes dunkles Haar,braune Augen, Oberweite 80E und ist teilrasiert.Sie fickt gerne an gewagten Orten, läßt sich leidenschaftlich gerne lecken und bläst richtig geil allerdings schluckt sie nicht sehr gerne, mag es aber wenn ihr ins Gesicht oder auf die Titten gespritzt wird.Sie läßt sich von mir auch in den Arsch fingern hatte allerdings noch nie einen Schwanz...

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Der Beichtstuhl

" Viel Glück Padre' Doe " waren die letzten Worte die ich aus meiner alten Gemeinde mit nahm, das und den Segen Gottes, sein Werk tun zu dürfen. Voller Begeisterung fuhr ich mit dem Zug in meine neue Gemeinde. Ein 250 Seelen Dorf mitten im Nirgendwo. Dort angekommen wurde ich auch herzlich begrüßt und von allen freundlich aufgenommen. Nun bin ich schon fast seit einem Monat hier und die Leute scheinen mich als ein teil ihres Lebens akzeptiert zu haben. Es war mir einfach unmöglich zu verstehen...

2 years ago
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Mom catching son masturbaiting

Mom Catches Son Jerking OffMom catches her son masturbating while watching her shower and she confronts him in an unusual way.Each day when Mom comes home from work, she almost immediately goes and takes a shower before she fixes dinner. Just a short while ago, I found out that I can stand in a certain place in the master bedroom and watch her reflection in a couple of mirrors as she undresses and prepares to shower. I just love seeing her big beautiful naked tits and her lovely firm ass. Then,...

1 year ago
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I heard her say my name while she was masturbat

It Was Not On Purpose!! I swear, I was not trying to hear anything on the night I heard "HER"! Say my name-repeatedly! As she was diddling her pussy! I'm glad I did because it gave me the courage to, finally, FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HER!! The "her", I'm talking about was a young-lady, whom I will refer to as, Peaches! Peaches, was the bright-eyed, young-looking, twenty-something year old. Sandy-Blonde haired. Slightly chubby, but in all the right places! Daughter of a friend of mine whom I knew...

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