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Chapter 1: The Marathon

Early morning, southern California in early autumn, a lovely crisp Saturday, perfect running temperature.

Her first marathon, now just ten minutes to the starting gun. Carrie had wheeled up and down the sidelines to warm up, felt reasonably composed mentally, and ready physically. She glanced down at her registration number: she'd registered at 00:01 hours on day one, hoping to get a single-digit bib. Almost. Thirteen wasn't bad, she had always as a k** felt it to be lucky. Irrational. There were 211 wheels registered, plus nearly ten thousand runners. She'd been working towards this for three years. No, more -- she'd been a runner before The Accident -- in her mind it was always capitalized.

"Hey, Stumps! Hola! You look ready!" -- only two people called her that, nobody else had either the balls or permission.

She spun about, waved and grinned at the pair of handsome early-thirties men. Identical twins, her "running" buddies even though she was now a wheel. She'd met them over two years ago in the first race she'd done in a chair. Since then they had routinely encountered one another at races, but never elsewhere -- they didn't actually train together -- more 'racing acquaintances' than running buddies.

Abe and Bob -- Abe being (of course) forty minutes the elder. Nicknamed (also of course) Alpha and Beta. Tall blonds, very Scandinavian, she could tell them apart only because Alpha had a moustache and Beta a significant motorcycling scar on one forearm. After that very first race as a wheel, the twins had declared themselves her official fan club ("Nobody else need apply, membership is closed!") -- embarrassing but nice. Even after many races over many, many months, she knew little about them beyond names -- knew that they were both highly-placed technical people in surviving dot-coms: they lived in the two halves of a duplex in a very good part of town; they were intensely hetero bachelors, but gentlemanly about indulging their appreciation of the swarms of sexy near-naked female bodies at races. Gentlemanly, but insistent, too. She rather liked that.

They trotted up, leaned down team-wise to hug her. They were good-looking men - tall, lean, heavier-muscled than most good runners, and still considerably faster than she, although she planned to fix THAT eventually.

The Twins' goal for today was to do way, WAY under three hours -- possibly to break two thirty if it stayed cool. Her goal for today was reasoned, carefully rational, the specific goal of her training regime -- to do the 26.2 miles without stopping, and hold an 8 minute pace, thereby finishing in just under three hours thirty minutes. A whole two seconds under, but UNDER.

Carrie's long-term goal was more extreme. Wheels in top shape could beat almost any runner -- in fact, good wheels both male and female routinely beat the men's world record for the marathon. She wasn't that good -- "Not YET!"

As always the wheels would get a five minute head start -- five minutes being an easy mile for a wheel, that much lead-time would spread the chairs out enough so they wouldn't interfere with the professional speed-demon runners at the head of the foot-pack, the folks who would run the entire distance at a sub-five-minute pace. But undoubtedly several wheels would beat the foot-winner's time by many minutes. There was some sort of cosmic justice in that, wasn't there?

Most wheels in this raced were male, but there were a dozen or more women, almost all acquaintances from previous races - but none had risen to the level of 'friend' -- in fact, none approached A & B in that regard. Carrie wheeled into place at the back of the 211:-- no point in being in anyone's way, and she sure as hell wasn't going to repeat the dumb-dumb performance of her first wheel race.

It was just a 10k loop, 6.2 miles, a purely local thing, maybe a thousand entrants. But she'd been in a chair less than four months, and done all her training up to then on a glass-smooth highschool track. On the real course, beat-up public roads, she'd found herself in an unexpected, exhausting fight with the potholed, universally uneven, unpredictable, high-crowned road surface. Not to mention the goddamned hills, sneaky sons-of-bitches, imperceptible in a powered vehicle! Plus, as a racing-rookie, she'd started out way too fast.

Far, far worse than the race itself had been the ten minutes just before the start. Beset by an excess of nerves and unpreparedness and over-hydration, she found herself desperate to pee. Genuinely desperate. Amongst the two dozen or so porta-potties there was ONE handicapped edifice, and its line was ten deep.

Alpha and Beta had arrived to do their own bladder thing, noticed her obvious -- to them -- distress. Alpha had been totally blunt, walked up to her, introduced himself and Beta, then said "You look like a five-year-old boy with his legs crossed. Which means we've been there, done that, and understand completely. You'll never get through that handicap line before the gun. If you don't mind some help from two strangers, me and my bro here can pick you up and carry you into one of the regular potties. Bang on the door when you're done, we'll bring you back out. Instant relief, plus you get to the starting line on time. AND, as an extra added side-benefit, you get to meet US. And we you."

Then Beta said with a silly, boyish grin "We assume that you can handle all the clothing and such while you're in there -- but of course if you need help with that, we might be available!"

She nodded, said "Thanks a million -- you're on!"

No nonsense: she undid the harness, they picked her up between them by both arms as if she were a feather, hurried her into the nearest empty.

She made it to the starting line with a minute to spare.

Most of a mile out, fifteen percent of the race, she was already getting tired when the twins passed her, shouting encouragement, and disappeared. She was almost done-in by mile four, could hardly move her arms, was way, way back amidst the slow runners. All the other wheels were long-ago out of sight ahead of her. Discouraged, she was seriously contemplating simply giving up.

Then, running upstream right towards her came The Twins, returning from the finish line, carrying two peeled oranges, a bottle of reconstituted sweat (aka Gatorade), a thumb-sized chunk of fudge, and a cup of ice. They had blown through the finish line, discussed her likely situation, and decided an emergency aid mission was in order. As she wheeled, they fed her: on the next long downhill, she coasted briefly whilst demolishing the oranges and fudge -- and with one Twin on each side she'd made it to the finish entirely under her own steam and by no means dead last.

It was the start of a subtle, and much appreciated, ongoing relationship, entirely centered around races.

Chapter 2: The Accident

In an alternate universe, long, long ago and far away, she had come awake abruptly, knowing she'd not actually been asleep but in some other state. She swam upwards through a fog of genuinely unpleasant but not defined sensations. Her whole body and being seemed one huge, throbbing ache. She tried opening her eyes -- slammed them shut instantly, it was unearthly bright out there.

Carrie was a rare breed, mentally -- superb at math and logic, one of a very small group of computer programmers who actually could think in binary, program in binary -- ones and zeros, the ultimate foundation of all modern digital computing. "Web designers and physicists," she thought -- "...are idiots, with no idea how their machinery actually did its thing at their commands."

She had an ability to turn on the purely rational side of her brain rather like flipping a light switch, overriding the emotional half completely until further notice. It was an ability for the use of which her employer paid her well beyond handsomely -- and which confused and irritated her friends when she occasionally used it in social situations. She flipped that switch now -- it seemed likely to be the best idea. Then she waited for the mental fog to clear.

She listened attentively while waiting -- generally quiet, but some background noises. Air conditioner humming? Clicks, like wheeled carts on tile, soft, then louder, then fading. Funny smells. She squinted tightly, allowing in a tiny bit of light, letting her eyes adjust. Where was she? Last thing she could remember was finishing the half-marathon, getting into her car with her new boyfriend George. Nothing beyond that, nothing more recent.

This place FELT and SMELT and SOUNDED like a hospital. Lack of most-recent memory plus her new surroundings -- to her, those observations combined to suggest a car accident. Interesting, but just a theory. She got one eye slightly open, then the other. She was on her back, looking straight up at a white ceiling with one recessed four-tube fluorescent squarely in her field of view. No wonder it hurt to use her eyes! "Dumbshit design, or dumber-shit bed placement!" she thought.

She got the eyes open fully, looked left -- that direction, her visual field was dominated by an IV rack holding a single plastic bag, labeled "Normal Saline". A good sign. At least it wasn't blood or plasma or something even more exotic.

Time to study the situation. Her brain seemed to be functioning okay. Good omens first -- she could see and hear and smell and read and think. She assumed she could probably taste -- all major senses accounted for. Good. She looked right: ten feet away a nurse sat in a comfortable chair, engrossed in a book. Intensive care of some sort -- obviously she, Carrie, the patient, was not to be left alone. Of course, with the nurse's nose in her book, Carrie might as well have been alone. Didn't anyone train these people?

The arrangements suggested serious injury -- probably life-threatening, and not yet fully under control, perhaps? Carrie contemplated attracting Nurse's attention, decided against it. Not yet. She needed more data. She closed her eyes, let them dark-acclimate for a few seconds, then opened them one at a time, watching the light field and imagery change as each adapted -- things seemed symmetrical, so probably no concussion.

Now that she was functioning mentally, her whole-body ache was dichotomized, very different above and below the waist. Was she paralyzed? Had she broken her back, cut her spinal cord? Coldly, rationally she suppressed emotion and incipient panic. NO, not so, no such disaster... she wiggled her head -- no head or neck restraint, hence no neck damage. No respirator, so she wasn't a quad.

Besides, she could feel the mattress and sheet against her body. All the way down to where the sensation, the aching, changed nature. Not at her waist: lower, the change was lower, near the bottom of her pelvis, maybe lower still. She tried to wiggle, beginning at the shoulders, working down: all seemed in order, except that there were two wide, soft cloth straps holding her in the bed, not completely immobilizing her, but very nearly so. One covered her chest and biceps, the other went across her pelvis just at the top of her hips.

The straps, she thought, mean I'm capable of doing myself some damage, I can move, say, roll out of bed, and they don't want that. Movement capability meant no paralysis -- double check on that horror, spinal cord intact.

She re-studied the sensation-miasma, the huge two-phased aching, and couldn't get a handle on it, neither a good description nor an explanation. And Oh-by-the-way, where the hell was George? If they'd had a car accident, it should be HIM, not nursey-p*o, keeping vigil in her room. Perhaps he was injured, too? She took a long, slow breath -- that didn't hurt, said part of her brain, hence no chest injuries severe enough to break ribs.

Puzzlement! Time had come to let Nurse Cratchitt know that the actual owner of the patient in her care had now returned and was more or less in command.

She ahemed.

Nurse jumped up gratifyingly, dropping her book on the floor. "Carrie! My goodness, we didn't expect you to come out so quickly! It's only been fifteen minutes..."

Carrie eyed her, then said, slowly and carefully, "'Come out' means general anesthesia, which means surgery. But what the hell for? I've been lying here studying myself and can't figure out what happened. I suspect a car accident, but I didn't break my neck or back, and I don't even have a concussion. You're not feeding me blood, so neither the injury nor the surgery was all that radical. I'm strapped down, so you don't want me moving, which means I CAN move and could hurt myself. I would like to know, and right NOW please, what happened, what my injuries are, and all that sort of interesting stuff -- including prognosis. I'm tired -- your turn to talk now! And turn out that goddamned ceiling light!"

Nurse was completely nonplussed -- patients were not supposed to snap out of general having done a thorough self-analysis, then instantly launch into a diatribe and demand details of their problems.

"Um... I'm not supposed to discuss things with you until you've seen the doctor. I think I can catch your surgeon, he can't possibly have cleaned up yet." Carrie looked sourly at Nurse, who picked up the phone, said "Go find Dr Jameson! Carrie, today's patient, is awake, coherent and demanding information. He needs to come to her room at once and talk to her. STAT, please!"

Two minute later Dr Jameson, still in scrubs, leaned into Carrie's room, motioned the nurse to join him in the hall. Seconds later, he re-entered, stared at Carrie for a second: she stared back. Not quite believing what Nurse had told him, he silently stepped up to her bed, took out the required little flashlight, then paused and said "Excuse me... do you know your name?"

She glared at him, snapped "Yes, I certainly do! Do you know YOURS? And don't shine that thing in my eyes, I already checked and don't have a concussion!"

He was taken aback, but recovered quickly, something Carrie appreciated. She knew full well how disconcerting her own behavior could be -- knew it and used it.

"Well..." he said, " do seem to be wide awake and functioning mentally. What's twelve times twelve?"

"In base what?" she replied, then said "Base two it's one zero zero one zero zero zero zero." He grinned broadly, and the fact that he understood improved things greatly -- not a total dodo. She let herself mellow a bit. "What the hell happened to me, and what did you operate on me for?"

He pondered, then shrugged. "Nurse told me about your internal analysis -- you're quite the logician, aren't you?"

She nodded: "Yes... It's how I think, it's how I try to live, and it's my occupation too. So quit shilly-shallying and doing the mulberry bush thing and tell me what's going on here. After all, it's MY BODY, not yours."

"This is quite anomalous... you're twenty minutes out of surgery, and we're having a philosophical discussion about free-will and self-ownership? That's mighty odd. Are you sure you're up to knowing everything? Even if it's bad?"

She nodded: "Look here, Doctor... I already KNOW it's BAD - else you would have simply told me by now, and then I could say something profound like "Oh SHIT! -- but I suppose I'll live..." and then we'd get on with it. If I were going to go all hysterical on you I'd have done it immediately. Now if you want to keep THIS particular patient calm, prevent her agitation, and hew to the Hippocratic tradition, you damn well better start talking. No bullshit, please. Words of one syllable would be good, my head does ache but it's from that damned ceiling light, not whatever happened to me. Something is seriously wrong with me -- WHAT!?"

"Car accident" he said, arms folded, studying her non-reaction. "Four hours ago. You're alive because there was an ambulance about four cars behind you, with a good EMT. He stabilized you, got you out, called for a chopper, which brought you here -- we have an awfully good trauma unit. A very odd accident, yours was. Fluke. You were headed into an underpass beneath the interstate, the right rear double wheel of a semi doing about seventy up on the highway came off, bounced over the guard rail and landed on your car. A lot of mass, traveling pretty fast."

He was still studying her closely.

She nodded, said "Jeez! --- and?"

He took a deep breath. "It landed pretty much in your lap. The pictures are spectacular. About a thousand pounds or so. Lots of energy -- you were doing maybe fifty, it was moving even faster and at right angles to your path. Squashed things pretty badly. Not so much a guillotine as a rock-crusher. Did a huge amount of damage to both your legs. You got a face-full of glass shards, too, but that's all trivia -- your glasses protected your eyes quite nicely."

He shrugged again. "You were actually lucky -- once you get past the bad luck of the whole damned thing... it could have gotten your pelvis, in which case you'd be dead most likely, or dying very slowly but inevitably -- crushed pelvis equals dead soon, even today. But you're not dying, not at all. No spinal or brain damage. Missed your pelvis, abdomen, chest, head, hands. Just got the legs."

"Just legs" was ominous. She kept a firm mental thumb on her "Logical-Self-ON" switch, stared at him, chills and goosebumps running over her chest and arms. It took a few seconds, during which she once again inventoried her sensations. Then she consciously tried to move her legs.

Something was VERY wrong -- and she was suddenly quite sure what.

She watched his face -- he had noticed the movement, stayed impassive, stared back at her. Her next question came out of the wild blue, caught both him and her off guard. "Were you a military surgeon? You're about the right age."

He raised one eyebrow in surprise: "Yes, I was."

She nodded: "Combat?"

He nodded back at her.

She took a deep breath, let it out: it felt as if she were staring into an unlit, bottomless abyss as she asked softly "How many times have you had to tell a soldier that he -- or maybe SHE? -- had lost a leg? Or even two of them?"

Jameson studied her yet again. "Far more times than I liked or wanted." He stopped: ball in her court.

"Doctor Jameson, are we having fun yet?"

He shook his head emphatically -- most definitely not! "I was afraid of that. Both legs?"

He nodded. She stared back at him, took another long breath, nodded grimly. "How much do I have left? And what about George, my boyfriend who was in the car with me?"

"That's two different topics..." said Jameson. He mulled things over, decided that there was no doubt Carrie could handle it, and that there was no other way, or time, to deliver the news. Besides, it was clear that she already intuited the answer: she was visibly steeling herself. How many times had he been through exactly this scenario, modified to "roadside bomb plus soldiers"?

"George wasn't as lucky as you. He's dead. At the scene. Head injuries. As to your legs, you've still got about two inches on the left, four or slightly more on the right. Things were so badly smashed that there never was any hope of repair. Basically, to be blunt, the tire made hamburger of both thighs. We can't yet heal hamburger. Sorry. But for what it's worth you have no other injuries, which is flatly miraculous, and you're in such good shape that the surgery went far, far better than anyone could have predicted. One pint of blood, mostly precautionary -- amazing, a trivial amount."

He smiled lopsidedly: "I did save your racing bib. It's a bit messy, though."

She smiled up at him wanly. "More questions."

He waited: they came in a rush: "How long will I be in here, how bad is the pain going to be when I can feel it, what about prostheses -- two and four don't seem like much to work with and I'm going to walk again. And what did you do with the legs?"

He grinned at her, his whole body relaxing in relief at her aplomb. A rare thing, that. "More answers, Carrie. In order. Three weeks max if you heal well and I bet you will; pain we can control without making you an addict, and the fact you don't have huge phantom pain right now is very encouraging. You're right about the lengths-- the short one isn't enough stump for the current generation of articulated whole-leg prostheses but things are improving all the time and you can certainly learn to use the non-articulated variety meanwhile. And there's good news about where the legs went. Want to hear?"

"Sure... Whack me with all the good news, Doc. God knows it's way overdue. What'd you do with the hamburger?" She tried to grin, almost succeeded.

"You carried an organ-donor card, and the fine print covers situations like this. Our transplant and organ folks tore them apart... got half an acre of fine skin, lots of usable bone and marrow, a bundle of smaller veins and arteries, plenty of good tendons. It'll all get used, believe me -- a lot of folks are going to benefit from your misfortune. But the best is the skin. Two days ago our burn-center put out an emergency call for a small boy with about half his back, his buttocks and the backs of his thighs almost charred, deep third degree burns, all skin gone."

After a moment, he slogged onwards: "He happens to be black, almost identical to your coloring. Burns like that are invariably fatal unless you can get them covered up fast. There was enough of your skin to do the entire burned area all at once, instantaneous full coverage -- which is incredibly rare. They're working on him as we speak, and I've talked to the team twice already. My guess is he'll live, probably recover just fine -- he seems to be a tough little bird. Keep your fingers crossed."

Carries eyes filled again, but didn't quite spill. "Sheesh. Good. I mean, GOOD! Burns scare the living shit out of me, so I guess I really could be in much worse shape, yes-no-maybe? If he lives, can I meet him?"

"I'll make sure you do!" he said, releasing her hand. "Now I know you'll be okay -- anyone who can say seriously, as you just did, that things could be much worse, well, you've got hold of reality. Bravo!"

Carrie sniffed, shrugged, said "Logic is me, I guess. Lots of my acquaintances don't like it when I get this way. But elsewhere madness lies." Nurse reappeared with a tray carrying three syringes. "What are those?" Carrie demanded.

Nurse looked inquiringly at Jameson, who nodded and said "Speak completely freely with this one! Anything she wants to know, just tell her straight out. Understood?"

Nurse nodded and said "That'll be a relief, for a change!" Then to Carrie, "One each; antibiotic, pain killer, and antidepressant. All as needed until further notice."

Carrie looked at Nurse, then at Jameson, and said "Yes, Yes, and not only no but HELL NO. I'm not depressed... woozy and angry and put-upon maybe, plus scared and other things as well, but not depressed. At least, not yet, with all this adrenalin. If I want any of that crap I'll let you know. And since I'm sane and conscious and rational, I hereby order you both not to even TRY to slip any of that stuff into my body. Okay? You think I need it, we discuss it, and I have the final say."

Jameson looked at her with something approaching affection, said "Understood, Carrie aka She Who Must Be Obeyed! You'll do just fine. Wish more of my soldiers had handled it like you. Get some sleep. You've got a very busy couple of weeks ahead of you. Like it or not, we're going to give you 24 hours of rest and then start rehab. And by the way, your friend Gail who ran with you in today's race, says to tell you she's used your hidden key to get into your place, and that she'll stay there until you get home, however long it may be. She'll take care of the cat and plants and aquarium. You are to call her any time, day or night. She'll be here camped on our doorstep when visiting hours start tomorrow."

He paused: "She saw the whole thing, you know -- she was just two cars behind you and helped the EMT get you out. Did as told, didn't panic or freak, even though she knew your legs were gone as soon as they got you on the stretcher. Helped the EMT with tourniquets. Rode here with you in the medevac chopper despite being scared shitless of heights. Didn't leave until I ordered her to go home and come back tomorrow. Good friend, that one. Keep her. And I'm sorry about George. See you in the A.M."

Carrie didn't let loose of her logical switch again until midnight: she waited until Nurse was gone, then let herself go, and was down to mere snuffling when Nurse returned. During that first night, through a mild narcotic haze, she pondered, never allowing herself to go maudlin, being her best analytical self. By three she had her plans outlined -- not in detail, but firm. She was going to beat this thing, whatever the hell that meant! She slept surprisingly well once the analysis and decision were on mental record.

Next morning, as promised, Gail was bedside when Carrie awoke. Gail had been briefed by the nursing staff. First thing she did was hand over Carrie's laptop, plugged it in. "Knowing you, I figured you'd want this thing instantly."

Carrie nodded, said "Thanks... good call. I have a lot of research to do. Supposedly they have WiFi."

They chatted, plans were made -- visiting, care of apartment, contacting Carrie's employer. Then, just before Gail had to leave, Carrie asked a favor -- would Gail find a mirror, hold it for her -- she really wanted, needed, to actually see her lower body. Nurse overheard, expressed strong disapproval which Carrie overruled. The mirror appeared. Carrie remained reasonably impassive as she studied the bandage-swathed remnants. After some time she finally said "Well, hell. So much for my love-life, I guess." A pair of tears broke loose: nothing more.

Gail had no idea what to say, but Nurse spoke up with a quiet vehemence that got their attention. "Now you just quit that sort of moping, Carrie. Quit it now! That's utter nonsense! I've been working amputees for thirty-plus years -- there are plenty of men who will find you just as attractive now as before... sure, there are some amputation-fetishists and you'll be able to tell them instantly -- you don't want their attentions, not now, not ever. But any man worth a damn, worth making part of YOUR life, won't care. And there are lots of them out there -- you're just as pretty as ever, you won't lack for male attention. Quite the contrary, oddly enough. Trust me, please? This I do know!"

A long pause. "I know first-hand. I got into this business because my husband lost a leg right after we got married. It's just another personal awkwardness to deal with, not some demon. Trust me!"

When Gail left, Carrie threw herself into the internet. Next afternoon, although she hadn't yet sat up on her own, three wheelchair sales-reps arrived, almost together. Nurse tsk-tsked but allowed the mob in. The racing-chair rep arrived in his product -- the other two wheels were brought, incongruously she thought, by walkers -- truly poor sales tactics! Carrie told the reps that power-driven chairs were off the table at least for now, ordered trial-time on one lightweight racer and two heavier "civilian" versions.

The racer-rep, a youngish man, educated, pleasant, and articulate, had more of a physical problem than Carrie, she had to admit. His legs were shriveled and useless from a c***dhood spinal injury -- she had movable stumps that would -- once healed -- lend themselves to at least some forms of prostheses.

Extended discussions with the racer gave substance to her plan -- she was going to run --that is, "wheel"- a marathon. ASAP. And otherwise demand of herself as nearly normal an existence as possible. But the focus was going to be a marathon.

The racer-rep waxed enthusiastic but cautious, having done several marathons himself. He gave her personal-experience advice: she paid close attention. She had no significant upper body mass, would have to fix that, weight training and LOTS of miles in a chair -- it would be more work and take more time than she could imagine, but the eventual thrill of blasting down the road in front of, and gaining on, world-class runners was the damnedest adrenaline rush, a special experience forever denied to non-wheels. A karmic balancer.

She believed him.

Day two, as promised, the PT began. She forced herself to be attentive, enthusiastic, uncomplaining, and a serious overachiever. And she healed, as Jameson had predicted, spectacularly well and fast -- even the drain tubes came out in 5 days, near-record time. Experimentation produced a d**g cocktail that killed most of the pain but left her reasonably clear-headed.

Day six brought an insurance agent with a check for $250,000; an 'initial deposit on the eventual settlement.' The trucking company and its insurer had researched her already, knew they were on the hook deeply -- a pretty, intelligent, professional young black woman in this condition because of their mechanical negligence. NO, he said, there would be no in-court wrangling over fault, just some careful thought about what it might take to 'make her whole again'. She snorted at the term, he went red. The attitude in a nutshell -- "Shit, man, just pay the lady -- and be the Good Guy by starting immediately. Decide later on a final sum total."

She threw herself into PT -- went at the equipment with a vengeance, and on day ten she managed to get herself out of bed and into the chair -- and back again -- entirely unaided, using a t****ze-bar hung from the ceiling. Nurse watched, was impressed. Outside of the PT, she contemplated and prepared for the future, mostly doing internet shopping and research.

Carrie was out of the hospital in two weeks, with entry-level calluses on her hands from wheeling (often far too fast) through the corridors, and her shoulders were giving gentle hints of eventually mimicking those of a competitive butterfly-stroke swimmer. When she was discharged, Gail and a specialty-motors fellow met her with the new van, outfitted for a wheel to operate -- hydraulic ramp and door, special controls, the works -- and (pure bureaucratic idiocy!) NO special training or license required by the State! Any old driver's license would do! Carrie got the needed instructions, and for practice drove the b**st around the lot for ten minutes, then accepted it and set off home quite confidently.

Her apartment was going to be a problem -- third floor, tiny elevator, lousy layout for wheels. One day of that and she called the insurance people -- she would need their guarantee of another $500k so that she could go new-apartment shopping at once. She got no argument -- negotiations weren't complete, but the final settlement would be well into the several millions, they had no problems advancing against it.

She found a condo project not far away, still in the "selling air" stage. A long confab with the architect and builder, discussing worst-case survival scenarios. She wasn't afraid to pay, and got what she decided upon, including special modifications and facilities. Ground floor with dead-level entry, special parking arrangements, all doors pocket-style in special steel frames to be earthquake-proof. Sprinkler system. Hallway wide enough for two chairs side-by-side. No bumps on the floor anywhere. Bedroom to be double-raftered and then ceiled and walled in ¾ inch plywood so she could string up ropes and such anywhere she chose. All doorknobs and handles low enough for her to reach easily while lying on the floor. Oddly-shaped floor molding that would give a good finger-grip for dragging one's self along the floor. Wide entryway with room off to the side for three parked chairs, out of traffic. Utilities all normal-height rather than specialties for wheels, since she fully intended to stomp about the place on artificial legs sometime in the reasonably foreseeable future, and meanwhile a few inches of pillow in her chair would raise her adequately.

For the six months the condo was a-building she struggled with the old apartment --feeling that doing so was probably good for her, a constant training ground for the real world that -so she discovered on wheel-day one- failed so utterly to accommodate wheels.

Meanwhile, she flung herself back into work, politely refused most co-workers' condolences and invitations. And developed an all-consuming training program that gave her an interesting reputation at the gym -- a strikingly pretty woman utterly consumed by her bodily goals, a loner without even a steady gym companion male or female, apparently un-social if not anti-, and without an emotional compadre of any sort.

The reputation was accurate -- she shut herself off from male companionship, buried herself in work plus these activities to the utter exclusion of things emotional or sexual, despite her strong pre-accident involvements in both.

In fact, she was excruciatingly well aware of her estrangement from such things, and in her bouts of self-analysis acknowledged a terror at the prospect of having to deal with her new condition in those contexts... hence she opted out of even trying. Her non-work world was the impersonal weights and machines at the gym, and going 'round the local high-school track in her wheel, miles and miles, rain or shine.

The condo wasn't quite done when she'd entered that first race, learnt its lessons. After the run she'd thanked Alpha and Beta profusely. They had chattered disarmingly frankly about her injuries and the consequences, and they had helped slog her chair through the deeply muddy parking lot to her van. She gave them a short demo ride (the men eventually --not immediately!- christened it the Stump-Mobile). And they'd arranged to meet again at another 10k two weeks later. That one she had handled much more satisfactorily. At it, the men hugged her at the start and finish, and again escorted her across the finish line - the beginnings of a tradition.

Having moved into her new digs, she briefly contemplated having a housewarming, then rejected it as emotionally unworkable -- she didn't need to expose herself to multiple happy-couples, or to the possibility of rejection by A&B for whatever reason once they saw her outside of the racing milieu. More sensible to just hold her course, use that time for emergency drills such as pulling herself about in the bedroom using the half-dozen strategically place knotted ropes, and practicing 'worst-case' escapes, like "EARTHQUAKE!" -- in which she was knocked out of bed and onto the floor on the far side of the bed from her chair. In the dark. Get to the chair, use the ropes to get into the seat, then GET OUT! She practiced until she was very good at it. Paranoia, perhaps, but recheck -- nothing on the walls, no shelved materials, no art, that could fall into her escape path. Nothing.

Over the next couple of years fifteen or twenty races ensued, including a few half-marathons, nice in themselves but always seen by Carrie as merely training for the real event. A&B were always present, solicitous, helpful, open and warm and friendly in a way she encountered almost nowhere else.

Increasing compliments on her developing upper body -- she was strongly -- and beautifully -- muscled now, up perhaps twelve pounds of pure muscle in her torso and arms, and all of it in prime condition. Even an occasional oblique compliment from The Twins on the changes in her chest -- she'd always been proud of her boobs, the added muscle certainly enhanced their firmness, gave an illusion of an extra cup-size, but she knew the reality -- two inches of added chest yes, but with cup size holding steady. Such comments were rare, the twins understanding intuitively that they were on the edge acceptability, but that they were also vitally-needed ego-strokes. Sparingly applied, they were welcomed with minor embarrassment and obvious appreciation.

Chapter 3: Denouement

So here it was, marathon day at last. All participants had arrived early at the finish line in the stadium, parked, been bussed en-masse to the start several miles away, a huge exercise in public transportation.

Announcement -- loud! -- "Wheels ONLY, get in place NOW please, starting gun WHEELS ONLY in two minutes." She stripped off the black plastic trash-bag that made a perfect disposable warmup shirt, stuffed it into a roadside box labeled "recycle only". She had studied the weather predictions, opted for maximum ventilation, and was sans bra. Who needed a sport-bra anyhow, if there were no vertical accelerations to counteract? In the dawn cool her nipples stood up rigidly erect and obvious under the racing singlet.

The Twins openly ogled her boobs for a second: Alpha muttered "Well, lookie who's here!" while Beta shook his head approvingly and said with a near giggle "Stumps, after all these races, it's about time -- dammit -- that you brought the girls out to play!" Before she could react the two men bent down together, hugged her one final time, stood up, grinned at her, said "See you at the finish! We'll meet you near mile 25 if we can. You look GREAT! Love your little friends! Remember, don't go out too fast!"

BANG! Starting gun, then twenty seconds before she could roll -- the rest of the wheel-pack had to move first. The twenty counted on total time, too. Things were much worse for the runners -- the back of the pack wouldn't even be able to walk for two or three minutes after their gun, probably five minutes to get to real running-room. She set off, pacing herself carefully, but even so she passed more than a dozen wheels before the runners' gun went off far behind them.

Rolling smoothly on the first, nicely level, mile, she felt good, kept checking her speedometer -- she COULD go faster -- much! -- but doing so would destroy her long before race's end.

Moderation, no heroics!

Mile three, the front-running professional speed-demons steamed past in a tight knot, silent, intense, efficient. A pause in the flow-by and then came the long surge of fast, really good amateurs, less intense, openly friendly, throwing occasional words of encouragement at her. Mile five and The Twins caught up, ran beside her for a few seconds, with Alpha saying again how strong she looked, and that they would come back upstream and meet her at mile 25 or so - if they didn't drop dead at the finish. Then they were gone, she was on her own, no coach, no companion.

Onwards she rolled, sweating, sucking water from her stash -- six level miles, then the long, 300 vertical foot downhill that would have to be made up just before the end, no overall net change of altitude permitted in a sanctioned run like this. She worried about that hill-- as a wheel she'd been unable to go over the course in the detail possible for runners, but she HAD driven it repeatedly, trying to be hyper-sensitive to road conditions and slopes.

So far, so good. Right turn, a slight uphill through orange groves, past teenage junior and senior highschool girl cheerleaders. Watching them jump about on their lovely legs gave her a momentary envious gut-clench, but it passed -- she was preoccupied. Out into the sun, hard left, and BINGO, face to face with an all-MALE cheerleading squad from Chippendale's, working the crowd beside a big sign reading "Something for the Ladies!" -- five gorgeous hunks in running shoes, breast-cancer pink jockstraps and little masquerade-ball eye-masks, nothing else, bumping and grinding and handing out drinks as needed. She grinned at them, waved, wondered if they were straight or gay, declined the water, and kept on.

And on, and on.

She studied herself carefully, considered the weather, the course, added a tiny increment of speed beginning at mile sixteen. A smidgen of insurance on reaching her goal. Started on water-bottle #2, especially laced with glucose for the final ten miles.

The compensatory uphill lasted two miles: other wheels (and lots of runners) had gone out too fast, were s**ttered sparsely along the route now, paying the price, stopped and panting, some actively being sick: most of the stopped folks looked to be non-finishers. She dug into her store of energy, worked the rims. The talc inside her gloves long-since turned to mud by her sweat, but even so was still helping prevent blisters.

At mile twenty-five, the finish line was theoretically in sight but actually hidden deep inside the football stadium, a long circuit of the parking lot first, then up the ramp, through the goalposts and around the infield to the actual finish. She checked her time -- four minutes ahead! - and she was tired but quite short of exhausted.

The realization finally hit - she was going to do it! Hard right, many acres of asphalt to circle, a sign and more cheerleaders at one actual, statute mile to go.

And now, charging towards her came the Twins, Alpha shouting to her from a hundred meters away "BRAVO! You're WAY ahead of time, we almost missed you!" They joined her, gasping a bit as they kept alongside and she didn't slow one iota. At the end of the final lap around the infield they peeled off to let her charge down the finish lane solo.

Through the actual line she went, surrendering the racing-bib's little rip-off "finisher" tag to the official.

Proof forever, on the public record!

Three twenty-four and ten seconds -- including the starting-line delay! Arms raised with hands clasped over her head, watching her Twins lope in her direction, she screamed to herself "I DID IT!"

And then, as The Twins neared, her local universe went into the slowest of slow motion, her vision went crystal clear as if a fog had lifted, her hearing seemed unnaturally acute. As if some huge, all-pervasive weight were suddenly lifted off her, physically, mentally, emotionally.

Something clicked: she knew, of course, that there would be plenty of other races, but she also knew that in this instant she had conquered something critical. Now she could set aside -- intentionally and with understanding- the obsession to prove herself to herself: she could return to something more nearly her own 'normal'. Her pre-accident 'normal'.

With a jolt, she realized that that term 'The Accident' was no longer capitalized. She felt exactly like being set free. Free in the midst of the finish-line crowd, the whole area a-swarm with thousands of sweaty, attractive bodies of both genders, the calm humid air full of something just the far side of tangible, redolent of clean sweat and human sexuality. Immersed in her unexpected new freedom, just breathing the air here generated an adrenaline jolt that sent her pulse soaring well beyond its race-rate.

The Twins were on collision course with her, cheering. Crystal-vision: there was something strange about the fronts of their running shorts -- an unusual lumpiness. Odd, she thought quite analytically, them having hardons after running so far! Hardons required BLOOD and lots of it -- the Twins' blood should have been 100% in use elsewhere, she felt, almost giggling to herself.

Then a bit of her brain wondered to the rest of her just why she had never, ever noticed before what lovely crotches and butts --and legs, of course -The Twins had? How could she possibly have missed that? Had she been otherwise obsessed, or WHAT!? Milliseconds later, something exploded deep in her lower belly, a powerful, gut-wrenching twist that made her gasp out loud.

A round of congratulatory and very sweaty hugs which Beta turned into a long, deep kiss, completely unexpected, absolutely delicious. Thirty seconds of that and Alpha was pushing his brother aside, claiming his turn. In her bemused, self-studying state she hardly noticed the anomaly -- being actually KISSED again -- but was aware enough to note the Twins' radical differences in technique, and to decide that the differences were certainly not grounds for establishing a preference. Either was nice -- much more than merely adequate! - and both together were more than twice as nice as either singly. An emergent phenomenon!

Moments later the analysis was swamped by sensation and a tsunami of neediness -- and a sense of ill-defined wonder: howcome she'd not even THOUGHT about being kissed for these three years, yet now, so very suddenly, it was desperately, achingly necessary, so fulfilling?

From within her confusion, Carrie quickly realized she was impossibly, mind-bogglingly horny, it had descended on her without the least warning, out of the blue, something she'd not felt for three years -- the instantaneous explosion of need was so intense that it was almost nauseating. But nicely nauseating -- a sign of returning humanity, perhaps? The Twins had quit for the moment, backed off slightly, were advertising a special picnic they'd brought, the basket was in their car, Alpha would go fetch it -- lots of juicy stuff, champagne, energy-replacements. A victory celebration.

As the Twins talked, Carrie realized that she had an internal victory which needed celebration, needed it desperately, immediately. She made a decision partly analytic, mostly emotional, shook herself, reached out a hand to each Twin, squeezed hard. Which she could now do with authority, given her new musculature. They looked at one another, then down at her.

She took a prolonged, deep breath, let her eyes flick back and forth between theirs. "Like riding a bicycle..." she thought -- "Three years of no practice and I can still read them perfectly!" And she was pleased with what she read... they were every bit as interested as she, just uncertain -- like so many men, they needed guidance. "Hold on a second, you two."

They paused, puzzled.

"Can I be just as straightforward right now as you were when you picked me up and threw me in the porta-potty that first race?"

Again they looked at one another, back to her, said simultaneously "Sure! What?"

She squeezed again. "Okay -- here goes. It's been over three years since I was kissed like that -- much less anything beyond kissing. Not once since my accident. I haven't allowed myself the luxury of horniness -- just focused on my injuries and this marathon. The race has been a sort of self-evaluation goal, and now that I've done it, well, frankly..." She grinned at them -- they were extraordinarily serious-faced. "...FRANKLY, Gentlemen, my libido has just now ripped its way out of the bag I kept it in, and I have the goddamnedest case of the screaming hornies, like a supernova in my belly. First time I've felt like a female human for three years. And..." She stared briefly at Beta's crotch, then at Alpha's, then back to their faces. "... it's all focused on you two. If you happen to be free this afternoon, and can handle a hyper-horny black double-amputee as a third in a ménage-a-trois, then I suggest we adjourn -- with your picnic -- to my place. Immediately. It's about ten minutes away. Shall we?"

She paused, thinking, then grinned at them: "You know, I've never even dated white... what a way to re-start!"

The Twins looked momentarily addled, then, precisely together, they grinned at her and laughed. Beta said "Stumps, we've been speculating about you since day one, at the porta-potty, wishing we could get through to you and make love to you. Talk about fantasizing! We'd just about given up, too! And HELL YES we can handle it -- just try us, we guarantee it! You've never dated white, and neither of us has ever dated black, so that's a wash. We're pretty sure the sexual basics are the same regardless of skin. Black and white, yin and yang, sweet and sour, all those contrasts -- what would the world be without them? But you'll have to drive your van -- we'll flip to see who rides with you and who drives our car. Shall we go NOW? If you can be horny, well, so can WE! Running always makes us both super-hot."

Then, sotto voce, Alpha said "But today's hardons are very specifically YOUR FAULT! In case you'd like to know."

Carrie appreciated the information, flushed invisibly, squeezed their hands again, muttered "Sorry, guys... I truly didn't mean to be a prick-tease, if that's what I was. I've been preoccupied all this time, you know. I'm blushing, under the melanin! But..." She grinned broadly up at them both, "... finishing this race seems to have unleashed something. Broken the dam or some such. I hope you can handle it! And why didn't you ever SAY anything about the fantasies?"

Beta shrugged, said "They weren't shared by you -- like you said, you were preoccupied and we understand. Given your state of mind, it would have been totally inappropriate, a sort of breach of confidence. An imposition. Last thing you needed was two extremely horny guys sniffing around you, putting on pressures that you really didn't want. But hey! -- who knows? Maybe today we can explain a few of them? Maybe even try a few on for size? Let's GO!"

Enroute home with Beta riding silently in the passenger seat, letting her drive without distraction, the rational side of Carrie's brain popped up to query her -- had she done a thorough analysis of this situation and what it might become, of what it could mean, of possible consequences? Another part of her psyche was in charge however, and squashed the question, saying in essence that "Ms Rational" should pipe down and get out of the way -- that in fact there was a higher-order rational analysis, already completed, that not only permitted but actually demanded this course of action.

The vehicles arrived in convoy. Carrie opened the condo's front door, led the way inside. Alpha brought the big picnic basket from The Twins' car. Beta shut the condo's steel front door with an authoritative thunk. She led them straight to the bedroom, wheeled in, watched their reactions to the dangling knotted ropes she used to get around.

Beta grinned, said "Interesting possibilities!" Carrie was fully pleased, and half intimidated, by the now full-grown hardons the men sported beneath their running shorts: the hardons' existence demanded resolution of tension, and she'd had precious little recent practice, and never a twofer. Then Alpha sat down on the bed, reached out for Carrie's head, leaned forward to kiss her. It went on for quite some time: when they broke, she was shivering violently and he asked with concern "What's wrong? Getting cold feet?"

She shook her head, tried to smile, managed to say "No... not at all. It's just that, well, I've never done anything this wild, two on one, and I'm for sure not used to being so blatant and aggressive. I really don't know what I'm doing. So I'm nervous and a bit scared. I haven't had a date, even, since the accident..." She realized again that the event was no longer capitalized -- that must be significant! "...PLUS, dammit, I haven't had an orgasm of any sort for at least three years, and who knows whether I'm still capable? And I'm really truly scared of what it's going to be like fucking without legs... for both you two men and myself! What are you two going to actually think about my body when you see it naked? That's scary in itself! I think my boobs are okay, and I don't have a traditional black female big-booty, but man, NO LEGS? I was always pretty seriously vain about them. Lots of unknowns. So that's why I'm shaking. But cold feet? NOPE!"

She ended her litany of doubts and worries with "Now then, Gentlemen - how shall we start this thing without feeling awkward? God knows, I'm ready!"

"k**do," said Beta, "... your Twins here have never done a threesome together, so we're all three of us on equal footing. As for starting, why don't we stand where you can take our clothes off -- if the merchandise is still interesting after your inspection, we can do turn-about. By then I suspect things will be evolving nicely, no blueprints needed. And at some point we'll probably need to open the basket -- but not right away. Do we all need to shower first?"

Carrie grinned, shook her head, said "No shower needed on my part. Clean sweat is sexy as hell. Besides, what would be the point? With any luck we'll all be good and sweaty again very shortly!" She grabbed a rope, and using just one arm flipped herself onto the bed with consummate ease, the dark-chocolate smooth ends of her stumps somewhat startling when so blatantly on display.

"Come over here you two, where I can reach your shorts."

The merchandise was thoroughly acceptable -- a perfect matched set except for Alpha being circumcised and Beta not so. And Beta was clean-shaven, vs Alpha's pile of tightly-curled, translucent blond pubic hair. Interesting contrasts, she thought -- having never before seen either an uncut cock or a white one -- or a clean-shaven one, either.

After initial introductions during which Carrie discovered that for deep-throating, rather like bicycling, there was nearly 100% skill-retention despite long disuse.

She quizzed them as to their crotch differences. Mom and Dad had had disagreed about circumcision -- Dad was cut, himself, hence voted YEA. Mom felt it to be a seriously unnatural practice, quite savage, hence voted NO. Compromise - one of each, as determined by flipping a silver dollar. The one who lost the flip -- and his foreskin -- got the dollar at age 21. The shaving was a fillip laid on by a long-gone girlfriend, something Beta had come to enjoy: Alpha thought it silly.

The Twins clambered aboard the king bed, settled one on each side of Carrie, and then together, glacially to the point almost of reverence, they stripped her, singlet first. Her released boobs were tennis-ball solid with need: with one Twin suckling each side, she very nearly came in the first minute or two.

When her shorts and thong came off, leaving her exquisitely naked with men for the very first time since the accident, huge swarms of goose-bumps flooded over her, driven partly by worry, partly by appreciation of their combined touches. She had her eyes closed; somebody deeply engaged her mouth with his. Meanwhile, someone else was doing delightful things to her stumps with the other mouth: the sensations were startlingly intense and pleasant.

Then he moved to cup her bottom in his warm strong palms, saying firmly, authoritatively, "Jeez, Carrie... your stumps are actually attractive, and with a bottom like this, who's ever going to miss the legs? You are GORGEOUS!"

Warm, gentle, knowing fingers spread her pussy lips, followed by a short sigh of delight: "Man, this pink inside of black is a whole new world of turn-on!" as a hot, soft mouth took possession of first her clit, then her soul. Four male hands, aided by two mouths, were infinitely better than a single set, she quickly discovered. Especially when they truly knew what they were doing, and were driven by minds perfectly attuned to her needs.

Less than a minute more, and an enormous orgasm wracked her, shattering any remaining worries. Having mouths simultaneously working both ends as she came was incredible... not to mention three hands on her boobs and the fingers of the fourth drilling firmly, full-depth, into both pussy and bottom.

Before she had fully alit, The Twins changed places and started over. She didn't protest. Different techniques, as also in mouth-kissing: different results, a long string of mini-orgasms, then another volcanic one as a temporary finale.

When she could open her eyes she said, slowly and dreamily, "Guess what? I could FEEL my feet each time I came! They were making fists, just like before. Isn't that the silliest thing?" Then, "Let's try real fucking now. Please? Which of you gets to go first? I refuse to make a choice! But it's way overdue to start... after all, we do have to take care of you both! We can watch ourselves in the wall mirror -- I love to watch, and the contrast between our skins should make it easy to see what's actually going on. A subtle advantage of interracial lovemaking!"

The Twins looked at one another, exchanged knowing nods. "Maybe there's no need to make a choice, Carrie. Feeling truly adventuresome, M'Lady? Genuinely, thoroughly adventuresome?"

She nodded, wondering. She found out.

"Dibs on front for starters!" said Beta. He rolled onto his back, pulled her up to lie atop him chest to chest, reached down for her stumps, spread her wide, slipped himself full-depth into her pussy in a single long, slow stroke that left her gasping nicely and waiting for a second helping, muttering into the long kiss that accompanied the joining, "Screwy, but it really does feel like I have my legs wrapped around you!"

Then, behind her, Alpha busied himself getting into position, and she realized exactly what was happening. Realized, was grateful for George having turned her into an anal-sex enthusiast, and relaxed into the intensity of having this pair of identical cocks plunging in perfect syncopation into pussy and ass. And there were plenty of available, talented hands to deal with boobs and back and clit and bottom all at once.

It took a while -- a deliciously prolonged while. She had never had such an orgasm in her life... and when finally she had recovered her breath, The Twins gave her no quarter, merely took ten seconds to change places, and they went through the entire drill again, but much more slowly and thoroughly, which generated no complaints.

Half the afternoon was spent overtly -- and enjoyably - exploring what was missing in lovemaking possibilities due to her absent legs. The major findings were (a) yes, some few things were missing, some positions, some techniques were no longer possible, but also, astoundingly enough, (b) new possibilities were opened up as well. In fact, there were times when legs would actually have been in the way. Hardly worth amputation to discover so, she pointed out, but interesting nonetheless. The other half of the afternoon was spent consuming the picnic-basket's contents, then a long adventure in showering-with-friends in which soap and hand-held showerheads were featured items.

Followed by serious pizza, delivered.

Late in the afternoon Carrie proposed that the men stay overnight -- if they happened to be available and interested. After all, the trio seemed to be fully compatible in all directions --she was frankly amazed at The Twins' ability to cooperate and avoid competing, not to mention how totally natural it felt to have TWO all for herself! Maybe this was nature's way of letting her make up for lost time? Anyhow, she for one was nowhere near satiated... plus their hardons kept on returning, suggesting that the men needed more for themselves? Something she could provide?

The night was spent in such deep darkness that Carrie literally never knew which man was in her hands or mouth, or pussy, or butt... and although in theory she could have found out -- given circumcisions and shaving -- the reality was that she hadn't memorized what condition went with whom, and on top of that she most definitely didn't care. When early in the AM yet another sandwich occurred, it was unknown and immaterial to her which man was fore and which aft... the important thing was the pleasure all three gave and got in return.

Morning, she awoke first, looked at the sound-asleep bodies on either side of her, reached for a rope, hauled herself quietly clear of the bed and men, swung into her chair. Still nude, she wheeled to the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, the smell of coffee roused her Twins, and they appeared, newborn-naked, sporting morning half-erections, looking both awed and sheepish at finding her already up and making breakfast for three.

"Shit! Damn!" she said, and finally took her thumb off the switch briefly, let the tears roll.

Jameson reached out and took her hand, held it firmly, silently, waited for her to finish. When she was down to sniffles, he said "Glad to see you can cry- you've got to let the emotions IN and then OUT, or else they'll destroy you. Believe me, I know. The ones who can't cry for themselves usually don't ever get back to living a decent life, never accept and move on."
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i wander in the night so lost and alone i wander in the dark and am never at home i never feel happy i never feel sad i never feel and that makes me glad you walk in the light so lost and alone you walk in the day and are never at home you never look happy you never look sad you never look at all and that makes you glad together we sigh together we cry tomorrow we live but today we must die "in the night" by Nyasia A. Maire © 2007 "Oh, Christine! It is so incredibly beautiful and...

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Pantyhose cousins house not what u think

Well it started out like allot of pantyhose wearers first times.  It was when I was young I first tried on my mom’s pantyhose.  I went into the bathroom and found a pair of my mom’s pantyhose in the trash can.  They were some tan colored pair of hose.  I took my pajama’s bottoms off and slipped the hose on over my underwear.  They felt so good going on.  I went into the living room and sat on the couch and was watching some cartoons rubbing my legs loving how the nylon felt on my legs.  After a...

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There are certain perks working in the media industry, one of which is comps — complimentary goods, gifts, or services. I fanned a pair of concert tickets for one of Leta’s favorite bands in front of her and said, ‘Friday night, you and I are going on a date.’ ‘That’s sold out!’ she said, her eyes brightening over the laptop screen. ‘It is.’ It had been sold out thirty-seconds after the tickets appeared online. Even with both of us trying from our respective computers, we hadn’t been able to...

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DevilsFilms Lily Larimar Cuck 8216Em While They8217re Young

Lily Larimar is at Seth Gamble’s house, enjoying being pampered by him. She wishes that her boyfriend Celtic Iron could be as smooth as Seth. Lily is also craving a good fucking, so Seth takes his cock out, and she starts giving him an enthusiastic blowjob. However, Celtic shows up and desperately pounds on the door. Lily is annoyed, but agrees to open the door for him. Celtic asks Lily why she’s always going around having sex with other guys, even though he loves her. Lily tells...

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Milacik After Thoughts

This is not about sex, although sex surely played a (wonderfully) big part. It is also not about regrets, since there is too much to cherish, in spite of the aching loss. It is about remembering. Four years later, and I can still picture every beautiful thing that I loved about her. The touch of her beautiful upturned nose on my cheek. The taste of her soft luscious lips on mine, and the tip of her tongue caressing mine. Her eyes – ohhh, her gorgeous cat’s-eyes which often stayed open to let...

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Little Olivia

As time went on, we started spending more time getting to know each other. As a “family” we would go out to the movies and then afterwards for ice-cream. I started realizing that she was a pretty cool kid. I would stay over a few nights a week and she would come out in her pajamas to kiss Cindy goodnight, then she would sit on my lap and kiss me on the cheek. I was not sure how to react, so I would go with the flow and kiss her back on her forehead. Cindy seemed to enjoy that as she would...

1 year ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part Three

   It was a most wonderful night for me.  Taliya and me, we touched each other all night long.   It was pure bliss.   Unfortunately, morning came too soon: when Mistress Julia went to wake up Taliya then me for breakfast.   Unable to find Taliya she sought Master John.  I heard voices; they were talking as they approached my door.   Shaking Taliya I tried to wake her up; I did not want to be found nude near her.   Getting up to rapidly dress I finally managed to wake Taliya; unfortunately, by...

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BlowJobFridays Jessie Saint Jessie Is No Saint

I was looking for Jessie Saint to go over what we were going to be doing on her shoot. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere except the bedroom. I go there and when I open the door I find one of our favorite studs on the bed getting his dick sucked by Jessie! They both jumped up as I began to yell. Turns out or boy has told Jessie that they were going to be doing the scene together. By doing so, he got her to give him a blowjob. Since Jessie loves sucking big dick, she...

2 years ago
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Screwed Over an NIS StoryChapter 7

Wednesday Afternoon and Evening We got in the car. She said, "Warren, we need a better long term plan for a place to stay. You can't afford to pay for that room until we graduate and there is no need. Let's get an apartment. I can cook and we can have a place of our own. I think my father would be thrilled to help with the rent." "I have to admit that sounds good. You're right. My money won't last forever. We are going to be together." I pulled into a convenience store. "Be right...

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Find Mom Getting Fucked

I came home early from a party one night and was going up to my room, when I heard loud moaning and screaming. I instantly recognised my mom's voice, and went towards her room. The corridor was dark and her door was ajar. She couldn't see me standing there...but I could see everything. She had obviously thought that i wasn't coming back till late and didn't bother with closing the door. What I saw gave me a raging hard on. She was sprawled on the bed, naked, with her legs all the way over her...

3 years ago
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Love With A Housewife

Hi friends, this is Vibin. I am here to narrate my story. This is a real story. So the sexual elements will be less. And the story has two phases. Hope you will enjoy it. Please sent me your comments at First of all,let me tell about myself. I am a 26 year old guy from kerala. I joined in a reputed bank 1.5 years before, after completing my pg at thrissur,kerala. My village is 30 kms away from thrissur. I rented a flat just 500m away from my bank. During my graduation 1st year, I had a serious...

4 years ago
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Educating A Sissy Cuckold

Educating A Sissy Cuckold by Throne "Let's make sure that you're at least presentable, Chrissy" said Miranda. "The last thing I want is for Link to get here and be distracted by you not looking sissy enough. All his attention needs to be on me." The sexy dark-haired woman inspected her husband with a critical eye. He was short and slender, with sandy blond hair that had been allowed to grow to collar length, and was now put up in two ponytails at the sides of his head. His face...

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Rooftop At My Apartment

The management of my freshman college apartment did not mind if people went on the roof to sunbathe but locked the roof door at night.  I had a shortcut to the roof using the fire escape from my balcony just below the roof, so on occasion, we would climb to the roof at night and smoke weed. I was walking up to my apartment one evening, when I met a group of people headed up to the roof carrying cameras and photography equipment.  The people said that they rented the rooftop space to do some...

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The Next Story of Squirt and Wit

It had been a long winter which began during Christmas break when I had been stranded up at the mountain cabin with my younger sister for a weekend. It had snowed us in all by ourselves and we had the greatest time discovering each other to the fullest. But the winter weather hadn’t really let up and as spring was here finally, we were still enduring very strange weather. I was just thinking about Squirt, my nickname for my little sis, when low and behold, my cell rang and it was her. ...

1 year ago
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Kimbra Mayes and her son Jonty Mayes Chapter 1

36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...

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Parent Teacher Confrences

I had just sent my son, Adam, off to high school. I was asleep on the couch when the phone rang. I slowly got up and checked the phone. It was the school. I knew exactly what they were calling for. My son got in trouble again and his teacher wanted to meet with me after school. I wouldn't care as much if his teacher wasn't my ex boyfriend. After Adam came home I yelled at him for beating up one of his friends and then I left to talk to his teacher. I walked down the hall and stopped in front of...

Group Sex
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Four Conversations

Four Conversations--------------------------------------------An ADULT tale writtenbyMiss Irene ClearmontCopyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013---------------------------------------------Four Conversations---------------------------------------------First---------------------------------------------?Do you love me???Of course! Do you doubt it???Can you prove it???I thought that I did, every day.??How???What do you mean ?how?? I married you when you asked me, I work every day to give you the...

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GamerGirled for Life Part 2

Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 2) Author: Cupertino Abstract: An open Beta for a VR game eats into Scott's mind and changes his desires. Now he's desperate for solutions. With his virtual reality visor on, Scott floated in Gamer Corp's login aether while deprived of any sensations of having a body. He searched a gallery of hero characters surrounding his shapeless form. When he narrowed the selection down to the manliest ugliest crudest of heroes available, Scott chose the...

3 years ago
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Please dont walk away 10

As weeks went on. Steve worked more and more. He even worked overtime as well to make sure we'd be ready as my due date got closer and closer. My due date actually was just two days before my birthday believe it or not. On March 28 th we were expecting our first baby to be born. As I was 37 weeks along, it was March 14 th . So we had 2 weeks left. Steve had been tiring himself out. But he loved me and loved our incestuous baby as well. Our parents said they'd help out though. But we already had...

2 years ago
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Two Virgins One Wife

This story is loosely based on a true event that happened with a friend of mine about twenty years ago. It follows the general flow of events, as he intimated them to me, but I had to embellish, since I wasn’t actually there. I’ve had two virgin brides, but I’ve only been married once. I’ve walked down the aisle twice, said my vows twice, and deflowered my bride twice. But I’ve only been married once. Let’s back up to the beginning, shall we? I was not a popular teen. I was a geek, I’ll...

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Tennis with Anna Kournikova

I had just moved in to the area and didn't know anyone. I left my friends and family behind and moved out here to L.A because of work, a pay increase of about ten grand a year to be exact. Once I had enough time under my belt here I could move back home and use my experience from my time here to get a high paying job like this one. I had gone to bars to pick up girls and maybe make some friends I could hang out with out of work. Not that the guys at work didn't want to hang out with me, just...

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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 4 Minara

Catana leant forward and pointed at the star map floating in the center of the control room. "I was told a few human ships were spotted there." Varna walked around the map and tapped the tips of her fingers to her lips in thought. She looked across at the rest of the crew. "That's the Scorpious Sector, it is vast and deserted, if there are humans there then they would be difficult to find." She turned back to the map. "There's something about that sector." She spoke almost to...

4 years ago
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Check Yes or NoChapter 4

The next month passed pretty much the same way. They greeted each other every day at school. They talked in the hallway. In public, they never touched or stood close to each other. But they always seemed to share a secret smile or two. They went out on the weekends. Always to a place that was in the next county or otherwise far away from inquisitive glances. In private, they held hands. They talked and got to know one another better. They had been colleagues for so long, Jacob knew a lot...

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An Amazing Incest

By: Mr.Playboy9393 Hey Friends I believe you enjoyed my earlier stories i.e. Fucking Hot Rashmi, Fucked Rich Unsatisfied Lady and Gorgeous Unsatisfied Lady. Here I come up with another story which I never thought would happened with me as I always thought that story listed in incest are generally fake stories but my apologies to all those writers who shared their experiences but I considered them fake. Let me begin how it all started, as I am sex lover and love fucking girls and aunties I...

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Bujhae Shadi Shuda Mard Ke Pyas

Hi and greetings to mere all my indian sex stories dot net fans. “Aslee jawani ka pata tab chalta hai, jab dhere-dhere aap kisse ke samne apne kapre utarne lagte hai.” Ye baat mujhe tab pata chale jab maine is cheez ka experiance apni friend ke husband ke sath kea. My name is Saarika Singh aur main abhi 26years ke houn. Waise to main Bhopal(M.P) se houn par abhi NCR Delhi main job kar rahe houn, Aur 2yr se yaha settle houn. Mere skin tone pale white (gora) hai, aur kamar 28inc ke hai, aur main...

2 years ago
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My Life 8 I fuck another of my sisters friends

However my prayers were answered when the summer holidays came around. We had one of our family meetings and mum and dad had been so impressed with the way we had behaved ourselves during the Easter holidays that it was decided we could now have friends round during the day, something which had been strictly forbidden during the Easter holidays. For me, this meant Colin could come round and for Susan, Lynne. And more interestingly, Sandra. Although I had seen Sandra occasionally I...

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Discovered by my Mum fantasy

I was about 12 when I first started wearing Mum's clothes - she wore flimsy tops, mid thigh skirts, and she had a beautiful pair of tan knee high heeled boots. When Mum and Dad were at work, I used to get home from school early, rummage in Mum's wardrobe and walk round the house in her best undies, tights, boots and outfit. And then I'd lay down on the bathroom floor and stroke my hard cock until I came. Sometimes it was difficult to clear up, and once I got cum on her panties! I was so scared...

3 years ago
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Friends Wife Smita Author Prakash Patel

I was having a nice Assistant Bank Manager Job in Ahmedabad. My family settled with my two k**s already doing their graduation in colleges at Ahmedabad, and wife busy with her Government job. It happened like a great fortune to me. I was transferred to Bangalore, for my Job as a Bank Manager. It was a sudden transfer for settling some big financial scam carried out by the Manager and two accountants. The Board decided to send some one from a farther territory to dig out the truth and send the...

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The DolphinChapter 2

I am here once more, this time alone. I do not understand why I still come. There is no smell of Kitik any longer, it is gone very soon, there is only the empty water where he is before. Yet still I come, I must come again and again, it is only in this place that I feel right with me. The hunt is good, all eat well. I finish my hunger, and I am very hungry. And after, all have joy, there is leaping and playing and happiness. I alone have no joy. My hunger is gone now, but there is another...

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The Long Slumber Party

The Long Slumber Party " long have you been coaching?," she asked me as she sat on the field, in a way that almost sounded like she gave a shit... "Ten years," I said like I almost did too. I noticed a look in her eyes, and I figured out at once why she wasn't listening...So I followed her eyes. I noticed that every now and again, she would look down at my shorts. They were really that short, but I could notice a slight bulge near my ball sack "So, what, are you a former jock or, what?"...

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Seduction Exhibitionism Part VI

Hi, Dear ISS readers, this is Seenu. I am back and hope you would have cherished reading the part 5 of my sex escapes with Ragini and Mythili. My appreciation of Mythili on two counts did not go will with Ragini and what happened next was beyond my wildest dreams. As all three of us were stark naked, and finished one round of foreplay, became tired a bit and all three of us decided that we will not dress up until finish the play we have started in the morning and to energize ourselves, I asked...

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TouchMyWife Sandy Love My Wife8217s Persuasive Pussy

Buying a new home is a big move. All the more stressful when you have a picky Latina wife making demands. We found a place that my wife Sandy Love absolutely loved, but its JUST out of our price range. That won’t stop my lusty wife though. She saw how Tony Rubino, our real estate agent, looked at her. And she is willing to do what needs to be done. She starts to seduce Tony – right in front of me mind you – while he haggles with the owner to drop the price. Her magic lips...

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A Little Self Help

Note: This story was written way back in autumn 1994. It's the first piece of fiction I ever wrote about my/our condition. It was posted to Usenet like the other ones I wrote at the time and it is probably new to most people reading it now. The story hasn't been changed except to clean it up and fix errors. Once again I am grateful to Erin for wielding the editorial red pencil and "activating" my verbs. This is the first of three related stories. The third story is already on...

4 years ago
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fun with mother in law

As jilly sucked my cock I kissed and cuddled up to karen and I leaned forward to gently tease her nipples with my tongue, I sucked on karens nipples in turn as she held my head against her and my hand went down her body to her pussy. I could feel her pubic hair all wet and sticky, 'don't you dare touch her pussy' jilly ordered'you too are going to be at my mercy' she laughed. My cock was now very hard and stood to attention as jilly expertly wanked and sucked my cock'you are a good boy, I...

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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 9 Wednesday at School

I woke up Wednesday horny as hell just anticipating meeting up with Natalie in the library. Images of her spreading her legs and showing me her bare pussy were constantly filling my mind. I made it through my first couple of classes, but my mind was not there. I actually got caught daydreaming in my Trigonometry class. "I'm in here, Mr. Dugan," snapped my teacher, Mr. Carter. He had caught me staring blankly out the window during his lesson. "Is there something out there that is more...

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A Slaves Fate

Hello, little bird. You may not know it, but we have much in common you and I. You were born to fly free on the wind, but fate has betrayed you and now you live in a gilded cage. You are cared for but still a prisoner. I wonder, do you miss flying through the clouds? Or is the golden cage your home? I ask myself this often.I am Asius, a slave to the House of Quintus Lucius Antonius, Legatus Legionis of the Legio Primigenia. As the commander of an entire Legion, General Antonius is a very rich...

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Maxines New Life Ch 12

I awoke Monday in a strange bed. I also awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Eggs don’t seem to have an odor, unless they have gone bad. I expected to see Moseby in the kitchen, possibly dressed as a glamorous June Cleaver but alas the kitchen was empty. Well empty of humans anyway, I found coffee in the carafe of the coffee maker. It was also still turned on. I found a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on a bagel. It was inside of a plastic container with detailed reheating instructions. The...

2 years ago
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Hot Fun In Bengaluru Part 5

Hello ISS readers, Kishan here is back with another story. Thank you for all the responses you gave me. Please email me about your likes and dislikes. Good feedback makes for good story. This story happened a year ago but the origin started almost 4 years ago. When I was doing my post graduation I had this classmate called Spoorti. She was of same age as me and had a very good figure of 34-32-34. But I never had any sexual feelings for her because she was never my type. After we graduated she...

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The Ultimate Shaming of Danny

It was the most embarrassing day of my life. I was walking down main street enjoying the sunshine. The birds were singing. The breeze was blowing. It was a beautiful spring day. As I approached the corner, I passed by a couple of beautiful girls. They smiled and said hello. As I turned the corner something just didn't seem right. The street was empty and quiet. Where was everybody? I approached a few bushes in front of a vacant field. That's when it happened. Soft female hands covered my eyes...

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Pune Mein Story Reader Ko Chodha

Hi, I am 28 male living in Koregaon park Pune. Agar Pune ki koi ladkhi party enjoy karna chati ho yaa fir sex.. Then mail me at And aap mujhe Facebook per bhi add kar sakhte ho.. jab aap is email id ko search karoge tab mil jayega. aapko mera Facebook account Aapka jayda time na waste karte huye siddha story per aata hun… jaise ki aapne meri pichali story pune mein hard rock café mein mili lakdhi ko choda thaw o padi hogi… uska kafi acha response aaya and kafi ladkhio ki friend request bhi...

2 years ago
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Revenge Pt 17 Is this really revenge anymore1

Chapter 17 Rose, Jessica, and I were hanging out on a Friday night. It was the first time the three of us had been alone together since Rose walked in on us last week, but surprisingly things weren't that awkward. Rose had always been wary of the two of us, given our past, and that hadn't really changed. Obviously now she was watching us for a different reason. Rose and I hadn't really talked about it, other than me telling her again that I wanted things to stay private....

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Idle Cunts Are the Devils ToolsChapter 12

Cherry was immersed. Immersed in her sister and nephew’s visit. Personally, I thought Cherry had been close to totally falling apart when her sister and nephew had first appeared at the door. It’s one thing to know something is going to happen in the future and quite another to have that scary thing dropped in your lap. Big bad bitch Samantha was far away now. In her place was respectful, contrite Cherry who had been literally poked and forced to act in ways totally alien to Samantha’s usual...

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Do or Die part 1 10

Do or die ByBlack4BlondPart 1.Situation was spinning out of my control. My business was going to crash and whole global economy is shaking badly. I’m Marc, I design houses for a living and my son builds them. I used to make good living out of this, but as money is something what only some people have and banks aren’t going to give loans, my tiny firm is going to crash and burn. I maybe could get a job in other firms, but I doubt it. My son, Pete is also in the trouble and we both have our own...

3 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 13

On a normal Saturday afternoon, this is when Kristen would go to her yoga class taught by Stephanie and also attended by Brenda. Nothing about our lives is really normal anymore though, since last week's class. Kristen gave me a look that silently asked if I recognized the milestone, and if I thought she should still go. In the end, I dropped her off at the studio and then went for a walk on a favorite nearby trail. Walking is how I clear my head and this familiar path is still able to work...

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