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Thanks to Unsung Muse for the challenge of writing this story!


‘Caroline! … Caroline, wait!’

The last thing I wanted to do was wait. My cheeks were burning bright red and I knew I was going to cry. All I wanted to do was get out of there.

But my lawyer — who was also my friend — deserved at least a little courtesy, so I stopped. I held my eyes tightly shut and clenched my jaw, holding back the tears. His footsteps echoed toward me down the long marble hall. The halls of justice, I thought bitterly. So much for that.

Stanley made the mistake of touching my arm as he caught up. My stare was violent enough to make him let go.

‘I just wanted to tell you, I’m sorry,’ he said sincerely.

‘Thanks, I just don’t want to talk right now, I’ll call you later,’ my words came out in a rush.

He nodded. His firm blue eyes weren’t wet like mine, but he was sorry. I knew it. I left behind the image of his pale balding head, his little salt and pepper moustache that always made me think of a jack russell terrier. He wasn’t a classically attractive man. But he was a darn nice guy, and as far as I knew, a good husband and father.

I flounced down the courtroom steps, a bit less energetically than I might have before Stanley put a speed bump in my anger. I took refuge on a park bench, not giving a damn that it was 25°, and sat down to let the tears come. Douglas. Why?

In all honesty I did not know why. Ten years of marriage, tossed. Because he wanted to sleep around? Uh uh. So he claimed, but there had to be another reason. What had I done or not done? What had he failed to find in me when I had given all that I had, all who I am?

The questions quit gnawing and gave way to pure pain. I sat there drowning in tears. Passersby politely ignored me: a woman who might be pretty when she wasn’t red-faced and sobbing. I found a tissue in the pocket of my long wool coat and stabbed at the end of my nose.

Eventually the tears slowed to a lazy creek instead of a rushing river. I was about out of tissues and that meant, pretty soon, I’d have to go ‘home.’ The thought of doing so put my emotions on spin cycle, so I pushed the thought away and just stared, only partly seeing the big open square in front of me.

The square wasn’t what it once was. As little as eighteen months ago, elm trees danced to the fountain’s music. But the fountain was turned off now because of the cold, and where there used to be beautiful elms, now there were stumps. An infestation of elm borers had left the city with no choice but to amputate.

Pigeons fluttered around in their revised three-dimensional territory. I wondered when it would get too cold for them to fly. I found a little packet of oyster crackers in my pocket. In the twisted logic of the newly divorced, it seemed like they were more deserving than me, so I tore open the plastic and began doling out the last bits of what I had to give. With a rueful thought, I realized that was just how I felt about my marriage: this was it. There just wasn’t any more. I was down to my last emotional crumbs.

They ate the crumbs without any thought.

One of the birds seemed to be looking at me. He didn’t come too close, but neither did he retreat. What did he want? I showed him the empty cracker packet. ‘There isn’t any more.’ I shoved the wrapper into my pocket, but he stayed, as if to abide with me.

I sighed. Personifying birds was ridiculous. I knew I was just trying to avoid the inevitable, and was about to trudge toward my little Toyota, when a man had the nerve to sit down beside me.

‘Nice day,’ he observed, not looking at me.

Since he obviously just wanted to pick me up, I made a rude face. My expression said Are you nuts?! But my voice didn’t say anything.

As if sensing my thought, he smiled. ‘I guess it is on the chilly side.’ He turned to me and I quickly wiped the childish look off my face. I still didn’t say anything, though, because he was handsome, and that pissed me off. Great, just what I need. Not only a guy on the make, a good-looking guy on the make. I knew all about the pretty ones, my husband—ex-husband, I corrected myself—was one. Women flocked to them so easily, they basically expected every female to bow and simper. ‘Oh, you’re so gorgeous! [Squeal.] Can I get you anything? Want to fuck me?’

Not me. I had less than zero interest. I started searching for my car keys as he said, ‘Name’s Hank.’

‘Hi.’ Couldn’t he see I’d been crying? This was not a good time!

I found my keys and stood up. ‘See you later.’ My tone was as cold as the hollow fountain. I tossed my oversized leather bag over my shoulder and strode off, my knee-high boots making fresh prints in the crusty snow. My car was in the garage across the street.

At that point it struck me that I’d sure look like an ass if my car wouldn’t start, and Hank was the one I wound up asking for help. The old words circled in my head: ‘Make your words as sweet as honey, for you may have to eat them.’

For the second time that day, I hesitated. My lips firmed. I really had no interest in this guy other than to apologize for being rude. That was it, that was all.

Focused on this thought, I turned around and went back across the street. Hank watched me, a look of mild curiosity shading his tanned features. I couldn’t keep my eyes on his.

‘I just wanted to say I’m sorry I was rude. I’m having a really bad day.’

‘Thanks. That was why I sat down. I could see you were having a tough time of it and I thought maybe a bit of human company might help. You know,’ his grin was somewhat embarrassed, ‘just someone to tell your troubles to.’

He offered me his card. I studied it for a moment and slipped it into my pocket, along with the snotty tissues that were probably starting to freeze.

I held out my gloved hand, and he shook it. ‘Caroline.’

‘Nice to meet you.’

‘I, uh, have to get going.’ I thought of the house and the packing that had to be done. ‘See you later.’

Having discharged my social obligation, I made my way back across the street, again stepping awkwardly to avoid the greasy slush. Thank god for tall boots. I hate those short ones where one misstep can let the icy nasty stuff slide down your ankle, and then you have to deal with wet-sock all day. Ick.

My trusty little Toyota started just fine, thank you, and heat surged out of the vents within a few minutes. My breath stopped making clouds in front of my face. I relaxed a little.

Hank waved, and I gave him a nod, as I left the garage and drove away.

* * *

Ten months later my friend Babette might have been a tad bit angry with me. I couldn’t really tell.

‘Come on, Caroline, you’re going!’ She put her hands on her hips in exasperation. Was she really ticked, or not?

I shook my head. ‘I just don’t think I’m ready.’

‘Okay, then, we’ll do this the hard way.’ Babette took the hem of my sweater in her hands and pulled it up, exposing my ribs.

‘Hey!’ I laughed.

‘Play Superman,’ she directed sweetly. This was probably the same tone of voice she used with her four-year-old son. Almost automatically I lifted my arms. Her eyes focused on my waistline.

‘You’re lookin’ hot, babe. Don’t make me push you down and take off your pants.’

Turning a faint pink, I undid the zipper myself. Apparently I was going to the party. ‘Can I at least wear my ordinary underwear?’

‘Hmmm…’ my friend looked me up and down. ‘Absolutely not. The St. Pauli Girl does not expose her bra straps.’

We hunted through my lingerie drawer until we found the white corset. That almost got me, Douglas used to love seeing me wear that. He enjoyed taking it off, too.

My friend didn’t let me choke up. With a firm hand she steered me into the Bavarian beer wench costume, and off we went.

Just before we left, she reminded me that it
was damn cold outside, and I ought to wear a coat. I hadn’t yet lived a full year in my new apartment (how long until I quit calling it ‘new’?). All the winter stuff was still packed.

‘Just a second.’ I hurried back to the spare bedroom, my store room, and creaked the hangers around in the closet. The first coat that came to hand was my heavy wool one, the one I put on for vicious cold.

I stopped, the last time I had worn this coat was … the day my marriage was guillotined …

I told myself to cut it out. I had to let go and move on. Something else rang faintly at the back of my mind, but I refused to let those memories surface. I was going to a party, dammit, and I was going to smile and laugh and have a drink.

* * *

Stanley met us at the door as if we were Ed McMahon and his TV crew.

‘Caroline! You look great!! And who is this sexy she-devil?’

‘This is my friend Babette…’

‘Babette the BABE! Come on in, have a drink!’

I think Stanley had already had a few. His Fu Manchu costume was pretty funny, though. He had on a pair of black-rimmed eyeglasses with extremely fake-looking Chinese eyes instead of lenses. He took off the glasses to show that underneath, his make-up and eyebrows were an identical mimic! Despite my reluctance to be there in the first place, the piteous gag made me chuckle, and I relaxed a little bit.

Babette and I made our way past vampires and genies to the bar. If I had to guess, I’d say there were at least fifty people crowding my attorney’s living room. Stanley is a gregarious guy. Like a happy St. Bernard, he loves people—the more, the better.

At the bar I saw a couple who looked almost ordinary. Clearly there was something going on, though. The man wore jeans and a camouflage top. The woman had on camo pants and a black t-shirt.

‘What are you supposed to be?’

The woman grinned broadly. ‘Upper and lower GI!’

I had to laugh. ‘That is sick.’ We introduced ourselves. It turned out the woman was a nurse and her husband was an x-ray tech. They had worn their costumes all day at work, just for the sake of getting a few cheap laughs.

Stanley’s wife Linda was working the bar. She was dressed pretty much like a bartender, with a long kitchen apron hiding most of her clothes. The front of the apron read, ‘This is my costume.’ She and I had met a few times.

‘What can I gitcha?’

I shrugged. ‘I guess, given the way I’m dressed, I’ll have a beer.’

Linda stroked her chin. In that instant I could see something of how her marriage worked: where Stanley was an outgoing people-lover, Linda was more of a thinker who worked behind the scenes. I could easily picture her thinking up the logistics of the entire party, while Stanley went around slapping colleagues on the back and urging people to be there.

‘I have just the thing!’ she announced. She rooted through some cupboards while I made the Oh, you don’t have to go to any trouble noises. She ignored me like a pro and came up with a black and silver beer stein. On the side, it read:

‘The wonderful love of a beautiful maid,

And the love of a staunch true man,

And the love of a baby unafraid

Have existed since life began,

But the greatest love, the love of love,

Even greater than that of a mother,

is the tender, passionate, infinite love

of one drunken sot for another.’

‘Robert Burns!’ Linda named the poet. Again I had to laugh. This party had been a good idea, after all. Linda looked so pleased with her hostess efforts that I asked her to fill up my mug. I was really starting to feel like rubbing elbows with the human race again.

Babette had disappeared at some point. I was looking around the room for her when our hosts started whacking their wine glasses with forks. The ding! ding! ding! quieted the room.

As usual, Stanley was comfortable in the spotlight. ‘Ladies and gentleman!’ His clear baritone was a gift, he had the ability to project without yelling. Lawyer’s talent, I guess.

‘It’s time to decide the winner of this year’s Halloween costume contest.’ Whistles and applause greeted this announcement, along with some indistinct shouts. He explained that every contestant would get a chance to model, and if they wished, say a few words about their costume.

I sincerely hoped that I wouldn’t be pressured to get up there. Going to a party is one thing, making a public fool of myself is another. I definitely wasn’t interested in the latter.

It turned out I had no worries. There were plenty of contestants. The first was a man dressed completely in black with little fuzzy yellow things glued all over. I craned my neck and could see they were baby chicks.

‘I’m a chick magnet!’ he explained. Somebody yelled at him to go home, but he flapped a careless hand and went on having a good time. Good for him.

Next was a couple whose costume initially made no sense. The man wore love beads and frayed bell bottoms. The woman was dressed as a mime. As she pretended to walk into a fierce wind, he held up two fingers in the universal ‘peace’ sign. The crowd noise died down as people tried to figure it out.

Stanley intervened. ‘Anyone? … Anyone?’ he droned in his best impersonation of Ferris Bueller’s economics teacher. A few last guesses were called, none of them correct.

‘Okay!’ Stanley gave the couple the cordless mike.

‘We’re Peace and Quiet.’ The crowd groaned and laughed. Maybe because P&Q got the better of them, this couple wound up winning the prize: a pair of tickets to see Wicked. All the other contestants got a packet of beer nuts.

As the laughter and applause died down, I started hunting around for Babette. She’d been on the other side of the room from me during the costume contest, but disappeared again. The main room was pretty big, and my search was fruitless. At last I went back to the bar and asked Linda.

‘I think she went to the poker game.’

‘Poker game? You mean she left?’

‘No, no.’ My host smiled and pointed down the hall. ‘First door on the left, downstairs.’

Wonderingly, I followed the directions. How big could this house possibly be?

The room downstairs held a poker table and a pool table with room to spare. Nobody showed interest in the latter, but the card game looked full: Babette was surrounded by a cowboy, a vampire, Glinda the Good Witch, and Darth Vader.

The cowboy smiled when he saw me. ‘Relief from the bar! We’re saved! Wench!!’ he cried, banging his mug on the table.

‘Hear! Hear!’ growled Darth. The others followed suit:

‘I’ll have a beer.’

‘Red wine, please.’ This, from the vampire.

‘Nothing for me. I’m a good little witch!’

‘Whoa! I’m not here to take orders.’ I took an empty chair by Babette, much to the crowd’s chagrin: ‘Awwww!’

Besides Babette, Darth was the only one I recognized. He was one of Stanley’s law clerks. As I scanned the faces, one seemed faintly familiar.

‘I know you…’ My words to the cowboy came out slowly, as I tried to think where I had seen him before.

‘Name’s Hank,’ he drawled. ‘Fold.’

The wonderful mood of the party receded for a moment as I remembered a particularly cold day —bawling my eyes out—the pigeons with wings impervious to ice—

‘Hank.’ I reached across the table and shook his hand. ‘I’m Caroline.’

He tipped his hat, as a gentleman does to a lady. ‘Ma’am.’ His eyes held a hint of a twinkle.

‘Nice to see you.’ I smiled at him and turned to Babette. ‘But I’m kind of ready to go home.’

‘I’m not quite, yet,’ she protested. Apparently she was doing pretty well at the game. A nice-sized pile of chips was stacked in front of her.

The cowboy spoke up. ‘Ah’ll be glad to give ya a ride. Ah’m headed that way m’self.’

‘Whah, thayunk yew, suh.’ I played along, batting my lashes.

Hank looked so p
leased with himself. He also looked as if he were trying very hard not to show it. I could see why he wasn’t much good at poker.

A series of events happened just then, like cracks appearing in a thawing ice shelf. The smile on my new friend’s face was so warm and so clear, I couldn’t miss the message: he thought I was pretty.

Do you have any idea how that makes a woman feel, to be looked at like that? Not the leer of someone who just wants to fuck, but the friendly greeting that says, ‘Hello. I like you.’ To be complimented, not flattered: that is what makes a woman feel sexy.

He stood and touched my arm. The warm shiver he gave me told of May, as if someone had opened a window and let in a breath of spring, and the breeze was like a soft kiss on my cheek. Did I hear birds singing? I turned, thinking we were going back upstairs, but he took my elbow with a gentle firmness.

‘I’m pretty sure our coats are down here.’ Hank pointed down an unlit hallway.

‘Okay.’ I smiled, ready to follow him anywhere.

We slipped down the dark hall, past doors that might have concealed anything. Did Linda have a craft room, stuffed with fabric and beads? Did Stanley have some kind of smuggled contraband from a foreign head of state? Or maybe it was the other way around…Stanley secretly enjoyed needlepoint, Linda consulted with Sheiks from Arabia. The mental image made me smile.

One door had a panel next to it. With a mischievous grin, Hank pushed several buttons at random.

‘Don’t do that!’ My whisper was squeaky with laughter. ‘You’ll set off an alarm!’

To our horrified astonishment, the thing chirped. Its light flicked a go-ahead green. Hank tried the aluminum bar handle. The door drifted open, silent and heavy as a freshly-oiled Mercedes.

We looked at each other with the glee of conspiratorial children, and stepped inside.

Stanley’s private den was a celebration of bureaucratic hedonism. The hand-knotted custom rug hushed our footsteps in a cradle of wool and silk. A heavy bust of some philosopher topped a gleaming marble pedestal, spotlighted in a CD-sized halo. A few expensive-looking paintings looked down with a haughty gaze.

But most impressive of all was Stanley’s desk. It appeared to have been carved, whole, from one tree. The thick trunk formed the base. Just where the branches would have reached skyward, some craftsman had leveled an even plane. As a consequence the desktop was an irregular oval. It was entirely magnificent.

I’m sure this was not a room where Stanley would have entertained a cowboy and a barmaid.

Far from feeling out of place, however, Hank moved around the room, flipping on lights and running his fingers over the costly objets d’art.

After staring around breathlessly for a few moments, I had the presence of mind to shut the door. There was a definite click, and I padded over to that magnificent desk. I simply couldn’t take my eyes from it. Even the drawers seemed cleverly carved from the same piece of wood.

I pushed stuff out of the way—really, who uses a miniature Chinese vase to hold paper clips?—and marveled at the tree’s rings. Hank stood beside me.

‘This is just like that Hitchcock movie.’ Pleased as a child on Christmas morning, he pointed: ‘Here’s the Louisiana purchase,’ and with a nod, invited me to join in the game.

‘Here’s the Gold Rush.’ My bare arm crossed over his flannel-clad one. I inched closer to my companion. The Fahrenheit from his body was kicking my own furnace into gear.

His fingers brushed against mine, pointing at another of the tree’s rings. ‘Here is the Civil War.’ His chaps brushed against my crinolines. A faint scent of saddle soap greeted my nose.

Ten months of unmet need rose in me, answering the call of his divining rod. ‘Here’s the…’ I didn’t know what came next in American history. I only knew that Hank and I ought to come next.


Hank’s mouth at my throat scattered what remaining thoughts I had, like a flock of doves disrupted by a thunderbolt. His lips were smooth, even as the stubble of his beard rode roughshod against my neck. I moaned like a teenager and tilted back my head.

He swiped at my skin with his tongue. ‘You taste good,’ he breathed in my ear. His voice was gruff with passion.

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It all started from me seeing the man’s picture of his tongue posted in an interracial Internet group. He had left a comment asking for the ladies of the group to show him some love. So when I seen this man’s picture with this rather large tongue I had to make a remark “With a tongue like that I’m sure you won’t be lonely long.’  He was also a rather nice looking thick black man so I was sure that would help.    A few days later I received a message from him on my messenger. For the next...

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The Sleepover Part 1

I suppose I should introduce myself. Hi, I’m Payton. I’m about 5’3”, skinny yet curvy, and I have long dark curly hair. I’m a Capricorn, I like French fries with gravy, and I am in love with my best friend. I’m not sure when it happened… it wasn’t love at first sight. Spencer and I, were best friends ever since 3rd grade when he forgot his lunch, and I gave him half of my tuna sandwich. He lived about 3 blocks away from me, and every day after school he’d come over and we’d play basketball...

Love Stories
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WednesdaysChapter 36 Men

The five men sat on the deck in Ned's back yard. The Broncos were playing an exhibition game on a small, portable television, and they half-watched it as they sat, sipping drinks in the late summer sunshine. The women had gone shopping, not wanting to compete with the Broncos for attention. "How did you find this place, Ned?" Rudy asked. "So private, yet such a great location." Ned popped another can of beer. "Took a while. I looked all over the county, and then some. Louisville,...

4 years ago
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Affair With My Married Colleague Poonam 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers. This is Abhishek, back with another one of after a long time. When I joined an IT firm in Hyderabad, I met Poonam, a dusky Telugu woman in her late twenties. I was in my mid-twenties at that time. We were a few years apart in age. But being teammates made us get good communication between us. I always respected her for what she is and liked her in a good way. She treated me like a little guy. She was married, and my being unmarried made her treat me like a kid even...

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ASSWAS Sex Bracelets 1

The following is true and written to the best of my recollection: My addiction to ‘Anonymous and Spontaneous Sex With Any Stranger(s) (ASSWAS)’ began with a successful hookup through Craigslist. After a few emails, I met the guy in a parking lot and gave him head in my car. It was exhilarating, but I was hoping for something more spontaneous as well as even more anonymous. The next experience was in an adult video store at the glory hole. It wasn’t as satisfying as I expected having to wait for...

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Ein letztes kreisen mit den Fingerspitzen, dann gab Lisa auf. Es klappte einfach nicht. Sie hatte es schon mehr als 10 mal versucht, einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen, aber mehr als ein bisschen angenehmes Streicheln war nicht dabei rumgekommen. Auch mit den Jungs lief es nicht besser: Lisa hatte keinen Freund, erst recht war sie noch nie mit einem Jungen im Bett gewesen. Das lag keineswegs daran, dass Lisa hässlich war. Sie hatte nahezu einen idealen Körper: Groß, blonde Haare, lange Beine,...

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HandsOnHardcore Rebecca Volpetti Slutty Real Estate Agent Rebecca Volpetti Seals the Deal with DP Threesome

Real estate agent Rebecca Volpetti is a slut that will literally do anything to close a deal. Rebecca and her colleague Vince are fucking in the garage while they wait for a potential renter to come and see the home. Vince is slamming his cock into Rebecca from behind when the doorbell rings. Quickly, the two get dressed and greet the client, despite looking like they’ve just been fucking. Yanick, the client, quickly realizes that Rebecca is a whore and decides to use this to his advantage...

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Sauce for the GanderChapter 5 Defining My Business

Wednesday, September 27, 2028... God, the morning was really dragging. It was only nine, and I wasn’t due at Steve’s for lunch until twelve. Three hours and nothing to do will be boring. I decided to head to the CVS Pharmacy, so I could buy a spiral notebook and a pen. It didn’t take long to make my purchases. My next stop would be the Pacific Beach Library, which opened at nine-thirty on Fridays. The library would be a good place for me to start planning what I will do in the next few...

2 years ago
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The Morning after

As I open my eyes my head instantly aching from the sun beating down on my face ending long night of partying with my friends Shan and Lala. I look around my hotel room.. The sheets laying on the floor, the tv on mute, and the drap3s spread wide open and my clothes missing from my body.. then I realize the shower running in the bathroom..quickly trying to get up I collapse back onto the bed my knees weak and numb and the insides of my pussy feeling painfully sore..i hold onto the blanket and...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 24

That same night in the neighboring room of the hotel, Sophie and Sarah also talked a lot and made love, though the words and the deeds existed separately. Conversations remained mostly in the world of the pragmatic. Yet within these discussions lay desire and the tension caused by the possibility of separation from it. Mostly they discussed work and school and the conflicts involved. They even brought Carrie, Sarah's contact at the agency, into the discussion via Sophie's cell phone on...

4 years ago
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Me and Mum

"Oh no darling" mum said as she slipped out of her dress, "You mustn't look at me getting undressed" "Okay mum" I grinned and sat up in bed to watch, Her beautiful, big breasts bulged out almost over the top of her skimpy little bra as she reached for her drink and she smiled at me over the top of her glass, "You're looking" "I can't help it mum, you're beautiful" "No I'm not" but she giggled and turned round to look at herself in the mirror, "I've got wrinkles and my...

2 years ago
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Sauna Operation OverlordChapter 4

Dick's special ops people were all awarded citations, and Dick was put on the very short list of problem solvers for dirty jobs, which suited him perfectly. The only thing Dick feared was that he would be stuck in an office somewhere planning operations for other people to carry out. He was promised that this wouldn't happen, but he was still concerned. Meanwhile, the capture of the king put an end to the war in Marmur, and Umlaut was elected the new king. His first act as king was freeing...

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Alivia Pt2

Room 1707 Here I am. I let a co-worker fuck my ass in the office and now my boss, Gordon, the fat maniac, is using me as a complimentary gift for his new clients. Five guys I just took a professional meeting with are waiting behind the hotel room door to ravage my body in celebration. It is better than being an intern though. I hope I enjoy it. Never done this kind of thing before, one of the guys, Dan, is black, thatd also be a first for me. I can hear someone opening the door. Gosh! I dont...

4 years ago
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Lamb and Lion

Lamb And Lion By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Angel Flies There was just something about a nice full skirt. Angel was a devoted fan of "Sex And The City" and had decided to emulate Carrie on this plane ride. His hair was done in one of her season five styles, curled and off the shoulder. With his face, lean body and five foot seven inch frame, he never worried about being 'read'. Angel could not conceive of that problem, not because he was so good, but because he had...

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Runaway 3

RUNAWAY - Chapter 3 When I turned up at work the next morning Babs greeted me with a smile. "So," she asked, "are we looking at the cat that got the cream?" "I have no idea what you mean." I giggled. We took the conversation into the kitchen as there weren't any customers just yet. She made me tell her everything that had happened and what Tony had been like. I told her everything except about when we got back to his flat. And of course, I didn't mention anything to indicate...

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Pramila Bhabhi Fuckfan Club 8211 Paying The Bills

What are the things you need to consider to call a woman, ‘A loyal Indian housewife’? The answer would be something like this. ‘She should have love only for her husband and no one else should attract her more than her husband.’ , ‘She should be with her husband through all thicks and thins of life.’, ‘Her main ambition in life is to take care of her house and her family and to make it flourish.’ There was a woman, who used to fit in this description of ‘a loyal Indian housewife’. Meet, Pramila...

4 years ago
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Mast bhabhi ki chudaiu

Hey reader, it has been so long I have been enjoying your experience and thought it as the right time to share my experience with you. Hope u will enjoy the same. The story is about the time I was 26 and doing my MBA at Patna. I was liming with my brothers in-laws. My brother’s sala was married with a beautiful lady white as albatross with big eyes and excellent figure. To me it may be 34-28-36 I always used to jack off at night thinking about her. It so happened that one night my brother’s...

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Woman In The MirrorChapter 2 A Little Boy Not Wanted

How can one fully describe the life of a child growing up neglected and abused to someone who has never endured such a life? I don't think it can be done. Every time I have tried to explain the whys and wherefores, there are always the little pieces missing. The little pieces that made such a big difference. People always seemed to think of abuse and neglect in terms of the scars left behind, the brutal actions taken, but it's not so. It's the everyday supple and constant hammering on the...

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Will and CarrieChapter 6

"Speaking of starting something," Will said to Carrie, "we should probably check the penicillin project. It probably won't be ready, but I want to see how it's comin' along." When they got to the barn, they found both good, and bad results. "It's a damn good thing you kept these separated," Becky observed. "Some of 'em flat-out stink!" "I kinda figured they might," Will said, tossing several pieces of fruit into a garbage barrel. "Lactose might be a good idea, but I guess...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 20 Lights Camera Haction

"Seven some odd centuries ago," Petra intoned solemnly. "The quiet of this surrounding country side was irrevocably shattered!" Now dressed in a light tan 'bomber style' jacket, the actor pauses for a moment at the first bend of the walkway, away from the front of the actual shrine. "An event, so cataclysmic," He continued gravely, carefully surging back in to motion, though the image of him and his surroundings, appearing noticeably grainy somehow. "That, only a sparse handful of...

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Blame it on Pattaya 1

"My god Fred... quick, look over there in the pool! Look at that slut! Can you believe what she's doing? Have you ever seen anything like it?" Lifting my head from my pool towel, I looked over towards where Marge was staring and felt a lustful ache begin to grow deep in my balls. Standing waist deep in the water, one of the hotel guests I'd noticed earlier, an attractive woman with bobbed jet-black hair in her early forties was looking over in our direction and what's more, she was naked from...

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The Red Shoe

It had been a bad day full of bad behaviour.  He'd finally had enough of her terrible attitude and now she finds herself cold, blindfolded with each wrist handcuffed to a wire fence in the deserted downtown core. He half dragged her by the hair, unmindful of her pleading and yowling and threw her up against the fence.  His body pinned to hers he kissed her so sweetly it sucked out all her breath.  Dark eyes staring into hers he whispers softly as he strokes her cheek  "Baby, you want to make it...

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Commissioned from a friend

My hands are bound and raised over my head. My feet are touching the floor as far apart as possible. My eyes are covered and my mouth is gagged. I feel the air move around me, and my nipples begin to harden. I am tingling with anticipation, or is it fear? Fear of not knowing what comes next.I feel the riding crop grazing over my breasts, stomach and thighs. Suddenly- whack- the sting of the crop on my inner thigh, and again on the other- and again and again. I feel the heat from the red marks I...

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Karas Instagram

Three things bothered me, though. One: that wasn’t a picture of her that I took, and it couldn’t have been a selfie. Two: that picture wasn’t sent to me; it was from an Instagram page with a name and bio that wasn’t hers. Three: there were three different pictures placed on the Instagram account under the name Lexy Thrace from Houston, Texas, over the course of a week. The other two pictures were more revealing, but obviously selfies done in a mirror. In them, Kara had the phone covering her...

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Caribbean Temptation and Seduction Chapter Two The Seduction

This is the continuation of Chapter One. Please read that introduction first. THE FIRST NIGHT OUT The two couples sat at a table together and ordered drink. Just as John predicted, every man in the place was staring at his wife – ogling her ass and tits. They ordered drinks and appetizers and sat back listening to the pounding of the music and watching the beautiful bodies on the dance floor moving to the beat. After their second drink John whisked his wife off for a dance, and they enjoyed...

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Swimming on holiday

When I retired we started taking more holidays each year and some of those we went on were organized by our local over 50s group. The holidays tended to be in early or late season when the hotels weren’t full and the owners wanted to fill their bedrooms and charged a lower than normal rate to a large group.We always selected a holiday at an hotel that had an indoor swimming pool. There were two reasons for this, the first being I find older women in one piece swimming costumes very attractive...

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The Three Bs

It was the tenth reunion of my high school class. It was early, and I was one of the first to arrive. I was sitting alone at a table for six when she came in. She looked around, saw me, and I saw her hesitate for a moment, and then she headed my way. As she moved toward me, I wondered why she was alone. I would have expected to see Seth with her. I stood up to greet her and she walked up to me. She wasn’t smiling, but even so, I didn’t expect the greeting I got. She slapped me! An openhanded...

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Potential Part 27

Potential by Bistander Chapter 27 An Ultimate Threesome After the exhausting night of racing, Evan had gone to his mother's room, hoping to find her awake. He had high expectations based on the previous night in her bed, but it was more than the sexual bliss that he hoped to recapture. It wasn't anything Evan could explain, but his night with Candy had transformed him. They made love; he poured every ounce of himself into pleasuring her. They went to sleep, woke beside each other, and...

2 years ago
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Realms of Eden Home Fires B2A2

Act 2 — Play Games Chapter 1 — Only women bleed Kelsey and Sydney walked back towards their motel around midnight. Kelsey was a little tipsy as she giggled beside the warm body that held her up helping her keep one foot in front of the other as they walked in the moonlight. Suddenly she stopped. ‘Syddy,’ she cried, ‘didn’t Alfie want you to do something if you ever got up here? Something for Bonnie?’ The man’s eyes narrowed in concentration for a moment and he softly asked the nano-bots in...

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A Sweet Young Lover

I just moved into a really cool apartment overlooking the lake, after finally splitting up with my boyfriend. My sister’s thirteen year old son attends swim and diving classes at the local Y, and I help out by taking him to some of his classes. He has several instructors but there is one in particular, her name is Allison, she just turned seventeen. We are always making conversation, and at times she seems quite flirtatious, which I don’t object to. In fact I think she is very sweet and pretty...

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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 2 The Mind Control Session

"Janice?" I touched Janice lightly on the arm. It was Friday night and we were both sitting at the dinner table. I had mixed the drug into a small glass of ice tea which Janice had just drunk. "Yes, Paul?" she asked, sleepily. The drug was taking hold. Janice closed her eyes and leaned back against the dining room chair. It was time to execute Step One of the plan. Jack had explained everything in great detail the night before. "STEP ONE:" he had said. "Under the influence of the...

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My Sexual Journey Called Life 8211 Part VI

I am a housewife from Bangalore and my name is Parineeta. I am 44yrs old now, 5.10″ tall and my stats are 40DDD-32-36. Sorry for the delay in this post… Please refer to these links for the previous parts:

1 year ago
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Business Trip Meetings

On my business trips to northern Ohio, I have met on several occasions with a middle-aged accounting supervisor at a local manufacturing plant. He is single, and his mom, who has some slight dementia, lives with him. He has an average build with thinning hair, and prefers to top. I have met him about three or four times over a two year period. On a recent such trip, I was really tired from a late flight the night before, and debated whether to try or not. He was running late also, but it had...

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The DefencemanChapter 21

I woke up in the middle of the night having to go to the washroom but someone was leaning on my shoulder. I remembered where I was and figured out it was Wendy sleeping on me. I moved her head back on her seat and got up to walk back to the washroom. It took me a few minutes to get my pants undone with basically one hand, but I finally got them opened and went. I finished up, rinsed my hands the best I could and went back to the seat. I settled back in and my red head caretaker slid back over...

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Episode 105 sluts capture

Apart from the topless dancing with the 3 teenagers Molly, Amy and Rachel, Gillian's strongest memory of suzy's retirement party was kneeling under the tables, satisfying the older women with her fingers and long tongue.Gillian was a natural submissive, learning to take enormous cocks to the back of her throat from long before puberty. Once her wicked dad considered she was old enough to fuck properly, Gillian was loaned out for weekends to her ‘uncles’ and even some ‘aunts’ to take advantage...

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The House Sitter

Stepping up to the closed door, I raised my fist and gave the hard wood three sharp raps, hoping the brisk knock was adequate to be heard above the blaring music. A few seconds passed before I raised my hand again to repeat my knock, when the door swung open. Before me stood Laura, smiling enthusiastically as she held a glass of wine in one hand as her other moved from the doorknob to rest on her hip in a blatant attempt to strike a provocative pose. "Hellooooo," she beamed, flashing...

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More of Linda Weekend slave

Weekend Slavef-self, F/f, reluctance, mild humiliation Linda was really stuck this time.  She had placed herself in a hogtie via handcuffs placed around wrists and ankles and the linking chains crossed to complete the hogtie.  This did give her enough slack so that she would be able to squirm her way to the keys in the next room.To make the trip more interesting, she had placed a vibrating egg in her pussy, just turned to low to keep her constantly aroused, but (hopefully) not enough to cum. ...

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A Bride chapter ten

The first thing she did on our return to the flat was to water and feed the tomatoes, then she went up to change out of those incredible trousers and into the only slightly less sexy denim mini skirt that I'd said I really liked.A light blue shirt with the top three buttons left undone contrasted beautifully with the short blonde hair and I told her she should've been a cover girl,She giggled, but I could tell she was pleased."I'm nipping out for a couple of minutes mum." an idea had just hit...


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