CruisingChapter 2 free porn video

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When the questioning ended, Mary turned bland. I wasn't sure what was up, but I figured things would take care of themselves. We chatted a bit about the cruise, she liked the idea of formal night, but some of her friends didn't like the hassle. After a bit, though, we were through, her husband came by, and they went off to do something together. I watched the kids in the pool, and wondered what this had been all about.

All sorts of things came to mind, but primarily, obviously, they were trying to make sure I wasn't some impressionable young girl who would trap Hank into something. That had to be behind that question about protection. I'd heard about things happening like that, and I could see why she'd want to make sure; or at least I sort of did. I wasn't too clear on her relationship Hank.

All of that was telling me precisely nothing. I drifted back to the cabin, and off to some more time in the sun. The ship plowed on—it gets very windy on a ship—the waves swished or swooshed, or whatever, and then it was time for a shower and getting ready for dinner.

Formal nights on a ship are just that. The men are in tuxedos, and the women are in long gowns, or short ones with plenty of glitter. Walking in heels while the ship is pitching and rolling could be a challenge, but not tonight. There was some gentle rocking, but nothing worse than we'd seen. We were all warned, however, that there was a storm coming, and we'd be into the edges of it before dinner was over.

I'd brought two formal dresses. The one I was wearing for this first formal night was a deep red, ankle-length of course, with a high collar and otherwise strapless. It absolutely clung to me, and showed off my bosom and hips (it also showed off my butt, but you can't have one without the other). It took longer to do my hair the way I wanted than it did to slip into the dress. But it was worth it. When I'm dressed up like that I look much older than 16, and I like that.

Dinner was ... dinner. It was heavy on the beef and other things, but conscious that the average person gains a pound a day on a cruise, I took small portions and left plenty on the plate. Bill, of course, hoovered everything down. Boys will do that with food. If he could have, he probably would have licked the plate.

We made idle chit-chat with our table companions, and then, reluctantly, it was time to leave. Mom and Dad were going to some place forward for drinks and a Broadway play. My sister was meeting some girls she'd met earlier in the day, and Bill was off to kill more orcs or aliens, or Nazis. That just left me, the club, and whatever it was that Mary was concerned about.

I changed into a dancing dress, something I'd made in school that looked a lot more expensive than it was. It was black, with a deep plunge front and was backless, with a slit halfway up my thigh. I had a pair of comfortable black pumps to go with them. Add a necklace and a matching pair of earrings, and a little perfume, and I was ready for whatever the evening would bring.

Mary and the others seemed in high spirits when I met them. Hank was wearing a dark gray sport coat and matching slacks. His dark eyes fairly drank in the light, and seemed to set off his sculpted features. Mary was in a navy blue dress with sparkles, and her eyes were alight. It was obvious she was intent upon some serious fun.

Hank and I danced a bit, two fast songs, and one slow one—he had marvelous hands that didn't wander—that let us melt together. We'd no sooner returned to the table when Robin, one of the other women, blonde and petite, looked pointedly at her watch.

"I think it's time," she said, and got up.

The others did, too, and I followed along, curious, as they trooped from the place. We rode down to the Dolphin Deck—which would be floor 9 in a hotel—where they made their way aft, swaying slightly as the ship moved.

Everyone was in high spirits, and I noticed a lot of touching and more than a few caresses. These people needed to seriously get a room. It looked like it was taking all of their willpower to avoid doing it right there in the passageway.

Robin and her husband had a fairly large room near the bow. There was a small sitting area with a couch, two twin beds side by side, and all the other things you found on a cruise ship. Robin, Mary, Chelsea and I ended up on one side of the cabin, standing together, and the men were on the other. There was an awkward pause of a few moments, and then the men began undressing.

I thought the guys were just removing their jackets, but no, off went the shirts, the shoes, and the pants. In moments they were down to just their shorts. Mary giggled, and dropped the straps of her dress over her shoulders. Robin and Chelsea followed suit, leaving me the only one still dressed.

My grandmother had taught me that a proper Southern Lady must always appear to conform to the local attitudes, gracefully, and as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Slipping out of my dress, and confronting a room full of people clad only in my panties was probably not what Grandmama had in mind. But there were the four of us, bare except for our panties—Chelsea's were defined as panties only because they covered the most critical point—and there were the guys, in shorts with bulging fronts.

Okay, so I should have refused and walked out of there. To tell the truth, I really thought we wouldn't get much farther than that. I still had my panties on, and I'd heard of things like this where people get mostly naked and do some serious necking. And that's what I expected. So I was showing a bit more, well, a lot more, than normal. I'd planned on some topless sunbathing on this trip anyway, and a pair of bikini bottoms were pretty much just a pair of panties, so...

Mary knee-walked across the bed, and one of the guys, not Tom, her husband, folded her into his arms. They lay back on the bed, bodies pressed together, kissing. Now that looked like fun, even if she wasn't with her husband. I went around the bed, Tom's arms went around me, and we ended up on the bed, kissing furiously.

Now I'd kissed more than just the two boys mother thought I'd kissed. But there hadn't been any tongue, and the boys I kissed weren't as enthusiastic a kisser as Tom. Or as good.

More followed. In the next couple of minutes I learned a few things. First, he had chest hair, and it scratched deliciously against my boobs. My nipples seemed to need a lot of scratching, and they perked right up. Then his lips descended on them, and I decided this was heaven. They got really hard, and it felt really really good when he sucked them. I could do this for a long time.

I could feel his lower body pressing against mine, and his manhood was stiff. I'd felt that from a couple of boys before, but when I looked down I could see it tenting the front of his boxers. There was no mistaking what it was. And feeling it pressed against my tummy was kind of fun. I know there are some girls who don't like it, but guys have 'em, and they react and get hard. That's just the way it is.

In moving I felt a wetness on my thighs. We'd covered that in health class, and I'd heard Mary Jo Robinson talk about it one day. When you get wet down there, that's your body saying that it approves of what's going on, and it's getting ready for guys to slide that thing of theirs into you. The wetness is lubrication to make it go in easier.

The kissing wasn't all one-sided. When Tom finally left my boobs alone—not that I wanted him to—I went for his. Guys have these flat ones, with flat nipples. I didn't realize that if I sucked on them, they'd get hard. Learning that was kind of fun. I followed up by kissing him all up and down his body. This was exploration, but it was all right for me to do.

I've seen the stories that boys only want one thing from a girl, and get obsessed with her body. What they don't say is that a lot of the girls I know are just as curious about a boy's body. It isn't like what we see in the mirror every morning, and we want to get to know it a lot better, intimately better. And this was my opportunity.

I kissed him everywhere I could, and even put a hand on his hardness. It felt a lot bigger than I thought it would. Like most girls my age I'd gotten some 'hands on' experience diapering a baby, and I had this mental image that a guy's thing was like what I'd seen when I'd diapered my two-month old cousin Jeremy. What I felt through Tom's shorts was anything but. This thing was as long as my hand, and pretty darned thick.

About the time I'd turned 13 I'd started thinking about sex. For one thing, it saturated the novels I was reading. The heroines always had lots of sex, pages and pages of graphic description of what it was like, with plenty of emphasis on the heat and passion. We all knew that probably wasn't anything close to the truth. For one thing, Mary Jo had told us so. We'd asked her, and she'd said it didn't feel like you thought it would, and the other girls who'd had sex echoed her. And the descriptions in the books varied so much that we knew they probably didn't really describe things.

And one of the things we all worried about was the rumored size of a guy's thing. How in the world were we supposed to fit something that big in a place where we could barely fit a finger. The books all were adamant: the first time a girl did it, it hurt. There was the hymen, and the muscles that weren't used to stretching, and so on. And that worry about pain probably stopped more girls than all of the lectures issued by our mothers put together.

From the way things were going, I knew what was going to happen, or at least I think I did. There'd come a moment when all of the clothes were off—Tom's hand was already inside my panties—and then I'd confront his member, his manhood, his thing, his dick. Would he put it in? What would that feel like? Would it hurt? Or would it be like my fingers or even a tampon?

I didn't count on Tom kissing his way down my body, and sliding my panties down with him. In seconds they were on my thighs, and he was looking at something no man, and precious few women, had seen. I automatically tried to close my legs, but he had his leg in between them. And he was kissing me just above my bikini line, and then below it.

I'd learned a lot so far, but when he began kissing and licking my sex, all cool rationality, all thought, all everything else flew out the window. That felt fantastic, better than anything I expected. And it went on and on. In seconds I was a captive of his tongue, and a worshipper, too. And he kept pressing me higher and higher, that's the only way to describe it.

I don't know what it was like when my mother was a teenager, but every girl my age had touched herself down there, and most of us had figured out a way to get off. Some used a pillow, and others their fingers, but the most popular thing at my school was the handle of a hairbrush. There's a reason teenage girls buy smooth, hard-handled hairbrushes, and keep them on the nightstand right next to their beds.

I'd done my share of playing with my hairbrush, so I had an idea of what was going on between my legs. He was making me come. I was getting closer and closer. My hands had gone to my breasts, and I was pinching and twisting my nipples. From the way things felt, this was going to be a spectacular one.

Minutes, hours, I don't know how long it took. But he took me right to that point, his tongue running roughshod on my pearl, and then he slipped a finger into me and sent me over the top.

I don't care what the romance novels say, you can't describe a climax. And after you've learned to give yourself one, you know what it feels like as you get close. And you may even have learned how to help the process. There was no doubt what it was. Everything came together, and I was through it, throbbing and crying as the waves of pleasure swept through me.

Huh. That's a pretty damned inaccurate description. Let's just say I came, and leave it at that. I came long and hard on his wonderful tongue, his clever, agile, muscular little digit. But finally I couldn't take any more, and dropped to the bed, breathing hard, and trying to cover myself with my hand.

Tom kissed my fevered skin, teasing me with that beautiful tongue, pausing at my peaks to play with them. I ran my hands down his body, feeling his beautiful back, his tight butt—no surprise, his shorts were missing—and then back up to his oh-so-strong shoulders. He was kissing me on the lips, by then, and if you've never been kissed my a man who's just licked you into a state of bliss, you don't know what you're missing.

I could feel his hardness against my thigh. I knew it would hurt going in, but I was so ready for it. I wanted it, I needed it inside me. I wanted to take it, to take him to where he'd taken me, and I wanted to do it now.

We had a brief and necessary pause. He had a little foil packet in his hand. He tore it open, and there was a ring of latex. It was a condom, and despite me using an implant, he was showing me how thoughtful he was. Most guys my age would have plunged right in, but he took the time to make doubly sure that our moment of passion would not have consequences nine months from now, even though it was the wrong time of month for that worry.

Then, with him safely sheathed in latex, we set about sheathing him where I most wanted him. Somewhere my mind was screaming "This is it! This is it!" and another part of me was trying to remember everything that was going on so I could savor it years from now.

He put it in, and Mary Jo was right, it didn't feel at all like I thought it would. I kept waiting for the pain, but there wasn't any. Instead I could feel him opening me up, and feel my insides stretching. And I felt him sliding inside me. There just aren't any words to describe it. If you have the insides of a girl, you know what it feels like. And if you don't, you can't.

As I said, I kept waiting for the pain. But it didn't come. Maybe it was the hairbrush, or maybe something else, I'd done some horseback riding and gymnastics, and something could have happened in any of those cases. And I was wet enough down there, and relaxed enough from my climax, that I gave him no barrier to breach. He pushed in—for some reason it got harder and harder to take a breath—and eventually I felt something against my bottom. It took me a moment to realize it was his balls, and that I'd taken everything this man had.

As good as that felt, it got better. He drew back, and then thrust again.


So this was why sex was so popular. And it got even better when I started moving, too. Right away sex zoomed to the top of my list of favorite things to do.

I'd already explored his body, but not like this. I played with his nipples, I ran my hands up and down his strong arms, I gripped his iron-hard butt, feeling the muscles flex as he pushed himself into me time after time. And I drew him down for a kiss.

If I thought a kiss after a guy had made me come was great, a kiss while we were doing it was even better. This wasn't a soft, tender kiss full of deep meaning like happened to the heroines of the novels, this was a rough one, grabbed while riding the rising tide of passion. And it shot right through me, making my toes curl, making my legs wrap around him, and making my middle buck up against him as I tried to take even more.

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Epsilon Nu Zeta

Dear Sisters, Welcome to the Epsilon Nu Zeta sorority, formerly known as Kappa Sigma Phi at Eiko University. All legacy students are required to rush by alumni parents. Once you rush there is no going back. You must be 21 to rush, no exceptions. You must be female to rush, either born female or fully transitioned; we don't wish anyone to be uncomfortable or feel uncomfortable. You must maintain your grades, although the sorority has ways of dealing with failing sisters. You may not date any of...

2 years ago
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Sissy Johns complete humiliation

Dee and I were sitting on the corner table in the pub. A good place to sit, we could people watch all the customers coming in and getting their drinks. There was a couple next to us, similar in age and they chatted together. A bunch of lads stood at the bar, they were all good looking and Dee had already noticed them. She had squeezed my thigh when she spotted them, I knew she probably had the hots for them. The couple next to us started to talk loudly together, they obviously were having a...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits

Friends With BenefitsBy: Londebaaz Chohan“But then why did you ask me to join you for a ride to Harrisburg all the way from Camden”. Dev asked his Egyptian friend, Mahmood. Mahmood only smiled and repeated that he never had a girlfriend in the State of Pennsylvania or particularly in Harrisburg. By now they had hit a rest stop on the highway and Mahmood pulled into it, got out of the car and left for the bathroom, asking Dev to wait there. It was unusually a long wait for anyone to hit the...

1 year ago
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The Runaway

After Noah had been seen having sex with a buddy of his from school, things got very complicated in the small town where he lived. A blabbermouth had seen them in action and soon Noah’s friend was beaten up by a bunch of homophobic thugs. It was clear at this point that Noah would suffer the same fate very shortly. It was also obvious to Noah that his torment would be even more severe, because he had been the receiver in their sexual exchange.Having finished school the year before, Noah was...

Gay Male
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 25 Healing

Friday, June 14, 1996, Sanford Maine The pain in my head was starting to make its presence known again. I guessed that the extra boost of morphine was beginning to wear off. Amber had just gone into the little washroom in the corner, and I was busy reflecting on what I had just remembered had happened to me. I was still trying to grasp it all. It was like watching a movie that had no sound, but at least you were decent at lip-reading. It was annoying, and you didn’t quite have all the pieces...

1 year ago
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The BraceletChapter 6

I awoke at 7am alert and full of energy. I showered and felt wonderful. It was if a new me had come about. I weight myself on the scales and found I was down to 80kg. Somehow in the last few days I had lost some 40kg in bad weight. I felt great then realised I have to shop for a new wardrobe. I put on a pair of underpants, they were just too loose. I put on my shorts and needed to really draw in the draw string. My T-shirt was way too big on my body, but it was the only size I had. Returning...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Maya Bijou Maya Fucks Step Bro

Juan is online with a willing hottie named Maya Bijou. When he asks the old “show me yours and I’ll show you mine?”, she is happy to show her amazing tits. In turn, he shows her his big cock. Maya is very impressed by what she sees. Then they are interrupted by a female voice calling down for lunch. To their surprise, the step siblings realize they have been web camming with each other. What a predicament! But Maya can’t take her mind of Juan’s large dick. She blows him under the table with the...

1 year ago
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A trip to remember ch2

I was sitting here looking out the window seeing the snow piling up while my good friend Barbra tells me about her sexual past. She was telling me things that I really wished that she wouldn’t have because I never pictured she would have done them.If I would have known her to be a slutty whore it might have been different,but I didn’t. To me she was a 50 year old woman that I had longed for and thought of her to be a good mother and friend. I had already dumped two loads of cum inside her...

1 year ago
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Messing with My Crazy Mom

*NOTE: THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL!* I took my Mother down to the psyciatric ward to be evaluated. She had started to act funny. All of the sudden she started to believe everything she heard. She was very gullible. Like if I told her that she had a dick, she would have to look down her pants to make sure she didn't. So they evaluated her and decided that she wasn't enough to be given medication or taken in for special care, so I took her home. At the time we lived alone, my parents were...

2 years ago
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Mum and her sister take the son to an orgy

More of Phil, the boy who fucks his Mum, and her sister. Part 3.Maggie did her make up. She was just finishing, when Phil walked into the bedroom. He sprawled on the bed, and watched her. She applied lipstick. She turned to him, “well, will I do?” She asked him. Then without waiting for an answer stood up, and walked to her wardrobe. She was dressed in a green bra, with matching knickers, and suspender belt. The knickers were cut high, and she knew her bum looked good in them. Phil’s gazed...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 50

Marcus stared at the bundled sheets of paper before him uncertainly, leafing through them carefully, trying to makes sense of the coded squiggles he saw. "Ready?" Hope asked, slipping onto the stool behind her keyboard. "No," Marcus replied, instantly. Shawna shuffled through the papers herself, shaking her head silently at what she found. "What's up?" Hope asked. "I don't know what we're playing," he said, and Hope stared for moment. "That's what the sheet music's...

3 years ago
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The Date

“I don’t need anything; I’m eating out tonight.”“Oh? The first I’ve heard of that.”“It’s been planned for a few days now.”“You didn’t say anything. Where are you going? Who with?”“Honey, I’ve got a meeting with Mitch.”++++++My name is Peter, a director for a medium-sized business, in charge of the facilities for a dozen sites across the country. At forty-eight, I have been married for twenty-four years. Lisa, my wife, is three years younger than me and mother to our three children, the youngest...

Wife Lovers
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Loosening Up Book 2 CohousingChapter 13 Word Spreads

Ninety minutes later, Dave’s large cock was buried to the hilt in Tan’s boiling hot love box. Holly sat on his face, making out with Tan as she slowly rode the new cock in her life, savoring every inch of the hung man as she rose and descended on his body in slow and studied fashion. Tan moaned, “God, not only is he a sex god, he’s also got the largest cock I’ve ever experienced in my tight little cunt.” Holly said, “AND, he eats his own cum from your cunt after he’s left you orgasmically...

2 years ago
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Blowing the Best Man Uber Driving Slut Mom

Hi y’all,Well this is my final week in Seattle. Next week the moving truck will pull up and take the family down to Fairfield, CA where my husband has a new job at Travis, AFB. We’ve been packing so much but we’re finally about ready for the move. My husband decided to take our boys out for one final Scouting event called Klondike over in Cle Elum, WA so I was left alone in the house for the day. I was super bored and decided I would get out and drive for Uber a little as we’re always broke and...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 8

I made New York strip steak rubbed with crushed garlic. I used rubber gloves because I didn't want him smelling it on my hands. I also made candied sweet potatoes which I learned from my grandmother one Thanksgiving when my parents were in Europe. A growing boy needs his green vegetables my mother used to say, so I added buttered green beans. Actually she used to say growing girl, and it might have been the cook instead of my mother, but you get the idea. I told him I would clean up and...

1 year ago
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Amandas ChoiceChapter 18

The day was to be robbed of its sunset. Just as the sun began to drop towards the ocean, a line of long, low clouds drifted in from the horizon, growing steadily thicker as they encroached towards the shore. Faint shafts of showery rain appeared under them as they slid over the waters. As the failing afternoon light darkened her bedchamber, Yanna was forced to reach over and flick on the lamp in order to complete her little experiment. The light illuminated the pouch of sleeping powder...

1 year ago
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Analized Aidra Fox Has An Asshole That Never Gets Enough

Aidra Fox never gets enough cock. She has just been ass fucked and creampied and within moments is crawling towards the camera man and begging him to fill her up with another load. No one could resist Aidra’s tight holes and all natural body, so she is given her wish. Aidra pulls out the camera mans cock and starts to suck him off. He passes the camera off so he can throat fuck this whore right. She opens up her throat to take down the whole cock until her eyes start to tear. The young...

3 years ago
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Breast Reduction An Adult Story Her Second Fir

A had my cigar in my left hand. I had a drink in my right. I had thrown down a straight on the poker table. "What the fuck. You never loose man. Buck are you cheating man?" said Tony I got invited by some guys from the gym to play some poker. I knew almost all of them except for Tony. He was a cool guy. I only met him twice before tonight. He was a little arrogant. "Relax man. Were just playing for fun. I guess I am just lucky tonight." I said. "Yeah he is lucky in cards and women." said Oscar....

2 years ago
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When Your Hormones Go Crazy Part 3

As wrong as I knew it was, I simply could not stop myself from doing things with my step-daughter's friend.My step-daughter Miranda's friend, Kayla, was not only incredibly smart, funny and cute, but she had one of the sexiest teenage bodies I had ever seen. I cannot tell you how many times she would come spend the night at our house, and late at night, be wearing nothing more than a pair of tight shorts or a skimpy t-shirt that would leave my imagination running wild, and my hormones in an...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 75 ldquoThere is no justice in this worldrdquo

December 9, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “What a total cluster fuck!” I growled. “Scalia is right, but it’s just going to make the problem worse. The RIGHT solution was to let the political process work. But NO, we can’t let THAT happen. So, given where we are, I agree with the stay which stops the statewide manual recounts for the exact reason Scalia said in the ruling - you absolutely have to have a statewide, objective set of standards before you do a manual recount, and no such standard...

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My First Time

My wife does not like to wear lingerie to bed. She thinks that she does not look sexy in garters and stockings, teddies or corsets. Of course I disagree, but what is a husband to do? That is why I was particularly surprised last Friday night when my wife suggested I pick out something for her to wear at bedtime while she took a shower. I waited in the den, my cock becoming slowly harder thinking of the outfit I would pick for her. When I heard the water running I could wait no longer...

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Charlies AngelsChapter 16

(You did this didn’t you?) {Yes ... Well, they did. I just asked them to, I hope you approve.} (You could have left me just a little more hair on top of my pussy, but I’ll get used to it the way it is. I love this and I promise you and your Angels, I’ll never – ever lose what you just gave me. Thank you, Charlie.) {You’re welcome and I thank my Angels for what they’ve given you too. I think they used Andie as your mold, your body looks just like hers, what I can see that is} I smiled...

4 years ago
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When a TVs dogging outing doesnt exac

I was asked on kik, by a dom mature admirer I know, what was the most kinky experience I have had as a sexually sub TV, when I asked him to clarify, he said "the one you never want to repeat?" This instantly evoked the following memory of a dogging session I had had, that could have got out of hand, perhaps it did, but not repeat? well, I didn't exactly do that...I was invited / told to goto a dogging site in rural Lancashire, this site was notorious and it was a weekday evening.I was to go...

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Big Cock Fantasy Part 2

My problem, when I really considered it, was not Tony. Obviously, I would need his support, permission, encouragement, call it what you will. But the backing of my husband wouldn’t be needed if I couldn’t find a giant cock. I mean, how do you go about such a quest? It’s one thing to walk into an adult store and buy a huge black dildo - like Tony had done - but where do you get the real thing, the human model? They’re not sitting on shelves waiting for some horny 35 year old to come along and...

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HCC Wifeys First Story Part 1

This is a story from the fantasies of HornyCoupleColorado (HCC). The story is completely fictional.This is the first story that HCC Wifey wrote to HCC Hubby. I wrote this over a year ago when we were first exploring the fantasies of multiple partners. This one has a particularly hot memory for us since I sucked hubby’s cock while he read this aloud to me after I wrote it for him. I was able to make him cum in my mouth almost simultaneously with him cumming in the story.When your birthday rolled...

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The Paper Bag Girl

Have you ever been in a position where your sexual desires totally over-ruled your sensibility? Where you knew it was wrong, but oh boy, it feel so right, so multi-orgasmic right? Well, tonight was one of those times!When Eric asked/pleaded for me to wear a bag, I thought he was just k**ding. I was about to tell him, he was out of his fucking, fucked up, d**g induced, schizophrenic mind, but that was until I looked into his eyes and saw that this was not the case; and I could read Eric better...

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Life on the RanchChapter 4

I was watching how Adam did his sister and it was obvious that he knew all about the clit, she must have shown both her brothers just where all the sensitive parts were. Good girl. He had her squirming pretty good when she panted, "That's good, I don't want to wait any more," and Adam rose up and waddled up to press the tip of his penis against her. "Spread yourself open with your fingers, honey," I urged her as her brother began pushing. She reached down and I watched as Adam's cock...

3 years ago
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Gonad The Ballbarian

Gonad stood there holding his hard-on in one mighty fist as he gazed down at the backside of the lovely slave girl kneeling before him, presenting herself to him for his pleasure. Gonad finally remembered what it was he was supposed to be doing; now all he had to do was to figure out what hole he was supposed to stick his pee-thingy into. Thinking was never the big ballbarian's strong point. The beautiful, and impatient slave girl solved Gonad's dilemma by reaching a hand under herself and...

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My Vacation Back Home

Hi I am Sahil, I live in mumbai and parents live Abroad. I go to meet them once in every year. This story is about what happened when i went last time back home. We are a family of 4. Dad, Mom my Sister. My dad Sararth is an Electrical Engineer. He works as the electrical Dept Head. He gets paid well we live a health life. My mom is also a working lady. She is the typical conservative Indian lady who thinks her husband is the best guy. But they fight a lot. My Sister is studying in UK. As i...


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