Lets Try Something New free porn video

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Roy and Annie shared a fairly good sex life, although her drive was a little stronger than his. After fifteen years of marriage and two daughters it was hard to keep things exciting. They tried a lot of different positions and played with toys but something was still leaving them both wanting more. One night Annie came home and told Roy she had set up for a babysitter on Friday night. She told Roy that the sitter was going to stay over night so they didn't have to worry about getting her home or what time they came in. Roy knew that this meant that Friday would be a fun night of sex. Friday came and they left for dinner in town. Annie was dressed in a short black skirt and a sheer red button down top. She had gained a few pounds after her two daughters were born but carried it well and looked hot as they were leaving. Dinner was exciting as Annie flirted with Roy and with the waitress. Annie told Roy she wanted to do something tonight that she had never done before, but when he asked what she wanted she didn't really know and said maybe it will just happen? After dinner they went to a local lounge that had dancing and was dark and sultry. After a few drinks Annie again began to flirt with Roy but also with a guy that seemed to be alone at the bar. Roy found himself very excited about seeing Annie flirt so hard with this guy. At the restuarant she had flirted with the waitress but not in such a wanton way. Roy asked Annie if this is what she meant about trying something new? "I don't want to have sex with him but I do want to have him touch me."Roy said he needed to use the bathroom and as soon as he was out of sight Annie signaled for the guy to come over, the club was really getting crowded and she knew Roy would be gone for at least 10 minutes. When the guy got to her table he said hello and started some small talk. Annie wanted nothing to do with that. She told him that her husband was at the mens room and asked him if he would like to touch her. He was taken off balance and flustered she said make up your mind I want you to be gone before he comes back. The guy sat down next to her and she whispred in his ear to put his hand between her legs. He followed her instructions, slipping her panties aside and running his finger up and down her slit. He then pushed his finger inside her and saw her eyes roll back. She grabbed his hand kissed him on the cheek and said thank you. Again he was flustered but in a satisfied way. He got back to the bar just as Roy was in sight of Annie. When Roy got back to the table Annie said lets dance and dragged him to the dance floor. She danced hard with him for the next three songs, making sure to grind other dancers in the processes. They were both sweaty when she said I think it is time to go home. Annie kissed Roy hard before they left the dance floor and ran her hand firmly over the woman's ass next to her, the dance floor can be so much fun. After getting their jackets at the coat check they made their way to the parking garage. It took some time because Annie kept stopping Roy and making out with him. When they arrived at the garage they began to walk up to the third floor where they were parked. Annie's short skirt was showing off most of her legs but she decided to hike them up so Roy could see more. She was sweaty and wet and it showed in her panties, which were tightly embedded in between her lips. Roy's hard on was growing. Annie noticed that a couple guys were on their way down the stairs and she hiked her skirt up so that all of her legs were showing and so that they would see her panties. They took notice but said nothing. Roy was a little freaked out and pulled Annie's skirt down just a bit. Annie was a lot drunk and maybe too playful for Roy's taste. They were almost to the car when Annie dashed for it jumped up on the hood and spread her legs. Roy said "What are you doing?" Annie responded just by saying "Fuck me" Roy's hard on was raging and he couldn't resist. He pulled out his cock and pushed right past her wedged panties. It wasn't too late so they were in between the crowds coming and going so Roy knew he had a few minutes but was still keeping an ear open, he didn't want to be caught in the act. Annie was making a fair amount of noise and Roy decided it might give them away so he pulled out and walked over and pulled her head over and put his cock in her mouth. She took him in and it wasn't long before he was filling her mouth with cum. Annie kept his cock in her mouth until Roy was almost limp and then she hopped off the hood and kissed Roy hard. She did it so quick that he didn't realize she still had his cum in her mouth he tried to pull away but it was too late she had put almost all of the cum into his mouth. He got away from her and spit. He said "You are trashed lady" and he put her in the car. When they got home the baby sitter was still up on the couch, it was about two. Roy put Annie to bed and came back down stairs to see how things had gone for June with the kids. All was well and June said she was on summer break from college and was happy to watch the kids anytime. Roy said he thought they would probably need her pretty regularly. That night out had been great fun; Roy and Annie talked about it a lot the following week and Roy suggested they do it again. Annie agreed and said they should again do something new. The sex that week was great. Saturday came and they followed a similar pattern with dinner and hitting a club. Annie thought dancing was a lot of fun so they danced for almost an hour before finding a place to sit down. While dancing Annie had been very free with her hands on other peoples bodies especially on a girl who seemed to be alone and Annie thought was very hot. After Roy and Annie had sat down they got a couple drinks Annie asked Roy if he would be upset with her if she kissed another woman. Roy didn't know what to say.  Annie had never expressed any interest in women. Annie pointed out the girl on the dance floor that she had been eying and told Roy she wanted to try to make out with her on the floor. Roy wasn't sure what to say but told Annie to go dance and see what happened. Annie made her way out onto the floor and started dancing near the girl she noticed.  Annie quickly moved closer to her. They danced tightly not too much differently than other girl friends on the floor whose men were to embaressed to dance and then a song with a very strong beat and sexual lyrics came on and Annie decided to go for it. She grabbed the girl by the hips and started to grind her. The girl didn't skip a beat and closed her arms tightly around Annie's back. They danced hard and ground their thighs into one another. Annie thought if this isn't the perfect moment to kiss her I don't know what is. She moved one arm up her back and placed her hand behind her head and moved to face her. They looked at one another for a fast second and then Annie pressed her mouth hard to hers. Again the woman didn't skip a beat their tongues both deep in each others mouths they kissed and ground hard. Roy was all the while watching and his cock was so hard he thought he would shoot right there in his pants. Right at that moment a guy said to him "Is that your girl out there?"  "Yeah the blonde" The man asked him if they were looking to try some new things? Roy said he wasn't sure what he meant. The man said "I run an after hours club that is for people who like sex and are willing to try new things. I see that your girl is out there right now trying something new. If you want to go further that is what you will get." The man handed Roy a card and was gone. Roy looked out on to the dance floor and couldn't see Annie or the other woman. While Roy was talking the woman dancing with Annie had moved them off the dance floor and they had gone into the ladies room. As soon as they were in a stall Annie's hand was in Beth's crotch, her pubic hair was fine but curly and she was wet from sweat and her juices. Annie's fingers found her slit and slid in easily. She quickly removed her hand and put her fingers in her mouth wanting to taste Beth as soon as she could. Beth hiked up her skirt and pushed Annie onto her knees pulling her head into her wet pussy. Annie went wild, her tongue working on Beth licking her and parting her lips with her hands and sliding her tongue into her. Beth began to cum and pulled Annie's head so tight to her that Annie could barely breath. Annie's hair was completely mused up and her face was covered in Beth but she didn't care all she wanted to do was go and kiss Roy so that he could taste Beth on her lips. Beth asked her if she wanted her to bring her off but Annie said she came three times while eating her pussy. She kissed her and said thank you. She rushed out of the bathroom and quickly across the dance floor kissing Roy hard. He knew immidiately what had happened and savored the taste of Beth's pussy on Annie's mouth. They again fucked on the hood of the car in parking garage only this time Annie pulled off her panties for Roy and he put them in his mouth to taste her wetness and then before entering her he started putting them inside her until they were almost gone and then he finished pushing them in with his cock. Roy wasn't surprised when Annie kissed him with a mouth full of cum and did something he had never done and swallowed it. Roy didn't pull Annie's panties out of her until they got home that night.    The night had gone so crazy Roy had forgotten about the man asking if he and Annie wanted to try something new until he found the card in pants pocket the next day. He put it on his dresser and didn't think anything of it. A couple days later Annie saw it and asked Roy who the card was from. Roy said it was just some weird guy who came up to him at the club that past Friday. Annie asked if he had checked out the website that was on the card and Roy said no, he had just figured the guy was trying to pick them up or something like that. Annie "Lets check it out." The site came up and said "Looking to try something new" it had the normal adult site disclaimer so Annie hit the enter button. The first page said that "Try something new" was a special kind of after hours club where consenting adults could experience new things. It also had a two minute clip of what Annie and Roy thought must be the insides of the club. It showed people having sex, men and women with multiple partners, women with women and men with men. There was some light bondage and a little water sports play. The room seemed to be set up with a series of tables in a circle around one larger center table. Above that center table was a wheel with 100 numbers on it. Roy said to Annie it looks like a goddamn game show. It was late and the site had got them a little horny so they decided to retire to the bed room for some activity. After sex Annie asked Roy what he thought about the site. Roy said he thought it wasn't for real and even if it was he didn't want to go any where where he might be approached by another man and he thought the water sports part was disgusting. Annie responded by saying that she thought it looked very real and not staged at all. She said that the water sports things was disgusting but it did make her quiver a little when she saw the woman opening her mouth and receiving some guys pee. Roy was a little shocked and said so and then Annie really floored him by saying "And I would love to see another guy cum in your mouth." Roy said "Well that is not going to happen." and he rolled over a little upset. A couple weeks went bye before Annie brought up the club again. She thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie. But one Thursday evening she told Roy she had gotten a sitter for Saturday and thought they should go out. Roy was excited. And then Annie said I think we should try to go to that place from the card. Roy said "No" flat out. Annie said come on lets just go if we get there and thinking it is too weird we will just leave. Roy was having none of it. And then Annie said "If you do this for me I will give you a blow job every night for seven nights after we go and I won't spit." Roy looked at her and said "Plus one right now under the table while I am eating my dinner and you have a deal." Annie crawled under the table and pulled Roy's cock out and sucked him off. Annie had never liked to swallow and she knew that by telling Roy she would it would convince him to go the club with her. Roy came hard a few minutes later and Annie swallowed it all. It was a good thing she was under the table so she could hide her contorted face as she chocked it down. Saturday came and they went to the club where the website said was the redevous point. It said the address would only be given out in person and was left up to the discretion of the point man at the the club how or if people would get to the club. The web-site wasn't clear on how to meet the point person. Roy and Annie figured that all the cloak and dagger stuff only added to the thrill and also helped to keep just anyone from showing up. They got to the club late, about 12:30 but things were still happening; the music was pumping and Annie dragged Roy out on to the dance floor. They danced for a while until Roy decided to let Annie play by herself for a while he left the floor and got a drink. While standing at the bar he noticed the man who had given him the card, he waved at him and soon the man was standing next to him. Roy showed him the card. "OH so you finally decided to try it out?" "I think we just want to check out the scene and go from there. The web-site wasn't really clear what goes on there." Roy said. The man leaned over and said in Roy's ear "Fucking goes on there. Lots and lots of fucking. Why don't you get that little lady of yours over here and we'll see what happens next."  Roy got Annie's attention and she came over quickly. The man looked Annie up and down and then placed his hand on her ass Roy moved to stop him and the man looked at Roy and said, "Look if you want to check out my place you better get used to people touching her." Roy pulled back and watched as the guy ran his hand over Annie's ass while looking out into the crowd. After a few minutes he waived to a woman who came over and they whispered to one another for a minute before she went up to Roy and grabbed his crotch, Annie shuddered and the man knew she was growing excited. He tapped the woman on the shoulder and she came over to Annie and pushed herself close to her sliding her hand between her legs and feeling her pussy. She turned to the man and said "She is soaking wet." "OK" he responded take them there. The man looked at Roy and Annie and said "this is Stephanie she will be your guide tonight, we always give first timers a guide.  She will take you to the club and get you inside from there you are on your own. She will be in the club all night watching you to make sure you don't loose it." Stephanie led Roy and Annie out and said they would be taking her car. When they got in the car she told them they had to put blindfolds on until they were in the club. Roy and Annie both thought it was kind of fun and didn't care too much about it. Stephanie drove for about a half an hour and then walked them out of the car and through what sounded like a large metal door they then went down two flights of stairs and through a door. They could then hear loud music and a slight smell of bodies was in the air. Stephanie told them they could now remove their blindfolds. They were in a dark hallway about ten feet from a large steel door. Stephanie said: "OK this is the place once you go through the door you will have two minutes to watch and then the bouncer is going to tell you the rules of the club and ask you to say yes or no. If you say yes you are there for the rest of the night usually things wrap up around eight in the morning." Roy looked at his watch it was 2:30. Stephanie said: "shall I open the door?" Roy and Annie looked at one another and said yes. Stephanie knocked hard on the door and a small window opened a large balck man looked out and said " Hey Stephanie." "Hey Bruce I have some newbies with me." "OK but you going to have to wait for about five." "Cool" Stephanie looked at Roy and Annie-"You heard the man" A few minutes later the door opened and Bruce ushered Roy and Annie in while Stephanie slipped away. "You've got two minutes" he said. Roy and Annie looked out from a mezzanine on about 70 people all with either nothing or very little clothing on. Women were lying on their backs on tables with multiple men surrounding them, or on their knees sucking cock, or on their backs with other women sitting on their faces, their were men fucking men, women fucking women it seemed that everything you could think of was happening. At the back of the room was a large wheel with numbers going up to 65. In the center of the room was a large table that looked like it was covered with a wrestling mat. Roy looked at Annie and said "Are you sure you want to try this?" At that moment Bruce walked up and said "times up. Heres the rules you loose all your clothes, they go into a locker with your number, you are free to participate with anyone in the club you are also free to refuse anyone in the club, Stephanie will keep an eye on you, all men must were rubbers they are all over the club. Finally little lady when you take off your clothes I am going to write a number on your right tit and right ass cheek. Now you see that wheel back there. Every 45 minutes to an hour we spin that wheel if your number comes up you have to go to the center of the room and get on that table. This is the only point in the evening when you are not allowed to say no. And believe you me a little hottie like yourself is going to have every guy in this place wanting to fuck you if your number is pulled. And just for your info the number of guys in here tonight is 34 so far. So yes or no?" Annie looked at Roy and looked back at Bruce and said "Yes" "Alright loose the clothes." As soon as they had removed their clothes Bruce took out a sharpie marker and wrote 41 on Annie's right tit then told her to turn around and he did the same on her ass cheek. Then he cupped her mound and pushed his middle finger inside her dripping cunt. Annie just arched her back as Bruce removed his finger and told them to head on in. Roy and Annie walked down the stairs from the mezzanine and almost as soon as Annie put her foot on the floor a man grabbed her by the arm and led her to one of the tables he turned her around and bent her over the table and shoved his cock into her pussy. Annie could do nothing but cum and cum again she couldn't believe how turned on she was by being fucked by a total stranger in the middle of this wild orgy. Roy just stood there watching Annie be fucked by a total stranger, he was flabbergasted. Annie came three of four times and then the guy just pulled out and walked away. She looked around the room to see if she could see Roy but she couldn't find him in the crowd. Roy was looking for Annie for 20 minutes but would only catch glimpses of her and usually she was on her back or bent over a table with some guy pounding her. Then lights went on the wheel and it was spun. Annie was scared if her number came up she might have to fuck every guy in the club she wasn't sure if she was ready for that. The wheel landed on number 12. One of the bouncers led the women up to the mat. She was a brunette who was pretty and a little chunky she got up on the mat and was imdiately surrounded by a group. Annie couldn't really see what was going on but she was definately getting attention. Annie wanted to check it out but realized that she desperately had to pee. She saw Stephanie and flagged her down and asked for the bathroom. Stephanie pointed out one of the women in the group around number 12: "Talk to her she will help you out" Annie walked up to the women and told her she had to use the bathroom. "Perfect the toilet is right here. You just jump up there and sit on her face and pee right into her mouth." Annie couldn't believe what this women just told her to do. The women just said come on she'll love it and you just might love it to. The women yelled out to the group OK everybody I have a special surprise. Annie climbed up on the mat she looked at number 12 and wondered if her number came up on the wheel would this women be wanting to return the favor she was just about to presenter her with. The women Annie had just been talking with yelled up to Annie"Come on straddle that little face and tell her to open wide and what you are going to do." Annie looked out in the crowd and saw Roy. It gave her a little boost. She looked down at the women as she straddled her face and said in a loud voice: "Open up honey I am going to piss in your mouth and you better not loose a drop." and with that Annie let go of a flood that she had been holding for a while. She saw the womens mouth begin to fill and she stopped the flow and told her to swallow. The women closed her mouth and did so. Annie put her finger in the women's mouth and opened it back up and let more go. She filled the women's mouth four times. After the final time she moved herself down the womens body so that their pussy's were grinding and she kissed her deep.  Annie was in a virtual orgasm. She felt like it would never stop. Annie got down off the table and the crowd filled in back around number 12. Annie moved her way through the crowd until she got to Roy. Roy felt overwhelmed but was excited about what he had just witnessed. He and Annie spent the rest of the night pretty much to themselves Annie played with two women and Roy joined in once but for the most part just watched Annie. The wheel spun four more times and Annie's number was not hit. By eight the next morning most everyone was passed out or close to it. Roy and Annie left the club exhausted and sexually spent. When they got home the baby sitter was sitting at the kitchen table in a flimsy nighty and looked very cute both Roy and Annie had no energy to even talk to her they just went to bed. They slept until 5 that evening.

Their night out had been amazing but also a little traumatizing, especially for Roy who hadn't been involved in most of the action but watched Annie have sex with at least five men and pee in a woman's mouth. That part turned him on more than he thought it would but he didn't bring it up for a couple weeks. When Roy and Annie finally did talk about their experience that night it was with great excitement. Annie told Roy she couldn't wait to go back and she couldn't believe how much she had had. Roy asked her what her favorite part of the night was and she replied "I never would have believed it but I was completely uncontrollable about peeing in that woman's mouth. Roy told her that it made him more excited than he would have ever expected and had been thinking about it since the night it happened.   


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Earths CoreChapter 3 The Official Elite Tryouts Start

Everyone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...

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Roy and Annie try something new

This story contains very taboo topics please be advised.Roy and Annie shared a fairly good sex life, although her drive was a little stronger than his. After fifteen years of marriage and two daughters it was hard to keep things exciting. They tried a lot of different positions and played with toys but something was still leaving them both wanting more. One night Annie came home and told Roy she had set up for a babysitter on Friday night. She told Roy that the sitter was going to stay over...

3 years ago
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Biochemistry 4 The Funeral

BIOCHEMISTRY 4: THE FUNERAL By JRD Sam and James were at the mansion of Elaine having a simple get together. This was one of the things that Sam liked so much about being with Elaine. Despite all the trappings of wealth that Elaine had, she was really just a simple girl at heart. Many of the "wealthy elite" that Sam had to deal with maintained a rigid "air of civility", a wall of class distinction, between themselves and their servants, but Elaine was really just one of the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a Geordie-land’s infamous night-life. Along the Quayside, teaming with young bodies as the youth of the Toon move from pub to pub, barely wearing enough to protect them from the cold northern wind. Then we’re around the corner on a street with four story buildings on either side of a wide street, with plenty of pedestrian space infront of multiple pubs and clubs. Everyone looking very relieved that the lockdown is over and the party has...

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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 6 Newspeak

BRINKMANSHIP Neena Alexandrovna to Svetlana Nikitechna Electronic AudioMemo: Re: Vyera: Language Tuition, Stage 1 I began Vyera's language tuition today. First, I plan to teach her to read Cyrillic characters and to give her a range of commands and responses in Russian which are suitable for a slave. This will confine her within a linguistic prison and maintain her in the role we intend for her. Her prison can be 'extended' by adding new vocabulary as her training progresses and she is...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 14

Sultry: Another country heard from: 14 "Very ingenious," said Sultry, as the many horsemen departed with their bags of flour. The rest of the group from Cassandra nodded. Seven in One, said ... in that seven part harmony... "We would have wasted a great deal of time and split our resources if we'd fallen for it." Cassie asked, "Now what?" A great many people said, "We follow the man with Eva ... right?" "We do," agreed Sultry. "It would be pure foolishness to follow the false...

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THE PASTRY SALEEvery year, and sometimes even twice a year, the ladies of St.Mark’s Church organized a pastry sale to help finance the upkeep of the church. The parish of St. Mark was an affluent one where many professionals resided and also, since the establishment of a Revlon factory, many single women who worked in the profitable field of beauty products. It was difficult to get the younger women to participate in church affairs but Marjorie Halpern had managed to gather half a dozen...

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E099 Somethings new

A week later, Donald gets to delve into his shopping fetish.  He spends time every day previewing the new fashions of the seasons on different websites.  Then moving to his favorite shopping sites to choose items he wants to include in his cart for consideration.  He works his way through his different classifications of clothes: the lingerie, the outfits, the apparel.  The only thing he has not yet shopped for is the suits for his and Emma’s special nights.  But that will come.Emma is being so...

Love Stories
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 8

Sultry: Another country heard from; 8 It dawned on Sultry that she Knew Hero Alfred. He was one of the multitude of Federal Alphabet Soup that had tried to arrest everybody on Crossroads. (When dealing Alphabet Flashcards, fifteen is a minor multitude.) "I know you," she said. Alfred said, "Not now, Sultry. I have affairs of great import." "Us too," Sultry said. "Where is your Hero?" Al asked. Sultry tootled her fingers. "Ya know, this whole Damsels in Distress business is...

4 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 13

Sultry: Another country heard from: 13 "Sultry?" asked Cassie, "Where are we?" After casting her eye ... and a few rune-stones, Sultry said "Umh ... Earth. That's my house." She pointed at the house on the hill. "I'm not sure when." A 1923 T model Ford rattled its way down the street, through the crowd of Cassandrians without leaving any dead or wounded behind. The car pulled up at the general store Bowser pump and a black suited slim young man stepped out of the T model and...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 12

Sultry: Another country heard from; 12 "Who are all these people?" Sultry asked. Cassie said, "These are a few of the children of the Heroes." Jack was right ... it is a conspiracy. Sultry thought, then said, "What's up?" "Eva has been kidnapped," Cassie said. "What are they doing here?" Cassie explained, "Eva was kidnapped from here." "What was she doing here?" "Nobody knows ... at least..." she turned to the crowd, "Hey! Anybody know WHY Eva was here?" Assorted...

1 year ago
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Lets Try Anal

“Let’s try anal.” It sounds like a simple enough request, but most of you dudes know how hard it can be to get a sober chick to go for it. Only 36 percent of straight women admit to getting butt-fucked at least once. It’s higher than some of you virginal neckbeards would have guessed, but still way too low. Thankfully, the girls at LetsTryAnal.com are always DTBF.First Time Ass Fucking!The subtitle of Lets Try Anal is FIRST TIME ASS FUCKING! The all-caps yelling and exclamation point are all...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 9

Sultry: Another country heard from; 9 Cassie stripped out of her shirt and put on the chain mail shirt. "Fuck ... that's cold." Her nipples were bearing witness to the fact that ... indeed ... the metal was cold. "You're supposed to put on a quilted shirt first, dummy." Sultry wasn't kidding either. Her first expedition with a mail shirt had been a similar chilling experience. Jack had let her make as many mistakes as it took to learn. Mail and nipple took once. During the seven...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 15

Sultry: Another country heard from: 15 Eva was de-bundled ... unwrapped, untied and debagged. After tea and a 'little something' she asked, "What happened to Hero Alfred?" Well, that question gave them all pause... "Oh ... Him ... the dead guy. Someone stuck an arrow in him." At least that's the information Eva gleaned from the several statements made in response to 'What happened to Al?' "Who stuck him?" she asked. "Got no idea," said Sultry, "He was shot in the back and...

1 year ago
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Cream pastry

I have a different schedule from my wife. So a have the days to myself, for part of the week. This morning I got up had some coffee, and noticed my 7in cock was very horny. It just kept staying 3/4 hard while I started to get some pastries out for breakfast. I forgot to mention I enjoy lounging around in the mornings completed naked. I also leave the bay window blinds open in the kitchen breakfast nook, just in case some of our sexy neighbors might be home for the day. I like the thought of...

2 years ago
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Behind the tapestry Part two

The king arrived back in the early evening on the third day.  He summoned his counsel and had them meet with him.“Where is the queen?”  he questioned them as he sat.“Sire, she is handling a situation at the moment and said that she will reunite with you at the dinner table.”  said one of the elders.Unable to fully concentrate on the updates from the counsel, the king dismissed everyone with the excuse of being weary and needing to eat.  He informed the counsel that they would assemble again...

4 years ago
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Behind the tapestry Part one

 Part 1The king and queen sat on their thrones and watched the last of the court exit the large wooden doors.  The doors closed with a resounding boom that echoed through the throne room.  Once the echos faded away, the king's shoulders sagged and his chin fell.“My queen.”  The king said as he turned his head and looked into her eyes.  “I am weary, I have taken the weight of the land upon my shoulders.  I will ride out tomorrow and will be away for three days.  I need to see the people and let...

3 years ago
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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

1 year ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 2

Sultry: Another country heard from; 2 If you think the bank vault room was crowded ... you'd be right. The Seven were in their parts when then they appeared in the vault. What was even more confusing? They all had boxes. But, wait, there's more. Seven stuck her finger in the hole, eight boxes appeared. Eight? Yes. One of the eight was for Sultry. Sultry stuck her finger in the hole and HER box materialized. It was empty except for a note: Past Due. Charges for ten years:33...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 20 Tryouts

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty: Tryouts Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. When Mark slipped out of bed, he jostled me from my dream. It was a reoccurring dream, where my whore of a mother never left us and we were all living together again, happy. There was always that moment of disappointment when I awoke and realized it had been a dream, my mother had run off to whore around with that musician. Anger was starting to roil in my stomach, so I forced the thoughts...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader Tryouts

This all started about a year ago when I was 23 and I was home from work. It was about 3:30 when my sister walked in from school. She had just finished cheer tryouts and was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that they did not think she was good enough“Well what did you do for them?” I asked. “Show me and ill be the judge of that,” I told her.“I don’t know, I don’t even think it was that good,” she replied.“Come on sis, you have been talking about this for so long. Just let me...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 23 Baseball Tryouts

When I went to school this morning I had an extra bounce in my step. I had a girl whom I loved, my movie obligations were done, for now, and best of all was baseball tryouts started today. I was excited about this season. We were finally going to get to play varsity ball. The other thing I noticed was they had broken ground on the new Field House. They planned on having it done by the start of the coming school year, next August. I could hardly wait to be able to use it. Dad was also...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 1 Stirring The Elite Tryoutsrsquo Preliminaries Finals

Onzengvas ... its lands, before the Age of Catastrophe shifted continents, before it reshaped the planet and before Luminous Church unified it in the name of The Almighty, were known as Africa and South and East Asia. At the center of the south eastern lands of Onzengvas an enormous and marvelous, mountain like capital city was erected, named after the land itself, “Onzengvas city”, and powered by a formation of twelve floating pagodas crafted from twelve third realm Pure Cores. It knew no...

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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 6

Sultry: Another country heard from; 6 Even though Eva was 'getting her ducks in a row' on Cassandra for a week, she was in the bank with folders and a few official 'tricks' ten seconds after she left Chaos. Time isn't only elastic ... it's optional, she thought. Verra interesting. The lobby was settling in. The Powers that Be were arguing about sleeping accommodations ... was it easier to sleep on the floor together ... as in one piece ... or disunite and spread out. Six and Four,...

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A Forced Tryst

We’re both in college but her dorm-mates often give her shit for drinking and coming in late on school nights. She told me once she’s fucking two of her three teachers for her grades, and with how much class she misses it must be true. Tryst’s picture comes up now and as its 1 am on a Wednesday I’m sure she needs a ride and a couch to sleep on. I sigh, set my Xbox controller down and take a drag of my blunt. I got some friends over and they see me getting up to leave.
 “Yo, man where you...

3 years ago
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Another Wintry Night2020

By Jax_Teller Buffalo New York was known for its winters and it was often said by locals in the middle of heavy snow that they were going to get a break from the snow by going to Alaska. More often than not, the weather was better in Anchorage Alaska than Buffalo New. The city of Buffalo was an early era industrial-age town built around the production of steel and auto parts. The location of the Lakes and maneuverable waterways made it perfect for the task. In that time in history function...

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One Dark Wintry Night

By Jax_Teller I was searching for sexual entertainment one dark wintry night in Buffalo NY. It was hard finding any activity in a town covered in thirty six inches of fresh snow with wind chills of minus twenty seven. This night though I had just got off of a lake freighter from Port Huron MI. I had been working long cold hours with a crew of miscreant men who were at their best, not in jail. I was determined to be entertained. The water front bars were mostly closed dumps that had...

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One Dark Wintry Night 2 Port of Call

By Jax_Teller Characters in this story are the same as the story “One Dark Wintry Night” A few weeks after my encounter at the Adult theater & book store on River road in Buffalo NY, I was once again headed out to town in search of a good time. My first stop would be diner where I would call the number on the card Johnson gave me. I found a dive called George's Red Hots near the port. I had been there before and if it were not for the great taste of the food I would never go...

3 years ago
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What a Wonderful Wintry Feeling

What a Wonderful, Wintry Feeling! When I'd asked him what he wanted for Christmas he had only one answer. "You," he’d said. So I decided that was what I'd do. I'd give him a part of me. As the snow fell outsideI had him get ready and when I entered the bedroom he was already prone on the bed,laying on the drawn back sheets, his uncut erection already drawing my attention. I went into the bathroom to get ready. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. Not too bad...

4 years ago
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Another Wintry Night

Buffalo New York was known for its winters and it was often said by locals in the middle of heavy snow that they were going to get a break from the snow by going to Alaska. More often than not, the weather was better in Anchorage Alaska than Buffalo New. The city of Buffalo was an early era industrial-age town built around the production of steel and auto parts. The location of the Lakes and maneuverable waterways made it perfect for the task. In that time in history function was more...

1 year ago
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Violets Anal Training

Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will be prepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Violets Anal Training Michael sat in the chair as she entered. Powerone had described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very small hands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips. She had a gothic look to her, the black clothes standing out dramatically to her white skin. "What am I doing here?" Violet questioned, but she already knew...

1 year ago
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Biochemistry New Love in the Lab

This is a story about new love. I hope you enjoy it. * I was smitten the very moment I saw her. A girl with a striking mop of curly bright red hair that cascaded to her shoulders sat near the head of the table, her eyes fixed on a form in front of her. She looked like she was deep in concentration as she held a pen which she absentmindedly tapped the non-writing end against her lower lip. As I walked into the meeting room she looked up from the form to me and I immediately noticed her...

2 years ago
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BiochemistryThe Original

BIOCHEMISTRY by J R D James Smith was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now James was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and James was unconscious before he knew what was happening. He woke up later. He had no idea how much later. He fought through a haze, his mouth pasty from some kind of drug. He tried to move his arms and legs, but they were restrained somehow, and much more securely...

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BiochemistryThe Prequel

Biochemistry:The Prequel by J R D Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story. Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it,...

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Biochemistry Elaines Story

BIOCHEMISTRY 0: Elaine's Story By JRD Nathan Mallone waited in the waiting room for his new doctor's office, doctor Jane Sloane. He hoped that this new psychiatrist could help him. The others he had gone to all had given him a diagnosis and some suggestions about what to do about it, but he was still depressed most of the time, still wanted his life to be something different from what he was getting, from what he was. After a long wait (did any doctor ever manage to...

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BiochemistryThe Sequel

BIOCHEMISTRY: THE SEQUEL by J R D IN THE PARK... Jack Smith, James Smith's father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening... ************** AT THE BEACH... Melissa Smith, James' mother, Jack's wife, drove into the beach parking lot where James and his new wife Samantha were...

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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 40 Poetry and Religion

Thoughts Actually Cherie and Daphne are more alike than many people will ever realize. They've both lived on the street after running away from owners who couldn't handle them, or recognize the problems their 'bot's were facing at the time. They've both been forcibly recovered - by the same retrieval specialist - and have survived to this day because of it. And they both really like being fembots now - with all that entails. And if you ever get to watch them lovingly, intimately giving...

4 years ago
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Sultry Another Country Heard FromChapter 7

The crossbow bolt struck Sultry between the shoulder blades and bounced off. That's not to say it didn't hurt ... it did ... it hurt like crazy. She went sprawling and landed face first in a fresh road apple. "Fuck! that hurts. Who did that?" "If I had to guess," said Cassie. "I'd have to say it's that big guy behind us ... the one with three fingers gone. He's trying his damnedest to cock that weapon again." From her position on the road apple, Sultry, groaned, "Milo! Tall?...

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