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This story was written as a tag-team effort, in collaboration with a certain "bitsie", who is the most unusual muse that I could imagine.




Hal dragged the last suitcase out of the back of the van and over to the curb, where the porter was waiting with the rest of the luggage. "That's the last of them," he grunted as he dropped the heavy bag. He dug into his wallet and handed the porter five dollars – one for each suitcase.


Dena gave her mother a final hug. Her father turned to Hal and said, "Thanks for giving us a ride to the airport. Take care of our little girl now."


"Stop that, Dad," Dena burst out. "I told you, he's just a good friend! Can't a guy do your daughter a favor without getting the second degree every time?"


Her father just shrugged. Hal noticed Dena's mother giving him an appraising look. "Don't mind her father, Hal – he just wants to marry her off already."


Dena stifled a squeal as her mother took her father by the arm and turned to enter the airport terminal. Dena rolled her eyes as she looked at Hal, but when she saw him grinning she knew that he was OK with it. "C'mon, let's get out of here."


Dena was quiet on the way back into town, and Hal decided to leave her alone with her thoughts. He had hardly seen her all week while her parents were visiting. Dena had called him up the night before to ask him if she could use his van to drive them to the airport, because they had a lot of luggage. Hal volunteered to do it himself - he wasn't thrilled about getting up so early on a Sunday morning, but he was glad to have the opportunity to spend some time with her again.


Hal and Dena lived in the same two-story apartment building – she had moved there from the West Coast six months earlier. She was a legal assistant for one of the large law firms downtown, and he was a financial analyst for a brokerage company. At first they just smiled politely at each other as they passed in the parking lot of their building. However, when they found out that they worked downtown in adjacent offices, he started giving her a ride to work sometimes, whenever their schedules matched up.


The rides turned into an occasional lunch, and they soon became good friends. Hal's taste in women tended to the blonde long-legged type, as opposed to Dena's short, busty brunette figure. He found out right away that the feeling was mutual on Dena's part, which was actually a relief for both of them. There was no sexual tension to mess up their budding friendship. They particularly enjoyed regaling each other with the latest stories of their various ongoing dating disasters – it got so Hal would start composing his anticipated "report" to Dena even before his date was over.


Hal knew the exact minute when all that changed for him. He was at the Laundromat with Dena, feeding quarters into the machines and just hanging out together while the loads ran when he committed the cardinal sin – he let a pair of his new red basketball shorts get into the wrong washing machine. They didn't realize it until Dena went to change her loads, and found that her whites had all turned pink.


Dena's face turned purple, and Hal closed his eyes and braced himself for a blistering tirade. But he opened them in surprise, as the laugh that Dena was stifling burst out. His face broke out in a sheepish grin, which made Dena laugh even harder.


"Oh, you should see your face!" giggled Dena, as she held up her now-pink panties. They spent the next hour bleaching her clothes back to their original white, with Dena giggling the whole time. Hal was so relieved that he didn't even mind his punishment, which was to fold both of their laundry. But as he lay in bed that night, he suddenly realized that he wanted to hear Dena's laugh every day. And night.


No doubt about it – Hal was smitten. But their unwritten code of friendship didn't leave him any room to express it. He was afraid that even the slightest hint of any romantic interest on his part would ruin their relationship.


The next few weeks were a kind of torture for him, as his heart and his head wrestled for domination. He was almost relieved when Dena's parents had flown in to visit, leaving her no time for their usual meetings. But that was over, and Hal wasn't any closer to solving his problem than he had been before they came.


"Earth to Hal!" Hal woke out of his reverie – he had been driving on autopilot.


"We're almost home," said Dena. "Do you want to come up for a cup of coffee?"


Hal realized that he had driven all the way home while sunken in his own thoughts. "Sure, why not?" he stammered.


He parked the van out front, and the two of them went inside. Hal climbed the stairs to her apartment, noticing the cute wiggle of Dena's tush inside her pants as he followed her up the steps. "That pretty much sums up my situation," he thought to himself. "So near and yet so far!"


As he reached the top of the steps and saw her turning the key in the lock, another thought flicked randomly through his head: "But she doesn't even drink coffee….."




Okay, so she'd always thought he was cute. Not her type, but cute. She could see fixing him up with a friend… but all her friends were still in San Francisco .


He seemed kind of cool, and remote. Dena liked dark men, real Latin lovers, a type that was plentiful in San Francisco . Not here. Why did she agree to come to Chicago again? Oh yeah, the job. Every time she looked at Hal, she had to kind of crane her neck. He was from good Norwegian stock, well over six feet tall and blond. She was, like her parents, short.


But then she got to know Hal. Since they both realized they worked downtown, he'd become friendlier, and she'd started to feel more at home. It made her realize the advantages of knowing someone in a really big city. In San Fran, it didn't matter because she'd lived there so long. But here… well, it had been really nice to have a big, strapping friend more than once.


But then something had happened. She kind of fell for him. She knew exactly when it had happened.


Just a few weeks ago, she'd been getting ready for bed in the sweltering Chicago summer, windows open, when she'd seen something scuttle in the moonlit dark. She'd cautiously turned on the light and screamed at the sight of a huge wood spider dashing for the safety of darkness under her bed. She'd called Hal.


He'd come upstairs immediately in a pair of boxers, and she'd greeted him with hysteria in the panties and camisole she'd worn to bed that night. She'd told her story just waiting for him to laugh at her and leave her alone with that – that creature. He'd just smiled gently and asked what she wanted him to do.


"Do?" she'd asked, incredulous. "Kill it, get rid of it, get it away from my bed!"


Hal had nodded and asked for a broom, a dustpan, and an empty shoebox. She'd brought him the stuff without thinking, and when he'd caught the spider and taken it gently downstairs, setting it free not next to the building but down the road about a half a block, in a small stand of birch trees, she'd been amazed.


"Why did you do that?" she'd asked.


"Do what?"


"Take it away like that."


Hal had shrugged. "Well, he's got a right to live, too, but unless he's paying you rent, he does NOT have a right to live in your apartment." He'd grinned, and in that moment, sensing his gentleness, she'd melted.


But she was so not his type. And she valued his friendship. So what to do, what to do?


She didn't know. So she just continued spending as much time with him as possible.


On the day he'd so gamely taken her parents to the airport at the ungodly hour of nine am on a Sunday, she was silent all the way home. He left her to her own mind, and all she could think of was that broad, hard, smooth chest she'd seen when he captured her intruding spider. The wicked warmth in his blue eyes whenever he teased her about her dating disasters. She studied him as he drove. He seemed to be off in thoughts of his own now, and didn't notice. So he was Brad Pitt, not Antonio Banderas, so what?


As they got home, she said, "Um, Hal?"


He was still in his thoughts.


"Hey, Earth to Hal!"


Hal started and looked over at her, then smiled. "Yes?"


"We're almost home," said Dena. "Do you want to come up for a cup of coffee?"


"Sure, why not?" he stammered.


Damn, Dena thought. I don't drink coffee. I don't even have any in the house. Damn!


She walked slowly up the stairs, Hal behind her, as her mind raced. She fumbled with the key in the lock and preceded him into the kitchen. She turned and looked at him. Now what?




Hal followed Dena into her apartment. He tried thinking of something – anything – else, but his thoughts kept stubbornly and disturbingly going back to the figure-eight that her ass had described as she climbed up the stairs. Maybe coming up to her apartment wasn't such a good idea after all.


He squeezed into the chair at her tiny kitchen table, while Dena filled the kettle, lit the stove burner, and set it on to boil. Her only two unchipped cups were still sitting unwashed in the sink, so she ran the water to wash them.


Hal found his eyes being drawn once again to her tush – it was like they were magnetized. He desperately looked around her apartment, searching for something else to fix his gaze on.


Dena was anything but a neat freak. Her apartment was small, without much storage space, and the result could only be described as an orderly clutter. Hal spotted a basket of laundry in the corner. He would normally have looked right past it – her laundry was not anything that he hadn't seen many times before – but his gaze was suddenly drawn to a flimsy shiny pink slip that was sitting folded on top.


It was that camisole that she had worn the night he had come up to rescue her from the marauding spider. This was before Hal had his epiphany – all he wanted to do that night was to catch the spider and get back to bed, preferably without ever opening his eyes to really wake up. But seeing that fabric now in the laundry basket caused the picture of Dena in that skimpy camisole to flash back into his head. It was as if he'd never really seen her before. And he suddenly realized that the sight was the most erotic image that he had ever seen, sexier than any Playboy pinup.


"I forgot," she said, "I only have tea. Would you prefer herbal or Earl Grey?"


"Ummm, I guess Ea……" His voice was drowned out suddenly by a passing train. Her kitchen window backed on to the El tracks, and the whole building shook as the train rattled by. They were both used to it – they just stopped and counted to ten, resuming their conversation afterward in midsentence.


"…….Earl Grey."


"Oh, you would pick the one on the highest shelf," Dena said. "My hands are wet – would you get that out of the cupboard for me?"


Hal started to get up, but he suddenly realized that he had a serious problem. The picture that he had conjured of Dena in her pink camisole had given him a raging instantaneous hard-on. He cursed his luck, and his rampaging male libido. Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve…..


"Well, ah, why don't we just go with the herbal?" he stammered.


"Come on," Dena teased, "get that lazy ass of yours off that chair and give me a hand here!"


Hal's erection wasn't going away, but he didn't see any way to get out of it. He slid out from his chair, twisting sideways to try and hide himself from her. But Dena turned to him just as he was getting up. He felt like he was sticking out a mile – there was no way she could miss it.


"Oh ho! What have we here?" she teased. "In the words of the immortal Mae West - is that a pickle in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"


Hal blushed a deep red. He knew that Dena was just kidding him harmlessly, but this time was different. He looked up just as Dena's teasing smirk faded from her lips. Her eyes widened with a look of sudden realization, and her hands flew up to cover the "o" of her mouth.


Hal's one wish was that the floor would open up and swallow him whole.




Oh, Jesus, why did I invite him in here? she thought. Her apartment was messy – more than messy. Hal was still as silent as the tomb. She rushed to fill the kettle and wash her two cups.


Hal was staring at her laundry basket in the hall, his lips pursed. God, he must think she was a total slob!


"I forgot," she said, "I only have tea. Would you prefer herbal or Earl Grey?"


His reply was drowned out as the El train rushed past.


"…….Earl Grey," he said


"Oh, you would pick the one on the highest shelf," Dena said. "My hands are wet – would you get that out of the cupboard for me?"


Hal fidgeted, obviously uncomfortable. Dena was so ashamed she could cry. He must be wondering what the hell he was doing here. He sounded like he was embarrassed for her when he asked for the herbal.


"Come on," Dena said, trying desperately for a light note, "Get that lazy ass of yours off that chair and give me a hand here!"


She turned to him, and tried to smile. There was a big lump in his pants. "Oh ho! What have we here?" she teased, trying to make light of a suddenly awkward situation. "In the words of the immortal Mae West - is that a pickle in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"


Hal blushed a deep red. Dena's teasing smirk faded from her lips, and her eyes widened, both hands flying up to cover her mouth as she realized. Hal was erect. Hal was in her apartment with a raging hard-on. There weren't any leggy blondes around here, so it must be for her… and by the look on his face, he had no idea she felt the same way. If something was going to come of this, it was up to Dena.


She took the two steps separating them and rubbed her fingertips lightly along the thick bulge. Hal's eyes widened in surprise. Her smile was sweet, tender. "You too, huh?"


God she hoped she wasn't wrong about this.


Then the look on Hal's face changed, too. First there was relief, and a small smile. Then the smile became hungry, those deep blue eyes roaming her body as she stood still, her small hand on his cock through his jeans. She felt his cock twitch just as his eyes met hers, dark with need. He leaned down, slowly, and brushed his lips on her mouth.


Dena gasped as the sensation shot through her, electric. Her nipples swelled and hardened, and Hal noticed. As he brushed her mouth with his again, he cupped her large, round tits and let his thumbs brush over her large nipples.


Dena groaned and smiled. It was all right. He wanted her, too. "Kitchen table or bedroom, Hal?" she whispered as she rubbed her hands up across his chest and around his neck, pushing her aching breasts into his hard chest.




It felt like everything was happening in slow motion. Hal couldn't move a muscle as Dena stepped towards him and reached out to touch the tented outline of his prick through his pants. He had always admired Dena's direct approach to everything, but he never expected to be on the receiving end. The tantalizing touch of her fingertips reverberated up and down his spine, as every nerve fiber jumped to attention.


His brain was screaming out warning sirens, even as he automatically reached down to cup her breast. Her nipple was outlined sharply through her bra and the fabric of her tank top. "Just shut up….." he murmured, pulling Dena into his arms. He saw Dena's eyes open wide in question, so he quickly added, "Not you – me!"


He leaned down to press his lips to her smiling mouth, first softly, and then increasingly harder as she moaned into his mouth. His tongue met hers half way, dueling furiously. He opened his eyes in mid-kiss, only to find hers staring right up at his, burning in her passion. She broke away, breathless, saying, "Kitchen table or bedroom, Hal?"


Hal laughed right out loud. "Your table isn't big enough for more than two tuna sandwiches!"


"Then bedroom it is!" giggled Dena. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound that he had ever heard.


Hal bent over, slipping one arm behind the crook of her knee, and the other arm under her shoulders. With a smooth jerk she was lifted up into the air and cradled in his arms. "Your carriage awaits, m'lady," he announced, and he strode towards the bedroom.


As he stepped sideways through the bedroom door, Dena reached up with both arms and pulled his head down to hers, renewing the seal of their lips that had been broken only seconds before. Hal lost all thought of where he was and what he was doing when she sucked his tongue in again. His inertia kept them moving towards the bed, and when his knees made contact they tumbled onto it in a tangled heap.


Hal was too far gone to want to separate from Dena long enough to take off his clothes – the contact with her body was too delicious to give up for even a moment. He buried his face in her neck, reaching down blindly to fumble with his belt and zipper.


"Wait!" Dena commanded. Her sharp tone stopped him in mid smooch, his pants twisted around his thighs. "We are both adults here! Let's take just one minute to get undressed like civilized human beings!"


Hal looked at Dena, lying in his arms, and they both broke up in laughter. They separated, reluctantly, to opposite sides of the bed. Hal slipped off his sneakers, then stood up to pull off his pants, underpants, and socks in one swift motion. Two tugs at his T-shirt had him standing naked, his prick jutting out like a javelin.


He looked over to see Dena slip off her underpants, and then straighten up to reach with one hand behind her back to undo the catch of her bra. As it slipped off her shoulders, he was dumbfounded at her beauty. No long-legged blonde could ever hold a candle to this.


His gaze wandered up her sleek calves, past her dimpled knees to her round thighs, the curve of her ass peeking tantalizingly from behind. His eyed were drawn further up her taut belly to the droop of her round full breasts, with both nipples erect and jutting. The curves of her cleavage drew him to the hollow of her neck, past her cute chin and smiling lips. But it was Dena's eyes that made him catch his breath. They bore right through him with a passion that he had never seen before. He had never seen such an erotic sight – the picture would stay with him forever.


The moment was broken when he propelled himself across the bed in her direction like a heat-seeking missile. Dena met him half way, their arms wrapping around each other, lips seeking warm flesh. "You're right," he mumbled into her soft shoulder, "This is MUCH better!" She laughed softly into his ear, and then bit it gently.




She hadn't expected the touch of him to render her so completely senseless. She seemed to remember the cynical part of herself, who communicated only with humor, telling him to wait and take just one minute to get undressed like civilized human beings, but really she wanted him to rip off her clothes, to plunge right into her. She could not remember ever being so instantly aroused, so immediately hungry for anyone to just tear her open.


When she bit his ear, laughing, he groaned. Their bodies were wrapped around each other, and she could feel my breasts flattening on his broad chest. Somehow, she didn't think this first time was going to last very long. She was okay with that, as long as there was more.


She immediately wrapped her legs around him and felt his thick erection against her belly, her sex. She arched her body, humping against the smooth skin of his thighs and his pulsing sex, grinding them together. He groaned into her mouth as they kissed, rubbing against each other.


In a move that made him look as if he were in control of himself, he sat back on his heels, pushing her back against the bed. When he looked openly at her body, and his hands began to follow, roaming across her breasts, tweaking her nipples to painful peaks, she groaned in frustration, grinding against him again. His hands were large, firm, as they smoothed down her belly.


The first touch of his fingers against her sex sent a bolt of pure lust straight to her brain. "Jesus, Hal," she whimpered, arching her back as he stroked her, softly. His wide blue eyes stared intently into hers as she moaned and shuddered under him. He stroked her softly, teasing, learning. She unwrapped her legs, spreading herself wide under him. He cupped her mound, the heel of his hand against her wet, swollen lips, and rubbed, slowly, up and down. Then, not removing his hand, he leaned down and licked at a tight nipple, sucking and nibbling and biting as her gasps and moans spurred him on.


He switched to the other nipple, making her crazy with desire. One hand teased the nipple his mouth had just left. The other stroked her, slowly. When he took his cock in his hand and began to rub the tip of himself over her pussy and clit, she shuddered, squirming, screaming under him, begging him to put it in, begging him to fuck her.




Hal felt like his cock was going to burst. The feel of his cock rubbing into the liquid heat of Dena's cunt was unbearably tantalizing. He knew that if he plunged into her hot pussy immediately, he would come in a second. But he was damned if he was going to let his first time with Dena be over that quickly. There was just too much at stake. The only alternative was to back off, letting his mouth and hands do the work until he could regain some semblance of control over his pulsating prick.


He crouched on his knees, kneeling over Dena's prostrate body and kissing his way slowly down her belly, licking the sweat that was already pooling in the curve of her stomach. Dena moaned and giggled all at once when he stuck his tongue in her navel. Hal's hands stayed cupped at her breasts, kneading them as he rolled his thumbs across her nipples. He felt Dena's hands on his head, wrapping her fingers in his hair as she tried to pull him back up. But Hal knew that he wasn't ready for that yet, so he resisted her pressure and let his lips travel further down her body, towards her neatly trimmed bush.


Hal's wide shoulders separated her thighs as he moved downward, kissing and licking towards her molten center. As his lips grazed the top of her already-pouting pussy, he detoured towards the fold of her right thigh where it met her pelvis, tasting the salty sweat. He reveled in the taste of her skin, as the pungent odors of her aroused cunt assaulted his nose. He licked down her thigh, then crossed over to her left thigh and nibbled upward, in a clockwise spiral with her cunt as the ultimate goal.


As he reached her pussy, he felt Dena wrap one leg around him, with her soft rounded heel pressing into the small of his back. He didn't need any urging – there was nothing that could have stopped Hal now from tasting the source of her secretions.


He decided that it was time to stop beating around the bush (Hal laughed in his head at his own silly pun, even while immersing himself in her soft folds). His mouth closed over her cunt, sucking in the distended lips and munching on them as his tongue extended deeply into her folds. Dena's back arched as she pressed her pelvis up higher, her pussy meeting his mouth in a deep soul-kiss.


Hal continued to rut in her cunt, overwhelmed with the sensations of her taste, touch, and smell. His nose made contact with her distended clit, rubbing it up and down even as he slurped at her wide-open pussy. His arms moved down from her breasts to wrap them selves under and around her thighs, drawing Dena's groin into a passionate embrace.


He felt Dena jerk under him, first once, and then again. He couldn't tell if she was coming, or if she was just building higher and higher towards her orgasm, but he knew she liked it, whatever he was doing. He would have been happy to keep this up forever, but Dena reached down over his shoulders, grabbing his armpits to pull him up towards her.


As she pulled him up across her heaving body, Dena gasped at him – "What do you think you're doing?"


Hal licked his lips and grinned – Dena was now a squirming mass of nerve-endings and his own "situation" was back under control. This was one fucking that he was going to remember forever.




God, Dena thought, pulling his face to hers by her fingers twisted in his hair. She licked at her juices on his face, sucking at his lips and tongue. She wrapped her legs around his, rubbing her hot, juicy cunt against his throbbing, thick cock. She wanted him inside her so badly, but something held her back. She wanted to tease, too.


As Hal rubbed his cockhead over her wet slit, she slid a hand between them and held him, rubbing him against her, from her clit to her asshole. She pushed his cock up, then, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist. His cock was trapped against her belly as she began humping against him, still sucking sensually at his mouth, rubbing her hot wet pussy along its length.


Hal growled and slid his hands under her, grabbing her cheeks and squeezing them, pulling at her, fingers rubbing along her little crack, playing with the tiny hole there. She squealed and bucked against him as he pushed the tip of a finger against her ass, teasing.


"God you feel so good," Dena breathed into Hal's mouth, her body nearly bucking against him in need.


"I'm about to feel one hell of a lot better," he growled, and slammed himself deep into her.




Hal groaned as he felt his cock slide all the way inside Dena. There was absolutely no resistance as her slick velvety wetness swallowed him whole. He felt a slight pinch at the tip of his cock as it bumped up against something sharp inside her. "Must be her IUD", he thought, remembering the joke she had made about being a Boy Scout – always prepared. One of their more memorable (and hilarious) bull-sessions had been the time when they had discussed the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of birth control.


But all thoughts were driven out of his head instantly as Dena humped upwards, twisting her hips deliciously. The sensations were overwhelming, and Hal felt his prick start to pulse. It seemed that his control was weaker than he had thought. "No, no!" he thought to himself, "Not so soon!"


There was no doubt about it – Dena had turned him on more than anyone that he had ever experienced. Desperately, Hal fell back on a ruse that he hadn't had to use since he had been a whole lot younger. He lifted himself up on his arms, pulling his penis almost all the way out, and conjured up a picture in his head of Mrs. Olson, his fifth grade teacher – a dried up old bag whose favorite activity was sneaking up on unsuspecting students and rapping them with her ruler. It had never failed him before. Hal felt his control returning as the image of Mrs. Olson deflated him just enough to halt his raging erection, catching himself right before it dragged him past the "point of no return".


Dena looked up at him quizzically as she felt Hal hesitate. But before she could frame the question on her lips, Hal smiled at her, and drove his prick back deeply inside. There would be time to explain later.


Hal felt Dena's legs wrap around him, pulling him in even deeper as his cock separated her pussy lips. Their pubic bones ground together in a liquid "slorch", trapping and rolling against her clit. He saw her eyes roll back in her head just before he relaxed his arms and dropped his shoulders down to embrace her.


He reached around and under her to grab one ass cheek in each hand, pulling her to him and spreading her asscheeks to each side as he buried his loins even deeper between her thighs. They humped furiously together, driving each other in a rising crescendo towards their release. All pretense at teasing or control was dropped in the urgency of their coupling.


Hal sought her neck with his mouth, sucking and licking, as he inhaled the heady odor of her sweat mingled with her delicious scent. It was like an aphrodisiac, inflaming his senses even further. As he pounded away at her, he walked his lips up her cheek and found her mouth, panting in her exertions. His lips smothered hers as he plunged his tongue deeply inside, tongues dueling as he tried to taste every part of her luscious mouth.


He could feel the pre-cum oozing out of his prick, as he plunged into Dena one more time and tensed up in anticipation of his impending orgasm.




Oh God, she thought, and it was the only thought she was capable of. Hal's thick organ drove out everything else but pleasure, pure pleasure, and she pulled at him desperately, wanting him deeper, deeper, legs wrapped around his waist as she pushed up, hips snapping against his.


When he kissed her, she could feel his cock swelling inside her, filling her, obliterating her. She fisted her fingers in his hair and took as much from his mouth as he took from hers. Her clit was trapped, rubbed, rolled, pounded with every stroke he took, driving her higher and higher, over the brink faster and harder than she'd ever gone before.


With a wail, her body tensed and thrashed under him, crashing against his over and over, slim sheath sucking at his cock as she came. "Cum with me, baby, cum with me, Hal, cum inside me, please, Hal, oh God…"


Dena's words became an incomprehensible mess as she began cumming a second time, body tight and shuddering against his slick, sweaty, musky muscles.




Hal felt himself coming, and this time he didn't hold back – he couldn't have if he had tried. Each jet of sperm was an exquisite agony, as if his entire body was centered on each convulsive wave of release. He held onto Dena's pulsating body, wanting only to envelop every inch of her. All of his senses combined to amplify his orgasm – the feel of her soft skin pressed against his body, her taut muscles under the rounded curves of her asscheeks cupped in his hands, and the taste and smell of her slick juices still coating his lips mixed with the sweat on her neck.


He shuddered one last time, and then went limp, covering her body entirely with his.


As he lay there catching his breath, he suddenly felt a salty drop roll down his cheek onto his lips. He lifted his head up and looked down in surprise to see the line of one tear rolling down the side of Dena's face.


"What's wrong?" he asked.


Dena smiled up at him weakly and said, "Just shut up!" as she reached her arms up to pull his face back down to meet her lips in a deep tongue-searching kiss.


Hal didn't exactly know what was going on – this was not like any other lovemaking that he had ever experienced before. But whatever it was, he liked it. Very much. And the rest of Sunday still stretched out before them.


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Sissy Evette's First Time It is 9.55am and I am sitting in out door area of the coffee shop we arranged to meet. You will recognise me by the red jumper I am wearing that belongs to my wife. My mind wanders back to our meeting in a gay chat room on the internet a few months ago. I recall how coaxing and gentle you were in our initial chats. How I told you about myself, that I was 35 and married but was always curious about gay sex. You told me that you were 50, but that didn't matter...

3 years ago
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my virgin sister

visit here on www.papahaxx.com to see more pic like these I've been spying on my sister for about two months watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass and pussy on a regular basis.My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy, so we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsChapter 11 Auction

When two of the guards came into her cell, it was very crowded and Laura, resigned now to being fucked countless times a day, thought that they would have to take her outside if they wanted to do a threesome on her. Instead, one of them cuffed her wrists behind her back while the other released her ankle chain. Then she was bundled out of her cell and out of the large room along a dreary corridor. At the far end of the corridor she came into another large room where there were several rods...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Tale

Jessica 01 Jessica 01 Jessica was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the man walked in from the patio.? Her sister Kim lay sprawled out on the floor a few feet away.? Mom and dad looked up in alarm from their recliners as the man burst into their home.? Pop!? Pop!? went two shots from the small gun in the man's hand, and her parents lay dying within seconds.? Tommy came in from the kitchen to see what the noise had been, and the man fired two more rounds. Tommy dropped across Kim,...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 48

Emma saw my erection hanging below me and noticed it was leaking pre-cum. “Jess, he hasn’t orgasmed yet...” It sounded more like a question than a statement. “No, he usually won’t from just anal. Even though he enjoys it, he still needs stimulation down there to push him over the edge,” Jess commented. “Should I stroke him or something?” Emma asked. “Yes, please!” I said eagerly before realizing my mistake. “No.” Jess said it very firmly. “For speaking without permission, he can stay...

1 year ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 10

I was surprised when we got back to my Aunt’s duplex to discover she had already left for the evening with her friends. “Where were you shit-stinkers today?” Blair’s lip curled into a snarl. She was angry; we were back after dark. We should have been there much earlier to bathe and eat dinner. “We were playing, Ma’am,” I admitted and said it was my fault that Buddy and Lewis were late. “Look at Miss Priss, you think you are hot shit because you let mom boss you around!” she growled at...

4 years ago
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Brandi Learns a LessonChapter 6 All Alone with Master

Mandy was gone and Brandi was starting to realize that here she was, nineteen years old and willing to let a man that she didn't even know two days ago do anything to her body. She knew that she would be punished and that the pain would be intense, the thought just made her wet. Walking naked out the door into the backyard, Brandi was relieved to find the yard surrounded by a high brick wall. Mike was naked as well, swimming laps. She kneeled down at the edge of the pool and spreading her...

2 years ago
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Fast Food Checkout Girl 2 Keeping the Promise

I watched as my lover, her boyfriend and her brother drove off. Our encounter had been hot and spontaneous, but I had already convinced myself that it was a one time thing. She was young and about to start a new life by going to college. She would never settle for an old, boring guy like me. I ordered and ate my food and then went home. Once home, I prepared to take a shower and then it hit me. The young girl and I had never exchanged names. I tried to remember what her name tag had said, but...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Abby and her Daughters pt 1

Please feel free to comment below. Love to hear your feedback. Cheryl was the hot one, but she didn’t like me. Not like her sister Debi Sue did anyway. Debi Sue wanted me from the moment she first saw me. But where Cheryl was tall, and thin, and blonde, and lovely, with a tiny waist, pale blue eyes, and amazing full breasts on her slight frame, Debi Sue was short, round, and squat--like a blonde beach ball. Oh, she was pretty like her younger sibling, but in women, size matters too. And...

2 years ago
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Mother or Daughter The Choice

I swore I could hear her heart beating in her chest as I kissed the skin between her breasts. Charlotte was a beauty. A real prize find for any man lucky enough to take her to her bed. With long sweeping blond hair, almost exotic eyes and an athletic figure endowed with plump breasts and long curves the nineteen year old was like a siren tempting me with her erotic aura. She lay on her back, her eyelids closed as she blocked out all other sensory input in order to enjoy every erotic moment....

1 year ago
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Fucking Neighbour Nymphomaniac Aunty

This is Sameer here. 1st time I’m writing the story. Please feel free to comment either positive or negative. I am from Mangalore, Karnataka, South India. I am a fan of ISS. For 5 years I’m reading iss stories. I’ll not waste your time and directly go to the story of my nymphomaniac neighbor. I’m an average guy, fair 5.4″. Many girls stare at me coz of my smile and my handsome face. Recently I shifted to a new apartment. One evening while returning home, I saw a beautiful South Indian lady on...

1 year ago
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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Day 12 Thursday 11th July 2008. Visit to the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate. Gabriel was one of the very first up and ready. Northern Rail had put on many special trains direct from Scarborough station to Harrogate. Trains full of people were leaving the town every few minutes and heading for Harrogate. Coaches had been laid on in Harrogate to take the people directly to the show ground from the station. Maddy Anne looked around. "Gabriel am I supposed to be going to...

3 years ago
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My sister catches me and my brother together

Introduction: A bingham family tale 3 Today was the day after my little sisters birthday. Last night I had my very first experience with intercourse, although it was anal it was still intercourse. It was 10:23am when I woke up. I had my 17 year old brother Jaymie in my arms, his face buried into my tits and my hand around his cock. I lay there for a few minutes before he woke up, he looked up at me and looked me in the eyes he brought himself up and kissed my lips his tongue working its way...

1 year ago
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Story of Denise

This really happened to me when I was about 35 years old and around the mid 80's divorced and living on my own. I was driving taxis in the southwest of Sydney and had been for about 10 years and work normally Tuesday to Saturday nights. Anyway, one late afternoon I picked up a fare, she was about 50 year of age ... 5'9"/160lbs ... (175cm/75 kgs). She was a very pleasant woman with shoulder length blonde hair, nice face and body, and wearing a white t-shirt, which showed her 40D breasts better...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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In The House of Forgotten Cameras

"Could you help me with my camera?" she asked. I was trying to pull the fog-shrouded pylons of the Golden Gate Bridge into focus on the ground glass of my old view-camera. As if by magic, Jillian's lithe silhouette emerged from the swirling fog. Even in the inverted image on the camera’s focusing screen, she was most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. "Umm… I guess. Sure." I stammered, climbing out from under the camera’s dark cloth. Back then, I was a quintessential San Francisco kid. Skinny,...

3 years ago
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Serving Her

Serving Her ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Serving Her Our world has not always been kind to women and sadly much of it still is not.Though coveted for their beauty, intellect and insight they have often been relegated to be trophys of war, excuses for war and abandoned to rebuild society by their own hands. Civilization has progressed and, with that, the stature of women has progressed. Within my lifetime I have seen a growing awareness of the worth, the equality...

2 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 11

For the next two months of travel, extraordinarily little happened in the way of threats. Lillian and Kayla ran into a Tora two weeks into the journey. Lillian froze as fear from her last encounter with a tora flashed in her mind. We stopped the wagon nearby as the others raced to her. It took four of them to dispatch the beast and we ate well, though we were disappointed we did not have the means to preserve the rest of the meat. We did remove the hide and wrapped it to sell when we got to...

4 years ago
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sister Seduces Younger brother ndash Part 3

Below is the link for the previous story which as Part 2 :http://xhamster.com/user/bryanwayne/posts/447971.htmlMy name is Anita (pet name Anny) and I want to continue to tell you how I seduced my brother Raju. Little bit family background, my father is deceased, my mother follows her village traditions wearing white cotton loose blouse and skirt (mostly in house she just wears loose blouse her 38 inch breasts always hanging in easy view. About myself, I am 5feet 4 inches tall, tan colour body...

4 years ago
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"Martha" by Purplecat Martha Simpson was relaxed. She sat in her whirlpool bath, thewater gently massaging her body. Her fingers were slowly glidingacross her clit; she had already brought herself to a beautifulorgasm and was working on a second. As always, while masturbatingshe was thinking of her late husband, and the wonderful sex theyhad when he was alive. He was killed in an automobile accidentf******n years ago; the same accident almost killed her son too.A concrete truck ran a red...

3 years ago
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My mum and I lived on the outskirts of a small Scottish village. John and his mother Beth were our neighbors, and he and I were best friends from an early age, sharing everything as we grew up. At Primary School and then Senior Secondary School, we were an inseparable pair, supporting each other through the good and bad times. This idyll came to an end when we had just turned sixteen. He and his mom moved away from the area to go look after a sick relative.The house was quickly re-occupied and...

2 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 30

Inside the hotel lobby all the men were present and Jack came over to see him, “I understand from Bobby I’m to command our Jeep, Boss”. Shaun smiled, “Make sure you bring it back in one piece”. Sue’s patrol gathered around him. “You’re going to be in the landing party then, Boss?” Titch asked. “Yes, me and Cookie. You’ll take your orders from Bobby and Bill, so don’t let me down”. The trucks arrived and they climbed into them. Shaun’s truck had the canopy down, once on board the rear was...

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The Fetish Virus

Life isn't very easy for you as a teen. Although, or perhaps because you are the best student in your class, your classmates want as little to do with you as they can. However, one day a new virus spreads rapidly through your school, which gives all of your classmates a new fetish. Fortunately for you, you're the only one immune to this virus. But that doesn't mean you can't use this opportunity to your advantage...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Friday Night GANGBANGED

A Perfect Friday Night (GANGBANGED) (Just to let you all know I set this all up when Terry was away for the week end) I stepped out of the shower and began to dry off. I had less than 2 hours to wait and my heart was racing in anticipation, for Joe and a few friends to come over and take real good care of me. I thought back on the times at the gym. I spent hours getting a perfect waistline, toning up my ass and legs, but I also went there to let my wander and it would not take long I was...

3 years ago
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The SeductionPart 2

As it storms mightily outside, I want to do this–sit on the couch and seduce you during a movie like You would a naive young girl…..I will steal away your innocence like a thief of lust in the night, and you’ll never be the same again. Small kisses, tender touching, making you feel safe and secure in my arms, not knowing that I have devious plans for you. You, so shy, so modest, so sweet, and virginal– but wanting me to love you and make you feel like a treasure. No clue that I’m working on...

2 years ago
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First Sex With Neighbor Teacher

Hello dostoo, kaya haal hay aap sub ka, umeed hay sub khairiat say ho gay or khoob khoob chdai ka maza lay rahy ho gay, Main aap sub ki chdai kahanion kay parhanay ka maza dobala kurnay ki aik choti si koshish kurnay laga hoon, its my first time so koi bhi ghulti ho to maaf kur dain Un dinnon ki baat hai jub main university kay second year main tha, humaray arros main main do female teachers unmarried akaili rahti theen, age un ki ho gi koi 40 or 42 saal aur mairi umer thi us waqt qreeb 19...

3 years ago
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It’s me Ryan, 20 yr. old part time messenger guy. EYE COLOR: GREENHAIR COLOR: BLONDE, shortHEIGHT: 180cmBODY TYPE: ATHLETICI am an independent working student living in an apartment very far from my parents. My brother and sister both 1 yr. old since they are twins will be going to school once they grow up soon, so I have to strive harder to be able to help my parents and my siblings once I graduated and get a stable job.Mondays to Fridays 8:00am – 4:00pm, I’m at school, Saturdays I stayed in...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 32 Dream Life at Home

The Sergeant started walking away down the hallway. Kelsey stood up. She swayed a bit, but hopped over to give me a hug and then took Kevin’s hand before walking off down the corridor. “That was nice,” Tatyana said. “You replaced one of your lost crew.” “They weren’t lost,” I said as I resumed our interrupted walk home. “They were merely too damaged to quickly fit in.” “Right,” Tatyana said. “But you were willing to work with Aine and Constance.” I turned around and started to walk...

3 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 3 Back to the Future

A by product of time travel that no one knew about was the momentary blindness and nausea brought on from the rapid assault to your senses immediately after travel. But for some reason only on your return. When he re-materialized in the time travel chamber, Tim Murphy needed to shield his eyes from the suddenly ultra bright lights. He also needed to make a concerted effort to control his nausea. Nausea controlled and his sensitivity to light diminishing, Tim decided it was time to see how...

3 years ago
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A Parting Gift to Remember

Dima was a woman that I could never get enough of. I ached to fulfill every erotic desire with her. She had curly red hair and bright blue eyes that always smiled when they looked my way. She was a short, healthy woman with huge breasts and nice wide hips. Her creamy skin made a nice contrast with my chocolate brown skin. For hours on end, I touched and tasted every bit of her tasty curves – both inside and out. As she was married, I was her 'dirty little secret' – and relished every naughty...

1 year ago
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Big Red

For those that know me you know I love three things, being restrained, fucked outdoors and cum so when my fuck buddy said shall we head out for the day I was kinda turned on. Wearing a black basque, stockings, mini skirt and heels I was set, he picked me up around midday and off we went, after about an hour we arrived at the woods, also a popular cruising spot.We set off down the trail, stumbling at times, heels weren't the best idea! We stopped by a huge redwood tree and he smiled, saying,...

4 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 15

Campomesnil, France August 20, 1385 Marguerite, accompanied by her maidservant Penny, entered the ramshackle hut on the edge of the town that served as the workshop of the village seamstress. Marguerite had asked the seamstress to make three dresses for her, in hopes that her husband would be home soon to see her wear them. Today was the final fitting and to make any necessary adjustments. “Lady Marguerite,” Penny spoke softly. “How many times do you have to be fitted by this woman, just...

3 years ago
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Being raised in eastern South Dakota from 1949-63 it was a tradition that when summer arrived the local Drive In Theatre would open and show movies in the evening. In those heady days of the 1950s all the family went as it was cheaper that way(that very same theatre still exists). It was lovely as a k** to play on the swings, slides, etc till it was dark enough to show the movie which always began with a Disney cartoon then it was a race back to the car to see the rest of the cartoons before...

1 year ago
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Why do women bother with Male Relationships

"Hey, Zezee. Take a look at this." "What is it this time? You finally figured out how to turn on the computer?" Mark can be so tiresome sometimes. I wish he'd grow up. "Better than that. Come see." 'Come see?' Must be about sex. "I'll be right there." Might as well indulge him a bit. I need a good back rub and my legs are killing me again. When I get to the den he rolls the chair back and I settle on his penis. Usually this takes care of any problems he has but not this time....

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 15 ABOARD THE HYPERION

Here I was treated like a part of the crew. Aboard the Hyperion the only difference between enlisted personnel and officers was more or less only the rank pin on your collar. Captain Zezz treaded and acted the same around the lowest First Class Starman as he did around his bridge officers. He told jokes with them, participated in games and on board sporting events and most unusual. The ship used only one mess hall. Officers and enlisted ate in the same place. There wasn’t even a specific...

4 years ago
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Window ShoppingChapter 5

My cock was raging, feeling like it wanted to explode but never quite able to. I could feel a pulse of pain come with the throbbing against the hellish steel cage that came with each heartbeat. I wished I could be free of my erection but at the same time I wanted to - needed to - cum after being that hard for so long. My legs were in agony, spread and straining for so long in this position, atop the stiletto heels. I was feeling the weight of the immense fake breasts wear upon me as well. My...

3 years ago
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Jessie Luke gets punished

Jessie lay in the full body tub as she let the water embrace her sexy seventeen-year-old body. She still could not believe that after she graduated high school at 17, left Texas, and came to New York she became a nanny to the Ross family. There was Bertram the butler, Zuri the youngest girl, she is a cute and sassy little black girl, Ravi was the youngest boy he was from India. He even has a pet lizard named Mr. Kipling, and Emma the oldest and at fifteen she was hot and she...

1 year ago
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Chronicles With Sexy Crossdressers

My email id is Do not forget to let me know how this sex story was. Who knows, we might get even lucky if everything goes well ;) Clean shaved men inside female clothes (or people who are known by the name crossdressers) are my new found favorites. Believe me, I always make it a point to taste every bit of them with passion and fire. My hands and tongue never leave an inch of their body. Hairless, like women and the ‘EXTRA’ jackpot called ‘COCK’, is simply divine. This is a story of how a...

Gay Male
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The Cottage1

Exhausted after helping his father build a deck for the past three days, Cam convinced everyone to leave him behind on their shopping trip into town, claiming a rest was in order. He jumped into the shower moments before they left, eagerly fantasizing about how he would spend the rest of the afternoon reading under the hot sun. Having tolerated the towel scratching him for long enough, Cam snapped back the shower curtain. Panic struck him violently - his eyes never felt so wide in his...

3 years ago
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Tammy came again and again

While growing up the only one of my three stepc***dren that wanted to go fishing was my youngest stepdaughter. The oldest daughter had no use for it as well as my stepson. Tammy, the feisty redhead would beg to have me take her fishing, and that we did. She finally grew up, got married and found a husband that loves to fish, but only with his brother.One day, the family was all together and we got to talking old times. Tammy brought up how we used to go fishing together and what fun she had....

1 year ago
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InterracialPickups Natalia Queen 05242019

It’s a bright, sunny Saturday afternoon, which means barely-legal Natalia Queen will be poolside, working on her tan. It’s also the day her older brother’s business partner, Rico, is swinging by. He’s just secured a new camera for their business: videography. Natalia answers the door to let Rico know her brother’s gone all day, “but come in and show me your new camera!” Natalia has always had a thing for her older brother’s friends, and...

1 year ago
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Jocelyns Story Love Gone AwryChapter 3

My 24-year-old stud, Jack, and I made love all night long that Friday night after my husband took our two children out of town to visit their grandparents for the weekend. We confessed the fantasies we'd had for each other for the past year and then proceeded to act them out, one by one. We declared our mutual love as we lay in each other's arms and explored each other's bodies with our hands and our mouths. At the age of thirty-one, I finally received my first taste of a man's cum, and...

2 years ago
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Penelope Layne

This could be in either Mature or Romance. There is very little sex but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to my friend Kiki for her editing. * Penelope Layne was sitting at her desk at the law office where she was a secretary and assistant paralegal. The normally bubbly young woman of twenty five was looking down in the mouth today and seemed to be in another world. When her boss, Charles Vanderwalls, walked in and said good morning, Penny didn’t even seem to notice. This was rather strange...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Amethyst Banks Chocolate Skin Cutie Rides Her Driving Instructor

What is that stereotype again? Women cannot drive? Well, I am not sure how true that is for ALL women, but Amethyst Banks is certainly not doing anything to help their cause. She just cannot seem to get it right while taking her driving test. She fails miserably, but she is willing to go the extra mile to get on the road and start causing havoc with her lack of ability. She reaches her dark chocolate hand down between our studs khakis and feels around for his big key to turn him on. He cannot...

2 years ago
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Ms Doe

It all started three months before junior year let out, it was Career Day so classes where almost empty. Sitting in English class Ms. Doe just let us do whatever we wanted to do. So I did my homework for the day, about half way threw the class Ms. Doe got bored so she handed out some books so we could read out loud. She was wearing a thin floral summer dress. That she always wears that went a little under half way down her thigh. She started to get ready to start it off, she walked up to the...

2 years ago
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Coming HomeChapter 9 Conclusion

My days in London were busy with briefings on different aspects of further operations. I got a very clear picture of the surveying of enemy beaches, and installations that had to be carried out. This also included the landing of small parties of Royal Engineer sappers to defuse mines on French beaches. The whole object of my new flotilla would be secrecy. I was surprised to find that I would also have two captured U Boats in the Flotilla which would be a terrific asset in this kind of work......

2 years ago
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Night out with Daddys Friend

Where I’m from in the city, if you were cute and had a nice body, then at some point in your life you considered stripping. One night when I was 19 years old I was walking through the red light district. I happened to be wearing tight faux leather red pants, a tight tank, leather jacket, and some chunky high heels. I looked the part that night and maybe that’s why what made me walk through door of Little Hotties, a cozy fully nude strip joint. There was a Filipina girl on stage, her bare ass...

1 year ago
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Seducing The Substitute Teacher

The morning light is just peaking into my bedroom, as I shift to avoid it. I pull the covers up, hiding my face. I groan lightly, thinking the day has come all too fast. Why me? I don’t want to get out of bed. Maybe I’ll just not go to school today, I groan. I know I can’t ditch, I have a major test in math and I need to go. I throw the covers off myself, taking a deep breath. I can smell the coffee mum has brewing downstairs, knowing at least one cup has my name on it.

1 year ago
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Charleys wild night part one

I turned round in front of the mirror, twisting this way and that and frowning. The skirt was like super short. I saw my reflection grin, that was actually the point. High school reunion, dress up as a school girl but as slutty as possible. It had merit. When I had been at high school I never wore short skirts, never wore make up and I didn't really care that my hair had a life of its own and looked as if I had just rolled out of bed and run to school... well actually, that was kinda the truth....

Group Sex
2 years ago
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My first threesome

I was traveling home from a sweet mutual wank session with a guy and his wife and as I sat at the back of the bus I was simi hard and rubbing my cock over my jeans, I could not wait to get back to my room I rented at my stepsisters place, to get myself off but as I walked in my stepsister called me into her room where she was watching the TV.She was laying on the bed and invited me to lay down beside her and watch the TV, I didn't hesitate and soon the questions began to be asked like where had...

2 years ago
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Sexual Adventure In The Bus

Hi, friends, first of all, I am new to story writings. So if there are any mistakes in the story means please kindly let me know. Coming to the story. I am a boy basically of age 25 with normal size dick and with a lot of sexual urges. My job is mostly travel based to nearby areas around Tirupur. So due to this, I was traveling frequently through bus where I got lot exposures of lust. My first experience was during 2016 when my company asked me to visit a customer in Ooty. So I went to...

3 years ago
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BBC Only if I can Watch PT3 Blacken

"Well Ezzy, where should we go? I was thinking of us going over to the hotel lounge unless you have another idea.." I inquired as I glanced at her profile, noting how cute she was with a little turned up nose and full lips."That sounds good to me" she responds.As we drove through the night I felt quite awkward while she seemed at ease and we made small talk. We parked the car, she grabbed her over sized purse we and took the elevator to the lobby and went into the lounge. We grabbed a table in...

1 year ago
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A Beloved Mom Goes Down

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..My sister and I had succeeded in fucking our mom. When we met that night, we hugged and congratulated each other. ‘It was great to see Mom’s pussy jammed with your cock,’ Jill said.’I was hoping you’d...

1 year ago
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Mom Helps Me In My Slutiness 8211 Part 3

Hello this is RIDA again with the third part of my story. After that steamy session with mom and hardick there was a new phase in my life. My mom had agreed to get me married to hardick to have a nice fucking life ahead. But the problem was my dad. My mom was also getting horny . Many a times my mom and me would go to hardicks place and have sex with him. But as days progressed mom was getting horny day by day.. She would slip in the night in my room and have lesbian sex with me. One such day.....

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