ReThink Inc
- 3 years ago
- 25
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The dark colored limo slows toward the curb, rolls to a stop in front of a row of mostly rundown storefronts.
?We’re here.? The driver mutters, glancing unabashed into the rear view mirror, catching more then a glimpse of Jodi’s exposed, tanned cleavage as she’s leaning forward on the back seat, peering into her compact, freshening her lip-gloss. His expression becomes more of a smirk as his right hand reaches for the column gearshift, shoves it into park.
Glancing toward the storefront, knowing what she’s in store for, he thinks to himself how he can’t wait to see her later tonight, when all the club members meet right here, realizing she doesn’t know it yet, but she’s going to be getting a lot more then she’s bargained for. She’s going to get her photo shoot alright, but unbeknownst to her, in a short while she’s going to be naked, in bondage, severely disciplined, just like her friend, then, later tonight, presented to the club members, for their pleasure.
Twisting, barely tilting his head towards the back seat, he gives a nonchalant nod while waving toward the gaudy painted building thru the passenger window while repeating. ?You’re here. That’s the place.?
Turning her head toward the rear passenger door window, Jodi glances out at the only recently painted building, sandwiched between other dirty, unkempt storefronts. ?This? This is where you brought Amanda?? She asks, as if he must be joking. ?That’s the studio?!!?
?Yea? Yea, sure is! This is where I dropped her off this afternoon. Went right in there!? He smirks.
Flipping his door open, he exits, steps around the rear of the limo, glances through the window, watching as she continues with her makeup. Taking his time opening her door, he leers down between the hallow of her practically exposed breasts, thinking of later this evening, as she makes last second adjustments to her revealing clothing.
Leaning out from the back seat, her dark, braided hair flips across her shoulder as she steps onto the curb. It’s twilight, muggy, she feels a slight drizzle in the air, the sticky dampness covers her face, clings across the bare, rounded curves of her swaying, pushed up, melon sized breasts, overflowing the silk lace cups of her low cut French bra.
He can’t help staring at her seductive figure, making out the impressions of her dark, hard nipples, barely covered, firmly pressing thru the damp, sheer white chiffon material of her partially unbuttoned midriff blouse as it’s material becomes even more transparent with the scattered raindrops. Glancing downward toward her long, slender legs, he also notices her bare, ripped stomach, inverted bellybutton, even notices the upper rounded curve of her freshly shaven pubic mound peeking over her revealing low cut hip hugger jeans.
Giving the impression of ignoring him, glancing up, down the darkening street, she notices that the few people hanging out in front of the row of buildings appear to be either hard looking Hispanics or Blacks. The neighborhood’s obviously seen better days she thinks to herself, well on the way to becoming a ghetto, as she hears what sounds like a cat whistle or two.
Business card in hand with the address scribbled across the back, she hustles toward the building he pointed out as the drizzle suddenly becomes a brisk shower. She can feel the raindrops soaking across her shoulders and bare cleavage as she reaches the storefront’s awning. It appears to her to be a typical looking, seedy adult shop. Hearing the limo door slam behind her, she turns, watching as it pulls away from the curb as she make’s him out giving her a nonchalant wave of the hand.
Double checking the florescent numbers above the storefront’s brightly painted entrance with the ones on her card, she feels somewhat of a relief, yet still a little uneasy as she again gives a quick glance down the darkening street toward the group giving out the catcalls. Ducking the shower, she hears the jingle of the bell off the top of the door as it opens. Stepping through, she walks past the dull red pin light of what appears to be a security cam.
Glancing around, she notices the cluttered checkout counter against the right side of the wall with a sign above it? FETISH VIDEO INC.
The aisle’s narrow, dimly lit, the shelves haphazardly jammed with seemingly an unlimited amount of fetish paraphernalia, mixed with an assortment of graphic magazine covers of naked women, mostly with bondage settings, some obviously involving torture. Lowering her eyes, gazing down toward the dirty wooden floor, she slowly heads toward the counter.
?Help ye?? The clerk asks in a gruff voice, barely turning his head in her direction. Standing by the register, causally leafing thru a magazine while glancing toward a couple of black and white monitors flickering on the shelf beside him, he seems almost nonchalant to her presence.
?Uh? I’m, I’m looking.? She explains as she stops in front of the counter, glances at his faded black biker T shirt stretching across his muscular arms and barrel chest. ?For? For my friend. I think I’m supposed to meet her here. I mean, at this address.?
?What for?? He gruffly counters, still gazing back and forth at the video playing on one of the monitors.
Looking upward, toward him, she senses he wasn’t too bad looking at one time, now, just a hard ass with an out of date, bleached mullet.
?We, I have an appointment, for, for a photo shoot.? She answers almost embarrassingly as she also glances toward the monitor, realizes it’s playing some sort of bondage video.
She can barely hear its low audio of leather striking flesh, the moans, and pleas of a blindfolded naked woman in the background. Somewhat embarrassed, she turns her head slightly away, raises the back of the card towards him, adding. ?I’m? I’m supposed to meet her at this address. But, I thought, I mean, I thought this was supposed to be a photographer’s studio. We? We’re on vacation here in Miami and have a couple days left, and, and were told we could make some extra cash modeling for a day??
?It is! What’s she look like?? That there?? He grunts, points at the screen, then reaches toward the monitor, turns the volume down.
Grinning, as a close up shot of the woman’s bare breasts being flailed with a brown, flat leather strap fills the monitor’s screen, he reaches down for the card, adds. ?Gimme that girly! Let’s see, wouldn’t be kinda young, with big jugs would she?? Like hers?? He smirks, cupping, bouncing his hands up and down in front of his chest as he again glances toward the screen. ?Now that one’s got a nice rack, don’t she?? Yea, they’re really workin ’em too? Huh??
Resting his arm on the counter he turns his head, obviously peering down between the curves of Jodi’s glistening, rounded breasts as he continues. ?Ye like those types’ videos? Bare titties, maybe even having ‘em whipped??
?Wha?What?? Jodi, in a disgusted, raised tone blurts back as she feels the warmth of her face flushing.
?Never mind!? He grins. ?But, couldn’t help noticing ye staring at the monitor. Thought that maybe you were into that kinda stuff! One way or the other, anyway, her name’s Amanda. Right?? He grunts, again for some reason glancing back toward the torture video. ?We’ve been expecting? Another girl, too. To use with her.? He smirks, continues to eye the monitor, almost lewdly. ?A Jobi? Jodi, something like that I think. That wouldn’t be you now, would it??
?Ye? Yes... It would! And, and it’s a photo shoot.? She replies with a hesitation, her eyes again being attracted toward the muffled sound from the flickering monitor, toward the hazy video of the naked, struggling woman, again a close up of her flailing bare breasts, splotched with welts, crying, begging.
Lowering her eyes, she adds. ?I? I’m Jodi.?
?Humph.? He again glances toward the magazine, slowly shakes his head, tosses the card on the counter, nonchalantly blurts. ?They’re wet!? ?Wha? What?? She asks, not quite understanding his off the wall comment.
Still appearing engrossed in the magazine, he smirks. ?Them, your tits, that rack. They’re wet!?
Taken aback, still embarrassed, Jodi reflexively raises her left arm across the top of her wet blouse, slides her hand across her moist flesh while feeling the nub of her right nipple hardening under the damp material. Again gazing away from the monitor, toward the vacant isles, she stammers. ?It’s, it’s raining outside! Anyway, I was told to dress this way for the session, where, where’s she?..?
Cutting her off in mid sentence, glancing up, he rasps. ?Hey, you’re in the right place Missy, but you’re late. We’ve been waiten’ for ye! Yeh!?
?Excuse me!? She blurts back in an obviously irritated voice. Keeping her eyes from his gaze, she starts to ask. ?I got delayed, is she ??
?Those puppies are big, but ain’t as big as hers! Are they? Grunting, he nods, eyes obviously fixed once again between the hollow of her breasts. ?Yea!? He adds again turning, glancing toward the video. ?But then, I guess you’re a little better looking, tits just ain’t quite as big. But, then again, looks like ‘ye fill those jeans out pretty good too. Anyway, you’re late, like I said!?
Not believing what she’s hearing, past the point of irritation, she scolds back. ?Okay, Christ! I said I’m sorry!? Her face flushing a deep shade of red as she glares back up toward him.
Annoyed by his lewd stare, the sadistic porn on the video, not only does she slide her left arm completely over her chest, her hand now covering, cupping her right breast, her other hand also slides down across the front of her form fitting hip hugger jeans. ?I asked you, where, WHERE? IS? SHE??
?I said they took her back to the rear room already. To that, that studio you’re looking for. They’ve already begun her shoot, there, thru that back door.? He nods while pointing. ?Yea, they’ve already taken her back. Auditioning her while I’m left out here waiten’ for you.?
Leaning over the counter staring at her, he again focuses on her chest, adding. ?Calm down girly, she done showed us her tits. Actually bared ‘em, right out here. Got a good look! Yea, right out here! Like I said, she’s got nice big titties.?
Stepping off the counter, again bouncing his hands up and down in front of his chest, he stares toward the front door. ?Go on back, I’m locking up. They’re be expecting you. They’ll be wanten’ to start shooten your titties too, soon enough.?
?What? What you mean? Shoot my???? Hell, she’s? She’s back there?? Stammering, Feeling the warmth of her face still flushing, she glances down the isles, toward the back of the store.
Trying to absorb his words, trying to make some sense of what he just said, she turns toward the rear of the shop. Still, she can’t help taking one more glance at the video. She watches briefly, almost transfixed at the scene of the woman still being sadistically whipped, methodically beaten, primarily across her bare breasts.
Turning back, he grins, shakes his head slowly. ?Girly, don’t worry, you’ll get your chance too, just like her! So don’t worry. But, I don’t have to tell ’ye, believe me, there’ll be plenty for you!! Just like with your friend!? He adds as again he glances toward the monitor, flicks it off, and heads toward the front of the shop.
Embarrassed, angered, thinking to herself that he’s strange, actually an obnoxious pig, she also glances a final time toward the grainy video fading off, as that same naked woman was still being whipped, tortured, the static sound still crackling from the monitor.
What’s he mean? Just like her? She thinks to herself? Is he talking about Amanda?? Or???
Finally turning away from the monitor, she looks for the aisle to the rear of the store, for an instant thinking about heading for the front door, but realizes the neighborhood she’s in, the rain, the darkness, the group hanging outside. She decides to find the rear room, Amanda. Hearing the bell jiggling as he flips the open/close sign in the window over, she can’t help but feel another tinge of apprehension as she slowly continues down the aisle, thru the seedy shop.
Glancing from one magazine rack to another she senses that the magazines are exclusively of women in distress. Most naked, in various stages of being bound, some being tortured. She can feel her heart pounding a little harder in her chest as she hears the lock turning on the front door.
Not knowing quite what to expect, with building trepidation, she approaches a solid, grungy metal door only to notice what appears to be a bondage mannequin on display, positioned on a podium against the wall to its left. Life sized, arched, twisted, bound, it’s far worse then something off the magazine covers. Almost in disbelief Jodi does a double take, stares closer at the realistic, virtually life like; apparently wax covered nude form of what appears to be a tortured woman with chains hanging off her.
The disturbing setting runs shivers up her spine. A trio of matching metal chains crosses her torso, connected together into a ?Y? above her navel. Hanging from oversize pierces of her nipples and clit while her arms are single sleeved tightly behind her back in a black leather bondage glove, a bright red ?O? ring’s forced between her stretched lips as her piercing eyes stare straight ahead thru a black leather eye mask. She’s also posed in thigh high tall, black stiletto boots with at least eight inch heels. And most disturbing, she appears to be actually mounted on a thick silver pole, crammed up her anus, behind her smoothly shaven, gapped vagina.
Taking her eyes away from the mannequin, she notices to its left, a tray containing various instruments, obviously used for torture. Needles, whips, clamps are combined with torturous appearing dildo shaped devices. A sign above the tray reading? FEEL FREE TO USE YOUR IMAGINATION, in bold red letters.
Her disturbing interest in the mannequin’s distracted as she hears occasional muffled sounds coming from the other side of the door. A voice, a faint, woman’s voice, is begging, crying. Also, she’s sure she hears what sounds like a man’s grunts, leather smacking against bare flesh.
?Here, what’s the matter?? The clerk startles Jodi. ?Oh? Like the looks of her? That outfit? We have more chains just like those!? The clerk nods toward the display. ?I’ll get the door, out of the way!? He mutters as he brushes past. ?We’ll have some privacy now, at least until we re-open for the members, later this evening.?
Alarmed, Jodi steps back a step. Apprehensively glancing back at the hideous podium, then toward the right hand side of the door, she notices another, identical podium. Vacant, except for its glistening silver pole, rising from the floor next to another tray filled with even more foreboding instruments. She jerks as she feels his hand sliding across her forearm.
Leaning toward her, again staring down at her chest, he grabs the doorknob with his other hand, quickly twists it. The door barely cracks open as she feels his grip slide up toward her elbow, tighten, almost painfully.
?Oh! By the way, I forgot to tell you, your friend kind of disappointed us at first, was hesitant about showing us her tits out there! So we helped. Stripped her completely naked!? He smirks as he forces Jodi onto her tiptoes, twisting her arm up behind her. ?Yea, got her naked pretty quick too, then grabbed those big ‘ol titties of hers and yanked her on back here. Yea, raised her right off the floor by ‘em! Were stretching ‘em pretty good when we carried her back!!!?
Trying to twist away, wide eyed, Jodi blurts. ?Wha?What do? Do? Do you mean?? She feels his grip painfully jerking her arm as the door swings open. ?Let me, let me go!?
The sounds that were muffled become louder, clearer. ?Thwack!?. Agghhhh!? Thwack!?. Ahhh? Please!!? The pace has picked up. ?Oh My God!? Thwack!.? Ohhh!? Not there again! No more! God! Ohhh my nipples! Please, stop! Stop! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!!? Thwack? Agghhhh!!?
?You hear that, don‘t ye? Sound familiar? They’re working her real good!? He grins with a quick glance as he leans thru the door. ?Yea! She’s getting those big ‘ol melons a serious workout!? He sinisterly smirks as he pulls his head back out, stares straight into her eyes.
Squirming, twisting, Jodi tries to back away, but can’t. Twisting her upper right arm with his strong fist, he swings the door completely open, practically drags her thru. Her eyes widen as she staggers, almost stumbles to the floor. Quickly glancing around in front of her she’s stunned by the site. In the dim light she can barely make out a number of muscular, totally naked men positioned around a glistening, bound woman’s body in the center of the room as she’s struggling to balance herself on a stool.
?Aggghhhhhh!!!? Thwack!?Smack!? Thwack!? Agghhhh!!!? The sounds of the straps bruising her flesh, her gurgles, squeals, fill the small room.
?Recognize her now?? The clerk scoffs as he nods toward the ravaged woman. ?Look anything like the video on the monitor out front? Could that be her? Your friend??
?Thwack!? Thwack!:? The straps slice thru the air. ?Agghhhh!!! More pitiful screams.
The woman struggling, twisting, jerking on the short, uneven stool, Jodi realizes, is Amanda, completely naked with the exception of being blindfolded with a black scarf around her eyes! Arms crossed, lifted, twisted up behind her head, her glistening, naked body’s crisscrossed with bright red welts as flat leather straps relentlessly slash across her drenched, bare flesh.
?Thwack!? ?Agghhhh!? Oh God no more!? ?Thwack!!? Thwack!!? Amanda begs, her pleads go unheeded. ?God!! No more!!? ?Thwack!? ?Aggghhhhhh!?
Jodi suddenly realizes that the video at the desk wasn’t just a tape, but actually was Amanda being tortured? Live! Terrified, she feels both her elbows gripped painfully up behind her back as she’s jerked up off the floor, her left breast bulging from her bra, the nipple partially flipping above the lace lining. She’s practically dragged thru another door, into a smaller room with a glass divider, facing the torture room.
Still stunned, she can’t help staring thru the glass partition in disbelief at the commotion. She feels almost dazed, unable to take her eyes from what seems like a dark, horror movie scene as the door slams shut, muffling the hideous sounds.
She watches wide eyed as a tanned, muscular man, wearing a black hood, crosses back and forth in front of the stool, sadistically slashing Amanda’s flailing breasts with a sinister flat leather strap. A single bright bulb hanging from the ceiling sways above her head as her glistening, sweating body twists while contorting with each sadistic stroke.
In contrast, his enormous manhood slaps between his taut thighs, his bulging muscles flexing as he punishes her with the strap.
Almost in disbelief Jodi realizes that standing in the shadows to either side of her frantic friend; two other men also have what appear to be similar, leather straps in their hands. They’re taking turns whipping her back, buttocks. And, as Jodi unbelievingly stares at the surreal scene, she realizes they’re also occasionally lashing her right up between her inner thighs, lifting her upwards onto her tiptoes.
The sounds of the straps, her cries, are muffled by the glass partition between the rooms. The red welts crisscrossing Amanda’s perspiring shoulders, buttocks glisten in the light as she twists, turns, reflexively jerks under the punishing floggings.
?See, you’re lucky!? The clerk grunts sarcastically toward Jodi’s ear as he tightly grips both her elbows together behind her back with one huge hand while tugging her braided hair back with the other. ?Look closer! All those lashings and the straps aint even broken her skin yet! Just nice red, painful welts! We’re all experts at that! Don’t want to permanently harm the merchandise. After all, you’re all valuable property to us now!? He continues. ?But, hey, don’t feel left out. We’re gonna give you a good hard whipping too! Take you to the edge, just like her! You’ll have your share of welts among other things before the nights over!?
Jodi’s heart pounds in her chest, absorbing his threats. She feels her head twisted back by her braid of hair as she’s forced to continue to watch, horrified as her eyes become more accustomed to the only light in the dimly lit area.
Body jerking, breasts bouncing, her friend’s almost performing a pathetic jig, struggling to balance on the tips of her toes as she’s continuously whipped from all angles on the uneven three legged wooden stool. Jodi’s finally able to make out the room to be a dank, shadowy, torture chamber as she also makes out a single swaying rope stretching down from above Amanda’s arms, twisting from a block and tackle creaking from a rafter as she struggles. The end of the rope’s tied to a short pair of bamboo shunts, formed into a crude ?X? pressed behind her shoulders and uplifted elbows. Another short rope binds her wrists up behind her neck to the bamboo.
Tapping harshly on the glass, pushing a button on the wall, the clerk shouts thru an intercom. ?This one’s finally showed up. Looking for her friend there with the big tits! Wants her turn too, didn’t even recognize her on the video out front! You believe that?? Squeezing Jodi’s arms even tighter, and higher, he laughs, cackles. The pair of men beside Amanda with the straps turns their heads in a single motion, stare back thru the glass, and nod.
Her hair released, Jodi, heart pounding, panics, she can’t seem to be able to force herself to move. Chest thumping, legs shaking, bordering on hyperventilating, she can’t take her eyes away from the site of her friend’s stripped body being abused, tortured, surrounded by the group of men? All muscular? All naked! Just like on some of the magazine covers she just passed!
Their glistening muscles ripple as the pair continues to ignore her friend’s cries, pleadings while her naked body’s still being sadistically lashed by the hooded man to her front.
She watches unbelievingly as a forth man steps out from the shadows, from behind Amanda, grabbing, twisting, squeezing her bulging breasts as she continues to pathetically struggle as the other two men lower their straps, step back a couple steps. As he forces her bruised, melon sized globes to bulge outward, the strap again slices thru the air, centered horizontally back and forth across her uplifted nipples by the masked man.
The intercom cackles as the clerk flips the switch back and forth. ?Thwack?. Thwack? Thwack? Thwack!? ?Aaaaaagggghhhhhhhhh!? A piercing screech echoes, through the intercom as the clerk flicks the switch off and on as Amanda jerks, bucks, tries to twist away from the grip of the pair of fists. ?Thwack? Thwack? Thwack!!!? Again the intercom’s flicked briefly on, off. Again he sadistically laughs as he grips Jodi even tighter.
The strap continues to flail across Amanda’s bulging, welt covered breasts in a steady back and forth rhythm, over and over. She jerks, twists, grunts with each lashing as the stool wobbles under the balls of her quivering feet. Jodi stares thru her tears, sensing her friend’s obviously on the verge of collapsing, until finally, mercifully, the insidious whipping subsides.
The hooded man, perspiring, glistening, steps back a couple of steps, rests. The man behind Amanda’s not finished. Clenching one fist, flattening the other, he reaches around, below her armpits. Centering himself, his arm muscles bulge as he begins to systematically punch, smack, punch at the sides of her bruised breasts, back and forth, up and down. Like ripe melons, they flail, smack together from the sadistically placed punches, smacks, as she cries, begs, twists. Her battered globes stretch, elongate, continuously bounce obscenely off the front of her heaving chest as he smiles while toying with her bruised melons.
Enthralled, the clerk doesn’t even bother to turn on the sound of the intercom anymore, just watches intently as he grips Jodi’s arms even tighter while holding her head straight, toward the glass. After at least a dozen painful blows, that phase of the punishment also comes to a halt.
Relaxing his fists, the man reaches around Amanda’s sides, he’s still not done yet with her breasts. Pinching her nipples tightly between his thumbnails and fingernails, tugging, stretching her breasts back past her armpits, he firmly holds them in place, the nipples stretched, twisted practically behind her back as her naked, sweat drenched body jerks.
The hooded man steps forward, nods, examines the multiple red welts he’s administered to her swollen melons, all without breaking the skin. Stepping toward her, he lowers the damp leather, slowly flexes it back and forth. Still breathing heavy, his body sweating, he turns his head, faces the glass while peering evilly thru the slits of his sinister hood, nods.
The two other men with straps also turn and stare thru the glass partition towards Jodi. Her heart pounds as her mind races. The men obviously are focused on her now as they drop their straps, step toward the divider! Their sweating muscles rippling, she stares at their swollen cocks, now hanging down, swaying as they methodically approach the door to her room. Terrified, she begins to struggle in earnest as her arms remain twisted painfully up behind her back.
?Door’s open, come on in.? Jodi hears the voice behind her instruct the approaching men thru the intercom. Still struggling, she feels another painful sensation. A thin, hard draw-tie strap’s twisted roughly around her wrists by the clerk as he forcefully shoves her head down.
Finally reacting with what force she can muster, Jodi blurts. ?Wha? Let me go! What are you doing to?? Mumph!? Twisting, bending, in pain, Jodi grunts as she feels a hard ?O? ring being forced into her mouth, between her yawning lips, stretching her jaws painfully apart, stifling her.
Head shoved down, she hears Amanda’s anguished cries once again mixed with the sinister swishing of the strap as the door opens. She feels the gag’s strap being tied behind her neck as the horrendous flailing continues to ring in her ear. ?Swish? Smack!? Agghhh!? Swish? Smack!? Swish.?
?Listen! Listen to her being punished, Cunt!? The clerk blurts down toward Jodi’s ear as the sound of the whip smacking across Amanda’s bare flesh continues to echo thru both rooms.
Stretching another tie-down across her elbows, he pulls it even tighter then the first. Her breasts jaunt painfully outward, the left bulging thru her sheer bra and blouse, the right flipping out, over, bared. ?Now, lift your head. Watch ‘em work her!? He grunts, obviously hyped, as he pulls back on her long, dark braid of hair. ?He usually starts a bitch off with at least a hundred good hard strokes. To get warmed up! Must be close to that by now! Just with her tits!?
Hair yanked back, head pushed forward, forced to stare out, straight ahead toward her bound friend yet again, she hears the door slamming shut, feels the other two men groping her, their hands running across her stomach, upward over her heaving breasts.
?Imagine.? The clerk grunts. ? That could’ve been you getting that workout right now if you’d been the first one to show up instead of her!
?Swish? Thwack?? ?Aaaggghhh? Nooo!!? Swish? Thwack!?? Swish!? The terrible sounds reverberate thru Jodi’s ears as the intercom’s again flicked on, then off.
The man behind Amanda stands firm, both hands now squeezing, manipulating her bruised, discolored melons. The hooded man with the strap continues working, continues to sadistically concentrate on punishing her. Flicking the leather back and forth, he’s now directed his attention toward the front side of her hips, thighs, pubic mound.
Jodi’s heart pounds, her mind can barely comprehend everything’s that’s happening. Her own breasts, thighs, now being groped, manipulated, her flesh pinched, twisted, she can’t watch Amanda any longer. Eyes darting away, she catches the site of the hooded man. Locking her gaze onto him, her heart skips another beat. His muscles flexing with each swing of the whip, his throbbing cock swaying back and forth, flinging sweat streaking down off his rippling body, presents a terrifying, dominant sight.
She tries again, but can’t turn her head away as the clerk twists her hair ever tighter. Terrified by the nightmarish scene in front of her, she continues staring wide eyed toward the sweating, glistening, hooded man punishing her friend, even as she feels her own bare breast melded, twisted, her other squeezed thru her stretching bra.
The intercom cackles. ?Aggghhhhhh!? Gaaaaaad!!!? More grunts, squeals cross the room as Amanda’s tortured body jerks from the strap smacking directly across the puffy folds of her labia, while the clerk plays with the button.
Jodi’s eyes well up, she helplessly feels her flesh continuously probed, pinched. She watches terrified, her friend sadistically punished, knowing she’s facing the same, if not worse.
Amanda’s bruised right breast still bulges obscenely outward from between the squeezing fingers of the man standing behind her as Jodi watches her twisting, turning, pleading. Her left breast, now free, continuously bounces and sways as the flexing leather repeatedly crisscrosses sadistically upward, between her jerking legs, disappearing between her quivering thighs, into her spread slit.
Jodi feels hands now tearing, ripping at her own blouse. Her shoulders already arched, she feels her chest shoved even further outward by the clerk gripping, jerking her arms behind her back as both breasts squeeze out over the edge of her torn bra.
?Oomph!? Ahhh!? Agghhhh!? Her own grunts, groans emit from her mouth gag as the material of the blouse, then the bra, are ripped completely away, completely exposing her global shaped, symmetrical breasts standing out off her heaving chest.
Jerking, twisting, the sounds, the cries, the constant slashing of the leather across Amanda’s naked flesh fade into the background of her own struggling cries. She feels herself being bent backwards, lifted off the floor by her bare breasts, sadistically gripped, twisted by the clerk behind her, the other men continuing to tear, tug, now at her jeans.
?Yea! How’s it feel?? The clerk grunts in her ear as he lifts. ?This is how I carried her back here. Like I said, just like this, by her tits!?
First her right then her left leg’s yanked from the pant legs as her body arches back. Her shoes slide across the floor, leaving her only clothing, her matching thong panties dragged partially down across her thighs. A final yank, rip, tear of that ruined material and she’s left completely naked as each man grabs at, spreads a leg, lifts her gruffly upward
The clerk grips, twists, squeezes her breasts even harder, ruthlessly pinches her nipples, continues to lift her up from behind as the other two men stretch her legs painfully apart, exposing her bare vagina. She feels their throbbing cocks, oozing, dripping, slapping across her bare flesh as they carry, pull her thru the door, toward what appears to be a wooden saw horse on the edge of the shadows close to the slumping, now silent, Amanda, hanging limply by her arms.
Jodi’s slid, straddled over the hard wood, forcing her long, slender legs painfully down across the rail.
?Aggghhhhhh!? The stark, slender wood rail jams between her tender flesh while crushing against her unprotected clit. Her toes twitch; arch downward, scrapping, dangling to find the floor.
Still twisting squeezing, pinching her breasts, the clerk lifts, centers, bounces her once, twice, a third time onto the rough hewed sawhorse. The wood rail grinds painfully up against her puffy vulva, jams between the folds of her labia over and over until one of the men roughly grips, stretches, spreads her cuntlips apart, covering the sides of the rail with that sensitive, nearly transparent flesh. Her bare clit’s flattened, roughly scrapped as she’s forced to painfully tiptoe.
The men step back as Jodi faces precariously toward the podium, barely able to balance herself on her tiptoes with her wrists, elbows numbing, strapped painfully behind her back.
The hooded man turns, the strap lowered, slowly steps toward her, smirks. Their eyes meet, Jodi’s filled with tears. He slowly, sinisterly lowers his eyes behind the narrow slits, stares momentarily toward her heaving breasts.
She can’t help staring back at him as he approaches, tanned, muscular, and foreboding. Her eyes gaze downward, below his rippling abs to his manhood, swaying, thick and hard? And huge. Her heart pounds.
?She needs a couple lashings to start with. Just across those perky nipples.? He speaks, to no one in particular as he points with the flexing strap. ?Just the very tips! Hold her still, her tits out toward me! Way out!?
The clerk smacks his hand across the small of Jodi’s back, pushes. Her head jerks back as he twists her hair. She feels her vagina grind against the rail as her torso’s forced to arch forward, her toes lifting off the floor. Panicking, she glances over at Amanda’s naked body, quivering, barely swaying, crisscrossed with scores of bright red welts. She realizes it’s her turn with the strap now!
Squinting her eyes, she bows forward, reflexively tries to protect her bare breasts. Leaning, arching downward, she tries to squeeze her shoulders forward, down toward the wooden rail scraping between her legs. Whimpering, saliva drooling out from the bright red ?O? ring stretching at her mouth, she feebly tries to protect her breasts from the whip as her toes curl, twitch in mid air, unable to grip the floor as her clit grinds against the rough wood.
The clerk tugs on her braid, jerks her head back. She glares, terrified as the strap raises. ?Nooooooo!?
Wide eyed she can only grunt thru the rubber ?O? ring as her breasts bobble, hang down in front of her, her left nipple scrapping back and forth across the rail, the right one jiggling, unprotected, a perfect target for the leather. ?Swish? Thwack!?? Swish? Smack!? ?Aaaaggghh!? Aggghhhhh!?
Blurting out between the ?O? ring, Jodi twists, jerks, bucks as the edge of the strap flicks once, hesitates, flicks again. The clerk yanks her hair back harder, contorting, arching her naked body back, and thrusting her bare breasts forward.
Snapping across first her right then left areolas, her nipples sting, and burn from the tip of the dampened leather. Her tanned breasts bounce, smack together as she tries to lean further downward toward the rail. Her chest pounds, her breasts swaying as the flat leather strap leaves a pair of painful red welts across her tender flesh. Tears flow down her cheeks, across her burning breasts.
Lowering the strap, the hooded man turns, nonchalantly steps back toward the stool, toward Amanda, leaving Jodi whimpering, shaking. Again he stops in front of the wobbly stool, positioning to continue her workout.
The tears streaking down Jodi’s cheeks mix with the saliva drooling from the corners of the drenched ?O? ring. Her breasts pulse, mixing with the pain between her legs from straddling the wood rail, splitting and filling the slit between her raw thighs as she continues to scrape for the floor with her toes, her hallowed stomach rippling.
The man behind Amanda swipes an ammonia soaked cloth beneath her nose. Her sweat drenched, glistening body trembles as she’s revived after the torment of her complete body workout. Her head hangs down, scarf still tightly wrapped across her eyes. Her swaying breasts, bruised, layered with red splotches, almost too many to count, heave with each rasping breath. Her flattened stomach, also crisscrossed with bruised welts, quivers, her thigh, calf muscles ripple as she herself, again is forced to tiptoe precariously on the stool.
?Like I said.? The clerk, leaning over from Jodi’s left side, grunts toward her ear. ? Her jugs are bigger then yours! But then, these ain’t so bad either, I guess. Handled the strap pretty good actually.? He adds with a grin. ?Yea, solid, firm. Nipples stand straight out, nice and thick!? He smirks as he melds her aching flesh between his fingers.
Twisting her head away, her eyes squint as Jodi’s forced to listen as he continues to physically, verbally abuse her.
Gripping, twisting her swollen left nipple between his forefinger and thumb he adds. ?Yea, look at that pair of nice red welts the strap left on these titties!?
Arching upwards, she twists, turns her torso away, and moans as she feels her searing nipple tautly stretched between his fingertips. Tears continue to fill her eyes, streak down her cheeks, mixing with mucus dribbling from her nostrils. Saliva drools off her chin from between the ?O? ring, glistens as it drips, all the fluids collecting between her heaving breasts, tracing down across her breastbone.
?Oomph!? Ahhh!? Agghhhh!? Grunting, trying to plead as he pinches, tugs, twists, she sways and leans away again. Only her right foot barely touches the floor as the pain of the wood grinding between her raw thighs becomes almost unbearable.
?Watch that, Bitch! Look at her! Pay attention to what they’re going to do now to those big ‘ol titties next!? The clerk smirks as he continues to meld Jodi’s breasts between his clenching fingers, thumbs.
The other men have positioned themselves again around Amanda, who’s still quivering in agony. The hooded man with the strap lays it down by the stool, picks up a glistening, sinister appearing, and gleaming skewer. He waits as the man behind her, grips, twists the base of her bruised right breast, forcing it to bulge obscenely outward yet again.
?Agghhhh!? She whimpers, moans as she twists, quivering as she feels the sharp point of the four inch sparkling needle pressing against the outer side of her engorged nipple. ?Aggghhhhhh!!!?
Jodi’s eyes widen, her heart pounds. She can’t believe what she’s being forced to watch. After briefly hesitating, the hooded man plunges the needle into, then completely thru Amanda’s swollen nub, from left to right. A trickle of blood drips down across her breast, flicks across his finger and thumb. Her naked body shakes, jerks as he releases the skewer. Her breast swings free, the needle jiggles, glistens, tinged, chrisom in color.
?Ohh Gaaaaddd!!!? Noooooo!!!? Nooooooooooooo!!!?? Grunting, crying, Amanda feebly shakes, twists on the stool. Her pain wrecked breasts sway from side to side. She reflexively jerks, shakes, unsuccessfully tries to flip the skewer out of, off from, her throbbing nipple as he steps around the stool, picks up another matching skewer.
She feels her left breast being squeezed even tighter. Like the other, the nipple’s forced to bulge outward. The second skewer’s slipped across the taunt areola, its tip barely sinking into the side of the tender bud. Again just a moment’s hesitation before she feels the ?plop? of that needle ramming completely into, pushing, stretching the elastic nipple flesh in front of her bulging areola. ?Plop!? ?Aggghhhhhh!!!? Another pitiful screech as she again twists, precariously jerks on the wobbling stool as the hooded man steps a couple steps backward, gives Jodi a clear view of her friend’s bouncing breasts, dripping, flicking blood off both impaled nipples.
Jodi’s eyes fill with tears as she stares transfixed toward her friend’s tortured breasts, flailing, impaled by the tinged skewers. Her own chest pounding, Jodi quivers as she feels her breasts still being manipulated, her own nipples pinched, tugged simultaneously by the clerk as he amuses himself while also watching, fascinated with Amanda’s agony.
The man standing behind Amanda reaches around, continues her punishment. Gripped, twisted, her right breast bulges, thrusts outward as the hooded man steps toward the stool, leans over, picks up a dark, medium sized, metal chain. Manipulating the skewer impaling her blood stained breast, he slips its tip thru the end link, forces her bulging nipple thru the eyelet. Painfully centering the skewer across the front of the link, he lets go, sadistically drops the chain.
?Aaaggghhh!!!? Aaaggghhhhhhhh!!!? Her breast jerks, tugs downward, the nipple bulging thru the metal link. Held by the glistening skewer, the chain bounces, rattles, its bottom end swaying across her flexing navel as she grunts with each heaving breath. ?Agghhhh!!? Agghhhh!!? Aaaaaggggggghhhh!!!? Bowing forward, her guttural screeches mix with the clinking of the swaying chain as both men immediately begin manipulating her left breast. Roughly squeezing that impaled nipple thru the link of a matching chain, that skewer’s adjusted, that chain’s dropped. She screams louder, hoarser, longer. ?Aaaggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!? Aaaaaggghhhhhhhh!!!?
The ends of the swaying chains jiggle and rattle together. Her sweat drenched chest thrusts outward, her breasts hang down, stretching off her arched torso. She grunts, whimpers, tries to relieve the pain on her tortured nipples by remaining motionless, to no avail. Contorting into a serpentine position, she struggles from the pressure of the added weight swaying down off her chest. Her nipples obscenely stretching, her naked, whip marred body quivers, glistens under the stark light.
Not done with her yet, the two other men step up; position themselves to either side of the stool. Gripping her knees, they pull; tug them apart as she’s forced to tiptoe, bowlegged. Her arms arch, her buttocks thrust back, her chest jaunts further outward. The chains again rattle, painfully hanging off her nipples stretching further down off her bouncing, swaying breasts, brushing across her defined ribcage, flexing stomach.
The man behind her steps closer, leans down, reaches around with his left hand, stretches her bare cuntlips apart between his thumb and forefinger. The slit between her thighs widen as her clit’s fully exposed. Sliding his right hand between her buttocks from behind, he reaches between her thighs, presses his fingertips roughly across the soft tissues of her wet slit, and grips the protruding nub.
Moaning, whimpering, Amanda in her weakened state can only twitch as she feels his fingers pinching, twisting between her quivering thighs as the ends of the chains brush across her glistening hips. The hooded man steps forward, reaches down, picks up another, slightly shorter skewer.
Without hesitating he leans over, sadistically slides its tip horizontally against the center of her protruding clit, in a single motion, and shoves it completely thru. ?Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!? Twisting, jerking, a hoarse, she gurgles a guttural scream. She’s forcefully held by her spread knees, stretched labia lips by the three men as she kicks, jerks, twists.
A third chain is manipulated, roughly fastened to that glistening skewer. The man slowly wraps the links together, lifts them above her navel, and sadistically releases it. The chain’s end bounces, sways across her jerking knees. ?Aaaaggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!? Another curdling, rasping scream echoes thru the room as her naked body arches even further forward, her knees flexing, bending, from the agonizingly painful added weight of the clanking chain between her thighs.
Releasing their grips simultaneously, the men step back, observe their work. Amanda’s tortured body jerks, twists, contorts, her shaking knees remaining spread. Her shoulders arch, the rope creaks, stretching above her, tinges of blood mixed with her perspiration streaks off her chest, from her hallowed armpits, crisscrosses her naked body, drips onto the stool, down to the floor, mixed with traces of her blood dripping from her impalements. The ends of the three chains clank and bounce, jangle out in front of her.
Jodi’s heart pounds, tears streaking from her reddened eyes as she’s transfixed at the sadistic display just a few feet in front of her. Suddenly, she feels her own breasts firmly gripped as she’s arched upward, her nipples bulging as the clerk’s tightening fists squeeze, stretches both glistening melons toward her sides as he straddles the rail behind her.
Twisted, pulled, and lifted even higher in his grip, the backs of her bound hands press against the sides of the raw wooden rail as he shoves his chest against her bound elbows and back. Her vagina burns, grinds across the wood as the tips of her toes scrape frantically toward the floor.
The hooded man remaining in front of Amanda reaches up, shoves a bright red ?O? ring between her trembling lips. Tying its straps behind her neck he quickly unties the black scarf covering her face. Practically incoherent, slumping, she stares blankly thru glazed, swollen, tear filled eyes as he drops the scarf on the floor, picks up another set of chains. Turning, he leaves her in her tormented state, steps toward Jodi.
Leaning forward toward Jodi’s ear the clerk whispers as he continues to twist his fists firmly around her bulging breasts. ?Now it’s your turn Missy! Time for these tits to get their due, you know, hang some chains off ‘em too! Yea, that’s right! Off your cunt too!? Nodding toward the hooded man approaching them, he adds. ?See those fancier, connected chains?! Right there in his hands, they’re just for you!?
Stepping toward the rail, the hooded man stretches the ensemble of connected chains in front of him. Holding out his hands he grips an ?O? ring between each thumb and finger while letting the chain drop, sway down in front of his chest.
Again Jodi’s teary eyes widen as she takes in their significance. Glaring out over her painfully bulging breasts she realizes the chains hanging down in front of him are connected into a ?Y? shape, with ?O? rings clamped to the three ends. It’s starkly obvious to her the purpose of the rings as he steps toward her, starring directly toward her swollen nipples. From the corner of her eye she catches a glimpse of the two other men step to either side of her, each with a skewer in hand!
Panicking, nearly hyperventilating, Jodi’s naked body jerks, spasms. Saliva drools from the corners of her stretched lips as she squirms, twists, bucks between their reaching arms as they close in. Glaring back and forth at the gleaming skewers, she feels, watches her breasts bulge, thrust further out as the grip on them squeezes, lifts. Her puffy, tan nipples twitch, pulse with each thumping heartbeat in her heaving chest. She can only hold her breath, watch in horror as the light reflects off the razor sharp tips of the instruments as they’re sadistically slid back and forth across the rounded curves of her ballooning, discoloring breasts.
Panicking, she squints her eyes, takes a breath as she senses the sharp points scrapping, probing, centered against the tender flesh of the outside edges of her twitching nipples. She senses the sharp tips barely sinking into her tender flesh, pricking, but not yet quite piercing her skin. She bites her lip, not to scream. Her stomach muscles flex, her abs ripple as the hooded man points a third skewer toward the nub of her clit as he tugs it out from between her cuntlips with his finger and thumbnail. Her eyes again open, widen, staring directly into the narrow slits of the black hood. He stares back, without a blink. Slowly, firmly he pushes the pointed tip across his thumbnail, against the edge of her engorged clit.
He breaks the silence. ?On three!? Nodding, he orders.
Drenched in perspiration as her heart thumps in her chest, she begins to spasm on the rail as she’s held, stretched by her breasts, clit. Hideous thoughts scramble thru her mind as she feels all three sharp tips probing against her most tender flesh. She can’t allow herself to fathom the imminent, even more terrible pain she’s about to undergo. The vision races thru her mind of being impaled with the skewers, the chains implanted on her tortured body, hanging off her, just like Amanda’s.
?One!?????.Two!? He slowly counts as he pressures the needle against her stretched clit.
Arching, whimpering, she slobbers thru the bright red ?O? ring. She can’t help from turning her head, glancing one more time at her nearly incoherent friend hanging, slumping precariously forward on the stool in front of her, staring blankly back. Jodi briefly stares into her friend’s dazed eyes, lowers hers, focuses on the metal chains hanging, swaying from those whip marred breasts, her obscenely stretched clit.
?Three!!!! ?Aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!? Jodi’s body jerks up off the rail, bounces, twists back and forth. She screams, then slumps, barely conscious as her naked body spasms uncontrollably. The skewers glisten, their points tinged with her blood as they’re slid thru her soft flesh. The men release her swaying breasts, grip, hold her legs firmly apart as the clerk tugs on her hair, aches her shoulders back against his chest.
The hooded man reaches for a hand size spreader tool. Holding the ?O? ring swaying off the bottom of the chain, he spreads the shinning metal loop apart. Reaching between her spread thighs he passes the skewer thru her throbbing clit, slipping the tip of the ring into the fresh, oozing hole. Adjusting the now chrisom colored ring he releases the spreader tool’s handle, lets the ring spring back into its perfect circle, impaling her clit.
The men release her legs; let the hard wooden rail again jam up between her thighs. Her head remains tilted and back against the clerk’s shoulder as the two men grip the base of her breasts. Tugging, twisting them apart, the hooded man unmercifully slips the skewer out of her left nipple. Using the spreader tool for the second time, he mounts another ?O? ring into that bleeding hole. The chain hangs down, sways across her glistening chest, he turns his attention to her right breast.
Lifting the chain, holding the third ?O? ring, he jerks the final skewer out, spreads the ?O? ring, and slips it thru the bloody flesh. Satisfied with the mountings, he nods toward the men. Letting go, they step back as the chains hang from her nipples, brush across her flexing abs, the bottom chain stretching upward from her tugged clit. The two men step beside the clerk as he snaps a capsule, waves it under her nostrils. She jerks, twists, sits slumped back against him, tears streaking down her cheeks, saliva dripping off her chin onto her heaving chest as she regains consciousness.
The clerk shoves her head forward, her chin nearly touching her sternum. Now alert, she’s forced to stare down across the front side of her tortured body. Her heart again races as she stares at the hardware impaling her aching flesh. She glares helplessly toward the chains rattling, swaying, forming a ?Y? while dangling out in front of her firm, global shaped breasts, dragging downward on her swollen nipples, attached to the ring in her ravaged clit.
Feebly tilting her head to the side, she stares in a daze toward her friend as their glazed eyes lock. The room’s virtually silent with the exception of their rasping moans, the rustling of the sets of chains hanging from their naked bodies.
Jodi feels herself arched back as the clerk twists and pulls on her bound arms from behind. She feels the painful swaying, the weight of the chains hanging off the front of her bare chest as the two other men twist her legs apart once again. She doesn’t even have the strength to resist as a pair of tall, black stiletto boots are slipped up over her feet, tugged over her knees until the top of the leather stretches around her spread thighs. Lifted across the rail by her arms and boots, she’s stood next to the sawhorse, held upright, barely able to stand on her own. One of the men kneels, clips a short chain from the ankle of one stiletto to the other.
The clerk stands behind her, balancing her as her toes and feet point nearly straight downward in the eight inch heels. Chest thrust out, buttocks pushed back, the chains stretch tautly from her swollen nipples to her tugged clit. Her breasts partially flatten, lift above her ribcage with each halted breath as perspiration beads, streaks down across her glistening bare flesh.
Continuing to work on her, the men cut the draw-ties from her wrists and elbows while keeping her arms pressed firmly together behind her back. Quickly sliding a black leather single bondage sleeve across her arms from behind, he stretches, squeezes, twist until her shoulders to bow hideously back. She feels the extreme pressure as they creak, throb with each tightening of the leather bindings.
Grunting, moaning as she’s manipulated, her breasts jerk, bounce, thrust obscenely outward and apart, stretching, and lifting the chains, tugging at her stretched clit. The added discomfort of her shoulders just adds to the overwhelming pain. The men finally finish binding the straps, twist her around in a complete circle, and inspect their work.
The clerk, gripping her shoulders, forces her to step forward in miniscule steps. ?Time to let you model out there on that vacant podium! Get you set, almost time to re-open!? He whispers in her ear as he shuffles her toward the door to the front of the shop. ?You can give Eve out there some company for awhile! You met her a few minutes ago! Actually, you’re going to look a lot like her! Your ass mounted just like her’s on that thick metal dildo. Then later, you’ll be used just like her!!!?
Heart pounding, feeling light headed, almost in a daze, she realizes that the mannequin out there is actually a real woman!? Oh God!?This must be a nightmare! She’s forced to shuffle past the stool with her friend staring hazily down toward her. Whimpering, quivering, Amanda’s tortured body glistens as she continues her own struggle to maintain her balance on the stool. The swaying chains hanging off her breasts brush across Jodi’s right shoulder, painfully catching against the chain impaling Jodi’s right nipple.
?Don’t want those titties all twisted up together? Now do we?? The clerk smirks as he jerks, twists, flicks Amanda’s chains across, past Jodi’s shoulder as he shoves her past the stool. ?Keep going.?
Barely hearing Amanda’s groans as her breasts stretch, bounce, Jodi hobbles past, heart pounding, envisioning the other side of the wall. She feels the chains tugging at her nipples, stretching her clit as she’s pushed past the stool, thru the doorway as one of the men swings it open. Beyond the door, once again the bound mannequin instantly catches Jodi’s attention, the silver pole between her thighs, the torture devices on the tray. And, Jodi can see a tear streaking down from the mask, she is a live woman!
Jodi feels herself twisted by her arm restraint while dragged toward the vacant podium. Her eyes widen as she stares at one of the men on the podium rubbing a glob of salve over, around a huge, thick phallus tip mounted on the top of the bare, silver pole. Heart racing, she realizes that shaft will certainly ram past her belly button! She feels her calves, knees gripped, her legs spread, lifted from behind as again her breasts are grabbed, twisted by the clerk. Hoisted horizontally onto the podium, her breasts stretch, the chains tugging, rattling, twisting across her bare flesh. The three men position themselves around the pole, position her.
The clerk stands to the front, hoists her up by her twisted, discolored breasts, the stretched chains tearing at her clit while the other two men stand to either side, their hands, fingers digging into her butt cheeks, centering her hips. Tears streak down from her glazed eyes, saliva drools off her chin as she feels herself wheezing, unable to breath, her heart beating thru her chest, the tip of the monstrous dildo grinding between her spreading thighs as she tries her hardest to keep them squeezed together.
?Oooohhh!? God nooooo!? Nooooo!!!!? Stifled pleas gurgle thru the ?O? ring as her butt cheeks brush down over the shaft, now pushing up at her rectum. She feels herself being slowly lowered by the multiple hands gripping her thighs, breasts as she struggles, squirms.
Firmly twisting her bulging melons, the clerk grins as he guides her naked, shaking body perfectly over the shaft as the other two men center the puckered ring of her anus directly against the very tip of the dildo. Her bound ankles slowly slide downward behind the pole, pressing, scrapping together, the thin ankle chains rattling.
?Not in your pussy!? The clerk grins. ?Saving that hole for something else!? She hears him add as the thick, greased shaft stretches, engorges her rectum.
Breasts pulsing, the rim of her anus tearing, clit ripping, she grunts moans, cries, begs as she slowly slides downward. As the other men release her legs, her bound ankles jerk, twist against the slippery pole with her stilettos heels still well above the floor. The clerk smiles as his hands griping her breasts continue to slowly lower, letting her squirming body gravitate toward the platform.
Feeling the head of the thick, hard dildo encompassing her stretching rectum walls, she squeezes, still presses her thighs frantically together. As she continues to slide ever so slowly down the shaft, the pain of her tortured breasts being manhandled, her ravaged clit stretching, become surreal, she doesn’t want him to let go, to drop her.
Just as she feels the tip of the huge round head of the dildo pressure her womb, her stilettos touch, scrap the floor. Even with the pain in her stretched anus, she actually feels a sense of relief, or at least, respite.
The clerk releases his grip, is handed a black silk eye mask. Slipping it across her eyes, he binds it behind her neck, takes a step back, is handed a container of dark jell. Dipping his fingers into the container, globing a handful across her thrust out breasts, he coats it across her thighs, back up and under the tautly stretched chains crossing her stomach. Rubbing, melding, sliding his fingers across the entire front side of her naked body, slipping a couple fingers knuckle deep into her spread vagina, he applies the jell as it liquefies into a shimmering, even coating that appears wax like. Smearing the solution across her face; he spreads it evenly across her cheeks, forehead and chin.
Again taking a step back he cups her firm, melon sized breasts, spreads them apart with the palms of his hands, adjusts the chains on the left nipple ?O? ring, the right nipple ?O? ring, finally centers the chain tugging upward from her clit ?O? ring. Satisfied, he steps back, off the podium with the other two men. She’s left mounted, standing, arching, squirming, barely inches from being impaled, frantically tiptoeing on the floor as the chains quiver out in front of her glistening body.
Tilting her head slowly forward, downward, between the swelling curves of her quivering, thrust out breasts, she glances back and forth thru the mask, her eyes surreally following across the chain, flexing, stretching between the glistening ?O? rings impaling her tautly stretched nipples, practically pointing in opposite directions. The bottom chain disappears from her eyesight, curving downward across her bellybutton, over her shaved pubic mound, up into her stretched slit, tugging at her clit with each halting breath as she feels the strange sensation of the jell hardening.
The men in turn, slowly walk toward the door, still watching her with interest as she moans thru the bright red ?O? ring stretching her lips, trembling, perspiration streaking off her bare flesh, her pubic mound glistening, cuntlips spread apart, the nub of her clit visibly twitching, stretching upward, embedded by its chained ring. They’re satisfied that she’ll now be presentable to the other members this evening. Firmly mounted, chained, the shaft deep up her rectum, she’s now virtually the match of Eve, beside her.
Re-entering the torture room, approaching Amanda, two of the men unfasten the rope hanging from the ceiling down to the crossed bamboo shunts behind her neck. The clerk grips her thighs as they lower her to the floor. Kneeling, he loosely binds a rope loosely around her bare ankles as the chains sway, jingle from her front side.
Barely cognizant, Amanda sways and stagers. The men to either side of her take a step back, the clerk gripping the chain stretching out from between her thighs. Opening the door, they slowly lead her by her stretching clit into the shop, stopping between the podiums. Twisting her around, the clerk tugs her chain as he reaches up, pinches Jodi’s clit ring, twisting it with his free hand. ?Aggghhhhhh!!!? Ohhhhh!!!? Both women grunt simultaneously as the clerk sadistically twists, jerks.
Their eyes instantly locking thru their tears, Jodi stares down from her painful mount. Amanda’s bruised, battered and pain wrecked, but still conscious enough to feel her heart skip a beat as she stares up at Jodi’s unimaginable predicament. Staring toward the other podium, at the other mounted victim, they both appear from a distance to be wax figures!
?Well girls, listen up! I need your attention.? The clerk scoffs. ?You’ll both be glad to know you both passed our auditions. Actually, you already seem to be stars for our company!?
Again tugging at both their clit rings simultaneously, he adds. ?Everything so far this afternoon’s been broadcast over our exclusive web site to our preferred customers. You’re be proud to know we’re receiving record reviews, and, unbelievable requests on what to do to you tonight!?
Grabbing, twisting Amanda’s right breast, the clerk spins her around to face the other podium, lifts her onto her tiptoes as the chain rattles off her swollen nipple. ?Okay bitch!? He scolds. ?You’ll take Eve’s place beside your friend soon enough! You recognize her don‘t you? Remember? You met her when we dragged you back here earlier!?
Glancing up toward Eve he adds. ?Yea, she’s going to earn her reprieve from the mount soon! Just a couple or so more hours before we auction her off!?
Again twisting Amanda to face toward him, he runs his hands up the outer curves of her trembling body, her thrust out breasts, as her arms remain crisscrossed behind her neck. Smiling, squeezing, he manipulates her glistening flesh, stares into her eyes. ?But, for now, right now, you’re our sex slave for tonight! A willing sex slave for the clients! All this evening! Fucking, sucking, pleasuring us anyway we want! Without hesitation, or be punished even more then you already have. Much more severely! All on closed circuit video too!?
Glancing up above the pair of podiums, he nods toward the red lights directed toward the impaled women as he squeezes both of Amanda’s breasts between his tightening fists. ?On video like those two are right now!? He instructs. ?Seems some of our more important members are already on line, watching. They’re intrigued by these tits of yours though!? He grunts as he gives another twist. ?Wants to see them worked some more, even harder. Punished even harder! Also, a lot more welts across your pussy and ass! So, we’ll do all that, later tonight! Before you’re mounted up there with your friend after Eve’s auction!
Amanda’s eyes dart back and forth, the left podium, the right podium, his eyes, Jodi’s starring eyes. Moaning, grunting, her pain wrenched breasts are twisted, stretched. She whimpers thru her ballgag. ?Ohhh God!? Ohhh God no!!!? Please!? Ohhh no!!? Noooo!!!?
End Part One
REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...
ReGenesis, Inc. (revised) Author's Notes by Bill Hart After some discussions about story universes on TSA-TALK a couple of weeks or so ago, I decided to revisit this story, which was originally posted to TSA_TALK in September 1997. As a result, I expanded it, rewrote parts of it, and added new parts to it. The original was around 36K in length and this revision is around 75K in length. I'm also about a third of the way through a prequel to this story and I've started...
Ladies are you in a relationship just for the company? Are you putting up with a Neanderthal only because you don’t want to be alone? We at Romance Inc. feel that you are too good to settle for some guy who is not worth your time. It is up to you just ask yourself what are you looking for, is it a relationship, or is it really just romance you’re seeking. Forget dating sites, you know everything the applicants say is a lie, what you need is Romance Inc. to solve your dating problems. It’s so...
Disclaimer: This story contains adult language and situations. Persons under 17 not admitted without parent. This story also contains language which may be offensive to some. If you are easily offended, go away. This story may be archived only on sites that do not charge for access. Peabody, Inc. by Sarah Miller I. Betrayal It's you, you're the girl, who put a hole in my head. It's you, you're the one, said I'd be better off dead. It's you, from the land of no second...
Leather & Lace Chapter 1 - Temporary Initiation By the White Knight I responded to a call from my temp agency to be at Madison and 63rd, at 9:00 am on Monday morning, for an undetermined length assignment. Short on money I really wanted to make a good impression, hoping that they would keep me on for a while, so I showed up a half-hour early. Walking into the lobby of the brown stone building, I was immediately met by a doorman. He asked if he could help me and I told him I was looking for the...
Chapter 1 I sat in the parking lot and waited for the guard to walk to the door and open it. My crew was ready to perform their tasks as soon as the guard let us in. As soon as the door was opened we would then proceed to destroy Best For You Specialties, Inc. I looked at the can of dead roaches on the seat beside me and smiled. We would insert a roach into cups of yogurt and then put the infested cups of yogurt in different boxes that were ready for shipment in the huge refrigerators. The...
Anyone who is under the age of 18, along with anyone offended by stories of a sexual nature or containing sexual situations or offended by the idea of mind control in any fashion, please do not read this story. This story takes place in the fictional town of Chrystal Heights. This is not significant in any way other than I hope to continue creating stories involving this town. The people and events in this story are fictional and do not represent anyone or anything from real life. Synopsis:...
A Second Chance (inc.) by Pyrite Friday Morning I had expected that today was going to be just another day for me when I had first set out to go to my office. Just the same as every other day had been in my routine and boring life I thought, as I sat in the old-fashioned coffee-shop for my now, customary early morning break. As had become my habit, I had gone into the office first and then printed out my emails, ready to review the morning's correspondence, and then come here...
Some time ago, I wrote a story called Lycra Fantasies. Steve Zink was nice enough to reply with some very kind comments and encouragement to develop a little fantasy universe I had been kicking around. Well, the vagaries of life got in the way, but it did give me a bit of time to flesh things out. Below is the product. A new universe I would like to call Fantasies Unlimited Inc. FUI has a couple of simple guidelines: 1. The CEO runs things via a computer network. Thus, each...
Copyright© 2004 "You've read the contract?" his voice was brusque, businesslike, not quite what she'd expected after reading the fine print in that contract. She half expected a few snickers, or at least a leer. "Yes," Melody paused searching for words, "your methods are, to say the least, unconventional! Do you really expect me to sign a contract like this? Something like that belongs in an adult book store, not in corporate offices!" "Am I to understand that you no longer...
Please enter your name under the "First Name" blank, & the chosen name of your FantasyWoman in the "Last Name" blank. If you've filled-out the form correctly, you should see your name here: John - & the name of your Fantasy Woman here: Doe - Welcome to FantasyWomen, Incorporated! Please sit back, & make yourself comfortable. In a few minutes, we wil begin the process that will allow you to select your ideal FantasyWoman from over 1,000 options! Once your Fantasy Woman is complete, you may...
Hello, hello! Welcome to Robo-Sluts INC or as we like to refer to ourselves as RSI for short. We here at RSI craft and manufacture only the greatest and best Robotic companions for your personal entertainment! Now, now despite the name our robots are more than simply just lifeless dolls for you to play with. No, my dear consumer the robots that we produce here at RSI are perhaps the most lifelike and realistic robotic companions that you will ever meet, and yes we said meet, as these Robo-sluts...
The year is 2055 and nanotechnology and gene editing technology have made incomprehensible strides. The government has begun to allow small scale human testing after most of the population began petitioning for general use. A 66 year old man stumbles out of bed and wanders to the kitchen. He pours himself a cup of coffee from the previous day and adds his creamer. He limps over to the recliner in his living room and turns on his floor to ceiling telescreen. "People took to twitter today in a...
TranssexualThe propietor of the mysterious Magic Mart, Inc smiled to himself as he thought of all the fun he would have in this new location. Helping new customers achieve their dreams and desires. Or to help them settle old scores. No matter the motivation, the Shopkeeper was always happy to help. It always provided him with some interesting entertainment. He had quite the collection of merchandise to fit any need. There was the magical jewelry that changed bodies, granted wishes, teleported to other...
Our protagonist has been randomly selected from the populace to receive a job offer from Sexual Reality Inc., a pioneer in the research and production of virtual reality entertainment, something only dreamed of in science fiction until recently. Though several companies have jumped on the virtual bandwagon, this particular one has perhaps unsurprisingly been the most popular and successful, and as the name suggests, focuses on the...naughtier possibilities. From tropical islands to nubile cat...
"So you want to join our little family do you?" Said the buxom vixen behind the desk. "Y-yes madam." Replied the skunk before her. 'Hmmm...'The vixen thought. 'Nervous, but she has potential...' She surveyed the interviewee, admiring her. Pretty face, long brown slightly curly hair, and hazel eyes behind large glasses. Running a skilled eye over her body, she noted the generous curve of her chest and the shapely thighs, hidden though they were beneath a loose skirt and no-nonsense blouse and...
Fantasy=== Magitech, Inc. === A round-robin story from the "It Starts Here" thread on the tg_fiction Yahoo Group by Hawkyn, Scott Jamison, Trismegistus Shandy, Bonnie Blair, and nom deplume edited by Trismegistus Shandy Started 16 July 2016 by Hawkyn; round-robin thread trailed off 6 October 2016; final scene added and edits made January-February 2018 by Trismegistus Shandy ----- Part 1 by Hawkyn He sat at the monitor and stared...
Taken Inc. I'm not a particularly nice person. This may explain why I'm sat in an interview room at West End Central police station, one of the largest police stations in London, with my lawyer to my left and two police officer, both in plain clothes, opposite me. I had been picked up that morning and when I say morning, I'm talking about a dawn raid that had taken place at one of my 'establishments' at about four o'clock. This isn't the first time I've been arrested and it won't be...
Claire returned to her table to find the check laying in its usual spot. She picked it up to look at it. There was a white business card concealed beneath the check. She turned it over. Mock Rape, inc. Dark Fantasies Fulfilled There was a phone number and logo which pictured a pair of feminine hands bound at the wrists. Claire stared at the card for a few moments in shock and puzzlement, then laid it face down as she had found it. She flagged down the waitress. "Janet, did you leave this...
I The Banhi have taken a significant number of casualties, but still we are outnumbered. Now they are regrouping for another assault. I use my power excavator and quickly deepen my fighting hole then settle down to wait. The air is sultry and it's as clear as the day now that the third moon has risen above the horizon. The landscape is filled with beautifully vibrant colors that hide the horrific dangers that are rampant on this deadly planet. However, this world would make a premiere resort...
The beach is deserted around you and a gentle rain is falling on your face as you ride up and down on his hard cock. You can feel the sand under your knees and feet as you push up again for the next ride down. He reaches up and tweaks your nipples again sending sparks throughout your body making a loud moan escape your lips. Both of you are soaking wet now and the rain on your bodies are making squishing sounds every time you bury yourself on his dick and alternatively a sucking sound when you...
Saturday Morning. TSI: Good morning, may I help you? Caller: I was given this number to call about a problem that I have. TSI: Can you give me the number that was given to you as your referral? Caller: Oh, let me see if I can read it. I have a black eye and I'm having some problems seeing. Here is it, the number is 1287H56687. TSI: One moment, please. A few moments later TSI: Thank you for holding. I see by our caller ID that the number you are calling from is a cell number. Can you be...
REVENGE PORN, Inc By Wyrdey That patented GO-TIME! feeling is so strong. It's early enough in the day that that initial RUSH of energy, that almost manic feeling of purpose hasn't started to wear off yet. Yes, it's already been hours of prep at the safehouse... Yes, we have a long day ahead of us - when do we ever not?... But that feeling, that WIRED feeling of a plan coming together hasn't worn off yet. It would probably remind me why I got into this business, if I...
Are you in the mood to look through an assortment of fetish-friendly videos that are certain to make you cum? If you want to look at a tube site that has the very best content that is certain to make you cum your fucking brains out, then I want you to know that you need to look at only one kind of tube site. Yes indeed, you need to mother fuckin’ visit Fetish Porno!That is fucking right you goddamn asshole! Once you visit Fetish Porno, what you will find is that you will discover an array of...
Fetish Porn SitesIf you’re into Fetish Movies, it can sometimes be difficult to find what you want to jack off to on the mainstream adult websites. Sure, there are some short kinky clips buried in the pile if you go searching through the major free tubes, but you’re often out of luck if you’re looking for some full-length fun with an extra-hefty dose of depravity in your particular deep-niche fetish. Oh, and don’t even get me started on how the big paysites leave you hanging if you’re into the freaky shit....
Premium Fetish Porn SitesDo you have a Fetish? If you answered “Yes,” I’m sure it’d be nice to have somebody to indulge that kink with, huh? Maybe you’re lucky and already have a fat lady to step on your face, a submissive babe who lets you tie her up, or a couple who let you do their dishes naked while calling you a filthy pig. If you don’t, maybe it’s about time you started looking around for one. Hell, thanks to the magic of the Internet, nobody should ever settle for a lame-ass partner who doesn’t get the...
Hookup SitesFETISH FACTORY By: Shawna Summer [email protected] I'm not sure what possessed me to take this crazy job. I mean, I wasn't desperate. Certainly, not yet anyway! Sure I'd been trying to find journalistic work, but the best I could find was some freelance photography stuff. Although just taking pictures was fairly easy work for my skill level. Plus the nice camera my folks had gotten me for my birthday helped! Still the jobs really didn't pay much unless you were a major name or...
Hi, readers…I have been a regular reader of sex stories on ISS and was waiting for my turn to share my true experience. The main character in this story is TANUJA who is my colleague at the office. About myself, I am Rohit working at a decent designation in a private company in Bangalore. This incident happened after Tanuja joined as my junior in office. She is married for around 10 years with one child.The day I saw her for the first time, I admired her beauty and treated myself lucky to get...
FetishNetwork is a pretty great name for this network, since it is comprised of tons of fetish sites that cover a wide variety of topics from usual to spooky to super hot and taboo. There are more than 40 sites in this network and they are always adding more, which is unusual for a network. There are even different categories of sites for you to pick from that all keep it really kinky. There are about 20 BDSM sites, a couple hypnofetish sites, spanking sites, female domination ones, smoking and...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesYou wake up in your hotel room, still a little unsure of your surroundings. Your friends had brought you out into the middle of nowhere to a place called "Fetish Central" and by all means you were fine with fetishes, but you were sure you could do without a night of gallivanting around in a sex crazed environment. You sigh as you get out of bed and look at the sky and realize that it's still night time, confused you look at the clock, it reads 7:34 am, but it's pitch black and the moon is...
FetishThe limousine wound its way up the mountain, flanked by breathtaking mountain views, as bright headlights illuminated the starlit trees along the road. Patches of ice and snow still lined the roadside, surviving this late into spring. The lone passenger stared out at the gloom shrouded vista, her slim hand innocently toying with her hair, with the few side tendrils that framed her soft porcelain features. A glow of warm lights could be seen coming up ahead, marking her destination, the secluded...
In my family, women are always covered in a Burkha. It is believed that covering up a woman’s body keeps them safe from evil eye be it from their own father or even their husband’s ninth wife. Like in the western world, when I was a kid, we were never exposed to a woman’s body, apart from their eyes or their feet. Clean beautiful feet with mehendi design or alta dye stain, often made me wonder about what lied under it. Destiny had something else defined for me and I sharing my story of fetish...
FetishHi, I am Shamil, I am 26 years old and Leather boots, especially the new ones attract me a lot. I don’t remember since when I acquired this fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots but one incidence, from 3 years ago is still fresh in my mind. I was on a trip to Goa with my gang. We walked into the hotel and were waiting in the lobby. I was sitting closer to the gate. A few minutes later the smell of fresh leather teases my nostrils. I turn around and see a woman wearing a short skirt, a...
FetishBY ROBBY SR. [u]DRAKE, ANDY, & JORDAN - TODAY[/u] He couldn't use his real name, so he called himself Drake. The name simply sounded sexy to him: like anyone named Drake was a natural born fuck machine. He kept his real name secret, of course, so neither Andy nor his son, Jordan, knew who he really was. Andy clapped his son on the shoulder. “You'll be okay, won't ya, buddy?” he asked him. “Sure, dad.” Jordan said, all smiles. “Drake is gonna let me take over his computer so I...
David sat on a stool in the corner of Tim's dirty kitchen while his friend was pacing back and forth, talking like a mad man. "...and that's where I found the formula" Tim said. "Do you have any idea what this means?"He looked at David with wild eyes. David hesitated, treading lightly, as his friend had clearly gone mad. "So, you're saying that you've found the recipe for some sort of magical potion that can change you into whoever you want? But, I mean, you realize how that sounds, right?" Tim...
FantasyA plague of eroticism has been unleashed on mankind! Choose and evolve a plague type to consume humanity as a carnal wave, a discreet converter, an unstoppable hive mind, or something else entirely...
The Organisation was a dark secret known only to an elite few, and it had been created with one goal in mind. To abduct, seduce, corrupt and indoctrinate super-powered females, so that they became the ultimate sexual creatures, insatiable whores who craved sex and depravity. There was a vast untapped market for such creatures, and the Organisation planned to exploit it to the full. It had begun slowly and carefully. First, the Facility was built in a top secret and isolated location. This...
Known worldwide for their massive infrastructure, Alternative Solutions is a company that saved franchises from going bankrupt, avoided wars, even prevented small nations from being ravished by invasions. However, it's in one of the many skyscrappers in Manhattan that lies the "heart and brains" of the company. Alternative Solutions Systems is a branch of the worldwide company, responsible for the development of tools, gear, equipment, or anything else, to solve the problems presented by their...
It's 2018, and a breakthrough is about to happen at New Dimensions. The company was founded as an offshoot of a major pharmaceutical company after deregulation in 2017 allowed broader, previously unethical experimentation in medical treatments for cosmetic issues. With funding from a mix of celebrities, pornographers, and wealthy individuals, the fledgling group has been hard at work on treatments that will allow users to enhance their sexual characteristics without invasive surgery. A small...
"Good morning John." a hollow voice rings out to you in the dark of the room you can see anything or move but you feel cold and definitely naked. A shiver of shame runs the length of your spine knowing that much, and wondering how many eyes wandered over every unconscious inch of you. "Welcome to VK Incorporated or specifically to 'the cell' its beta tester for human sexual training. Our you greatest breakthrough in virtual programming is youra to experience first hand your mind will start to...
"That'll be great, I'll see you at noon then...uh huh, we do have package deals, I'll explain when you get here." Leslie Simon said. "Right, have a nice morning." Leslie stared at her appointment ledger a moment, as she willed the ink to appear in the proper timeslot. "There we go." She looked at her employees Holly and Corey. "We're going to have a busy day." At noon, after three other happy clients, the noon appointment arrives. "Leslie Simone, at your service. This is Holly our resident PR...
The giant winged reptile perched on an outcrop of rock high on a sheer cliff-face. It scanned the volcanic countryside below and a large, fast moving object caught it's eye. It launched itself from it's eerie and swooped down to investigate. The limousine sped along the dusty track, incongruous in it's primordial surroundings. The track led it to a set of huge Iron gates set into a malevolent black spire of rock. As the car came to a halt by the gates, dust swirled around it obscuring it from...
FantasyI just hate dictators, well at least I know for a fact that I myself being of that of my person dislike them, I mean after all I can't really hate anybody be they themselves of those who are, or is of some, or of such dictators, or not, or be of the likes of dictators, or otherwise being that because believe it, or not that being of the, or a person of I myself am a believer in God as in Christian, &/or Protestant, & although, or regardless of how at times I myself can, or could...
I had just moved to a new town and was out jogging a hot Saturday afternoon when, by pure chance, I saw him. I was wearing just shorts and trainers, running along the woods at the back of a nice looking neighbourhood and he was standing on his balcony about 50 yards of where I was. He was black, tall and heavy set without being fat.And he was naked.Not only was he naked but he was masturbating. Surprised, I stopped dead in my tracks looking at him while one hand flew up and down his thick, hard...
Matt was a college student who was facing some tough times such as how to pay tuition this semester and still afford to live. He had to worry about girl problems (or the lack thereof), rent and so on. To make matters worse he was recently laid off at Wal-mart and now he had to find a new job soon if he wanted to eat. Sure he could mooch off of some friends for a bit but this would last a few days at best. Desperate for anything he came upon a solution that seemed too good to be true....
I entered the fleet marines when I was seventeen. The first three years were in a combat line unit. After that I went into special operations and stayed for seventeen years. I spent another ten doing special operation planning as a sergeant major. I retired from fleet after thirty years and joined the constables. Five years on special violent response teams and another five as a lieutenant with several teams. Fifteen more as a captain and then as a district commander running organized crime...
Even my best friend said it was a crazy idea. Not only would no one pay me money to simply masturbate, something everyone could do in the privacy of their own home, but to expect to actually make money offering such a service was unthinkable. Never the less, I decided to go ahead with my idea anyway. I'd leased one of those corner convenience stores that had gone out of business. It really wasn't a bad location either, situated close to a number of downtown businesses, where I actually hoped...
Gabrain 'dined out' on his pipeline for some time. The camp loved him and he basked in it all. I made sure he didn't get a big head though and had something in mind that I thought might stimulate him but at the same time calm him down a little. The Abbot of Iona had agreed to my request to establish a church here at Aird Driseig and had sent a monk to survey the possibilities. He and I had agreed a site to build on but there was little for him to do until the structure was up. I was going...
Game: Will of Change In its core the game is fairly simple each player takes a turn rolling the die and moving clocwise along the board for the amount they rolled and then draw a colored card corresponding to the color of the square they landed, then the player gets to decide if they will accept the card effect or drop out of the game. The game can end if a player lands on a white or black squre (the final square of each loop) or if only a single player still remains in the game. However there...
FetishWe are kidnappers incorporated and we would like you to know that we have kidnapped you. Now let’s not get ahold of ourselves and start panicking quite yet. We are not going to do anything to you except kidnap you using various transport packages paid by our clients. It’s after we make the delivery that you should begin panicking as they can do whatever the heck they want to you after they give us the money. Chemically castrate you, turn you into a pet, give you a 20’cock with FFF cup breast,...
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