Mikhail free porn video

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"Mikhail Asonovitch, Night Club owner, entrepreneur, his name just keeps cropping up so we need someone to go undercover, investigate"

Brian Adams puffed gently on his pipe and looked quizzically at Louise Allen, "Would you like to do it, basically it is a three months secondment and we get you in as a temp in his office, get yourself a toehold then worm right on in, what do you think."

"And my career structure here"

"Enhanced if anything, especially if you find anything useful"

"And family contact"

"No I am afraid not, but you are between boyfriends I understand, so" he shrugged.

"Well yes, look after my things and I'll see what I can do"

Two short weeks later with a new car new flat new name even Alice Harper, as Louise was now known walked into Island Villas branch office at Hayling Island as their new temporary typist receptionist.

Blue eyes, Five foot five, athletic with shoulder length Blond hair she caused quite a stir and her effortless efficiency, with an easy charm soon had corporate tongues wagging, a week after?starting as a temp she was approached

The Castle loomed over the Omsk river, brooding, the work of a deranged Prince or Arch Duke, now restored to its dark evil brutal Slovenian originality.

Slovenia. the rules are different in Slovenia, it is a pay society and you simply pay the Bureaucrat, pay the Bureaucrat and you get left in peace.

Alice fought back her feelings of alarm as the Lexus swept through the gatehouse across the moat and into the Castle.

The Portcullis lowered smoothly electrically reinforcing the sense of imprisonment.

A smartly Liveried Footman opened the passenger doors and Alice stepped out.

She looked around the high dark walls to the mountain tops beyond, a Hawk circled, as she watched, so free yet here she felt imprisoned, doomed almost, the feeling troubled her.

Mikhail took her by the arm "Come my dear, see our little wonderland"

"My cases"

"We have staff, they will serve you"

A Girl in a maids uniform, black with a white apron, curtsied and invited Alice to follow her, they ascended the magnificent oak staircase around the sides of the entrance hall to the first floor then a further staircase to the second then yet a further one to the third floor, the ceilings were lower here, former servants quarters. the room was small and sparse,

"Here you are this is your room, see the view, is the best in all of Castle"

Alice looked through the tiny window across the Valley to the mountains beyond, the Village and even the distant town crisp in the cold mountain air.

"Here is you uniform, I shall return to show you your duties"

She handed Alice a Black dress and Apron similar to her own and fishnet stockings and suspenders a black uplift bra and high heels.

"Ten minutes"

Alice stared, surely there was some mistake or was it a trial,

She tentatively reached out for the dress, the material, it was very good quality, silky to he touch and she decided to try it on, to go along with her instructions at least for now..

The dress filled perfectly, clearly someone had measured her for it and the bra was comfortable, although strangely there were no matching knickers, and the Shoes also a perfect fit, although the heels were higher than she liked, she found walking in then required care but she appreciated the extra inches of height it gave her.

The maid appeared again. "I am Mathilda, I have room nearby, I see you have dressed, we shall see Mme Asonovitch for uniform check then we see the Master.

They went down a different stairs, "Servants stairs, our stairs" to Mme Asonovitch's room.

"Ah Alice" she purred "You look reasonably smart, turn"

Alice turned a half turn,

"Straighten those seams please,"

Alice struggled to straighten the seams.

"We are very particular about uniform here, The Master decides any embellishments allowed, without his permission no additions should be worn, have you any additions?

"No Madam Asonovitch"

"None at all "

"Only my knickers there were none"

"As I thought"?

Mme Asonovitch swiftly lifted Alice's skirt and with a pair of Tailors scissors she snipped the waistband of the lacy panties which fluttered to the floor.

"That's better, now away to your duties"

Somewhat shocked Alice followed Mathilda down yet more stairs,

"Are we not allowed underwear"

"It is not my place to say, you will see soon enough"

They arrived in the kitchen,

"You just watch and learn tonight"

Alice followed Mathilda as she carried a Tray with vegetables to the dining room, some dozen men sat round the long table.

"Ah Alice, gentlemen Alice has come from London to be our new maid"

Murmurs of approval rose from the gathering following Asonovitch's statement.

"We shall see more of Alice later"

Alice made herself useful collecting empty plates her experience as a waitress during college standing her in good stead.

The meal ended Asonovitch summoned her, "I shall show you your new home"


He silenced her, "No but, no talk back, just look and learn"

They descended to the cellars where provisions for the long sieges once were stored. and Prisoners held.

Long man made caverns like oversize railway tunnels, like Underground stations she thought, all crudely painted white, over hundreds of years of dirt.

Weak lighting showed building materials piles of concrete blocks, she shivered, was it cold or fear, on she walked her high heels clip clopping on the stone floor.

A heavy Oak door, Asonovitch swing it open easily.

Bright neon lighting where once flickering candles guttered, modern and ancient in juxtaposition, Block walls forming new rooms leaving a narrow corridor along the centre of the?cellar, faint noises, people breathing and talking, was that a faint scream. Was it an ancient ghost of a long dead prisoner?.

"Soundproof, my dear, see,"?he opened a door a girl in a black Basque stockings?and heels was being whipped with a horse whip by one of the guests, Bent over a bar, her hands secured at ground level so as to fully expose her rear, Asonovitch nodded and the whipping continued, I scream with every stroke,

"Harriet Chambers, I think you were sent here to find her Louise, I mean Alice"

Alice, gulped, as Asonovitch led her back to the Corridor.

"And our medical facility"

A girl reclined unconscious in a Dentists chair. "A foolish girl,"

Pearly white teeth shone in a shiny metal bowl as one by one a "Dentist" with a huge pair of pliers extracted them from the girls mouth,

"We leave two top and bottom each side at the back for chewing but the rest are unnecessary. We shall come back later"

Alice cringed, her blood ran cold, a cold fear gripped her.

Another door, A maid dressed identically to Alice lay on a bed, her legs spread while a dinner guest plunged his giant manhood into an out of her.

The next cubicle was empty, "yours if you wish it"

"Never" hissed Alice

"Always appraise the options before setting your next step in stone, you will be surprised what some people ask for""

"Come see"

Asonovitch opened a heavy oak door. She could not believe what she saw, She felt physically sick, three women's bottoms protruded from a wall, like trophies, like a stags head ,stuffed and mounted she thought at this low height so men could use them in death , One flinched and she realised they were alive, but bent at the waist so their middle was horizontal.

"How do they get out" she asked.

Asonnovitch fingered the nearest ladies vagina, her bottom wriggled invitingly,

"She is wet" He showed her his fingers.

"Anonymous, sex pure sex neither can see the other just raw sex, it is addictive"

"How do they get in and out"

"They don't, this is their whole existence they are cemented in"

Asonovitch's bleeper sounded. He checked the message.

"Come see the medical staff do the operation"

The surgeon had the unconscious woman's mouth held wide open with a metal rig of ancient design, with most of her teeth now in the metal bowl he had easy access to work on her tongue, clamps held it extended, a double row of stitches, from side to side across very near its root then as she watched he severed he flesh and sinue and extracted most of the tongue. he applied something to the remaining stump and the bleeding stopped

"Good for Blow Jobs and stops the whining"

Alice felt nauseous, faint,

"She tried to escape"

Alice vomited profusely, bending from the waist and Asonovitch taking advantage came up behind her raised her skirt and drove his fingers deep inside her,

"Shall you be next"

"Oh, No Oh No. No" cried Alice

"You may choose, resist me and lose the tongue, its your free choice"

He stood behind her gently eased her legs apert and slid his manhood against the lips of her sex, A thrill, one she should not be experiencing, she grew damp and he pressed upwards.

"Yes or No"

"Yes fuck me"

"Say Please"

"All right, Please Fuck me"

He thrust upwards she squealed in surprise his manhood filling her, she tried to imagine it was a former boyfriend, but none had ever been this big this manly this potent, he bit her neck leaving plainly visible marks. She forgot others she just wanted him, her body overriding her mind, her breasts felt neglected and as if by telepathy he lowered the zipper on her dress and released her Bra catch and as she convulsed, in pleasure he commenced kneading her breasts.

She saw again the horribly mutilated woman before her as she was used by this tyrant and writhed with conflicting sensations, vomiting and sex, she was horrified yet excited.

He finished taking his pleasure by ejaculating deep within her dispensing with a Condom, then as she recovered he gently pulled her dress to the ground leaving her in high heels suspenders and stockings,

"Wipe the Vomit with this rag," he handed her her dress


He hit her across the face very hard, she fell sideways.

She started to clean

"You are a quick learner"

She wiped the floor clean.

"Throw the rag in here, you have earned this"

He held her lightly and placed a Black leather under bust Corset around her waist,carefully adjusting the buckles so it was almost unbearably tight.

"It is a promotion, you will become used to it soon enough, now come see the captive ladies,"

He took a different route and the three heads now protruded.?

"There is no communication between rooms, one may be having sex next door and giving a blow job here, I always recommend one has tongue and teeth removed before coming here but girls must choose"

"This was Carmel"

The face smiled a toothless smile.

"Igor, show our guest how easily Number one face fucks."

A figure emerged from an unseen desk, dressed in leather waistcoat but otherwise naked Igor approached the girl, she opened her mouth and accepting the flaccid appendage commenced to suck.

Soon he was fully erect and was banging into her face. fucking her like her face was a cunt, but more brutal, like a wild animal.

Igor withdrew,

"Look she has cum drooling down her chin, she cannot lick it with no tongue, would you do her a small kindness and lick her chin clean Alice."


"I asked a small kindness for a fellow woman, there does not have to be a big issue, does it"

Alice bent down and licked the spunk from Carmel's face, suddenly Carmel's hands seized Alices cheeks and they kissed, for long seconds, mouth to mouth.

"She likes you, She has been here nearly four weeks, of course she cannot speak, and the pain from her arms, supporting her upper body weight is a problem for her"

Asonovitch moved on, "Number two, formerly Tania we solved her upper body weight problem, she found intolerable, so we found a cure,"

Alice's gaze ran down from Tania's shoulders to her elbows which rested on shaped rubber blocks,

"We Amputated"

Alice tried to vomit but nothing was left.

"Its much better now" said Tania, "If I score two more fucks I get to watch TV tomorrow,"

"How can you live?"

"Don't ask" said Asonovitch, the human mind is very adaptable, don't upset her.

He moved on, "This is Rose, she has been here for many months yet wsihes to remain"


"Slave" shouted Asonovitch.

A slim figure appeared, very thin in a white robe extending to the navel leaving her naked below.

"This was Andrea, she was beautiful, 34DD"

The slim figure nodded.

"She grew weary of the life and begged for relaease, we agreed and here she is"

"What?" Alice could plainly see what, The woman had neither breasts nor arms.?

"We cut away the protruding apendages and withdrew her, she asked, begged even, and now lives here, her hole is beyond that door and she chooses whether to use the hole and earn points towards drink and food and TV or whether to starve."


"Earnings, earn as you fuck, it is up to you, I am 50 points so you have TV and food and drink all week, my guests score one point for each fuck or blow job, and you need three per week to drink, five to eat, ten is good food or TV , you soon get the hang of it"

"I will soon get?"?

"Come we will sit comfortably"

Asonovitch led past clusters of guests along more passageways and stairs to a sumptuous sitting room. a fire blazed in the ornate carved stone fireplace.

"Sit" he ordered.

She waited for him to sit and climbed on his lap, like she had with her step father in her youth.

"Clever Girl"

"You came here as Chambermaid, with uniform, water, Food and Television privileges, and your own room. Already in eight hours I have promoted you to house sex slave.?What do you wish now"

"To be your personal slave master"

"To live in a box beneath my bed with no tongue arms or legs, surely not"

She stroked the bulge in his trousers.

"Good Girl, you learn live for the moment, Mouth, Cunt, Arse?"

"You were wonderful in my Cunt Master may I be permitted that honour again."

"Yes certainly" and her laid her gently on the hearth rug and with little difficulty he slid inside her.

"Sleep here, we see the surgeon tomorrow" Asonovitch ordered wiping his prick on a cushion and strode from the room. "The Bathroom is there" he gestured.

Her mind racing and at the same time empty, she fell into a deep sleep.

Asonovutch woke her at 3.a.m.

"I am cold, come" He led her through interminable Oak lined and painted corridors to his room, A girl lay in his large bed, sleeping,

"Come" he discarded his robe and slid between the sheets motioning her to follow, she climbed in,

"No clothes, they scratch"

She climbed in and cuddled up to him, suddenly she felt so safe, Asonovitch, undisputed king of this castle had chosen her for sex, twice and wished her to keep him warm.

She woke to the rhythm of sex, Asonovitch taking his pleasure with the other girl, beside her, she ran her finger down Asonovitch's spine, and whispered.

"I love you"

He lost control and spurted deep in the other girl, the condom bulged and strained.


"I thought it was what you wanted to hear"

"No, anyway this is Maria, show me that you know how to pleasure a woman and I shall overlook your wrongdoing"

Alice dived between Maria's legs and soon she was moaning with pleasure.

"He has gone you can stop now"

"And if I don't want to stop"

"Then don't"

Alice soon had Maria teetering on the edge of orgasm, and pleading for final release,

Asonovitch entered with a small man in a white coat.

"Don't be rotten finish her off"

Maria cried out then stilled, tears staining her cheeks.

"Leave us Maria"

"Alice/ Louise whoever, I am very pleased with you, but we must make plans, we have too many beautiful women, you need a speciality, shall we make you a blowjob queen with toothless, tongue less mouth or perhaps we can fit you in a hole in the wall"

"There are already such Master" she chose her words carefully, can you not think of something beyond this."

"I am still wondering, still unsure, you have spirit, but your cunt is tight and dry and arse as yet untested."?He paused in thought,

"Friedrich, eggs and a butt plug in front and Plugged rear with nipple clamps and cuffs, what do you think,"

"Yes with dog collar and lead and simple belt"

"And hands behind back and knee pads and spiked shoes,"

"Yes and Ball Gag"

"Yes and Contact lenses, You are a genius Friedrich"

"Take her and bring her back when you are finished.

She strode behind Friedrich, bewildered and afraid, but all things seemed reversible, no physical harm intended.

He had her sit on the bed wile he handcuffed her, then he selected a pair of high heel shoes and put hem on her,

"Ouch, something digs in"

"Spikes, can you walk."

She tried?

"No it's too painful"

"Good, he placed a tiny padlock through the lace holes on each shoe"

H produced knee protectors for Hockey or a similar game and secured them.

"Can you crawl"?She tried a few steps on her knees, it was slow but possible.

He stripped off her corset and replaced it with a wide leather belt with a crotch strap, and strapped a dog collar round her neck

The Nipple rings were difficult, he had a tray full and eventually he managed to stretch each nipple sufficiently to allow the ring to fit against the breast yet for the nipple to bulge out beyond its encircling grip.

He found a red Ball gag and silenced her with it then selected green contact lenses and slid them in, her world turned an opaque green.

"Can you see" he asked,

She shook her head,


She felt pressure on her anus, the dreaded plug, she screamed into her gag, the pressure and pain increased and then eased, slightly, how could she stand it, then from the front probing, something being eased within her.

Something smooth round, more than one, everything was blurred then something stretching her filling her and the crotch strap secured and tightened,

She was so vulnerable, she knew what she had to do and as soon as she was able she started the painful and awkward journey to Asonovitch's bedroom, along interminable corridors climbing stairs, with the ever present danger of falling on her face she finally made it and collapsed on the mat at the foot of the bed.

Asonovitch found her, her bladder bursting and bowels cramping as she lay on the mat by his bed, "Walkies" he called "Do Business."

He grabbed her lead and she hobbled and trotted on her knees down interminable corridors, then thankfully down in an elevator, she completely oblivious to the guests, watching, laughing at her as she passed by.

He undid her crotch strap and extracted the plugs, Piss and shit poured uncontrollably from her, exquisite relief.

He dragged her onwards, through the gate house under the portcullis over the drawbridge then along side the moat, they descended towards the water,

He pushed her hard and she overbalanced into the water.

"Good girl, splash around get clean,"

She panicked tried to swim, she hit bottom. suddenly she realised the water was only about four feet deep, she stood ignoring the pain of the nails digging into her feet and looked up at him, he reached behind her head and released the gag,

"Doggie stand on hind legs like person, doggie want be human"

"I am a bloody person"

"So get out of the water"

She realised the bank sloped and was able to struggle out of the, it was difficult but she did it, the full weight of her body unsupported by the water made the pain of her feet intolerable but she struggled on. 

She stood before him.

"You look ridiculous"

He scooped her up in his arms, wringing wet.

"I have a choice for you" he spoke quietly,"

"Human dog or trusted concubine".

"How do I choose" she asked.

"Here", he said

He handed her a long handled spear

"I have been betrayed, Igor, has betrayed me, stolen from me, he is tied over there"

She stared at a six foot six two hundred pound hulk, tied to a post in the courtyard.

"You understand"

"Yes master"

He lowered her to the ground and she walked unsteadily forward, Igor started to shout "No No Nein Nay," but she was determined, she tottered very close and with her first strike severed his windpipe, his screams ceased she stabbed fascinated by the deep cuts spurting blood  and stabbed, Igor stopped bleeding.

Asonovitch approached, wiped up some blood and made her lick it, he smeared her face and hair with Igor's blood.

"He is dead, well done, let us see the  Video,"

He produced a key and removed the pad locks securing her shoes, she bled from the nails through the sole of her shoes, but she happily walked behind him as they ascended to his room, he ran the shower stripped, carried her in and washed her,

"You murdered Igor,"

"For you master"

"Good girl, sleep with me tonight, I shall enjoy sleeping with a murderess."

She snuggled up to him.


"That's ominous where did the Master go"

"What will become of me?"

"Trust me, would you like sex now"

"Yes please"

He turned her over and took her from behind brutally, his seed lancing into her vagina unhindered.

"I have a job for you" he announced as his prick slowly deflated,

My friend Joseph Nmbuko, his wife cannot have children, you shall have her embryos implanted and incubate a child for him, I shall arrange it.

Asonovitch was there at the birth, Its yours, yes I will marry you

Alice Harper = Louise Allen,

"Mikhail Asonovitch

Mathilda = Maid

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Two Mondays later at school, things were great. Craig had "asked me out" as in like boyfriend-girlfriend kind of thing, and I felt like that was going to do really well. Of course, things were still weird in the area of Kaitlin and Mike. Kaitlin was still horrified by it all, and Mike acted like he was doing everything in his power to show her that he loved her. She and I talked as I drove to continue picking people up. My parents had decided that we should get a "kid car" that us kids...

3 years ago
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Cousin And Her Friend 8211 Part 1

Cousin and her sexy Friend Hello, I am Steve(name changed) and this is the story about how I fucked my sexy cousin. I also fucked her best friend with a little of her help but that’s for some other time. I am an pretty average guy with more than average looks but they say I am cute, very very cute, which bugs me a bit because guys need to be handsome.. But either way, I can’t change how I look. So, I was pretty popular among my relatives as I was very good in studies and played guitar and was a...

2 years ago
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Loose CannonsChapter 3

Selena Summit and Guy Gasser rode together in the back of a patrol car to her apartment. For the most part it was a quiet ride. They were both feeling a little woozy from the drink. “Are you sure about me staying at your place for the night?” Guy asked. “I’m sure,” Selena answered. She had almost forgotten that she had invited him to stay at her apartment with her. She wasn’t looking forward to the scene that was sure to happen when they arrived at the apartment. Mike, if he stayed in...

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The next morning was a race. I was awakened by the cute “candy striper” bringing in my breakfast. I was starved. It tasted so good I just gulped everything down. As my tray went out the door, a maternity nurse brought the baby to me. She instructed me to get up...which was surprisingly easy...and get comfortable in a large chair by the window. Breast feeding was such a treat. Already, we both knew exactly what to do. He was hungry and my breasts were so ready for him. A contented feeling...

2 years ago
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Veiled SecretsChapter 4

September 18, 2007 Matt Traverse looked at the file on his desk, his pencil tapped the manila color and his thoughts played seesaw in his head. Philip had called a couple of weeks ago, catching them up on their father's condition. He sounded concerned. More and more Chad Traverse mentioned Delilah, seeing her, talking to her, missing her. After that call, Matt reflected back on the years, years that were full of laughter and sadness, joy and pain. He thought of the lies that were woven in...

3 years ago
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Erotic Proclivities 01 A Library Encounter

The library at school has always been my 'go to' place to get my serious writing and thinking done. There are small intimate sitting areas next to large sized windows that look out over the woods around the building. It’s a very New England scene with a full pallet of spring colors early in April. I was sitting there on a Friday afternoon working on a writing assignment, when I noticed a cute blonde coed come over and sit in one if the overstuffed chairs. She was wearing a white UMass hoodie...

College Sex
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Tales of the X23 AriaXPart 00000011

Twenty-Five Years Later: I stood in front of the wooden box waiting for my oldest son, Matthew. Elizabeth, my wife, had argued against my decision until an hour before. Those were her words, 'your decision'. I capitulated to her wishes and told her I would ship the X-23 back. She gave me a look of betrayal and stomped out of the kitchen. I had broken our compromise of silence. It was my role to let her argue against these types of things, and move forward with what she knew was best but...

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Escape From Buggery Ch 11

Tracey and Buttercup hurriedly jumped up: Tracey pulling on her blouse and checking that she still had her bag with her precious passport inside. One thing was sure, a noise like that did not bode well. Buttercup gathered herself together more quickly than her lover, but nothing could disguise the look of real alarm on her face. “What the fuck do we do?” asked Tracey. “And where’s Sharon?” “It’s best not to worry about her,” Buttercup replied, wiping traces of Sharon’s vaginal juices from her...

2 years ago
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Milk and HoneyChapter 4

“Hi Mrs Wilson!” the chirpy pregnant lady across the fence said. “Oh, no!” McKayla went to correct. “I’m not...” She trailed off. It had been almost three weeks since she’d arrived in Scaphis Valley. She knew that she should go back to New York, that her bosses were probably furious, or worried sick. She knew that her landlord would have almost certainly rented out her apartment after she failed to pay rent, and she knew that he’d probably thrown out her possessions. McKayla...

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Favorite Aunt Ch 46

Acting of Lovers She just looked into my eyes with simple contentment. I flexed my still hard cock inside her and as uncomfortable now as my erection had become and painful as it was to me, her eyes opened wider with a look of surprise then bemusement. She pulled her legs tighter around me and I reached around to support her back so she wouldn't go under with the effort. Then she released the tension and tensed again. This gave a slow, short piston motion on my cock which felt...

1 year ago
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The African Slave Girl

It seemed to be forever that we had been searching for the slavers. In fact, for five weeks now, we had been cruising the southern islands of the Caribbean. We had sighted them once, two ships close to the horizon, but near enough for the best top man to be able to make out their sail rig, we knew it was them.Their course had suggested that they were making for Guiana in South America, they were trying to run the blockade of the Royal Navy, that had been set up after most European countries had...

4 years ago
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Christmas Wedding Part 9 More Than A Football Game

College football wasn't big in New England but it was big enough to earn the city of Boston a bowl game. It wasn't a glamorous game, just a mid-to- low level game for teams that barely made it into a bowl game. The inaugural game was one that caught the sport by surprise but it was fitting as it would feature the two, "Local" teams in Boston Cambridge University vs. UMass-Amherst. BCU was unofficially the "host" team for the game as the university was "down the street" from the game's...

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EvilAngel Andi Rose Gaping Rimming Anal Player

Andi Rose is a slim, natural-bodied brunette with long legs, little tits and a deep adoration for anal sex. The fun-loving hottie wears sleek lingerie to accentuate her luscious bod, teasing and stripping through a hot intro. Director/performer Mick Blue chats with her in the following moments. Andi stands up to show off the butt plug wedged in her rectum. She masturbates on the couch. Mick stuffs a dildo into her anus, to prep her for the upcoming sodomy. Andi moans in ecstasy, spreading...

1 year ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part I The Poker Game

My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She's sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can't imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn't realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was... Millie is what you call a "big-titted plumper," and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you're not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut,...

3 years ago
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Timothy Reynolds was one of the invisible masses. You know the type – he worked a dead end job deep in the basement mailroom of a major corporation that didn’t even know he existed. The mailroom didn’t have any windows, the only air came in from the building’s central air conditioning and it smelled stale and old when it got there. The harsh fluorescent lighting in the mailroom didn’t help his outlook much either. Is it any wonder why he felt depressed and suffered from chronic headaches and a...

4 years ago
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Cock crazymother in law finally lost it

She has looked at my ass and made comments since day one. told her daughter how lucky she was. She questioned the size and how long I lasted. When we spent the night, she camped out and watched us have sex. The next morning she spoke with excitement of how I stroked her daughter, how good it looked and how she wanted some of the same. Her husband found he in a hotel with man. said he was fucking her pretty hard and he let them finish. he feels guilty due to his own penis problems. Tried pills...

2 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 3

Sunday morning. I heard the TV come on at some ungodly early hour. Not at all early for a 6 year old, of course, but I had had an extended period of horny wakefulness in the dark hours of the night, and was not ready for Kermit & Co. I rolled over, facing the couch, put the pillow over my head and went back to sleep. I was awake enough to start smelling coffee some time later. I woke without moving and tried to take a survey. Was it a dream/fantasy? I didn't think so. Cumming three...

1 year ago
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Lara Croft and the Elf

Lara Croft was walking around the forest around noon time looking for this specific flower. She came upon these arched trees that looked like a gate. She walked through and saw a woman bending over a table with leaves piled on it. "I know why you are here," said the woman. She stood up and turned around to face Lara Croft. Lara Croft drew a deep, shuddering breath as she beheld the beauty radiating from the woman. She had a light reddish hair color, the bluest eyes so crystal clear, skin so...

4 years ago
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The Cruise Day Two

I awoke in my favorite position, with my wife in my arms cupping her breast. I had no idea what time it was and didn't care. This is our vacation. Lying there listening to Ann purr, I thought about our first day of the cruise and how that all transpired. It was almost bizarre the way we ended up swapping wives without a word being said about it. There was definitely some chemistry there, some unspoken language. The gentle rocking of the ship gave us a real sound sleep even though the...

Wife Lovers
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A Boy Named Samantha

A Boy Named Samantha by Deborah I'm sure everyone who has attended a high school reunion has been shocked for one reason or another. Some people change dramatically and lives take directions no one ever would have predicted. My five-year high reunion became quite the revelation. One of my best buds in high school made a stunning entrance in a black strapless, side- shirred and dramatically slit tulip-wrap dress. Sam looked gorgeous in that dress and much better than I...

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Nude by Nature

Nude by Nature This ain't nothing for you ignorants! No story for any ordinary person who is not willing, nor able to see things from another angle than theirs. I as a convinced nudist wanna talk about what I think of showing myself naked on the internet. What it feels like to be literally bare to you and whoever else. And why, for God's sake, this way of exposition is the very right thing for me. After more than ten years of self-destructive doubts about my nature. Quirky? Maybe. Vane? Why...

2 years ago
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punished by mother in law

Jill went round behind me and started to caress my cum filled scrotem with one hand and to stroke my cock with the other. I was finding it very hard to not cum there and then as it was so sensual as Jill spread my legs as far apart as she could and proceeded to kiss and lick my balls whilst I buried my face deeper into her panties.I was asked to go to see my MIL by my wife Cathy to help her with her computer. Jill is 72 years old but is still fairly attractive although she is quite plump, but...

1 year ago
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A fine f amily pt4

Wendy was sitting in her room on her bed, clutching her phone to her chest. She had built up the courage all day to take that picture of her pussy, and she had made sure to play with it a lot so it was as wet as she could get it. It didn't take much, as she pictured what had happened with Mr. Fine that morning. It had felt so good when he sucked on her pussy! Her insides were on fire just thinking about it...But now that she was alone, she couldn't stop these feelings of arousal and attraction...

2 years ago
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The Little Purple Dress

It must have been about 3:30 in the afternoon. We had both been busy all day. We had lunch together, but we went with other people from the office so we weren’t able to do anything affectionate. You came to the door of my office and started to speak to me when one of the men in the hallway decided it was the proper time to chat you up. As he continued to attempt to hold you in conversation you eventually leaned back against my doorway as you mostly listened to him. While I wasn’t overly...

Straight Sex
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Fax and fantasy Chapter 1

It had all happened faster than she could have imagined, and she was still wondering how she could be so lucky that her biggest fantasy would come true; but it did. Jo was a 17 year old teenager with the hots for her brother. But not merely the hots, she also felt a nasty lust for him. Jo had been reading filthy porno stories on the net for a while, and as time passed her fantasies about her older bro shifted to match the content in the porno stories she enjoyed most; filthy, depraved...

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My Maid Caught

Hi, guys, I’m matsingh and this story is about my maid Babita. She was in her mid-30s and mother of two children. I was 16 at the time when this story happened. She was an average looking brunette with wrinkles on her face and has huge boobs 36-d. She had a curvy ass. I was in class 10 at that time. Now the story begins. It was Monday morning and I was on a leave. We had a big house and I lived on 1 floor. She cleaned my floor at 10 am. At that day I saw an opportunity and I went to washroom...

1 year ago
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Jochen drückte den Kopf der 18-jährigen Zoe noch einmal fest gegen seinen Schwanz und kam dann im Mund der geilen Blondine. Nachdem sich die beiden voneinander verabschiedet hatten, stieg Zoe aus dem Auto aus und ging Richtung Schulgebäude. Jochen fuhr zur Arbeit. „Sie sind zu spät!“ Frau Meinert schaute Zoe mit strengem Blick an. „Tut mit Leid.“ antwortete die Schülerin locker. „Aber ich hab meinem Vater eben im Auto noch einen geblasen.“ Zoe wischte sich etwas Sperma aus dem Mindwinkel und...

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What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen

Hello, this is my first ever sex story to be published. I hope you guys like it. English is my fourth langauge and hopefully its not to hard to understand my writting. Note* The male character is 19.So it begins, one afternoon, I recieved a call from my aunt that needed my help. She wanted me to pick up some mail from the post office. She couldn't go there herself due to injury she got from falling. I got to the Post office to pick that up and on my way home to her. I got a text message from...

4 years ago
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My Seed My Wife My ChildChapter 4 Wedding Day

I'd just finishing washing, I'd changed into the new chemise Mary brought me. It was larger than my own, and tended to fall off of either shoulder. I was constantly pulling it up. But I considered it a good trade. My own having been well past the condition of wearing, with travel stains and dirt and days of constant wearing it was a relief to be wearing something clean. No matter it was thread bare and too large. It was clean and fresh smelling. My slippers too had been replaced. I was...

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Campground Fun

As I was checking in I was told that the following night some local musicians would be putting on a bluegrass show. The locals usually put out a buffet as well and only ask for a small donation. I decided to spend a second night figuring I could see what was nearby during the day and get some laundry taken care of. The next evening I went over to the building that had the bluegrass show. Inside there were a combination of locals and people staying at the campground. There was a table set...

2 years ago
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Davids Dilemma

David's Dilemma By Bashful ########### Author's Note: Once again I offer special thanks to Janice Dreamer, the Princess of Author's Notes, for her insightful assistance in preparing this story for publication. ############ Patty felt like screaming. She held tight to the headboard with both hands and squirmed in ecstasy. David's talented lips and tongue were driving her mad. She climaxed with a squeal and allowed her body to go limp. Best of all, that was just the...

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for Amanda9898

Do you masturbate?yesHow old were you when you first masturbated?13How often do you masturbate? atleast 2 times a dayWhen is the last time you masturbated? just nowDo you masturbate to any stimulus? audio visual or text I like them allWhat do you think about? the pleaser of stimulation after ejaculation What is the last thing you thought of or masturbated to? a women sucking just the tip of a mans cock and kept sucking long after he came Have you walked in on or caught someone masturbating?...

4 years ago
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Ek Ghar

By : Rajatverma006 Hi friend’s I’m Rajat Verma from Delhi. Maine aap logo ke dwara post ki gai stories padi or mujhe bahut achchha laga ki aap logo ne apni kuch personal baate humse sayer ki. Hum log sayad kabhi mile bhi nahi lekin phir bhi humare beech ek atoot rishta ban gaya hai jise friendship kahte hai. Thanks friend’s apni personal baate sayer karne ke liye. Main bhi aap logo se apni jindagi ki kuch personal bate sayer karne jaa raha hoo ummid hai aap logo ko achchhi lage. Ye stori meri...

1 year ago
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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real Part 12

Part 12 "Why, I don't understand?" were the words that I could muster as Mark removed his now flaccid cock from inside me. Turning around to face him, instantly, I was amazed at how much weight he had managed to lose from that body, considering how curvy it once was. What was also apparent, was that he had obviously undergone several surgical procedures. Where there were once glorious, bouncy breasts were now powerful pectoral muscles and small, masculine nipples above a toned...

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Friends Forever

Sam and I had been friends since we were toddlers. Maybe it was because we lived a few doors from one another, maybe it was because our parents were especially close, maybe it was because we were only children, regardless, Sam and I were inseparable. Often times, people mistook us for sisters as we did almost everything together, from dressing similar to joining the same clubs in school to playing similar sports. As a result, I started looking at Sam in a different light in our senior year of...

3 years ago
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One Night Stand

Hi Friends, My name is Ramesh(Do you expect real name!! I know that does not matter). Let us come back to the sex story. It is a year old sex story – but the sensation is still active in me. I wish I can repeat that night. It was Jul 15, 2016. During the rainy season, Mumbai behaves differently – wild, sexy and very difficult to commute. It was around 7 pm. I was coming from Andheri in my car. At the traffic light, I heard a big knock on my window. In heavy rain, you barely see through the side...

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His dick left my crack for a moment and when it returned, it was hard and slippery. Was he carrying lube in his pocket? No matter. I felt it rub against my anus and I tried to relax and open myself to him. I felt his knob push against my ring and slowly, almost gently, it slipped inside. I live in an Air Force town. It has its benefits.For starters, not a month goes by without a hot little airman moving into my townhouse complex. In fact, it’s usually two or three hot little airmen sharing a...

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A while ago, Clark fell and hit his head. Upon regaining conciousness, he discovered he now posessed an ability to control peoples minds. He could do this through any medium (in person, via radio, through t.v.) and and any level. He could control individuals or large groups of any number he desired. Clark had big plans for the world, but he wanted to start out small in his home town. To test his powers, he had started seeing a therapist to talk about his "delusions of grandure". He wanted to...

Mind Control
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Turning the Tide on a Mistress

I was on a date with this new lady I met online. I was hoping to have a connection with it. I mean she was the perfect detail of a MILF. Five-foot seven, one hundred twenty pounds, thirty-sin bra size with a “D” cup, twenty-four waist, and thirty hips. Blonde hair to her waist, blue eyes, and a voice that just sings like a songbird. She would be the definition of a trophy wife. So, how I got lucky I was about to find out. I took her to a nice restaurant, wine, and the perfect dessert. She says...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 9 A New Semester and a New Job Part IV

January, 1984, Chicago, Illinois After karate, I headed back to the house, took a quick shower and went to the kitchen to make some lunch, where I found Katy and Cindi eating together. I made myself a sandwich, grabbed some chips and a pickle, and sat down at the table with them. “Is Jorge coming today, Cindi?” I asked. “He could, if he plays his cards right,” she giggled. “Too much information!” I chuckled. “Seriously, I hope so. He said he would, but I’m not sure if he was just trying...

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