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CAT (ghostgirl)

It had been a long week, but midterms were a fading memory and the last minutes of her Friday evening shift at her uncle's tow yard and garage were ticking by, slowly. She saved the accounting spreadsheet and shut down the computer, then laced her fingers and stretched her arms up and back over her deep copper ponytail, arching her back as her cropped t-shirt slid up over creamy skin, high enough to confirm her disdain for bras.

The ancient rolling office chair creaked and threatened to topple her over backward, but the stretch felt so good after hours of sitting and staring at glowing plasma numbers, cooking Uncle Red's books. Her slim, lithe body wasn't made for stillness; every inch from her well-toned gymnast's calves and thighs, small round ass, smooth flat belly and high, tight little breasts, to her pretty green-eyed face, just a shade too intelligent and feral to be beautiful, gave the impression of heat and motion, barely contained. The fiery hair topping it all off made her a dancing flame even at rest.

Jake stuck his head in the door, flashing a smile she recognized all too well. She relaxed her arch and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him from under a thick fringe of dark lashes.

"Cat, take one last call for me? I have a really hot girl waiting impatiently." He swung the door a little wider and curled his torso around it, eyeing her cautiously.

She narrowed her eyes at him, her face tightening into a scowl. "And I give a fuck...because?" She'd been dateless for a month, since Zane had dumped her for that treehugging, doe-eyed blonde Kirstie.

"C'mon, sis, don't be a bitter little puss." His smile was gentle; he knew how betrayed she'd felt, how hurt. He had roused her from her self-pity by amusing her with revenge fantasies, deliciously cruel little scenarios that all featured the soft, sweet, and completely blameless Kirstie. Soon he and she were sharing, the imaginary torments escalating in viciousness as they worked through a twelve pack, giggling drunkenly and shouting addenda from the bathroom to one another as they took turns pissing the beer mostly into the toilet.

She smoothed her face impassive and uncrossed her arms, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the desk, steepled fingers to her lips, her brows arched over emerald eyes. Careful not to let her brother know she'd already decided she owed him one.

"It's an easy run, Cat, just fix a flat, no tow." He noted her non-reaction to this, rolled his eyes, and reached into his jumpsuit pocket, withdrawing a set of keys which he dangled enticingly in front of her face. "You can take the Snatch..."

Her arm shot over the desk and ripped the keys from his grasp as a triumphant smile spread over her face. The Snatch was her uncle's repo rig, the boom and wheel-lift integrated and operated from inside the cab for a quick, stealthy vehicle grab. "Pure pussy," the wreckers called the self-loader, light-weight and built for speed. Cat never got to drive it; she only knew how to operate it in theory. But she knew about the thick wooden baseball bat under the seat and the small pistol in the glove compartment because her brother and uncle both thought she should know where all the weapons were when she worked alone in the garage office after hours.

She waved him away with the back of one hand, clutching the keys tightly in the other as she rose.

"Silver Prius at the rest stop, interstate west," he said, chuckling as she slid past him. "Don't forget to gas up."


A bloated yellow harvest moon was already hanging over the eastern foothills as she pulled up beside the Prius, the only vehicle in the deserted parking lot at the backside of the rest stop, behind a pair of cinderblock restrooms. A girl in a fuzzy pink sleeveless sweater and very short black denim skirt sat on the curb near the rear bumper, her shapely brown thighs and satiny knees pressed tightly together. Sunny butter-blonde hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, obscuring her face. Cat peered through the passenger window at her, biting her lower lip.


She eased the Snatch up to the curb in front of the Prius and backed a few feet, then popped the stick into neutral and set the parking brake. Her knuckles were white on the steering wheel; it took her a full minute to turn the ignition off.

She grabbed the lug wrench as she hopped out, letting the door slam behind her, and walked up to the blonde, now standing at the right rear bumper. Kirstie looked up as she heard the truck door and fixed huge brown puppy eyes on Cat, though her smile of relieved recognition quickly faded as she caught the redhead's expression. With a clang that made Kirstie start, Cat dropped the wrench in front of the flat tire and turned on her heel, back to the truck for the jack.


Cat crouched on the curb and sullenly went to work. It wasn't until she was loosening the first nut that she spoke her first words to Kirstie, without looking up.

"Get your spare."

Kirstie opened the empty trunk and stood peering into it, arms crossed under her ample pink-fuzzed tits, rounded and bouncy like the rest of her. Cat cast her a couple of sidelong glances, more patently disgusted by the second at her fluffy blonde defenselessness. She sighed heavily, dropped the nut into the upturned hubcap next to her, scrambled to her feet, lug wrench still in hand, and went to join Kirstie under the open hatch. After a long, mocking minute, Cat reached in, pried up the carpeted floor, and stared down at the donut in silence.

"This is it?" She turned to fix Kirstie with savage green eyes. "This is all you have?"

Kirstie nodded. "I didn't even know I had that," she murmured quietly.

Cat closed her eyes and drew a long breath. When she opened them, Kirstie was still there, with her big brown heartbreakingly luminous eyes, and so was her flat tire and her little black rubber balloon that wouldn't get her stupid politically correct car even a mile closer to home at freeway speeds. Cat raised her empty hand in a gesture of frustration, preparing to launch into an explanation. Her eye snagged on a wide black grease stain in her own palm. She froze, mouth open...relaxed by degrees...and smiled. Slowly, deliberately, Cat reached out and wiped her greasy paw on blondie's left breast, smearing it with oily dark smudges, giving it a hard little squeeze as an afterthought, watching the girl’s face.

"Wow," she purred. "Your sweater is really soft. What is it, cashmere or something?"

Kirstie stood, stunned, for at least 20 seconds before she whispered, "Angora..."

"AnGORah," Cat repeated. She canted her head, studying Kirstie. "What, doesn't your vegan compassion extend to yaks or goats or long-haired possums or whatever the fuck they make angora out of?"

"They're rabbits, and they aren't harmed," Kirstie was infuriatingly earnest. "They aren't even sheared, just combed. This sweater is a charity thing. The money goes to Rosco Rabbit Rescue."

Cat stared at her through a haze of red that quickly darkened into black. This was who Zane had dumped her for? A blonde bubblebrain who "rescued" bunnies?

Kirstie continued, "I'm sorry for all this trouble, Cathy. I tried to call Zane to come and get me, but my cell kept dropping it. If it hadn't been for that nice trucker who promised to call it in, I'd be totally stranded. I should have caught a ride back with him and left my car. He did offer, but I didn't think Zane would be comfortable with it..."

Her eyes locked on Kirstie's, Cat's arm lashed out and drove the lug wrench through the rear passenger window.


Cat tore the wrench from the window, bringing with it a shower of safety-glass pellets that rained over her boots and Kirstie's nearly-bare, sandaled feet. Methodically, she strolled around the Prius, knocking out each window and leaving big, ugly dents in the side panels. She knew she ought to feel scared...no, appalled at her loss of control and looming consequences; she felt...great. Better than great. Energized, buzzed, on top of the world.

She felt wet.

She knocked out both headlights and looked in Kirstie's direction, half-expecting to spot her in the distance, scampering down the shoulder of the interstate, frantically trying to flag down a state trooper.

Kirstie wasn't scampering; she wasn't even standing. She was sitting in the middle of the cement walkway, tanned legs sequined with random safety glass pellets and crossed in full lotus, miniskirt hiked to her hips, modesty abandoned. Her palms were upturned on her knees, forefingers and thumbs pressed together. Her eyes were closed.

Cat loaded the wrench and jack, turned the ignition, and hitched the Prius in one try. She left the idling truck in neutral and climbed back out, locking a pair of blinking amber safety lights to the rear bumper before walking slowly over to the meditating girl.

The redhead hunkered down on her heels in front of the blonde and watched her for a few moments. Then Cat reached out and slapped Kirstie's face, hard.

Kirstie swayed backward from the waist under the blow, her cornsilk hair swirling around the red handprint materializing on her cheek. Her eyes remained tightly shut, squeezing out tears that glittered under the parking lot phos lamps.

Cat stared, spellbound. Her blood fizzed maddeningly in her veins; she was unable to move, unable to speak, unable to think. Her nipples tightened under her t-shirt. Her green eyes, pupils dilated, drifted down between Kirstie's spread thighs. Her hand, fingers poised for a cruel pinch, followed the same track....hovered, trembling, less than a millimeter from Kirstie's pink thong...but then switched directions...slowly, slowly floated upward to the fading red mark on Kirstie's face, as Cat's other hand moved to her own waistband, in the small of her back.

"Kirstie, open your eyes, princess." Cat stroked the blonde's cheek, feather-light, with her fingertips. Kirstie's lids fluttered, opened; she blinked several times, finally focusing her huge brown eyes on the barrel of the pistol, briefly, before Cat pressed it to her forehead, wrapping a thick hank of golden hair tightly around her other fist.

Cat leaned in and whispered huskily in her ear, "Your chariot awaits."


He drove at the speed limit in the right hand lane of the interstate, anxious to go nowhere, going at all only for the hunt. The 14 foot unmarked white Chevy box truck was neither old nor new. It looked like a hundred others hauling goods or a tradesman’s equipment along the highway, but Pitch was driving this one and he was going nowhere in particular.

If any other drivers had cared to observe they might have seen how Pitch looked at back at them. Male drivers would have noticed a glance, at best. Most female drivers the same. But young, pretty women, behind the wheels of their cars alone, might have noted somewhat more attention paid to them as Pitch looked down from his perch above.

Had those other drivers looked back at his face they would have been deceived. The short curly brown hair on his head was not his, nor was the wide nose and cleft chin. Altering his appearance was a necessity, Pitch had learned. Seeing one’s sketch in the newspaper following a misunderstanding about “consent” can shock a young man and force him into an inconvenient move a thousand miles away from his home even though family and friends never did connect that sweet mannered man they knew with that sketch.

The box of the truck behind him hauled no goods, and if he was a tradesman the equipment he carried betrayed and odd and disfavored trade. Stored or carefully arranged and fixed to the floor were all the things he might need to entertain a female guest in considerable discomfort. This mobile room – Pitch might even call it a “chamber” of sorts, but then only to himself or to the rare guest of the box’s unusual amenities – lacked a guest at the moment.

Pitch saw the rising moon. The harvest moon, he thought, his favorite other than the hunter’s moon, of course. Either way, they boded well for his quest tonight, which was taking nature’s bounty.

He turned off to drive through the rest area as a matter of course. He’d passed through in past hunts and knew this place was unattended at night and had no security cameras. It was quiet this night, the traffic towards the city not in need of these accommodations, drivers and passengers anxious to get to their restaurants and clubs. Pitch saw two unpromising vehicles in front on the highway side: a minivan with child seats and a beaten up Ford pickup with decals on the rear window showing the silhouette of a stripper bending over. Pitch hauled his truck into a U-turn and drove around the rear of the unlovely cinderblock restroom building.

Pitch knew the moment he saw the blonde standing next to her Prius looking at her cell phone. Smooth, carefully tanned legs rose into soft, but still firm thighs of which a generous amount was displayed by the short black denim skirt that covered her womanly hips. The girl’s waist was narrow; her big tits covered by a pink, fuzzy sleeveless sweater. By the time Pitch’s eyes had come back up to her face she was still looking at her cell phone and not moving, just standing pigeon toed. The waves of blonde hair floating around her sweet, round, clueless face fluttered ever so slightly with the gentle breeze. And still she looked at her phone but did not move.

He drove slowly closer. As Pitch pulled in next to her car the girl still looked at her phone, now finally pressing a button. The man was struck by her large, brown eyes.

Pitch knew the type and loved it. She exercised enough to keep her pulchritude riding high now, at twenty, but would be a total mess by thirty when life had become not so easy for her anymore when things began to settle and the boys had stopped looking and doing and buying. Not that this bothered Pitch, of course, because he would be plucking this delicious fruit at its ripened peak. Tonight.

When he saw that the car’s right rear tire was flat Pitch smiled.

His prey now found, Pitch moved into his approach. Sliding down from the truck he moved towards the beautiful girl, walking stiffly, back straight.

“Hi, miss,” Pitch started. “Flat tire?”

He marveled how she hadn’t even looked up as he had pulled the truck up next to her.

“Um, yes? Can you help me?” she asked.  “My cell phone keeps dropping my calls when I call my boyfriend. I can’t get anyone.”

To the girl Pitch appeared to be a little over six feet tall with brown curly hair and a coarse face. Around forty, he wore the blue shirt and pants of an electrician or plumber.

“Sure, I’ll try. I’m Bill,” Pitch said.

“Uh, I’m Kirstie,” the blonde said.

Pitch walked closer to Kirstie, moving just by her in order to see the flat tire. She smelled great.

“Flat, alright,” Pitch said. “I’d change it for you, but I’ve got this back problem,” Pitch said, palms of his hands pressed against the small of his back. Then he turned his palms up.

“Can I use your cell?” Kirstie asked.

“You could… but it looks like I don’t have service here either,” Pitch said as he pulled it out of the holder and examined the full service bars.

Pitch pointed to the restroom structure. “And I can see that payphone is no good.”

Kirstie turned and looked at the building where the public telephone’s handset was missing. Pitch stared at down at Kirstie’s ass, barely covered by that skirt. For just a moment his mind swam with the things he wanted to do to that juicy young scoop of female flesh. The breeze blew her scent into his nostrils again.

The girl was almost his.

“Well,” he said, “I’m sure a trooper will be through here within an hour. You won’t have long to wait for some help.”

Kirstie looked at him. Her sweet face and big brown eyes almost glowed with helplessness.

It couldn’t be this easy, Pitch thought, but tried.

“C’mon, Kirstie, let me give you a ride to the next exit. I’ve been through before. There’s a garage there. I’m sure they can help you.”

The girl shifted one sandal, looked at Pitch’s truck, then said, “That’s nice of you, Bill, but my boyfriend would tell me I shouldn’t.”

“Of course,” Pitch said as he walked to the cab of his truck to get the flex cuffs and duct tape he had prepared for a snatch. “I understand. You can’t be too careful.”

Leaning into the cab of the truck the man picked up his restraints. Just the thought of capturing this girl had started his heart beating a little faster – given him a little wood, even – but this was a place he had been before. He was calm and prepared.

Pitch turned back towards Kirstie, now standing looking at her cell phone again. He held a clipboard in front of him. The flex cuffs and tape were on it. A stun gun was ready in his pocket.

“Kirstie, I’ll just write down your plate number and call that garage when I get a cell signal. How about that?” Pitch said as he moved closer to the girl.

The wind kicked up a little, and Pitch watched it blowing Kirstie’s hair and the fuzz covering those tender D cups he would soon get his hands on.

“Thank you very much,” Kirstie said and smiled for the first time. “I knew someone would help.”

He was just a few feet away from Kirstie when Pitch saw another minivan pulling off the highway. He stopped, pulled a pen from his shirt pocket, and wrote down the plate number for the Prius even as he glanced at the minivan.

Pitch cursed under his breath when the Caravan stayed right and headed for a parking space behind the restrooms. A few young teens tumbled out of the van and headed for the bathroom, but their mother stayed behind the wheel staring at nothing.

“Got it,” Pitch said and went back to his truck. Up in the seat with the truck’s door still open, Pitch took a long look at the blonde while she looked at her phone again.

“Good luck, Kirstie.”

The girl looked up at Pitch.

“Thank you!” she called.

Pitch couldn’t help watching her for as long as he could in his side view mirror as he made his way to the highway. He was going to get this bitch.

Now driving fast, Pitch considered the angles. He would swing around east at the next exit, reverse again to come back west then hang back from the rest area until he could see it was clear. But what if it never was?

As Pitch got off at the exit he saw that his recollection was correct. A place called Red’s Garage and Tow sat next to the exit. He pulled out his pay-as-you-go cell phone, purchased for cash. He called information and got the number. A man answered Pitch’s call for a wrecker, though plainly he was not happy about it.

By now Pitch was back on headed east. If little Kirstie was never alone, Pitch now had a back up plan. Follow her and the tow to some spot and moment more opportune for abduction. He drove quickly, determined not to lose this prize.

This time he pulled off on the shoulder within sight of the rest area. He took out a pair of binoculars and found he could see Kirstie now sitting next to her car. The rest area was otherwise empty. Pitch had only just put the glasses down and put the truck in drive when a wrecker flew past him in the right lane. “Red’s Garage and Tow,” was painted on the side in white lettering on a vehicle that was otherwise painted all red. It pulled into the rest area.

Fuck, Pitch thought. He had driven fast, but this wrecker driver must have been doing a hundred to get there. He picked up the binoculars and was surprised at the hot little redhead who got out of the truck. She was a slender thing wearing low riding jeans and a high riding shirt that showed off a flat belly. Her tits were smallish but her trim thighs let out into a surprisingly prominent round ass.

Pitch watched her coppery pony tail bounce and swing as this girl moved energetically around the truck and the Prius. The tow truck driver was talking with Kirstie and must have gotten angry because she smashed the car’s window with a tire iron. Pitch hoped he was about to witness a cat fight, but saw instead Kirstie collapse onto the ground into a lotus position while the tow driver smashed all of the glass on the Prius. Then she lifted the car onto the wrecker.

When the driver had finished with the car she came back to Kirstie. Pitch’s cock pulsed when he saw the redhead slap the blonde across the face then lean in. Pitch recognized the moment. The redhead was taking the blonde. His blonde.

A moment later Pitch’s belief was confirmed. The tow driver had pulled out a pistol and seized Kirstie by the hair. She dragged the blonde up onto her feet and herded the girl over to the tow truck, shoving her into the passenger side before she climbed into the driver’s side.

Pitch put his truck into gear again and prepared to follow. This hunt promised to be interesting.

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Soiled Goods

SOILED GOODSBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer‘Soiled Goods’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. This is the sequel to a story entitled ‘Used Goods’.WARNING: like its predecessor, this story is nastier and less tongue-in-cheek than my usual fiction. It contains gratuitous violence. Please do not read any further if imaginary cruelty offends or provokes you. The author...

3 years ago
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Sandras new life

A sound echoes through her brain. Her conscious mind knows it’s her bedroom door, but the connection between awareness and action is nowhere to be found. Her right foot falls to the bed, followed immediately by the left. Her breasts spring from their stretched torture and, with a slight jiggle, settle to their natural position. Somewhere deep in her mind Sandra knows this is happening, that someone is standing over her naked, helpless body, yet she can do nothing but stare at the wall. ...

2 years ago
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Sex With A Family Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, this is Vedasree again. Thank you all for your wonderful feedback to my mail id. Your encouragement made me write another story. In this part, I am gonna describe one more true experience of my life. I explained my first experience with my bf in previous stories, this part is about an experience with a family friend after my first encounter and just 3 weeks before my marriage. Let me give a brief intro about me for those people who didn’t read my earlier parts. I am Vedasree, age is...

1 year ago
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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 27

Mary more or less expected her unknown sex partner to proceed straight to pressing his cock into her -- but Ray knew better than that in the first place, and needed a moment to recover from the blowjob in the second! Instead, he slid under her spread legs and swiped her unseen slit with his tongue. Mary inhaled a gasp! Cunnilingus was HIGH on the list of things she'd never had done to her and she was taken totally by surprise, believing as she did that 'nobody would actually want to stick...

1 year ago
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A Nanny Femtatastic 4

 NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 4 ….I was aware I may be called upon by one of the girls in the night so would have to stay in bra and panties. I also had to ensure I shaved thoroughly early in the morning and hid away my razor and foam! I woke very early the next morning, thankfully no calls in the night! I shaved everywhere and slipped into a fresh bra and knickers, ensuring my special strapping for my penis was re-fitted. I dressed in a white blouse and put on a pale blue pinafore dress,...

3 years ago
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The Teachers ConferenceChapter 2

When Bob was gone Robin went to talk to her daughter. Mandy was lying on her stomach, reading a book in bed. She had changed into her nightshirt. Robin looked at her differently, seeing a young woman in the flush of puberty, her body ready for things that society said were wrong. "I'm sorry you had to see that tonight honey," she said to break the ice. Mandy rolled over. "Hi Mom. Don't be silly. The girls talk about that stuff all the time. I'm GLAD I saw it. It was so HOT! What does...

2 years ago
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Truth Dare Khel Kar Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello friends! This is Shyam the hard dick fucker. Friends this is my story and it is my real life experience so please sab log padh kar apna reviews jarur dena. I am a playboy and I like to fuck. But for that, I don’t take any charges because I like to fuck, and I really enjoy doing it. If a lady/girl wants to have sex with me, you can ping me on my official mail ID . I promise that it will be secret between us and no matter what I will not reveal your identity to anyone. So friends ab main...

1 year ago
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My moms BFF needed a place to crash for the night

I’m Stan, I’m 5’9 with brown hair, and eyes. My mom’s hot friend, Angie has brown hair and eyes too. She also had a nice DD rack. I always had a thing for her, but I’m thirteen years younger than her. One night she came to my apartment, because she needed a place to crash while her apartment was being fumigated. She never had any luck in the dating world. My mom met my dad when they were in high school, and they got married when they were in college, but Angie didn’t have the same luck. She...

2 years ago
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Meeting The New Neighbor Chapter 1

It must have been around 11:00 that Friday night when I heard a soft knocking on the front door. Actually, it was my Siberian Husky, Kiska, that heard it first. I noticed she had gotten up from her bed and was standing in the doorway of my office staring at the door. I was in the office just off the living room. I had just finished up some late work from the shop and now I was surfing the ‘Net for something to entertain me. Okay, I confess, I was looking at porn vids online!“Grrrr,” Kiska...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Jewelz Blu Fucks her big cock personal trainer while her wife watches

Jewelz Blu is married to a woman, but they have a very special relationship. Jewelz’ wife loves watching her fuck guys and Jewelz loves to do it. She invites her personal trainer over for a session, but she has a different kind of exercise in mind. She reveals her lingerie the second he walks in and before you know it she’s sucking his cock in bed while her wife watches and enjoys everything over a security camera! Jewelz get fucked hard and deep for her wife’s enjoyment and...

1 year ago
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Being Controlled By A Twenty Year Old

Hi my name is Shankar, I am married and live with my wife Anita .We have been married for about 20 years i am 58 and she is 49,sad to say are sex life has disappeared, she has no interest in sex also she has gotten old and she is not what she used to look like. I on the other hand weight about 200 and have a belly and 5 inches dick and still horny i masturbate very day watching porn. Now this story is how i met my neighbours granddaughter and my encounter with her that would change my life. My...

1 year ago
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The Train Ride

I was getting on a train and it’s so crowded. I see a spot behind a lovely mature woman wearing a red top with a scoop neckline, and a dark skirt. I get close behind her and we smile at each other, and you feel my hand on your ass. You are shocked, but you cannot say a word, but look at me, puzzlement, desire, all show in your eyesMy hand presses into your ass, out of view of the crowd. You lick your lips as my fingers got lower, between your legs and rub your pussy through your clothing. Your...

3 years ago
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Twin Brothers1

So one day after school Tyler was walking home cause he had missed the bus on a count of his girlfriend, lucky for him we lived close to our house. I on the other hand was at football practice with the cheerleaders waiting dr us to leave so they can stair at us, because we walked around shirtless. Ive always know that Tyler was a little fruity because I walked in on him maeing out with a guy but we never spoke if it. It was actually kindof hot watchig him kiss another guy. ...

1 year ago
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I save a life

I had been working long, difficult hours to save my ailing business after my wife hade left me and took all the company’s working capitol as part of the divorce settlement. Then, months of hard work paid off handsomely and my company was on a sound footing again. Too tired to think and tyo washed out to care, I left my office in the early afternoon and drifted into the Lion’s Den for a drink. It wasn’t planned. . .it just happened! Then, as I walked to the bar, I saw several women eyeing me....

Erotic Fiction
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Took What Wasnt Mine

After three years of being close to the beautiful hot, young Ella Ross and not ever touching, it became too much for under my belt. It had to be dealt with. And soon! But how? Ella was 22-years-old, stood 5’4” and had long black curly hair, blue eyes, pouty lips, and 34DD perfect plump titties. Sum it up, she was a fucking goddess and she knew it. For three long agonizing years, I’d watched her walk every day into my work wearing another of her taunting, cock twitching outfits. Enough was...

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Loves MastersChapter 8 Leannersquos Animal and the Teddy

January 22nd, 1987 - January 5th, 1987 Leanne White probably had the highest IQ of anyone attending my high school for the four years I went there. She had so many scholarships offered to her and universities sending her their literature, she had to get a PO Box just so her parents didn’t have to spend twenty minutes every morning going through their mail. Okay, so she couldn’t have had that much mail, but that’s the reason her younger sister told everyone. Leanne was very active in...

2 years ago
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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

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Nicole8217s dad pays us a visit

When Nicole’s dad, Frank, arrived at the airport, I was in charge of the kids, luggage, and being the driver. Nicole was dressed in a sundress without a bra or panties under it. The morning he was flying in, she took a shower and shaved herself smooth for him. Her stomach was a flutter with anxiety. She was more excited about seeing her father than our four-year old, which is hard to do. The kiss given to her father when she saw him was deeper than I thought a kiss would be between a...

3 years ago
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HumbledChapter 4 The Rules Change

The following morning I awoke as normal, but was surprised to see that I still was wearing The Humbler, handcuffs, and the ring gag. However, when I moved my wrists behind my back the cuffs popped open. Next, I reached behind my legs and pulled on The Humbler. It, too, popped open. Lastly, I removed the ring gag and got ready for work. Naturally Monica was not awake yet, so I left her a brief note before making the journey into my office. Most of that morning all I could think about was how...

4 years ago
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The Office Whore Part 32

Right about the time Reina had caught Chad red-handed, with his hand on her twin sister, Sydney’s ass, Clarence sat chuckling to himself as he sat reading the newspaper in his office. There on the society page was the announcement of the upcoming wedding of his old pal, Chad, and his red headed Office Whore, Reina. He should say former pal as they were not exactly seeing eye-to-eye these days. He told Chad that he would get bored of fucking Reina eventually and Chad told him to fuck off. Poor...

Office Sex
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Caught in a Dream

Introduction: A wet dream turns into reality Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap rang out as Michaels hips hit my ass. I could still taste his saltiness on my lips. Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap. There was no mercy, no letting up. Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap. With each collision of Michaels hips against my ass his hands tightened on my hips as he pulled me toward him. Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap. His cock slipping deeper and deeper into me each time. Slap, Slap, Slap, Slap. My face scrunched up and moans escaped...

4 years ago
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Friend Ki Sister Ki Choda

Mera name Akash hai or mein Mumbai ka rehne wala hoon.meri hight 5.9 hai aur dick size 8 length and mota hai , kisi bhi bhabhi, aunty aur unsatisfied ladies mujse contect kar sakti hai mera email adress hai Aaj mai apni 1st kahani sunane jaa raha hu. Aaj mai jo kahani sunane jaa raha hu wo mere dost k sister ke saath kiye gaye sex ki hai. Maine 22 saal ka private org. Me kam krta hu. Ye kahani aaj se teen mahine pahle ki hai. Mai tab apne ek dost ke saath do room ke flate me raha karta tha....

2 years ago
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Marabogo Cuckold Island Ch 02

“Hold the elevator please.” Megan and Joshua heard a woman’s voice just as the elevator doors were about to close. Joshua quickly held out his arm to so the doors wouldn’t close.Through the small crowd of newly arrived guests, they saw a very scantily clad and rather chubby young woman coming at them. She was slightly jogging, her huge chest and big belly bounced with each step she took. The small pieces of clothing that she wore, looked very tribal in nature. Her large breasts were covered by...

1 year ago
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Traveling With Mom 8211 Strip Games

The very next day, when I opened my eyes I saw my mom sitting beside me speaking with my father on the phone. Her pleasant voice made my morning more pleasant. I was lying on the bed beside her completely naked. She was near me. That made me a little uncomfortable. After some time she completed the call, took her towel and went into the bathroom. I pretended like I was in a deep sleep. After some time, she came out with her towel-covered around her beautiful body. I slightly opened my eyes and...

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Two couples play games on a camping trip

Al and I were on a softball team several years back and we became good friends. We both liked working on cars and roughing it. It was a few years before our schedules and our wives’ all allowed us to set up a rafting trip together. (Al’s wife Deedee is a teacher, so that part was easy. I’m an internal auditor for a firm with a lot of locations, so that wasn’t as easy.) After that, with just a little effort, we made it an annual event. Last year the trip got just a little more interesting.There...

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Fat FarmChapter 26

Day 245 Sunday Denise peeked out the peephole of the door to see who was ringing the doorbell so early in the morning. Stepping back, she looked over at Dale in horror and said, "It is my mother." "Get dressed and met us on the front porch," Dale said calmly getting up from his chair. He looked over at Victoria and said, "Prepare a tray with coffee, cups, cream, and sugar and bring it to the front porch." Victoria answered, "Yes, Dale." Denise ran to her room to get dressed while...

3 years ago
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Best Experience With My NRI Reader

Hey guys, I am Nikhil from Kolkata and am back with another story. On a serious note, boys please don’t ping me asking details of any ladies I’ve had my luck with. You won’t get any details because I can’t compromise anyone’s privacy. For those who like my stories, I’d recommend reading on this site. Coming to the story, I was traveling via bus when a notification popped out and it was a message. “Hey Nikhil,” said Tanisha. I quickly checked out her display picture. There she was, an...

4 years ago
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Sam HopkinsChapter 10

The caravan wuz down ta 17 guns, now, with nine on the Gatlin' Guns an' five drivin'. That only left three fer outriders, and nobody much wanted that job. We wuz all usin' smokeless powder, soz the snipers didn't give away their location when they shot. That made life difficult fer the man operatin' the Gatlin' Guns—they didn't know where ta shoot. They just sprayed the general area where the shot came from an' hoped ta hit sumpthin'. The next day, the snipers knocked off one...

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My Exceptional Desire

If you're not into a story with a long plot line, then this isn't for you as it builds up to excite. It indeed has plenty of details. This is my first story, so be kind, i'll write more if it has positive rates.It had been a year since I began working for a prestigious magazine press company, and as any other editorial, I, Laura keep close contact with my co-workers, especially my boss. He was was strict when it came to the company, but still young for his age. I wonder how he got to ever...

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Boss is the Beneficiary of Wifes Horniness

Recently my wife went back to work after fifteen years of being a stay-at-home mom, to supplement our disposable income. She is working in a small office with a few other women, and a couple of retired military officers. She found that she enjoyed being back in the workplace, and liked the rewarding work in which she was engaged. Being in her early forties, my wife, was at one time quite promiscuous, but had long ago trended toward a more conservative lifestyle. The office is one that deals...

2 years ago
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911 Operator What Is Your Emergency

Chapter 1 My name is Cindy Clark. I'm twenty years old and live in a two-bedroom apartment above a garage in a small town in Western Illinois. It doesn't matter what the name of the town is, or even where it is I guess, because I think most small towns are about the same today. You have some folks who work hard and earn a decent amount of wages and you have others who sit around in meetings all day and make even more money. Then you have the young kids, like me, who are just starting out and...

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Sky High University

Sky High University. A flying fortress built to train those gifted few into becoming Hero's to protect the world. Depending on your power, you will be labeled a hero, or a sidekick. Once you graduate, you shall be able to pick your sidekick, or be assigned to a hero. Will you save the world? Or destroy it?

3 years ago
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Curiosity 4

“We can’t thank you enough for doing this,” said Mrs. Gibson. “I am just glad I can help, at least I will give it my best shot,” I said and drank the tea in front of me. Mr. Gibson sighed. “We don’t know what has gotten into her. She used to be so good in school, the best grades and never missed a day in class. These last couple of months have been a disaster. Since Christmas, her grades have dropped below the school average and she has missed several days. She leaves early in the morning and...

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Debbies Accidential Debauchery

I awoke with a groan, the bright sunlight hitting my face like a sledgehammer and making me squint. My mouth was parched and my whole body felt sore. The soft beating in my skull didn’t make getting my bearings any easier. Holding up a hand to block the stinging rays, which had, in my opinion, no fucking right to torture me at this time of day, I took a look around and felt my stomach twist. I had not the faintest clue where I was. The only things I was certain about were that I was naked,...

Group Sex
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Night Time

Ann was asleep when her dad came naked to her room. He took her nightie and panties off her and began to rub her pussy. He whispered "You need to let daddy feel real good and daddy needs to play with you." He spread her legs and watched his finger rub her clit and pussy hole. He then kissed her small tits and licked them. Then he put his mouth over her pussy and first licked slow but the more he licked the faster he went till he was really licking her fast. He loved the taste and smell of her...

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My cuckolding by Sara part nine

Sara’s birthday party was a hit, everybody had a great time and it went on till the early hours of Sunday morning. Sara stole the show in her white toga dress, she looked sensational and super sexy. Every time she danced, her tits would bounce around in her dress and her erect nipples did their best to poke through the soft cotton material. When she sat down, the split on her dress showed her beautiful right thigh, she knew how sexy she looked and played to it. She danced with everybody...

4 years ago
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Affair With Hot Married Nepali Tenant Ganga

Hi everyone, my name is Samar KC (name changed). I am from Pokhara, Nepal. I am 25 years old, 5’8″ in height, fair skin tone, and have an average body. I was basically born and raised here in Pokhara. So, all my childhood and teenage days were spent in Pokhara. Growing up as a teenager, I always had a lust for girls. I used to casually tease or poke fun at them but never harass them in any way. So, in a way, I was quite frank with girls and could blend with them easily. This is a true story...

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