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A shaft of morning sunshine streamed through a gap in the curtains and crept across the bed until it found me and woke me from my slumbers. I stretched out and patted the duvet to see if I still had company.
The smooth female voice of our Home Analysis System floated around the room.
“Hello Murray, it is 6:30 on Wednesday the 30th of November, 2067; it is your national saint’s day, and all is well with the world. Kay left twenty-five minutes ago and my sensors report she is twelve minutes from her home. She met your wife on her journey, and both their wellness and sensual indicator levels suggest they kissed for a long time when they met.”
There were times when nobody thought human life would survive, let alone live in this idyllic world. We didn’t have much warning about the meteorite; even then the authorities kept telling us it would be a near miss, maybe as close as 350,000 miles.
The Mud Ball, as it became known, came a lot closer; for two of three weeks, the night sky was ablaze with shooting stars, the brighter ones were even seen during the day. What wasn’t reported was the cocktail of viral infections. Somewhere in the mix of malevolent organisms, there had been a benevolent one.
Then the plagues started, the Black Death had nothing on some of these. Human life struggled for a couple of years; as one virus was conquered, another would rise to pre-eminence. It was said that two-thirds of the population might die.
Some people decided that if life was going to be short, they would enjoy it, they became known as the Die Happy’s. A lot of couples became swingers; either they would invite another couple over for dinner, then pair off. Then there were the swingers' parties, eight ‘til eights as they were called; twelve hours of fucking. They gave up using condoms, and gave up caring about gender; even ultra-straight guys knew what cock tasted like.
But, the DH’s didn’t die, they were the strongest and the fittest, the more they fucked, the healthier they became. The medical profession was baffled until, they isolated some virus that boosted the immune system. The more partners you had the more protection you had.
The space-borne infections went and so did some of the cursed diseases of the age. It thrived on Earth and brought the most unexpected side effect. Those infected by it became randy as hell, and the more sexual partners you had the better felt. In the end, the medics just told people to fuck themselves back to health.
At first, the religious orders were against it, but in time most of them started to reinterpret their treatises and a sexual revolution started. Without the threat of Aids, Syphilis or any other STD people just fucked. Gone were the stereotypes of heterosexual, gay or lesbian, you just fucked other people.
My wife, Harriet, bound into the bedroom, tired, but buoyant. She had been to a coming of age party. The age of consent was still sixteen, but the newly legislated coming of age for promiscuity was seventeen and a half. She and her friends Mark and Dianne, together with, two other couples, a girlfriend of the lad’s big sister, (who he had always fancied), and her boyfriend, had patiently waited until the stroke of midnight then, were pounced on by a randy seventeen-year-old boy.
“What a dirty little spunk machine he was,” Harriet giggled and started to undress.
My wife stood beside the bed and stripped down to her knickers, then, slid them down a little and pulled out the anal plug holding her Snatch Catch in position between her legs. She lifted the boat-like metal bowl to her lips, and, let its contents slid into her mouth, rather like eating an oyster.
Harriet leant forward and kissed me letting some of the salty spunk ménage flow into my mouth.
“Thanks, honey, after Kay sucking me dry, I could do with the protein,” I smiled.
I had gone with Harriet when she had her first sperm holder made; it was at a time when promiscuity was still a novelty. The windows of the shop were heavily tinted, and the walls had discreet posters of the different products; names like the Labiathan, Snatch Catch and Pussy Pouch, showed that some marketing people survived the plagues.
A laser would scan and create a 3D image of her upper thighs, bottom and pussy; then the personal prototype would be 3D printed. If she was okay with that after a couple of weeks, they would mould the metal version.
The technician suggested it would be best if Harriet was aroused before the scanning. He asked if he should do it or I would. I shrugged and gestured for him to carry on. He slid Harriet’s knickers off and pushed his face between her open legs; Harriet moaned softly. When he thought he had finished, he stood up.
“Is that all I get?” Harriet asked, gently rubbing the hard bulge in his trousers.
He looked to me again, again I shrugged. In a moment his prick was out and pushed up into my wife.
His female colleague lent over a bench, squirming as she surveyed the scene. I gently caressed her backside; she pushed back onto my hand. So I slid her skirt up; she turned and smiled at me. I pulled her knickers down a little, she had the type of device my wife was having made.
“May I?” I asked.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” she said.
I pulled the device back gently and the plug disengaged from her anus, it was coated in cum and let the cup drop into her knickers, that too was full of cum. My rubbed my erection against her wet pussy lips and pushed up.
“I mustn’t cum, it will upset the scan,” Harriet’s lover groaned and reluctantly pulled from my wife before he did. I had no such qualms; my sap rose and I let it spray into his colleague, she shuddered a bit as she felt my discharge. Then, I pushed the plug back into her anus and, hitched her knickers up again. My sperm would have to mix with all her lovers', but, I didn’t care.
My wife straddled my face, the rest of the warm sticky semen ran like a lazy river from between her labia and dripped into my mouth. My mouth closed around her pussy and I sucked her clean. I was stiff, but I could tell she had had her fill the night before.
As it was my country's patron saint’s day, I wore my Highland garb; these days it was a joy to wear a kilt. As I stood on the subway, any number of hands slipped up under the hem to see if it was true that there was nothing under a Scotsman’s kilt. I didn’t disappoint them.
I caught the Multi Rider automated electric bus, they were popular because they were crowded, squeezed up together, hands would wonder. Today, hands were wandering under my kilt; I recognized the woman in front of me, she smiled back. Her hand also slipped under my Highland garb and cradled my balls.
She turned sideways to me, offering the slit in the side of her dress to my hand; my fingers found another slit, it was shaved and smooth, and, wet from a fuck already. I slipped two digits up into her; she stroked my stiffening dick.
The Multi Rider cruised to a halt, the doors opened and we parted for the rail station.
“Until our next meeting in a black cab,” she said with a smile.
I remembered her now. My wife and I were waiting for a transport pod a couple of weeks ago, it was a wet evening, so it was hard to get one. A black cab stopped; these were not the Black Cab Taxis of years back, these were transport pods with heavily smoked windows, the perfect place to fuck a stranger on the way home.
The doors of this pod opened to reveal a couple, the woman sat on her partner’s knee; they beckoned us in. We were grateful to be out of the weather and sat opposite them, Harriet on my knee. Then, my mystery women opened her legs; her partner’s prick was buried deep in her.
Harriet and I did the same; each could watch the other fuck. On what seemed like some telepathic cue, the two girls lifted from us men and changed places. Then, without saying a word, each of us finishing ourselves in the other’s wife.
As I waited for the train, I spied Hugh, another of my nation; he too was dressed for the occasion. The patterns of our tartans told us we should be at war with each other. He shook his fist at me; I went to draw a sword I wasn’t wearing and feigned surprise it wasn’t there. We shook hands warmly and chatted, boarding the train together.
A young couple stood beside us, the girl giggled and asked if it was true about Scotsmen wearing nothing under their kilts. We both smiled and told her to check; then we both felt a warm soft hand on our scrotums.
The lass motioned to her boyfriend to do the same. I watched Hugh gently rub the lads back, then, slip a hand down into the lad’s jeans. I watched a smile of joy come over Hugh’s face as he felt a firm young buttock. The lad continued to fondle Hugh and my balls. I slid my hand down to join Hugh’s.
My wrist communicator bleeped, ‘Age Alert! Justin is two weeks away from the promiscuity coming of age. Louise is of age, has a high sex drive and a liking for older men.
Hugh must have got a similar alert, we both withdrew our hands from Justin’s pants at the same time.
“Only a couple of weeks lad, then you can play,” Hugh told him
As we left the train, Hugh and I were messaged; an invitation from Louise to Justin’s coming of age night, bring a friend.
Officially sex was banned in my office, like most others, but, with the boss spending a lot of time in his PA’s knickers, it was hard to enforce.
My secretary came into my office looking flushed. Well into her sixties, she had returned to work just for the sex.
“Sorry Murray, that lift got stuck again. Just me and that young lad from accounts,” Martha giggled.
Martha’s husband was the maintenance man, I’m sure he had arranged a secret way of stopping the lift between floors.
After all the fondling on the journey in, I would have closed my office door and added to Martha’s fluid count, but, Suzy appeared at the door with some samples to be checked. Martha knew I had a crush of Suzy and left winking at me.
Suzy stood in front of my desk with a box full of samples, her brown eyes and far eastern skin tones haunted me, but this girl was always demure and never joined the sinful side of the office.
“Mr Murray, is it true about Scottish men not wearing underwear?” She asked politely.
“It is my Patron Saint's Day today, a little like a National birthday. If you want you could sit on my knee and find out?” I told her.
Suzy giggled and came around to my side of the desk, her light frame hardly registered on my knee. I lifted the hem of my kilt to encourage her. A swift little hand slid along my thigh, and her warm fingers held my prick.
"Can I touch you?" I asked.
“If you promise not to tell anybody,” she answered.
I let my hand stray under her skirt, but instead of the plump pussy lips I expected, a small cock had formed a tent against the lacy her knickers.
“Suzy, I didn’t know,” I told her as she nestled into me.
I pressed a soft-key on my monitor and sat her on my desk as the door to my office silently closed and locked.
She opened her legs a little, an invitation I wasn’t going to refuse; I eased her knickers down, and freed the beautiful little erection. As my lips slid down the length to kiss its base, its head was just catching in my throat. It was the perfect length.
"Do you want to cum, Suzy, baby?" I asked between sucks.
“I’d like to, Mr Murray, but I went to my ex-boyfriend’s parents house last night, to drops some of the things off. And, I stayed the night with his Mom and Dad; I never knew mature couples could be so much fun. But they emptied my balls.” Suzy said with a little smile.
It turned out she was going to a concert that night in the arena close to our home. What could I say? I offered her a bed for the night.
That evening Suzy and I walk through the front door, Harriet was there to greet us. I saw the glint in my wife’s eyes as she hugged us both. Then, she ushered Suzy away to our room to help her get ready for the concert. I sat back and caught snippets of their conversation.
“Here Suzy, let me help you off with this.”
Oh my, honey, I had no idea. Murray did tell you to come back and stay the night with us tonight, didn’t he?”
“Good. Yes, of course, you are welcome, it will be fun.”
Harriet came back into the room: I knew that look, one hundred and ten per cent lust.
“I want that little prick in every hole I can get it into,” my wife whispered.
I lay back on the sofa; poor Suzy, there will be nothing left in her ball sack tomorrow morning either, Harriet will make sure of that.
I sighed with contentment; we really did live in a Utopian Age.
Any young man, unsure of his next opportunity and with his dick rigid would have given Sarah what she wanted, but he was not just any young man. He had an eternity stretching before him with an endless supply of high quality pussy. Sleep was now his priority. While his cock was easily aroused and his supplies of jizz plentiful, his mind had had enough for now. The last fuck of Sarah had been technically good; long, hard and ending with a womb filling blast of semen, he had not enjoyed it...
At that point Sarah joined them and they both shuffled up the couch to accommodate her with the Lord sitting in the middle. He then selected a matching thong that would barely cover their mounds. He placed the order on line. Moving to a dress shop he selected identical, except for colour, silk dresses with strap shoulders. He reckoned they were long enough to enable the girls to bend over without exposing themselves. They would be loose enough to be comfortable, but snug enough to...
He stood 2metres tall and had an easy smile. He was dressed in a pair of navy shorts that showed off the large but shapely legs of a fit man, a polo shirt that obviously strained to contain a large chest, well worked pecs but was untroubled by a narrow waist where it tucked into the shorts. There was not a hetro or bisexual women or a homo or bisexual man who was not instantly attracted to him. He had charisma to burn. He was blessed with the wisdom of a 60 year old, the body of an...
He then set off for the neighbouring suite with the two women in tow. Walking through the door he immediately saw his three new recruits standing around furtively looking afraid to make a move lest this apparent calamity was visited on them. The half naked prisoner stared blankly ahead apparently broken by his as yet undefined and fate. The curtain to the balcony was closed, the Master assumed by Richard, to provide him with a little privacy as he relieved himself inside the used and...
Chapter 4 – Strippers By Dominic Durobastone Back on course, the master ordered that Phil be untied, his shoes, socks and pants be disposed of in a nearby rubbish bin and his hands be retied behind his back. This time Richard was instructed to check his dick and make him hard. Richard approached the task with obvious distaste but dared not refuse or delay. “Hail us a cab…actually two Naidu, there’s a good girl.” Without delay two cars responded. The master took the front seat of the...
Jane woke to find that she was naked, and tied spread eagled on her bed. Panicking, she struggled to get loose for a few moments, before she realized that she wasn’t alone. Jack was seated in a chair at the far end of the room. She glared at Jack and said, “Let me loose.” “Nope,” Jack answered. He studied his fingernails for a moment before looking over at the woman. With a hard expression on his face, he said, “You can drop the amnesia act. I know a lot more about you than you...
Jane, feeling humiliated, remained tied spread eagle on her bed. The only changes in her situation from the morning were that she was now sitting upright a bit with pillow propping her up and she was wearing an adult diaper. There is no way to maintain any dignity as an adult while wearing a diaper. She had asked Jack to cover her with a sheet but he had refused stating that he wanted to see her bindings. When she had complained, he had reached over and pinched her nipple. He found her...
“How are you doing?” “I’m uncomfortable. I’m thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m bored out of my mind. My diaper is dirty. How do you think I’m doing?” Jane snapped at him. “Sounds like you are doing as well as can be expected,” Jack answered with a smile. “Screw you.” “What problem of yours should I address first,” Jack pondered aloud. “How about untying me?” Jack answered, “No.” “Change my diaper before I get diaper rash,” Jane said glaring at him. “What is diaper rash?” Jack asked looking at...
Jack said, “In my timeline, the United States destroyed its nuclear armament because our leaders felt that we weren’t responsible enough to own them.” “They were right. In my timeline, we nuked Iran,” Jane said. Attacking Iran with nuclear weapons almost brought the world to a global war. The only thing that actually prevented that from happening was the fact that President Taylor, in no uncertain terms, said that he would use them again if the United States was attacked. On the floor of...
Jack changed Jane’s diaper as his first act on her second morning of being tied to the bed. He had brought a bottle of baby power to relieve the rash that she had developed by the previous evening. She almost sighed in contentment when he had sprinkled it on her rear. Jane said, “Leave off the diaper for a little bit.” “Sure,” Jack said stepping back from the bed. “This is unhealthy. I could die from being tied up like this,” Jane said. “I could die by untying you,” Jack said with a...
Jane said, “I think President Taylor was the first President who really understood the true power of his office.” “What do you mean?” Jack asked. Jane answered, “He understood his role was to manage the various federal government agencies. Congress might pass laws and allocate moneys, but it is up to the president to see the laws are followed and the budgets are adhered to.” “I understand that,” Jack said. Jane continued, “President Taylor realized he didn’t have to spend the money...
Jane had been tied to the bed for four days, and was beginning to develop sores on her body. Her wrists were rubbed raw from fighting against the bindings. Being naked was humiliating enough, but wearing an adult diaper only compounded it. The hours spent lying in bed and staring at the ceiling gave her lots of time to consider her situation. She knew she was at the mercy of a serial killer. At any moment he could decide the future would be better off without her there to influence it. She...
Jack Dunn placed the paper plate with a sandwich on the picnic table before taking a seat across from Ed Taylor. With no clouds in the sky, the overhead sun beat down relentlessly on the two men. Hats kept their heads from baking and sunglasses prevented eyestrain. The soft breeze kept them cool. “I see that you’re still eating bologna sandwiches,” Ed said while pointing at the paper plate in front of Jack. “What can I say? I like them,” Jack said with a smile. Jack picked up his sandwich...
Upon realizing that he was tied to a chair, Ed decided that Tasers should be illegal. It was too easy to render someone helpless. He looked around for Jack. “Where’s Jack?” Ed asked. “The asshole left,” Jane answered. “Ah.” “What’s that mean?” Jane asked. “What’s what mean?” Ed asked. “You said, Ah. What did you mean by that?” Jane asked. “Nothing really,” Ed answered. “You must have meant something by it,” Jane said. “I didn’t,” Ed said staring at her unable to believe this...
Ed woke with a pounding headache. It was so bad that he could hear the blood pounding in his ears. Even blinking caused him to see stars. He groaned, “What hit me?” “The asshole drugged us last night,” Jane said understanding exactly how Ed felt. He rubbed his forehead hoping to relieve some of the pain he felt. It took him a moment to realize that he wasn’t bound to the chair. Surprised he said, “He untied me.” “He didn’t untie me,” Jane said after giving her restraints a slight...
April 20, 1987 If there was any color that described my timeline, it was the color gray. The landscape was gray; gray buildings hovering over gray streets filled with people wearing gray baggy clothes that hid the bodies beneath them. There weren’t even the splashes of color that graffiti would have brought. Graffiti had been eliminated through the simple expedient of banning paint. The only color was the blue sky above and there were too many days when even the sky was gray. The broad...
Ed steered his car onto the access road to the hotel. The access road was a four lane road with a divider between the lanes in each direction. He made it about twenty yards to a turnaround with a security checkpoint blocking the road beyond the turnaround. Security men, armed with automatic weapons, wearing armored vests, and helmets equipped with radios stopped Ed’s car. If they had been wearing military camouflage, they would have looked like soldiers on a checkpoint in a war zone. The men...
Utopia Stories! Alright, everybody, it’s time to put on your reading glasses cause we’re going on an adventure. It’s going to be an adventure of a lifetime, so if I were you, I would buckle up. Welcome to UtopiaStories.com, one of the finest places on the internet to read amazing BDSM stories that have been picked out to be the best. Not just any story can be uploaded to this website, which means that only the best stories get through. And, of course, the site is entirely free, as are all the...
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"We're here!" somebody shouted. My eyes opened slowly. What the hell? My door opened, and Kelly ran in and jumped on me. "Your parents are gone and we can play all morning." She kissed me hard and hugged me through the sheet and blanket. 'This isn't right, ' I thought. Then: 'Why not, you've done it before.' Mikee followed her into the room. "She's always first," she complained. "That's cause I save the best for last. Besides, she runs." There was something...
When on 30 day leave from Southeast Asia to West Germany in 1965 was far too busy for sex with anyone so it Wasn,t till I was on ten day leave while transferring from Grand Forks, N. D. To McChord, Washington in early June, 1970 an opportunity arose to have sex with my Mom again. By then I,d been married to english wife Sarah nine months though she was preparing to rejoin me having spent four months back in England recovering from poor health. I was twenty five then and brother Austin fifteen....
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Saturday afternoon Maureen came over to Janey's house with a bottle of champagne. "What's the celebration?" asked Janey, after a momentary hesitation because it was only three o'clock. "Down, Duke, down," she said, patting him firmly but aloofly on the head and shoulders. "What it is, Janey, is my sex life. I'm going a mile a minute. Terry on Thursday night and this guy Mike again last night." "You got two good ones, huh?" "Both of 'em can fuck like gorillas, and Mike has a...
It was over a month when one day Mr. Rawal called me. Rawal: How is my sexy babe? Me: Mr. Rawal, why have you called me? Rawal: I am alone in my house and feeling a bit lonely. Why don’t you drop by and we can spend some time together? Me: Are you crazy, you think I will come again? Rawal: Oh the sexy bitch is showing attitude. Don’t forget you little whore, what happened that night. I have your sexy smooth naked body on camera. Do you want me to show it to everyone? Me: What, you bastard....
We were running low on medical supplies and medicine, so daddy brought “Wings” into Manila Bay and sailed toward the Manila Yacht Club’s marina. We docked, and Sammie and I put a red flag on the door to our room to remind us that we were in port, and we needed to wear clothes if we went up to the pilothouse or out on deck. Dad and mom got dressed to go into town. They took a taxi to Bambang Street, which has nothing but medical supply stores on both sides of the street for about four or five...
It' s been three weeks since I last saw you and this long distance thing is killing me! We've been texting naughty pictures, emailing fantasies and having phone sex..but nothing is a substitute for the real thing. Today is the day, you come and see me for the weekend at my parents house. I've been lying in bed all morning fantasizing about all the things we're going to do when you get here. You say you want to make me cum over and over. As soon as you step through the door I can't contain...
Straight SexHi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...
My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...
well I have to tell you about Ember. Here is a girl that really lives up to her name. Her hair is red as a burning Ember in a fire and she is one hot cookie. I first met Ember through the mail. I am on all sorts of mailing lists and I guess she got my name and address off one of them. Anyway, she sent me a letter, (form type) and a picture. When I first saw the picture I knew that I had to see more. Normally, with all the mail and sample pictures I receive I do not answer many anymore. That...
I started tracking the count at each site, using a spreadsheet program, and from one day to the next, the drop-in clicks were only 12% on average. After a week, the total drop was less than 50%. We made a few more video clips, showing her face, using the Strawberry Fields nom de plume, as she did the same thing as the first, and a four-minute clip of her getting fucked, without seeing her assailant. They started even stronger, not peaking until the fourth week on the masturbation with her...
Thank you to gotwood49 for help in editing. Rolling over, my arm stretches out, searching for him. My eyes remain closed as my hand feels the coolness radiating from the smooth, silk sheet. Suddenly, my breath catches in my throat, and my body propels itself from the bed. ‘Oh God, NO!’ I cry in anguish, as my stomach tightens, and a wave of nausea threatens to overwhelm me. My tears fall fast, running down my cheeks. The voice coming from my own mouth, I do not recognize. The gut-wrenching...
She walked into the corporate clean Starbuck’s, the chairs all neatly swept of crumbs, the faux mahogany inlay tables sparkling, as if they had never had a cup of coffee rested upon them. The store was crowded, relentlessly polite baristas working furiously to satisfy the needs of caffeine-deprived customers, and she fell into queue behind the last of these customers. She was dressed for work, although unlike most, her work uniform consisted of scrubs and white clogs, not suits and heels. Her...
Oral Sexcontinued from 'new in the office' After that early morning encounter Yvette was transferred permanently to the sales department. A day earlier then planned but maybe that was for the best. As horny as i was i don't think i would have managed to keep my hands off her that day. And the last thing either of us wanted was to get fired. The day seemed to drag itself on forever but eventually it was time for me to leave. since i started earlier i had about an hour left before she would be...
Straight SexThe room is so still. Peaceful. It gives nothing away of what will happen here tonight. With my eyes covered I focus my other senses. I can feel the warm air moving around me; smell the lavender on top of the dresser. The only sounds I can hear are my slow breaths. He has not joined me yet. This evening, after time spent snuggling on the couch I was given one instruction. “Go to the room, put on what I have laid out for you, and wait in position for me. You have 5 minutes. “I promptly raced to...
BDSMHey beautiful ladies, this is Gautam again with a new story of a satisfying a Hot lusty bitch whom i met in gym and satisfied her lust and fantasy ……I am a smart and decent looking guy 6’1ft tall and I’m 24 years of age and my dick is 9inches… I am from Jaipur, India and I want all you to read my experience and give response at my e-mail …and if anyone are unsatisfied with there partners. you can contact me for this wonderful service…any aunties, bhabhies, Divorced ladies, I would love to help...
Burning hot outside, I had to hit a bar. I just needed a glass of Bud – and it was only lunchtime. I was stuck in some godforsaken mid-west town try to sell a load of rubbish to a load of people who don’t want it, don’t need it and really don’t care. I was all alone, travelling for a living, never in the same place twice. I have a lot of friends, but they are all ‘virtual’ when I am on the road. Being alone on the road, I usually check into a motel that has internet and wireless, flip my...
Lori grumbled as she paused her video game to check the actual time. It was not that she did not want Ashton drinking, she just felt lonely when he was not home. Before sitting back down on the couch, an idea came to her. She pulled her shirt off over her head, turning it inside out in the process. She then tossed it over the back of the couch and resumed her game. When Ashton came home he was going to find his adorable niece in the living room topless. She was going to tease him and then...
This is a continuation of parts 1 & 2. Since finishing part 2 I've been trying to remember interesting snippets from my 14 month association with Mistress Deidre and her sissy husband Desmond (Priscilla). This is what stands out in my memory. (Most of the time the sessions were similar to those described in parts 1 & 2). I've give each bit it's own title.1. The Nipple Game. This was thought up by Deidre. In her 'magic' wardrobe she had all kinds of equipment including several kinds of...
Part 2....weekend with Lori.... I got down stairs and still did not see Bob, he must have been having some hot times with the blonde! I went back to the couch and sat with Lori. She asked where her drink was and I told her I got side tracked. She said I got “Barb” tracked. She said it was o.k. And she had gotten another on her own, actually several. She wasn't feeling any pain but she said she felt sleepy and put her head on my shoulder. I asked what was wrong and she said “nothing”. When a...
Althea's Lovely Weekends by Ginny Wolf I am at the motel. I arrived first and checked in. This is the rendezvous, halfway between our homes. I wait impatiently for my dear lover. I haven't seen her in almost two weeks and it's killing me. The longer I wait the harder it gets. When we can't make it to one home or another, we meet here but it has been a long time since we have gone so many days without seeing each other. I look down at my feet and realize that I have been...
Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz http://diggerman.deviantart.com/art/Date-Night-Drag-Queen-Girlfriend- 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...
Saturday morning, we lingered over our coffee as the kids got into their activities in the living room. No one needed chauffeuring that morning, which was good for us. Stacy was geared up with her questions for the weekend. I laughed at her thoughtfulness, and gave a gesture for her to start. Stacy said, "You sometimes travel for business, and your trips have been getting longer as you get more senior in your company. You used to do one overnight, but the number of nights you're away has...
I came home one day to find my dad and his handsome business partner, Jay, having a conversation in the living room. For some reason I was particularly horny that day; and I always had a thing for handsome dads. I made sure to catch Jay’s attention by click-clacking my sexy high heels as I flaunted my tiny ass toward my room. I abruptly turned around to see if he was looking at me and sure enough he was. I gave him a naughty smile; he got shy and looked away. I knew I had him. Being the little...
xmoviesforyouEvery day he watched her walk down the hall. She was sexy and had an ass he wanted to fuck till his balls fell off. At first she wore conservative clothing but lately as she noticed him watching her ass, she began to get sexier and show more skin. She had started wearing very tight pants and really showed her ass. Then she wore tops with at least 3 buttons undone and you could see most of her tits. His favorite was the skin tight t-shirt with no bra. She had the biggest nipples sitting on huge...
The raid along the New Jersey line was a big overall success. Very few of the Mud Devils did not participate, and most were still in jail waiting arraignment by the District Attorney in Trenton, New Jersey. As far as anyone knew, Kathy Ray and Nick Manelli were killed and Roland "Swine" Swinney was wounded while charging down the men who shot his friends. Once in the helicopter headed to Baltimore, the agents unzipped the body bags, letting Nick and Kathy out. They peeled each other's now...
While we were passionately kissing, I hooked a finger through the crotch of her panties and tugged. She lifted her hips as I eased her undergarment to her ankles. My hand returned to her pussy and my fingers went to work. The unmistakeable scent soon filled the area and made my cock twitch. Her kiss became more ravenous, her hand fumbled with my belt buckle. Her had found the bare flesh of my aroused cock, she squeezed it, then began stroking int in a semi-firm grip. I broke the kiss and moved...
Poolside Exhibition Turns Orgasmic----------Mom and dad were hosting one of their infamous theme parties; Tahiti Breeze, mom had dubbed it, because the winds were mild and the weather balmy, just like Tahiti was in late summer. There were seven couples invited along with several single men and women. Their mixers have resulted in a several engagements, and at least one divorce, over the years.I was a dozen years old, at least half the age of the other guests. My body had not quite developed...
Author: nabeel farooq ഇതൊരു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് സ്റ്റോറിയാണ്. ദയവു ചെയ്തു ഇന്സ്സെസ്റ്റ് ഇഷ്ടമില്ലാത്തവര് ഇത് വായിക്കരുത്. എന്റെ വീട്ടില് ഞാനും (നബീല് 21) ഉമ്മയും (സൈനബ 39) എന്റെ അനിയനും (അഫ്സല് 18) മാത്രമേ ഉള്ളൂ. ഉപ്പ (ലത്തീഫ് 46) കുറെ കാലമായി ഗള്ഫിലാണ്. എനിക്കു 21 വയസ്സ് ഡിഗ്രി കഴിഞ്ഞു. അനിയന് 18 വയസ്സായി. അവന് പെരുമ്പിലാവ് ഒരു കോളേജില് താമസിച്ചു പഠിക്കുന്നു. ഞങ്ങളുടെ കുടുംബം നാട്ടിലെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന വളരെ യാഥാസ്ഥിതിക കുടുംബമാണ്. മലപ്പുറം ജില്ലയിലെ പാലക്കാടിന്റെ ബോര്ട്രിലാണ്. എന്റെ ഉമ്മ...
You give me a smile, get up and walk to the bathroom. I can hear you start the water in the shower. I peek over my shoulder and see you have left the door to the bathroom wide open. I watch you climb into the tub and pull the shower curtain shut. I make my own way to the bathroom. I pull back the shower curtain a bit and watch you soaping up your body. I clear my throat to get your attention. You look back at me and smile. “Would you like some help?” I offer. “I was wondering how long it would...
I call her, “My Sticky Vicky.” I remember the first time we got together sexually. I got her partially undressed, and had all my clothes off. She was standing in the kitchen, wearing only a white shirt completely unbuttoned. Her eyes were wide and bright, and her small but firm breasts were beauti- fully framed by the open shirt. Vicky’s medium length “dishwater blonde” hair was just long enough so that the ends rested on her shoulders. She had just put...