Utopian RefugeeChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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Jack said, “In my timeline, the United States destroyed its nuclear armament because our leaders felt that we weren’t responsible enough to own them.”
“They were right. In my timeline, we nuked Iran,” Jane said.
Attacking Iran with nuclear weapons almost brought the world to a global war. The only thing that actually prevented that from happening was the fact that President Taylor, in no uncertain terms, said that he would use them again if the United States was attacked. On the floor of the United Nations, he had announced a new international policy in very plain language: “Don’t fuck with the United States!”
While international fears about irrationality of the government of the United States rose, the American people reacted with horror at the actions of their president. The average American could not comprehend any reason why their government would use such a horrific weapon. For several decades the rules of war had stressed avoiding collateral damage. The soldiers may not have always been successful, but they tried despite the awful fog of war where it was difficult to tell friend from foe. Those who failed were prosecuted.
Nuking a city that was filled with innocent bystanders sickened the American people. It terrified the international community, turned away allies and hardened the hatred felt by enemies. It was use of a weapon of mass destruction.
Ed Taylor was brought before the House of Representatives on the charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. It was not clear that attacking another country with nuclear weapons belonged in that category. Many argued that the attack was a form of treason. Arguments over the appropriate charges took nearly four months to resolve. The House of Representatives then took another four months before it finally came out with a verdict. Ed Taylor was impeached on the charge of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The trial in the Senate dragged on for months. It was as if the Senate was unwilling to bring a verdict. Observers kept wondering why the trial was taking so long. It was a fact that evidence was presented that did not reach the eyes and ears of an anxiously watching public.
Many in the press hypothesized that Ed Taylor had been justified in using the weapons, but no one in the Senate would comment upon that speculation. The absence of leaks, derogatory remarks, and snide comments by Senators who would normally have swarmed over him like maggots on a corpse was suspicious to say the least.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending upon one’s perspective, Ed’s term ended before the Senate managed to arrive at a verdict. He left office in a cloud of controversy. The laws he had passed remained in effect for decades. The cost had been that the American psyche had undergone a major metamorphosis.
President Edward Andrew Taylor went down in history with the nickname, ‘The Bastard.’ Much to the chagrin of many Americans, he seemed to take a certain kind of pride in the nickname stating that he, at times, wished that he had done more to deserve it. There was absolutely no sense of shame about his acts or even hints of self-doubt.
The subsequent president was less confrontational and much more subtle when responding to threats to the country. It didn’t matter. The damage had been done in the international political arena and the American psyche was crippled to the extent that the populous was unwilling to rise to the challenge of regaining a leadership role in the world.
“In my timeline, Iran nuked six countries,” Jack said.
Jane stared at Jack without saying a word.
“China finally did in Iran,” Jack said. “They nuked that country back to pre-historic days — way back in pre-historic days — like before the dinosaurs even roamed the earth. All that was left was glass.”
“Oh,” Jane said.
“Yeah. Iran killed over forty million people with its nukes,” Jack said.
“What did the United States do?” Jane asked.
In a mocking voice, Jack said, “We shook a finger at Iran and told them that they were very, very naughty.”
“They had to do more than that,” Jane said.
“No. Doing something about that situation would have been an act of American Imperialism. We weren’t going to be guilty of that so we watched Israel take four nukes and didn’t do a damned thing about it,” Jack said.
“We did nothing.”
Jane said, “I can’t believe that.”
“There was some good news. The Palestinian issue was resolved when one of Iran’s nukes missed Israel and hit Palestine instead. I suppose they should have gotten the Nobel Peace Prize for it, but they didn’t.”
“Iran didn’t have nukes when we bombed it,” Jane said.
“Are you sure of that?” Jack asked convinced that the two timelines didn’t differ that significantly in terms of technological development.
“I’m pretty sure,” Jane answered without much confidence.
She was beginning to wonder if that was why Congress had dragged its feet in getting President Taylor out of office. It was quite possible that they knew his actions were justified. Maybe some of the wilder speculations about the trial had been correct.
Jack said, “The first we knew of Iran being a nuclear power was when the first mushroom cloud was spotted over Tel Aviv. They promised to get rid of Israel and they kept their promise. You know, sometimes when someone says that they are going to kill you, you should believe them.”
“When was that?”
“That was the same year that Ed Taylor bombed them,” Jane said, still not accepting that the delays in convicting Ed Taylor were a result of evidence that he had acted correctly.
“He’s clearly an irresponsible asshole,” Jack said with a smirk.
“Shut up,” Jane said angrily.
“American Imperialism. I hate that term. I used to hear it almost every day when I was in school. I was told to be ashamed of this country and all that it had done,” Jack said.
In coming back to this time and learning more about this country, Jack had found pride in this country. Like every human endeavor, this great experiment had tripped and fallen in its history. There were some pretty bad episodes in its past. There were massacres, a period of slavery, and intolerance. It had to be remembered that men and women of good character stood up and stopped those practices; though sometimes the actions of well-meaning people didn’t have the great ends that motivated the acts.
Despite many ugly things, where each individual gets to decide what is ugly or not, America had one saving characteristic: introspection. How many countries will examine their behavior and change it because they have concluded that their actions are unfair or wrong? That it occurs at all is something in which a person should take pride. The fact that such introspection occurs continuously, and is given voice, should be celebrated.
One day in school he had watched a film on how the United States was responsible for pulling Japan into World War II. The war didn’t start with the surprise bombing of Pearl Harbor but with the Flying Tigers in China and trade embargoes. It was asserted that favorable trade practices with Japan would have prevented a war with that country. Instead, by restricting the sale of war materials to Japan the United States forced Japan into attacking it.
Jack had believed that line of garbage for about three seconds. One of his classmates had argued Japan was clearly the aggressor. After all, the war in the East started with its invasion of China and would have eventually attacked the United States regardless of the trade policies.
The student was escorted from the room and Jack never saw him again. That was the day when Jack learned the most important lesson of his life – never tell anyone what you really think. From that day forth, Jack mastered the art of double-think – say one thing in a very convincing manner while thinking the complete opposite.
Jane said, “It accurately describes a lot of the American activities during the cold war. We were putting up puppet governments all over the globe.”
“So was the Soviet Union,” Jack said. “In fact, a lot of the governments we put in place replaced governments that had been put in place by the Soviet Union.”
“No. The Marxist movements in Africa and South America were genuine. Maybe the Soviets did provide some help, but the desire was a real desire. It was American interference that destroyed legitimate governments,” Jane said.
Jack said, “Having lived under a socialist regime, I feel that we did the best thing in the world for those other countries.”
“It wasn’t our place to make that decision,” Jane said.
Jack asked, “If not us, then who? Who spoke for the millions that Iran killed?”
“It didn’t happen that way in my timeline. We killed millions of people with that nuke,” Jane said.
“He saved millions more by using it,” Jack asserted.
“It isn’t a numbers game,” Jane said hotly.
“Yes it is,” Jack said flatly.
Jane thought about that statement for several minutes. Was it a numbers game? He asserted that it was better for a few to suffer, so that the majority wouldn’t. It was a harsh worldview that he supported. On the other hand, she felt that each individual of the majority should give up a little so that the few wouldn’t have to suffer. From the things Jack said about his timeline, it appeared that the majority had given up more than just a little. She wasn’t sure what to think any more.
Breaking the silence that had descended in the room, Jack asked, “Did the United States remain a sovereign nation?”
“In a way,” Jane answered.
“In what way?” Jack asked.
“A world government was formed in 2043. The United States became a member nation in 2045,” Jane answered.
“Pity,” Jack said.
“Actually it has worked quite a lot better than many Americans anticipated,” Jane said.
Joining the world government had been one of the most contentious issues in American politics since the arguments over slavery in the 1850s. Many opponents to the proposal blamed the national guilt left by the actions of Ed Taylor as the motivating force for joining. Proponents made the same argument – it was Ed Taylor’s fault that forced them to join the international community as a regular member.
One condition of joining was that there was a reorganization of debts owed by member nations. The United States actually came out ahead on the deal after struggling with debt for decades. Ed Taylor had reduced American debt in half, but the half that remained continued to cripple the economy of the country for more than two decades. Social Security and Medicare costs constituted the majority of the national budget.
“Things like that start out well and then degrade,” Jack said contemptuously.
He was beginning to wonder if he should advise Ed Taylor that it would be best to let Iran bomb Israel before taking action against the country. His plans weren’t set in concrete. The future had yet to be written, but it could still be affected.
Rather than argue the point, Jane asked, “How about in your timeline?”
“In my timeline the country became a puppet nation of China. Whatever China wanted it got. We even had Chinese military bases in Hawaii, Alaska, California, Florida, and North Carolina. They moved in during the 30s as partial payment of the debt we owed them. Actually, it was more like we were covering the interest on the debt that we owed them,” Jack said.
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In an hour I was able to get out and tell Claudia that I was not killing her daughter. She had come by the same idea. She said, "How is she acting now?" "I hope she is acting better but I do not want her to fall back to what she was like recently. I saw the same symptoms in you. I want friends and family, not servants or slaves." "Was I... ?" "Yes you were. I will keep the life preservers handy just in case there is a relapse." She smiled at me this time and said, "I think I have...
Where I have to wonder if my wife ever gave up her jocks. While Myriam went on destroying every item she could get her hands on (including the bags), she took me straight through college. It was a story like a Swiss cheese. There were holes in it, which she could not explain. She only had second hand memories for them — things "Estelle" told her afterwards. Or things her body told her. She also heard stories from people who had obviously been involved — mostly the good-looking jocks who...
Mera naam shweta hai aur mai 25 years ki hu muje sex bohot pasand h specially chut aur gand chatwa na. Aise hi ek din muje bohot thezzz khujli hi rhi thi chut me bohot mann tha kisi se chatwa lu toh aise hi laptop lekar x videos dekhne lagi aur chut chatwane ki icchah aur jaag uthi. Mai akele rehti hu.. Independent hu aur work karti hu. Jab sex ka mann hota h tab karti hu. Mera neighborhood me ek banda rehta h uska naam karan h jisse humesha apni chut gand ki seva karwati hu aur woh karta bhi...
First, stranger Night out, turned quiet night in... until a stranger comes to the door.Walking home alone one warm, humid evening, after a few drinks at thebar with some girlfriends, I could feel him following me as I walkeddown the alleys and back roads. I could see no one but a stray cat and afew birds returning to their nests for the night, but could hear distantfootsteps and the fading noises of the city... and someone a little waybehind me. I knew it was a man, as the steps were far apart...
"Hello again, Ral," Michael said. I stood there staring back at him, waiting for something to happen. He just stood there grinning. "What do you want?" I asked. My voice was steady. Yay! He shook his head. "Merely to help you." "Help me how? You've already got me standing on edge and have scared my girls." His smile softened. "I do apologize. I've not been very forthcoming with you, but as to how I can help, there are a great many things we should discuss. I'm sure I can...
Gus slept in Sunday following the fishing trip. He was sure Tatya would as well. She wasn't used to being on a boat for any length of time and wouldn't realize until afterward just how much energy it would take out of her. Throw in the excitement of her first fish and the sighting of the Orca pod, and she would be well worn out by night. That proved to be the case when she thanked all three of them profusely for a wonderful day and left for home just after ten that evening. She had been...
At the tender age of seventeen, the loss of a father was a heartbreaking wrench, particularly when he was the only family the inexperienced boy had ever known. Yet that was about to change dramatically with the introduction into his life of the four nubile sisters and mother he'd never had the pleasure of meeting. Close by, his grandma rustled the curtains nosily, as old folks do, eyes trained on the road outside. Until two days ago, when his whole world imploded, Matthew hadn't even...
These are the thoughts and feelings of a cucks life with calender inserts for a quick view into his head as he lives out is own fantasy/ nightmare with small inserts of each meeting my girl has with BBC. Go on an overnight fishing trip and this is how she brought 19 years of sexual fantasy roll play and made it a part of our real lives. Roll playing, watching videos, pillow talk... whatever you want to call it, one thing is for sure , If you want it a reality it will be. If you dont,...
Hi friends,this is Parthiv.This is the continuation of last part of my sex story and detail about me and my mom Maldives trip and the level of love we are making. As told by me in my last story my father left us as he come to know about me and my mom. And I was going to marry my gf. So me and my mom planned a trip to Maldives to celebrate both the things. Father left us so we can enjoy at any time and to celebrate my last bachelor trip. So me and my mom varsha left to airport. She was wearing...
IncestExcept for having mentored her teenage son through puberty, Ellen Firestone was a mature widow who at the age of sixty-six had enjoyed sex with just one man. In the last three months, she had sex with Tony, the son she had mentored—now in his mid-forties—and Duffy Manahan, by reputation “the Don Juan of Albuquerque.” Though she embarked on that undertaking with trepidation it came off more naturally and wonderfully than she would have anticipated. When Tony had encouraged his mother to let...
Hot-C asked for a spanking story. This one's for her. Introduction Recognizing the reality of increased sexual precociousness among youth, Parliament lowered the age of consent to 16. The law forbidding corporal punishment was nearly repealed; schools could reinstitute corporal punishment, but parental permission must be obtained. Frightened by an uptick in school violence and of incorrigibility among teens, many parents sent their children to schools practicing traditional discipline. It was...
SpankingThis is a true incident that happened with me when I was 19. It was the first time I cheated on my boyfriend, the first time I had anal sex and that too with a stranger. So here it goes… One night I was at a dance club with my boyfriend and some of our friends. I was a little drunk and my boyfriend isn't much into dancing and he let me dance by myself. While I was dancing, swaying my hips to the sexy trance music, I was approached by a guy and he asked if I would like to dance with him. I...
Cheating WifesGenerally, when Will left on his runs, Ann went with him. But since they were expecting some deliveries she stayed behind. After all, it was only two weeks. When he got into the yard on Friday, he was offered a great run to the west coast with a guaranteed return trip. Instead of asking Ann if she wanted to join him, he accepted the load and headed right back out. Finally, he texted her from the road saying that he was offered a great load he could not pass up and he was headed to the west...