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At the tender age of seventeen, the loss of a father was a heartbreaking wrench, particularly when he was the only family the inexperienced boy had ever known. Yet that was about to change dramatically with the introduction into his life of the four nubile sisters and mother he'd never had the pleasure of meeting.

Close by, his grandma rustled the curtains nosily, as old folks do, eyes trained on the road outside. Until two days ago, when his whole world imploded, Matthew hadn't even known she and his grandpa were still alive. Clad in black too, the old lady's stout shape and frizzled white hair resembled a pint of Guinness. "The car's here," she announced, then more brusquely to her husband: "Come on Arthur, get your jacket...Are you ready, Matthew dear?"

He nodded silently and stood, smoothing himself down, spiky brown hair ruffled compassionately by his grandfather, also colour co-ordinated in black. It was tough on them too. Losing a son was not quite right in the great scheme of things that dictated parents should not outlive their offspring - even if it was his selfish and pompous father. Fortunately their hurt was dissipated by Matthew's father having voluntarily distanced himself, fleeing to Manila some two decades ago with their grandson in tow, and no word since – until now.

Silence prevailed throughout the journey as the hearse sauntered its way to the greywashed cemetery. The subsequent service went on around Matthew without his really noticing, the words hollow and worthless, his grief unquenchable. Distant relatives, made more distant by his father's stubborn refusal to leave Manila, offered heartfelt condolences prompting Matthew to force a series of smiles. Then finally the coffin was lowered into the ground, taking with it his father's lifeless corpse.

Still in a daze, the young man was led away by his grandparents to be driven somewhere remote and leafy for the wake. Referred to as 'Hannah's house', in his state of mind Matthew didn't realise the significance at first. Head pounding, it was only after a couple of stiff brandies, foisted upon him by some anonymous uncle, that the surroundings began to take shape. Tangible features on those around him slowly formed, as if a thick fog had suddenly evaporated. And there before him stood an attractive blonde older woman. "We didn't get to talk at the cemetery....I'm so sorry, Matthew."

He thanked her politely as he had all the others, not knowing who she was or how she knew his father. "Matthew, I'm Hannah March...I'm, um, I'm your mother."

The young man's eyes bulged like a goldfish's and he broke out in a cold sweat. How on earth did he respond to a woman his father's stubbornness had forbade him from ever having contact with by phone or email, let alone meeting? All he really knew was that she was an evil Jezebel who'd broken his late father's heart.

Standing face to face, she seemed anything but evil and nothing like he'd imagined. Looks-wise she was on a par with Sharon Stone or Kim Basinger in their prime. And oh those delightful heaving breasts... Matthew wasn't sure of the protocol, whether they should hug, kiss, shake hands, or what? Evidently Hannah felt likewise, an embarrassed-looking standoff arising.

Thankfully, the situation was salvaged by the arrival at her side of a petite and pretty young girl roughly the same age as Matthew. With smooth brunette hair, deep hazel eyes and a personable manner, she was as equally breathtaking as his mother. Hannah spoke, addressing her long-lost son. "Matthew, this is Meg...she's, um, she's your sister...your half sister."

Meg smiled demurely.

Matthew knew he had a sister, or several to be exact. Even his secretive father hadn't been able to suppress that information. Yet Matthew had been given an ultimatum: warned to give up hope of ever meeting them. If he did, he could forget about his father forever. "Come on bro," offered Meg with a radiant smile, slotting her fingers warmly into his, "I'll introduce you to the others."

Matthew took a deep breath, looking at his mother for approval. It didn't seem right to leave her so quickly. But she smiled warmly and indicated to go with Meg. There'd be time enough to catch up later, she affirmed: three more days before the flight back to Manila, her parting touch on his shoulder tender and loving.

In the short space of time it took to wander from the lounge to the living room, Matthew had learned that at nineteen Meg was the eldest of his four sistters, or half sisters to be exact. Each with a different father, his mother, it seemed, had indeed been something of a Jezebel in her younger years. His eyes fell upon three looking lovely girls, all self-conscious and seemingly anxious to make the right first impression.

Firstly Meg introduced Jo who, at eighteen was the second eldest. With short spiky boyish hair and no make-up, she was simple yet attractive. In the present company of beauties, however, she did not grab his attention immediately.

"This is Beth," announced Meg, moving along the line.

A dusky skinned girl of mixed race girl and aged sixteen, stepped forward. Beth smiled in greeting, her ancestry attesting to his mother's penchant for black guys that Matthew's bigoted father had taken to the grave. It was the catalyst that forced his father to flee England for the Philippines with Matthew in tow twenty years ago. Yet if his father had seen the fruits of the relationship, surely he'd have proffered a different opinion, for Beth was by far the most stunning of the four, her mocha tinted skin as smooth as rayon.

The last of the quartet was another little beauty with golden hair in ringlets and a pair of piercing ocean-blue eyes behind an oval pair of spectacles. "You must be Amy," pre-empted Matthew, displaying a limited yet serviceable knowledge of American literature.

Amy smiled in greeting.

"Amy's the baby of the family," enlightened Meg.

"Am not," Amy retorted, screwing up her pretty features. "I'm fourteen in two days time," she said proudly.

"You're still the baby of the family," Beth retorted, an impish twinkle in her deep brown eyes as she tried to impress the handsome new family member.

Amy pouted and folded her arms.

Given that none of the girls had known Matthew's father, the grief that was overbearing elsewhere in the house was in short supply here. And that suited Matthew just fine. Having had to endure two days of his grandparents' hurt on top of his own, he craved an escape. The funeral done and dusted and the dead laid to rest, it was time to look forward in a more positive vein.

Matthew would have loved to get to know them better but, at that moment, he was whisked away to the garden by grandpa to be introduced to other distant relatives. He smiled dutifully, soaking up the sympathy like a sponge until finally he was set free. Torn between spending time with his newfound sisters or heading away from the house for some peace and quiet, he elected for solitude.

Standing at the perimeter of the garden, the young adventurer could hear water trickling the other side. Hopping up and over the wall, immediately he began to descend alarmingly down a dusty slope, feet unable to gain a grip and pulling up only at the last moment before his new shoes dipped in the meandering stream.

On the other side of the watery expanse a thicket of trees rustled. The city dweller could barely believe his eyes or his luck. This was tranquil and fresh, in stark comparison to the humdrum and stifling urban existence he'd become acclimatised to in Manila. Only now did it register on Matthew that nearly two decades of his life had been wasted and could never brought back. Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel resentful of his father.

Locating a log that had been laid across the stream as a makeshift bridge, Matthew tiptoed across. Heading towards the wood, twigs beneath his feet made a wondrous sound as they snapped, whilst covert crickets chirped a cacophony. So exhilarating to be away from the claustrophobic and choking funeral party, his only regret was being lumbered with a suit and tie. Loosening at the neck, he worked the tie free and popped open the top button of the shirt. Matthew felt free at last, in so many ways.

He could happily have stripped off completely yet had been raised to be a conservative fellow, unaccustomed to nudity. Mae-Lin, his father's housekeeper, was the first and only woman he'd witnessed naked. That experience merely intensified the longing for a girl his own age to strip naked, to let him touch her firm breasts and do all the things that horny teenaged boys dream of. A sagging middle-aged woman hardly bore comparison.

It was as well he didn't allow the newfound lack of inhibition to run riot, for at that moment a gentle yet urgent whirring sound filled the air. Stepping off the path at the last moment, he felt a whoosh as a muscled and tanned guy, clad in lycra and sporting a baseball hat, flashed by on a mountain bike.

Moments later a second bike passed. This time the rider was female. Struggling to keep up with her male cycle buddy, the girl's cute backside was raised as she stood down hard on the pedals in flip-flops, puffing and panting as the forest floor stifled her progress like it was made of treacle.

Stopping up ahead to wipe a forearm across a moistened brow, she turned briefly to look at Matthew, offering a half-smile through the pain of exhaustion. A pair of breasts that heaved at a cream coloured tank top looked like they craved to be squeezed. Before there was time to return the smile however, she was gone, tight arse bobbling seductively.

The peace restored, Matthew's only companions in the forest during a mile-long stroll were the birds that hid furtively in the trees, the squirrels that slid smoothly through the undergrowth like creepers and the watchful crickets keeping time like a metronome. Reaching a clearing, the youngster contemplated getting back to the house. Yet he was drawn by a sixth sense down an almost hidden path that would take him even farther away from his destination. Glancing down, he noted its dusty surface scored by two thin tyre tracks, filling him with curiosity.

Following the trail for another mile, once more the distant sound of lapping water was audible. It was then that the tyre trail ended, two bikes hastily discarded on their sides a few feet away. His eyebrows elevated at the discovery of a discarded white Adidas trainer, then another a few feet on. Next was a balled-up black sock, then another. Continuing, Matthew encountered a pair of flip-flops, then a lime green lycra top, shorts and a baseball cap. More intriguingly, he discovered a ruffled-up tank top, accompanied by a throbbing feeling between his legs.

The feeling intensified upon spying the Holy Grail: a skimpy bra and thong set in matching lilac. Reaching down, Matthew caught hold of the thong, bringing the crotch to his nose and breathing in deeply. It reeked of intoxicating pussy juice. A more subtle aroma than the stench that seemed to be ingrained in his fingers for days after playing with Mae-Lin, Matthew felt his entire body quake with desire. This was a young female in her sexual prime.

Slowing, he tiptoed towards another clump of trees, through which the stream down below swelled into a wide bowl like a private swimming pool. Able to creep closer, tree by tree, he heard voices, breath held tight. Visible from the waist up, the couple frolicked in the stream. Mesmerised, Matthew couldn't take his eyes off the girl's breasts, big and bouncy with droplets of water clinging to the vast expanse of flesh. A sight to behold – only the second naked woman he'd ever set eyes upon in the flesh – the throbbing in his groin became an unwelcome distraction.

But things would get better, much better. Without warning the boyfriend ducked down, disappearing beneath the black marble surface. The scene before Matthew lapsed into freeze-frame as suddenly the girl squealed, her legs taken from beneath her. Riding momentarily on the guy's strong shoulders, a squeal rang out as she was bucked clear, flashing the briefest snatch of pubic hair before she hit the water. Yet despite its ephemeral nature, the image of that pretty pussy was imprinted on Matthew's brain like a lingering filament.

Surfacing, the girl shot a look that was stern yet playful. The pair grappled, sinking below the surface before emerging in a heated embrace, her legs wrapped around his midriff. Their lips smacked purposefully before tongues made exploratory manoeuvres within. Matthew found himself rooted to the spot, a hand brushing across his crotch, guiltily appraising its semi-hardness. He was sorely tempted to masturbate, such was the arousing effect the couple were having on him.

Just as well he didn't follow the urge, for at that moment Matthew discovered that he and the couple were no longer alone in their reverie. "They sent me to find you," clarified Meg, causing her younger brother's face to turn a spectral white and perspire profusely as his eyes darted from the approaching Meg to the lovers, like a spectator at a tennis match. "Did you, um, want to be alone?"

Moving alongside then pulling up sharply as the scene came into focus, Meg gasped hoarsely then exclaimed: "Matthew!"

"Shush," he said embarrassedly, hands raised.

"Oh my," she whispered as the couple's intimacy increased.

The siblings exchanged furtive glances before Meg moved to the front to gain a more favourable pitch. In doing so, her soft arse brushed the partial erection, thankfully enclosed behind the suit trousers. A lok up and aside as the shaft slotted cosily in the groove, Meg relaxed easily into her long lost brother's big strong chest. Chin on her crown, Matthew towered over the girl, fixing his gaze once more on the playful couple, hands resting idly by his sides.

His heart thumped into Meg's shoulder as the couple up ahead continued petting furiously. Evidently growing tired of the water, the guy lifted the girl into his arms, climbing from the stream, dripping wet. Meg eased back as if scared of discovery, yet Matthew remained rooted, the sudden movement rubbing his foreskin as it fitted ever more snugly into the accommodating groove.

The two lovers moved to within twenty paces, blissfully ignorant of their audience. Unashamedly exposed to the elements, they seemed unfazed by a slight chill in the air, illustrated on the girl's erectile nipples. Matthew could hardly take his eyes off them, except to gaze down longingly at the gorgeous and smoothly shaven pussy. At the same time, Meg's eyes were fixed firmly to a thick cock that swung impressively between the guy's legs.

As Matthew's hands hung idly, Meg moved hers behind to rub his buttocks. Instinctively, Matthew began to move his groin in time, forgetting that this was his sister. Both could be forgiven, however, for there'd barely been time for things to sink in, let alone make sense. Seemingly as horny as he, Meg purred as she wiggled her cute arse all over his rapidly stiffening cock.

Up ahead in the clearing the guy had succeeded in working his cock up into a savage looking beast, sprouting proud in all its circumcised glory. The girl moved in stealthily on all fours like a prowling tigress, tongue running seductively around the inner circumference of her lips. Leaning back upon his elbows, chest inflated, he reached out for her hair, ensnaring a set of fingers in the brunette tangles and wrestling her face close to the outstanding appendage. Dipping, the girl smiled as her tongue tip touched his balls lightly before licking all the way up the rampant shaft. At the crest she togued the eye lovingly before enveloping the engorged head with a succulent mouth.

Matthew shuddered as he felt Meg's body tense against his and heard her breath begin to quicken, a guilt-ridden glance his way before settling back down on his cock and rolling it between her arse cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. Thighs clamped tightly together to rub her aroused cunt lips, she whimpered gently. Hands still idly by his sides, Matthew experienced the overwhelming urge to reach around and feel her tits. Yet he hesitated, wracked by doubt and inexperience.

As if to prompt some action, Meg arched her back. pushing out a delightfully pert chest like a rooster. A pair of thick nipples strained at the front of the lightweight blouse, threatening to pop the buttons. The outline of a lacy half cup bra beneath sent Matthew crazy with desire. Shaking like an arthritic, his hands elevated. As Meg held her breath in heightened anticipation, still he was unable to touch them.

Her wantonness reaching mammoth proportions, Meg removed her hands from his bumcheeks and over his hands, guiding them close. Each erect nipple quivered as contact was made. His palms covered the firm orbs, appraising. Fingers reflexing instinctively he cupped lovingly.

The effect on Meg was startling, eliciting an audible breathy squeal that very nearly gave them away. Thankfully the other couple were so engrossed in their own lustful games that it went unchecked. Adjusting, Matthew ran his thumbs around each teat, tracing small circles. Scared of what she might unleash, Meg's front teeth became embedded firmly in her bottom lip, eyes screwed tight as the feeling between her thighs liquefied.

Up ahead, the guy had arrived at the throes of ecstasy, the girl seemingly anxious to join him. Running a hand down her spine and backside, she plunged two fingers deep into a gaping cunt as she continued to deepthroat with vigour. Sucking and licking, she frigged her pussy wildly, inducing an intense orgasm and a light spray from her cunt that hung momentarily in the air like a sprinkle of perfume. Simultaneously the guy began to exhale, his face contorting like he'd stood on a wasp.

The girl felt the first telltale jerk, tossing back her head and finishing him off with a blurring fist. Cum ejected like foam from a fire hose, looping in the air and peppering the girl's face and tits. She kept labouring away until every last drop had been drained and the once impressive cock melted in her grip.

Suddenly Matthew felt Meg's body in front spasm and go limp, a little gasp escaping her lips as the orgasm from the dry fuck took hold. No time to dwell, suddenly a hue black cloud passed overhead to darken the scene. It was the cue for the pair of sibling voyeurs to hotfoot it away before risking an embarrassing discovery. "Um, sorry..." Matthew began as they traipsed off down the path. "That was wrong...very wrong...we, um, shouldn't..."

Meg pushed up on tiptoes to give her younger brother a peck on the cheek before running off ahead with an impish giggle. Lapsing into a childhood his overbearing father had denied, Matthew tore off in pursuit. Gathering up her shoes in hand and lifting the skirt above the thigh, Meg sprinted off, utilising her knowledge of the forest to thwart the handsome pursuer.

However, his superior speed and stamina ensured that Matthew caught her just before the log. A symbolic crossing, it was the bridge that would take them out of the fantasy world of the forest and back to the mundane reality. They play-wrestled, laughing till their chests ached. Taking Meg in his strong arms and swinging her around, Matthew felt alive and invigorated. Though he craved to prolong the moment just a little longer, the prospect of returning to his grandparents' tdrab errace in the suburbs and eventually to city life in Manila heart-wrenching.

As he play-fought with Meg, their limbs tangled and they tumbled to the floor whooping joyously. Little thought for the neat and respectable clothes they wore, grass stains and mud scrapes were unavoidable. Going in for the kill, Matthew straddled his sister and tickled mercilessly at her belly, inducing an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Fortunately – or unfortunately – any further high jinks was curtailed by the arrival of blonde cutie Amy,, shooting a curious glance across the stream. "You found him then?"

"Yeah I found him," replied Meg, easing Matthew aside and rising to her feet with a smile.

Putting on her shoes once more and taking to the log with arms outstretched in a cruciate pose, Meg hurried to join her sister on the other side. Heel catching a knarl, a squeal rang out as the eldest sister tottered one way then the other, hands groping thin air before falling sideways and plunging in the waist high water with an undignified splash.

At the water's edge, Amy was in stitches, doubled up with pained howls of laughter. Matthew too found it physically impossible to suppress a laugh. From the stream, Meg issued a look that was half pure evil and half bemusement. Hands on hips she pouted and appealed to her brother: "Help me out."

Dutifully Matthew moved to the stream's edge, stretching to hold out a helpful hand. Yank! The next minute his body was moving forward of its own accord, feet unable to grip on the bank and plunging in cold water. Surfacing he blew a fountain of water from his lips. In retaliation for her wickedness, Matthew slashed the surface with an arced arm, sending a sheet of water cascading over his wicked older sister. As she squealed, his eyes were drawn to a pair of hard nipples that had sprouted and pressed against the wet blouse. Meg grinned before launching a tidal wave of her own, things quickly becoming messy. Up above them, Amy jumped up and down in sheer glee, her blonde ringlets animated.

So as not to be left out, the youngest sister bolted down the bank and launched herself into their midst, shrieking delightfully as she bombed the surface. The trio made sure to duck and splash each other thoroughly until every stitch of clothing was soaked through and they were breathless. Hauling himself out, Matthew helped lift his sisters to the bank in a gentlemanly manner before they walked back bedraggled to the house. "Matthew is so much fun," observed Amy innocently, pressing to his side for warmth.

"Mmm yes he is," responded Meg, her idea of fun somewhat less innocent.

Their mother was waiting for the errant trio. "What on earth...?"

"We had a little accident," offered Meg, eyelashes fluttering innocently.

"We fell in the stream," added Amy.

"Hmm, I can see that...all three of you...?"

Matthew caught sight of gran and grandpa in the background, his heart plunging. Looking ready to depart, he was anything but. "You can't get in the car wet like that, Matthew," the old man scolded.

He offered apologies as the girls confronted their mother. "Maybe Matthew can stay with us tonight?" suggested Amy hopefully, adopting a doe-eyed demeanour.

Matthew's ears pricked up.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that," mused Hannah. "The first time we meet him and he brings you two back like that."

"It was an accident," Meg appealed. "And it wasn't Matthew's fault."

"Oh go on mummy, say Matthew can stay," pleaded Amy. "Please mummy...for my birthday."

Hannah contemplated, giving her long lost son the once over and allowing a smile to restore her pretty features. "Okay, Matthew would you like to stay with us for a short while?" she enquired. "It'll mean two of you girls having to share a room though."

"That's okay," chipped in Jo, the tomboy, who'd tagged onto the conversation, the lovely little dark-skinned Beth close at her shoulder.

The other sisters looked at Jo in surprise as if her words were totally out-of-character. Evidently Matthew's charm had melted a stubborn heart. All eyes looked his way, "Say you'll stay, Matthew," entreated Amy.

He smiled, the decision simple. "I'd be honoured to."

Amy clapped her hands together like a seal, which was appropriate given her dripping state.

"Right you three, bathroom," commanded Hannah, playing the matriarch.

Matthew felt his cheeks flush.

"It's okay," said Amy with an aside. "We have three bathrooms. I'm sure Meg will show you."

As a delighted Amy skipped to the downstairs bathroom, the older girl guided Matthew upstairs to his. His eyes lingered on a backside he could very easily reach out and grope. Meg hesitated teasingly at the bathroom door before pirouetting and heading off down the landing, leaving him alone.

Overjoyed to be rid of the clinging heavy clothes, Matthew stripped and hung them to dry on the hot rail. The steaming bath filled to a third of its capacity and topped with fluffy bubbles, he climbed in gratefully among the welcoming suds. Oh that felt so good. It hadn't been the easiest of days, salvaged only by meeting the girls and discovering the joys of the forest. He wanted to stay forever.

After a ten-minute soak, a knock at the door caused the self-conscious teenager to look up in alarm. "Fresh towels," clarified his mother from outside. "It's okay, I won't peek."

She wandered in, keeping her promise, eyes elsewhere. Just as well, for the lather had receded to a light fringe, exposing Matthew's nicely honed body completely. Hannah hung the towels on the hot rail then turned unexpectedly to face her son. Despite the promise of earlier, she did look, eyes lingering longer than was befitting of a young man's mother.

Matthew gulped as she smiled warmly and came to sit on the edge of the bath, overshadowing her long lost son. "You know Matthew, you're the age I first met your father," she mused as her son shuffled uncomfortably in the water. "He was a handsome devil back then. You remind me of him a lot."

The mention of his father triggered the emotion to rise once more in the bereaved youngster and he found himself suddenly and unexpectedly weeping. "It's okay honey, really it is," she comforted, leaning in to take him into her arms in a display of maternal instinct.

Locked together, her soft hands stroked his back up and down as their cheeks touched. Given the proximity of the pair, a layer of bathwater unavoidably coated the front of Hannah's diaphanous blouse, turning it virtually transparent. Without a bra, a pair of fulsome breasts stuck wetly to the front. As Matthew eased from her grip he couldn't help but stare, bringing a flush to both their faces. Reaching out, she ruffled his damp hair, lips pursed. Eyes on his submerged penis, she whispered: "I think we're all going to enjoy having you here, Matthew."

And I think I'm going to enjoy it here too, he thought, a surprise rush of blood to the cock causing it to jerk and elevate, the head erupting through the water's surface. Quick to hide his embarrassment, Matthew flipped over onto his front. "Mmm, you're just like Jo," Hannah observed. "She likes having her back scrubbed by her mummy too."

Desperate to hide his erection, Matthew was in no position to argue.

Taking hold of the bar of soap, Hannah dipped her hands in the bath and worked up a thick ball of lather. Leaning over, she perched on the edge of the bath, massaging the soap into Matthew's strong shoulders. Her touch exquisite, Matthew's eyelids drooped contentedly. He was unable to relax completely, however, on account of the throbbing hard cock beneath him. "Look how wet you've made me..." Hannah observed, unbuttoning the blouse and shaking it clear to unveil a pair of gorgeous orbs Matthew could just see out of the corner of his eye.

Despite being the unfavourable side of forty, the sag in them was minimal. And they were natural too, illustrated in the delightful heave and plunge as she jinked. The aureolae were big and puffy, housing two enormous and highly sensitive nipples. Hannah placed a hand beneath each, appraising each asset, before lifting the right one to her lips and sucking the swollen nipple long and hard. Matthew could barely believe what he was witnessing. Lowering her skirt and stepping out of the panties, she cocked a leg up and stepped in to the bath, resting over the backs of Matthew's legs, knees supporting her weight in a masseur-type pose.

Matthew rested chin on hands against the back-bath, cock stil uncomfortable beneath him as his mother's flesh touched his. Soaping up once more, Hannah spread the lather thickly over her expansive tits. Tilting forward she began to rub her son's back seductively with the delicious orbs. When Matthew realised what was happening he very nearly came in the bath, his cock stiffening yet further until it was painful. Hannah kept at it for what seemed an eternity, moaning as her sensitive nipples made tracks up and down her son's strong back.

Hands finding his hips, Hannah lifted till his torso was upright. Her tits that were pressed into his back felt like soft warm pillows. Breath racing, her lips traced a line from earlobe to shoulder blade, kissing every part of the manly neck in between. Adjusting his strong buttocks, Matthew felt the taut flesh rub the damp scrub of his mother's pussy.

Supporting him with one hand, the other caressed Matthew's wide manly chest, covered in damp matted hair. Hannah combed her fingers through the forest whilst nuzzling his neck. Lovingly she teased Matthew's nipples with the ball of her thumb, bringing a shudder of pleasure in the inexperienced young man.

Yet it was about to get a whole lot better as, without warning, the hand that had been by his waist moved stealthily across and inside his leg, grazing the cock and weighing the balls in her palm. Matthew groaned as she shifted to take hold of his cock, cradling it like a mother and baby. "Mmm, my darling boy," she enthused, moving the foreskin tenderly up and down to unveil the purple mushroom head beneath.

Matthew glanced down momentarily to see his mother's fist wrapped tightly around his cock and stroking back and forth in a gentle rhythm. Tossing his head back, he let out an impassioned sigh. At the same time Hannah rubbed her pussy into his arse. "Oh baby boy," she whimpered, upping the speed of her ministrations to the bloated member.

Matthew's cock jerked in her fist, blurring as she readily attained optimum speed. This carried on for what seemed like an eternity, Matthew's head swimming. When she did have to let go through wrist numbness, the lovely cock sprang back to thump his belly hard, such was its rigidity. Swapping hands, Hannah wrapped her fingers firmly around the beautifully proportioned appendage, jerking purposefully. "Cum for me, baby boy," she pleaded, their lips brushing as Matthew tilted his head to the side.

They kissed long and deep, lost in one another as Hannah's hand slipped and slid. "cum for me," she reiterated, both rewarded with an orgasm that smashed through Matthew's like a train wreck, a porcine squeal escaping her son's pursed lips.

Matthew fired at the sloped surface of the back-bath, depositing a healthy glob. Her strokes unerring, Hannah induced a second spurt that measured up to any of the previous men in her life's initial efforts. She glowed with the pride of a mother and a lover. Ensuring to drain every last drop of seed, she dunked his numb cock in the soothing water. Pushing up onto the soles of her feet, she kissed the damp crown and slipped out of the bath. "Now if you're a good boy, mummy will come to tuck you in at bedtime," she promised before departing.

She kept her promise too, leaning over her son in the semi-darkness of Jo's room, her heaving breasts almost spilling out of the silken nightgown. Reaching up with a smile, Matthew gave them a good hard squeeze. They compressed like sponge balls, the nipples bloating to his touch. "Oh baby," Hannah breathed as her tits were pawed, squeezed and fondled, lowering further to deliver a goodnight kiss.

Matthew parted his lips, allowing his mother's velveteen tongue to slip inside. They kissed with a passion that stole their breaths. Drawing back for air, Hannah smiled. "Welcome to the family, Matthew."

The tent halfway down the bed did not go unnoticed, eliciting a little grin from the wanton woman. But, as much as he tried to force them open, Matthew's eyelids were wavering and Hannah too knew that her energy was ebbing. It had been a draining day and for now fatigue had drawn a veil over it. But they realised a new one was just an energy boosting night's sleep away.

As she headed back to her bedroom, through the briefly opened door, Matthew heard excited chattering from the girls' bedrooms. His arrival had transformed not only his mother, but all four of her nubile daughters, each in various flushes of womanhood. Matthew sighed contentedly as sleep enveloped his body. Morning couldn't come quick enough.


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On Friday Mary set the time for her and Jerome to get together for the first time. They agreed that he would follow her in his car to the road behind her house. He would then park his car on the strip mall lot and get into her car. That way she could pull directly into her house garage. Once the door to the garage closed they would exit the car and move into the house. He would leave the same way. That way no one would know she had a man, especially a black man, in her car or her house or her...

2 years ago
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Three Virgin Freshwomen

or "Happiest Guy On Campus" Chapter 1: Proposition "What!?" wasn't a terribly snappy response but the question had come out of left field, so "What!?" was the best I could manage on the spur of the moment. "We want you to be our first," Julie said again, sitting down across from me in the dorm floor's kitchen, smiling her enigmatic smile. Making a great leap of understanding (or was it outrageous, lustful hope?) I asked and at the same time answered the obvious question: "You...

2 years ago
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Reddit Women of Color, aka r/WomenOfColor/! I must say that multiracial bitches pack quite a punch when it comes to the stuff they strut. It’s not that I have anything against white bitches. In fact, I don’t give a fuck about busting a nut into white bitches. But let me be honest. Mixed race bitches often pass off as sexier and more exotic compared to your ordinary white neighborhood whores. I am not sure what is your take on this. But fuck you! I don’t give a fuck about your fucking take....

Reddit NSFW List
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PornHub PornForWomen

Alright guys, time to take a back seat and let your girlfriend or wife into the room. Yeah, that’s right. Get out of here. Go play some video games or go jerk it to some hardcore porn somewhere else. Me and your girl need some alone time to talk. Don’t worry, you’re not getting cucked yet, at least not by me. I’ve just got some good shit for her.Okay, is he gone? Sweet, let's get down to business, babe. You probably don’t like the same kind of porn your guy does. And before you start denying...

Porn for Women Sites
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xHamster PornForWomen

XHamster.com is a well-known website for free porn on the internet. If you want to get a huge repository of porn, one of the best places to go to would be XHamster.com. There are just so many different videos to enjoy there that you would be stunned by what you can find. One of the things I found for example, is an entire section dedicated to women. I never even knew that women were an important enough demographic for porn sites! But I guess that XHamster.com saw the use of there being a...

Porn for Women Sites
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XVideos PornForWomen

While the porn industry has always been dominated by male viewers, some sites have noticed that there has been an influx of female users in the last couple of years. That’s why websites like XVideos.com have started to implement porn for women. This kind of porn is more oriented towards chicks and if just appeals to them a lot more. If you’re a woman, then you probably know what kind of porn I’m talking about. We’re looking at sensual and erotic stuff, and sometimes taboo fantasies too, such as...

Porn for Women Sites
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Eporner PornForWomen

I know this is going to blow some minds out there if any guys are reading, but women love porn too! I know, it sounds crazy, but I swear that it’s true. After all, I’m The Porn Dude and I basically know every single thing that there is to know about porn, including who likes what. When it comes to chicks, they usually dig different porn than what guys want. Of course, just like in everyday things, girls are often quite picky and won’t settle just for any kind of porn. That’s why some platforms...

Porn for Women Sites
4 years ago
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Horny Little Niece

Horny Little Niece When my sister asked me if her daughter Brie could spend the summer at my place of course I was all for it. We hadn’t been able to spend much time together since they moved to another state a couple of years ago. However, since the divorce my sister said that she was going to come back home where her roots were. She just had to settle things out there first. I had really missed her but Brie was almost as good company as her mother was. Brie was just fourteen years...

4 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt6

It wasn't a deliberate or calcuated snub, it was just that each of the girls had other friends and relatives to entertain. And it wasn't as if Matthew hadn't enjoyed quality time with each since coming back to the family fold. But all the same, he couldn't help feeling left out, forlorn and in need of a friend. Looking around, he hoped one of the girls might notice his plight and come over. Things din't augur well, however. Young birthday girl Amy was surrounded by a ring of pals of...

4 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt12

From that point forward, wedding talk persisted exclusively during their time together as Heather busily planned the perfect day down to a tee. In fact, it got so much that Matthew was quite glad of the break when she disclosed her plan to visit relatives in Cebu City to break the news. Overjoyed at the prospect of hosting a couple of English guests, he commandeered the limousine to pick them up in style from the airport. Winding down the blacked-out window, he gestured his guests over....

4 years ago
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The Littlest Witch

The Littlest Witch By Anon Allsop When they told me that the Covington family had volunteered to be my foster family, I was pretty happy, that was until the guys began to tell me about them. It seemed that the family had been around almost as long as the town had, in fact, the original member of the family had been burned at the stake for witchcraft. There were many who still held that belief to heart. The funny thing was that I didn't really have a problem with them, they...

2 years ago
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My new ladyboy LittleLi Part 1

It was nice to meet my new freind littleLi. I met her at the library at college one day and was immedietly attracted to her. Her long dark hair and big brown eyes, with a lovely sweet smile. She was wairing a little cropped T shirt with a hello kitty picture on it, showing off her smooth honey coloured tummy, cut off denim shorts, white frilly ankle socks and black patent pumps. I thought to myself, only an asian girl could wair little frilly laced ankle socks and mary janes and get away with...

2 years ago
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My Ladyboy LittleLi Part 2

After LittleLi had finished swallowing my cum, she fell back and i noticed she still had on her frilly ankle socks and MJ,s. Now that I knew LittleLi was a ladyboy i could tell her about my collection of stockings, panties, shoes and dresses that i liked to get dresssed in. LittleLi loved the the fact and took off the rest of my man clothes. I got up off the bed in front of her naked and went to my cabinet with all my fave clothes in it. I lay out satin frilly panties, stockings of all...

1 year ago
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Reddit Horny, aka r/Horny! What would you give in order to be in a community filled with the dirtiest perverts ever? Well, I wouldn’t give much, but what if they also added that it’s mostly chicks showing off their goods? Now we’re talkin’! I would snag that offer up in an instant! Well, it seems that I have something like that for you today. The price? Fucking free. Keep reading to find out more about the subreddit we’re taking a look at today. It’s called /r/horny and it’s all about making a...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Horny Devil

Horny Devil (Mother son i****t) by R.wood***Mike Harding was lost, he'd been stuck in the woods now for at least anhour, it was starting to get dark, the sun slipping down below the treeline casting long shadows as it descended.Mike was getting nervous, he looked at his watch, it was a little after9.00pm his parents would be wondering where he was, especially his overprotective mother, Sarah.Sarah looked up at the clock she'd just unpacked it from the boxes and putit on the wall, it had just...

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A day in the life Mexico State of Vera Cruz Cihuaton Little Women

A day in the life: Mexico, State of Vera Cruz; Cihuaton (Little Women) The jungle hung over the road, a vast wilderness inhabited by jaguar, deadly black tarantulas, and a host of birds and animals never seen by the white man. Quihuicha rested on the branch, watching the beehive of activity below. Twenty faerie were dismembering the javelina they had shot, and she was on guard against- A shape formed from the darkness. Ocelotl! She whistled, raising her bow. The arrows were long...

4 years ago
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Horny Mom

What's your story? Everyone has a story to tell. What's your sexual fantasy? Everyone has a sexual fantasy to share. Tell me. I'd really like to know your story and/or your sexual fantasy.Since everyone has a unique story to tell, think about it, what's your story? Since no two sexual fantasies are quite alike, think about it, what's your sexual fantasy? Many of my stories are commissioned by fans to write their stories and/or sexual fantasies. I earn my living by writing custom, creative, and...

4 years ago
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Horny Devil

Mike Harding was lost, he'd been stuck in the woods now for at least anhour, it was starting to get dark, the sun slipping down below the treeline casting long shadows as it descended.Mike was getting nervous, he looked at his watch, it was a little after9.00pm his parents would be wondering where he was, especially his overprotective mother, Sarah.Sarah looked up at the clock she'd just unpacked it from the boxes and putit on the wall, it had just gone 9.00 pm and still her son Mike...

4 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt10

Johnny's office was located at the northern end of the marina, a brisk walk in the cool morning air. As he passed by, Matthew was heartened to see a hive of activity around Ryder Tower so early in the day. The vast plastic cover removed, the orange-brown brickwork shone like a beacon, making an imposing sight. It would be some landmark in the coming years and not a bad pension plan either! But for now he had other matters to concentrate upon. Only too happy to dedicate time to a young man...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt7

In an ideal world, he would remain in England with his new family and live happily thereafter. But things were never that simple. His father had been a wealthy man, one of the wealthiest in Manila, with a bulging portfolio of business interests. Matthew needed to be there to ensure he gained his rightful inheritance and the money wasn't salted away by corrupt lawyers and bankers. A heartbreaking wrench to leave England so quickly, sadly it was something that had to be done. The pleasant...

3 years ago
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Horny Little Women Pt4

Apparently, he discovered, it was a family tradition on the girls' birthdays to gather in their mother's bed to unwrap their gifts. Feeling decidely under-dressed in just the t-shirt worn for bed, Matthew reached for the boxer shorts, only to be tugged away forcibly. There wasn't time for that, Meg advised. Besides which, both girls had on just t-shirts too, two lovely little backsides half on display, their owners seemingly unconcerned that their pussies flashed visibly as they skipped...

2 years ago
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Horny me getting pounded by my brother part 2

This is part 2 of the story, so you might want to read part 1 first. This story is fictional. All the names have been changed to avoid any similarity there could be with real events. If you don't like incest then don't read this story as there will be sister/brother action. I hope my english is not too bad as it is not my first language. ______________________________________________________________ In the morning we woke up by our parents who said good bye. They weren’t surprised...

2 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 3 Little Sister Joins The Fun

"Are you sure you have everything?" Ken's mother asked as she set her suitcase down and reached up to pat her dark blonde hair in place for the third time in as many minutes. "I'm sure, mom," Ken said with an exasperated sigh. "We have a weeks worth of dinners stored in the freezer so all we have to do is put one in the fridge to thaw during the day and then pop in the microwave when it's time for dinner. If we forget to switch something to the fridge I have more than enough money to...

4 years ago
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Horny Night With Madhu

My sex partner in this story is madhu who is whitey, with big soft spongy and attractive boobs. Her body too is well and so attractive. She is the first lady with whom I had a lovely sex and still having sex. Im also doing a social service for the women who wanted safe and confidential sex. Till now I have given such service to 5 women who really wanted such type of sex using a condom. So that im healthy. I had many episodes with madhu and the following story is one among them which is more...

4 years ago
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Horny Son Fucks Horny Mom 8211 Part II

Hi readers, its Sandeep back again with his remaining part….any readers who not read my first story please follow the link http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Incest/horny_son_fucks_horny_mom_132533.html Without repeating my intro i continue from last story….My mom lying down hugging me & i am up on her. my dick is still in her pussy but becomes normal. We are in same position for about half an hour with satisfaction without a word. After that my Mom: sandeep, get up!!! I moved myself from...

4 years ago
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Little Sister Pt 05

Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...

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Little Sister Pt 04

Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...

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Little Sister Pt 03

Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...

3 years ago
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Little Sister

Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...

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A little Family Secret

You are in this story the 20 year old Jesse. You live together with your mom(Sandra), your dad(Ben), your little brother(Mark) and your big sister(Julia). you have a happy, good working family. Only there is one thing you never want to to tell your family or anyone else. That is the secret about your penis. See you dont have a normal penis, but a very tiny little mini penis. Flaccid is it just 1 inch long, and hard are just 3 inches. Youve never told anyone about is. Youve always succeeded to...

2 years ago
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LittleMissLipService offers Doug an Apology

Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...

2 years ago
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LittleMissLipService gets more than she bargained

LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...

4 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part III

I got up and went into the bedroom ,stripped off and snuggled close to Suma, She was sleeping with hands folded across her chest ,turned to left side. I slowly lifted her nightie above her buttocks and gently lifted her left thigh and pressed my dick close to her pussy and lowered her thigh. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep but felt my hungry dick wanted some relief, some warmth. Slowly I inserted my hand in the opening in the nightie and cupped her tit. I just wanted to savour her touch and...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part V

I tapped Suma lightly on the shoulder, she jumped a foot . “Why, you scared me, Why do you have to come like a ghost?” She admonished me. I told her I didn’t mean to and asked her why she was so jumpy. She evaded and we finished breakfast in silence, each lost in own thoughts. She finished her bath, pooja and preparation of lunch in record time. I noticed she was watching at clock frequently. Then on the dot after 2 hours, door bell chimed. I put on a see through banian which showed contours of...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part IV

I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part I

I am a freak. Well, not exactly, unusual may be a more appropriate word. I can understand what animals,birds and insects talk.Not every time or all the time. The phenomenon is like a Tsunami. I can never predict when I suddenly acquire the skill or how long it will last. Not that I am complaining. I don’t know how Dr.Doolittle managed to live with continuous chatter and cacophony. I gave up trying to find a reason and learnt to live with it. My vague suspicion is that when my wavelength or...

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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part II

The house Lizards are not very well educated,yes,some of them live in schools and collages and may have intellectual leanings. But Charlie and Lillee were not so educated. So, I am not reporting what I heard verbatim but in my own words. Lillee said ” You won’t believe……” Charlie said scornfully ” Try me, I believe humans are capable of doing any stupid thing. Their stupidity is directly proportional to their arrogance and inversely proportional to their intelligence. I think,it has some thing...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VI

Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...

2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Doolittle Swap Angle 8211 Part VII

Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...

4 years ago
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Littles Night Out a Ddlg Short Story

The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...

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Littles LifeChapter 2

Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...

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Littles LifeChapter 3

The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...

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Littles LifeChapter 4

Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...

3 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 5

Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...

2 years ago
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Littles LifeChapter 6

Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...

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Littles LifeChapter 7

The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...

1 year ago
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Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love LittleAsians.com. It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Horny Son Fucks Horny Mom

Hye friends, this is sandeep from Maharashtra. I m posting my first experience on ISS how i fuck my sexy mom. M 23 yrs old living in village near d big city. I completed my Graduation & my father is govt servant so he often on tour very much. My mom Seema is housewife. She has a perfect figure 36 30 34.We r 4 in our family myself, mom, dad & my elder sister swati who is 8 yrs elder to me. Now she is married with 2 c***dren & settled in nearby city. My mom looks so sexy with perfect...

2 years ago
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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 5

Hey Guys! I am back with the next episode of this series. The true start of what the title actually says ‘Horny Wife, Horny Life’. I hope you will love the sex adventures of shy but now bold Madhu. Madhu came back home after having sex with Om. Vijay came back home in the evening. Madhu did not talk to Vijay about the incident she saw. She had decided to keep it a secret and enjoy her life. She decided to be independent and not being shy any longer. Vijay went to sleep early that night. Madhu...

5 years ago
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Horny Son Fucks Horny Mom

Hye friends, this is sandeep from Maharashtra. I m posting my first experience on ISS how i fuck my sexy mom. M 23 yrs old living in village near d big city. I completed my Graduation & my father is govt servant so he often on tour very much. My mom Seema is housewife. She has a perfect figure 36 30 34. We r 4 in our family myself, mom, dad & my elder sister swati who is 8 yrs elder to me. Now she is married with 2 children & settled in nearby city. My mom looks so sexy with perfect figure &...

4 years ago
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Horny Like Mom

Pam Fulton and her twin brother, David, had been working for several days now, cleaning out the downstairs bedroom. It had belonged to Steve, their older brother. Steve had gone off to college, and Pam was eager to get his room, since it was larger than hers, and easier to sneak back into the house if she was out too late with a boyfriend. Dave did most of the heavy lifting and moving, while Pam laid out the room's decor. Being very close, the kids laughed, teased and flirted a lot, arguing...

2 years ago
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Horny Antics in the Garden of Eden

2003 © I am a dyed in the wool voyeur... no doubt you are as well. Not likely that any of us would be here if we weren't! However, I am not the type of person that finds his EROTIC EYE CANDY by peeping in women's bedroom windows for my sexual kicks. I don't drill holes in the ladies room wall nor do I peek up skirts by lurking at the bottom of open staircases. Do I gawk at gorgeous legs with an admirable fanny attached... or a pair pretty of tits and a lovely face passing by? OF...

3 years ago
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horny drive to casino

ok where do I start ok here we go I m a very horny guy that only like white woman so I watch porn every other night for hours and hours watching white women getting fuck with there black thigh high stockings on my turn on btw so anyway I was watching porn like every other night last night but I got really fucking horny by watching these white milf getting fuck so I got so damn horny and it was around midnight so I got in my car with a fucking hard on and I live 45 minutes away from hard rock...

3 years ago
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Horny Neighbours

Hey guys, I'm totally inspired by the hot stories I've read here. I'm from Germany, so I'm not a native speaker but I will try to deliver a nice story for you guys and girls. My name is Jacob, I'm 28 years old and I just moved to Berlin with my girlfriend Jessica. We decided to rent a flat in the fourth floor of a nice old house in "Prenzlauer Berg" a really nice quarter with a lot of young people who are either students or are already working. Opposite of our house lives another friendly...


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