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The Day the Gates Opened Up: Chapter 1

Jennifer and Avira by ______

My name is Jennifer, but most people either call me Jen or Jenni, all my life I have seen a lot of things, but the day when it happened, I will never forget as it is etched in my memory, when it did happened.

As to what happened, as I eventually found out, was that some scientists had out found a way to open the barrier to other dimensions, once they found that there were other dimensions and started to test one of these places out, but they didn’t know was that the dimension they had chosen had led to a terrible place. When the gate was opened all Hell broke loose, and I mean quite literally, all Hell broke loose. If not all, most of the denizens of Hell had come through and in a matter of minutes, chaos had reined supreme or so it seemed and a large portion of the human population had perished. Although it seemed that certain types and age groups of people were spared, but most of the men weren’t.

Looking back I think they knew what to do, because when they first attacked, it was mostly power plants and stations, Hydro, Nuclear and others such things and when the second wave happened, the Demons went over to military stations all over the world, the Army, Navy and Marines personnel tried to stopped them, only to have most of them were killed outright, only a small few had survived, mostly the newly enlisted, recruited soldiers and a few others soldiers, like the Privates and such.

It was shortly after that that, most of the world leaders had almost immediately surrendered and most of them had been killed in one way or other and those who didn’t surrender immediately, were also persuaded and were dealt with in a similar manner.

Where was I in all this chaos, I was with my brother, Avira, hiding not far from them, as we saw my mother being raped by one of Demons and my father being held as he watched helplessly as the Demon had continued shove his massive cock in and out of my mother’s vagina, then I heard one of them say, ?Hey Fath, look at this, this guy is getting turned on as you are doing his wife.? Then he looked at my Father, and Fath said, ?If you are good, maybe we will let you get some relief, if not, say goodbye to your wife and kids, once we find them.?

All that my father could do was to weep as he was forced to watch his wife being raped, when our father felt the other Demon lightly stroking his penis and shortly afterwards we somewhat saw my father cum in his pants. Then Fath said, ?Well Mendel, at least, his body is honest. How long do you think it would take you to make him go again??

Mendel replied, ?I don’t know, let’s see how long.?

So Mendel again lightly stroked my father’s penis, after a few more minutes, my father had cum again in his pants. Mendel did this several times over, until our father was too physically and mentally exhausted to cum anymore, then Mendel said, ?You are pretty good at this, and if you are selected, we will do some things to you and your wife.? Both Mendel and Fath lightly chuckled at what was said.

After seeing this scene for who knows for how long, we went to one of our hiding spots and waited until we thought it was safe to go out. While we were staying put in our hiding spot, I thought back to when all this had happened, it had a few days before the Demons had started to round up everyone. So we thought we had a day or two to escape before the Demons would get to our community and round all of the people in our neighborhood up, so we were surprised, when one of the two Demons had smashed the door down, grabbed my mother and ripped her clothes off. The other Demon was confronted by my father as he tried to shoot one of them with his gun, only to see the bullets bounce off his body, Mendel was about to kill my father, when Fath said, ?Don’t do that or Malik would punish you for killing him. Besides we are here to have some fun, after we get some information from them.?

Mendel nodded his head and then they proceeded to get the information that they needed, like that Avira and I were the only children that my mother had and that we were somewhere in this house. For some reason they could never find us, so we waited and watched as the two Demons to rape my mother several times over. It was during our time that we were hiding elsewhere, that we heard my mother scream, as we later found out, that the two Demons had shoved each of their cocks into her cunt and ass.

It wasn’t until the next morning that we had decided to leave our home and gather some food from another place as we thought that maybe those Demons would start looking for us. So we made sure that we had all the necessary things for us to eat the stuff. (I.E. spoons, fork, knives, can openers, etc)

Whenever we could, we tried to wash ourselves of all the dirt and such as best we could, but we never had a bath, as we feared that the sound of turning of the taps and the running of the water, while the water was still running and clean, would alert the Demons of our presence.

As we knew some of our neighbors, we had chosen the ones that we knew that would be empty and grabbed whatever we could carry, food, clothing, etc. Then we would sleep under the beds or in closet or wherever we could find to hide, so that we could hide ourselves from the Demons, staying at that place only for a day or two, then proceeding to the next place. Whenever our clothing had gotten too smelly, dirty and/or torn, once we went into a home, we would see if there was any clothing that we could use and take off our old clothing, in different rooms, and put on our new ones, even if the clothing was a bit too big for us, at least we were wearing something.

Eventually we meet up some others, who had escaped the initial round-up and we all stayed in an abandoned building, getting whatever bedding we could find so that we would not hurt ourselves on the rough and cluttered floor. We would usually stay either in the basement or the first floor far from the main entrances and windows. We also made sure of where we had to go to escape the Demons as they looked for anyone that they didn’t get the first and subsequent times around. The one thing that we had made sure was that there was someone on the lookout in case of any Demons started looking in our area. Once one of our lookouts had spotted some Demons coming towards our direction, we would gather up our stuff and proceeded to our next hiding spot, which was scouted out before hand.

The one thing that I don’t know is that I had noticed that some of the guys started to have sex with the girls, despite their very young age, (we were all under the age of 18, but the youngest was 14 years old), but I could only think of a couple of reasons for that. One: some of the girls were virgins (and that included me) and the prospect of a Demon taking her virginity didn’t sound good, so some of the guys had oblige, in some cases, all too happily. Two: most of us had seen the Demons raping either our mother’s or other ladies by at least two or more Demons for hours on end and maybe a sexual tension had build up in us and we needed some form of release and the only way that some of us did was to have sex.

Another thing is that I had noticed, also Avira had noticed it as well, was that some changes, some physical, some emotional, had occurred among our friends, which they too had noticed as well. Ethan, whom we knew from school and we were neighborhood friends, had become very muscular, not overtly muscular, but very well defined. Ethan had become stronger as well, but he didn’t lose his gentle nature, because when a new girl had came in our little group, she demanded that someone to take her, several of the boys had volunteered, until Cain had said that he would take care of her, but then Avira said that he would do it, so Ethan (our unofficial leader) decided for a moment or two and then said, ?I think that Avira should have sex with her. Grace, would you take them both Avira and Caitleen to the place and you two take your time.

Then Cain got angry and tried to hit Avira, only to have Ethan stop him in his tracks. Then Cain tried to hit Ethan, only Ethan blocked him and then Ethan held Cain until Cain had ask him to let go, then Ethan let go of Cain painfully. I could see the wild look in Cain’s eyes as he went off to another part of the building.

Then Ethan went over to me and said, ?Here have some food, it looks like you need some.? I took the food that Ethan had given me and I said, ?Thank you, do you think that Cain will cause any problems for us.?

Ethan replied, ?I don’t know, I just hope that Cain doesn’t do anything foolish that would jeopardize any of us. But this thing that had happened to us, I don’t know how this happened, but in a way I am glad, at least I can use my strength to defend you and the others from almost anything. Although I don’t think that I am strong enough to defeat a Demon. They are too strong, I had seen a Demon, crushed a man head as he tried to escape from them. Besides Cain wasn’t the right person to do Caitleen, he is too rough, when he has sex and your brother, Avira, is such a gentle lover, so I knew who to pick.?

I had agreed, anyone is better then Cain, as it seemed that Cain had a personality change and it was for the worse. All the girls were scared when Cain had picked one of them to have sex. Many times afterwards, the girl he had sex with would end up with scratches, cuts and/or bruises and in some cases; some of the girls would end up bleeding down below, luckily the bleeding didn’t last that long.

Then Ethan picked me up, carried me in his arm, took me to a secluded part of the building and then said, ?If you want, I can take your virginity, you know that I am gentle and besides I am in the mood to have some fun.?

I turned my head away from Ethan, telling him that I didn’t want it now, because I would feel safer knowing that Avira was nearby.

Ethan understood what I had said, and then said, ?When the time is right, you tell who you what to do it with and I will make the arrangements for you two to be alone. Besides I think I know who it is going to be.?

Ethan was right about who I wanted to have sex with, when I knew when we had some time alone, I would like Ethan to take my virginity, as most of the girls like Ethan when they had sex with him, Avira was second. The bottom of the list to have sex with was Cain. As Ethan had said before, Cain was too rough when having sex with anyone.

As to Ethan’s strength, how strong he was, a few days after we had joined up with Ethan and the others, a pack of wild hungry dogs had invaded our hiding spot and Ethan killed one with his bare hands, by crushing its throat accidentally. The most of others were killed by Cain in a mad fury. At least we had some fresh meat for the next few days, after we had secretly and carefully cooked and dried the meat.

We were getting some food from one of the grocery store, in order to restock our food supply, when Gavin called out and told us that there were some Demons in the area, so we waited it out until the Demons left the area. We then stayed in the basement of the food store until morning and proceeded to our hiding place. As we hiding in the basement and the stench of the rotting food probably helped us in our hiding out.

It was during our check of our resupply of our canned food stock, that we forget to get some important things, so it was decided that Avira and I would go back and get them, some canned milk and veggie and dried beans. It during that time, that Cain did something foolish, which we saw the tail end of what happened.

It was when Cain picked Debbie to have sex with and he had roughly grabbed her by the arm and started to drag her to one of our designated spots to have sex, when Debbie screamed out at Cain, to let her go. Only it attracted the attention of some Demons in the area.

As we had entered silently back in, away from the Demons and everyone else, we saw that Ethan was trying his best to protect the others, as Cain was trying to hurt one of the Demons, by hitting him several times with a lead pipe, but it looked like Cain was trying to hurt this Demon with a wet noodle. So one of the Demons picked up Cain and said, ?You got a lot of fire in you. Maybe too much, but I know of a way to cool it down.?

Then the Demon quickly put Cain down onto his lap and then took his one of his fingers to Cain’s back, felt for something and then we all heard a loud audible pop came from his back. Then the Demon sat Cain down on the ground, while he was body was trembling for a bit. Then after the trembling had stopped, Cain tried to get up only to find out that he couldn’t move his legs. The Demon had paralyzed Cain.

Ethan was still standing in front of everyone else, knowing there was nothing that he could do to protect them. Another one of the Demons walked over to Ethan and the others and saw that Ethan was holding a heavy piece of steel weighing about 75 lbs. The Demon was impressed with Ethan, that the Demon had slowly increased the weight of the steel, until Ethan couldn’t hold it anymore.

Then the Demon walked over to Ethan and then asked, ?I am impressed at what you can do, so what is your name, little boy.?

Ethan replied, ?My name is Ethan.? Then all the Demons somewhat chuckled a little and then nodded, then the same Demon asked, ?What is that little boy’s name.? The Demon had pointed over to Cain, So Ethan replied, ?The one who is just paralyzed, his name is Cain.?

Then Cain screamed out in frustration, because he couldn’t do anything as his lower body was paralyzed and didn’t have enough strength in his upper body to move himself any sort of distance.

Then the Demon said, ?Tie up these little boys except for Cain, he isn’t going anywhere and lets have some fun with the girls.?

As we both watched in silence as we saw the Demons, one by one, tie up all the guys and then ripped the clothing off the girls. As they had shoved their cocks into each of the girls’ cunts, then all the Demons noticed that that all the girls were not virgins, but continued on as they fucked the girls all night.

In the morning, everyone who they had captured was taken to a cart of some sort and were transported somewhere. All the girls were too tired to do anything, as they were sore and filled with cum in the stomach, belly and womb and all, but Cain was tied up and as they took the cart away.

It was after that, that we decided that Avira and I would try to live out in the wilderness, as it seemed that to be a safer place for us. So be grabbed some books on wilderness survival and got some camping supplies and headed out into the woods. We eventually found a small cabin that would be ideal for us and that is where we stayed for the next few months. Although we had gone camping before with our parents, this was different at first, we weren’t good at catching anything at all, except fish. Although we had set traps to catch anything, we still didn’t catch anything, so we looked over the books and saw what we did wrong and shortly afterwards we caught out first prey that wasn’t fish.

The one thing was that our body had missed, was the fresh taste of food, which we didn’t get, when we were eating all those canned food. Our bodies was so starved for fresh food, that we had to eat more then what we usually did and that caused some problem, mainly we were, at first, going to the bathroom a little to often, but that soon settled down as we got use to the fresh fruits and vegetables.

From time to time, we would travel back into town so that we could stock up on canned goods, because we knew that we wouldn’t be able to gather and hunt much of anything as winter would be coming around soon. It was during one of our forays that we were caught.

We had seen some Demons as we had entered the town and we thought that we had silently entered one of the stores. It was until we had entered the store that we had seen one of the Demons and he had seen us. Then the Demon replied, ?What do we have here, two little children trying to get some food, but instead you found us instead.?

So we ran from that Demon, only to be block by another Demon. As we tried to get away from him, another Demon had blocked us as well. It was then that we had both surrendered to the Demons and waited to see what would happen.

It looked like one of the Demons was about to rape me, but all of a sudden, he stopped and said, ?I was just about to, yes My Lord, I understand My Lord, just take these two straight to the Citadel. What My Lord, you want me to do that, My Lord. I will, My Lord.?

Then the Demon asked, ?What are your names.? We were both somewhat confused at that question and the silent conversation that he had, so the Demon said, again, ?I have been asked, no ordered, to ask for your names, so what are they.?

Then Avira said, ?My name is Avira and this is my sister Jennifer, but she is either called Jen or Jenni.?

Then the Demon asked, ?Is Jenni spelled with an ‘I’ or with a ‘Y’.? Then Avira replied, ?Both has been used, but mostly it is with an ‘I’.?

It was then that we were both had our hands tied up and then we were put into a cart, leaving us to wonder what our fates were going to be.

As we were being taken to wherever, we both wondered who talked to the Demon who was driving the cart. We soon got our answer as we heard a voice coming from somewhere. Then a voice said, ?So you are one of the few remaining humans that seemed to elude us for so long. I am sorry, my name is Malik, I am the ruler of these Demons and what I say goes; besides I am intrigued by you two. I will have a surprise for you two, when you come to the Citadel.?

So we waited until we came to the Citadel and saw more of those strange beasts that were pulling the cart that we were in, but these creatures could have come from Hell and maybe that is why they look like that.

It was then that we were led to a room and then the Demon had laid his hand on my belly, said something, which I couldn’t understand, then went over to Avira and put his hand on the nether region, said something else, in the same language and then left us alone.

After awhile, Avira let out a groan and then said, ?What I am going to ask you, I know it is wrong, but that Demon had done something to me and if I don’t do it, I am going to be in a lot of pain. So Jen, I need to fuck you.?

I was surprised at what he had said and wondered what he was talking about, that is until he had removed his clothing, then I saw it, his cock was hard and stiff. So much so that it looked like it was going to explode if he didn’t get some relief soon.

Then Avira said, ?Besides this is the last chance that you have, if I don’t do it, one of those Demons would or might do it and that we don’t want it to happen.?

I nodded at what Avira had said and after I had removed my clothing, he came slowly over to me and lightly kissed me on the lips, and then he lightly fondled my breast. As he was fondling my breast with one hand, his other hand was stoking my labia. After awhile Avira lowered himself and started to lick my vagina until I had become very hot, moist and wet and that I wanted to have sex.

Then Avira said, ?I want you to know, that it might going to hurt for a bit when I put my penis into you. So are you prepared for it??

Although I was a bit nervous, I nodded my head and then Avira had slowly put his penis into me. As Avira proceeded, I felt something and I gritted my teeth as Avira continued on. Then I felt something, a sharp pain and then it was gone.

After Avira knew that he had broken my hymen, he went from a slower pace to a somewhat quicker pace and after awhile, Avira had filled me with his cum.

I thought after that had happened; I thought that was it, only as Avira had let out his penis, it was still hard and stiff. It somewhat looked like what it was before.

Then Avira said, ?It looks like I have to do you several times until this becomes limp.?

I nodded again and we proceeded to do it again. It was during our sixth time, that one of the Demons had come in and saw what we were doing. This Demon was about to stop us, when another Demon told him not to and let us continue having our fun.

When Avira had cum in me, the amount of it was so much that some of it spilled out of me. As Avira came out of me, a wet plop was heard. Although Avira had come into me six times and that he had a relieved look on his face, and despite all that, his penis was still erect.

Then the smaller Demon went over to Avira and asked, ?Did you like banging away at your sister.? Avira answered after he caught his breath, ?No I didn’t, I did it to save my sister’s honor, so I would be the one to take her virginity and not any of you and  I would do it again, if need be. Besides I will accept any punishment for what I had done. It was during that time I was having sex with Jenni that we decided to do whatever you want us to do.?

Then the other Demon said, ?I should get rid of all this spunk out of this little girl.?

Then the smaller Demon replied, ?I don’t think you should do that, Afzal until you check her out.? Then Afzal said, ?Why should I check her out, Tufayl, unless??

Then Tufayl nodded his head, then Afzal did something to me and then Tufayl went over to Avira and then he said, ?You had bed down a few girls before, didn’t you. How many of them did you get pregnant?? Avira replied, ?I don’t know, all of them or none of them, we weren’t together long enough to find out.?

Then Tufayl replied, ?Well, I got some news for you, you just got your sister pregnant. A spell was placed on her and as soon as she was filled with cum, she would get pregnant.?

As the news of what Tufayl had said, we both said, ?I/He got Jen/me pregnant.?

Tufayl nodded and then said, ?Besides that your Baby-Maker of yours will not go down ever, even if you had come a dozen times or more, and until you have cum 6 times; your cock will be very painful. So when you wake up in the morning, I would suggest getting some manual stimulation to get some relief.?

When we had heard Tufayl say Baby-Maker, we believed that he was teasing us, as we both knew that I was pregnant with Avira’s child.

Then Afzal was about to do something, when Tufayl said, ?I would wait until the morning, then the chances are better and this little girl has rested up.?

Then Tufayl brought large tray in and laid it on the table, took the cover and there was a spread of food on the tray, so we went over and started to eat it. But then we stopped, when Tufayl saw what we were doing and said, ?Don’t worry the food is safe for you to eat. So eat and drink your fill.?

I tried to eat as much as I could, because now I knew that I was pregnant and I needed all the nourishment for the both of us, for me and my unborn child. Also we both slept on two different beds, we weren’t that far apart as the beds were no more than 5 feet apart.

I woke up to the sounds of my brother masturbating his cock and cumming for the first time this morning. I could roughly see that Avira’s cock was still hard and stiff and his balls had become engorged with sperm during the night and the sheet was soaked in his cum, were he had covered it. As we were waiting for our breakfast, Avira was going through his fourth masturbation, when both Tufayl and Afzal had came in and watched Avira finally cum for the fourth time and waited until he was finished with his sixth one.

As Avira had cum for the sixth and final time, the amount of jism that had come out of him, it looked like he could fill several specimen cups. Then Tufayl had walked towards me and finally saw the sheets on my bed and how blood soaked they were. He gave a light chuckle and pointed towards my sheets, and then Afzal came over, saw the sheets and gave a long low whistle and nodded and winked at Avira. Then Avira blushed in embarrassment at what Afzal had silently told him.

Then Tufayl shoved two of his fingers deep into my vagina and as he pushed them in, I could feel them touch the inside of my womb, then Tufayl said something and I felt an energy coursing through my belly. Then I felt it happened, what I thought would take me months to carry and deliver this child, Tufayl did it in a matter of minutes. In a few moments, I was nine months pregnant. All it took was 15 to 20 minutes for me to become full term.

Then Tufayl said, ?Since this is your first Pumped Full-Up, you are going to experience giving birth to your first child.?

It didn’t take long for the first contraction to come; Afzal was right behind me, so that he could help me push at each contraction and Tufayl checked from time to time to see how dilated I was, as the contractions continued. What seemed to go on forever, Tufayl finally said, ?She is fully opened, so she is going to give birth soon with a few more pushes?

It was shortly after Tufayl had said that, that my water broke and the contractions came even harder, faster and stronger. Tears flowed down my cheeks as the contractions and my pushing continued on.

Afzal told me to push hard as the baby went down the vagina, when Tufayl saw the crown of my baby’s head started to show, Afzal told to push as hard as I could. As the head was clear, the rest of the birthing was easy. The next thing that I had to wait for was the placenta to come and wait to see if my baby was healthy, which I knew that our baby was going to be fine as I heard it give out a cry. Once Afzal and Tufayl had it checked out, cleaned our baby and did everything else, Tufayl as handed my baby, he said, ?You have one fine and healthy little girl. You should try nursing her while she is still with you.?

I took my newly born daughter in my arms and put her to one of my breasts as they were now flowing with breast milk. It took me some time, but I managed to breast feed my daughter, first one breast and then the other.

It was after I had finished up feeding my baby, I had noticed that Afzal and Tufayl were not around. It was after a few more minutes before Tufayl had returned and asked for my baby, I didn’t want to let my daughter go, but I knew that would be impossible given the situation that we were in. So I handed my daughter to Tufayl and then he left the room.

We both waited to something to happen, as nothing happened since I had handed my daughter to Tufayl, not for several minutes. So then another Demon entered into the room and said, ?I want you to follow me.?

We had followed this Demon to another room and we were let inside. Then we heard Malik say, ?I want you two to sit somewhere in this room and wait there silently until I tell you two otherwise.? We both nodded at what Malik had said and we had chosen our spot against the wall and waited for whatever to happen. It was then that 6 Demons had entered the room and started to search for us, it wasn’t until Malik had told us to move that they were able to find us. Despite that at one point, one of the Demons was looking straight at us for a moment or two.

One of the Demons was about to ask, it was then Malik said, ?Their names is Jennifer and Avira and when you translate their names, Jennifer means ‘White Phantom’ and Avira means ‘Air, Spirit’. The Eldritch magic that permutated into this world had caused some changes to some people. In this case, with these two children, once they are still, none of you would be able to see them. So as I told one of you before, remove the magic from them, so that they don’t become invisible to most of us.?

So one of the Demon went over to us, chanted some words and a mist-like substance came off our body. Then Malik said, ?One of you, take Jenni and Avira to the room that has been prepared for them. Jenni and Avira, wait there, because there are some things going to happening to you.?

It was then that we were taken to another room and saw all sorts of things on the wall. Some of them we recognized, some we didn’t. After looking around the room and we saw a table with straps to tie one person, I wondered if we are going to be tied down on that table.

We got our answer as another Demon had entered the room. He put Avira onto some wall shackles and cuffed him up. Because his hand was in the air, Avira couldn’t do anything, as anything could happen to me or him.

Then the Demon took me, strap me onto the table, then chanted something and then said, ?I have put a spell on you, so that you don’t feel any pain, as I going to do some things to you and some of those things I am going to do you will be very painful. Also I don’t want you to move as I am doing this operation on you, so if you move, something could go wrong and could possible hurt or kill you, that is why you are strapped down.?

My arms were tied above my body and my legs were spread wide apart, showing my cunt to anyone who could see. It was then that this Demon looked at something and then said, ?Ok, there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 things I have to do to you. So I will start in this region.?

He shoved two of his fingers into my cunt and started to wiggle and pushed them around, as he was doing that he again chanted something, after he was finished, he shoved his whole hand and some of his arm into me, and then afterwards he put one of his fingers into me and was satisfied at that result.

Because the spell that removed any sensation of pain, I felt no pain, but the sensation as he shoved his hand and arm into me, it was a weird and sickly feeling that I got, not that enjoyable. Then he put his fingers again inside me, touched around until he got to a certain place and again said something, and then I felt something building and burning up inside of me. Then he told me to not fight what was happening to me and to let go. When I did let go I have the first big orgasm I had ever had. My body shuddered as the orgasm coursed through my body.

Then he took his thumb and finger tip and gently touched my clit, as before, he chanted something and then started to stroke my clit and after a moment or two, I had come again, soaking the bedding underneath me.

Then the Demon unstrapped me, turned me over and then strapped me up again. I knew what he was going to do to me. He put his two fingers into my ass, moved them about inside me and again chanted something, then shoved his hand and some of his arm up my ass. As I had felt no pain as he had done that, but it still felt weird as he had done to my cunt. Then he got some of the shit on him that was within me, shook it off his arm and what he couldn’t get off by flinging it, he washed it off with a piece of cloth or something and some soapy water in a basin.

Then he turned me over, but didn’t tie as tight as before, then got a jar of a thick and gooey gunk and smeared it all over my breast. Then he waited until the viscous and gelatinous gunk had dried off, and then chanted something again and then to the surprise to both of us, my breasts were started to get bigger, too much for my body.

I didn’t know if I had the strength and willpower for this to continue on, but then the Demon said, ?One last thing for me to do and you are finished. Then it is your brother’s turn, after I had checked something out.? It was then that the Demon had fondled my breasts, until I had come again, making the bedding even more wet then it was. I was still dripping wet that the Demon put his fingers into my cunt and scoped out some of my come.

As I lay on the table, waiting for the last thing to happen, when Avira said, ?Do you know that you have made my sisters breasts too big for her body, what kind of trouble she is going have with such large breasts.?

The Demon answered, ?As I told your sister, that I not finished with her and I am waiting for her to recuperate and have a bit of a light snack, so that I can finish off what I have done. So wait for your turn.? Then Avira dropped his head in defeat.

After the Demon had licked the come off his hand and looked at me, then again chanted something and I waited for something to happen and it did. Although I didn’t feel any pain, I could feel slowly, but surely feel my body growing, as the others had done to my baby daughter and made her come to full term in a manner of several minutes, they were doing a similar thing to me.

Avira watched as I grew from a fairly underdeveloped, but blossoming teenager, to an almost grown woman. He was slimming my waist a bit, adding some curves to my body, strengthening and tightening the muscles, tendons, tissues, ligaments and whatnot around my breast and my back, to accommodate my enlarge breast and to keep them upright. Adding some muscle mass to my body and then after he was finished, I found out that I wasn’t as exhausted as I was before, he also must have done some changes to my body, so that I would have increased endurance and stamina, so, I thought at that time, that no matter how many guys do me I wouldn’t get as exhausted, having sex.

Then the Demon untied me, grabbed a chain and collar off the floor and put a collar around my neck and locked it and then I sat down near the table. Then he took Avira off the wall and tied him up securely, but loosely, said the spell, so that Avira would feel no pain, then he got some stuff from another jar, slather it on his cock and balls and waited for it to dry as well. Then the Demon gathered Avira’s balls with his hand, said a chant again, as I watched, I could see Avira’s balls getting bigger and bigger, until Avira was very well endowed in that area. Then the Demon grabbed his cock, and again said something, then Avira’s cock got longer and thicker, complementing his enlarge balls.

Then the Demon did almost the same thing as he did to me, making him grow from what he was to what he is, but instead of giving Avira some curves, the Demon added some more muscles mass to his body, giving him a slicker, muscular body then he ever have. Then the Demon took the other end of the chain and put the collar on him as well, after Avira was released from his other bonds.

Then he took us to another area and as were going to this next place he said, ?Now I must make sure that the both out you are clean both inside and out. Don’t worry that spell is still on, and should be for some time to come, so you won’t feel any pain as I am doing some more things to you.? That didn’t reassure us too well. So we just followed him to our next place.

When we got there we saw that it was a bath area with a tub and other things as well. With the collar still on us, this Demon took us to some weird chair-like thing in which instead as you would sit normally in a chair; it would hold you in a somewhat inverted position. We were both strapped in and then I felt something entered both my ass and cunt. Then I knew by what he meant, making sure that we were clean inside and out. He was going to give us both an enema and I would have a douching. I groaned as the liquid entered my ass, slowly filling me up. It wasn’t until I was given the final dose, that the Demon said, ?This plug that you have in your ass will not let allow you to go to the bathroom until I let it out. So for as long as it is in you, you have to endure it.?

I don’t know for how long the plug was inside me, but when he let it out, all or most of what was inside of me had came rushing out. Then he put the plug back into me again and then started to put more of that stuff into my ass.

I again groaned as he filled me again with a few more big plungers of the stuff into my ass causing my belly to be filled to almost to full capacity and then he let it stay in for while until he got the plug out of my ass.

He did this a few more times until he knew that I had was an empty bowel, then he had then filled up my cunt and womb with something else and instead of letting it drain, he suctioned it out and again repeated the process until he knew I was clean inside that area as well.

Then it was Avira’s turn to be cleaned out from the inside as well, and he too, did the same thing with Avira. I saw how full Avira got as the Demon had filled Avira’s belly with the liquid that the Demon had shoved up his ass. It was after he knew that we were clean from the inside he took us to the bathtub and washed us everywhere, finishing off in our privates. We were too exhausted to do anything as he had carefully administered in getting rid of all the stuff that was on us.

It was during the time that he was washing our privates, that he had fondled us until I had almost come and Avira’s was hard and stiff. So much so that it looked like that he could cum at anytime now.

Although we didn’t like what was going on with us, we did like the bath, because it had been a long time since we had a nice warm bath and it felt good to get rid of all the dirt, grim and whatnot that was on us.

Then he led us to another area, after we were dried off, took off he collars of us and what we could see next was a narrow, but long pool. About 3 ft wide and 5 ft long, with some sort of liquid in it. It looked like one of the dipping troughs for livestock, in order to bath and get rid of skin parasites or whatever that might be on them. It was then that the Demon said, ?Here drink this, this for something for what you are going to do.?

We both drank the liquid and looked to see if we could not go into the pool, but the ledges were too narrow for us so we had to walk through the pool.

As we walked into this pool, we saw that it had a gentle slope, letting us walk across the bottom, eventually coming up to our neck, but then there was a sudden drop, causing the both of us to be completely dunked into this liquid. Luckily this sudden drop wasn’t too big and eventually we could walk over to the other side.

We waited for something to happen; it wasn’t til we were almost dry that we were allowed to go through the door, the only thing that was still somewhat wet was our hair. To which we saw another bed and 5 large Demons were waiting for us. So we went over to the bed and waited, when one of the Demons said, ?You two have to get together again, but no fucking, so both of you get on that bed.?

Avira had some difficulties in getting his cock into me, because we were both a bit cold, nervous and wondered if they were going to get me pregnant again.

Then when we were joined together, we heard the grunts and groans as the 5 Demons started to masturbate themselves with their massive cocks and when they had shot their loads, it landed on us, and they continued until we were almost covered with their cum. The only place that we weren’t covered in cum was above our necks.

It was after we were almost fully covered with their cum and it had hardened, all of the 5 Demons in a circle around us, chanted something and bit by bit their cum was slowly seeping into us. Then something else as almost all the cum had been absorbed into us, we both came with such ferocity that I didn’t know if that could ever happen again.

It was after we had separated, then Malik said, ?Would one of you escort, no, carry these two to my chambers. I want to give them something. I hope that you will like what I am giving you.?

Then one of the Demons picked us up and carried us to Malik. We were too exhausted to do anything, after having all the changes that were done to us, that whatever we did and coupled that we hadn’t anything to eat since last night.

We must have just dozed off, because the next thing we saw was that we were in a large, highly elaborate and decorated room with all sorts of things, to which some of the stuff we had seen before. Then we saw Malik, for a Demon, he looked like a human being, except for the horns on his head and his ears. He had above average look, very muscular, but not overtly muscular, a nice chiseled look. He look to be well over 6 ft tall, but not quite 7 ft tall, maybe about 6 ? ft tall. From the bulge from his pants it looked like he was very well endowed. If he wanted to, Malik could get a dozen or more girls pregnant.

Then I saw that we were not alone, there were about 6 other girls here with us, but they all of them seemed to be unsure of us and what we were doing here.

I saw that I was on a bed, surrounded by several pillows on all sides and underneath me. It was probably for the pain I might go through as that spell that was put on us wears off and I was right, as I had started to feel the effects of the operation that was done on me.

Then Malik got something and then said, ?Here, drink this, it will make you feel better.?

After I had drank whatever Malik gave me, I saw that Avira was waking up as well as he was very close to me on the same bed and Malik gave him the same thing to drink as well and he said, ?This should help you.?

Avira still didn’t feel any pain as the spell was done about 30 minutes after I had it done on me, but I knew he should soon feel pain as well. I silently screamed as the spell was finally over and felt ache and pains all over my body and tears flowed as I was in so much pain.

Then Malik clapped his hands and 4 Demoness came over. Two of them took me to another bed with a towel on it, slowly poured some scented oil on my back and eventually started to give me a full body massage. I could feel all the tension in my muscle go away as they continued stroke and rub my body that is until they came to my breasts.

It was when one of those Demoness touched had my breast; I could feel the start of me getting very hot. The Demoness still continued massaging my breasts until I had come. The amount that I had sprayed was a fair amount and was a bit thicker then the previous times, so much so that I still had some in me and was slowly dripping out.

So the other Demoness started to lick the come that was still inside my cunt and in doing so, she licked my clit and I had almost come again. Then Malik said, ?Jenni had a lot of things done to her and she is still sensitive in those areas. Although by tomorrow Jenni won’t be as sensitive as she is now.?

So the Demoness did something to me, as one sucked on one of my breasts and fondled the other, the other Demoness started to lick my clit. As I tried to hold back at what they were doing me, but I couldn’t, another orgasm came over me and I had come again. So much so that the Demoness had licked my come that was on the outside of me and then proceeded to lick the come from inside of me. Then she took her hand and started to take some of the come out of me, she touched another area and I again almost came again.

It was during one of my orgasm that I heard Avira scream as the spell had worn off and the other two Demoness took him to another bed, put some oil on him and he too got a massage. It was during Avira’s massage that the Demoness noticed his hard-on and one of them proceeded to suck on his cock, until he had cum and did it few more times until he had shot a huge load out of him and then continued to finish his massage.

After the Demoness had finished the both of us, more ways then one, we didn’t feel the pain as much. The many orgasms that we had, caused our body to send out endorphin, making us feel good and somewhat lessening the pain.

After that massage, we were given some items, the first item that was for us, was a short necklace for me, that just went under my collar bone and for Avira a 1-inch thick choker, both of them had a dark blue gem in the center of these jewelries, a small one for my necklace and a larger one for Avira’s chocker. Then a bracelet with rings attached by a chain was put on our fingers and wrist.

Once the bracelet was locked in place, we were given some new clothing. I was given a silken-like robe that just barely covers me up. The length was just above my hips and left a gap of an inch or so, so if anyone wanted to, one could either touch or grab my breast and/or cunt and the sash that I was given, I made sure the this robe wasn’t coming off too readily. It felt somewhat good to wear something, because both Avira and I hadn’t worn anything since he had cherrypop me and got me pregnant. Avira got a pair of pants, that wasn’t too tight, but wasn’t too loose either and just came just above his knees. Although Avira tried to get the choker and Bracelet/Ring set off, as he didn’t like wearing any kind of jewelry, but once the choker and bracelet was locked, by some secret means, it never came off.

After we got dressed, we were shown a table, covered with all kinds of food, there was so much we didn’t know were to start, so we started at one end of the table and then eventually ended on the other end.

It was during one of our eating sessions, which Malik came behind me and lightly touched by breast. I had almost come when he had touched me there.

It was after we had finished eating, that we both laid down on one of the large beds and collapsed on it. Then Malik put his two of his fingers into me and started to tease me, as I would almost came to the point of having a orgasm, Malik would stop and after awhile he would do that again. After doing this for quite a few minutes, he finally let me have an orgasm. My whole body shuddered as the orgasm course through my body.

Malik would do it with my breast and clit, teasing me over and over again, until several minutes had passed and let me come again. Then Malik took one of the girls that had seen what had happened and led her to Avira. Then this girl took Avira’s cock and sucked it until Avira had come again. It was during this girl cock sucking, that Malik said, ?Don’t you worry this little girl is very good at getting any male off, especially at deep-throating.? And it showed, because this girl had taken Avira’s long cock and shoved all the way down his shaft. When Avira had cum, she had swallowed every last drop of his gism.

It was after he had dismissed the girl, then Malik said, ?As you can see, there have been some changes done to the both of you. Avira, your cock will always be like that, and you have cum to at least dozen or so times during in a day to get some relief or your cock will be very painful. But what I am going to do to you will help you with that. Also you will have the extra strength, endurance and stamina to do that.

The Malik paused for a moment or two and then said, ?Jenni, you have noticed that you are highly sensitive with your Breast, Clit and G-Spot, although that will be lessen when you wake up tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry about someone accidentally touching your breast and causing you to have an orgasm. Another thing that was done to you is that you will be able to take any cock sized in your cunt and ass and it will still be tight. As you had felt when Salil had shoved his hand and arm into both your orifices.?

I nodded at what Malik had said and then Malik said, ?You have also noticed that you have been aged to about 18-19 years and that you will look like this because an immortality spell has been cast on you, well not a true immortality spell as this spell has to be done every so many years, so you have to go through the same thing in order to keep you this way. The reason why is that you are my favorites and as long as I am alive, you will keep on living as well, and we, Demons, do live for a very long time. So you don’t have to worry about anything.?

It was just a bit too much to take it all in, so we just lie down on the bed and contemplate on what had happen to us and what Malik had said, and after awhile we both went to sleep.

I must have been a deep sleep, because when I awoke, Avira was having sex with one of the girls and then I noticed that he had done the other 5 girls as they were cum soaked and dripping with Avira’s spunk.

Then Avira said, ?Malik, said it was ok to? fuck this girl??

Avira stopped, as he had shot his latest load into this girl, so that I saw how much came out that some of his jizz, that some of it leaked out. After he had cum, Avira said, ?Malik, said it was ok to fuck this girls, as they are? are? sex toys and would never get pregnant, unless Malik wants them to. So I can do almost anything to them, if I wanted to, but at this time I will just fuck with them, in order to get some relief.?

Then Malik said, ?That is right, they are for my pleasure and not theirs and anyone else I allow them to do. Although while Avira is here in my quarters, he can do anything he wants.?

At was after Avira had finished, I had a good look at my breasts that I was indeed had a enlarge breasts, I went from a 34 A or B to a 38 D and looked like I could give any male a good tit-fuck. I had also noticed that although my breasts were firm, they were soft to the touch as well.

It was after I had felt my breasts, that I had noticed something, I needed to go to the bathroom badly. Malik saw what was going on and showed me were I had to go. So I went over to that place and emptied my bladder out. I still didn’t need to empty my backside as I had that enema yesterday and my lower bowels was still empty.

It was after we were given our breakfast, which Malik said, ?Since you had done what you had been told yesterday, I will reward you with almost whatever you want. The only thing that I can’t give you is your freedom, as you and any other human are now our slaves and we can do anything to you.?

We said also simultaneously together, ?We want to see our parents.?

Then Malik replied, ?I can let you see your mother, but not your father, as he is being difficult and doesn’t want to do what we want him to do.?

Then after a moment or two we then said, ?Can we also our friends, the one that were caught a few months ago.? It was then that we said several manes of who we were talking about, Ethan, Gavin, Cain, Grace, Caitleen, Debbie and the others.

Malik thought for a moment or two and then said, ?I will allow you to see your friends, after I have gathered them up, as they are scattered in several parts of this Citadel. So you will see your mother first and then your friends.?

It was while we were eating that Malik had explained, how he and the others had came here and how the people were eventually separated into 2 distinctly different groups. There were the laborers who did most of the physical work, either tending the crops or livestock, kitchen duty, transporting things from one place to another and stuff like that, and then there were the sex slaves; breeders, wet nurses, sex toys, etc. for the pleasure of the demons and others who did their work well and were rewarded for that. We tried to take as much as we could as Malik was telling all these things, but in the end, we thought, we understood what we had been told.

So after we had finished eating our breakfast; we were led to another room and there we saw our mother inside there. After we had entered in, our mother had given us a great big hug, only she stopped after a moment or two, then we saw why that happen, my mother was lactating and probably her breasts were close to overflowing.

I had squeezed my mother’s’ breast and some milk started to squirt out. My mother moaned as I had done that and said, ?Don’t do that, I hadn’t feed a child for quite awhile and I am painfully full. Once this visit is over, I hope, that will be feeding another child again.?

So what we did was that I took my mother’s right breast and Avira took my mother’s left breast and we both started to suck her breast milk. All my mother could do was lay back as we had sucked at her breasts.

It was after we had finished sucking our mother’s breast, that our mother noticed something different about us and said, ?You have been changed, they made our older, and Jenni, your breast, look how huge they are. Avira, did they do something to you, besides make you more muscular.?

Avira nodded and dropped his pants, showing off his enlarge and erect cock. Then Avira pulled up his pants and said, ?My? my? manhood will not go down, it will be always like this no matter how many times I come and if I don’t get any relief several times in a day, it will be painful, so I would have to do it either with manual or external stimulation.?

Then our mother replied, ?So in order to get some relief, you have to either masturbate yourself or having sex with another girl. And since you are not in any kind of pain, down there, you must have had sex with at least 6 girls, because your hands aren’t sticky and pants are not damp.?

Our mother was always blunt in discussing things and knew that to say.

Then our mother asked ?Did anything else happen to you since you have been here.?

We both hesitated in telling her what Avira and I did, but if we didn’t tell her we would have the shame bearing down on us.

We could see the puzzled look on our mother’s face, so Avira said, ?In order that the Demons not take Jenni’s virginity, I had? had? s? se? sex with her and got her pregnant. It wasn’t that we had a choice it was either me or them. Besides we didn’t know that a spell was placed on her to get her pregnant.?

Then my mother placed her hand on my belly and asked, ?When are you going to have this baby.?

I answered, ?I have had given birth to our daughter. Tufayl had caused me to become full term in about 15 or 20 minutes. Although they allowed me to give birth to her and after they had handed our daughter to me, I tried my best to breast fed her.?

My mother was somewhat surprised at what I had said, but given in the condition that she was in, she wasn’t too surprised at what I had said. Then she looked at my breasts and felt them and then said, ?I believe you, because of the serious of what you two had said and how the way that your breast feel. Although they had changed to what they were before, there are some changes that can’t be undone.?

I somewhat winched when my mother had felt my breasts hoping that I wouldn’t come, but as Malik had said I wasn’t as sensitive as before.

Our mother had seen what I did when she touched my breasts and asked, ?Did I hurt you in anyway.? I replied, ?No, you did not, I am very sensitive with my breasts and if you had held them too long, I might have come.?

Then my mother asked, ?Where else have they made you sensitive.? Then I answered, ?They had made me have a sensitive clit and G-Spot and also they made it, so that I can take any sized penis into my cunt and ass. A demon named Salil had shoved his hand and some of his arm into me. I didn’t like the feeling at what he did.?

We continued to discuss how long we had been here and what we did before and other things as well. It was then a Demon had entered the room and said, ?Your visit with out mother is over, so say your goodbyes and I will take you to your next place.? We both hugged and kissed our mother goodbye and then we left the room as we both saw another demon entered the room with a baby in his arm.

Then we were led to another room and just before we had entered the room, the Demon put two of his fingers inside of my cunt, said something and then let us entered the room.

Whatever he had done, I hoped that it wasn’t a pregnancy spell, but after a few minutes, I found out what it was.

As we had entered the room, we had seen all our friends that were capture a few months ago and some of them told us some of the changes that had done to them.

Then Maya asked, ?So are you still a virgin or did one of those Demons taken you.?

I shook my head and said, ?No,? I paused for a moment and then said, ?Avira had taken my virginity. He was my last chance before any of those Demons might have taken it.?

Then Maya had noticed our large my breasts were and then fondled them lightly and briefly and then said, ?Your brother did something else to you, didn’t he.?

We both nodded at what Maya had said and knew how perspective she was, and then Ethan asked, ?What are you talking about.?

Then Maya asked, ?What are the purposes that people for having sex.? Then Ethan replied, ?One is just for pleasure and the other is to have??

Then Ethan looked at us, then my belly, and then said, ?You got your sister pregnant.? We both nodded and then Avira said, ?If you are wondering how far she is, Jenni had her given birth to her child yesterday.?

Ethan thought that we were lying, when Debbie replied, ?And I know how, I have seen be done a few times. A Demon would shove two of his fingers up deep inside your vagina and womb, possibly touching the fetus, chants something and then no more than 20 minutes later you are at full term. Also depending on their mood or circumstances, either the delivery happens just after the girl is full term or a few hours later they give birth. Jenni, which one did you have.?

I answered, ?I had a normal delivery and after a few hours I gave birth to a baby girl. At least I was able to hold my daughter for a little while. I even got breast fed her, somewhat successfully, but for my first time, you might understand.?

Everyone was astonish at what we had said and wondered what else had happen to us. So Avira said, ?As you can notice, they have aged us, made Jenni’s breast bigger, and made my manhood bigger as well.?

Then Avira dropped his pants and everyone saw how big he had become and saw how erect and stiff his cock had become. Then Avira said, ?This will never go down, no matter how many I do it. Just his morning I had sex with 6 girls and I was still like this.?

Then Gavin felt my breast, fondled them and continued to play with them for a couple minutes or so, until I had come. My whole body shuddered as the wave of pleasure went over me. Then Gavin said, ?They made your breast that sensitive as well.

Then Gavin was about to do something else, when Ethan said, ?Gavin, don’t treat Jenni as a sex object, those Demons probably done several changes to her, but to us we should treat her with some respect. Although if you don’t mind, can I have sex with you, I knew that you wanted me to take your virginity, but things didn’t turn out that way.?

I paused for a moment or two and then said, ?Yes, I would like for you to sex with me. I should tell you that I am also have sensitive clit and G-Spot as I am with my breasts. So I might come several times if you hit it just right.?

I want to tell Ethan about the spell that the Demon had put on me, but I didn’t know what kind of spell, that was until Ethan had entered me.

As Ethan had slowly pushed his cock into me, we both knew what had happened and Ethan gave a short laugh and then said, ?You didn’t think this could happen again, but a Demon had made you into a virgin again. At least you can expect at what is going to happen to you again. That has happened to me as well, they had made a few girls virgins again.?

So as it happened to me with Avira, Ethan had taken my virginity, I waited until I felt the same thing again and after awhile, Ethan got into the rhythm and started to shove his cock harder and faster into me, making me come a few time until he had cum into me. The Ethan’s amount of spunk wasn’t as much as Avira, but it was fair bit more then I would have expected.

It was during the time that Ethan and I were having sex, which Avira was going away with one of the other girls. I knew at that time that Avira needed to get some relief soon, because if he didn’t, his cock and balls would become painful.

Where was Cain in all of this, he was sitting against the wall. Although he was still paralyzed, he could walk a short distance, which we learn in a moment or two.

After everyone had sex with somebody, except for Cain and Avira doing most of the girls, everyone felt, in some cases, full, but satisfied. A Demon entered the room and everyone wondered what was going on, until he came up to Cain.

Cain trembled as this Demon walked over to Cain, turned him over and shove his Bucking Bronco up his ass. Cain winched as he shoved it in and after a while we could see the Demon furiously pumping his Bucking Bronco until he had cum up Cain ass. Cain wept as the Demon kept his cock inside of him for a moment or two and then left us after he gave a Cain a wink and a smile. Cain shuddered at what that Demon had silently said.

Than I said, ?I don’t want to be rude or anything, but are you a sex toy; doing whatever Demons or Demoness wants you to do. Seeking pleasure whatever or whenever they want? Cain replied, ?Yes, I am. As you can see, anyone can do almost anything to me. The thing is that I am scared that Demon will come back for me later and who knows what he has in stock for me.?

Then Cain asked, ?How do you know all about that.? I replied, ?Malik, told the both of us about some things and that we are divided into two groups, laborers and sex slaves. And from what had just happened to you, you are a sex toy.?

Then Avira asked, ?Are you still paralyzed or did they make it that you can walk again. Cain replied, ?I am somewhat paralyzed, but I can walk a bit, not that far only a few feet. Also I can feel things as you just saw.?

Then Cain got up and walked a few steps and then sat down, then said, ?They put something in my back. At first, all that I could you was stand up and now I can walk a few feet as you can see. But I am also limited in how far I can go. So if anyone wants to take pleasure of me, I can’t get very far away from them, even with my increased upper body strength.?

We all winced at what Cain had said and than we all talked about other things until a Demon entered the room and told us that our time was up and we went out separate ways.

We were led back to Malik room and had a late lunch, because Avira had sex with the girls in the other room before, Avira didn’t need to have sex with the girls in this room. So we waited until Malik had come back, sat down next to us and then he said, ?Jenni, since my guys, didn’t have any fun with you, when you got captured, I am going let my all of my guys fuck you. Don’t worry, it will not be everyone at once, a group of my men will do you until at all on my have done you at least once. While your sister is being banged away, you are going to get many girls pregnant and I do mean many. I should tell you some of the girl will have a pregnancy spell on them, but you will not know which ones, so rest up, you are both going to be busy for the next few days.?

It was an hour or so and my thought were on Cain and what that Demon was going to do to him, I asked, ?While we were with Ethan and the others, I had noticed that a Demon had entered the room and sodomized Cain in front of all of us and then gave Cain a smile and a wink. So if I understand properly, that Demon will come back for him and some more things to Cain.?

Then Malik answered, ?And you are wondering if you can see what Demon is going to do to Cain. I suppose, that there no harm in watching what is happening to Cain.?

Then Malik brought over an large orb of some kind and a smoke-like substance swirled around and slowly it cleared up and then I could see Cain in his room, with several things inside as well.

Then shortly afterwards, that same Demon entered in Cain’s room, took a nasty looking whip, then chained Cain, both from the ceiling and floor, with Cain’s arm and legs held by the ends of at least a 3 ft bar, then the Demon said, ?I should get you nice and properly warmed up, before I have my fun.?

Then he took the whip and hit Cain across his back. Cain screamed as the whip contacted his back. The Demon let the whip cross Cain’s back a few more times and then put the whip away and then looked for something else. What the Demon took was a ball-like devise and a paddle. Opened up the ball-like apparatus and encased Cain’s cock and balls, then he shut the ball tightly and then took the paddle and hit Cain’s ass a few times. Then the Demon said, ?I think you are good and ready for me, now this will not hurt you.?

Then the Demon slowly pushed his cock into Cain’s ass and slowly fucked Cain at first and went into a quicker pace at a steady rate, until the Demon had cum inside Cain’s ass.

When the Demon was finished, he took off the ball that held his cock and balls and we noticed (the Demon and I) that Cain’s cock become hard and erect, then the Demon said, ?I guess you still want some more fun. Well, I guess I have to do you a few more times.? Cain blanched at what the Demon had said and waited for whatever to happen next.

Cain didn’t have to wait long as the Demon shoved a stick, with a series of knobs going up the shaft, shoved it up his ass and then the Demon shoved his cock up Cain’s ass. Cain screamed as the Demon shoved his crankshaft into him.

As the Demon ass-fucked Cain, until it looked like Cain was about to cum, only the Demon would stop and waited for a moment or two and start over again, for several minutes, the Demon had done this, until the Demon was satisfied with what he had done and then helped Cain cum.

After that the Demon unchained Cain and Cain dropped down onto the floor, Cain wept bitterly at what the Demon had done. Then the Demon picked up Cain, laid him on a bed, on his belly and lightly rubbed the small of his back. Cain gasped at first and then after a moment or two, gave a sigh of relief.

As the Demon was leaving, said, ?You are very good, I will come by everyday at this time and we will do this again.?

Cain gasped at what the Demon had said and cried even more at a prospect of being back-fucked like this everyday.

Then Malik said, ?A Diademata was placed in the small of his back and that’s what’s give him the ability to walk short distances and to feel anything. So when 'Aziz had rubbed Cain’s back, it sent out some endorphin out to make Cain feel better.?

Then I said, ?Why does Cain have to be punished, since it was your eldritch magic that had changed him. I am sorry to talk like this.?

Malik answered, ?Don’t be, but what do you mean our Eldritch magic had changed him. Cain tried to hurt one of my men. Unsuccessfully I might add.?

I answered, ?The name that Cain was going to have was Kabil, but to anglicized Cain, Cain’s father is or was of Turkish descent, but his mother wasn’t, and Cain’s father wanted to give Cain a Turkish name. So that is why Cain has darkish skin color and that Kabil means ‘possessed’. And if I remember that the eldritch magic had caused some changes and in Cain’s case it made him act out as if was possessed. So is there anything to help Cain.?

Malik shook his head and said, ?No, I cannot do anything like that, but I can make his life a bit easier. He will be still treated this way, but he will be given more food to keep his strength up.?

I felt sorry for Cain, but as I had just learned, the eldritch magic had caused changes for some of us.

When morning had came, Avira was about to have sex with one of the girls, when one of the Demons said, ?Not so fast there, little boy, you will be needing all of that Baby-Juice where you are going to and here little girl, get ready to have a lot of fun with us.?

Then that Demon was hit by something, like a small bolt of lightening across his back, than Malik said, ?Ghayth, They are to be called by their given names and they are Avira and Jenni, or do I have to punish you again.?

We looked over to Malik and saw that he had a whip in his hand and it crackled with an electric charge.

Ghayth nodded his head and took us to two different places. When Avira got to the room, he saw that there were 8 or so girls, so Avira went over to the closest girl and had slowly caressed, fondled and held her gently. When this girl was good and ready, Avira slowly entered her and noticed that she was either a virgin or was made into a virgin again.

After Avira had finished with the 8 girls, they were taken to another room and Avira was given a light meal. When Avira had finished eating his meal and rest up a bit, he was given another 8 girls. All of them looked like, that they were under the age of 18 years and later he found out that the youngest was 14 years old and that most of them were made into virgins.

It was during Avira’s resting period, that Hafiz said, ?You are good, most of the other breeders, just bang away at the girls until they had cum inside of them. Not caring for them, only making sure that they get pregnant. You treat them with some respect, maybe in a way making healthier babies. I have noticed that you only know a few sexual positions; do you what to learn a few more.?

Avira was astonished at what Hafiz had said and wondered if this was some sort of reward for his work and Avira agreed to what Hafiz had proposed. When the next batch of girls had came in, Hafiz had shown a few more positions and some of them had showed how deep Avira could shove his baby-maker inside a girl.

I was taken to a room that was a fair size and had a somewhat large bed, probably large and strong enough to hold me and maybe two Demons.

I didn’t have to wait long for the first Demon to enter my room, the Demon laid me down on the bed and immediately sucked onto one of my breasts and fondled the other and did so until I had come, causing to me to shuddered as I had come. When I had come, my come was thick and gooey, not like the first time, in which it was very watery. Then the Demon put his one of his fingers into me and gently massaged my g-spot until I had come again. It was after he had done that that he shoved his cock gently and slowly, but surely started to pump me at a faster and faster pace, until he had came into me, causing me to come a few times before he had cum into me.

The first few sessions that I was given were ok, many of the Demons took me from behind, not wanting to crush me under their stout bodies or hurt me with their massive cocks. Even a few of them had made me come, when they had cum inside me, by fondling my clit and cumming when I had come.

That all changed after the next few sessions, one or two Demons would take me and would either fuck me up my cunt or my up my ass. When there were two Demons, one would do my ass and one would do my cunt and then they would switch. Then one time, three Demons had entered the room and they each would fuck my ass, cunt and mouth, each switching until they had done me once in each of my orifices.

At first, I couldn’t keep the cum in my stomach, but after a while I was able to swallow and keep the cum inside of me.

It was after a session was almost finished, when one Demon had made me suck his cock, which I had felt something and it wasn’t a good feeling at all.

Then Badr said, ?Now be a good girl and swallow my cum.?

I tried my best to swallow his cum, but I felt something, but in the end I had swallowed his cum. Another Demon was fucking me from behind, when he saw something happened to me and quickly held me and bent over and I had promptly coughed up some of the cum inside of me, so Fadi put his hand over my stomach and finally I had vomited most of what was inside my stomach.

Then Fadi said, ?Are you all right, Jenni, that is a lot of cum inside of your stomach, whenever I can, I will be right here to make sure that nothing like this ever happens to you again, if I am allowed too.?

Then we heard Malik replied, ?Sure, you are allowed to stay as long as you can, to ensure Jenni’s health and well-being. As long it doesn’t interfere with your duties.?

Then Fadi replied, ?Yes Sir, I will do my best to make sure that Jenni’s doesn’t get hurt in any way, whenever I am here with her.?

As Fadi had is cock up my cunt, he finished up at what he was doing and laid me on the bed, and when my tray of food was placed on the table, Fadi had brought over a drink and I tried to drink what was in it, only I had thrown-up again.

So Fadi leaned part of my body on the side of the bed, held my stomach again and chanted something and everything that was in my stomach had came out. Fadi did it again to make sure that my stomach was empty. Then after he refilled the cup, I was able to drink whatever was in it. After I had sipped some of the beverage, Fadi broke a piece of food and he gently fed me, until I was able to eat the food properly again.

For the most of the time Fadi had been with me during my sessions with the many Demons, it was after a few more sessions, I got another surprise, some of the Demons had two cocks instead of one.

When that had happened, I first felt something strange entered my ass and then I realized that it was another cock was entering my ass and the Demon had fuck both of them with much vigor.

By the end of the day, I was somewhat sore, but sated as had entered Malik quarters. When two Demoness had walked over to me and had gave me another massage, putting some cram up my cunt, to which I had later found out it was some healing cream to heal any tears inside my cunt that I might have. It was after they had finished giving me my massage, it was then Avira had entered in as well and they two gave Avira a massage as well.

After the Demoness was finished with Avira’s massage, he lay down near me and asked, ?So how was your day.?

I replied, ?Interesting enough, it started out more or less normal enough, but when two or three Demons took turns with me, things got interesting, one would fuck me in the cunt, the other in my ass and/or I would be sucking the other Demon with my mouth and once they where done, they would all switch until I got done by all of them in each of my orifices. Then I got another surprise, some of the Demons have two cocks and they entered one of each of them into my cunt and ass. Although I almost had some trouble, during one of my sessions, I had sucked one too many Demons and my stomach couldn’t handled it anymore, eventually, with some help, I got rid of all the spunk in my stomach.?

I paused for a moment or two and then said, ?But if is wasn’t for Fadi, I might have choked on the cum in my tummy. So how was your day??

Avira answered, ?I don’t know the reason why, but a fair portion of the girls that I had done, were made back into virgins, but I had treated them all with respect and made love to them as best as I could. Probably because I had treated the girls so well, that Hafiz had taught me some new sexual positions, in which some of them can drive a cock deep into a girl, although I will not do them to you.?

Then as Avira was about to lie down, then he realized at what I had said and then asked, ?Did I hear you correctly that some of the Demons had two cocks.?

I replied, ?Yes, you did, not all the Demons have two cocks, but a few of them do and they can cunt and ass-fuck me at the same time. That is a unusual feeling.?

I could see Avira trying to imagine figure out how a Demon with two cocks looked like, well he could his answer the very next day.

It was after Avira had entered the room that he saw a Demon fucking a girl and after Hafiz was finished, Avira had seen that he had two cocks, both in an semi-erect state. Then Hafiz said, ?A little fun for me, before you get to work. Besides I didn’t know that you were coming in early this day.?

Then Avira stopped staring at Hafiz’s two cocks, and said, ?I am not early, I am on time, maybe you forgot when I was suppose to be here.?

Hafiz checked out if Avira was early or not and found out that, Avira was on time for this session, but Hafiz was too busy playing with this sex toy, and then Hafiz said, ?I am sorry, I was having to much fun with this little girl. Besides what were you staring at??

Avira lowered his head and tried to not look at Hafiz’s two cocks. Then Hafiz figured out what he was staring at and said, ?You haven’t seen anyone with two cocks, haven’t you.? Avira nodded and then said, ?Although I was told by my sister, that she had been fucked by some Demons who have two cocks and I tried to imagine what it would look like.?

Then Hafiz came closer to Avira and showed his cocks and as Avira looked at them, it looked like that the cock was split in two, down the middle and made two small, but whole cocks. It was after that Avira went to work making a few more girls pregnant.

It was during one of Avira’s break, that Avira ask, ?Hafiz, have you done my sister yet. I am just curious about that. Also how do you have sex with a girl??

Hafiz answered, ?No, I haven’t done Jenni, but my turn is coming soon. I think it is later tonight. As to how I have sex with a girl. There is only one way I can do it with both of my cocks, from the back. I enjoy the feeling of filling both ends with my cum. Although I can make either of my cocks, hard and fuck a girl in almost any position that I know.?

Over the next few days, I had suck and been fuck both ends and for the most of it, I had gotten use to having my ass being fucked as time went on. So much so, that at one point, I wanted to be fuck at both ends at the same time. It was during that time that I, too, was shown different sexual positions, but not as many as Avira had been shown, but eventually I was taught a lot more sexual position.

Everything was fine until the last session with the Demons, as the last one had done a massive job on me. Because I can’t scream out in pain, this Demon did a number on me and tried to make me scream, but all he got out of me was tears flowing.

It was after the Demon had been finished with me, that Fadi had entered the room and asked, ?Baqir, what have you done. ?Do you know who she is??

Baqir answered, ?Some sex slave whom we can do anything to. Besides what does that matter to you?? Fadi shook his head, ?You are in deep trouble, and hopefully Jenni doesn’t have any permanent done damage to her.?

Baqir replied, ?Why should I bother, its not like she belongs to Malik.? Then Fadi lifted up my hand showing the rings and bracelet and Baqir tried to get out of the room as fast as he could, unfortunately he was too late, when a collar and cuffs with short chains appeared and Fadi attached them to Baqir neck and hands then attached them to a ring set on the floor of the room.

Then Fadi said, ?I will be coming back and Malik will see what kind of punishment what you will receive when we return here.?

Fadi had picked me up and took me back to Malik’s quarters and Malik looked at me and then said, ?Jenni is going to ok, but Baqir had done some work on her. I knew of her inability to scream when pain is afflicted upon her. So heal her and with her brother, Avira has arrived I will take them to Baqir and give him his punishment.?

Malik went over to one place picked up a couple of things and waited until Avira arrived, where Avira and I went back to the room where Baqir was being held.

Baqir looked up at Malik as best he could and pleading with his eyes, not to be punished too badly, only Baqir wasn’t that fortunate, especially after he had seen the jar in Malik’s hand. Then Fadi took the chains off the ring and chained and laid Baqir on the bed. Spreading Baqir legs, just far enough apart, then Fadi made sure that Baqir cock was made rock hard.

Then Malik said, ?Avira, Jenni, these are ‘Manduca Sexta’, nasty little things, they like warm, wet and dark places and cause a lot of pain while they are nesting in whatever or wherever they find. Once they have been absorbed into the body, it causes increase whatever they are, in Baqir case, they are going to make there home inside his balls, making him increase his sperms.?

Then Malik then put a funnel into the tube and spilled over the jar and let these things enter that tube, and then put the tube over his cock. And these Manduca Sexta entered Baqir’s cock and settled in his balls. Baqir screamed as they had entered him and then settled inside his balls, causing them to increase in size. Then a ball-like device was placed over Baqir’s cock and balls.

Then Malik told Fadi that he wanted Baqir to be in a sitting position and then took the whip and gave Baqir too many whipping for us to count. After Malik had finished with the whipping, the ball-like device was removed and we saw that Baqir’s balls had increased again, not but much, but still an increase. Baqir screamed to let him get some relief, but Malik told him that he will stay this way until morning and to make sure that Baqir couldn’t go off, his cock was plugged and a ring was placed around his cock and balls.

Then Fadi tied Baqir hands from above so that Baqir couldn’t remove the plug or ring, causing Baqir to scream to be let go, but they fell on deaf ears as we all left the room.

It was after Malik, Avira and I had entered Malik’s quarters, that I said, ?I guess that I had done all of your men and now I can have a rest.? Then Malik turned around and replied, ?No, you haven’t been done by everyone, there is still one more Demon that has to do you.?

Then I asked, ?Then who is it.? Malik replied, ?The only one who hasn’t done you is me, so you know what to do.?

I nodded and laid down on one of the beds belly side down, as I could tell by the size of his body and from what I had seen through his pants how large is cock is.

Only I didn’t know what I was in for, as Avira had gasp just before Malik had entered into me. It was then that I knew what I was in for, because Malik has two large cocks when he had pushed them into my cunt and ass. I had taken in large cocks into both my cunt and ass, but nothing like this. Malik started off slowly and slowly went into a faster pace as he had continued. When he had come into me, the amount of Hot-Lead was so much that some of it had slowly dripped out of me.

It look like that Malik had still a lot inside of him that he got one of his sex toys and had me lay on my back and her to lay facing on top of me and proceeded to fuck us both.

Then after he had finished with us, Malik turned me around and fucked me a couple more times, filling me up to the brim.

After Malik was finished me, he took two other girls and fucked them, filling them to the brim. Then Malik then said, ?You have a lot to learn, but I so want to tell you that, more or less, that you are breeders and that you, Avira, will have to get several girls pregnant and Jenni you will have to bear children. Although that will not happen immediately, you will have a rest period before that will start. Some of my men will show you some things and after that you can go anywhere in this Citadel, well almost everywhere, you will be told where you can’t go. Ok.?

We both nodded, had our supper, after Avira had fucked the girls, we both went to sleep, not know how fortunate we were.

To Be Continued?

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Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

2 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumDayton

I tried to sleep, and I nodded off for a few hours, but it didn’t stick. I was tossing and turning. I was hot, and my various joints and muscles were aching me more than usual, or perhaps I was just more conscious of it than I usually am. In any case, I was tossing and turning. I was conscious, too, that this might be hurting Kelly’s quality of sleep. After an hour or so, I was wide awake, nervous, in pain, and feeling like a nuisance. I got up and went back to the downstairs bar. While we...

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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

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Matthews dreamy birthday

Matthew had just graduated from university when he landed his dream job as a systems analyst. His new colleagues were nice, making him really welcome especially his manager Vincent.As the months progressed, they got to know Matthew better as well as he likewise with his colleagues including Vincent.Where his colleagues like to spend their leisure time socialising like going to concerts, football matches etc, they were intrigued as well as more bewildered by his hobby. Matthew like spending his...

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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 24 Holliday Surprise

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 1, 2010) Chapter 24 - Holliday Surprise Wednesday morning had me dreading school again. I couldn't believe that the day before I had been excited to go to school as Megan. Now, I was considering dressing up as Brett again....

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Gezinstherapeute Mirthe

Gezinsthe****ute Mirthe is de vervanger van B en een bloedmooie blonde vrouw met lang krullend haar van ongeveer 48 jaar. tijdens de huisbezoeken laat ik altijd mijn ogen over haar lichaam glijden met de hoop dat ik een glimp van haar bh kan opvangen.Op een dag kwam Mirthe onverwachts op huisbezoek. Ze belde aan en ik maakte open. Ik zei,"Goedemorgen, hadden we een afspraak?" "Nee hoor, maar ik was in de buurt en dacht dat we misschien een evaluatie gesprek konden houden,"zei ze."Kom binnen,"...

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OtherworldChapter 6 Atheria

I awoke to find myself in a soft bed, a thick, comfortable blanket pulled over me. The walls around me were wooden, but looked very solid. Sunlight washed into the room through an open window. I could hear children playing outside. My body felt sore and complained as I tried to move. "Rest," an enchanting female voice said to me. Another elf woman stood not far from the bed, wetting a cloth in a bowl of water that sat against the wall. I laid back down, heeding her instructions. "Where...

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Whither MChapter 4 Whither

George Foster was determined to make this evening memorable. It wouldn’t be his final night with Sylvia, physically at least. It would be their final after-school evening, and he had run out of excuses. He would have to tell her tomorrow that he had decided to take the job in Canada. It wouldn’t be their last night in the same apartment, their last night in the same bed. It probably wouldn’t even end their sex together. Sylvia enjoyed that as much as he did, and it wasn’t as if he was...

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Whither FChapter 4 Whither

Sylvia Jennings thought that George was utterly transparent. Intelligent, yes, but she could read all his thoughts from his actions. She soaped herself slowly under the shower and thought about him. For all his talk about ‘celebration’, for example, he wanted morning sex. He thought that spoiling her the night before would get her in the mood this morning. And, of course, he was right. Not that getting her in the mood took as much effort as he put into it. She enjoyed the sex, and she didn’t...

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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 16 Holliday Dinner

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 4, 2010) Chapter 16 - Holliday Dinner Dad, acting as our agent instead of my dad (I hoped), had made us reservations at an upscale restaurant. I also found out that pulling a limo up to the door was not exactly the best...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

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The Dayton Hillbillies Ch 02

California… Anaheim… Disneyland And suddenly, the loudspeakers all over the park announced, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Dayton Hillbilly Marching Band from Dayton Ridge, Texas.’ A momentary hush fell over the crowds, until from beyond the Matterhorn came the sound of drums and then the sound of horns, cymbals and washboards as the band played ‘The Horse’ and marched to their position directly in front of Cinderella’s Castle. The people all gathered as the drum majors silently...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 37 Behind The Gates

The winding driveway that led up to the roundabout afforded Althea a chance to see a good deal of the grounds. The first thing she noticed once inside the gates was a guard shack large enough for two men and their weapons. She hoped she didn’t shudder too obviously. She also noticed a huge atrium between the house and the pristine blue lake. It contained, obvious to her, a championship sized swimming pool and a separate out-building looked to hold a steaming hot tub. There was a massive...

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The Oblivion Gates

‘Thank you for finding J’skar for me’ Jeanne said ‘don’t forget about me when you reach the University, maybe we could help each other out some time…’ Her voice trailed off, offering me something I was sorely tempted to take. She was 5ft 4 with a lovely face, deep brown eyes and glorious red hair cascading down her back. She also had just right tits, not to big and not to small. Plus I was a horny Wood Elf who hadn’t been laid since I’d left my homeland. ‘Now that you mention it’...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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TMKOC Daya ke bukhaar ka ilaaj 8211 Part 3

Pichle parts mein aapne padha, ki Daya ko bukhaar ho gaya. Aur hospital mein usko doctor Karan ne choda. Udhar Daya ka pati Jethalal nurse Shweta ke sath rangraliya mana raha tha. Ab wapas chalte hai Daya ki taraf. Karan se chudne ke baad Daya ki chut shaant ho gayi thi, aur woh aaram se so gayi thi. 12 baj chuke the, aur Daya so rahi thi. Woh ek taraf karwat leke soyi hui thi. Tabhi ek hath Daya ke boobs par aaya, aur uske boobs dabane laga. Fir woh hath uski shirt ke andar gaya, aur uske...

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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

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