Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Have I told you that Danny boy has the sweetest young teenage
ass I ever did molest? And I have fucked a lot of teen boy ass. But Danny?s
is special. The pale smooth globes, the deep crack, the beautiful rosebud.
So perfect, and a boy that young?well, he feels every humiliating inch
fucking balls deep into him. I just love to fucking ruin that boy's hot little
ass, and I have been working toward that goal. To totally ruin the ass!
ass I ever did molest? And I have fucked a lot of teen boy ass. But Danny?s
is special. The pale smooth globes, the deep crack, the beautiful rosebud.
So perfect, and a boy that young?well, he feels every humiliating inch
fucking balls deep into him. I just love to fucking ruin that boy's hot little
ass, and I have been working toward that goal. To totally ruin the ass!
He came over after school yesterday expecting a severe ass beating,
but I had something else in mind. He stood before me naked, as I sat in
my chair wearing just a white winter undershirt, white socks and a jock
strap. It was a kind of fun uniform we sometimes both wore, me in my
underwear and the frightened teen boy totally bare assed naked. I made
him take off his baseball cap too. He had gotten a fresh young boy type
haircut for the upcoming Valentine's Day dance at school, and it made him
look even younger. He stood before me hands behind his neck so his
slender pale hairless boy chest and flat naked tummy were available to my
gaze, not to mention his small patch of teen prick hair and his beautiful
cock and balls. His pretty armpits with their tiny sprinkles of hair were also
on view. He sucked on his lower lip and looked at me with downcast
eyes. His big naked toes rubbed the carpet. He was very uptight.
"So tell me Danny, what grade did you get in your History test?"
I smiled at him warmly,good parenting is a skill. And although I am not his
biological parent, I am his guardian.
"I got a....B," he mumbled. I saw his tight young tummy flutter.
"I thought I instructed you to get straight A's this semester."
"It wasn't really my fault, sir. After last Friday, all the kids at school
have been teasing me, and none of the girls will talk to me, and I just
haven't been able to concentrate like I should at school."
"Danny, are you trying to blame me for your own mistakes? " He was
referring to the incident when I made him go the school basketball game
stinking like piss. "We have to learn to live with adversity. I am simply
trying to teach you lessons for life young man. I could be a lot harder on
you, you know. Now for not getting an A, you deserve a good ass
My God, I loved few things in life as much as thoroughly wasting
Danny's beautiful full rounded ass cheeks. When I beat Danny's ass, he
literally could not sit down on it for days and had difficulty walking. He had
to sleep on his stomach. When I whupped his ass globes, Danny sobbed
until he was empty of tears. So nice to see a young man his age reduced
to a helpless baby state. When I whipped his inner ass crack and asshole,
it burned unbearably every single time he shit or I fucked him.
"However, if I beat your ass today, you would be in no shape to go
the Valentine's Dance Thursday night, and I do want you to go and have a
good time. Therefore, we will postpone your punishment until the
weekend." And you thought I was a heartless sadist.
the Valentine's Dance Thursday night, and I do want you to go and have a
good time. Therefore, we will postpone your punishment until the
weekend." And you thought I was a heartless sadist.
Danny closed his beautiful eyes in relief. He had such gorgeous long
lashes, and with his new short haircut, he look positively angelic and even
younger than his fourteen years. Then he batted his beautiful eyes
and wrinkled his freckled nose.
"Sir, I don't really want to go to the Valentine's Dance anyway. I can
stay here with you."
"Nonsense Danny...I want you to go and have a wonderful time."
"But all the other guys have dates, and after Friday, no girl will go with
"Then you will just go alone and show the other kids how brave and
cool you really are. It will be good for you. But we'll talk about that later. I
have a special Valentine's gift for you and I just can't wait until Thursday to
give it to you." Did I see a little light in his eyes? " go in the
bathroom and get your pink pussy cleaner full of nice soapy water, and
then bring it back here and prepare your pussy for me."
He blinked. "Sir, please don't fuck me too hard. After school tomorrow
we are having the Intra-school Olympics and I am competing in
gymnastics, and when you fuck me too hard, I can hardly walk.
Remember I told you about that?"
"Of course I remember. I'll be there to cheer you on Danny. Now go
clean out your pussy like a good boy."
Danny had a special pink bottle with a long tube that he used to clean
out his sexy teen asshole. I made him squat in front of me and insert it
and then pump soapy water into his guts. Then He had to exercise while it
went to work. Sometimes I had him mix Tabasco in with the soapy water.
That was fun. Then I allowed him to squat over a dishpan and expel the
shitwater. That way I could carefully observe every humiliating step of the
procedure and take pictures. Every chance you get, make a teenage boy
shit in front of you. It is one of the absolutely most humiliating things for a
boy of his age to do. He will loathe it I assure you.
I've been fucking Danny for about six months on an average of three or
four times a week, leaving plenty of time and sexual energy for our other
dirty games, with just enough juice left for some of my other boys. So,
Danny is well into being a cuntboy at this point. I made him refill the bottle
and clean himself again. I checked my digital camera photo of Danny
squirting the soapy water up his cunt.
"You know Danny, this picture would made a wonderful card to send
to friends, or a wonderful picture on the internet. Your face looks so sweet,
and the cute pink bottle up your pussy is really hot. I'll bet your are the only
bitchboy in school who has to clean his twat with a pink squeeze bottle."
nk bottle up your pussy is really hot. I'll bet your are the only
bitchboy in school who has to clean his twat with a pink squeeze bottle."
After Danny once again shit out the ass water into the dishpan, I gave
him his Valentine's gift in a white box with a big pink ribbon. The card said.
"To Danny,I love you ,from Dale10." I had been hinting to Dan that I might
soon buy him a new dvd burner if he was a good boy, so he opened the
box with high expectations. The look on his face when he removed the
cover was priceless. His eyes almost popped out of his cute face, and his
teenage brow furrowed something fierce. His lower lip trembled, and then
he chewed it as he imagined what was about to happen.
"Do you like it Danny? I had to order it special. Take it out of the box,
It was a fucking thirteen inch brown dildo shaped like a real cock. and
thicker than a beer can. It was obscenely large and awesomely ugly. He
just held the rubber thing in his hands and looked at it. It was fucking
gigantic. Wait until you see the pics.
"Nnnno....please. Sir. This is must know it's not
"I had you clean your pussy because I know you are going to want to try
it out right away."
"There's no way. I mean, I couldn't even get the head in. It would fucking
kill me, rip me to shreds. Ugh, Ugh..." he shook his beautiful head from
side to side and tears welled up in his eyes, one of my favorite ways for
him to be. If he doesn?t cry at least once a day, I'm just not happy. "
I took his sweet freckled face in my hands. "Danny...where there is a
will, there is a way. You know I have much more confidence and faith in
you than you have in yourself. I know for certain that you can do this." I
planted a big kiss on his oh so soft cherry lips. Then I licked the tears from
his cheeks. "I'll grease the dildo, you grease your twat."
I had no choice but to lube it as it was so fucking big, no one could take it
dry, although I always prefer to fuck Danny dry as it increases the
sensitivity of the experience for both of us. But even Daniel's natural teen
juices were not going to be enough for this big bum buster. As I greased
the huge brown dildo, I speculated for a moment on what it would feel like
up my own ass. Jesus Christ., no way I would ever find out. No no, I
wasn't about to turn my perfectly healthy asshole into a stretched out cunt.
"What about the school Olympics...." Danny sniffled as he slopped
grease on his fingers and forced first one then two up his now tight
teenage rectum. He had to lift one leg to do it, and it was so cute.
"Well you're just going to have to put forth some extra effort, aren't you
Danny? And we'll both hope that if you walk a little funny, all the kids at
school won't know it's because you been ass fucked with a giant dildo."
"Please Sir, can't we wait until the weekend?" He looked at me so
helplessly, so sweet and humble I almost broke down.
He looked at me so
helplessly, so sweet and humble I almost broke down.
"We can't Danny. This weekend, Louis Chalkin is bring over his Russian
Wolf Hounds, and I want your pussy in reasonable shape."
"Oh God......." Danny broke down in a wail and then choked on his
own sobs. His teen chest rose and fell as he tried to gulp air while crying
his poor teen eyes out. His pretty nipples rose and fell, all pink and pouty
from the daily stretching I gave them.
"If you are just going to sit there, Daniel, I take it your hole is greased
enough. So lets begin shall we? Although I love to see you work your cunt
flat on your back with your bitch legs pulled back to your chest, I think
because of the size of this motherfucker, you better squat over it and sit
down on it. And put on your white socks so your feet don?t slip on the floor,
and maybe your tank top too so you don't get the chills. "
"Ssssiiiirrrr... it's going to hurt me so bad." Danny stared at the huge
brown dildo.
"Don't worry about the pain Danny. Remember, I'm here for you. I'm
here to help you, and I love you. That's all that matters. A little pain, or
even a whole lot of pain doesn't matter."
"It doesn't matter? I'm going to be the one in pain. I'm going to be the
one ripped to shreds."
"Danny, how many times have I told you, you are a natural Cuntboy?
You were born that way when your alcoholic slut of a mother conceived
you with a father you never knew. It's our job to find your natural cunt
abilities, so you can have a good life. We are slowly turning your asshole
into a cunt. Yes, it will be stretched to hell. Yes it will stay open for a week
or so, but then it will slowly pucker up again. Then we have to work it
again, until it stays a permanent twat. You know how girl's gashes are
always open and juicing and ready to be fucked. That's what we want for
your cunt Danny. Eventually you will no longer have control of your bowels
because your pussy will be so loose. It's going to take a lot of work and
extraordinary pain, but together we can do it.
"But what if I don't want that. What if I just want to be a boy...?" He
was so cute, so babyish now, so at my mercy.
"You are too young to know what is good for you. You have to trust me.
Lots of boys your age think they know what they want from life. Well they
don't. Look, at all those handsome sweet stiupid boys who go off to war
and get maimed and killed. It?s a pity, that?s what it is. Their heads all filled
with trash, so they are willing to go and die for nothing. That's why you
need adult guidance. Now get that dildo head up inside your pussy lips
Danny boy."
There was no doubt aout it. With all the stretching and fucking I was
submitting Danny's asshole to, it would soon have the shape and
openness of a first class cunt. Not to mention the daily finger fucking. Do
you like finger fucking teenage boys? I enjoy it no end. They are so shy
about their assholes. Not Danny. I made him show his asshole all the
time. When I took him to the gym, I often made him kneel on a bench in
the locker room spreading the cheeks of his young smooth ass so all the
guys could see his boycunt. His hole was permanently red and puffy from
fucking, so every guy who saw it could tell he was a pussyboy, and I made
sure Danny knew that. Humiliation is the very best tool for training a
teenage boy, and of course sexual humiliation works best.
you like finger fucking teenage boys? I enjoy it no end. They are so shy
about their assholes. Not Danny. I made him show his asshole all the
time. When I took him to the gym, I often made him kneel on a bench in
the locker room spreading the cheeks of his young smooth ass so all the
guys could see his boycunt. His hole was permanently red and puffy from
fucking, so every guy who saw it could tell he was a pussyboy, and I made
sure Danny knew that. Humiliation is the very best tool for training a
teenage boy, and of course sexual humiliation works best.
Danny was wracked with sobs again. " I...I can't do won't go
in..Oh hurts...I cant even get the head in." I must admit it did look
pretty ludicrous, as you will see in the pics. But I was determined. I
couldn't help but notice how Danny's body was starting to mature, hair and
muscles. Boys grow up so fast nowadays. Before you have even fucked
them a few hundred times, they have grown up right under your cock. I
only had a few years left to completely ruin Danny; to completely fuck him
up. So much to do, and so little time. I thought briefly about Bradon now
living with some black friends of mine, and of the other boys I had fucked
up. My dick pushed its way out of my jock pouch leaking and dripping. It
was such a good, warm feeling. To turn yet another sweet intelligent
normal boy into a mindless fucktoy, a cock gobbler, a cunty-assed dick
"Come on bitch boy you can do it. Do I need to come over there and
force you down on that thing? That would really hurt. Now relax those cunt
muscles and eat that big rubber prick with your twat."
"Oh God...oh hurts...."
"Ignore the pain and force it in."
Oh fuck me, his young body was beautiful squatting there trying to
force the obscene rubber cock up his fourteen year old teenage asshole.
It took over an hour, but we eventually had half the dick up his
boytwat. He almost passed out twice, and I had to hold him and rock him
in my arms and tell him it was ok and plant kisses on his sweat slick face.
The pain was so terrible, he clutched at me and buried his face in my
chest. The rubber dick stuck obscenely out of his asshole. But I would not
relent. I made him continue.
"Some day, you will thank me for this Danny." I knew he would hardly
be able to walk for three or four days and would look pretty damned stupid
at the school Olympics, which was exactly what I wanted. Of course I
would make him compete, so everyone would jeer and laugh at and boo
him. I wanted him to fail at everything. I wanted him mentally and
physically totally fucked up. Eventually, his only refuge in life would be my
dick up his ass or in his mouth. That would be his only safe haven. If that
was the only time his life wasn't full of pain and humiliation, he would come
to crave need my cock. to crave need my cock.
After an hour and a half we finally had most of the brown rubber dick up
his hole. His entire body was stiff and in agony, but then I ordered him to
start to fuck himself up and down on the dick, and I thought he would really
lose it. I grew impatient with his wimpy efforts, and so I threw him onto his
hands and knees and fucked the big rubber dildo in and out of his
stretched raw asscunt as hard as I could. He did faint then from the pain.
So I pissed on his face and when he came around, commenced the twat
fucking again for a good thirty minutes until my arm grew tired. His
screams turned to whimpers. By now, he was like a fucking broken doll, his
arms and legs flopping every which way; his body unable to hold itself. He
had pissed all over the floor at one point. I wasn't angry because his hole
was now doing such a good job swallowing the monster dick that I knew
the kid would soon be ready for his first fist fucking. Fist fucking a fourteen
year old is a supreme thrill.
At one interesting point in the dildo fuck, he looked up at me all
slacklipped and bleary eyed and managed to croak, "why..why do you
want to do this to me?"
I laughed and showed him my hard dripping dick. "Look what it does to
my dick Danny. Look how happy it makes me. You want me to be happy
don't you?"
When I finally yanked the rubber cock out of his pussy, I couldn't believe
what it had done to the kid?s rectum.. It looked like he could deliver a
fucking baby from that hole. I roared with laughter and showed Danny in a
mirror. He screamed in horror that His asshole was ruined for life. I told
him it would reshape itself somewhat, but that it would become more and
more of a cunt with time.
"Maybe its a good thing the girls at school won't talk to you any more
Dan, because they would probably be jealous. You've probably got a
bigger cunt than they do." Danny cried at this, but I laughed. Then I
rammed my hard prick balls deep into his fuck ditch, and I fucked him as
hard as I possibly could for another half hour. He was half out of it most of
the time, but I slapped his face every now and then to bring him around. I
loved the sound of my hips slamming against his ass cheeks and the feel
of my big fat prick rooting around up in his boy guts. Several times I
pulled out and punched back in to really keep those twat lips loose and
open. At last my breathing grew short and my back arched and I blew a
huge load up the kid's whorehole. "Oh you fucking slut. You fucking
cumdump. You cocksucking piece of teenage boy shit you. I'm cumming
up your twat. I'm gonna make you fucking pregnant, Asswipe! Take it
Bitch...take it...come on Bitch..shove that cunt back at me.. Take it in your
baby maker...Cunthole!"
After I pulled out, Danny tried to kneel but was too week., so I squatted
over his face and let him clean up my dirty dick that way. He knew a girl's
job after a fuck was always to clean the boy's dick with her mouth. He
licked and sucked the ass slime and grease and cum from my cock and
my big sloppy balls. He even sucked the cum-spray out of my pubic hair.
Then I held my hands beneath his grotesquely stretched ass lips.
d to kneel but was too week., so I squatted
over his face and let him clean up my dirty dick that way. He knew a girl's
job after a fuck was always to clean the boy's dick with her mouth. He
licked and sucked the ass slime and grease and cum from my cock and
my big sloppy balls. He even sucked the cum-spray out of my pubic hair.
Then I held my hands beneath his grotesquely stretched ass lips.
"Expel..." I said. Danny grunted and winced and farted a little air
and cried a little and squeezed again, and cum and ass juice shot out into
my cupped hands. I had taught Danny that my cum was precious and not
to be wasted, even when it was mixed with ass crap. I brought my cupped
hands to his pretty, young mouth. He opened his lips and his cute pink
tongue came out to lap up the sex slop. After I had fucked him, I always
required Danny to eat up the dicksnot I had shot up his hole. It taught him
to be humble. Next, I made him lick the sloppy greasy dildo clean. Danny
had a special shelf for his sex toys, and that's where the new dildo would
go. "Next time, it will go in a lot easier, you just wait and see. Why, I bet
you we?ll have to buy an even bigger one in no time." I smiled at him and
rubbed my hand through his short haircut. Then I kissed him on the eyes.
"I would kiss your sweet mouth Danny, but it stinks of ass slime. Why don't
I go run you a hot bath? That will make you feel so much better, Meantime,
see if you can walk at all. I'm afraid you may have trouble for a few days.
Wouldn?t it be funny if you had to crawl from class to class at school? I
don?t know how you will manage the school Olympics, but I am sure we
can find a way. And remember the big Valentine Dance is coming up. It?s
so great to be fourteen, isn?t it? And to have someone like me who loves
Then after your bath, we'll have dinner. I?ve got a wonderful piece of
liver for you that has been marinating all day in my cum. And then, I am
afraid you have given me such a hot time tonight, that I will require a blow
job before bed time. But I know you can manage that."
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Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole."Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying rimjob I'd had in five years.As my old flame was slobbering and slurping away at my backside, surfacing intermittently to gasp for air, Alex asked, "How is it, Matt? Any good?"It was a difficult question to answer: not because I...
Gay MaleIt was the summer between Amber’s freshman and sophomore year of college and her family decided that this year they would go on a summer cruise to the Bahamas instead of a winter cruise. Amber was very much looking forward to this vacation. It was a chance to get away from her hectic college life and to learn more about her. Never did she imagine that she would meet the love of my life. On the second day of the cruise she was playing Need for Speed: Underground in the arcade, when he walked...
‘So, Danny tell me about this girl Nathan was telling me about?’ Nancy Sinclair asked her son at the breakfast table. ‘Ha ha, well mom what do you want to know?’ Danny said blushing. ‘What is her name? What is she like? Have you met her family yet? When will I get to meet her?…You know the usual!’ Nancy said excitedly. ‘Ok, first, her name is Amber Barnett, she is 19, No, I haven’t met her family yet, but we know of them…’ Danny said. ‘Oh, we do? How?’ Nancy interrupted. ‘They are the...
Danny’s mom had still not picked Danny up a few weeks later, and my wife was getting more impatient with her. Danny, now working full time, had let things slide around the house. My wife detests clutter and this was causing more problems at home. “You cannot clutter up the rest of the house just because you have a job now,” my wife yelled. “You are not my mother, you cannot make me clean house,” Danny shouted back. “You are ONLY a guest here girl, you are abusing that privilege,” my wife...
Danny’s mom had still not picked Danny up a few weeks later, and my wife was getting more impatient with her. Danny, now working full time, had let things slide around the house. My wife detests clutter and this was causing more problems at home. “You cannot clutter up the rest of the house just because you have a job now,” my wife yelled. “You are not my mother, you cannot make me clean house,” Danny shouted back. “You are ONLY a guest here girl, you are abusing that privilege,” my wife...
Spanking‘Does this mean were officially going out?’ Amber asked Danny. ‘It most certainly does, beautiful’ Danny replied. Amber and Danny had spent the last hour making out on Danny’s bed and both were tired and still a little more than drunk. ‘Do you want to stay the night?’ Danny asked. ‘Yes, I would love that, but first where is your computer? I can’t wait to change my facebook status!’ Amber said excitedly jumping off the bed and looking around. ‘I didn’t bring it, were on vacation!’ Danny...
‘I can’t believe I said I would go out with him!’ Amber said while changing her clothes for her and Danny’s date. ‘Well he’s cute and I think he likes you and so does Nathan.’ Rose said. ‘You have been talking to Nathan about me and Danny, when? We only just left them a few hours ago! Give the boy time to miss you!’ Amber asked. ‘No way! We have been texting each other this entire time.’ Rose replied. ‘Oh my gosh, this modern technology!’ Amber said. ‘Yep, it’s a dream come true.’ Rose...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Let me tell you about the character's in Danny's late night visit: First I am Tim, I am 35 now but when this happened I was 24, 5'9", 160 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes & 8" cut. My friend Chuck was 23, 5'9" 160 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes & 9" cut.He is now 34, divorced with three k**s. Danny was 15 years old, 5'10", 130 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, smooth hairless hard body (into karate), cute firm bubble butt & a 9.5" cut dick that curves to the left. He is now 26,...
As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...
Danny & Tucker start struggling, trying to get free. But it’s to no use. A fiendish grin graces Desiree’s face, as she tosses the boys aside as if they were nothing. They land in a nearby tree, looking roughed up. Danny looks over at Tucker. “Tucker, you alright?” Tucker peeks his head out through the branches and answers Danny. “Yeah…yeah, I’m alright.” “Good. Remind me to Kill you later!” Their argument is interrupted by a bright light. They look over to see Desiree glowing, ready to fire a...
Danny and Sophia have always been good friends, right from the day they met, their first day at High School, they had a connection. Neither of the girls knew anyone at their new school so they automatically became best friends, sharing their secrets with each other. As the years went by they shared countless sl**povers, and grew closer and closer together, finding out more and more about one another, until one day, the day that Sophia told Danny her biggest secret, the day their relationship...
Danny and Sophia have always been good friends, right from the day theymet, their first day at High School, they had a connection.Neither of the girls knew anyone at their new school so they automaticallybecame best friends, sharing their secrets with each other.As the years went by they shared countless sleepovers, and grew closer andcloser together, finding out more and more about one another, until oneday, the day that Sophia told Danny her biggest secret, the day theirrelationship...
Danny hugs his aunt...with a kiss..and the long trip was on it's way. He never got to see his aunt much as she lived alone 900 miles away. Danny was an only kid who was quiet and shy. He didn't have a girlfriend and never had a talk about sex at the age of 17. What he didn't know was that he was to get an education in life. He found her sequin hand bag...He was askex by Aunt Lynn to get some change for the tolls. As he got it...he found a long black black sequin purse he took out....
Prelude Prelude Danny and his friends stood in a group in front of the Orange Julius, ogling the girls walking by. ?Hey, sexy, come on over here!? Danny cat-called. The attractive young lady walking past gave him a withering look and his friends laughed.Steve whistled at a trio of teenage girls walking by and called out, ?Mm, baby, let's go have some fun!? Danny laughed and echoed his friend, ?Oh, yeah, babygirl, we could have lots of fun!? He punctuated his leering with a pelvic thrust....
“Hello. My name is Tucker Foley, and welcome to my Blog.” Tucker types in those words onto his computer, proud of himself for starting off his own Blog. Then his face changes to concern, as he wonders exactly what he’s gonna write about. “Aw, man. My mind’s a blank now. Good going Foley. Start a Blog about yourself to get the girls interested, then don’t have anything to write about.” He drops his head on the Keyboard, looking like he just failed. But a moment later, he raises it with a smile...
Synopsis: My name is Janet. I met Danny when I was almost twenty. Danny By Janet Baker Danny was the first love of my life. I was nineteen at the time, Danny was younger but that was all right, he made up for our age difference by his unlimited enthusiasm and his devotion to me. I lived on a farm. Danny came to live with us. He was an orphan, his father unknown, his mother killed in an auto accident. Danny was...
Keywords: Sex appliances Synopsis: My name is Janet. I met Danny when I was almost twenty. Danny By Janet BakerDanny was the first love of my life. I was nineteen at the time, Danny was younger but that was all right, he made up for our age difference by his unlimited enthusiasm and his devotion to me. I lived on a farm. Danny came to live with us. He was an orphan, his father unknown, his mother killed in an auto accident. Danny was bereft,...
Danny's Mom Makes Him a Motherfuckerby MuffDiver ([email protected])I was born on my mother's 18th birthday. We shared the exact same birthday and I can remember as I was growing up how she would always tell me how much she loved her birthday gift and how lucky she was to have such a beautiful smart son for her birthday. It always made me feel good and warm all over to hear my mother talk about me that way. I knew that she and I together were very special and I loved her with all my...
Another time, another place. Another world identical to our own... Except for one crucial difference. DANNY AND ROSE "You ready yet?" Danny Radcliffe looked over towards the doorway, vaguely annoyed at the intrusion. At barely eight years old, he'd recently grown to resent his sister's constant policing of his behaviour. Worse still, she had absolutely no respect for his privacy, particularly when he was getting dressed. He'd complained to his mother about it just last week,...
“HELLO, CHEESY WEASELS!!! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK???” Ember looks out at the crowd, seeing mostly children, and the few adults that are their either work for Cheesy Weasels Pizza Palace or are parents to the children. She sighs, thinking of how she could’ve sunk so low. “GRRRRRRR! How the hell did it come to this?” She decides to start her performance and looks back to her band mates, giving them the signal. “1…2…1-2-3-4!!!” Her band begins to play ‘Remember’, her trademark song. Most of the...
Danny was sitting in his office cubicle thinking about the previous night. The more he thought, the more aroused he became, and it was hard to concentrate on work that day. Danny was born in China to socially conservative parents who wanted to climb up the socio-economic ladder. His father, though, became an alcoholic and a philanderer after he lost his job, pushing Danny’s mom to do all the work of raising a son and running the house.Now, Danny’s mom was as strict as it gets. She had already...
First TimeDANNY TO DANIELLE Part 1 Pretending Neighborhood kids, including the girls, were playing ball in the park down the street. Their calls, shouts, and cheers were carried by the summer breeze into the shade darkened room. The room was neat and clean. Most prominent were the pictures of pretty girls from teen magazines taped all over the door, a large map of the world hanging on one wall, a double bed, two dressers, and a television in one corner. Laying on his bed was a slender...
Danny, My Forever by alexcarr I must be honest and admit it has come to the point when I absolutely crave for Dan, my Danny.Being a month without him - he having a short overseas contract - I miss him to the core and what we do over the mobile phone or even on the web-cam bears no real significance to the real thing, in fact yesterday we both agreed to refrain because it did not seem personal or [private doing that over the net like someone was watching. Maybe that's okay if you are a bit of...
Gay MaleI woke up in the dark. I tried to move, and immediately bumped into someone. I tried to sit up and found that I hit my head on some wood. I was in a box. And had an immediate panic attack. I started screaming, and flailing around. Someone pounded on the box. "Shut up in there." I started hyperventilating, and before long had passed out. When I finally woke up, I found myself laying on the sand. Danny was sprawled out not far away. I tried to move, but could barely bring myself...
The day had wound down and come to an end. For Bree, the day had been filled with serving customers, listening to complaints from people far angrier about the quality of the food they received than they probably should have been, and busy alleys at the grocery store. Being able to come home and relax had given her some much-needed respite, and a good meal did much to lift her spirits. Afterward, she tied up her blonde hair and enjoyed a hot shower and some evening television in some choice...
Monster SexI wake up at a weird time. I look at my watch. It is two forty. I look over at Danny. He is facing me now. He looks really peaceful. I notice how his black eye looks even worse now, and his lips is starting to heal a little bit. I hear voices outside the room. I walk over to the door, listening. I hear the kidnappers voice, and someone else. I can't tell who it is. I turn around when I hear Danny moving. I look over my shoulder at him. "Danny!" I whisper. "Someone's out there!" He...
Danny rubbed his dick against robrts hole to lube it, and pushed. Robrt flinched a little, but didn't move. Danny started humming him emeditly. Watch Danny's ypunh butt was so tempting, but I just watched. He finally pushed all in, Roberts facr was a mixture of pain and. Pleasure. Danny fucked him for about 5 minutes, them pulled out and turned and bent over for his turn. I told Robert to let me put so shampoo on him. I came up and offered his dick to me. I wanted to taste it so bad, but knew...
Daniel realized he had been spacing out again. Well, not really spacing out - staring at Dr. Brooks' pretty face. Daniel had never seen a doctor as beautiful as Dr. Brooks. She was young, maybe thirty, but she looked younger. She was pale and tall, as tall as Dan and even taller in heels. She had high, round cheeks, emerald eyes and the straightest, blackest hair you can imagine, flat bangs cut across her brow and the rest pulled back in a high ponytail. She was in a tight blue skirt that...
I awake to someone shaking my shoulder. I roll over, and open my eyes. My muscles scream in pain. It's Danny. He looks horrible, and for the first time, my heart softens to see his black eye, and painful expression. "April, wake up." I sit up, holding my arm, it feels like it is broken. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Are you? I mean, you don't look it." "What do you mean?" "Get your mirror. You'll see for yourself. And my guess is that I look the same...
I went back to school a few days later. A few very difficult things have been going on since the police found us in the underground room. The first thing was the trip to the doctor's office. I have a broken wrist, and my ankle was close to being sprained, but it is doing okay. Danny has a broken leg, and a cut on the back of his head. Then we had to work on the court thing. There is going to be a trial, but so far there is not a whole lot of things that are going out. The trial is supposed...
Danny 2 Danielle Part XII -Dani finds herself in another dangerous situation, but some unlikely heroes save the day. It's time to head to homeroom for dismissal. Denise walks with me and so does Betty since we have the same homeroom. "What books do you like to read Danny?" "Mainly science fiction," "Did you ask us what we like to read because we're girls?" I nod very shyly. "I don't have any sisters, and I just wanted to know...." "We'll, maybe we can be your...
"He's stirring, look."I'd have recognised that voice anywhere, it was the one I'd been hearing in my sleep, singing to me, talking to me, even threatening me!It wasn't her though, she'd died after the crash, I knew that, I'd been there at the funeral, along with our parents.It began as a gradual lightening of the darkness in my head, an awareness of sounds and feelings, there was something warm in my hand, someone was breathing on my cheek."Why won't the light come on?"My eyes just wouldn't...
Incest"Karen?""That's me, hello Danny." she reached up and kissed me on the lips."Well, Jenny certainly wasn't lying," she said mysteriously, "You really are gorgeous."Gorgeous? Shit, I've been called many things in my life, but that has never been one of them!"Danny, do you think I could perhaps come inside please?""Sorry? Oh yes excuse me, I mean, yes dease plo come in, I mean, shit, please do come in Karen, sorry I didn't mean to shay sit, I meant - ""You're gibbering Danny," came from behind me I...
IncestDANNY Part Two by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his would-be girlfriend. And how he ends up as the female lead singer for a high-school pop band as well as a radio DJ. Never a dull moment with...
DANNY Part Three by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...
They both laughed. but the laughter turned to gasps of pleasure as both Dave and I moved up and tasted the juicy little pussies above us."Oh yes," I heard Jenny moan, "That is fucking gorgeous Dave." but to be honest, I was more interested in exploring the glistening pink wetness of Molly's hot little cunt as she ground herself down onto my mouth.Wolf whistles from a group of youths in the street below brutally disturbed the moment and the four of us ran laughing into the flat where Molly went...
Incest"Karen?" "That's me, hello Danny" she reached up and kissed me on the lips, "Well Jenny certainly wasn't lying" she said mysteriously, "You really are gorgeous" Gorgeous? Shit, I've been called many things in my life, but that has never been one of them! "Danny do you think I could perhaps come inside please?" "Sorry? Oh yes excuse me, I mean, yes dease plo come in, I mean, shit, please do come in Karen, sorry I didn't mean to shay sit, I meant --!" "You're gibbering...
25 year old Danny Jewel has been stuck in an unhappy marriage for a couple years, but one day, when his 18 year old sister-in-law, Hellen Bentley, moves in with him and her sister, things get interesting and they fall in love. Not soon after that, they find themselves in quite a predicament and questions start to rise. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without...
IncestI could hardly believe that I'd slept for so long, it took quite a long hard look at the bedside clock before I actually believed what it was telling me.Three in the afternoon, it said!I suppose I'd needed it though and I had to admit that I felt great as I walked into the kitchen and found her reading a newspaper at the table."Hi sweet Jen." I said and bent to kiss her cheek."Hi big bruv." she said and stood up to wrap her arms around my neck."Are you okay, I mean, you know, with what we did...
Incest"He's stirring, look" I'd have recognised that voice anywhere, it was the one I'd been hearing in my sleep, singing to me, talking to me, even threatening me! It wasn't her though, she'd died after the crash, I knew that, I'd been there at the funeral, along with our parents. It began as a gradual lightening of the darkness in my head, an awareness of sounds and feelings, there was something warm in my hand, someone was breathing on my cheek. "Why won't the light come on?" My...
A small grey dot streaked across the sky. It raced across the clouds passing through them with no difficulty before moving through a plane. In a second a humanoid bearing white hair and wearing a jumpsuit that was black and white. A cheeky grin appeared on the teen's face. His name? Danny Fenton AKA Danny Phantom currently age eighteen and one of two male ghost human hybrids. The other was his billionaire archnemesis Vlad Plasmius. The young ghost hybrid's altitude shifted downward as time...
DANNY Part One by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...
I log online, and invite the girls into the chat. Maddie signs on late. We start the chat. Screen names are as follows: Me: Asizzle17 Maddie: CAcheer31089 Jessica: JessGal66 Charlotte: AngelFace000 Alexandra: DreamBabe22 Elizabeth: PopStar0098 Brittany: BrittBaby201 Taylor: Sunshine774 Lucy: BevHillGrl126 Samantha: QtLady505 The Chat: CAcheer31089: hey you guys, thanks for coming to the chat Asizzle17: yeah you guys, thanks for coming DreamBabe22: no prob JessGal66: sure PopStar0098: can...
They pumped my stomach that night. My parents were called, my brother Michael and sister Sophie contacted. Danny held my hand while I puked, and rocked me in his arms after the fact. I always cried when I threw up. The authorities were contacted, people searched, the punk bowl tested. Three cups had drugs placed in them, the punch was fine. Why had I gotten one of the cups? I felt nauseous the whole night. The drug had apparently affected my brain as well. I felt like I had ADD, I...
Danny 2 Danielle Part XI -Dani sits at the popular girls table for lunch and then "The Bullies Strike Back", or they try to, but it doesn't really work for them. Today, I'm doing something completely different. I sit down at the 'popular girls' table. "Is this seat open?" I sit down before anyone can respond. "Thanks." The girls look either horrified or amused. "Uhm Danny that's a new look for you," says Becky sarcastically. "We'll thank you Becky. That's very nice of...
Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Danny Knock! Knock! Knock! "Babe, can you please get that?" my wife, Wilda, called from the kitchen. Without answering her, I went to the door and opened it, and standing in front of me was my wife's 18 year old sister, Hellen, with a suitcase. She was wearing a crop top that showed off her smooth belly and her navel piercing, and junior hybrid dream high-rise shorts which showed off the top of her thighs. Surprisingly, almost...
Incest"April! Move!" Danny yells. "I can't!" I struggle, but the kidnapper holds fast. Danny holds the gun in one hand, and then grabs the kidnapper's hand that holds me fast and jerks it off my arm and snaps it. I hear a crack. Then Danny grabs my arm and pulls me out of our kidnapper's grasp. He holds me to him with one arm, and then holds the gun out at arm's length towards the kidnapper, with it directed straight at him. I wrap my arms around his waist. "It's okay, I got you," he...
I was a little uneasy as I approached the front door of the French residence. I reached to push the doorbell, but before I could push it the door opened and there stood Mrs. Mrs. Frence naked except for high heels. "Surprised?" she asked. "You won't believe how much." "Well come on in and let's get to it." I was wrung dry when she finally turned me loose to get dressed. We had done it all. Oral. Anal, missionary, doggie and sixty-nine. "I hope you weren't disappointed" Mrs....
Danny's Mom - Part 4 of 6 In which Danny's Mom sees his breasts for the first time, Danny learns the cause of the changes in his body, has an embarrassing incident at a restaurant, begins to use the name of Danni, gets a new hairstyle, has his first date with Craig, and wears high heels for the first time. December Well, Mom can't ignore the situation any more. I was standing in the bathroom this morning, wearing only my panties while I dried my hair. All of a sudden the door...
It was a fantastic night, I really didn't know there were so many people around who actually cared about other folk, people I didn't know kept coming up to me and wishing me well, shaking my hand, or offering to drive me around if I needed it.The booze flowed freely and there was no shortage of food either, but in spite of all that, there was only one thing there that I was interested in and that was my gorgeous sister.She was in fine form, introducing me to people, fetching my drinks and...