Detention With Miss Downey Miss Downey s Story Chapter Four
- 2 years ago
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I was an unfortunate, 26 year old, clerk in a large footwear firm,
earning a meager salary for arduous work. My sanity was only
maintained as I had a ravishing beauty of a wife, Sandra, who was 21
and already a secretary to, Jason, a director of the same company.
Sandra had long elegant legs with a curvaceous body which she liked
to show off by wearing skimpy figure hugging tops and short
miniskirts. She always wore 6" stilletoed shoes with self supporting
stockings and skimpy black nylon panties. Whenever she bent over her
beautiful cheeks were just visible through her tight transparent
black panties and while she walked she often gave a tantalizing
glimpse of her stocking tops. Her makeup was always immaculate with
ruby red lips, blue eyes and rouged cheeks highlighting her dominant
nature. All the men in the firm couldn't keep their eyes off of her
and were constantly making passes at her.
I worked in the complaints department and usually spent many hours
each day discussing problems with women who had unreasonable
complaints about their footwear. My boss, Stella, was an attractive
but austere women in her mid thirties who had inherited her position
through her father who was chairman of the company. I resented her
position because I should have had her job and she had idea how to
run a business. She knew how I felt and took devilish delight in
humiliating me at every opportunity open to her. On many occasions
women had brought in their very worn shoes complaining that they had
not lasted long enough but Stella would force me to humble myself to
the customer meeting her every request no matter how unreasonable.
After the satisfied customer departed with a gleeful step wearing a
new pair of shoes Stella would turn slap my face and then present me
with the smelly discarded shoes. She would then calmly say,
"How often do I have to tell you that the customer is always
right. Even if the sole is worn through, the heel worn flat and the
uppers badly scuffed they should be replaced if the mistress
considers they should have lasted longer. It is your job to ensure
all of our female customers are happy and want to shop with us for
She would then turn to leave me to contemplate why the shoes had not
lasted longer. However, just before leaving she turned and said with
a smirk on her face "Oh, yes, I think it's best the cost for the new
shoes comes from your salary don't you?"
I was dumfounded and remained silent. "Well! I'm waiting for your
answer. There are plenty more that would take your job if you'd
I had not choice but to reply "Of course, Stella, I should pay for
the fault with these shoes. After all they should last longer than 2
years of daily use by a police woman on the beat."
"Ok, if you insist," she replied, and then casually hummed to
herself as she returned to her office glowing with her triumph over
me yet again. This was a fairly typical day and as a result my desk
was stacked high with tatty, rejected and smelly shoes that I was
forced to examine in minute detail to see how improvements could be
made. I was lucky to get any money by the end of the week and all the
time I was working I had to inhale the odious aroma emanating for the
various items of soiled footwear strewn round my office.
When I got home in the evening I would confide in my problems with my
wife and ask her if she could raise the matter with Jason. She would
show condescending concern and humor me saying of course she would
but that I was lucky to be employed. She had a very dominant
personality and liked me to show a her lot of attention, especially
to her feet. I always found this difficult as her feet tended to
smell and she always took delight it telling me how Jason had
complained when she kicked her shoes off for some fresh air in the
office. Often, after a hard day at work, she would relax in the
evening with her black, nylon covered feet resting on my lap pressing
down on my manhood as she watched television. The sight of her long
legs and the glimpse of the damp nylon panties stretched over her
mound would cause me frustrated excitement as I was only allowed sex
when she wanted it which was on less and less frequent occasions. She
would then nonchalantly nudge me with her toes so that I would
delicately caress her sweaty feet. As I clasped her smelly feet she
would take delight in telling me how she had had advances to her
during the day and make comments like,
" Peter, from sales promised to give me a good time again today" and
"I wonder if John really has the stamina to screw me from 9 till 5.
Perhaps I'll find out some day." I would be filled with jealousy and
wonder if she ever did what she claimed. I suspect she did because I
had noticed the occasional bruise in odd places which looked to me
more like love bites.
As the evening wore on she would cross her legs with one leg over the
knee of the other so that her perfumed foot was inches from my nose
and the full weight of her legs supported on my under-used tool. I
could then clearly see her perfect thighs and beautiful mound through
their fine veil of nylon and my frustration heightened. When my
favorite programmes came on she would idly bounce her foot up and
down obscuring my view of the TV wafting her perfume toward my nose.
Occasionally she would wipe her foot on my nose complaining she had
an itch. If I dared move, or complain, she would jab me hard with her
heel and say, "Darling, stop fidgeting, don't you love me any more?"
"Of course my dear, but I am suffocating a little in your divine
essence" I would reply.
"Oops, sorry, I was concentrating on the film" she would reply
bouncing up and down with her barely suppressed laughter. She would
then pull her foot way about half an inch only to allow it to return
minutes later. Finally she would get up and peel her stockings off
and then give them to me saying, "That's it, I'm going to bed. Rinse
these through and hurry up to me for your treat." I was then left
washing her stinking nylons as she reclined between the silk sheets
When I got upstairs she would be naked, playing with herself, and
say, "I can't wait for it slave I think I'm going to explode."
"So am I" would be my whole hearted reply.
"Massage me, all over, gently and finish off with your tounge,"
she commanded. Dutifully I would set about my task gently caressing
her neck, firm breasts, thighs, calves and feet. I used my hands
first and then my tounge. This was heaven for me until I had to lick
her feet when I would nearly choke. However, through experience I
knew I could not miss her feet. Then I would nuzzle in her mount of
joy and thrust my tounge about causing her to tremble with
excitement. She would then clamp her legs round my neck pull my hair
and force my nose into her mound till I nearly suffocated. My neck
was almost broken when she jerked with a fierce orgasm. I would then
feel the silken sheet being pulled up over our entwined bodies as she
whispered, "a little rest and then your long awaited relief".
I continued to massage her in my dark, hot and fetid tent as I felt
her relaxing. Shortly I heard the unmistakable hiss from between her
buttocks and my nostrils were assailed by her innermost perfume.
Tears of humiliated frustration would dribble down my cheeks as I
heard her gently snoring above me.
The next morning she awoke took her legs from round my neck and
casually said, "You poor thing, why didn't you wake me?" She then
impishly pinched my cheeks, smiled at me and added, "did you feel too
tired? You should have told me and I would have let you rest. Perhaps
tonight you will have more stamina, like Roger." As she climbed out
of bed I thought I couldn't sink any lower and wondered what the day
had in store for me at work.
As usual, Stella would relax in her large air conditioned office idly
gossiping to her friends on the phone, or entertaining them to
coffee, for most of the day. In contrast I would have to do most of
her work as well as a long list of tedious jobs of my own to make
sure I had no rest. To make matters worse my office was a small,
stuffy office separated from hers by a glass panel, with the only
exit through her office. There were no windows in my office and the
light switch was in Stella's office. My desk had been arranged so
that my back was to her and I was forbidden to turn round to see her.
This enabled to supervise me at her leisure, without my knowledge,
and she would castigate me severely if she noticed that I was not
working with true devotion. If she had an important visitor she would
lock my office from the outside and then pull a curtain across so
that I couldn't be seen. This was terrible as I did not know how long
I would be left in the dark fetid room. On one occasion I was left
locked in all night. The following day Stella pulled back the curtain
and smirked at my blinking face. "Silly me" she said "I forgot you
were still in there when I left for the restaurant last night. I hope
you weren't too uncomfortable."
"No" I replied knowing that any other answer would have landed me
unjustly in hot water.
"Good", she replied barley stifling her laughter, "In that case you
can make me a coffee and get back to work." My heart sank but as
usual I complied with her demand. What had Sandra thought about last
night I wondered as I sat in my foot smelling office completing the
accounts for Stella.
When I got home that evening Sandra was in a very distressed state.
"What's the matter?," I asked thinking it was probably due to last
night. "The police are after you." was the surprise answer she gave.
"I intercepted a report for Jason showing that you have been stealing
from the company for years and that you will undoubtedly be locked
away for at least 10 years for your crime"
"It can't be true, they don't have any proof. I haven't done
anything." I said to calm her.
"Oh but they do," she continued, " they have framed you to cover up
a fraud scheme that has been ongoing for years."
"Whose they?" I asked.
"Jason and Stella of course. But don't worry I have planned your
escape. I have had a special compartment made under the floor boards
by our bed. You can hide in there until all the fuss is over and it
is safe for you to come out. It is fairly comfortable and I have
these earphones and microphone for us both so that we can talk whilst
you are hiding."
I was in a daze not knowing what to do as I followed her up to the
bedroom to see the hideout. "Look, it has a glass lid near the head
with air holes so that you will be able to see and breath." She then
pointed to a 1/2 inch diameter rubber plug in the middle of the glass
and continued, "that plug can be pushed out by you in an emergency so
that you can call me for help if your microphone stops working." Then
pointing to a nylon cord in the hideout, "If you pull on that it will
pull a carpet over the top so that no one will be able to see you in
an emergency. When you let go again the carpet will automatically
return. So, you see, you will be safe and secure in our secret hiding
place. Now jump in and try it for size."
In a state of numbness I put on the headset and climbed into the
hideaway. It was a tight fit and when in I couldn't move. Sandra
slowly lowered the glass panel and I was soon sealed into my cell
with a magnificent view up her legs and under her skirt. "Can you
hear me" she whispered and to my amazement I could hear her very
clearly. "Yes, very well Sandra. Now, let me out and I can get back
in again later if it is really necessary." I replied in a semi
claustrophobic panic. She smiled at me and said, "but of course it's
necessary. You like me to enjoy myself don't you?"
"What do you mean?" I said but before she could reply the door bell
rang and she turned to go and answer the door.
"Don't leave me here" I pleaded as I watched her nylon covered
buttocks leave the room. "Ooh, this will be better than I thought"
she said excitedly with her voice full of glee. It was surprising how
good my headset was. I could even hear her nylon covered thighs
rubbing past each other as she went downstairs. I heard her open the
door and say "Hello". My mind started buzzing, and my heart beating
hard in my ears, when I heard the visitor reply "Hello, madam, is
your husband in?" was a woman's vaguely familiar voice.
"Er.., no.., he isn't. He's gone down the pub for a drink with his
"Don't mind if I come in to make sure, do you".
"Of course not. Come in, I've just made some tea."
"That would be nice, I've been on my feet all day in these new
shoes." That's it! I thought, as my heart missed a beat, that is the
woman with the old smelly shoes of the other day. She must have been
checking up on me. I began to get scared. Sandra was right.
"Why don't you look around while I pour us a cuppa" Sandra casually
"Ok. I'll start upstairs, if you don't mind."
What could I do I thought then I heard my wife quietly say "Quick,
pull the carpet across" to me. The woman was near the top of the
stairs and I pulled the cord with all my might. SNAP. To my horror
all that happened was some tight clamps snapped around my wrist and
ankles. I could then hear my wife's laughter as the policewoman
entered our bedroom. She was grinning from ear to ear as she looked
down at me and said, "Hello, hello, hello, what have we here? A
sunken foot bath I do believe."
"Help. Go away, I haven't done anything. Please leave me alone" I
shouted at her.
"Now, now, slave" my wife said as she brought the tea upstairs,
"show the woman some respect." She brought the tea in as the police
woman lifted the glass panel, kicked her shoes off with and air of
indifference and then sighed with relied as she planted her sweaty
feet across my nose. "Aah! That's good" she sighed as she rubbed her
feet all over my face. The smell was terrible and I struggled with no
effect to move my face away. "I hoped you weren't joking last week in
the shop as I sold him my old beat shoes but couldn't believe it when
you rang me this afternoon. I was so excited that I haven't changed
my tights since then, not even when I went to bed." My wife held her
hand over her nose and giggled "you don't need to tell me that, I
might have to open a window soon."
"Having fun down there, husband dear." she sneered down at me.
It's no good I can't escape I thought. Perhaps if I show willing they
will let me out and we can forget the whole incidence.
"I can't remember when I had more fun" I replied with difficulty as
the police woman was grinding both of her sweaty soles into my face.
"Good, then perhaps you would like to wash the kind woman's feet
with your tounge", horror overcame me. How could I, I would be sick.
However, I gingerly stuck my tounge out and the woman shivered and
squealed with delight as she dragged her foot across it. It wasn't
long until my tounge was coated with her stale foot sweat. The women
politely chatted and drank their tea above me as I continued to
slobber all over her feet. About half an hour later the policewoman
said, "I've got to get back on the beat now but don't worry I will
forge his suicide details showing he couldn't bear the fraud becoming
public. No-one will suspect anything and you will be free to spend
the money how you please. It's been nice doing businesses with you."
She then rolled her tights down freed them from her feet and said "He
can keep these." She then stuffed the stinking nylon into my mouth
pushing the last of the material between my lips with her dainty
"You are too generous" Sandra said as she lowered my glass lid back
down. Then looking into my eyes she added "What are you waiting for,
aren't you going to say thank-you?".
"Gmph, thank you for my tasty present" I struggled to say through my
gag. Peels of laughter greeted my my ears and then the women embraced
themselves above me and kissed voluptuously while I had no choice but
to look up their slender legs to their sexy panties. They turned and
left me once more to my fate. As the woman was leaving my wife said,
"feel free to pop in whenever your feet need a bath, or some slavish
attention. My husband will be only to happy to help you."
"You can count on me, I wouldn't like to disappoint him" came the
reply mixed with mischievous laughter.
I heard the woman leave and then my wife humming to herself as she
went into the lounge to read some magazines. She then idly said "I
never thought you would have chosen this life rather than 10 years in
prison. But then you never can tell can you."
With tears flooding down my cheeks I said "Why do this to me?"
"It gives me pleasure and you enjoy that don't you." was my only
reply. I was then left in silence for what seemed hours broken only
by the occasional sound of the rasping of Sandra's stockings as she
crossed her legs, or the pages of her magazine turning or her self
satisfied chuckles.
Ding dong! The front door rang. Oh no what now I thought. Sandra
casually went to the front door and opened it, "Did he fall for it?"
was a woman's familiar voice.
"Better than we planned" my wife replied. I then heard her escort
her visitor into the lounge. Who could it be. Then a mans voice
boomed "It was worth all of our extra effort last night. Oh boy I've
been waiting to get into both your nickers for so long while he's
"No hurry now. We've got all the time we want. Let's have a drink
first". I then heard the tinkle of ice in a glass followed by pouring
liquid and then a fizz. My mouth was dry after sucking sweaty feet
and I couldn't remove my gag. "Sandra, I'm gasping for a drink,
please show mercy on me. And who have you got down there" I mumbled.
Hoots of laughter were returned for a minute or two then Sandra
replied "Oops! sorry dear I forgot to tell you that your microphone
is fitted into the sterio system down here."
"Bitch" was my only reply, loosing control for a while.
"Why is he mumbling?" the woman asked.
"Oh he insisted on sucking Veroinca's tights clean for her." my
wife replied only to receive more laughter
"The perverted wanker deserves all that's coming to him" the man
"It's not true. It's not true" I shouted to be greeted with peels
of laughter again followed by a chorus of "We know wanker. You don't
like to admit to your fetish but don't worry your secret is safe with
us. We won't spoil your fun by telling anyone"
My wife then said a toast "to the 3 of us and may we have many
years of pleasure". They all slurped loudly and then started to come
up stairs.
They entered the bedroom and stood around my chamber looking down
while they sipped their drinks. I felt totally doomed, it was Stella
and Jason. Jason seductively stripped first Stella and then Sandra
above me. He turned his nose up as he took their shoes off and then
laughed "What a lucky boy he is having all that nourishment from your
feet" looking longingly into Sandra's eyes. She kissed him gently on
the forehead and pulled him to her breasts. Then the two women pushed
him onto the bed out of my view and turned to look down at me. Stella
lifted the glass panel and Sandra carefully stretched their
discarded, stinking, nylons over my head carefully positioning the
damp, reinforced toe section across my nose. I was struggling to
breath through the foul material as Stella jovially said, "Doesn't he
look cute. It looks like he's grown a moustache."
Finally they dropped their wet panties over my head and stella
lowered the panel once more. They took a last sip of their drinks and
then put the tumblers down just above my eyes. "Look dear, but don't
drink" Stella said as she slid onto the bed and I saw her feet
disappear from view. "Oh, I don't think he will.... Will you my
sweet?" Sandra asked me innocently. "How could I disobey such
beautiful mistresses" was my only reply as I looked pleading up at my
magnificent wife knowing I couldn't drink even if I wanted to. Sandra
then seductively stroked the whole of her body slowly above me and
then without looking down again climbed onto the bed for a passionate
bout of sex that I was forced to listen too. What seemed hours later
they stopped fondling each other and relaxed. Sandra then said, "Ohh
all that excitement has made me need to have a piss."
"Me too" replied Stella.
They both jumped off the bed and left the room without even looking
at me. For a moment I had a beautiful view of their naked bodies and
wobbling boobs. Shortly they returned and quickly jumped back into
bed to snuggle up to Jason. Stella said "Phew, it was cold in the
toilet. We'll have to think of a way to avoid that in the future."
"Come on hug us to warm us up" my wife purred to Jason.
"My pleasure" he said and I could hear them snuggling up to one
another. Then the light was turned off as they said goodnight to each
I panicked "Hey! what about removing my mask and gag" I pleaded with
my muffled voice. I could then see the bed shake with their combined
laughter. "Crumbs, that was so much fun we forgot about you" Sandra
said. "But Never mind, we're so cummfy up here you wouldn't want to
disturb us would you? We can free you in the morning if that's
I had had as much as I could take, or so I thought. "Of course it
isn't all right you BITCHES" I shouted. Stella then said, "He's not
very grateful for all we have done for him is he?"
"No he isn't! We'll have to punish him for that tomorrow. That's
the last time we get cold as we pee," Sandra replied. They ignored my
tears as they fell asleep leaving me to my sorrow.
In the morning I was woken by Stella's voice saying, "Yes I can get a
transparent loo which should just fit"
Then Jason said, "My old snorkel mouthpeice should be the finishing
touch". Then Sandra jumped out of bed and said "do you mind waiting
till tonight for a drink my love? Only after all that sex last night
we've slept in and we're a bit late for work now."
"What ever you wish my dear." I replied hoping to get back on good
terms, "But please can I have my gag removed, I have sucked it clean.
And this mask is making it hard to breath, please take it off"
The three of them laughed as they left the bedroom. "Don't be silly
it's supposed to" Stella's voice echoed in my ears as the door closed
behind them. I had to listen to them eat a hearty breakfast and then
Sandra and Stella returned to the bedroom to get dressed while
standing on my panel. I was mad with frustration as they carefully
rolled fine black stockings up their legs and then struggled to pull
their flimsy nylon panties tightly over their pert buttocks and
fannies. Stella said "Jason was so good in bed I don't know how you
ever put up with his pathetic cock."
"Neither do I but at least that's all over now," Sandra replied as
she smiled down at me.
They hitched up their mini skirts an then wiggled into tight tops. I
thought Sandra's boobs would split hers but amazingly the material
took the strain. They then pushed their feet into their shoes with a
familiar whoosh, turned on their heels and left me to my misery with
an erotic image of their legs.
Just before they all left Stella called up "You can finish of the
drinks now if you want." My eyes filled with tears again as I laid in
my confinement still inhaling the smell of those womens feet, gaging
on Veronicas tights and looking at the long overdue drink. I had no
choice but to lay and wait for their return.
Long hours passed and it was dark again before I heard a key in the
door. My heart began beating fast again and I longed to be released
but I feared they would continue to torment me. They had all arrived
together and went straight to the kitchen. "That was lovely Italian
meal Jason" Stella said "It was a perfect way to finish off a hard
day at work and I was famished".
"Yes, so was I, but I'm bloated now" was Sandra's reply and I then
heard them kissing passionately. I was starving and very, very
thirsty. "What about me, I need to eat and drink" I managed to croak.
"Oh, your still here then" Jason shouted back. Anger filled my veins
as I realised I wasn't going to get any relief.
"Don't worry dear, we saved you some scraps from lunch time."
Sandra said, "I've saved you the skin of my chicken and some chips,
Jason has saved you some of his haddock and Stella kindly left you
some of her lasagna."
"Yes and we've all saved you some semolina" Jason added.
"It's not a lot but with the porridge, bacon rind and toast from
breakfast it should be enough", Sandra said
"Pity there all a bit cold now but we will soon get them to you"
Stella said with a smirk and then added "perhaps I'll warm your plate
"Do you think they'll fit" Sandra asked. "Size 6, of course they
will" Stella replied. What did they mean by that I wondered.
I then heard the liquidiser start up. "This will make it easier to
eat with no hands" Sandra said "but we don't want to waste time with
separate courses so it's all in together".
"Oh, how thoughtful. Jason has put some of your favorite chutney in
for added flavour" Sandra said barely suppressing her giggles. I then
heard them uncork a bottle of wine and pour some drinks. "Mmm, this
is refreshing Stella said as I heard them nosily slurp away to add to
my torment.
I was full of revulsion and dreaded my special meal but about half an
hour later I heard them giggling as they came upstairs. "Oh so you
didn't want the drink after all" Stella said grinning from ear to ear
as she entered the room. She was now wearing a pair of scruffy calf
length boots with peep toes that I recognised as having been returned
by a customer 3 weeks ago. The woman had complained that the peep
toes let her foot scent out and caused her embarrassment while
travelling on the bus. Stella then said, "She was right, these boots
do make your feet sweat. I don't know how she could have kept wearing
them all last year" and she paraded them in front of me. I could
clearly see her big and second toes, covered in reinforced stocking,
peeping menacingly at me through the toe sections. Sandra said,
"do you like your personal plate?" as she pointed at the boots. Oh
no! They can't be serious I thought as Jason lifted the glass panel.
Sandra then removed my stocking mask and gag to give me some much
needed but short lived relief. Stella then bent down and with a
struggle pulled her left boot off and I could see a delicate steam
coming from them.
"There all nice and warmed up to help you enjoy your meal" Stella
said as she forced the open toe of the boot into my mouth. Sandra
then poured the slop from the liquidiser into it while Jason
carefully arranged some clamps to hold it in position. The mixture
was foul and I refused to eat. They stood back with hands on their
hips a looked down at me.
"Don't rush your BOOTIFULL meal" Stella smirked at me as they all
hugged one another "We're going down stairs to watch a sexy video and
have some drinks." I tried to shout back but couldn't with my mouth
full. They turned and left me to eat the nauseous concoction from the
smelly boot as they gaily drunk and watched the video.
A couple of hours later they returned and Sandra looked at the empty
boot and said "All gone, you must have enjoyed it. Do you want
something to wash it down now?". Good I thought, they have relented
at last. Jason removed the boot and I said "Thank you, I am desperate
for a drink, please hurry." They all giggled and Stella said,
"Stupid sod, he never learns does he."
Sandra left the room for a while and came back with a transparent
plastic loo that they had mentioned that morning. My heart started to
pound and I tore at my bonds. Filled with panic I screamed "NO NO GO
AWAY, you can't make me do that"
"Why not?" was Sandra's reply "We have to go and you have to drink
don't you?" I couldn't answer as I knew there was no point. Moments
later Jason appeared with his old snorkel mouthpeice. He gave it to
Stella and she went to put it between my lips. I was so disgusted
that I refused to open my mouth. This pleased them and Sandra eased
her foot out of her shoe a gently wafted her dainty toes about my
"You would prefer to just smell these again all night would you my
"NO" I tried to say with my mouth firmly closed. They all laughed
and looked down at me. "Doesn't make himself clear does he" Jason
"Oh well I think the change will be good for you tonight" Sandra
said as she then spread her stocking clad toes about my nose. The
smell was overpowering and she laughed "doesn't he look sweet like
this". She then vindictively clamped her toes so that I could no
longer breath and waited for the inevitable.
After about a minute I opened my mouth and gulped air into my lungs.
Stella wasted no time and popped the mouthpeice between my lips
whilst she teasingly licked her own lips. "Got him" she said and
Sandra relaxed her grip a little so that I was forced to breath
deeply between her sweaty toes. The flanges held the mouthpeice in
place as I tried to spit is out but Stella still had a firm grip of
it to make sure I didn't. Jason removed the rubber plug from the
centre of the glass panel and then lowered the panel over the tube
sticking out of my mouth. The panel was a tight fit and there was no
way I could free my mouth from the tube. Sandra then connected a
rubber tube from the base of the loo to the top of my mouthpeice.
They then carefully placed the loo above me facing the bed. It was
all in place and I was forced to look up through the pan in horror at
their smiling faces. "There darling," Sandra said, "at long last you
will be useful to me".
Jason dropped his trousers and I though I was going to be sick but he
just sat on the edge of the bed. Sandra then pulled her clingy
panties down to her ankles and hitched her mini skirt up. I was
mortified at the thought of what was coming next. I could see from
Jason's erection that he was enjoying himself as Stella climbed onto
the bed behind him and they starting kissing passionately while she
ran her hands all over his chest. Sandra then calmly sat on the loo
and said "Not long now darling, I'm finding it hard to hold myself
after all that wine with the meal and the film". She then added "I've
always wanted to do this since you laughed at me when I wet myself on
our wedding night" as she bent forward and took hold of Jason's
vibrant cock and started to lick it. She then put it in her mouth and
played with him while looking down into my tear filled eyes. When he
jerked into a frenzied orgasm I watched Sandra swallow. The bitch I
thought it was as much as she would do to touch my prick with her
hand. She then relieved herself unashamedly and the hot jet splashed
off the bowl and into the pipe. I immediately slammed my tounge up to
the pipe so that I wouldn't have to drink the foul liquid. The taste
that greeted my tastebuds was horrid.
When they had both recovered my wife got up and laughed at the half
filled bowl, "My word I didn't know a bladder could hold so much.
Lucky that you are thirsty my dear". She then slowly peeled her
stockings off, removed her panties and turned to sit on Jason's lap.
He immediately responded and started massaging her beautiful breasts
whilst covering her neck in love bites. She lent back and put her
arms back over her head so she could run her fingers through his
hair. "This is heaven, don't you think husband dear?" she cooed as
she closed her eyes with delight. I was forced to watch this
spectacle through a bowl full of her urine that I was trying hard to
stop seeping into my mouth.
Stella then came round to the loo humming contently to herself. She
lifted her skirt, sat down heavily and immediately relieved herself.
"OHHH, I needed that" she said.
Jason then said, "I thought you did, you didn't even take your
panties down".
"Silly me" she said "I forgot. Still he will get the benefit for
the rest of the night" as she stood up and pulled the sopping wet
garment down her legs. She then slid the foul smelling and dripping
panties under the panel and over my nose. I had no choice but to
inhale her foul smell whilst drinking my wine. She then resumed her
seat above me and bent forward to lick my wife's pussy. It wasn't
long before Sandra was writhing in ecstasy. She then stood up and
stripped seductively and they all climbed onto the bed out of my
view. I was then left having to drink or choke every time I relaxed
my tounge a little while they continued their frenzied love making
above me.
Finally they stopped to relax and Sandra looked over the edge of the
bed to see my pitiful face. She looked triumphantly relaxed as she
said, "not finished yet then," with a huge smile on her face. "That's
sensible, you might not get any more till tomorrow night. It's best
to make it last. Goodnight" and she turned the light off. I heard her
roll over and cuddle up to Jason. Stella then said, "At least he
hasn't shouted at us again tonight. He must be enjoying himself at
"Yes we wouldn't want to disappoint him, would we" Sandra
acknowledged. I was at my wits end, I tried to shout back at them but
I only had to breath more deeply through my sopping nose gag and all
I produced was bubbles in the fluid above me. They all laughed
happily and Sandra said "Ah, don't those bubbles sound soothing, just
the right thing after a hard day". Soon they were fast asleep and I
could here their gentle relaxed breathing. I could not sleep as each
time I breathed my nose was stabbed with the pungent smell of
Stella's panties and their foul spendings kept dribbling into my
mouth. However, just before dawn my drink was finished and I fell to
sleep for a few minutes.
What horror awaits me today I thought to myself as I heard someone
stir in the bed above me.....
The end of the begging
Hello friends. My name is Aditya. I am 22 years old and I am going to share a wonderful experience that I had during this precautionary lockdown. You too can enjoy this period filled with boredom, lethargy, and convert the atmosphere from lack of excitement to full of sexual ecstasy. Do you want to know how? Read this erotic story to find out! During the first week of the precautionary lockdown period, I was breaking my record of masturbation performed in a single day! In the second week, I was...
Bigfoot, Crunch and Sweetie Pie Wrecker Service By: Malissa Madison Gladys lay next to Hatchetman in their bed half asleep after a long bout of love making. "Hatch, can you feel it too?" she asked. "You mean now that the Seven Nations controls access to the Portal in New Mexico?" "That too," she answered him. "I'm talking about Fox and Little Joe." "Oh I thought you meant Squirrel and her kids," he admitted. "What about Squirrel?" she asked. "Fox and Little Joe talked...
The next morning came so quick I had to ask myself did I even go to sleep. As I showered last night I just freshened up, got dressed even I had to admit these girls dressed me well. When the girls came down I told them we would be doing dinner at my parent’s house. I called mom to ask her, if tonight was spaghetti night? She said, “Yes it is if I was going to be there.” I asked her “If we needed to bring anything?” “No just a big appetite,” was her response. I let her know it would be just...
Teresa Scalia found her way from the middle school auditorium to the principal's office. The debacle between Barbara Anderson and Michele Smithson had just concluded and Teresa wanted to check on her friend. Michelle had suffered a humiliating stripping and spanking at the hands of Barbara. Teresa tapped on the office door "Michelle are you in there? Are you all right?" "Yes Teresa. Are you alone?" Michelle answered. "I'm alone." said Teresa. "Okay, come in and close the door behind...
I eventually took residence in St. Louis and got a job as a test pilot for a military aircraft manufacturer. I let my employer know what was going on with my soon-to-be ex-wife and that I needed a week off. He understood and gave me all the time I needed. Once I was settled I drove back to Jacksonville to arrange the divorce process. It has been a month since I left and I have to say that things started looking positive in a different way. I was still distraught over Lisa, but I was learning...
I am the Wood Nymph. Gavin, the love of my life, the man I lovingly call "Bigfoot," has told you his side of the story. Now let me tell you mine. I'm twenty years old. For the first ten years of my life, I was raised in a very liberal family. We were nudists, and spent every summer at one resort or another, in the company of other nudists. We also went bare around the house, so nudity was commonplace and entirely normal for me. In fact, I was out of clothes more than in them, especially...
I know these hills like the back of my hand. I grew up not too far away, and every summer my Dad and I would go up there, into the national forest, by ourselves. I was eleven when we first went up there. He had given me my first hunting bow the Christmas before, and taken me hunting in those woods every summer since then. We'd spend weeks together hunting, without ever seeing another soul. We'd lay out trails and blaze them, far from the tracks that most of the other hunters and hikers used....
Frank wasn't lost, because he knew where he was, and how to get back- but he didn't want to even think about returning yet. He was out here by choice, three weeks walk into the wilderness of the Canadian coast range- The last sign of another person he had seen was a trappers line, and a trail leading to an unseen cabin, sixteen days before. He sighed contentedly, and adjusted the straps of his backpack. The frozen ground made his journey possible, because the numerous creeks, swamps, muskeg...
As the plane touched down and motored over to where it could be serviced, we stood around less than five minutes waiting for the courtesy van to take us to long-term parking. We cruised the lot until we found the two Broncos next to my dad’s 1976 Cadillac Sedan Deville, I had keys to the blue Bronco, and so I unlocked the doors. We put all the luggage in my truck Pam and my ladies got in her truck, My parents and their ladies got in the Caddy; they let me drive my own truck Whoopee! We all...
Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing Belladonna I was sitting in my cubicle when I first heard the rumor. It was a murmur going through the office. The kind of thing that is only whispered about for fear of it being you that they were talking about. The downsizing rumor spread swiftly in whispers. My coworkers' words filled everyone with dread. The economy was on the rocks. If you were out of a job, you were looking at a long period of joblessness. The men worried most of all. I...
LOCKDOWN Four Vignettes A walk Peter was bored. Lockdown had been in place for four weeks now, and he was sick of it. At first sight, you might think, he was better off than many. His work for a nature conservancy allowed him to get out of the house for fieldwork, and he lived in an attractive Welsh village, lodging in an old farmhouse a short distance from the high street. But his social life had come to a full stop. The social life in question was not conducted in the...
Autor: Elana Adra Thema: Forced Fem, Pony, Operation, Romantik, Bondage Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und...
Coming to the story in the last part I fucked my mom in the bathroom. Now my sex adventures continued in grandma’s house with my mom. After a fuck in the bathroom, I am still in the mood and I need to fuck, but I don’t know how. So I started to cook up a plan. My grandma’s house is in a forest area and it has a small waterfall nearby where nobody comes. So I asked everyone shall we go to the waterfalls. Every one said no because Grandma was ill. I pleaded with my mom at least you come with me...
IncestAnd then the world changed. I’d been aware of the pandemic, had followed it in the news, but hadn’t given it much thought. It didn’t, as far as I’d heard, transfer to horses after all. The morning the lockdown was meant to start I was in the yard, grooming Rosie, when my mobile rang.‘Good morning, John,’ said Julia into my ear. ‘Could you come up to the house please, I need to talk to you.’ I hadn’t seen Julia in a few days, since she’d stolen away in the small hours after the first session...
SpankingJack and mum were on the first week of lockdown, the coronavirus was affecting everyone's lives. Mum was an Accountant with her own firm; all her staff were working from home apart from the receptionist, who was still working from the office. She was the contact for everyone who was handing in files; once she had them, she would arrange delivery of them to the staff member that was handling the audit. Once they had it, all the files were available on the secure Cloud that the firm used. Mum,...
Hi guys, this is Abhinav back with the latest erotic mom son story during covid 19 lockdowns. This story is about how I was watching porn with mom during the lockdown. Let me tell you about my mom first. My mom’s name is Neelima. She is 42 years old beautiful woman. She has a white skin tone and a slim personality. She looks like she is in her 30s. She does exercises and eats healthy food to maintain her fitness. She doesn’t have any signs of aging. She is decent and down to earth woman. She is...
IncestHello everyone. Please do not proceed if you want to experience sex from the first line. I believe that the sequence of events that result in two people having sex is the most erotic if described in the right way. A brief intro about my family. Dad, Mom, Me and my elder brother. Dad is a businessman and used to travel a lot. Mom is a homemaker. My brother works in an IT firm. I followed in his footsteps and ended up in an IT job. We are from the southern part of India. My brother moved to...
Incest“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....
This is another version of my story about the LockdownWhenever a new tenant moves into one of the adjoining flats I’m always interested in who they are, and with good reason. Living in a flat in a converted house (in my case a turn of the last century, three storey terraced townhouse) anti-social neighbours are the last thing I needed. I’ve lived in flats since I was 21 with my current one situated on a tree-lined road around the corner from Cardiff’s Roath recreation Ground. It was my fourth...
Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode of a Tinder hookup that will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes, always looking out for hot sex partners. I have been blessed...
Helen Downey sat in Jasmine Storey’s office, nervously awaiting her annual appraisal. She knew that she had performed adequately enough to pass her newly qualified teacher induction but was never sure about whether it was good enough to meet the strict Deputy Head Mistress’ standards. Ms. Storey opened her filing cabinet and spent a few moments flicking through the collection of documents until she found Helen Downey’s teaching file and removed it, gently closing the drawer and walking back to...
SpankingFootprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...
The post-orgasm calm flowed through my body. My cock started to soften and the pool of fresh cum on my stomach started to rapidly cool. Beside me, on my iPhone speaker, I could hear Sam approach her climax as she undoubtedly rammed her dildo into her pussy. I heard Sam grunt and then gasp.“God I needed that, but I really need the real thing, I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”We both lay on our beds, separated only by a few streets, but our once adventurous and satisfying sex life seemed...
MatureHello all, thanks a lot for the overwhelming response to all my stories so far. Your comments and personal messages are the ones that keep me writing more and more. Everyone around the world has had various experiences during the pandemic and lockdown. This is one of the real incidents between me and my friend’s wife, Lata (name changed). We were stranded during the lockdown in the same apartment. The Indian government has announced a complete lockdown, and we were not allowed to go anywhere. I...
OMG, Nooooooo, it has just been announced that the whole country will be going into lockdown.It seems that there is new virus going around attacking everyone's respiratory system and causing them to become unwell, getting some distressing symptoms.Thankfully, I am not going to be alone during the lockdown I've got my stepbrother Cole here.He's my dad's new wife's son. Thankfully, he is similar age to me so we got lots in common: Both gamers, both play for our local soccer teams and love to have...
Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...
Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...
Sandra, die bildhübsche 27jährige Blondine mit der Traumfigur, bei 1,80 wiegt sie 62 kg und hat endlos lange Beine, eine Wespentaille, Knackpo, eine Handvoll festen Busen und leuchtend blaue Augen, die Haare gewellt und gut schulterlang, im Dienst immer zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie ist erst Polizeiobermeisterin weil sie zuerst eine Ausbildung als Einzelhandelskauffrau gemacht hatte. Als die Frage kam wer bei der EM 2008 eingesetzt werden möchte und in die Schweiz und nach Österreich...
Die Uhr im Polizeiwagen zeigte 4:50 Uhr an, als die Polizeioberkommissarin Bettina Zimmermann und ihr Kollege Polizeihauptkommissar Hermann Hagen über Funk zum nächsten Einsatz gerufen wurden. "Die Bande hat bestimmt wieder zugeschlagen, Eichenstraße 24! Die Alarmanlage ist ausgelöst worden. Die sind wohl noch drin im Haus. Vielleicht könnt ihr sie aufhalten, bis Verstärkung kommt. Aber seid vorsichtig!" "Ist klar, Zentrale, wir versuchen es. Ende!" antwortete Hermann. Jetzt, in der...
Whenever a new tenant moves into one of the adjoining flats I’m always interested in who they are, and with good reason. Living in a flat in a converted house (in my case a turn of the last century, three storey terraced townhouse) anti-social neighbours are the last thing I needed. I’ve lived in flats since I was 21 with my current one situated on a tree-lined road around the corner from Cardiff’s Roath recreation Ground. It was my fourth and in the three previous ones I’d had my share of...
Hey guys, this is Raj (name changed), bringing you a real experience of mine that happened with me during this lockdown. Thanks to the virus, I got lucky with a busty woman who satisfied me as I have never been before. The queen of the story is Disha, a 35-year-old married woman with huge, huge melons and even more huge ass. To describe in numbers, she must be 38-28-38. Huge assets with the nicest kamar (waist). She usually wears a saree that reveals the most beautiful deep navel I have ever...
Hey guys! Thank you for the overwhelming feedback you gave that compelled me to write another story. Kudos to the ladies and girls who came closer to me due to my previous story. Like my previous story, this is also a true and authentic experience about an amazing fuck. I have had many fair shares of experience with women around me. For those who haven’t read my previous adventure, please give it a shot. Those who don’t know me, my name is Rocky. I am 6’1 feet tall and have a slim athletic...
Hello everyone! My name is Luv Agnihotri. I am from Jaipur. I want to share my real sex experience with my mom during the lockdown. Let me introduce myself and my mom. I am 25 years old, a young boy working as an Engineer in Jaipur. My mom Savita Agnihotri, is a beautiful, modern, and curvy lady. Her age is 49 but she looks very young because of her gym, dancing and nutrition classes. My mom’s curves always make me crazy especially her soft, rounded, huge ass. Her measurements are 36D-32-40....
IncestHello, This is Vicky again with my new . I am a dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways. This story was from 2020, when the first lockdown was implemented in India. I was in the final year of my master’s degree. I was about to complete my final project when the lockdown was implemented. Our final exam was completed. However, some analytical part of my final project was to be done. The lockdown caused the college to shut down, so I could not go there and seek guidance. My project...
Hello everyone! First of all, sorry for not penning down any recent experience in the last couple of years. It was a tough time especially last year due to Covid. Today, I am here to share my first experience with my new young neighbor cum boyfriend. Those who don’t know me. I am a 31-year-old married woman from Mumbai, living with my husband. We have no kids. My vitals are 34-30-34. I had a few wonderful experiences in the past which I have shared already here. Coming back to this experience,...
Hi All. Today I am sharing a short story where I had a one-time fling with a woman I met on Tinder. This happened during lockdown where there was nothing much to do. So I installed Tinder to pass some time. My profile read “Explorer, avid reader and a good writer.” After a few failed swipes, finally, there was a match. It was Anjali from Mangalore. We started chatting and talked about our lives. She asked me what I write, what I read, and about my adventures. We talked about the places we...
Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 25 and 26 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read the previous chapters, please do so. Charlotte returns to New Zealand and then travels on to London to have her...
Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....
Monday, September 25 to Thursday, November 30, 2006 School restarted on September 25, and at the end of that week, on September 29, the second settlement was signed. Majestic Countdown changed his snooping pattern. There were so many current scandals that there was little point in creating more, so I took a break from that job to snoop something else. I was worried about the investigation into the helicopter collision. If they'd been flying side by side, the accident might've been...
Harry felt his wife stir. He looked at the clock, it showed seven thirty.“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he could remember how that warm wet pussy had nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face of his daughter.“Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection...
Fortunatly I been often in adult theatres and Swingerclubs before the lockdown. In the begin of March I did also a photo session, I think I changed different clothes for about 6 hours and took pictures. The first and second week of march I have been there and have had good sex. The week before the lockdown we chatted in the groups, if we should go to the Swinger Club or avoid it, not to get infected. But we didn't need to make a decission, because the Club was already closed.Since the lockdown,...
Pandemic lockdown day 15 I am in my apartment. Just like a prisoner. Prisoner of fear. More people are getting sick every single day. Yesterday the took three of them from my building with severe symptoms. I am getting more nervous every day. Things are going to get worse before they get better they say. I have a feeling that I cannot escape this. I was looking for a way to ease the tension. Sex would have been a safe bet but my girlfriend went away for the weekend visiting her parents and...
Dear ISS friends. This is my recent story during the lockdown. I work for the software industry and have two college students doing an internship in , Divya and Rita. Due to sudden lockdown, they could not go to their home town. Moreover, the office also got closed, and we were working from home. They were staying in a rented apartment in the same area where I was staying. After a few days of lockdown, they must be getting bored doing nothing. One day they called me and said, “Sir, can you give...
Mera naam Rohit hai aur main Mumbai se hu. Part time ke liye main callboy ka kam karta hu. Maine pehle bhi kafi kahaniya likhi hai. Aap use bhi padh ke anand le sakte hai. Ye meri guarantee hai ki ladke bina muth maare aur ladies bina fingering kiye reh nahi payegi. Meri kahani ka naam se abhi tak maine kafi mahilaon ko service di. Aur kafi meri regular clients bhi hai jo mahine mein 3 se 4 baar mujhe hire karti hai. Ye meri nayi kahani hai. Mere lund ka size 7” hai. Ye us samay ki baat hai...
Hi friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer of IIT, Bombay) fir se aapke samne hazir hu. Ye kahani meri pichli kahani ka continuation hai. To please woh kahani aap pehle padh le. Ab kahani pe aate hai jo ki anal threesome ki hai. Maine pichle part mein bataya tha ki kaise Pooja ne mujhe khush karne ke liye apni behan Aarti ki chudai karwayi. Fir roj rat ko pehle main Aarti ki chut chodta tha aur fir Pooja ki gand marta tha. Aise hi lockdown 2 khatam ho gaya. Aarti ko aur...
Lockdown Lullabye I got caught... literally. You see, I'd booked in at my favourite adult nursery for a weekend of being my baby self with Nanny. I'd arrived, got undressed, Nanny had dressed me in my triple-thick nappies, plastic pants, frilly nappy knickers, sweet pink little girl's dress, tights, bootees, mittens and bonnet and I'd had my evening feed of stewed prunes and apple together with two bottles of warm baby formula before being put down for the night in the high-sided crib...
The dawn chorus is early in June, the sweet chirping of the birds outside welcoming another day in lockdown. My eyes open slowly the sun light emerging through my new light purple blinds seemingly encasing the room and me in girlie pinkish delight. That dream again, me, light as air running faster and faster but going nowhere whilst my skirt pleats dance up and round my bare legs. I gently sweep the blonde wavy strands from my face and tug the cotton fabric of my nightie down from my...
Hello everyone, I am Lucky from Delhi. I will not waste time in introducing myself, because I have given mine and my maami’s full in-depth description in the last part of this story. Please read it. Let’s start with the story in earnest. Next day morning. I woke up early, maami was sleeping naked in my arms. I was having my morning erection so I thought why to waste an erection. I spread her legs a little bit and put my fully erect dick in her pussy and went all in. Suddenly, maami woke up...
IncestLockdown Diary Part 1Chapter 1Hi, I’m Rachel, I’m a 24-year-old blonde with 38d tits, long legs and a shaved pussy. I have long blonde hair past my shoulders and green eyes. I work as a legal secretary for a local solicitor and I’m currently furloughed from work.It was only the second week of lockdown and I was bored. I was cooped up in my little flat with only a small balcony for outside space. I was already looking forward to my 1 hour’s exercise today and going food shopping later and it was...
“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he had felt that warm wet pussy nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face…..of his daughter. “Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection against my bottom.” “Oh come on Annie,” Harry groaned, “just this once, you know...
So, hello guys it’s been years I haven’t shared any stories. The previous story, , was on a real based incident. And this too is based on a real incident. Coming to the story. Aap sabko pata hi hoga covid lockdown ne kaise hamari life mai impact kar di. Ab incident par aatae hai kaise bhabhi ne diye maje aur real sex ke feeling diye. Steffy bhabhi 2 bachi ki mom hai. Umar 32 saal rang gora. Aur sabe se mazedar 42d ke boobs size aur gol motal gaand jise dekhar kisi ka bhi khada ho jaaye. Aur...
You'd think that by the time a man got to be my age he'd know the difference between acceptable risk, and genuine stupidity. But as I walked into the teeth of the building storm, I just didn't care. My intention was to make it to the comfort station that was located a little more than a half a mile from the truck stop. There were food machines there, benches, maybe even cots to lie down on, and hopefully no one there to bother me. Over the past 3 days since I'd left the town that had...
A compilation of 19 chapters following the nylon adventures of a young teen boy.CHAPTER 1My mom had left to meet my Aunt Jill for lunch and a few cocktails so I went to moms room,opened her nylon drawer and grabbed out a pair of her silky smoke gray thigh highs.Mom wears nylons almost everyday for work so she has many,many pairs in her drawer. I then pulled down my shorts and sat on moms bed. My cock was now at half mast just from feeling her silky nylons in my hand. I took one of the thigh...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...
First snowfall First snowfall ? Mistress Maria and meat were wrapped in each other?s arm nuzzling and caressing, while warming themselves by the flickering light of the log fire.? The snow had begun to fall four hours after the sun had set and an ankle-deep blanket of powdery white covered the patio.The mistress studied his bare feet.? The soles swept from toe to heel in a graceful arch.? Each toe had a pliable bottom pad and a wisp of short hair on top.? The skin looked soft and seemed...
This is purely a fantasyWe moved into our home nearly a decade ago. Our garden is not attached to our house and we have to get access through our neighbour’s garden. Roger, our neighbour, was widowed a few years before we moved next to him and is now in his late 70s. He can be cantankerous and rude and we have had many disputes with him over our access rights. I have not really gotten on with him, but my wife has tolerated him. The good Samaritan in my wife came out immediately at the time of...
Dawn and I are on lockdown and God its boring, we have watched Netflix, Amazon, Disney, ect ect. We started to drink a few on a night time to pass it away and whilst pissed we would shot the porn on! Dawn was not normally interested in porn but when she's had a few she would be like put the porn on and lets get down and dirty! lol.she was funny in drink she would like to dance about and act sexy and say let me be like that porn star and i'll do you like she's doing that bloke on that film!, I...
It felt like an age since I had pleased a beautiful cock. The virus lockdown had put a stop to my regular servicing and my thoughts circled around like a goldfish in a bowl. The tension was evident when I masturbated and before I knew it and without orgasm, semen started pulsing out of me. I scooped it into my mouth a savoured it. I so enjoyed the texture and taste that I played with the little load pushing it against my teeth and around my mouth for some time as I edged my cock. Images of...