Carolines Further Adventures with Mr white
- 5 years ago
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Title: Caroline?s Realm
Author: Euryleia Rider
Synopsis: Wealthy, dominating woman takes in penniless relation.
Part I
?My gracious, what is that you are wearing?? Caroline Hastings stared at the young woman who had just entered her parlor.
Harriet Stewart looked down at her dress. She was confused by the welcome from the older woman. She had been forced to come to this house following the death of her beloved father and was still devastated. She fingered the well-worn cloth nervously and tossed her long blonde hair out of her eyes. ?It is my best dress, cousin,? she answered.
?Well, I can?t have you wearing something like that in my home. Take it off,? Caroline demanded.
?I beg your pardon,? Harriet began.
The dark haired woman threw back her head and laughed. ?Oh, you will beg before I?m through with you.?
Harriet looked aghast at her older cousin. ?What are you saying????
?It?s simple, really. You came here at my mercy. If you wish to stay here, you will obey my commands and carry out my wishes.? Failure to do so will have you back out there on your own.? Caroline pointed dramatically out the French windows that faced the drive. ?Surely, the solicitors explained all this when they told you of my offer of a place to stay.? She looked at her cousin and raised a pencil thin eyebrow. ?Do you have any questions??
?I can?t believe that you would treat me this way.?
?What way is that, my dear? As a penniless freeloader? Or, perhaps, like a tramp like your mother??
?My mother was no tramp!?
?She slept with my Uncle without the benefit of marriage. What would you call that except a slut??
?They loved each other deeply.?
?He was trapped into the relationship by your mother?s quite timely pregnancy with you and even more timely death at your birth. In fact, I?m not even positive that you are my Uncle?s child.?
?How can you say that? My father loved me.?
?That carries little weight now that he is no longer with us.? Caroline picked at a thread on her bodice. ?What matters now is that you are out of options. Do you agree to my terms??
?I don?t really have a choice, do I?? Harriet said bitterly.
?No,? her cousin replied. ?Isn?t it delicious??? When Harriet did not reply, Caroline?s gray eyes hardened. ?Now, why don?t you do what I asked??
Harriet turned her tear-stained face to her and asked, ?I?m sorry, I don?t remember the question.?
?I said take off that horrible dress.?
?You can?t be serious.?
?Listen very carefully, little girl. I am very serious and the sooner you realize that, the better.? She glared at the younger woman. ?I am not in the habit of repeating myself.?
Slowly, Harriet forced her hands to lift. Her fingers fumbled at the numerous buttons at her throat and wrist. Once it was off, she held it in front of herself like a shield.
?Better,? her cousin observed, ringing for the housekeeper. ?Why don?t you take the rest of those rags off now??
Harriet started at the appearance of the servant. She clutched the dress tightly to her body.
?Martha, bring up the fire and then take these items from Miss Waltham and dispose of them. I would recommend burning them.?
The older woman dropped a quick curtsey and hurriedly obeyed her mistress. She had to tug at the dress to get it from Harriet and then stood there waiting for the rest of the clothes. Harriet looked appealingly at her cousin but began taking off her chemise at the cold look she received.
?And Martha, send a note to Mr. Chambers to call on me tomorrow to measure her for her new things.?
Once Harriet was naked, the housekeeper left the room with her clothes held at arms length. Caroline took her time, studying the slightly overweight body before her. Her cousin was well proportioned with long legs and trunk. Her breasts were the size of ripe pears and her pubis was slightly darker than the golden hair on her head.
Growing uncomfortable under the implacable gaze, Harriet raised her arms.
Before Harriet could cover her charms, Caroline held up a hand. ?NO! I wish to see what I possess.?
?I?m a person not a possession.?
?Strange, I could have sworn that you agreed to live here at my discretion and to obey my commands. Sounds to me like I own you.?
Harriet stood there in shock, her hands falling to her sides. Her head was spinning and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears.
?Come over here and kneel at my side.?
Harriet glanced over at the couch.
Caroline laughed at her look. ?I can?t have you sit like that on my furniture. I won?t have you ruin my things. Now come here.?
It was hard to begin walking but she had no choice. She knelt, her hands folded across her breasts.
?No, not like that.? Caroline ordered, ?Your arms should be behind you, clasping the opposite forearm. Spread your legs apart. Wider. Good. That is how you sit from now on unless I tell you differently. Do you understand??
?I don?t know why you are doing this to me?? Harriet cried piteously.
Caroline smiled wolfishly, ?Because I can.? She sipped from her cup of tea for a few moments while studying her young charge. ?I wrote the solicitors that I had a job for you. Do you want to know what it is??
Harriet nodded.
?That is not acceptable. You are better than a simple animal that can only shake its head.? Not much better but enough. You will answer me with yes, ma?am or no ma?am.?
?Ye?yes, ma?am.? Harriet stuttered.
?Answer me completely.? When Harriet stared at her in confusion, she shook her head, sadly. ?You really are a simpleton. I asked you if you want to know what work you will be doing. The correct response would be??
Harriet was panicking. ?Um. Yes, ma?am. Please tell me what my job will be?? She stared hopefully at the older woman, hoping that she had phrased the question correctly.
Reaching out her hand, Caroline patted the top of the kneeling woman?s head. ?Very good. See, I knew you could get it.?
Feeling uncomfortably relieved at the praise, Harriet listened intently as her cousin spoke.
?As you know, my father traveled extensively around the world. While his main purpose was to increase trade, he was also able to indulge his appetite of collecting. He was most intent on amassing the finest collection of erotica in the known world. He has original texts from India, Japan, and Russia. He has notebooks filled with the oral stories from the tribes of Africa, South America, and Mongolia. What I want you to do is help me get the individual works ready for publication.? That means transcribing the materials into neatly, typewritten manuscripts.? She continued to stroke the blonde head. ?You can type, can?t you??
?Yes, ma?am. I can type.?
?Excellent. Well, I?m sure that you are tired from your travels. We will start first thing in the morning.? Caroline called for the housekeeper.? When Martha arrived, Caroline said, ?Please put Miss Harriet away for the night.?
?Put me away?? At the older woman?s glare, Harriet dropped her eyes and tried again. ?Please, ma?am. What do you mean by put me away??
Nodding, the other woman smiled. ?I?m glad to see that you are capable of learning. Yes. Remember, you own nothing anymore. I own it all and that includes your body. I can?t have you touching yourself at night.? Caroline looked at her property. ?I just know that you?ll be up there in the dark, doing all sorts of nasty things to your body.?
?Oh, I won?t do that.? Harriet found herself blushing again. She had never been bold enough to stroke herself to pleasure before.
?I can hardly trust your word now, can I? Especially knowing what I do about your mother.? She put down her teacup. ?Now, go with Martha. You had better obey her, I don?t want to get a poor report from her tomorrow morning at breakfast.?
?No, ma?am.?
?Good, girl.? She watched in satisfaction as the naked body of her cousin walked away from her. The glorious round globes of her ass, swayed tantalizingly back and forth. She was going to have a wonderful time getting to know her. Laughing with delight at the pleasures that awaited her, she headed to her own bedroom suite on the other side of the house.
The housekeeper led Harriet to a beautifully apportioned room on the second floor. She directed her to do her business in the bathroom and return.? ?Don?t take too long, missy. I?ve got other chores to do tonight and can?t be wasting my evening putting you away.?
Harriet?s hands were shaking as she washed her face and hands. This day had been the most stressful of her young life. Not in her wildest dreams had she expected that the death of her father would result in such a change of her fortunes.
When she came out of the bathroom she was shocked to see the bed stripped and four black straps attached to each of the bedposts.
?You must be secured. Now, come here.?
Dazed, Harriet approached the bed. She was made to lay on her stomach with the pillow that would normally have been under her head lifting her hips off the bed.
?Give me your arm.?
The cold voice of the housekeeper broke through her swirling thoughts. She reached out her hand and it was tied to the bed. Martha moved around the bed, making sure that her young charge was safely put away.
?What is it, dearie??
?Could I please have a cover??
?Well, I don?t suppose it could hurt.? Martha picked up the quilt. ?Here you go. I?ll be here in the morning to supervise your morning routine.?
The housekeeper turned the light off as she left, leaving a very confused young woman on the sheets. Harriet tried to shift and found that there was little give in the leather ties.? With a sigh, she tried to relax but her mind was whirling.
She tried to understand the feelings that were churning in her body and brain. The whole afternoon had been a nightmare but the little stabs of pleasure between her legs confused her. Why did her nipples ache so when her cousin had praised her, or touched her, or looked admiringly upon her? Dazed and without any answers, she slowly slipped into a sleep that was filled with vaguely disquieting dreams.
The next morning, Harriet was woken when the housekeeper came in and opened the curtains. The sunlight was most welcome, as the thoughts that had plagued her all night had not been very restful. She was concerned when Martha went into the bathroom without making any attempt to release her.
?Please, may I get up now??
?Not quite yet. The lady wants to make sure that you are clean each day.?
?If you let me loose, I will be able to bathe.?
Martha pulled back the covers. She was carrying a strange bag in her hand. ?I don?t think you understand quite how clean you are to be kept.? Without another word, she stuck the lubricated nozzle of the enema bag into the young woman?s rectum.
?Eww,? Harriet shrieked. ?What are you doing?? Harriet couldn?t understand the feelings, especially as the liquid began to fill her. ?Stop, oh, please stop.?
?Hush, girl. I?m not hurting you. You just lay still and take the entire bag.? I?ll let you up to expel it in a few moments.?
Harriet could not help squirming, hardly noticing when the grinding pressed her sensitive clitoris against the bed. It was only that distraction that made her able to tolerate the entire bag of liquid.
Martha noticed and she nodded in satisfaction, as the warning that Mistress Caroline had given her about the young woman?s appetites was proven right.
She pulled the tubing out of the nozzle and left the end of nozzle in as a plug. She then slapped Harriet on her white ass. ?You stop that nasty rubbing right now. You are being cleaned. This is not an opportunity for you to act lasciviously.?
In horror, Harriet became aware of how she must look to the older woman.? She was also amazed at the feelings of pleasure that she was experiencing between her legs. ?Oh, I?m sorry,? she babbled. The cramps had started and she had to use all her strength to hold herself still.
Martha undid her right hand. ?You reach around and hold that plug inside. I?ll be very upset if you make a mess of this nice room.?
Numb, Harriet obeyed while she waited for the other ties to be released. Finally, she was allowed to stand. Once she scurried into the bathroom, though, Martha made her wait for a moment before giving her permission to empty her bowels into the bowl.
With a critical eye, Martha oversaw the rest of her morning ritual. She even went so far as to make Harriet bend over and show her that her ass was completely clean and open her mouth to reveal shiny teeth.
Once she was satisfied, she announced that the Mistress was waiting for her in the breakfast room and quickly left. Harriet had not gotten a tour of the house yesterday and did not know where to go. When she stepped hesitantly out of the room, she saw no one she could ask. She crept downstairs, very mindful of her nakedness. She peered into several rooms before she found Caroline. Standing beside her was Martha.
Caroline wiped her mouth and said, ?I don?t like being kept waiting.?
Harriet tried not to cry. ?I?m sorry, ma?am.?
?You don?t even have an excuse. Martha gave you plenty of time to get down here.?
?Silence. Since you can?t be trusted to get from one room to the next, I will have to make sure that you are helped. ? Caroline leaned back in her chair. ?Martha, be sure and inform all the servants that Miss Harriet is to be escorted to and from every room. She is not to be allowed to roam on her own. To make sure that she obeys, the staff is allowed to use the three point hold.? She waved off the housekeeper and turned back to her plate.
Harriet didn?t know what the special hold meant and she was too mortified to ask.
?Sit down, Harriet. Because of your dawdling, I started eating without you. You need to hurry up and eat so that you can get started on my father?s papers.?
?Yes, ma?am.? She walked over to the brocade chair and hesitated before putting her bare butt down.
?What is your problem??
?I?m not dressed.?
?And whose fault is that?? Your father?s for failing to plan better? Mine for not wanting your filthy clothes to touch my fine things? Or could it be yours?? The words were cold and cruel and Harriet did not know how to respond.
?Oh, just kneel here and I will feed you.? Caroline pointed the floor beside her. Once Harriet had settled she fed her several bites of fresh fruit, making the young woman lick her fingers clean between each bite. She went back to reading her paper while she did so, hardly sparing a glance to the naked girl at her feet.
At the conclusion of the meal, Caroline rang for a servant. It was a different young woman, Sarah, who answered the bell.
?Yes, Mistress. How may I be of service??
?I want you take my cousin to the study. You were informed about how she is to be escorted??
?Yes, My Lady.? Sarah crooked her finger at the naked woman. ?Come here.? She directed her to the wall near the door. ?Lean forward and spread your legs,? she ordered.
?Don?t be tiresome, Harriet. Obey the girl. Your dallying only serves to irritate me. Too much irritation and I will be forced to punish you,? she finished ominously.
In confusion, Harriet leaned forward and braced her hands against the wall. She was shocked when the servant proceeded to insert her thumb into her virgin ass and two fingers into her pussy. She squealed.
?Quiet, miss,? Sarah warned. ?It?s for your own good.? She lifted her hand slightly and Harriet went up onto her toes. ?Good girl. Now, march.?
It was most uncomfortable. The girl didn?t give her verbal directions, she just moved the hand impaled in Harriet?s holes when she wanted her to turn. Most shocking at all was when she stopped to speak to another servant and had an entire conversation where the two servants managed to ignore the naked female standing there.
At the conclusion of their talk, Sarah wiggled her hand. ?Come on, miss.? She opened the door to the study and escorted her charge inside. ?Bend over.?
Overwhelmed by the sensations, Harriet obeyed without question. The servant removed her fingers and pointed to a bell pull beside the door. ?If you need to leave this room for any reason, you must call for someone to escort you.?
Turning swiftly, she was gone to continue with her regular duties. Harriet was left alone in the dimly lit room. She stumbled over to desk to see piles of papers strewn across the top. Leafing through them, she became engrossed in the writing on the pages.
?I?m glad to see that you are eager to get started.?
Harriet jumped when she heard her cousin?s voice. She turned to see her wave a male servant forward. He was carrying a strange looking chair and he put it down beside a table that contained a black typewriter.
?Come closer and let me get you started.?
Walking over, Harriet watched her cousin rummage through a box. ?Please, ma?am. What am I supposed to do??
?Well, I?m told by your handler that you are quite tight. I?m going to work on loosening you up and on improving your posture.? She frowned at the younger woman. ?I expect you to stand proudly, I mean, you have the blood of a Hastings running through your veins, after all.?
She reached down and affixed a small rod to the odd looking chair. It had no back, just a forward leaning seat and two places for one?s knees to lean against. Caroline opened up a small tin and coated the rod with a slick substance. ?Sit, down.?
?How am I sit, ma?am?? Harriet asked, genuinely puzzled.
Caroline took her arm and pulled her forward. ?Place your legs here and rest your knees on these pads. Good, now ease back.? Harriet stopped when she felt the pressure on her back door. ?Keep going, you?re doing fine.?
?Press out slightly as you press down.?
With steady encouragement, Harriet eased herself onto the anal plug. Feeling strangely full, she glanced up at the woman standing over her.
?Such a good girl,? praised her cousin. She pointed at the stack of blank pages and the pile of loose papers. ?Start with this tale from Thailand. I expect your work to be perfect. I will be forced to punish mistakes.? With those ominous words, the Lady of the Manor walked out of the room. She went directly to the stables to ride one of her prize stallions as she had a deep need to have something strong between her legs.
Hours later, Caroline stepped silently into the study.? She had returned from her ride in high spirits and wanted to check on her newest acquisition. She watched the hunched over form of Harriet as she typed from the manuscript.
?Sit up straight,? she barked. ?I thought that plug would held improve your posture. You must need a larger one.?
Jumping painfully when her cousin came in, Harriet blanched at the thought of something even bigger in her rear passage. ?Oh, no, ma?am. I?ll do better.?
?You better. Now, show me what you?ve managed to do this morning.? For the next while, she read over the work that Harriet had done. She glanced up at the knock on the door. ?Yes?? she called.
One of the maids stepped into the room. ?Ma?am, Mr. Chambers is here for the fitting.?
?Excellent.? Caroline set down the papers she was perusing. ?Where did you put him??
?In the parlor, ma?am.?
?Fine. You bring Miss Harriet with you.? Caroline turned to the poor unfortunate. ?Don?t lag to far behind this time.?
Harriet?s face burned with shame as she forced herself off the intrusive plug and bent slightly to allow the maid to penetrate her loosened ass and cunt.
?Oh, ma?am,? the servant gasped.
?What is it??
?You should warn the other staff of the barrier, if you mean to keep it intact.?
Caroline?s eyes lit up. ?Really? How very lovely. I never would have known that she was untouched.? She walked back over to the blushing young woman. ?You?ll give me that too, soon enough,? she promised.
?I see that we?ve forgotten how to address me.?
?I?m sorry, ma?am. What do you mean??
Stroking her fingers over Harriet?s face, she answered, ?I?ll take great pleasure in introducing you to womanhood.?
Turning, she led the way out of the room. They entered the parlor and saw that the leather merchant had already set up a small stage.
Harriet crossed her arms over her chest but dropped them at the glare from Caroline. The servant led her to the edge of the stage and almost lifted her onto it before releasing her grip and leaving the room.
He measured her everywhere, calling out the numbers to his assistant. The tape went around her wrists, thighs, chest, hips, ankles, neck, and head. He even measured the distance of her perineum and between her nipples.? He was finally finished when one of the servants came in with tea.
?Oh, how wonderful. You are so generous, my dear.?
?Nothing but the best for you, old friend.? Caroline waved to the chair across from her. ?Please, have a seat.? She glanced up when Harriet made move to climb down from the small platform. ?What are you doing?? she asked.
?I thought??
?That is your problem, my dear. No more thinking for you. I will do it for you from now on.?
Harriet stood on the small platform. She found it very difficult to stand without fidgeting while the two other occupants of the room discussed her attributes and the weather in such bland tones.
?So, when I can expect delivery??
?A month, maybe two.?
?That is not acceptable.?
?These are individually handcrafted items, Lady Caroline.?
?It?s not like your own hands are making them,? she responded. ?I want them by the end of this month.?
The two of them haggled through the tea service and ended with an agreement for certain items for two weeks and the rest over the course of the next six. Harriet was most relieved when the leather merchant was finally showed the door.
With resignation, she bent for the maid to take hold and returned to the study to complete her morning?s task. Her belly rumbled, as she had only had a small portion of fruit to break her fast but she knew better than to complain.
In no time at all, she had lost herself into the story of a rich merchant and the family he enslaved. There were words in Thai that she had to consult a tattered dictionary for and some that she could not find at all.
It was several hours later when Caroline entered the study. She came to stand slightly to the side of her cousin where she can touch her cousin and see her work. She read the page in the typewriter and casually stroked Harriet?s back. ?Not bad. Let me see what else you?ve done today.?
Her hands trembling slightly, Harriet handed her the paperwork. She watched the older woman walk over to a wingback chair and make herself comfortable. Her cousin caught her looking and Harriet quickly dropped her eyes and blushed.
Caroline sat and read the morning?s output and found two errors.? She brought the two sheets over to Harriet and pointed at them with a sharp nail.
Gulping, Harriet could only sit there in dreaded anticipation.
?I wonder the best way to teach you the lesson.? Caroline stalked around the desk. ?I know, since you obviously had no discipline as a child. I will have you spanked.?
?No, ma?am, I don?t??
?Be very careful how you finish that sentence,? Caroline interrupted. ?You don?t have a say here.?
Resigned, Harriet bowed her head. ?Yes, ma?am.?
?Glad to hear that you agree with me.? Looking around the room, Caroline spied an ottoman in the corner. ?Get up and bring me that stool,? she ordered. She sat down on the settee. ?Place it right here in front of me. Good. Now lay over it, facing me.? Reaching over, she rang for a servant. ?Please send Max in and have him bring the paddle.?
?Now, I believe that for you to learn, you will need to receive ten strokes for every error. Don?t you agree that is fair?? she asked, using the toe of her boot to tap on the prone woman?s chin.
Harriet lifted her head and stared into the cold eyes. ?Yes, ma?am. I think that ten strokes for every error is fair.?
?So very smart,? cooed Caroline, as she replaced the boot with her hand. She leaned close to her cousin and smiled at her. ?I know that you want to make me happy, so I want you to count each blow and thank me for it. Can you do that for me??
The cool gaze transfixed Harriet. ?Yes, ma?am. I will count each blow and thank you.?
?Excellent. I want you keep your eyes on mine the entire time.? Caroline looked up. ?Ah, Maximillan. I need your strong right arm to deliver 20 blows. This is her first punishment session, so I would like you to use two thirds your usual force.?
?Yes, ma?am,? the liveried man intoned. ?Shall I begin??
For the next twenty minutes the smack of the paddle into flesh, the whimpers of pain and the increasing breathless voice of Harriet counting off the blows and thanking her mistress for them interrupted the silence of the room. At the end of the session, Caroline bid her to kiss the instrument of her instruction before dismissing the servant.
She sat in the chair and watched Harriet regain control. Lifting her foot, she gently placed it under the younger woman?s chin. Raising it up, she smiled into the red, tear stained face. ?Have we learned our lesson??
?Yes, ma?am.?
?You may return to the desk and correct those errors. When you are finished, ring for the servant and join me for high tea.?
?Yes, ma?am.?
?I?m feeling generous, so you have my permission to apply lubricant to the plug.?
?Thank you, ma?am.?
Harriet was almost grateful for the strange chair, since it didn?t put any pressure on her hotly hurting derriere. She was almost used to the feel of the slender rod in her rectum and was able to quickly retype the offending pages.
The young maid from the morning answered her ring and escorted her to the parlor.? She rubbed her hand over the reddened flesh as they walked. ?Ooh, miss. That Max sure can tan a hide, can?t he??
Before Harriet could formulate a proper response, they reached their destination.
?Oh, good. You?re here.? Caroline smiled. ?You can pour.?
Her hands still trembling slightly, Harriet moved to the tea service and bent over.
?No, no. Keep your legs straight. Bend your back only.?
She obeyed the instructions and lifted the sterling silver pot. She poured out
the hot liquid and lifted the delicate cup and saucer. ?Ma?am, would you care
for lemon, sugar or milk?? she asked.
?I take my tea with lemon only.?
Using the silver tongs, she placed a wedge of lemon on the saucer and held it toward the older woman.
?No. I want you to hold it in both hands. Go to your knees. Gracefully, my dear,? she chided. ?You should be close enough for me to easily reach but not so close you?re in danger of falling on me.?
Watching her cousin carefully move herself into position, Caroline nodded. ?Now, hold it up until I take it.?
Harriet looked longingly at the plate of sandwiches and cookies on the tray. She had not eaten since her cousin fed her for breakfast.
?Eyes down, dear. I will not tolerate your begging.?
She sighed but obeyed.
?I have your best interests at heart, Harriet.? Caroline said after sipping in silence for a while. ?Your parents failure to discipline you has resulted in you carrying too much weight. We will reduce your food until your shape is once again pleasing to the eye.?
Caroline read through her magazine, occasionally asking her cousin for a refill. When she finally finished, she sent Harriet back to work.
It was growing dark when the maid who came to turn on the lights ordered her to take the position. Harriet bent over for a return of the humiliating grip and another trip through the house.
The maid left Harriet in the dining room. She looked around fearfully until she determined that she was alone. Using the time to her advantage, she wandered around the richly appointed room. She couldn?t help marveling at the casual display of wealth. It was not just that presence of a twenty person sterling service but that each piece gleamed from regular polishing. She lost herself in exploring the beautiful things.
?Where is that damn girl??
Harriet quickly dashed over to her cousin and dropped to her knees. ?I?m sorry, ma?am.?
?What were you doing??
?Uh, just looking around, ma?am.?
?What should you have been doing??
Shaking her head, Harriet could feel tears gathering in her eyes. ?I don?t know, ma?am. I can?t think what??
?And that?s your problem.? Caroline tsked at her. ?You need to stop with that wasteful thinking.?
?You?re here for me. Your only thoughts should be on me and my needs. You have no other function but to please me.?
Harriet felt the tears fall.
?Now, now.? Stepping closing, Caroline pulled Harriet?s head to rest against her taut stomach. ?This is so much easier than what you would be doing in a factory or some other work. I?ll do all your thinking for you and you concentrate on making me happy.?
Harriet nodded. ?Yes, ma?am. I?ll try.?
?No. There is no try. You will do this or you will be punished. I just thought you were smart enough to make the right choice. Was I wrong??
?No, ma?am. I?ll work to please you.?
?That?s what I want to hear. Eager obedience.? Caroline stroked her head a final time and stepped over to the table. She rang the foot bell and pointed to her side. ?Take your position,? she ordered.
?Yes, ma?am.?
?Say it.?
?I?ll be on my knees beside you.? She gulped and continued, ?This is where I belong, ma?am.? She couldn?t help the blush that stained her cheeks but the continuous throb between her legs, told her that she must be doing something right.
?Very good.? Caroline arranged her skirt as she sat and rang for the first course to be brought into the room.
The second meal passed with Harriet on her knees, receiving all her nourishment from the fingers of her cousin. The servants moved around her as if there was nothing odd about a nude women being hand fed at the table. That was the beginning of her new life.
The next few days passed in a blur. The household followed a usual routine and, soon, Harriet?s strange treatment seemed almost normal. She was restrained each evening, escorted around the house with fingers up her ass and cunt and spent her days typing.
The work on the manuscript was disturbing to the sheltered young woman. At first, she didn?t quite understand the terminology that was being used. She confessed this to her cousin one morning.
?Please, ma?am. May I ask a question??
?You may.?
?What does cunnilingus mean??
?Have you not heard that term before?? she asked.
?No, ma?am.?
?Well, we need to correct that immediately. You?ll do a much better job if you comprehend what you are doing.? Caroline sat in the wingback chair and tapped her lips with her index finger. This was just the opportunity she had been looking for?finding a way to further humiliate her charge while increasing the sexual tension. ?After lunch we will have lessons.?
At the appointed time, Harriet followed her into the parlor. The small stage was set up again. The servant, Max, and the maid who had brought her there both took their places on the stage and faced Caroline and the kneeling Harriet.
On Caroline?s order, Max stripped and rotated slowly. His penis was long and hung loosely before him. Caroline walked closer, holding a pointer. She directed Harriet to crawl closer to the man.
?This is his penis. He is uncircumcised. His foreskin covers the head of the penis. Other names for penis are cock, rod, and dick.? As she spoke of each item, she tapped the area. Using the wooden stick, she lifted the penis and reveled the large, hairy sacks behind them. ?There is the scrotum. They are called balls. Come closer and feel them.?
Harriet instinctively backed away. She realized immediately that she?d made an error, as Caroline whirled and brought the thin, wooden cane down on her unprotected breasts. She hunched over and her cousin easily transferred her target to the shapely rear.
?Oh, please, ma?am. I?m sorry.?
?You do not disobey me.? Caroline spat out each word with a strike from the cane.
?I?m sorry.?
Halting the correction, she smoothed the few hairs that had strayed from her careful hairdo.? Turning to glare into the eyes of the sobbing young woman, she declared, ?I won?t tolerate rebellion. Return to the position in front of Max.?
Harriet crawled back and squinted slightly as her fingers made contact with the man?s skin. After a brief exploration, she became bolder. Her hands and fingers touching the man?s pubic hair and skin, marveling at how the texture differed from her own. She was still a little tentative and Caroline was almost gentle as she spoke about male emission.
She was forced to open the man?s ass cheeks and examine his puckered opening.? When she came back forward, her cousin stroked the servant?s penis until it became erect. Waving the maid forward, she bade her to give him a blowjob.
Caroline kept up a running commentary throughout the fellattio session. She even went so far as to have the maid hold the copious cum in her open mouth to show the wide-eyed Harriet.
The lesson was repeated on the maid. Caroline bade her to lie on her back so that Harriet could examine her anatomy easily. After the previous whipping, the young woman obeyed her cousin?s directives to touch the clit, the labia and even penetrate the vagina and anus gently with a single finger.
Then, her cousin had her back up so that Harriet was kneeling directly in front of her. Legs strong from riding horses pinned her on either side. Caroline settled her hands on the younger woman?s shoulders and directed Max to repay the maid?s earlier actions and bring her to orgasm with his mouth.
?Now, that is cunnilinguous.? She stroked her cousin?s shoulders and ran her fingers through the brown hair, noting as Harriet?s pulse quickened and breath grew rapid. ?Do you like what you see? Do you have any questions??
Numbly, Harriet could only shake her head as she watched the maid?s skin flush and her body quiver through its release. She had never seen such a thing before. She felt a stirring between her own legs as she watched the man clean the copious fluids from the dark nether hair.
Both of the servants thanked their Mistress for her kindness of allowing them release.? She dismissed them to continue with their duties.
?Did that arouse you?? asked Caroline. ?Are you wet between your legs??
Blushing, Harriet nodded.
?That is a completely natural reaction for a slut like you.?
Her eyes flashing, Harriet said, ?I?m not a slut.?
?Mind your manners, girl.?
Not dropping her head, she repeated, ?Ma?am, I am not a slut.?
?Of course, you are. You?re the daughter of a slut and your body betrays you. Don?t think the maids haven?t told me that you juice up when they are escorting you.? She looked sternly at her charge. ?Surely, someone who was not a slut would not react like that.? Caroline bent down and drew her fingers through the dew that had gathered between her younger charge?s legs.
Harriet jumped, ?Oh, please, ma?am.?
?See? Your juices overflow.? She held the fingers to her cousin?s mouth. ?Lick it off.? When Harriet was slow to obey, Caroline grabbed her chin and pulled her face around. ?It is your essence. Now get it off my hands.?
Tentatively, Harriet opened her mouth. After a moment, Caroline removed her fingers and drew them between her cousin?s legs again before bringing them to her mouth. They repeated this motion until Harriet was squirming and moaning, sucking on the fingers in her mouth with abandon.
Finally, Caroline stood up. She smiled cruelly down at the writhing young woman. ?Truly, you are a slut.?
Through her heavy breathing and the reaction of her flesh, Harriet had no way to deny the truth of her cousin?s words.
Title: Caroline?s Realm
Author: Euryleia Rider
Synopsis: Wealthy, dominating woman takes in penniless relation.
Part I
?My gracious, what is that you are wearing?? Caroline Hastings stared at the young woman who had just entered her parlor.
Harriet Stewart looked down at her dress. She was confused by the welcome from the older woman. She had been forced to come to this house following the death of her beloved father and was still devastated. She fingered the well-worn cloth nervously and tossed her long blonde hair out of her eyes. ?It is my best dress, cousin,? she answered.
?Well, I can?t have you wearing something like that in my home. Take it off,? Caroline demanded.
?I beg your pardon,? Harriet began.
The dark haired woman threw back her head and laughed. ?Oh, you will beg before I?m through with you.?
Harriet looked aghast at her older cousin. ?What are you saying????
?It?s simple, really. You came here at my mercy. If you wish to stay here, you will obey my commands and carry out my wishes.? Failure to do so will have you back out there on your own.? Caroline pointed dramatically out the French windows that faced the drive. ?Surely, the solicitors explained all this when they told you of my offer of a place to stay.? She looked at her cousin and raised a pencil thin eyebrow. ?Do you have any questions??
?I can?t believe that you would treat me this way.?
?What way is that, my dear? As a penniless freeloader? Or, perhaps, like a tramp like your mother??
?My mother was no tramp!?
?She slept with my Uncle without the benefit of marriage. What would you call that except a slut??
?They loved each other deeply.?
?He was trapped into the relationship by your mother?s quite timely pregnancy with you and even more timely death at your birth. In fact, I?m not even positive that you are my Uncle?s child.?
?How can you say that? My father loved me.?
?That carries little weight now that he is no longer with us.? Caroline picked at a thread on her bodice. ?What matters now is that you are out of options. Do you agree to my terms??
?I don?t really have a choice, do I?? Harriet said bitterly.
?No,? her cousin replied. ?Isn?t it delicious??? When Harriet did not reply, Caroline?s gray eyes hardened. ?Now, why don?t you do what I asked??
Harriet turned her tear-stained face to her and asked, ?I?m sorry, I don?t remember the question.?
?I said take off that horrible dress.?
?You can?t be serious.?
?Listen very carefully, little girl. I am very serious and the sooner you realize that, the better.? She glared at the younger woman. ?I am not in the habit of repeating myself.?
Slowly, Harriet forced her hands to lift. Her fingers fumbled at the numerous buttons at her throat and wrist. Once it was off, she held it in front of herself like a shield.
?Better,? her cousin observed, ringing for the housekeeper. ?Why don?t you take the rest of those rags off now??
Harriet started at the appearance of the servant. She clutched the dress tightly to her body.
?Martha, bring up the fire and then take these items from Miss Waltham and dispose of them. I would recommend burning them.?
The older woman dropped a quick curtsey and hurriedly obeyed her mistress. She had to tug at the dress to get it from Harriet and then stood there waiting for the rest of the clothes. Harriet looked appealingly at her cousin but began taking off her chemise at the cold look she received.
?And Martha, send a note to Mr. Chambers to call on me tomorrow to measure her for her new things.?
Once Harriet was naked, the housekeeper left the room with her clothes held at arms length. Caroline took her time, studying the slightly overweight body before her. Her cousin was well proportioned with long legs and trunk. Her breasts were the size of ripe pears and her pubis was slightly darker than the golden hair on her head.
Growing uncomfortable under the implacable gaze, Harriet raised her arms.
Before Harriet could cover her charms, Caroline held up a hand. ?NO! I wish to see what I possess.?
?I?m a person not a possession.?
?Strange, I could have sworn that you agreed to live here at my discretion and to obey my commands. Sounds to me like I own you.?
Harriet stood there in shock, her hands falling to her sides. Her head was spinning and she could hear the blood pounding in her ears.
?Come over here and kneel at my side.?
Harriet glanced over at the couch.
Caroline laughed at her look. ?I can?t have you sit like that on my furniture. I won?t have you ruin my things. Now come here.?
It was hard to begin walking but she had no choice. She knelt, her hands folded across her breasts.
?No, not like that.? Caroline ordered, ?Your arms should be behind you, clasping the opposite forearm. Spread your legs apart. Wider. Good. That is how you sit from now on unless I tell you differently. Do you understand??
?I don?t know why you are doing this to me?? Harriet cried piteously.
Caroline smiled wolfishly, ?Because I can.? She sipped from her cup of tea for a few moments while studying her young charge. ?I wrote the solicitors that I had a job for you. Do you want to know what it is??
Harriet nodded.
?That is not acceptable. You are better than a simple animal that can only shake its head.? Not much better but enough. You will answer me with yes, ma?am or no ma?am.?
?Ye?yes, ma?am.? Harriet stuttered.
?Answer me completely.? When Harriet stared at her in confusion, she shook her head, sadly. ?You really are a simpleton. I asked you if you want to know what work you will be doing. The correct response would be??
Harriet was panicking. ?Um. Yes, ma?am. Please tell me what my job will be?? She stared hopefully at the older woman, hoping that she had phrased the question correctly.
Reaching out her hand, Caroline patted the top of the kneeling woman?s head. ?Very good. See, I knew you could get it.?
Feeling uncomfortably relieved at the praise, Harriet listened intently as her cousin spoke.
?As you know, my father traveled extensively around the world. While his main purpose was to increase trade, he was also able to indulge his appetite of collecting. He was most intent on amassing the finest collection of erotica in the known world. He has original texts from India, Japan, and Russia. He has notebooks filled with the oral stories from the tribes of Africa, South America, and Mongolia. What I want you to do is help me get the individual works ready for publication.? That means transcribing the materials into neatly, typewritten manuscripts.? She continued to stroke the blonde head. ?You can type, can?t you??
?Yes, ma?am. I can type.?
?Excellent. Well, I?m sure that you are tired from your travels. We will start first thing in the morning.? Caroline called for the housekeeper.? When Martha arrived, Caroline said, ?Please put Miss Harriet away for the night.?
?Put me away?? At the older woman?s glare, Harriet dropped her eyes and tried again. ?Please, ma?am. What do you mean by put me away??
Nodding, the other woman smiled. ?I?m glad to see that you are capable of learning. Yes. Remember, you own nothing anymore. I own it all and that includes your body. I can?t have you touching yourself at night.? Caroline looked at her property. ?I just know that you?ll be up there in the dark, doing all sorts of nasty things to your body.?
?Oh, I won?t do that.? Harriet found herself blushing again. She had never been bold enough to stroke herself to pleasure before.
?I can hardly trust your word now, can I? Especially knowing what I do about your mother.? She put down her teacup. ?Now, go with Martha. You had better obey her, I don?t want to get a poor report from her tomorrow morning at breakfast.?
?No, ma?am.?
?Good, girl.? She watched in satisfaction as the naked body of her cousin walked away from her. The glorious round globes of her ass, swayed tantalizingly back and forth. She was going to have a wonderful time getting to know her. Laughing with delight at the pleasures that awaited her, she headed to her own bedroom suite on the other side of the house.
The housekeeper led Harriet to a beautifully apportioned room on the second floor. She directed her to do her business in the bathroom and return.? ?Don?t take too long, missy. I?ve got other chores to do tonight and can?t be wasting my evening putting you away.?
Harriet?s hands were shaking as she washed her face and hands. This day had been the most stressful of her young life. Not in her wildest dreams had she expected that the death of her father would result in such a change of her fortunes.
When she came out of the bathroom she was shocked to see the bed stripped and four black straps attached to each of the bedposts.
?You must be secured. Now, come here.?
Dazed, Harriet approached the bed. She was made to lay on her stomach with the pillow that would normally have been under her head lifting her hips off the bed.
?Give me your arm.?
The cold voice of the housekeeper broke through her swirling thoughts. She reached out her hand and it was tied to the bed. Martha moved around the bed, making sure that her young charge was safely put away.
?What is it, dearie??
?Could I please have a cover??
?Well, I don?t suppose it could hurt.? Martha picked up the quilt. ?Here you go. I?ll be here in the morning to supervise your morning routine.?
The housekeeper turned the light off as she left, leaving a very confused young woman on the sheets. Harriet tried to shift and found that there was little give in the leather ties.? With a sigh, she tried to relax but her mind was whirling.
She tried to understand the feelings that were churning in her body and brain. The whole afternoon had been a nightmare but the little stabs of pleasure between her legs confused her. Why did her nipples ache so when her cousin had praised her, or touched her, or looked admiringly upon her? Dazed and without any answers, she slowly slipped into a sleep that was filled with vaguely disquieting dreams.
The next morning, Harriet was woken when the housekeeper came in and opened the curtains. The sunlight was most welcome, as the thoughts that had plagued her all night had not been very restful. She was concerned when Martha went into the bathroom without making any attempt to release her.
?Please, may I get up now??
?Not quite yet. The lady wants to make sure that you are clean each day.?
?If you let me loose, I will be able to bathe.?
Martha pulled back the covers. She was carrying a strange bag in her hand. ?I don?t think you understand quite how clean you are to be kept.? Without another word, she stuck the lubricated nozzle of the enema bag into the young woman?s rectum.
?Eww,? Harriet shrieked. ?What are you doing?? Harriet couldn?t understand the feelings, especially as the liquid began to fill her. ?Stop, oh, please stop.?
?Hush, girl. I?m not hurting you. You just lay still and take the entire bag.? I?ll let you up to expel it in a few moments.?
Harriet could not help squirming, hardly noticing when the grinding pressed her sensitive clitoris against the bed. It was only that distraction that made her able to tolerate the entire bag of liquid.
Martha noticed and she nodded in satisfaction, as the warning that Mistress Caroline had given her about the young woman?s appetites was proven right.
She pulled the tubing out of the nozzle and left the end of nozzle in as a plug. She then slapped Harriet on her white ass. ?You stop that nasty rubbing right now. You are being cleaned. This is not an opportunity for you to act lasciviously.?
In horror, Harriet became aware of how she must look to the older woman.? She was also amazed at the feelings of pleasure that she was experiencing between her legs. ?Oh, I?m sorry,? she babbled. The cramps had started and she had to use all her strength to hold herself still.
Martha undid her right hand. ?You reach around and hold that plug inside. I?ll be very upset if you make a mess of this nice room.?
Numb, Harriet obeyed while she waited for the other ties to be released. Finally, she was allowed to stand. Once she scurried into the bathroom, though, Martha made her wait for a moment before giving her permission to empty her bowels into the bowl.
With a critical eye, Martha oversaw the rest of her morning ritual. She even went so far as to make Harriet bend over and show her that her ass was completely clean and open her mouth to reveal shiny teeth.
Once she was satisfied, she announced that the Mistress was waiting for her in the breakfast room and quickly left. Harriet had not gotten a tour of the house yesterday and did not know where to go. When she stepped hesitantly out of the room, she saw no one she could ask. She crept downstairs, very mindful of her nakedness. She peered into several rooms before she found Caroline. Standing beside her was Martha.
Caroline wiped her mouth and said, ?I don?t like being kept waiting.?
Harriet tried not to cry. ?I?m sorry, ma?am.?
?You don?t even have an excuse. Martha gave you plenty of time to get down here.?
?Silence. Since you can?t be trusted to get from one room to the next, I will have to make sure that you are helped. ? Caroline leaned back in her chair. ?Martha, be sure and inform all the servants that Miss Harriet is to be escorted to and from every room. She is not to be allowed to roam on her own. To make sure that she obeys, the staff is allowed to use the three point hold.? She waved off the housekeeper and turned back to her plate.
Harriet didn?t know what the special hold meant and she was too mortified to ask.
?Sit down, Harriet. Because of your dawdling, I started eating without you. You need to hurry up and eat so that you can get started on my father?s papers.?
?Yes, ma?am.? She walked over to the brocade chair and hesitated before putting her bare butt down.
?What is your problem??
?I?m not dressed.?
?And whose fault is that?? Your father?s for failing to plan better? Mine for not wanting your filthy clothes to touch my fine things? Or could it be yours?? The words were cold and cruel and Harriet did not know how to respond.
?Oh, just kneel here and I will feed you.? Caroline pointed the floor beside her. Once Harriet had settled she fed her several bites of fresh fruit, making the young woman lick her fingers clean between each bite. She went back to reading her paper while she did so, hardly sparing a glance to the naked girl at her feet.
At the conclusion of the meal, Caroline rang for a servant. It was a different young woman, Sarah, who answered the bell.
?Yes, Mistress. How may I be of service??
?I want you take my cousin to the study. You were informed about how she is to be escorted??
?Yes, My Lady.? Sarah crooked her finger at the naked woman. ?Come here.? She directed her to the wall near the door. ?Lean forward and spread your legs,? she ordered.
?Don?t be tiresome, Harriet. Obey the girl. Your dallying only serves to irritate me. Too much irritation and I will be forced to punish you,? she finished ominously.
In confusion, Harriet leaned forward and braced her hands against the wall. She was shocked when the servant proceeded to insert her thumb into her virgin ass and two fingers into her pussy. She squealed.
?Quiet, miss,? Sarah warned. ?It?s for your own good.? She lifted her hand slightly and Harriet went up onto her toes. ?Good girl. Now, march.?
It was most uncomfortable. The girl didn?t give her verbal directions, she just moved the hand impaled in Harriet?s holes when she wanted her to turn. Most shocking at all was when she stopped to speak to another servant and had an entire conversation where the two servants managed to ignore the naked female standing there.
At the conclusion of their talk, Sarah wiggled her hand. ?Come on, miss.? She opened the door to the study and escorted her charge inside. ?Bend over.?
Overwhelmed by the sensations, Harriet obeyed without question. The servant removed her fingers and pointed to a bell pull beside the door. ?If you need to leave this room for any reason, you must call for someone to escort you.?
Turning swiftly, she was gone to continue with her regular duties. Harriet was left alone in the dimly lit room. She stumbled over to desk to see piles of papers strewn across the top. Leafing through them, she became engrossed in the writing on the pages.
?I?m glad to see that you are eager to get started.?
Harriet jumped when she heard her cousin?s voice. She turned to see her wave a male servant forward. He was carrying a strange looking chair and he put it down beside a table that contained a black typewriter.
?Come closer and let me get you started.?
Walking over, Harriet watched her cousin rummage through a box. ?Please, ma?am. What am I supposed to do??
?Well, I?m told by your handler that you are quite tight. I?m going to work on loosening you up and on improving your posture.? She frowned at the younger woman. ?I expect you to stand proudly, I mean, you have the blood of a Hastings running through your veins, after all.?
She reached down and affixed a small rod to the odd looking chair. It had no back, just a forward leaning seat and two places for one?s knees to lean against. Caroline opened up a small tin and coated the rod with a slick substance. ?Sit, down.?
?How am I sit, ma?am?? Harriet asked, genuinely puzzled.
Caroline took her arm and pulled her forward. ?Place your legs here and rest your knees on these pads. Good, now ease back.? Harriet stopped when she felt the pressure on her back door. ?Keep going, you?re doing fine.?
?Press out slightly as you press down.?
With steady encouragement, Harriet eased herself onto the anal plug. Feeling strangely full, she glanced up at the woman standing over her.
?Such a good girl,? praised her cousin. She pointed at the stack of blank pages and the pile of loose papers. ?Start with this tale from Thailand. I expect your work to be perfect. I will be forced to punish mistakes.? With those ominous words, the Lady of the Manor walked out of the room. She went directly to the stables to ride one of her prize stallions as she had a deep need to have something strong between her legs.
Hours later, Caroline stepped silently into the study.? She had returned from her ride in high spirits and wanted to check on her newest acquisition. She watched the hunched over form of Harriet as she typed from the manuscript.
?Sit up straight,? she barked. ?I thought that plug would held improve your posture. You must need a larger one.?
Jumping painfully when her cousin came in, Harriet blanched at the thought of something even bigger in her rear passage. ?Oh, no, ma?am. I?ll do better.?
?You better. Now, show me what you?ve managed to do this morning.? For the next while, she read over the work that Harriet had done. She glanced up at the knock on the door. ?Yes?? she called.
One of the maids stepped into the room. ?Ma?am, Mr. Chambers is here for the fitting.?
?Excellent.? Caroline set down the papers she was perusing. ?Where did you put him??
?In the parlor, ma?am.?
?Fine. You bring Miss Harriet with you.? Caroline turned to the poor unfortunate. ?Don?t lag to far behind this time.?
Harriet?s face burned with shame as she forced herself off the intrusive plug and bent slightly to allow the maid to penetrate her loosened ass and cunt.
?Oh, ma?am,? the servant gasped.
?What is it??
?You should warn the other staff of the barrier, if you mean to keep it intact.?
Caroline?s eyes lit up. ?Really? How very lovely. I never would have known that she was untouched.? She walked back over to the blushing young woman. ?You?ll give me that too, soon enough,? she promised.
?I see that we?ve forgotten how to address me.?
?I?m sorry, ma?am. What do you mean??
Stroking her fingers over Harriet?s face, she answered, ?I?ll take great pleasure in introducing you to womanhood.?
Turning, she led the way out of the room. They entered the parlor and saw that the leather merchant had already set up a small stage.
Harriet crossed her arms over her chest but dropped them at the glare from Caroline. The servant led her to the edge of the stage and almost lifted her onto it before releasing her grip and leaving the room.
He measured her everywhere, calling out the numbers to his assistant. The tape went around her wrists, thighs, chest, hips, ankles, neck, and head. He even measured the distance of her perineum and between her nipples.? He was finally finished when one of the servants came in with tea.
?Oh, how wonderful. You are so generous, my dear.?
?Nothing but the best for you, old friend.? Caroline waved to the chair across from her. ?Please, have a seat.? She glanced up when Harriet made move to climb down from the small platform. ?What are you doing?? she asked.
?I thought??
?That is your problem, my dear. No more thinking for you. I will do it for you from now on.?
Harriet stood on the small platform. She found it very difficult to stand without fidgeting while the two other occupants of the room discussed her attributes and the weather in such bland tones.
?So, when I can expect delivery??
?A month, maybe two.?
?That is not acceptable.?
?These are individually handcrafted items, Lady Caroline.?
?It?s not like your own hands are making them,? she responded. ?I want them by the end of this month.?
The two of them haggled through the tea service and ended with an agreement for certain items for two weeks and the rest over the course of the next six. Harriet was most relieved when the leather merchant was finally showed the door.
With resignation, she bent for the maid to take hold and returned to the study to complete her morning?s task. Her belly rumbled, as she had only had a small portion of fruit to break her fast but she knew better than to complain.
In no time at all, she had lost herself into the story of a rich merchant and the family he enslaved. There were words in Thai that she had to consult a tattered dictionary for and some that she could not find at all.
It was several hours later when Caroline entered the study. She came to stand slightly to the side of her cousin where she can touch her cousin and see her work. She read the page in the typewriter and casually stroked Harriet?s back. ?Not bad. Let me see what else you?ve done today.?
Her hands trembling slightly, Harriet handed her the paperwork. She watched the older woman walk over to a wingback chair and make herself comfortable. Her cousin caught her looking and Harriet quickly dropped her eyes and blushed.
Caroline sat and read the morning?s output and found two errors.? She brought the two sheets over to Harriet and pointed at them with a sharp nail.
Gulping, Harriet could only sit there in dreaded anticipation.
?I wonder the best way to teach you the lesson.? Caroline stalked around the desk. ?I know, since you obviously had no discipline as a child. I will have you spanked.?
?No, ma?am, I don?t??
?Be very careful how you finish that sentence,? Caroline interrupted. ?You don?t have a say here.?
Resigned, Harriet bowed her head. ?Yes, ma?am.?
?Glad to hear that you agree with me.? Looking around the room, Caroline spied an ottoman in the corner. ?Get up and bring me that stool,? she ordered. She sat down on the settee. ?Place it right here in front of me. Good. Now lay over it, facing me.? Reaching over, she rang for a servant. ?Please send Max in and have him bring the paddle.?
?Now, I believe that for you to learn, you will need to receive ten strokes for every error. Don?t you agree that is fair?? she asked, using the toe of her boot to tap on the prone woman?s chin.
Harriet lifted her head and stared into the cold eyes. ?Yes, ma?am. I think that ten strokes for every error is fair.?
?So very smart,? cooed Caroline, as she replaced the boot with her hand. She leaned close to her cousin and smiled at her. ?I know that you want to make me happy, so I want you to count each blow and thank me for it. Can you do that for me??
The cool gaze transfixed Harriet. ?Yes, ma?am. I will count each blow and thank you.?
?Excellent. I want you keep your eyes on mine the entire time.? Caroline looked up. ?Ah, Maximillan. I need your strong right arm to deliver 20 blows. This is her first punishment session, so I would like you to use two thirds your usual force.?
?Yes, ma?am,? the liveried man intoned. ?Shall I begin??
For the next twenty minutes the smack of the paddle into flesh, the whimpers of pain and the increasing breathless voice of Harriet counting off the blows and thanking her mistress for them interrupted the silence of the room. At the end of the session, Caroline bid her to kiss the instrument of her instruction before dismissing the servant.
She sat in the chair and watched Harriet regain control. Lifting her foot, she gently placed it under the younger woman?s chin. Raising it up, she smiled into the red, tear stained face. ?Have we learned our lesson??
?Yes, ma?am.?
?You may return to the desk and correct those errors. When you are finished, ring for the servant and join me for high tea.?
?Yes, ma?am.?
?I?m feeling generous, so you have my permission to apply lubricant to the plug.?
?Thank you, ma?am.?
Harriet was almost grateful for the strange chair, since it didn?t put any pressure on her hotly hurting derriere. She was almost used to the feel of the slender rod in her rectum and was able to quickly retype the offending pages.
The young maid from the morning answered her ring and escorted her to the parlor.? She rubbed her hand over the reddened flesh as they walked. ?Ooh, miss. That Max sure can tan a hide, can?t he??
Before Harriet could formulate a proper response, they reached their destination.
?Oh, good. You?re here.? Caroline smiled. ?You can pour.?
Her hands still trembling slightly, Harriet moved to the tea service and bent over.
?No, no. Keep your legs straight. Bend your back only.?
She obeyed the instructions and lifted the sterling silver pot. She poured out
the hot liquid and lifted the delicate cup and saucer. ?Ma?am, would you care
for lemon, sugar or milk?? she asked.
?I take my tea with lemon only.?
Using the silver tongs, she placed a wedge of lemon on the saucer and held it toward the older woman.
?No. I want you to hold it in both hands. Go to your knees. Gracefully, my dear,? she chided. ?You should be close enough for me to easily reach but not so close you?re in danger of falling on me.?
Watching her cousin carefully move herself into position, Caroline nodded. ?Now, hold it up until I take it.?
Harriet looked longingly at the plate of sandwiches and cookies on the tray. She had not eaten since her cousin fed her for breakfast.
?Eyes down, dear. I will not tolerate your begging.?
She sighed but obeyed.
?I have your best interests at heart, Harriet.? Caroline said after sipping in silence for a while. ?Your parents failure to discipline you has resulted in you carrying too much weight. We will reduce your food until your shape is once again pleasing to the eye.?
Caroline read through her magazine, occasionally asking her cousin for a refill. When she finally finished, she sent Harriet back to work.
It was growing dark when the maid who came to turn on the lights ordered her to take the position. Harriet bent over for a return of the humiliating grip and another trip through the house.
The maid left Harriet in the dining room. She looked around fearfully until she determined that she was alone. Using the time to her advantage, she wandered around the richly appointed room. She couldn?t help marveling at the casual display of wealth. It was not just that presence of a twenty person sterling service but that each piece gleamed from regular polishing. She lost herself in exploring the beautiful things.
?Where is that damn girl??
Harriet quickly dashed over to her cousin and dropped to her knees. ?I?m sorry, ma?am.?
?What were you doing??
?Uh, just looking around, ma?am.?
?What should you have been doing??
Shaking her head, Harriet could feel tears gathering in her eyes. ?I don?t know, ma?am. I can?t think what??
?And that?s your problem.? Caroline tsked at her. ?You need to stop with that wasteful thinking.?
?You?re here for me. Your only thoughts should be on me and my needs. You have no other function but to please me.?
Harriet felt the tears fall.
?Now, now.? Stepping closing, Caroline pulled Harriet?s head to rest against her taut stomach. ?This is so much easier than what you would be doing in a factory or some other work. I?ll do all your thinking for you and you concentrate on making me happy.?
Harriet nodded. ?Yes, ma?am. I?ll try.?
?No. There is no try. You will do this or you will be punished. I just thought you were smart enough to make the right choice. Was I wrong??
?No, ma?am. I?ll work to please you.?
?That?s what I want to hear. Eager obedience.? Caroline stroked her head a final time and stepped over to the table. She rang the foot bell and pointed to her side. ?Take your position,? she ordered.
?Yes, ma?am.?
?Say it.?
?I?ll be on my knees beside you.? She gulped and continued, ?This is where I belong, ma?am.? She couldn?t help the blush that stained her cheeks but the continuous throb between her legs, told her that she must be doing something right.
?Very good.? Caroline arranged her skirt as she sat and rang for the first course to be brought into the room.
The second meal passed with Harriet on her knees, receiving all her nourishment from the fingers of her cousin. The servants moved around her as if there was nothing odd about a nude women being hand fed at the table. That was the beginning of her new life.
The next few days passed in a blur. The household followed a usual routine and, soon, Harriet?s strange treatment seemed almost normal. She was restrained each evening, escorted around the house with fingers up her ass and cunt and spent her days typing.
The work on the manuscript was disturbing to the sheltered young woman. At first, she didn?t quite understand the terminology that was being used. She confessed this to her cousin one morning.
?Please, ma?am. May I ask a question??
?You may.?
?What does cunnilingus mean??
?Have you not heard that term before?? she asked.
?No, ma?am.?
?Well, we need to correct that immediately. You?ll do a much better job if you comprehend what you are doing.? Caroline sat in the wingback chair and tapped her lips with her index finger. This was just the opportunity she had been looking for?finding a way to further humiliate her charge while increasing the sexual tension. ?After lunch we will have lessons.?
At the appointed time, Harriet followed her into the parlor. The small stage was set up again. The servant, Max, and the maid who had brought her there both took their places on the stage and faced Caroline and the kneeling Harriet.
On Caroline?s order, Max stripped and rotated slowly. His penis was long and hung loosely before him. Caroline walked closer, holding a pointer. She directed Harriet to crawl closer to the man.
?This is his penis. He is uncircumcised. His foreskin covers the head of the penis. Other names for penis are cock, rod, and dick.? As she spoke of each item, she tapped the area. Using the wooden stick, she lifted the penis and reveled the large, hairy sacks behind them. ?There is the scrotum. They are called balls. Come closer and feel them.?
Harriet instinctively backed away. She realized immediately that she?d made an error, as Caroline whirled and brought the thin, wooden cane down on her unprotected breasts. She hunched over and her cousin easily transferred her target to the shapely rear.
?Oh, please, ma?am. I?m sorry.?
?You do not disobey me.? Caroline spat out each word with a strike from the cane.
?I?m sorry.?
Halting the correction, she smoothed the few hairs that had strayed from her careful hairdo.? Turning to glare into the eyes of the sobbing young woman, she declared, ?I won?t tolerate rebellion. Return to the position in front of Max.?
Harriet crawled back and squinted slightly as her fingers made contact with the man?s skin. After a brief exploration, she became bolder. Her hands and fingers touching the man?s pubic hair and skin, marveling at how the texture differed from her own. She was still a little tentative and Caroline was almost gentle as she spoke about male emission.
She was forced to open the man?s ass cheeks and examine his puckered opening.? When she came back forward, her cousin stroked the servant?s penis until it became erect. Waving the maid forward, she bade her to give him a blowjob.
Caroline kept up a running commentary throughout the fellattio session. She even went so far as to have the maid hold the copious cum in her open mouth to show the wide-eyed Harriet.
The lesson was repeated on the maid. Caroline bade her to lie on her back so that Harriet could examine her anatomy easily. After the previous whipping, the young woman obeyed her cousin?s directives to touch the clit, the labia and even penetrate the vagina and anus gently with a single finger.
Then, her cousin had her back up so that Harriet was kneeling directly in front of her. Legs strong from riding horses pinned her on either side. Caroline settled her hands on the younger woman?s shoulders and directed Max to repay the maid?s earlier actions and bring her to orgasm with his mouth.
?Now, that is cunnilinguous.? She stroked her cousin?s shoulders and ran her fingers through the brown hair, noting as Harriet?s pulse quickened and breath grew rapid. ?Do you like what you see? Do you have any questions??
Numbly, Harriet could only shake her head as she watched the maid?s skin flush and her body quiver through its release. She had never seen such a thing before. She felt a stirring between her own legs as she watched the man clean the copious fluids from the dark nether hair.
Both of the servants thanked their Mistress for her kindness of allowing them release.? She dismissed them to continue with their duties.
?Did that arouse you?? asked Caroline. ?Are you wet between your legs??
Blushing, Harriet nodded.
?That is a completely natural reaction for a slut like you.?
Her eyes flashing, Harriet said, ?I?m not a slut.?
?Mind your manners, girl.?
Not dropping her head, she repeated, ?Ma?am, I am not a slut.?
?Of course, you are. You?re the daughter of a slut and your body betrays you. Don?t think the maids haven?t told me that you juice up when they are escorting you.? She looked sternly at her charge. ?Surely, someone who was not a slut would not react like that.? Caroline bent down and drew her fingers through the dew that had gathered between her younger charge?s legs.
Harriet jumped, ?Oh, please, ma?am.?
?See? Your juices overflow.? She held the fingers to her cousin?s mouth. ?Lick it off.? When Harriet was slow to obey, Caroline grabbed her chin and pulled her face around. ?It is your essence. Now get it off my hands.?
Tentatively, Harriet opened her mouth. After a moment, Caroline removed her fingers and drew them between her cousin?s legs again before bringing them to her mouth. They repeated this motion until Harriet was squirming and moaning, sucking on the fingers in her mouth with abandon.
Finally, Caroline stood up. She smiled cruelly down at the writhing young woman. ?Truly, you are a slut.?
Through her heavy breathing and the reaction of her flesh, Harriet had no way to deny the truth of her cousin?s words.
This story can contain any anime/cartoon or video game chick. Just give me feedback as to who you want in this story and I can add her. Then once she's added feel free to write what happens to her. Also, the rate at which I will work on this story will vary so... bare with it. Update So far I have made introductions into several realms. These are ready to be continued with whatever action the rest of you chyoosters see fit. These realms include: Pokemon, Soul Society, Konohagakure, Vigrid,...
FantasyThe end of her final semester has arrived, and Ki Jung is just turning in her last finals test before graduation. She thinking about heading home to spend time with her younger brother before heading to the dojo. With absurd timing, her paper is just leaving her fingers and floating to the stack with all the others when she feels it. The Realms are pulling her back. This is witnessed by the TA and those who look up when they hear something at the front of the room. Those closest would swear...
This story is based in a fantasy/medieval world so I have taken the liberty of changing a few things to match my own vision. Despite the technology level of this reality I have imported certain items and words such as bra and panties simply for my own amusement. Twelve-year old Penrod toed the line expectantly, eagerly looking forward to the race. To look at him he stood out not at all, save for perhaps in height. He was the youngest of the crowd of boys jostling for the prime starting...
Up in the mountains... perhaps the American Rockies... there is a community, nestled in a little valley. Private. Isolated. Surrounded by thick forest, it cannot be seen from the nearby road, as you drive past it. Only from a distance, as you come through the pass and follow the winding mountain road back and forth, descending. It looks like a little farming village, with fields, orchards, and gardens. Most of the buildings look utilitarian -- barns, storage sheds, work areas, housing for the...
King John's Realm is located on the planet Brighid. Brighid was the Irish/Celtic goddess of fire, flame, and hearth. She was also said to be responsible for inspiration, smith craft, and healing. She was the goddess of all arts and crafts. She is some times said to have two sisters also named Brighid who helped divide the work load. Brighid is the fourth planet of a G-0 type star far out in an arm of the Milky Way. It was founded some 500 years after interstellar flight was perfected on...
Up in the mountains... perhaps the mistress Dominica's Realm. There is very little machinery to be seen on this farm, because all the work is done by hand. By her hypnotically-conditioned slaves, male and female. Each slave pursues his or her assigned task in a perpetual haze of sexual obsession. Wanting to serve Mistress. Desiring Mistress. Needing to cum. Perpetually, constantly, relentlessly pushed toward orgasm, aching for release -- which can only happen with Her permission. The farming...
FetishAs the core of the Guild sat in the office, James finally opened his eyes. Unceremoniously wiping away the tear on his cheek, James willed it, and his guild seal appeared floating in front of him. Much to the surprise of the others, not only did the guild seal appear on the round table, so too did the incorporeal, ethereal form of Jasmine appear. She sat in a seizer position on the table and wore a flowing silk gown, making her only more enchanting than ever. That is, apart from the obvious...
Your name is it important? I guess it could be. IN realms there are some places where you have great way of working out on range, sometimes not so fortunate you get stuck in place too long your surrounded by monsters and they choose to vore you or worst case scenario world decides to change your fate and end up in different fate. Names I offer to whom it concerns: Prince Dawn(25) luckless with ladies Caroline Wheat(18) immortal Sarah Hastings(18) naive virgin Thomas Basking(21) virgin unknown...
Fantasy{Author's Note: Is based on story where we all begin starting from family correct? I am correct on this, but not stroke my ego let go further. Idea is also that family reunions depending on how we update ourselves how families goes and how they live, people die and fact of matter why we go out our way to meet greet is distract you could always email, keep in contact with text messaging. Even chat which helps too. Keep in Messaging with family helps long way... However in Realms...
According to some theories in physics there exist an infinite number of worlds. Each of these worlds would have their own history and even their own laws of nature, some being very different from our own. These worlds all exist side by side and rarely interact, but with infinite worlds there are infinite possibilities. This is a story of when few of these worlds reach out into are own and grabs few unlucky sorts. One was very similar to ours while the other very different. The demon lord ruler...
Turns out Realms are made and Realms are destroyed in the mix of Nature’s role. It’s a non stopping process in seeking balance yet never quite achieving it. And perhaps that’s why faith is such a popular crutch. It isn’t easy for the human ego to accept being physically snuffed, poof! And in fact most don’t get granted the exclamation point when it happens. If you can’t stop the bubble machine, you know, I mean if you are truly afraid of dying there are always the icons paid your worship in...
Beware, Traveller! This tale may contain many things of particularly magical varieties! By magical we mostly mean niche, and by niche I mean offensive to some, beautiful to others. Be wary of these magical places by paying attention to the signs! These parts of the story will contain a quick disclaimer page telling you what to expect. Feel free to turn back if that's just not your cup of tea, your bag, your jam or in fact your thing. In general, expect to see the following: Rape-y scenarios...
FantasyThe Forgotten Realms are diverse and rife with opportunity. Millions of people live on the large continent of Faerûn, many of whom are non-human. Elves peacefully coexist with ancient forests, Dwarves build great kingdoms underneath mountains, and other less common races such as the Dragonborn try to survive on a planet that isn't home. Great evil lurks in the shadows - barbaric hordes of monsters roam the wilderness, chromatic dragons horde incredible wealth, and the Blood War rages on in the...
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FantasyPlease note: This game/story is still in it's very, very early stages (and my intentions are very ambitious), the game features currently don't work and it currently lacks much in the way of actual content, please consider this as a preview of what's coming rather than something with enough content to be enjoyable now. If you do like what you see though and want to help support this stories development please consider checking out my Patreon and supporting the project:...
BDSM"Your Highness, It is time to wake up." My manservant, Joseph, was used to my nakedness in the morning. What he wasn't used to was the nakedness of the man next to me in the bed. He averted his eyes and I laughed, I had been enjoying embarrasing him since I had become queen several months ago. I left last nights lover to sleep and walked into my dressing room.
FantasyYou are knocked back against a tree by a brutal kick to the chest, but that won't take you down. You lift your head back up to see a female warrior bringing a sword down on you rapidly. You quickly adjust yourself to the stituation, the last blow left you a little dazed. You quickly bring your blade to meet hers, and her weapon is now locked above your head. Despite the fact you are defended, she has you pinned against a tree. Only now do you get a chance to admire her beautiful body. Her long...
She was a simple peasant girl. She had a pleasant bosom. Not too small to resemble a buy nor too large to be udders on a cow. They were average, but just right on her frame. Nothing on her looked out of place. Her eyes were a bright blue, her hair a gentle brown, not too light or dark, often teased into a single braid that would hang over her shoulder. She tended to wear blue dresses and brown blouses that accentuated the pale flesh of her slightly revealed bosom. When I had passed through her...
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Reddit RealMoms, aka r/RealMoms! Like all normal men, I find curvy women attractive. For some reason, women generally build powerful curves only when they start to fall into the MILF category. So, for some goddamn reason, I am also obsessed with cougars and older chicks. Many dudes are in the same boat as me, and they love nothing more than to watch a gorgeous mom in some great fucking action. So, if you're one of those dudes, today, we'll all explore our deep and hidden mommy issues together,...
Reddit NSFW ListThe plush Maybach Limousine purred quietly along the narrow streets amid the terraced houses and Chapels on its way up the narrow valley while from the back seat Caroline gazed wearily through the rain lashed windows peering at the depressing scene of industrial dereliction while silently cursing the Friday afternoon traffic which had so delayed their trip from London.Caroline accepted the need travel in Felicia’s Maybach, and the need for secrecy and for absolute confidentiality which meant...
Caroline’s TotalThe complete Caroline stories.*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan October 2005; September 2006; December 2012; January 2013. This omnibus edition September 2015.The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Birth and DeathCaroline is an...
It was a hot and sultry afternoon in August. Me and Caroline were on our settee, sweltering in the heat.That day, a friend of Caroline had come over to see us. She and Caroline had been sunbathing out in the garden for a couple of hours, but the sun was too strong that day so they had decided to come indoors hoping to cool off.Karen, Caroline’s friend, was an attractive and shapely woman of 25 years old. Only a year or so younger than me and Caroline. Karen and Caroline had a very close...
WatersportsCaroline's Awakening Caroline's Awakening The setting sun lazily flashed and flickered off the final water jump. Caroline dug her boot heels in to goad her horse, Odyne, to complete the final jump. Before the ripples caused by the mud falling from the horses hoofs had reached the bank, she had crossed the line to what can only be described as polite, almost sympathetic applause.?Bugger? she thought, disheartened in knowing that for the third year running she had failed to finish inside...
Caroline – Part 1: Ch. 1.2 Mike meets Caroline and ends where he began. I first met Caroline at a friend’s house. She was having a party and Caroline was staying with her to help out. I found out later that they worked together. When I first saw her I couldn’t believe what I saw. She was breathtaking, or rather her bottom was breathtaking. I should explain that the one thing in a woman that really turns me on is her bottom. Those wonderful curves with that hidden valley between and the...
Caroline and Mr. White Part OneMy name is Caroline and I am an exhibitionist. Well, I don’t know if there is a technical definition and if I qualify under that definition, but I know that I get very excited whenever I am accidentally or purposely exposed to men or women. I think I discovered flashing, and how much I enjoyed doing it, when I was in high school. I used to sit in the library during study hall and Arnold would sometimes sit across from me at the same table I did. There were about...
Caroline was Amber’s housemate and college classmate. We hung around the same circles so we knew each other pretty well. She was from down San Diego way and was also majoring in Marine Biology like Sis. I thought nothing of just walking into the house since I was there most of the time, fixing things and such; plus, I also owned the place. I co-signed with Sis and I also pay half of the mortgage. It’s a great location and can bring in a huge return on our investment. We got a pretty sweet...
Caroline our cleaner comes to do the house at 95 in the morning once a week. She is in her late 50’s but still somewhat attractive. I can recognise how she would have been a beauty in earlier years. However she had led a hard life with five children all of whom had left the nest. She’s been cleaning our place for more years than I can remember and had almost become part of the furniture. Usually looking rather worn, she dressed for cleaning, usually in a baggy sweater and skirt with flat...
We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy. Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline. She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful. That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle. It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...
WatersportsIt was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...
Caroline blew another stream of smoke to the ceiling, “I’m sorry I brought you here under false pretenses, but I figured it best for a couple of reasons. First, I really didn’t want to be hanging alone in my apartment rotting away until someone noticed the smell, that’s just way to foul. Secondly, and I hope I’m right, I thought you might like the opportunity to spend some quality time with a corpse.” Lewis’s expression changed to one of inquiry. “I know you’re into some kinky shit, hell the...
About an hour into the party, she had somehow pissed off her boyfriend enough to almost ruin the night for Caroline. He started yelling at her and ended up slapping her in the face. He left the party, along with Caroline crying; her friends tried to comfort her, but she kept pushing them away. She covered her face and left the party; I took this opportunity to follow her outside. I saw her walking under a street light, when I caught up to her. I asked. “Hey Caroline, are you alright?” She...
A few words: Hi to all potential readers. Caroline is a very long story, 900 A5 pages and still not finished so a few things before you start. This is a fantasy – my fantasy based upon a girl I briefly met a couple of years ago. I would lay in bed fantasizing about her and then decided to write them down. From then it just grew, new characters and situations abounded. The hero is me, not, sadly, the me I am but the me I’d like to be. All the other characters, apart from Caroline, are figments...
Caroline’s Story: Maria and ‘dessert’ (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Note: This is the second time that ‘girl only’ sex is specifically mentioned. As I said, I don’t go into detail as I have no experience of what happens between female lovers (I don’t count adult movies!). If anyone has and they would like to write up an insert I’d be...
I didn't have a lot of tears left. My cheeks were dry. All I could do was hold on tightly to the desk he had be bent over. My frilly black skirt was bunched up around my waist. My black panties were almost in my line of sight. He had forced them off me while he dragged me over here. I could have fought back. I think I did, it was hard to remember. I've always had this problem of being too submissive. Too afraid to fight back. It wasn't helping. Behind me was the dean of the college I was going...
FantasyKim's heart beat fast in anticipation. Suddenly the turmoil, the traumatic adventure with Ken was behind her. She had to do it, she reflected. Kim would have done anything in the world for the chance to be with the woman of her dreams. The price of giving the vile old man a most disgusting blowjob had been worth it. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought. Kim rubbed the filthy slim off her face and watched the two Pattersons plus her little brother depart the house out the...
Two years have passed after the Battle of Rakata Prime, and the galaxy has entered into what it could best described as the calm before the storm. With the death of Darth Malak, the Republic has won the war, but it finds itself in complete economic ruin. There are reports of Jedi Knights disappearing all over the galaxy, however these reports are inconclusive and the Jedi are unable to find out who is responsible. Some rumour that the real threat is still out there, somewhere, in an unknown...
BDSM“You definitely want to do this do you?” Asked Caroline. “Oh yes please Caroline. I feel it will be a big step forward in my development as a true, complete sissy bitch.”“OK then. Get yourself ready, as we discussed and I’ll pick you up at 6 o’clock. You will need to look really good for this. I have some important clients who will be there and they like to see their special gurls looking the part. You will need to be looking the total slut, they really enjoy that. There will be 4 other gurls...
Caroline and Mr. White – Part ThreeIt was a few weeks after Mr. White and I had finally made love before another opportunity presented itself for us to get together, though I didn’t recognize it as an opportunity at the time. I had decided, even though it was a warm summer Saturday, to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my family. I had baked them from time to time using ready made dough but this time I was going to try to make them from scratch. Somehow I misread the recipe book and made a...
Caroline verliess den Friseursalon in dem sie arbeitet pünktlich um 19,00 Uhr. Endlich Feierabend dachte sich die hübsche Blondine mit der Löwenmähne und der supergeilen Figur. Mit 175 cm Grösse und einem Gewicht von 55 kg kann man Caroline durchaus als heissen Feger bezeichnen. Ihre 33 Jahre sah man nicht, ganz im Gegenteil, sie wirkte jung und knusprig. Ihre Brüste waren fest und sie brauchte keinen BH. Caroline hatte festgestellt, dass die Trinkgelder ihrer männlichen Kunden deutlich höher...
MatureCaroline and Mr. White - Part ThreeIt was a few weeks after Mr. White and I had finally made love before another opportunity presented itself for us to get together, though I didn’t recognize it as an opportunity at the time. I had decided, even though it was a warm summer Saturday, to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my family. I had baked them from time to time using ready made dough but this time I was going to try to make them from scratch. Somehow I misread the recipe book and made a...
Straight SexCaroline – Part 1: Ch. 1.4 Caroline’s Story: The First time with Mike (Note: By the nature of things there is some repetition from Ch. 1.1 here but I hope it helps to develop Caroline’s character.) Sunday was a long time coming. Jo and I spent ages talking about it, what should I wear, how should I behave. I think that looking forward to the day was some of the happiest times we’ve spent together. She seemed really happy for me and I felt a little bit sad for her because she had been so...
David and I were sitting in our lounge one Saturday evening having a glass or two of wine whilst chatting and watching TV. Just then the doorbell rang and we both stopped mid sentence and looked at each other. Who the hell is that at this time of night I asked. It wasn’t that late being just gone ten but late enough to not be expecting callers. I’ll get it David said jumping up rather enthusiastically which was out of the ordinary for him. I could just make out the sound of men’s voices and...
Foreword Firstly a word for those who have reached this via the Romance pages: the first two chapters were published in Loving Wives in the last week or so. Please read those first. Why publish this chapter here? It seems appropriate to the content. And also because it would be good to have some input from beyond the Loving Wives crowd. If romance is summed up by the immortal Jane Austen ending: ‘Reader, I married him’, Loving Wives is the opposite: ‘Reader, I divorced the cheating slut and...
Autumn had arrived although the temperatures were like summer time. The seasonal change also meant many of the wealthy borders prepared for their moves to warmer climates before winter set in and the flood of horse transporters had started. While our most affluent boarders maintained their payments on their stalls, their horses were on their way to Florida, Arizona or Southern California to their winter homes. With fewer horses to take care of, we reduced the number of helpers to care for the...
(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Some new characters are introduced. Just a little bit of sex about halfway through. Incidentally, I know nothing about IVF so most of what is written about that should be treated with caution – it is primarily for plot development.) Caroline’s Tale Bernardo’s and the...
(Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) As usual he was right on time, 10:30 on the dot. I felt an enormous sense of relief when I saw him, I almost shouted for joy. I rushed into his arms and he hugged me tight just like he did before and kissed me. Then he suddenly controlled himself and was more gentle. Oh dear, I thought, he hasn’t got over...
Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 3.04 Caroline’s Story (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! More ‘growing together’ and just a little bit of sex at the end!) Mike takes them out (Not much sex) I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and a bit sick. The effect of all the emotional upheaval of last night combined with a fairly brusque hangover made...
(Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) Inside the house Mike turned and asked me, ‘Well, Lena, did you enjoy yourself?’ ‘Oh yes, they’re a wonderful family.’ ‘Come on,’ he interrupted, ‘let me show you my new toy!’ As he led me upstairs, new toy, I thought, what’s he on about. We went into the bathroom, separate from the bedrooms. I hadn’t...
Part 2, Ch. 3.02: Caroline’s Story: Sunday afternoon, the basque, and LOVE. (Hi, New readers, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) * We always prepared lunch together then. He was a good cook, particularly with Italian food and I am quite good generally. I did a years course in cookery at college before I started work for Sarah. I really...
(Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Just a note: I started writing down these fantasies purely for the sex but, as I did so, I realised that it wasn’t enough just to deal with only that aspect of my (imagined) relationship with Caroline and everyone else in the story so, a bit like ‘Topsy’, it just grew. I hope you can bear with me and enjoy...
Caroline – Part 1: Ch. 1.6: Good and Bad! (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but I hope you will. Now this episode. I worried for quite some time about including this. There is some mild violence – this is the ONLY example of SM in my story – and I’m not sure how it will be received. By way of explanation, I don’t plan my writing, my characters just take me along and this is where they went! It did,...
Caroline and Mr. White – Part FourThe next weekend after Mr. White had “helped” me with the chocolate chip cookies Jennie invited me to join her family on a picnic at a nature resort about a half hour’s drive from their house. Naturally, I gladly accepted. I thought it would be fun even if it was “just” Jennie and me being together. But of course I hoped that Mr. White and I would have an opportunity for at least a little kissing, and maybe more. I debated for some time about whether I should...
I had a couple of hours to spare at the house and I rang Caroline to come over for some pictures. Any meeting had to be done in secret, as our commitments made it impossible to be in the open. Caroline therefore walked to an adjacent road and entered the house secretly from the rear gardens, and left the same way. She dressed normally but underneath she wore white lace stockings and suspenders outfit, which was a complete shock. She looked beautiful as I took picture after picture and she put...
Caroline and Mr. White – Part FourThe next weekend after Mr. White had “helped” me with the chocolate chip cookies Jennie invited me to join her family on a picnic at a nature resort about a half hour’s drive from their house. Naturally, I gladly accepted. I thought it would be fun even if it was “just” Jennie and me being together. But of course I hoped that Mr. White and I would have an opportunity for at least a little kissing, and maybe more. I debated for some time about whether I should...
ExhibitionismPart 2: Ch. 2.01 and 2.02: Interlude (No sex) (Hi, this is the beginning of the largest part of Caroline. You might notice a slight change in style from now on. There are a few chapters, just intro really and rounding out the characters, then into the story. I want to say thanks to everyone who has voted and mailed (regarding this and ‘Miranda’), I really do appreciate your comments. Please, can I ask, if you think that anything is in any way negative, let me know – I don’t mind...