O?s Sister?s Visit free porn video

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A Vist from o?s Mom

o?s Sister?s Visit


?Master, may I ask a favor of You?? I was unsure how exactly to address slave?s request.


?Of course, o, what is it??


?Well, Master, your slave?s little sister is going to study, for a couple of years, in Europe, and she asked if she could visit U/us and may? maybe? um, well, maybe stay a day or two with U/us. Um, in, uh, Your house, w-w-with U/us.?


?Your sister, Sarah, isn?t it, does know all about O/our relationship, right, o?? Master asked.


?Yes, Master, i have told her that i am Master?s slave. i have told her a little of slave?s life. Mostly i have just told her that, as your slave, i am happier than i have ever been. That is good enough for her.?


Master replied, ?If you want her to stay, she is perfectly welcome, but I will make no exceptions for her presence, is that understood, o??


?Oh, yes, Master. Thank you very much.? i couldn?t hide slave?s eagerness.


?If you think that you, or Sarah, would be more comfortable if she stayed in a hotel, I would be happy to provide the room. But she is, of course, welcome to stay here. When is she coming, o??


?Her plane arrives Thursday afternoon and she will leave Sunday around mid-day.? i couldn?t control slave?s joy. It has been thirty-one months since slave?s sister and i have seen each other.


?Let?s call Sarah and get flight numbers and arrival and departure times and make some plans. But just so that W/we are quite clear, there will be no exceptions made to O/our routine due to Sarah?s presence.? Master stated.


?Oh, yes, Master, i understand completely, no exceptions. Thank You, Master.?


Master called Sarah, introduced himself, got the information He wanted and turned the phone over to me. As i was listening to Master talk to Sarah, I realized how little i had actually told her about slave?s new life. ?Sarah, i have to warn you that slave?s new lifestyle may shock you a little at times, but i??


She cut me off, ?What do you mean slave?s, you mean yours??


?Yes. i want you to know that whatever, however, it may appear to you, i have never been more in love, or happier, than i am now.? i wasn?t sure how to continue because it was going to sound very bizarre no matter how i phrased it. ?I know you love me and you know i love you, so i just want you to accept who and what i am now. Will you promise me that??


?Of course, Sis, but you?re frightening me a little. Are you okay?? she sounded as if she was the big sister talking to her little sister.


?That?s what i want you to understand, i am way more than okay! i am so happy that i can?t express it, but?well, just come and see and love me.?


?I can?t wait! I?ll see you Thursday afternoon. I gave Steven the flights and times. Does that mean you will pick me up at the airport??


i turned to Master, ?Will W/we pick Sarah up at the airport, Master??


?Of course, o.?


??Master? and ?o?, am I supposed to call him ?Master? and you ?o??? Sarah sounded a bit skeptical already.


?No, Sarah, you can call Master ?Steven?, but, yes, slave?s name is ?odalisque? or ?o?, just as when i Email or write to you?.


?Okay, odalisque, see you Thursday. I love you.? Sarah sounded as eager to see me as i was to see her.


During the days and hours leading up to Thursday, i went through some highs and lows. i reminded slave what Master had said about ?no exceptions? of O/our routine due to Sarah?s visit. i particularly thought of that at certain times, like when i was sucking Master?s delicious cock under the dining table while Master ate His meals. There were some other times, too, that I wasn?t sure how Sarah might react; or, to be quite honest, how i might feel.


Thursday afternoon finally arrived, and having admitted to some misgivings over the preceding days, when the time came to go to the airport, i couldn?t wait to see her. But there was no denying that odalisque was going to be very different than the sister Sarah last saw.


Master and i waited outside of the security area and watched for Sarah. As she walked toward U/us, Master said that He would have known she was slave?s sister without slave?s help. ?She is nearly as beautiful as you are o.?


When Sarah saw me she ran up and hugged me and started to cry. After a wonderful, long hug, i pushed her back a little and said, ?Sarah, this is Master Steven.? Master took her offered hand and said, ?It is a great pleasure, Sarah.?


?Thank you, may I call you Steven??


?Of course, please do.? Just now did Sarah begin to take a good look at me, the new me, not just her sister.


?Oh, my?? she looked at the ring through slave?s nose and the collar, and then the rings in slave?s nipples, and only then did she seem to realize that she was seeing the rings, and the rest of me, through slave?s dress. ?Oh, Sh? um, odalisque?? she leaned very close to me and whispered in slave?s ear, ?In this light you can see right through that dress.?


?In pretty much any light, Sarah, that is the way Master dresses His slave. i warned you that you might be surprised by slave?s new lifestyle. Please, just try to understand, and be happy for me.?


?Of course I am happy for you. But I am happiest for me, because I get to spend some time with my big sister.?


W/we turned and started to walk toward the luggage claim area. Master asked Sarah for her baggage claim tags and went ahead to retrieve her bags.


?Sh?? Sarah started.


??odalisque? please, Sarah, or Sis, if that?s easier. Master suggested you call me Sis if that would be easier for you.?


?Well, Sis, it was easier to write to you as odalisque, but seeing you, you are still Sh, uh my sister. Honestly, um, o, this would worry me a lot more if I couldn?t see how obviously happy you are. It is written all over your face. I?ve never seen you so absolutely aglow.?


?Thank you, Sarah. As your stay goes on, please remember to look at that happiness, no matter what. i love you, Sarah, i am so glad you are here.?


As we rode the escalator down to the baggage claim area Sarah said ?Sha, oh hell, I?ll get it right, odalisque, do you know that everyone is staring at you? The woman with that man that just passed called you a slut.?


?Sarah, i told you that i have changed. If you saw a woman, who wasn?t your sister, wearing this dress, you might think she was a slut, too. i hope you will just keep seeing how happy i am.?


?I?ll try, o, but I never thought my straight-arrow, fuddy-duddy big sister would be called a slut by anyone.? The shock was not concealed in her voice.


We reached the luggage carousel just as Master was putting the last bag on the baggage cart. W/we walked to the garage where Master?s car was parked. He put the bags in the trunk, opened the back passenger-side door for Sarah and the front passenger door for me. i pulled slave?s dress up over slave?s head and off, and sat on the leather seat.


I turned to look at Sarah. Her mouth was wide open. ?Sha?!?!??


?Master requires me to be naked in His car. i wrote you that i spend a lot of time naked. You?ll get used to it; you used to see me naked at home when we were kids.?


?Yes, but we were kids; and an airport garage isn?t home.? Sarah sounded more like slave?s mother than little sister this time.


Master drove down the ramp to the cashier?s kiosk. Sarah leaned forward and whispered ?o?!?


I looked back over the seat and said, ?Just try to make it home, Sarah, and we can talk all about it.?


The cashier made no attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at slave?s naked body. Likewise, Sarah made no attempt to conceal her astonishment at slave?s apparent lack of concern at being naked and ogled by this total stranger. i say ?apparent lack of concern?, because, as much as i have done it, it is still not easy, and to be so brazen in front of slave?s little sister was that much more difficult.


On the ride home W/we all talked as if nothing was unusual, but it was obviously a little strained for Sarah and me. When W/we were approaching the town in which W/we live, Master said, ?You two are going to have a lot to talk about when W/we get home, so let?s just get a pizza, to go, so o doesn?t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.?


W/we all agreed that was a wonderful idea, although i had some serious, personal, reservations. Master used His cell and called ahead to order an extra-large pizza. i know which pizza parlor Master has programmed on His cell, and i had that funny feeling in slave?s stomach. As is often the case, slave?s stomach was right. Master drove to the ?take-out only? pizza parlor and pulled into the ?loading zone? parking space in front. He took out His wallet and handed me enough money to cover the pizza and the tip. He didn?t have to tell me what to do next; i?ve done it before.


i opened the car door, and Sara gasped, ?Sh? um, o, are you going in there like that??


I turned to Master, ?Am i Master?? He nodded. I tried to sound confident and nonchalant, both of which i was absolutely not, ?i guess i am.?


?Well, then, I?m going with you.? She was out of the car almost before she finished the sentence.


We walked across the sidewalk to the door of the small shop. Slave?s heart was beating like a marching band. Two young women were walking toward us on the sidewalk and one all but yelled, ?Oh, shit, look at that nude bitch.? Sarah reached over and took slave?s hand in hers as we opened, and walked through, the door.


?Hi, o! Wow, I hoped when I took the order for ?Steven? that this was going to be my lucky day.? The young man was a local college student who had served Master and me before.


?Hi Danny. This is slave?s sister, Sarah. She?s staying with U/us for a few days before she leaves to study in Europe.?


?Totally cool.? A huge smile came across his face. ?Wow, I guess I never thought of you as having a sister, but there is no question, looking at Sarah, that you two are related. It?s nice to meet you Sarah.?


Sarah wasn?t quite ready for all this ?normalcy? while standing next to her naked sister, and could manage only a ?Hi.?? She squeezed slave?s hand. Hers was warm and damp. i knew she was nervous. i could feel that she was trembling almost as much as i.


i handed Danny the money Master had given me, he rang it up and returned the change. I pushed his proffered hand back, pretending to scold him, ?Danny, you know that?s yours.?


?Thank you, o. I don?t like to assume, besides it keeps you here a few seconds longer.? He has a wonderful smile. He turned and got the box which had just been put on the shelf under the heat lamps. I didn?t think i knew the woman doing the cooking, and her reaction upon seeing me, confirmed it. She did a double-take and then said ?Holy crap!?


Danny said thanks to her for putting up the pizza and then said, ?Oh, Julie, this is o. She and Steven stop in every once and awhile, oh and this is her sister Sarah.?


Julie also could manage only a ?Hi.? and turned back to her baking.


i took the box and said ?Thank you, Danny. See you next time.?


?I sure hope so, o. Nice to meet you Sarah.? Sara did something between a giggle and a grunt and took the box out of slave?s hands. We went through the door and walked out right in front of a group of people on the sidewalk. The people laughed and whistled and yelled, well not exactly yelled since they were right next to us. Sarah moved so fast you might have thought it was she who was naked. i didn?t hurry, because Master considers hurrying to avoid being seen the same as tying to cover slave, and that is punishable. i got into the car and closed the door, and Sarah?s sigh was bigger than slave?s.


Master started the car and W/we were on O/our way home again. Sarah said ?Oh,? my? god,? Sha? um, o, I don?t know how you do it. Just being with you is almost more anguish than I can take. I thought you were going to cause a riot on the sidewalk.?

Master inquired, ?Does that mean you would be more comfortable at a hotel, Sarah? I would be happy to get you a room, but, it goes without saying, you are more than welcome to stay in my home.?


?Oh, I?m sorry, Steven, I didn?t mean to seem ungrateful. I would love to stay in your home with o. It is just taking a little adjustment to see my Puritanical big sister struttin? her stuff in public. Please, Steven, forgive me, I would love to stay in your home.?


?Nothing to forgive, as I said, you are more than welcome. But the offer is also always open, if it gets uncomfortable for you.? i know that Master was trying very hard to make Sarah as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances. i love Him all the more for it.


Sarah?s voice was about an octave higher than usual and cracked a little from nerves, i guess. ?I?m sorry, I guess I just wasn?t quite prepared. I mean, o told me a little about her new life, but I guess I didn?t realize how completely she had embraced it. I will try to compose myself.?


Master said, ?You are just fine. I understand that this is quite different than anything you could probably imagine, especially knowing how prim and proper your sister used to be.?


W/we arrived at Master?s home, He swiped the card and the gate opened. He pulled forward, stopped the car, and i got out, so Sarah did, too. i went to the front porch, the motion detector turned the spotlight on and i stepped into the light and assumed the standing position. Sarah looked at me and i could see the question in her eyes, so i answered it, ?i wait here for Master to put the car away and let me in. It will just be a moment.?


As we were standing there, i saw the pizza in Sarah?s hands and i wondered if Sarah was ready for the way Master eats His meals. i could feel slave?s legs begin to wilt.


Master opened the door and invited us in. Master instructed me to heat the pizza a little and He took Sarah to show her where her room was.


She seemed to have recovered when T/they came back, because she had found her sense of humor. ?Wow, o, I might consider going around nude to live in this house. This is totally awesome, Steven.?


i set the dining table for two, knowing that i would be under the table sucking Master?s fabulous cock while He and Sarah ate pizza. The table is oak wood with a glass top so T/they both would be watching me as T/they ate T/their dinner. Sarah looked at the table and asked, ?o, why only two settings??


I started to explain, well actually i started to try to find the strength to explain, but Master interrupted, ?Oh, well, I had a rather late lunch and you two have a lot of catching up to do, and Sarah perhaps a little recovering to do, I should think. So I thought I would just let you two enjoy the pizza, and I will go into my office and get a bit of work done.?


i could feel the lightness in slave?s posture as Master spoke. i looked at Sarah and then at Master and said, ?Thank You, Master, thank You very much!? As difficult as being a display slave can be at times, Master can always make it a little easier and always worth it.


?you are welcome, o. But I think it would be well for you to try to prepare Sarah, so that she has as few surprises as possible in the next couple of days.?


Of course, i knew exactly what Master had in mind. ?Yes, Master, i will try to prepare her. Thank You.?


Master turned and left us. i took the hot pizza out of the oven and put it on the table. We each took a piece and Sara said, ?Okay, let?s get the preparation thing out of the way. What more can there be after walking into a pizza parlor nude as a newborn??


?Uh, well, i do some oth? uh, that is??


?Come on o. This isn?t like trying to explain to Mom about being out until 4:00 AM. Just tell me.? Sara was always good at cutting right to the chase.


?Okay. The, um, the real reason that the table was set for two is? well, i didn?t know that Master was going to give us this together time. The reason i set the table for two is for you and Master. See, uh, well, i eat while i?m preparing dinner or like tonight, it would have been after you and Master finished eating. While Master eats, i am under the table kneeling between His legs eating His delicious cock. That?s why He bought this table with the glass top, so i could be seen while i suck His wonderful cock.?


?No? no? no, now wait a freakin? minute. You would have been under this table blowing him while He and I were eating our pizza?!? There was a definite tone of incredulity in her voice, but much less than there would have been an hour or so ago, i?m sure.


?Yes Sarah. The stipulation to agreeing to let you stay here was that there would be no exceptions to O/our daily routine, and that is O/our daily routine. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, in this house, i spend beneath this table kneeling between Master?s legs. It is...?


?No, now wait just a damn minute. You would have put the pizza on the table and then just crawled under the table and started hummin? on Steven?s prick?? i couldn?t tell if Sarah was shocked, amazed, disgusted or what.


?Well, actually, i hadn?t decided if i was going to try to explain to you before i went under the table, or just do it or what. As usual Master foresaw slave?s dilemma and gave me, er us, this time. Do you see what i mean about how it simplifies slave?s life just leaving it in Master?s hands??


?Does that mean that tomorrow ni??

?Tomorrow morning, Sis,? i interrupted, ?at breakfast, yes, i will be under this table, so if you want to rethink Master?s offer of a hotel room, i would understand, and so would Master.?


?Geeze, Sis, um o, is there anything else you are going to hit me with? Are you going to gang-bang the neighborhood or?? She still had her humor; at least i think she was joking.


?No, Sarah. i?m sure you?re kidding, but some people do think, because i am naked most of the time, that i must fuck everyone who wants to, but Master would not allow that even if i wanted to, and i don?t!


?When you go to a restaurant you don?t uh??


?No. Although at slave?s graduation i did suck Master?s scrumptious cock while three or four people were eating at the table with Master. But that is the only time outside of His house. Do you still love me, Sarah??


?Oh, gawd, yes, of course. It is just that it is you. You remember Kimberly who I used to hang out with? If it was her, I wouldn?t think twice, but you were always so straight, so proper, so? so? I don?t know what.?


?i know, Sarah, but you?ve met Master now. Isn?t He wonderful? i fell in love with Him the day i interviewed for the job as His confidential assistant. But i didn?t rush into this, He gave me plenty of time to change slave?s mind. You can see that He takes good care of me, and i am so, so happy.?


?Yes, I can certainly see that you seem happy, but I?m not sure sending you into that pizza parlor totally nude is ?taking good care? of you.?


?Oh, He would never just send me into a store or somewhere He was unsure of. He might have even planned on going in with me, but when you volunteered, He didn?t have to worry.?


?But, o, doesn?t it hurt when people call you names, or even when they just yell and whistle an? stuff?? i could tell she was trying to come to terms with slave?s emotional balance.


?Sure, some times, and some times i just find it amusing. i suspect it?s a bit like when you went, so briefly, through that Goth stage. i imagine you heard people say some unkind things, but, hey, you were into it, so let ?em talk, right? Well, believe me this is not a passing fad and i can take whatever they dish out. Though, i confess, sometimes it is pretty tough, but i just tell slave, ?Master is really going to be proud of me tonight!?


?Okay, I think I am beginning to get a handle on this. What?s on the agenda for the weekend, and how shocked am I going to be?? Her voice was light and loving.


?Master said we could just spend tomorrow around the pool hangin? out, catching up, unless you need to go shopping for anything for the trip.?


?I don?t need anything, and hangin? out by the pool sounds great.? Sarah?s voice was back to normal and we spent a couple of hours just talking and laughing.


At some point Master came in and said it was time for Him and His slave to go to bed. He told Sarah that breakfast was at 7:00 and she could join U/us, or sleep in, as she wished.


Saturday morning i was up and in the kitchen at 6:30. Master?s eggs and bacon and juice were on the table at seven and i slipped under the table. i parted His robe to feast on His glorious cock. Sarah had chosen not to have breakfast with us. i didn?t know if she wanted to sleep in, or didn?t want to watch her big sister under the table.


When Master finished His breakfast, i cleared the table, and Sarah came into the dining room, ?Oh, I am so sorry to have missed breakfast.?


?Oh that?s okay, i can fix a little something; may i Master??


Before Master could respond, Sarah giggled, ?Oh, I?m not really hungry, I?m just sorry to have missed the floor show.? and she laughed heartily. Master laughed, as well, and i gave Sarah slave?s best nasty look.


?Well, I assume that means o has prepared you a little better for O/our lifestyle, Sarah.? Master had a smile in His voice that even Sarah recognized immediately.


?Yes, Steven, I think she has, though I would not bet against you surprising me still.? This was slave?s little sister, willing and able to take on any one or any thing.


?Well, I just might at that.? Master said, not really as a threat or a promise. ?Now, o, let?s shower. I am going to be working for awhile this morning, as I lost part of yesterday, and will lose some of today, and I have a major presentation to give Monday morning.?


?Oh, I?m sorry Steven. I could have taken a taxi from the airport or??


?Nonsense, I wouldn?t think of it.? Master interrupted. ?I just have a couple of things to put together and I?m sure you two won?t miss me. o, Tammy will be dropping off some material she inadvertently took home last night.?


i excused slave and showered with Master.


When i went out to the pool, i took a tall glass of V8 Juice, Sarah?s usual idea of breakfast. She was in her bathing suit and laying on a lounge. I handed her the juice and sprawled on the lounge next to her and we talked about old friends and new adventures.


The doorbell rang and i excused slave and went to answer the door. i was fairly sure that it was Tammy because she has her own gate card. i opened the door wide and greeted her.


?Hi, o. You know, one of these days I?m not going to be surprised when you open the door nude, maybe.? She kind of giggled. ?Is the boss home? I went and went home with this stuff last night and I guess he needs it.?


?Sure, but first i have someone i?d like you to meet, come in.? i led her through the foyer and play room to the pool. ?Tammy, this is slave?s sister, Sarah; Sarah, this is Tammy, she took slave?s place as Master?s confidential assistant.?


Sarah offered her hand, and Tammy said as she shook it, ?Wow, no family resemblance or nothing! I never would have thought that there could be another person as beautiful as o.?


?You are very kind,? Sarah was saying as i left to get Master. When Master and i returned Sarah was telling Tammy what a prude i had been growing up and what a surprise it was to see me now.


After some pleasantries, Master took the papers and instructed me to show Tammy to the door. Sarah walked along so we went out to Tammy?s car to say goodbye. As Tammy drove away, Sarah said, ?Does Tammy come to the house often? It doesn?t bother you to be nude in front of her when she works every day with Steven??


Sarah was vacillating between understanding and just not getting it. One minute she seemed to embrace slave?s commitment and the next she didn?t seem to get it at all. ?Of course it bothers me, but that is what, and who, i am, now. Tammy knows all about U/us, in fact, everyone in Master?s office knows. Tammy was among the first to know because i trained her to take slave?s place as Master?s confidential assistant and we talked about why i was leaving, and what i was going to do.?


?Her grammar ain?t too great for a big-time confidential assistant.?


?It?s strange, when she writes, she writes perfectly, it?s just when she talks that she uses those strange tenses and such.? i defended Tammy, ?And she is just the sweetest person.?


When we got back in the house, Master instructed me to make lunch, i did, and this time Sarah got her floor show. It was, perhaps the most difficult thing i have had to do as Master?s slave.


Don?t misunderstand, i?m not ashamed of sucking Master?s wonderful cock, and i suspect Sarah has sucked a cock or two herself. But to be put on display, for slave?s little sister, wantonly sucking Master?s huge cock, well i can?t fully describe slave?s emotions. i was mortified, embarrassed, humiliated, stimulated, and i came twice. When i came the first time it tripled slave?s sense of degradation, and i came again, very quickly.


Master reached down and touched me in His way that means the meal, His and slave?s, is over. i could feel slave?s whole body as if it was on fire. i replaced Master?s wet cock into His pants and crawled from under the table. i felt as if standing was an absolute impossibility; as if it was a conquest just to be able to be on slave?s hands and knees, but slowly, and not too steadily, i did stand.


i began to pick up the plates without looking at Sarah. Then i stole a quick look at her and i couldn?t interpret the look on her face. She said, ?Steven, may I help o with the dishes?? Master said she could.


In the kitchen Sarah stammered, ?Oh my god, o, that was so perverted, and so bizarre, and so? so? so hot. I can?t believe that you blew him right there in front of me. What were you thinking??


?Well, Sarah, to be honest, i was trying very hard not to think at all. i was just concentrating on Master?s velvety cock. Are you horribly disappointed in me??


?Oh, Sis, you know I love you. I am shocked, but not so much by what you did, as that you did it. To be honest, if someone had asked me, two days ago, if I thought that you would have oral sex, I would have bet against it. And today? well today you blew Steven, and you blew me away.? She honestly didn?t seem to be disgusted or any of the reactions i feared.


Master came into the kitchen and announced that He had arranged for theatre tickets for this evening so we should be ready at 4:00. He asked Sarah if she had a conservative white dress to wear. She said she thought she had something that would do. i had the distinct feeling that Master was going for contrast.


After 3:00, Master and i showered and He dressed in a dark suit and tie. The dress He set out for me was black; from the waist up it was stretchy, sheer lacy material that fit like a coat of paint, the long sleeves flared below slave?s elbows and the skirt flared almost like a skater?s outfit. The hem was about three inches below slave?s sex, and i?m sure i need not say that the material was all but transparent. Master also put out a black velvet floor length cape and five inch high heels. He instructed me to put only the shoes on.


When W/we went into the playroom, Sarah was there wearing a cream colored dress that came to slightly above her knees, it, too, was long sleeved and had a gathered neckline that almost looked as if she tossed a scarf around her neck. ?Will this do, Steven?? she asked with a smile.


?Very nicely, Sarah, thank you. You look stunning.? If Master was looking for contrast, He certain had it; Sarah looked like innocence personified and, when i was dressed, i would look like a total prostitute (a high priced one, of course, i hoped).


Sarah looked at me and the clothes draped over Master?s arm and i could read the question in her eyes, i explained, ?i?ll probably put mine on later.? Sarah?s smile made me think she might be starting to get into this whole thing.


Master suggested if Sarah had a coat she might want to take it. She did, and got it.


Sarah and i went out to the porch, i assumed slave?s position, and we waited for Master to bring the car out of the garage. He opened the passenger door and the passenger side back door and we sat down. He drove a more direct route to the city than He often does.


At the toll booth the toll taker gave U/us a little wolf whistle and as W/we pulled away Sarah said, ?I guess you?re used to that by now, huh o??


i had to admit, ?You know, Sis, i?m not, and i?m not sure i ever will really be used to it. It is a little, very little, bit easier, but it is anything but routine.?


Master parked in the garage where W/we always park when in downtown. He went around the back of the car opened the trunk, removed slave?s clothes and came and opened the two passenger doors. i exited and Master handed me the dress. i saw Sarah looking around as if W/we were doing a drug deal or something.


Suddenly she whispered, ?There?s a car coming, o.? i had just pulled the dress down,? over slave?s body, so they missed seeing the naked slave; although the difference between naked and this dress was probably insignificant. Master draped the cape over His arm and led the way to the elevator.


When W/we exited the elevator at street level, Master draped the cape over slave?s shoulders and did the same with Sarah?s mid-calf length coat. i slipped slave?s arm through Master?s left arm and Sarah did the same with His right, asking ?May I, Steven??


W/we walked the half dozen blocks to the restaurant and it was obvious that the contrast presented by slave?s sister and slave was not lost on the passersby. The hostess greeted U/us and showed U/us to the table Master had reserved. He took Sarah?s coat and draped it over the fourth chair and did the same with slave?s cape. The hostess gasped, but politely, at the full effect of slave?s capeless attire.


W/we enjoyed a delicious meal and, when W/we finished, Master pulled out our chairs as Sarah and i stood. Master draped slave?s cape over His arm. Sarah watched and asked, ?Do you want me to wear my coat, Steven??


Oh, wow, she is really enjoying this. Master said, ?As you wish, Sarah.? She draped it over her arm, so Master took it and added it to the cape. W/we walked the additional blocks to the theatre and i am sure, even as pretty as she is, Sarah has never experienced the amount of attention W/we generated in those dozen blocks.


The theatre outer lobby was open, so W/we got in the line for will call tickets. W/we were still in line when they opened the inner theatre lobby, so Master instructed me to go to the bar and get three glasses of sparkling wine. He gave me some money and gave Sarah slave?s ID.


On the walk to the bar, Sarah started talking a mile-a-minute. ?I don?t know how you do it, o. The attention is so intense I can hardly stand it, and I?m fully clothed. Do you ever feel like just exploding? I have never been so aware of other people around me as I was walking over here, standing in that line, and right this minute, for that matter. Does it ever just get unbearable??


We reached the bar so i ordered the wine and turned to Sarah, ?It is much harder sometimes than others. Sometimes it is just incredibly erotic and sometimes i just wish that i could crawl into a hole and hide. It has never gotten to the exploding point, but, oh yes, the heightened sensitivity and emotions are very, very intense.?


The barman put the wine on the bar and, with a huge smile, said, ?Excuse me Miss, I think I?ve seen just about everything you?ve got, except your ID.?


i could feel the blood rush to slave?s face as Sarah giggled and stammered, ?Oh, tee hee, that?s my fault, tee hee.? And she pulled Slave?s, and her own, ID out of her purse and showed them to the barman.


?Thank you ladies, I hope you both enjoy the wine and the show.?


Sarah continued the conversation, ?Can you describe it, the sensation, probably not, huh. Like I said, I?m fully clothed, but maybe by association, for me it was (is) like people are looking at me naked and seeing right into my soul.?


Wow, i have talked to people about slave?s slavery briefly, and generally, but leave it to slave?s sister to get deep and philosophical. ?You know, i really can?t describe it. But, when i?m out with Master, i feel emotionally, not just physically, like i am constantly on the verge of an orgasm. Of course, to be honest, i have had a few public orgasms, too. But you?re right, it is as if people are looking at slave?s nakedness and seeing something more. Unfortunately, what most of them are probably seeing is an STD ridden slutty whore. Though, you may not believe this, Sis, but often, mostly the men, treat me like a princess.?


?Oh, I can believe it, o. I see the way the men in here are looking at you and, sure, there is a lot of lust goin? on in their eyes, but there is something else that looks sorta like enchantment.? Sarah had really come a long way since W/we picked her up at the airport.


A well dressed, middle aged woman, who may have had a little too much to drink already, stepped up and interrupted, ?I saw you two with that man at will call. It?s just a power thing, you know that, right? He?s just flaunting his power over you. It?s all about? well? he?s probably got a tiny dick and??


?Excuse me, Mistress, but, of course, it is a ?power thing?, but i have given Master the power and that sets me free. i don?t expect you to embrace it or, perhaps, even understand it, but believe me, i fully appreciate the dynamics of it. As for Master?s gorgeous cock; it is much more than adequate in size, and if He would allow me, i would suck it all day, every day, and i could do that because He has the kind of control that makes multiple orgasms a part of slave?s daily life.?


i turned back to Sarah who was standing with her mouth open, but smiling broadly, if that is possible, and i whispered, ?There are always one or two of those, as well.?


?You don?t have to whisper, o, she left. I can?t believe you told that woman you would suck Steven?s cock all day!?


Master came up and W/we each picked up a wine flute and made room for other people to get their drinks.


Sarah moved very close to Master and said, ?Steven, see that woman over by the door in the blue pants suit? You should have heard o tell her off, well, not tell her off exactly?? i think she realized that that might not be a good thing for a slave to do. ?but she?? and she went on to quote the whole exchange, almost verbatim.


?Well, o, I appreciate your defense of me, but don?t forget you are a slave.? Like i could forget that i am a slave standing in this lobby, collared, cuffed, ringed, and all but naked.


W/we finished O/our wine and went into the theatre proper. O/our seats were third row center and, of course the six or eight seats between ours and the aisle were occupied. Sarah went in first, followed by Master and then me. The women remained seated, moving their legs to the side; the men stood but didn?t really make much room, meaning that i had to brush against each one.


When the lights dimmed i reached over and unzipped Master?s pants and reached in to caress His wonderful cock; if that woman in the lobby only knew what she was missing.


At intermission W/we went to the lobby but decided against drinks. Sarah said, ?You know I noticed that the play was ?My Fair Lady? when we walked up, and all through it I?ve been thinking that Steven is kinda your Professor Henry Higgins, o.?


?Yah, except Professor Higgins took a ?gutter snipe? and made a lady of her, and Master took a lady and made a slut out of her.? i quipped, being very sure that slave?s voice expressed the humor intended.


W/we shared the laugh and then Master said, ?Not a slut, o, a slave. In your case there is an enormous difference.?


?Here, here,? Sarah added, ?and a beautiful, sexy and very happy slave.?


When the play ended, Master draped us in our respective wraps in a way that kept slave?s shoulders and arms warm, but Slave?s breasts and sex well exposed. Then He reached into His coat pocket and produced a chromed chain leash. Master attached one end to the ring of slave?s collar while Sarah watched mesmerized.


The aisle of the theatre was so crowded that i don?t think anyone could really see the leashed slave, even in the inner and outer lobbies, few seemed to notice. On the sidewalk, the crowd dispersed rather quickly, and Master?s leashed display slave was completely on display. It was another of the rubber leg, stone feet, red face, and more, moments with which i am not yet really getting comfortable.


W/we walked the eight or ten blocks to the lounge in a hotel between the theatre and the garage in which Master had parked. While W/we walked, Master and His slave talked about the play, but Sarah was quiet. i wasn?t sure if she was in shock, or if she was trying to absorb all the senses and emotions of being with a leashed, almost naked, slave, or maybe both.


Master asked for a table with a couch and chairs. He pulled one of the chairs out for Sarah and took her coat from over her shoulders. He took the cape from slave?s shoulders and i sat on the couch. Master draped the wraps over the unoccupied chair and said He was going to use the restroom. He handed His end of the leash to Sarah saying, ?I?ll have sparkling wine, please.?


When Master was out of hearing, i asked Sarah, ?Are you okay? You were awfully quiet after the play.?


?Well, geeze, o, every time I think I?ve seen it all, Steven adds something else. This has got to be the ultimate. o, Steven walked you through the city streets on a leash, and??


?Sarah, i know, i was there.? i caught slave quickly and apologized, ?Oh, i?m sorry, Sis, it?s just that you sounded like one of those people who, when i?m naked, come up to me and say ?Do you know you?re naked???


?People don?t do that?? Sarah giggled.


?i swear they do. And, well, walking on Master?s leash is still one of the harder things He requires of me. i know that i am supposed to feel more like a slave, but i feel decidedly like a dog.? i could hear the emotion showing in slave?s voice.


?I?m sorry, o, I should be more supportive. I didn?t realize how difficult it was for you. You seem to take it all in stride. It won?t make it any easier, but looking at you on this leash, I never thought of a dog for a moment. You just looked like a loving slave on her Master?s leash.? Sarah?s voice revealed a little emotion, too.


The waitress came to the table. She was one who serves Master and i quite often when W/we come here. ?Did you go to the theatre tonight, o?? i acknowledged that W/we did and ordered our wine.


Sarah observed, ?She knows your name.?


?She has served Master and me before. i guess it is easy to remember a nearly-naked slave?s name, there are so few of us.?


She returned with the wine just as Master returned and sat down. Sarah passed the leash across the table almost knocking slave?s wine out of the waitress?s hand. i?m sure that the waitress had noticed the leash, but somehow it seemed as though Sarah did it on purpose to be sure that she knew i was on Master?s leash.


W/we listened to the live trio and sipped O/our wine. At a little after midnight Master said it was time to go home. He stood up, pulled Sarah?s chair back for her and draped her coat over her shoulders. He helped me from slave?s seat but draped slave?s cape over His arm.


When W/we left the lounge into the lobby, Master said, ?Sarah do you want to use the lady?s room; I know o does.? Slave?s stomach did a summersault with a half twist. Master had slave?s cape over His arm and i was quite sure i was going to be told to take off slave?s dress when in the lady?s room. Sure enough, at the door to the lady?s room Master handed the leash to Sarah and said, ?o, come out dressed to ride in the car.?


As Sarah and i went into the lady?s room, Sarah said ?What does he mean ?dressed to ride in the car?; you ride naked in the car??


?That?s what He means, Sarah. He just added something new for you, didn?t He?? i tried to sound perky, but i didn?t feel it. Sarah gave up her end of the leash so i could take off slave?s dress. Once off, i handed it Sarah. She didn?t need to go to the bathroom so i asked her to fold it while i went. Suddenly i really needed to go. i?m sure it was the thought of walking naked out of the lady?s room into the hotel lobby.


When i finished, Sarah said, ?Don?t worry, o, you can wear my coat.?


?Are you nuts, thank you, but unless you want to see your big sister with whip welts from head to toe, i?ll just go out this way.? i handed her the end of the leash and started for the door just as two women came in. At first they gasped and then they started giggling. We passed them and walked out the door. Master was standing right at the door and quickly draped the cape over slave?s shoulders, buttoning the only button, at the collar.


With the cape thus fastened, slave is actually completely covered, until i take a step, then the cape parts and it is obvious to the world that i am naked and slave?s pubic area is hairless. Sarah gave Master the leash and slave?s dress and W/we walked toward the lobby doors. If i had any doubts about slave?s sex being fully displayed by the cape, the reflection in the lobby windows erased them. As W/we walked ii heard one of the two women saying ?Oh, my god she?s going outside like that.?


The ten-block walk to the garage wasn?t too bad; at that hour, on a Friday night, there were only a few dozen people on each block of sidewalk and only every single one stared at slave?s displayed sex. Even Sarah, bless her heart, crossed at a corner against the signal, so that she could watch Master and slave walk across.


At the garage elevator door Master reached over, unbuttoned the cape and removed it from slave?s shoulders. No sooner had He done that then W/we were joined by a trio of women who seemed to be on a ?girl?s night out?. They had obviously been drinking. Master stood aside to let the women in first. All three stood and stared as the naked, leashed slave was led into the elevator. As the door closed, one of the women looked at me from hair to toe and said, ?I suppose you know you?re nude.?


i looked at Sarah and she just started to giggle uncontrollably.


Not laughing, i replied, ?Yes, Mistress, i am aware. Thank you.?


None of the three women took their eyes off of me for a moment until W/we got off the elevator. Then they realized they hadn?t pushed the button for their floor and had actually ridden past it.


The ride back to Master?s house was uneventful except for the very sweet young man at the garage cashier kiosk who looked in the window and said, ?Holy shit, you could give the Sphinx a hard on.?


Saturday i awoke with Master, W/we showered and He dressed. i went into the kitchen fixed Master?s breakfast and served Him and slid under the table to feast on Master?s marvelous cock. Sarah missed the floor show again.


When Sarah did come out, i poured her a tall glass of V-8 and W/we went out to the pool deck. Master inquired if there was anything Sarah wanted to do on O/our last full day together. She replied that she would like to have a little time to talk to me and then she was up for whatever W/we wanted.


Master informed us that He would be in His office if we wanted, or needed, Him.


The moment Master left, Sarah started, ?Okay, o, I know you?re happy, and all that, but last night was pretty way out there; I mean off the hook. Does Steven ever put you in unsafe or dangerous situations? I mean the emotions are so intense, even I can feel that, but does the eroticism override a little good common sense; Even a little healthy fear??


?That is so sweet, Sarah, but i will tell you what Master said once. Even if He didn?t care about slave?s safety for slave?s sake, (and He does), He would never let anything happen to me because He would lose His perfect (His word) display slave. i know last night was kind of intense, but i was never in danger, i?m sure you could see that. Master could have waited for me across the hotel lobby so i had to walk all the way across it naked. And i would have done it, you know that by now, i think. But He waited right at the door. i am flattered that you might be worried, but you have only seen one day, and as you said it was pretty ?out there?. Please believe me when i say that Master would never let anything happen to me.?


?Was last night the most extreme that it gets? I mean have you had to do worse things than that?? Sarah seemed to have stepped back a bit from the edge. At some point last night i thought if Master suggested it, she would move in and become His second slave. This morning, she seems more like slave?s little sister.


?No, i guess slave?s graduation week was probably the most extreme, partly because it lasted a full week and partly because i was actually naked more of the time.?


We talked for about an hour, but pretty much about the same stuff, and then Sarah asked if i would ask Master to join us.


When W/we came back out to the pool, Sarah asked Master, ?Steven, I?m sure you can imagine that this has been a remarkable visit. You have been incredibly gracious and I hope this won?t seem pushy or? well, pushy, but I would love to have a picture of you and o to take to France with me. But may I take a picture of you leading o naked, on your leash, in a very public place??


?Dear Sarah, I don?t think that is a bit ?pushy?. You should absolutely have a photo of o as she is now. That is a wonderful idea. I think W/we should incorporate it into a little shopping.? i thought Master sounded perhaps just a bit too enthused.


Sarah put on slacks and a print blouse, Master put on some Dockers and a sports shirt and i was instructed to put on slave?s boots with the three inch sole and five inch heels. Sarah and i went to the front porch, and i assumed the position to wait for Master. He opened the doors and we got into the car.


Master drove to a very upscale shopping center and parked in the garage. He opened the door for Sarah, and the door for me. i got out of the car and waited for Him to offer something for me to put on. He attached the leash to slave?s collar and started for the garage elevator. It was all i could do to stay standing. On a Saturday morning this was a very busy shopping center.


W/we had taken about a dozen steps with slave?s heart trying, very hard, to break free from slave?s chest, when Master casually remarked, ?Oh, I almost forgot. Wait here, o.? Master turned and walked back to His car.


Sarah whispered, ?He isn?t going to take you out there like this, is He??


i responded, ?Isn?t this what you asked for Mistress Sarah?? i emphasized the Mistress since, by asking for this, she had become one of them, no longer slave?s little sister.


Master opened the car trunk and returned with slave?s poncho. This is one of the very few items of clothing slave is allowed to wear that is opaque. The reason i am allowed to wear it is that it is simply a sheet of material with a hole in the middle for slave?s head; it is completely open on the sides from slave?s shoulders to the hem of the poncho which is about four inches below slave?s sex. When i wear this Master can touch me anywhere He wishes. He put the leash through the neck and had me put the poncho on.


Sarah looked at me in the poncho and observed, ?Well it isn?t sheer, but there?s no question if you are wearing underwear.?


Master took the leach and continued to lead us to the elevator. Master loves to rest His hand on slave?s butt when i wear the poncho. He knows doing that serves to emphasize how exposed, and vulnerable i am. W/we exited the elevator into the bright morning sun and onto a busy sidewalk. A trio of teenaged girls walked by and one gasped, ?Oh my god, she?s not wearing nothin?? It seems no matter what i wear, people think i?m naked.


i smiled and looked at Sarah, who whispered, ?She?s right, you know, you might as well be naked, but I suppose this is ?street legal?.? W/we walked and window shopped and went into a number of shops, and caught a good many eyes.


Master asked Sarah, ?I know you said you had everything you need for your trip, but is there anything you might like, but not really need??


?Gee, I don?t think so, Steven.?


?Okay, then I know what we will do.? And with that He led us to Tiffany?s.


The woman behind the counter looked at the leash and the ring through slave?s nose and the collar and, after a moment, asked, ?Are we on Candid Camera or something??


Master replied ?We are decidedly not. W/we would like to see a gold frame. Something in gold but not too obviously valuable. It is to serve two purposes. I wish it to remind this young lady,? indicating Sarah, ?of this young lady,? indicating me. ?In addition, Sarah, here, is going to Europe for a couple of years, and I would like the piece to be of sufficient value that, if she should need to, she could sell it for enough Euros for a ticket home and brief living expenses.?


Well, needless to say, the sales lady forgot about Candid Camera, and found any number of very pretty frames. After considerable protestation by Sarah about Master being too generous, etc.,, she gave in and decided on the one she liked. W/we departed the store with a small, but rather expensive, light blue bag.


W/we walked, and looked (and were looked at) some more. Finally Master decided it was lunch time, so He led us to a restaurant with outdoor seating on the sidewalk. He asked for a table outside and seated Sarah and then me. With the back of the poncho pulled back so that slave?s bare ass was on the chair slave?s entire ass was exposed from both sides; a fact no lost on any of the passersby.


After lunch W/we walked some more with Master?s hand resting on slave?s butt. i heard a number of people comment that He was ?feeling? slave?s ass. i could see Sarah looking at the reflection in the shop windows to see the effect that others were seeing. After awhile Master shifted so that his right arm was around slave and under slave?s right arm. His hand was under the poncho cupping slave?s right breast. i don?t think one could actually see slave?s breast but there could be no mistaking what Master was doing.


i don?t think slave?s pulse ever dropped below overdrive during the whole couple of hours W/we were out and about. i could hear comments almost constantly, and in case i missed any, Sarah would repeat some for me, like ?Did you hear that? That guy said you had the body of a goddess.? Or, ?Did you hear that woman say she thinks your pussy is dripping.?


?It is Sarah.? i snapped. i didn?t mean to snap, but after a couple of hours the pressure can be a little intense. ?i?m sorry, Mistress Sarah, i didn?t mean to be curt.?


?Oh, that?s okay, o, I can?t even imagine what it must be like to be so exposed for so long.?


Master suggested, ?It has been quite awhile, we should probably head home and change for tonight. Sarah, do you have a party dress, in your luggage, you can get to??


?Oh sure, Steven, are we going out tonight??


?Yes, oh, and does your camera have a flash?? Master inquired.


?Yes, it?s a really nice camera; I got it for the trip.?


At that W/we were at the elevator and Master reached over, dropped the leash through the neck of the poncho, pulled the poncho up over slave?s head and off. W/we waited (one of U/us naked) for the elevator. After about a dozen heart beats, that i was sure W/we all could hear, the elevator doors opened. Two women started to exit before it registered what they were seeing.


One grabbed slave?s arm and pulled me into the elevator, followed by Master and Sarah. The other woman pushed the ?Close Door? button over and over until the door finally closed. Master protested, ?Madam, please, release her arm.?


The woman looked at me and inquired, ?Are you alright, Dear? Where are your clothes, where are you going, where do you belong??


The elevator began to move. It was going up, but no floor had been chosen. Master reached to push the button for O/our floor.


i wanted to just let slave go, faint, and slump to the floor. But i managed to say, ?Yes, Mistress, i am fine. Master has slave?s clothes, i am going to Master?s car, and i belong with Master. i am very sorry if i have upset you, but i assure you that i am absolutely fine. Thank you for caring.? i admit that was a bit of a lie. As far as that kind lady was concerned, i was fine, but as far as i was concerned, i was on the verge of a panic attack.


The elevator stopped at O/our floor, the doors opened and there was a man and a woman waiting to enter. Master stepped aside so that Sarah could exit and then led me past the couple, ?Please excuse us. Thank you very much.?


As W/we passed, i could hear the woman exclaim, ?Keith, that woman is nude and on a leash!? to which Keith replied ?Geeze, Cara, I?ve got eyes, and I?m not about to miss something like that.? As W/we got further away i could not make out what was being said, but they seemed to be comparing notes with the two women who rode up with us.


At the car Master opened the two passenger side doors and Sarah and i entered. When W/we got to the kiosk, the cashier reached for the ticket and looking in the car, gasped, ?Oh? my?gawd, you?re nude; That is, like, so totally wrong. Does he make you do that??


Master handed her the ticket and a ten dollar bill, while i tried to explain, ?He doesn?t make me do it. He likes me to be naked, and i like to please Master.?


The cashier looked at her computer, said ?Three dollars,? and handed Master His change. ?It?s still way wrong. Have a nice day.? i guess even if W/we were ?way wrong? W/we were still entitled to a ?nice day?.


W/we went back to Master?s house and Master and i showered and He dressed. Sarah came out in a wonderful floral print mini dress and heels. She looked stunning. Master gave me a micro-mini super-sheer dress. The neckline is a strip of stretch lace that fits just above slave?s breasts and serves to hold the dress up. The rest of the material just falls to the hem about three inches below slave?s sex. It doesn?t sound too exciting, but the effect would actually be quite sexy even if it wasn?t virtually transparent. i know the reason Master likes this dress; Because it is easy to get out of. He also gave me a pair of heels with three inch souls and six inch heels.?


About six o?clock W/we were again in Master?s car headed for a restaurant. There was a parking place about six parking places from the front door and Master took it. He opened the two passenger side doors and Sarah and i got out. ?Don?t forget your camera, Sarah.? Master reminded.


W/we had a table in a nice quiet corner and enjoyed a very pleasant, leisurely meal. The service was overly attentive, as always, but very polite and pleasant. When W/we finished our Lattes, Master paid the bill, and pulled slave?s chair back for me. When i stood, He instructed me to go to the restroom and remove slave?s dress. i almost had to sit back down, slave?s knees turned to water. i had to lean against the table for support. He instructed me to wait in the bathroom and, when He knocked, to come out and hand Him the dress.


i learned a little later that He then told Sarah to be ready with her camera because He was going to lead me, naked and leashed, through the restaurant, out onto the sidewalk, and to the car. This was to be Sarah?s opportunity to get photos of her ?new? sister for her new gold frame.


i went down the short hall and into the restroom, pulled the dress over slave?s head, folded it and waited for Master?s knock. i only hoped that i would be able to hear Master?s knock over the pounding of slave?s heart. Shortly, i did hear the knock and went to the door. i opened it and saw Master standing with a leash in His hand. i handed slave?s dress to Him. It should give you a good idea of how small and thin the dress is when i say that He put it in His pants pocket. He attached the leash and instructed me to clasp slave?s hands behind slave?s neck. In this position, i suppose, i am not really any more exposed than with slave?s hands at slave?s sides, but i felt many times more uncovered.


Master stepped forward and i did the best i could to follow. This is another of those times when i had to rely on help from Master to record what happened in slave?s journal that night. i remember as W/we went from the hall into the restaurant proper, a sudden silence and then a roar of voices. i remember seeing Sarah?s flash going off. Master told me later that Sarah was standing at the front door and took a couple dozen photos as W/we walked the forty or fifty feet through the restaurant. i remember thinking that the noise of the people talking was deafening and yet the words were indiscernible. i remember thinking i wanted, more than anything, to put slave?s hands down, but i knew i? couldn?t.


How i walked that walk to the door, without falling, collapsing or fainting, i can?t even imagine. Master assured me that i was beautiful and fantastic. i only know that i didn?t fall down. i do remember thinking, at one point, if slave?s legs give out, should i put slave?s hands down to break the fall, or keep them clasped at slave?s neck, and fall on slave?s face. It is incredible what goes through your mind when you are being led naked, on a leash, through a busy restaurant. i guess you will have to trust me on that, hopefully.


By the time W/we reached the front door, i guess, some of the shock had worn off because i do remember the walk from the door to the car rather vividly. i remember seeing Sarah back-peddling and shooting pictures like crazy. A couple of couples passed U/us. One of the women said ?Holy crap, I wonder what the bet was that she lost?


At the car, Master opened the door and i got in, Sarah got in, and then Master. i looked back at the restaurant door and it was filled with people staring out at U/us. Master asked Sarah, ?Will one of those pictures be okay for your new frame??


?Oh, yes, Steven, that was fantastic. Thank you, Steven. odalisque, that was so awesome! How did it feel? Did you hear what they were saying about you??


?Actually, Sarah, i hardly heard a word, it all just sounded like a one million decibel cacophony. i can?t even explain how i felt, except, by the puddle i?m leaving on Master?s seat, i guess i found it erotic.? i explained illogically.


The sun was just going down when Master parked in the club parking lot. i was still reeling a bit from the walk through the restaurant, and was unsure what slave?s next adventure might be. Master came around and opened the two passenger side doors. When i got out, He handed me the folded dress from His pocket and instructed me to put it on.


When W/we made O/our entrance, the club was pretty crowded with people in party dress, dancing, drinking and laughing, so not too many people noticed slave?s transparent dress. Inside the club, Master had reserved one of the three ?VIP Booths?. These are platforms elevated five or six steps which have a large, overstuffed couch and a table on them. When sitting on the couch you can see the whole club.


W/we sipped O/our sparkling wine and talked and watched the people. Sarah was asked to dance a few dozen times, and did dance a couple of times. i was asked as often but didn?t dance. i think the word was getting around about slave?s sheer dress, because more and more men were coming up and asking me to dance, and staying and chatting a bit and not really making much effort to hide their staring.


The DJ announced that he had been asked to play a couple of slow songs, for the lovers in the club, and he was going to play a set of four or five while he took a break.


Master took slave?s hand and led me to the dance floor. Someone immediately asked Sarah to dance and they found a spot next to U/us on the dance floor. i gave Master slave?s right hand and moved slave?s left down to caress His breathtaking cock. Master?s right hand had pulled up the hem of slave?s dress and was caressing slave?s ass. i peeked over at Sarah who seemed more interested in U/us than in her partner.


About half way through the song, Master took hold of the stretch lace at the top of slave?s dress and lifted it up and off of slave?s body. He put the dress in His pocket and resumed dancing with His, now, naked slave. i looked over and saw a huge smile on Sarah?s face. She gave me a little wink and i smiled. The dance floor was so crowded that most people couldn?t see me naked even if they had known to look, which, of course, they didn?t. i realized that Master was almost holding me up while W/we danced, because slave?s legs were almost useless. The accumulation of today?s events was taking its toll.


W/we danced out the slow songs, and when the DJ came back, W/we started back to O/our VIP lounge. i guess i was just coming to grips with dancing naked, but now realized that W/we were walking back to the elevated VIP? lounge. i took Master?s arm in both slave?s hands to keep from falling down and just hoped i wouldn?t faint. As W/we walked up the steps to O/our couch, i became aware of a small commotion and turned to see people pointing at U/us, then some whistles and cat calls and suddenly i was acutely aware that i was naked and very much on display.


i did manage to get up the stairs, but i?m not sure how. At the table, Master left enough money for the bill and tip. He fastened His leash to slave?s collar, fastened the quicklink so slaves cuffs were fastened together behind slave?s back, thus thrusting slave?s breasts forward. He then handed His end of the leash to Sarah saying, ?I think it?s time to go home, Sarah, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.?


Sarah took the leash and asked, ?Is it okay, odalisque??


i looked at her and explained ?i am Master?s slave.? She smiled and led me through the crowd which generally gave way like a herd of sheep, with the occasional hand finding its way to slave?s ass or breasts.


i overheard a couple of people express surprise that W/we were going outside like that, and, in fact, a few couples followed U/us outside. A male voice yelled ?Thanks for the show! You?ve got a body to die for, baby!? and then a female voice quieter, ?Oh, shut up Andy.?


At the car, Master opened the doors for me and Sarah, and we got in. When W/we drove away, the group waved goodbye. Master drove U/us home.


After a little conversation, and a glass of port, i was totally spent. For one of the very first times, i didn?t even feel like oiling Master?s gorgeous cock or writing in slave?s journal. The events of the day and evening had been so intense that i felt physically exhausted. The feel of Master?s hard cock did help revive me for that duty, at least.


Sunday morning Sarah awoke in time to join Master at the table while i breakfasted between His legs, under the table. When Master finished eating W/we showered and He dressed and asked Sarah for her gold frame. He had printed a couple of last night?s photos of Master and me at the restaurant. She chose the one she wanted in the gold frame and He put it in. i must admit that it was quite erotic to see Master leading a collared, leashed and naked slave through a crowded restaurant. Especially so knowing it was me.


During the ride to the airport Sarah and i found we had a few things that had gone unsaid during her stay and tried to get it all in before she left. W/we parked in the garage and when i got out of the care Master gave me a sheer mini dress to put on with five inch mules.


Inside the airport W/we said O/our goodbyes and Sarah went through security and down to her gate for departure. It was an absolutely wonderful, if emotionally exhausting visit; One i?m sure Sarah will remember, perhaps more vividly and fully than i.



o?s Sister?s Visit


?Master, may I ask a favor of You?? I was unsure how exactly to address slave?s request.


?Of course, o, what is it??


?Well, Master, your slave?s little sister is going to study, for a couple of years, in Europe, and she asked if she could visit U/us and may? maybe? um, well, maybe stay a day or two with U/us. Um, in, uh, Your house, w-w-with U/us.?


?Your sister, Sarah, isn?t it, does know all about O/our relationship, right, o?? Master asked.


?Yes, Master, i have told her that i am Master?s slave. i have told her a little of slave?s life. Mostly i have just told her that, as your slave, i am happier than i have ever been. That is good enough for her.?


Master replied, ?If you want her to stay, she is perfectly welcome, but I will make no exceptions for her presence, is that understood, o??


?Oh, yes, Master. Thank you very much.? i couldn?t hide slave?s eagerness.


?If you think that you, or Sarah, would be more comfortable if she stayed in a hotel, I would be happy to provide the room. But she is, of course, welcome to stay here. When is she coming, o??


?Her plane arrives Thursday afternoon and she will leave Sunday around mid-day.? i couldn?t control slave?s joy. It has been thirty-one months since slave?s sister and i have seen each other.


?Let?s call Sarah and get flight numbers and arrival and departure times and make some plans. But just so that W/we are quite clear, there will be no exceptions made to O/our routine due to Sarah?s presence.? Master stated.


?Oh, yes, Master, i understand completely, no exceptions. Thank You, Master.?


Master called Sarah, introduced himself, got the information He wanted and turned the phone over to me. As i was listening to Master talk to Sarah, I realized how little i had actually told her about slave?s new life. ?Sarah, i have to warn you that slave?s new lifestyle may shock you a little at times, but i??


She cut me off, ?What do you mean slave?s, you mean yours??


?Yes. i want you to know that whatever, however, it may appear to you, i have never been more in love, or happier, than i am now.? i wasn?t sure how to continue because it was going to sound very bizarre no matter how i phrased it. ?I know you love me and you know i love you, so i just want you to accept who and what i am now. Will you promise me that??


?Of course, Sis, but you?re frightening me a little. Are you okay?? she sounded as if she was the big sister talking to her little sister.


?That?s what i want you to understand, i am way more than okay! i am so happy that i can?t express it, but?well, just come and see and love me.?


?I can?t wait! I?ll see you Thursday afternoon. I gave Steven the flights and times. Does that mean you will pick me up at the airport??


i turned to Master, ?Will W/we pick Sarah up at the airport, Master??


?Of course, o.?


??Master? and ?o?, am I supposed to call him ?Master? and you ?o??? Sarah sounded a bit skeptical already.


?No, Sarah, you can call Master ?Steven?, but, yes, slave?s name is ?odalisque? or ?o?, just as when i Email or write to you?.


?Okay, odalisque, see you Thursday. I love you.? Sarah sounded as eager to see me as i was to see her.


During the days and hours leading up to Thursday, i went through some highs and lows. i reminded slave what Master had said about ?no exceptions? of O/our routine due to Sarah?s visit. i particularly thought of that at certain times, like when i was sucking Master?s delicious cock under the dining table while Master ate His meals. There were some other times, too, that I wasn?t sure how Sarah might react; or, to be quite honest, how i might feel.


Thursday afternoon finally arrived, and having admitted to some misgivings over the preceding days, when the time came to go to the airport, i couldn?t wait to see her. But there was no denying that odalisque was going to be very different than the sister Sarah last saw.


Master and i waited outside of the security area and watched for Sarah. As she walked toward U/us, Master said that He would have known she was slave?s sister without slave?s help. ?She is nearly as beautiful as you are o.?


When Sarah saw me she ran up and hugged me and started to cry. After a wonderful, long hug, i pushed her back a little and said, ?Sarah, this is Master Steven.? Master took her offered hand and said, ?It is a great pleasure, Sarah.?


?Thank you, may I call you Steven??


?Of course, please do.? Just now did Sarah begin to take a good look at me, the new me, not just her sister.


?Oh, my?? she looked at the ring through slave?s nose and the collar, and then the rings in slave?s nipples, and only then did she seem to realize that she was seeing the rings, and the rest of me, through slave?s dress. ?Oh, Sh? um, odalisque?? she leaned very close to me and whispered in slave?s ear, ?In this light you can see right through that dress.?


?In pretty much any light, Sarah, that is the way Master dresses His slave. i warned you that you might be surprised by slave?s new lifestyle. Please, just try to understand, and be happy for me.?


?Of course I am happy for you. But I am happiest for me, because I get to spend some time with my big sister.?


W/we turned and started to walk toward the luggage claim area. Master asked Sarah for her baggage claim tags and went ahead to retrieve her bags.


?Sh?? Sarah started.


??odalisque? please, Sarah, or Sis, if that?s easier. Master suggested you call me Sis if that would be easier for you.?


?Well, Sis, it was easier to write to you as odalisque, but seeing you, you are still Sh, uh my sister. Honestly, um, o, this would worry me a lot more if I couldn?t see how obviously happy you are. It is written all over your face. I?ve never seen you so absolutely aglow.?


?Thank you, Sarah. As your stay goes on, please remember to look at that happiness, no matter what. i love you, Sarah, i am so glad you are here.?


As we rode the escalator down to the baggage claim area Sarah said ?Sha, oh hell, I?ll get it right, odalisque, do you know that everyone is staring at you? The woman with that man that just passed called you a slut.?


?Sarah, i told you that i have changed. If you saw a woman, who wasn?t your sister, wearing this dress, you might think she was a slut, too. i hope you will just keep seeing how happy i am.?


?I?ll try, o, but I never thought my straight-arrow, fuddy-duddy big sister would be called a slut by anyone.? The shock was not concealed in her voice.


We reached the luggage carousel just as Master was putting the last bag on the baggage cart. W/we walked to the garage where Master?s car was parked. He put the bags in the trunk, opened the back passenger-side door for Sarah and the front passenger door for me. i pulled slave?s dress up over slave?s head and off, and sat on the leather seat.


I turned to look at Sarah. Her mouth was wide open. ?Sha?!?!??


?Master requires me to be naked in His car. i wrote you that i spend a lot of time naked. You?ll get used to it; you used to see me naked at home when we were kids.?


?Yes, but we were kids; and an airport garage isn?t home.? Sarah sounded more like slave?s mother than little sister this time.


Master drove down the ramp to the cashier?s kiosk. Sarah leaned forward and whispered ?o?!?


I looked back over the seat and said, ?Just try to make it home, Sarah, and we can talk all about it.?


The cashier made no attempt to hide the fact that he was staring at slave?s naked body. Likewise, Sarah made no attempt to conceal her astonishment at slave?s apparent lack of concern at being naked and ogled by this total stranger. i say ?apparent lack of concern?, because, as much as i have done it, it is still not easy, and to be so brazen in front of slave?s little sister was that much more difficult.


On the ride home W/we all talked as if nothing was unusual, but it was obviously a little strained for Sarah and me. When W/we were approaching the town in which W/we live, Master said, ?You two are going to have a lot to talk about when W/we get home, so let?s just get a pizza, to go, so o doesn?t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.?


W/we all agreed that was a wonderful idea, although i had some serious, personal, reservations. Master used His cell and called ahead to order an extra-large pizza. i know which pizza parlor Master has programmed on His cell, and i had that funny feeling in slave?s stomach. As is often the case, slave?s stomach was right. Master drove to the ?take-out only? pizza parlor and pulled into the ?loading zone? parking space in front. He took out His wallet and handed me enough money to cover the pizza and the tip. He didn?t have to tell me what to do next; i?ve done it before.


i opened the car door, and Sara gasped, ?Sh? um, o, are you going in there like that??


I turned to Master, ?Am i Master?? He nodded. I tried to sound confident and nonchalant, both of which i was absolutely not, ?i guess i am.?


?Well, then, I?m going with you.? She was out of the car almost before she finished the sentence.


We walked across the sidewalk to the door of the small shop. Slave?s heart was beating like a marching band. Two young women were walking toward us on the sidewalk and one all but yelled, ?Oh, shit, look at that nude bitch.? Sarah reached over and took slave?s hand in hers as we opened, and walked through, the door.


?Hi, o! Wow, I hoped when I took the order for ?Steven? that this was going to be my lucky day.? The young man was a local college student who had served Master and me before.


?Hi Danny. This is slave?s sister, Sarah. She?s staying with U/us for a few days before she leaves to study in Europe.?


?Totally cool.? A huge smile came across his face. ?Wow, I guess I never thought of you as having a sister, but there is no question, looking at Sarah, that you two are related. It?s nice to meet you Sarah.?


Sarah wasn?t quite ready for all this ?normalcy? while standing next to her naked sister, and could manage only a ?Hi.?? She squeezed slave?s hand. Hers was warm and damp. i knew she was nervous. i could feel that she was trembling almost as much as i.


i handed Danny the money Master had given me, he rang it up and returned the change. I pushed his proffered hand back, pretending to scold him, ?Danny, you know that?s yours.?


?Thank you, o. I don?t like to assume, besides it keeps you here a few seconds longer.? He has a wonderful smile. He turned and got the box which had just been put on the shelf under the heat lamps. I didn?t think i knew the woman doing the cooking, and her reaction upon seeing me, confirmed it. She did a double-take and then said ?Holy crap!?


Danny said thanks to her for putting up the pizza and then said, ?Oh, Julie, this is o. She and Steven stop in every once and awhile, oh and this is her sister Sarah.?


Julie also could manage only a ?Hi.? and turned back to her baking.


i took the box and said ?Thank you, Danny. See you next time.?


?I sure hope so, o. Nice to meet you Sarah.? Sara did something between a giggle and a grunt and took the box out of slave?s hands. We went through the door and walked out right in front of a group of people on the sidewalk. The people laughed and whistled and yelled, well not exactly yelled since they were right next to us. Sarah moved so fast you might have thought it was she who was naked. i didn?t hurry, because Master considers hurrying to avoid being seen the same as tying to cover slave, and that is punishable. i got into the car and closed the door, and Sarah?s sigh was bigger than slave?s.


Master started the car and W/we were on O/our way home again. Sarah said ?Oh,? my? god,? Sha? um, o, I don?t know how you do it. Just being with you is almost more anguish than I can take. I thought you were going to cause a riot on the sidewalk.?

Master inquired, ?Does that mean you would be more comfortable at a hotel, Sarah? I would be happy to get you a room, but, it goes without saying, you are more than welcome to stay in my home.?


?Oh, I?m sorry, Steven, I didn?t mean to seem ungrateful. I would love to stay in your home with o. It is just taking a little adjustment to see my Puritanical big sister struttin? her stuff in public. Please, Steven, forgive me, I would love to stay in your home.?


?Nothing to forgive, as I said, you are more than welcome. But the offer is also always open, if it gets uncomfortable for you.? i know that Master was trying very hard to make Sarah as comfortable as possible, given the circumstances. i love Him all the more for it.


Sarah?s voice was about an octave higher than usual and cracked a little from nerves, i guess. ?I?m sorry, I guess I just wasn?t quite prepared. I mean, o told me a little about her new life, but I guess I didn?t realize how completely she had embraced it. I will try to compose myself.?


Master said, ?You are just fine. I understand that this is quite different than anything you could probably imagine, especially knowing how prim and proper your sister used to be.?


W/we arrived at Master?s home, He swiped the card and the gate opened. He pulled forward, stopped the car, and i got out, so Sarah did, too. i went to the front porch, the motion detector turned the spotlight on and i stepped into the light and assumed the standing position. Sarah looked at me and i could see the question in her eyes, so i answered it, ?i wait here for Master to put the car away and let me in. It will just be a moment.?


As we were standing there, i saw the pizza in Sarah?s hands and i wondered if Sarah was ready for the way Master eats His meals. i could feel slave?s legs begin to wilt.


Master opened the door and invited us in. Master instructed me to heat the pizza a little and He took Sarah to show her where her room was.


She seemed to have recovered when T/they came back, because she had found her sense of humor. ?Wow, o, I might consider going around nude to live in this house. This is totally awesome, Steven.?


i set the dining table for two, knowing that i would be under the table sucking Master?s fabulous cock while He and Sarah ate pizza. The table is oak wood with a glass top so T/they both would be watching me as T/they ate T/their dinner. Sarah looked at the table and asked, ?o, why only two settings??


I started to explain, well actually i started to try to find the strength to explain, but Master interrupted, ?Oh, well, I had a rather late lunch and you two have a lot of catching up to do, and Sarah perhaps a little recovering to do, I should think. So I thought I would just let you two enjoy the pizza, and I will go into my office and get a bit of work done.?


i could feel the lightness in slave?s posture as Master spoke. i looked at Sarah and then at Master and said, ?Thank You, Master, thank You very much!? As difficult as being a display slave can be at times, Master can always make it a little easier and always worth it.


?you are welcome, o. But I think it would be well for you to try to prepare Sarah, so that she has as few surprises as possible in the next couple of days.?


Of course, i knew exactly what Master had in mind. ?Yes, Master, i will try to prepare her. Thank You.?


Master turned and left us. i took the hot pizza out of the oven and put it on the table. We each took a piece and Sara said, ?Okay, let?s get the preparation thing out of the way. What more can there be after walking into a pizza parlor nude as a newborn??


?Uh, well, i do some oth? uh, that is??


?Come on o. This isn?t like trying to explain to Mom about being out until 4:00 AM. Just tell me.? Sara was always good at cutting right to the chase.


?Okay. The, um, the real reason that the table was set for two is? well, i didn?t know that Master was going to give us this together time. The reason i set the table for two is for you and Master. See, uh, well, i eat while i?m preparing dinner or like tonight, it would have been after you and Master finished eating. While Master eats, i am under the table kneeling between His legs eating His delicious cock. That?s why He bought this table with the glass top, so i could be seen while i suck His wonderful cock.?


?No? no? no, now wait a freakin? minute. You would have been under this table blowing him while He and I were eating our pizza?!? There was a definite tone of incredulity in her voice, but much less than there would have been an hour or so ago, i?m sure.


?Yes Sarah. The stipulation to agreeing to let you stay here was that there would be no exceptions to O/our daily routine, and that is O/our daily routine. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, in this house, i spend beneath this table kneeling between Master?s legs. It is...?


?No, now wait just a damn minute. You would have put the pizza on the table and then just crawled under the table and started hummin? on Steven?s prick?? i couldn?t tell if Sarah was shocked, amazed, disgusted or what.


?Well, actually, i hadn?t decided if i was going to try to explain to you before i went under the table, or just do it or what. As usual Master foresaw slave?s dilemma and gave me, er us, this time. Do you see what i mean about how it simplifies slave?s life just leaving it in Master?s hands??


?Does that mean that tomorrow ni??

?Tomorrow morning, Sis,? i interrupted, ?at breakfast, yes, i will be under this table, so if you want to rethink Master?s offer of a hotel room, i would understand, and so would Master.?


?Geeze, Sis, um o, is there anything else you are going to hit me with? Are you going to gang-bang the neighborhood or?? She still had her humor; at least i think she was joking.


?No, Sarah. i?m sure you?re kidding, but some people do think, because i am naked most of the time, that i must fuck everyone who wants to, but Master would not allow that even if i wanted to, and i don?t!


?When you go to a restaurant you don?t uh??


?No. Although at slave?s graduation i did suck Master?s scrumptious cock while three or four people were eating at the table with Master. But that is the only time outside of His house. Do you still love me, Sarah??


?Oh, gawd, yes, of course. It is just that it is you. You remember Kimberly who I used to hang out with? If it was her, I wouldn?t think twice, but you were always so straight, so proper, so? so? I don?t know what.?


?i know, Sarah, but you?ve met Master now. Isn?t He wonderful? i fell in love with Him the day i interviewed for the job as His confidential assistant. But i didn?t rush into this, He gave me plenty of time to change slave?s mind. You can see that He takes good care of me, and i am so, so happy.?


?Yes, I can certainly see that you seem happy, but I?m not sure sending you into that pizza parlor totally nude is ?taking good care? of you.?


?Oh, He would never just send me into a store or somewhere He was unsure of. He might have even planned on going in with me, but when you volunteered, He didn?t have to worry.?


?But, o, doesn?t it hurt when people call you names, or even when they just yell and whistle an? stuff?? i could tell she was trying to come to terms with slave?s emotional balance.


?Sure, some times, and some times i just find it amusing. i suspect it?s a bit like when you went, so briefly, through that Goth stage. i imagine you heard people say some unkind things, but, hey, you were into it, so let ?em talk, right? Well, believe me this is not a passing fad and i can take whatever they dish out. Though, i confess, sometimes it is pretty tough, but i just tell slave, ?Master is really going to be proud of me tonight!?


?Okay, I think I am beginning to get a handle on this. What?s on the agenda for the weekend, and how shocked am I going to be?? Her voice was light and loving.


?Master said we could just spend tomorrow around the pool hangin? out, catching up, unless you need to go shopping for anything for the trip.?


?I don?t need anything, and hangin? out by the pool sounds great.? Sarah?s voice was back to normal and we spent a couple of hours just talking and laughing.


At some point Master came in and said it was time for Him and His slave to go to bed. He told Sarah that breakfast was at 7:00 and she could join U/us, or sleep in, as she wished.


Saturday morning i was up and in the kitchen at 6:30. Master?s eggs and bacon and juice were on the table at seven and i slipped under the table. i parted His robe to feast on His glorious cock. Sarah had chosen not to have breakfast with us. i didn?t know if she wanted to sleep in, or didn?t want to watch her big sister under the table.


When Master finished His breakfast, i cleared the table, and Sarah came into the dining room, ?Oh, I am so sorry to have missed breakfast.?


?Oh that?s okay, i can fix a little something; may i Master??


Before Master could respond, Sarah giggled, ?Oh, I?m not really hungry, I?m just sorry to have missed the floor show.? and she laughed heartily. Master laughed, as well, and i gave Sarah slave?s best nasty look.


?Well, I assume that means o has prepared you a little better for O/our lifestyle, Sarah.? Master had a smile in His voice that even Sarah recognized immediately.


?Yes, Steven, I think she has, though I would not bet against you surprising me still.? This was slave?s little sister, willing and able to take on any one or any thing.


?Well, I just might at that.? Master said, not really as a threat or a promise. ?Now, o, let?s shower. I am going to be working for awhile this morning, as I lost part of yesterday, and will lose some of today, and I have a major presentation to give Monday morning.?


?Oh, I?m sorry Steven. I could have taken a taxi from the airport or??


?Nonsense, I wouldn?t think of it.? Master interrupted. ?I just have a couple of things to put together and I?m sure you two won?t miss me. o, Tammy will be dropping off some material she inadvertently took home last night.?


i excused slave and showered with Master.


When i went out to the pool, i took a tall glass of V8 Juice, Sarah?s usual idea of breakfast. She was in her bathing suit and laying on a lounge. I handed her the juice and sprawled on the lounge next to her and we talked about old friends and new adventures.


The doorbell rang and i excused slave and went to answer the door. i was fairly sure that it was Tammy because she has her own gate card. i opened the door wide and greeted her.


?Hi, o. You know, one of these days I?m not going to be surprised when you open the door nude, maybe.? She kind of giggled. ?Is the boss home? I went and went home with this stuff last night and I guess he needs it.?


?Sure, but first i have someone i?d like you to meet, come in.? i led her through the foyer and play room to the pool. ?Tammy, this is slave?s sister, Sarah; Sarah, this is Tammy, she took slave?s place as Master?s confidential assistant.?


Sarah offered her hand, and Tammy said as she shook it, ?Wow, no family resemblance or nothing! I never would have thought that there could be another person as beautiful as o.?


?You are very kind,? Sarah was saying as i left to get Master. When Master and i returned Sarah was telling Tammy what a prude i had been growing up and what a surprise it was to see me now.


After some pleasantries, Master took the papers and instructed me to show Tammy to the door. Sarah walked along so we went out to Tammy?s car to say goodbye. As Tammy drove away, Sarah said, ?Does Tammy come to the house often? It doesn?t bother you to be nude in front of her when she works every day with Steven??


Sarah was vacillating between understanding and just not getting it. One minute she seemed to embrace slave?s commitment and the next she didn?t seem to get it at all. ?Of course it bothers me, but that is what, and who, i am, now. Tammy knows all about U/us, in fact, everyone in Master?s office knows. Tammy was among the first to know because i trained her to take slave?s place as Master?s confidential assistant and we talked about why i was leaving, and what i was going to do.?


?Her grammar ain?t too great for a big-time confidential assistant.?


?It?s strange, when she writes, she writes perfectly, it?s just when she talks that she uses those strange tenses and such.? i defended Tammy, ?And she is just the sweetest person.?


When we got back in the house, Master instructed me to make lunch, i did, and this time Sarah got her floor show. It was, perhaps the most difficult thing i have had to do as Master?s slave.


Don?t misunderstand, i?m not ashamed of sucking Master?s wonderful cock, and i suspect Sarah has sucked a cock or two herself. But to be put on display, for slave?s little sister, wantonly sucking Master?s huge cock, well i can?t fully describe slave?s emotions. i was mortified, embarrassed, humiliated, stimulated, and i came twice. When i came the first time it tripled slave?s sense of degradation, and i came again, very quickly.


Master reached down and touched me in His way that means the meal, His and slave?s, is over. i could feel slave?s whole body as if it was on fire. i replaced Master?s wet cock into His pants and crawled from under the table. i felt as if standing was an absolute impossibility; as if it was a conquest just to be able to be on slave?s hands and knees, but slowly, and not too steadily, i did stand.


i began to pick up the plates without looking at Sarah. Then i stole a quick look at her and i couldn?t interpret the look on her face. She said, ?Steven, may I help o with the dishes?? Master said she could.


In the kitchen Sarah stammered, ?Oh my god, o, that was so perverted, and so bizarre, and so? so? so hot. I can?t believe that you blew him right there in front of me. What were you thinking??


?Well, Sarah, to be honest, i was trying very hard not to think at all. i was just concentrating on Master?s velvety cock. Are you horribly disappointed in me??


?Oh, Sis, you know I love you. I am shocked, but not so much by what you did, as that you did it. To be honest, if someone had asked me, two days ago, if I thought that you would have oral sex, I would have bet against it. And today? well today you blew Steven, and you blew me away.? She honestly didn?t seem to be disgusted or any of the reactions i feared.


Master came into the kitchen and announced that He had arranged for theatre tickets for this evening so we should be ready at 4:00. He asked Sarah if she had a conservative white dress to wear. She said she thought she had something that would do. i had the distinct feeling that Master was going for contrast.


After 3:00, Master and i showered and He dressed in a dark suit and tie. The dress He set out for me was black; from the waist up it was stretchy, sheer lacy material that fit like a coat of paint, the long sleeves flared below slave?s elbows and the skirt flared almost like a skater?s outfit. The hem was about three inches below slave?s sex, and i?m sure i need not say that the material was all but transparent. Master also put out a black velvet floor length cape and five inch high heels. He instructed me to put only the shoes on.


When W/we went into the playroom, Sarah was there wearing a cream colored dress that came to slightly above her knees, it, too, was long sleeved and had a gathered neckline that almost looked as if she tossed a scarf around her neck. ?Will this do, Steven?? she asked with a smile.


?Very nicely, Sarah, thank you. You look stunning.? If Master was looking for contrast, He certain had it; Sarah looked like innocence personified and, when i was dressed, i would look like a total prostitute (a high priced one, of course, i hoped).


Sarah looked at me and the clothes draped over Master?s arm and i could read the question in her eyes, i explained, ?i?ll probably put mine on later.? Sarah?s smile made me think she might be starting to get into this whole thing.


Master suggested if Sarah had a coat she might want to take it. She did, and got it.


Sarah and i went out to the porch, i assumed slave?s position, and we waited for Master to bring the car out of the garage. He opened the passenger door and the passenger side back door and we sat down. He drove a more direct route to the city than He often does.


At the toll booth the toll taker gave U/us a little wolf whistle and as W/we pulled away Sarah said, ?I guess you?re used to that by now, huh o??


i had to admit, ?You know, Sis, i?m not, and i?m not sure i ever will really be used to it. It is a little, very little, bit easier, but it is anything but routine.?


Master parked in the garage where W/we always park when in downtown. He went around the back of the car opened the trunk, removed slave?s clothes and came and opened the two passenger doors. i exited and Master handed me the dress. i saw Sarah looking around as if W/we were doing a drug deal or something.


Suddenly she whispered, ?There?s a car coming, o.? i had just pulled the dress down,? over slave?s body, so they missed seeing the naked slave; although the difference between naked and this dress was probably insignificant. Master draped the cape over His arm and led the way to the elevator.


When W/we exited the elevator at street level, Master draped the cape over slave?s shoulders and did the same with Sarah?s mid-calf length coat. i slipped slave?s arm through Master?s left arm and Sarah did the same with His right, asking ?May I, Steven??


W/we walked the half dozen blocks to the restaurant and it was obvious that the contrast presented by slave?s sister and slave was not lost on the passersby. The hostess greeted U/us and showed U/us to the table Master had reserved. He took Sarah?s coat and draped it over the fourth chair and did the same with slave?s cape. The hostess gasped, but politely, at the full effect of slave?s capeless attire.


W/we enjoyed a delicious meal and, when W/we finished, Master pulled out our chairs as Sarah and i stood. Master draped slave?s cape over His arm. Sarah watched and asked, ?Do you want me to wear my coat, Steven??


Oh, wow, she is really enjoying this. Master said, ?As you wish, Sarah.? She draped it over her arm, so Master took it and added it to the cape. W/we walked the additional blocks to the theatre and i am sure, even as pretty as she is, Sarah has never experienced the amount of attention W/we generated in those dozen blocks.


The theatre outer lobby was open, so W/we got in the line for will call tickets. W/we were still in line when they opened the inner theatre lobby, so Master instructed me to go to the bar and get three glasses of sparkling wine. He gave me some money and gave Sarah slave?s ID.


On the walk to the bar, Sarah started talking a mile-a-minute. ?I don?t know how you do it, o. The attention is so intense I can hardly stand it, and I?m fully clothed. Do you ever feel like just exploding? I have never been so aware of other people around me as I was walking over here, standing in that line, and right this minute, for that matter. Does it ever just get unbearable??


We reached the bar so i ordered the wine and turned to Sarah, ?It is much harder sometimes than others. Sometimes it is just incredibly erotic and sometimes i just wish that i could crawl into a hole and hide. It has never gotten to the exploding point, but, oh yes, the heightened sensitivity and emotions are very, very intense.?


The barman put the wine on the bar and, with a huge smile, said, ?Excuse me Miss, I think I?ve seen just about everything you?ve got, except your ID.?


i could feel the blood rush to slave?s face as Sarah giggled and stammered, ?Oh, tee hee, that?s my fault, tee hee.? And she pulled Slave?s, and her own, ID out of her purse and showed them to the barman.


?Thank you ladies, I hope you both enjoy the wine and the show.?


Sarah continued the conversation, ?Can you describe it, the sensation, probably not, huh. Like I said, I?m fully clothed, but maybe by association, for me it was (is) like people are looking at me naked and seeing right into my soul.?


Wow, i have talked to people about slave?s slavery briefly, and generally, but leave it to slave?s sister to get deep and philosophical. ?You know, i really can?t describe it. But, when i?m out with Master, i feel emotionally, not just physically, like i am constantly on the verge of an orgasm. Of course, to be honest, i have had a few public orgasms, too. But you?re right, it is as if people are looking at slave?s nakedness and seeing something more. Unfortunately, what most of them are probably seeing is an STD ridden slutty whore. Though, you may not believe this, Sis, but often, mostly the men, treat me like a princess.?


?Oh, I can believe it, o. I see the way the men in here are looking at you and, sure, there is a lot of lust goin? on in their eyes, but there is something else that looks sorta like enchantment.? Sarah had really come a long way since W/we picked her up at the airport.


A well dressed, middle aged woman, who may have had a little too much to drink already, stepped up and interrupted, ?I saw you two with that man at will call. It?s just a power thing, you know that, right? He?s just flaunting his power over you. It?s all about? well? he?s probably got a tiny dick and??


?Excuse me, Mistress, but, of course, it is a ?power thing?, but i have given Master the power and that sets me free. i don?t expect you to embrace it or, perhaps, even understand it, but believe me, i fully appreciate the dynamics of it. As for Master?s gorgeous cock; it is much more than adequate in size, and if He would allow me, i would suck it all day, every day, and i could do that because He has the kind of control that makes multiple orgasms a part of slave?s daily life.?


i turned back to Sarah who was standing with her mouth open, but smiling broadly, if that is possible, and i whispered, ?There are always one or two of those, as well.?


?You don?t have to whisper, o, she left. I can?t believe you told that woman you would suck Steven?s cock all day!?


Master came up and W/we each picked up a wine flute and made room for other people to get their drinks.


Sarah moved very close to Master and said, ?Steven, see that woman over by the door in the blue pants suit? You should have heard o tell her off, well, not tell her off exactly?? i think she realized that that might not be a good thing for a slave to do. ?but she?? and she went on to quote the whole exchange, almost verbatim.


?Well, o, I appreciate your defense of me, but don?t forget you are a slave.? Like i could forget that i am a slave standing in this lobby, collared, cuffed, ringed, and all but naked.


W/we finished O/our wine and went into the theatre proper. O/our seats were third row center and, of course the six or eight seats between ours and the aisle were occupied. Sarah went in first, followed by Master and then me. The women remained seated, moving their legs to the side; the men stood but didn?t really make much room, meaning that i had to brush against each one.


When the lights dimmed i reached over and unzipped Master?s pants and reached in to caress His wonderful cock; if that woman in the lobby only knew what she was missing.


At intermission W/we went to the lobby but decided against drinks. Sarah said, ?You know I noticed that the play was ?My Fair Lady? when we walked up, and all through it I?ve been thinking that Steven is kinda your Professor Henry Higgins, o.?


?Yah, except Professor Higgins took a ?gutter snipe? and made a lady of her, and Master took a lady and made a slut out of her.? i quipped, being very sure that slave?s voice expressed the humor intended.


W/we shared the laugh and then Master said, ?Not a slut, o, a slave. In your case there is an enormous difference.?


?Here, here,? Sarah added, ?and a beautiful, sexy and very happy slave.?


When the play ended, Master draped us in our respective wraps in a way that kept slave?s shoulders and arms warm, but Slave?s breasts and sex well exposed. Then He reached into His coat pocket and produced a chromed chain leash. Master attached one end to the ring of slave?s collar while Sarah watched mesmerized.


The aisle of the theatre was so crowded that i don?t think anyone could really see the leashed slave, even in the inner and outer lobbies, few seemed to notice. On the sidewalk, the crowd dispersed rather quickly, and Master?s leashed display slave was completely on display. It was another of the rubber leg, stone feet, red face, and more, moments with which i am not yet really getting comfortable.


W/we walked the eight or ten blocks to the lounge in a hotel between the theatre and the garage in which Master had parked. While W/we walked, Master and His slave talked about the play, but Sarah was quiet. i wasn?t sure if she was in shock, or if she was trying to absorb all the senses and emotions of being with a leashed, almost naked, slave, or maybe both.


Master asked for a table with a couch and chairs. He pulled one of the chairs out for Sarah and took her coat from over her shoulders. He took the cape from slave?s shoulders and i sat on the couch. Master draped the wraps over the unoccupied chair and said He was going to use the restroom. He handed His end of the leash to Sarah saying, ?I?ll have sparkling wine, please.?


When Master was out of hearing, i asked Sarah, ?Are you okay? You were awfully quiet after the play.?


?Well, geeze, o, every time I think I?ve seen it all, Steven adds something else. This has got to be the ultimate. o, Steven walked you through the city streets on a leash, and??


?Sarah, i know, i was there.? i caught slave quickly and apologized, ?Oh, i?m sorry, Sis, it?s just that you sounded like one of those people who, when i?m naked, come up to me and say ?Do you know you?re naked???


?People don?t do that?? Sarah giggled.


?i swear they do. And, well, walking on Master?s leash is still one of the harder things He requires of me. i know that i am supposed to feel more like a slave, but i feel decidedly like a dog.? i could hear the emotion showing in slave?s voice.


?I?m sorry, o, I should be more supportive. I didn?t realize how difficult it was for you. You seem to take it all in stride. It won?t make it any easier, but looking at you on this leash, I never thought of a dog for a moment. You just looked like a loving slave on her Master?s leash.? Sarah?s voice revealed a little emotion, too.


The waitress came to the table. She was one who serves Master and i quite often when W/we come here. ?Did you go to the theatre tonight, o?? i acknowledged that W/we did and ordered our wine.


Sarah observed, ?She knows your name.?


?She has served Master and me before. i guess it is easy to remember a nearly-naked slave?s name, there are so few of us.?


She returned with the wine just as Master returned and sat down. Sarah passed the leash across the table almost knocking slave?s wine out of the waitress?s hand. i?m sure that the waitress had noticed the leash, but somehow it seemed as though Sarah did it on purpose to be sure that she knew i was on Master?s leash.


W/we listened to the live trio and sipped O/our wine. At a little after midnight Master said it was time to go home. He stood up, pulled Sarah?s chair back for her and draped her coat over her shoulders. He helped me from slave?s seat but draped slave?s cape over His arm.


When W/we left the lounge into the lobby, Master said, ?Sarah do you want to use the lady?s room; I know o does.? Slave?s stomach did a summersault with a half twist. Master had slave?s cape over His arm and i was quite sure i was going to be told to take off slave?s dress when in the lady?s room. Sure enough, at the door to the lady?s room Master handed the leash to Sarah and said, ?o, come out dressed to ride in the car.?


As Sarah and i went into the lady?s room, Sarah said ?What does he mean ?dressed to ride in the car?; you ride naked in the car??


?That?s what He means, Sarah. He just added something new for you, didn?t He?? i tried to sound perky, but i didn?t feel it. Sarah gave up her end of the leash so i could take off slave?s dress. Once off, i handed it Sarah. She didn?t need to go to the bathroom so i asked her to fold it while i went. Suddenly i really needed to go. i?m sure it was the thought of walking naked out of the lady?s room into the hotel lobby.


When i finished, Sarah said, ?Don?t worry, o, you can wear my coat.?


?Are you nuts, thank you, but unless you want to see your big sister with whip welts from head to toe, i?ll just go out this way.? i handed her the end of the leash and started for the door just as two women came in. At first they gasped and then they started giggling. We passed them and walked out the door. Master was standing right at the door and quickly draped the cape over slave?s shoulders, buttoning the only button, at the collar.


With the cape thus fastened, slave is actually completely covered, until i take a step, then the cape parts and it is obvious to the world that i am naked and slave?s pubic area is hairless. Sarah gave Master the leash and slave?s dress and W/we walked toward the lobby doors. If i had any doubts about slave?s sex being fully displayed by the cape, the reflection in the lobby windows erased them. As W/we walked ii heard one of the two women saying ?Oh, my god she?s going outside like that.?


The ten-block walk to the garage wasn?t too bad; at that hour, on a Friday night, there were only a few dozen people on each block of sidewalk and only every single one stared at slave?s displayed sex. Even Sarah, bless her heart, crossed at a corner against the signal, so that she could watch Master and slave walk across.


At the garage elevator door Master reached over, unbuttoned the cape and removed it from slave?s shoulders. No sooner had He done that then W/we were joined by a trio of women who seemed to be on a ?girl?s night out?. They had obviously been drinking. Master stood aside to let the women in first. All three stood and stared as the naked, leashed slave was led into the elevator. As the door closed, one of the women looked at me from hair to toe and said, ?I suppose you know you?re nude.?


i looked at Sarah and she just started to giggle uncontrollably.


Not laughing, i replied, ?Yes, Mistress, i am aware. Thank you.?


None of the three women took their eyes off of me for a moment until W/we got off the elevator. Then they realized they hadn?t pushed the button for their floor and had actually ridden past it.


The ride back to Master?s house was uneventful except for the very sweet young man at the garage cashier kiosk who looked in the window and said, ?Holy shit, you could give the Sphinx a hard on.?


Saturday i awoke with Master, W/we showered and He dressed. i went into the kitchen fixed Master?s breakfast and served Him and slid under the table to feast on Master?s marvelous cock. Sarah missed the floor show again.


When Sarah did come out, i poured her a tall glass of V-8 and W/we went out to the pool deck. Master inquired if there was anything Sarah wanted to do on O/our last full day together. She replied that she would like to have a little time to talk to me and then she was up for whatever W/we wanted.


Master informed us that He would be in His office if we wanted, or needed, Him.


The moment Master left, Sarah started, ?Okay, o, I know you?re happy, and all that, but last night was pretty way out there; I mean off the hook. Does Steven ever put you in unsafe or dangerous situations? I mean the emotions are so intense, even I can feel that, but does the eroticism override a little good common sense; Even a little healthy fear??


?That is so sweet, Sarah, but i will tell you what Master said once. Even if He didn?t care about slave?s safety for slave?s sake, (and He does), He would never let anything happen to me because He would lose His perfect (His word) display slave. i know last night was kind of intense, but i was never in danger, i?m sure you could see that. Master could have waited for me across the hotel lobby so i had to walk all the way across it naked. And i would have done it, you know that by now, i think. But He waited right at the door. i am flattered that you might be worried, but you have only seen one day, and as you said it was pretty ?out there?. Please believe me when i say that Master would never let anything happen to me.?


?Was last night the most extreme that it gets? I mean have you had to do worse things than that?? Sarah seemed to have stepped back a bit from the edge. At some point last night i thought if Master suggested it, she would move in and become His second slave. This morning, she seems more like slave?s little sister.


?No, i guess slave?s graduation week was probably the most extreme, partly because it lasted a full week and partly because i was actually naked more of the time.?


We talked for about an hour, but pretty much about the same stuff, and then Sarah asked if i would ask Master to join us.


When W/we came back out to the pool, Sarah asked Master, ?Steven, I?m sure you can imagine that this has been a remarkable visit. You have been incredibly gracious and I hope this won?t seem pushy or? well, pushy, but I would love to have a picture of you and o to take to France with me. But may I take a picture of you leading o naked, on your leash, in a very public place??


?Dear Sarah, I don?t think that is a bit ?pushy?. You should absolutely have a photo of o as she is now. That is a wonderful idea. I think W/we should incorporate it into a little shopping.? i thought Master sounded perhaps just a bit too enthused.


Sarah put on slacks and a print blouse, Master put on some Dockers and a sports shirt and i was instructed to put on slave?s boots with the three inch sole and five inch heels. Sarah and i went to the front porch, and i assumed the position to wait for Master. He opened the doors and we got into the car.


Master drove to a very upscale shopping center and parked in the garage. He opened the door for Sarah, and the door for me. i got out of the car and waited for Him to offer something for me to put on. He attached the leash to slave?s collar and started for the garage elevator. It was all i could do to stay standing. On a Saturday morning this was a very busy shopping center.


W/we had taken about a dozen steps with slave?s heart trying, very hard, to break free from slave?s chest, when Master casually remarked, ?Oh, I almost forgot. Wait here, o.? Master turned and walked back to His car.


Sarah whispered, ?He isn?t going to take you out there like this, is He??


i responded, ?Isn?t this what you asked for Mistress Sarah?? i emphasized the Mistress since, by asking for this, she had become one of them, no longer slave?s little sister.


Master opened the car trunk and returned with slave?s poncho. This is one of the very few items of clothing slave is allowed to wear that is opaque. The reason i am allowed to wear it is that it is simply a sheet of material with a hole in the middle for slave?s head; it is completely open on the sides from slave?s shoulders to the hem of the poncho which is about four inches below slave?s sex. When i wear this Master can touch me anywhere He wishes. He put the leash through the neck and had me put the poncho on.


Sarah looked at me in the poncho and observed, ?Well it isn?t sheer, but there?s no question if you are wearing underwear.?


Master took the leach and continued to lead us to the elevator. Master loves to rest His hand on slave?s butt when i wear the poncho. He knows doing that serves to emphasize how exposed, and vulnerable i am. W/we exited the elevator into the bright morning sun and onto a busy sidewalk. A trio of teenaged girls walked by and one gasped, ?Oh my god, she?s not wearing nothin?? It seems no matter what i wear, people think i?m naked.


i smiled and looked at Sarah, who whispered, ?She?s right, you know, you might as well be naked, but I suppose this is ?street legal?.? W/we walked and window shopped and went into a number of shops, and caught a good many eyes.


Master asked Sarah, ?I know you said you had everything you need for your trip, but is there anything you might like, but not really need??


?Gee, I don?t think so, Steven.?


?Okay, then I know what we will do.? And with that He led us to Tiffany?s.


The woman behind the counter looked at the leash and the ring through slave?s nose and the collar and, after a moment, asked, ?Are we on Candid Camera or something??


Master replied ?We are decidedly not. W/we would like to see a gold frame. Something in gold but not too obviously valuable. It is to serve two purposes. I wish it to remind this young lady,? indicating Sarah, ?of this young lady,? indicating me. ?In addition, Sarah, here, is going to Europe for a couple of years, and I would like the piece to be of sufficient value that, if she should need to, she could sell it for enough Euros for a ticket home and brief living expenses.?


Well, needless to say, the sales lady forgot about Candid Camera, and found any number of very pretty frames. After considerable protestation by Sarah about Master being too generous, etc.,, she gave in and decided on the one she liked. W/we departed the store with a small, but rather expensive, light blue bag.


W/we walked, and looked (and were looked at) some more. Finally Master decided it was lunch time, so He led us to a restaurant with outdoor seating on the sidewalk. He asked for a table outside and seated Sarah and then me. With the back of the poncho pulled back so that slave?s bare ass was on the chair slave?s entire ass was exposed from both sides; a fact no lost on any of the passersby.


After lunch W/we walked some more with Master?s hand resting on slave?s butt. i heard a number of people comment that He was ?feeling? slave?s ass. i could see Sarah looking at the reflection in the shop windows to see the effect that others were seeing. After awhile Master shifted so that his right arm was around slave and under slave?s right arm. His hand was under the poncho cupping slave?s right breast. i don?t think one could actually see slave?s breast but there could be no mistaking what Master was doing.


i don?t think slave?s pulse ever dropped below overdrive during the whole couple of hours W/we were out and about. i could hear comments almost constantly, and in case i missed any, Sarah would repeat some for me, like ?Did you hear that? That guy said you had the body of a goddess.? Or, ?Did you hear that woman say she thinks your pussy is dripping.?


?It is Sarah.? i snapped. i didn?t mean to snap, but after a couple of hours the pressure can be a little intense. ?i?m sorry, Mistress Sarah, i didn?t mean to be curt.?


?Oh, that?s okay, o, I can?t even imagine what it must be like to be so exposed for so long.?


Master suggested, ?It has been quite awhile, we should probably head home and change for tonight. Sarah, do you have a party dress, in your luggage, you can get to??


?Oh sure, Steven, are we going out tonight??


?Yes, oh, and does your camera have a flash?? Master inquired.


?Yes, it?s a really nice camera; I got it for the trip.?


At that W/we were at the elevator and Master reached over, dropped the leash through the neck of the poncho, pulled the poncho up over slave?s head and off. W/we waited (one of U/us naked) for the elevator. After about a dozen heart beats, that i was sure W/we all could hear, the elevator doors opened. Two women started to exit before it registered what they were seeing.


One grabbed slave?s arm and pulled me into the elevator, followed by Master and Sarah. The other woman pushed the ?Close Door? button over and over until the door finally closed. Master protested, ?Madam, please, release her arm.?


The woman looked at me and inquired, ?Are you alright, Dear? Where are your clothes, where are you going, where do you belong??


The elevator began to move. It was going up, but no floor had been chosen. Master reached to push the button for O/our floor.


i wanted to just let slave go, faint, and slump to the floor. But i managed to say, ?Yes, Mistress, i am fine. Master has slave?s clothes, i am going to Master?s car, and i belong with Master. i am very sorry if i have upset you, but i assure you that i am absolutely fine. Thank you for caring.? i admit that was a bit of a lie. As far as that kind lady was concerned, i was fine, but as far as i was concerned, i was on the verge of a panic attack.


The elevator stopped at O/our floor, the doors opened and there was a man and a woman waiting to enter. Master stepped aside so that Sarah could exit and then led me past the couple, ?Please excuse us. Thank you very much.?


As W/we passed, i could hear the woman exclaim, ?Keith, that woman is nude and on a leash!? to which Keith replied ?Geeze, Cara, I?ve got eyes, and I?m not about to miss something like that.? As W/we got further away i could not make out what was being said, but they seemed to be comparing notes with the two women who rode up with us.


At the car Master opened the two passenger side doors and Sarah and i entered. When W/we got to the kiosk, the cashier reached for the ticket and looking in the car, gasped, ?Oh? my?gawd, you?re nude; That is, like, so totally wrong. Does he make you do that??


Master handed her the ticket and a ten dollar bill, while i tried to explain, ?He doesn?t make me do it. He likes me to be naked, and i like to please Master.?


The cashier looked at her computer, said ?Three dollars,? and handed Master His change. ?It?s still way wrong. Have a nice day.? i guess even if W/we were ?way wrong? W/we were still entitled to a ?nice day?.


W/we went back to Master?s house and Master and i showered and He dressed. Sarah came out in a wonderful floral print mini dress and heels. She looked stunning. Master gave me a micro-mini super-sheer dress. The neckline is a strip of stretch lace that fits just above slave?s breasts and serves to hold the dress up. The rest of the material just falls to the hem about three inches below slave?s sex. It doesn?t sound too exciting, but the effect would actually be quite sexy even if it wasn?t virtually transparent. i know the reason Master likes this dress; Because it is easy to get out of. He also gave me a pair of heels with three inch souls and six inch heels.?


About six o?clock W/we were again in Master?s car headed for a restaurant. There was a parking place about six parking places from the front door and Master took it. He opened the two passenger side doors and Sarah and i got out. ?Don?t forget your camera, Sarah.? Master reminded.


W/we had a table in a nice quiet corner and enjoyed a very pleasant, leisurely meal. The service was overly attentive, as always, but very polite and pleasant. When W/we finished our Lattes, Master paid the bill, and pulled slave?s chair back for me. When i stood, He instructed me to go to the restroom and remove slave?s dress. i almost had to sit back down, slave?s knees turned to water. i had to lean against the table for support. He instructed me to wait in the bathroom and, when He knocked, to come out and hand Him the dress.


i learned a little later that He then told Sarah to be ready with her camera because He was going to lead me, naked and leashed, through the restaurant, out onto the sidewalk, and to the car. This was to be Sarah?s opportunity to get photos of her ?new? sister for her new gold frame.


i went down the short hall and into the restroom, pulled the dress over slave?s head, folded it and waited for Master?s knock. i only hoped that i would be able to hear Master?s knock over the pounding of slave?s heart. Shortly, i did hear the knock and went to the door. i opened it and saw Master standing with a leash in His hand. i handed slave?s dress to Him. It should give you a good idea of how small and thin the dress is when i say that He put it in His pants pocket. He attached the leash and instructed me to clasp slave?s hands behind slave?s neck. In this position, i suppose, i am not really any more exposed than with slave?s hands at slave?s sides, but i felt many times more uncovered.


Master stepped forward and i did the best i could to follow. This is another of those times when i had to rely on help from Master to record what happened in slave?s journal that night. i remember as W/we went from the hall into the restaurant proper, a sudden silence and then a roar of voices. i remember seeing Sarah?s flash going off. Master told me later that Sarah was standing at the front door and took a couple dozen photos as W/we walked the forty or fifty feet through the restaurant. i remember thinking that the noise of the people talking was deafening and yet the words were indiscernible. i remember thinking i wanted, more than anything, to put slave?s hands down, but i knew i? couldn?t.


How i walked that walk to the door, without falling, collapsing or fainting, i can?t even imagine. Master assured me that i was beautiful and fantastic. i only know that i didn?t fall down. i do remember thinking, at one point, if slave?s legs give out, should i put slave?s hands down to break the fall, or keep them clasped at slave?s neck, and fall on slave?s face. It is incredible what goes through your mind when you are being led naked, on a leash, through a busy restaurant. i guess you will have to trust me on that, hopefully.


By the time W/we reached the front door, i guess, some of the shock had worn off because i do remember the walk from the door to the car rather vividly. i remember seeing Sarah back-peddling and shooting pictures like crazy. A couple of couples passed U/us. One of the women said ?Holy crap, I wonder what the bet was that she lost?


At the car, Master opened the door and i got in, Sarah got in, and then Master. i looked back at the restaurant door and it was filled with people staring out at U/us. Master asked Sarah, ?Will one of those pictures be okay for your new frame??


?Oh, yes, Steven, that was fantastic. Thank you, Steven. odalisque, that was so awesome! How did it feel? Did you hear what they were saying about you??


?Actually, Sarah, i hardly heard a word, it all just sounded like a one million decibel cacophony. i can?t even explain how i felt, except, by the puddle i?m leaving on Master?s seat, i guess i found it erotic.? i explained illogically.


The sun was just going down when Master parked in the club parking lot. i was still reeling a bit from the walk through the restaurant, and was unsure what slave?s next adventure might be. Master came around and opened the two passenger side doors. When i got out, He handed me the folded dress from His pocket and instructed me to put it on.


When W/we made O/our entrance, the club was pretty crowded with people in party dress, dancing, drinking and laughing, so not too many people noticed slave?s transparent dress. Inside the club, Master had reserved one of the three ?VIP Booths?. These are platforms elevated five or six steps which have a large, overstuffed couch and a table on them. When sitting on the couch you can see the whole club.


W/we sipped O/our sparkling wine and talked and watched the people. Sarah was asked to dance a few dozen times, and did dance a couple of times. i was asked as often but didn?t dance. i think the word was getting around about slave?s sheer dress, because more and more men were coming up and asking me to dance, and staying and chatting a bit and not really making much effort to hide their staring.


The DJ announced that he had been asked to play a couple of slow songs, for the lovers in the club, and he was going to play a set of four or five while he took a break.


Master took slave?s hand and led me to the dance floor. Someone immediately asked Sarah to dance and they found a spot next to U/us on the dance floor. i gave Master slave?s right hand and moved slave?s left down to caress His breathtaking cock. Master?s right hand had pulled up the hem of slave?s dress and was caressing slave?s ass. i peeked over at Sarah who seemed more interested in U/us than in her partner.


About half way through the song, Master took hold of the stretch lace at the top of slave?s dress and lifted it up and off of slave?s body. He put the dress in His pocket and resumed dancing with His, now, naked slave. i looked over and saw a huge smile on Sarah?s face. She gave me a little wink and i smiled. The dance floor was so crowded that most people couldn?t see me naked even if they had known to look, which, of course, they didn?t. i realized that Master was almost holding me up while W/we danced, because slave?s legs were almost useless. The accumulation of today?s events was taking its toll.


W/we danced out the slow songs, and when the DJ came back, W/we started back to O/our VIP lounge. i guess i was just coming to grips with dancing naked, but now realized that W/we were walking back to the elevated VIP? lounge. i took Master?s arm in both slave?s hands to keep from falling down and just hoped i wouldn?t faint. As W/we walked up the steps to O/our couch, i became aware of a small commotion and turned to see people pointing at U/us, then some whistles and cat calls and suddenly i was acutely aware that i was naked and very much on display.


i did manage to get up the stairs, but i?m not sure how. At the table, Master left enough money for the bill and tip. He fastened His leash to slave?s collar, fastened the quicklink so slaves cuffs were fastened together behind slave?s back, thus thrusting slave?s breasts forward. He then handed His end of the leash to Sarah saying, ?I think it?s time to go home, Sarah, you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.?


Sarah took the leash and asked, ?Is it okay, odalisque??


i looked at her and explained ?i am Master?s slave.? She smiled and led me through the crowd which generally gave way like a herd of sheep, with the occasional hand finding its way to slave?s ass or breasts.


i overheard a couple of people express surprise that W/we were going outside like that, and, in fact, a few couples followed U/us outside. A male voice yelled ?Thanks for the show! You?ve got a body to die for, baby!? and then a female voice quieter, ?Oh, shut up Andy.?


At the car, Master opened the doors for me and Sarah, and we got in. When W/we drove away, the group waved goodbye. Master drove U/us home.


After a little conversation, and a glass of port, i was totally spent. For one of the very first times, i didn?t even feel like oiling Master?s gorgeous cock or writing in slave?s journal. The events of the day and evening had been so intense that i felt physically exhausted. The feel of Master?s hard cock did help revive me for that duty, at least.


Sunday morning Sarah awoke in time to join Master at the table while i breakfasted between His legs, under the table. When Master finished eating W/we showered and He dressed and asked Sarah for her gold frame. He had printed a couple of last night?s photos of Master and me at the restaurant. She chose the one she wanted in the gold frame and He put it in. i must admit that it was quite erotic to see Master leading a collared, leashed and naked slave through a crowded restaurant. Especially so knowing it was me.


During the ride to the airport Sarah and i found we had a few things that had gone unsaid during her stay and tried to get it all in before she left. W/we parked in the garage and when i got out of the care Master gave me a sheer mini dress to put on with five inch mules.


Inside the airport W/we said O/our goodbyes and Sarah went through security and down to her gate for departure. It was an absolutely wonderful, if emotionally exhausting visit; One i?m sure Sarah will remember, perhaps more vividly and fully than i.




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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Three

Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Three Sisters become lovers As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 2

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters. Also this story features themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story are or about people that read or write...

3 years ago
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Day One "Ha Ha Hee Hee! Stop!" Tom cried breathless from laughing. "You are done being a brat. Understand?" "Yes! Yes! Just stop! Please!" Tom looked up beseechingly at Kate, his sixteen-year-old sister who was sitting on his arms, pinning them to the floor above his head. Her fingers remained poised over his exposed armpits. "Now apologize to your sisters," she said. "Or we're going to tickle you silly." Tom gulped. They'd already tickled him silly once. He didn't want to...

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Sisters weekend visit with their big brothers chapter 1

Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...

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SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...

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Sisters Of Eden

My mother’s decision to send me away to the Sisters of Eden Convent School to complete my education was made, she claimed, for entirely altruistic reasons; to save my soul and to instil the ‘necessary discipline’ to enable a young woman to survive and flourish in a harsh and increasingly immoral world. However, as she began to enthusiastically strip bare my wardrobe and feed items of my clothing and other essentials into a wide-mouthed and hungry silver-stucco Mossman, it seemed to me that it...

1 year ago
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Sisters and the little brother Part 3

Sisters, and the little brother Part 3 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: Here are a couple paragraphs from part 2. I hope you are enjoying my story. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy SNIP, SNIP, AND...

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Sisters Teenage Friends

Introduction: I grew up in a very liberal household….nudity and masturbation was allowed. I was raised in a household where nudity was the standard mode of dress….or non-dress would be more accurate. And on top of the whole family being nude most of the time, my parents were very open minded about masturbation. I had a brother and a younger sister and we all had no inhibitions about masturbating any time we felt like it. My sister was a little less open to doing it in front of me or my brother...

4 years ago
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Sisters of StoneChapter 2

Sara felt the full moon breach the horizon and in Her minds eye She could see it's silvery light play across the stone circle that had for so long protected Her sleeping form and She knew that as it reached it's zenith She would feed. At first Sara had sated herself with the sisters at the convent, the one's whose sexual energy had sustained Her through centuries of sleep, but now She was ready for really fresh meat, the virginal meal that would restore Her to Her full potential and She...

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Sisters broken II

The man moved his prize quickly, making sure not to leave anything behind. He drove home eagerly anticipating his coming fun. It would be something he would never get to experience again. Two sisters to break at once. This newest addition being quite the catch, with her dark auburn hair and thin little frame. And she was clearly lighter than her older sister. She was going to be a wonderful plaything for the man. He arrived at his secluded cabin once more. He carried the small girl ove his...

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Sisters stick together

This is my first story so be gentle with me. I appreciate feedback but please be nice. One caveat, there is a lot of unprotected sex, but it's critical to the storyline. This is fiction, girlfriends, please be careful out there in real life. Sisters stick together By Amy B Michael was just about finished transforming into Michelle. Shoulder length black wig, hoop earrings, over the months with...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Eight Part one

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter 07 part 2

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are...

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Sisters and the little brother

Sisters, and the little brother By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/big sister Andrea: 3-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) My life is pretty normal, or as normal as it can be surrounded by females all the time. I have a little sister Andrea who is three-years old,...

4 years ago
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Sisters By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal boy like most 10-year guys, and my name is Barry. I am the only boy in our family and I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I am. When my sisters turned seventeen the world changed for them and us. The twins just got their driver's licenses, so we do not see much of them anymore with school and there different boyfriends and cheerleading practice and games and...

3 years ago
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SistersAmy: I saw her do it, my big sister. There, I’ve admitted it now haven’t I? The man standing looking over my shoulder has given a sly chuckle. He is making me write this, and checking that I don’t leave anything out. It is my final humiliation, on a day that has brought so many. As I write, I am sitting at a desk, completely naked, apart from a pair of tights around my ankles, and the flat shoes my persecutor finds so arousing. My bare bottom is so sore I can barely stand the pressure of...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Four

Also due to the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader keep from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Four 3567-B didn't know or care how long her and 3567-A made love before they fell asleep...

1 year ago
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Sisters and Me

Back when I was growing up, my sisters treated me like I was their private fuckboy ... sorry, language. But true. See, I was the only male boy in this household of eight. My five sisters, my mom, my daddy, and of course, me. Well, most of the time, it was a house full of just women folks and me, as daddy was a truck driver. He drove tractors and combines in the season and long hauls the rest of the time. My sisters, well, they weren’t really my sisters ‘cause I were adopted. Mama and daddy...

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"Why are you always so mean to your sister?" I asked my cousin Sarah."Because she's mean to me!" Sarah yelled back."I am not!" Janet said equally as loud."You are too!" Sarah yelled as she threw a pillow at Janet.Janet caught the pillow and threw it back in a sweeping roundhouse fashion. The pillow caught Sarah off guard and knocked her over the side of her twin bed. There was a loud thump and groan as she hit the floor.I was up and off the chair by the desk in a shot. I should not have worried...

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Sisters or Cousins

Sisters or Cousins I was resting in my favorite chair, my eyes were closed, and the music was playing softly in the background. I was startled by a knocking on my sliding glass door. As I opened my eyes and focused I saw two young girls standing there in their little bikinis smiling at me. I was glad that I was dressed and not jerking off or something equally embarrassing. The girls were standing side by side at my glass doors with the bright sun illuminating their hair and the ocean...

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Sisters Completed version

Sisters (Completed Version Parts 1-2) By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 10-year-old boy Miley 4-year-old little sister Beth 17-year-old twin sister Cathy 17-year-old twin sister Part-1 I am just a normal boy like most 10-year boys, and my name is Chris. I am the only boy in our family. I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I...

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sisters Get Gangbanged and Bred

Sharon was desperate. She didn't know what was happening! Her petite young body was rigid. Her small breasts were so tight they were hurting. Her nipples were harder and stiffer than she'd ever seen or felt them. Her groin was rock hard, her pussy lips swollen and red, and her small, tight ass so taught it was rippling with spasms. Both her vaginal and anal openings were tingling. Her breath was coming in short gasps and pants. Even as she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her naked...

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Sisters in Slavery

Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...

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SistersChapter 8 Fugitives

Linda awoke with a start, sitting up in bed. Someone was screaming in the hall. It was Mom. Nikki woke up too, still bewildered from sleep. Nikki lay in bed next to Linda. Last night they hadn't made love, only sweet cuddling, arms intertwined, feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies. "What the hell's going on?" Nikki asked, trying to snap out of her groggy state. "Dunno," Linda said, getting up and slipping on her robe. "I'm gonna see what's happening in this crazy...

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Sisters Pantyhose Christmas

I’ll start by explaining the situation. My parents divorced when I was 1 and my dad got re-married and had two daughters with my step mum. So they where really my half-sisters but we were so close that I always thought of them as my actual sisters. They lived with my dad in Scotland whereas I lived with my mum down in Sussex, so I might only see them twice a year. I was always closer to Chelcie who was the older of the two. This story happens at Christmas when I was 18 and Chelcie was...

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Sisters Drug Trouble

My story begins with a discussion I overheard one night, it was my mom and my older sister Cindy, she had just turned 18 at the time, from what I could hear it was something regarding drugs and a good for nothing boy friend. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t hear very well, after some screaming and crying everything went silent and finally I went to sleep. The next night during dinner my dad told my sister Jennifer and me that Cindy had left the house and was going to be living on her own...

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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 1

Anna, Monica and Claudia lived with their mother in a suburban home. Anna and Claudia got along better because they were of similar age.The oldest of the sisters Monica did not understand them a bit, sometimes she got nervous, they often argued, but they liked each other so much.One day, Anna brought home a boy she had been dating for some time. The other sisters were surprised that she was the first to find a boyfriend. The boy's name was Martn and he was 23 years old just like Anna.Everyone...

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Sisters Part 2

Note: I have been asked by several fans to continue this story so I am putting Sisters Part 2 out there for you to enjoy I hope. It has been over a year and a half since I added part one so I added a few paragraphs from the first part. Thanks again for all your support. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy Sisters Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Me, Barry, Carrie 10 year old Miley 4 year old little sister Beth 17 year old twin sisters Cathy ...

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SistersChapter 2 Kiss And Tell

Linda closed her eyes, pulling her hair back once more, getting annoyed with her constant struggle for keeping her tresses away from her eyes and mouth. She had already thought about cutting them shorter, shoulder-length. But Mom and her sisters - especially Nikki - insisted she shouldn't. They all said she had such beautiful hair, long, shiny, full of golden curls, the envy of her female classmates, and one reason why she was so damned popular with the guys... But at that moment Linda's...

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Sister in law visit

My sister in law recently came to visit my wife and me to visit my father in law who is in a nursing home close to where we live. I am white American and my wife and her sister are from the Philippines. They have lived in the US for many years but still have accents. My wife has gotten a little chubby while my sister in law has an amazing body that she keeps in shape by working out and her job is a nurse which keeps her on feet a lot. She is a natural flirt and likes to wear clothes that are...

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Sisters in seduction

SISTERS IN SEDUCTION "I'm bored," remarked Primrose Campbell, "it's ages since we were in New York, I feel like Paris." "Who?" her sister Poppy asked. "Not who, where. I said I feel like a trip to Paris." Primrose stirred. "Why can't something interesting ever happen in this God forsaken hole?" At twenty two, Primrose was the older sister by almost exactly two years. Their mother died when they were quite young, and their father had made it up to them by indulging their...

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Sisters broken III

Kelly was so frustrated, she had no idea how to cope with this loss and was feeling helpless. When suddenly she heard a chime notifying her she had a new email. She got up wondering if it could be a new lead in the search. But she found that it was actually a video attachment with an email that said only; "Watch your daughters." Kelly nervously opened the video and began to watch. But what she saw broke her immediately. Her youngest daughter Krista hitting her elder sibling with a hammer....

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Sisters and the little brother Part 2

Sisters, and the little brother Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: It has been a while since I wrote Part 1 of this story so I am putting a couple paragraphs from the end...

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Bij Jos op visite

Hij doet open en heeft een t shirt en een joggingbroek aan. Hij is al opgewonden zie ik. Zijn gezicht ruw van de stoppels. Bij binnenkomst kus ik hem meteen. Ik leun achterover tegen de muur naast de voordeur en hij drukt zich tegen me aan. Langzaam, zachtjes verkennen onze tongen elkaar, alsof ze weer moeten wennen aan het samenspelen. Mijn rechterhand daalt af naar zijn broek en ik kneed zijn lid. Hij wordt direct hard in mijn hand en hij fluister in mijn oor: "ik ga je suf neuken!" Geil als...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Two

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style...

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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 2

Martin was alone for many hours, sometimes someone would come in, take something or put it away, and he would be alone again. He wondered if he'd done well without speaking to Marlene, only she could hear him. Now for Monica, he will be just a pair of tights like the others in a drawer.Monica returned after work, ate dinner with her sisters and mother. She took a quick shower and went to the wardrobe. She began to look through clothes in the closet.This one will be perfect, she said and took...

3 years ago
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sisters have to share

A true story from years ago.I had been seperated from my wife about a year, and decided it was time to go dating. I met a lovely girl from work I asked her out and she duly excepted. As i dropped her off I kissed her softly and stroked her smal tit her nipple reacted as she gasped with excitement, she asked me in for a coffee, I refused but said next time as I had to be at work early and said night.On the way home my cock was throbbing i got into the house and went to bed I rubbed my cock until...

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Sisters panties

Note: this story is completly fictional.. It's been months since Bobby has seen his sister Karla, and now he can't wait to see her this weekend. Bobby is a masculine guy he wrestled for his high school and became state champ. Bobby couldn't wait to see Karla he planned to do so many things with her like take to kings dominion to have fun. What Bobby didn't realize is that Karla was visiting to tell everyone that she was pregnant. Bobby was happy and sad at the same time because he wanted to...

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Sisters in their Fifties Wrestle

How my wife Beverly came to wrestle her older sister Carla in the nude is a very interesting story. I'm Beverly's husband Andy. The whole thing started when Beverly and Carla were talking on the phone three months ago. I could hear the conversation because Beverly had it on speaker while she worked in the kitchen. "Yeah," Carla's husky voice said over the phone. "I'm going to start a weight training program. I'm gonna drop this fat and build some muscle. I just turned 54, and I'm gonna get...

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sisters boyfriend

There I was trying my sisters panties on when I here'd a voice say "hahaha I knew you would look good in panties faggot" my hart snack I turned my head to see my sisters boyfriend standing there with his huge cock in his hand with a look on his face I have never seen before. I said "what the fuck are you doing here dean" he said "I think the question is what the fuck are you doing with your sisters panties on" I was so embarrassed I had no words to say. I went to walk out the room so I could...

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Sisters Randiya Or Mere Friends Bilal Shahid

Hi friends may saad agar apko meri story pasand ai ho to mujhe is emai par massage kariye ga saad ho karachi ka rehne wala ho meri papa safdar out of country hay. Mom zubaida housewives hay figure 36 38 30 hay age 45 Sisters 1:rafia age 25 hot hay yar hamesha jeans or tit shirt pehenti hay 2:sadia :age 24 figure 34 28 32 hay dono sex bombs hay Dono parhai se farigh hay or gasht karne may lagi rehti hay ghomna phirna or larko ko seduce karna inka kaam hay.Mere friens aksar ghar atey hay jis...

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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

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Sisters8217 Wonderful Birthday Gift 8211 Part I

Hi every incest lover…. My name is Sanjay. I am from Hyderabad. I am an average looking guy, studying B.Tech final year. I come from an upper middle class family. My father works as an Executive Engineer. Mother is a house wife. I have a beautiful sister Sanjana, who is 2 years elder to me and she is pursuing her MBA in US. She is a beauty with sexy figure 32-28-32. This story which I am, going to share with you had happened after my EAMCET exam, before i was joining engineering. At that time...

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sisters friend and sisters

Mikayla and my sisters name is Shayna. So one night very late me and my sisters friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kinda got exicted but it didnt go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgous face. So we'd all play board games every friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend...

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Being married for more than twenty years, I thought I had heard heard all of the stories from my wife's sexual past. It turns out there are many still to be heard.A recent visit from her sister brought to light a little more detail about Marg. Her sister let slip a comment about men who like sisters. I thought it was a reference to the same man who wanted to date them both. It became a something else.There are three sisters with my wife being the middle sister. At one point all were living at...

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Sisters By Karin Roberts What is it about sister's one moment they are fighting like cat and dog the next you would be hard pushed to break their bond with half a ton of dynamite? I first met Allie in a pub, I was out celebrating a friend's 21st birthday, to be honest it was actually her sister I met first. I walked to the bar and shouted up a round of drinks 3 vodkas and coke 4 pints and a bottle of cider. "Hey meat head stop jumping the queue." I turned to my left an...

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Sisters This is the sequel to 'Virginity Lost'. In that story I told of how I lost my virginity to my English teacher Mrs Patricia Diamond when I was 16 years old in 5th form of High School. In the six months following my first sex session with Mrs Diamond I learned a lot about how to have good sex. I learned how to pace myself so that even a first fuck would last long enough to bring satisfaction to my lover. She taught me what brings pleasure, where to stimulate with cock, tongue and fingers....

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Eric and his sister Kate had been pretty close since they were k**s. At 21 Kate was very attractive, and could have any guy she wanted, but unfortunately for her she always seemed to pick out the losers that broke her heart. She had her own place, and that came in handy when Eric her younger brother needed a place to stay. He was attending the local junior college, and was heavy into partying and drink too damn much. His parents had kicked him out of the house after getting arrested for drunk...

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SistersChapter 3 Danger

Linda slowly opened her sleepy eyes and began listening attentively to the sounds of the night. She heard a rustling sound in the hall, perhaps the sound that had woken her. All at once she sat up and gently but firmly made Nikki roll off her. "What?" Nikki asked, snapping out of her lethargy and becoming scared. Linda made a motion for her to keep quiet. Because of their mad, crazy lust for each other, they had forgotten to close the door of their room. Linda wrapped herself in her robe,...

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Sister In Law Comes To Visit

Several years ago my Sister In Law came to visit. It was well known by my wife that I had a thing for her sister. She is equally sexy and seeing her dressed and watching her I always wondered what was beneath the clothing. Do her tits look similar? Is her pussy similar with large labia? When I found out she was coming for a visit my wife was already on to me about how lucky I was going to be. I could check her out. We made plans to take her to see the sights locally. We had even planned to take...

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Sisters of the Cincinnati

Baby, if you’ve ever wondered, Wondered whatever became of me, I’m living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP. Got kind of tired packing and unpacking, Town to town and up and down the dial Maybe you and me were never meant to be, But baby think of me once in awhile. I’m at WKRP in Cincinnati... Theme by T Wells and H Wilson The hands on the wall clock reached six o’clock, marking the end of afternoon drive time and the work day for most of the staff at WKRP. Bailey Quarters,...

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SistersChapter 15 Of The Mighty And The Weak

Linda entered the imposing room with its paintings by old masters hanging on oak paneling, and its bookcases of old law books. Randolph West was writing, comparing files and documents, looking left and right and then right and left, a caricature of the man of success in his field. He looked up at Linda over the top of his glasses, and waved at her, "Come... come..." as if she were a dog or a little child. "Sit down," he said, with a commanding voice, still busy with his papers. A few...

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sisters are so wonderful

Hi everyone,Just thought I'd share some encounters with my sisters. Hopefuly a few of you enjoy the encounters as much as I did (and still have fond memories of)!I had a few encounters with a couple of my sisters. I'm the youngest in the family with 4 older sisters and an older brother. The two sisters closest to me 3 & 5 years older are those that I had some encounters with. The sister 5 years older sort of initiated me. I was an exhibitionist, and she used to play along. I would be...

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Sisters of the same Panties

When she arrived at the apartment and saw that her roommate had done the laundry, she knew she was fucked.Jill had just finished her last college class for the day and her heart sunk after seeing that her roommate had taken away all the bed sheets to wash. Laundry day was supposed to be tomorrow. Not today!She changed her clothes into something more relaxed: pajama pants along with a Star Wars t-shirt, and bunny slippers on her feet. She wasn't exactly a dork, but she wasn't the most popular...

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Sisters Lovers and Other RelativesChapter 5

The assembled daughters of the Reed clan were huddled around a table at the soda shop, each digging into a tower of ice cream in assorted unnatural shades of pastel. As was their usual custom, they were dishing assorted friends and relatives. The topic du jour was a friend of Georgie's whose husband was having an affair -- Georgie knew, her friend didn't, and should she tell? "Well," Teddy said, licking a drop of vanilla off the side of her mouth, "I think you should. I mean, why should...

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Sisters dream day

Peter and I sat in my bedroom, sent there to keep out of the way while my mother and sister busied themselves getting ready for my sister's wedding. "I think weddings are a bore, don't you, Peter?” "Yeah", he replied, as he turned over the page of his comic.Peter, my cousin, had to stay with me for the wedding. Like me, he was slightly built, but as friends we enjoyed having a rough and tumble, throwing stones, and poking fun at girls. They seemed boring, as they only talked about clothes and...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 1

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story...

4 years ago
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Sisters of Athernia Part Two Conclusion

This is a continuation and conclusion of a Classic TG tale by Diane Christy called "The Sisters of Athernia", which was posted in 1997, but never completed. Diane Christy is not writing anymore, and her email links have not worked in many years. A post eight or nine years ago said Ms. Christy had been a flight attendant, and had passed away. NOTE: You can find Part One Here at FictionMania by using various search functions. One of the easiest is to use (at the top of the web page)...

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