The Bald Man free porn video

?Mrs. Brandon, can you hear me?? the homicide detective asked the woman who lay on the hospital bed, suffering from major internal injuries.
?Yes, Sergeant, I can hear you. I?m in a lot of pain, in case the doctors or nurses didn?t tell you. I?ve been raped and sodomized, several times over,? the widow explained, still a bit traumatized since the bald man had killed her husband and lovers, not to mention brutally ravaged her.
?So we?ve been informed. Now, can you tell me exactly who this guy was and if he said why he did it?? they probed more intently.
?Well, he called me a slut and a whore. He tortured and murdered my lovers. He shot my husband in cold blood. He even cooked my lovers? remains and forced me to share a supper composed of them. Does that give you any idea of what kind of man he is?? Rachel Brandon shivered from terror at the flashbacks that she still got from the attack.
?He coerced you into practicing cannibalism? That?s pretty extreme. So, why different treatment for your husband and your male lovers? I take it that he didn?t approve of your lifestyle, but neither do I. I don?t go ahead and carve people up for dinner,? Detective Sergeant Adrian Byrd commented with some revulsion.
?He claimed that my husband was the victim and merely needed to regain his honor. He challenged him to a duel, as it were, with each of them having guns. Jared lost, and while he was dying, the bald man told him that he had died bravely, meaning that he would go to Valhalla, or some nonsense like that,? Rachel scoffed angrily about the shooting of her late, cuckold husband.
?So, why didn?t he try to send your lovers to Valhalla, too?? Byrd?s partner, Detective Mark Silver, wondered.
?According to him, they were disgraceful excuses for men, and they didn?t deserve a ?noble death?. They would have a harder afterlife, or so he said. He also buggered them, the sicko. What the fuck gives him the right to execute my Bulls, just because I keep my hubby as a cuckolded wimp? What entitles him to ?liberate? my husband?s soul, for that matter? He acted like he did Jared a fucking favor! It?s disgusting, a bloodthirsty slaughter! I hope that you get him and fry his ass! Or, even better, let him rot in prison and become some gangster?s bitch!? Rachel cussed furiously from her bed.
?Well, thank you, Mrs. Brandon. You?ve been very helpful. Now, if you don?t mind, could you give me a physical profile for this vigilante?? Adrian smirked, her contempt for the victim barely concealed under her professional distance. Women like her made feminists everywhere look bad.
?Yes, he was bald, as I said. He was white, about 6 feet even, and bulky in a muscular way. I was stunned at how much stronger he was than my Bulls, Kareem and Cyrus. He carried an automatic and some kind of machine gun, as well as a field knife and a machete. He also had a blowtorch and several cutting instruments. He was totally clean-shaven, too. He had a tattoo on his neck that said the word or letters, ?MAGE?, whatever that means. He wore a prison jumpsuit, but I got the impression that he had escaped a while ago. Just a guess. He acted like he wore it only when he committed a crime, as a badge of honor or something like that,? Mrs. Brandon described the home invader.
?Were there any other acts, aside from torture, murder, cannibalism, and sexual assault?? Mark demanded.
?Well, yes. He also castrated and gutted my Bulls, both of them, while they were still alive. I had to watch them die in terrible agony. I had to see the gruesome operations with my own eyes and hear their shrieks of pain. He called them all kinds of names and told them that he would eat their flesh for supper. He promised to devour their hearts and other organs, too. He made them watch him rape me, and vice versa. He also ordered my husband to rape all of us before he died. That?s how awful it was. He claimed that it was another way for Jared to regain his dignity, or something like that,? Rachel turned pale again, as she thought of what she had witnessed and experienced.
Privately, the cops almost understood why the criminal had behaved so viciously. Given how the woman apparently treated her late husband, it was probably a mercy killing in his case. However, the law was still law, and it protected even abusive wives and their boyfriends from murder and other violent crimes. More to the point, this was another in an apparent series of ?home invasion? murders that had happened lately. There was a serial killer in their area, but his modus operandi was most abnormal, even by criminal standards. He targeted those involved in extreme Fem Dom relationships, such as cuckolding/chastity.
Well, that was good in a way. It was so methodical and precise that predictability increased to an exponential degree. It also reduced the number of potential victims, while putting everyone within the targeted group automatically in harm?s way. There was the obvious problem that no one knew who might be involved in such marriages, since they were rarely public about it. How, then, did the ?Bald Man? know who was active in it? Did he socialize in such circles?
All that they knew at this point was that he was probably an escaped convict or ex-con, that he shaved his head and face regularly, and that he hated dominant and/or abusive women. The tattoo must have been recent, and it was doubtful that even the tattoo artist knew what it meant to the patron in question. There were now a dozen such incidents in the Charlotte area of North Carolina. One got the impression that the killer was ?cleaning the area out?, eradicating what he deemed to be scum.
For Mark and Adrian, there was no big issue in the fact that the victims were kinky, but they did notice that in every documented case, the cuckolding was somewhat less consensual than portrayed at first by the widows. Furthermore, the lifestyle seemed very abusive and one-sided to them, to the extent that it contradicted basic fairness and dignity. They had trouble imagining how it could be consensual, at least after the initial phase, and they suspected that much of it was gradual and stealthy.
The word ?fraud? came to mind, especially where the man was turned into a financial slave, as was often the case. There were also reports of belittling and other psychological measures to brainwash the husband into accepting it, not to mention the intimidation factor from the size of many of the Bulls.
It was far different from the immoral, but perfectly consensual affair that they were having with each other. Mark had discovered that his wife was a closet lesbian and Adrian had recently divorced her tyrannical, Bible-thumping husband, so their inappropriate relationship was not even slightly the same thing as the callous imposition of a double standard on men who had been psychologically emasculated.
Well, time would come to catch this SOB, but for once, they wouldn?t lose sleep over his victims, aside from the dead husbands.

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