- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
By L
His eyes lingered at the bend of her neck for just a moment, stretched deliciously taut and exposed to him as it was, before he made his move.
Still kneeling, hunched and small against the tiles, she waited impassively. The suddenness of his presence, the heat of him against her, rocked her slightly ? though she made no sound as his steadying hand gripped her shoulder and squeezed.
?Long enough.?
Lottie?s eyes have glazed slightly, her silent form prostrate against the grass, her hand still clenched in defiance, or pain. Despite the chains draped across her naked limbs binding wrist and ankle, she struggles on; a futile battle of steel versus will. He watches the red edge expand and glitter in the sunlight, until her skin can contain it no longer and the colour runs across her stomach and into the earth. He watches as a sheen of sweat develops across her forehead, her hands, as her silence gives way to pitiful moans. That quiet smile always belied what lay beneath. Teeth flash for a moment, the whip noise cracks against bird song, cutting off the senses to all but bright white agony. Her shrieks soon fade back into silence, she begs with her body.
??????????? Only the ?click? of freedom can rouse her from the hopelessness. This isn?t the first time, nor will it be the last. She knows, whatever his motives, he will release her - yet she still feels the hopelessness; the deep, pervading sense of despair at being helpless and being His. The tight grip in her hair motivates her to speak, to ask again, to be ignored. Once pressed forcefully into the tree his hands move vice-like around hers, knees pinioning her legs to the roughness, and he kisses her. The teeth flash again, his smile bringing whimpers from her lips ? the darkness behind his gaze deflects her own and she turns to the ground for comfort. Then he?s gone. Green eyes flick upwards, her tongue licks dry lips, hands clench again, and she stumbles forwards. Forgetting the pain now, how each step widens strips of it along her torso, her back, her ass, her thighs ? gritting her teeth against the lacerations inflicted upon her feet ? she runs. The comical lolloping gait amuses him and he lets her, for a time. He watches her run as his hands automatically find what he needs, then he pursues.??????????????????????????????????????
??????????? ****
Back inside. Surely to God she?s paid for her transgressions now. Surely whatever black motivations he responds to, whatever his need, it is done with. For today. He cocks his head to the left, as if listening to her thoughts. He nods. Surely not.
?Okay Sinead, tell me.?
?Tell your Master?
?I have none.?
She pauses, confusing reigning, dancing across her features. Please? Was this a joke? A test? Is there a way to reply at all? You could tell him.
His mouth twists, the skin around his eyes tightening. Brow furrowed, he stands and regards her.
?I know.?
He picks up the cane and stalks around the table, admiring his knots, admiring her. He sits back on his haunches behind his bound possession, eyes following the line of her thigh upward. Her legs are spread wide, sinews pushing angrily out against her pale skin, the tension and shudder of her body ever present. The cane chases the trailing gaze grazing the inner side as far as her body allows. It halts at the obstruction and he strokes gently at the slit, gathering reluctant moisture for the journey ahead. Sliding upward again, slowing to push deep inside the furrow of her ass, rubbing against the sensitive hole, pushing more, feeling more. The tip of the cane struggles for a moment, forces entry. He starts at her pained groan, and frowns anew.
The air parts, the whistling blow landing squarely across the two cheeks. They quiver for a moment, and she grunts. Displeased, he repeats the action. Four, five times, and she?s groaning again ? an insistent thing that grows with each ?thwack.? Ten, twelve times, and she?s yelling ? a throaty sound warped by suffering, pitch distorting each time the rattan connects. The ache encompasses her entire ass, her upper thighs; new lines of pain being carved into both with every passing moment. He never relents, he never tires.
She doesn?t understand how she came to be free; it seems only seconds since the last assault. Yet somehow she is sprawled across the table, and somehow he is standing there still calm, still unruffled.
She kneels.
She closes her eyes against whatever?s to come and opens her mouth slightly. He tilts her head backward, hand brushing cheek, thumb rubbing lip, pinching it. He motions her to stay put but she doesn?t see it. In the minutes of his absence, she never moves.
?Be still.?
A point of heat on her tongue, expanding, dribbling underneath to the soft tissue of her gums. Turning to fire. She makes guttural noises; growling as though it might scare away the pain. But anguish is no stranger to these sounds. A high, soft keening fills the room. Another molten dose runs sluggishly around her teeth, caking its heat to them. Making the pain irreversible. Still reeling from her abuses she doesn?t resist as he nudges her up onto the table and her back - his hands place hers at the far corners and then position her weight towards the centre. Her up-bent legs are soon spread by gentle fingers smoothing across the flesh, pressing them down to the surface. He taps against her foot, and it raises for him. Expert movements tie ankle to wrist, wrist to table leg. Thoroughly exposed, expectant of more, she languishes in her sorrow behind fake-bored eyes. She hopes this will impress him.
??????????? He enjoys her discomfort, the strain in her back as small shoulders take the weight of her body and the tension of the tie. Despite his exertions, his hands are dry as he picks up the plug. Gripping it as its thickest point, fingers don?t meet. Not even barely. He wonders idly whether to let her suck it, spread her juices onto it, but he knows he won?t. Each day must bring new lessons else the student will grow bored. She looks it now. He rubs her ass, tracing the welts, finding the puckered opening closed and tight. He wriggles a finger into it, and she protests. Another dry finger pulls at the entrance to make space, her protestations reaching a new and panicked level. He thrusts, no warning for the third, and she squeals in tearing agony ? the friction of his actions causing familiar abuse to become something unbearable. Now kneeling on the table behind her, his fingers flex and move, stretching further. The other hand squeezes the plug rhythmically, warming it, moving it toward its dark destination. Lining it up between his fingers, he slides the tip inside with relative ease. The fingers rip out, one hand wrapping itself around her hips as he raises himself above her, the other ? palm flat ? begins pushing, hard, against the plug. The screaming is heartfelt.
An hour passes.
?The instant of warning, the hissing of the whip, is not enough to prepare Sinead. Thin leather curls around the inner curve of her ass and it jumps to attention. He is deaf to her. A symmetrical strike, though her response is heightened by fear and knowledge. The whip carves its unerring path, snapping against the dimple at her lower back. He hears her shrieks this time, but only smiles. Waiting a moment, letting her know what?s to come, he touches her in a mockery of comfort. Or perhaps it?s a plea. He knows it will go unanswered, as it always does, and he is warmed by the thought.
??????????? The plug is still buried within her, the widest end lost somewhere inside. Her gaping hole pulses, and he bites his lip. For the first time, desire coils up from his depths ? heating his core. He pulses in time with her for a moment, then swallows it back down. Fury. The whip moves of its own accord, lightening fast, a blur of darkness. The only evidence of its passing is the red road of blood that bends slightly between the valleys of her ass-cheeks, the narrowest point twisting down into the convulsing hole. The noises she makes are generic; excruciating pain interchangeable with blinding pleasure. Again the whip is raised, and again it finds its target. The crimson lines weave together until both are lost beneath the red mess of it all, and he stops, panting slightly. The silence is awesome.
??????????? Ear to mouth, eyes on chest, fingers drawing back lids. Unconscious, but alive. He ponders her stubbornness, doubts gnawing. If she cannot say? But he knows the truth of it, they both do. Beneath the veneer, beneath the resistance, he is convinced of it. And she will tell him as much, one day. She will be humbled, and the apology will last a lifetime.
Her need awakens with her mind. The thirst is unbearable, the flaking wax a foul taste and unwanted reminder of the day. She is home. Pushing herself up against the bars, she spreads her legs before her, rubbing away the fatigue. She was wearing heels this time last week. She had her own skirt. She had a life. Remembering this was worse than remembering the pain. Worse than experiencing it, in some twisted and inexplicable way. A way that mattered. With a sigh, Sinead rolls onto her side and waits.
Hours pass.
He returned to find her still unconscious, sleeping fitfully. He thumbed through the papers found in her briefcase, checking them a fourth time. The proof was right here, yet she was resolute. Stubborn as a mule. Foolish. They?d come to him for his expertise, and it was willingly given. Yet?His eyes glinted darkly as he looked upon her, impressed she?d lasted so very long. Impressed and desperate. The stipulations of the contract played over in his mind; he had another week to crack her in two and clean up, else his employers ? understanding, respectful as they might be ? would be unhappy. But his desperation had a different source. Kneeling by the cage, his hands rested gently on her shoulders, face pressed close the bars. Inhaling deeply, he felt his desire reignite. A sickly, metallic scent rose from her hair, her face, her body, and he drank it in. A low noise grew in his throat. The terms of the contract were binding, yet for this woman ? this obstinate wench ? he felt his control slipping. He shouldn?t have her?
The chloroform?s a dark wetness on the cloth. Maybe it?s overkill, unoriginal, but he enjoys it. Or rather, the memories its faintly sweet smell evokes. Within the cage her breathing is slow and even; she lies asleep and unaware, and he?s closing in. Perhaps it?s instinct, or some small sound alerted her ? but she?s awake now, and scrabbling against the metal. A hand shoots out and grabs her face, pulling it away from the bars. The cloth is pressed over her nose and mouth, and she is held. It takes longer than usual, but the struggling eventually fades and her body drops to the floor. He flexes the ropes, testing their strength, anticipation playing across dark features.
?But he so easily could.
By L
His eyes lingered at the bend of her neck for just a moment, stretched
deliciously taut and exposed to him as it was, before he made his move.
Still kneeling, hunched and small against the tiles, she waited
impassively. The suddenness of his presence, the heat of him against her,
rocked her slightly ? though she made no sound as his steadying hand gripped
her shoulder and squeezed.
?Long enough.?
Lottie?s eyes have glazed slightly, her silent form prostrate against
the grass, her hand still clenched in defiance, or pain. Despite the chains
draped across her naked limbs binding wrist and ankle, she struggles on; a
futile battle of steel versus will. He watches the red edge expand and glitter
in the sunlight, until her skin can contain it no longer and the colour runs
across her stomach and into the earth. He watches as a sheen
of sweat develops across her forehead, her hands, as her silence gives way to
pitiful moans. That quiet smile always belied what lay beneath. Teeth flash for
a moment, the whip noise cracks against bird song, cutting off the senses to
all but bright white agony. Her shrieks soon fade back into silence, she begs
with her body.
??????????? Only the ?click? of
freedom can rouse her from the hopelessness. This isn?t the first time, nor
will it be the last. She knows, whatever his motives, he will release her - yet
she still feels the hopelessness; the deep, pervading sense of despair at being
helpless and being His. The tight grip in her hair motivates her to speak, to
ask again, to be ignored. Once pressed forcefully into the tree his hands move
vice-like around hers, knees pinioning her legs to the roughness, and he kisses
her. The teeth flash again, his smile bringing whimpers from her lips ? the
darkness behind his gaze deflects her own and she turns to the ground for
comfort. Then he?s gone. Green eyes flick upwards, her tongue licks dry lips,
hands clench again, and she stumbles forwards. Forgetting the pain now, how
each step widens strips of it along her torso, her back, her ass, her thighs ? gritting her teeth against the lacerations
inflicted upon her feet ? she runs. The comical lolloping gait amuses him and
he lets her, for a time. He watches her run as his hands automatically find
what he needs, then he pursues.??????????????????????????????????????
??????????? ****
Back inside. Surely to God she?s paid for her transgressions now.
Surely whatever black motivations he responds to, whatever his need, it is done
with. For today. He cocks his head to the left, as if
listening to her thoughts. He nods. Surely not.
?Okay Sinead, tell me.?
?Tell your Master?
?I have none.?
She pauses, confusing reigning,
dancing across her features. Please? Was this a joke? A test?
Is there a way to reply at all? You could tell him.
His mouth twists, the skin around his eyes tightening. Brow furrowed,
he stands and regards her.
?I know.?
He picks up the cane and stalks around the table, admiring his knots,
admiring her. He sits back on his haunches behind his bound possession, eyes following
the line of her thigh upward. Her legs are spread wide, sinews pushing angrily
out against her pale skin, the tension and shudder of her body ever present. The
cane chases the trailing gaze grazing the inner side as far as her body allows.
It halts at the obstruction and he strokes gently at the slit, gathering
reluctant moisture for the journey ahead. Sliding upward again, slowing to push
deep inside the furrow of her ass, rubbing against the sensitive hole, pushing
more, feeling more. The tip of the cane struggles for a moment, forces entry. He
starts at her pained groan, and frowns anew.
The air parts, the whistling blow landing squarely across the two
cheeks. They quiver for a moment, and she grunts. Displeased, he repeats the
action. Four, five times, and she?s groaning again ? an insistent thing that
grows with each ?thwack.? Ten, twelve times, and she?s yelling ? a throaty
sound warped by suffering, pitch distorting each time the rattan connects. The
ache encompasses her entire ass, her upper thighs; new lines of pain being
carved into both with every passing moment. He never relents, he never tires.
She doesn?t understand how she came to be free; it seems only seconds
since the last assault. Yet somehow she is sprawled across the table, and
somehow he is standing there still calm, still unruffled.
She kneels.
She closes her eyes against whatever?s to come and opens her mouth
slightly. He tilts her head backward, hand brushing cheek, thumb rubbing lip,
pinching it. He motions her to stay put but she doesn?t see it. In the minutes
of his absence, she never moves.
?Be still.?
A point of heat on her tongue, expanding, dribbling
underneath to the soft tissue of her gums. Turning to fire.
She makes guttural noises; growling as though it might scare away the pain. But
anguish is no stranger to these sounds. A high, soft keening fills the room.
Another molten dose runs sluggishly around her teeth, caking its heat to them. Making the pain irreversible. Still reeling from her abuses she
doesn?t resist as he nudges her up onto the table and her back - his hands
place hers at the far corners and then position her weight towards the centre.
Her up-bent legs are soon spread by gentle fingers smoothing across the flesh,
pressing them down to the surface. He taps against her foot, and it raises for him. Expert movements tie ankle to wrist, wrist
to table leg. Thoroughly exposed, expectant of more, she languishes in her sorrow
behind fake-bored eyes. She hopes this will impress him.
??????????? He enjoys her
discomfort, the strain in her back as small shoulders take the weight of her
body and the tension of the tie. Despite his exertions, his hands are dry as he
picks up the plug. Gripping it as its thickest point, fingers don?t meet. Not
even barely. He wonders idly whether to let her suck it, spread her juices onto
it, but he knows he won?t. Each day must bring new lessons else the student
will grow bored. She looks it now. He rubs her ass, tracing the welts, finding
the puckered opening closed and tight. He wriggles a finger into it, and she
protests. Another dry finger pulls at the entrance to make space, her
protestations reaching a new and panicked level. He thrusts, no warning for the
third, and she squeals in tearing agony ? the friction of his actions causing
familiar abuse to become something unbearable. Now kneeling on the table behind
her, his fingers flex and move, stretching further. The other hand squeezes the
plug rhythmically, warming it, moving it toward its dark destination. Lining it
up between his fingers, he slides the tip inside with relative ease. The
fingers rip out, one hand wrapping itself around her hips as he raises himself
above her, the other ? palm flat ? begins pushing, hard, against the plug. The
screaming is heartfelt.
An hour passes.
?The instant of warning, the
hissing of the whip, is not enough to prepare Sinead. Thin leather curls around
the inner curve of her ass and it jumps to attention. He is deaf to her. A
symmetrical strike, though her response is heightened by fear and knowledge.
The whip carves its unerring path, snapping against the dimple at her lower
back. He hears her shrieks this time, but only smiles. Waiting a moment,
letting her know what?s to come, he touches her in a mockery of comfort. Or
perhaps it?s a plea. He knows it will go unanswered, as it always does, and he
is warmed by the thought.
??????????? The plug is still
buried within her, the widest end lost somewhere inside. Her gaping hole pulses, and he bites his lip. For the first time, desire
coils up from his depths ? heating his core. He pulses in time with her for a
moment, then swallows it back down. Fury.
The whip moves of its own accord, lightening fast, a blur of darkness. The only
evidence of its passing is the red road of blood that bends slightly between
the valleys of her ass-cheeks, the narrowest point twisting down into the
convulsing hole. The noises she makes are generic; excruciating pain
interchangeable with blinding pleasure. Again the whip is raised, and again it
finds its target. The crimson lines weave together until both are lost beneath
the red mess of it all, and he stops, panting slightly. The silence is awesome.
??????????? Ear
to mouth, eyes on chest, fingers drawing back lids. Unconscious,
but alive. He ponders her stubbornness, doubts gnawing. If she cannot say? But he knows the truth of it, they both
do. Beneath the veneer, beneath the resistance, he is convinced of it. And she
will tell him as much, one day. She will be humbled, and the apology will last
a lifetime.
Her need awakens with her mind. The thirst is unbearable, the flaking
wax a foul taste and unwanted reminder of the day. She is home. Pushing herself
up against the bars, she spreads her legs before her, rubbing away the fatigue.
She was wearing heels this time last week. She had her own skirt. She had a
life. Remembering this was worse than remembering the pain. Worse
than experiencing it, in some twisted and inexplicable way. A way that mattered. With a sigh, Sinead rolls onto her side
and waits.
Hours pass.
He returned to find her still unconscious, sleeping fitfully. He
thumbed through the papers found in her briefcase, checking them a fourth time.
The proof was right here, yet she was resolute. Stubborn as a
mule. Foolish. They?d come to him for his
expertise, and it was willingly given. Yet?His eyes glinted darkly as he looked
upon her, impressed she?d lasted so very long. Impressed and
desperate. The stipulations of the contract played over in his mind; he
had another week to crack her in two and clean up, else his employers ?
understanding, respectful as they might be ? would be unhappy. But his
desperation had a different source. Kneeling by the cage, his hands rested
gently on her shoulders, face pressed close the bars. Inhaling deeply, he felt
his desire reignite. A sickly, metallic scent rose from her hair, her face, her
body, and he drank it in. A low noise grew in his throat. The terms of the
contract were binding, yet for this woman ? this obstinate wench ? he felt his
control slipping. He shouldn?t have her?
The chloroform?s a dark wetness
on the cloth. Maybe it?s overkill, unoriginal, but he
enjoys it. Or rather, the memories its faintly sweet smell evokes. Within the
cage her breathing is slow and even; she lies asleep and unaware, and he?s
closing in. Perhaps it?s instinct, or some small sound
alerted her ? but she?s awake now, and scrabbling against the metal. A hand
shoots out and grabs her face, pulling it away from the bars. The cloth is
pressed over her nose and mouth, and she is held. It takes longer than usual,
but the struggling eventually fades and her body drops to the floor. He flexes
the ropes, testing their strength, anticipation playing across dark features.
?But he so easily could.
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This was what you had told yourself it was all for. All those years of enduring the questions from your family and teasing from your friends about getting a degree from beauty school meant nothing now. You were on location with the crew of Sports Illustrated swimsuit shooting for their latest issue to come out next February. Who was laughing now? For starters you were on a paid trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico a beautiful island in the Caribbean. Most importantly though, you were interacting with...
This is a true story and I still have the marks to prove it I am now 64 years old, retired and spending my remaining years in the sunshine of the Mediterranean. I spent a total of 22 years in the sex industry (ok I was a prostitute) and travelled to many countries After London, Istanbul, Cairo, Alicante and Cyprus I decided to visit a friend in Hongkong and sample life in the Orient. The story takes place in the seventies. I was 27 years old. Within a week of arriving in Hongkong, I...
I tie your hands together, and take a step back to look you over. I smile as filthy thoughts fill my head. I push you onto the bed and climb on top of you, lining my pussy up with the bulge in your pants. I grind on it slowly and little moans from both of us fill the room. I rip off your shirt, then strip down to nothing. You groan in agony at the sight of my naked body. My c-cup breasts, small waist, wide hips, large ass, and smooth pussy is right in front of you, but out of your reach. It...
The Chief didn't show up until late morning. By that time Wilds and Finn had decided who'd be fighting for Reed. According to the rules, each fight was one on one. They could take turns against the Chiefs choices, but if the team lost one fight, they lost the Captain for a year. However, what Finn thought were the rules, and what they actually were, turned out to be two different things. "Wait a minute," he told Orla, "I thought you said that we decided to who would fight for our...
As I get older, I find myself more interested in kinkier stuff, seeking to live out some fantasies. I found out that by posting online ads on a personals site with kinky scenarios, I get many more responses from ladies who are eager to experience something more than what I call the “in and out” encounter. I had made a posting in which I announced that I wanted to restrain a woman, and have my way with her. Apparently, quite a few women have the fantasy of being overpowered because I got a...
FetishMy wife and I are a well to do middle class Indian couple, living in Worli, Mumbai. I’d always gotten along well with my sister in law, so when my wife told me she would spending the winter vacations with us, I was quite happy. Little did I know what my wife had planned for us. My SIL arrived and for the first few days, there was nothing suspicious being hinted at. Then my wife dropped the bombshell on Christmas night. When we were going to bed, she told me that Namrata (her sister) wasn’t...
Chris rushed out of the house closing the door as quietly as he could. When he got to his car and sat down he was trembling all over. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. It seemed like a dream. It couldn't have been his mother in there... his sweet almost sexless mother sucking off a stranger. Never had he thought of her sexually... she was his mother. She had bathed him, changed his diapers, and rocked him to sleep at night. Now he had witnessed her engaged in a sex act with a...
Lynn and her Dom had just entered the “Crystal Ballet”, an upscale strip club and restaurant near the Pentagon."The lady is free of charge," the bouncer said as he viewed my sweetheart from ankle to forehead and back again. "If you are looking for Leon, he is backstage dressing one of the girls for a fancy visitor." As I nodded with a knowing smile, he pushed all my money back at me saying, "If you are that guy, man, you have already paid, in spades."As we sat down in the VIP section...
LesbianHi! ella malayalee Chedathi / Aunty / Vidhava / Ammachi / Ammamachi maarkkum, 42 vayas 5’ 8” uyaram, 9” kada kole udamayude pranaamam sweekarichaalum. (E-mail “ jesolal”) Thudarunnu 1995-1996 il jhanghalude departmental 4 ladies & 3 gents enneyum Jeso yeyum koodathe undayirunnu; avar (1) Meena = Marathi, 29 vayas, married, kuttikal illa, bharthaav ‘shannan’, (2) Reshmi = Gujarathi, 30 vayas, married. thadichi, 3 vayasulla 1 kunjh, (3) Juliet = Mangloree, 23 vayas, kaanan sundhari,...
Rodney returned from Geneva to the sight of his beautiful wife. Michelle met him at the airport and the couple was quickly taken to a very nice house by one of Sarge's guards. Sarge had informed Rodney that he would reside in the house during the time he worked in the country. The news made Rodney very happy because he assumed his wife would be staying with him in the quaint residence, which was only a short distance from Sarge's home. The couple continued to hug and caress long after...
Shelly was my best buddies mom. I have had a secret crush on from the day I met her. There was Something about her that made me just want to bust a nut deep inside her. I think we have all known someone like that. I never thought that I would ever get the chance to fuck Shelly. But I went over to see my buddy on Mothers Day forgetting that his whole family was going out to give mom some alone time. Shelly invited me in and told my buddy was gone for the day but she would really like for me to...
Last weekend Fern came to breakfast and we became closer as friends and neighbors. I was sitting on the back deck as I do having a morning coffee and this morning I was naked and soaking up the Sun. I knew that Fern and her Dad were going to be at their rental place cleaning it up in preparation for the carpet layers to come in on Monday and they were the only neighbors that were close enough to be able to see into my back yard. I closed my eyes and relaxed, dropping my cap down over my...
I held on tight to Violet’s unconscious form, making sure to keep her above the water. The power of my eruption, along with her own blissful orgasm, was too much for her, and she had passed out from it. I had done no better, but I didn’t stay passed out like her. I made sure I had a tight grip around her midsection, as I did not want her to slip out of my grasp and drown. I slowly moved us away from the shore, laying her head down gently when we reached the blanket I had laid out. She had a...
My wife Sonja is an enchanting seductress, or put another way is a fucking slut that gives off a vibe that makes every man she meets want to breed her and put his seed inside her. She knows she has that effect on men and she enjoys it. She likes to display her body, playing her little flirtatious games and being the object of as many male fantasies as she can.She is a Latin female so I guess that comes with the territory. I am not sure if that is part of their culture or if comes with that...
The following is a story that's been bumping around in my head for the better part of two years. It's one of those where the hardest part has been how to start it, especially considering how confusing the beginning is. As with most of my other stories (yes, even the incomplete ones) it deals a lot with identity, particularly with characters that remember being one person but have the body and memories of a completely different person too. It's also a spy story because, well....who...
I slid my dick across her stomach and back and forth over the puffy nipples from her budding 19 year old titties. Within minutes I was spewing my load over her chest, a pearl necklace for a young teen. Her eyes were as glazed as her entire body: she was gleaming wet from spunk, jizz, sperm, cum. Her stomach, legs, and arms were wet. Her slightly hairy pussy lips were dripping with cum. She kept licking her lips trying to get the drippy sperm off and out of her mouth. Her hair was matted wet,...
I really still don't know why, to this day, i said i would go with Ross to the Stag night. It was probably one of my more stupid decisions in life!!I'd met Ross a couple of times before, mostly at the S Club in Merton. Ross was about twenty three, really good looking, and loved the whole cross dressing scene but didn't dress himself and described himself as an ardent 'admirer'. He'd approached me at the bar one night and we'd got talking. Although I was much much older than him it only seemed...
Part 3 I sat in the room with my daughter. I was crying . . . she was crying and neither of us could speak, just holding on to each other. Finally, I felt Wendy starting to pull away from me, I could not stop her - not after all she had been through, I opened my arms. "Why . . . why didn't you try to get me back?" Wendy asked me, "Why did you let me stay there with HIM?" I shook my head, "I did try Wendy, but you and your mother just vanished, I tried everywhere to find you, but...
Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...
The day is your birthday. You came from shcool to home. All the way form school to your home, your thoughts was about you mother, about her naked body that you see yesterday evening in door lock when she was at shower. When you see her showering you started jerking and come immediately in your pants, but it’s not give you relaxation. All night you was dreaming about her wet pussy and her tight ass, how you fucking her in both holes and she sucking you cock. And now you are opening door of your...
Friday, June 14, 1996, Sanford Maine I knew that there were kids out there who would’ve been pissing and moaning, going all, ‘o’ poor me’ if they had found themselves in my situation. But even after nearly dying and having suffered a broken arm, two cracked ribs, and having received a head gash that had put me in a coma for a week. I still knew that I was the luckiest son of a bitch alive. I mean, there I was watching as my sister dueled tongues with CC while her hands rhythmically squeezed...
“Good morning, baby,” Becca told me, as I slowly opened my eyes. “Time to rise and shine.” “What's going on?” I asked her. “I can't tell you yet,” she replied, as she pulled the blanket off my naked body. “But you got to get out of bed. I have big plans for us today.” “Where are we going?” I wondered. “It's a surprise,” Becca answered. “Now come on. It's time to get dressed.” I climbed to my feet as I got out of the bed. I immediately noticed that Becca was...
It was a beautiful spring afternoon as Tim and Raylene sat on their back patio. They were enjoying a glass of wine as they took in the warm weather that had finally arrived. They were a couple that couldn’t get enough of each other but were always looking for something new to spice up their relationship. While they were sitting there, they heard some footsteps approach. Just then a black lab ran out from behind a tree. Being a dog lover, Raylene had to call the dog over to pet him. She thought...
Well we all have friends in our circle we would like to have a cosy moment with. I knew Katja for already a long time. She was the ex of a friend I didn’t see anymore. But we kept in contact. My old friend already told me that it was no problem if I would have sex with her.The relation I had with Katja was one of really good friends. But for me there was always some sexual tension. We spoke about sex openly and I had slept at her place several times but nothing had happened. It was difficult...
Straight SexAfter I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...
Disclaimer: This story does contain adult material; if you're underage or easily offended you may wish to turn back now. This story may be placed on FREE sites with the author's permission. [email protected] This is my first attempt at a story, any feedback would be appreciated. Long, Blond and Gone By Digital Chick The day started out as any other for Joe, he woke up in his tiny one bedroom apartment and began cleaning up from his couch potato session the night...
Walking up to the desk of the hotel his eyes watching you closely, as he approaches he stops short of leaning on the desk as he tells you of a problem he is having in his room. You raise an eyebrow unsure, but slowly agree to follow him up to His room to see if you can help. He leads the way, your eyes slowly drifting not just watching his back but other parts as well as we approach the room in question. Opening the door and stepping aside to let you in first His eyes meet yours yet again. He...
Hi I am regular reader to this site. I am describing my fucking story with my cousin, her name is Akila. I will come to story direct. One evening, it was my cousin and bhabhi’s wedding anniversary so we bought them a stay at a posh hotel for the night as the gift. We two were alone at the house. We were watching a movie and there was a scene was hero and heroine is doing a slow dance. Riya said: “I have never danced with a guy before.” I asked her: “Do you want to dance with me? I’ll teach...
Incest“Now what the fuck do we do?” muttered Bob Turner under his breath to the host, Tom Tallman. “Fuck if I know,” whispered back Tom. “Let’s hear from Barbara.” Bob shrugged in agreement, and the two men wandered back to the bar set up on the Tallman’s back deck. The party had broken up, and almost everyone had left. It was late, but three couples were heading out for some late-night clubbing, and most of the others had also gone home. All that was left now were Tom and Terri Tallman, who had...
As she finished telling me the events of that evening, my own cock was dripping precum and screaming for much-needed attention. My wife looked at me and smiled:“I LOVE you SO much” my wife said, smiling so sweetly “and I’d like you to put that in me” she said, nodding down to my rock-hard cock, and then added, “but will you do it from behind… Doggie style?”“Sure” I replied, “But I thought that you said Doggie Style was so impersonal?”“Baby?” She explained, taking my hand in hers, “What you and...
Life’s been a little boring on campus since all the students got sent home for quarantine. But when one of my favorite students, Elia Eves, knocks on my door, things start to look a little more… exciting. The innocent, blue-eyed teen can’t fly home since all her family is overseas, and she can’t stay in the dorms since they’re all shut down, so she asks to Stay Home with me. I’m more than happy to let her stay at my place, but she’s going to have to make it worth my while. And with her blowjob...
xmoviesforyouKilling Me Softly by Fetch© Alisha 32 years young a female born to kill the looks the style the grace the way she spoke just went on to show that she’s a stinking rich bitch born brought up and educated in Mumbai. She works as a Sr. Manager in the non voice side of a MNC BPO and had come down to Chennai on a specific assignment in a complicated project that none knew how long it would take to get completed. Any guy who gets a normal erection would die for her not to mentions her peers’ boss...
LesbianSteve was getting along well on his prosthetic legs that Tes had designed and had made for him. At first he was required to spend long hours learning to use them, but once he had he was able to walk anywhere on the compound with no trouble. When he had proved himself he was put in charge of operations. He had a small office built next to the monitoring room in the computer building. He organized the defense of the compound with Tani's help. He gave Maj and Jake the task of developing new...
I got talking to a woman i knew who told me that her sixtieth birthday was coming up.I told her that she must be wrong as she looked a lot younger,in fact she looked more late forties.She said it was nice of me to say that,but it was true.She said i obviously hadn't looked close up.I told her that you are only as old as the man you feel.'Well i better feel you,then i can feel 40.Although i am sure someone like you would not be interested in an old woman like me.'I told her that she was wrong...
As I was sat having my breakfast, the wife had gone to work, there was a knock on the door, there stood the beautiful Asian girl from next door with her sister. Not the one who her husband was screwing, but another one. She said to me "Will you do my sister", well what can you say? I said "Ok Come in".Her sister was 23, single, 5'2" and around 20 stone. Short and dumpy. Not attractive like herself. I said "Are you staying" she replied "No", "Pity" I said. With that she left leaving her sister...
Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter FifteenGeorge sat next to me and kind of held me up while Hector just stood infront of me, unzipped and pulled out his thick uncut slab."Fuck, yeah man" he said slapping my face with it. "This is what you wantbitch!" I instinctively opened my mouth and shoved it in. I couldn't helpit."Uh, fuck, that's a hot fucking mouth" he said as he started to face fuckme as George has his hands rubbing all over me and egging me on saying,"That's it baby, you love...
Elegant and classy Tiffany Fox loves watching her man play football, and as soon as he sees the Marilyn Monroe look-alike making eyes at him, he pops a raging hard-on for her. The glamorous duo take the action to the bedroom where the blonde MILF unsheathes our stud’s big dick and exclaims at his girth. She wants to sample his member, so she gobbles his shaft, taking it as far down as she can as her pussy soaks through her panties. Then, she demands that he cum in her juicy MILF pussy. Tiffany...
xmoviesforyouI have small, firm and perky tits. I never wear a bra and normally feeling my erect and pierced nipples rubbing against my clothes and my clit hood piercing ring touching between my legs is enough to keep me in touch with my body each day but yesterday when I went shopping I really needed more.It was a warm day so I chose and skirt and silky blouse. As well as always braless I never wear panties but it just wasn’t enough. I pulled my skirt up around my waist and put in my butt plug and walked...
MasturbationAs the evening progressed Mark and Susan continued to fuck each other to the point of collapse. Susan who wasn’t much of a drinker, usually, had finished three glasses of champagne and was feeling more than a little tipsy. This concerned Mark a little as she wasn’t known for staying awake when under the influence. “I want to go out!” she exclaimed slightly slurring her words. “Where do you want to go?” asked Mark with a slight hesitation in his voice. “A good bar that is close by with some...